All Topics:修订间差异

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(创建页面,内容为“Below is a compilation of all topics other than individual skills and named items: __TOC__ {{Clickable button 2|All Topics|Expand/Collapse All|class=expand-or-collapse-all-button nomobile|style=background-color:#1F160C;color:#F9C666;min-height: 0px;}} = General Changes = {{:General Changes}} = Recipes = {{:Recipes}} = Crafting = {{:Crafting}} = Corruptions = {{:Corruptions}} = Item Bases = {{:Item Bases}} = Item Affixes = {{:Item Affixes}} = Zon…”)
第1行: 第1行:
Below is a compilation of all topics other than individual skills and named items:
Below is a compilation of all topics other than individual skills and items:

第8行: 第8行:
= General Changes =
= General Changes =
{{:General Changes}}
{{:General Changes}}
= Game Mechanics =
{{:Game Mechanics}}

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= Zone Levels =
= Zones =

第48行: 第52行:
= Breakpoints =
= Breakpoints =
= Skill Changes =
{{:Skill Changes}}
= PvP Changes =
{{:PvP Changes}}

= FAQ =
= FAQ =
= Support FAQ =
{{:Support FAQ}}

第64行: 第82行:
= Guides and Links =
= Guides and Links =
= Singleplayer =
= Rules =
= Credits =

2023年9月17日 (日) 14:40的最新版本

Below is a compilation of all topics other than individual skills and items:

Expand/Collapse All

General Changes


所有技能都经过了审查和平衡(或者在必要时重做) ,以确保每个技能都有一个合适的定位,并且增加了一些新的技能. 技能概述 页面列出了每个技能的变化. 还有一个PD2的 加点模拟器 . 请参阅 所有技能 以获得每个等级的完整列表.








  • 支持宽屏并优化画质 - 可自定义选项 例如 60+ fps和高清文本(快捷键ctrl+O)
  • A significant portion of the server code has been rewritten to be more performant
  • Volume of menu music reduced to better match other volume levels
  • 每个账号更多的人物 (最多18个) ,同时账号/人物永不过期
  • 全球天梯和社交,地区服务器
  • Lobby games are no longer hidden after progressing to the next difficulty and game difficulty is shown - lobby games can be filtered by name/difficulty/server
  • 房间名称/密码/描述可以自动填充,房间名称自动+1
  • 游戏现在在2分钟内结束
  • 游戏服务器每4个小时滚动重置一次(出于稳定性考虑)
  • 不再在好友加入/退出游戏时发出公告(减少垃圾邮件)
  • 天梯成就/死亡的公告(可以在游戏中静音)
  • Cosmetic aura rewards for characters who reach level 99 or defeat max-difficulty dclone or rathma in each ladder season; special account-wide lightning-infused auras rewarded to the first 3 of each class to achieve these feats
  • 交易网站 (integrated armory & ladder browser)
  • 支持天梯/非天梯 "" 和单机 (包含符文之语/Ubers挑战)
  • 不支持非资料片(经典)或“”,但是单人角色仍然可以通过创建计算机之间的虚拟 LAN 与 TCP/IP 一起玩
  • 以“!”开头的信息不会出现在字符的头部上方 (是导致服务器崩溃的攻击媒介)
  • 不能容忍欺骗或不公平的做法,如BOT、 maphack、自动拾取或真实货币交易 (查看完整列表 PD2的规则)


  • 更大的储藏箱 (10x15),赫拉迪克方块 (4x4), 背包 (10x8,下四排10x4 为护身符生效区域)
  • 共享仓库页面(每个账户共9个,每个角色1个个人仓库页面)
  • 储藏箱最大金币数量33554431
  • 背包最大金币数量33554431,现在与等级无关
  • 宝石, 符文, 精髓, uber 钥匙/器官均可堆叠
  • 现在每本书可以容纳80个卷轴,钥匙可以叠加到50个
  • 角色现在会自动拾取身边的金币
  • 飞行敌人掉落在无法到达区域上的物品,现在将在最近的地面位置刷新
  • 便利性 物品过滤和掉落提示
  • 屏幕晃动效果可以被禁用
  • 所有主动技能均可绑定左键
  • 新的“仅移动”技能,使角色移动到一个选定的位置,而不进行攻击
  • 瞄准敌人已经优化-近身攻击时如果你锁定一个敌人并击杀后,你可以按住鼠标继续攻击其他敌人,而不是击杀后停止所有动作同时再次用鼠标瞄准其他敌人
  • “快速施法”技能(按键盘对应快捷键技能后便可激活该技能,松手后技能图标自动变回按键之前的技能) - 只能右键使用快速施法,左键只能常规使用。
  • 新的“帮助”屏幕(默认为H)涵盖了一些GUI更改-附加的快捷方式在“设置”菜单中列出
  • 快捷移动物品从背包到储藏箱/盒子/地上 (shift+右键点击, ctrl+shift+右键点击, ctrl+右键点击)
  • 快捷加5点属性/技能点 (ctrl+左键点击) 或 直接加满属性/技能点 (shift+左键点击)
  • 快捷辨识物品 (shift+左键点击)
  • 堆叠/拆解快捷方式 (ctrl+shift+左键点击) 当一个堆叠被拾取时分离单个项目 (ctrl+shift+左键点击, ctrl+左键点击)
  • 便利性 屏幕信息 显示区域等级,并有实时、游戏时间、 ping 等选项
  • 高级人物统计页面(默认: 按8) ,按当雇佣兵窗开启后按8显示雇佣兵统计页面
  • 查看其他人物装备 (默认: 城内点玩家后按0), 如果你选择了一个可以瞄准他们的技能,比如取消召唤,当你徘徊在其他角色或你自己的仆从(女武神,暗影大师)上方时,也可以在城镇外工作
  • 自动派对和自动允许尸体抢劫的选项
  • 选项显示角色最近造成的dps(每秒伤害)
  • 新的 .roll命令有助于在团队中分享战利品
  • 以 .p 或 .party开头的信息只会被队友看到
  • New .kills command shows how many enemies the character has defeated; use with one of the following: all, bosses, maps, dungeons, dclone, rathma, ubers, ancients, players
  • New .deaths command shows how many times the character has died
  • New .played command shows total character play time
  • 游戏之间的聊天记录仍然存在
  • 物品接近提示功能 可以打开/关闭 并通过按住 ctrl 可以临时显示
  • 物品掉落提示功能 可以打开/关闭
  • 牛王被击杀后已经可以开牛门, 任意难度下维特之脚均可开牛门
  • 在击杀尼拉萨克之后,通往安雅红门不关闭
  • Reduced delay to re-enter town portals (75 frames to 15 frames)
  • 解毒剂,溶解药剂和体力药剂现在拾取后自动进入腰带栏
  • 选项显示微型显示药水状态
  • 角色现在可以在背包/储藏箱中持有多个维特之脚和暗金附身符(背包只能有一个生效)
  • 暗金护身符可以从NPC购回(如果意外出售) 还有一些特殊物品不能再卖给他们,以防意外
  • 库存锁定按钮(防止损坏的装备和有效的符咒被意外移动)
  • 添加赌博刷新按键
  • Skills don't have cooldowns while in town


  • 新的终局地图区域
  • 许多原版zones 区域等级提升至85
  • Vanilla zones can temporarily be affected by "corruption" which raises their zone level to 85 and increases the chance for Worldstone Shards to drop - a random zone will be selected every 15 minutes, and when a game is created, that zone will be "corrupted" for the duration of the game (only applies in Hell difficulty games where Baal's quest has been completed)
  • 提高单人游戏掉率 - 单人游戏"NoDrop" 游戏机制#PD2不同之处|近似原版5PP NoDrop%
  • 无瑕疵宝石在普通难度ACT4开始掉落,完美宝石从地狱难度开始掉落
  • 噩梦难度 BOSS 现在掉落赦免令牌的精华
  • 火炬钥匙现在A1血鸟,A2血腥巫师,A4衣卒尔也可掉落
  • Experience penalty reduced between levels 20-24 so the cutoff is more gradual
  • KB 5波巴尔仆众刷新时间减少50%
  • Act 2 中的蛆巢和神秘庇护所有更广阔的路径
  • Act 5 三红门(Abaddon, Pit of Acheron, Infernal Pit) 怪物数量提升 40-50%, 陵墓与地穴提升 9% 
  • 由于风险/回报不匹配,库拉斯特下层的超级宝箱取消
  • 死于混乱庇护所封印而不是被杀死的怪物将不再掉落物品
  • 跑动时格挡率和防御依然存在
  • 人物/雇佣兵最大抗性从95%降低至90%
  • 刺客开局两把拳剑,野蛮人两把手斧,德鲁伊1把+1火风暴木棒,所有物品均为劣质品质
  • 亚马逊,刺客,野蛮人,圣骑士每级额外获得0.5法力
  • 角色起始耐力大约 +100%
  • 体力神殿现在增加35% 的移动速度 and their duration is reduced to match other shrines
  • 许多效果(神殿BUFF,战吼,“击中致盲目标”)将不再被诅咒诅覆盖或互相覆盖
  • Shrines now affect all nearby allies when activated
  • 解毒/解冻药剂现在增加25% 的毒/抗寒属性(原版是50%) ,不再增加10% 的最大抗毒/冰属性
  • Full Rejuvenation Potions now restore 65% life/mana (capped at 2000 life/mana per potion)
  • Throwing potions now decrease enemy resistances by a small amount, and there are new throwing potions for cold and lightning elements
  • Multiple instances of Half Freeze Duration now combine to emulate the effects of Cannot be Frozen
  • 冰冷/冻结的减益状态现在也降低了施法速度和跑步/行走速度以及攻击速度
  • 攻击者受到伤害和反伤机制现在也影响远程攻击和造成伤害当被攻击时(发生在击中之前,所以如果反弹伤害杀死攻击者,攻击不会生效)
  • Open Wounds now lasts 5 seconds, stacks up to 3 times per target, no longer has penalties against harder enemies, and also gets applied to enemies via reflect mechanics
  • 远程攻击的吸血效果现在是近战攻击的一半
  • 近战飞溅伤害对移动的目标额外增加1射程 and additional range when checking for damage dealt
  • Crushing Blow has greater diminishing returns against bosses (act bosses, map bosses, ubers) and the melee reduction is now the same as the ranged reduction
  • 双倍打击CS 和 致命打击DS 数据平衡 by making their power more comparable to other item stats- 每个属性上限100%降低至75% 游戏机制#致命伤害,伤害倍数由2 降低至 1.5 (skills have been rebalanced with additional damage to compensate)
  • Maximum hit chance increased to 100% (harsher scaling above 95%)
  • Permanent summons now persist between games (excludes reanimates, revives, ravens)
  • 召唤物和投放技能(陷阱,九头蛇)现在受到 +% 的元素技能伤害加持
  • 召唤物(除了火焰石墨)现在受到敌人元素抗性的 -% 影响(半效)
  • 减少怪物抗性的技能被重新平衡,现在在大于 99% 或 低于 0% 游戏机制#敌人减抗 时效果为1/2(原版在99% 以上时效果为1/5)
  • Spells and abilities no longer share cooldowns globally
  • Skills from characters and their minions/items apply "next hit delay" separately (characters will no longer cancel out each other's damage when attacking the same target; doesn't apply to monsters)
  • Monsters gain +70% life per player instead of +50% life per player


  • 低级物品品质(白装)固定词缀不再有ilvl限制 - 物品可以有任意组合的技能词缀,只要物品有足够高的ilvl
  • 可用的“禁用”技能词缀不再受限制 (神圣之盾, 盾击, 大部分野蛮人战斗技能, 死灵法师盾牌上的毒素打击Poison Strike on Necromancer shields)
  • 增加物品获得技能词缀和更高级技能词缀的几率
    • 旧变更: 30% 无技能词缀, 40% 1 技能词缀, 20% 2 技能词缀, 10% 3 技能词缀; 60% +1技能词缀, 30% +2技能词缀, 10% +3技能词缀
    • 新变更: 10% 无技能词缀, 40% 1 技能词缀, 30% 2 技能词缀, 20% 3 技能词缀; 40% +1技能词缀, 35% +2技能词缀, 25% +3技能词缀
  • 不同稀有度含技能词缀的物品维修费用从 1000,3000,8000,16000,32000,64000 提升到 5000,10000,20000,40000,60000,80000
  • 高级物品的维修费用降低了
  • 武器耐久度降低一半
  • 一些rune|符文效果已经略微调整
  • 稀有物品(黄金)现在获得至少4个词缀在ilvl 45 + ,5个词缀在ilvl 65 + 和6个词缀在ilvl 85 + (稀有珠宝现在固定4个词缀)
  • Set items can now be ethereal like other rarities


  • 无形化属性提升从50%变更至25%(大部分扩展/精英武器重新平衡,使其属性保持不变)
  • 无形物品耐久不再减半
  • 投掷武器和箭矢/十字弓弹的数量是无限的
  • 所有的爪子现在都可以有技能词缀
  • 所有棍棒现在可以拥有德鲁伊技能词缀 (类似德鲁伊专用头盔)
  • 箭矢现在可以是魔法或稀有的
  • Daggers can now have pointmods for dagger-related skills (Poison Strike and most martial arts skills)
  • 近战武器现在造成splash damage|溅射伤害
  • 法杖有10%/30%/50% 的 FCR 作为一项基础词缀(普通/扩展/精英)
  • 十字弓有10% 的物理穿刺效果作为基础词缀
  • 匕首具有20% 的致命一击作为基础词缀
  • 移除中/重型盔甲和盾牌上对移动速度惩罚
  • 圣骑士护盾基础词缀“所有抗性”范围减少(最大30% 而不是45%)
  • 调整靴子的踢击伤害
  • 力量/敏捷的伤害加成根据几种武器类型进行了调整
  • 普通/扩展/精英武器的基础伤害平均增加4%/~ 42%/~ 24%
  • 亚马逊长矛的攻击速度(WSM)提高了10
  • 许多武器基础属性增加了近战射程
  • 保护盾牌/圣盾的基础防御和格挡几率增加
  • Base defense adjusted for chest armors to correspond better to their strength requirements
  • 几个武器基础属性和死灵法师盾牌的最大孔数增加
  • 所有武器的耐久性增加

物品词缀 已经收到了一些变化,特别是对于稀有物品(黄装)。一些值得注意的例子:

  • 元素伤害附加附身符根据护身符大小和元素类型,伤害增加
  • +2-4% 毒,火,冰,电,或魔法伤害至大型护身符
  • 稀有盔甲,盾牌,武器3孔
  • 5-20% PDR for chests, shields; 5-10% PDR for belts
  • 盔甲,盾牌+10-20% FCR; 手套,腰带 +10% FCR
  • 盔甲,护盾+10-200% 增加伤害
  • 盔甲,护盾,头盔+1 所有技能
  • 大部分武器+5-30%致命攻击, 粉碎性打击, 撕开伤口
  • 伤害提高301-400%对一些使用次数较少的武器和弓


Crafting|手工 全面改革:

  • 任何底材物品均可做手工(头环/箭矢及十字弓弹除外)
  • 使用无形物品制作会使得产生的物品也是无形的
  • 手工后的物品不再比它们手工前有更高的等级要求
  • 手工物品和套装物品现在可以升级
  • 稀有物品(黄装)现在可以用于制作手工物品


  • 有些合成公式已经被简化了
  • 新的修复公式,使用 Zod 可修复无形/破损的物品
  • 新增物品对应新的或修改过的公式


  • 杰海因和他的卫兵现在总是站在宫殿外面
  • 凯恩在哈洛加斯靠近马拉的楼梯顶上踱步
  • 安雅除了她的正常奖励之外,还会在地狱难度中给一张T1白图
  • 奥玛斯会给你一枚已腐化的戒指作为归还吉得宾的奖励
  • 治疗NPC现在额外驱除被冰冻状态


  • 雇佣兵拥有改进的AI
  • 所有章节的雇佣兵均有光环
  • 雇佣兵使用新技能
  • 雇佣兵现在可以装备手套、靴子和腰带, and some additional weapon types
  • A1雇佣兵可以装备任何弓/弩和箭筒,铁狼雇佣兵可以装备圣骑士盾牌,权杖,尖头狼牙棒,魔杖,匕首,& 女巫球,野蛮雇佣兵可以装备斧头,狼牙棒,& 锤子
  • 撕开伤口现在对雇佣兵和召唤物造成1/4的伤害,并且可以通过物理伤害减少属性进一步减少伤害
  • 现在不管雇佣兵来自哪个难度,他们都有相同的属性
  • 雇佣新兵时,老雇佣兵会丢掉身上所有装备


  • Duration of curses cast by monsters has been reduced to 20 seconds
  • 怪物现在可拥有专心,活力,神圣冲击光环
  • 娃娃死亡后爆炸前有一个小的延迟,它们的爆炸半径更小,造成的伤害也更小
  • 墨菲斯托现在可以无视护城河阻挡过河,场景内的议会成员全部在墨菲斯托附近
  • 地狱难度下安达利尔和督瑞尔分别使用与墨菲斯托和巴尔相同的掉落(不用再BUG击杀)
  • 6BOSS钥匙持有者(A1伯爵夫人,A2召唤师,A5尼拉塞克,A1血鸟,A2女猎人-赫拉迪克方块附近,A4衣卒尔)更加强力
  • 新的远古3BB红门BOSS
  • Diablo-Clone 是一个新增的更加强力的超级BOSS 击败它才能掉落DC,触发DC不再是出售SOJ
  • Rathma 是一个最有难度的超级BOSS,作为本MOD的终极挑战而存在

Player versus Player

PvP Changes:

  • Skill PvP damage has been rebalanced, and some skills have other balance changes
  • New dueling arenas accessible via items which can be purchased from Akara
    • Spectator mode can be toggled by typing .spec or .spectate within the safe zone of an arena
    • After dying in these arenas, characters revive without needing to retrieve their corpse, and no gold is dropped
Note: Hardcore characters revive in the same way - HC dueling can be done inside PvP arenas without risking characters, but character death is still permanent everywhere else
  • Maximum resistances are capped based on the difficulty in PvP arenas: 75% (Normal), 80% (Nightmare), 85% (Hell)
  • Open Wounds is limited based on the difficulty - it deals 10%/8%/6% of its damage in Normal/Nightmare/Hell in PvP arenas
  • Slow, Knockback (from items), Absorb, Attackers Take Damage, Life Leech, and Melee Splash are disabled in PvP arenas
  • Stuns in PvP can no longer be reapplied to players who are already stunned, and attacks/hits/spells against stunned players will reduce the stun duration by 2 frames each in PvP arenas
  • Regenerating charges (e.g. Blink on Enigma) regenerate 200% faster in PvP arenas
  • Life replenish is capped at +30 in PvP arenas
  • Vendors within PvP Arenas sell Dueling Mana Potions (other potions cannot be used there)

Bug 修复

  • 修正了 Andariel 任务错误(仅限多人游戏)
  • 无形盔甲打孔BUG修复
  • 议会成员九头蛇对雇佣兵/召唤物的伤害修复(与 PVP 伤害相关)
  • 陷阱技能bug修复 (陷阱不再减少附近可能产卵的暗金/精英怪群的数量)
  • 第二幕雇佣兵不再因迪勒瑞姆造成游戏崩溃(CtC 触发迪勒瑞姆变身从该符文之语移除, 这样他们就不能像fetish一样刺伤敌人了)
  • 法力燃烧错误修复
  • 增加伤害或最小/最大伤害的珠宝现在可以正常工作了
  • 圣骑士Charge desync bug 修复
  • 3BB场景使用暗影斗篷不再造成游戏崩溃
  • 所有飞射技能现在正确受益于技能攻击等级加成
  • 任务物品不能再升级为手斧(升级公式对它们是禁用的)
  • 莉莉丝不会出现在地图之外
  • 修正了一个造成过量的 MDR 适用于物理伤害的错误,如果目标的魔法/元素伤害减免高于攻击者的魔法/元素伤害
  • 双持攻击速度帧数计算现在基于更快的那把武器(WSM bug删除)
  • Increased sprite limit to prevent "Shenk bug" where too many sprites were on screen at once causing things to become temporarily invisible
  • Fixed next hit always misses (NHAM) bug which caused the next attack/cast to automatically miss and could be triggered in numerous ways (notably by being hit or blocking an attack)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented champion/boss monsters from being blue & purple
  • probably many others
另外详见: Bugs

Game Mechanics


  • O类技能是一种没有特定类别修饰的技能,比如“+X至战斗体制”或者“+X至热诚”。作用在特定修饰的技能上时最多+3技能等级。举个栗子,“残暴”符文之语圣骑士使用时只+3级热诚而不是+12-14变量列表上的技能等级。 这是D2常规机制。


近战溅射是瞬间范围性伤害(AoE), 并且不存在NHD(Next Hit Delay), 对目标周围360度范围内的所有敌人造成伤害, 但主目标不受到溅射伤害



  • 技能伤害
  • 转换伤害 (如:专心)
  • 普通攻击伤害 (当你选择基础攻击作为你的技能时,你看到的数值)
  • 加元素和物理伤害的护身符或装备
  • 致命打击和双倍打击 (仍然只适用于物理伤害)
  • 生命和法力吸取 (1/2效果, 只适用于物理攻击)
  • 粉碎性打击(CB)


  • 远程伤害 (比如威力一击的新星)
  • 击晕
  • 击退
  • 任何其他“击中”效果 Any other on-hit effects


我们来看几个例子. 首先, 先看一下亚马逊:

  • 闪电攻击Lightning Strike有1-10000 闪电伤害和1-10000 连锁闪电伤害
  • 普通攻击伤害 1000-5000 (900-4900是物理伤害)





  • 专心 (300% ED, 50% 转换)
  • 普通攻击伤害 1000-5000 (其中900-4900是物理伤害)


然后50% 的物理伤害转化为魔法伤害

最终溅射伤害为 1900-9900 [100-100元素伤害 + 900-4900物理伤害 + 900-4900魔法伤害]

如果出现暴击那么溅射的最终伤害为 2800-14800


玩家的基础近战溅射半径为 5 格(3.33 码),但半径可以通过某些技能和物品来提升。每增加 20% 的“溅射半径”,飞溅半径将增加 1 格(0.66 码)。

Increased Splash Radius 0 20 40 60
5 6 7 8
半径 (码) 3.33 4 4.66 5.33


  • "溅射" T图词缀: 溅射半径 5 格 (3.33 码)
  • 石魔: 溅射半径 4 格 (2.66 码)
  • 骷髅: 溅射半径 3 格 (2 码)
  • : 溅射半径 2 格 (1.33 码)


一些手套(柏克之手, 血拳, 碎钢) 他们有近战溅射属性,可以用来给远程武器,如弓和弩实现近战溅射.







最终暴击几率: 1 - ((1 - DS) * (1 - CS) * (1 - WM)) (四舍五入到最接近的百分比)

  • 50% DS 暴击 来自装备
  • 50% CS 暴击 来自双倍打击
1 - ((1 - 0.50) * (1 - 0.50) * (1 - 0)) = 75% 几率暴击
  • 40% DS 暴击 来自装备
  • 65% CS 暴击 来自双倍打击
  • 30% WM 暴击 来自标枪和矛精通
1 - ((1 - 0.40) * (1 - 0.65) * (1 - 0.30)) = 85% 几率暴击

理论最大暴击几率为95% (75% DS, 75% CS, 35% WM)




  • 溅射攻击: 1/2 [生命/法力]
  • 范围攻击: 1/2 [生命/法力]


  • 刀刃之盾: 1/2 [生命/法力]
  • 跳跃攻击: 1/3 [生命]


  • 普通: N/A
  • 噩梦: 1/2 [生命/法力]
  • 地狱: 1/3 [生命/法力]


  • PvP 地图: set leech to 0% [生命/法力]


吸取的 生命/法力 = [[[吸取 * 近战吸取降低 * 技能吸取降低] * 64 * 难度吸取降低] * 物理伤害 * 怪物吸取抗性(drain_effectiveness) / 64 / 100]

Note: Bracketed values are rounded down

举个例子, 7%生命吸取属性,野蛮人使用5K面板的跳跃攻击技能打地狱难度母牛之王:

  • [[[7 * 1/2 * 1/3] * 64 * 1/3] * 5000 * 0.2 / 64 / 100]
  • [[1 * 64 * 1/3] * 5000 * 0.2 / 64 / 100]
  • [21 * 5000 * 0.2 / 64 / 100] = 3点生命值 吸取

另一个例子, 9%生命吸取属性,圣骑士使用3K面板的热诚技能打地狱难度死亡甲壳虫:

  • [[[9 * 1/2] * 64 * 1/3] * 3000 * 0.5 / 64 / 100]
  • [[4 * 64 * 1/3] * 3000 * 0.5 / 64 / 100]
  • [85 * 3000 * 0.5 / 64 / 100] = 19点生命值 吸取


粉碎性打击会使目标的生命值减少,即当前生命值的一小部分。具体比例见下方表格。因此该属性对拥有大量生命值的目标更有效,但是随着目标生命值的降低效果俞发不明显。该属性可以堆叠100% - 超出100%部分不会产生任何效果。

  • 粉碎性打击 现在对 Boss 的收益递减更大 (章节BOSS, T图boss, 超级BOSS)
  • 近战与远程消减生命比例一致
Target 近战
大多数目标 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8
超级暗金怪 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/16
Bosses 1/80** 1/80** 1/8 1/16
人物和佣兵 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/20

* “大多数目标”是指普通白字怪 ,喽啰(暗金怪随从),精英怪(蓝字),普通暗金怪(无固定名字的暗金怪)

** 递减收益效果1/(80+2*失去生命的百分比*100)即Uber当前血量消耗为1%-99%时,削减比例为1/82-1/278

Also see: Vanilla Info about Crushing Blow

Open Wounds

  • Open Wounds deals physical damage over time
    • The damage depends on the level of the character who applies it (shown below for all levels)
    • The damage is now affected by "+X Open Wounds Damage per Second" which is a new attribute that often accompanies "X% Chance of Open Wounds"
    • The damage is now affected by Physical Damage Reduction (e.g. Battle Cry, Amplify Damage, Defiance, etc)
    • The damage is not affected by other damage modifiers
  • Open Wounds is now also applied by "Attacker Takes Damage of X" as well as attacks
  • Open Wounds now lasts 5 seconds (was 8 seconds) and now stacks up to 3 times per target
  • Open Wounds now has a ¼ penalty against mercenaries and pets
  • Open Wounds no longer has a ½ penalty against stronger enemies (champions, uniques, super uniques, bosses, prime evils)
Open Wounds Damage per Second
Character Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Damage per Second 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 23 25 26 28 30 32 33
Character Level 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Damage per Second 35 37 39 40 42 45 47 50 53 55 58 61 63 66 68 71 74 76 79 82 85 89 92 96 99
Character Level 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Damage per Second 103 106 110 113 117 120 124 127 131 134 139 143 148 152 156 161 165 170 174 178 183 187 191 196 200
Character Level 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Damage per Second 205 209 213 218 222 227 231 235 240 244 249 253 257 262 266 271 275 279 284 288 293 297 301 306

Also see: Vanilla Info about Open Wounds, Deep Wounds


敌人抗性高于99%或者低于0%时,抗性数值为 1/2 生效 (过去 1/5 生效)

抗性惩罚效果仅适用于我方玩家和雇佣兵。敌方怪物释放的降抗属性则全部生效无惩罚效果(如 信念光环,伤害加深)



  • 战嗥 (物理)
  • 极地风暴 (冰冷)
  • 猛毒花藤 (毒素)
  • 伤害加深 (物理)
  • 衰老 (物理)
  • 降低抵抗 (火焰/冰冷/闪电/毒素)
  • 审判光环 (火焰/冰冷/闪电)
  • 庇护所光环 (魔法)
  • 地狱之火 (火焰)
  • 静电立场 (闪电)


Effectiveness vs Immunes


  • -30 / 2 = -15  [降低抵抗1/2属性生效]
  • -30 / 2 = -15  [审判光环1/2属性生效]
  • 110 - 15 - 15 = 80  [最终敌人受到的减抗后的数值]

不同于“减少”属性的“穿刺”属性(如 [[[彩虹刻面]], 冰冷支配)而言,穿刺属性在敌人破免后“穿刺”属性值完全生效不打折。

Effectiveness vs Negative Resistance

当敌人的抗性低于 0% 之前,减抗数值全部生效,当抗性为负数时,减抗效果减半。

  • 25 - 30 = -5  [降低抵抗]
  • -5 - 30 = -35  [审判光环]
  • -35 - 12 = -47  [-敌人冰抗]
  • -47 / 2 = -23  [最终敌人冰冻抗性]





墨菲斯托被击杀了! 游戏怎么决定你的奖励?

  1. 计算掉落物品数量(最大 6个)
  2. 选择物品类型(决定物品1.种类比如掉落帽子还是武器,2.品级比如是普通还是扩展亦或精锐)
  3. 选择物品染色(此步MF参与计算,物品是白,蓝,黄,绿还是暗金)
  4. 选择物品为暗金或套装内的哪一件(比如暗金戒指是乔丹还是乌鸦,套装项链是天使还是塔拉夏)
  5. 选择物品属性(如乌鸦dex/ar变量)

玩家数量只影响项目 # 1,潜在掉落的数量。它对掉落物品染色没有影响(这是MF发挥作用的地方)。现在的问题是,玩家的数量如何影响掉落的物品数量?

任何时候你做一些掉落物品的时间(如开箱子,杀死怪物等等),游戏会从一个宝藏级别(TC)的列表中选择,这将决定什么样的物品将掉落。每个TC都有一个可以掉落的物品列表,以及给该物品掉落的概率. 每个 TC 还有一些“picks”,它们决定了可能掉落的物品数量.拼图的最后一块是“ NoDrop”,这是一个选择不会掉落任何物品的概率。NoDrop 是玩家数量影响的唯一参数.

当更多玩家加入游戏时,新的 NoDrop 值是如何计算的,这里有很多问题,但简单来说就是: 玩家数量越多,NoDrop 的几率就越低(如果有足够多的玩家,NoDrop 的几率可能达到0)

有一些 TCs NoDrop就是0。这些不受玩家数量的影响,因为0是最低可能值.

What's different in PD2?

PD2 单人基础掉率大致与原版p5/5相当, 当一个游戏有8个玩家时,每个玩家的掉略都会提高,比原版8/8还要略高一些.这意味着所有 TC 的总体 NoDrop 要低得多,而且用更少的玩家更容易达到0的 NoDrop.


符文TCs跟原版一致, rune drop rates are the same. 微小的差异可能存在于某些情况下,由于新的有价值的物品的加入,如拉苏克谜盒的掉落

如何比较 PD2 与 LoD?

很难直接比较两者,因为有数百个 TC,而 PD2甚至比 LoD 还要多(主要是因为地图) ,但是我们可以比较来自 LoD 的 TC 和来自 PD2的 TC,看看 NoDrop 几率是如何变化的。

让我们看看名为Swarm 2 (H)的 TC, a worst case scenario, and Act 2 (H) H2H A, a common case used by many monsters。在这个例子中,第一个数字是游戏中的玩家数量,第二个数字是团队中的玩家数量。所以 p3/2意味着在游戏中有3个玩家,但在你的队伍中只有2个。如果在单人游戏中使用 /players 8 命令,那么等效于 p8/1。

Chance for NoDrop to be selected by the "pick" (i.e. the chance that no item drops):

Treasure Class LoD PD2
Swarm 2 (H)
  • p1/1, p2/1 = 83.33%
  • p2/2, p3/1, p3/2, p4/1 = 69.14%
  • p3/3, p4/2, p4/3, p5/1, p5/2, p6/1 = 57.63%
  • p4/4, p5/3, p5/4, p6/2, p6/3, p7/1, p7/2, p8/1 = 47.92%
  • p5/5, p6/4, p6/5, p7/3, p7/4, p8/2, p8/3 = 39.02%
  • p6/6, p7/5, p7/6, p8/4, p8/5 = 32.43%
  • p7/7, p8/6, p8/7 = 26.47%
  • p8/8 = 21.88%
  • p1/1, p2/1 = 40.85%
  • p2/2, p3/1, p3/2, p4/1 = 16.64%
  • p3/3, p4/2, p4/3, p5/1, p5/2, p6/1 = 6.68%
  • p4/4, p5/3, p5/4, p6/2, p6/3, p7/1, p7/2, p8/1 = 2.75%
  • p5/5, p6/4, p6/5, p7/3, p7/4, p8/2, p8/3 = 0.99%
  • p6/6, p7/5, p7/6, p8/4, p8/5 = 0.33%
  • p7/7, p8/6, p8/7 = 0.17%
  • p8/8 = 0%
Act 2 (H) H2H A
  • p1/1, p2/1 = 62.50%
  • p2/2, p3/1, p3/2, p4/1 = 38.78%
  • p3/3, p4/2, p4/3, p5/1, p5/2, p6/1 = 24.05%
  • p4/4, p5/3, p5/4, p6/2, p6/3, p7/1, p7/2, p8/1 = 14.29%
  • p5/5, p6/4, p6/5, p7/3, p7/4, p8/2, p8/3 = 9.09%
  • p6/6, p7/5, p7/6, p8/4, p8/5 = 4.76%
  • p7/7, p8/6, p8/7 = 3.23%
  • p8/8 = 1.64%
  • p1/1, p2/1 = 9.52%
  • p2/2, p3/1, p3/2, p4/1 = 0.88%
  • p3/3, p4/2, p4/3, p5/1, p5/2, p6/1 = 0%
  • p4/4, p5/3, p5/4, p6/2, p6/3, p7/1, p7/2, p8/1 = 0%
  • p5/5, p6/4, p6/5, p7/3, p7/4, p8/2, p8/3 = 0%
  • p6/6, p7/5, p7/6, p8/4, p8/5 = 0%
  • p7/7, p8/6, p8/7 = 0%
  • p8/8 = 0%


Players 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
血鸟 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
女伯爵 9.45% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46%
血腥巫师 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
召唤者 12.83% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88%
衣卒尔 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
尼拉塞克 12.00% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02%
女伯爵 (LoD) 7.14% 9.08% 9.61% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80%
召唤者 (LoD) 8.62% 11.61% 12.48% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80%
尼拉塞克 (LoD) 7.93% 10.41% 11.10% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35%



现在无瑕宝石,完美宝石,以及所有符文都可以堆叠放置了。用快捷方式可以转换它们的可堆叠不可堆叠形态。 有些其他的物品最近也能堆叠了,可/不可堆叠状态以上面同样的方法转换。



  • ctrl+shift+点击-转换单一物品的堆叠/未堆叠状态
  • Ctrl+点击(拿起物品时)-使物品成为堆叠形态
  • ctrl+shift+点击(拿起物品时)-使物品成为未堆叠形态

Gear Modification

These recipes modify items - affixes on ingredient items are preserved.


公式打孔只能被使用在本身具有0镶孔,并可以被打孔的物品上,比如:头盔,胸甲,盾牌,和不可投掷的武器。These recipes won't work on other items. 物品可获得的最大孔数 maximum sockets 也是由底材决定的- for example, a Legend Sword will never be able to get more than 3 sockets。

New Items:

  • 拉苏克迷盒Larzuk's Puzzlebox - 掉落几率与伐克斯Vex(#26)差不多
  • Larzuk's Puzzlepiece - 掉落几率与马尔Mal#23差不多
  • Larzuk's Malus - 可以在 拉苏克Larzuk 商店购买
材料 结果
拉尔Ral 符文(#8) + 安姆Amn 符文(#11) + 完美紫宝石 + 标准 白字 武器 给武器打1-6个镶孔
塔尔Tal 符文(#7) + 安姆Amn 符文(#11) + 完美红宝石 + 标准 白字 盾牌 给盾牌打1-4个镶孔
塔尔Tal 符文(#7)+ 书尔Thul 符文(#10) + 完美黄宝石 + 标准 白字 胸甲 给胸甲打1-4个镶孔
拉尔Ral 符文(#8) + 书尔Thul 符文(#10) + 完美蓝宝石 + 标准 白字 头盔 给头盔打1-3个镶孔
海尔Hel 符文(#15) + 回城卷轴 + 任意已镶嵌的物品 洗掉已镶嵌的物品(宝石/符文/宝珠)
Larzuk's Puzzlebox + 物品 加 2-4 孔 到 双手武器
加 1-2 孔 到 其他物品
Larzuk's Puzzlepiece + 非暗金/非套装的 物品 加 2-4 孔 到 双手武器
加 1-2 孔 到 其他物品
拉苏克的锤子 + 物品 给物品打1孔
  • The socketing recipes for regular items only work with "standard" items (not superior or inferior) and the eth bug involving them has been fixed in PD2
  • 公式打孔给 白字 物品打孔时打出1-6孔数的机会均等。但实际上能打出的孔数还是受限于底材(比如 Grim Helm|残酷头盔 1/6 的几率打1孔,5/6的几率打2孔)
  • The recipes utilizing Larzuk's Puzzlebox and Larzuk's Puzzlepiece have equal chances for each resulting number of sockets

作为公式打孔的补充, 腐化 也有几率给物品打孔。Note that items which get non-socket corruption modifiers may still be socketed via these recipes. Corruptions don't prevent them from being modified further.

除了公式打孔,第五幕的第一个任务(哈洛加斯围城战)提供了另一个打孔的方法。 拉苏克会奖励玩家给一个物品打孔:

  • 一般白字 物品打出最大孔数 sockets (取决于物品底材和物品等级)
  • 魔法 物品打出1-2孔 (1孔2孔机会均等)
  • 其他物品 (黄金/手工/套装/暗金) 可打1孔


套装 物品和 手工制作 物品现在可以通过合成公式升级了。 套装 物品升级公式与暗金 物品一样, 手工制作 物品升级公式与黄金 物品一样。这些公式可升级物品的基础类型,且并不影响物品词缀。

物品的装备需求也随着基础类型的改变而提升。在原版游戏中,装备需求等级也之提升了 5/7 级(扩展级/精英级)。但在PD2中并非如此。

材料 结果
拉尔Ral 符文(#8)+ 索尔Sol 符文(#12) + 完美绿宝石 + 普通 暗金/套装 武器 该武器的扩展级版本
塔尔Tal 符文(#7)+ 夏Shael 符文(#13) + 完美的钻石 + 普通 暗金/套装 装甲 该装甲的扩展级版本
卢姆Lum 符文(#17)+ 普尔Pul 符文(#21) + 完美绿宝石 + 扩展级 暗金/套装 武器 该武器的精英级版本
科Ko 符文(#18)+ 蓝姆Lem 符文(#20)+ 完美的钻石 + 扩展级 暗金/套装 装甲 该装甲的精英级版本
欧特Ort 符文(#9)+ 安姆Amn 符文(#11)+ 完美蓝宝石 + 普通 黄金/手工制作 武器 该武器的扩展级版本
拉尔Ral 符文(#8)+ 书尔Thul 符文(#10)+ 完美紫宝石 + 普通 黄金/手工制作 装甲 该装甲的扩展级版本
法尔Fal 符文(#19)+ 乌姆Um 符文(#22)+ 完美蓝宝石 + 扩展级 黄金/手工制作 武器 该武器的精英级版本
科Ko 符文(#18)+ 普尔Pul 符文(#21)+ 完美紫宝石 + 扩展级 黄金/手工制作 装甲 该装甲的精英级版本
  • 带有增强防御属性的装甲其基础防御值为最大值+1,升级后的带有增强防御属性的装甲的基础防御值会重新随机。
  • 升级 无形 物品不会改变其现有的耐久度,无论其最大耐久度提升多少。其当前耐久度可能会被随机降低一些。
  • 与原版游戏不同,升级 头环Circlet 会得到宝冠Coronet,而非扩展级的头环(三重冠Tiara)




  • 轻歌之瓶Vial of Lightsong 是新物品,任何敌人身上都可能会掉落(七百五十万分之一几率)
  • 莉莉丝之镜Lilith's Mirror 是新物品,任何敌人身上都可能会掉落(两千五百万分之一几率)
材料 结果 备注
欧特Ort(9#) 符文 + 非无形武器 修复/充满聚气 以前需要碎裂的宝石
拉尔Ral(8#) 符文 + 非无形装甲 修复/充满聚气 以前需要有瑕疵的宝石
萨德Zod(33#) 符文 + 完美骷髅 + 物品 修复/充满聚气 无形 物品有效
轻歌之瓶Vial of Lightsong + 物品 物品成为无形 对无耐久度的物品无效(不可摧毁物品)
莉莉丝之镜 + 物品 复制该物品 只能用于 魔法/黄金 装备和手工 装备


Main article: Corruptions

New Item: Worldstone Shard - can drop anywhere

Worldstone shards can be used to corrupt items.


