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Comprehensive All-Content Bowazon Guide:修订间差异
→Budget Gear
第116行: | 第116行: | ||
无论你能找到什么都会给你伤害或能力, 但更喜欢 +最大伤 护身符, 生命/抗性 护身符, 和 MF 小护身符. | 无论你能找到什么都会给你伤害或能力, 但更喜欢 +最大伤 护身符, 生命/抗性 护身符, 和 MF 小护身符. | ||
== Budget Gear == | == 预算装备 Budget Gear == | ||
这个部分可以作为过渡到完整构建时的装备, 或者如果你不想将用货币投入其中也可以佩戴. | |||
=== Sets === | === 套装 Sets === | ||
M'avina's | 马维娜 M'avina's 是一个可靠的选择, 在写这篇文章的时候全套都可以用伐克斯 Vex 买到. 它既可以作为一个完整套装, 也可以作为一个套装部分. 一个装备了预算装备和最佳装备的装备将开始超越马维娜 M'avina's 的装备, 所以当你到达那个点数时考虑继续进阶. | ||
=== Bow === | === 弓 Bow === | ||
''' | '''升级的狂野之弦 Witchwild String''' - This bow is hideously underrated. While it looks really bad on paper, the near 100% critical chance, 2 sockets, and very high level amplify damage are killer. The 40 all resists are just an added bonus. I personally think this bow is about as good as it gets for budget gear, but other option may start to outshine it if you're heading into the final build. | ||
''' | '''升级的金击圆弧 Goldstrike Arch''' - This bow is really strong for Chaos Sanctuary especially thanks to its Demon and Undead damage. Probably the best bow pre-WF, especially if your gear is good enough to make it outperform Witchwild String | ||
'''Eaglehorn''' - Poor man's Windforce, not bad | '''鹰号角 Eaglehorn''' - Poor man's Windforce, not bad | ||
''' | '''升级的雷山德的指标 Lycander's Aim''' - Also really decent, can compete well with all of the above | ||
''' | '''升级的布里撒-多-凯南 Buriza''' - Disgustingly good +max damage, but suffers from being a crossbow. Very slow attack speed, but hits like a truck | ||
=== Helmet === | === 头盔 Helmet === | ||
'''Stealskull''' - Leech and MF, it's alright. If you corrupt some sockets, can have even more MF | '''偷取骷髅 Stealskull''' - Leech and MF, it's alright. If you corrupt some sockets, can have even more MF | ||
=== Body === | === 身体 Body === | ||
'''Treachery''' - Use this if you really need help hitting your IAS breakpoints | '''背信 Treachery''' - Use this if you really need help hitting your IAS breakpoints | ||
'''Lionheart''' - Use this if you can hit your IAS breakpoints | '''狮子心 Lionheart''' - Use this if you can hit your IAS breakpoints | ||
=== Gloves === | === 手套 Gloves === | ||
=== Boots === | === 鞋子 Boots === | ||
'''Marrowalk''' - Cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen | '''骨髓行走 Marrowalk''' - Cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen | ||
'''Rite of Passage''' - Alternative cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen | '''仪式的走道 Rite of Passage''' - Alternative cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen | ||
'''Goblin Toe''' - Enhanced Damage and Crushing Blow, very decent | '''小妖精脚趾 Goblin Toe''' - Enhanced Damage and Crushing Blow, very decent | ||
=== Belt === | === 腰带 Belt === | ||
=== Ring === | === 戒指 Ring === | ||
'''Nagelring''' - Some AR and MF | '''拿各的戒指 Nagelring''' - Some AR and MF | ||
=== Amulet === | === 项链 Amulet === | ||
=== Charms === | === 护身符 Charms === | ||
'''Gheed's Fortune''' - Worth having for the high MF alone | '''基得的运气 Gheed's Fortune''' - Worth having for the high MF alone | ||
''' | '''超大型护身符''' - Look for +Max charms | ||
'''小护身符''' - Look for Resists here (preferably also with Life) | |||
== Magic Find Gear == | == Magic Find Gear == |