英 |
繁 |
简 |
The Helm of Command The Helm of Rule |
指揮頭盔 統轄頭盔 |
统御之冠 统治之盔 |
Worn by General Raylend while he stormed Yshrald's fortress during the War of the Hounds. |
雷藍德將軍在獵犬之戰期間,血洗伊薩德要塞時所戴的頭盔。 |
Fate's Vow |
命運誓約 |
命运之誓 |
"This helm belongs to those who are dead. All who have worn it have died, and all who wear it yet shall follow." —Unknown |
「這是屬於亡者的頭盔。戴過的人都死了。現在戴著的人正追隨他們的腳步。」 —佚名 |
“这顶头盔属于死者。所有戴过它的人都死了,而所有戴着他的人也很快会死。” —— 无名氏
Red Soul Shard |
紅靈魂石裂片 |
猩红灵魂碎片 |
Visage of the Betrayer |
背叛者的面容 |
背叛者的仪容 |
Others think you blind, but your eyes see what they cannot. |
其他人或許覺得你是瞎子,但你的視力可以察覺他們無法企及的東西 |
Helm of the Hierarch |
大主教頭盔 |
主教的头盔 |
Mask of Scarlet Death |
血色死亡面罩 |
血腥面罩 |
It grins at you unsettlingly. |
那笑容令人心底發寒。 |
Conqueror's Shako |
征服者的軍帽 |
征服者军帽 |
Visage of Gunes |
古尼斯的面容 |
古内斯之面 |
The hunter Gunes would never reveal the origins of this helmet. Some say it contained the essences of demons who had suffered his vengeance. They also claim it was the cause of his downfall. |
獵人古尼斯從不透露這頂頭盔的來歷。有人說它藏著受盡古尼斯復仇折磨的惡魔精華,而也因此導致了古尼斯的殞落。 |
Warhelm of Kassar |
卡薩的戰盔 |
卡萨的战盔 |
At Akkhan's request, Kassar trained the first Crusaders, turning them into skillful warriors through his rigorous methods. His own apprentices faced harsher trials and were each lost in training, unable to carry on his name. --Abd al-Hazir, The Crusaders |
「在阿克漢的請求下,卡薩訓練了第一批聖教軍,並且以嚴厲的方法讓他們成為武藝精湛的戰士。而卡薩本人的學徒則要經過更嚴厲的考驗,導致沒有人能撐過訓練,因此也沒人可以繼承他的名號。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾《聖教軍》 |
Death Mask |
死亡面具 |
死神面罩 |
"I argue that humans, not angels, are the true inheritors of Anu. It was only when the god rejected the part of himself that all mortals possess, the darkness within, that true evil and suffering was born. Unlike Anu, we must embrace our inner demons... and become all the stronger for it." —Zoltun Kulle |
「我認為天使並非艾努真正的繼承者,人類才是。在祂摒除自身的凡軀之惡時,真正的邪惡和苦難應運而生。我們不該像艾努那樣摒除邪惡,而要擁抱我們內在的魔性,從而變得更加強大。」 —佐頓庫勒 |
Hallowed Helm |
天聖之盔 |
神圣之盔 |
"Years ago, one of my subordinates went missing in Caldeum. It was presumed by most that he'd run afoul of a demonic ambush. I myself suspected Zoltun Kulle's involvement in the disappearance, as his egotism and madness had begun to evince itself in his imperious and dismissive manner. I suppose we’ll never know the truth." —Archangel Tyrael |
「多年前,我的一名隨從在卡爾蒂姆失蹤,多數人都覺得他是受到了惡魔的突襲。但我懷疑,佐頓庫勒和這件事脫不了關係,從那輕慢跋扈的態度,可以看出他的自負和瘋狂。我想,這件事的真相是不可能水落石出了。」 —大天使泰瑞爾 |
Pride's Fall |
驕矜必敗 |
骄矜必败 |
Fit for royalty, this helm enhances whoever wears it, while quietly diminishing everyone else. Ideal for large gatherings. |
這頂為王室成員打造的頭盔不管戴在誰頭上都氣勢萬千,蘊含的魔力還會暗中讓其他人感到相形失色。在大型聚會上佩戴,效果最佳。 |
Deathseer's Cowl |
死亡先知的兜帽 |
死亡先知兜帽 |
"Given their bloody history, I cannot imagine anyone venturing into the southern jungles looking for the Opaya. Nor can I imagine the madman who could confront the Opayan deathseers and walk out of Torajan with one of their hoods." —Abd al-Hazir |
「有鑑於那些血跡斑斑的歷史,我無法想像有人會涉險進入南方叢林尋找歐帕亞。也無法想像有人會瘋狂到敢於面對歐帕亞的死亡先知,還戴著他們的兜帽走出托拉陽叢林。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Mempo of Twilight |
暮光護面 |
暮光面甲 |
The helmet of the last of the honor-bound warriors. He roamed the far east long ago and lived and died by his code of honor. |
最後一位為榮譽而戰的戰士所戴的頭盔。在許久之前馳騁於遙遠的東方,終身奉行他的榮譽規範。 |
Andariel's Visage |
安達莉爾的面貌 |
安达莉尔的仪容 |
Some long-forgotten artisan crafted this helmet in the hideous likeness of the Maiden of Anguish. For what purpose, none can say. |
某個不知名的古代工匠參考怨慟女王的可怖面相鑄造出這頂頭盔,至於其動機,無人得知。 |
Skull of Resonance |
共鳴顱骨 |
共鸣之颅 |
This macabre helm was hollowed out in such a way as to concentrate and disperse sounds in a focused manner. |
這頂恐怖的頭盔內部是中空的,其特殊的設計能夠匯聚聲響,並使其擴散,達到共鳴的效果。 |
Blind Faith |
盲信 |
盲信面甲 |
Do not trust your eyes; they can deceive you. |
眼見未必為憑。 |
Leoric's Crown |
李奧瑞克的王冠 |
李奥瑞克的王冠 |
The crown of the Black King. The taint of his madness wafts from the metal, clinging to any jewel that comes near it. |
黑狂君的王冠。他的瘋狂氣息從冠身的金屬瀰漫而出,纏附在靠近王冠的任何寶石上。 |
Broken Crown |
破損王冠 |
破碎的王冠 |
The ancient crown of Rakkis, first ruler of Westmarch. |
衛斯馬屈開國君王拉基斯的古老王冠。 |
Madstone |
狂石 |
疯狂石 |
The monk Vhalit is said to have been driven mad with the power of this stone. Can you withstand the corruption that lies within? |
據說武僧瓦列特不敵這顆石頭的魔力而喪失心智。你能抵擋藏在石頭中的腐化魔力嗎? |
Tzo Krin's Gaze |
左克林的凝視 |
祖科林的凝视 |
The old warrior came to Tzo Krin to ask how to settle his troubled mind. "Bring me your mind, and I will settle it." Upon hearing this, the old warrior immediately achieved enlightenment. |
一名老戰士來向左克林詢問如何平撫紛擾的心靈。「把你的心交給我,我便能使它平靜下來。」聽到這番話,老戰士立刻悟道了。 |
Eye of Peshkov |
佩士科夫之眼 |
佩什科夫之眼 |
"The mind sees most clearly when the eyes are shut." —High Abbot Peshkov |
「肉身之眼緊閉之時,心靈之視更見明晰。」 —僧院長佩士科夫 |
The Eye of the Storm |
暴風之眼 |
风暴之眼 |
Ultimate power emerges only from the calm at its center. |
極致的力量由平靜的中心點湧現。 |
Kekegi's Unbreakable Spirit |
柯克吉的不屈精神 |
柯克吉的不屈精神 |
This stone is said to have once adorned the wise monk Kekegi’s brow. The hero’s spirit never once wavered during his legendary Five Trials, and that same indomitable will now suffuses this headgear. |
據說這枚練氣石曾是睿智的武僧柯克吉眉骨上的飾品。在他接受五大試煉時,心神從無一刻動搖。如今,這不屈不撓的意志仍縈繞著這副頭飾。 |
Bezoar Stone |
牛黃結石 |
牛黄石 |
This stone has passed through much to attain its magical properties. |
這顆石頭歷經多場磨練,才獲得獨特的魔力。 |
The Laws of Seph |
瑟夫之律 |
瑟夫之法 |
Seph the Patriarch, for whom this stone was named, was famed for illuminating concepts in a way that led to epiphanies in his students. In much the same way, this spirit stone casts the glorious light generated by its wearer deep inside the monk’s soul as well as outward to blind enemies. |
名聞遐邇的瑟夫宗座總能以明白曉暢的方式啟發學生,引領他們悟道,這枚練氣石正是因他而得名。此石能將武僧內在的智悟靈光體現於外、耀射而出,令敵人目眩致盲。 |
Erlang Shen |
二郎神天眼 |
二郎神天眼 |
Erlang Shen overcame much to slay the flood dragon and awaken his third eye. |
二郎神克服萬難殺死興風作浪的蛟龍,並且喚醒了他的天眼。 |
The Mind's Eye |
心眼 |
心眼 |
Only one who opens the tenth gate can cleanse her soul. |
只有打開第十道門的人才能淨化她的靈魂。 |
Gyana Na Kashu |
知識之眼 |
知识之眼 |
The stone envelopes one's enemies in the warm embrace of a raging fire. The screaming drowns out their sincere thanks. |
這顆石頭能把敵人包覆在熊熊烈火的溫暖懷抱之中,尖嘯聲掩蓋了他們誠摯的感謝。 |
See No Evil |
空靈無惡 |
至善之眼 |
Evil cannot touch one who sees only the light. |
眼中只見光明之人,穢邪不敢近身。 |
Mask of Jeram |
傑拉姆的面具 |
杰拉姆的面具 |
Long ago, a powerful witch doctor named Jeram waged a one-man war on the khazra after they slew his family. To pursue his vendetta, Jeram crafted this terrible mask, capable of calling all manner of beasts and the walking dead to his service. Those who came across the ruined khazra villages—with their dead half devoured, swollen with venom, and scorched by fire—knew it could only be Jeram's work. |
很久以前,有位法力高強的巫醫,名叫傑拉姆。他的家人全都死於卡茲拉之手,於是他決定傾一己之力展開報復。為了復仇,他製作了這副可怖的面具,有了它,各種猛獸和亡靈都供他驅策、聽他號令。凡是到過已成斷垣殘壁的卡茲拉村莊的人,都能看到滿地的屍骸,有的被啃食殆盡,有的因劇毒腫脹,有的遭火吻毀形。不用說,肯定是傑拉姆的傑作。 |
Carnevil |
坎邪 |
邪毒狂欢 |
Near the shoreline of the Torajan Jungle lies Lake Ymirson. Here are found the palms from which the Umbaru derive the poison for their darts. This ornate mask is carved from one of these palms, and beads of poisonous sap ooze forth from it, providing the witch doctor wearing it with easy access to fresh, and more concentrated, venom. |
意默生湖就坐落在托拉陽叢林左近,而此處的毒棕櫚正是安巴魯族吹箭上的毒液來源。這副華麗的面具正是以這種棕櫚木刻成,具有毒性的樹液會凝聚滲出,為戴上這副面具的巫醫提供新鮮而且毒性更為猛烈的毒液來源。 |
Visage of Giyua |
吉元的面容 |
姬月之面 |
Eternal Giyua, guardian of the Unformed Land, blesses the worthy champion with the gift of her children. |
無形之境的守護者永恆的吉元會祝福可敬的勇士,賜予其子嗣給他們。 |
Tiklandian Visage |
提克蘭之面 |
提克兰凶相 |
The fierce visage of Enobakhare, the spirit father of the small remote village of Tiklan. |
遙遠小村莊提克蘭的魂靈之父,伊諾巴卡爾猙獰的面貌。 |
The Grin Reaper |
獰笑死神 |
狞笑死神 |
Death wears many faces. |
死亡有許多種表情。 |
Quetzalcoatl |
羽蛇神 |
羽蛇神面 |
The Oaxazi tribe sends promising children into the deep jungle to be judged by the great feathered serpent. Those who return are trained in the sacred arts. |
歐薩吉部落的人會把具有潛質的孩子趕入叢林深處,將他們的命運交給偉大的羽蛇神審判。平安回來的人則有資格接受神聖秘儀的訓練。 |
Split Tusk |
破碎獠牙 |
开叉獠牙 |
Carved to evoke the power of the great tusked pack beasts of the Teganze. |
蘊含特干澤巨牙駝獸的能力。 |
The Magistrate |
執法官 |
执法官 |
The most powerful of wizards will find themselves richly rewarded by their studies. This hat is for those who like to display their power in a more elegant fashion. |
法力強大的秘術師都知道,潛心研究魔法對他們帶來的助益有多大。而這頂秘術帽正適合又想展示力量、又注重穿著格調的人。 |
Velvet Camaral |
和睦絨飾 |
丝绒羽冠 |
This flamboyant headdress was fashioned long ago by a fashion-conscious Harakas mage to make an impression at a peace summit between her clan and the Sarandesh. The highly conductive properties that make it so valuable in combat were merely a happy accident. Regardless, when the meeting of the clans turned violent, it was those attributes that made the more lasting impact. |
這副華麗奪目的頭飾是多年前由一位匠心獨運的赫拉卡斯法師所製作的,用來在和平會談上代表她的氏族向薩蘭德許一族表示友好。這副頭飾優異的電能傳導效果在戰鬥中深具實效,其實只是一個美麗的意外;不過當會談氣氛急轉直下的時候,真正讓人印象深刻的也還是這副頭飾的戰鬥功能。 |
Archmage's Vicalyke |
大法師魔兜 |
大法师的回响 |
"Ha! That was but the first of many times I supposedly met death at the hands of my enemies." —Archmage Horazon |
「哈!我差點死在敵人手裡的次數可多了,那只是第一次罷了。」 —大法師赫拉森 |
The Swami |
尊者 |
法尊 |
Bestows upon the wearer both formidable power and an unsurpassed statement of fashion. |
賦予穿戴者令人畏懼的強大法力,以及無與倫比的時尚品味。 |
Storm Crow |
風暴烏鴉 |
风暴乌鸦 |
"When the sky was torn from the sea, Storm Crow appeared from within the thundering clouds to grant mankind dominion over the living flame." —Legends of the Forgotten World |
「海天分離,風暴烏鴉從雷雲中現身,賜予人類統馭烈焰的能力。」 —《遺忘世界傳奇》 |
Dark Mage's Shade |
黑暗法師之帽 |
黑法师的遮阳帽 |
The scrolls in the Yshari Sanctum speak with somber tones of the dark mage Garesh. Could the runes on this hat really mark it as his? |
伊沙利聖殿的卷軸語焉不詳地記載了黑暗法師加雷許的邪惡事蹟。這上頭的符文真的能證明這是他的帽子嗎? |
Crown of the Primus |
至尊之冠 |
普莱姆斯之冠 |
The Peace Warder Radaugh was a singular being who had the powers of time itself at his command. Unfortunately, this frequently left him in a befuddled state, allowing the upstart cultist Vess to kill him and take the prized Crown of the Primus for his own. |
和平衛士雷多天賦異稟,能自在驅使時間的力量。遺憾的是,這股力量使得他經常迷亂恍惚,讓膽大妄為的維斯有機會殺了他,並把至尊之冠據為己有。 |
Seven Sins Corruption |
七宗罪 腐化 |
七宗罪 御魔肩甲 |
The alchemist Lyekurn spent many years formulating the exact shape and nature of this armor so that it would draw upon the power of Azmodan, yet keep the wearer safe from his corrupting influence. |
這副護甲是由鍊金師萊庫恩花費多年心血打造,其特有的形狀與質地能汲取出阿茲莫丹的力量,並且保護其主人不受腐敗魔力的影響。 |
Vile Ward |
辟邪肩甲 |
辟邪肩甲 |
"The more enemies I hit, the greater my bloodlust." -Chieftain Kar-Nuk |
「我殺的敵人越多,嗜血的慾望就越強烈。」 —酋長卡努克 |
Death Watch Mantle |
守魂披肩 |
死卫护肩 |
These vicious pads draw their power from the very life force of your enemies. |
這種嫉惡如仇的肩甲專門吸取敵人的生命力。 |
Homing Pads |
賦歸肩墊 |
赋归肩垫 |
These enchanted shoulder pieces maintain a constant connection to the origin point of their wearer. |
這副魔法肩墊和它原來的主人之間,有從不間斷的連結。 |
Razeth's Volition |
拉傑斯的意志 |
拉泽斯的意志 |
If one did not fear Razeth, one feared the dark powers of his minions. |
就算不怕拉傑斯,也該畏懼他僕從的黑暗力量。 |
Pauldrons of the Hierarch |
大主教肩鎧 |
主教的护肩 |
Corpsewhisper Pauldrons |
屍語肩鎧 |
拜尸者的护肩 |
Commune with the dead. Speak in their tongue. Learn their secrets. |
與死亡交流,學習亡者的語言,知悉亡者的秘密。 |
Conqueror's Pauldrons |
征服者的肩鎧 |
征服者肩铠 |
Mantle of Channeling |
引導披肩 |
导能披肩 |
Drawing power from the ether is a tricky thing. Even the most dedicated practitioner is not able to effectively contain all of it for their use. This armor redirects that excess energy to serve its wearer. |
要從乙太界抽取能量相當不容易,即使是最熟練的專家,也沒辦法有效率地完全抽出所需的能量。而這件護甲可以將多餘的能量重新引導至穿戴者身上。 |
Fury of the Ancients |
先祖之怒 |
先祖的怒火 |
This mantle was crafted by one banished from the sacred mountain, in order to commune with the ancients. |
有個被聖山放逐的人製作了這件披肩,來和先祖溝通。 |
Pauldrons of the Skeleton King |
骷髏王的肩鎧 |
骷髅王肩铠 |
"No matter its value, it would be wise to let the raiment of the Black King remain buried with its fallen owner. No good can come of disturbing Leoric's rest." —Deckard Cain |
「就算價值連城,讓黑狂君的護肩和它已然殞命的主人一起永遠深埋地底,才是明智之舉。打擾李奧瑞克的沉眠是不會有好下場的。」 —迪卡·凱恩 |
Spaulders of Zakara |
撒卡拉肩甲 |
萨卡拉肩铠 |
"A dying crusader emerged from the Aranoch wastes bearing these spaulders. She claimed to have been visited by the angel Yaerius in the desert depths and charged with delivering these artifacts into the hands of men so the crusade might triumph. Whatever the truth of her claims, there is little doubt the spaulders are the product of Heaven's forges." —Abd al-Hazir |
「一名垂死的聖教軍戴著這副肩甲逃離了亞拉挪奇沙漠荒地。她宣稱天使亞利斯曾在沙漠深處現身,並命她將這副肩甲帶給世人,使聖戰的榮光得以彰顯。無論她說的話是否屬實,這肩甲的工藝出自至高天,那是假不了的。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Lefebvre's Soliloquy |
里菲柏的獨白 |
列斐伏尔的劝诫 |
The monk Lefebvre was famous for delivering soliloquies in battle. If they were eloquent, no one knows, for all who heard them died. |
武僧里菲柏以在戰場上發表獨白而聞名,但其實沒人知道他的口才如何。因為聽過的人全都死了。 |
Profane Pauldrons |
穢瀆肩鎧 |
渎圣肩铠 |
The mouths of the demonic visages that adorn these pauldrons devour health globes, digesting them in order to provide additional benefits to their wearer. Unfortunately, those selfsame mouths often whisper vile suggestions when others cannot hear. |
鑲飾在這副肩鎧上的惡魔頭像會張口吞噬生命之球,將它們轉化之後用來強化穿戴者的能力。遺憾的是,那些惡魔總會在別人聽不到的時候嘟囔著不堪入耳的低語。 |
Robes of the Rydraelm Mantle of the Rydraelm |
萊德姆之袍 萊德姆之氅 |
莱德瑞姆之袍 莱德瑞姆之氅 |
The Rydraelm, a shadowy group of mages, concerned itself with the most arcane forms of magic until its mysterious and grisly demise. |
「萊德姆」議會是由一群專注於鑽研秘法的不明魔法師所組成的,但成員後來全都神秘慘死。 |
Armor of the Kind Regent |
攝政仁君之鎧 |
摄政仁君之铠 |
"Yoel, the so called 'Kind Regent' of Taubej, was anything but. He took great pleasure in torturing his enemies, real or imagined, and periodically would have a random peon dragged out into the square to be tortured to death, just to keep his people scared and docile. Yoel named himself the Kind Regent, as he truly believed he was a benevolent ruler. Of course, he was quite mad." —Deckard Cain |
「約爾,又叫托貝基的『攝政仁君』,這封號真是諷刺得可以。他對於折磨敵人樂在其中,不管是真正的敵人還是想像的,還會定期隨便挑一個倒楣的平民,拖到廣場折磨致死,藉以殺雞儆猴。約爾自封攝政仁君,是因為他真的認為自己勤政愛民。他還真是瘋得可以。」 —迪卡·凱恩 |
Shi Mizu's Haori |
清水羽織 |
清水羽织 |
"Being near death tends to focus the mind." —Shi Mizu, Warrior-Philosopher |
「危急存亡之際,全神貫注之時。」 —武士哲人清水 |
Tyrael's Might |
泰瑞爾之力 |
泰瑞尔之力 |
"And lo, the Angel of Justice did cast his judgment in favor of the nephalem." —The Books of Jarl, Volume III |
「讚美義天使,為涅法雷姆投下了神聖的一票。」 —《雅爾之書》第三冊 |
Cindercoat |
餘燼外套 |
燃火外套 |
One could withstand the fires of Hell itself wearing armor such as this. |
縱然地獄烈火亦不能傷。 |
Goldskin |
黃金之膚 |
黄金之肤 |
The darkness of the low places is shattered by the raiment of gold. |
黃金甲的燦爛光芒打散了暗處的黑影。 |
Chaingmail |
鄭式鎖甲 |
锁钢甲 |
The magical properties of a piece of armor such as this intrigue the mind. It was constructed from the finest parts of many different armors that were worn by many different heroes. |
這件護甲的魔法特質令人好奇,是由許多不同英雄的護甲組件拼湊而成的。 |
Heart of Iron |
鋼鐵之心 |
钢铁之心 |
The blessed armor of Olenna the 'Iron Crusader' eventually passed to her apprentice, who proudly wore it alongside her own. Though she took her master's name, she was ultimately known with a very different moniker. -- Abd al-Hazir, The Crusaders |
「這件祝福胸甲原本屬於「鋼鐵聖教軍」歐蓮娜所有,後來傳給了她的女學徒,而這位學徒也光榮地隨時穿戴著。儘管她繼承了師父的名諱,但她最終還是以另一個稱號而出名了。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾《聖教軍》 |
Aquila Cuirass |
天鷹胸鎧 |
天鹰斗衣 |
Ceremonial armor commemorating the chieftain Ghaold's victory over the wild men from the east. |
紀念迦歐德酋長戰勝東方野人而打造的護甲。 |
Requiem Cereplate |
安魂祝鎧 |
安魂胸甲 |
Originally fashioned for a king's burial, it was instead entrusted to a Priest of Rathma, who began the tradition of passing it on to the worthiest champions of the necropolis. |
原本是國王的陪葬品,卻落入拉斯瑪祭司手中。於是這名祭司遵循死亡之城傳統,把物品傳給最有資格獲得的勇士。 |
Bloodsong Mail |
血歌鎖甲 |
血歌锁甲 |
The rustling of the scales sounds like a spray of blood hitting the ground. |
鎖甲發出窸窸窣窣的聲響,聽起來竟然像鮮血濺落地面的聲音。 |
Conqueror's Cuirass |
征服者的胸鎧 |
征服者胸甲 |
The Cloak of the Garwulf |
加沃夫的披風 |
加沃夫的披风 |
The cloak of one with an affinity toward wolves. |
這件披風的主人對狼群有種難以言喻的親密感。 |
Beckon Sail |
呼航 |
远行的召唤 |
Favored by those who do their fighting in the underworld. |
貝琴薩在異世界決戰時所穿的風衣。 |
Cape of the Dark Night |
黑蝠斗篷 |
暗夜斗篷 |
"Those who seek to do evil are a cowardly and superstitious lot." —Demon Hunter Bayne |
「凡行邪作祟者俱為膽小迷信之徒。」 —狩魔獵人貝恩 |
Cloak of Deception |
詭幻披風 |
幻影斗篷 |
This iridescent cloak, woven from the silk of starlight butterfly larvae, serves to twist sight around it, like a mirage rising off the desert sands. |
這件巧奪天工的精緻披風是以星輝翼蝶的繭絲織成,流光變幻、令人目眩,就如沙漠中的海市蜃樓一般。 |
Blackfeather |
黑羽 |
黑羽 |
This cloak matches the description of the one worn by the hero in the popular children's tale Yorgie and the Giants. |
這件披風和膾炙人口的童話故事《佑吉與巨人》裡主角所穿的披風特徵完全相符。 |
Wondrous Deflectors Kethryes' Splint |
