图 |
英 |
繁 |
Battle Trance |
戰鬥痴狂 |
"The change that overtook my brother in battle was terrifying. His eyes turned hard like diamonds, and the way he moved... it was like he was dancing to music only he could hear." - Captain Dervin |
“我兄弟在激烈的战斗中所经历的变化太可怕了。他的眼睛变得像钻石一样坚硬,他行动的方式……仿佛在随着只有他能听到的音乐起舞。” - 队长德尔文
Unbroken Chain |
堅不可摧的鎖鍊 |
After the warmaster Raekor freed her people, the Oxen tribe continued to wear their collars and chains to honor those who died in thralldom under the Samauren Empire. |
Dolmen Stone |
多爾門之石 |
As the hateful mob beat on his door, he gripped the pulsing shard tightly and screamed for calm. When he opened his eyes, all that greeted him was silence and the blood-smeared ruins of his cottage. |
Malefic Crescent |
惡邪新月 |
"Túr Dúlra sat empty and the Cathedral sent forth two units. The full moon was thought to be a fair omen from the Heavens. They soon learned what else drew from its power." - History of Scosglen VI |
Melted Heart of Selig |
賽利格的融心 |
"Do not allow your passions to become obsessions. Fuel the fire that burns within you, but it is madness to allow yourself to become ash to please an uncaring universe." - Last words of Master Selig |
“不要让你的热情全都变成了执着。心中的热忱之火固然不能熄灭,但若是为了讨好一个无情的世界而将自己燃烧殆尽,那就是疯了。” - 塞利格大师的遗言
Banished Lord's Talisman |
流放領主護符 |
"His name has been lost to history, but to have been exiled from a land as cursed as Hawezar, his deeds must have been truly depraved." - Scholar's Notes |
“他的名字已经消失在历史中,但能在哈维泽这样被诅咒的地方遭到流放,他的行为定然极为邪恶。” - 学者的注释
[WIP] Eye of the Depths |
[WIP] Eye of the Depths |
[WIP] Eye of the Depths
0 Into the water, into the sea. |
0 Into the water, into the sea.
Pact Amulet |
血契護身符 |
Locran's Talisman |
洛克蘭的護符 |
A single petal of the Mother's own blood, slowly wilting under glass. |
Deathspeaker's Pendant |
死語者的墜飾 |
Once a sanctum for Rathma's studies, the Temple of the Deathspeaker became a proving grounds for potential leaders of his priesthood. Its halls are filled with the corpses of those who failed. |
Ebonpiercer |
穿透漆黑 |
This talisman was the life's work of Deathspeaker Jurdann. Following his premature demise, Jurdann's successor wore the amulet in tribute as they trialed against the Temple of the Deathspeaker. |
Word of Hakan |
哈坎之語 |
"Let the great gates of Caldeum be sealed. Let its proud walls stand fiercely defended. The rest of Kehjistan may suffer this plague, but my city, and my people, will not." - Proclamation of Hakan II |
“封锁卡尔蒂姆大门。让它引以为傲的高墙提供密不透风的防御。凯基斯坦其他地区可能会遭受这场瘟疫,但我的城市和我的人民不会。” - 哈坎二世的布告
Esadora's Overflowing Cameo |
埃莎多拉的溢流雕飾 |
The only thing more potent than Esadora's magic was her endless hatred of humanity. As she lay dying, the pale amulet around her neck drank in both. |
Fractured Winterglass |
崩裂冬鏡 |
Winterglass refracts light and also manipulates mana - forming complex arrays of spells and enchantments. These distinct characteristics possess great power, yet the outcomes remain unpredictable. |
Waxing Gibbous |
盈月 |
The nights preceding the full moon are sometimes far more dangerous than the event itself. The frenzy has begun to rise, yet the night is just dark enough to obscure a hunter from their prey's sight. |
The Butcher's Cleaver |
屠夫切肉刀 |
A nightmarish amalgam of blood, bone and steel, this axe is as horrific, and as deadly, as its creator. |
Ancients' Oath |
先祖之誓 |
"Weapons wielded by the fiercest warriors often catch the eye of the Ancient spirits. If the wielder is worthy, the spirits may bless the steel with their strength." - Gerti, Oxen Tribe Forgemaster |
“最骁勇的战士所挥舞的武器经常会引起先祖之灵的关注。如果武器持有者是真正的勇士,众灵会用他们的力量祝福这把武器。” - 格蒂,牛族锻造大师
100,000 Steps |
十萬步伐 |
"While many Barbarians remained in the Dreadlands, small groups from the Oxen, Crane and Bear tribes instead chose to search the land for a new home." - A History of the Children of Bul-Kathos |
“虽然许多野蛮人留在了恐惧之地,但来自牛族、鹤族和熊族部落的小部分人反而选择在这片土地上寻找一个新的家园。” - 布尔凯索之子的历史
PH Barb Boots |
PH Barb Boots |
PH Barb Boots
Wildheart Hunger |
野性之心的飢餓 |
Do not seek comfort in the shapes of the moon, beastwalker. Its pallid light awakens a yawning hunger. Call the beast, but do not tarry. Lest you never return to your own skin. |
Penitent Greaves |
懺悔護脛 |
Remorseful devotees of the Cathedral of Light must undertake a grueling pilgrimage, journeying across the frigid glacier known as the Serac Rapture. Only then may their gravest sins be forgiven. |
