Skill Changes:修订间差异

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删除191字节 、​ 2024年10月28日 (星期一)
第421行: 第421行:
|'''[[Claw and Dagger Mastery|短刃精通]] Claw and Dagger Mastery'''
|'''[[Claw and Dagger Mastery|短刃精通]] Claw and Dagger Mastery'''
* renamed, now affects daggers as well as claws
* 重新命名, 现在影响匕首和爪
|'''[[Weapon Block|武器格挡]] Weapon Block'''
|'''[[Weapon Block|武器格挡]] Weapon Block'''
* now works while moving
* 现在在移动中也生效
* has a 4 frame cooldown after mitigating an attack
* 格挡攻击后有 4 帧的冷却时间
* now also gives +1% FBR per level
* 现在每级 +1% FBR
* affected by "Increased Block Chance" at a 1:5 ratio
* 1:5 比例的 "增加格挡几率" 影响
|'''[[Psychic Hammer|心灵战锤]] Psychic Hammer'''
|'''[[Psychic Hammer|心灵战锤]] Psychic Hammer'''
* bounces to an additional enemy every 10 levels
* 10 级反弹一个额外的敌人
* now has damage synergies
* 现在有伤害协同效应
|'''[[Cloak of Shadows|魔影斗篷]] Cloak of Shadows'''
|'''[[Cloak of Shadows|魔影斗篷]] Cloak of Shadows'''
* now has a fixed duration of 5 seconds (was 8 + 1 second per level)
* 现在有固定的持续时间 5 (之前 8 + 1 秒每级)
|'''[[Mind Blast|心灵爆震]] Mind Blast'''
|'''[[Mind Blast|心灵爆震]] Mind Blast'''
* no longer stuns after first hard level (was 2 seconds + 0.2 per level)
* 不再在第一个基础等级后晕眩 (之前是 2 + 0.2 每级)
* no longer converts enemies
* 不再转化敌人
* radius now scales per level
* 范围现在每级缩放
* now has damage synergies
* 现在有伤害协同效应
|'''[[Burst of Speed|速度爆发]] Burst of Speed'''
|'''[[Burst of Speed|速度爆发]] Burst of Speed'''
* attack speed bonuses now require hard levels
* 攻速加成现在需要基础等级
|'''[[Fade|能量消解]] Fade'''
|'''[[Fade|能量消解]] Fade'''
第456行: 第456行:
|'''[[Venom (Skill)|毒牙]] Venom'''
|'''[[Venom (Skill)|毒牙]] Venom'''
* poison damage now lasts 1 second instead of 0.4 seconds
* 毒素伤害现在持续 1 秒, 而不是 0.4
* no longer benefits from +% poison damage twice
* 不再从两次 +% 毒素伤害中获益
|'''[[Shadow Warrior|影子战士]] Shadow Warrior'''
|'''[[Shadow Warrior|影子战士]] Shadow Warrior'''
第477行: 第477行:
|'''[[Fire Blast|火焰爆震]] Fire Blast'''
|'''[[Fire Blast|火焰爆震]] Fire Blast'''
* now gains an extra bomb every 4 hard levels
* 现在每 4 个基础等级获得一个额外的炸弹
|'''[[Wake of Fire|火焰复苏]] Wake of Fire'''
|'''[[Wake of Fire|火焰复苏]] Wake of Fire'''
* range increased, range scaling removed
* 范围增加, 范围缩放被移除
|'''[[Wake of Inferno|复苏狱火]] Wake of Inferno'''
|'''[[Wake of Inferno|复苏狱火]] Wake of Inferno'''
* shoots 5 times instead of 10
* 射击 5 次而不是 10
* now has a fixed range of 20 instead of a scaling range of 0.5 yards per level
* 现在有固定的 20 码范围, 而不是每级 0.5 码的缩放范围
|'''[[Blade Sentinel|刃之守卫]] Blade Sentinel'''
|'''[[Blade Sentinel|刃之守卫]] Blade Sentinel'''
* now always paths to your mouse location and no longer has its pathing blocked by monsters
* 现在总是寻路到你的鼠标位置, 不再在寻路中被怪物阻挡
