Bowazon Multi/Immolation & Multi/Guided:修订间差异

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== 镶孔 Sockets ==
== 镶孔 Sockets ==
* Attack Speed in Weapon: Shael Rune provides 20% IAS. Jewels can Provide 15 IAS + up to 40 Enhanced Damage.
* 武器的攻击速度: Shael(13) 符文提供 20% IAS. 珠宝能提供 15 IAS + 最多 40 增强伤害.
* Damage in Weapon: Ber = 20% Crushing Blow. Lo = 20% Deadly Strike. Gul = 20% Attack Rating. Zod = Indestructible. Jah = Ignore Targets Defense. Only use if you hit IAS breakpoint.
* 武器的伤害: Ber(30) = 20% 压碎性打击CB. Lo(28) = 20% 致命攻击DS. 古尔 Gul(25) = 20% 准确率. 萨德 Zod(33) = 无法破坏. Jah(31) = 忽视目标防御. 仅在 IAS 断点足够时使用.
* Magic find in Weapon: Ist Rune provides 30% Magic find.
* 武器的魔法寻找: 伊司特 Ist(24) 符文提供 30% 魔法寻找.
* Magic find in Armor and Shield: Ist Rune provides 25% Magic find. Perfect Topaz provides 24% Magic Find.
* 防具和盾牌的魔法寻找: 伊司特 Ist(24) 符文提供 25% 魔法寻找. 完美的黄宝石提供 24% 魔法寻找.
All Resist in Armor: Um Rune provides 15% All Resist.
防具的所有抗性: 乌姆 Um(22) 符文提供 15% 所有抗性.
All Resist in Shield: Um Rune provides 22% All Resist. Perfect Diamond provides 19% All Resist.
盾牌的所有抗性: 乌姆 Um(22) 符文提供 15% 所有抗性. 完美的钻石提供 19% 所有抗性.

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