Flickerstep |
閃爍步履 |
"Considered a failure by their creator, it wasn't until the assassination of an "untouchable" Caldeum noble that these boots' true power was understood." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“创造这些靴子的人认为它们是失败品。直到一位‘贵不可及的’卡尔蒂姆贵族被刺杀后, 人们才明白这些靴子的真正力量。” - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Yen's Blessing |
葉恩的祝福 |
These greaves are imbued with the divine blessing of Yen, the Veradani goddess of restoration. They bestow the wearer a revitalizing strength that enhances their own. |
Rakanoth's Wake |
拉卡諾斯的蹤跡 |
Tread carefully on the plains of Hell, for each step sunders the soul and shatters the mind. |
Greaves of the Empty Tomb |
空蕩古墓護脛 |
"The massive door to my family's crypt, which had taken a dozen men to close, was thrown open. Had I known the horrors to come I never would have set foot inside!" -The Ebon Pages, Canto I, Verse VII |
“通往我们家族墓穴的大门,需要十几个人才能关得上,而现在那门却敞开着。我要是知道会有这么恐怖的事情发生,那我死也不会踏进半步!” - 《黑檀书页》第一篇第七节
Path of Trag'Oul |
塔格奧之途 |
"Essence flows endlessly, shifting between vessels. It is through Trag'Oul, keeper of all known and unknown, that we serve as custodians, directing essence to travel new paths." -Mendeln ul-Diomed |
Beastfall Boots |
殞獸長靴 |
"Genai grew proud and fond of boasting of her hunting prowess. She claimed she was fast enough to catch even the spirit Leraye, who cursed her for such an insult." - Fable of Genai's Twenty Trials |
“盖娜变得骄傲自满,整日吹嘘自己的狩猎本领,声称自己的速度之快,就连勒莱耶之灵都能抓住。于是,勒莱耶便对她降下了诅咒,以惩治这番不敬之言。” ——《盖娜的二十道试炼》
Assassin's Stride |
刺客行靴 |
The Viz-Jaq'taar descended on the mages indiscriminately and silently as a plague. The wise took flight, whilst the foolish fortified their dwellings as if walls or wards protected from shadow. |
Esu's Heirloom |
艾蘇的傳家寶 |
"While scholars have proven these boots were not created by Esu herself, it is noteworthy that they have been passed down since the formation of the Mage Clans." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“虽然学者们已经证明这双靴子不是艾苏的作品,但值得一提的是,这双靴子自法师部族形成时起,就一直被代代传承。” - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Bucrani's Tread |
布卡蘭尼的足靴 |
"Changing, consuming, becoming: this is the way of all life. I give myself to you, my children, so that you may live." Low of Bo'a, Verse 112-113 |
“变换、消耗、成为——这便是所有生命的法则。 孩子们,我将自己献给你们,这样你们便能活着。” 《博阿法则》,第 112-113 节
Scorn of the Earth |
輕蔑大地 |
"Sky Spirits weave the winds. Thunder is their laughter and auroras their crowns. Those they bless learn to scorn the earth, for from above, it is but a distant memory." - Lintel VII |
Skyhunter |
狩天弓 |
"Genai took up her bow and aimed at the sun itself. The light burned her eyes, but her arrow flew true. Wounded, the sun hid, and brought forth the first night." - Fable of the Great Sky-Hunt |
“盖娜拿起她的弓,瞄准了太阳。阳光灼伤了她的双眼,但箭矢依然没有落空。受伤的太阳隐藏了起来,从而带来了第一个夜晚。” - 《猎天传奇》
Windforce |
風之力 |
"There have been numerous world-shaping conflicts throughout history. This bow has been found on the battlefield of every one, and always in the hands of the victors." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“历史上发生过无数次影响世界的冲突。每一场这样的冲突中都会出现这把弓的身影,并且总会在胜利者的手中。” - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Eaglehorn |
鷹角弓 |
"Scholars have been unable to decipher the runes carved into this bow, however all agree they are related to its uncanny ability to bend arrows towards their targets." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“学者们一直未能破译这把弓上刻着的符文,不过大家都认同一点,它们应该就是这把弓能让箭矢拐弯射向目标的原因。” - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Rage of Harrogath |
哈洛加斯的憤怒 |
Harrogath, the final bastion of resistance against Baal's assault on Mt. Arreat was destroyed along with the Worldstone. The survivors never forgave the betrayal that led to the loss of their home. |
Mantle of Mountain's Fury |
山峰之怒斗篷 |
"What you feel is the Ancients high on the mountain, my son. When they stomp their feet, the earth trembles! But fear not—it's our enemies they mean to warn." – Chieftess Naarah |
Mad Wolf's Glee |
瘋狼狂喜 |
“He was not a victim of the curse - he sought it out. As his skin split and his bones cracked, his laughter never ceased." – Tale of the Mad Nobleman |
“他不是诅咒的受害者 - 这都是他自找的。就算他的皮肤裂开,骨骼碎裂,他的笑声也从未停止。” - 疯狂贵族的故事