神力護腕 凱薩斯的腕甲 |
神奇的偏斜护腕 科斯莱的腕甲 |
"Her arrows spent and bow snapped, she advanced into a cloud of enemy spears as they fell upon her cohort, turning them aside and throwing them back in kind." —The Amazon Princess |
「縱使箭盡弓折,她依然奮勇殺入戈矛如雲的敵陣,架開刺向同伴的槍尖,狠狠回擲傷敵。」 —亞馬遜公主 |
Cesar's Memento |
凱薩的回憶 |
凯撒的回忆 |
Against the will of the Patriarchs, Cesar kept a lock of her hair, weaving it into his bracers. They filled him with calm, just as she always had. He never spoke of her again, but neither did he forget. |
凱薩違逆宗座的旨意,留下了她的一緇秀髮,把它們編織到護腕裡。這對護腕總是能為凱薩帶來寧靜,就像以往她還在的時候一樣。此後凱薩再也不曾提起她,但並不代表凱薩就此遺忘了她。 |
Vambraces of Sescheron |
賽斯雪隆護臂 |
赛斯切隆臂甲 |
“These look to be of Sescheron origin to me. Strange though - when others use them, they are nothing special. When you use them, well...” — Haedrig |
「在我看來,這對護臂應該是來自賽斯雪隆。但奇怪的是在其他人身上都沒反應,只有你穿上的時候,嗯…」 —海德格 |
Pinto's Pride |
品托之傲 |
平托的骄傲 |
A group of monks on a mission from the Patriarchs entered a small village in the west. Here they met a smith named Pinto, and were much impressed by his mighty beard. Touched at their admiration, Pinto agreed to create a pair of bracers that would enhance their powers. |
一群執行宗座任務的武僧來到西方的小村落,遇見了名叫品托的鐵匠。武僧們對品托那一口美髯嘖嘖稱奇,而他們真誠的讚美亦讓品托大為感動。於是品托為他們打造了這對護腕,可以用來強化他們的力量。 |
Bracer of Fury |
憤怒護腕 |
愤怒护腕 |
Those that cannot see the truth of the Light will suffer its wrath. |
無法看清聖光真相的人,都要承受它的憤怒。 |
Akkhan's Manacles |
阿克漢的鐐銬 |
阿克汉的镣铐 |
"Crusaders are unburdened by the tedium of a worldly life, but they must still be bound by charity, duty, and Akarat's will." -Akkhan |
「聖教軍應超越俗世的羈絆,但是他們依舊必須和慈愛、責任以及阿卡拉特的意志緊緊相連。」 —阿克漢 |
Lakumba's Ornament |
拉昆巴的裝飾護腕 |
拉昆巴的腕饰 |
There is a thread from the Unformed Land in all things. Lakumba, above all others, knew how to weave it. Her shrouds revealed a truth many refused to see. |
有一條線連接著無形之境和萬物,唯有出類拔萃的拉昆巴懂得如何編織這條線,而她的成果也揭露了許多人不願面對的真相。 |
Skular's Salvation |
司庫勒的救贖 |
斯古拉的拯救 |
Skular was one of the few Barbarians to survive Baal's destruction of Sescheron. These bracers are the reason. |
全靠這對護腕,司庫勒才能在巴爾毀滅賽斯雪隆時,成為少數逃過一劫的野蠻人。 |
Coils of the First Spider |
首蛛裹腕 |
蜘蛛始祖的缠绕 |
It is claimed that Arachyr was able to restore the vital life essence of his followers by using creatures spawned from the realm that lies between our world and the Unformed Land. |
據說厄拉祈爾可以召喚存在於我們的世界和無形之境間的生物,並且用它們來替他的追隨者回復生命精華。 |
Jeram's Bracers |
傑拉姆的護腕 |
杰拉姆的护腕 |
You can still see traces of the blood left by the demonic multitudes Jeram slew on his quest for revenge. |
你還可以看見傑拉姆在踏上復仇之路、屠殺惡魔大軍時,在護腕上留下的斑斑血跡。 |
Bracers of the First Men |
先民護腕 |
先民护腕 |
“I do not care if these were forged in long dead furnaces by the Ancients themselves. They help me crush my enemies; that is all that matters.” -Aletur of Sescheron |
「我才不在乎它們是不是由先祖在早已廢棄的熔爐打造出來的。這對護腕能幫我擊潰敵人,這才是重點。」 —賽斯雪隆的埃爾特 |
Bracers of Destruction |
毀滅護腕 |
毁灭护腕 |
“These bracers appear to utilize primal forces channeled from the ground itself. Interesting, to say the least.” -Abd al-hazir |
「這對護腕能駕馭由大地引導而來的原始能量,這可是不容小覷的啊。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Wraps of Clarity |
澄明裹腕 |
明彻裹腕 |
Steadies the arm and brings calm certainty in the face of death. |
在死神的面容之前,讓你握緊武器,冷靜沉著。 |
Bindings of the Lesser Gods |
靈神束腕 |
蒙尘者绑腕 |
For those who may not be sufficiently holy to find refuge in Inna’s arms. |
專門給不夠聖潔純淨,無法獲得殷娜庇佑保護的人使用。 |
Gabriel's Vambraces |
蓋布利爾的護臂 |
加百利的臂甲 |
“Always seeking to improve the Crusaders’ efficiency, Akkhan’s Master Blacksmith Gabriel crafted these bracers to ease the strain of summoning the Blessed Hammer.” -Rennold's Catalogue of Arms |
「阿克漢的鐵匠大師蓋布利爾,不斷在尋找提升聖教軍作戰效率的方式。他打造了這對護腕,降低了連續召喚祝福之錘的壓力。」 —蘭諾德《兵器大全》 |
Drakon's Lesson |
德拉空的教誨 |
德拉肯的训导 |
The Elder Crusader Drakon believed in precision, and trained his apprentice to strike fewer targets, but with more power. "Would you rather face ten opponents who are slightly injured? Or seven healthy opponents, who are distracted by the three corpses at your feet?" |
聖教軍長者德拉空以其出手快狠準而聞名,並指導學徒要把力量集中在少數的目標上。「你想要面對十個受輕傷的敵人,還是七個因為你腳下的三具屍體而驚慌的健康敵人?」 |
Spirit Guards |
精魄護衛 |
灵魂守卫 |
The Patriarchs say that when the spirit waxes, the dangers of this world wane. |
宗座有言:精氣滿盈,則諸惡消散。 |
Ranslor's Folly |
蘭斯勒的愚行 |
朗斯洛的愚行 |
Ranslor, the chief crafter to the High Vizjerei, was concerned that the power contained within these bracers would prove too much for even the most seasoned warrior, so he scoured waterfront taverns for unfortunate souls to test them. After several catastrophic failures, he was so certain he had solved the problem he tried them himself. The bracers were found by his assistant in a pile of ash. |
費斯傑利的首席工匠蘭斯勒,擔心這副護腕蘊含的力量過於強大,就連身經百戰的勇士恐怕也無法承受。於是他到岸邊的酒館找了些倒楣的傢伙來測試這副護腕。歷經數次慘烈的失敗之後,確信問題已經解決的蘭斯勒決定親自戴上這副護腕。據說他的助手最後在一堆灰燼之中找到了這副護腕。 |
Custerian Wristguards |
卡斯提瑞安腕甲 |
卡斯特瑞安腕甲 |
"In ancient times, there lived a strange race of people—the Custerians. No one knows who they were, or what they were doing, but their legacy remains beaten into the very metal of these wristguards." —Yuan, wise man of Tufnyl |
「在上古時代,有一個奇特的人種,名為卡斯提瑞安人。沒有人知道他們的來歷與目的,但這些先人的遺緒已經深深嵌入這副腕甲裡。」 —遠恩,忒夫尼爾智者 |
Nemesis Bracers |
死敵護腕 |
复仇者护腕 |
Wear these armguards at your own risk. Only for the heartiest of adventurers. |
戴上這副護腕,後果自負。只適合最大膽豪放的冒險者。 |
Sanguinary Vambraces |
嗜血護腕 |
浴血前臂甲 |
These wickedly serrated forearm guards remain caked with the dried blood of the Black King's innocent victims. |
黑狂君濫殺無辜,死難者的鮮血厚厚地凝固在這對邪惡的鋸刃護腕上。 |
Trag'Oul Coils |
塔格奧之旋 |
塔格奥腕环 |
"The guardian shall ever maintain his eternal watch over those who serve and protect the balance." —Excerpt from the Books of Kalan |
「倬彼雲漢,護庇存焉。望兮顧兮,平衡永續。」 —節錄自《卡蘭之書》 |
Reaper's Wraps |
奪魂者裹腕 |
夺魂者裹腕 |
"The magic emanating from these bracers is strange and unknown to us. Prior to their discovery, it was thought impossible to utilize the powers that grant one health to also regenerate one's might. Their very existence forces us to reconsider some of our basic understandings of the nature of magic." —Archmage Valthek |
「這副裹腕所散發的魔力對我們來說是奇異而陌生的。在發現這副裹腕之前,我們以為賦予生命力的魔法是不可能同時用來恢復力量的。但現在看來,我們必須從頭審視自己對魔法本質的某些基本概念了。」 —大法師佛爾瑟克 |
Ancient Parthan Defenders |
古帕薩衛士護腕 |
古帕萨卫士护腕 |
These bracers were first worn in the distant past by members of the Partha Guard. Though musty from age, they retain power that has protected the city for centuries. |
數百年前,這對護腕原本屬於帕薩古城的衛兵所有。雖然經歷了累世風霜,其保衛城池的力量卻一絲未改。 |
Warzechian Armguards |
瓦吉卡臂甲 |
沃兹克臂甲 |
"After a long search through the eastern lands, the noble leaders of House Chien chose the Haroutunian Clan for their personal guard. These loyal protectors are easily recognized by the distinctive armguards they wear out of pride for their service." —Abd al-Hazir, The Xiansai Chronicles |
「經過在東方之境漫長的找尋,名門齊恩家族的領袖選擇了哈洛圖寧氏族作為他們的私人護衛。一看他們身上特殊的臂甲,就能認出這些忠心耿耿的衛士,這代表了他們的榮耀與驕傲。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾《仙塞記事》 |
Lacuni Prowlers |
拉庫尼潛獵者 |
豹人猎杀者 |
The savage fierceness of the lacuni is unrivaled in all of Sanctuary. |
拉庫尼的兇殘程度全聖休亞瑞無人能及。 |
Strongarm Bracers |
強橫護腕 |
力士护腕 |
A warrior wearing bracers made of Skartaran metal can best monsters twice his size. |
戴上用史卡塔拉島所產的金屬製作的護腕,戰士要打敗體型二倍大的怪物絕不是問題。 |
Promise of Glory |
榮光之諾 |
荣光之诺 |
Lost and found again through the ages, these bracers bear the names of all who have worn them. Each one found great glory, but not all survived to reap the rewards. |
這對護腕千百年來不斷消失又出現,上面刻著歷代所有穿戴者的名字。每一位都尋得了榮光,只可惜不是每個人都能活著享受到成果。 |
Slave Bonds |
奴隸鐐銬 |
奴隶镣铐 |
Broken chains still dangle from these heavy iron shackles. |
斷掉的鎖鍊還掛在沈重的鐵鐐銬上。 |
Gungdo Gear |
弓術護腕 |
箭道护腕 |
"Cover your wrists in righteousness that you may strike with the will of the gods." —Tenets of the Veradani |
「加汝拳腕兮以義、潰汝敵軍兮神威。」 —《梵羅達尼教義》 |
Ashnagarr's Blood Bracer |
埃許那加的魔血護腕 |
阿什纳加的血腕 |
“Demon blood is a very important tool in the wizard’s arsenal. I infused this bracer with it, as a matter of fact. The extraction method was agonizing, to be sure, just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.” - Ashnagarr, First Wizard of the Accursed Multitude |
「秘術師如果要強化法術的威力,惡魔之血是相當重要的素材。事實上,我把惡魔之血灌注進這個護腕了。當然,抽取的過程相當痛苦。光想到這點,我也就開心了。」 —埃許那加,詛咒之眾首席大法師 |
Pendergrasps Penders Purchase |
潘德葛拉斯 潘德佩卻斯 |
潘德之握 潘德之手 |
Only the wisest adventurer is fit to don these powerful gauntlets. |
唯有最睿智的冒險者才有資格戴上這雙手套。 |
Grasps of Essence |
魂能之握 |
精魂魔掌 |
You feel attuned to the life force in all beings. |
萬物的生命之力與你同在。 |
Moribund Gauntlets |
遲暮護手 |
僵死护手 |
Death is the state that unites all things. That which seems alive is only waiting to die. |
所有生命都會在死亡那一刻重獲平等,就算現在看起來生氣勃勃,日後也終將迎來死亡。 |
Conqueror's Gauntlets |
征服者的護手 |
征服者护手 |
Gloves of Worship |
禮讚手套 |
礼赞手套 |
These scaled gloves, sewn from the flayed skin of a deceiver, are gifted only to the Dark Coven's most favored mortal servants. |
這雙鱗片手套是用魅影怪的皮縫製而成的,只有最受垂青的真神教信徒才能佩戴。 |
St. Archew's Gage |
聖阿契伍的戰帖 |
圣·阿契武的战书 |
"Archew, the Saint of Entsteig, is remembered for his many duels with the ruffians of that city. It was said that his gauntlet lay on the street more often than on his hand." —Archibald Kerne |
「人稱『安茲提格的聖人』的阿契伍,最著名的就是他與城裡的惡徒屢屢決鬥的事蹟。據稱他向惡人挑戰、把護手拋在街上的時間,還比戴在他手上的時候多。」 —亞奇伯德·科恩 |
Tasker and Theo |
塔斯克與西歐 |
塔斯克与西奥 |
The master and his hound were the most famed hunters of their day. He died fighting beside his favorite dog, just as the way he would have wanted it. His loyal companion soon followed. |
馴犬師和他的獵犬是那個年代最出名的獵人。在一場戰鬥中,他如願以償地死在最疼愛的那隻狗身邊,而他忠心的夥伴不久之後也隨他去了。 |
Frostburn |
霜燃 |
霜燃 |
These gauntlets drain the warmth from anything they touch. |
這雙手套會吸掉任何碰觸之物的暖意。 |
Gladiator Gauntlets |
鬥士護手 |
角斗士的手套 |
Worn by the combatants in the arenas of Emperor Vaught. |
沃特大帝競技場鬥士所戴的護手。 |
Stone Gauntlets |
岩石護手 |
岩石护手 |
Heavy. Stone. Brutal. |
很重、很硬、打人很痛。 |
Magefist |
法師之拳 |
法师之拳 |
You hold the power of true magic within your hands. |
雙掌間握有真正的魔法之力。 |
Quick Draw Belt Fleeting Strap |
迅戰腰帶 瞬戰腰帶 |
速射腰带 迅击腰带 |
"The demon hunter drew her crossbow faster than the eye could follow, impaling her targets before they could move against her." —Tales of the Wasteland |
「那名女狩魔獵人以迅雷不及掩耳的速度掏出弩槍,敵人根本還來不及出手就被射死。」 —《荒野傳奇》 |
Bakuli Jungle Wraps |
巴庫里叢林裹腰 |
巴库里丛林缠腰 |
"Unbearable creatures of the night plagued the Bakuli Jungle region. They were dangerous and not easily seen. It was a wonder that we all survived." -Account of Tapeks, Krum, Astraelly, Tanooki, Franklin, Kuan, and Tiget, the last known group of adventurers to pass through alive. |
「夢魘般的恐怖生物肆虐著巴庫里叢林一帶。牠們危險至極,而且難以察覺。我們能全身而退,實在是一大奇蹟。」 —載自德匹斯、克羅姆、奧斯瑞伊、塔努奇、法蘭克林、關恩和泰吉,史上最後活著穿越這片叢林的冒險團隊 |
Khassett's Cord of Righteousness |
凱哈塞特的正義腰帶 |
哈塞特的正义束带 |
"Khassett, one of the more accomplished Crusaders, was known for smithing his own armor in righteous flame believing in efficiency above all else." -Abd al-Hazir |
「凱哈塞特是一位傑出的聖教軍,而他最為人所知的事蹟就是以正義之火親手打造自己的護甲,堅信這麼做才是最有效率的。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Dayntee's Binding |
戴恩堤的束腰 |
但提的束缚 |
Once worn by a steadfast soul with a taste for victory. |
前任主人擁有堅定的心靈,熱愛勝利的滋味。 |
Hergbrash's Binding |
赫伯拉許的束縛 |
赫布拉斯的缠腰 |
“Truly understanding the depth and chaos of the untamed Arcane realm can easily lead to madness — or enlightenment. Which will you choose… or, which will choose you?” — Hergbrash the Mad |
「對深邃與渾沌的秘法世界有著真正了解的話,隨之而來的就是瘋狂…或是開悟。你的選擇是哪一個…抑或是哪個會選上你?」 —瘋人赫伯拉許 |
Kyoshiro's Soul |
京四郎之魂 |
京四郎之魂 |
Kyoshiro felt a great calm come over him after the battle at Xiansai. He closed his eyes and it felt like nothing changed at all. |
京四郎在仙塞之戰過後內心充滿平靜。他只要把雙眼閉上,彷彿一切就從未改變。 |
Zoey's Secret |
柔伊的秘密 |
佐伊的秘密 |
Zoey First-Blood displayed enormous luck on the battlefield, surviving blasts that killed her fellow demon hunters Kairo Nontooth, Aidan Longcollar, and Oliver Manyhair. Only after the Order of Villamar discovered that her belt deflected damage onto her colleagues did she promise to alter it so that damage would not hit those around her. |
柔伊·首殺在戰場上的運氣好到不行,在一場奪走凱洛·無牙、艾丹·長領和奧利佛·多髮等狩魔獵人的爆炸中,只有身為隊長的她存活。但在維拉瑪教團的調查之下,才發現真相是她的腰帶會將傷害反彈到同伴身上。之後她保證會對腰帶做點修改,不再把傷害反彈到她附近的人身上。 |
The Shame of Delsere |
德瑟雷之恥 |
德尔西尼的耻辱 |
Unable to make this belt work with his Magnum Opus, Delsere rejected it out of hand and forbade anyone from using it. Ever. |
德瑟雷沒辦法讓這條腰帶和他的的至高傑作搭配運作,於是馬上就捨棄了它,並且永遠不讓任何人使用這條腰帶。 |
Chain of Shadows |
暗影之鍊 |
暗影之链 |
“Some theorized that hunters like Kunai harnessed the power of shadows to accomplish feats beyond the ken of mere mortals. Preposterous.”- Abd al-Hazir |
「有些人認為庫奈這種獵人能駕馭暗影之力,完成凡人所不及的壯舉。真是可笑至極。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Binding of the Lost |
失蹤者的羈絆 |
失踪者的绑腰 |
All that was ever found of Uliana after her disappearance. |
烏蓮娜消失之後,這是唯一能找到和她相關的物品。 |
Fazula's Improbable Chain |
法祖拉的不可信之鍊 |
法祖拉的不可信之链 |
“Fazula, like many wizards, was obsessed with power. She claimed this belt was crafted by Vyr himself, but I doubt that. Like many, she wanted to benefit from another’s notoriety. What cannot be denied, however, was its effectiveness.” -Abd al-Hazir |
「法祖拉和大多數的秘術師一樣著迷於力量,宣稱這條腰帶是由維爾本人親自打造,但我相當懷疑;法祖拉也像大多數人一樣,希望利用其他人的名聲撈點好處。雖然,我完全無法否定,這樣做所帶來的好處。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Sacred Harness |
神聖鞍帶 |
圣洁束带 |
“Fall upon your enemies like divine retribution from above.” -Elder Crusader Drakon |
「落在敵人之上,就像是上天降下的神聖懲戒。」 —聖教軍長者德拉空 |
Omryn's Chain |
歐林之鍊 |
欧姆瑞的链带 |
“I bought this from an ancient conjurer named Omryn. I believe it traps your enemies while you escape or something? To be honest, I just thought it made me look dangerous. No, the other demon hunters won’t talk to me, why do you ask?”-Darnal of the Wastes |
「我是從一名古老的塑形師歐林手中買下這個腰帶的。我想,當你逃命或者危急的時候,應該能用這個困住你的敵人吧?但老實說,我只覺得這個腰帶讓我看起來蠻危險的。啊,沒有啊,其他狩魔獵人都不願跟我多說。為什麼這樣問?」 —來自荒原的達那爾 |
Blessed of Haull |
豪爾的祝福 |
霍尔的祝福 |
The Crusader Haull traveled with three others; Inhora, Drakon, and Roland. They shared knowledge and wine. While instructing his apprentice in the application of Justice the next day, Haull was struck by an insight, and set to work modifying his belt. |
聖教軍豪爾有三名同行的夥伴:因荷拉、德拉空、和羅蘭,彼此之間共享著知識與美酒。有天正當豪爾在指導學徒施展正義之鎚的訣竅時,他忽然靈光乍現,開始修改他的腰帶。 |
Omnislash |
超究武神霸帶 |
万象皆杀 |
A gift from the Patriarch Seph to Inhora, a crusader who came to the aid of Ivgorod at a crucial time. |
這是瑟夫宗座送給因荷拉的禮物,以答謝這位在重要時刻對伊夫葛洛伸出援手的聖教軍。 |
Haunting Girdle |
魂縈束腰 |
附魂腰带 |
This belt seethes with strange and disturbing magic. It upsets the fine balance between this world and the Unformed Land. To wear this is to tempt the fates. |
這腰帶上糾纏著怪異又令人不安的魔法,打破了這個世界和無形之境之間的平衡。穿上它,就等同於挑釁命運。 |
Belt of Transcendence |
卓越腰帶 |
通冥腰带 |
Witch doctors learned long ago that some spirits wish to visit our world, and that certain materials will act as a beacon to them. |
巫醫們很久以前就知道,某些魂靈想造訪我們的世界。而特定的材質可以當做指引他們的信標。 |
Crashing Rain |
暴雨如注 |
崩天恨雨 |
When it rains, it crashes. |
落雨如崩。 |
Sebor's Nightmare |
瑟伯之夢魘 |
瑟伯的梦魇 |
Sebor's Nightmare can easily make the difference between staying in this land or passing on to the next. For, though highly unlikely, the opening of a chest can have dire results on occasion. |
瑟伯之夢魘可以輕易決定使用者的生死。要知道,雖然這種事情很少見,但有時打開寶箱是會帶來可怕後果的。 |
Hwoj Wrap |
沃賈裹腰 |
沃贾裹腰 |
"The witch doctor was eager to display his martial prowess, and he was especially proud of his enchanted belt, which he claimed gave him great advantage in battle. It was obviously an item of great importance to him and had been in his clan for generations untold." —Abd al-Hazir |
「這個巫醫亟欲炫示自己過人的武藝,而且對自己的魔法腰帶頗感得意。據他所言,這條腰帶讓他在戰鬥中佔盡上風。這東西對他來說顯然非常重要,而且是他族裡秘不外傳的寶物。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Hunter's Wrath |
獵人之怒 |
猎手之怒 |
Your hatred knows no bounds. |
你的憎恨沒有極限。 |
Jang's Envelopment |
揚格之束 |
张的腰封 |
"In desperation, Irtai cast Black Hole. She was surprised when the flesh hunter's movements slowed, allowing her to deliver the killing blow, as she had forgotten she was wearing Jang's Envelopment. Irtai was lucky, but one cannot depend on luck. One must always be aware of the abilities of one's armor, and those of all the other magical items one carries." —Arch Mage Valthek |
「在千鈞一髮之際,娥塔依施放了秘法黑洞。她忘了自己腰上繫著揚格之束,很驚訝地發現血肉獵人的移動速度慢了下來,給了她使出致命一擊的時機。她很幸運,但人可不能光靠運氣。每個人都應該清楚自己身上的裝備有什麼特殊能力,無論是防具還是魔法物品。」 —大法師佛爾瑟克 |
The Witching Hour |
巫異時刻 |
行巫时刻 |
When the moon is full and silence descends upon the land, the hour of magic is upon us. |
月圓夜靜之時,亦是魔力巫異之刻。 |
Harrington Waistguard |
哈靈頓護腰 |
哈林顿的护腰 |
"The thrill of successfully looting a chest makes one feel as if one may conquer any challenge. The Harrington Waistguard turns this feeling of invincibility into a reality." —Lyndon's Tales of Fortune and Glory |
「找到寶物是如此令人心滿意足,覺得自己能克服任何挑戰。而哈靈頓護腰完全把這種所向無敵的感覺化為現實。」 —《林登傳奇:財富與榮耀》 |
Cord of the Sherma |
謝爾曼腰索 |
谢尔曼的缠腰 |
"During battle, confusion quickly gives way to panic, and a frightened enemy is the easiest to defeat." —Rakkis's Strategies of War |