白字 物品无法得到腐化词条,但可以做出镶孔(该物品的最大镶孔数),或者将其转化成同类型随机属性的 黄金物品。符文之语装备本身已经有镶孔了,无法获得腐化词条。腐化一个白字装备与用 socketing recipe 公式打孔该装备非常相似。无论劣质还是超强的装备都可以完成。 如果一件白字物品,它无法被打孔,但又被腐化了,它还是会有50%的几率成为一个同类型随机属性的黄金装备,另外50%的几率它会没有变化。

Runewords are regular items which already have sockets, so they can't have other corruption modifiers. Runewords with the "corrupted" tag were simply made with corrupted regular items.

If the corrupted item becomes a random rare, it will be corrupted with either sockets or a corruption modifier in addition to its normal attributes. If the original item was ethereal, the item it becomes will also be ethereal. Corrupted items cannot be corrupted again, but they can be modified by nearly all other recipes.

腐化打孔的前提是装备必须是无镶孔的,并且可以被打孔,比如:头盔,胸甲,盾牌,和非投掷类型的武器。装备可获得的 maximum sockets 最大孔数永远被被底材所限制。比如说,一个未升级的 Vampire Gaze 吸血鬼的凝视 不会打出高于2个的镶孔,因为残酷头盔最多就只能有2个孔。

  • 白字 装备
    • 50% 的几率得到镶孔(该物品的最大镶孔数) sockets)
    • 50% 的几率转换成随机 黄金装备
  • 其他装备 (可打孔的)
    • 25%的几率打孔(装甲打1-3个孔,单手武器打1-4个孔,双手武器打1-6个孔)
    • 50%的几率获得词条(24%的几率获得低稀有率词条,16%的几率获得中稀有率词条,10%的几率获得高稀有率词条)
    • 25%的几率转换成随机 黄金装备
  • 其他装备 (不可打孔的)
    • 75%的几率获得词条(36%的几率获得低稀有率词条,24%的几率获得中稀有率词条,15%的几率获得高稀有率词条)
    • 25%的几率转换成随机 黄金装备


  • 装甲(头盔,胸甲,盾牌)= 1-3孔 = 1-3 sockets (1孔 72% 几率, 2孔 20% 几率, 3孔 8% 几率)
  • 武器 (单手) = 1-4 孔 (1孔 40% 几率, 2孔 32%几率,3孔 16% 几率, 4孔 12%几率)
  • 武器 (双手) = 1-6 孔 (1孔 24%几率,2孔 22%几率,3孔 18%几率,4孔 16% 几率,5孔 12%几率,6孔 8% 几率)

如果可打孔物品通过腐化并未获得孔数,也可以通过 Larzuk's Puzzlebox拉苏克迷盒 这一相当程度上不常见的方法进行更进一步的改进,它能给双手武器增加2-4孔,给其他物品增加1-2孔。Larzuk's Puzzlepiece拉苏克迷盒碎片 使用方法相同,更常用,但不能对暗金/套装物品使用。

在理想情况下,玩家可以既期待最大额度打孔的腐化法,也可以对拉苏克迷盒打孔过的物品进行腐化,获得高稀有率词条。高稀有率腐化词条一般来说略强于 非武器打两孔或装甲1孔,因此这是可设想的最优解。镶孔越多,可发挥的余地越大。

对比拉苏克迷盒和世界石碎片的价值,还是对物品先腐化再用迷盒打孔比较好。先用了迷盒会的话,会导致有更高的几率(75%几率,而非50%)腐化时获得腐化词条,但是把装备干废的几率仍然是25%,一旦发生,迷盒 就浪费了。

Gear Creation

These recipes create new items - any affixes on ingredient items are not preserved. Also see: 腐化


材料 结果 说明
蝮蛇护符 Amulet of the Viper + 国王之杖Staff of Kings 赫拉迪克法杖 Horadric Staff
克林姆的眼睛 Khalim's Eye + 克林姆的脑子 Khalim's Brain + 克林姆的心脏 Khalim's Heart + 克林姆的链枷 Khalim's Flail 克林姆的意志 Khalim's Will
2 Regular Arrows or 2 Regular Bolts Regular quiver of the opposite type
长矛 + 箭 普通标枪
任意斧子 + 任意匕首 普通飞斧
魔法 武器 + 3 碎裂的宝石 魔法 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级) = 25
带镶孔的武器 + 3 普通的宝石 魔法 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级) = 30
魔法 武器 + 3 无暇的宝石 魔法 武器,带有1-2个镶孔,ilvl(物品等级)= 30
魔法 戒指 + 完美绿宝石 + 解毒剂 魔法 翡翠的Jade 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 翡翠的Jade = 毒素抗性 +[21-30]%
魔法 戒指 + 完美红宝石 + 爆炸药剂 魔法 深红的Garnet (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 深红的Garnet = 火焰抗性 +[21-30]%
魔法 戒指 + 完美黄宝石 + 回复活力药剂 魔法 珊瑚的Coral 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 珊瑚的Coral = 闪电抗性 +[21-30]%
魔法 戒指 + 完美蓝宝石 + 溶解药剂 魔法 钴Cobalt 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 钴Cobalt = 寒冷抗性 +[21-30]%
魔法 剑 + 任意 红宝石 + 任意4个血瓶 魔法 妖巫的of the Leech 剑 (同类型的, ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 妖巫的of the Leech = [4-5]% 生命值于击中时偷取(LL)
魔法 盾 + 任意狼牙棒 + 任意 2个 骷髅 魔法 长钉of Spikes 盾 (同类型的, ilvl(物品等级) = 30) 长钉of Spikes = 攻击者受到[4-6]点伤害
任意波形刀 + 任意法杖 + 任意腰带 + 任意 钻石 魔法 野蛮的Savage 长柄武器 (随机类型, ilvl(物品等级) = 50) 野蛮的Savage = +[66-80]% 增强伤害
魔法 Amulet + 6 个完美宝石 (除了完美骷髅) 魔法 三棱的Prismatic 项链 (ilvl(物品等级) = 50) 三棱的Prismatic = 所有抗性 +[16-20]
3 魔法 项链 1 魔法 戒指 (ilvl(物品等级 )= clvl(人物等级)*0.75)
3 魔法 戒指 1 魔法 项链 (ilvl(物品等级 )= clvl(人物等级)*0.75)
魔法 物品 + 3 完美宝石 同类魔法 物品,相同的 ilvl(物品等级) 不可用于 腐化过的 物品或地图
黄金 物品 + 6 完美骷髅 同类型的黄金 物品,ilvl(物品等级)= clvl(人物等级)*0.4 + ilvl(物品等级)*0.4) 不可用于 腐化过的 物品或地图
  • Bracketed formula ilvl values are rounded down


  • 如果想得到一些特别属性,洗点 魔法 物品是一个非常好的途径。 魔法 物品通常来说无法与其他典型的装备选择相提并论, 但魔法 护身符非常值得去洗点 - 超大型护身符的话,如果洗出+1技能的则特别有用。
  • 想得到特别属性的 黄金 物品,用完美骷髅洗点 黄金 物品个非常不错的选择。ilvl(物品等级)每次洗点都会降低, 所以用高等级的角色和高物品等级的物品来洗是最有效率的 - 对一些几乎没有有用的高级词缀的物品,比如戒指,或者权冠,也非常值得洗。因为它们相对低的物品等级完全抵消了品质等级,和掉落它们的怪物等级。其他物品洗低了物品等级,一些高级的词缀无法出现。但权冠不会,可无限重复低洗,还是可以出现所有的词缀属性。针对其它物品,用98+级的角色洗出来的物品等级可稳定在65ILVL。

Imbuing Items

除了洗点公式,第一幕的第五个任务(铁匠恰西那个任务)提供了另一种生成魔法物品的途径。把赫拉迪克马勒斯Horadric Malus还给恰西以后,恰西会把一件玩家指定的无镶孔的白字物品进行灌注。灌注后的是一件同类型的黄金物品,并也有具备同级别词缀affixes 的可能(可能性与正常黄金装备一般无二,除非它是维特之腿Wirt's Leg),虽然在物品生成上还是有一些区别的:
生成的物品的 ilvl(物品等级) = clvl(人物等级)+ 4 (99级封顶)
  • 如果灌注的是无形物品,灌注后的依然是无形(与其他物品数值不相关)
  • 如果底材可以带有staffmods(加职业技能)的,它也比其他普通物品有更大的机会在灌注后得到加技能点的属性,甚至 +3多技能点
说明: Pointmod(加技能)的几率随着角色等级增加而提升,至多94级。
通常被认为不是上策,但腐化 corruptions 也有机会使物品变成黄金物品


Main article: Crafting

Crafting an item creates a new rare-like item of the same type as the equipment item used in the recipe. Except for ethereal, affixes from the ingredient equipment item are not transferred to the crafted item.

Crafted items get predetermined affixes and up to 4 additional affixes. The affixes they can get depends on their affix level, which depends on their item level (ilvl). The ilvl of a crafted item is determined by the crafter's character level (clvl) and the ilvl of the ingredient equipment item used in the recipe. Bracketed values within the formula are rounded down.

crafted ilvl = [clvl/2] + [ilvl/2]

The amount of additional affixes depends on the ilvl of the crafted item.

  • ilvl 1-30: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (20%), 2 affixes (20%), 1 affix (40%)
  • ilvl 31-50: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (20%), 2 affixes (60%)
  • ilvl 51-70: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (80%)
  • ilvl 71+: 4 affixes (100%)


Crafting Ingredients

The recipe for each craft includes a jewel and a magic/rare base item as well as the runes/gems shown below. Alternatively, a "craft infusion" can be used which doesn't require any other ingredients except the base item.

Type Blood Caster Hitpower Safety Vampiric Bountiful Brilliant
Amulet Amn + P.Ruby Ral + P.Amethyst Thul + P.Sapphire Thul + P.Emerald Dol + P.Skull Ko + P.Topaz Tal + P.Diamond
Ring Sol + P.Ruby Amn + P.Amethyst Amn + P.Sapphire Amn + P.Emerald Hel + P.Skull Lum + P.Topaz Hel + P.Diamond
Belt Tal + P.Ruby Ith + P.Amethyst Tal + P.Sapphire Tal + P.Emerald Eld + P.Skull El + P.Topaz Io + P.Diamond
Gloves Nef + P.Ruby Ort + P.Amethyst Ort + P.Sapphire Ral + P.Emerald Io + P.Skull Hel + P.Topaz Shael + P.Diamond
Boots Eth + P.Ruby Thul + P.Amethyst Ral + P.Sapphire Ort + P.Emerald El + P.Skull Io + P.Topaz Ko + P.Diamond
Helm Ral + P.Ruby Nef + P.Amethyst Ith + P.Sapphire Ith + P.Emerald Lum + P.Skull Tir + P.Topaz Eld + P.Diamond
Chest Thul + P.Ruby Tal + P.Amethyst Nef + P.Sapphire Eth + P.Emerald Tir + P.Skull Eld + P.Topaz El + P.Diamond
Shield Ith + P.Ruby Eth + P.Amethyst Eth + P.Sapphire Nef + P.Emerald Sol + P.Skull Dol + P.Topaz Ort + P.Diamond
Weapon Ort + P.Ruby Tir + P.Amethyst Tir + P.Sapphire Sol + P.Emerald Shael + P.Skull Shael + P.Topaz Sol + P.Diamond
Any Blood Craft Infusion Caster Craft Infusion Hitpower Craft Infusion Safety Craft Infusion Vampiric Craft Infusion Bountiful Craft Infusion Brilliant Craft Infusion


promoting stacked items


材料 结果
3个同色的碎裂的宝石 同色的有瑕疵的宝石
3个同色的有瑕疵的宝石 同色宝石
3个同色宝石 同色无瑕疵的宝石
3个以上同色无瑕疵的宝石+钥匙 1个以上同色完美宝石
  • When additional flawless gems are included (up to 48), multiple perfect gems will be produced at the same 3:1 ratio (up to 16)
  • Flawless gems can only be promoted if they are in their stacked form - this may be an oversight and get updated in the future


材料 结果 备注
3 艾尔El 符文 (#1) + 钥匙 1 艾德Eld 符文 (#2)
3 艾德Eld 符文 (#2) + 钥匙 1 特尔Tir 符文 (#3)
3 特尔Tir 符文 (#3) + 钥匙 1 那夫Nef 符文 (#4)
3 那夫Nef 符文 (#4) + 钥匙 1 爱斯Eth 符文 (#5)
3 Eth爱斯Eth 符文 (#5) + 钥匙 1 伊司Ith 符文 (#6)
3 伊司Ith 符文 (#6) + 钥匙 1 塔尔Tal 符文 (#7)
3 塔尔Tal 符文 (#7) + 钥匙 1 拉尔Ral 符文 (#8)
3 拉尔Ral 符文 (#8) + 钥匙 1 欧特Ort 符文 (#9)
3 欧特Ort 符文 (#9) + 钥匙 1 书尔Thul 符文 (#10)
3 书尔Thul 符文 (#10) + 钥匙 1 安姆Amn 符文 (#11) 以前需要碎裂的黄宝石
3 安姆Amn 符文 (#11) + 钥匙 1 索尔Sol 符文 (#12) 以前需要碎裂的紫宝石
3 索尔Sol 符文 (#12) + 钥匙 1 夏Shael 符文 (#13) 以前需要碎裂的蓝宝石
3 夏Shael 符文 (#13) + 钥匙 1 多尔Dol 符文 (#14) 以前需要碎裂的红宝石
3 多尔Dol 符文 (#14) + 钥匙 1 海尔Hel 符文 (#15) 以前需要碎裂的绿宝石
3 海尔Hel 符文 (#15) + 钥匙 1 破Io 符文 (#16) 以前需要碎裂的钻石
3 破Io 符文 (#16) + 钥匙 1 卢姆Lum 符文 (#17) 以前需要有瑕疵的黄宝石
3 卢姆Lum 符文 (#17) + 钥匙 1 科Ko 符文 (#18) 以前需要有瑕疵的紫宝石
3 科Ko 符文 (#18) + 钥匙 1 法尔Fal 符文 (#19) 以前需要有瑕疵的蓝宝石
3 法尔Fal 符文 (#19) + 钥匙 1 蓝姆Lem 符文 (#20) 以前需要有瑕疵的红宝石
3 蓝姆Lem 符文 (#20) + 钥匙 1 普尔Pul 符文 (#21) 以前需要有瑕疵的绿宝石
2 普尔Pul 符文 (#21) + 钥匙 1 乌姆Um 符文 (#22) 以前需要有瑕疵的钻石
2 乌姆Um 符文 (#22) + 钥匙 1 马尔Mal 符文 (#23) 以前需要黄宝石
2 马尔Mal 符文 (#23) + 钥匙 1 伊斯特Ist 符文 (#24) 以前需要紫宝石
2 伊斯特Ist 符文 (#24) + 钥匙 1 古尔Gul 符文 (#25) 以前需要蓝宝石
2 古尔Gul 符文 (#25) + 钥匙 1 伐克斯Vex 符文 (#26) 以前需要红宝石
2 伐克斯Vex 符文 (#26) + 钥匙 1 欧姆Ohm 符文 (#27) 以前需要绿宝石
2 欧姆Ohm 符文 (#27) + 钥匙 1 罗Lo 符文 (#28) 以前需要钻石
2 罗Lo 符文 (#28) + 钥匙 1 瑟Sur 符文 (#29) 以前需要无瑕疵的黄宝石
2 瑟Sur 符文 (#29) + 钥匙 1 贝Ber 符文 (#30) 以前需要无瑕疵的紫宝石
2 贝Ber 符文 (#30) + 钥匙 1 乔Jah 符文 (#31) 以前需要无瑕疵的蓝宝石
2 乔Jah 符文 (#31) + 钥匙 1 查姆Cham 符文 (#32) 以前需要无瑕疵的红宝石
2 查姆Cham 符文 (#32) + 钥匙 1 萨德Zod 符文 (#33) 以前需要无瑕疵的绿宝石


Breakdown Recipes

材料 结果
1-15 个珠宝 + 钥匙 1-15 珠宝碎片
1-7 地狱火炬Hellfire Torches + Key 1-7 火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes

新物品: 珠宝碎片Jewel Fragments和火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes



材料 结果
普通瓦斯妖姬 + 任意血瓶 解毒药剂
3个任意血瓶 + 3个任意蓝瓶 + 碎裂的宝石 回复活力药剂(小紫)
3个任意血瓶+ 3个任意蓝瓶 + 普通宝石 全面回复活力药剂(大紫)
3个回复活力药剂(小紫) 全面回复活力药剂(大紫)


材料 结果
煎熬之扭曲精髓 Twisted Essence of Suffering + 憎恨之充能精髓 Charged Essence of Hatred + 恐惧之燃烧精髓 Burning Essence of Terror + 毁灭之溃烂精髓 Festering Essence of Destruction 赦免令牌 Token of Absolution


  • 赦免令牌 Token of Absolution 可重置角色技能和数值
    • 煎熬之扭曲精髓 Twisted Essence of Suffering掉落于安达利尔/都瑞尔(~16.1%/~21.3% 几率)
    • 憎恨之充能精髓 Charged Essence of Hatred 掉落于墨菲斯托 (~8.3% 几率)
    • 恐惧之燃烧精髓 Burning Essence of Terror 掉落于大菠萝(~8.3% 几率)
    • 毁灭之溃烂精髓 Festering Essence of Destruction 掉落于巴尔(~8.3% 几率)


材料 结果 备注
Wirt's Leg维特之腿 + 回城书 打开去奶牛关的传送门 (神秘奶牛关) 必须有1名角色击败了当前难度的巴尔,身处在罗格营地(第一幕)才能开启
恐惧之钥 Key of Terror + 憎恨之钥 Key of Hate + 毁灭之钥 Key of Destruction 打开一个通往迷你混沌区域的传送门 (痛苦熔炉 Furnace of Pain, 主母巢穴 Matron's Den, 遗忘沙漠 Forgotten Sands) 只能在地狱难度的哈洛加斯(第五幕)才能开启, 打开哪个传送门是随机的,但同一局游戏中不会重复出现


混沌钥匙现在在颜色上稍有不同,便于区分。现在地狱难度的 血鸟 Blood Raven,疯狂血腥女巫 Bloodwitch,和衣卒尔 Izual 也可以掉落了。在特殊地图的 Spire of Darkness 事件中也能掉落

  • 恐惧之钥 Key of Terror 掉落于 The Countess 女伯爵 (1:11 几率) ,以及 Blood Raven 血鸟(1:9 几率)
  • 憎恨之钥 Key of Hate 掉落于 The Summoner 召唤者(1:8 几率) ,以及 Bloodwitch 疯狂血腥女巫 (1:9 几率)
  • 毁灭之钥 Key of Destruction 掉落于 Nihlathak 尼拉塞克(1:8 几率) ,以及 Izual 衣卒尔(1:9 几率)


材料 结果
马道克的印记 Sigil of Madawc + 塔里克的印记 Sigil of Talic + 科里克的印记 Sigil of Korlic 古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients
任意3个器官(墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain,暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn,巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye) + 钥匙 群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman
原罪之魂 Prime Evil Soul + 黑色灵魂石 Black Soulstone + 纯粹的恶魔精髓 Pure Demonic Essence 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror
塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone + 虚空碎片 Splinter of the Void + Hellfire Torch 地狱火炬 虚空石 Voidstone

新物品: 古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients, 群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman, 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror, 虚空石 Voidstone(以及它们的合成材料,除BOSS器官和地狱火炬外) 。

The "boss areas" accessible via the following items cannot be freely exited or re-entered while enemies remain within. For Uber Tristram, three single-use silver portals are created upon entry and the area may only be entered by using them; players get their original attempt plus three extra attempts. For each of the other areas, players only get a single attempt.

Only one of these "boss areas" (or a map) may be opened in a single game.

  • 古代遗物 Relic of the Ancients 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 Uber Ancients 超级古代人
    • 马道克的印记Sigil of Madawc 掉落于T1地图中的怪物(1:12K几率)
    • 塔里克的印记Sigil of Talic 掉落于T2地图中的怪物(1:10K几率)
    • 科里克的印记Sigil of Korlic 掉落于T3地图中的怪物(1:8K几率)
  • 群魔殿护符 Pandemonium Talisman 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 Uber Tristram 混沌崔斯特瑞姆 (会取代原有的器官制造的传送门)
    • 墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain 掉落于痛苦熔炉中的混沌衣卒尔
    • 暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn 掉落于主母巢穴中的莉莉丝(有时指混沌安达利尔)
    • 巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye 掉落于遗忘沙漠中的混沌都瑞尔
  • 恐怖异象 Vision of Terror 可使鲜血神殿附近的玩家进入 Diablo-Clone 的战斗 (克隆大菠萝不再随 乔丹之石 出售给商人而随机出现)
    • 原罪之魂 Prime Evil Soul 掉落于 地狱难度的 劳模/大菠萝/巴尔(未确定-此前是劳模1:85, 大菠萝1:65, 巴尔1:40)
    • 黑色灵魂石 Black Soulstone 掉落于 Uber Tristram 混沌崔斯特瑞姆 的BOSS(每个BOSS有12%的几率-未确定)
    • 纯粹的恶魔精髓 Pure Demonic Essence 掉落于 Map 特殊地图上的BOSS(未确定-此前是2%?)
  • 虚空石 Voidstone 可进入 Rathma 拉斯玛的战斗
    • 虚空碎片 Splinter of the Void 掉落于 Shadow of Mendeln 门德利之影 特殊地图事件(40%几率-未确定)
    • 塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone 掉落于不死的敌人(地狱难度 1:22.5k 几率掉落)
    • 火炬灰烬Hellfire Ashes or 地狱火炬 (the former is just a stackable ingredient version of the latter)

Uber Difficulty

Ingredients Result
恐怖异象 Vision of Terror 或 虚空石 Voidstone 单独在盒子里可以在难度0、1、2之间切换

Difficulty levels 1 and 2 provide a chance of getting exclusive unique items from Diablo-Clone or Rathma when defeating them, with difficulty level 2 providing a greater chance. Difficulty level 1 is roughly the same difficulty as earlier seasons when there weren't multiple difficulty levels.


Main article: Maps

New Items: All of the following items except Standard of Heroes

在赫拉迪克方块中可以使用特定物品来改变地图属性。除了在地狱难度可以从安雅处购买的法球以外,从特殊地图的BOSS处可罕见掉落赫拉迪姆的圣甲虫Horadrim Scarab, Catalyst Shard drops from a map event,新3BB可掉落英雄旗帜Standard of Heroes。特殊地图也可以用随处可得的世界石碎片Worldstone Shard 进行污染。

图标 物品 其他材料 效果
赫拉迪姆法珠Horadrim Orb 黄金地图, 完美的宝石, 符文 重新随机地图
Infused Horadrim Orb Rare Map
天使法珠Angelic Orb 魔法级地图, 完美骷髅, 符文 升级地图 (魔法级 -> 黄金级)
Infused Angelic Orb Magic Map
萨卡兰姆法珠Zakarum Orb 普通地图, 珠宝, 符文 升级地图 (普通级 -> 黄金级)
Infused Zakarum Orb Regular Map
奥术法珠Arcane Orb 普通地图, 珠宝 升级地图 (普通级 -> 魔法级)
Infused Arcane Orb Regular Map
毁灭之法珠Orb of Destruction 魔法/黄金 地图 降级地图 (至普通级)
强化之球Orb of Fortification 魔法/稀有 地图 地图怪物数量减半,从中获得的战利品/经验翻倍-这些强化怪物的生命增加了一倍,并造成20%的额外伤害(不影响地图BOSS或事件怪物)halves number of map monsters and doubles loot/experience gained from them - these Fortified monsters have doubled life and deal 20% extra damage (does not affect map bosses or event monsters)
制图师之法珠Cartographer's Orb 3 T1/T2 的地图 将3个相同梯度地图合成为1个高一梯度的地图
赫拉迪姆圣甲虫Horadrim Scarab T3 地图 将T3地图转换为一个随机的黄金级地牢
催化剂碎片Catalyst Shard 魔法/黄金 地图 为地图增加一个额外的随机事件adds "Area contains a random event"
英雄旗帜Standard of Heroes 魔法+ 地图/地牢 增加英雄奖励:+10%经验获取,+20%怪群密度,+20%魔法物品和金币获取
世界石碎片Worldstone Shard 魔法/稀有 地图/地牢 腐化corruption
  • 制图师之法珠Cartographer's Orb 公式现在有BUG bugged ,有时对T1地图会失灵。
Ingredients Result
Horadrim Orb + Perfect Gem + Rune Infused Horadrim Orb
Angelic Orb + Perfect Skull + Rune Infused Angelic Orb
Zakarum Orb + Jewel + Rune Infused Zakarum Orb
Arcane Orb + Jewel Infused Arcane Orb
3 Maps of same tier (any rarity) Random map of same tier (regular)
3 Dungeons Random dungeon (rare)


Ingredients Result
3 Perfect Skulls + Stone of Jordan + Rare Item Adds 1 socket to the Item

While still available in the game, this recipe is included here instead of the main Socket Recipes section due to its irrelevance. It was introduced prior to the LoD expansion as an item sink for duped SoJs and later became mostly obsolete with the introduction of Larzuk's quest in the expansion. The recipe is even less useful in PD2 since there is a new recipe with the same result that uses a new item (Larzuk's Malus) which is nearly trivial to obtain, along with the extreme rarity of SoJs due to the practice of item duping never taking hold here.

Ingredients Result Notes
Rare Item + Perfect Skull + Stone of Jordan Rare Item of same type (ilvl = [clvl*0.66] + [ilvl*0.66]) cannot be used with corrupted items
not worth using in PD2 since SoJs aren't common

This recipe is still in the game and actually does something that no other recipe does exactly, but it's still irrelevant due to the rarity of SoJs in PD2.

材料 结果
2个 上古遗骸碎片 Ancient Bone Fragments + 地狱火炬 Hellfire Torch 塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone


Lilith's Mirror was introduced in Season 5 and worked with items of all rarities. As of season 6, it can no longer be used with crafted, set, or unique items. As of season 9, it can no longer be used with jewels but can be used with crafted items. The following

Legacy mirrored jewels apply their "mirrored" status to any item they're inserted into - the targeted item cannot be used in cube recipes. Mirrored jewels retain their original color palette, but will modify the color palette of the item they're inserted into as follows:

  • upper jewel: white
  • lower jewel: black
  • 2 lower jewels: red
  • 3 lower jewels: green
  • 4 lower jewels: gold
  • upper jewel with any number of additional upper/lower jewels: silver

Note: "upper" and "lower" refer to where the jewels appeared in the cube after being mirrored, and are often used interchangeably with "white" and "black", respectively.

Previously, items could be stacked and unstacked via cumbersome cube recipes. These are no longer available:

Stacking/Unstacking Items
Ingredients Result
1 unstacked Gem/Rune stacked Gem/Rune
Stacked Gems/Runes of same type 1 unstacked Gem/Rune + remaining Stacked Gems/Runes



手工制作物品可以制作出类似黄金物品的装备,与公式中的装备底材类型相同。 除了“无形”,底材装备的词缀不会被手工物品继承。

手工物品有预先定好的词缀,至多4个额外词缀. 词缀状况取决于它们的词缀等级, 词缀等级又取决于物品等级(ilvl)。物品等级又由人物等级(clvl)和公式中的底材的物品等级所决定。Bracketed values within the formula are rounded down.

crafted ilvl = [clvl/2] + [ilvl/2]


  • 物品等级1-30:4词缀(20%),3词缀(20%),2词缀(20%),1词缀(40%)
  • 物品等级31-50:4词缀(20%),3词缀(20%),2词缀(60%)
  • 物品等级51-70:4词缀(20%),3词缀(80%)
  • 物品等级71以上:4词缀(100%)

商人出售的魔法物品的物品等级是在角色等级基础上加5,赌博来的物品的物品等级则是在角色等级减5和加4之间浮动。 举个例子,假设一个88级的角色,它能赌博到物品等级为92的项链,可用它做一个物品等级为90的手工项链。如果想得到一个+2技能等级词缀,那么这已经是所需的最低的物品等级了。


  • 手工物品公式不再只限于某一类物品基底(比如用头盔/无颊头盔/活动头盔 来制作生命类头盔)
    • 头环类(和箭筒类)是例外,无法用于手工物品
  • 使用无形物品底材制作手工物品时,做出来的成品也是无形。
  • 手工制作的物品不再需要比它们带有的稀有变量所对应的更高的等级需求(某属性+10,附加属性+3/词缀,最高+22)
  • 手工物品现在可以升级了(与升级黄金物品同样的公式) ( recipes)
  • 黄金物品现在也用于手工物品制作公式
  • 调整了很多手工制品的词缀
  • New crafting recipes have been added which correspond to the remaining gems (topaz, diamond, skull)
  • New "craft infusion" items provide an alternative method of crafting equipment (they drop from Treasure Fallen in maps)


每一样手工平制品的公式都包括1个珠宝jewel 1个魔法/黄金物品底材,还有对应的符文/宝石runes/gems 如下表所示. Alternatively, craft infusions can be used.

类型 生命类 施法者类 打击类 安全类 吸血鬼类 丰饶类 闪耀系
安姆(#11) + 完美红宝石
+10% 高速跑步/行走
拉尔(#8) + 完美紫宝石
+[5-10]% 快速施法速度
+[4-10]% 法力回复速度
+[10-20] 点魔法值
书尔(#10) + 完美蓝宝石
+[10-20]% 快速打击恢复
被攻击时有5%的机会释放等级4 霜之新星
书尔(#10) + 完美绿宝石
多尔(#14) + 完美骷髅
科(#18) + 完美黄宝石
Tal + P.Diamond
+[100-150] Defense vs. Missile
+[4-8] to All Attributes
All Resistances +[5-10]
索尔(#12) + 完美红宝石
[1-3]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命
安姆(#11) + 完美紫宝石
+[5-10] 能量值
+[10-20] 点法力
安姆(#11) + 完美蓝宝石
+[5-10] 点敏捷
+[2-4] 最大伤害值
安姆(#11) + 完美绿宝石
+[5-10] 点活力值
海尔(#15) + 完美骷髅
[1-3]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
卢姆(#17) + 完美黄宝石
+[5-10] 点活力值
+[10-20]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围
Hel + P.Diamond
+[50-100] Defense vs. Missile
All Resistances +[3-5]
Half Freeze Duration
塔尔(#7) + 完美红宝石
[10-20]% 的几率造成撕裂伤口
[3-6]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值
伊司(6) + 完美紫宝石
+10% 快速施法
+[10-20] 点魔法值
塔尔(#7) + 完美蓝宝石
[5-10]% 被击中时受到的伤害转化为魔法值
+[10-20]% 快速打击恢复
塔尔(#7) + 完美绿宝石
+[10-30]% 增强防御
+[10-20]% 毒素抵抗
艾德(#2) + 完美骷髅
[10-20]% 被击中时受到的伤害转化为魔法值
[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
+[5-10] 生命回复
艾尔(#1) + 完美黄宝石
+[25-50]% 增强防御
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围
Io + P.Diamond
+[5-10]% Increased Attack Speed
+[25-50]% Enhanced Defense
Half Freeze Duration
那夫(#4) + 完美红宝石
[5-10]% 几率造成压碎性打击
[2-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值
欧特(#9) + 完美紫宝石
+[5-10]% 快速施法速度
欧特(#9) + 完美蓝宝石
减少目标[10-20]% 防御
拉尔(#8) + 完美绿宝石
+[10-30] 增强防御
+[10-20] 寒冷抵抗
破(#16) + 完美骷髅
[5-10]% 的几率发动致命攻击
[2-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
海尔(#16) + 完美黄宝石
+[25-50]% 增强防御
[15-25]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围
Shael + P.Diamond
+[5-10]% Increased Attack Speed
[10-20]% Bonus to Attack Rating
+[25-50]% Enhanced Defense
爱斯(#5) + 完美红宝石
[2-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命
书尔(#10) + 完美紫宝石
+[10-20] 点魔法值
拉尔(#8) + 完美蓝宝石
对近距离攻击增加 [60-120] 点防御
+[10-20]% 快速打击恢复
欧特(#9) + 完美绿宝石
+[20-60]% 增强防御
+[10-20]% 火焰抵抗
艾尔(#1) + 完美骷髅
减少[10-20]% 所受毒素持续时间
[2-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
+[5-10] 生命恢复
破(#16) + 完美黄宝石
+[25-50]% 增强防御
[15-25]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围
Ko + P.Diamond
+10% Faster Run/Walk
+[100-150] Defense vs. Missile
Half Freeze Duration
拉尔(#8) + 完美红宝石
[10-20]% 几率造成压碎性打击
[2-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值
那夫(#4) + 完美紫宝石
+[5-10]% 快速施法
+[4-10]% 法力回复速度
+[10-20] 点魔法值
伊司(#6) + 完美蓝宝石e
+[100-200] 攻击准确率
+[10-20]% 快速打击回复
伊司(#6) + 完美绿宝石
+[20-60]% 增强防御
+[10-20]% 闪电抵抗
减少[5-10]% 受到的物理伤害
卢姆(#17) + 完美骷髅
[10-20]% 的几率发动致命攻击
[2-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
+[5-10] 回复生命
特尔(#3) + 完美黄宝石
+[25-50]% 增强防御
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围
Eld + P.Diamond
+[5-10]% Increased Attack Speed
+[25-50]% Enhanced Defense
Half Freeze Duration
书尔(#10) + 完美红宝石
每次杀死怪物获得 [3-6] 点生命值
[3-6]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[20-40] 点生命值
塔尔(#7) + 完美紫宝石
+[5-10]% 快速施法
每次杀死怪物获得 [3-6] 点魔法值
那夫(#4) + 完美蓝宝石
+[25-50]% 增强防御
+[20-40]% 快速打击恢复
艾斯(#5) + 完美绿宝石
+[20-60]% 增强防御
+[100-150] Defense vs. Melee
减少[5-10]% 受到的物理伤害
特尔(#3) + 完美骷髅
[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
降低装备需求 [20-30]%
艾德(#2) + 完美黄宝石
+[25-50]% 增强防御
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围
El + P.Diamond
[10-20]% Increased Chance of Blocking
+[25-50]% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +[5-10]
伊司(#6) + 完美红宝石
+[10-20]% 格挡几率
+[10-20] 点生命值
艾斯(#5) + 完美紫宝石
+[10-20]% 格挡几率
+[5-10]% 快速施法
艾斯(#5) + 完美蓝宝石
+[10-20]% 格挡几率
+[20-30]% 快速格挡几率
那夫(#4) + 完美绿宝石
+[20-60]% 增强防御
+[100-150] Defense vs. Melee
减少[5-10]% 受到的物理伤害
索尔(#12) + 完美骷髅
+[10-20]% 格挡几率
[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
降低装备需求 [20-30]%
多尔(#14) + 完美黄宝石
+[10-20]% 格挡几率
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围
Ort + P.Diamond
[10-20]% Increased Chance of Blocking
All Resistances +[5-10]
Half Freeze Duration
欧特(#9) + 完美红宝石
+[50-80]% 增加伤害
[3-6]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值
特尔(#3) + 完美紫宝石
+1 所有技能
+[10-20]% 快速施法
特尔(#3) + 完美蓝宝石
+[50-80]% 增加伤害
降低目标 [10-20]% 防御
索尔(#12) + 完美绿宝石
+[50-80]% 增加伤害
夏(#13) + 完美骷髅
+[100-140]% 对恶魔造成的伤害
+[100-140]% 对不死的敌人造成的伤害
[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
夏(#13) + 完美黄宝石
+[50-80]% 增加伤害
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围
Sol + P.Diamond
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+[20-40]% Enhanced Damage
+[50-100] to Attack Rating
Any Blood Craft Infusion Caster Craft Infusion Hitpower Craft Infusion Safety Craft Infusion Vampiric Craft Infusion Bountiful Craft Infusion Brilliant Craft Infusion
类型 生命类 施法者类 打击类 安全类 吸血鬼类 丰饶类 闪耀系



改动前 改动后
+[5-10]% 高速跑步/行走 +10% 高速跑步/行走
[1-4]%生命值于击中时偷取 每次杀死怪物获得 [3-6] 点生命值
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[10-20] 点生命值


改动前 改动后
增加 [5-10] 点力量 增加 [5-10] 点力量
[1-3]% 生命值于击中时偷取 [1-3]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[10-20] 点生命值


改动前 改动后
[5-10]% 的几率造成撕裂伤口 [10-20]% 的几率造成撕裂伤口
[1-3]% 生命值于击中时偷取 [3-6]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[10-20] 点生命值
  • 以前需要 belt|扣带/mesh belt|织网腰带/Mithril Coil|秘银腰带 这一系


改动前 改动后
[5-10]% 几率造成压碎性打击 [5-10]% 几率造成压碎性打击
[1-3]% 生命值于击中时偷取 [2-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[10-20] 点生命值
  • 以前需要 Heavy Gloves|重手套/Sharkskin Gloves|鲨鱼皮套/Vampirebone Gloves|吸血鬼骸骨手套 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[5-10]生命回复 生命回复 +[15-30]
[1-3]% 生命值于击中时偷取 [2-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[10-20] 点生命值
  • 以前需要 Light Plated Boots|轻型金属靴 /Battle Boots|战场之靴/Mirrored Boots|镜化靴 这一系