Insatiable Fury |
無厭狂怒 |
When the Days of Ash began, the great druid Nafain reminded his disciples that nothing, not even the loss of their humanity, was too great a sacrifice to protect Túr Dúlra from Astaroth's flames. |
Razorplate |
剃刀鎧甲 |
Crafted by the cannibal Armoda, each piece of this interlocking armor has been sharpened into a knife's edge. Even a century after death, the plate remained on her corpse, unable to be removed safely. |
Soulbrand |
烙魂 |
"To create such an artifact would require an impossible mastery over alchemy, transmutation and the subtle magics of the soul. By all rights, it should not exist, yet it does." - Artisan Callas |
“要创造这样的神器, 需要在炼金术、塑形术和灵魂的微妙魔法方面拥有非凡的造诣。按道理来说它不该存在, 但它的确存在。” - 匠师卡拉斯
Shroud of False Death |
詐死遮罩 |
"Auriel alone saw past Lucion's guise. With Al'maiesh aloft, she smote the vile prince. Hatred's seed feigned death and waited, loath to enter the Abyss again." - The Great Conflict, Tome I |
Tyrael's Might |
泰瑞爾之力 |
"Thus Tyrael, a perfect aspect of Justice, came to be. None were more vehement against the forces of hell. All demonic entities learned to shudder at Justice's might." -The Books of Jarl, Volume I |
“于是,正义的完美化身——泰瑞尔诞生了。没有人能比他更勇猛地对抗地狱之力。吸取教训后,所有恶魔都在正义之力面前颤抖。” ——王公之书,第一卷
Mutilator Plate |
殘悔者鎧甲 |
"The Cathedral of Light's earliest attempts at crafting their penitent armor was to infuse the plate with painful blood magic, before such acts were deemed heretical." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“圣光教会在制作忏悔骑士铠甲时,最早尝试的方法是在铠甲板上注入痛苦的血魔法。但是后来,这种做法就成了歪门邪道。” ——巴雷特的《名器谱》
Blood Artisan's Cuirass |
血匠胸鎧 |
"The infamous Necromancer Gaza-Thul's mastery over blood magic was indisputable. Many suspect that upon his death, his skin was used to fashion this eldritch armor." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“臭名昭著的死灵法师加沙图尔对鲜血魔法的掌握水平毋庸置疑。许多人怀疑在他死后,他的皮肤被用于制作这件骇人的护甲。” - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Scoundrel's Leathers |
盜賊皮甲 |
"Rumor has it he lost them in a game of Skull & Anchor, but the boss is a devil with the dice. I think he wanted to give the poor sod something to keep him warm without wounding his pride." - Elstir |
“有传言说这是他在一场头骨与锚的游戏中输掉的,对手是一名骰子高手。我认为他想给这个可怜的家伙一些保暖的东西,但又不想伤及他的自尊。” - 艾斯迪尔
Shroud of Khanduras |
坎德拉斯之罩 |
"In fairer times, the Emperor gifted Prince Aidan a gilded shroud. Still a boy, not yet full height, it dwarfed poor Aiden. Briefly, Leoric's growing madness abated from laughter." -Deckard Cain |
Raiment of the Infinite |
無限法袍 |
The power you have is never enough. |
Bucrani's Will |
布卡蘭尼的意志 |
The leather feels warm to the touch, as through life clings to it. A divine purpose still trembles in each fold. |
Jacinth Shell |
紅褐外殼 |
This ceremonial armor was once adorned during the He Sutsar Puchē, where sacred blood is drawn by jacinth lancets and offered to flames. It retains the scents of incensed smoke and scorched copper. |
The Mortacrux |
死神核心 |
One of a pair of twin daggers, forbidden from ever meeting. Nearby corpses shudder in its presence. |
Condemnation |
定罪 |
"I've never seen such ruthless butchery. He deserves to be be shipped off to die in the swamps with the rest of the godless murderers." - Witness to the murder of Sergeant Walcot |
“我从未见过如此残忍的屠杀。他活该被流放,就该与其他不信神的杀人犯一起死在沼泽地里。” - 沃尔科特军士被谋杀时的目击证人
Asheara's Khanjar |
艾席拉的彎鉤匕首 |
When Caldeum's gates closed, Asheara led her Iron Wolves out of the city knowing full well they would never return. Instead they roamed Kehjistan pledging their blades to any who were in need. |
The Umbracrux |
晦暗核心 |
One of a pair of twin daggers, forbidden from ever meeting. Bitter voices whisper from the blade. |
Boost Dagger |
強化匕首 |
Stone of Vehemen |
維賀猛之石 |
Long ago, the Stone Clan laid the foundations of Old Kurast. They shaped earthen marvels, but wars with the Vizjerei turned chisel into spear. Now the only stone they wield is when cast against foe. |
Strike of Stormhorn |
風暴角之擊 |
The height of the Moon Clan's power brought a beast that instilled dread upon Khanduras. More demon than Khazra, the one dubbed the Stormhorn left charred brands where cities once stood. |
Okun's Catalyst |
奧昆的催化劑 |
"Children and beast do tremble at thunder's roar, but the wise know to fear the silence of lightning." - Okun, of the Zann Esu |
Wushe Nak Pa |
吾楔納克帕 |