「戰場上,困惑會立即化為慌亂,而驚慌失措的敵人是最不堪一擊的。」 —《拉基斯兵法》 |
"战者,欺敌也。疑兵必乱,乱军必败。" —拉基斯兵法
Angel Hair Braid |
天使髮辮 |
天使发带 |
“Death is preferable to the fate suffered by those who are taken by the Burning Hells, for theirs is an existence of misery and pain. If they could only strike back against those who imprisoned them, they would die contented.” -The Journals of Deckard Cain |
「對那些被烈焰地獄捉走的人而言,死亡是種解脫:在烈焰地獄裡,只有苦痛與折磨。要是能反擊那些囚禁他們的惡魔,他們反而能心滿意足地死去。」 —迪卡·凱恩的日誌 |
Insatiable Belt |
飢貪腰帶 |
贪婪腰带 |
You begin to feel terribly hungry. When did you last eat? |
你開始覺得飢餓難耐。上次吃飯是什麼時候了? |
String of Ears |
長串之耳 |
缠腰耳串 |
A proud fighter displays the ears of those he has slain in battle. |
有些戰士會收集在戰場上所宰殺的敵人的耳朵,串成腰帶展示其本領與豪氣。 |
Sash of Knives |
飛刀束帶 |
飞刀束带 |
“Keep your friends close, and your enemies within dagger throwing range.” Vis-Jaq’taar saying. |
「把朋友留在身邊,把敵人留在飛刀可及的範圍。」 —費斯賈塔諺語 |
Saffron Wrap |
番紅裹腰 |
藏红裹腰 |
Bound according to the precepts of Anrach. |
依照安拉克戒律規定所編製。 |
Razor Strop |
刀鋒磨帶 |
刀锋磨带 |
Encompassing both form and function, this belt keeps your pants up and your blades sharp. |
兼具外形與功能,這條腰帶還能讓你褲子不掉、刀子不鈍。 |
Goldwrap |
黃金裹腰 |
金织带 |
Crafted in the Amaral Mountains by the Kaniuga artisans, its fibers seem to draw gold from the very air. |
由卡奴加工匠在阿瑪羅山所打製的,它的絲線編繩彷彿能從空氣中萃取出黃金。 |
Vigilante Belt |
騎士腰帶 |
行侠腰带 |
He stalked his prey by dark of night, separating the evil ones from their lives. |
剷奸除惡不分晝夜、除暴安良乃我職責。 |
Hellcat Waistguard |
地獄貓護腰 |
女魔护腰 |
Forged in the pits of the Burning Hells using dismembered demons as raw materials. |
用惡魔屍塊當原料,在烈焰地獄深處所鑄造的腰帶。 |
Belt of the Trove |
神兵腰帶 |
宝藏腰带 |
Rumors have persisted for centuries that the crusaders maintain a secret bunker in Kehjistan, filled with ancient relics of unbelievable power. When the need is great, Crusaders are allowed to borrow one of these relics. The existence of this crusader belt would seem to confirm the existence of this bunker. |
傳聞中,聖教軍在卡基斯坦有個秘密的兵器庫,裡面收藏的全是威力驚人的古老神器。這起謠言數百年未散,據說情勢緊迫的時候,聖教軍可以借用裡面的神器。這副聖教軍腰帶,似乎證明了這個兵器庫的存在。 |
Thundergod's Vigor |
雷神之力 |
雷神之力 |
"And the god of thunder struck down transgressors with great fury and vengeance..." —Scrolls of Haroutunian |
「於是,雷神以驚天怒雷轟死了那些逾越者…」 —《哈洛圖寧卷軸》 |
Pride of Cassius |
卡修斯之傲 |
卡修斯的骄傲 |
He moved swiftly and he struck hard. Truly the greatest warrior to have walked the land. |
步若蝶舞、拳如蜂螫,不愧是史上最威猛的戰士。 |
Kotuur's Brace |
寇圖爾的箍帶 |
科图尔的扣带 |
The mighty Kotuur could easily wrestle a thorned hulk to the ground. Some say this belt was the source of his unsurpassed strength. |
威猛有力的寇圖爾能輕易將刺木魔摔倒在地,有人說是這腰帶賦予了他無與倫比的力量。 |
Girdle of Giants |
巨人束腰 |
巨人腰带 |
No belt is too big. Except this one. |
沒有腰帶會嫌太大,除了這個之外。 |
The Undisputed Champion |
冠軍之證 |
无可争辩的勇士 |
Few in this world can truly be called champions. |
冠軍只有一個。 |
Chilanik's Chain |
齊拉尼克之鍊 |
齐拉尼克之链 |
Chilanik forged this belt under specific instructions from Worusk himself. At the height of the Immortal King's powers, most foes fled rather than face him, and this fact vexed Worusk greatly. But Chilanik's Chain allowed Worusk to catch even the swiftest of enemies so he might show them the consequences of challenging the Immortal King or his realm. |
齊拉尼克遵從沃魯斯克的指示,為他量身打造了這條腰帶。在不朽之王的威名如日中天時,敵人大多望風而逃,不敢直攖其鋒,這也令沃魯斯克氣惱不已。而有了齊拉尼克之鍊以後,沃魯斯克來去如風,再迅捷的敵人也逃不出他的手掌心。他更能明明白白地讓敵人知道,膽敢挑戰不朽之王和野蠻人的國度會有什麼下場。 |
Lamentation |
悲慟 |
悲恸 |
Ideal for crushing your enemies and driving them before you. |
最適合拿來痛打敵人、把他們趕在前面。 |
Ageless Might |
永恆之力 |
永恒之力 |
Crafted during the time of the ancients and passed down from chieftain to chieftain since, this belt is a symbol of power among the barbarian tribes. |
這腰帶是在遙遠的古代打造的,由歷任酋長代代相傳,同時也是野蠻人部族間權柄與力量的象徵。 |
Dread Iron |
畏怖鐵塊 |
恐惧铸铁 |
Forged from armor found in the aftermath of the destruction of Mount Arreat. |
以亞瑞特山毀滅現場遺留的護甲重新鍛鑄而成的。 |
Gehennas Skelon's Deceit |
基赫納斯 斯卡倫的狡詐 |
基赫纳斯 斯科隆的欺诈 |
These pants are the result of an unfortunate bargain struck between the demon Skelon and an unwitting human. |
這件長褲源自一個愚蠢的人類與惡魔司卡倫所訂下的不幸約定。 |
Death's Bargain |
死神賭注 |
死神赌注 |
"Rumors persist that these baleful breeches were won from Malthael himself in a game of chance. Though the pants offer a significant advantage in combat, they never cease draining the vitality of those around them, as the unfortunate cardsharp learned only after bringing about the demise of his entire household. It would appear the Angel of Death is a sore loser." —Abd al-Hazir |
「謠言是這樣傳的,這條充滿邪惡能量的褲子是跟瑪瑟爾賭博時,僥倖從他那兒贏來的。雖然這褲子讓人在戰鬥中威力大增,但同時也會從周遭的人身上不斷吸取生命力。很可惜,這位不幸的騙徒直到全家人都死於非命才明白。這樣看起來,歿天使真是個輸不起的狠角色。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan |
楊先生的妖術褲 |
杨先生的妖法裤 |
These pants were part of an elaborate outfit worn by the infamous (and surprisingly stylish) enchanter Mr. Yan while adventuring in Westmarch. Lacking patience, and impulse control, Mr. Yan was always rushing headlong into danger-not a recipe for survival for a spell caster. Being a clever man, though, Mr. Yan designed this garment to turn his weakness into a strength. |
這件褲子是聲名狼藉(但衣著酷帥有型)的附魔師楊先生當年遊歷衛斯馬屈時所穿著的華服。缺乏耐心且衝動行事的楊先生總是一頭栽進險境,這顯然不是法師應有的生存之道。然而,聰明過人的楊先生設計了這件褲子,把自己的劣勢轉為優勢。 |
Defiler Cuisses |
褻瀆護腿 |
亵渎者的护腿 |
Walk as though you are one with the night. |
穿上它,與黑夜合而為一。 |
Golemskin Breeches |
魔像皮褲 |
傀儡大师的马裤 |
Clad in the flesh of a golem, you begin to feel a greater affinity with them. |
把魔像的血肉穿戴在身上以後,感覺和它們的連結又變得更緊密了。 |
Depth Diggers |
深淵挖掘褲 |
深渊挖掘裤 |
Those planning on plumbing the depths of ancient tombs in search of treasure would do well to wear these pants. |
讓深入古墓尋寶的歷程事半功倍。 |
Swamp Land Waders |
沼地跋涉者 |
沼地防水裤 |
Specially crafted to withstand the rigors of the swamp lands. |
特別為適應嚴酷的沼澤地帶而製作。 |
Hammer Jammers |
漢默炫褲 |
汉默长裤 |
Stop! Hammer time. |
停!漢默上場了! |
Pox Faulds |
夸夏仰 |
恶疮马裤 |
Made from the treated skin of plague victims. |
用瘟疫患者的皮作成。 |
Conqueror's Legguards |
征服者的腿甲 |
征服者腿铠 |
Lost Boys Board Walkers |
粗野少年足 海濱行者 |
粗野少年足 甲板行者 |
Well worn, but still sturdy, these boots look as if they have traveled all the lands of Sanctuary many times over. |
這雙靴子看起來好像已經走遍了全聖休亞瑞好幾回,雖然老舊、倒還算紮實耐穿。 |
Nilfur's Boast |
妮爾芙的誇耀 |
尼芙尔的夸耀 |
The Horadrim Nilfur was so accurate in her spellcasting that she could call meteors to land at her feet. |
妮爾芙是赫拉迪姆的一員,她施法精準無比,可以讓召喚而來的隕石準確落在腳邊。 |
Steuart's Greaves |
史都沃特之脛 |
斯图亚特的护胫 |
"Stand your ground firmly enough, and your foes may start to question their own standing." —Steuart the Bold |
「只要站穩腳跟,敵人就會知道自己站錯地方了。」 —驍悍的史都沃特 |
“坚守阵地,打得敌人怀疑人生” —— 莽夫斯图亚特
Bryner's Journey |
布萊納的旅途 |
布莱纳的旅途 |
Though they have seen every corner of Sanctuary, these boots seem ready for another adventure. |
就算踏遍了聖休亞瑞,這雙長靴還是迫不及待想繼續冒險。 |
Conqueror's Sabatons |
征服者的鎧靴 |
征服者钢靴 |
Irontoe Mudsputters |
踏泥鐵頭靴 |
铁头防泥靴 |
"Good, heavy steel. Nice flex around the ankle, good weight in the toes. A solid pair of boots. What, did you need them to sparkle?" —Kormac the Templar |
「紮實沉厚的鋼材,腳踝的靈活度不錯,腳趾這邊的重量也算勻稱,的確是一雙好靴子。什麼?還要閃閃發亮才行?」 —聖堂騎士寇馬可 |
Illusory Boots |
虛幻長靴 |
虚幻长靴 |
These soft leather boots leave no trace, even in the deep sands of the desert, and in addition, serve to muffle the footfalls of their wearer. |
這雙柔軟的皮靴就算在你身陷滾滾黃沙時,也不會留下足跡。除此之外,穿上它,就可以來去無聲。 |
Boots of Disregard |
閒散之靴 |
蔑视长靴 |
"Even idleness can be well spent." —Ancient Caldeum proverb |
「即使賦閒無事,亦可善用其時。」 —古卡爾蒂姆箴言 |
Ice Climbers |
攀冰者 |
攀冰者 |
Worn by the famous explorer Theradonn, known for his sunny disposition. |
知名探險家賽羅登穿過的鞋子,據說他是個開朗友善的人。 |
Fire Walkers |
踏火行靴 |
踏焰长靴 |
Tradition has it that these boots were forged in the heart of the great Challsop Volcano. |
根據傳統,這種靴子都是在查索普火山裡鑄造出來的。 |
Rivera Dancers |
李維拉的舞鞋 |
里维拉的舞鞋 |
Everyone wishes they were as cool as the person wearing these boots. |
每個人都希望能和這雙鞋的主人一樣酷。 |
Boj Anglers |
柏貞格之靴 |
博伊安格的舞靴 |
Do not overlook the importance of a good boot. |
別小看了一雙好靴子的重要。 |
Lut Socks |
拉特索克之靴 |
掳宝长靴 |
Southal of Lut Bahadur crafted these boots in order to reach high, open windows to make his thieving easier. He was last seen disappearing into the night in the claws of a large carrion bat. |
魯巴哈多的紹索爾製作了這雙靴子助他跳上高處的窗口,以利行竊。他最後一次被人看見的時候,是被一隻巨大的食腐蝙蝠攫著,然後就此消失在夜色裡。 |
The Crudest Boots |
粗糙至極靴 |
粗糙至极靴 |
You've got to mind those feets. |
當心你的腳下。 |
Ancestors' Grace |
先祖恩眷 |
先人之佑 |
"This unique amulet was originally found on a dead necromancer before being brought to Khalim, the Que-Hegan. It was he who named it, after his archbishops and their philosophers finally divined its powers. I often wonder why Khalim did not use it himself when he was mortally wounded, before being dismembered by his corrupted High Council." —Abd al-Hazir |
「這枚獨一無二的護身符原本是從一名死去的死靈法師身上發現的,後來才被呈獻給撒卡蘭姆教宗克林姆。經過大主教和賢者的鑑定,教宗親自為這枚擁有強大力量的護身符命名。我經常在想,為什麼教宗在遭到腐敗的最高議會重創命危,甚至慘遭分屍的前夕,卻沒有戴上它來保護自己呢。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Haunt of Vaxo |
維索的陰魂 |
瓦索的阴魂 |
"The great sorcerer Vaxo of Kehjan did not actually die in the Mage Clan Wars. In reality, he was imprisoned where all mages with shattered minds are, the Bitter Depths beneath Caldeum's Yshari Sanctum. Vaxo's famous amulet is said to have been smuggled out of there, but that is patently impossible. Once inside, no one ever leaves the Bitter Depths." —Abd al-Hazir |
「偉大的卡基法師維索並未在魔法派系之戰中喪生,他和其他神智錯亂的法師們被囚禁在同一個地方,也就是卡爾蒂姆伊沙利聖殿底下的苦澀深淵。根據傳言,知名的維索護身符已被偷運出來、輾轉流落到他方,但這根本就不可能。只要一進苦澀深淵,就再也沒有出路了。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Hellfire Amulet of Strength |
獄火妖符 - 力量 |
力量之地狱火护符 |
Hellfire Amulet |
獄火妖符 |
地狱火护符 |
The Hellfire Amulet is truly a badge of dedication to those who, at great cost to themselves, have sworn their lives to eradicating the demon scourge from the lands of Sanctuary. |
獄火妖符是犧牲奉獻的至高象徵,只有那些不惜犧牲自己、賭上性命消滅那些肆虐聖休亞瑞之妖魔的英雄,才有資格擁有。 |
Wisdom of Kalan |
卡蘭之睿 |
卡兰的智慧 |
"All we know may yet come to a great and terrible end if we do not intervene." —Excerpt from the Books of Kalan |
「若冷眼旁觀任平衡傾覆,宇宙萬象皆有滅亡之危。」 —節錄自《卡蘭之書》 |
“如果我们不加以干预,所有人熟知的一切都将万劫不复。” —— 摘自《卡兰之书》
Haunted Visions |
觀靈符 |
鬼灵面容 |
The spirits of the dead are never far. Search for them only a little, and they shall appear. |
亡者的靈魂從來不曾遠去,只要肯尋找,必能尋獲。 |
The Johnstone |
喬斯頓之石 |
约翰之石 |
The stone in the center of the amulet glimmers with unfathomable power and potential. |
護身符正中央的寶石不斷閃爍,散發著力量與無限潛能。 |
Hellfire Amulet of Dexterity |
獄火妖符 - 敏捷 |
敏捷之地狱火护符 |
Xephirian Amulet |
賽菲里安護符 |
赛飞利安护符 |
Some say Xephiria is but a myth, a fanciful place that never existed. The power of this amulet says otherwise. |
有人說賽菲里安只是個美麗的傳說,那地方根本不存在。而這護身符的力量即是它存在的證明。 |
Mara's Kaleidoscope |
馬拉的萬花筒 |
玛拉的万花筒 |
Spoken of in hushed tones in the halls of the Yshari Sanctum, the kaleidoscope is one of the most coveted magical items in existence. |
這只萬花筒是世人最夢寐以求的寶物,亦是伊沙利聖殿裡人人低語相詢的傳說法器。 |
The Star of Azkaranth |
阿卡蘭斯之星 |
阿兹卡兰之星 |
Imbued with Azkaranth's immense powers with his dying breath. |
阿卡蘭斯以臨死前的最後一口氣,將他強大的力量灌注於此。 |
Ouroboros |
銜尾蛇 |
轮回之蛇 |
"All energy flows from and returns to the eternal source." —Archmage Kang |
「所有能量皆流自永恆之源,亦終流歸永恆之源。」 —大法師康恩 |
Kymbo's Gold |
金寶的金牌 |
金宝的金牌 |
The great merchant Abd al-Kymbo commissioned this amulet, believing that health and wealth should be synonymous. Alas, he did not realize how much time he would spend on his knees picking up single coins, and soon abandoned the practice. |
大富商阿布杜·艾金波找人製作了這條項鍊,認為健康與財富應該是一體兩面。然而,他沒料到跪在地上把金幣一枚枚撿起來得花上那麼多的時間,於是很快就放棄了。 |
The Flavor of Time |
逝水年華 |
时光流韵 |
This garish amulet, once worn by an over large imp, makes time an insignificant thing. |
這個誇張的護身符曾戴在一隻黑黑胖胖的魔嬰身上,讓時間失去了意義。 |
Hellfire Amulet of Intelligence |
獄火妖符 - 智力 |
智力之地狱火护符 |
Holy Beacon |
神聖信標 |
圣灯 |
"Turn away from evil. Let not the foul darkness engulf the Light within you." —Akarat |
「背離邪道,莫讓黑暗吞沒內心的光明。」 —阿卡拉特 |
Talisman of Aranoch |
亞拉挪奇護符 |
埃拉诺克护身符 |
The heat of the blazing desert protects one from the cold. |
來自熾熱沙漠的高溫,讓人不受冰寒所侵。 |
Rondal's Locket |
羅達爾的墜盒 |
隆达尔的坠匣 |
"To Rondal—When you carry this, you carry my heart. Love always, Marta." |
「羅達爾:戴上它,就像帶著我心與你同在。永遠愛你的瑪塔。」 |
Eye of Etlich |
艾利曲之眼 |
艾利奇之眼 |
Originally pulled from a frozen corpse on the slopes of Mount Arreat, the eye seethes with the magic of a dozen sorcerers. |
原本是在亞瑞特山某具冰凍的屍體上發現的,護身符上的眼睛隱隱散發出十多位法師的魔力。 |
Squirt's Necklace |
阿扭的項鍊 |
斯奎特的项链 |
An unassuming chunk of stone covered with runes. The name of Kantwirt, the ancient god of thieves, is scratched onto its back. |
一塊毫不起眼的小石頭,但上頭卻寫滿了神秘的符文,而且背面還刻著古老賊神「坎維特」的名字。 |
Halcyon's Ascent |
赫爾希恩之飛升 |
赫西恩之飞升 |
"Raise your weapon, raise your weapon... and it's over." —Halcyon |
「舉起武器,舉起武器…然後一切就結束了。」 —赫爾希恩 |
Rakoff's Glass of Life |
拉寇夫的生命之鏡 |
拉科夫的吸魂镜 |
Rakoff was a simple layman scribe who studied the ways and fighting technique of the monks extensively before creating an item to draw out the life force of a defeated enemy. |
在做出這個能從手下敗將身上吸收生命能量的神秘物品之前,拉寇夫只是一個勤於研習武僧之道和戰鬥技巧的平凡書吏。 |
Moonlight Ward |
月光之護 |
月光护符 |
"The moonlight shrouds the warrior who walks with the spirits." —Darweshi, Knower of the Clan of the Seven Stones |
「月光照耀與眾靈同行的戰士。」 —達威西,七石族博知長老 |
Dovu Energy Trap |
多孚的巫能陷阱 |
多弗的法能陷阱 |
"Those unaware of the true nature of the world are unable to keep their spirits from being used against them." —Dovu, the Tribe of the Clouded Valley |
「那些不明白世界本質的人,無法保證自己的魂靈不受敵人利用。」 —雲谷族的多孚 |
Overwhelming Desire |
強慾 |
妄念 |
Enticing dreams flicker in and out of the surface of this serpentine pendant. |
這枚蛇形墜飾閃動著蠱惑人心的慾念。 |
Golden Gorget of Leoric |
李奧瑞克的黃金護頸 |
李奥瑞克的黄金护颈 |
Despite the powerful enchantments upon it, this ornate piece of armor nonetheless failed to stop noble Lachdanan from ending the life of the Mad King. |
儘管這件護具附有強大的魔法,仍然無法阻止高貴的騎士拉克達南終結狂君的性命。 |
The Ess of Johan |
精髓護符 |
兵要护符 |
"A variation on the retreat and ambush stratagem uses the Ess of Johan most effectively. First, send out a small group of soldiers to confront the enemy and create the appearance of being overwhelmed. When they retreat, the enemy will follow to finish them off. Just as the pursuing force realizes it's been led into a trap, employ the artifact to deny its escape." —Rakkis's Strategies of War |
「精髓護符的特殊魔法,可以讓誘敵伏擊的戰術發揮得更淋漓盡致。所謂上兵伐謀,正是此意。首先,派出一小隊士兵與敵人交鋒,營造寡不敵眾的假象。這隊士兵撤退時,敵軍會乘勝追擊,這時就可以誘敵深入。在敵軍發現這是陷阱時,使用這個護符,讓他們無處可逃。」 —《拉基斯兵法》 |
Countess Julia's Cameo |
伯爵夫人茱莉亞的雕飾項鍊 |
茱莉雅女爵的雕饰项链 |
"Countess Julia attempted to put down the Cartolus Insurrection with her own personal guard, in an attempt to impress Justinian III. The effort failed miserably, as her guard was slaughtered and the uprising spread. Only the countess's enchanted cameo enabled her to survive this folly. It did not save her life, however, as King Justinian was so displeased, he had her tortured and then executed." —The History of Westmarch |
「伯爵夫人茱莉亞為了讓加斯提安三世對自己刮目相看,想靠私人護衛平息卡特羅斯叛亂事件。這次行動可說是一敗塗地,護衛慘死,叛亂卻越演越烈。伯爵夫人自己,也是靠著具有魔法力量的雕飾項鍊,才沒有在這場鬧劇中送命。不過項鍊救得了她一時,卻救不了她一世,加斯提安國王勃然大怒,下令對她施以酷刑,再當眾處死。」 —《衛斯馬屈的歷史》 |
Hellfire Ring |
獄火妖戒 |
地狱火戒指 |
Crafted of trophies ripped from vanquished foes, none can deny the bravery of a hero who wears a Hellfire Ring. |
由擊敗的強敵身上奪來的戰利品製作而成,無人能夠否定戴上獄火妖戒之英雄的勇武氣魄。 |
Lornelle's Sunstone |
羅涅爾的太陽石 |
洛奈的太阳石 |
Forged to protect a loved one, this ring gleams with its own perfect light. |
為了保護愛人所鑄,此戒閃爍著完美無瑕的光芒。 |
Krysbin's Sentence |
克里斯賓的判決 |
克里斯宾的审判 |
"How curious. The day we cross paths is also the day of your passing."—Necromancer Krysbin |
「真巧啊,我們相遇的那一天正好是你的死期。」 —死靈法師克里斯賓 |
“真是奇妙。我们偶遇之日,便是你死去之时。” 死灵法师克里斯宾
Briggs' Wrath |
布里葛斯之怒 |
布里格斯之怒 |
"Let fear strike my enemies in the moment of their greatest weakness. Let their suffering embalm them as death comes." —Passage from the Prayer of Briggs |
「願我的仇敵在脆弱之時深感恐懼,死亡之際以苦痛裹屍。」 —節錄自《布里葛斯禱言》 |
“让敌人在最脆弱之时溺毙在自己的恐惧中。让他们在死亡降临时沉浸在苦难的熏香中。” —— 节选自《布里格斯的祷文》
Circle of Nailuj's Evol |
安利茱指環 |
奈鲁维的轮回 |
Like the Great Cycle of Being, this ring has no beginning and no end. Named for its owner, the Master Necromancer Nailuj, it has aided many in their trials, and has been eagerly sought ever since. |
這枚戒指以主人為名,外型宛如生死輪迴,沒有起點,沒有終點。原為死靈上師安利茱所有,幫助安利茱通過了無數考驗,是許多人夢寐以求的寶物。 |
Elusive Ring |
捉摸不定之戒 |
残影之戒 |
You are harder to hit when you can’t be found. |
如果他們找不到你,那當然也打不中你。 |
Ring of Emptiness |
空虛之戒 |
空虚之戒 |
The warriors of the Teganze believe that every being senses the Unformed Land waiting for them, whether they realize it or not. This band can disrupt that connection, resulting in an emptiness that rivals even the most excruciating physical pain. |
特干澤的戰士認為世間萬物,無論有沒有自覺,都能感受無形之境的呼喚。這個指環能阻斷那連結,所造成的空虛感足以和最劇烈的肉體痛楚相比。 |
Convention of Elements |
元素嘉年華 |
全能法戒 |
Long ago, a great conclave of mage-smiths convened during a blizzard to channel their collective energy into a single artifact, forging a powerful ring that bestowed upon the wielder mastery over all of the elements. |
