Bowazon Multi/Immolation & Multi/Guided:修订间差异

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== 腐化 Corruptions ==
== 腐化 Corruptions ==
I will not write down what's the best corrupt for every slot, because it's simply impossible to do. There's too many different corrupts.
我不会为每个部位得到最好的腐化, 因为这根本不可能做到. 有太多不同的腐化属性.
Also this is different from one individual to another, if you like Magic Find, go for that, if you need a specific resistance to cap all, focus that.
这也是因人而异的, 如果你喜欢魔法寻找, 那就去找它, 如果你需要一个特定的抗性来提高上限, 那就专注于它.

== 镶孔 Sockets ==
== 镶孔 Sockets ==



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