改动前 改动后
[5-10]% 的几率发动致命攻击 [10-20]% 几率造成压碎性打击
[1-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取 [2-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[10-20] 点生命值
  • 以前需要 Helm|头盔/Casque|活动头盔/Armet|无颊头盔 这一系


改动前 改动后
每次杀死恶魔获得[1-3] 点生命 每次杀死怪物获得 [3-6] 点生命值
[1-3]% 生命值于击中时偷取 [3-6]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[20-40] 点生命值
  • 以前需要 Plate Mail|铠甲 / Templar Coat|圣堂武士外袍 / Hellforge Plate|地狱锻甲 这一系


改动前 改动后
攻击者受到[4-7]点伤害 +[10-20]% 格挡几率
[1-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取 [3-6]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[10-20] 点生命值
  • 以前需要 Spiked Shield|尖刺盾牌 / Barbed Shield|倒刺盾牌 / or Blade Barrier|刀刃盾牌 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[35-60]% 增强伤害 +[50-80]% 增强伤害
[1-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取 [3-6]% 生命值于击中时偷取
+[10-20] 点生命值 +[10-20] 点生命值
  • 以前只能用 axe|斧



改动前 改动后
+[5-10]% 快速施法 +[5-10]% 快速施法
+[4-10]%法力重生 +[4-10]%法力重生
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[10-20] 点魔法值


改动前 改动后
+[1-5] 能量值 +[5-10] 能量值
+[4-10]% 法力重生 每次杀死怪物获得 [1-2] 点魔法值
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[10-20] 点魔法值


改动前 改动后
+[5-10]% 快速施法 +10% 快速施法
+[4-10]% 法力重生 +[4-10]% 法力重生
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[10-20] 点魔法值
  • 以前需要 Light Belt|轻扣带 / Sharkskin Belt|鲨皮腰带 / Vampirefang Belt|吸血鬼獠牙腰带 这一系


改动前 改动后
每次杀死怪物获得 [1-3] 点魔法值 每次杀死怪物获得 [1-3] 点魔法值
+[4-10]% 法力重生 +[5-10]% 快速施法
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[10-20] 点魔法值
  • 以前需要 Leather Gloves|皮手套 / Demonhide Gloves|魔皮手套 / Bramble Mitts|荆棘连指手套 这一系


改动前 改动后
增加 [2-5]% 法力值上限 增加法力值上限 [10-15]%
+[4-10]% 法力重生 +[4-10]% 法力重生
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[10-20] 点魔法值
  • 以前需要 Boots|皮靴 / Demonhide Boots|魔皮靴 / Wyrmhide Boots|飞龙皮靴 这一系


改动前 改动后
[1-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取 +[5-10]% 快速施法
+[4-10]% 法力重生 +[4-10]% 法力重生
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[10-20] 点魔法值
  • 以前需要 Mask|面具 / Death Mask|死亡面具 / Demonhead|恶魔头盖骨面具 这一系


Tal Rune (#7)
改动前 改动后
每次杀死怪物获得 [1-3] 点魔法值 +[3-6] 点魔法值 每次杀死怪物获得
+[4-12]% 法力重生 +[5-10]% 快速施法
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[20-30] 点魔法值
  • 以前需要 Light Plate|轻型装甲 / Mage Plate|法师铠甲 / Archon Plate|执政官之甲 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[5-10]% 格挡几率 [10-20]% 格挡几率
+[4-10]%法力重生 +[5-10]% 快速施法
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[20-30] 点魔法值
  • 以前需要 Small Shield|小盾牌 / Round Shield|圆形盾 / Luna|月精灵护盾 这一系


改动前 改动后
[1-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取 +1 所有技能
+[4-10]% 法力重生 +[10-20]% 快速施法
+[10-20] 点魔法值 +[10-20] 点魔法值
  • 以前需要 一根棒子,比如 (staff|法杖, scepter|权杖类, wand|手杖类)



改动前 改动后
[-]%的几率使怪物逃跑 [5-15]% +[150-250] 攻击准确率
攻击者受到[-]点伤害 [3-10] +[10-20]% 快速打击恢复
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星


改动前 改动后
+[1-5] 点敏捷 +[5-10] 点敏捷
攻击者受到[3-6]点伤害 +[2-4] 最大伤害值
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星


改动前 改动后
[5-10]% 受损的生命值转化为魔法值 [5-10]% 受损的生命值转化为魔法值
攻击者受到[3-7]点伤害 +[10-20]% 快速打击恢复
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星
  • 以前需要 Heavy Belt|重扣带 / Battle Belt|战场腰带 / Troll Belt|洞穴巨魔腰带 这一系


改动前 改动后
击退 击退
攻击者受到[3-7]点伤害 减少目标 [10-20]% 防御
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星
  • 以前需要 Chain Gloves|锁链手套 / Heavy Bracers|重型手镯 / Vambraces|吸血鬼手套 这一系


改动前 改动后
对近距离攻击增加 [25-50] 点防御 对近距离攻击增加 [60-120] 点防御
攻击者受到[3-7]点伤害 +[10-20]% 快速打击恢复
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星
  • 以前需要 Chain Boots|锁链靴 / Mesh Boots|织网之靴 / Boneweave Boots|骸骨靴 这一系


改动前 改动后
对远距离攻击增加 [25-50] 点防御 +[100-200] 攻击准确率
攻击者受到[3-7]点伤害 +[10-20]% 快速打击恢复
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星
  • 以前需要 Full Helm|高级头盔 / Basinet|轻钢盔 / Giant Conch|巨贝头盔 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[10-20]% 快速打击恢复 +[30-40]% 快速打击恢复
攻击者受到[3-10]点伤害 +[25-50]% 增强防御
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星
  • 以前需要 Field Plate|实战铠甲 / Sharktooth Armor|鲨齿战甲 / or Kraken Shell|海妖壳甲 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[5-10]% 格挡几率 [10-20]% 格挡几率
攻击者受到[3-10]点伤害 [3-10] +[20-30]% 快速格挡几率
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星
  • 以前需要 Gothic Shield|歌德盾牌, Ancient Shield|古代之盾, or Ward|保护盾牌 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[35-60]% 增强伤害 +[50-80]% 增强伤害
攻击者受到[3-7]点伤害 降低目标 [10-20]% 防御
被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星 被击中时有5%的几率释放等级4霜之新星
  • 以前需要钝器武器 (mace|锤鞭槌, staff|棍杖, scepter|权杖, wand|手杖)



改动前 改动后
[1-10]% 格挡几率 10% 格挡几率
减少[1-2]点受到的魔法伤害 减少受到的魔法伤害 [4-7]点
减少[1-4]点受到的物理伤害 [1-4] 减少受到的物理伤害 [4-7]点


改动前 改动后
+[1-5] 活力值 +[5-10] 活力值
减少[1-2]点受到的魔法伤害 减少受到的魔法伤害 [2-5]点
减少[1-4]点受到的物理伤害 [1-4] 减少受到的物理伤害 [2-5]点


改动前 改动后
+[10-30]% 增强防御 +[10-30]% 增强防御
剧毒抵抗 +[5-10]% 剧毒抵抗 +[10-20]%
减少[1-2]点受到的魔法伤害 减少受到的魔法伤害 [2-5]点
减少[1-4]点受到的物理伤害 减少受到的物理伤害 [2-5]点
  • 以前需要 Sash|饰带 / Demonhide Sash|魔皮动带 / Spiderweb Sash|蛛网腰带 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[10-30]% 增强防御 +[10-30]% 增强防御
+[5-10]% 寒冷抵抗 寒冷抵抗 +[10-20]%
减少[1-2]点受到的魔法伤害 [1-2] 减少受到的魔法伤害 [2-5]点
减少[1-4]点受到的物理伤害 [1-4] 减少[受到的物理伤害 [2-5]点
  • 以前需要 Gauntlets|铁手套 / War Gauntlets|巨战手套 / Ogre Gauntlets|食人魔铁手套 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[10-30]% 增强防御 +[20-60]% 增强防御
+[5-10]% 火焰抵抗 火焰抵抗 +[10-20]%
减少[1-2]点受到的魔法伤害 减少受到的魔法伤害 [2-5]点
减少[1-4]点受到的物理伤害 [1-4] 减少受到的物理伤害 [2-5]点
  • 以前需要 Greaves|护胫 / War Boots|巨战之靴 / Myrmidon Greaves|急速靴 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[10-30]% 增强防御 +[20-60]% 增强防御
闪电抵抗 +[5-10]% 闪电抵抗 +[10-20]%
减少[1-4]点受到的物理伤害 减少 [5-10]% 受到的物理伤害
减少[1-2]点受到的魔法伤害 移除
  • 以前需要 Crown|皇冠 / Grand Crown|巨皇冠 / or Corona|头冠 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[10-30]% 增强防御 +[20-60]% 增强防御
被冰冻时间减半 +[100-150] Defense vs. Melee
减少[3-9]点受到的物理伤害 减少 [5-10]% 受到的物理伤害
减少[2-5]点受到的魔法伤害 移除
  • 以前需要 Breast Plate|胸甲 / Cuirass|护胸甲 / Great Hauberk|巨形鳞铠胸甲 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[10-30]% 增强防御 +[20-60]% 增强防御
魔法抵抗 +[5-10]% +[100-150] Defense vs. Melee
减少[1-4]点受到的物理伤害 减少 [5-10]% 受到的物理伤害
减少[1-2]点受到的魔法伤害 [1-2] 移除
  • 以前需要 Kite Shield|轻盾 / Dragon Shield|龙盾 / Monarch|统治者大盾 这一系


改动前 改动后
+[5-10]% 增强防御 +[50-80]% 增强伤害
减少 [1-2] 点受到的魔法伤害 减少受到的魔法伤害 [2-5] 点
减少[1-4]点受到的物理伤害 减少受到的物理伤害 [2-5]点
  • 以前需要 长矛



[5-10]% 减少所受诅咒持续时间
[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
生命回复 +[5-10]


减少 [10-20]% 所受毒素持续时间
[1-3]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
生命回复 +[5-10]


[10-20]% 受损的生命值转化为魔法值
[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
生命回复 +[5-10]


[5-10]% 的几率发动致命攻击
[2-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
生命回复 +[5-10]


减少 [10-20]% 所受毒素持续时间
[2-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
生命回复 +[5-10]


[10-20]% 的几率发动致命攻击
[2-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
生命回复 +[5-10]


[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
生命回复 +[5-10]
降低装备需求 [20-30]%


+[10-20]% 格挡几率
[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
降低装备需求 [20-30]%


+[100-140]% 对恶魔造成的伤害
+[100-140]% 对不死敌人造成的伤害
[3-6]% 魔法值于击中时偷取
生命回复 +[10-15]



Ko Rune (#18)
+[10-20] 点活力
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围


+[5-10] 点活力
[10-20]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围


+[25-50]% 增强防御
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围


+[25-50]% 增强防御
[15-25]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围


+[25-50]% 增强防御
[15-25]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围


+[25-50]% 增强防御
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围


+[25-50]% 增强防御
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围


[10-20]% 格挡几率
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围


+[50-80]% 增强伤害
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备
+[1-3] 照亮范围

Brilliant Items

Brilliant Amulet

Magic Amulet
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
Tal Rune (#7)
+[100-150] Defense vs. Missile
+[4-8] to All Attributes
All Resistances +[5-10]

Brilliant Ring

Magic Ring
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
Hel Rune (#15)
+[50-100] Defense vs. Missile
All Resistances +[3-5]
Half Freeze Duration

Brilliant Belt

Magic Belt
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
Io Rune (#16)
+[5-10]% Increased Attack Speed
+[25-50]% Enhanced Defense
Half Freeze Duration

Brilliant Gloves

Magic Gloves
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
Shael Rune (#13)
+[5-10]% Increased Attack Speed
[10-20]% Bonus to Attack Rating
+[25-50]% Enhanced Defense

Brilliant Boots

Magic Boots
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
Ko Rune (#18)
+10% Faster Run/Walk
+[100-150] Defense vs. Missile
Half Freeze Duration

Brilliant Helm

Magic Helm
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
Eld Rune (#2)
+[5-10]% Increased Attack Speed
+[25-50]% Enhanced Defense
Half Freeze Duration

Brilliant Chest

Magic Chest
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
El Rune (#1)
[10-20]% Increased Chance of Blocking
+[25-50]% Enhanced Defense
All Resistances +[5-10]

Brilliant Shield

Magic Shield
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
Ort Rune (#9)
[10-20]% Increased Chance of Blocking
All Resistances +[5-10]
Half Freeze Duration

Brilliant Weapon

Magic Weapon
Any Jewel
Perfect Diamond
Sol Rune (#12)
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+[20-40]% Enhanced Damage
+[50-100] to Attack Rating


世界石碎片是整个游戏过程中都有几率掉落的新物品,可以用来腐化装备和地图。腐化的成果包括:增加镶孔(如果适用)、增加腐化属性、或使装备成为随机同类型的黄金物品。地图只会获得一个腐化词条属性。已经腐化的物品无法被再次腐化,但可以被赫拉迪克盒子合成公式 recipes 所改变。


拉斯玛掉落的 Tainted Worldstone Shards 腐化的世界石碎片 可以腐化 Annihilus 毁灭小护身符 。



白字 物品无法得到腐化词条,但可以做出镶孔(该物品的最大镶孔数),或者将其转化成同类型随机属性的 黄金物品。符文之语装备本身已经有镶孔了,无法获得腐化词条。腐化一个白字装备与用 socketing recipe 公式打孔该装备非常相似。无论劣质还是超强的装备都可以完成。 如果一件白字物品,它无法被打孔,但又被腐化了,它还是会有50%的几率成为一个同类型随机属性的黄金装备,另外50%的几率它会没有变化。

Runewords are regular items which already have sockets, so they can't have other corruption modifiers. Runewords with the "corrupted" tag were simply made with corrupted regular items.

If the corrupted item becomes a random rare, it will be corrupted with either sockets or a corruption modifier in addition to its normal attributes. If the original item was ethereal, the item it becomes will also be ethereal. Corrupted items cannot be corrupted again, but they can be modified by nearly all other recipes.

腐化打孔的前提是装备必须是无镶孔的,并且可以被打孔,比如:头盔,胸甲,盾牌,和非投掷类型的武器。装备可获得的 maximum sockets 最大孔数永远被被底材所限制。比如说,一个未升级的 Vampire Gaze 吸血鬼的凝视 不会打出高于2个的镶孔,因为残酷头盔最多就只能有2个孔。

  • 白字 装备
    • 50% 的几率得到镶孔(该物品的最大镶孔数) sockets)
    • 50% 的几率转换成随机 黄金装备
  • 其他装备 (可打孔的)
    • 25%的几率打孔(装甲打1-3个孔,单手武器打1-4个孔,双手武器打1-6个孔)
    • 50%的几率获得词条(24%的几率获得低稀有率词条,16%的几率获得中稀有率词条,10%的几率获得高稀有率词条)
    • 25%的几率转换成随机 黄金装备
  • 其他装备 (不可打孔的)
    • 75%的几率获得词条(36%的几率获得低稀有率词条,24%的几率获得中稀有率词条,15%的几率获得高稀有率词条)
    • 25%的几率转换成随机 黄金装备


  • 装甲(头盔,胸甲,盾牌)= 1-3孔 = 1-3 sockets (1孔 72% 几率, 2孔 20% 几率, 3孔 8% 几率)
  • 武器 (单手) = 1-4 孔 (1孔 40% 几率, 2孔 32%几率,3孔 16% 几率, 4孔 12%几率)
  • 武器 (双手) = 1-6 孔 (1孔 24%几率,2孔 22%几率,3孔 18%几率,4孔 16% 几率,5孔 12%几率,6孔 8% 几率)

如果可打孔物品通过腐化并未获得孔数,也可以通过 Larzuk's Puzzlebox拉苏克迷盒 这一相当程度上不常见的方法进行更进一步的改进,它能给双手武器增加2-4孔,给其他物品增加1-2孔。Larzuk's Puzzlepiece拉苏克迷盒碎片 使用方法相同,更常用,但不能对暗金/套装物品使用。

在理想情况下,玩家可以既期待最大额度打孔的腐化法,也可以对拉苏克迷盒打孔过的物品进行腐化,获得高稀有率词条。高稀有率腐化词条一般来说略强于 非武器打两孔或装甲1孔,因此这是可设想的最优解。镶孔越多,可发挥的余地越大。

对比拉苏克迷盒和世界石碎片的价值,还是对物品先腐化再用迷盒打孔比较好。先用了迷盒会的话,会导致有更高的几率(75%几率,而非50%)腐化时获得腐化词条,但是把装备干废的几率仍然是25%,一旦发生,迷盒 就浪费了。

Equipment Corruption Modifiers


低稀有率 (50% 几率) 中稀有率 (30% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[40-80]% 增强伤害(ED) +20% 快速施法(FCR) +1所有技能
+[100-250] 攻击准确率(AR) +[30-40]% 提升攻击速度(IAS) +30% 提升攻击速度(IAS)
[20-30]% 几率造成压碎性打击(CB)
+[100-150]% 增强伤害(ED)对恶魔
+200 攻击准确率(AR)对恶魔
+[40-60]% 增强伤害(ED)
5% 生命值于击中时偷取(LL)
+[80-120]% 增强伤害(ED)
+20% 提升攻击速度(IAS)
+[100-150]% 增强伤害(ED)对不死的敌人
+200 攻击准确率(AR)对不死的敌人
+[200-300] 攻击准确率(AR) +[80-120]% 增强伤害(ED)
+250 攻击准确率(AR)
+10% 快速施法(FCR) [20-30]% 几率造成压碎性打击(CB) +[50-70]% 增强伤害(ED)
25% 的几率发动致命攻击(DS)
+[3-6] 每次杀死怪物获得 [-] 点生命值 [20-30]% 的几率发动致命攻击(DS) +[60-80]% 增强伤害(ED)
每次杀死怪物获得 [3-6] 点生命值 -[5-10]% 降低敌人火焰抵抗 +10% 快速施法(FCR)
+5% 增加火焰技能伤害
每次杀死怪物获得 [3-5] 点魔法值(EK) -[5-10]% 降低敌人寒冷抵抗 +10% 快速施法(FCR)
+5% 增加寒冷技能伤害
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) -[5-10]% 降低敌人闪电抵抗 +10% 快速施法(FCR)
+5% 增加闪电技能伤害
装备需求 -[25-50]% -[5-10]% 降低敌人毒素抵抗 +10% 快速施法(FCR)
+5% 增加毒素技能伤害


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[20-30]% 快速打击恢复(FHR) 无法破坏
+[50-80]% 增强防御
+1 所有技能
+20% 快速格挡几率 +10% 快速施法(FCR) [10-20]% 减少诅咒持续时间
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) +10% 快速格挡几率
[10-20]% 格挡几率
所有抗性 +[22-30]
法力重生 [15-25]% 提升生命最大值 [4-6]% 受到的物理伤害减少 6%
火焰抵抗 +[35-40]% 受到的物理伤害减少 [6-10] +[4-5]% 火焰抵抗上限
火焰抵抗 +[15-20]%
寒冷抵抗 +[35-40]% 受到的魔法伤害减少 [6-10] +[4-5]% 寒冷抵抗上限
寒冷抵抗 +[15-20]%
闪电抵抗 +[35-40]% 攻击者受到伤害 [4-594] ([4-6] 依角色等级决定) +[4-5]% 闪电抵抗上限
闪电抵抗 +[15-20]%
毒素抵抗 +[35-40]% 无法冰冻 +[4-5]% 毒素抵抗上限
毒素抵抗 +[15-20]%


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[20-30]% 快速打击恢复(FHR) 无法破坏
+[50-80]% 增强防御
+1 所有技能
+[50-80]% 增强防御 +10% 快速施法(FCR) [10-20]% 减少诅咒持续时间
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) +20% 高速跑步/行走 所有抗性 +[15-20]
法力重生 [15-25]% 提升生命最大值 [4-6]% 受到的物理伤害减少 6%
火焰抵抗 +[30-35]% 受到的物理伤害减少 [6-10] +[4-5]% 火焰抵抗上限
火焰抵抗 +15%
寒冷抵抗 +[30-35]% 受到的魔法伤害减少 [6-10] +[4-5]% 寒冷抵抗上限
寒冷抵抗 +15%
闪电抵抗 +[30-35]% 攻击者受到伤害 [4-594] ([4-6] 依角色等级决定) +[4-5]% 闪电抵抗上限
闪电抵抗 +15%
毒素抵抗 +[30-35]% 无法冰冻 +[4-5]% 毒素抵抗上限
毒素抵抗 +15%


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[20-30]% 快速打击恢复(FHR) 无法破坏
+[50-80]% 增强防御
+[50-80]% 增强防御 +[150-250] 攻击准确率(AR)
+[2-4] 照亮范围
10% 减少诅咒持续时间
[20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) [3-5]% 生命值于击中时偷取(LL) 所有抗性 +[15-20]
Replenish Life +[10-20] [3-5]% 魔法值于击中时偷取(LM) 受到的物理伤害减少 [4-6]%
火焰抵抗 +[30-35]% 提升生命最大值 [4-6]% +[4-5]% 火焰抵抗上限
火焰抵抗 +15%
寒冷抵抗 +[30-35]% +[3-4] 每次杀死怪物获得 [-] 点生命值 +[4-5]% 寒冷抵抗上限
寒冷抵抗 +15%
闪电抵抗 +[30-35]% +[3-4] 每次杀死怪物获得 [-] 点魔法值(EK) +[4-5]% 闪电抵抗上限
闪电抵抗 +15%
毒素抵抗 +[30-35]% 无法冰冻 +[4-5]% 毒素抵抗上限
毒素抵抗 +15%


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[50-80]% 增强防御 无法破坏
+[50-80]% 增强防御
+10% 高速跑步/行走
法力重生 [10-15]% +10% 快速格挡几率 10% 减少诅咒持续时间
[50-100]% 从怪物身上获得额外的金币 +10% 快速打击恢复(FHR) 受到的物理伤害减少 [2-3]%
[10-25]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) +[20-40] 点生命值 10% 格挡几率
火焰抵抗 +[15-20]% 所有抗性 +[5-8] +[2-3]% 火焰抵抗上限
火焰抵抗 +10%
寒冷抵抗 +[15-20]% 每次杀死怪物获得 [2-3] 点生命值 +[2-3]% 寒冷抵抗上限
寒冷抵抗 +10%
闪电抵抗 +[15-20]% 每次杀死怪物获得 [2-3] 点魔法值(EK) +[2-3]% 闪电抵抗上限
闪电抵抗 +10%
毒素抵抗 +[15-20]% 生命回复(REP)+[15-25] +[2-3]% 毒素抵抗上限
毒素抵抗 +10%


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[50-80]% 增强防御 +[10-15]% 的几率发动穿刺攻击 +10% 快速施法(FCR)
法力重生 [10-15]% +[10-20]% 快速格挡几率 +10% 提升攻击速度(IAS)
[50-100]% 从怪物身上获得额外的金币 +[100-150] 攻击准确率(AR) 10% 格挡几率
[10-25]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) [2-3]% 生命值于击中时偷取(LL) +[30-40]% 增强伤害(ED)
火焰抵抗 +[10-15]% [2-3]% 魔法值于击中时偷取(LM) -[15-25]% 目标防御
寒冷抵抗 +[10-15]% +[3-6] 所有属性 10% 的几率发动致命攻击(DS)
闪电抵抗 +[10-15]% +[20-40] 生命值 每次杀死怪物获得 [2-4] 点魔法值(EK)
毒素抵抗 +[10-15]% 生命回复(REP)+[15-20] 所有抗性 +[5-8]


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[5-10] 点力量 +[10-15]% 的几率发动穿刺攻击 +10% 快速施法(FCR)
+[5-10] 点敏捷 +10% 快速打击恢复(FHR) +10% 提升攻击速度(IAS)
+[5-10] 点体力 +[3-6] 所有属性 +10% 高速跑步/行走
+[5-10] 点精力 生命回复(REP) +[15-20] 10% 减少诅咒持续时间
火焰抵抗 +[10-15]% +[100-150] 攻击准确率(AR) 10% 格挡几率
寒冷抵抗 +[10-15]% 攻击者受到伤害 [2-396] ([2-4] 依角色等级决定) +[1-2]% to 所有抗性上限
闪电抵抗 +[10-15]% [60-100]% 从怪物身上获得额外的金币 所有抗性 +[5-8]
毒素抵抗 +[10-15]% [20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) 受到的物理伤害减少 [2-4]%


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[5-10] 点力量 +[100-150] 攻击准确率(AR) +10% 快速施法(FCR)
+[5-10] 点敏捷 每次杀死怪物获得 [2-3] 点生命值 +10% 高速跑步/行走
+[5-10] 点体力 每次杀死怪物获得 [2-3] 点魔法值(EK) 10% 减少诅咒持续时间
+[5-10] 点精力 受到的物理伤害减少 [4-6] [3-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取(LM)
火焰抵抗 +[10-15]% 受到的魔法伤害减少 [4-6] [3-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取(LL)
寒冷抵抗 +[10-15]% +[20-40] 生命值 +[4-6] 所有属性
闪电抵抗 +[10-15]% [40-80]% 从怪物身上获得额外的金币 所有抗性 +[4-6]
毒素抵抗 +[10-15]% [15-20]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) 受到的物理伤害减少 [2-3]%


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+[6-12] 点力量 +[10-20]% 的几率发动穿刺攻击 +1所有技能
+[6-12] 点敏捷 +10% 快速打击恢复(FHR) +10% 快速施法(FCR)
+[6-12] 点体力 生命回复(REP) +[15-25] +10% 高速跑步/行走
+[6-12] 点精力 每次杀死怪物获得 [2-3] 点生命值 10% 格挡几率
火焰抵抗 +[15-20]% 每次杀死怪物获得 [2-3] 点魔法值(EK) +[30-40]% 增强伤害(ED)
寒冷抵抗 +[15-20]% +[5-8] 所有属性 无法冰冻
闪电抵抗 +[15-20]% [60-100]% 从怪物身上获得额外的金币 +[1-2]% 所有抗性上限
毒素抵抗 +[15-20]% [20-30]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) 所有抗性 +[5-10]


低稀有率 (48% 几率) 中稀有率 (32% 几率) 高稀有率 (20% 几率)
+20% 快速打击恢复(FHR) +10% 高速跑步/行走 +1 所有技能
+[20-40] 生命值 +[10-15]% 的几率发动穿刺攻击 +10% 提升攻击速度(IAS)
[50-100]% 从怪物身上获得额外的金币 -[5-10]% 降低敌人火焰抗性 10% 减少诅咒持续时间
[10-25]% 更佳的机会获得魔法装备(MF) -[5-10]% 降低敌人寒冷抵抗 +[30-40]% 增强伤害(ED)
火焰抵抗 +[10-20]% -[10-20]% 目标防御 +[10-15] 最低伤害值
寒冷抵抗 +[10-20]% +[50-100] 攻击准确率(AR) +[10-15] 最大伤害值
闪电抵抗 +[10-20]% [2-4]% 魔法值于击中时偷取(LM) 忽视目标防御
毒素抵抗 +[10-20]% [2-4]% 生命值于击中时偷取(LL) 所有抗性 +[5-10]

Map Corruptions

Maps always gain a corruption modifier when corrupted. Most corruption modifiers have 3 tiers (one for each map tier) and their ranges are listed in order.

Corruption Modifiers Range Exp Density Rarity MF/GF
Monsters have X% Deadly Strike 5-10
Monsters have X% Increased Maximum Life
Monsters have Cannot Be Frozen
Players have -X% Attack and Cast Speed 5-15
Players have -X% to All Resistances 5-10
Players have -X% to Max Resistances 2-3
Players have X% Attack and Cast Speed
Players have X% to Velocity
Area gains Magic And Gold Find 10-15
Area gains Monster Density only 60-80
Area gains +1 Zone Level 15-20
Area gains Monster Rarity only 30-40
Monsters have 1% chance to drop additional jewelry & charms

Annihilus Corruptions

Tainted Worldstone Shard drops from Rathma and can be used to corrupt Annihilus, either adding a corruption modifier or turning it into a random magic small charm. The item also gains a cosmetic red tint.

  • Corruption modifier (20% chance per modifier)
    • +1 to All Skills
    • +[20-25] to Vitality and +[10-15] to Energy
    • All Resistances +[5-10]
    • +[3-5]% to Experience Gained
  • Turned into a random magic small charm (20% chance)

Item Bases


  • 无形物品的额外基础数值从50%降低至25%(大多数扩展及/精英级武器 重新设计了平衡性,所以它们的无形版数值维持不变)
  • 无形物品不再有一半的耐久度。
  • 投掷类武器和弓箭/弩箭的数量为无限。
  • 所有的刺客爪现在都是有加技能点的(staffmods) - 以前的爪在品质等级qlvl40以下是不带staffmods的:所有普通的爪claws,格斗刃Quhab,腕刺Wrist Spike,格斗爪Fascia。
  • 木棒Clubs 现在可以加德鲁伊技能点
  • Daggers can now have pointmods for dagger-related skills (Poison Strike and most martial arts skills)
  • 箭筒现在有魔法版和黄金版了,请参考affixes


有些词条会自动出现在所有的 白字/魔法/黄金/手工制作 版本的物品上,通常暗金/套装物品也是如此


  • 现在近战武器有发动攻击可以造成溅射伤害的属性(不包括手杖)
  • 法杖现在有 10%/30%/50% 的快速施法(普通级/扩展级/精英级)的属性
  • 十字弓现在有-10%敌人物理抗性的属性
  • 匕首现在有20%致命攻击的属性


  • 移除了中型/重型胸甲和盾牌会造成移动速度-5%/-10%的隐藏属性
  • 圣骑士盾牌减少了全抗属性的变量范围
    • 彩虹之Rainbow 从+[8-15] 降低为 +[5-10]
    • 闪闪发光之Scintillating 从+[16-30] 降低为 +[10-15]
    • 棱镜之Prismatic 从+[25-35] 降低为 +[15-20]
    • 多彩之Chromatic 从+[36-45] 降低为 +[20-30]



  • 长柄武器Polearms, 非职业限定长矛Non-Class Spears, 以及单手剑One-Handed Swords 现在享有的伤害加成等于 75%的力量str和75%的敏捷dex 而非 100% 的力量str。
  • 法杖Staves 和双手斧Two-Handed Axes/剑Swords 现在享有的伤害加成等于 110% 的力量str 而非 100% 的力量str。. This doesn't include Two-Handed swords that are wielded one-handed.
  • 弓Bows/十字弓Crossbows 现在享有的伤害加成等于 50% 的敏捷dex 而非 100% 的敏捷dex
  • 鞋子Boots现在享有的伤害加成等于80% 的力量str,而不是120% 的力量str,并且踢击kicks也从敏捷中获得大约两倍的好处(现在是敏捷dex/3 - 敏捷dex/2,而非敏捷dex/6 - 敏捷dex/5)
武器类型 伤害加成
力量Str 敏捷Dex
徒手Unarmed, 盾牌Shield (重击Smite),
单手非投掷型斧头One-Handed Non-Throwing Axe, 木棒Club, 钉头锤Tipped Mace, 权杖Scepter
锤子Hammer, 法杖Staff, 双手斧Two-Handed Axe/剑Sword 110%
爪Claw, 匕首Dagger, 飞斧Throwing Axe/刀Knife, 非职业限定标枪Non-Class Javelin,
非职业限定长矛Non-Class Spear, 长柄武器Polearm, 单手剑One-Handed Sword
75% 75%
亚马逊标枪Amazon Javelin/长矛Spear 80% 50%
弓Bow, 十字弓Crossbow 50%
靴子Boots (踢击Kick) 80% *
物品 (普通) Str Dex 物品 (扩展) Str Dex 物品 (精英) Str Dex
手斧Hand Axe 小斧Hatchet 25 25 战钺Tomahawk 125 67
斧Axe 32 切肉斧Cleaver 68 弯月斧Small Crescent 115 83
双刃斧Double Axe 43 强化双斧Twin Axe 85 双头斧Ettin Axe 145 45
军用锹Military Pick 49 33 喙钳Crowbill 94 70 战刺War Spike 133 54
巨战斧War Axe 67 纳卡Naga 121 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 138 59
巨斧Large Axe 35 军斧Military Axe 73 猛禽斧Feral Axe 196
阔斧Broad Axe 48 钩斧Bearded Axe 92 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 166 65
战斧Battle Axe 54 战斗斧Tabar 101 斩首斧Decapitator 189 33
卓越之斧Great Axe 63 39 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 115 79 豪杰斧Champion Axe 167 59
大斧Giant Axe 70 古代之斧Ancient Axe 125 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 164 55
木棒Club 棍棒Cudgel 25 战仪杖Truncheon 88 43
狼牙棒Spiked Club 倒钩锤Barbed Club 30 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 133
钉头锤Mace 27 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 61 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 145 46
流星锤Morning Star 36 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 74 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 153 44
链枷Flail 41 35 铁皮鞭Knout 82 73 天罚之锤Scourge 125 77
巨战铁锤War Hammer 53 战斗铁锤Battle Hammer 100 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 189
大木棍Maul 69 巨战木棍War Club 124 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul 225
卓越巨棍Great Maul 99 战锤Martel de Fer 169 雷锤Thunder Maul 253
短剑Short Sword 罗马短剑Gladius 25 法卡塔剑Falcata 150 88
弯刀Scimitar 21 微弯剑Cutlass 25 52 土耳其剑Ataghan 138 95
军刀Sabre 25 25 虚伪之刃Shamshir 58 58 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 109 122
弯形大刀Falchion 33 圆月弯刀Tulwar 70 42 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 142 105
水晶剑Crystal Sword 43 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 85 60 幻化之刃Phase Blade 25 136
阔剑Broad Sword 48 战斗剑Battle Sword 92 43 征服之剑Conquest Sword 142 112
长剑Long Sword 55 39 符文剑Rune Sword 103 79 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 99 109
巨战之剑War Sword 71 45 古代之剑Ancient Sword 127 88 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 147 124
双手剑Two-handed Sword 35 27 斩铁剑Espandon 73 61 传说之剑Legend Sword 175 100
双刃大刀Claymore 47 双刃镰Dacian Falx 91 20 高地之剑Highland Blade 171 104
大剑Giant Sword 56 34 长牙剑Tusk Sword 104 71 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 185 87
巨剑Bastard Sword 62 哥德剑Gothic Sword 113 20 冠军之剑Champion Sword 163 103
双手饰剑Flamberge 70 49 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 125 94 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 182 95
卓越之剑Great Sword 100 60 死刑之剑Executioner Sword 170 110 巨神之刃 Colossus Blade 189 110
匕首Dagger 锐匕Poignard 25 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 38 75
长匕首Dirk 25 诗歌匕首Rondel 25 58 秘银小刀Mithril Point 55 98
波形刀Kris 45 强波刀Cinquedeas 25 88 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 42 86
短刀Blade 35 51 小剑Stiletto 47 97 传说尖刺Legend Spike 65 67
飞刀Throwing Knife 21 战斗飞镖Battle Dart 25 52 高速飞刀Flying Knife 48 141
飞斧Throwing Axe 40 法兰飞斧Francisca 25 80 高速飞斧Flying Axe 88 108
平衡小刀Balanced Knife 51 巨战飞镖War Dart 25 97 翼刀Winged Knife 45 142
平衡斧Balanced Axe 57 短战戟Hurlbat 25 106 翼斧Winged Axe 96 122
标枪Javelin 巨战标枪War Javelin 25 25 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin 98 123
短标枪Pilum 45 卓越标枪Great Pilum 25 88 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 118 112
短矛Short Spear 40 40 锐矛Simbilan 80 80 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 127 95
大长刀Glaive 52 35 阔针长矛Spiculum 98 73 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 89 137
飞矛Throwing Spear 65 鱼叉Harpoon 25 118 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon 76 145
长矛Spear 20 巨战长矛War Spear 25 25 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 155 120
三叉戟Trident 38 24 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 77 25 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 168 97
叉Brandistock 40 50 巨战之叉War Fork 80 95 刺人枪Mancatcher 132 134
大战戟Spetum 54 35 三叉长枪Yari 101 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 122 163
矛Pike 60 45 长枪Lance 110 88 战枪War Pike 165 106
大砍刀Bardiche 40 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 80 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 195 75
钩镰枪Voulge 50 比尔长刀Bill 95 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 210 55
镰刀Scythe 41 41 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 82 82 锐利之斧Thresher 152 118
长柄战斧Poleaxe 62 战戟Partizan 113 67 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 165 103
长戟Halberd 75 47 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 133 91 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 179 99
巨战镰刀War Scythe 80 80 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 140 140 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 188 140
短弓Short Bow 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 25 43 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 64 143
猎弓Hunter’s Bow 剃刀之弓Razor Bow 25 62 刀锋弓Blade Bow 76 119
长弓Long Bow 22 杉木弓Cedar Bow 53 49 阴影弓Shadow Bow 52 188
组合弓Composite Bow 25 双弓Double Bow 58 73 巨弓Great Bow 121 107
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 30 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 65 80 钻石弓Diamond Bow 89 132
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 40 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 80 95 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 97 121
短巨战弓Short War Bow 35 符文之弓Rune Bow 73 103 庇护之弓Ward Bow 72 146
长巨战弓Long War Bow 50 哥德弓Gothic Bow 95 118 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 134 167
轻十字弓Light Crossbow 21 27 石弓Arbalest 52 61 弹丸弓Pellet Bow 83 155
十字弓Crossbow 40 33 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 80 70 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 117 105
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 60 40 弩弓Ballista 110 80 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 163 77
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow 40 50 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu 80 95 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow 141 98
短棍Short Staff 乔木棒Jo Staff 25 手杖Walking Stick 25
长棍Long Staff 六尺棍Quarterstaff 25 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 63 35
多节棍Gnarled Staff 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 25 长老之杖Elder Staff 44 37
战斗法杖Battle Staff 哥德之棍Gothic Staff 25 树皮之杖Shillelagh 52 27
巨战法杖War Staff 符文之棍Rune Staff 25 执政官之杖Archon Staff 34
法杖Wand 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand 25 洗练法杖Polished Wand 25
紫杉之杖Yew Wand 净化之杖Petrified Wand 25 鬼魂法杖Ghost Wand 25
骨杖Bone Wand 古墓之杖Tomb Wand 25 巫妖法杖Lich Wand 25
残酷之杖Grim Wand 墓地之杖Grave Wand 25 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand 25
权杖Scepter 25 符文权杖Rune Scepter 58 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 125 65
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 37 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 76 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 108 69
巨战权杖War Scepter 55 神属权杖Divine Scepter 103 神使之杖Caduceus 97 70
拳剑Katar 20 20 格斗刃Quhab 57 57 近身刃Suwayyah 99 99
腕刀Wrist Blade 33 33 腕刺Wrist Spike 66 66 腕剑Wrist Sword 105 105
斧手Hatchet Hands 37 37 格斗爪Fascia 69 69 战拳War Fist 108 108
腰刀Cestus 42 42 手镰Hand Scythe 73 73 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 110 110
爪Claws 46 46 巨爪Greater Claws 76 76 猛禽爪Feral Claws 113 113
刃爪Blade Talons 50 50 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 79 79 符纹爪Runic Talons 115 115
剪咬刃Scissors Katar 55 55 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 82 82 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 118 118
鹰之法珠Eagle Orb 灵光法珠Glowing Orb 天堂之石Heavenly Stone
神圣天球Sacred Globe 水晶天球Crystalline Globe 怪异之球Eldritch Orb
拢烟之球Smoked Sphere 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere 恶魔之心Demon Heart
握扣法珠Clasped Orb 闪耀之球Sparkling Ball 漩涡球Vortex Orb
杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal 次元碎片Dimensional Shard
男性之弓Stag Bow 30 45 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 56 77 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow 87 187
反射之弓Reflex Bow 35 60 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 73 110 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 108 152
女士之矛Maiden Spear 54 40 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 101 80 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 114 142
女士长矛Maiden Pike 63 52 祭典之长矛Ceremonial Pike 115 98 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 132 149
女士标枪Maiden Javelin 33 47 祭典之标枪Ceremonial Javelin 25 109 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin 107 151