很久以前,有群魔法工匠在一場暴風雪中集會,將他們的魔力匯聚灌注到一件法器上,打造出一枚強大的戒指,能讓戴上它的人掌控所有元素之力。 |
Halo of Arlyse |
亞莉絲的冰環 |
阿莱斯之环 |
Frostsmith Arlyse labored on the glacier for many months, seeking to harness the power of deep winter. In the spring, her tribe found her frozen corpse a short distance from her camp, holding this ring up to the heavens. |
寒冰工匠亞莉絲在寒風刺骨的冰川上鑄造了好幾個月,希望能鑽研出駕馭寒冬之力的方法。當春天來臨時,她的族民在她的營地不遠處發現她被凍僵的屍體,而屍體手上高舉的正是這枚戒指。 |
Unity |
團結 |
团结 |
A symbol of peace, love and togetherness for all mankind. Also good for leaving an imprint on someone's head. |
人類和平、愛與團結的象徵,也適合用來在敵人的頭上留下印記。 |
Stone of Jordan |
喬丹之石 |
乔丹之石 |
The Stone of Jordan is far more valuable than its appearance would suggest. Men have given much to possess it. |
喬丹之石比外表看起來的有價值多了,許多人付出高昂代價要擁有它。 |
Oculus Ring |
核眼之戒 |
神目指环 |
The eye of the one god blesses those who seek it out. |
真神之眼庇護那些追尋它的人。 |
Skull Grasp |
骷髏扣戒 |
骷髅扣戒 |
Unscrupulous merchants have often duplicated this much sought-after ring to sell to the unwary. |
不擇手段的商人經常仿造這枚搶手貨來賣給不知情的顧客。 |
Krede's Flame |
克雷德之焰 |
克雷德之焰 |
"Drink in the fire of life, great warrior." —Duke Krede |
「恣飲生命之焰吧,偉大的戰士。」 —克雷德公爵 |
Band of Hollow Whispers |
空洞低語之戒 |
空灵密语之戒 |
The mutterings of souls trapped within the ring grow louder as their power is drained with each spell cast by the wearer. |
穿戴者每施展一道法術都能吸取戒中魂靈的力量,魂靈的咒怨聲於是便更加響亮。 |
Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band |
布爾凱索的婚戒 |
布尔凯索的婚戒 |
Forged in the city of Harrogath to commemorate a day sacred to the barbarians. |
在哈洛加斯城中鑄造,以紀念野蠻人的神聖之日。 |
Eternal Union |
永世相守 |
永恒盟约 |
“The guardians of the righteous cleave to those whose existence is a virtuous one.” -The Precepts of Akkhan |
「正義的守護者,效忠於追求正道之人。」 —阿卡拉特戒律 |
Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac |
黃道之黑曜石戒 |
黄道黑曜石之戒 |
Many an adventurer met his doom searching for this fabled ring in the catacombs beneath the Zakarum cathedral in Tristram. |
許多冒險家到崔斯特姆舊撒卡蘭姆教堂的地下墓穴尋找這枚傳說中的戒指,但他們下場多半都很悽慘。 |
Justice Lantern |
正義燈戒 |
正义灯戒 |
Once worn by the self-appointed guardians of Sanctuary, who were said to feel no fear. |
曾由一群自命為聖休亞瑞守護者的俠士所戴,據說他們都是無畏無懼的超人。 |
Puzzle Ring |
連環戒 |
机械指环 |
Clearly the product of an ingenious and befuddling mind, this ring has interlocking pieces that rotate and shift to reveal strange glowing patterns. Every configuration reveals a different magical property. |
匠心獨具的戒指,由好幾個部位連結起來,旋轉移動便顯出奇異的光芒。每種組合都具有各自的魔法屬性。 |
Broken Promises |
破碎誓言 |
破碎誓言 |
A great melancholy has been known to strike those who wear this ring. Archaic hieroglyphs inscribed on its band tell a tale of unrelenting heartbreak and sorrow. |
據說戴上這枚戒指的人都會感到異常憂愁。指環上所刻的古代象形文字記載著一段令人肝腸寸斷的傷心往事。 |
Band of Might |
強壯指環 |
力量指环 |
"Seems designed to reduce damage, but I’m not sure how it works. Obviously, it failed its previous owner. Hopefully it will work better for you." —Haedrig |
「看起來似乎是用來降低傷害,不過我不確定運作原理,但顯然它讓前一個主人失望了。希望它在你身上能派上用場。」 —海德格 |
Halo of Karini |
卡里尼的雷環 |
卡丽娜之环 |
"See the man dance! Oh, wait, my lightning is making him do that." -Karini the Wizard. |
「看啊,那個人在跳舞!噢,等等,他是被我的閃電害的。」 —秘術師卡里尼 |
Leoric's Signet |
李奧瑞克的印璽 |
李奥瑞克的玺戒 |
King Leoric had hoped to pass along the symbol of his family's noble lineage to his first son before they met an unfortunate fate. |
在家族沉淪之前,李奧瑞克王曾想將這枚象徵高貴血統的戒指傳給長子。 |
Nagelring |
拿各的戒指 |
纳格尔之戒 |
Crafted by a mad sorcerer during his long imprisonment within the bitter labyrinths of the Black Obelisk of Vyr. |
由一位長久被監禁在維爾的黑方尖塔殘酷迷宮內的瘋狂巫師所製。 |
Arcstone |
弧石戒指 |
弧光石 |
Robbers plundering an ancient tomb near Westmarch discovered forty-two skeletons laid out in repose, each wearing one of these rings. Their origins and creators have been lost to the ages, but the Arcstone rings have returned. |
強盜洗劫了衛斯馬屈附近的一座古墓,發現了四十二具妥善安置的骷髏,而且每個手上都戴著這種戒指。打造戒指的工匠和打造它們的原因都在時間的洪流當中消失了,唯有弧石戒指重見天日。 |
在威斯特玛附近洗劫一处古墓的盗墓贼,发现了 42 具长眠于地下的骷髅,每具骷髅手上都戴着一枚这样的戒指。虽然这些戒指的来源和打造者早已失落无考,但是弧光石指环终于重见天日。
The Short Man's Finger |
小魔人之指 |
小魔人之指 |
This finger belonged to an Umbaru priest who had lost his legs and would summon smaller gargantuans to carry him to rituals. Although he has long since gone to Mbwiru Eikura, his finger remains a conduit to his strange practices. |
這根指頭的主人是一位失去了雙腿的安巴魯祭司,他會召喚身型較小的巨屍送他去參加祭祀儀式。雖然他早已去了姆威魯·埃庫拉,他的指頭卻還遺留在人世,見證他的奇特行徑。 |
Pandemonium Loop |
混沌界環 |
混沌之环 |
"Wishing to sow fear among the angelic defenders of the Pandemonium Fortress, Diablo gifted this ring to Iskatu, who used it to great effect in his battles against the Host. Its power could not sway Imperius, however, and the ring was lost along with Iskatu's arm before the demon could flee the field of battle." —Deckard Cain |
「為了在混沌界要塞的天使守衛之中散播恐懼的種子,迪亞布羅將這枚戒指賜給伊斯卡圖,使其在對抗天使軍團時如虎添翼。但戒指的力量傷不了英普瑞斯,而且在伊斯卡圖還來不及逃離戰場時,手臂就被砍斷了,戒指也隨之不知所蹤。」 —迪卡·凱恩 |
Avarice Band |
貪婪指環 |
贪婪之戒 |
"A great demon lounged against stacks of treasure as his minions delivered more and more goods unto him. Gold, gems, and exquisite weapons fell at his feet, but still, he demanded more." – Excerpt from the scrolls of Malzakam |
「有個惡魔懶洋洋地倚著成堆的寶藏,他的手下不斷呈上四處蒐羅的寶物。金子、珠寶和精心打造的武器不停地送到他面前,但他總是貪得無饜。」 —摘錄自瑪爾札坎的卷軸 |
Ring of Royal Grandeur |
皇家華戒 |
皇家华戒 |
"Contemporary accounts say the Mad King's ring was a wonder to behold, its many jewels glinting like stars in the firmament." —Abd al-Hazir |
「當時的記載說狂君的寶戒璀璨得令人無法直視,眾多珠寶閃耀的光輝可與天穹群星媲美。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Band of the Rue Chambers |
悔恨廳室之戒 |
悔恨大厅之戒 |
"Rue chambers are rooms within templar strongholds where penitents are reeducated through the harshest of means. Here, they renounce their past sins and give their lives over to the cause of the Zakarum. The zealous faith engendered by scourge and whip in the rue chambers were captured in this ring, forged from barbs that once mortified the flesh of early converts to the order." —Abd al-Hazir |
「悔恨廳室位於聖堂騎士團的秘密據點,新進的聖堂騎士在這裡經由一連串的酷刑懺悔前愆、改頭換面。他們棄絕過往的罪行,改信撒卡蘭姆。種種鞭笞、酷刑所造就的狂熱信仰,就蘊藏在這只戒指當中:這只由折辱過往懺悔者的刑具所鑄成的悔恨廳室之戒。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Gamuel's Deceit |
加謬的詭計 |
加缪尔的欺骗 |
This ring was once worn by a priest who paid for a great betrayal with death. |
這枚戒指曾戴在一位因背叛而付出死亡代價的牧師手上。 |
Rechel's Ring of Larceny |
瑞榭兒的竊盜之戒 |
瑞秋的行窃之戒 |
Rechel, a prominent member of Kingsport's Thieves Guild, may not have been the stealthiest cutpurse, but thanks in part to this ring, she was never caught by the authorities. |
瑞榭兒是國王港盜賊公會裡的佼佼者,她或許還稱不上人莫能窺其用、鬼莫能躡其蹤,但拜這枚戒指所賜,她從來不曾失風被捕。 |
Rogar's Huge Stone |
羅加的巨寶石 |
罗嘉的巨石 |
The history of the large azure gem set in this ring is unknown. Some scholars surmise it was crafted by the ancient nephalem using techniques now lost, while others believe it was fashioned from the crystallized blood of Anu himself. Regardless of its origin, the gem acts as a lodestone for arcane power, drawing it in, and then focuses it through its facets to heal the ring's wearer. |
這枚鑲在指環上的碧藍寶石體積龐大,其來歷已無從考究。有些學者推測這是出自上古涅法雷姆之手,其工藝已經失傳,也有學者認為這是艾努之血的結晶。無論由來為何,這枚寶石能吸引秘法能量,蘊藏起來以後再透過寶石的切面結構將能量聚焦,治療戴著這枚指環的人。 |
Wyrdward |
命運戒護 |
命运守护 |
This ring was crudely crafted by a barbarian wise woman from the fulgurite left behind after a lightning strike. It still possessed a strong connection to the force that birthed it, and the wise woman used its power to strengthen her own magics in order to defend her tribe from Westmarch invaders. |
這枚戒指是一名野蠻人女智者從雷擊形成的熔岩而粗略製成,其中還蘊含著當初創生此戒的天雷之力。這位女智者利用這股力量強化自己的法術,藉此保護自己的部落,抵禦來自衛斯馬屈的入侵。 |
The Tall Man's Finger |
巨魔人之指 |
巨魔人之指 |
This finger was severed from the hand of an Umbaru priest who crossed over to Mbwiru Eikura in search of knowledge and came back... changed. Before the unclean phantasm was finally slain, he evinced great power over the dead, and this metal-plated digit still possesses some of that power. |
這截指頭是從一名安巴魯祭司手上砍下來的,他曾前往姆威魯·埃庫拉探求知識,但回來時卻…起了變化。這個邪惡的妖魔在臨死前展現出操控死者的強大力量,而這截包覆著金屬的斷指仍然蘊含著部份的魔力。 |
Manald Heal |
瑪那得的治療 |
马纳德的治疗 |
Crafted by the healers of Viz-jun to protect their warriors from harm. |
費斯究的醫者所鑄,保佑戰士不受傷害。 |
Wall of Bone Wall of Man |
骸骨之牆 屍身之牆 |
白骨墙 尸墙 |
Named for the Battle of Josqueira, a conflict so long and fierce that men used the skeletons of their fallen comrades to build fortifications. |
為紀念喬斯奎拉之役而命名。那場戰事既漫長又慘烈,倒下的士兵人數多到足以用其骨骸來修築防禦工事。 |
Coven's Criterion |
欺敵滅界 |
巫师会的准则 |
By bearing the arms of your enemy, you risk surrendering that which divides you from your foe. |
拿著屬於敵人的兵器,就等於放棄了敵我之分的界線。 |
Vo'Toyias Spiker |
沃托亞斯刺盾 |
沃托亚的刺盾 |
The demon smith Vo'Toyias designed this shield to inflict great injury upon those daring to attack its bearer. The wicked brass spikes that bristle along the shield's surface make it a formidable weapon in its own right, however, allowing its wielder to make deadly counterattacks. |
惡魔鍛造師沃托亞斯精心設計了這面盾牌,使膽敢攻擊持盾者的人必受重創。盾牌表面森然豎立的黃銅尖刺使它成為令人悚懼的武器,持盾者可以對敵人造成致命的反擊。 |
Eberli Charo |
埃伯利加羅 |
艾伯力·卡罗 |
When their caravans are threatened, the Vecin will supplement their meager weapons and armor with whatever materials they have on hand. This unremarkable wooden shield has been adorned with countless charms and enchantments meant to protect its wielder, from the magical silk that has been wrapped around its surface to the glowing pendants and jingling mystical trinkets that dangle from the shield's rim. |
當行旅車隊的安全受到威脅時,維欽人會毫不猶豫地舉起手中的武器,就算只是一堆破銅爛鐵。這面平凡無奇的木盾上施加了不計其數的咒語和附魔,用來保護拿盾的人。從纏裹著盾牌表面的魔法絲線到盾牌邊緣掛著的閃亮吊墜和叮噹作響的飾物,都蘊藏了魔法力量。 |
Defender of Westmarch |
衛斯馬屈之禦 |
威斯特玛防御者 |
This aged, wolf-crested shield bears scars from hundreds of battles. It was presented to the original Knight Commander of Westmarch by King Korsikk as the first official act after his coronation. Since then, it has been borne by many of the order's greatest heroes, and its bearer is accorded all the respect such a badge of honor deserves. |
這面飾有狼徽的古老盾牌,因為經歷了千百場戰鬥而斲痕斑斑。柯斯克王把它賜給首任衛斯馬屈騎兵指揮官,作為加冕儀式後的第一個封典。從此之後,這面盾牌伴隨著騎兵團的無數精銳出生入死,歷任持有人也將其視為象徵至高尊榮的勳章。 |
Stormshield |
暴風之盾 |
暴风之盾 |
Ashusk had never seen metal like this before. It seemed to be charged with the power of the thundering sky, repelling all attacks against it. |
阿舒思克從未見過這樣的金屬,彷彿蓄滿九天雷電的神力,能擊退一切攻擊。 |
Ivory Tower |
象牙塔 |
象牙塔 |
This shield hums with the Song of the Arch. |
這面盾隱隱鳴唱著聖拱之歌。 |
Lidless Wall |
警戒之牆 |
警戒之墙 |
Created by the followers of Rathma, favored by practitioners of magic. |
拉斯瑪的追隨者所造,使用魔法的人都愛用的盾。 |
Freeze of Deflection |
折射成冰 |
折射成冰 |
Ice is surprisingly resilient. |
堅冰出人意表地具有韌性。 |
Denial |
阻絕者 |
不破之钢 |
A veritable wall of wood and iron denying those who would seek to do you harm. |
名副其實的銅牆鐵壁,擋下所有意圖傷害你的敵人。 |
Bitterness Spite |
悲苦 惡怨 |
苦痛 恶念 |
You hold your enemy's future in your hand. |
敵人的未來掌握在你的手裡。 |
Homunculus |
魔胎 |
小鬼符 |
The severed head of a homunculus is the source of much power for a knowledgeable witch doctor. |
對經驗老到的巫醫來說,割下的魔胎頭顱是豐沛力量的泉源。 |
Henri's Perquisition |
亨利的追尋 |
亨利的永恒追捕 |
The enchanter Yanashima hired the famous craftsman Paul of Westmarch to help her create a mojo of great power. At a critical moment, Paul’s cat Henri leapt into the mix, deep in pursuit of a mouse. Now an inseparable part of the mojo, Henri is said to be eternally searching for that mouse, which has never been seen since. |
附魔師梁島女士雇用了知名的工匠:衛斯馬屈的保羅,來協助她製造強大的咒物。亨利是保羅的貓,就在關鍵時刻,牠在專心追逐老鼠的時候跳進了混合物裡,永久成為了咒物的一部分。我們可以說亨利會一直找著那隻老鼠,但從來沒有人真正見過那隻老鼠就是了。 |
Uhkapian Serpent |
尤卡匹毒蛇 |
尤卡班毒蛇 |
The uhkapian serpent's venom weakens the veil between this world and the Unformed Land. |
尤卡匹毒蛇的毒液削弱了無形之境與這個世界之間的藩籬。 |
Wilken's Reach |
威爾肯之觸 |
维尔根之触 |
"I studied the relationship between the Umbaru and the dead. And it is safe to say that their grasp matches their reach." -High Scholar Wilken |
「我研究了安巴魯族和死者之間的關聯性。而保守來說,他們的理解和觸及的範圍一樣既深且廣。」 —高階學者威爾肯 |
Thing of the Deep |
深淵魔物 |
深渊魔物 |
A terrifying being spawned from the primordial depths. To gaze upon it is enough to drive one mad. Currently disguised as a frog. |
生自太初深淵的可怕魔物,光是凝視它便足以使人發狂。目前它只是偽裝成蛙的外貌。 |
Vile Hive |
兇邪蟲巢 |
邪恶虫巢 |
"Who sees an oozing, vermin-filled nest hanging from a branch and says, 'That is exactly what I was hoping to carry around all day'?" —Lyndon the Scoundrel |
「誰會在看到樹上掛著滿是害蟲、流著毒液的蟲巢時說:『這就是我想整天帶著到處走的東西』啊?」 —盜賊林登 |
Sorrowful Countenance |
艾希菈的愁容 |
悲伤仪容 |
The severed head of Asylla, wife to King Leoric, makes up this gory mojo. Following her beheading, Queen Asylla's remains miraculously did not decay, apparent proof that she was a pure soul wrongly executed. The queen's bitter confusion about the circumstances of her death remain forever etched on her features, and those who see her vacant stare often find themselves transfixed by it. |
李奧瑞克王的王后,艾希菈的首級造就了這個血腥咒物。在遭到斬首之後,艾希菈王后的屍身奇蹟似地維持不朽不腐,足以證明這純潔的靈魂蒙上了不白之冤。在她死後,痛苦而惶惑的心緒仍在她臉上表露無遺,凡是被她空洞眼神凝視的人,都因驚恐而無法動彈。 |
Shukrani's Triumph |
舒可拉妮的勝利 |
舒克拉尼的胜利 |
The inhuman organ set into the center of this mojo once belonged to the demon Zagraal. At the end of a titanic battle during which all of her fellows were slain, the surviving witch doctor carved the still-beating heart from the fallen demon. Mounting it in a spirit cage, Shukrani harnessed the dark power of the heart that she might stride the realm of Mbwiru Eikura unchallenged. |
這個咒物中央所鑲的,是惡魔札戈拉爾醜惡不堪的心臟。在一場慘烈的戰役中,巫醫舒可拉妮所有的同伴都死於敵人之手,只有她一個人倖存。她打倒了札戈拉爾,把他仍在跳動的心臟挖了出來。她將心臟嵌入魂靈牢籠之中,駕馭了這股強大的黑暗力量,讓她得以穿梭於姆威魯·埃庫拉之中。 |
Gazing Demise |
滅亡凝視 |
观死 |
The eyes of fallen warriors peer into the darkness to see what you cannot. |
陣亡戰士的雙眼凝視黑暗,見你所未能見的事物。 |
Singularity Cosmic Strand |
特異點 宇宙縮影 |
一元宝珠 宇宙缩影 |
Holds the secret to existence for those who can decipher its intricate design. |
能辨識其精妙設計的人,將知悉生命的奧秘。 |
The Oculus |
核瞳 |
法瞳 |
This orb was purported to be the eye of a giant, magical sea creature, but it was actually painstakingly crafted, layer upon layer, by the grand mage Ethad five hundred years before the time of the Horadrim. |
傳說這顆法珠是一隻海洋巨獸的眼珠,其實它是在赫拉迪姆兄弟會成立前的五百年,由大法師伊桑德費盡心思,一層一層雕琢出來。 |
Triumvirate |
三連寶球 |
三元宝珠 |
The Triumvirate is composed of the three basic elements of creation. |
三連寶球是由自然界的三種基礎元素所組成。 |
Winter Flurry |
寒冬疾風 |
寒流 |
The power of the cold death of winter is not something to be taken lightly. |
不要輕視寒冬凍創的威力。 |
Gul'dan's Secret |
古爾丹的秘密 |
古尔丹的秘密 |
Heart of Darkness |
黑暗之心 |
黑暗之心 |
"Within the breast of every human on Sanctuary lies a mote of pure darkness, proof of the breed’s demonic parentage. I suspect there may be a way to draw out that evil and contain it. Of course, the process is fatal, but I propose death is infinitely preferable to the life of doubt, rage, and confusion this darkness engenders." —Author Unknown, Armis Mortem |
「每個聖休亞瑞的人類,胸腔裡都藏著一顆微塵似的黑暗之心,那是惡魔血脈綿延不絕的鐵證。我在想,或許有什麼辦法能把這股邪惡力量引出來,並加以儲藏。當然,這過程足以致命,但我認為比起這黑暗之力所帶來的質疑、躁怒和困惑,死亡絕對是更好的出路。」 —《致命武器》,作者不詳 |
Orb of Infinite Depth |
無盡深淵法珠 |
无尽深渊法珠 |
“There were three - Borax the barbarian, Patel the wizard, and Zatheria the demon hunter. They drew on their unwavering bond to each other to keep from falling to the twisted lord and his minions. Tired, cornered, and near death, they readied themselves for their final assault.” - Chronicles of the North |
「從前曾經有三位英雄:野蠻人波瑞斯、秘術師帕提爾、狩魔獵人札瑟利亞。他們仰賴著彼此之間的堅定信任,抵抗瘋王和他的手下。即使疲憊不堪、傷痕累累,面臨著無路可退的絕境,他們依然毫無退縮,奮戰到最後一刻。」 —《北方記事》 |
Etched Sigil |
蝕刻徽記 |
蚀刻符印 |
“When you gaze long into the arcane realm, the arcane realm also gazes into you.” - Zoltun Kulle |
「當你凝望秘法之境,秘法之境必然會回望於你。」 —佐頓庫勒 |
Primordial Soul |
原初者之魂 |
源生之魂 |
The Primordial Soul has existed since before time began. It is the perfect expression of the original elements of creation. |
原初者之魂早在創世之初就存在了。它本身就是原始造物元素的最佳展現。 |
Light of Grace |
恩典之光 |
恩赐之光 |
"The guttering flame within this ornate Xiansai brazier burns with a cold, dim light. In fact, the Light of Grace actually draws warmth from its surroundings to increase its dull luminance, a rather simple magical effect that some sly wizard might well coopt to increase her powers." —Isendra the Sorceress |
「在這個雕飾華麗的仙塞火盆中,燃燒著冰冷而幽暗的火光。實際上,恩典之光會從它的周遭吸取熱度,使自身的熒熒微火維持不滅。某個狡猾的秘術師習於利用這種簡單的魔法效果,來增強自己的法力。」 —女法師伊珊卓菈 |
Myken's Ball of Hate |
麥肯的憎恨之球 |
麦肯的憎恨宝珠 |
Myken, famed sorcerer of the island nation of Uie, was known for his vitriolic demeanor. One day, at the height of a fevered tirade, the magical embodiment of his wrath burst from his body, granting the spellcaster a serenity that he'd missed for years. Many have since sought the orb, hoping to master its terrible destructive force. |
來自島國鄂伊的著名法師麥肯,以其尖酸刻薄的言行舉止聞名。某天他在慷慨激昂地長篇大論時,胸中的怨怒之氣竟然化為球體,從體內迸射而出,而麥肯也得到了多年未有的平靜。自此之後許多人都在尋找這個球體,希望能夠駕馭這深具毀滅性的力量。 |
Mirrorball |
鏡光魔珠 |
镜光魔珠 |
"Summoned from beyond the veil of death, and disposed to send its victims back there, the malevolent intelligence within this silver sphere may only be controlled by someone with intense resolve. Once its power is harnessed, however, the ball acts as a loyal enforcer of its master's will." —Deckard Cain |