"Fear not the limits of your flesh, Spiritborn! As our ancestors said: wushe nak pa! Transcend your being!" - Maka |
“不要畏惧肉体的桎梏,灵巫!正如先人所说:Wūshe Nak Pa!因此,努力超越自我吧!”——马卡
Nesekem, the Herald |
先驅納瑟坎姆 |
In the days when Ajaw Y'ishich ruled Nahantu, the phoenix constellation's crown fell in burning glory. From it was forged a blade that withered valor, heralding an age of despair. |
Gohr's Devastating Grips |
戈爾的摧殘護手 |
"The brutish construction of these gloves belies the strength they bestow. Gohr was clearly no craftsman, but it would be foolish to ignore the triumph of his work." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
"这副手套的粗犷结构掩盖了其中蕴含的力量。戈尔虽然不是工匠,但只有蠢货才会轻视他的作品。" - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Twin Strikes |
雙擊 |
"When hitting it once doesn't kill it, hit it twice." - Bear Tribe Proverb |
“如果打一次杀不死它,那就打两次。” ——熊族谚语
Unsung Ascetic's Wraps |
無名苦行者裹手 |
"The storm caller returns, day after day, demanding to meet the Tree. He beats his chest and demonstrates his powers, refusing to believe that he will never be chosen." - Excerpt from Gulyas' Diary |
“日复一日,风暴召唤者一再登门,要求觐见秘语之树。他捶胸顿足,向我展示自己的力量,不愿相信自己竟会无福受选。” ——摘自古亚斯的日记
Björnfang's Tusks (Not used, we reuse for future!) |
畢勇梵之牙(還沒用過,將在未來重複使用!) |
Few skalds still recite the Björnfang Saga, tale of the first bears to walk Sanctuary. The Saga's final line goes as such, "One who wields the Björnfang's tooth, shall thus become its maw." |
Fists of Fate |
命運之拳 |
"Will you let fear cheat you, or will you risk everything to find understanding? After all, death is simply the coin with which we purchase life." - Zurke |
"你会让恐惧欺骗你一生,还是会不惜一切代价去领悟真谛?毕竟,死亡只不过是我们用来交换生命的钱币。" - 祖尔克
Frostburn |
霜燃 |
A touch so frigid it stops the heart and chills the very soul. |
Paingorger's Gauntlets |
食痛者護手 |
Crafted from fragments of Duriel's carapace, wearing these gloves, or being struck by them, causes an agonizing sensation akin to pushing one's hands through a thousand shards of glass. |
这副手套以督瑞尔的甲壳碎片制成, 戴着它或被它击中都会导致剧痛, 如同将手插入千万片碎玻璃一样。
Endurant Faith |
堅忍信仰 |
Despite the Light's blessings, countless Knights Penitent were hewn apart by the infernal hordes. Remnants of their steel lie scattered through the Hells – dwindling lights in the chaos. |
Howl from Below |
深淵狂嗥 |
"Can you not hear it? That endless scream from the cold earth beneath your feet!? They are down there, trapped, blind with rage! Waiting to drag us down into the sod!" - Ravings of Madman Gustav |
“你听不到吗?在你脚下的冰冷大地下方,正不断传来无休无止的尖叫声!?他们被困在里面,被愤怒蒙蔽!正等着把我们全都拖下去!” - 狂人古斯塔夫的胡言乱语
Cruor's Embrace |
凝血之擁 |
In the blood dancer's grasp, a victim lies, A vessel dried 'neath darkened skies. Their life extinguished, veins burst and drained, In Cruor's embrace, forever enchained. |
受害者躺在血舞者手中, 在阴暗的天幕下,一具躯体干涸了。 生命消逝,血管爆裂并干涸, 在库虏尔的怀抱中,永远被禁锢。
Grasp of Shadow |
暗影之握手套 |
Dark wisps creep hungrily across these gloves, like an assassin's blade seeking a life to steal on a moonless night. |
Gloves of the Illuminator |
照光者手套 |
After Inarius returned to Sanctuary, he sought a way back to the High Heavens. His first step was to reignite the religion he had abandoned millennia before: the Cathedral of Light. |
Flameweaver |
織焰者 |
Driven to surpass Esu, the wizard Naridan's reckless enchantments caused an inferno, devastating the ancient town of Cagrim. Only the gauntlets remained - a solemn warning to all who dare tame fire. |
Sidhe Bindings |
希德束帶 |
"While known for their proclivity for mischief, the Sidhe, as the Druids call them, are fiercely loyal and will defend all they consider friend..." - Sarnakyle |
Bucrani's Grip |
布卡蘭尼之握 |
"Kin of Bo'a, beloved of Bucrani, Whose path led into the wine-dark pasture. The victor's sword swings for this alone, To lop off all thought and memory–a final mercy." Low of Bo'a, Verse 50-54 |
“博阿之亲,布克拉尼之爱, 其路通往了暗酒色牧场。 胜者挥剑只为此—— 斩断所有思绪与记忆。这是最后的仁慈。” 《博阿法则》,第 50-54 节
Craze of the Dead God |
死神克雷的狂熱 |
T'an seized a spear and drove it thrice into his mad brother Tan. Alas, the craftier of the twin gods wove one last cunning snare. In place of blood, the wound wept venom and consumed all in its wake. |
Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty |
「威猛」喬里茲的角盔 |
As he fought with side by side with Raekor to liberate the labor camp, Joritz claimed this dented helm from a fallen foe. As his legend grew, its unique shape became synonymous with his great deeds. |