  • 普通级武器伤害平均增加了4%
  • 扩展级武器伤害平均增长了42%,与精英级武器的差距缩小了,无形(Eth)武器的加成数值从1.5倍率下调至1.25倍。
  • 精英级武器的伤害平均提升了24%,无形武器的加成数值从1.5倍率下调至1.25倍。并还有一些具体数值的微调
  • 调整了靴子对踢击伤害的影响
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 % 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 % 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后 %
手斧Hand Axe 3-6 小斧Hatchet 10-21 15-30 45% 战钺Tomahawk 33-58 44-75 31%
斧Axe 4-11 切肉斧Cleaver 10-33 14-47 42% 弯月斧Small Crescent 38-60 47-75 24%
双刃斧Double Axe 5-13 强化双斧Twin Axe 13-38 18-54 41% 双头斧Ettin Axe 33-66 41-83 25%
军用锹Military Pick 7-11 喙钳Crowbill 14-34 21-48 44% 战刺War Spike 30-48 38-60 26%
巨战斧War Axe 10-18 12-20 14% 纳卡Naga 16-45 23-64 43% 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 24-71 30-89 25%
巨斧Large Axe 6-13 军斧Military Axe 14-34 21-61 71% 猛禽斧Feral Axe 25-123 31-154 25%
阔斧Broad Axe 10-18 钩斧Bearded Axe 21-49 30-70 43% 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 62-110 78-138 26%
战斧Battle Axe 12-32 战斗斧Tabar 24-77 35-99 33% 斩首斧Decapitator 49-137 61-171 25%
卓越之斧Great Axe 9-30 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 18-70 23-100 40% 豪杰斧Champion Axe 59-94 74-118 25%
大斧Giant Axe 22-45 古代之斧Ancient Axe 43-85 62-122 44% 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 60-124 75-155 25%
木棒Club 1-6 棍棒Cudgel 6-21 10-30 48% 战仪杖Truncheon 35-43 44-54 26%
狼牙棒Spiked Club 5-8 倒钩锤Barbed Club 13-25 18-36 42% 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 32-58 43-75 31%
钉头锤Mace 3-10 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 15-23 22-33 45% 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 41-49 56-66 36%
流星锤Morning Star 7-16 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 20-31 29-45 45% 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 43-53 56-69 30%
链枷Flail 1-24 铁皮鞭Knout 13-35 18-50 42% 天罚之锤Scourge 3-80 14-100 37%
巨战铁锤War Hammer 19-29 22-32 13% 战斗铁锤Battle Hammer 35-58 39-60 6% 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 50-61 63-76 25%
大木棍Maul 30-43 巨战木棍War Club 53-78 69-113 39% 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul 77-106 96-132 25%
卓越巨棍Great Maul 38-58 战锤Martel de Fer 61-99 76-131 29% 雷锤Thunder Maul 33-180 41-225 25%
短剑Short Sword 2-7 罗马短剑Gladius 8-22 12-32 47% 法卡塔剑Falcata 31-59 39-74 26%
弯刀Scimitar 2-6 微弯剑Cutlass 8-21 12-30 45% 土耳其剑Ataghan 26-46 33-58 26%
军刀Sabre 3-8 虚伪之刃Shamshir 10-24 14-35 44% 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 33-45 41-56 24%
弯形大刀Falchion 9-17 圆月弯刀Tulwar 16-35 23-50 43% 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 28-68 35-85 25%
水晶剑Crystal Sword 5-15 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 13-35 18-51 44% 幻化之刃Phase Blade 31-35 39-44 26%
阔剑Broad Sword 7-14 战斗剑Battle Sword 16-34 23-48 42% 征服之剑Conquest Sword 37-53 46-66 24%
长剑Long Sword 3-19 符文剑Rune Sword 10-42 14-60 42% 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 5-77 6-96 24%
巨战之剑War Sword 8-20 古代之剑Ancient Sword 18-43 25-55 31% 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 40-50 50-63 26%
双手剑Two-handed Sword 8-17
斩铁剑Espandon 18-40
传说之剑Legend Sword 50-94
双刃大刀Claymore 13-30
双刃镰Dacian Falx 26-61
高地之剑Highland Blade 67-96
大剑Giant Sword 9-28
长牙剑Tusk Sword 19-58
炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 55-118
巨剑Bastard Sword 20-28
哥德剑Gothic Sword 39-60
冠军之剑Champion Sword 71-83
双手饰剑Flamberge 13-26
韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 29-54
巨神之剑Colossus Sword 61-121
卓越之剑Great Sword 25-42
死刑之剑Executioner Sword 47-80
巨神之刃Colossus Blade 58-115
匕首Dagger 1-4 锐匕Poignard 6-18 9-26 46% 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 23-49 28-56 17%
长匕首Dirk 3-9 诗歌匕首Rondel 10-26 14-38 44% 秘银小刀Mithril Point 37-53 43-61 16%
波形刀Kris 2-11 强波刀Cinquedeas 15-31 17-45 35% 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 15-57 19-65 17%
短刀Blade 4-15 小剑Stiletto 19-36 28-52 45% 传说尖刺Legend Spike 31-47 36-64 28%
飞刀Throwing Knife 4-9
战斗飞镖Battle Dart 11-24
高速飞刀Flying Knife 23-54
飞斧Throwing Axe 8-12
法兰飞斧Francisca 18-33
高速飞斧Flying Axe 15-66
平衡小刀Balanced Knife 6-11
巨战飞镖War Dart 14-27
翼刀Winged Knife 23-39
平衡斧Balanced Axe 12-15
短战戟Hurlbat 24-34
翼斧Winged Axe 7-60
标枪Javelin 6-14
巨战标枪War Javelin 14-32
亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin 28-55
短标枪Pilum 7-20
卓越标枪Great Pilum 16-42
冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 21-75
短矛Short Spear 10-22
锐矛Simbilan 27-50
炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 40-62
大长刀Glaive 16-22
阔针长矛Spiculum 32-60
鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 30-85
飞矛Throwing Spear 12-30
鱼叉Harpoon 18-54
翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon 11-77
长矛Spear 3-15 巨战长矛War Spear 10-37 15-54 47% 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 35-119 44-149 25%
三叉戟Trident 9-15 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 19-37 24-53 38% 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 29-144 36-180 25%
叉Brandistock 7-17 巨战之叉War Fork 16-40 23-58 45% 刺人枪Mancatcher 42-92 52-115 25%
大战戟Spetum 15-23 三叉长枪Yari 29-59 41-85 43% 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 18-155 23-194 25%
矛Pike 14-63 长枪Lance 27-114 33-163 39% 战枪War Pike 33-178 41-223 25%
大砍刀Bardiche 1-27 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 6-58 9-83 44% 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 28-145 35-181 25%
钩镰枪Voulge 6-21 比尔长刀Bill 14-53 20-76 43% 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 17-165 21-206 25%
镰刀Scythe 8-20 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 18-45 25-64 41% 锐利之斧Thresher 12-141 15-176 25%
长柄战斧Poleaxe 18-39 战戟Partizan 34-75 49-108 44% 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 33-150 41-188 25%
长戟Halberd 12-45 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 13-85 18-122 43% 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 46-127 58-159 25%
巨战镰刀War Scythe 15-36 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 30-70 44-100 44% 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 40-114 50-142 25%
短弓Short Bow 1-4 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 6-19 8-25 32% 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 23-50 28-61 22%
猎弓Hunter’s Bow 2-6 剃刀之弓Razor Bow 8-22 11-29 33% 刀锋弓Blade Bow 21-41 25-50 21%
长弓Long Bow 3-10 5-10 15% 杉木弓Cedar Bow 10-29 13-38 31% 阴影弓Shadow Bow 15-59 18-72 22%
组合弓Composite Bow 4-8 5-9 17% 双弓Double Bow 11-26 14-35 32% 巨弓Great Bow 12-52 14-63 20%
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 5-11 6-12 13% 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 13-30 17-40 33% 钻石弓Diamond Bow 33-40 40-48 21%
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 3-18 7-18 19% 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 10-42 13-56 33% 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 15-63 19-76 22%
短巨战弓Short War Bow 6-14 符文之弓Rune Bow 14-35 19-46 33% 庇护之弓Ward Bow 20-53 24-64 21%
长巨战弓Long War Bow 3-23 哥德弓Gothic Bow 10-50 8-63 18% 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 10-68 12-83 22%
轻十字弓Light Crossbow 6-9 8-11 27% 石弓Arbalest 14-27 20-38 41% 弹丸弓Pellet Bow 28-73 40-99 38%
十字弓Crossbow 9-16 11-19 20% 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 20-42 28-60 42% 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 25-87 39-120 42%
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 14-26 20-33 33% 弩弓Ballista 33-55 47-78 42% 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 32-91 47-125 40%
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow 6-12 9-18 50% 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu 14-32 22-50 57% 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow 26-40 43-66 65%
短棍Short Staff 1-5 乔木棒Jo Staff 6-21 9-30 44% 手杖Walking Stick 69-85 86-106 25%
长棍Long Staff 2-8 六尺棍Quarterstaff 8-26 12-38 47% 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 75-107 94-134 25%
多节棍Gnarled Staff 4-12 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 11-32 15-46 42% 长老之杖Elder Staff 80-93 100-116 25%
战斗法杖Battle Staff 6-13 哥德之棍Gothic Staff 14-34 21-48 44% 树皮之杖Shillelagh 65-108 81-135 25%
巨战法杖War Staff 12-28 符文之棍Rune Staff 24-58 35-84 45% 执政官之杖Archon Staff 83-99 104-124 25%
权杖Scepter 6-11 符文权杖Rune Scepter 13-24 18-35 43% 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 40-52 50-65 25%
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 8-18 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 14-36 20-52 44% 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 45-54 56-68 25%
巨战权杖War Scepter 10-17 12-19 15% 神属权杖Divine Scepter 16-38 24-46 30% 神使之杖Caduceus 37-43 46-54 25%
拳剑Katar 4-7 5-8 18% 格斗刃Quhab 11-24 15-35 43% 近身刃Suwayyah 39-52 54-71 37%
腕刀Wrist Blade 5-9 6-10 14% 腕刺Wrist Spike 13-27 20-46 65% 腕剑Wrist Sword 34-45 46-63 38%
斧手Hatchet Hands 2-15 3-17 18% 格斗爪Fascia 8-37 12-53 44% 战拳War Fist 44-53 60-73 37%
腰刀Cestus 7-15 8-17 14% 手镰Hand Scythe 16-37 23-46 30% 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 36-42 45-53 26%
爪Claws 8-15 9-16 9% 巨爪Greater Claws 18-37 23-53 38% 猛禽爪Feral Claws 22-53 30-73 37%
刃爪Blade Talons 10-14 11-15 8% 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 21-35 25-45 25% 符纹爪Runic Talons 24-44 33-60 37%
剪咬刃Scissors Katar 9-17 10-19 12% 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 19-40 28-58 46% 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 40-51 55-70 37%
男性之弓Stag Bow 7-12 8-14 16% 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 16-29 19-38 27% 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow 20-47 24-57 21%
反射之弓Reflex Bow 9-19 10-21 11% 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 19-41 22-53 25% 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 14-72 17-87 21%
女士之矛Maiden Spear 18-24 20-26 10% 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 34-51 49-74 45% 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 65-95 79-116 22%
女士长矛Maiden Pike 23-55 25-60 9% 祭典之长矛Ceremonial Pike 42-101 60-140 40% 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 37-153 44-185 21%
女士标枪Maiden Javelin 6-22
祭典之标枪Ceremonial Javelin 18-54
女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin 35-66
皮靴Boots 3-8 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots 26-46 30-64 31% 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots 65-100 75-100 6%
重靴Heavy Boots 4-10 4-12 14% 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots 28-50 32-72 33% 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots 60-110 70-110 6%
锁链靴Chain Boots 6-12 6-14 11% 织网之靴Mesh Boots 23-52 35-78 51% 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots 69-118 80-125 10%
轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots 8-16 8-18 8% 战场之靴Battle Boots 37-64 42-84 25% 镜化靴Mirrored Boots 50-145 69-147 11%
护胫Greaves 10-20 巨战之靴War Boots 39-80 45-90 13% 极速靴Myrmidon Greaves 83-149 83-155 3%
圆盾Buckler 1-3 防御盾Defender 8-12 防寒圆盾Heater 16-30
小盾牌Small Shield 2-3 圆型盾Round Shield 7-14 月精灵护盾Luna 17-29
大盾牌Large Shield 2-4 鳞盾Scutum 11-15 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 14-32
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 5-9 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 18-35 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 26-40
轻盾Kite Shield 2-5 龙盾Dragon Shield 15-24 统治者大盾Monarch 12-34
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 3-6 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 14-20 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 24-38
塔盾Tower Shield 1-5 大盾Pavise 10-17 圣盾Aegis 18-28
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 2-6 古代之盾Ancient Shield 12-16 保护盾牌Ward 11-35
小盾Targe 2-6 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 12-16 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 22-70
轻圆盾Rondache 2-8 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 15-20 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 35-58
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 3-9 防护者盾牌Protector Shield 18-24 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 10-82
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 4-10 饰金盾牌Gilded Shield 20-28 撒卡兰姆盾牌Zakarum Shield 46-46
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 4-12 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 24-32 旋风盾Vortex Shield 5-87



  • 亚马逊长矛武器攻速增加了10
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
手斧Hand Axe 0 小斧Hatchet 0 战钺Tomahawk 0
斧Axe 10 切肉斧Cleaver 10 弯月斧Small Crescent 10
双刃斧Double Axe 10 强化双斧Twin Axe 10 双头斧Ettin Axe 10
军用锹Military Pick -10 喙钳Crowbill -10 战刺War Spike -10
巨战斧War Axe 0 纳卡Naga 0 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 0
巨斧Large Axe -10 军斧Military Axe -10 猛禽斧Feral Axe -15
阔斧Broad Axe 0 钩斧Bearded Axe 0 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 0
战斧Battle Axe 10 战斗斧Tabar 10 斩首斧Decapitator 10
卓越之斧Great Axe -10 歌德之斧Gothic Axe -10 豪杰斧Champion Axe -10
大斧Giant Axe 10 古代之斧Ancient Axe 10 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 10
木棒Club -10 棍棒Cudgel -10 战仪杖Truncheon -10
狼牙棒Spiked Club 0 倒钩锤Barbed Club 0 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 0
钉头锤Mace 0 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 0 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 0
流星锤Morning Star 10 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 10 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 10
链枷Flail -10 铁皮鞭Knout -10 天罚之锤Scourge -10
巨战铁锤War Hammer 20 战斗铁锤Battle Hammer 20 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 20
大木棍Maul 10 巨战木棍War Club 10 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul 10
卓越巨棍Great Maul 20 战锤Martel de Fer 20 雷锤Thunder Maul 20
短剑Short Sword 0 罗马短剑Gladius 0 法卡塔剑Falcata 0
弯刀Scimitar -20 微弯剑Cutlass -30 土耳其剑Ataghan -20
军刀Sabre -10 虚伪之刃Shamshir -10 优雅之剑Elegant Blade -10
弯形大刀Falchion 20 圆月弯刀Tulwar 20 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 10
水晶剑Crystal Sword 0 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 0 幻化之刃Phase Blade -30
阔剑Broad Sword 0 战斗剑Battle Sword 0 征服之剑Conquest Sword 0
长剑Long Sword -10 符文剑Rune Sword -10 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword -10
巨战之剑War Sword 0 古代之剑Ancient Sword 0 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 0
双手剑Two-handed Sword 0 斩铁剑Espandon 0 传说之剑Legend Sword -15
双刃大刀Claymore 10 双刃镰Dacian Falx 10 高地之剑Highland Blade -5
大剑Giant Sword 0 长牙剑Tusk Sword 0 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 0
巨剑Bastard Sword 10 哥德剑Gothic Sword 10 冠军之剑Champion Sword -10
双手饰剑Flamberge -10 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander -10 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 10
卓越之剑Great Sword 10 死刑之剑Executioner Sword 10 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 5
匕首Dagger -20 锐匕Poignard -20 骸骨小刀Bone Knife -20
长匕首Dirk 0 诗歌匕首Rondel 0 秘银小刀Mithril Point 0
波形刀Kris -20 强波刀Cinquedeas -20 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife -20
短刀Blade -10 小剑Stiletto -10 传说尖刺Legend Spike -10
飞刀Throwing Knife 0 战斗飞镖Battle Dart 0 高速飞刀Flying Knife 0
飞斧Throwing Axe 10 法兰飞斧Francisca 10 高速飞斧Flying Axe 10
平衡小刀Balanced Knife -20 巨战飞镖War Dart -20 翼刀Winged Knife -20
平衡斧Balanced Axe -10 短战戟Hurlbat -10 翼斧Winged Axe -10
标枪Javelin -10 巨战标枪War Javelin -10 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin -10
短标枪Pilum 0 卓越标枪Great Pilum 0 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 0
短矛Short Spear 10 锐矛Simbilan 10 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 10
大长刀Glaive 20 阔针长矛Spiculum 20 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 20
飞矛Throwing Spear -10 鱼叉Harpoon -10 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon -10
长矛Spear -10 巨战长矛War Spear -10 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear -10
三叉戟Trident 0 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 0 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 0
叉Brandistock -20 巨战之叉War Fork -20 刺人枪Mancatcher -20
大战戟Spetum 0 三叉长枪Yari 0 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 0
矛Pike 20 长枪Lance 20 战枪War Pike 20
大砍刀Bardiche 10 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 10 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 0
钩镰枪Voulge 0 比尔长刀Bill 0 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 10
镰刀Scythe -10 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe -10 锐利之斧Thresher -10
长柄战斧Poleaxe 10 战戟Partizan 10 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 10
长戟Halberd 0 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 0 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 0
巨战镰刀War Scythe -10 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe -10 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher -10
短弓Short Bow 5 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 5 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 5
猎弓Hunter’s Bow -10 剃刀之弓Razor Bow -10 刀锋弓Blade Bow -10
长弓Long Bow 0 杉木弓Cedar Bow 0 阴影弓Shadow Bow 0
组合弓Composite Bow -10 双弓Double Bow -10 巨弓Great Bow -10
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 0 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 0 钻石弓Diamond Bow 0
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 10 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 10 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 10
短巨战弓Short War Bow 0 符文之弓Rune Bow 0 庇护之弓Ward Bow 0
长巨战弓Long War Bow 10 哥德弓Gothic Bow 10 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 10
轻十字弓Light Crossbow -10 石弓Arbalest -10 弹丸弓Pellet Bow -10
十字弓Crossbow 0 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 0 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 0
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 10 弩弓Ballista 10 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 10
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow -40 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu -60 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow -60
短棍Short Staff -10 乔木棒Jo Staff -10 手杖Walking Stick -10
长棍Long Staff 0 六尺棍Quarterstaff 0 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 10
多节棍Gnarled Staff 10 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 10 长老之杖Elder Staff 0
战斗法杖Battle Staff 0 哥德之棍Gothic Staff 0 树皮之杖Shillelagh 0
巨战法杖War Staff 20 符文之棍Rune Staff 20 执政官之杖Archon Staff 10
权杖Scepter 0 符文权杖Rune Scepter 0 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 0
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 10 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 10 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 10
巨战权杖War Scepter -10 神属权杖Divine Scepter -10 神使之杖Caduceus -10
拳剑Katar -10 格斗刃Quhab 0 近身刃Suwayyah 0
腕刀Wrist Blade 0 腕刺Wrist Spike -10 腕剑Wrist Sword -10
斧手Hatchet Hands 10 格斗爪Fascia 10 战拳War Fist 10
腰刀Cestus 0 手镰Hand Scythe -10 斗腰刀Battle Cestus -10
爪Claws -10 巨爪Greater Claws -20 猛禽爪Feral Claws -20
刃爪Blade Talons -20 巨鹰爪Greater Talons -30 符纹爪Runic Talons -30
剪咬刃Scissors Katar -10 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 0 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 0
男性之弓Stag Bow 0 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 0 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow -10
反射之弓Reflex Bow 10 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 10 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 10
女士之矛Maiden Spear 0 -10 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 0 -10 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 0 -10
女士长矛Maiden Pike 10 0 祭典之长矛Ceremonial Pike 20 10 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 20 10
女士标枪Maiden Javelin -10 祭典之标枪Ceremonial Javelin -10 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin -10

负值意味着武器攻击更快。法杖Wand s和法球Orbs此处并未列出,因为它们不是用来砸人的武器(它们的攻速不变)


  • 匕首和飞刀/斧范围调整为1。
  • 所有其他近战武器攻击范围调整到2。
  • Javelins 和双手近战武器攻击范围调整到3(except 1x3 staves)。
  • Spears and 2x4 sized axes/maces攻击范围上调至4。
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
手斧Hand Axe 0 2 小斧Hatchet 0 2 战钺Tomahawk 0 2
斧Axe 1 2 切肉斧Cleaver 1 2 弯月斧Small Crescent 1 2
双刃斧Double Axe 1 2 强化双斧Twin Axe 1 2 双头斧Ettin Axe 1 2
军用锹Military Pick 1 2 喙钳Crowbill 1 2 战刺War Spike 1 2
巨战斧War Axe 2 纳卡Naga 2 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 2
巨斧Large Axe 1 3 军斧Military Axe 1 3 猛禽斧Feral Axe 2 3
阔斧Broad Axe 1 3 钩斧Bearded Axe 1 3 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 2 3
战斧Battle Axe 1 3 战斗斧Tabar 1 3 斩首斧Decapitator 2 3
卓越之斧Great Axe 2 4 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 2 4 豪杰斧Champion Axe 2 4
大斧Giant Axe 3 古代之斧Ancient Axe 3 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 3
木棒Club 0 2 棍棒Cudgel 0 2 战仪杖Truncheon 0 2
狼牙棒Spiked Club 1 2 倒钩锤Barbed Club 1 2 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 1 2
钉头锤Mace 0 2 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 0 2 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 0 2
流星锤Morning Star 1 2 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 1 2 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 1 2
链枷Flail 2 铁皮鞭Knout 2 天罚之锤Scourge 2
巨战铁锤War Hammer 0 2 战斗铁锤Battle Hammer 0 2 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 1 2
大木棍Maul 1 4 巨战木棍War Club 1 4 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul 1 4
卓越巨棍Great Maul 2 3 战锤Martel de Fer 2 3 雷锤Thunder Maul 2 3
短剑Short Sword 0 2 罗马短剑Gladius 0 2 法卡塔剑Falcata 0 2
弯刀Scimitar 0 2 微弯剑Cutlass 0 2 土耳其剑Ataghan 0 2
军刀Sabre 0 2 虚伪之刃Shamshir 0 2 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 0 2
弯形大刀Falchion 0 2 圆月弯刀Tulwar 0 2 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 0 2
水晶剑Crystal Sword 1 2 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 1 2 幻化之刃Phase Blade 1 2
阔剑Broad Sword 0 2 战斗剑Battle Sword 0 2 征服之剑Conquest Sword 0 2
长剑Long Sword 1 2 符文剑Rune Sword 1 2 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 1 2
巨战之剑War Sword 1 2 古代之剑Ancient Sword 1 2 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 1 2
双手剑Two-handed Sword 2 3 斩铁剑Espandon 2 3 传说之剑Legend Sword 2 3
双刃大刀Claymore 2 3 双刃镰Dacian Falx 2 3 高地之剑Highland Blade 2 3
大剑Giant Sword 2 3 长牙剑Tusk Sword 2 3 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 2 3
巨剑Bastard Sword 1 3 哥德剑Gothic Sword 1 3 冠军之剑Champion Sword 2 3
双手饰剑Flamberge 2 3 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 2 3 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 2 3
卓越之剑Great Sword 2 3 死刑之剑Executioner Sword 2 3 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 2 3
匕首Dagger 0 1 锐匕Poignard 0 1 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 0 1
长匕首Dirk 0 1 诗歌匕首Rondel 0 1 秘银小刀Mithril Point 0 1
波形刀Kris 0 1 强波刀Cinquedeas 0 1 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 0 1
短刀Blade 0 1 小剑Stiletto 0 1 传说尖刺Legend Spike 0 1
飞刀Throwing Knife 0 1 战斗飞镖Battle Dart 0 1 高速飞刀Flying Knife 0 1
飞斧Throwing Axe 0 1 法兰飞斧Francisca 0 1 高速飞斧Flying Axe 0 1
平衡小刀Balanced Knife 0 1 巨战飞镖War Dart 0 1 翼刀Winged Knife 0 1
平衡斧Balanced Axe 0 1 短战戟Hurlbat 0 1 翼斧Winged Axe 0 1
标枪Javelin 2 3 巨战标枪War Javelin 2 3 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin 2 3
短标枪Pilum 2 3 卓越标枪Great Pilum 2 3 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 2 3
短矛Short Spear 2 3 锐矛Simbilan 2 3 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 2 3
大长刀Glaive 2 3 阔针长矛Spiculum 2 3 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 2 3
飞矛Throwing Spear 2 3 鱼叉Harpoon 2 3 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon 2 3
长矛Spear 3 4 巨战长矛War Spear 3 4 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 3 4
三叉戟Trident 3 4 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 3 4 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 3 4
叉Brandistock 4 巨战之叉War Fork 4 刺人枪Mancatcher 4
大战戟Spetum 4 三叉长枪Yari 4 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 4
矛Pike 4 长枪Lance 4 战枪War Pike 4
大砍刀Bardiche 2 3 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 2 3 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 2 3
钩镰枪Voulge 2 3 比尔长刀Bill 2 3 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 2 3
镰刀Scythe 2 3 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 2 3 锐利之斧Thresher 2 3
长柄战斧Poleaxe 3 战戟Partizan 3 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 3
长戟Halberd 4 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 4 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 4
巨战镰刀War Scythe 4 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 4 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 4
短棍Short Staff 1 2 乔木棒Jo Staff 1 2 手杖Walking Stick 1 2
长棍Long Staff 1 3 六尺棍Quarterstaff 1 3 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 1 3
多节棍Gnarled Staff 1 3 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 1 3 长老之杖Elder Staff 1 3
战斗法杖Battle Staff 1 3 哥德之棍Gothic Staff 1 3 树皮之杖Shillelagh 1 3
巨战法杖War Staff 1 3 符文之棍Rune Staff 1 3 执政官之杖Archon Staff 1 3
权杖Scepter 0 2 符文权杖Rune Scepter 0 2 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 0 2
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 1 2 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 1 2 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 1 2
巨战权杖War Scepter 1 2 神属权杖Divine Scepter 1 2 神使之杖Caduceus 1 2
拳剑Katar 1 2 格斗刃Quhab 1 2 近身刃Suwayyah 1 2
腕刀Wrist Blade 1 2 腕刺Wrist Spike 1 2 腕剑Wrist Sword 1 2
斧手Hatchet Hands 1 2 格斗爪Fascia 1 2 战拳War Fist 1 2
腰刀Cestus 1 2 手镰Hand Scythe 1 2 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 1 2
爪Claws 1 2 巨爪Greater Claws 1 2 猛禽爪Feral Claws 1 2
刃爪Blade Talons 1 2 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 1 2 符纹爪Runic Talons 1 2
剪咬刃Scissors Katar 1 2 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 1 2 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 1 2
女士之矛Maiden Spear 4 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 4 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 4
女士长矛Maiden Pike 4 祭典之长矛Ceremonial Pike 4 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 4
女士标枪Maiden Javelin 2 3 祭典之标枪Ceremonial Javelin 2 3 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin 2 3



  • Defense for chests adjusted - those with higher strength requirements will generally have more defense (tier and quality level were also considered)
  • Defense for Aegis and Ward shields increased
  • Strength requirement of Shadow Plate reduced from 230 to 220
物品 (普通) Before After % Str 物品 (扩展) Before After % Str 物品 (精英) Before After % Str
帽子Cap 3-5 0 战帽War Hat 45-53 20 军帽Shako 98-141 50
骷髅帽Skull Cap 8-11 15 轻便头盔Sallet 52-62 43 九头蛇头盖骨圆帽Hydraskull 101-145 84
头盔Helm 15-18 26 无颊头盔Casque 63-72 59 活动头盔Armet 105-149 109
高级头盔Full Helm 23-26 41 轻钢盔Basinet 75-84 82 巨贝头盔Giant Conch 110-154 142
面具Mask 9-27 23 死亡面具Death Mask 54-86 55 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead 101-154 102
白骨头盔Bone Helm 33-36 25 残酷头盔Grim Helm 60-125 58 骸骨面罩Bone Visage 100-157 106
卓越头盔Great Helm 30-35 63 翼盔Winged Helm 85-98 115 螺旋头盔Spired Helm 114-159 192
皇冠Crown 25-45 55 巨皇冠Grand Crown 78-113 103 头冠Corona 111-165 174
布甲Quilted Armor 8-11 9-11 0% 12 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor 102-117 106-112 -4% 38 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud 361-467 270-302 -35% 77
皮甲Leather Armor 14-17 15-17 0% 15 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor 111-126 116-122 -3% 43 古龙皮Wyrmhide 364-470 287-322 -31% 84
硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor 21-24 23-25 4% 20 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor 122-136 128-134 -1% 50 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk 369-474 309-349 -26% 95
镶嵌甲Studded Leather 32-35 35-37 6% 27 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor 138-153 148-156 2% 61 线羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece 375-481 343-391 -19% 111
锁环甲Ring Mail 45-48 49-51 6% 36 连扣战甲Linked Mail 158-172 172-180 5% 74 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail 383-489 388-445 -9% 131
鳞甲Scale Mail 57-60 61-63 5% 44 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail 176-190 193-202 6% 86 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail 390-496 429-495 -1% 149
锁子甲Chain Mail 72-75 70-71 -5% 48 织网战甲Mesh Armor 198-213 207-216 1% 92 骸骨链甲Boneweave 399-505 419-489 -3% 158
胸甲Breast Plate 65-68 56-58 -15% 30 护胸甲Cuirass 188-202 170-176 -13% 65 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk 395-501 371-420 -16% 118
板甲Splint Mail 90-95 81-84 -12% 51 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor 225-243 223-233 -4% 97 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin 410-517 469-541 5% 165
铠甲Plate Mail 108-116 103-108 -7% 65 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat 252-274 264-278 1% 118 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate 421-530 536-625 18% 196
实战铠甲Field Plate 101-105 100-102 -3% 55 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor 242-258 246-255 -1% 103 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell 417-523 501-576 10% 174
哥德战甲Gothic Plate 128-135 124-128 -5% 70 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate 282-303 291-304 1% 125 漆甲Lacquered Plate 433-541 573-664 23% 208
轻型装甲Light Plate 90-107 93-99 -7% 41 法师铠甲Mage Plate 225-261 178-187 -28% 55 执政官铠甲Archon Plate 410-524 364-407 -22% 103
高级战甲Full Plate Mail 150-161 145-150 -7% 80 混沌战甲Chaos Armor 315-342 323-340 -1% 140 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate 446-557 599-696 25% 220
古代装甲Ancient Armor 218-233 178-185 -21% 100 华丽战甲Ornate Plate 417-450 393-414 -1% 170 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor 487-600 633-730 22% 232
圆盾Buckler 4-6 12 防御盾Defender 41-49 38 防寒圆盾Heater 95-110 77
小盾牌Small Shield 8-10 22 圆型盾Round Shield 47-55 53 月精灵护盾Luna 108-123 100
大盾牌Large Shield 12-14 34 鳞盾Scutum 53-61 71 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 119-135 127
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 15-25 30 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 58-78 65 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 147-163 118
轻盾Kite Shield 16-18 47 龙盾Dragon Shield 59-67 91 统治者大盾Monarch 133-148 156
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 10-30 25 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 50-150 58 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 158-173 106
塔盾Tower Shield 22-25 75 大盾Pavise 68-78 133 圣盾Aegis 145-161 215-241 50% 219
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 30-35 60 古代之盾Ancient Shield 80-93 110 保护盾牌Ward 153-170 183-207 22% 185
皮手套Leather Gloves 2-3 0 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves 28-35 20 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts 54-62 50
重手套Heavy Gloves 5-6 0 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves 33-39 20 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves 56-65 50
锁链手套Chain Gloves 8-9 25 重型手镯Heavy Bracers 37-44 58 吸血鬼手套Vambraces 59-67 106
轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets 9-11 45 战场手套Battle Gauntlets 39-47 88 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets 59-68 151
铁手套Gauntlets 12-15 60 巨战手套War Gauntlets 43-53 110 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets 62-71 185
皮靴Boots 2-3 0 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots 28-35 20 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots 54-62 50
重靴Heavy Boots 5-6 18 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots 33-39 47 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots 56-65 91
锁链靴Chain Boots 8-9 30 织网之靴Mesh Boots 37-44 65 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots 59-67 118
轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots 9-11 50 战场之靴Battle Boots 39-47 95 镜化靴Mirrored Boots 59-68 163
护胫Greaves 12-15 70 巨战之靴War Boots 43-53 125 极速靴Myrmidon Greaves 62-71 208
饰带Sash 2 0 魔皮勋带Demonhide Sash 29-34 20 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash 55-62 50
轻扣带Light Belt 3 0 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt 31-36 20 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt 56-63 50
扣带Belt 5 25 织网腰带Mesh Belt 35-40 58 秘银腰带Mithril Coil 58-65 106
重扣带Heavy Belt 6 45 战场腰带Battle Belt 37-42 88 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt 59-66 151
金属扣带Plated Belt 8-11 60 巨战腰带War Belt 41-52 110 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle 61-71 185
头环Circlet 20-30 0 三重冠Tiara 40-50 0 权冠Diadem 50-60 0
宝冠Coronet 30-40 0
狼头Wolf Head 8-11 16 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm 52-62 44 血腥之灵Blood Spirit 101-145 86
飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm 4-15 20 狮鹫兽头带Griffon Headress 46-68 50 太阳之灵Sun Spirit 98-147 95
鹿角Antlers 18-24 24 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise 67-81 56 大地之灵Earth Spirit 107-152 104
猎鹰面具Falcon Mask 12-28 28 神圣羽毛头带Sacred Feathers 58-87 62 天空之灵Sky Spirit 103-155 113
灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask 22-35 30 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask 73-98 65 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit 109-159 118
颚骨帽Jawbone Cap 10-15 25 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor 55-68 58 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm 102-147 106
尖牙盔Fanged Helm 15-20 35 狮尖头盔Lion Helm 63-75 73 暴怒面甲Fury Visor 105-150 129
角盔Horned Helm 25-30 45 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask 78-90 88 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm 111-156 151
突击盔Assault Helmet 30-35 55 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet 85-98 103 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown 114-159 174
复仇者之盔Avenger Guard 35-50 65 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard 93-120 118 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown 117-168 196
小盾Targe 8-12 16 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 101-125 44 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 126-158 86
轻圆盾Rondache 10-18 26 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 113-137 59 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 138-164 109
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 16-26 40 防护者盾牌Protector Shield 129-153 69 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 154-172 124
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 26-36 50 饰金盾牌Gilded Shield 144-168 89 撒卡兰姆盾牌Zakarum Shield 169-193 142
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 30-40 65 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 156-181 114 旋风盾Vortex Shield 182-225 148
防腐之首Preserved Head 2-5 12 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 38-48 38 随待之骨Minion Skull 95-139 77
僵尸之首Zombie Head 4-8 14 物神印记Fetish Trophy 41-52 41 地狱爪牙之骨Hellspawn Skull 96-141 82
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 6-10 18 司事印记Sexton Trophy 44-55 47 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 98-142 91
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 10-16 20 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 50-64 50 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 100-146 95
恶魔之首Demon Head 15-20 25 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 58-70 58 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 103-148 106



  • 圣盾Aegis的基础格挡几率从24%上调至38%。
  • 保护盾牌Ward基础格挡几率从24%上调至30%。
物品 (普通) Block 物品 (扩展) Block 物品 (精英) Block
圆盾Buckler 0 防御盾Defender 10 防寒圆盾Heater 22
小盾牌Small Shield 5 圆型盾Round Shield 12 月精灵护盾Luna 20
大盾牌Large Shield 12 鳞盾Scutum 14 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 24
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 10 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 17 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 20
轻盾Kite Shield 8 龙盾Dragon Shield 18 统治者大盾Monarch 22
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 20 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 20 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 20
塔盾Tower Shield 24 大盾Pavise 24 圣盾Aegis 38
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 16 古代之盾Ancient Shield 16 保护盾牌Ward 30
小盾Targe 10 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 10 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 30
轻圆盾Rondache 15 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 15 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 28
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 20 防护者盾牌Protector Shield 20 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 25
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 22 饰金盾牌Gilded Shield 22 撒卡兰姆盾牌Zakarum Shield 22
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 25 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 25 旋风盾Vortex Shield 19
防腐之首Preserved Head 3 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 3 随待之骨Minion Skull 3
僵尸之首Zombie Head 5 物神印记Fetish Trophy 5 地狱爪牙之骨Hellspawn Skull 5
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 8 司事印记Sexton Trophy 8 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 8
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 10 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 10 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 10
恶魔之首Demon Head 12 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 12 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 12



