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=== 弓 Bow ===
=== 弓 Bow ===
'''升级的狂野之弦 Witchwild String''' - This bow is hideously underrated. While it looks really bad on paper, the near 100% critical chance, 2 sockets, and very high level amplify damage are killer. The 40 all resists are just an added bonus. I personally think this bow is about as good as it gets for budget gear, but other option may start to outshine it if you're heading into the final build.
'''升级的狂野之弦 Witchwild String''' - 这弓被严重低估了. 虽然它在字面上看起来很糟糕, 但接近 100% 的暴击几率, 2 , 和非常高等级的伤害加深 amplify damage 是个杀手. 这个 40 全抗只是一个额外的加成. 我个人认为这个弓是最好的预算装备, 但其他选择可能会开始超过它当你进入最终构建时.

'''升级的金击圆弧 Goldstrike Arch''' - This bow is really strong for Chaos Sanctuary especially thanks to its Demon and Undead damage. Probably the best bow pre-WF, especially if your gear is good enough to make it outperform Witchwild String
'''升级的金击圆弧 Goldstrike Arch''' - 这把弓对于混沌庇难所 Chaos Sanctuary 来说真的很强大特别是由于它的恶魔和不死伤害. 可能是 WF 之前最好的弓, 特别是如果你的装备足够好它比狂野之弦 Witchwild String 表现更好

'''鹰号角 Eaglehorn''' - Poor man's Windforce, not bad
'''鹰号角 Eaglehorn''' - 穷人的风之力 Windforce, 还不错

'''升级的雷山德的指标 Lycander's Aim''' - Also really decent, can compete well with all of the above
'''升级的雷山德的指标 Lycander's Aim''' - 也很不错, 可以和上面的所有竞争

'''升级的布里撒-多-凯南 Buriza''' - Disgustingly good +max damage, but suffers from being a crossbow. Very slow attack speed, but hits like a truck
'''升级的布里撒-多-凯南 Buriza''' - 令人讨厌的好 +最大伤害, 但可惜作为一个十字弓. 非常慢的攻击速度, 但就像卡车一样

=== 头盔 Helmet ===
=== 头盔 Helmet ===



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