乔里茨在与蕾寇并肩作战解放劳工营地时, 从一位死去的敌人身上取走了这顶凹陷的头盔。随着他的传奇愈发恢宏, 头盔独特的形状成为了他伟大事迹的代名词。
Ugly Bastard Helm |
醜陋雜種頭盔 |
"Ah, Burning Hells. You look like one of Zolmog's inbred bastards." - Varyana |
Tempest Roar |
風暴怒號 |
"Listen, child, to the music of the storm. It has its own rhythm. Its own melody. Hear how beautifully it sings, and perhaps one day you will be able to join in its harmony." – Airidah |
“孩子,聆听风暴的天籁之音吧。它有自己的节奏,自己的旋律。听它那美妙的歌声,也许有一天你也能加入进来,与之合鸣。” ——艾蕊达
Vasily's Prayer |
瓦希里的祈禱 |
"Roots from the Great Oak growing at the seaward statue of Vasily will, on rare occasions, be found twisted back upon themselves, suffused with ferocious magic." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“在面向大海的瓦西里雕像处生长着一些大橡树的根,它们有时会出现向后弯曲的情况,根内充满了狂暴的魔法。” - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Andariel's Visage |
安達莉爾的面貌 |
The horrific whispers of the Maiden of Anguish flicker through your mind, pushing you ever closer to madness... |
Harlequin Crest |
諧角之冠 |
"This headdress was once worn by an assassin disguised as a court mage. Her treachery was unveiled, but not before she used its magic to curse the king's entire lineage." - The Fall of House Aston |
“这个头饰曾经是一个伪装成宫廷法师的刺客佩戴的。她的背叛行径虽然最终暴露,但在那之前,她已经成功用魔法诅咒了国王和他的整个家族。” - 《阿斯顿家族的陨落》
Godslayer Crown |
弒神王冠 |
"The Sahptev faithful believe in a thousand and one gods. If it takes me as many lifetimes, I will find and kill them all." - Gaspar Stilbian, Veradani Outcast |
“萨菩提信徒信奉一千零一位神灵。就算花上一千零一世, 我也要找到他们,将其悉数消灭。” - 梵罗达尼流亡者加斯帕·斯蒂尔比安
Heir of Perdition |
墮滅繼承者 |
Beware false prophets donned as sheep yet bearing the stench of wolves. Thou shalt know them by their fruits. For a tree of good cannot produce evil, nor thorns yield a harvest sweet and fair. |
Boost Helm |
強化頭盔 |
Crown of Lucion |
路西昂之冠 |
The prince of Hatred, fair as maggots over carrion. He claims no throne, crafts no realms, reigning over only a blackened, bitter heart. Some legends name him banished, while others dread his return. |
Deathless Visage |
不死面容 |
"Rathma is endless. He was the first Ancient, and will remain at the end. He is the master of the Great Cycle of Being. When Death comes for him, why should he fear it?" - Vauntus, Acolyte of Rathma |
“拉斯玛是永恒的。他是第一位上古之人,也会是最后之人。他是万物轮回的主宰。当死亡降临在他身上时,他何惧之有?” - 文图斯,拉斯玛侍僧
The Unmaker |
破壞者 |
Urzael rent asunder his own wings and armor with a fury unbridled. For never would he bow to the doom of mortals, nor endure defeat at their lowly hands. |
Cowl of the Nameless |
無名風帽 |
"He is banished from the Guild, his name stricken from the Book. His punishment is to never have been." - Excerpt from a burned parchment |
"他被逐出了公会,名字也从书中被划去。彻底抹除他的存在就是对他的惩罚。" - 摘录于一张烧焦的羊皮纸
Starfall Coronet |
墜星冠冕 |
"The elders say they saw a star falling from the sky many years ago. A sign from the heavens that the end times were nigh. A rallying cry to take up arms and protect Sanctuary!" - Crusader Hamilton |
“长老们说在很多年前,曾看到一颗星辰从天空中坠落。这是天堂发出的讯号,宣告末日即将到来。同时也是在号召世人拿起武器,保卫庇护之地!” ——圣教军汉密尔顿
Harmony of Ebewaka |
艾伯瓦卡的和諧 |
Only Ebewaka has walked amid a dozen Guardians. In death, they waged war for his spirit, yet none prevailed. Thus, the Guardians shared dominion, granting Ebewaka to roam freely amid all their realms. |
Loyalty's Mantle |
忠誠斗篷 |
During a Trial of Mists, a small spirit noticed an unclaimed boy. In pity, it spared him. "I will follow you always," vowed the boy. He remained true even after Ah Bulan called the spirit home. |
Arreat's Bearing |
亞瑞特之姿 |
"Rise clansmen and reclaim our trampled honor! Ancients' blood runs through us all! We are storms - earth breaking, maelstrom wielding. The fire of the gods burn still! They are with us!" - Ealda |
“崛起吧,族人们,找回我们被践踏的荣誉!我们身上流淌着先祖的血液!我们是风暴,撕裂大地,挥舞漩涡。众神之火仍在燃烧!他们与我们同在!” ——伊达
Storm's Companion |
風暴伴生 |
"The storm's rage is my own, brother. I call, and the skies roar in reply." - Vasily, to Bul-Kathos |
“风暴之怒即为我怒,兄弟。听我一声长啸,天空轰然回响。” - 瓦西里对布尔凯索说
Temerity |
鬼迷心竅 |
"The revelation that master tailor Callas was in fact a witch only served to further fuel the desire for her uniquely enchanted legwraps." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“裁缝大师卡拉斯实际是一位女巫的真相被揭穿后,她那双具有独特附魔效果的绑腿更加令人垂涎。” - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Tassets of the Dawning Sky |