  • 一些扩展级/精英级武器的最大孔数增加1个。
    • 1孔匕首类(锐匕Poignard,骸骨小刀Bone Knife,诗歌匕首Rondel,秘银小刀Mithril Point)
    • 原能打2孔的1X3格的武器现在可以打到3个镶孔了:
      • 斧子(小斧Hatchet,战钺Tomahawk)
      • 槌(棍棒Cudgel,战仪杖Truncheon,凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace,强化钉头锤)
      • 剑(罗马短剑Gladius,法卡塔剑Falcata,微弯剑Cutlass,土耳其剑Ataghan,虚伪之刃Shamshir,优雅之刃Elegant Blade,圆月弯刀Tulwar,九头蛇刃)
      • 法杖(乔木杖Jo Staff,手杖Walking Stick)
      • 权杖(符文权杖Rune Scepter, 强威权杖Mighty Scepter)
      • 爪 (腕刺Wrist Spike, 格斗爪Fascia, 战拳War Fist, 手镰Hand Scythe, 斗腰刀Battle Cestus)
    • 原能打3孔的双手武器现在能打到4孔了:
      • 长柄武器(罗柏佳斧Lochaber Axe, 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe)
      • 弓(九头蛇弓Edge Bow, 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow)
      • 十字弓(石弓Arbalest, 弹丸弓Pellet Bow)
    • 原能打4孔的双手斧(军斧Military Axe, 猛禽斧Feral Axe)现在可以打到5孔了
    • 原能打5孔的阴影弓现在能打到6孔了


  • 所有扩展级/精英级 1x2格武器现在都能打2孔(除了烧焦之杖)
  • 所有扩展级/精英级 1x3格武器都能打3孔了(除了小剑Stiletto,传说尖刺Legend Spike)
  • 所有扩展级/精英级 1x4格以及更大的武器能打4孔了(除了这个剑系:斩铁剑Espandon, 传说之剑Legend Sword)
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
手斧Hand Axe 2 小斧Hatchet 2 3 战钺Tomahawk 2 3
斧Axe 4 切肉斧Cleaver 4 弯月斧Small Crescent 4
双刃斧Double Axe 4/5/5 强化双斧Twin Axe 4/5/5 双头斧Ettin Axe 4/5/5
军用锹Military Pick 4/5/6 喙钳Crowbill 4/5/6 战刺War Spike 4/5/6
巨战斧War Axe 4/5/6 纳卡Naga 4/5/6 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 4/5/6
巨斧Large Axe 4 军斧Military Axe 4 4/5/5 猛禽斧Feral Axe 4 4/5/5
阔斧Broad Axe 4/5/5 钩斧Bearded Axe 4/5/5 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 4/5/5
战斧Battle Axe 4/5/5 战斗斧Tabar 4/5/5 斩首斧Decapitator 4/5/5
卓越之斧Great Axe 4/5/6 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 4/5/6 豪杰斧Champion Axe 4/5/6
大斧Giant Axe 4/5/6 古代之斧Ancient Axe 4/5/6 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 4/5/6
木棒Club 2 棍棒Cudgel 2 3 战仪杖Truncheon 2 3
狼牙棒Spiked Club 2 倒钩锤Barbed Club 3 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 3
钉头锤Mace 2 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 2 3 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 2 3
流星锤Morning Star 3 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 3 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 3
链枷Flail 3/4/5 铁皮鞭Knout 3/4/5 天罚之锤Scourge 3/4/5
巨战铁锤War Hammer 3/4/4 战斗铁锤Battle Hammer 3/4/4 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 3/4/4
大木棍Maul 3/4/6 巨战木棍War Club 3/4/6 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul 3/4/6
卓越巨棍Great Maul 3/4/6 战锤Martel de Fer 3/4/6 雷锤Thunder Maul 3/4/6
短剑Short Sword 2 罗马短剑Gladius 2 3 法卡塔剑Falcata 2 3
弯刀Scimitar 2 微弯剑Cutlass 2 3 土耳其剑Ataghan 2 3
军刀Sabre 2 虚伪之刃Shamshir 2 3 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 2 3
弯形大刀Falchion 2 圆月弯刀Tulwar 2 3 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 2 3
水晶剑Crystal Sword 3/4/6 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 3/4/6 幻化之刃Phase Blade 3/4/6
阔剑Broad Sword 3/4/4 战斗剑Battle Sword 3/4/4 征服之剑Conquest Sword 3/4/4
长剑Long Sword 3/4/4 符文剑Rune Sword 3/4/4 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 3/4/4
巨战之剑War Sword 3 古代之剑Ancient Sword 3 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 3
双手剑Two-handed Sword 3 斩铁剑Espandon 3 传说之剑Legend Sword 3
双刃大刀Claymore 3/4/4 双刃镰Dacian Falx 3/4/4 高地之剑Highland Blade 3/4/4
大剑Giant Sword 3/4/4 长牙剑Tusk Sword 3/4/4 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 3/4/4
巨剑Bastard Sword 3/4/4 哥德剑Gothic Sword 3/4/4 冠军之剑Champion Sword 3/4/4
双手饰剑Flamberge 3/4/5 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 3/4/5 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 3/4/5
卓越之剑Great Sword 3/4/6 死刑之剑Executioner Sword 3/4/6 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 3/4/6
匕首Dagger 1 锐匕Poignard 1 2 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 1 2
长匕首Dirk 1 诗歌匕首Rondel 1 2 秘银小刀Mithril Point 1 2
波形刀Kris 2/3/3 强波刀Cinquedeas 2/3/3 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 2/3/3
短刀Blade 2 小剑Stiletto 2 传说尖刺Legend Spike 2
长矛Spear 3 巨战长矛War Spear 3 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 3
三叉戟Trident 3/4/4 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 3/4/4 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 3/4/4
叉Brandistock 3/4/5 巨战之叉War Fork 3/4/5 刺人枪Mancatcher 3/4/5
大战戟Spetum 3/4/6 三叉长枪Yari 3/4/6 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 3/4/6
矛Pike 3/4/6 长枪Lance 3/4/6 战枪War Pike 3/4/6
大砍刀Bardiche 3 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 3 3/4/4 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 3 3/4/4
钩镰枪Voulge 3/4/4 比尔长刀Bill 3/4/4 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 3/4/4
镰刀Scythe 3/4/5 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 3/4/5 锐利之斧Thresher 3/4/5
长柄战斧Poleaxe 3/4/5 战戟Partizan 3/4/5 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 3/4/5
长戟Halberd 3/4/6 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 3/4/6 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 3/4/6
巨战镰刀War Scythe 3/4/6 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 3/4/6 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 3/4/6
短弓Short Bow 3 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 3 3/4/4 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 3 3/4/4
猎弓Hunter’s Bow 3/4/4 剃刀之弓Razor Bow 3/4/4 刀锋弓Blade Bow 3/4/4
长弓Long Bow 3/4/5 杉木弓Cedar Bow 3/4/5 阴影弓Shadow Bow 3/4/5 3/4/6
组合弓Composite Bow 3/4/4 双弓Double Bow 3/4/4 巨弓Great Bow 3/4/4
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 3/4/5 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 3/4/5 钻石弓Diamond Bow 3/4/5
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 3/4/6 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 3/4/6 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 3/4/6
短巨战弓Short War Bow 3/4/5 符文之弓Rune Bow 3/4/5 庇护之弓Ward Bow 3/4/5
长巨战弓Long War Bow 3/4/6 哥德弓Gothic Bow 3/4/6 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 3/4/6
轻十字弓Light Crossbow 3 石弓Arbalest 3 3/4/4 弹丸弓Pellet Bow 3 3/4/4
十字弓Crossbow 3/4/4 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 3/4/4 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 3/4/4
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 3/4/6 弩弓Ballista 3/4/6 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 3/4/6
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow 3/4/5 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu 3/4/5 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow 3/4/5
短棍Short Staff 2 乔木棒Jo Staff 2 3 手杖Walking Stick 2 3
长棍Long Staff 3 六尺棍Quarterstaff 3 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 3
多节棍Gnarled Staff 4 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 4 长老之杖Elder Staff 4
战斗法杖Battle Staff 4 哥德之棍Gothic Staff 4 树皮之杖Shillelagh 4
巨战法杖War Staff 5/6/6 符文之棍Rune Staff 5/6/6 执政官之杖Archon Staff 5/6/6
法杖Wand 1 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand 1 洗练法杖Polished Wand 2
紫杉之杖Yew Wand 1 净化之杖Petrified Wand 2 鬼魂法杖Ghost Wand 2
骨杖Bone Wand 2 古墓之杖Tomb Wand 2 巫妖法杖Lich Wand 2
残酷之杖Grim Wand 2 墓地之杖Grave Wand 2 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand 2
权杖Scepter 2 符文权杖Rune Scepter 2 3 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 2 3
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 3 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 3 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 3
巨战权杖War Scepter 3/5/5 神属权杖Divine Scepter 3/5/5 神使之杖Caduceus 3/5/5
拳剑Katar 2 格斗刃Quhab 2/3/3 近身刃Suwayyah 2/3/3
腕刀Wrist Blade 2 腕刺Wrist Spike 2 2/3/3 腕剑Wrist Sword 2/3/3
斧手Hatchet Hands 2 格斗爪Fascia 2 2/3/3 战拳War Fist 2 2/3/3
腰刀Cestus 2 手镰Hand Scythe 2 2/3/3 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 2 2/3/3
爪Claws 2/3/3 巨爪Greater Claws 2/3/3 猛禽爪Feral Claws 2/3/3
刃爪Blade Talons 2/3/3 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 2/3/3 符纹爪Runic Talons 2/3/3
剪咬刃Scissors Katar 2/3/3 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 2/3/3 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 2/3/3
鹰之法珠Eagle Orb 2 灵光法珠Glowing Orb 2 天堂之石Heavenly Stone 2
神圣天球Sacred Globe 2 水晶天球Crystalline Globe 2 怪异之球Eldritch Orb 2
拢烟之球Smoked Sphere 2 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere 2 恶魔之心Demon Heart 2
握扣法珠Clasped Orb 2 闪耀之球Sparkling Ball 2 漩涡球Vortex Orb 2
杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone 2/3/3 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal 2/3/3 次元碎片Dimensional Shard 2/3/3
男性之弓Stag Bow 3/4/5 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 3/4/5 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow 3/4/5
反射之弓Reflex Bow 3/4/5 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 3/4/5 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 3/4/5
女士之矛Maiden Spear 3/4/6 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 3/4/6 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 3/4/6
女士长矛Maiden Pike 3/4/6 祭典之长矛Ceremonial Pike 3/4/6 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 3/4/6



  • 扩展级/精英级的死灵法师盾牌最大孔数从2上调到3
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
帽子Cap 2 战帽War Hat 2 军帽Shako 2
骷髅帽Skull Cap 2 轻便头盔Sallet 2 九头蛇头盖骨圆帽Hydraskull 2
头盔Helm 2 无颊头盔Casque 2 活动头盔Armet 2
高级头盔Full Helm 2 轻钢盔Basinet 2 巨贝头盔Giant Conch 2
面具Mask 2/2/3 死亡面具Death Mask 2/2/3 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead 2/2/3
白骨头盔Bone Helm 2 残酷头盔Grim Helm 2 骸骨面罩Bone Visage 2/2/3
卓越头盔Great Helm 2/2/3 翼盔Winged Helm 2/2/3 螺旋头盔Spired Helm 2/2/3
皇冠Crown 2/2/3 巨皇冠Grand Crown 2/2/3 头冠Corona 2/2/3
布甲Quilted Armor 2 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor 2 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud 3/4/4
皮甲Leather Armor 2 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor 2 古龙皮Wyrmhide 3/4/4
硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor 2 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor 2 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk 3/4/4
镶嵌甲Studded Leather 2 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor 2 线羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece 3/4/4
锁环甲Ring Mail 3 连扣战甲Linked Mail 3 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail 3/4/4
鳞甲Scale Mail 2 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail 3 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail 3/4/4
锁子甲Chain Mail 2 织网战甲Mesh Armor 3 骸骨链甲Boneweave 3/4/4
胸甲Breast Plate 3 护胸甲Cuirass 3 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk 3/4/4
板甲Splint Mail 2 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor 3 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin 3/4/4
铠甲Plate Mail 2 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat 3 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate 3/4/4
实战铠甲Field Plate 2 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor 3 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell 3/4/4
哥德战甲Gothic Plate 3/4/4 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate 3/4/4 漆甲Lacquered Plate 3/4/4
轻型装甲Light Plate 3 法师铠甲Mage Plate 3 执政官铠甲Archon Plate 3/4/4
高级战甲Full Plate Mail 3/4/4 混沌战甲Chaos Armor 3/4/4 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate 3/4/4
古代装甲Ancient Armor 3/4/4 华丽战甲Ornate Plate 3/4/4 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor 3/4/4
圆盾Buckler 1 防御盾Defender 1 防寒圆盾Heater 2
小盾牌Small Shield 2 圆型盾Round Shield 2 月精灵护盾Luna 2
大盾牌Large Shield 3 鳞盾Scutum 3 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 3
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 2 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 2 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 3
轻盾Kite Shield 3 龙盾Dragon Shield 3 统治者大盾Monarch 3/3/4
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 2 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 2 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 3
塔盾Tower Shield 3 大盾Pavise 3 圣盾Aegis 3/3/4
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 3 古代之盾Ancient Shield 3 保护盾牌Ward 3/3/4
头环Circlet 1/2/2 三重冠Tiara 1/2/3 权冠Diadem 1/2/3
宝冠Coronet 1/2/2
狼头Wolf Head 2/3/3 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm 2/3/3 血腥之灵Blood Spirit 2/3/3
飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm 2/3/3 狮鹫兽头带Griffon Headress 2/3/3 太阳之灵Sun Spirit 2/3/3
鹿角Antlers 2/3/3 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise 2/3/3 大地之灵Earth Spirit 2/3/3
猎鹰面具Falcon Mask 2/3/3 神圣羽毛头带Sacred Feathers 2/3/3 天空之灵Sky Spirit 2/3/3
灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask 2/3/3 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask 2/3/3 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit 2/3/3
颚骨帽Jawbone Cap 2/3/3 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor 2/3/3 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm 2/3/3
尖牙盔Fanged Helm 2/3/3 狮尖头盔Lion Helm 2/3/3 暴怒面甲Fury Visor 2/3/3
角盔Horned Helm 2/3/3 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask 2/3/3 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm 2/3/3
突击盔Assault Helmet 2/3/3 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet 2/3/3 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown 2/3/3
复仇者之盔Avenger Guard 2/3/3 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard 2/3/3 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown 2/3/3
小盾Targe 3/4/4 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 3/4/4 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 3/4/4
轻圆盾Rondache 3/4/4 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 3/4/4 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 3/4/4
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 3/4/4 防护者盾牌Protector Shield 3/4/4 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 3/4/4
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 3/4/4 饰金盾牌Gilded Shield 3/4/4 撒卡兰姆盾牌Zakarum Shield 3/4/4
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 3/4/4 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 3/4/4 旋风盾Vortex Shield 3/4/4
防腐之首Preserved Head 2 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 2 2/3/3 随待之骨Minion Skull 2 2/3/3
僵尸之首Zombie Head 2 物神印记Fetish Trophy 2 2/3/3 地狱爪牙之骨Hellspawn Skull 2 2/3/3
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 2 司事印记Sexton Trophy 2 2/3/3 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 2 2/3/3
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 2 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 2 2/3/3 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 2 2/3/3
恶魔之首Demon Head 2 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 2 2/3/3 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 2 2/3/3



  • 所有武器的耐久度都翻倍了。
  • 一些精英级武器享有更高的耐久度
    • 一些剑类上调20耐久度(法卡塔剑Falcata,土耳其剑Ataghan,优雅之剑Elegant Blade,九头蛇刃Hydra Edge,征服之剑Conquest Sword)
    • 骸骨小刀上调20耐久度
    • 一些斧类上调20耐久度(斩首斧Decapitator,豪杰斧Champion Axe,荣光之斧Glorious Axe)
    • 其他斧类上调50%耐久度(战钺Tomahawk,弯月斧Small Crescent,双头斧Ettin Axe,战刺War Spike,狂战士斧Berserker Axe,猛禽斧Feral Axe,银刃斧Silver-edged Axe)
    • 一些长矛类上调50%耐久度(亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear,冥河之枪Stygian Pike,刺人枪Mancatcher,鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear,战枪War Pike)
    • 一些法杖上调50%耐久度(手杖Walking Stick,钟乳石之杖Stalagmite,长老之杖Elder Staff,树皮之杖Shillelagh,执政官之杖Archon Staff)
物品 (普通) 调整前 调整后 物品 (扩展) 调整前 调整后 物品 (精英) 调整前 调整后
手斧Hand Axe 28 56 小斧Hatchet 28 56 战钺Tomahawk 28 84
斧Axe 24 48 切肉斧Cleaver 24 48 弯月斧Small Crescent 24 72
双刃斧Double Axe 24 48 强化双斧Twin Axe 24 48 双头斧Ettin Axe 24 72
军用锹Military Pick 26 52 喙钳Crowbill 26 52 战刺War Spike 26 78
巨战斧War Axe 26 52 纳卡Naga 26 52 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 26 78
巨斧Large Axe 30 60 军斧Military Axe 30 60 猛禽斧Feral Axe 30 90
阔斧Broad Axe 35 70 钩斧Bearded Axe 35 70 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 35 105
战斧Battle Axe 40 80 战斗斧Tabar 40 80 斩首斧Decapitator 40 100
卓越之斧Great Axe 50 100 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 50 100 豪杰斧Champion Axe 50 120
大斧Giant Axe 50 100 古代之斧Ancient Axe 50 100 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 50 120
木棒Club 24 48 棍棒Cudgel 24 48 战仪杖Truncheon 55 110
狼牙棒Spiked Club 36 72 倒钩锤Barbed Club 36 72 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 65 130
钉头锤Mace 60 120 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 60 120 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 60 120
流星锤Morning Star 72 144 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 72 144 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 72 144
链枷Flail 30 60 铁皮鞭Knout 30 60 天罚之锤Scourge 65 130
巨战铁锤War Hammer 55 110 战斗铁锤Battle Hammer 55 110 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 65 130
大木棍Maul 60 120 巨战木棍War Club 60 120 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul 60 120
卓越巨棍Great Maul 60 120 战锤Martel de Fer 60 120 雷锤Thunder Maul 60 120
短剑Short Sword 24 48 罗马短剑Gladius 24 48 法卡塔剑Falcata 24 68
弯刀Scimitar 22 44 微弯剑Cutlass 22 44 土耳其剑Ataghan 22 64
军刀Sabre 32 64 虚伪之刃Shamshir 32 64 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 32 84
弯形大刀Falchion 32 64 圆月弯刀Tulwar 32 64 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 32 84
水晶剑Crystal Sword 20 40 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 20 40 幻化之刃Phase Blade - -
阔剑Broad Sword 32 64 战斗剑Battle Sword 32 64 征服之剑Conquest Sword 32 84
长剑Long Sword 44 88 符文剑Rune Sword 44 88 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 44 88
巨战之剑War Sword 44 88 古代之剑Ancient Sword 44 88 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 44 88
双手剑Two-handed Sword 44 88 斩铁剑Espandon 44 88 传说之剑Legend Sword 44 88
双刃大刀Claymore 50 100 双刃镰Dacian Falx 50 100 高地之剑Highland Blade 50 100
大剑Giant Sword 50 100 长牙剑Tusk Sword 50 100 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 50 100
巨剑Bastard Sword 40 80 哥德剑Gothic Sword 40 80 冠军之剑Champion Sword 40 80
双手饰剑Flamberge 50 100 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 50 100 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 50 100
卓越之剑Great Sword 50 100 死刑之剑Executioner Sword 50 100 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 50 100
匕首Dagger 16 32 锐匕Poignard 16 32 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 26 72
长匕首Dirk 20 40 诗歌匕首Rondel 20 40 秘银小刀Mithril Point 55 110
波形刀Kris 24 48 强波刀Cinquedeas 24 48 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 36 72
短刀Blade 24 48 小剑Stiletto 24 48 传说尖刺Legend Spike 47 94
长矛Spear 30 60 巨战长矛War Spear 30 60 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 30 90
三叉戟Trident 35 70 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 35 70 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 35 105
叉Brandistock 28 56 巨战之叉War Fork 28 56 刺人枪Mancatcher 28 84
大战戟Spetum 28 56 三叉长枪Yari 28 56 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 28 84
矛Pike 25 50 长枪Lance 25 50 战枪War Pike 25 75
大砍刀Bardiche 50 100 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 50 100 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 50 100
钩镰枪Voulge 50 100 比尔长刀Bill 50 100 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 50 100
镰刀Scythe 65 130 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 65 130 锐利之斧Thresher 65 130
长柄战斧Poleaxe 65 130 战戟Partizan 65 130 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 65 130
长戟Halberd 55 110 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 55 110 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 55 110
巨战镰刀War Scythe 55 110 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 55 110 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 55 110
短棍Short Staff 20 40 乔木棒Jo Staff 20 40 手杖Walking Stick 20 80
长棍Long Staff 30 60 六尺棍Quarterstaff 30 60 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 30 90
多节棍Gnarled Staff 35 70 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 35 70 长老之杖Elder Staff 35 105
战斗法杖Battle Staff 40 80 哥德之棍Gothic Staff 40 80 树皮之杖Shillelagh 40 120
巨战法杖War Staff 50 100 符文之棍Rune Staff 50 100 执政官之杖Archon Staff 26 78
权杖Scepter 50 100 符文权杖Rune Scepter 50 100 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 50 100
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 60 120 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 60 120 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 60 120
巨战权杖War Scepter 70 140 神属权杖Divine Scepter 70 140 神使之杖Caduceus 70 140
拳剑Katar 48 96 格斗刃Quhab 48 96 近身刃Suwayyah 48 96
腕刀Wrist Blade 52 104 腕刺Wrist Spike 56 112 腕剑Wrist Sword 56 112
斧手Hatchet Hands 56 112 格斗爪Fascia 64 128 战拳War Fist 64 128
腰刀Cestus 72 144 手镰Hand Scythe 72 144 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 72 144
爪Claws 64 128 巨爪Greater Claws 52 104 猛禽爪Feral Claws 52 104
刃爪Blade Talons 69 138 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 69 138 符纹爪Runic Talons 69 138
剪咬刃Scissors Katar 68 136 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 68 136 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 68 136
女士之矛Maiden Spear 28 56 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 28 56 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 28 56
女士长矛Maiden Pike 25 50 祭典之长矛Ceremonial Pike 25 50 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 25 50


物品 (普通) 耐久度 物品 (扩展) 耐久度 物品 (精英) 耐久度
帽子Cap 12 战帽War Hat 12 军帽Shako 12
骷髅帽Skull Cap 18 轻便头盔Sallet 18 九头蛇头盖骨圆帽Hydraskull 18
头盔Helm 24 无颊头盔Casque 24 活动头盔Armet 24
高级头盔Full Helm 30 轻钢盔Basinet 30 巨贝头盔Giant Conch 30
面具Mask 20 死亡面具Death Mask 20 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead 20
白骨头盔Bone Helm 40 残酷头盔Grim Helm 40 骸骨面罩Bone Visage 40
卓越头盔Great Helm 40 翼盔Winged Helm 40 螺旋头盔Spired Helm 40
皇冠Crown 50 巨皇冠Grand Crown 50 头冠Corona 50
布甲Quilted Armor 20 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor 20 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud 20
皮甲Leather Armor 24 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor 24 古龙皮Wyrmhide 24
硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor 28 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor 28 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk 28
镶嵌甲Studded Leather 32 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor 32 线羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece 32
锁环甲Ring Mail 26 连扣战甲Linked Mail 26 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail 26
鳞甲Scale Mail 36 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail 36 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail 36
锁子甲Chain Mail 45 织网战甲Mesh Armor 45 骸骨链甲Boneweave 45
胸甲Breast Plate 50 护胸甲Cuirass 50 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk 50
板甲Splint Mail 30 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor 30 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin 30
铠甲Plate Mail 60 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat 60 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate 60
实战铠甲Field Plate 48 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor 48 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell 48
哥德战甲Gothic Plate 55 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate 55 漆甲Lacquered Plate 55
轻型装甲Light Plate 60 法师铠甲Mage Plate 60 执政官铠甲Archon Plate 60
高级战甲Full Plate Mail 70 混沌战甲Chaos Armor 70 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate 70
古代装甲Ancient Armor 60 华丽战甲Ornate Plate 60 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor 60
圆盾Buckler 12 防御盾Defender 68 防寒圆盾Heater 88
小盾牌Small Shield 16 圆型盾Round Shield 64 月精灵护盾Luna 84
大盾牌Large Shield 24 鳞盾Scutum 62 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 82
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 40 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 55 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 83
轻盾Kite Shield 30 龙盾Dragon Shield 76 统治者大盾Monarch 86
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 40 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 70 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 74
塔盾Tower Shield 60 大盾Pavise 72 圣盾Aegis 92
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 40 古代之盾Ancient Shield 80 保护盾牌Ward 100
皮手套Leather Gloves 12 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves 12 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts 12
重手套Heavy Gloves 14 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves 14 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves 14
锁链手套Chain Gloves 16 重型手镯Heavy Bracers 16 吸血鬼手套Vambraces 16
轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets 18 战场手套Battle Gauntlets 18 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets 18
铁手套Gauntlets 24 巨战手套War Gauntlets 24 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets 24
皮靴Boots 12 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots 12 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots 12
重靴Heavy Boots 14 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots 14 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots 14
锁链靴Chain Boots 16 织网之靴Mesh Boots 16 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots 16
轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots 18 战场之靴Battle Boots 18 镜化靴Mirrored Boots 18
护胫Greaves 24 巨战之靴War Boots 24 极速靴Myrmidon Greaves 24
饰带Sash 12 魔皮勋带Demonhide Sash 12 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash 12
轻扣带Light Belt 14 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt 14 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt 14
扣带Belt 16 织网腰带Mesh Belt 16 秘银腰带Mithril Coil 16
重扣带Heavy Belt 18 战场腰带Battle Belt 18 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt 18
金属扣带Plated Belt 24 巨战腰带War Belt 24 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle 24
头环Circlet 35 三重冠Tiara 25 权冠Diadem 20
宝冠Coronet 30
狼头Wolf Head 20 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm 20 血腥之灵Blood Spirit 20
飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm 20 狮鹫兽头带Griffon Headress 20 太阳之灵Sun Spirit 20
鹿角Antlers 20 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise 20 大地之灵Earth Spirit 20
猎鹰面具Falcon Mask 20 神圣羽毛头带Sacred Feathers 20 天空之灵Sky Spirit 20
灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask 20 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask 20 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit 20
颚骨帽Jawbone Cap 25 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor 25 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm 25
尖牙盔Fanged Helm 35 狮尖头盔Lion Helm 35 暴怒面甲Fury Visor 35
角盔Horned Helm 45 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask 45 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm 45
突击盔Assault Helmet 50 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet 50 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown 50
复仇者之盔Avenger Guard 55 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard 55 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown 55
小盾Targe 20 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 20 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 45
轻圆盾Rondache 30 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 30 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 68
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 40 防护者盾牌Protector Shield 40 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 55
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 50 饰金盾牌Gilded Shield 50 撒卡兰姆盾牌Zakarum Shield 65
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 60 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 60 旋风盾Vortex Shield 90
防腐之首Preserved Head 20 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 20 随待之骨Minion Skull 20
僵尸之首Zombie Head 20 物神印记Fetish Trophy 20 地狱爪牙之骨Hellspawn Skull 20
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 20 司事印记Sexton Trophy 20 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 20
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 20 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 20 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 20
恶魔之首Demon Head 20 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 20 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 20


级需求和品质等级并没有变化。To see a list of all item bases and their corresponding unique/set items, see Item Codes.


物品 (普通) Level 物品 (扩展) Level 物品 (精英) Level
手斧Hand Axe 小斧Hatchet 19 战钺Tomahawk 40
斧Axe 切肉斧Cleaver 22 弯月斧Small Crescent 45
双刃斧Double Axe 强化双斧Twin Axe 25 双头斧Ettin Axe 52
军用锹Military Pick 喙钳Crowbill 25 战刺War Spike 59
巨战斧War Axe 纳卡Naga 25 狂战士斧Berserker Axe 64
巨斧Large Axe 军斧Military Axe 22 猛禽斧Feral Axe 42
阔斧Broad Axe 钩斧Bearded Axe 25 银刃斧Silver-edged Axe 48
战斧Battle Axe 战斗斧Tabar 25 斩首斧Decapitator 54
卓越之斧Great Axe 歌德之斧Gothic Axe 25 豪杰斧Champion Axe 61
大斧Giant Axe 古代之斧Ancient Axe 25 荣光之斧Glorious Axe 66
木棒Club 棍棒Cudgel 18 战仪杖Truncheon 39
狼牙棒Spiked Club 倒钩锤Barbed Club 20 暴君之棒Tyrant Club 42
钉头锤Mace 凸缘钉头锤Flanged Mace 23 强化钉头锤Reinforced Mace 47
流星锤Morning Star 锯齿流星锤Jagged Star 25 恶魔流星锤Devil Star 52
链枷Flail 铁皮鞭Knout 25 天罚之锤Scourge 57
巨战铁锤War Hammer 战斗铁锤Battle Hammer 25 传说之锤Legendary Mallet 61
大木棍Maul 巨战木棍War Club 25 食人魔之锤Ogre Maul 51
卓越巨棍Great Maul 战锤Martel de Fer 25 雷锤Thunder Maul 65
短剑Short Sword 罗马短剑Gladius 18 法卡塔剑Falcata 42
弯刀Scimitar 微弯剑Cutlass 25 土耳其剑Ataghan 45
军刀Sabre 虚伪之刃Shamshir 23 优雅之剑Elegant Blade 47
弯形大刀Falchion 圆月弯刀Tulwar 25 九头蛇刃Hydra Edge 51
水晶剑Crystal Sword 空间之刃Dimensional Blade 25 幻化之刃Phase Blade 54
阔剑Broad Sword 战斗剑Battle Sword 25 征服之剑Conquest Sword 58
长剑Long Sword 符文剑Rune Sword 25 神秘之剑Cryptic Sword 61
巨战之剑War Sword 古代之剑Ancient Sword 25 秘仪之剑Mythical Sword 66
双手剑Two-handed Sword 斩铁剑Espandon 25 传说之剑Legend Sword 44
双刃大刀Claymore 双刃镰Dacian Falx 25 高地之剑Highland Blade 49
大剑Giant Sword 长牙剑Tusk Sword 25 炎魔之刃Balrog Blade 53
巨剑Bastard Sword 哥德剑Gothic Sword 25 冠军之剑Champion Sword 57
双手饰剑Flamberge 韩瑞德之剑Zweihander 25 巨神之剑Colossus Sword 60
卓越之剑Great Sword 死刑之剑Executioner Sword 25 巨神之刃Colossus Blade 63
匕首Dagger 锐匕Poignard 19 骸骨小刀Bone Knife 43
长匕首Dirk 诗歌匕首Rondel 24 秘银小刀Mithril Point 52
波形刀Kris 强波刀Cinquedeas 25 齿缘小刀Fanged Knife 62
短刀Blade 小剑Stiletto 25 传说尖刺Legend Spike 66
飞刀Throwing Knife 战斗飞镖Battle Dart 19 高速飞刀Flying Knife 48
飞斧Throwing Axe 法兰飞斧Francisca 22 高速飞斧Flying Axe 42
平衡小刀Balanced Knife 巨战飞镖War Dart 25 翼刀Winged Knife 57
平衡斧Balanced Axe 短战戟Hurlbat 25 翼斧Winged Axe 60
标枪Javelin 巨战标枪War Javelin 18 亥伯龙之枪Hyperion Javelin 40
短标枪Pilum 卓越标枪Great Pilum 25 冥河标枪Stygian Pilum 46
短矛Short Spear 锐矛Simbilan 25 炎魔之矛Balrog Spear 53
大长刀Glaive 阔针长矛Spiculum 25 鬼魂尖枪Ghost Glaive 59
飞矛Throwing Spear 鱼叉Harpoon 25 翼鱼叉Winged Harpoon 65
长矛Spear 巨战长矛War Spear 21 亥伯龙之矛Hyperion Spear 43
三叉戟Trident 魔鬼之叉Fuscina 24 冥河之枪Stygian Pike 49
叉Brandistock 巨战之叉War Fork 25 刺人枪Mancatcher 55
大战戟Spetum 三叉长枪Yari 25 鬼魂之矛Ghost Spear 62
矛Pike 长枪Lance 25 战枪War Pike 66
大砍刀Bardiche 罗佳伯斧Lochaber Axe 21 食人魔之斧Ogre Axe 45
钩镰枪Voulge 比尔长刀Bill 25 巨神之斧Colossus Voulge 48
镰刀Scythe 战斗镰刀Battle Scythe 25 锐利之斧Thresher 53
长柄战斧Poleaxe 战戟Partizan 23 神秘之斧Cryptic Axe 59
长戟Halberd 双锋战戟Bec-de-Corbin 25 巨长斧Great Poleaxe 63
巨战镰刀War Scythe 残酷镰刀Grim Scythe 25 鲛尾巨斧Giant Thresher 66
短弓Short Bow 锋锐之弓Edge Bow 18 蜘蛛弓Spider Bow 41
猎弓Hunter’s Bow 剃刀之弓Razor Bow 21 刀锋弓Blade Bow 45
长弓Long Bow 杉木弓Cedar Bow 23 阴影弓Shadow Bow 47
组合弓Composite Bow 双弓Double Bow 25 巨弓Great Bow 51
短战斗弓Short Battle Bow 短攻城弓Short Siege Bow 25 钻石弓Diamond Bow 54
长战斗弓Long Battle Bow 长攻城弓Long Siege Bow 25 十字军之弓Crusader Bow 57
短巨战弓Short War Bow 符文之弓Rune Bow 25 庇护之弓Ward Bow 60
长巨战弓Long War Bow 哥德弓Gothic Bow 25 九头蛇弓Hydra Bow 63
轻十字弓Light Crossbow 石弓Arbalest 22 弹丸弓Pellet Bow 42
十字弓Crossbow 攻城十字弓Siege Crossbow 25 蛇魔女十字弓Gorgon Crossbow 50
重十字弓Heavy Crossbow 弩弓Ballista 25 巨神十字弓Colossus Crossbow 56
连射十字弓Repeating Crossbow 巧工弩Chu-Ko-Nu 25 恶魔十字弓Demon Crossbow 63
短棍Short Staff 乔木棒Jo Staff 18 手杖Walking Stick 43
长棍Long Staff 六尺棍Quarterstaff 23 钟乳石之杖Stalagmite 49
多节棍Gnarled Staff 杉木之棍Cedar Staff 25 长老之杖Elder Staff 55
战斗法杖Battle Staff 哥德之棍Gothic Staff 25 树皮之杖Shillelagh 62
巨战法杖War Staff 符文之棍Rune Staff 25 执政官之杖Archon Staff 66
法杖Wand 烧焦之杖Burnt Wand 19 洗练法杖Polished Wand 41
紫杉之杖Yew Wand 净化之杖Petrified Wand 25 鬼魂法杖Ghost Wand 48
骨杖Bone Wand 古墓之杖Tomb Wand 25 巫妖法杖Lich Wand 56
残酷之杖Grim Wand 墓地之杖Grave Wand 25 破隐法杖Unearthed Wand 64
权杖Scepter 符文权杖Rune Scepter 19 强威权杖Mighty Scepter 46
雄伟权杖Grand Scepter 圣水喷杖Holy Water Sprinkler 25 炽天使法杖Seraph Rod 57
巨战权杖War Scepter 神属权杖Divine Scepter 25 神使之杖Caduceus 66
拳剑Katar 格斗刃Quhab 21 近身刃Suwayyah 44
腕刀Wrist Blade 腕刺Wrist Spike 24 腕剑Wrist Sword 46
斧手Hatchet Hands 格斗爪Fascia 27 战拳War Fist 51
腰刀Cestus 手镰Hand Scythe 30 斗腰刀Battle Cestus 54
爪Claws 巨爪Greater Claws 33 猛禽爪Feral Claws 58
刃爪Blade Talons 巨鹰爪Greater Talons 37 符纹爪Runic Talons 60
剪咬刃Scissors Katar 格斗剪Scissors Quhab 40 近身剪Scissors Suwayyah 64
鹰之法珠Eagle Orb 灵光法珠Glowing Orb 24 天堂之石Heavenly Stone 44
神圣天球Sacred Globe 水晶天球Crystalline Globe 27 怪异之球Eldritch Orb 50
拢烟之球Smoked Sphere 8 云雾之球Cloudy Sphere 30 恶魔之心Demon Heart 56
握扣法珠Clasped Orb 13 闪耀之球Sparkling Ball 34 漩涡球Vortex Orb 63
杰瑞德之石Jared's Stone 18 涡流水晶Swirling Crystal 37 次元碎片Dimensional Shard 66
男性之弓Stag Bow 14 灰木之弓Ashwood Bow 29 女族长之弓Matriarchal Bow 39
反射之弓Reflex Bow 20 祭典之弓Ceremonial Bow 35 大院长之弓Grand Matron Bow 58
女士之矛Maiden Spear 14 祭典之矛Ceremonial Spear 32 女族长之矛Matriarchal Spear 45
女士长矛Maiden Pike 20 祭典之长矛Ceremonial Pike 38 女族长之长矛Matriarchal Pike 60
女士标枪Maiden Javelin 17 祭典之标枪Ceremonial Javelin 26 女族长之标枪Matriarchal Javelin 48
物品 (普通) Level 物品 (扩展) Level 物品 (精英) Level
帽子Cap 战帽War Hat 22 军帽Shako 43
骷髅帽Skull Cap 轻便头盔Sallet 25 九头蛇头盖骨圆帽Hydraskull 47
头盔Helm 无颊头盔Casque 25 活动头盔Armet 51
高级头盔Full Helm 轻钢盔Basinet 25 巨贝头盔Giant Conch 40
面具Mask 死亡面具Death Mask 25 恶魔头盖骨面具Demonhead 55
白骨头盔Bone Helm 残酷头盔Grim Helm 25 骸骨面罩Bone Visage 63
卓越头盔Great Helm 翼盔Winged Helm 25 螺旋头盔Spired Helm 59
皇冠Crown 巨皇冠Grand Crown 25 头冠Corona 66
布甲Quilted Armor 鬼魂战甲Ghost Armor 22 灰暮寿衣Dusk Shroud 49
皮甲Leather Armor 海蛇皮甲Serpentskin Armor 24 古龙皮Wyrmhide 50
硬皮甲Hard Leather Armor 魔皮战甲Demonhide Armor 25 圣甲虫壳皮甲Scarab Husk 51
镶嵌甲Studded Leather 盘绕战甲Trellised Armor 25 线羊毛皮甲Wire Fleece 53
锁环甲Ring Mail 连扣战甲Linked Mail 25 钻石锁子甲Diamond Mail 54
鳞甲Scale Mail 提格莱特战甲Tigulated Mail 25 甲壳铠鳞甲Loricated Mail 55
锁子甲Chain Mail 织网战甲Mesh Armor 25 骸骨链甲Boneweave 47
胸甲Breast Plate 护胸甲Cuirass 25 巨型鳞铠胸甲Great Hauberk 56
板甲Splint Mail 罗瑟战甲Russet Armor 25 炎魔皮板甲Balrog Skin 57
铠甲Plate Mail 圣堂武士外袍Templar Coat 25 地狱锻甲Hellforge Plate 59
实战铠甲Field Plate 鲨齿战甲Sharktooth Armor 25 海妖壳甲Kraken Shell 61
哥德战甲Gothic Plate 凸纹战甲Embossed Plate 25 漆甲Lacquered Plate 62
轻型装甲Light Plate 法师铠甲Mage Plate 25 执政官铠甲Archon Plate 63
高级战甲Full Plate Mail 混沌战甲Chaos Armor 25 阴影铠甲Shadow Plate 64
古代装甲Ancient Armor 华丽战甲Ornate Plate 25 神圣盔甲Sacred Armor 66
圆盾Buckler 防御盾Defender 22 防寒圆盾Heater 43
小盾牌Small Shield 圆型盾Round Shield 25 月精灵护盾Luna 45
大盾牌Large Shield 鳞盾Scutum 25 亥伯龙盾Hyperion 48
尖刺盾牌Spiked Shield 倒刺护盾Barbed Shield 25 刀刃刺盾Blade Barrier 51
轻盾Kite Shield 龙盾Dragon Shield 25 统治者大盾Monarch 54
白骨盾牌Bone Shield 冷酷之盾Grim Shield 25 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾Troll Nest 57
塔盾Tower Shield 大盾Pavise 25 圣盾Aegis 59
哥德盾牌Gothic Shield 古代之盾Ancient Shield 25 保护盾牌Ward 63
皮手套Leather Gloves 魔皮手套Demonhide Gloves 21 荆棘连指手套Bramble Mitts 42
重手套Heavy Gloves 鲨皮手套Sharkskin Gloves 25 吸血鬼骸骨手套Vampirebone Gloves 47
锁链手套Chain Gloves 重型手镯Heavy Bracers 25 吸血鬼手套Vambraces 51
轻型铁手套Light Gauntlets 战场手套Battle Gauntlets 25 十字军铁手套Crusader Gauntlets 57
铁手套Gauntlets 巨战手套War Gauntlets 25 食人魔铁手套Ogre Gauntlets 64
皮靴Boots 魔皮靴Demonhide Boots 24 飞龙皮靴Wyrmhide Boots 45
重靴Heavy Boots 鲨皮之靴Sharkskin Boots 25 圣甲虫壳靴Scarabshell Boots 49
锁链靴Chain Boots 织网之靴Mesh Boots 25 骸骨靴Boneweave Boots 54
轻型金属靴Light Plated Boots 战场之靴Battle Boots 25 镜化靴Mirrored Boots 60
护胫Greaves 巨战之靴War Boots 25 极速靴Myrmidon Greaves 65
饰带Sash 魔皮勋带Demonhide Sash 24 蛛网腰带Spiderweb Sash 46
轻扣带Light Belt 鲨皮腰带Sharkskin Belt 25 吸血鬼燎牙腰带Vampirefang Belt 51
扣带Belt 织网腰带Mesh Belt 25 秘银腰带Mithril Coil 56
重扣带Heavy Belt 战场腰带Battle Belt 25 洞穴巨魔腰带Troll Belt 62
金属扣带Plated Belt 巨战腰带War Belt 25 巨神腰带Colossus Girdle 67
头环Circlet 16 三重冠Tiara 52 权冠Diadem 64
宝冠Coronet 39
狼头Wolf Head 3 阿尔发头盔Alpha Helm 26 血腥之灵Blood Spirit 46
飞鹰头盔Hawk Helm 6 狮鹫兽头带Griffon Headress 30 太阳之灵Sun Spirit 51
鹿角Antlers 12 猎人的伪装Hunter's Guise 29 大地之灵Earth Spirit 57
猎鹰面具Falcon Mask 15 神圣羽毛头带Sacred Feathers 32 天空之灵Sky Spirit 62
灵魂狼头面具Spirit Mask 18 图腾面具狼盔Totemic Mask 41 幽梦之灵Dream Spirit 66
颚骨帽Jawbone Cap 3 颚骨面甲Jawbone Visor 25 屠杀头盔Carnage Helm 45
尖牙盔Fanged Helm 6 狮尖头盔Lion Helm 29 暴怒面甲Fury Visor 49
角盔Horned Helm 12 狂怒面具刺盔Rage Mask 29 毁灭者头盔Destroyer Helm 54
突击盔Assault Helmet 15 蛮族头盔Savage Helmet 32 征服者皇冠面甲Conqueror Crown 60
复仇者之盔Avenger Guard 18 杀手防护面甲Slayer Guard 40 守护者皇冠面甲Guardian Crown 65
小盾Targe 3 亚克南圆盾Akaran Targe 26 神圣小盾Sacred Targe 47
轻圆盾Rondache 6 亚克南轻圆盾Akaran Rondache 30 神圣轻圆盾Sacred Rondache 52
纹章盾Heraldic Shield 12 防护者盾牌Protector Shield 34 库拉斯特之盾Kurast Shield 55
艾文之盾Aerin Shield 15 饰金盾牌Gilded Shield 38 撒卡兰姆盾牌Zakarum Shield 61
皇冠之盾Crown Shield 18 皇家盾牌Royal Shield 41 旋风盾Vortex Shield 66
防腐之首Preserved Head 3 木乃伊印记Mummified Trophy 24 随待之骨Minion Skull 44
僵尸之首Zombie Head 6 物神印记Fetish Trophy 29 地狱爪牙之骨Hellspawn Skull 50
揭露者之首Unraveller Head 12 司事印记Sexton Trophy 33 监视者之骨Overseer Skull 49
石像鬼之首Gargoyle Head 15 领唱者印记Cantor Trophy 36 女妖之骨Succubus Skull 60
恶魔之首Demon Head 18 祭司印记Hierophant Trophy 40 血王之骨Bloodlord Skull 65