* increased projectile movement speed and hit rate (every 5 frames instead of every 15)
* 增加投掷物的移动速度和命中率 (5 帧而不是每 15 )
* now releases an aoe burst when changing directions
* 现在当改变方向时释放一个aoe爆炸
* duration no longer scales with levels
* 持续时间不再随等级而变化
* no longer counts toward trap count
* 不再计入陷阱计数
* now benefits from resistance penetration at half efficiency similar to elemental traps
* 现在从抗性穿透中获得一半的效果, 类似于元素陷阱
|'''[[Blade Fury|刃之怒]] Blade Fury'''
|'''[[Blade Fury|刃之怒]] Blade Fury'''
* now pierces enemies and splits into multiple projectiles when colliding with a wall
* 现在能穿刺敌人和当碰撞到一堵墙时分裂成多个投掷物
* attack trigger time is now affected by attack speed
* 攻击触发时间现在受攻击速度影响
* penalty for 2-handed weapons removed
* 移除对双手武器的惩罚
* now adds bonus attack rating
* 现在增加了额外的攻击准确率
|'''[[Blade Shield|刀刃之盾]] Blade Shield'''
|'''[[Blade Shield|刀刃之盾]] Blade Shield'''
* uses "on striking" instead of "on attack" and can apply: Chance to Cast on Striking, Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Life/Mana after each Kill
* 应用在 "击中时" 而不是 "攻击时", 并且可以适用于: 攻击时施放的几率CTC, 粉碎打击CB, 开放伤口OW, 每次击杀后的生命/法力
* no longer uses durability
* 不再消耗耐久度
* attacks faster with hard levels
* 更快的攻击速度在基础技能等级
* range increased
* 范围增加
* now has attack rating
* 现在拥有攻击准确率
* now has the ranged leech penalty (50% reduced leech)
* 现在有范围吸血惩罚 (减少 50% 吸血)
|'''[[Shock Web|雷电网]] Shock Web'''
|'''[[Shock Web|雷电网]] Shock Web'''
* removed next hit delay
* 移除下一击延迟NHD
* increased ground speed
* 增加地面速度
* now gains 1 additional spike per three levels instead of via synergy
* 现在每升三级获得 1 点额外的尖刺网, 而不是通过协同
|'''[[Charged Bolt Sentry|电能守卫]] Charged Bolt Sentry'''
|'''[[Charged Bolt Sentry|电能守卫]] Charged Bolt Sentry'''
* now gains +1 bolt per 4 hard levels instead of via synergy
* 现在每 4 个基础等级获得 +1 闪电箭而不是通过协同
|'''[[Lightning Sentry|雷光守卫]] Lightning Sentry'''
|'''[[Lightning Sentry|雷光守卫]] Lightning Sentry'''
* nows shoots 5 times instead of 10
* 现在射击 5 次而不是 10
|'''[[Death Sentry|亡者守卫]] Death Sentry'''
|'''[[Death Sentry|亡者守卫]] Death Sentry'''
* can now only explode corpses instead of shooting lightning most of the time
* 现在只能爆炸尸体而不是在大多数时候发射闪电
* explosion damage is 3-5% of corpse's life plus some additional flat physical and fire damage
* 爆炸伤害是尸体生命的 3-5% 附加一些额外的物理和火焰伤害
* radius is always 10 yards (was 3.33 + 0.67 per level)
* 半径总是10码 (之前是 3.33 + 0.67 每级)
* now gains +1 shot per 3 hard levels instead of via synergy
* 现在每升 3 级 +1 次射击而不是通过协同
|'''[[Chain Lightning Sentry|雷霆守卫]] Chain Lightning Sentry'''
|'''[[Chain Lightning Sentry|雷霆守卫]] Chain Lightning Sentry'''
* new skill that shoots bolts of Chain Lightning that bounce between targets
* 新技能发射连锁闪电在目标之间弹跳




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