Comprehensive All-Content Bowazon Guide:修订间差异

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无论你能找到什么都会给你伤害或能力, 但更喜欢 +最大伤 护身符, 生命/抗性 护身符, 和 MF 小护身符.
无论你能找到什么都会给你伤害或能力, 但更喜欢 +最大伤 护身符, 生命/抗性 护身符, 和 MF 小护身符.

== Budget Gear ==
== 预算装备 Budget Gear ==

This section serves as the gear to wear when transitioning to the full build, or to wear if you simply don't want to sink currency into it.
这个部分可以作为过渡到完整构建时的装备, 或者如果你不想将用货币投入其中也可以佩戴.

=== Sets ===
=== 套装 Sets ===
M'avina's is a really solid option, and at the time of writing the full set can be picked up for around Vex. It can be used either as a full set, or as a partial set. A build with pieces from Budget Gear and Best Gear will start to overtake M'avina's, so consider moving on when you get to that point.
马维娜 M'avina's 是一个可靠的选择, 在写这篇文章的时候全套都可以用伐克斯 Vex 买到. 它既可以作为一个完整套装, 也可以作为一个套装部分. 一个装备了预算装备和最佳装备的装备将开始超越马维娜 M'avina's 的装备, 所以当你到达那个点数时考虑继续进阶.

=== Bow ===
=== Bow ===
'''Upped Witchwild String''' - This bow is hideously underrated. While it looks really bad on paper, the near 100% critical chance, 2 sockets, and very high level amplify damage are killer. The 40 all resists are just an added bonus. I personally think this bow is about as good as it gets for budget gear, but other option may start to outshine it if you're heading into the final build.
'''升级的狂野之弦 Witchwild String''' - This bow is hideously underrated. While it looks really bad on paper, the near 100% critical chance, 2 sockets, and very high level amplify damage are killer. The 40 all resists are just an added bonus. I personally think this bow is about as good as it gets for budget gear, but other option may start to outshine it if you're heading into the final build.

'''Upped Goldstrike Arch''' - This bow is really strong for Chaos Sanctuary especially thanks to its Demon and Undead damage. Probably the best bow pre-WF, especially if your gear is good enough to make it outperform Witchwild String
'''升级的金击圆弧 Goldstrike Arch''' - This bow is really strong for Chaos Sanctuary especially thanks to its Demon and Undead damage. Probably the best bow pre-WF, especially if your gear is good enough to make it outperform Witchwild String

'''Eaglehorn''' - Poor man's Windforce, not bad
'''鹰号角 Eaglehorn''' - Poor man's Windforce, not bad

'''Upped Lycander's Aim''' - Also really decent, can compete well with all of the above
'''升级的雷山德的指标 Lycander's Aim''' - Also really decent, can compete well with all of the above

'''Upped Buriza''' - Disgustingly good +max damage, but suffers from being a crossbow. Very slow attack speed, but hits like a truck
'''升级的布里撒-多-凯南 Buriza''' - Disgustingly good +max damage, but suffers from being a crossbow. Very slow attack speed, but hits like a truck

=== Helmet ===
=== 头盔 Helmet ===
'''Stealskull''' - Leech and MF, it's alright. If you corrupt some sockets, can have even more MF
'''偷取骷髅 Stealskull''' - Leech and MF, it's alright. If you corrupt some sockets, can have even more MF

=== Body ===
=== 身体 Body ===
'''Treachery''' - Use this if you really need help hitting your IAS breakpoints
'''背信 Treachery''' - Use this if you really need help hitting your IAS breakpoints

'''Lionheart''' - Use this if you can hit your IAS breakpoints
'''狮子心 Lionheart''' - Use this if you can hit your IAS breakpoints

=== Gloves ===
=== 手套 Gloves ===

=== Boots ===
=== 鞋子 Boots ===
'''Marrowalk''' - Cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen
'''骨髓行走 Marrowalk''' - Cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen

'''Rite of Passage''' - Alternative cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen
'''仪式的走道 Rite of Passage''' - Alternative cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen

'''Goblin Toe''' - Enhanced Damage and Crushing Blow, very decent
'''小妖精脚趾 Goblin Toe''' - Enhanced Damage and Crushing Blow, very decent

=== Belt ===
=== 腰带 Belt ===

=== Ring ===
=== 戒指 Ring ===
'''Nagelring''' - Some AR and MF
'''拿各的戒指 Nagelring''' - Some AR and MF

=== Amulet ===
=== 项链 Amulet ===

=== Charms ===
=== 护身符 Charms ===
'''Gheed's Fortune''' - Worth having for the high MF alone
'''基得的运气 Gheed's Fortune''' - Worth having for the high MF alone

'''Grand Charm''' - Look for +Max charms
'''超大型护身符''' - Look for +Max charms
'''Small Charm''' - Look for Resists here (preferably also with Life)

'''小护身符''' - Look for Resists here (preferably also with Life)

== Magic Find Gear ==
== Magic Find Gear ==



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