Weapon qlvls
Item (Normal) qlvl Item (Exceptional) qlvl Item (Elite) qlvl
Hand Axe 3 Hatchet 31 Tomahawk 54
Axe 7 Cleaver 34 Small Crescent 61
Double Axe 13 Twin Axe 39 Ettin Axe 70
Military Pick 19 Crowbill 43 War Spike 79
War Axe 25 Naga 48 Berserker Axe 85
Large Axe 6 Military Axe 34 Feral Axe 57
Broad Axe 12 Bearded Axe 38 Silver-edged Axe 65
Battle Axe 17 Tabar 42 Decapitator 73
Great Axe 23 Gothic Axe 46 Champion Axe 82
Giant Axe 27 Ancient Axe 51 Glorious Axe 85
Club 1 Cudgel 30 Truncheon 52
Spiked Club 4 Barbed Club 32 Tyrant Club 57
Mace 8 Flanged Mace 35 Reinforced Mace 63
Morning Star 13 Jagged Star 39 Devil Star 70
Flail 19 Knout 43 Scourge 76
War Hammer 25 Battle Hammer 48 Legendary Mallet 82
Maul 21 War Club 45 Ogre Maul 69
Great Maul 32 Martel de Fer 53 Thunder Maul 85
Short Sword 1 Gladius 30 Falcata 56
Scimitar 5 Cutlass 43 Ataghan 61
Sabre 8 Shamshir 35 Elegant Blade 63
Falchion 11 Tulwar 37 Hydra Edge 69
Crystal Sword 11 Dimensional Blade 37 Phase Blade 73
Broad Sword 15 Battle Sword 40 Conquest Sword 78
Long Sword 20 Rune Sword 44 Cryptic Sword 82
War Sword 27 Ancient Sword 49 Mythical Sword 85
Two-handed Sword 10 Espandon 37 Legend Sword 59
Claymore 17 Dacian Falx 42 Highland Blade 66
Giant Sword 21 Tusk Sword 45 Balrog Blade 71
Bastard Sword 24 Gothic Sword 48 Champion Sword 77
Flamberge 27 Zweihander 49 Colossus Sword 80
Great Sword 33 Executioner's Sword 54 Colossus Blade 85
Dagger 3 Poignard 31 Bone Knife 58
Dirk 9 Rondel 36 Mithril Point 70
Kris 17 Cinquedeas 42 Fanged Knife 83
Blade 23 Stiletto 46 Legend Spike 85
Throwing Knife 2 Battle Dart 31 Flying Knife 64
Throwing Axe 7 Francisca 34 Flying Axe 56
Balanced Knife 13 War Dart 39 Winged Knife 77
Balanced Axe 16 Hurlbat 41 Winged Axe 80
Javelin 1 War Javelin 30 Hyperion Javelin 54
Pilum 10 Great Pilum 37 Stygian Pilum 62
Short Spear 15 Simbilan 40 Balrog Spear 71
Glaive 23 Spiculum 46 Ghost Glaive 79
Throwing Spear 29 Harpoon 51 Winged Harpoon 85
Spear 5 War Spear 33 Hyperion Spear 58
Trident 9 Fuscina 36 Stygian Pike 66
Brandistock 16 War Fork 41 Mancatcher 74
Spetum 20 Yari 44 Ghost Spear 83
Pike 24 Lance 47 War Pike 85
Bardiche 5 Lochaber Axe 33 Ogre Axe 60
Voulge 11 Bill 37 Colossus Voulge 64
Scythe 15 Battle Scythe 40 Thresher 71
Poleaxe 21 Partizan 35 Cryptic Axe 79
Halberd 29 Bec-de-Corbin 51 Great Poleaxe 84
War Scythe 34 Grim Scythe 55 Giant Thresher 85
Short Bow 1 Edge Bow 30 Spider Bow 55
Hunter’s Bow 5 Razor Bow 33 Blade Bow 60
Long Bow 8 Cedar Bow 35 Shadow Bow 63
Composite Bow 12 Double Bow 39 Great Bow 68
Short Battle Bow 18 Short Siege Bow 43 Diamond Bow 72
Long Battle Bow 23 Large Siege Bow 46 Crusader Bow 77
Short War Bow 27 Rune Bow 49 Ward Bow 80
Long War Bow 31 Gothic Bow 52 Hydra Bow 85
Light Crossbow 6 Arbalest 34 Pellet Bow 57
Crossbow 15 Siege Crossbow 40 Gorgon Crossbow 67
Heavy Crossbow 24 Ballista 47 Colossus Crossbow 75
Repeating Crossbow 33 Chu-Ko-Nu 54 Demon Crossbow 84
Short Staff 1 Jo Staff 30 Walking Stick 58
Long Staff 8 Quarterstaff 35 Stalagmite 66
Gnarled Staff 12 Cedar Staff 38 Elder Staff 74
Battle Staff 17 Gothic Staff 42 Shillelagh 83
War Staff 24 Rune Staff 47 Archon Staff 85
Wand 2 Burnt Wand 31 Polished Wand 55
Yew Wand 12 Petrified Wand 38 Ghost Wand 65
Bone Wand 18 Tomb Wand 43 Lich Wand 75
Grim Wand 26 Grave Wand 49 Unearthed Wand 86
Scepter 3 Rune Scepter 31 Mighty Scepter 62
Grand Scepter 15 Holy Water Sprinkler 40 Seraph Rod 76
War Scepter 21 Divine Scepter 45 Caduceus 85
Katar 1 Quhab 28 Suwayyah 59
Wrist Blade 9 Wrist Spike 32 Wrist Sword 62
Hatchet Hands 12 Fascia 36 War Fist 68
Cestus 15 Hand Scythe 41 Battle Cestus 73
Claws 18 Greater Claws 45 Feral Claws 78
Blade Talons 21 Greater Talons 50 Runic Talons 81
Scissors Katar 24 Scissors Quhab 54 Scissors Suwayyah 85
Eagle Orb 1 Glowing Orb 32 Heavenly Stone 59
Sacred Globe 8 Crystalline Globe 37 Eldritch Orb 67
Smoked Sphere 12 Cloudy Sphere 41 Demon Heart 75
Clasped Orb 17 Sparkling Ball 46 Vortex Orb 84
Jared's Stone 24 Swirling Crystal 50 Dimensional Shard 85
Stag Bow 18 Ashwood Bow 39 Matriarchal Bow 53
Reflex Bow 27 Ceremonial Bow 47 Grand Matron Bow 78
Maiden Spear 18 Ceremonial Spear 43 Matriarchal Spear 61
Maiden Pike 27 Ceremonial Pike 51 Matriarchal Pike 81
Maiden Javelin 23 Ceremonial Javelin 35 Matriarchal Javelin 65
Armor qlvls
Item (Normal) qlvl Item (Exceptional) qlvl Item (Elite) qlvl
Cap 1 War Hat 34 Shako 58
Skull Cap 5 Sallet 37 Hydraskull 63
Helm 11 Casque 42 Armet 68
Full Helm 15 Basinet 45 Giant Conch 54
Mask 19 Death Mask 48 Demonhead 74
Bone Helm 22 Grim Helm 50 Bone Visage 84
Great Helm 23 Winged Helm 51 Spired Helm 79
Crown 29 Grand Crown 55 Corona 85
Quilted Armor 1 Ghost Armor 34 Dusk Shroud 65
Leather Armor 3 Serpentskin Armor 36 Wyrmhide 67
Hard Leather Armor 5 Demonhide Armor 37 Scarab Husk 68
Studded Leather 8 Trellised Armor 40 Wire Fleece 70
Ring Mail 11 Linked Mail 42 Diamond Mail 72
Scale Mail 13 Tigulated Mail 43 Loricated Mail 73
Chain Mail 15 Mesh Armor 45 Boneweave 62
Breast Plate 18 Cuirass 47 Great Hauberk 75
Splint Mail 20 Russet Armor 49 Balrog Skin 76
Plate Mail 24 Templar Coat 52 Hellforge Plate 78
Field Plate 28 Sharktooth Armor 55 Kraken Shell 81
Gothic Plate 32 Embossed Plate 58 Lacquered Plate 82
Light Plate 35 Mage Plate 60 Archon Plate 84
Full Plate Mail 37 Chaos Armor 61 Shadow Plate 83
Ancient Armor 40 Ornate Plate 64 Sacred Armor 85
Buckler 1 Defender 34 Heater 58
Small Shield 5 Round Shield 37 Luna 61
Large Shield 11 Scutum 42 Hyperion 64
Spiked Shield 11 Barbed Shield 42 Blade Barrier 68
Kite Shield 15 Dragon Shield 45 Monarch 72
Bone Shield 19 Grim Shield 48 Troll Nest 76
Tower Shield 22 Pavise 50 Aegis 79
Gothic Shield 30 Ancient Shield 56 Ward 84
Leather Gloves 3 Demonhide Gloves 33 Bramble Mitts 57
Heavy Gloves 7 Sharkskin Gloves 39 Vampirebone Gloves 63
Chain Gloves 12 Heavy Bracers 43 Vambraces 69
Light Gauntlets 20 Battle Gauntlets 49 Crusader Gauntlets 76
Gauntlets 27 War Gauntlets 54 Ogre Gauntlets 85
Boots 3 Demonhide Boots 36 Wyrmhide Boots 60
Heavy Boots 7 Sharkskin Boots 39 Scarabshell Boots 66
Chain Boots 12 Mesh Boots 43 Boneweave Boots 72
Light Plated Boots 20 Battle Boots 49 Mirrored Boots 81
Greaves 27 War Boots 54 Myrmidon Greaves 85
Sash 3 Demonhide Sash 36 Spiderweb Sash 61
Light Belt 7 Sharkskin Belt 39 Vampirefang Belt 68
Belt 12 Mesh Belt 43 Mithril Coil 75
Heavy Belt 20 Battle Belt 49 Troll Belt 82
Plated Belt 27 War Belt 54 Colossus Girdle 85
Circlet 24 Tiara 70 Diadem 85
Coronet 52
Wolf Head 4 Alpha Helm 35 Blood Spirit 62
Hawk Helm 8 Griffon Headress 40 Sun Spirit 69
Antlers 16 Hunter's Guise 46 Earth Spirit 76
Falcon Mask 20 Sacred Feathers 50 Sky Spirit 83
Spirit Mask 24 Totemic Mask 55 Dream Spirit 85
Jawbone Cap 4 Jawbone Visor 33 Carnage Helm 60
Fanged Helm 8 Lion Helm 38 Fury Visor 66
Horned Helm 16 Rage Mask 44 Destroyer Helm 73
Assault Helmet 20 Savage Helmet 49 Conqueror Crown 80
Avenger Guard 24 Slayer Guard 54 Guardian Crown 85
Targe 4 Akaran Targe 35 Sacred Targe 63
Rondache 8 Akaran Rondache 40 Sacred Rondache 70
Heraldic Shield 16 Protector Shield 46 Kurast Shield 74
Aerin Shield 20 Gilded Shield 51 Zakarum Shield 82
Crown Shield 24 Royal Shield 55 Vortex Shield 85
Preserved Head 4 Mummified Trophy 33 Minion Skull 59
Zombie Head 8 Fetish Trophy 39 Hellspawn Skull 67
Unraveller Head 16 Sexton Trophy 45 Overseer Skull 66
Gargoyle Head 20 Cantor Trophy 49 Succubus Skull 81
Demon Head 24 Hierophant Trophy 54 Bloodlord Skull 85
Other qlvls
Item qlvl
Amulet 1
Ring 1
Quiver 1
Jewel 1
Grand Charm 1
Large Charm 14
Small Charm 28

Item Affixes

General Affix Info

Affixes are item modifiers which each add one or more item attributes. They are randomly selected for magic/rare/crafted items when those items are initially generated and each affix has its own weighted frequency, making some affixes rarer than others. Affixes are grouped and items cannot have more than one affix from each group - similar attributes are usually grouped together, but not always (notably prefixes/suffixes) so items can have multiple affixes which add the same attributes in some cases. Item rarity and item level (ilvl) determine how many affixes the item can have:

  • magic: 1-2 total affixes; at most 1 prefix and 1 suffix
  • rare: 3-6 total affixes; at most 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes (jewels are further limited to 4 total affixes)
    • ilvl 45+: 4-6 affixes (rare jewels always get 4 affixes regardless of ilvl)
    • ilvl 65+: 5-6 affixes
    • ilvl 85+: 6 affixes
  • crafted: 1-4 total affixes in addition to predetermined attributes; at most 3 prefixes or 3 suffixes
    • ilvl 1-30: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (20%), 2 affixes (20%), 1 affix (40%)
    • ilvl 31-50: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (20%), 2 affixes (60%)
    • ilvl 51-70: 4 affixes (20%), 3 affixes (80%)
    • ilvl 71+: 4 affixes (100%)

In addition to determining how many affixes an item can have, the item's rarity can also affect which affixes can spawn - some affixes are limited to magic items only. Item types are colored blue if the affix can only appear on magic versions, and yellow if they can appear on magic and rare/crafted versions.

The required level (rlvl) for a character to use an item with a given affix is typically 75% of the alvl, but this is not always the case. It is shown alongside alvl, frequency (freq) and group in the tables below.

Affix Level

An item's affix level (alvl) determines which affixes can spawn on it. The alvl is determined by 3 item properties: item level (ilvl), quality level (qlvl), and magic level (maglvl). Specific item bases always have the same qlvl & maglvl, whereas the ilvl varies depending on where the item is found.

Firstly, if the qlvl is higher than the ilvl, it gets used instead. Items won't naturally drop at ilvls below their qlvl, so this is only relevant if an item's ilvl gets modified afterward somehow, such as via imbuing or cube recipes.

if (qlvl > ilvl) ilvl = qlvl

Most items have a maglvl of 0 so this isn't relevant for them, but a few items have a non-zero magic level: non-elite wands (1), staves (1), orbs (1), and circlets: Circlet (3), Coronet (8), Tiara (13), Diadem (18). For these items, the alvl is simple to calculate:

if (maglvl > 0) alvl = ilvl + maglvl

For items with a magic level, this has the effect of reducing the minimum ilvl needed for an affix to spawn. For example, a tiara can get +2 to class skills at ilvl 77 rather than needing to be ilvl 90+. Diadems are an interesting case here - they have such a high qlvl and maglvl that their ilvl is irrelevant and their alvl is always 99.

For other items, the alvl follows the formula below. Items with very low qlvls will often have higher alvls than other items of the same ilvl - items with a qlvl of 1 (e.g. amulets/rings/quivers/jewels) will always have an alvl that's equal to their ilvl.

if (ilvl < 99 - [qlvl/2]) then {alvl = ilvl - [qlvl/2]} else {alvl = 2*ilvl - 99}

For a visual, see the alvl chart. A portion of the chart is included below, showing the relevant info for alvls 71 and higher. Follow the diagonal line of alvl values and you'll notice:

  • any ilvl 85+ item will be alvl 71 or higher, and items with qlvl 1-27 can reach that alvl at lower ilvls
  • any ilvl 92+ item will be alvl 85 or higher, and items with qlvl 1-13 can reach that alvl at lower ilvls

Partial ALVL Chart

Item Quality Levels

Weapon qlvls
Item (Normal) qlvl Item (Exceptional) qlvl Item (Elite) qlvl
Hand Axe 3 Hatchet 31 Tomahawk 54
Axe 7 Cleaver 34 Small Crescent 61
Double Axe 13 Twin Axe 39 Ettin Axe 70
Military Pick 19 Crowbill 43 War Spike 79
War Axe 25 Naga 48 Berserker Axe 85
Large Axe 6 Military Axe 34 Feral Axe 57
Broad Axe 12 Bearded Axe 38 Silver-edged Axe 65
Battle Axe 17 Tabar 42 Decapitator 73
Great Axe 23 Gothic Axe 46 Champion Axe 82
Giant Axe 27 Ancient Axe 51 Glorious Axe 85
Club 1 Cudgel 30 Truncheon 52
Spiked Club 4 Barbed Club 32 Tyrant Club 57
Mace 8 Flanged Mace 35 Reinforced Mace 63
Morning Star 13 Jagged Star 39 Devil Star 70
Flail 19 Knout 43 Scourge 76
War Hammer 25 Battle Hammer 48 Legendary Mallet 82
Maul 21 War Club 45 Ogre Maul 69
Great Maul 32 Martel de Fer 53 Thunder Maul 85
Short Sword 1 Gladius 30 Falcata 56
Scimitar 5 Cutlass 43 Ataghan 61
Sabre 8 Shamshir 35 Elegant Blade 63
Falchion 11 Tulwar 37 Hydra Edge 69
Crystal Sword 11 Dimensional Blade 37 Phase Blade 73
Broad Sword 15 Battle Sword 40 Conquest Sword 78
Long Sword 20 Rune Sword 44 Cryptic Sword 82
War Sword 27 Ancient Sword 49 Mythical Sword 85
Two-handed Sword 10 Espandon 37 Legend Sword 59
Claymore 17 Dacian Falx 42 Highland Blade 66
Giant Sword 21 Tusk Sword 45 Balrog Blade 71
Bastard Sword 24 Gothic Sword 48 Champion Sword 77
Flamberge 27 Zweihander 49 Colossus Sword 80
Great Sword 33 Executioner's Sword 54 Colossus Blade 85
Dagger 3 Poignard 31 Bone Knife 58
Dirk 9 Rondel 36 Mithril Point 70
Kris 17 Cinquedeas 42 Fanged Knife 83
Blade 23 Stiletto 46 Legend Spike 85
Throwing Knife 2 Battle Dart 31 Flying Knife 64
Throwing Axe 7 Francisca 34 Flying Axe 56
Balanced Knife 13 War Dart 39 Winged Knife 77
Balanced Axe 16 Hurlbat 41 Winged Axe 80
Javelin 1 War Javelin 30 Hyperion Javelin 54
Pilum 10 Great Pilum 37 Stygian Pilum 62
Short Spear 15 Simbilan 40 Balrog Spear 71
Glaive 23 Spiculum 46 Ghost Glaive 79
Throwing Spear 29 Harpoon 51 Winged Harpoon 85
Spear 5 War Spear 33 Hyperion Spear 58
Trident 9 Fuscina 36 Stygian Pike 66
Brandistock 16 War Fork 41 Mancatcher 74
Spetum 20 Yari 44 Ghost Spear 83
Pike 24 Lance 47 War Pike 85
Bardiche 5 Lochaber Axe 33 Ogre Axe 60
Voulge 11 Bill 37 Colossus Voulge 64
Scythe 15 Battle Scythe 40 Thresher 71
Poleaxe 21 Partizan 35 Cryptic Axe 79
Halberd 29 Bec-de-Corbin 51 Great Poleaxe 84
War Scythe 34 Grim Scythe 55 Giant Thresher 85
Short Bow 1 Edge Bow 30 Spider Bow 55
Hunter’s Bow 5 Razor Bow 33 Blade Bow 60
Long Bow 8 Cedar Bow 35 Shadow Bow 63
Composite Bow 12 Double Bow 39 Great Bow 68
Short Battle Bow 18 Short Siege Bow 43 Diamond Bow 72
Long Battle Bow 23 Large Siege Bow 46 Crusader Bow 77
Short War Bow 27 Rune Bow 49 Ward Bow 80
Long War Bow 31 Gothic Bow 52 Hydra Bow 85
Light Crossbow 6 Arbalest 34 Pellet Bow 57
Crossbow 15 Siege Crossbow 40 Gorgon Crossbow 67
Heavy Crossbow 24 Ballista 47 Colossus Crossbow 75
Repeating Crossbow 33 Chu-Ko-Nu 54 Demon Crossbow 84
Short Staff 1 Jo Staff 30 Walking Stick 58
Long Staff 8 Quarterstaff 35 Stalagmite 66
Gnarled Staff 12 Cedar Staff 38 Elder Staff 74
Battle Staff 17 Gothic Staff 42 Shillelagh 83
War Staff 24 Rune Staff 47 Archon Staff 85
Wand 2 Burnt Wand 31 Polished Wand 55
Yew Wand 12 Petrified Wand 38 Ghost Wand 65
Bone Wand 18 Tomb Wand 43 Lich Wand 75
Grim Wand 26 Grave Wand 49 Unearthed Wand 86
Scepter 3 Rune Scepter 31 Mighty Scepter 62
Grand Scepter 15 Holy Water Sprinkler 40 Seraph Rod 76
War Scepter 21 Divine Scepter 45 Caduceus 85
Katar 1 Quhab 28 Suwayyah 59
Wrist Blade 9 Wrist Spike 32 Wrist Sword 62
Hatchet Hands 12 Fascia 36 War Fist 68
Cestus 15 Hand Scythe 41 Battle Cestus 73
Claws 18 Greater Claws 45 Feral Claws 78
Blade Talons 21 Greater Talons 50 Runic Talons 81
Scissors Katar 24 Scissors Quhab 54 Scissors Suwayyah 85
Eagle Orb 1 Glowing Orb 32 Heavenly Stone 59
Sacred Globe 8 Crystalline Globe 37 Eldritch Orb 67
Smoked Sphere 12 Cloudy Sphere 41 Demon Heart 75
Clasped Orb 17 Sparkling Ball 46 Vortex Orb 84
Jared's Stone 24 Swirling Crystal 50 Dimensional Shard 85
Stag Bow 18 Ashwood Bow 39 Matriarchal Bow 53
Reflex Bow 27 Ceremonial Bow 47 Grand Matron Bow 78
Maiden Spear 18 Ceremonial Spear 43 Matriarchal Spear 61
Maiden Pike 27 Ceremonial Pike 51 Matriarchal Pike 81
Maiden Javelin 23 Ceremonial Javelin 35 Matriarchal Javelin 65
Armor qlvls
Item (Normal) qlvl Item (Exceptional) qlvl Item (Elite) qlvl
Cap 1 War Hat 34 Shako 58
Skull Cap 5 Sallet 37 Hydraskull 63
Helm 11 Casque 42 Armet 68
Full Helm 15 Basinet 45 Giant Conch 54
Mask 19 Death Mask 48 Demonhead 74
Bone Helm 22 Grim Helm 50 Bone Visage 84
Great Helm 23 Winged Helm 51 Spired Helm 79
Crown 29 Grand Crown 55 Corona 85
Quilted Armor 1 Ghost Armor 34 Dusk Shroud 65
Leather Armor 3 Serpentskin Armor 36 Wyrmhide 67
Hard Leather Armor 5 Demonhide Armor 37 Scarab Husk 68
Studded Leather 8 Trellised Armor 40 Wire Fleece 70
Ring Mail 11 Linked Mail 42 Diamond Mail 72
Scale Mail 13 Tigulated Mail 43 Loricated Mail 73
Chain Mail 15 Mesh Armor 45 Boneweave 62
Breast Plate 18 Cuirass 47 Great Hauberk 75
Splint Mail 20 Russet Armor 49 Balrog Skin 76
Plate Mail 24 Templar Coat 52 Hellforge Plate 78
Field Plate 28 Sharktooth Armor 55 Kraken Shell 81
Gothic Plate 32 Embossed Plate 58 Lacquered Plate 82
Light Plate 35 Mage Plate 60 Archon Plate 84
Full Plate Mail 37 Chaos Armor 61 Shadow Plate 83
Ancient Armor 40 Ornate Plate 64 Sacred Armor 85
Buckler 1 Defender 34 Heater 58
Small Shield 5 Round Shield 37 Luna 61
Large Shield 11 Scutum 42 Hyperion 64
Spiked Shield 11 Barbed Shield 42 Blade Barrier 68
Kite Shield 15 Dragon Shield 45 Monarch 72
Bone Shield 19 Grim Shield 48 Troll Nest 76
Tower Shield 22 Pavise 50 Aegis 79
Gothic Shield 30 Ancient Shield 56 Ward 84
Leather Gloves 3 Demonhide Gloves 33 Bramble Mitts 57
Heavy Gloves 7 Sharkskin Gloves 39 Vampirebone Gloves 63
Chain Gloves 12 Heavy Bracers 43 Vambraces 69
Light Gauntlets 20 Battle Gauntlets 49 Crusader Gauntlets 76
Gauntlets 27 War Gauntlets 54 Ogre Gauntlets 85
Boots 3 Demonhide Boots 36 Wyrmhide Boots 60
Heavy Boots 7 Sharkskin Boots 39 Scarabshell Boots 66
Chain Boots 12 Mesh Boots 43 Boneweave Boots 72
Light Plated Boots 20 Battle Boots 49 Mirrored Boots 81
Greaves 27 War Boots 54 Myrmidon Greaves 85
Sash 3 Demonhide Sash 36 Spiderweb Sash 61
Light Belt 7 Sharkskin Belt 39 Vampirefang Belt 68
Belt 12 Mesh Belt 43 Mithril Coil 75
Heavy Belt 20 Battle Belt 49 Troll Belt 82
Plated Belt 27 War Belt 54 Colossus Girdle 85
Circlet 24 Tiara 70 Diadem 85
Coronet 52
Wolf Head 4 Alpha Helm 35 Blood Spirit 62
Hawk Helm 8 Griffon Headress 40 Sun Spirit 69
Antlers 16 Hunter's Guise 46 Earth Spirit 76
Falcon Mask 20 Sacred Feathers 50 Sky Spirit 83
Spirit Mask 24 Totemic Mask 55 Dream Spirit 85
Jawbone Cap 4 Jawbone Visor 33 Carnage Helm 60
Fanged Helm 8 Lion Helm 38 Fury Visor 66
Horned Helm 16 Rage Mask 44 Destroyer Helm 73
Assault Helmet 20 Savage Helmet 49 Conqueror Crown 80
Avenger Guard 24 Slayer Guard 54 Guardian Crown 85
Targe 4 Akaran Targe 35 Sacred Targe 63
Rondache 8 Akaran Rondache 40 Sacred Rondache 70
Heraldic Shield 16 Protector Shield 46 Kurast Shield 74
Aerin Shield 20 Gilded Shield 51 Zakarum Shield 82
Crown Shield 24 Royal Shield 55 Vortex Shield 85
Preserved Head 4 Mummified Trophy 33 Minion Skull 59
Zombie Head 8 Fetish Trophy 39 Hellspawn Skull 67
Unraveller Head 16 Sexton Trophy 45 Overseer Skull 66
Gargoyle Head 20 Cantor Trophy 49 Succubus Skull 81
Demon Head 24 Hierophant Trophy 54 Bloodlord Skull 85
Other qlvls
Item qlvl
Amulet 1
Ring 1
Quiver 1
Jewel 1
Grand Charm 1
Large Charm 14
Small Charm 28

Item Types

Notes about listed affix-capable item types:

  • Rod includes Staff/Wand/Scepter
  • Blunt Weapon includes all mace subtypes (Club, Tipped Mace, Hammer) and Rods
  • Melee Weapon includes all weapons except Bow/Crossbow/Orb
  • Missile Weapon includes Bow/Crossbow
  • Scythe includes a subset of polearms: Scythe, War Scythe, Battle Scythe, Grim Scythe, Thresher, Giant Thresher
  • For item types that have throwing versions, those versions are included unless otherwise noted:
    • Spear includes Two-Handed Spear and Javelin
    • Axe includes Non-Throwing Axe and Throwing Axe
    • Knife includes Dagger and Throwing Knife
  • For item types that have class versions, those versions are included alongside non-class versions unless otherwise noted:
    • Helm includes class versions (Barbarian Helm and Druid Helm)
    • Shield includes class versions (Necromancer Shield and Paladin Shield)
    • Bow/Spear/Javelin include their respective class versions (Amazon Bow/Spear/Javelin)
  • Helm excludes Circlet
  • Tipped Mace refers to the Mace subtype and excludes Club/Hammer
  • Item types followed by a superscript refer to a subset of those types:
    • GroupNC "Non-Class", excludes class-specific items (Barbarian/Druid Helms, Necromancer/Paladin Shields, Amazon Bows/Spears/Javelins)
    • GroupP   "Physical", excludes traditionally non-physical weapons (Orb, Wand, Staff)
    • GroupPS "Physical+Staff", excludes Orb & Wand

All Item Affixes

Many affix "names" have multiple entries. They're all listed here as they appear in the text files, and ordered by group. Multiple affixes from the same group cannot appear together.