「召之於死亡之境、用之為死亡作倀,這只銀白球體所蘊含的邪靈之力,只有意志過人者才能駕馭。一旦掌控了鏡光魔珠的力量,它就會變成忠誠的僕人,完全依照主人的意志行事。」 —迪卡·凱恩 |
Black Bone Arrows Archfiend Arrows |
黑骨箭 上級惡魔之箭 |
黑骨箭 大恶魔箭 |
Very rare. Made from bones harvested from a live demon—not an easy thing to do. |
世間罕見的箭筒。從活生生的惡魔身上取骨做成,這可不是一件容易的事 |
Spines of Seething Hatred |
熾憎脊刺 |
沸怒脊刺 |
Seeing their enemies flayed serves only to fuel the thirst for revenge that burns within a demon hunter’s breast. |
看見敵人血肉橫飛,只會讓狩魔獵人胸中的復仇怒火更加澎湃熾熱。 |
Silver Star Piercers |
銀星貫矢 |
银星贯矢 |
Crafted from the finest silver. Sleek and elegant. |
上等白銀鑄造,高雅華貴。 |
Fletcher's Pride |
弓匠的驕傲 |
造箭师的骄傲 |
The quality of these arrows is stunning. Even the fletchers of Jasender would be hard-pressed to match it. |
一等一的鑄箭品質,就算是賈森德的弓匠也很難造出這種水準的箭矢。 |
Sin Seekers |
索罪矢 |
觅罪者 |
Bolts pulled from this quiver instinctively seek out demonic blood. |
這個箭筒取出的箭矢,會本能地獵尋惡魔的鮮血。 |
Hunter's Longbox |
獵人的箭盒 |
猎人的箭匣 |
This box-shaped quiver contains dozens of arrows of odd lengths and designs. The arrows are topped with beasts' teeth, many recognizable, but some of unnatural origins. |
這個盒型的箭筒能容納許多長度不同、設計特異的箭矢。箭矢頂端鑲有獸牙,其中有很多種是辨識得出的,有的則來自邪惡的生物。 |
Emimei's Duffel |
艾彌玫的粗呢袋 |
艾米梅的粗呢袋 |
"Emimei was rumored to be the offspring of the famed fletcher Cirri. Possibly even more talented than her father, she discovered a way to integrate a superior ignition system into demon hunter bola weapons. Exert enough pressure on a bola's spike and the explosive charge within triggers, causing the bola to detonate upon impact with a target." —The Craft of War by Diadra the Scholar |
「有傳言說艾彌玫是製箭名匠瑟里的女兒,甚至青出於藍,比她的父親還要優秀。她改良狩魔獵人的縛錘彈,加入性能優越的引爆裝置,只要在尖刺和啟動裝置上施以適當的壓力,縛錘彈就會在接觸到目標時立即引爆。」 —學者戴安卓《兵器譜》 |
Bombardier's Rucksack |
轟擊者背袋 |
炮手弹药包 |
Designed by a watchmaker's apprentice turned demon hunter, this rucksack makes use of its maker's knowledge of clockworks to greatly miniaturize the turret mechanism, allowing its owner to field more of the devices without the case being any more heavy or cumbersome than an ordinary quiver. |
這個背袋的設計者曾是鐘錶匠的學徒,如今成了一名狩魔獵人。他利用自己對齒輪機件的知識大幅縮小了箭塔裝置,讓使用者可攜帶更多裝備之餘,背袋也能常保輕便。 |
The Ninth Cirri Satchel |
瑟里九號箭包 |
希瑞的九号箭袋 |
"This satchel is cleverly designed so that the heads of arrows placed within fit into slots that serve as whetstones, sharpening the edges whenever an arrow is inserted or removed. Cirri's artistry remained unrecognized in his lifetime, so that only this quiver, numbered nine on the interior, survived to the present." —The Craft of War by Diadra the Scholar |
「這個箭包設計得極為精巧,不但便於收納箭矢,還能讓人在取出或放回箭矢時磨礪箭鏃,以便常保鋒利。瑟里在世時籍籍無名,他的工藝也無人賞識,所以只有這個編號第九號的箭包留存了下來。」 —學者戴安卓《兵器譜》 |
Holy Point Shot |
聖尖矢 |
圣力箭 |
Crafted by the Wandering Priest of the Low Hills during an ecstatic trance, this quiver bestows a blessing on the arrows it carries. |
由矮丘的流浪祭司在亢奮的出神狀態下所製作的箭筒,能為筒內的箭矢附上神的賜福。 |
Dead Man's Legacy |
亡者遺產 |
死者遗物 |
"Marteks would not flee before their superior numbers. He knew the time of his death was at hand. He stood his ground, loosing arrow after arrow as he was slowly overwhelmed." —Tales of the Wasteland |
「縱然面對千軍萬馬,馬特克斯依然堅守崗位。他知道自己終究難逃一死,索性昂首挺立,一箭接著一箭,直到被浪潮般的敵人吞沒。」 —《荒野傳奇》 |
Augustine's Panacea |
奧古斯汀的萬全箭筒 |
奥古斯丁的灵药 |
The demon hunter Augustine liked to use the right projectile for every occasion. She was thrilled to discover this quiver in an ancient barrow. |
狩魔獵人奧古斯汀喜歡用不同的箭矢來應對不同的情況。她非常興奮能在一座古老的墓穴找到這個箭筒。 |
Meticulous Bolts |
精確之矢 |
精细箭矢 |
“We must take time to enjoy the good things in life. The death throes of demons, for instance.” -Bytor the Hunter |
「我們得放慢腳步,細細品味人生的美好。例如惡魔死前的哀嚎。」 —「獵人」拜托爾 |
Salvation |
救贖 |
拯救 |
"Do not hesitate to strike down your enemies. Death is their salvation from evil." —Crusader proverb |
「該擊倒敵人時,不可猶豫。唯有死亡能讓他們從邪惡中解脫。」 —聖教軍箴言 |
Unrelenting Phalanx |
不懈方陣 |
无情斗阵 |
The best defense is an overwhelming offense. |
最好的防禦,就是排山倒海的攻勢。 |
Frydehr's Wrath |
佛萊德之怒 |
弗莱德的怒火 |
Frydehr was near death, his wounds outnumbered only by his foes. It was then that he discovered that the depth of a crusader’s wrath is far greater than anyone had ever suspected. |
佛萊德身陷瀕死之境,能與他慘重傷勢匹敵的,只有排山倒海的敵軍聲勢。就在那時,他才發現聖教軍的怒火蘊藏的威力,遠超過凡人所能想像。 |
The Final Witness |
最後的見證者 |
最后的见证者 |
"Our eyes are everywhere—in the tallest mountains and the lowest valleys. We go everywhere, and we see everything. We learn from our masters, who walked the lands before us. Our enemies may think we journey alone, but they are mistaken." —Crusader proverb |
「我們的視野無所不在,無論千仞高崗。我們的足跡無所不至,即使萬丈深淵。我們既讀萬卷書,也行萬里路。導師的教誨永遠與我們同在,面對敵人時我們從不孤獨。」 —聖教軍箴言 |
Sublime Conviction |
崇高信念 |
崇高信念 |
The forces of shadow act in foolish haste. Maintain your focus, and you will defeat them with your righteous resolve. |
黑暗勢力的行動往往躁急失措。只要保持專注,就能以正義之志對其迎頭痛擊。 |
Hellskull |
地獄顱骨 |
地狱颅骨 |
"One final blow severed the great demon's head, sending it rolling before Dregan's feet. He contemplated the foul thing for a moment, then took it with him to adorn his shield." —The Chronicles of Crusader Dregan |
「德雷根的最後一擊斬下了惡魔的首級,滾到他的腳邊。他端詳了這噁心的玩意一會兒,便決定拿來裝飾自己的盾牌。」 —《聖教軍德雷根記事》 |
Akarat's Awakening |
阿卡拉特的覺醒 |
阿卡拉特的顿悟 |
"And Yaerius appeared unto Akarat and showed him the Light that illuminates all souls with its blessed power. So long as we trust in this sacred force, we shall have strength everlasting and falter not in our trials." —Excerpt from a mystic’s account of the life of Akarat |
「天使亞利斯在阿卡拉特面前現身,向他顯示照耀萬靈、澤被蒼生的聖光之力。只要我們相信聖光,就能擁有永不止息的力量,迎向一切的挑戰。」 —摘錄自靈諭師所記載的阿卡拉特生平 |
Hallowed Bulwark |
聖護禦壁 |
神圣壁垒 |
Forged by one of the first crusaders before he left Travincal, this shield glimmers with the light of enduring dedication. It has been passed on from master to apprentice time after time, ever guarding its bearers against the forces of darkness. |
此盾乃是首批聖教軍的成員之一所鑄,他在離開崔凡克之前打造了這面盾牌,上頭閃耀著不屈信念的光輝。這面盾牌由世世代代的導師親手傳給學徒,永遠守護著這群聖教軍,不受黑暗勢力所侵。 |
Jekangbord |
傑伏坎盾 |
杰伏坎盾 |
"Centuries ago, the mysterious and morbid warrior Jekang found staunch allies among the crusaders of Zakarum. He fought alongside that order for many years, and when he left for lands unknown, he made a parting gift of his grim tower shield." —Rennold's Catalogue of Arms |
「數百年前,令人毛骨悚然的神秘戰士傑伏坎在撒卡蘭姆聖教軍之中找到了堅定的盟友。他與聖教軍並肩作戰多年,情同袍澤,於是在前往未知之境時,他將自己造型駭人的塔盾當作臨別贈禮,送給了他們。」 —蘭諾德《兵器大全》 |
Piro Marella |
皮羅‧瑪瑞拉 |
皮诺·马雷拉 |
"I have shaped too much steel for the purpose of killing. I offer these shields in the hope that you will bring safety and mercy back to our world." —Mastersmith Oskar Iach on presenting the Alma Negra and the Piro Marella to Akkhan |
「我已經製造了太多奪人性命的武器。現在,我希望你能用這些盾牌,為世界重新帶來和平與憐憫。」 —名匠歐斯卡·耶赫向阿克漢展示『愛爾瑪·奈迦』和『皮羅·瑪瑞拉』 |
Shield of Fury |
聖怒之盾 |
愤怒壁垒 |
Those who deny the Light will be forced to reckon with its power. |
不信聖光者終將面對此盾的審判。 |
Guard of Johanna |
喬安娜之衛 |
乔汉娜的守御 |
"Crusader Johanna was famous for her skillful shield work in combat. When she vanished, leaving this shield behind, many speculated that she was dead. If true, her name will fall from the Crusader rolls, as she did not have an apprentice." -Abd al-Hazir. |
「聖教軍喬安娜以戰鬥中精湛的盾牌使用技巧而聞名,但她消失之後留下了這個盾牌。許多人推測她已經死了,若真是如此,她的名字就會從聖教軍的名單上剔除,因為她沒有學徒。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Leger's Disdain |
萊杰的侮蔑 |
勒杰的蔑视 |
The face within the center of the cross is the shrunken visage of an ancient priest of Rathma. He appears to be judging you unfavorably. |
十字中央有個縮小的頭顱,那是很久以前一名拉斯瑪祭司的臉孔。他的表情像是在批判你。 |
Lost Time |
流逝時光 |
失时 |
The hourglass glows with the essence of several lives that ended too soon. |
這個沙漏因為盛裝了英年早逝的靈魂而發光。 |
Iron Rose |
鐵玫瑰 |
铁玫瑰 |
Forged as a gift for the union between the leaders of the Haroutunian Clan and House Chien. This brooch was favored by Lady Aerisrose, and is said to reflect her power and beauty. |
齊恩家族與哈洛圖寧氏族聯手合作的信物。這是伊莉羅絲女士喜愛的胸針,也是她力量與美貌的象徵。 |
Bone Ringer |
骸骨喪鐘 |
响骨 |
When this bell tolls, the dead will always answer. |
鈴聲響起時,亡者一定會回應。 |
The Wedge Utar's Roar |
楔 烏塔之咆哮 |
霜刃 乌塔的咆哮 |
"Utar's mighty blade was colder than the bitterest winter chill, hewn from the never-melting ice of the summit of Mount Paolarr." —Chronicles of the North |
「烏塔的斧頭比嚴冬最冷的風還冷,是從保拉爾山頂永不融化的寒冰劈出來的。」 —《北方記事》 |
Hack |
骨劈 |
劈肉斧 |
This crude, makeshift axe was made from skeletal remains picked out of the Desolate Sands. Despite its primitive origins, the weapon is extremely effective, perhaps as a result of residual magics that seeped into its components since the time of area's devastation during the Mage Clan Wars. |
這把斧頭是以淒涼沙地撿來的骸骨粗陋拼湊而成的。雖然工法原始,這柄武器本身卻極具破壞力,或許是因為自魔法派系之戰的浩劫以來,殘存的魔法已然滲入這把斧頭的材料所致。 |
Mordullu's Promise |
莫度盧的承諾 |
摩杜鲁的承诺 |
"When I move to the unformed land, you may throw my skull at the unwise, and I will return long enough to invigorate you." -Mordullu's promise to his heirs. |
「當我前往無形之境之後,你們可以任意拋出我的頭骨,而我將歸來激勵你們」 —莫度盧對後代的承諾 |
Aidan's Revenge |
艾丹的復仇 |
艾丹的复仇 |
Aidan the warrior once slew a horrifying demon known as the Butcher with this axe, though he broke its helve in the process. The weapon was made whole again through the efforts of the famed blacksmith Griswold before he met his unfortunate end. |
戰士艾丹曾經手持這把利斧,斬殺了名為屠夫的駭人惡魔,其力道之猛,把斧柄都砍斷了。不過名匠格里斯瓦德在不幸身亡之前,重新修鑄了這把斧頭。 |
Sky Splitter |
穹蒼分斷 |
破天 |
Some say this is the very axe wielded by an ancient god to split the sky from the land. |
據說,這正是某位古代神祇用以分斷蒼天與大地的斧頭。 |
The Burning Axe of Sankis |
桑吉士燃斧 |
桑基斯的烈焰斧 |
An obsidian axe wielded by the mad Sankis as he turned on his own men inside their fortress. Even as he burned to death himself, he would not stop his attacks on those he had once ruled. |
瘋狂的桑吉士在自軍的要塞裡屠殺手下時所持的黑曜石戰斧。他在烈火灼身而死的同時,仍不斷攻擊自己過往的部將。 |
The Butcher's Sickle |
屠夫鉤鐮 |
屠夫钩镰 |
Used by the Butcher demon to snare and drag victims closer that he may feed on their flesh. |
惡魔屠夫用它將受害者勾扯至身邊,啃食其血肉。 |
Flesh Tearer |
裂肉斧 |
裂肉者 |
The edges seem to become more jagged with each strike. |
斧刃上的鋸齒彷彿隨著每次打擊而越變越多。 |
Genzaniku |
傑桑尼庫 |
根扎尼库 |
"In the language of the fallen, 'genzaniku' means slayer of humans." —Deckard Cain |
「在沉淪魔的語言裡,『傑桑尼庫』乃是屠人者的意思。」 —迪卡·凱恩 |
Blood-Magic Blade Blood-Magic Edge |
血魔法之刃 血魔法之匕 |
血魔法之刃 血魔法之锋 |
The taste of blood unleashes a magic few can control. |
鮮血的滋味將釋放出鮮少有人能掌控的魔力。 |
Eun-jang-do |
銀粧刀 |
银桩刀 |
These Xiansai daggers of silver and steel were often carried by Sisters of the Sightless Eye, engraved with oaths of fidelity to their cause. Enemies who closed quickly believed themselves safe from the Sister’s bow. And they were, but not from the Eun-jang-do. |
目盲之眼修道會的姊妹常會攜帶這些由白銀與精鋼打造的仙塞匕首,上面刻著忠誠的誓言,提醒自己莫忘初衷。快速欺近她們的敵人總以為自己安全無虞、不會受到弓箭攻擊,但他們萬萬沒料到還有銀粧刀的攻勢。 |
Envious Blade |
妒慾匕首 |
嫉妒之刃 |
"All who chance to behold it, desire it. Those who possess it must shed blood to keep it. And those who deem themselves above its allure are the most endangered by it." –Lam Esen on the nature of the blade |
「凡有幸看見的,無不滿心渴望。凡得以擁有的,必須濺血以逞。越是自認不受這把匕首誘惑的人,越是危險。」 —藍·依森,闡述這把匕首的本質 |
Lord Greenstone's Fan |
葛林斯通大君之扇 |
格林斯通刀王的匕扇 |
Legend has it that on hot days, Lord Greenstone enjoyed cooling himself with the wind of hurled knives. |
據說在大熱天裡,葛林斯通大君最愛享受揮舞刀刃所產生的陣陣涼風。 |
Karlei's Point |
家妮之鋒 |
家妮的锋芒 |
Those who argued with the Demon Hunter Karlei quickly learned that she could make her point with devastating effect. |
敢質疑狩魔獵人家妮能力的人,很快就會理解到她的強大與犀利。 |
Wizardspike |
巫師之刺 |
巫师之刺 |
The energies of forbidden magics course through this blade. |
禁咒魔法的能量在這把匕首裡流竄。 |
Kill |
殺滅 |
索命 |
"In their last moments, people show you who they really are..." —Unknown |
「死到臨頭,人才會現出真正本性…」 —佚名 |
Pig Sticker |
殺豬刀 |
杀猪刀 |
Slaughters man and beast alike. |
殺豬殺人同樣順手。 |
The Horadric Hamburger |
赫拉迪姆漢堡 |
赫拉迪姆汉堡 |
The Horadrim wandered far and wide to gather the finest ingredients for their feast. Only the lone traveler sent to the Moo Moo farm failed to return. Diablo had laid a trap for the Horadrim, the Hell Bovine, who struck the traveler down before he could gather the final ingredient: cheese. |
赫拉迪姆法師煞費苦心到處尋找最上等的食材以籌備筵席,然而隻身被派往哞哞農莊的美食特派員卻慘遭毒手。原來牛魔正是迪亞布羅設下的陷阱,殺害了這位特派員,不讓他收集到最後一項食材:起司。 |
The Barber |
剃頭師 |
剃头师 |
A precision instrument for a master of the blade. |
高手專用的精準利器。 |
Earthshatter Devastator |
碎地者 壞滅 |
裂地 灭绝者 |
The ground cracks and disintegrates with each strike. |
每一擊均有崩天裂地之勢。 |
Solanium |
日陽持護 |
阳炎 |
This mace once belonged to a holy man who reluctantly took up arms against a demon invasion. As a worshiper of the sun, Graham called his weapon Solanium, meaning "bearer of the sun's light." The longer Graham struggled against the forces of darkness, the more his faith grew infused within the mace, until the mundane object became an item of immense righteous power. |
這把釘鎚曾為一名聖人所有,他在萬不得已之下,舉起武器抵禦惡魔的入侵。身為一名拜日者,葛蘭姆將自己的武器命名為「日陽持護」以表彰自己的信念。葛蘭姆與黑暗勢力纏鬥越久,他強大的信念對釘錘的浸潤就越深,終於造就了這把蘊含強大正義之力的武器。 |
Sun Keeper |
日光守祭 |
日光守卫 |
Long years before men civilized the land that would come to be known as Kurast, primitive shamans bludgeoned their human sacrifices with hellish devices. |
在庫拉斯特尚未開化定名之前,當地的土著薩滿會用各種恐怖的祭祀禮器來毆擊獻祭的活人供品。 |
Mad Monarch's Scepter |
狂君權杖 |
狂君权杖 |
This item of royal regalia is as much mace as scepter, and at the height of his madness, King Leoric was known to evince his displeasure by pummeling courtiers, servants, and even foreign dignitaries with the weighty rod. |
這不但是象徵王室的權杖,也是一把釘錘。李奧瑞克王在最癲狂的時候,喜歡用這把沉重的釘錘毆打朝臣、僕役甚至外地的顯貴出氣。 |
Echoing Fury |
迴盪狂怒 |
怒火回荡 |
The sound of each strike instills terror in the hearts of those who hear it. |
每回揮擊的聲響都在聽者心中注入恐懼。 |
Nailbiter |
緊迫釘人 |
钉咬 |
Simple, but effective. |
簡單但是有效。 |
Neanderthal |
尼安德之塔 |
尼安德特之锤 |
It's big. It's heavy. It's wood. |
很大的。很重的。木頭的。 |
Telranden's Hand |
泰爾倫登之手 |
特尔兰登之手 |
As the battle between Horazon and the Warlord of Blood raged, and the walls of Viz-jun fell, Telranden led the fight against Bartuc's demon hordes and saved many from certain death. |
隨著赫拉森與血魔將之間的爭戰越演越烈,費斯究的城牆終被攻破,幸虧泰爾倫登率軍抵抗霸圖克的惡魔大軍,才讓許多人從死裡逃生。 |
Nutcracker |
堅果鎚 |
坚果锤 |
Each strike lands with enough force to crush a boulder. |
每次揮舞均發揮足以擊碎大石的重擊力。 |
Odyn Son |
奧汀之子 |
奥丁之子 |
This hammer rumbles with the sound of distant thunder. |
這把戰鎚發出隆隆的悶雷聲。 |
Deadeye's Mace |
亡眼之鎚 |
死眼之锤 |
Jace's Hammer of Vigilance |
傑斯的戍禦之鎚 |
杰斯的警戒之锤 |
Kingsport's Wield Warriors was a group of paladins whose members were all famed for their mastery of their weapons of choice. Jace Adama was the leader of these holy warriors and a prodigy with the warhammer. As a reward for his aid in the defense of Eastgate Keep, Jace was gifted with this enchanted hammer, which displays a prominent eye motif of grave significance to the sisterhood based there. |
國王港的持武精銳是一隊以武藝精湛聞名的聖騎士,每個成員都有自己專擅的武器。傑斯·埃達馬是這批精英戰士的領袖,他使用戰鎚的技巧無人能及。這把魔法戰鎚是褒揚傑斯守禦東門要塞有功的獎賞,上面有個明顯的目盲之眼圖樣,是駐守該地之姐妹會的重要象徵。 |
Spear of Jairo |
亞洛之矛 |
嘉罗的长矛 |
"An enemy's suffering is naught but the greatest pleasure." —Necromancer Jairo |
「敵人的痛苦就是最純粹的快樂。」 —死靈法師亞洛 |
“敌人的苦难带来的只能是纯粹的愉悦。” —— 死灵法师嘉罗
Empyrean Messenger |
玄穹信使 |
天穹信使 |
This spear has seen many a battle during the Eternal Conflict. |
在永恆之戰中,這把矛曾征服無數沙場。 |
The Three Hundredth Spear |
三百壯矛 |
三百壮矛 |
They fought against incredible odds, down to the last warrior. |
他們奮勇抵抗強勁外侮,直到最後一名戰士倒下。 |
Arreat's Law |
亞瑞特之律法 |
亚瑞特之律 |
A relic from the time before the fall of Arreat. |
亞瑞特山毀滅之前所遺留的武器。 |
Scrimshaw |
骨牙雕矛 |
鲸骨利矛 |
The head of this spear was carved from the tusk of a great horned goliath and is decorated with fine carvings depicting the Battle of Viz-jun. |
矛頭是用大角蠻牛獸的獠牙雕成,上面刻著描述費斯究戰役的場景作為紋飾。 |
Steffon's Heavy Lance |
史泰馮的重型長槍 |
史迪冯的重枪 |
The great knight-paladin Steffon's weapon of choice was a stout steel lance, shorter than a jousting lance, that he would use on foot as well as from horseback. |
偉大的聖騎士史泰馮所選擇的武器是一把沉重的鋼鐵長槍,比一般的比武長槍來得短,所以無論是徒步或在馬上,都能靈活使用。 |
Akanesh, the Herald of Righteousness |
正義使者阿肯奈須 |
阿坎内什,正义使者 |
Akanesh was the favored weapon of the Grand Maester of the templar order. Immaculate and gleaming, it is said to possess the sharpest blade ever forged. That may well be true—Akanesh has cut down innumerable evils... and perhaps a few innocents as well. |
阿肯奈須是聖堂騎士團團長最喜愛的武器。它不但潔淨無瑕、光彩如新,據說其矛刃之鋒利,更是舉世無雙。阿肯奈須固然斬殺了無數妖邪,但恐怕也沾了一些無辜犧牲者的鮮血。 |
Griswold's Masterpiece Griswold's Perfection |
格里斯瓦德的傑作 格里斯瓦德的完美傑作 |
格里斯沃尔德的杰作 格里斯沃尔德的完美杰作 |
Griswold labored and studied for years to devise the perfect sword. Sadly, he died a horrible death before he himself could forge it. |
格里斯瓦德費盡好幾年的心血才設計出這把完美的劍,可惜在開始鑄造前便死於非命。 |
Sword of Ill Will |
惡意魔劍 |
恶意之剑 |
Hate is a powerful weapon that can destroy even the best of us. So tread lightly. |
憎恨是強大的武器,甚至足以摧毀我們之中的精英。請務必小心。 |
In-geom |
引劍 |
寅剑 |
Carried by the kings of Xiansai in antiquity, this sword was said to harness the speed and lethality of four tiger spirits. One king claimed to have “exorcised” a thousand demons from their hapless victims, using only this blade. |