黎明之空腿鎧 |
“May the Light of Father Inarius shine down upon all weary travelers of this holy land. Turn your face toward his radiance and find your strength renewed.” - Statue Inscription |
“愿天父伊纳瑞斯的圣光照亮这片圣地上所有疲惫的旅行者。将脸朝向他的光辉, 你就会重新焕发力量。” - 雕像铭文
Tibault's Will |
提鮑特之志 |
"The younger apprentices think wearing heavy plate in the swamps is foolish. They fail to understand that our armor is our legacy, and without it we are nothing." - Crusader Pembroke |
“年轻的侍从们认为在沼泽中穿戴重型板甲是愚蠢行为。他们不明白,我们的盔甲就是我们的传承,没有了它,我们便一文不值。” - 圣教军彭布罗克
Boost Pants |
強化長褲 |
Blood Moon Breeches |
血月馬褲 |
A naturally occurring curiosity, the blood moon persists as a sign of woe for the most superstitious Zakarum faithful. Children born under it are often considered cursed and cast out, lest it spread. |
Kessime's Legacy |
凱斯米的傳承 |
"Too soon she was taken, yet Rathma let Kessime rest in death - for they both had found peace in the cycle. Upon the hill where she lay, Rathma poured forth his blood and no evil trod thereafter..." |
Indira's Memory |
因迪拉的記憶 |
"The tears of Linarian turned bloody over Indira's torn body. Many days, unyielding, he poured his magic into sundered bone and rended sinew. Though the flesh did mend, his beloved did not rise..." |
Eyes in the Dark |
暗夜凝望 |
"And so, when the sun dipped behind the hills each night, he knew that Ashen Jack would soon be near. Watching, and waiting." - Greenslade's Tales, Chapter 2: "Each Long Night" |
"于是,当太阳坠入山丘后的每个夜晚,他知道灰白杰克不久就会出现在附近。注视着,等待着。" - 《格林斯莱德的故事》第二章:“每一个漫漫长夜”
Iceheart Brais |
冰心束褲 |
The mad artisan saw his fingers turn black from frostbite as he worked the cloth, but refused to stay the needle and thread for even a moment. |
Axial Conduit |
軸樞導體 |
"Do not confuse your manipulation of lightning as control. The azure flame is its own master and needs no hand to wield it. You are merely a conduit for its chaos." -Ascribed to the mage Woh |
Bucrani's Resolve |
布卡蘭尼的決心 |
"...In those days, the children of Bucrani were known to many. Great was their sway, and mighty was their squall! How could any realm hold such strong souls?" -Oxridge, Common Histories, fragment II |
Protection of the Prime |
至尊守護 |
"To commune with spirits, listen to whispers unseen. Root yourself unto the earth and let its pulse still the mind. Hear the ancient guardians – they rise to aid you." -Ysevete, the First Spiritborn |
Fleshrender |
撕肉錘 |
"This weapon is a reminder of the unbridled savagery of our druidic ancestors, the wisdom of which I see more clearly with every day that passes." - Moreg, Druidic Scholar |
“这件武器警醒着我们,德鲁伊先祖做过的肆意野蛮行径。随着时间流逝, 我越来越清晰地看出其中的智慧。” - 德鲁伊学者莫雷格
Hellhammer |
地獄之鎚 |
The demon prince Ikonoth slew hundreds of the Heavenly Host with this infernal hammer before falling to none other than the Archangel Imperius himself. |
Overkill |
虐殺 |
The malformed snake creatures that live in the swamps are not content with simply killing their prey. They seem to take a malicious pleasure from inflicting as much suffering as possible before death. |
Shattered Vow |
破碎誓言 |
Malthael's last and only gift to mankind - a vow that our suffering shall end. |
Sunstained War-Crozier |
日跡戰爭牧杖 |
"A relic of an old, forgotten religion lost to time and expansion. The staff retains a faint warmth as if still blessed by the dead god it once served." - Ser Paget's notes from the Tiklan excavation |
Sepazontec |
斯帕宗鐵克 |
To the silent skies, the hunter Etzlek raised his staff and then smote the numen. "Release her!" came his cries as he desecrated the hallowed ground. On the third strike, the spirit answered... |
Rod of Kepeleke |
凱佩列克節杖 |
"Beyond the world disc doth lie the keeper serpent Kepeleke. Ceaseless the serpent grows, and thus must ever consume his own tail, lest the world be overtaken." - Lintel XII |
Ring of Red Furor |
紅色狂熱之戒 |
"Anger brings strength but clouds the mind. You must learn to focus your fury, direct it with purpose. Keep our sacred duty at the forefront of your mind, always." - Talic, to Madawc |
“愤怒会带来力量,但也会蒙蔽心智。你必须学会集中你的怒气,有目的地引导它。记住,永远要把我们的神圣使命放在首位。” ——塔里克对马道克的告诫
Ring of the Ravenous |
貪婪戒指 |
"The hunger, it starts so small, like a tickle in the back of your mind. You believe the lie that you still have control until you're so far gone you can't even recognize yourself." - Varyana |