Equipment Prefixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Sturdy +[10-20]% Enhanced Defense Armor 1-41 1 9 101 added max alvl
Sturdy +[21-30]% Enhanced Defense Armor 4-44 3 9 101 added max alvl
Strong +[31-40]% Enhanced Defense Armor 9-49 6 8 101 added max alvl
Glorious +[41-50]% Enhanced Defense Armor 19-59 14 8 101 added max alvl
Blessed +[51-65]% Enhanced Defense Armor 25 18 7 101
Saintly +[66-80]% Enhanced Defense Armor 31 23 7 101
Holy +[81-100]% Enhanced Defense Armor 36 27 6 101
Godly +[101-200]% Enhanced Defense Armor 45 38 3 101
Godly +[101-200]% Enhanced Defense Armor 50 43 1 101
Faithful +[0-49] Defense (+0.5 per Level) Gloves, Boots, Belt, Shield 30 22 3 101
Faithful +[3-297] Defense (+3 per Level) Chest 30 22 4 101
Scarlet +[1-4] to Minimum Damage Quiver 8 6 4 103 new*
Crimson +[5-8] to Minimum Damage Quiver 38 30 4 103 new
Cardinal +[10-14] to Minimum Damage Quiver 38 30 4 103 new
Carbuncle +[1-5] to Maximum Damage Quiver 12 9 4 104 new*
Carmine +[6-9] to Maximum Damage Quiver 35 27 4 104 new*
Vermillion +[11-15] to Maximum Damage Quiver 58 50 4 104 new*
Gritty +[0-74] to Maximum Damage (+0.75 per Level) WeaponP 50 37 7 105
Jagged +[10-20]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP, Circlet 1-41 1 9 105 added max alvl
Jagged +[10-20]% Enhanced Damage Quiver 1 1 9 105 new
Deadly +[21-30]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP, Circlet 5-45 3 9 105 added max alvl
Deadly +[21-30]% Enhanced Damage Quiver 5 3 9 105 new
Vicious +[31-40]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP 8-48 6 8 105 added max alvl
Vicious +[31-40]% Enhanced Damage Quiver 8 6 8 105 new
Brutal +[41-50]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP 14-54 10 8 105 added max alvl
Brutal +[41-50]% Enhanced Damage Quiver 14 10 8 105 new
Massive +[51-65]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP 20-60 15 7 105 added max alvl
Massive +[51-65]% Enhanced Damage Quiver 20 15 7 105 new
Savage +[66-80]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP 26 19 7 105
Savage +[66-80]% Enhanced Damage Quiver 26 19 7 105 new
Merciless +[81-100]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP 32 24 6 105
Ferocious +[101-200]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP 41 33 6 105
Cruel +[201-300]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP 51 43 5 105
Cruel +[201-300]% Enhanced Damage WeaponP 56 48 1 105
Visceral +[301-400]% Enhanced Damage Missile Weapon, Amazon Javelin, Knife, Club, Tipped Mace, Throwing Axe 75 69 1 105 new
Supporting +[10-20]% Enhanced Damage Chest, Shield 25 18 2 105 new
Reinforcing +[20-40]% Enhanced Damage Chest, Shield 35 28 2 105 new
Empowering +[40-60]% Enhanced Damage Chest, Shield 45 38 2 105 new
Bolstering +[60-80]% Enhanced Damage Chest, Shield 55 48 2 105 new
Fortifying +[80-120]% Enhanced Damage Chest, Shield 65 58 2 105 new
Embattled +[120-160]% Enhanced Damage Chest, Shield 75 68 2 105 new
Rampaging +[160-200]% Enhanced Damage Chest 85 78 1 105 new
Vulpine [7-12]% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit Shield, Amulet, Orb, Staff 9 6 3 107
Tireless Heal Stamina Plus 10% Boots 1-5 1 4 108
Tireless Heal Stamina Plus 25% Boots 6 4 4 108
Tireless Heal Stamina Plus 50% Boots 14 10 4 108
Bronze +[10-20] to Attack Rating WeaponP, Ring, Circlet, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Amulet 1-41 1 8 110 added max alvl, added Helm, Chest, Gloves
Iron +[21-40] to Attack Rating WeaponP, Ring, Circlet, Helm, Chest, Gloves 4-44 3 8 110 added max alvl, added Helm, Chest, Gloves
Steel +[41-60] to Attack Rating WeaponP, Ring, Circlet, Helm, Chest, Gloves 8 6 7 110 added Helm, Chest, Gloves
Silver +[61-80] to Attack Rating WeaponP, Ring, Circlet, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Quiver 12 9 7 110 added Helm, Chest, Gloves, Quiver
Gold +[81-100] to Attack Rating WeaponP, Ring, Circlet, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Quiver 17 12 6 110 added Helm, Chest, Gloves, Quiver
Platinum +[101-120] to Attack Rating WeaponP, Ring, Circlet, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Quiver 22 16 6 110 added Helm, Chest, Gloves, Quiver
Meteoric +[121-150] to Attack Rating WeaponP, Quiver 27 20 5 110 added Quiver
Strange +[151-300] to Attack Rating WeaponP 32 24 5 110
Strange +[151-300] to Attack Rating Quiver 32 24 5 110 new
Weird +[301-450] to Attack Rating WeaponP 37 27 4 110
Sharp [10-20] to Attack Rating,
+[10-20]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 5-45 3 9 111 added max alvl
Fine [21-40] to Attack Rating,
+[21-30]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 12-52 9 9 111 added max alvl
Warrior's [41-60] to Attack Rating,
+[31-40]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 19-59 13 8 111 added max alvl
Soldier's [61-80] to Attack Rating,
+[41-50]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 27 19 8 111
Knight's [81-100] to Attack Rating,
+[51-65]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 38 30 7 111
Lord's [101-120] to Attack Rating,
+[66-80]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 47 39 6 111
King's [121-150] to Attack Rating,
+[81-100]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 56 48 5 111
Master's [151-250] to Attack Rating,
+[101-150]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 56 48 5 111
Grandmaster's [251-300] to Attack Rating,
+[151-200]% Enhanced Damage
WeaponP 69 61 4 111
Grandmaster's +[251-300] to Attack Rating,
+[151-200]% Enhanced Damage
Missile Weapon 69 61 4 111 new
Fool's +[0-49] to Maximum Damage (+0.5 per Level),
+[16-1633] to Attack Rating (+16.5 per Level)
WeaponP 50 37 7 111
Hawkeye +[6-594] to Attack Rating (+6 per Level) WeaponP 35 26 7 111
Visionary [1-99]% Bonus to Attack Rating (1% per Level) Helm, Missile Weapon 25 18 1 111
Glimmering +1 to Light Radius Armor, Wand, Staff, Ring, Amulet, Orb 1 1 1 112
Glowing +2 to Light Radius Armor, Wand, Staff, Ring, Amulet, Orb 6 4 1 112
Screaming Hit Causes Monster to Flee 12% Missile Weapon 10 7 4 113
Screaming Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25% Blunt Weapon, Knife, Claw, Orb 10 7 3 113
Howling Hit Causes Monster to Flee 18% Missile Weapon 16 12 4 113
Howling Hit Causes Monster to Flee 50% Blunt Weapon, Knife, Claw, Orb 16 12 3 113
Wailing Hit Causes Monster to Flee 25% Missile Weapon 24 18 4 113
Wailing Hit Causes Monster to Flee 100% Blunt Weapon, Knife, Claw, Orb 20 13 3 113
Felicitous [5-10]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Helm 5 3 4 114 added Helm
Fortuitous [11-15]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Helm 12 8 4 114 was magic only, added Helm
Lizard's +[1-2] to Mana Chest, Helm, Shield, Belt, Ring, Amulet, Rod, Orb 1-2 1 4 115
Lizard's +[3-5] to Mana Chest, Helm, Shield, Belt, Ring, Amulet, Rod, Orb 3-43 2 4 115 added max alvl
Snake's +[5-10] to Mana Shield, Rod, Belt, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 6-46 4 4 115 added max alvl, added Quiver
Serpent's +[11-20] to Mana Shield, Rod, Circlet, Quiver 14-54 10 3 115 split off Belt, Ring, Amulet, added max alvl
Serpent's +[11-20] to Mana Belt, Ring, Amulet 14 10 3 115 new (split off)
Serpent's +[11-20] to Mana Chest, Non-Rod Weapon 37-77 27 2 115 split off Boots, Gloves, added max alvl
Serpent's +[11-20] to Mana Boots, Gloves 37 27 2 115 new (split off)
Drake's +[21-30] to Mana Rod, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 20 15 2 115 added Quiver
Dragon's +[31-40] to Mana Rod, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 24 18 2 115 added Quiver
Dragon's +[31-40] to Mana Chest, Boots, Gloves 52 39 2 115
Wyrm's +[41-60] to Mana Rod, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 30 22 2 115
Great Wyrm's +[61-90] to Mana Rod, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 37 29 2 115
Bahamut's +[91-120] to Mana Rod, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 45 37 2 115 was magic only
Mnemonic +[0-74] to Mana (+0.75 per Level) Helm 25 18 1 115
Shimmering All Resistances +[3-7] Shield 6-46 4 5 116 added max alvl
Shimmering All Resistances +[3-7] Amulet, Circlet 8-48 6 5 116 added max alvl
Shimmering All Resistances +[3-7] Ring 45 37 3 116
Shimmering All Resistances +[5-10] Quiver 16 12 1 116 new*
Rainbow All Resistances +[8-11] Shield 18 13 5 116
Rainbow All Resistances +[8-11] Amulet, Circlet 21 15 5 116
Rainbow All Resistances +[8-11] Ring 56 48 2 116
Scintillating All Resistances +[12-15] Shield 28 21 5 116
Scintillating All Resistances +[12-15] Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 34 25 5 116 added Quiver
Scintillating All Resistances +[12-15] Ring 67 59 2 116
Prismatic All Resistances +[16-20] Shield 39 31 4 116
Prismatic All Resistances +[16-20] Amulet, Circlet 42 31 4 116
Chromatic All Resistances +[21-30] Shield 50 42 4 116 was magic only
Chromatic All Resistances +[21-30] Amulet, Circlet 55 41 3 116
Azure Cold Resist +5% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 1-4 1 3 117
Azure Cold Resist +[5-10]% Armor, Weapon, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 5-45 3 2 117 added max alvl, added Quiver
Lapis Cold Resist +[11-20]% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 12 9 4 117 added Quiver
Lapis Cold Resist +[11-20]% Non-Orb Weapon 35 26 2 117
Cobalt Cold Resist +[21-30]% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 18 13 3 117 added Quiver
Cobalt Cold Resist +[21-30]% Non-Orb Weapon 55 41 2 117
Sapphire Cold Resist +[31-40]% Rod, Boots, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 25 18 3 117
Crimson Fire Resist +5% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 1-4 1 3 118
Crimson Fire Resist +[5-10]% Armor, Weapon, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 5-45 3 4 118 added max alvl, added Quiver
Russet Fire Resist +[11-20]% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 12 9 4 118 added Quiver
Russet Fire Resist +[11-20]% Non-Orb Weapon 35 26 1 118
Garnet Fire Resist +[21-30]% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 18 13 3 118 added Quiver
Garnet Fire Resist +[21-30]% Non-Orb Weapon 55 41 1 118
Ruby Fire Resist +[31-40]% Rod, Boots, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 25 18 3 118
Tangerine Lightning Resist +5% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 1-4 1 3 119
Tangerine Lightning Resist +[5-10]% Armor, Weapon, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 5-45 3 4 119 added max alvl, added Quiver
Ocher Lightning Resist +[11-20]% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 12 9 4 119 added Quiver
Ocher Lightning Resist +[11-20]% Non-Orb Weapon 35 26 1 119
Coral Lightning Resist +[21-30]% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 18 13 3 119 added Quiver
Coral Lightning Resist +[21-30]% Non-Orb Weapon 55 41 1 119
Amber Lightning Resist +[31-40]% Rod, Boots, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 25 18 3 119
Beryl Poison Resist +5% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 1-4 1 3 120
Beryl Poison Resist +[5-10]% Armor, Weapon, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 5-45 3 4 120 added max alvl, added Quiver
Viridian Poison Resist +[11-20]% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 12 9 4 120 added Quiver
Viridian Poison Resist +[11-20]% Non-Orb Weapon 35 26 1 120
Jade Poison Resist +[21-30]% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 18 13 3 120 added Quiver
Jade Poison Resist +[21-30]% Non-Orb Weapon 55 41 1 120
Emerald Poison Resist +[31-40]% Rod, Boots, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 25 18 3 120
Triumphant +1 to Mana after each Kill Weapon, Ring, Circlet, Chest, Helm, Shield, Quiver 3-43 2 4 121 added max alvl, added Chest, Helm, Shield, Quiver
Aureolic +[1-3] to Mana after each Kill Chest, Helm, Shield, Quiver 12 9 4 121 new*
Victorious +[2-5] to Mana after each Kill Weapon, Circlet, Chest, Helm, Shield, Quiver 17 12 4 121 added Chest, Helm, Shield, Quiver
Mechanist's Socketed ([1-2]) Non-Throwing Weapon, Shield, Helm, Chest, Circlet 10 7 3 122
Artisan's Socketed (3) Non-Throwing Weapon, Shield, Chest 33 25 2 122 new
Artisan's Socketed (3) Non-Throwing Weapon, Shield, Helm, Chest 33 25 2 122 new
Artisan's Socketed (3) Non-Throwing Weapon, Shield, Helm, Chest 33 25 2 122
Jeweler's Socketed (4) Non-Throwing Weapon, Shield, Helm, Chest 55 47 1 122
Lunar +[25-50] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[10-25]% Damage to Demons
WeaponPS, Circlet 3-43 1 2 123 added max alvl
Lunar +[25-50] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[10-25]% Damage to Demons
Quiver 3-43 1 2 123 new
Arcadian +[51-100] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[26-50]% Damage to Demons
WeaponPS, Circlet, Helm 15-55 11 2 123 added max alvl, added Helm
Arcadian +[51-100] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[26-50]% Damage to Demons
Quiver 15-55 11 2 123 new
Unearthly +[101-150] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[51-100]% Damage to Demons
WeaponPS 25 18 1 123
Unearthly +[101-150] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[51-100]% Damage to Demons
Quiver 25 18 1 123 new
Astral +[151-200] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[101-150]% Damage to Demons
WeaponPS 35 26 1 123
Elysian +[201-300] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[151-200]% Damage to Demons
WeaponPS 45 33 1 123
Celestial +[301-400] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[201-300]% Damage to Demons
WeaponPS 55 41 1 123
Celestial +[301-400] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[201-300]% Damage to Demons
Missile Weapon 55 41 1 123 new
Maiden's +1 to Amazon Skill Levels Chest, ShieldNC, HelmNC 36 27 1 125 new
Maiden's +1 to Amazon Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 36 27 4 125
Maiden's +1 to Amazon Skill Levels Missile Weapon, Spear 30 22 4 125
Valkyrie's +2 to Amazon Skill Levels Missile Weapon, Spear 50 42 2 125
Valkyrie's +2 to Amazon Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 90 67 2 125
Fletcher's +1 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) Missile Weapon, Gloves, Circlet, Quiver, Amulet 20 15 1 125 added Circlet, Quiver, Amulet
Bowyer's +2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) Missile Weapon, Gloves, Circlet, Quiver, Amulet 40 30 1 125 added Circlet, Quiver, Amulet
Archer's +3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) Missile Weapon, Gloves, Circlet, Quiver, Amulet 60 45 1 125 added Circlet, Quiver, Amulet
Archer's +3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) Missile Weapon 60 45 1 125 new
Acrobat's +1 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon Only) Gloves, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 20 15 1 125 added Quiver
Gymnast's +2 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon Only) Gloves, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 40 30 1 125 added Quiver
Athlete's +3 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon Only) Gloves, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 60 45 1 125 added Quiver
Harpoonist's +1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) Spear, Gloves, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125 added Amulet, Circlet
Spearmaiden's +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) Spear, Gloves, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125 added Amulet, Circlet
Lancer's +3 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) Amazon Spear 60 45 1 125 new
Lancer's +3 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) Spear 60 45 1 125 split off Gloves, was magic only
Lancer's +3 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) Circlet, Gloves 60 45 1 125 new (split off), added Circlet
Lancer's +3 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) Amulet 60 45 1 125 new
Angel's +1 to Sorceress Skill Levels Chest, ShieldNC, HelmNC 36 27 1 125 new
Angel's +1 to Sorceress Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 36 27 4 125
Angel's +1 to Sorceress Skill Levels Staff, Orb 30 22 4 125
Arch-Angel's +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels Staff, Orb 50 42 2 125
Arch-Angel's +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 90 67 2 125
Burning +1 to Fire Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Blazing +2 to Fire Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Volcanic +3 to Fire Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Sparking +1 to Lightning Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Charged +2 to Lightning Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Powered +3 to Lightning Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Chilling +1 to Cold Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Freezing +2 to Cold Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Glacial +3 to Cold Spells (Sorceress Only) Staff, Orb, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Summoner's +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels Chest, Non-Paladin Shield, HelmNC 36 27 1 125 new
Summoner's +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 36 27 4 125
Summoner's +1 to Necromancer Skill Levels Wand, Dagger, Necromancer Shield 30 22 4 125 removed Throwing Knife
Necromancer's +2 to Necromancer Skill Levels Wand, Dagger, Necromancer Shield 50 42 2 125 removed Throwing Knife
Necromancer's +2 to Necromancer Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 90 67 2 125
Hexing +1 to Curses (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Blighting +2 to Curses (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Accursed +3 to Curses (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Fungal +1 to Poison and Bone Spells (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Dagger, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Noxious +2 to Poison and Bone Spells (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Dagger, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Venomous +3 to Poison and Bone Spells (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Dagger, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Graverobber's +1 to Summoning Spells (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Vodoun +2 to Summoning Spells (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Golemlord's +3 to Summoning Spells (Necromancer Only) Wand, Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Monk's +1 to Paladin Skill Levels Chest, Non-Necromancer Shield, HelmNC 36 27 1 125 new
Monk's +1 to Paladin Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 36 27 4 125
Monk's +1 to Paladin Skill Levels Scepter, Paladin Shield 30 22 4 125
Monk's +1 to Paladin Skill Levels Sword, Tipped Mace, Hammer, Non-Necromancer Shield 35 27 4 125
Priest's +2 to Paladin Skill Levels Scepter, Paladin Shield 50 42 2 125
Priest's +2 to Paladin Skill Levels Sword, Tipped Mace, Hammer, Non-Necromancer Shield 65 58 2 125
Priest's +2 to Paladin Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 90 67 2 125
Lion Branded +1 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only) Scepter, Sword, Tipped Mace, Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Hawk Branded +2 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only) Scepter, Sword, Tipped Mace, Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Rose Branded +3 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only) Scepter, Sword, Tipped Mace, Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Captain's +1 to Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) Scepter, Sword, Tipped Mace, Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Commander's +2 to Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) Scepter, Sword, Tipped Mace, Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Marshal's +3 to Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) Scepter, Sword, Tipped Mace, Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Preserver's +1 to Defensive Auras (Paladin Only) Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Warder's +2 to Defensive Auras (Paladin Only) Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Guardian's +3 to Defensive Auras (Paladin Only) Non-Necromancer Shield, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Slayer's +1 to Barbarian Skill Levels Chest, ShieldNC, Non-Druid Helm 36 27 1 125 new
Slayer's +1 to Barbarian Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 36 27 4 125
Slayer's +1 to Barbarian Skill Levels Barbarian Helm 30 22 4 125
Slayer's +1 to Barbarian Skill Levels Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Throwing Knife, Two-Handed SpearNC 30 22 4 125
Berserker's +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Throwing Knife, Two-Handed SpearNC 50 42 1 125
Berserker's +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels Barbarian Helm 50 42 2 125
Berserker's +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 90 67 2 125
Expert's +1 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Non-Druid Helm 20 15 1 125 removed Knife
Veteran's +2 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Non-Druid Helm 40 30 1 125 removed Knife
Master's +3 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Non-Druid Helm 60 45 1 125 removed Knife
Fanatic +1 to Combat Masteries (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Barbarian Helm, Amulet 20 15 1 125 removed Knife
Raging +2 to Combat Masteries (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Barbarian Helm, Amulet 40 30 1 125 removed Knife
Furious +3 to Combat Masteries (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Barbarian Helm, Amulet 60 45 1 125 removed Knife
Sounding +1 to Warcries (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Barbarian Helm, Amulet 20 15 1 125 removed Knife
Resonant +2 to Warcries (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Barbarian Helm, Amulet 40 30 1 125 removed Knife
Echoing +3 to Warcries (Barbarian Only) Axe, Any Mace, Sword, Polearm, SpearNC, Barbarian Helm, Amulet 60 45 1 125 removed Knife
Shaman's +1 to Druid Skill Levels Chest, ShieldNC, Non-Barbarian Helm 36 27 1 125 new
Shaman's +1 to Druid Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 36 27 4 125
Shaman's +1 to Druid Skill Levels Club, Druid Helm 30 22 4 125
Hierophant's +2 to Druid Skill Levels Club, Druid Helm 50 42 2 125
Hierophant's +2 to Druid Skill Levels Amulet, Circlet 90 67 2 125
Trainer's +1 to Summoning Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Caretaker's +2 to Summoning Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Keeper's +3 to Summoning Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Spiritual +1 to Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Feral +2 to Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Communal +3 to Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Nature's +1 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125
Terra's +2 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125
Gaea's +3 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only) Club, Druid Helm, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125
Magekiller's +1 to Assassin Skills Chest, ShieldNC, HelmNC 36 27 1 125 new
Magekiller's +1 to Assassin Skills Amulet, Circlet 36 27 4 125
Magekiller's +1 to Assassin Skills Claw, Dagger 30 22 4 125 added Dagger
Witch-hunter's +2 to Assassin Skills Claw, Dagger 50 42 2 125 added Dagger
Witch-hunter's +2 to Assassin Skills Amulet, Circlet 90 67 2 125
Entrapping +1 to Traps (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, Circlet 20 15 1 125 added Dagger
Trickster's +2 to Traps (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, Circlet 40 30 1 125 added Dagger
Cunning +3 to Traps (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, Circlet 60 45 1 125 added Dagger
Mentalist's +1 to Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, HelmNC, Circlet 20 15 1 125 added Dagger
Psychic +2 to Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, HelmNC, Circlet 40 30 1 125 added Dagger
Shadow +3 to Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, HelmNC, Circlet 60 45 1 125 added Dagger
Shogukusha's +1 to Martial Arts (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, Gloves, Circlet 20 15 1 125 added Dagger
Sensei's +2 to Martial Arts (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, Gloves, Circlet 40 30 1 125 added Dagger
Kenshi's +3 to Martial Arts (Assassin Only) Claw, Dagger, Amulet, Gloves, Circlet 60 45 1 125 added Dagger
Snowy Adds [20-30] to [64-101] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Weapon, Circlet, Quiver 25-65 18 3 137 added max alvl, split off Circlet, added Quiver, damage was [6-9] to [19-30]
Snowy Adds [6-9] to [19-30] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Circlet 25-65 18 3 137 new (split off), added max alvl
Shivering Adds [37-56] to [115-166] Cold Damage (2 second chill) Weapon, Quiver 35 26 2 137 added Quiver, damage was [10-15] to [31-45]
Boreal Adds [46-62] to [131-256] Cold Damage (3 second chill) Weapon, Quiver 50 40 1 137 added Quiver, damage was [16-23] to [46-90]
Hibernal Adds [60-112] to [226-348] Cold Damage (4 second chill) Weapon, Quiver 70 60 1 137 added Quiver, damage was [24-45] to [91-140]
Fiery Adds [28-43] to [53-103] Fire Damage Weapon, Quiver 25-65 18 3 138 added max alvl, split off Circlet, added Quiver, damage was [16-25] to [31-60]
Fiery Adds [16-25] to [31-60] Fire Damage Circlet 25-65 18 3 138 new (split off), added max alvl
Smoldering Adds [47-72] to [109-161] Fire Damage Weapon, Quiver 35 26 2 138 added Quiver, damage was [26-50] to [61-90]
Smoking Adds [81-128] to [145-208] Fire Damage Weapon, Quiver 47 37 1 138 added Quiver, damage was [51-80] to [91-130]
Flaming Adds [138-204] to [224-306] Fire Damage Weapon, Quiver 61 51 1 138 added Quiver, damage was [81-120] to [131-180]
Scorching Adds [217-306] to [325-432] Fire Damage Weapon, Quiver 77 67 1 138 added Quiver, damage was [121-170] to [181-240]
Static Adds 1 to [49-120] Lightning Damage Weapon, Circlet, Quiver 25-65 18 3 139 added max alvl, added Quiver
Glowing Adds 1 to [121-180] Lightning Damage Weapon, Quiver 34 25 2 139 added Quiver
Buzzing Adds 1 to [181-260] Lightning Damage Weapon, Quiver 46 36 1 139 added Quiver
Arcing Adds 1 to [287-396] Lightning Damage Weapon, Quiver 60 50 1 139 added Quiver, damage was 1 to [261-360]
Shocking Adds 1 to [433-576] Lightning Damage Weapon, Quiver 76 66 1 139 added Quiver, damage was 1 to [361-480]
Septic +6 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Weapon, Circlet, Quiver 1-41 1 3 140 added max alvl, added Quiver
Foul +24 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Weapon, Quiver 10-50 7 2 140 added max alvl, added Quiver, damage was 12 over 3 seconds
Corrosive +78 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Weapon, Quiver 20 15 1 140 added Quiver, damage was 80 over 4 seconds
Toxic +226 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Weapon, Quiver 35 26 1 140 added Quiver, damage was 150 over 5 seconds
Pestilent +384 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Weapon, Quiver 50 37 1 140 was magic only, added Quiver, damage was 275 over 6 seconds
Plague +366 Poison Damage over 6 seconds Weapon, Quiver 50 37 1 140 new
Virulent +738 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Weapon, Quiver 76 66 1 140 new
Infectious +885 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Dagger, Scythe 76 66 1 140 new
Devout +[25-50] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[10-25]% Damage to Undead
Quiver 3 1 4 142 new
Consecrated +[25-75] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[25-75]% Damage to Undead
WeaponPS 1-41 1 4 142 added max alvl
Consecrated +[25-75] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[25-75]% Damage to Undead
Quiver 15 11 4 142 new
Pure +[76-175] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[76-125]% Damage to Undead
WeaponPS 15 11 3 142
Pure +[76-175] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[76-125]% Damage to Undead
Quiver 25 18 3 142 new
Sacred +[175-250] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[126-200]% Damage to Undead
WeaponPS 25 18 2 142
Hallowed +[251-325] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[201-275]% Damage to Undead
WeaponPS 35 27 1 142
Divine +[326-450] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[276-350]% Damage to Undead
WeaponPS 45 37 1 142
Divine +[326-450] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[276-350]% Damage to Undead
Missile Weapon 45 37 1 142 new
Penetrating +[5-10]% Chance to Pierce Quiver 15 10 4 143 new
Puncturing +[11-20]% Chance to Pierce Quiver 30 25 3 143 new
Piercing +[21-30]% Chance to Pierce Quiver 45 40 2 143 new
Impaling +[31-40]% Chance to Pierce Quiver 60 55 2 143 new
Cultist's 20% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[30-40] Open Wounds Damage per Second
WeaponP, Quiver 28-68 25 4 170 new
Bloodthirster's 20% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[136-190] Open Wounds Damage per Second
WeaponP, Quiver 48 45 4 170 new
Gorelust's 20% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[224-310] Open Wounds Damage per Second
WeaponP, Quiver 68 65 4 170 new
Blood Letting +1 Life after each Kill Weapon, Ring, Circlet, Chest, Helm, Shield, Quiver 13-53 12 3 200 new
Murderous +[2-5] Life after each Kill Weapon, Circlet, Chest, Helm, Shield, Quiver 51 44 1 200 new
Blood Sucking +[1-3] Life after each Kill Chest, Helm, Shield, Weapon, Ring, Quiver 32 26 2 200 new