這柄劍乃是古代仙塞諸王的佩劍,據說此劍擁有四虎之魂的速度,以及牠們致命的威力。有位帝王自稱他單憑此劍之力,就斬滅了千名惡魔、救民於水火之中。 |
Deathwish |
絕命 |
绝命 |
The Quinblades are the only surviving weapons forged by master swordsmith Morad Peerse, each a unique expression of his craft. The aptly-named Deathwish was the last weapon he forged. Despairing over his unhappy life, Peerse decided to craft his masterwork. Pulling the red-hot blade from the forge, the smith fell upon it, quenching the sword in his own blood and imbuing it with an arcane shard of his very soul. |
宗匠五劍是鑄劍大師莫拉德·彼爾斯僅存的作品,每一把劍都顯示了其工藝的不凡之處。「絕命」是彼爾斯所鑄造的最後一件作品,這把劍也因此得名。回顧自己愁雲慘霧的一生,了無生趣的他決定傾畢生之力成就傑作。從熔爐將燒得熾紅的劍取出時,他倒在劍刃上,以鮮血淬火,以秘法入魂,成就絕世名劍。 |
Amberwing |
琥珀之翼 |
琥珀之翼 |
This sacred blade glimmers with the light of the High Heavens. Forged in harmony with the Lightsong, it represents the greatest potential of angelic weaponry. |
這把聖劍通身閃耀著至高天的璀璨光輝,與光之頌若合符節,充分展現出天使精湛的武器工藝。 |
Rancor |
毒恨 |
恨世 |
The Quinblades are the only surviving weapons forged by master swordsmith Morad Peerse, each a unique expression of his craft. Fashioned during Peerse's Late Period, the curved, fanglike Rancor represents its maker’s growing disenchantment with his work and with life in general. Though its craftsmanship is beyond dispute, the blade itself is infused with its maker's vitriol and desire to inflict harm on others. |
宗匠五劍是鑄劍大師莫拉德·彼爾斯僅存的作品,每一把劍都顯示了其工藝的不凡之處。「毒恨」是彼爾斯晚期的作品,長牙般的弧形劍身,顯露出他對作品已不再熱衷,對人生亦不再眷戀。雖然他的技藝毋庸置疑,這把劍還是充滿了怨毒之氣,還有致人傷殘的意念。 |
Rimeheart |
霜心 |
霜心 |
The Quinblades are the only surviving weapons forged by master swordsmith Morad Peerse, each a unique expression of his craft. Made during Peerse's Low Period, which followed the loss of his family, Rimeheart, with the blistering chill it radiates and its cold-forged iron blade, reflects both the hardening of its creator in the wake of tragedy and his consummate skill. |
宗匠五劍是鑄劍大師莫拉德·彼爾斯僅存的作品,每一把劍都顯示了其工藝的不凡之處。「霜心」是彼爾斯經歷喪親之痛,身處人生低谷時的作品。寒芒吞吐,砭人肌骨,凜若冰霜的劍刃顯露了彼爾斯經過傷痛淬鍊的剛毅心智,也展示了爐火純青的技藝。 |
Shard of Hate |
憎恨裂片 |
憎恨碎片 |
“Would that all the misbegotten spawn of my wayward daughter had but one heart I might plunge this through, so that they all might enjoy the gift of my pitiless ire.” -Mephisto to Hephasto, Chief Weaponsmith of the Burning Hells, upon the delivery of this blade |
「真希望我能用這把劍一舉刺穿所有人類的心臟,讓我那任性女兒所生的狗雜種嚐嚐我冷酷無情的怒火、知道我的厲害。」 —地獄熔爐武器鍛造師海法斯特在呈上這把劍時,墨菲斯托所說的話 |
Incinerator |
焚灼 |
焚焰 |
The Quinblades are the only surviving weapons forged by master swordsmith Morad Peerse, each a unique expression of his craft. Fashioned during the smith's High Period, Incinerator, with its powerful strikes and burning blade, mirrors the flamboyant egotism and passion of a creator at the height of his prowess. |
宗匠五劍是鑄劍大師莫拉德·彼爾斯僅存的作品,每一把劍都顯示了其工藝的不凡之處。「焚灼」是彼爾斯全盛時期的傑作,無論是力拔山河的猛擊,或者烈火熊熊的劍刃,都反映出一名天才是如此恣情揮灑,逸興遄飛。 |
The Twisted Sword |
扭曲之劍 |
扭曲之剑 |
“Li-Ming was always experimenting. She imbued this sword with an unfathomable combination of spells that saved her life on more than one occasion. She was obviously a genius - but I’ll deny ever saying that.” - High Councilor Valthek |
「李敏總是在作實驗。她替這把劍灌注了各種不知名的法術,救了她自己好幾次。她顯然是個天才,但我永遠不會承認說過這句話。」 —上議員佛爾瑟克 |
Ghoul King's Blade |
食屍鬼王的配劍 |
食尸鬼王之刃 |
After slaying many a traveler, the Ghoul King was at last dethroned by an adventurer in search of hidden nephalem artifacts. The monster's sword vanished after the fatal encounter, but it was recently discovered tangled in the roots of a sickly tree in the Festering Woods. The wicked blade still shares its late master's hunger for living flesh. |
在宰殺了眾多旅人後,食屍鬼王終於被尋找涅法雷姆神器的冒險家逐下了王座。鬼王的佩劍自此銷聲匿跡,但最近有人發現它就在腐潰之林某棵病木的盤根錯節處。這把妖邪之劍還像它上個主人一樣,渴望著鮮血和肉體的滋味。 |
God Butcher |
屠神劍 |
弑神者 |
Centuries past, an infamous figure rose to threaten the celestial order. Born of a demon-ravished peasant who died in childbirth, Aharo was raised by monks who tried to instill in him proper respect for the divine, but though the boy excelled in his martial lessons, he harbored a smoldering hatred for all things supernatural—hatred that found an outlet after a chance meeting with a wandering Horadrim provided him with the weapon he would use to cut a bloody swath amongst the gods. |
經過數百年的歲月,出現了一個惡名昭彰的人物,對天界的秩序造成威脅。亞哈羅是平民出身,他的母親遭惡魔蹂躪、難產而死,於是武僧收留了他,希望能教導他尊崇天理之道。然而,這個男孩雖然習得了一身精湛的武藝,他卻對所有超自然的事物懷有深刻的恨意。某天,一場偶遇讓這股恨意找到了出口:一名流浪的赫拉迪姆給了他一樣武器,讓他得以血洗眾神之境。 |
Fulminator |
怒斥 |
怒雷 |
The Quinblades are the only surviving weapons forged by master swordsmith Morad Peerse, each a unique expression of his craft. Made during Peerse's Early Period, Fulminator expresses, through blinding speed and arcing lightning strikes, its maker's youthful exuberance and the joy he found in his craft. |
宗匠五劍是鑄劍大師莫拉德·彼爾斯僅存的作品,每一把劍都顯示了其工藝的不凡之處。「怒斥」是彼爾斯早期的作品,令人目眩的疾速和勢如風雷的猛擊,都顯示出才華洋溢的年輕巧匠對自己超凡的技藝甚為自負。 |
Gift of Silaria |
希拉麗雅的贈禮 |
希拉丽雅的礼物 |
Silaria, a renowned explorer, traveled the length and breadth of Sanctuary in search of adventure. This sword was designed with her compact build and lethally efficient fighting style in mind, and it is reputed to imbue its wielder with Silaria's prowess. |
著名的探險家希拉麗雅,足跡踏遍了整個聖休亞瑞。這把劍是為她量身打造的,配合雖並不高大卻十分精實的身材,以及招招致命的戰鬥方式。一般認為,這把劍能賦予持有者希拉麗雅不凡的力量。 |
Exarian |
伊克薩里安 |
王者之剑 |
In days long past, the now-ruined city of Khamhalla was ruled by a wise nephalem king. The symbol of his authority was the sword Exarian, gifted to him by the Lady of Light. Legend has it that, though betrayed and gravely wounded during Khamhalla's fall, the king did not die, but was borne away across the sea to return when Sanctuary needs him again. The reappearance of Exarian heralds his return. |
很久以前,一位睿智的涅法雷姆王統治著現已傾頹的城市坎姆赫拉。這把光之聖女所贈,名為伊克薩里安的劍就是他的權力象徵。根據傳說,在坎姆赫拉覆亡時,國王雖然受到叛變和重傷的打擊,卻並未喪命,而是遠渡重洋,靜心療養。國王將在聖休亞瑞需要他的時候再度歸來,而伊克薩里安的出現正預示了此事。 |
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker |
雷霆之怒,逐風者的祝福之刃 |
雷霆之怒,逐风者的祝福之刃 |
This ancient blade, imbued with unpredictable elemental energies, crossed vast universes and hidden dimensions before arriving in Sanctuary. Thunderfury seeks the hand of a true hero, one capable of safely wielding its awesome power. |
這把遠古之劍充斥著驚人的元素能量,穿越寬廣無垠的空間界域與不為人知的神秘次元來到了聖休亞瑞。雷霆之怒渴望找到一位能駕馭其強大力量的絕世英雄。 |
Azurewrath |
碧藍怒火 |
碧蓝怒火 |
Before he fell, Izual was the bearer of the runeblade Azurewrath, an ancient sword blessed by the Song of the Arch as an instrument of the righteous. |
在墮落之前,伊卒爾乃是碧藍怒火的主人。這把古劍在聖拱之歌中被讚頌為正義的武器。 |
Devil Tongue |
惡魔之舌 |
恶魔之舌 |
The awful, intricate contours of this imposing sword are the key to its unbridled power. |
寶劍詭奇的外觀正是其無窮威力的關鍵。 |
Sever |
絕截 |
断离 |
Jayesh smiled to himself. He had never seen a blade so perfectly suited for dismembering demons. |
杰耶許自信微笑,他從未見過如此適合肢解惡魔的刀劍。 |
Skycutter |
斷空 |
断空 |
"The demons could not stand before the swords of the angelic Host, and their blood ran upon the fields of eternity." —The Books of Jarl, Volume III |
「天使軍團勢如破竹,惡魔紛紛倒地,血洗永恆之戰的戰場。」 —《雅爾之書》第三冊 |
Doombringer |
末日使者 |
末日使者 |
A mysterious blade shall appear to the mighty warrior when his lands are ripped asunder, ushering in a new epoch from the ashes of the old. |
據說當家園慘遭崩裂毀滅時,神秘的寶劍將現身在強大的勇士面前,從舊日的灰燼促生出一個全新的時代。 |
The Ancient Bonesaber of Zumakalis |
祖瑪卡利斯的久遠骨刃 |
祖玛卡里斯的上古骨刃 |
A mythical weapon, forged in a remote region to slay a monster of unspeakable power. The scrimshaw markings "Em Ryog Elth'orp" are nearly worn away. |
在某個遙遠地方所鑄造的神秘武器,以除掉某個無比恐怖的怪物。雕刻在上的文字幾乎已全部磨平,只隱約看得出「Em Ryog Elth'orp」這幾個異國文字。 |
在某个遥远的地方铸造的一件神秘武器,用以消灭一头拥有无穷力量的怪物。剑脊上的铭文已经磨损得消蚀殆尽,只能隐约地看到“Em Ryog Elth'orp”几个异国文字。
Wildwood |
野木林 |
野木林 |
A heavy and mysterious sword, once carried by the rangers of Wildwood. |
一把神秘而沈重的劍,曾屬於野木林的遊俠。 |
Monster Hunter |
魔物獵人 |
怪物猎手 |
Be wary when you fight monsters, lest you become one. |
斬殺魔物須當心,切莫淪為你所斬殺之魔物。 |
Spectrum |
虹光 |
虹光 |
This fantastical blade is the physical manifestation of unicorn smiles, bright rainbow colors, shooting star wishes, and teddy bear giggles. |
這柄寶劍是獨角獸的微笑、繽紛彩虹、許願流星與歡笑泰迪熊確實存在的證明。 |
Lifebane |
生靈浩劫 |
噬生 |
"The malleability of mortal soulstuff is remarkable. I wonder to what other ends I might put it." —Author Unknown, Armis Mortem |
「人類靈魂的可塑性相當驚人,我很好奇它究竟有沒有延展的極限、究竟還能發揮何種用途。」 —《致命武器》,作者不詳 |
Umbral Oath Living Umbral Oath |
晦影之誓 活影之誓 |
阴界誓约 活影之誓 |
The Umbral Oath exists in both the living and spirit worlds. |
晦影之誓同時存在於生者與魂靈的世界。 |
The Dagger of Darts |
箭鏢匕刃 |
箭镖匕刃 |
Nothing infuriates a fetish more than ineffectual darts. |
鬼娃最痛恨的就是效果欠佳的吹箭了。 |
Sacred Harvester |
聖穫匕首 |
神圣收割者 |
“To expand one’s mind with the breath of others is not a thing to be taken lightly. Without the proper training or discipline it soon leads to madness.” -Elder Bayati, Tribe of the Five Hills |
「用別人的生命之息來拓展自己的心靈,這種事輕忽不得。如果沒有足夠的訓練與自律,很快就會讓人失心瘋狂。」 —五丘部族的長老巴亞堤 |
Rhen'ho Flayer |
任霍的剝皮匕首 |
任霍的剥皮刀 |
"Many said training exploding toads was impossible, but Rhen'ho only laughed. He then proceeded to teach the toads how to explode twice, for he truly believed that one needs only to see the impossible clearly in one's mind to make it real." —Minacal of the Tribe of the Hidden Valley |
「很多人說訓練爆裂蟾蜍是不可能的事,但任霍只是一笑置之。他所訓練的蟾蜍可以爆炸兩次,因為他對化不可能為可能的力量深信不疑。」 —隱谷族的米納卡 |
Starmetal Kukri |
星鐵反曲刀 |
星铁反曲刀 |
"Szab the necromancer was the first outsider to meet the people of the Teganze. He attempted to explain the philosophy of the necromancers to them, but the language barrier proved to be too great—instead of relaying his philosophical beliefs, he told them he was Trag'Oul, and that he lived among the stars." —Abd al-Hazir |
「死靈法師薩柏是第一個見到特干澤人的外地人。他想讓特干澤人了解死靈法師之道,但語言的鴻溝實在難以跨越,於是他放下哲理,告訴他們自己其實是守護聖休亞瑞的塔格奧,居於群星之間。」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
Last Breath |
臨終一息 |
临终之息 |
Even an immortal could be felled by the power of this blade. |
就算是永生者也會被此刀所殺。 |
The Gidbinn |
吉德賓 |
吉德宾 |
A powerful, holy artifact of the Skatsim religion. It was last seen in Kurast. |
威力強大的史卡辛教聖物,最後一次出現是在庫拉斯特。 |
Anessazi Edge |
安奈沙茲之刃 |
阿内萨兹之锋 |
The secrets of this blade are known only to the artisans of the Silzer Plains. |
只有西爾澤平原的工匠知道這把刀刃的秘密。 |
The Spider Queen's Grasp |
蛛后之攫 |
蛛后之缚 |
The blessing of Araneae drips from this blade. |
艾瑞妮的祝福沿著這把刀刃緩緩滴落。 |
Deadly Rebirth |
亡靈復甦 |
还魂 |
The restless dead are drawn up from the earth by the presence of this blade. |
無法安息的死者因這把刀刃而復甦,自地面乍然而起。 |
Voo's Juicer |
老巫榨汁機 |
老巫榨汁器 |
There is nothing humorous about the way this dagger feeds off the souls of your enemies. |
但是,這把匕首榨乾敵人靈魂的方式,可就叫人笑不出來了。 |
Sacrificer |
祭儀刃 |
仪祭匕首 |
"The more subjects from whom I extract souls, the easier the process becomes." —Author Unknown, Armis Mortem |
「從越多人身上提取靈魂,過程就會變得越簡單。」 —《致命武器》,作者不詳 |
Demon Hand Demon Claw |
惡魔之手 惡魔之爪 |
恶魔之手 恶魔之爪 |
The only student to survive the Demon Road returned with her hand cut off. A smoldering claw was sewn in its place. |
唯一通過惡魔之路的學生被砍掉了手,改縫上一隻熾熱的手爪。 |
Scarbringer |
罪痕 |
伤痕使者 |
Each scar left in its wake is a sin forgiven. |
留下的每道疤痕都象徵著被原諒的罪。 |
Vengeful Wind |
仇憎之風 |
复仇之风 |
“Some learned people say that evil cannot be overcome through violence. I say there is no other way.” -Akyev the Unyielding |
「有學者說,暴力無法遏止邪惡。我說,只有以暴制暴才能解決問題。」 —「不屈者」阿齊耶 |
Lion's Claw |
猛獅之爪 |
狮爪 |
The ferocity of Uliana’s unrelenting attacks was often compared to that of a lion. |
烏蓮娜狂暴無情的攻擊經常被比作一頭獅子。 |
Kyoshiro's Blade |
京四郎之刃 |
京四郎之刃 |
Kyoshiro was an optimist going into the battle at Xiansai. Though the walls were tumbling down around him, he quickly disposed of his enemies. |
京四郎抱著樂觀的心情參加仙塞之戰,即便圍牆在他四周紛紛倒下,京四郎還是迅速把眼前的敵人給解決掉。 |
Jawbreaker |
顎碎 |
断颚 |
Those who speak wicked words must be silenced. |
凡口出邪穢之言者,必當就此沉默。 |
The Fist of Az'Turrasq |
厄圖拉斯之拳 |
阿兹·图拉斯克之拳 |
The corrupt magistrate of Az'Turrasq punished petty crime at a whim in the name of order. Innocent and guilty alike were crippled or killed by the hundreds during his terrible reign. |
腐敗的厄圖拉斯總督動輒以維護秩序的名義嚴懲輕犯,在他執政期間,數百人慘遭酷刑、殘廢喪命,不論有罪無罪。 |
Crystal Fist |
水晶之拳 |
水晶拳 |
Indestructible, pure and clear. So the body follows the mind. |
體為心用,清澄透徹,無堅不摧。 |
Won Khim Lau |
流雲橋 |
流云桥 |
Directs the wayward's gaze to the heavens that he may benefit from the glory of the gods. |
以拳正其目光,助其仰望天堂,領受眾神眷顧。 |
Logan's Claw |
羅根之爪 |
金刚狼爪 |
Bearing this weapon can release the feral beast within. |
戴上這武器可喚醒潛藏心中的野獸。 |
Sledge Fist |
錘拳 |
锤拳 |
"The Mighty Bear brought low the great house of the guild with a single blow. Their greed was laid bare in the ruination." —Chronicles of the North |
「大熊一拳打垮了公會的大屋,他們的貪婪也隨之暴露。」 —《北方記事》 |
Fleshrake |
肉耙 |
肉耙 |
The very sight of this weapon is enough to settle disputes that would otherwise lead to war. |
光見到這武器便足以平息可能導致戰爭的糾紛。 |
Fist Weapon of the Shattered Hand |
破碎之手拳套 |
碎手的拳套武器 |
Deathreach |
死亡之屆 |
死亡之触 |
"It occurs to me that human souls might be alloyed with more than base metal. Their essence could likely be contained within energy matrices as well... or perhaps even within the light and harmony that makes up angelic forms. If those energies could be controlled, they would prove a source of immense power." —Author Unknown, Armis Mortem |
「我突然想到,人類靈魂的用途應當不限附於金屬製品而已。人的精魂或許也能封存在能量矩陣…甚至封在構成天使形體的光與和諧之中。要是能操控這些能量的話,必定能提供極為強大的法力。」 —《致命武器》,作者不詳 |
Rabid Strike |
狂擊 |
狂击 |
Those who survive the winter fever retain the strength of the madness it brings. |
活過冬熱病摧殘的人,依然保有其狂症之蠻力。 |
Harvest Moon Night's Reaping |
秋收之月 夜刈 |
The righteous must cull the corrupt from this world just as a farmer would separate the wheat from the chaff. |
仗義之士務必剔除世間的腐敗,正如農夫需得撿去白米中的粗糠。 |
Blade of the Warlord |
戰神之刃 |
战神之刃 |
Awrak led the people of the Bear tribe to a great many victories in his all-too-short life. His name is still highly revered among his people. |
奧拉克在他短暫輝煌的一生中率領大熊部族獲得無數勝利,他的名字至今仍在其後代子民的口中傳頌。 |
Ambo's Pride |
岸柏之傲 |
安铂的骄傲 |
There are longswords and there are greatswords. And then there is this sword. |
劍有分長劍、巨劍,還有這把長巨劍。 |
Fjord Cutter |
峽灣分嶺斧 |
劈山巨斧 |
It takes a sturdy weapon to survive on the shores of the Frozen Sea. |
若想在冰凍之海沿岸順利存活,需要一把堅實的武器。 |
Oathkeeper |
守誓者 |
守誓者 |
Betrayed by his kin, robbed of his birthright, Andar Kul-Vagas spent more than a year in isolation forging this blade. The Tribe of Thunder records that he returned to reclaim his clan, and before they died, his traitorous brothers did finally uphold their broken oaths. |
在遭到手足背叛、繼承權被奪的打擊下,安達庫瓦加花了一年多的時間獨自沉潛,鑄造了這把武器。根據雷霆部落的紀錄,他不僅東山再起,奪回了原本屬於他的氏族領袖地位,更使背叛他的兄弟們在死前終於遵守了他們曾經背棄的誓言。 |
Dishonored Legacy |
蒙塵遺緒 |
耻辱之证 |
Many myths seek to explain the origins of this enormous blade. The styling is true of ancient barbarian tribes, but the proportions of the unbroken blade would have made wielding the weapon impossible, even for the largest of the northern warriors. |
這柄巨劍的由來不明,引來了各種揣想與臆測。雖然劍身的設計符合遠古野蠻人部落的風格,若將整柄劍復原至原本的尺寸,就連最壯碩的北地戰士都不可能靈活揮動這把龐然大物。 |
Remorseless |
無憫 |
无悯 |
Murkolt, a giant even among the Ancients, was known for many feats and qualities. Remorse was not among these. This weapon is said to embody his ethos, and some even believe it can summon him for a brief time. |
莫寇特的身形以先祖的標準而言依然高大無比。他的豐功偉業與出眾品格多不勝舉,無悔無懼也是其一。據說這柄武器體現了他的特質,有人甚至相信它可以暫時召喚出莫寇特。 |
Darklight |
黑暗之光 |
黑暗之光 |
The cold-tempered steel of this weapon cradles a mote of pale light. Ancient beyond measure, its creator and original purpose is unknown, but the flail is now revered by the crusaders as a symbol for the role they play in the world: a light to pierce the darkness. |
這把連枷的冷淬鋼材泛著微光,由於年湮代遠,它的來歷已經不可查考。現在的聖教軍將它奉為聖物,象徵穿透黑暗的聖光,正如聖教軍之於這個世界,是一片黑暗中的希望之光。 |
Johanna's Argument |
喬安娜之證 |
乔汉娜的辩护 |
One of the more mysterious tales in the annals of the Crusaders is that of Johanna. A powerful warrior, she disappeared suddenly. The fact that she did not take this, her favorite flail, seems to indicate that her journey was unplanned. She has not been seen since. |
在聖教軍的編年史裡有個撲朔迷離的傳說,是關於喬安娜的。她是個強大的戰士,但卻突然消失得無影無蹤。而且臨走前連她最愛用的連枷也沒帶走,這表示她的行程出乎意料。之後她再也沒出現過,直到現在。 |
Inviolable Faith |
不屈信念 |
至高信仰 |
Such a heavy, unwieldy object would ordinarily be impractical for the battlefield. However, this weapon has been blessed to slam into its targets with unusual force-wrecking doors, bodies, and even barricades—while also offering superior protection to the faithful. |
這把極其沉重的連枷在一般情況下,是極不稱手的武器。但這把受到祝福的連枷到了信仰虔誠的聖教軍手裡,就成了無堅不摧的神兵利器。不僅斬妖除魔猶如摧枯拉朽,還有強大的護體之力。 |
Gyrfalcon's Foote |
矛隼之爪 |
矛隼之爪 |
Clearly a weapon of great renown, this flail once belonged to Sir Tomas, the Gyrfalcon. This knight was heralded for his bravery and speed, and he took the gyrfalcon as his coat of arms, soaring to victory many times beneath its wings. |
這把眾所讚譽的神兵連枷,一度為「矛隼」托馬斯爵士所有。托馬斯是一名以勇猛果敢、迅捷無倫聞名的騎士,他以矛隼作為紋章,象徵自己有如脅生雙翼的矛隼,每每都能振翅迎向勝利。 |
Kassar's Retribution |