“饥饿之感,起初微不可察,只在心头隐隐骚动。你心存侥幸,以为自己还未失控,但直到彻底堕落、面目全非之时,才知道这不过是在自欺欺人。” ——瓦利亚纳
Hunter's Zenith |
獵手巔峰 |
"By fang, claw, spear, or sword - send the bastards back to the flames from which they crawled! Soak the peat with their blood! For Fiacla-Géar! For Scosglen!" - Nafain, during the Days of Ash |
“用你们的尖牙、利爪、长矛还有刀剑,把这些从火焰中爬出来的渣滓送回地狱!我们要拿他们的鲜血浇注大地!为了菲亚克拉·盖尔!为了索格伦!” - 纳菲恩在“灰烬之日”如是说
Airidah's Inexorable Will |
艾瑞妲的無阻意志 |
"When I was born, I breathed in the wind and the storm and they gave me life. When I die, I will breath out, and return that gift to the skies." - Journal excerpt |
“降生之时,我将风暴吸入喉咙,是它赋予我生命。将死之时,我将它吐出胸膛,让这份恩赐回归天际。” ——日志节选
Earthbreaker |
裂地者 |
When Arreat was sundered, the world quaked. The Druid Aglainn journeyed far to chronicle the aftermath. Grief-stricken by the great mountain king's fall, he rent the earth anew. |
Mjölnic Ryng |
雷神之戒 |
A singed wedding band, faintly crackling. It evokes an old rhyme where a bride receives a ring from her beloved, causing them to be struck thrice by lightning. Only the bride was unscathed. |
Mother's Embrace |
聖母的懷抱 |
"Every tome, every scroll, every book in this temple produces the same answer. The only being willing to stand against the Eternal Conflict, against the Prime Evils, was Lilith." - Elias |
“每本巨著,每册书卷,神殿中的每一本书都是相同的答案。愿意抵抗永恒之战、反抗魔神的——唯有莉莉丝。” - 厄莱亚斯
Ring of Starless Skies |
無星深空戒指 |
"Yours is the power to pluck the stars from the heavens with the ease of a child gathering fruit from the bough." - Unknown |
“你拥有从天上摘取星辰的力量,犹如孩童摘取枝条上的果子一样轻松。” - 无名
X'Fal's Corroded Signet |
薩法爾的腐蝕印璽 |
Skulking in the shadows of the Realm of Destruction, the Scarred Baron plots the downfall of the mortal who banished him there. |
Ring of Mendeln |
曼戴恩之戒 |
The signet of Mendeln ul-Diomed, the founder of the Priests of Rathma and the first Necromancer, was lost for over 3,000 years. The immense power over death held within, however, has not diminished. |
Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul |
褻瀆靈魂之戒 |
The mere proximity of a practitioner of such dark arts can rouse the dead and disturb those souls who have earned their rest. |
Writhing Band of Trickery |
欺詐扭纏指環 |
The ring shifts and spins on your finger as the forces within desperately attempt to escape. |
Scoundrel's Kiss |
盜賊之吻 |
"This'll blow your hair back." - Lyndon |
“这东西会让你大吃一惊的。” ——林登
Saboteur's Signet |
破壞者印璽 |
"The element of surprise is the starting point. In this moment, be sure to finish it." - Kashya |
Pitfighter's Gull |
鬥技者之詐 |
"Ploughin' told you already! Hidden weapons are out – Yes, especially grenades! Behave yourself, or Morrick will skin you lot."- Purveyor of the Gea Kul fighting pits, on the eve of Morrick's murder |
Blue Rose |
藍色玫瑰 |
"Her lover's spirit faded, and in her sorrow she wept frozen tears. Where they fell, roses of the purest ice would blossom each winter." - Greenslade's Tales, Chapter 7: "The Myth of Irina Coldheart" |
“她所爱之人的灵魂消散了,她在悲伤之中流下了冻结的泪水。每到冬天,眼泪滴落的地方都会开出纯净的冰玫瑰。” - 《格林斯莱德故事》第七章:“冰心伊丽娜的神话”
Tal Rasha's Iridescent Loop |
塔拉夏的虹彩戒環 |
"Fool said he dug it out of the sands near Lut Gholein with a few other 'worthless trinkets'. I hid my delight at receiving such a treasure in exchange for a meager handful of coins." - Rakhaan |
“有个傻瓜说,这东西是他从鲁·高因附近的沙地里连同其他一些‘毫无价值的破烂玩意儿’一起挖出来的。我喜不自胜,但还是装作若无其事,用区区几个金币换来了这件宝物。” ——拉克罕
Wound Drinker |
飲傷者 |
The inner curve of this band is lined with thorns that tear the skin whenever it is unbound. |
Ring of Writhing Moon |
扭動之月戒指 |
"Within this corpse-bound carapace we writhe. Chaotic winds converge to churn your bones. Our beat and breath a ceaseless war to break. The wretched cyclone black beyond the bounds." - Balazan's Dream |
Band of First Breath |
初始命息指環 |
A gentle whisper glides upon the winds. The words elude the grasp of mortal ken. They weave through the soul like a melody forgotten, and from this arises a name: Adarja, the First-Breather. |
Peacemonger's Signet |
和平使者印璽 |
"In Natsalarwaka, no blood shall mar the earth. Even bitter enemies must forgo their blades before entering the haven. Breaking this accord will invoke Wasipotsu's wrath." - Oral Oaxazi Scripture |
Ring of the Midday Hunt |
正午狩獵戒指 |