卡薩的懲罪 |
卡萨的惩戒 |
"Crusaders must be stronger than other warriors. We cannot trudge homeward after a victory, instead we return to the open road. We bend into the wind, the rain, the snow. Our search will not end until our faith is redeemed." —Kassar |
「聖教軍一定要比任何戰士更堅強。我們不能一打勝仗就拖著蹣跚的腳步回家,等在我們前方的,是更加漫長的道路。無論風雨霜雪,我們持續前行,在聖戰使命完成前,我們的腳步不會停止。」 —卡薩 |
Swiftmount |
神駒飛馳 |
天马连枷 |
Bearers of this flail ride like the wind when they call upon their celestial steeds. This fact may cause extreme envy when used around horseless nephalem. |
持有這把連枷的人在召喚神聖戰馬時,能夠來去如風,迅捷無比。若是在無馬可騎的涅法雷姆面前使用,可能會遭到嫉妒。 |
Justinian's Mercy |
加斯提安的慈悲 |
加斯迪安的仁慈 |
Passed down among the executioners of the Justinian dynasty, this flail was lost during the chaos of the Cartolus Insurrection. Peasants stormed the palace, grabbing anything they could find, and killing the more oppressive members of the royal retinue. It didn't take them long to find the executioners. |
這把連枷在加斯提安王朝的劊子手之間代代相傳,卻在卡特羅斯叛亂事件中遺失。成群結隊的農民攻進宮殿,把所有看得見的東西都搶走,殺死王室的隨扈。他們沒花什麼力氣就找到了劊子手們。 |
Golden Scourge |
金色煞星 |
金色煞星 |
Originally wielded by the crusader Anajinn, the Golden Scourge has felled numerous enemies of the Light. At one point, Anajinn's apprentice tried to count them all, and determined that their corpses would span the distance from Kurast to Westmarch—twice. |
金色煞星原本是聖教軍安納錦的武器,在他手裡擊倒了無數聖光之敵。在此同時,安納錦的徒弟試著一一計數,並得出結論:這些屍體排起來可以從庫拉斯特排到衛斯馬屈,而且還是往返。 |
Mortal Coil |
奪魂旋枷 |
夺命环枷 |
"I discovered I might bind the darkness of the human soul into metal armaments as they are being forged. Evil intent literally roils off the metal, and I've never wielded anything so wickedly sharp." —Author Unknown, Armis Mortem |
「我發現在熔鑄武器裝備時,可以將人類靈魂的黑暗能量和金屬結合在一起。你能清楚看見邪惡的意念在金屬上翻騰湧現,而我從未見識過如此邪穢,又如此鋒利的武器。」 —《致命武器》,作者不詳 |
Scythe of the Cycle |
輪迴之鐮 |
轮回镰刀 |
"The Great Cycle of Being always begins anew... but not for you." —Master Necromancer Jostan |
「生死輪迴總是帶來新開始…但對你除外。」 —死靈上師喬斯坦 |
“万物的轮回仍将继续……但你已不在其中。” —— 死灵大师约斯坦
Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang |
塔格奧的腐壞尖牙 |
塔格奥的蚀牙 |
It whispers your name from realms beyond. |
從另一個世界低聲呼叫你的名字。 |
Funerary Pick |
墓鎬 |
墓葬镐 |
Smooth as gleaming bone, this weapon could butcher a corpse in a matter of seconds in the right hands. |
這把武器像骨頭一樣光滑,熟練的使用者可以在數秒內輕易肢解死屍。 |
Fire Brand Cinder Switch |
鼓動之焰 燼焰翻騰 |
火烙 熔火飞渣 |
Ensorcelled with the essence of living flame. |
附上了活生生的火焰精華。 |
Burst of Wrath |
怒湧 |
怒涌 |
Zaboul, the Lord of Wrath, forged this weapon after the Prime Evils declared they would not invade the world of Sanctuary. A thousand demons died in the process. |
在三大罪惡之源宣告不會進犯聖休亞瑞之後,憤怒之王札布爾鑄造了這把雙手斧。其過程用「一斧功成萬骨枯」來形容,一點也不為過。 |
Sungjae's Fury |
成宰之怒 |
盛宰之怒 |
This axe was the signature weapon of a brutal nomadic warlord known only as Sungjae. When commanding his forces to attack, Sungjae would hold the enormous weapon aloft and utter an inhuman scream. Sunlight would gleam across the axe blade's many notches, and the warlord’s enemies and allies alike would know fear. |
這把斧頭是勇猛的遊牧民族霸主成宰的標誌性武器。每當命令部下攻擊時,成宰就會高舉這把巨大的戰斧,發出摧心裂膽的戰吼。陽光把斧頭的缺口處照得閃閃發亮,令他的敵人和盟友都同樣感到畏懼。 |
The Marauder |
掠奪者 |
掠夺者 |
This two-handed axe was once an ornate, exquisite weapon, until it fell into the hands a murderous clan of goatmen. Years of misuse and crude modifications have marred the original beauty of the axe, but the deadly effectiveness of its martial enchantments remain as strong as ever. |
這把雙手斧在還沒落入殘忍嗜血的羊頭人手中時,曾是雕飾精美、華麗璀璨的武器。年復一年,輕率的使用和粗暴的對待讓這把斧頭原有的美消磨殆盡,但它致命的附魔效果卻絲毫無損,仍像從前一樣威力無比。 |
Skorn |
斯考恩巨斧 |
斯科恩巨斧 |
The demon L'Anzuul wielded his vile axe Skorn with great venom and wrath before he was brought low by the forces of Heaven. |
惡魔藍祖爾滿懷怨毒地揮舞他邪惡的斯考恩巨斧,直到被天軍擊敗。 |
Messerschmidt's Reaver |
梅希斯密特之劫掠者 |
梅塞施密特的劫掠者 |
This mighty weapon once hewed its way through the demon-infested catacombs beneath the old Zakarum cathedral in Tristram. Could it be the weapon the warrior Aidan used to defeat Diablo all those years ago? |
這把強大的武器曾在崔斯特姆舊撒卡蘭姆教堂的地下墓穴斬殺過無數的惡魔,它是否就是英勇的戰士艾丹多年前用來擊敗迪亞布羅的武器呢? |
Butcher's Carver |
屠夫剁刀 |
屠夫的切肉刀 |
Foul weapon of the resurrected Butcher demon. Perfect for carving fresh meat. |
復活的惡魔屠夫的邪惡武器。正適合用來砍剁新鮮的肉塊。 |
The Executioner |
劊子手 |
处决者 |
Stained with the blood of its many victims. |
染上了無數受害者的血跡。 |
Cataclysm Sunder |
浩劫 滅破 |
浩劫 灭世 |
A weapon of myth and legend. Some say that to use it is folly—that it will rip the land asunder and boil the oceans. |
傳說中的神器。有的人甚至還說,使用這件武器是愚蠢而危險的行為,因為它會使大地分裂、海洋沸騰。 |
Arthef's Spark of Life |
阿瑟夫的生命之光 |
阿瑟夫的生命之光 |
Arthef of the Dying Ones crafted this weapon to translate the misbegotten life of the undead into the living. |
垂死者阿瑟夫製造了這把武器,用來把不死生物來路不正的生命力轉化到生者身上。 |
Schaefer's Hammer |
史恰佛之鎚 |
舍费尔之锤 |
Forged in the frigid wastes of the north to honor the famed Schaefer artisans. |
在冰冷的北地荒原鑄造,紀念著名的史恰佛工匠。 |
Sledge of Athskeleng |
阿斯克蘭之鎚 |
阿斯格伦巨锤 |
Skywarden |
向天守 |
天界卫士 |
Favored weapon of the angelic Host. |
天使軍團愛用的武器。 |
Soulsmasher |
碎魂巨鎚 |
碎魂 |
"This massive mace does more than merely slay its victims. It quite literally shatters their souls, releasing the energy contained within in a massive blast. If it was indeed crafted by my brother Malthael, as I suspect, it may have been a failed first attempt to free human souls for his consumption. How long, I wonder, had his madness gone unnoticed by those closest to him?" —Tyrael, Aspect of Wisdom |
「這把巨大的釘鎚不光能殺死敵人,它還會粉碎敵人的靈魂,轟然釋出其中的能量。如果這把兵器真如我所料、出於我昔日的兄弟瑪瑟爾之手,他可能想利用它來釋放人類的靈魂並加以吞噬,只是沒有成功。我在想,這段時間以來,他身邊最親近的人怎麼會沒發現他日漸顯露的瘋狂?」 —泰瑞爾,智慧的化身 |
Wrath of the Bone King |
骨王之怒 |
骷髅王之怒 |
Used by the Skeleton King to punish those who would stand against him. |
骷髏王用來懲戒忤逆者的武器。 |
The Furnace |
焚爐 |
焚炉 |
"This pestilence threatens to destroy our city, General Arenton. See that the plague dead are kept only in the Repository, and use this weapon to set their bodies aflame. Would that the memory of this tragedy could burn with them." –Justinian II, year 1200 |
「這場來勢洶洶的疫病可能會毀滅整座城市,亞瑞頓將軍。把染病死者的遺體都堆放到骸骨地窖,用這把武器將它們燒成灰燼吧。但願這段悲慘的回憶也會隨之灰飛煙滅。」 —加斯提安二世,紀元1200年 |
Crushbane |
碎禍 |
破劫 |
Many are the warriors who have fled in terror from the awesome might that is Crushbane. |
驚天動地的衝擊力,令許多戰士落荒而逃。 |
Vigilance |
戒慎 |
警戒者 |
"One who stands in defense of others will find her inner strength." —The Cadence of Battle |
「戒慎守護同伴的心,才是最果敢強大的力量。」 —《戰鬥的節奏》 |
Heart Slaughter |
刨心者 |
诛心 |
Your enemies will find it difficult to fight without their hearts. |
少了心臟的敵人,不堪一擊。 |
Standoff |
峙 |
对峙 |
With this, one warrior can hold back an army. |
一夫當關,萬夫莫敵。 |
Pledge of Caldeum |
卡爾蒂姆之誓 |
卡尔蒂姆之誓 |
Long a symbol of an open and free society, this weapon has come to represent the tyranny and corruption that have befallen the great city. |
這把武器在很久以前曾象徵開放自由的社會,如今卻代表使這座偉大城市沒落的暴政與腐敗。 |
Foushee Voulge |
佛希槍斧 |
弗希钩镰枪 |
Commissioned by Emperor Hakan II to outfit his imperial guard, the Foushee weaponsmiths involved in the creation of this ceremonial polearm made every effort to ensure the voulge would be as effective in combat as on the parade grounds, and it shows. Well balanced, sturdy, and razor sharp, this weapon was instrumental in maintaining order during Caldeum's siege. |
哈坎大帝二世賜予其帝國衛兵的武器, 參與製作的佛希武器鍛造師無不精心打造,務求這些槍斧不僅在閱兵時光彩煥然,在戰場上亦能無堅不摧。而正如你所見,他們確實辦到了:稱手、強韌,鋒利,這些武器在卡爾蒂姆圍城之戰發揮了至關重大的作用。 |
Bovine Bardiche |
蠻牛砍刀 |
牛王戟斧 |
This polearm was crafted by the finest ungulate smiths—its blade fired in the Hellforge, quenched in the rancid milk of the Cow King, and enchanted by that selfsame monarch. In addition to its significant martial benefits, the Bovine Bardiche may also summon forth a veritable army of cows to fight on its wielder's behalf. |
這把長柄武器是由最優秀的蠻牛鐵匠所鑄造的,刀刃在地獄熔爐裡煉過,在牛王酸敗的乳汁裡淬過,牠還親自為武器附魔。蠻牛砍刀除了顯著的攻擊優勢,還能召喚牛群,為持有者衝鋒陷陣。 |
Infernal Staff of Herding |
煉獄牧牛杖 |
炼狱牧牛杖 |
Only one bovine in all of Infernal Sanctuary could possibly have a use for this. |
在煉獄難度中,全聖休亞瑞只有一頭牛可能會用到這東西。 |
Hellish Staff of Herding |
地獄牧牛杖 |
地狱牧牛杖 |
Only one bovine in all of Hellish Sanctuary could possibly have a use for this. |
在地獄難度中,全聖休亞瑞只有一頭牛可能會用到這東西。 |
Nightmarish Staff of Herding |
惡夢牧牛杖 |
噩梦牧牛杖 |
Only one bovine in all of Nightmarish Sanctuary could possibly have a use for this. |
在惡夢難度中,全聖休亞瑞只有一頭牛可能會用到這東西。 |
Staff of Herding |
牧牛杖 |
牧牛杖 |
Only one bovine in all of Sanctuary could possibly have a use for this. |
全聖休亞瑞只有一頭牛可能會用到這東西。 |
The Magi Mark of The Magi |
賢者眾 賢者眾的印記 |
法贤之杖 法贤之印 |
It is believed the magi, practitioners of strange and esoteric magics, died out long ago. The only proofs of their existence are the Behistun tomes and this staff. |
據信,奉行異端秘傳魔法的「賢者眾」法師們在很久以前便已經失去傳人,只有貝西斯登之書與這柄法杖能證明他們曾存在於這個世界上。 |
The Grand Vizier |
首相 |
大维兹尔之杖 |
Protector of the first counselor of Caldeum's Trade Consortium. |
卡爾蒂姆商貿聯會首席參議的保護者。 |
The Tormentor |
磨難 |
折磨者 |
This staff was made with only one goal in mind: to cause great pain. |
鑄造這柄法杖的工匠心中只有一個目標:讓敵人痛不欲生。 |
Wormwood |
茵蔯 |
苦艾之杖 |
The poisonous hatred of many a man was harnessed to create this staff. |
這柄法杖是凝聚了許多人的怨毒惡念所製成。 |
Maloth's Focus |
曼勞斯的聚能法杖 |
马洛斯的聚能法杖 |
Used as a focal point for Maloth's fearsome power. It took an army to pry it from his hands. |
聚集曼勞斯可怕的力量,耗費了眾軍之力才從他手上奪走這柄法杖。 |
The Broken Staff |
斷杖 |
断杖 |
Master Kirill's prized staff until it was damaged in combat with the demon Ashukal. |
吉里爾大師最看重的法杖,毀損於與惡魔阿舒卡爾的戰役。 |
Staff of Chiroptera |
蝙蝠法杖 |
蝙蝠法杖 |
Without the correct tools, forming energy into Firebats can be taxing. |
若是缺乏正確的工具,要把能量轉化為火蝙蝠的負擔可是相當沉重的。 |
Autumn's Call |
秋之喚 |
鸣秋杖 |
Contemplate the falling leaves, colored by the rays of the waning sun. Strike forth from a place of peace. |
一葉知秋,以夕照染色,從和平之境向前邁進。 |
Ner'zhul's Staff of Shadowmoon |
耐祖奧的影月法杖 |
影月之耐奥祖法杖 |
SuWong Diviner |
蘇旺先知杖 |
苏旺卜杖 |
"I followed the whispers of the spirits deep into the jungle, hoping to learn their secrets. Then I found the Diviner. SuWong's voice came to me clearly so long as I held it. He showed me the ways of the Unformed Land, and they became my ways as well." —Tendaji the Witch Doctor |
「我跟隨著眾靈的低語走入叢林深處,希望能獲知它們的秘密。然後,我發現了這把先知杖。當我握著法杖時,蘇旺清晰的聲音在我耳邊響起,他教導我如何掌握無形之境的力量,使其成為我的力量。」 —巫醫騰達吉 |
The Smoldering Core |
悶火灼核 |
蕴火之心 |
"After Azmodan’s death, I sent a squad of men to block the path to the crater. Only one of them returned, bearing this strange weapon. He was badly burned—his armor had melted into his skin in places. He perished a few hours later. We threw the staff over the walls, hoping never to see it again." —Captain Haile of Bastion’s Keep |
「在阿茲莫丹死後,我派了一隊士兵封鎖前往亞瑞特巨坑的路。最後只有一個人回來,手裡拿著這把奇怪的武器。他全身多處嚴重灼傷,熔化的盔甲嵌進了皮膚,幾個小時後就去世了。我們把這柄法杖扔出牆外,希望再也不要看到這邪門的玩意。」 —戍衛要塞的海利隊長 |
Valthek's Rebuke |
佛爾瑟克的斥責 |
瓦泰克的训斥 |
This staff was the property of the high councilor of the Vizjerei and master of the mage clans of the Yshari Sanctum. It disappeared shortly after an incident with a rebellious student. |
這把法杖曾屬於佛爾瑟克所有,他是費斯傑利上議員、伊沙利聖殿的大法師。但是在某個學生造反後不久,法杖就不見了。 |
Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander |
亞赫維里恩,萊坎德之矛 |
阿瓦里昂,莱姗德之矛 |
"For love of the nephalem Philios, I will leave this weapon behind, and exchange the powers of Heaven for the peace of Sanctuary." –The angel Lycander |
「為了涅法雷姆人菲利歐,我將把這柄法杖留下。用至高天的力量,換取聖休亞瑞的和平。」 —天使萊坎德 |
Ch'il-chi-do |
奇爾奇多 |
七支刀 |
PH Flavor Text |
PH Flavor Text |
PH Flavor Text
Corrupted Ashbringer |
墮落的灰燼使者 |
堕落的灰烬使者 |
Stories tell of a great paladin who wore a single gauntlet of silver and wielded a mighty sword with a flashing jewel. He dispatched thousands of Risen Dead and Wretched Mothers, but fell to a tragic end. This sword bears some resemblance to the legends, but its jewel is dark and threatening. Perhaps there is more to the story? |
傳說裡,有個偉大的聖騎士,他一隻手戴著白銀護腕,手中的寶劍鑲著光輝耀眼的寶石。他斬殺了成千上萬的復生死屍與妖母,卻落得悽慘的結局。這柄劍與傳說中的描述很相似,然而其上的寶石卻黯淡且肅殺。或許,這些傳說的背後另有真相… |
Blood Brother |
血繫手足 |
鲜血兄弟 |
"Long ago, the demon Vi'inaz and his brother Eboeth were terrible foes of the High Heavens, though they bickered constantly. In later times, Vi'inaz alone was seen wielding a sword wrapped in demon flesh, with a still-beating heart pumping black blood along its sharp-spined length. Talus'ar does not record the fate of Eboeth, but I do not place our foes above perverse fratricide." —Archangel Ithereal |
「很久以前,惡魔維伊納茲和他的兄弟艾伯斯雖然經常爭吵,但仍然是至高天最難纏的敵人。後來只看到維伊納茲形單影隻地揮舞著一把包覆著惡魔血肉的劍,上面還有顆仍在跳動的心臟,沿著銳利的劍齒汩汩流下黑血。命運卷軸塔魯斯亞爾並未記載艾伯斯的下場如何,不過我們的敵人要是犯下有悖倫常的殘殺手足之罪也不奇怪。」 —大天使伊瑟瑞爾 |
Cam's Rebuttal |
坎姆的駁斥 |
坎姆的驳斥 |
This massive holy weapon was once owned by an overzealous paladin named Cam. The blade earned its name when Cam was confronted by a strange warrior from the east who claimed that a darkness coiled at the heart of the Zakarum faith, one that threatened to undo its good works. Cam listened politely to the claims, then with a scream of "Blasphemer!" lopped off the shocked stranger's head. |
這把沉重的聖劍曾經屬於坎姆,一位熱血沸騰的聖騎士。坎姆曾與來自東方的陌生戰士爆發衝突,戰士宣稱一股潛藏在撒卡蘭姆信仰核心的黑暗勢力將顛覆腐化整個信仰體系。原先顯得彬彬有禮的坎姆忍不住怒吼:「閉嘴,褻瀆者!」並揮劍斬下他的頭顱,這把劍也因此得名。 |
Stalgard's Decimator |
斯塔加德的兇刃 |
斯塔加德的屠戮者 |
Stalgard was a bloodthirsty warlord whose forces briefly controlled the trade routes of the southern plains. He was famed for engaging in duels with the best swordsman of any caravan who dared pass through his territory, offering to let it proceed unmolested if its champion triumphed. Of course, he was equally famed for cheating if he began to lose said duels. |
斯塔加德是個殘忍嗜血的霸主,他曾經短暫控制了南方平原的貿易商道。他之所以聲名遠播,是因為任何敢踏進他地盤的商隊,都要派出最強的劍士和他決鬥,直到商隊有人能獲勝為止。不過,一看情勢不妙就耍詐,也是他聲名狼藉的原因。 |
The Grandfather |
高祖 |
祖父 |
The most ancient and revered of all greatswords. |
世上最古老尊榮的巨劍。 |
Maximus |
麥西穆斯 |
马西姆斯 |
The famed warrior Maximus defeated ninety nine demons singlehandedly in the Battle of Lut Bahadur, and imbued his sword with their demonic power. |
名戰士麥西穆斯在魯巴哈多之役中單槍匹馬擊敗 99 名惡魔,並且將這群惡魔的力量灌注在他的寶劍上。 |
Warmonger |
戰狂 |
好战者 |
Brandished by the demon Draorm at the Fifth Battle of the Diamond Gates. |
惡魔德阿歐恩在鑽石之門的第五場戰役中拿的劍。 |
The Sultan of Blinding Sand |
眩盲沙地的蘇丹 |
沙漠之王 |
Forged by the finest smiths in Caldeum to commemorate the first emperor Hakan's ascension to the throne. |
由卡爾蒂姆最優秀傑出的工匠合力打造,以紀念哈坎大帝一世的登基大典。 |
Blade of Prophecy |
預言之刃 |
预言之刃 |
The Blade of Prophecy was lost until a champion worthy to carry it into battle emerged. |
預言之刃要等到匹配得上的豪傑出現才會再度現世。 |
Blackguard |
黑衛士 |
黑卫士 |
The power of this sword drove the warrior Rothat to unspeakable acts. |
這把劍的魔力驅使戰士洛薩特做出筆墨難書的罪行。 |
Scourge |
煞星 |
灾星 |
A weapon of such evil visage is rarely seen outside the confines of the Burning Hells. |
烈焰地獄之外少見具有如此邪惡外觀的武器。 |
The Zweihander |
日耳曼大劍 |
北地巨神剑 |
Longsword favored by Heuerman and the loyalists during the Entsteig Rebellion. |
安茲提格叛亂期間,修爾曼與保皇黨愛用的長劍。 |
Faithful Memory |
忠貞回憶 |
忠贞回忆 |
The Boosenian smiths forged swords with a technique centuries beyond their time. Few craftsmen have been able to replicate the quality of their work. |
波賽尼恩鐵匠鑄造寶劍的工藝領先其他地方足有百年之譜,沒有幾個工匠能追得上他們高超的質地。 |
Lai Yui's Taiji Lai Yui's Persuader |
麗瑤的太極杵 麗瑤的鎮伏杵 |
丽瑶的太极杵 丽瑶的劝诫杖 |
"Remember what you learned here today," she told the defeated band of thieves, "or I will return to remind you." |
「牢牢記住今天的教訓,」她告訴這群被擊敗的盜賊:「否則,我就會回來提醒你們。」 |
Rozpedin's Staff Rozpedin's Force |
拉茲普汀之杖 拉茲普汀之力 |
罗泽丁之杖 罗泽丁之力 |
Rozpedin purified himself through meditation for thirty days before crafting this staff out of a single piece of white oak. |
拉茲普汀足足齋戒冥思了三十天,然後才用一根白橡樹樹枝做出這把杖。 |
Warstaff of General Quang |
廣將軍的戰杖 |
广将军的战杖 |
"When he took the field himself, the General bore a demon-visaged staff shaped with a number of protrusions and barbs designed for tripping, disarming, and dismounting his opponents. Witnesses described the General moving through armies like a blur, leaving behind swaths of prone troops for his bodyguards to dispatch." —A History of War by Lord Jerem Kiel |
「廣將軍在戰場上衝鋒陷陣時,手裡拿的就是這把鑲有惡魔頭像的戰杖,上面有各種尖刺和倒鉤,專門用來絆倒步兵、勾落騎兵、還能卸下敵人手中的武器。根據目擊者所言,廣將軍以迅雷之勢深入敵陣,留下人仰馬翻的敵兵讓手下的衛士解決。」 —傑若姆·基爾領主《戰史》 |
Staff of Kyro |
楷若之杖 |
凯洛之杖 |
"For more than a century, this simple white wax wood staff braided in red shagreen has served as the badge of office for the high abbot of the Kyro temple. During that time, thousands of inattentive young monks have come to find that their master’s old staff has surprising reach." —Archimandrite Cyprian |
「百餘年來,這把飾有赤鮫皮編繩的白蠟木杖一直被視為楷若僧院院長的象徵。那段日子裡,許多漫不經心的年輕武僧都領教到,導師的舊木杖打人的距離真是有夠遠。」 —大僧院長塞彼里恩 |
Flying Dragon |
翔龍 |
翔龙 |
The flying dragon soars silently but strikes with great force. |
翔龍無聲,其擊也猛。 |
Incense Torch of the Grand Temple |
大殿香炬 |
大殿香烛 |
Fills the air with calming fragrances as your opponent feels the weight of your displeasure. |
除了飄散著安撫人心的檀香氣味之外,亦能讓敵人切身感受到你心頭的不快究竟有多沈重。 |
The Paddle |
櫓 |
战桨 |
The currents of a battle must be navigated with a strong hand. |
戰陣險如湍流,需要穩健有力的臂膀來操槳。 |
The Flow of Eternity |
永恆之悟 |
永恒之悟 |
"When one's mind floats along the unseen trails that pulse through the world, one’s movements become effortless." —Dvorak, Sage of the Many |
「心浮游於未可見之道,與萬物同在,行無所礙。」 —智者達佛洛克 |
Balance |
均衡 |
平衡 |
"We must walk the middle way between chaos and order, and not allow our emotions to sway us." —Tenets of the Veradani |
「避混沌、遠定規,行道於中庸,無撓於情愛。」 —《梵羅達尼教義》 |
Unending War War of the Dead |
無盡之戰 亡者之戰 |
无尽之战 亡者之战 |
Only the dead have seen the end of war. |
只有亡者才見得到戰爭的落幕。 |
Fury of the Vanished Peak |
夷峰烈怒 |
隐峰之怒 |
Korr took all his anger and despair and poured them into the creation of a weapon that would speak to the majesty of Arreat for ages to come. |
寇爾將滿腔憤怒與絕望傾注在這把武器,為世世代代後人見證亞瑞特山的壯觀宏偉。 |
The Gavel of Judgment |
審判之鎚 |
审判之锤 |
A mighty symbol of Tyrael, the archangel of Justice, though never actually used by him. Stolen from the Courts of Justice in the High Heavens by renegade angels. |
象徵正義之力的法鎚,然而義天使泰瑞爾卻從未使用過,因為它被叛變的天使從至高天的正義法庭偷走了。 |
Bastion's Revered |
戍衛之傑 |
巴斯廷之力 |
Used by the leaders of Bastion’s Keep in the war with the Northern Tribes. The Barbarians came to respect the weapon so much that they gave it a name, shortly after tearing it from the hands of a dying garrison commander. |
這是當年戍衛要塞的將領與北方部族交戰時所用的武器。野蠻人很敬重它,甚至從瀕死的軍營指揮官手中奪下這柄兵器後沒多久,就為它取了名字。 |
The Blackrock Destroyer |
黑石毀滅者 |
黑石摧毁者 |
Grim Reaper |
猙獰奪魂者 |
狰狞夺魂者 |
"I realize now I’ve made a terrible mistake. The knowledge that the power of human souls might be extracted and used to empower the angelic Host would immediately escalate the Eternal Conflict. And if demons were to learn these methods, too... I daresay the war would end in our mutually assured destruction. All life would be extinguished. No one must ever know what I’ve discovered." —Author Unknown, Armis Mortem |
「我發現自己犯了一個天大的錯誤,人類的靈魂在提取之後,能令天使軍團如虎添翼,這樣一來永恆之戰就會越演越烈。而且要是惡魔也知道方法的話,後果更是不堪設想…我敢說這樣下去雙方是在自掘墳墓,結果只會是同歸於盡,所有生靈也將因此滅絕。這個發現絕對不能讓任何人知道。」 —《致命武器》,作者不詳 |
Blade of the Tribes |
部族之刃 |
部族之刃 |
Every tribe tells tales of their greatest weapons, capable of moving mountains or terrifying enemies, each one different. But every tribe claims this blade as their own. |
每個部族都流傳著各自武器的偉大傳奇,有的可以拔山倒樹,有的可以震懾外敵。而其中唯一的共同點是,每個部族都宣稱自己擁有這把刀刃。 |
Madawc's Sorrow |
馬道克之哀 |
马道克的悲伤 |
The storm of demonic destruction that thundered toward the gates of Harrogath was held back for what seemed like ages by a lone barbarian wielding this immense weapon. But even the mightiest of warriors will tire and eventually fall, and such was the case with this nameless hero. Madawc's Sorrow was thought lost in the destruction of the sacred mountain, but has recently resurfaced intact. |
惡魔勢力大舉入侵,風風火火地襲向哈洛加斯。將這場腥風血雨消弭于無形的,正是一夫當關,揮舞著這把武器的野蠻人英雄。但是,再勇猛的戰士也會疲倦,也會倒下,這位無名英雄正是如此。一般認為馬道克之哀在聖山毀滅之時便已佚失,但這把完好無損的神兵最近又重現世間。 |
Akkhan's Addendum |
阿克漢的補遺 |
阿克汉的补件 |
"The best armor in the world is of little use without a good weapon." -Akkhan |
「若沒有優質的武器相襯,世上最堅固的護甲一樣派不上用場。」 —阿克漢 |
Flail of the Ascended |
昇靈者連枷 |
晋升者的连枷 |
The Ascended turned his gaze from his people, but left behind his flail, that we may remember him. In the fullness of time, he shall return. -the Inquisitor |
「昇靈者的目光漸漸遠離了他的同胞,但他還是留下了連枷,好讓大家能記得他。等到時機成熟,他必定會再度歸來。」 —審判官 |
Akkhan's Leniency |
阿克漢的寬容 |
阿克汉的仁慈 |
"Let no crusader succumb to their base emotions, for they are to be the mere vessels of Zakarum’s righteous punishment, and the purveyors of his mercy." -Akkhan |
「聖教軍不會受個人負面情緒的影響。他們是撒卡蘭姆的正義懲戒,也是慈悲之心的忠實擁護者。」 —阿克漢 |
Golden Flense |
刨劫金枷 |
刨肉金枷 |
Covered in delicate Skatsimi runes, the blades of this ornate ancient weapon are sharp enough to draw blood with but a finger's caress. |
這把上古連枷表面刻著細緻華美的史卡辛符文,穠麗絕倫。連枷的刃面鋒利無匹,即使以指尖輕觸,也足以濺血。 |
Fate of the Fell |
妖邪必敗 |
妖邪必败 |
"When the unholy creature stalking Harstead was finally slain, the town's clergy commissioned the construction of this massive weapon. Adorned with a weight fashioned in the fiend’s terrible visage, the flail was meant to serve as a warning to any fell invader." —Rennold's Catalogue of Arms |
「當那個偷襲哈斯坦德鎮的怪物終於被殺死以後,鎮上的教士一起打造了這把沉甸甸的大連枷。上面裝飾著那隻惡魔可怖的頭像,彷彿在警告所有邪惡的入侵者。」 —蘭諾德《兵器大全》 |
Baleful Remnant |
破滅餘惡 |
凶星破片 |
"The head of this curious weapon consists of a highly unusual and volatile rock formation. Some speculate it came from a meteor—or an entirely different plane of existence, silly as that is. It has defied the understanding of scholars for centuries, but then again, I have never had a look at it!" —Abd al-Hazir |
「這把奇異的武器最不尋常的地方,在於其連枷鎚頭採用了某種持續散發元素能量的石塊。有人猜測那是隕石,甚至是某種來自其他世界的物質,真是夠傻的。即便有眾多傑出的學者進行過研究,數百年來還是沒人看得出那究竟是什麼。不過我必須再強調一次,那是因為我還沒機會親自看過!」 —阿卜杜·哈茲爾 |
The Mortal Drama |
人世無常 |
人世无常 |
"A tragedy is merely a comedy where the audience understands the consequences." —Samuel Drest, playwright |
「若觀眾明白一切因果原委,悲劇就不過是喜劇而已。」 —劇作家山繆·德瑞斯特 |
Nayr's Black Death |
奈雅的黑死病 |
纳伊尔的黑镰 |
A weapon of mysterious origins that seems to cut more deeply when you're cutting it a little close in battle. |
神秘的武器,遇到的戰鬥越是凶險,劃開的傷口也越深。 |
Bloodtide Blade |
血潮長刀 |
血潮利刃 |
The favored weapon of Master Necromancer Ordan, renowned teacher of the Priests of Rathma. He was so devoted to this weapon that he would rather part with his life than have it leave his side. |
死靈上師歐登是拉斯瑪祭司團當中備受景仰的一位導師。他對這把武器投注了無比強烈的信念,寧願失去生命也不願失去它。 |
Maltorius' Petrified Spike |
馬托利斯的石化尖刺 |
玛托瑞斯的僵刺 |
In an unparalleled display of summoning prowess, Master Necromancer Maltorius raised the tallest golem in history--until this spike was cut from it. |
死靈上師馬托利斯的召喚能力無人能比,他喚醒史上最高大的魔像…直到有人把這根尖刺從魔像身上拔下。 |
在一次史无前例的召唤术展示中,死灵大师玛托瑞斯召唤出了有史以来最高大的傀儡 —— 直到这根尖刺被砍下。
Reilena's Shadowhook |
萊蓮娜的影魂鉤 |
莱勒娜的影镰 |
The swiftest of the Priests of Rathma, Reilena could weave her way through enemies with the grace of a dancer, leaving only bones in her wake. |
拉斯瑪祭司團中最敏捷的就是萊蓮娜了,她可以像優美的舞者迅速穿越敵陣,只留下敵人的屍骨。 |
Longshot Unbound Bolt |
遠擊 狂放之矢 |
远击 狂放之击 |
Many a hero has wielded this bow through many an age, and the tales sung of it can be heard from one end of the world to the other. |
歷代許多英雄皆用過這把弓,讚頌它的歌曲在世界各地都聽得到。 |
Venomhusk Sydyru Crust |
毒莢 西德魯骨弓 |
毒弦 西迪鲁骨弓 |
Carved from the bones of the dreaded giant sydyru demon. |
以巨大而恐怖的西德魯惡魔之骨削製而成。 |
Yang's Recurve |
楊的反曲弓 |
杨的反曲弓 |
A terrifying Demon Hunter from Xiansai, Yang was known for his resourcefulness, his prowess at multishot, and his icy contempt for failure. |
楊是來自仙塞的可怕狩魔獵人,他最出名的就是他足智多謀的手段,多重射擊的功夫,以及他對失誤的冰冷蔑視。 |
Leonine Bow of Hashir |
哈許爾獅弓 |
哈希尔的狮弓 |
Hashir was a gifted blacksmith who often spoke passionately about the need for mankind to live in peace and harmony with all things. Until his family was killed. Then he turned his talents towards creating the most effective ways to inflict massive amounts of pain and suffering on those responsible. |
哈許爾是個天資優異的鐵匠,他總是充滿熱情地說著人類應該與萬物和諧相處、和平共生,直到他的家人遭到殺害。自此之後,他將自己的天賦用在創造殺傷力最強、效率最高的兵器上,要讓那些兇手受盡折磨。 |
Odyssey's End |
奧德賽的尾聲 |
旅途终点 |
After her many travels, the heroine Aphaena returned home bearing the mightiest bow in all of Skovos. Only the strongest warriors may string it, and in modern times, the greatest of Skovos's champions compete for that honor. |
在遊歷各地之後,女英雄艾菲娜帶著全斯寇伐斯最強勁的弓回到家鄉。只有最強壯的戰士,才有本事拉滿這張弓。而現在,全斯寇伐斯的壯士都競相爭取這無上的榮耀。 |
Kridershot |
萊德強弓 |
莱德之击 |
Long ago, an outmatched hero defeated a great demon archer with a lucky shot and claimed its mighty weapon as his own. It was to be the last good fortune he enjoyed, as the dying demon's curse wormed its way into the bow. For the remainder of his short life, the hero never knew a day free from conflict. Strife and destruction have dogged every poor soul to bear the bow. |
很久以前,某個在戰鬥中落居下風的英雄憑著運氣打敗了身手不凡的惡魔弓手,並將這把強弓據為己有。但因為那惡魔臨死前的詛咒,英雄從此再也沒走運過。他殘餘的短暫人生從無一日安寧,而每個持有這把弓的人,厄運都將如附骨之疽,揮之不去。 |
Bow of the Lost Warlord |
失落之霸長弓 |
失落的兽人督军弓 |
Windforce |
風之力 |
风之力 |
The wind carries life for those enveloped in its flow, and death for those arrayed against it. |
迎風拂擁者生,逆風拮抗者亡。 |
Cluckeye |
奪禽目 |
啄目弓 |
This bow has been tainted by some strange magic indeed. |
這把弓確實蘊含某種奇特的魔力。 |
Etrayu |
伊崔尤 |
伊崔羽 |
The warrior surveyed the dead and dying arrayed about him. There would be more—many more. He felt as if he were trapped in a tale that would never end. |
英勇的戰士放眼環顧死傷橫亙在他四周的敵人。他知道,事情還沒結束…還有更多敵人。他感覺自己彷彿被困在一個永遠不會結束的故事裡。 |
The Raven's Wing |
掠鴉之翼 |
渡鸦之翼 |
Legends say that ravens serve as Death's couriers, carrying souls to the afterlife. Blood Raven carried this bow in the tradition of that sacred duty until she fell to the forces of corruption. |
傳說掠鴉是死神的使者,專司接引亡魂。這把弓的主人『血鴉』原本也是個盡責恪守這神聖職責的人,只可惜後來卻淪落邪道而無法自拔。 |
Uskang |
兀鋼 |
乌斯刚 |
Hewn from the roots of the sacred angaza tree. |
由神聖的安佳薩樹砍下的樹根所製成。 |
Starspine Arcane Barb |
星脊 秘法星刺 |
星脊 奥法星刺 |
The shimmering metal stock conceals a strange power source capable of charging each shot with arcane energy. |
閃閃發光的金屬弩身裡隱藏著奇異的能量來源,為射出的每發箭矢附上秘法能量。 |
Wojahnni Assaulter |
沃賈強襲弩 |
沃杨强击弩 |
Because of the consummate skill required to construct them, Wojahnni heavy crossbows are reserved for the officer class. As the Assaulter's effectiveness is essential to the nation's military superiority, they are seldom found intact outside of Wojahn since there is a simple peg inserted in the weapon that, when pulled, causes it to fall to pieces. |
因為製作沃賈強襲弩需要卓爾不凡的技藝,這種武器只限軍官階層才能使用。也正因為神兵利器對國家的軍事防禦至關重要,不容落入他人之手,在其他地方很難找到完好的沃賈強襲弩。弩身安裝了一個釘樁,只要一拉,這柄武器就會解體。 |
Chanon Bolter |
喀農強弩 |
重炮机弩 |
The gross ornamentation of this crossbow belies the solid construction and powerful draw weight that make it a deadly weapon. As bowyer to King Leoric, Chanon was ordered to produce a crossbow capable of defeating the forces of Westmarch or watch his family be put to the sword. Chanon complied, creating this masterpiece, which the Mad King promptly tested on the hapless craftsman. |
過度繁複的裝飾往往使人錯估這把弩的堅實結構和強大勁力。李奧瑞克王命令弩匠喀農製作一把能擊敗衛斯馬屈軍隊的致命武器,若敢不從,就等著親眼看著自己的家人死在他面前。喀農屈服了,成就了嘔心瀝血之作,而狂君也毫不猶豫地拿他當做第一個箭靶。 |
Manticore |
蠍尾獅 |
蝎尾狮 |
The flying quills of the manticore's tail are filled with lethal toxin. |
蠍尾獅尾巴的飛刺滿是致命劇毒。 |
Hellrack |
地獄刑具 |
地狱刑器 |
How many sinners have been pinned to the gates of Hell with this wicked device? |
有多少罪人被這兇殘的刑具釘在地獄的大門上? |
Pus Spitter |
吐膿毒弩 |
吐脓毒弩 |
Imbued with the magic of the Torajan jungles. But from where does it get its ammunition? |
灌注了托拉陽叢林的魔法,但它的彈藥箭矢是從哪來的? |
Buriza-Do Kyanon |
暴雪砲弩 |
暴雪重炮 |
Previously thought to be too large and cumbersome to be wielded by hand, the Buriza-Do Kyanon is handled by the superior warrior with ease. |
暴雪砲弩之前被認為太過龐大笨重,不容易使用,只有最優秀的戰士能從容使用。 |
Demon Machine |
惡魔機弩 |
恶魔机弩 |
"All maddening angles and gnashing gears. These crossbows! How do they work?!" —Sergeant at Arms Carlavoie |
「我的老天啊,這些該死的機弩到底該怎麼用?!」 —侍衛長卡拉沃威 |
Bakkan Caster |
巴坎射弩 |
巴坎弩枪 |
Crafted by the reclusive dwellers of the deep woods to defend their sacred territory. |
由隱居在叢林深處的居民所造,以防衛他們神聖的領土。 |
Deadeye Blitzbolter |
死眼絕射 閃擊矢弩 |
神机弩 霹雳弩 |
Good for putting the dead back in the ground. |
很適合將死者打回墳墓。 |
The Demon's Demise |
惡魔滅絕 |
恶魔之灾 |
“Whispers abound of Kovan's insatiable lust for slaughtering the denizens of the Burning Hells. May the gods save the world if the day comes when he no longer has demons to fight” -Tales of the Wasteland |
「有眾多耳語流傳著,說柯凡對於屠殺烈焰地獄住民有著無止盡的渴望。當他再也沒有惡魔可殺時,願神保佑我們的世界。」 —《荒野傳奇》 |
Fortress Ballista |
要塞弩砲 |
要塞弩机 |
The Fortress Ballista was famously used by Valla during the Siege of Bastion’s Keep. A strangely garbed wizard infused it with a spell on the spur of the moment, apparently conjured from nothing, when it seemed their fate was sealed. |
要塞弩砲是維拉在戍衛要塞攻城戰中所使用的知名武器。當時就在眾人的命運即將終結之際,有個奇裝異服的秘術師忽然靈光一閃,替它灌注了一個不知如何施展而來的法術。 |
Lianna's Wings |
黎安娜之翼 |
莲娜的飞羽 |
This bow, upon which the angel Lianna bestowed her wings, fell from the heavens and grants the wielder great power, but at a cost. |
天使黎安娜把她的翅膀灌注到這把武器上,然後它從至高天落至了人間。持有它的人能獲得強大力量,同時也要付出代價。 |
Helltrapper |
獵獄者 |
地狱猎手 |
"This crossbow is a miracle of mechanical innovation, though its builder remains unknown. In addition to firing ordinary quarrels, the Helltrapper may also fire specialized ammunition delivering caltrops, explosive spiked mines, and even self-expanding turrets." —The Craft of War by Diadra the Scholar |
「這把弩槍是機關器械的不世傑作,遺憾的是不知出於哪位能工巧匠之手。除了射出弩箭以外,還能射出釘爪刺、尖刺爆彈,甚至自動展開的箭塔等特殊的彈藥裝置。」 —學者戴安卓《兵器譜》 |
K'mar Tenclip |
凱馬十擊 |
凯马十击 |
Featuring a unique loading mechanism and clip designed in Xiansai, this hand crossbow can unleash an entire volley of bolts before it needs to be reloaded, making it ideal for maintaining sustained fire while in motion. |
這把弩槍的特殊之處在於仙塞人所設計的特殊裝填機構和彈匣。它可以將彈匣中的弓矢全數射擊完畢再重新裝填,是在移動中維持攻擊火力的理想武器。 |
Calamity |
災虐 |
灾劫 |
Slender and refined, this weapon is the antithesis of a traditional, rough-hewn and unwieldy crossbow. Obviously the result of loving craftsmanship by a master armsmaker. |
輕盈精巧,有別於粗糙笨重的傳統十字弩,顯然是某位武器工匠大師的精心傑作。 |
Dawn |
黎明 |
黎明 |
Calm pervades your soul as you are warmed by the morning’s first light, for you know vengeance will soon be yours. |
平靜的感覺充盈在你的靈魂之中,就像沐浴在早晨的第一道曙光。因為,你知道復仇的日子不遠了。 |
Balefire Caster |
焚火射弩 |
焚火投手 |
"Use fire to fight fire, I always say." —Demon Hunter Raykal |
「以火攻火,這是我最常講的。」 —狩魔獵人雷卡爾 |
Izzuccob |
伊祖卡柏 |
伊祖柯布 |
What fevered mind conceived of this vicious device that sends spikes hurling towards one's enemies at incredible speeds? |
何種狂人想出這種惡毒的發明,能以不可思議的高速將尖釘射向敵人? |
Quietus |
攝魂弩 |
奎伊图斯 |
"I believe that just being in close proximity to the dark power within human souls induces an entropic effect in other materials. To be certain, though, I must test my theory by exposing material to the aura of the soulmetal I’ve forged and then inserting the exposed material into a living subject. A ranged weapon would make the ideal delivery system." —Author Unknown, Armis Mortem |
「我認為,光是靠近人類靈魂中的黑暗力量,就會對其他物質造成擾亂的效果。為了保險起見,我必須做個實驗來驗證我的理論。將物體放置在我所鑄造的靈魂金屬附近,再把這個物體放進活物體內。遠程武器看來是個再好不過的發送裝置。」 —《致命武器》,作者不詳 |
Valla's Bequest |
維拉之贈 |
维拉的遗赠 |
Valla was one of the most lethal Demon Hunters ever known, until her abrupt disappearance. Some claim that she still lives, fighting in another land. Her body was never found, but she did leave behind her prized possession: this bow. |
維拉是有史以來最傑出、最致命的一位狩魔獵人,但後來卻突然消失了。有些人說她還活著,而且在另一個地方戰鬥著。從來沒有人找到維拉的屍體,但她的確留下了珍貴的個人物品,也就是這把弩槍。 |
Ruinstoke Atrophy |
盛焰噬食 魔萎之凋 |
毁灭帮凶 降瘟 |
Crafted by demonic hands. |
以惡魔之手煉製而成。 |
Slorak's Madness |
斯洛拉克的瘋狂 |
斯洛拉克的疯狂 |
Slorak saved himself by channeling his madness—and his power—into this wand. |
斯洛拉克將他的瘋狂與力量傳輸到這把魔杖裡,救了自己一命。 |
Fragment of Destiny |
天命裂片 |
命运碎片 |
Thought to contain a shard of the Worldstone itself. |
據說裡頭有一塊世界之石的碎片。 |
Gesture of Orpheus |
奧菲斯的姿態 |
乐神的指挥棒 |
An old Skartaran legend tells of Orpheus rescuing his wife from the underworld using this wand. |
史卡塔拉島上流傳一則古老傳說:奧菲斯用這把魔杖從冥府救出妻子。 |
Blackhand Key |
黑手之鑰 |
黑手钥匙 |
The spine of the urdar is known to possess unique magical properties that unlock arcane secrets for those brave enough to wield it. |
盛傳女巨人烏爾達爾的脊椎具有獨特的魔法屬性,能為勇於揮舞它的人解開秘能奧秘。 |
Unstable Scepter |
不穩定的權杖 |
不稳节杖 |
“Yet another item allegedly taken from Vyr’s armory after his demise. It uses the inherent instability of Arcane power to enhance its destructive efficiency.” - High Councilor Valthek’s Compendium of Exotic Weaponry |
「這應該又是一件在維爾死後,從他的寶庫裡帶出來的東西。這東西利用法能量本身的不穩定性來強化它的破壞力。」 —上議員佛爾瑟克的《奇特武器綱要》 |
Aether Walker |
以太行者 |
以太行者 |
Virgil quickly lashed together remnants of his old broken wands and an unidentified artifact and sanctified them with his own blood, allowing him to teleport to safety and to begin formulating his revenge. |
維吉爾把他的斷杖和一個不知名的神器迅速固定在一起、用自己的鮮血淨化這把新的魔杖之後,把自己傳送到安全的地方,並且開始計畫他的復仇大業。 |
Serpent's Sparker |
蛇影爍光 |
妖蛇之牙 |
Legend says this wand was fashioned from a fang of the original Hydra, defeated centuries ago by the hero Bul-Kathos. The great serpent was said to spawn two heads for every one that was severed. In order to defeat it, the mighty nephalem supposedly pitched the beast into a roaring bonfire, wresting the fang loose in the process. |
根據傳說,製作這把魔杖的蛇牙,就是來自千百年前大英雄布爾凱索擊敗的那隻多頭蛇。身形巨大的多頭蛇非常難纏,砍掉它一個頭,馬上就再生出二個。勇武無匹的涅法雷姆英雄最後將它捺入熊熊火焰之中,這才獲得勝利。而蛇牙就是在這一番纏鬥中鬆脫掉落的。 |
Wand of Woh |
沃爾魔杖 |
沃尔魔杖 |
Long before Xiansai's unification, in a time of legend, the mercurial mage Woh and his companions whisked their way across the land in a magical pagoda, righting wrongs and putting an end to strife. Woh has since been reincarnated many times, but in each incarnation, this wand invariably finds its way back to its master's hand. |
在傳說的年代,遠在仙塞統一之前,智計多端的法師沃爾和他的同伴一起乘著魔法寶塔飛越這片土地,撥亂反正、弭平紛爭。沃爾曾經多次轉世重生,而他的魔杖每一次都能回到它摯愛的主人手裡。 |
Starfire |
星火 |
星火 |
Crafted around a shard that fell from the sky during the Festival of Lights. |
用聖光節期間從天而降的碎片為核心所製作而成。 |