At midday thundered the first brother, Nyamoyo, lord of predators. Survival is his blessing, hunting is his prayer. Honor him and prowess shall be your reward. - The Nitī Sē, Verse IV |
Ring of the Midnight Sun |
午夜之陽戒指 |
At midnight laughed the second brother, Nebahayomo, spirit of cunning. Trickery is his blessing, suffering is his prayer. Honor him and shrewdness shall be your reward. - The Nitī Sē, Verse V |
(PH) Template Unique |
(PH) Template Unique |
(PH) Template Unique
(PH) Flavor Text |
(PH) Flavor Text
Black River |
黑河 |
"The scrolls describe a river of tar that separated the living from the land of the dead. Any unfortunate soul who tried to cross would be dragged down into oblivion." - Notes of Scholar Kamien |
“卷轴中写道一条焦油河,它将生者与死者之地分开。任何试图穿越的不幸灵魂都会被拖入湮灭。” - 学者卡米安的笔记
Boost Scythe |
強化長鐮 |
Bloodless Scream |
蒼白尖嘯 |
"My companion swung her odd weapon in a wide arc, and our pursuer stopped short. The look of horror on his face as his body fell to pieces will haunt me forever." - The Ebon Pages, Canto II, Verse XI |
“我的同伴挥舞着她奇怪的武器划出一道宽阔的弧线,我们的追击者突然停了下来。当他的身体四分五裂时,他脸上那副恐惧的表情将永远在我的脑海中萦绕。” - 《黑檀书页》第二篇第十一节
Lidless Wall |
無眠之牆 |
Initially an unpopular choice to replace Mendeln as Deathspeaker, Daros quickly proved his worth with the creation of this masterpiece. |
起初达罗斯并不被看好能取代孟德恩成为亡语者, 但他很快就创造了这件杰作,证明了自己。
Greatstaff of the Crone |
老巫婆大法杖 |
"She has existed in Scosglen since before Fiacla-Géar walked the land. Her purpose is a mystery to us all. However, approach her with deference; she may grant you her counsel." - Airidah, to Donan |
“在菲亚克拉·盖尔来到索格伦之前,她就已经存在于这片大地上了。她的目的对我们都是一个谜。不过见到她要保持恭敬的态度,这样她就可能会为你提供建议。” - 艾蕊达,写给多南
The Basilisk |
巴西利斯克 |
"Well did she feed her children, and well did her children feed her." -Scosglen folktale |
Staff of Endless Rage |
無盡怒火法杖 |
"Leaving even blackened bones for your kin to mourn is too good an end for you." - Josiah |
"给你的亲人们留下一堆发黑的骨头供他们哀悼算是便宜你了。" - 约西亚
Staff of Lam Esen |
藍伊森法杖 |
"Also known as the Greatstaff of the Old Religion, this powerful relic is one of only a small handful of Skatsimi artifacts that have survived to this day." - Barrett's Book of Implements |
“这件强大的古物也被称为旧教巨杖,它是迄今为止幸存下来的少数斯卡辛密教圣器之一。” - 巴雷特的《名器谱》
Vox Omnium |
全能之聲 |
Your incantations are echoed by a chorus of the damned. Wield their torment, their vengeance, their pain against the Hellborne that tortured them. |
Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander |
亞赫維里恩,萊坎德之矛 |
"The angel Lycander left us a portion of her power in this spear. It is all the proof I need that she watches over us still." - Oracle Argoysni |
“天使莱姗德在这把长矛中为我们留下了她的一部分力量。这足以证明她仍在守护着我们。” - 神谕者阿尔戈斯尼
Boost Staff |
強化法杖 |
Ramaladni's Magnum Opus |
拉瑪蘭迪的傑作 |
"Without him the wine is less sweet, the hearth less warm, and our blades less keen. Our blood brother is gone, but Bul-Kathos willing, we will meet again one day." - Sorrowsong for Ramaladni |
“没有了他,佳酿不再甘甜,壁炉不再温暖,刀刃也不再锋利。我们的血亲走了,但是只要布尔凯索愿意,他总有一天会和我们重聚。” - 拉玛兰迪的悲歌
The Third Blade |
第三刀刃 |
"Restraint, mercy, honor...these are shackles, forged by the weak and the conquered." -Hephasto, the Armorer |
Doombringer |
末日使者 |
Whenever this ancient sword has reappeared throughout history, it portends a time of great strife, as well as a devastating loss of life. |
Azurewrath |
碧藍怒火 |
The ancient runeblade of the angel Izual, Azurewrath was miraculously spared the corruption that consumed its master. |
Shard of Verathiel |
維拉席爾的碎片 |
This blade once bore divine purpose wielded by the angel Verathiel. Like its keeper, the sword fell to Infernal depths. Yet beneath this corruption, is a heartbeat of a past memory, holding steadfast. |
Fields of Crimson |
赤血之原 |
"We've been fighting these flesh-eaters for so long, been soaked in so much blood, that after a while it's difficult to tell what side you're truly on." - Daelyr, Crane Tribe warrior |
“我们已经与这些肉食者战斗了很长时间,现在身上都是鲜血,再过一段时间就很难分辨出你究竟是哪一边的人了。” - 迪力尔,鹤族战士
The Grandfather |
高祖 |
An unbroken lineage of unwavering strength. |
Flamescar |
焰疤 |
The burn may heal, but the pain is eternal. |
The Oculus |
核瞳 |
"The rhythm of the orb, which had pulsed steadily for five centuries, quickened as its owner took his final ragged breaths. It were as if some intelligence within reveled in the sight." - Master Eos |
“这颗宝珠的韵律已经稳定跳动了五个世纪,在其主人急促地咽下最后一口气时,节奏加快了。仿佛里面有某种智慧陶醉于眼前的一幕。” - 伊奥斯大师