Equipment Suffixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Health Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 1 Chest, Shield, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 7-47 5 4 1 added max alvl, added Quiver
Protection Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 2 Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 18-48 13 4 1 added max alvl, added Quiver
Protection Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 2 Chest, Shield, Circlet 24-64 18 4 1 added max alvl
Absorption Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 3 Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 26-66 19 4 1 added max alvl, added Quiver
Absorption Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 3 Chest, Shield, Circlet, Ring 32-72 24 4 1 added max alvl, added Ring
Life Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 4 Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 35 26 4 1 added Quiver
Life Physical Damage Taken Reduced by [4-7] Chest, Shield, Circlet, Ring 41 33 4 1 added Ring
Life Everlasting Physical Damage Taken Reduced by [10-25] Amulet, Circlet 45 37 4 1
Amicae Physical Damage Taken Reduced by [8-15] Chest, Shield, Circlet, Amulet 51 43 4 1 was magic only, added Amulet
Warding Magic Damage Taken Reduced by [1-2] Chest, Shield, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 7-47 5 4 2 added max alvl, added Quiver, reduction was 1
Sentinel Magic Damage Taken Reduced by [2-4] Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 18 12 4 2 added Quiver, reduction was 2
Sentinel Magic Damage Taken Reduced by [2-4] Chest, Shield, Circlet 24 18 4 2 reduction was 2
Guarding Magic Damage Taken Reduced by [3-6] Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 26 19 4 2 added Quiver, reduction was 3
Guarding Magic Damage Taken Reduced by [3-6] Chest, Shield, Circlet, Ring 32 24 4 2 added Ring, reduction was 3
Negation Magic Damage Taken Reduced by [8-12] Chest, Shield, Circlet 41 33 4 2 reduction was [4-6]
Negation Magic Damage Taken Reduced by [8-12] Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Quiver 42 35 4 2 added Quiver, reduction was [4-6]
Piercing Ignore Target's Defense Rod, Knife, Claw 25 18 2 4
Thorns Attacker Takes Damage of 1 Chest, Belt, Shield 1-13 1 4 6
Thorns Attacker Takes Damage of [3-6] Chest, Shield, Belt, Circlet 14-54 10 4 6 added max alvl, damage was [1-3]
Spikes Attacker Takes Damage of [8-12] Chest, Shield, Belt, Circlet 21-61 15 4 6 added max alvl, damage was [4-6]
Razors Attacker Takes Damage of [31-40] Chest, Shield, Circlet 34-74 26 4 6 added max alvl, damage was [7-9]
Swords Attacker Takes Damage of [80-160] Chest, Shield, Circlet 47 39 4 6 was magic only, damage was [10-20]
Swords Attacker Takes Damage of [200-400] Chest, Shield, Circlet 67 50 4 6 new
Readiness +10% Increased Attack Speed WeaponPS, Quiver 5 3 6 7 added Quiver
Alacrity +20% Increased Attack Speed WeaponPS, Quiver 25 17 6 7 added Quiver
Swiftness +30% Increased Attack Speed Melee WeaponP, Missile Weapon 34 26 6 7 added Missile Weapon
Quickness +40% Increased Attack Speed Melee WeaponP, Missile Weapon 46 38 5 7 added Missile Weapon
Blocking 10% Increased Chance of Blocking,
+15% Faster Block Rate
Shield 1 1 7 8
Deflecting 20% Increased Chance of Blocking,
+30% Faster Block Rate
Shield 11 8 6 8
Readiness +10% Increased Attack Speed Gloves 20 15 2 9 group was 7
Alacrity +20% Increased Attack Speed Gloves 43 35 4 9 group was 7
Apprentice +10% Faster Cast Rate Rod, Ring, Amulet, Orb, Circlet 5 3 6 9
Apprentice +10% Faster Cast Rate Chest, Shield, Paladin Shield 17 20 4 9 new
Apprentice +10% Faster Cast Rate Gloves, Belt 25 29 4 9 new
Magus +20% Faster Cast Rate Rod, Orb, Circlet 29 21 5 9 added Scepter (Rod includes Staff/Wand/Scepter)
Magus +20% Faster Cast Rate Chest, Shield 25 29 2 9 new
Frost +1 Cold Damage WeaponP 1-3 1 4 10
Frost Adds 1 to [1-2] Cold Damage (2 second chill) WeaponPS, Quiver 4-44 3 5 10 added max alvl, added Quiver
Frost Adds 1 to [3-6] Cold Damage (2 second chill) Belt, Amulet 45-85 37 2 10 added max alvl, alvl was 55, rlvl was 41
Icicle Adds [3-4] to [12-16] Cold Damage (3 second chill) WeaponPS, Quiver 13-53 9 4 10 added max alvl, added Quiver, damage was 1 to [3-4]
Glacier Adds [14-21] to [45-71] Cold Damage (4 second chill) WeaponPS, Quiver 27 20 3 10 added Quiver, damage was [2-4] to [4-15]
Winter Adds [44-60] to [126-246] Cold Damage (6 second chill) Melee WeaponPS, Quiver 45 37 2 10 added Quiver, damage was [5-9] to [16-50]
Hypothermia Adds [63-118] to [238-365] Cold Damage (6 second chill) Melee WeaponPS, Quiver 70 53 2 10 new
Warmth Half Freeze Duration Shield, Boots, Gloves, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Orb 10 7 4 11
Flame +[1-2] Fire Damage WeaponP 1-3 1 4 12
Flame Adds 1 to [2-5] Fire Damage WeaponPS, Quiver 4-44 3 5 12 added max alvl, added Quiver
Flame Adds 1 to [2-6] Fire Damage Gloves, Ring, Amulet 40-80 30 2 12 added max alvl
Fire Adds [2-8] to [12-22] Fire Damage WeaponPS, Quiver 15-55 11 4 12 added max alvl, added Quiver, damage was [1-4] to [6-11]
Burning Adds [20-30] to [37-72] Fire Damage WeaponPS, Quiver 25-65 18 3 12 added max alvl, added Quiver, damage was [5-9] to [10-20]
Incineration Adds [57-90] to [102-146] Fire Damage Melee WeaponPS, Quiver 43 35 2 12 added Quiver, damage was [10-20] to [21-75]
Ashes Adds [152-214] to [228-302] Fire Damage Melee WeaponPS, Quiver 70 53 2 12 new
Shock +[1-3] Lightning Damage WeaponP 1-3 1 4 13
Shock Adds 1 to [3-8] Lightning Damage WeaponPS, Quiver 4-44 3 5 13 added max alvl, added Quiver, damage was 1 to [6-8]
Shock Adds 1 to [11-23] Lightning Damage Boots, Ring, Amulet 45-85 37 2 13 added max alvl, alvl was 50, added Quiver
Lightning Adds 1 to [14-24] Lightning Damage WeaponPS, Quiver 15-55 11 4 13 added max alvl, added Quiver, damage was 1 to [9-16]
Thunder Adds 1 to [34-84] Lightning Damage WeaponPS, Quiver 25 18 3 13 added Quiver, damage was 1 to [17-40]
Storms Adds [1-6] to [85-126] Lightning Damage Melee WeaponPS, Quiver 34 26 2 13 added Quiver, damage was [1-6] to [41-120]
Maelstrom Adds [1-6] to [303-403] Lightning Damage Melee WeaponPS, Quiver 70 53 2 13 new
Craftsmanship +1 to Maximum Damage WeaponP, Ring, Amulet 1-41 1 8 14 added max alvl
Craftsmanship +[1-2] to Maximum Damage Circlet, Helm 1-7 1 4 14 added Helm
Craftsmanship +[2-3] to Maximum Damage Circlet, Helm 8-14 6 4 14 added Helm
Craftsmanship +[4-5] to Maximum Damage Circlet, Helm 15-55 11 4 14 added max alvl, added Helm
Quality +2 to Maximum Damage WeaponP 4-44 3 8 14 added max alvl
Quality +[6-7] to Maximum Damage Circlet, Helm 23-29 17 4 14 added Helm
Quality +[7-8] to Maximum Damage Circlet, Helm 30-70 22 4 14 added max alvl, added Helm
Maiming +[3-4] to Maximum Damage WeaponP 7-47 5 7 14 added max alvl
Maiming +[3-4] to Maximum Damage Shield, Ring, Amulet 42 34 4 14
Maiming +[9-10] to Maximum Damage Circlet, Helm 37-44 29 4 14 added Helm
Maiming +[11-12] to Maximum Damage Circlet, Helm 45 37 4 14 added Helm
Slaying +[5-7] to Maximum Damage WeaponP 11-51 8 7 14 added max alvl
Gore +[8-10] to Maximum Damage WeaponP 14 10 6 14
Carnage +[11-14] to Maximum Damage WeaponP 19 14 6 14
Carnage +[11-14] to Maximum Damage Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Helm 71 58 2 14 new
Slaughter +[15-20] to Maximum Damage WeaponP 25 18 5 14
Butchery +[21-40] to Maximum Damage WeaponP 35 27 5 14 was magic only
Evisceration +[41-63] to Maximum Damage WeaponP 45 37 4 14
Evisceration +[41-63] to Maximum Damage Missile Weapon 45 37 3 14 new
Worth +[1-2] to Minimum Damage WeaponP 1-41 1 8 15 added max alvl
Worth +[2-3] to Minimum Damage Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Helm 15-55 11 4 15 added max alvl, added Helm
Measure +[3-4] to Minimum Damage WeaponP 12-52 9 7 15 added max alvl
Measure +[4-5] to Minimum Damage Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Helm 37-77 29 4 15 added max alvl, added Helm
Excellence +[5-8] to Minimum Damage WeaponP 24 18 6 15
Excellence +[6-9] to Minimum Damage Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Helm 59 51 4 15 added Helm
Performance +[9-14] to Minimum Damage WeaponP 48 40 5 15
Performance +[10-13] to Minimum Damage Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Helm 81 63 2 15 was magic only, rlvl was 73, frequency was 4
Transcendence +[15-20] to Minimum Damage WeaponP 76 68 4 15
Blight +1 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Non-Scepter WeaponP, Wand 1-4 1 4 16
Blight +7 Poison Damage over 3 seconds Non-Scepter WeaponP, Circlet, Quiver 5-45 3 5 16 added max alvl, added Quiver
Blight +50 Poison Damage over 3 seconds Ring, Amulet 45-85 33 2 16 added max alvl
Venom +21 Poison Damage over 4 seconds Non-Scepter WeaponP, Circlet, Quiver 15-55 11 4 16 added max alvl, added Quiver
Pestilence +50 Poison Damage over 5 seconds Non-Scepter WeaponP, Circlet, Quiver 25 18 3 16 added Quiver
Anthrax +100 Poison Damage over 6 seconds Non-Scepter WeaponP, Quiver 33 25 2 16 added Quiver
Dexterity +1 to Dexterity Boots, Gloves 1-12 1 4 17
Dexterity +1 to Dexterity Ring 1-5 1 4 17
Dexterity +[1-2] to Dexterity Amulet, Missile Weapon, Circlet 1-41 1 4 17 added max alvl
Dexterity +[1-2] to Dexterity Ring, Gloves 6-46 4 4 17 added max alvl
Dexterity +[2-3] to Dexterity Chest, Boots 13-53 9 3 17 added max alvl
Skill +[3-5] to Dexterity Amulet, Missile Weapon, Circlet, Quiver 11-51 8 3 17 added max alvl, added Quiver
Skill +[3-5] to Dexterity Ring, Gloves, Boots 22 16 3 17 added Boots
Skill +[4-5] to Dexterity Chest 34-74 26 3 17 added max alvl, removed Boots
Accuracy +[6-9] to Dexterity Amulet, Missile Weapon, Circlet, Quiver 27 20 3 17 added Quiver
Accuracy +[6-9] to Dexterity Ring, Gloves 39 31 3 17
Accuracy +[6-9] to Dexterity Chest, Boots 46 38 3 17
Precision +[10-15] to Dexterity Amulet, Missile Weapon, Circlet, Quiver 43 35 3 17 added Quiver
Precision +[10-15] to Dexterity Ring, Gloves 56 48 3 17
Precision +[10-15] to Dexterity Chest, Boots, Shield 60 52 3 17 was magic only, added Shield
Perfection +[16-20] to Dexterity Amulet, Missile Weapon, Circlet, Chest, Shield 59 51 3 17 added Chest, Shield
Perfection +[16-20] to Dexterity Ring, Gloves 75 67 3 17
Nirvana +[21-30] to Dexterity Amulet, Missile Weapon, Circlet 72 64 3 17 was magic only
Balance +10% Faster Hit Recovery Non-Gloves Armor 5 3 4 18
Equilibrium +17% Faster Hit Recovery Chest, Belt, Shield 9 6 4 18
Stability +24% Faster Hit Recovery Chest, Belt 18 13 4 18
Regeneration Replenish Life +2 Amulet, Circlet 1-9 1 3 19
Regeneration Replenish Life +[3-5] Scepter, Belt, Ring, Amulet, Circlet 10 7 4 19
Regeneration Replenish Life +[3-5] Shield, Gloves 40 30 4 19
Regeneration Replenish Life +[3-5] Chest, Non-Scepter Weapon, Boots 70 52 4 19
Regrowth Replenish Life +[6-10] Scepter, Amulet, Circlet 17 12 4 19
Regrowth Replenish Life +[6-9] Belt, Ring 55 41 4 19
Revivification Replenish Life +[11-15] Scepter, Amulet, Circlet 38 30 4 19 was magic only
Vileness Prevent Monster Heal Melee WeaponPS, Quiver 9 6 3 20 added Quiver
Greed [25-40]% Extra Gold from Monsters Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 1 1 4 21 added Quiver
Wealth [41-80]% Extra Gold from Monsters Boots, Gloves, Belt, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 17 12 4 21 added Quiver
Chance [5-15]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Boots, Gloves, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Helm, Quiver 12 9 4 22 added Helm, Quiver
Fortune [16-25]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Boots, Gloves, Amulet, Circlet, Helm, Quiver 16 12 4 22 added Helm, Quiver
Fortune [16-25]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Ring 42 31 2 22 was magic only, frequency was 4
Luck [26-35]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Boots, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 26 19 4 22 added Quiver
Energy +1 to Energy Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Wand, Staff, Helm, Ring 1-4 1 4 23
Energy +[1-3] to Energy Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Wand, Staff 1-41 1 4 23 added max alvl
Energy +[1-3] to Energy Ring 7-47 5 4 23 added max alvl
Energy +[1-3] to Energy Helm, Scepter 4-44 3 3 23 added max alvl
Mind +[4-6] to Energy Orb, Circlet, Wand, Staff, Quiver 7-47 3 4 23 added max alvl, removed Amulet, added Quiver
Mind +[4-6] to Energy Ring, Amulet 13 9 3 23 added Amulet
Mind +[4-6] to Energy Helm, Scepter to Energy 10-50 7 3 23 added max alvl
Brilliance +[7-10] to Energy Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Wand, Staff, Quiver 13 9 3 23 added Quiver
Brilliance +[7-10] to Energy Ring 21 16 3 23
Brilliance +[7-10] to Energy Helm, Scepter 16 12 3 23
Sorcery +[11-15] to Energy Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Wand, Staff, Quiver 21 16 3 23 added Quiver
Sorcery +[11-15] to Energy Ring 31 23 3 23
Sorcery +[11-15] to Energy Helm, Scepter 26 21 3 23
Wizardry +[16-20] to Energy Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Wand, Staff 31 23 3 23
Wizardry +[16-20] to Energy Ring 41 33 3 23
Enlightenment +[21-30] to Energy Amulet, Orb, Circlet, Wand, Staff 41 33 3 23 was magic only
Bear Knockback Melee Weapon 8 6 3 24
Bear Knockback Quiver 30 24 2 24 new
Light +1 to Light Radius,
+10 to Attack Rating
Ring, Amulet 1-5 1 4 25
Light +1 to Light Radius,
+[15-30] to Attack Rating
Armor, Rod, Ring, Amulet, Quiver 6-46 4 1 25 added max alvl, added Quiver, AR was 15
Radiance +3 to Light Radius,
+[30-60] to Attack Rating
Rod, Missile Weapon, Helm, Chest, Quiver 15-55 11 1 25 split off Ring, Amulet, added max alvl, added Chest, Quiver, AR was 30
Radiance +3 to Light Radius,
+[30-60] to Attack Rating
Ring, Amulet 15 11 1 25 new (split off)
Clarity +4 to Light Radius,
+[60-120] to Attack Rating
Rod, Missile Weapon, Amulet, Helm, Chest, Ring 25 21 1 25 new
Divinity +5 to Light Radius,
+[120-240] to Attack Rating
Rod, Missile Weapon, Amulet, Chest 50 42 1 25 new
Sun +5 to Light Radius,
5% Bonus to Attack Rating
Rod, Missile Weapon, Gloves, Ring, Amulet, Helm, Chest 17 12 1 25 added Chest
Sunset +5 to Light Radius,
10% Bonus to Attack Rating
Rod, Missile Weapon, Gloves, Ring, Amulet, Helm, Chest 27 22 1 25 new
Sunset +[5-8] to Light Radius,
10% Bonus to Attack Rating
Rod, Missile Weapon, Gloves, Ring, Amulet, Helm, Chest 34 26 1 25 new
Jackal +[1-5] to Life Chest, Belt, Amulet, Barbarian Helm, Circlet 1-41 1 3 26 added max alvl
Jackal +[1-5] to Life Shield, Druid Helm 4-44 3 3 26 added max alvl
Jackal +[1-5] to Life Any Mace, Ring, Helm 8-48 6 3 26 added max alvl
Fox +[6-10] to Life Chest, Belt, Amulet, Barbarian Helm, Circlet, Quiver 7-47 5 3 26 added max alvl, added Quiver
Fox +[6-10] to Life Shield, Druid Helm 11-55 8 3 26 added max alvl
Fox +[6-10] to Life Any Mace, Helm 17-57 13 3 26 split off Ring, added max alvl
Fox +[6-10] to Life Ring 17 13 3 26 new (split off)
Wolf +[11-20] to Life Chest, Barbarian Helm, Circlet, Quiver 15-55 11 3 26 split off Amulet, Belt, added max alvl, added Quiver
Wolf +[11-20] to Life Amulet, Belt 15 11 3 26 new (split off)
Wolf +[11-20] to Life Shield, Druid Helm 27-67 20 3 26 added max alvl
Wolf +[11-20] to Life Any Mace, Helm 34-74 26 3 26 split off Ring, added max alvl
Wolf +[11-20] to Life Ring 34 26 3 26 new (split off)
Tiger +[21-30] to Life Chest, Belt, Amulet, Barbarian Helm, Circlet, Quiver 20 15 3 26 added Quiver
Tiger +[21-30] to Life Shield, Druid Helm 43 35 3 26
Tiger +[21-30] to Life Any Mace, Ring, Helm 51 43 3 26
Mammoth +[31-40] to Life Chest, Belt, Amulet, Barbarian Helm, Circlet, Quiver 25 18 3 26 added Quiver
Mammoth +[31-40] to Life Shield, Druid Helm 59 51 3 26
Mammoth +[31-40] to Life Any Mace, Ring, Helm 68 60 3 26
Colossus +[41-60] to Life Chest, Belt, Amulet, Barbarian Helm, Circlet 30 22 3 26
Colossus +[41-60] to Life Shield, Druid Helm 75 67 3 26 was magic only
Squid +[61-80] to Life Chest, Belt, Barbarian Helm, Circlet, Shield 40 30 3 26 split off Amulet, was magic only
Squid +[61-80] to Life Amulet 40 30 3 26 new (split off)
Whale +[81-100] to Life Chest, Belt, Barbarian Helm, Circlet, Shield 50 37 3 26 split off Amulet, was magic only
Whale +[81-100] to Life Amulet 50 37 3 26 new (split off)
Leech [2-3]% Life Stolen per Hit Amulet 24 20 2 27
Leech 3% Life Stolen per Hit Gloves 34 26 4 27
Leech [3-4]% Life Stolen per Hit Ring, Circlet, Helm 14 10 4 27 added Helm
Leech [4-5]% Life Stolen per Hit Melee Weapon, Missile Weapon, Quiver 6 4 7 27 added Quiver
Locust [4-5]% Life Stolen per Hit Amulet 57 45 2 27
Locust [5-6]% Life Stolen per Hit Ring, Circlet 47 35 4 27
Locust [6-7]% Life Stolen per Hit Melee Weapon, Quiver 20 15 7 27 added Quiver
Lamprey 6% Life Stolen per Hit Amulet 75 63 2 27 alvl was 85, rlvl was 73
Lamprey [6-9]% Life Stolen per Hit Quiver 55 43 7 27 new
Lamprey [7-8]% Life Stolen per Hit Ring, Circlet 77 65 4 27
Lamprey [8-9]% Life Stolen per Hit Melee Weapon 55 43 7 27
Bat [2-3]% Mana Stolen per Hit Ring 25 21 2 28
Bat 3% Mana Stolen per Hit Gloves 35 27 4 28
Bat [3-4]% Mana Stolen per Hit Amulet, Circlet, Helm 15 11 4 28 added Helm
Bat [4-5]% Mana Stolen per Hit Melee Weapon, Missile Weapon, Quiver 7 4 7 28 added Quiver
Wraith [4-5]% Mana Stolen per Hit Ring 58 46 2 28
Wraith [5-6]% Mana Stolen per Hit Amulet, Circlet 58 40 4 28
Wraith [6-7]% Mana Stolen per Hit Melee Weapon, Quiver 21 16 7 28 added Quiver
Vampire 6% Mana Stolen per Hit Ring 76 64 2 28 alvl was 86, rlvl was 74
Vampire [6-9]% Mana Stolen per Hit Quiver 56 48 7 28 new
Vampire [7-8]% Mana Stolen per Hit Amulet, Circlet 78 66 4 28
Vampire [8-9]% Mana Stolen per Hit Melee Weapon 56 48 7 28
Remedy Poison Length Reduced by 25% Armor, Ring, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 7 5 3 29 added Quiver
Amelioration Poison Length Reduced by 50% Chest, Shield, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 18 13 3 29 added Quiver
Defiance Poison Length Reduced by 75% Chest, Shield, Amulet, Circlet, Quiver 25 18 2 29 added Quiver
Ease Requirements -20% Chest, WeaponPS, Shield 15 11 3 30
Simplicity Requirements -30% Chest, WeaponPS, Shield 25 18 2 30
Strength +1 to Strength Gloves 1-11 1 4 31
Strength +1 to Strength Ring 1-4 1 4 31
Strength +[1-2] to Strength Amulet, Belt, Club, Hammer, Circlet 1-41 1 4 31 added max alvl
Strength +[1-2] to Strength Ring, Scepter, Tipped Mace, Chest 5-45 3 4 31 added max alvl
Strength +[1-2] to Strength Non-Blunt Melee Weapon, Gloves, Shield 12-52 8 3 31 added max alvl
Might +[3-5] to Strength Belt, Club, Hammer, Circlet, Quiver 10-50 8 3 31 split off Amulet, addex max alvl, added Quiver
Might +[3-5] to Strength Amulet, Ring, Gloves 10 8 3 31 new (split off), added Ring, Gloves
Might +[3-5] to Strength Scepter, Tipped Mace, Chest 21-61 15 3 31 added max alvl, removed Ring
Might +[3-5] to Strength Non-Blunt Melee Weapon, Shield 33-73 25 3 31 added max alvl, removed Gloves
Ox +[6-9] to Strength Amulet, Belt, Club, Hammer, Circlet, Quiver 26 19 3 31 added Quiver
Ox +[6-9] to Strength Ring, Scepter, Tipped Mace, Chest 38 30 3 31
Ox +[6-9] to Strength Non-Blunt Melee Weapon, Gloves, Shield 45 37 3 31
Giant +[10-15] to Strength Amulet, Belt, Club, Hammer, Circlet, Quiver 42 34 3 31 added Quiver
Giant +[10-15] to Strength Ring, Scepter, Tipped Mace, Chest, Shield 55 47 3 31 added Shield
Giant +[10-15] to Strength Non-Blunt Melee Weapon, Gloves 59 51 3 31
Titan +[16-20] to Strength Amulet, Belt, Club, Hammer, Circlet 58 50 3 31
Titan +[16-20] to Strength Ring, Scepter, Tipped Mace, Chest, Shield 74 66 3 31 added Shield
Atlas +[21-30] to Strength Amulet, Belt, Club, Hammer, Circlet 71 63 3 31
Pacing +10% Faster Run/Walk Boots, Circlet 12 8 3 35
Pacing +10% Faster Run/Walk Amazon Weapon, Quiver 12 8 2 35 new
Haste +20% Faster Run/Walk Boots, Circlet 22 16 4 35
Haste +20% Faster Run/Walk Amazon Weapon, Quiver 22 16 2 35 new
Speed +30% Faster Run/Walk Boots, Circlet 37 29 4 35
Transportation +30% Faster Run/Walk,
[80-90]% Slower Stamina Drain
Boots 65 57 4 35 was magic only
Acceleration +40% Faster Run/Walk Boots 51 43 4 35
Self-Repair Repairs 1 Durability in 33 seconds Non-Throwing Melee Weapon, Orb, Armor 3 1 3 37
Fast Repair Repairs 1 Durability in 20 seconds Non-Throwing Melee Weapon, Orb, Armor 20 12 2 37
Ages Indestructible Non-Throwing Melee Weapon, Orb, Armor 50 42 1 39
Centaur +[0-74] to Life (+0.75 per Level) Chest, Druid Helm, Barbarian Helm, Shield 20 1 1 41 split off Amulet, was magic only, added Shield
Centaur +[0-74] to Life (+0.75 per Level) Amulet 20 1 1 41 new (split off)
Mnemonic +[0-74] to Mana (+0.75 per Level) Circlet, Amulet, Druid Helm 20 1 1 41 was magic only
Elephant +[0-49] to Life (+0.5 per Level),
+[0-24] to Mana (+0.25 per Level)
Circlet, Druid Helm 37 7 2 41 was magic only
Fireball 14% Chance to Cast Level 18 Fire Ball on Casting Staff 36 27 1 44 new
Fireball 14% Chance to Cast Level 24 Fire Ball on Casting Staff 56 42 1 44 new
Fireball 14% Chance to Cast Level 30 Fire Ball on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Fireball 16% Chance to Cast Level 18 Fire Ball on Striking WeaponP 36 27 1 44 new
Fireball 16% Chance to Cast Level 24 Fire Ball on Striking WeaponP 56 42 1 44 new
Fireball 16% Chance to Cast Level 30 Fire Ball on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Charged Bolt 18% Chance to Cast Level 18 Charged Bolt on Casting Staff 36-56 27 1 44 new
Charged Bolt 18% Chance to Cast Level 24 Charged Bolt on Casting Staff 56-76 42 1 44 new
Charged Bolt 18% Chance to Cast Level 30 Charged Bolt on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Charged Bolt 20% Chance to Cast Level 18 Charged Bolt on Striking WeaponP 36-56 27 1 44 new
Charged Bolt 20% Chance to Cast Level 24 Charged Bolt on Striking WeaponP 56-76 42 1 44 new
Charged Bolt 20 Chance to Cast Level 30 Charged Bolt on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Lightning 14% Chance to Cast Level 18 Lightning on Casting Staff 36-56 27 1 44 new
Lightning 14% Chance to Cast Level 24 Lightning on Casting Staff 56-76 42 1 44 new
Lightning 14% Chance to Cast Level 30 Lightning on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Lightning 16% Chance to Cast Level 18 Lightning on Striking WeaponP 36-56 27 1 44 new
Lightning 16% Chance to Cast Level 24 Lightning on Striking WeaponP 56-76 42 1 44 new
Lightning 16% Chance to Cast Level 30 Lightning on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Chain Lightning 12% Chance to Cast Level 18 Chain Lightning on Casting Staff 36-56 27 1 44 new
Chain Lightning 12% Chance to Cast Level 24 Chain Lightning on Casting Staff 56-76 42 1 44 new
Chain Lightning 12% Chance to Cast Level 30 Chain Lightning on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Chain Lightning 14% Chance to Cast Level 18 Chain Lightning on Striking WeaponP 36-56 27 1 44 new
Chain Lightning 14% Chance to Cast Level 24 Chain Lightning on Striking WeaponP 56-76 42 1 44 new
Chain Lightning 14% Chance to Cast Level 30 Chain Lightning on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Ice Barrage 10% Chance to Cast Level 18 Ice Barrage on Casting Staff 36-56 27 1 44 new
Ice Barrage 10% Chance to Cast Level 24 Ice Barrage on Casting Staff 56-76 42 1 44 new
Ice Barrage 10% Chance to Cast Level 30 Ice Barrage on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Ice Barrage 12% Chance to Cast Level 18 Ice Barrage on Striking WeaponP 36-56 27 1 44 new
Ice Barrage 12% Chance to Cast Level 24 Ice Barrage on Striking WeaponP 56-76 42 1 44 new
Ice Barrage 12% Chance to Cast Level 30 Ice Barrage on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Frost Nova 16% Chance to Cast Level 18 Frost Nova on Casting Staff 36-56 27 1 44 new
Frost Nova 16% Chance to Cast Level 24 Frost Nova on Casting Staff 56-76 42 1 44 new
Frost Nova 16% Chance to Cast Level 30 Frost Nova on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Frost Nova 18% Chance to Cast Level 18 Frost Nova on Striking WeaponP 36-56 27 1 44 new
Frost Nova 18% Chance to Cast Level 24 Frost Nova on Striking WeaponP 56-76 42 1 44 new
Frost Nova 18% Chance to Cast Level 30 Frost Nova on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Nova 14% Chance to Cast Level 18 Nova on Casting Staff 36-56 27 1 44 new
Nova 14% Chance to Cast Level 24 Nova on Casting Staff 56-76 42 1 44 new
Nova 14% Chance to Cast Level 30 Nova on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Nova 16% Chance to Cast Level 18 Nova on Striking WeaponP 36-56 27 1 44 new
Nova 16% Chance to Cast Level 24 Nova on Striking WeaponP 56-76 42 1 44 new
Nova 16% Chance to Cast Level 30 Nova on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Nova 10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Nova on Striking Melee Weapon, Orb 12-36 9 1 44 added max alvl, alvl was 18, rlvl was 13
Nova 12% Chance to Cast Level 4 Nova on Striking Melee Weapon, Orb 18-36 14 1 44 added max alvl, alvl was 28, rlvl was 21
Firebolts 10% Chance to Cast Level 8 Fire Bolt on Striking Melee Weapon, Orb 16-36 12 1 44 added max alvl
Charged Shield 10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Charged Bolt when Struck Armor, Ring, Amulet 6 4 1 44
Charged Shield 12% Chance to Cast Level 4 Charged Bolt when Struck Armor, Ring, Amulet 16 12 1 44
Charged Shield 14% Chance to Cast Level 5 Charged Bolt when Struck Armor, Ring, Amulet 26 19 1 44
Frost Shield 5% Chance to Cast Level 3 Frost Nova when Struck Armor, Amulet 12 9 1 44
Nova Shield 10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Nova when Struck Armor, Ring 18 13 1 44
Nova Shield 12% Chance to Cast Level 4 Nova when Struck Armor, Ring 28 21 1 44
Nova Shield 14% Chance to Cast Level 5 Nova when Struck Armor, Ring 38 28 1 44
Hydra Shield 10% Chance to Cast Level 3 Hydra when Struck Amulet 40 30 1 44
Teleportation Level [1-3] Teleport ([22-27] charges) Amulet, Circlet 48 48 1 44
Teleportation Level [1-6] Teleport ([33-52] charges) Staff, Orb 24 24 1 44
Telekinesis Level 5 Telekinesis (32 charges) Ring 24 24 1 44 removed Hammer, Tipped Mace, Scepter, Circlet
Life Tap Level 1 Life Tap ([22-27] charges) Axe 48 48 1 44 was level [1-3]
Life Tap Level 1 Life Tap ([67-105] charges) Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 24 24 1 44
Lower Resistance Level 15 Lower Resist ([28-82] charges) Staff 72 72 1 44 was level [1-15], number of charges may be different
Lower Resistance Level 15 Lower Resist ([28-82] charges) Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 36 36 1 44 was level [1-15], number of charges may be different
Damage Amplification 10% Chance to Cast Level 23 Amplify Damage on Striking WeaponP 36-76 27 1 44 new
Damage Amplification 12% Chance to Cast Level 31 Amplify Damage on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Damage Amplification 8% Chance to Cast Level 15 Amplify Damage on Casting Staff 15-55 15 1 44 new
Damage Amplification 10% Chance to Cast Level 23 Amplify Damage on Casting Staff 36-76 27 1 44 new
Damage Amplification 12% Chance to Cast Level 31 Amplify Damage on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Lower Resist 8% Chance to Cast Level 5 Lower Resist on Striking WeaponP 15-55 15 1 44 new
Lower Resist 10% Chance to Cast Level 10 Lower Resist on Striking WeaponP 36-76 27 1 44 new
Lower Resist 12% Chance to Cast Level 15 Lower Resist on Striking WeaponP 76 57 1 44 new
Lower Resist 8% Chance to Cast Level 5 Lower Resist on Casting Staff 15-55 15 1 44 new
Lower Resist 10% Chance to Cast Level 10 Lower Resist on Casting Staff 36-76 27 1 44 new
Lower Resist 12% Chance to Cast Level 15 Lower Resist on Casting Staff 76 57 1 44 new
Defending Physical Damage Taken Reduced by [5-10]% Chest, Shield 45 20 1 251 new
Defending Physical Damage Taken Reduced by [5-10]% Belt 65 40 1 251 new
Protecting Physical Damage Taken Reduced by [10-15]% Chest, Shield 65 40 1 251 new
Guardianship Physical Damage Taken Reduced by [15-20]% Chest, Shield 85 60 1 251 new
Savagery [5-10]% Deadly Strike WeaponP, Quiver 18-58 15 2 252 new
Devastation [10-15]% Deadly Strike WeaponP, Quiver 28-68 25 2 252 new
Havoc [15-20]% Deadly Strike WeaponP, Quiver 38 35 2 252 new
Destruction [20-25]% Deadly Strike WeaponP, Quiver 48 45 2 252 new
Desolation [25-30]% Deadly Strike WeaponP, Quiver 58 55 2 252 new
Bleeding 10% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[8-12] Open Wounds Damage per Second
WeaponP, Quiver 18-58 15 2 252 new
Siphoning 10% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[15-20] Open Wounds Damage per Second
WeaponP, Quiver 28-68 25 2 252 new
Gory 10% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[30-42] Open Wounds Damage per Second
WeaponP, Quiver 38 35 2 252 new
Sanguinary 10% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[68-95] Open Wounds Damage per Second
WeaponP, Quiver 48 45 2 252 new
Hematic 10% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[112-155] Open Wounds Damage per Second
WeaponP, Quiver 58 55 2 252 new
Chipping [5-10]% Chance of Crushing Blow WeaponP, Quiver 18-58 15 2 252 new
Crumbling [10-15]% Chance of Crushing Blow WeaponP, Quiver 28-68 25 2 252 new
Breaking [15-20]% Chance of Crushing Blow WeaponP, Quiver 38 35 2 252 new
Crushing [20-25]% Chance of Crushing Blow WeaponP, Quiver 48 45 2 252 new
Pulverizing [25-30]% Chance of Crushing Blow WeaponP, Quiver 58 55 2 252 new

Jewel Prefixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Blanched +[5-8] Defense Jewel 1 1 4 101
Eburin +[9-20] Defense Jewel 16 12 4 101
Bone +[21-40] Defense Jewel 32 24 4 101
Ivory +[41-64] Defense Jewel 64 56 4 101
Scarlet +[1-4] to Minimum Damage Jewel 8 6 4 103
Crimson +[5-8] to Minimum Damage Jewel 38 30 4 103
Cardinal +[10-14] to Minimum Damage Jewel 38 30 4 103 new
Carbuncle +[1-5] to Maximum Damage Jewel 12 9 4 104
Carmine +[6-9] to Maximum Damage Jewel 35 27 4 104
Vermillion +[11-15] to Maximum Damage Jewel 58 50 4 104 was magic only
Cinnabar +[5-10]% Enhanced Damage Jewel 1 1 4 105
Rusty +[11-20]% Enhanced Damage Jewel 13 9 4 105
Realgar +[21-30]% Enhanced Damage Jewel 45 37 4 105
Ruby +[31-40]% Enhanced Damage Jewel 66 58 4 105 was magic only
Dun [7-12]% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit Jewel 7 5 3 107
Nickel +[10-20] to Attack Rating Jewel 1 1 4 110
Tin +[21-40] to Attack Rating Jewel 8 6 4 110
Silver +[41-60] to Attack Rating Jewel 25 18 4 110
Argent +[61-100] to Attack Rating Jewel 44 36 4 110 was magic only
Bright +1 to Light Radius,
+10 to Attack Rating
Jewel 1 1 1 112
Emerald [3-7]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Jewel 16 12 4 114
Zircon +[5-10] to Mana Jewel 3 2 2 115
Jacinth +[11-15] to Mana Jewel 17 12 2 115
Turquoise +[16-20] to Mana Jewel 29 21 2 115 was magic only
Cerulean +[21-30] to Mana Jewel 49 41 2 115 new
Shimmering All Resistances +[5-10] Jewel 16 12 1 116
Scintillating All Resistances +[11-15] Jewel 34 26 1 116
Lapis Lazuli Cold Resist +[5-15]% Jewel 2 1 4 117
Sapphire Cold Resist +[16-30]% Jewel 19 14 4 117
Garnet Fire Resist +[5-15]% Jewel 2 1 4 117
Ruby Fire Resist +[16-30]% Jewel 18 13 4 117
Camphor Lightning Resist +[5-15]% Jewel 2 1 4 117
Ambergris Lightning Resist +[16-30]% Jewel 19 14 4 117
Beryl Poison Resist +[5-15]% Jewel 2 1 4 117
Jade Poison Resist +[16-30]% Jewel 19 14 4 117
Aureolic +[1-3] to Mana after each Kill Jewel 12 9 4 121 alvl was 22, rlvl was 16
Diamond +[25-50] to Attack Rating against Demons,
+[25-40]% Damage to Demons
Jewel 26 19 1 123
Pearl +[25-50] to Attack Rating against Undead,
+[25-50]% Damage to Undead
Jewel 18 13 1 142
Cultist's 5% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[30-40] Open Wounds Damage per Second
Jewel 28-68 25 3 170 new
Bloodthirster's 5% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[65-85] Open Wounds Damage per Second
Jewel 48 45 3 170 new
Gorelust's 5% Chance of Open Wounds,
+[95-125] Open Wounds Damage per Second
Jewel 68 65 3 170 new
Blood Sucking +[1-3] Life after each Kill Jewel 32 26 2 200 new

Jewel Suffixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Malice Attacker Takes Damage of [30-40] Jewel 37 29 4 6 damage was [1-5]
Fervor +15% Increased Attack Speed Jewel 39 31 4 7
Frigidity Adds 1 to [3-5] Cold Damage (2 second chill) Jewel 16 12 2 10
Icicle Adds [2-3] to [6-10] Cold Damage (2 second chill) Jewel 37 29 2 10
Glacier Adds [4-5] to [11-15] Cold Damage (2 second chill) Jewel 58 50 2 10
Passion Adds [1-3] to [6-10] Fire Damage Jewel 15 11 2 12
Fire Adds [4-10] to [11-30] Fire Damage Jewel 36 28 2 12
Burning Adds [11-25] to [31-50] Fire Damage Jewel 57 49 2 12
Ennui Adds 1 to [10-20] Lightning Damage Jewel 15 11 2 13
Lightning Adds 1 to [21-60] Lightning Damage Jewel 36 28 2 13
Thunder Adds 1 to [61-100] Lightning Damage Jewel 57 49 2 13
Ire +[2-5] to Maximum Damage Jewel 4 3 4 14
Wrath +[6-9] to Maximum Damage Jewel 11 8 4 14
Carnage +[11-15] to Maximum Damage Jewel 25 18 4 14 was magic only
Joyfulness +[1-4] to Minimum Damage Jewel 5 3 4 15
Bliss +[5-10] to Minimum Damage Jewel 43 37 4 15
Envy +20 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Jewel 1 1 2 16
Daring +[1-3] to Dexterity Jewel 7 5 3 17
Daring +[4-6] to Dexterity Jewel 19 14 3 17
Daring +[7-9] to Dexterity Jewel 36 28 3 17
Truth +7% Faster Hit Recovery Jewel 44 36 4 18
Honor Replenish Life +[1-4] Jewel 47 35 4 19
Avarice [10-30]% Extra Gold from Monsters Jewel 1 1 4 21
Prosperity [5-10]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Jewel 26 19 2 22
Knowledge +[1-5] to Energy Jewel 9 6 3 23
Knowledge +[4-6] to Energy Jewel 24 18 3 23
Knowledge +[7-9] to Energy Jewel 41 33 3 23
Spirit +[3-8] to Life Jewel 1 1 4 26
Hope +[9-20] to Life Jewel 45 37 4 26
Freedom Requirements -15% Jewel 1 1 3 30
Virility +[1-4] to Strength Jewel 18 13 4 31
Virility +[5-6] to Strength Jewel 33 25 4 31
Virility +[7-9] to Strength Jewel 50 42 4 31
  • All jewel affixes are listed separately from other affixes. Most are completely separate from others in the game files even if they share a name, but the following are not: Scarlet, Cardinal, Carbuncle, Carmine, Vermillion, Shimmering, Aureolic, Blood Sucking (they all overlap with Quiver affixes, and the last two overlap with several other item types)

Small Charm Prefixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Stout +1 Defense Small Charm 1 1 4 101
Stout +[4-8] Defense Small Charm 21 15 4 101
Burly +[15-20] Defense Small Charm 36 28 4 101
Stalwart +[20-30] Defense Small Charm 48 40 4 101
Red +1 to Minimum Damage Small Charm 90 82 4 103
Jagged +1 to Maximum Damage Small Charm 81 73 4 104
Bronze +[2-4] to Attack Rating Small Charm 1 1 4 110
Bronze +[6-12] to Attack Rating Small Charm 21 15 4 110
Iron +[13-24] to Attack Rating Small Charm 39 31 4 110
Steel +[25-36] to Attack Rating Small Charm 57 49 4 110
Fine +[10-20] to Attack Rating,
+[1-3] to Maximum Damage
Small Charm 28 21 4 111
Lizard's +[1-2] to Mana Small Charm 16 12 4 115
Lizard's +[3-7] to Mana Small Charm 16 12 4 115
Snake's +[8-12] to Mana Small Charm 32 24 4 115
Serpent's +[13-17] to Mana Small Charm 48 40 4 115
Shimmering All Resistances +[3-5] Small Charm 33 25 1 116
Azure Cold Resist +[3-5]% Small Charm 1 1 2 117
Lapis Cold Resist +[6-7]% Small Charm 14 10 2 117
Cobalt Cold Resist +[8-9]% Small Charm 27 20 2 117
Sapphire Cold Resist +[10-11]% Small Charm 40 32 2 117
Crimson Fire Resist +[3-5]% Small Charm 1 1 2 118
Russet Fire Resist +[6-7]% Small Charm 14 10 2 118
Garnet Fire Resist +[8-9]% Small Charm 27 20 2 118
Ruby Fire Resist +[10-11]% Small Charm 40 32 2 118
Tangerine Lightning Resist +[3-5]% Small Charm 1 1 2 119
Ocher Lightning Resist +[6-7]% Small Charm 14 10 2 119
Coral Lightning Resist +[8-9]% Small Charm 27 20 2 119
Amber Lightning Resist +[10-11]% Small Charm 40 32 2 119
Beryl Poison Resist +[3-5]% Small Charm 1 1 2 120
Viridian Poison Resist +[6-7]% Small Charm 14 10 2 120
Jade Poison Resist +[8-9]% Small Charm 27 20 2 120
Emerald Poison Resist +[10-11]% Small Charm 40 32 2 120
Snowy Adds [1-2] to [2-4] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Small Charm 9 6 2 137 alvl was 27, rlvl was 20
Shivering Adds [3-4] to [5-8] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Small Charm 15 11 1 137 alvl was 42, rlvl was 34
Boreal Adds [6-8] to [10-16] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Small Charm 30 22 1 137 alvl was 66, rlvl was 58, damage was [5-7] to [9-14]
Hibernal Adds [11-13] to [20-27] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Small Charm 45 38 1 137 alvl was 91, rlvl was 83, damage was [8-10] to [15-20]
Fiery Adds 1 to [2-3] Fire Damage Small Charm 5 3 2 138 alvl was 21, rlvl was 15
Smoldering Adds [2-3] to [4-10] Fire Damage Small Charm 15 11 1 138 alvl was 40, rlvl was 32
Smoking Adds [4-9] to [11-19] Fire Damage Small Charm 28 21 1 138 alvl was 64, rlvl was 56
Flaming Adds [10-19] to [20-29] Fire Damage Small Charm 43 35 1 138 alvl was 89, rlvl was 81
Static Adds 1 to [6-11] Lightning Damage Small Charm 7 5 2 139 alvl was 23, rlvl was 17
Glowing Adds 1 to [8-17] Lightning Damage Small Charm 14 10 1 139 alvl was 41, rlvl was 33, damage was 1 to [12-24]
Arcing Adds 1 to [17-30] Lightning Damage Small Charm 29 21 1 139 alvl was 65, rlvl was 57, damage was 1 to [25-43]
Shocking Adds 1 to [31-50] Lightning Damage Small Charm 44 36 1 139 alvl was 90, rlvl was 82, damage was 1 to [44-71]
Septic +4 Poison Damage over 3 seconds Small Charm 1 1 2 140 alvl was 18, rlvl was 13, damage was 15 over 3 seconds
Foul +13 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Small Charm 12 9 1 140 alvl was 39, rlvl was 31, damage was 50 over 4 seconds
Toxic +25 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Small Charm 27 20 1 140 alvl was 63, rlvl was 55, damage was 100 over 5 seconds
Pestilent +65 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Small Charm 42 34 1 140 alvl was 88, rlvl was 80, damage was 175 over 6 seconds

Small Charm Suffixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Frost Adds 1 to 2 Cold Damage (1 second chill) Small Charm 5 3 2 10 alvl was 14, rlvl was 10
Icicle Adds 2 to [3-5] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Small Charm 8 6 1 10 alvl was 21, rlvl was 15, damage was 2 to [3-4]
Glacier Adds 4 to [6-8] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Small Charm 15 11 1 10 alvl was 33, rlvl was 25, damage was 3 to [5-6]
Winter Adds [6-7] to [10-13] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Small Charm 23 17 1 10 alvl was 46, rlvl was 38, damage was [4-5] to [7-9]
Flame Adds 1 to 2 Fire Damage Small Charm 3 2 2 12 alvl was 11, rlvl was 8
Fire Adds 2 to [3-5] Fire Damage Small Charm 8 6 1 12 alvl was 20, rlvl was 15, damage was 2 to [3-4]
Burning Adds [3-5] to [7-9] Fire Damage Small Charm 14 10 1 12 alvl was 32, rlvl was 24, damage was [3-4] to [5-8]
Incineration Adds [6-8] to [10-15] Fire Damage Small Charm 22 16 1 12 alvl was 45, rlvl was 37, damage was [5-7] to [9-13]
Shock Adds 1 to [3-5] Lightning Damage Small Charm 4 3 2 13 alvl was 12, rlvl was 9, damage was 1 to [3-6]
Lightning Adds 1 to [6-9] Lightning Damage Small Charm 7 5 1 13 alvl was 21, rlvl was 15, damage was 1 to [7-10]
Thunder Adds 1 to [10-16] Lightning Damage Small Charm 15 11 1 13 alvl was 33, rlvl was 25, damage was 1 to [11-18]
Storms Adds 1 to [17-25] Lightning Damage Small Charm 22 16 1 13 alvl was 45, rlvl was 37, damage was 1 to [19-28]
Craftsmanship +1 to Maximum Damage Small Charm 85 77 4 14
Blight +3 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Small Charm 1 1 2 16 alvl was 9, rlvl was 6, damage was 6 over 3 seconds
Venom +6 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Small Charm 6 4 1 16 alvl was 20, rlvl was 15, damage was 15 over 4 seconds
Pestilence +12 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Small Charm 14 10 1 16 alvl was 32, rlvl was 24, damage was 25 over 5 seconds
Anthrax +20 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Small Charm 21 15 1 16 alvl was 44, rlvl was 36, damage was 50 over 6 seconds
Balance +5% Faster Hit Recovery Small Charm 37 29 4 18
Greed [5-10]% Extra Gold from Monsters Small Charm 1 15 4 21
Fortune [3-5]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Small Charm 31 18 3 22
Good Luck [6-7]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Small Charm 47 33 2 22
Life +[5-10] to Life Small Charm 1 14 4 26
Sustenance +[11-15] to Life Small Charm 23 17 4 26 <-- Substinence in file -->
Vita +[16-20] to Life Small Charm 47 39 4 26
Strength +1 to Strength Small Charm 7 5 4 31
Strength +2 to Strength Small Charm 22 16 4 31
Dexterity +1 to Dexterity Small Charm 7 5 4 31
Dexterity +2 to Dexterity Small Charm 22 16 4 31
Inertia +3% Faster Run/Walk Small Charm 35 27 4 35

Large Charm Prefixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Stout +[2-3] Defense Large Charm 1 1 4 101
Stout +[4-6] Defense Large Charm 14 10 4 101
Stout +[8-12] Defense Large Charm 20 15 4 101
Burly +[13-18] Defense Large Charm 26 19 4 101
Burly +[20-30] Defense Large Charm 32 24 4 101
Stalwart +[30-40] Defense Large Charm 38 30 4 101
Stalwart +[45-60] Defense Large Charm 45 37 4 101
Red +1 to Minimum Damage Large Charm 30 22 4 103
Sanguinary +2 to Minimum Damage Large Charm 60 52 4 103
Jagged +1 to Maximum Damage Large Charm 22 16 4 104
Forked +2 to Maximum Damage Large Charm 52 44 4 104
Bronze +[4-8] to Attack Rating Large Charm 1 1 4 110
Bronze +[6-12] to Attack Rating Large Charm 7 5 4 110
Bronze +[13-25] to Attack Rating Large Charm 16 12 4 110
Iron +[26-38] to Attack Rating Large Charm 25 18 4 110
Iron +[39-51] to Attack Rating Large Charm 34 26 4 110
Steel +[52-64] to Attack Rating Large Charm 43 36 4 110
Steel +[65-77] to Attack Rating Large Charm 52 44 4 110
Fine +[10-20] to Attack Rating,
+[1-3] to Maximum Damage
Large Charm 19 14 4 111
Sharp +[21-48] to Attack Rating,
+[4-6] to Maximum Damage
Large Charm 28 21 4 111
Lucky 1% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Large Charm 34 4 114
Lucky [2-3]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Large Charm 53 4 114
Lucky [4-6]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Large Charm 51 4 114
Lizard's +[2-4] to Mana Large Charm 1 1 4 115
Lizard's +[5-7] to Mana Large Charm 9 6 4 115
Lizard's +[8-12] to Mana Large Charm 17 12 4 115
Snake's +[13-18] to Mana Large Charm 25 18 4 115
Snake's +[19-23] to Mana Large Charm 33 25 4 115
Serpent's +[24-29] to Mana Large Charm 41 33 4 115
Serpent's +[30-34] to Mana Large Charm 49 41 4 115
Shimmering All Resistances +[3-5] Large Charm 17 12 1 116 removed max alvl (was 33)
Shimmering All Resistances +[6-8] Large Charm 34 26 1 116
Azure Cold Resist +[4-7]% Large Charm 1 1 2 117
Lapis Cold Resist +[8-10]% Large Charm 16 12 2 117
Cobalt Cold Resist +[11-12]% Large Charm 25 18 2 117
Sapphire Cold Resist +[13-15]% Large Charm 35 27 2 117
Crimson Fire Resist +[4-7]% Large Charm 1 1 2 118
Russet Fire Resist +[8-10]% Large Charm 16 12 2 118
Garnet Fire Resist +[11-12]% Large Charm 25 18 2 118
Ruby Fire Resist +[13-15]% Large Charm 35 27 2 118
Tangerine Lightning Resist +[4-7]% Large Charm 1 1 2 119
Ocher Lightning Resist +[8-10]% Large Charm 16 12 2 119
Coral Lightning Resist +[11-12]% Large Charm 25 18 2 119
Amber Lightning Resist +[13-15]% Large Charm 35 27 2 119
Beryl Poison Resist +[4-7]% Large Charm 1 1 2 120
Viridian Poison Resist +[8-10]% Large Charm 16 12 2 120
Jade Poison Resist +[11-12]% Large Charm 25 18 2 120
Emerald Poison Resist +[13-15]% Large Charm 35 27 2 120
Snowy Adds [2-4] to [4-8] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Large Charm 18 13 2 137 damage was [2-3] to [3-5]
Shivering Adds [6-8] to [10-16] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Large Charm 29 21 1 137 damage was [4-5] to [6-10]
Boreal Adds [12-16] to [20-30] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Large Charm 49 41 1 137 damage was [6-10] to [11-20]
Hibernal Adds [22-26] to [40-54] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Large Charm 69 61 1 137 damage was [11-15] to [21-30]
Fiery Adds 2 to [4-6] Fire Damage Large Charm 13 9 2 138 damage was 1 to [2-3]
Smoldering Adds [4-6] to [8-20] Fire Damage Large Charm 27 20 1 138 damage was [2-3] to [4-12]
Smoking Adds [8-18] to [22-38] Fire Damage Large Charm 47 39 1 138 damage was [4-9] to [13-27]
Flaming Adds [20-38] to [40-58] Fire Damage Large Charm 67 59 1 138 damage was [10-27] to [28-43]
Static Adds 1 to [12-22] Lightning Damage Large Charm 14 10 2 139 damage was 1 to [5-9]
Glowing Adds 1 to [16-34] Lightning Damage Large Charm 28 20 1 139 damage was 1 to [10-26]
Arcing Adds 1 to [34-60] Lightning Damage Large Charm 48 40 1 139 damage was 1 to [27-58]
Shocking Adds 1 to [62-100] Lightning Damage Large Charm 68 60 1 139 damage was 1 to [59-90]
Septic +9 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Large Charm 9 6 2 140 damage was 10 over 3 seconds
Foul +26 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Large Charm 26 19 1 140 damage was 30 over 4 seconds
Toxic +49 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Large Charm 46 38 1 140 damage was 90 over 5 seconds
Pestilent +129 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Large Charm 66 58 1 140 damage was 175 over 6 seconds
Channeling +2% to Lightning Skill Damage Large Charm 14 14 3 201 new
Cold +2% to Cold Skill Damage Large Charm 14 14 3 201 new
Cinder +2% to Fire Skill Damage Large Charm 14 14 3 201 new
Morbid +2% to Poison Skill Damage Large Charm 14 14 3 201 new
Sparkling +2% to Magic Skill Damage Large Charm 14 14 3 201 new
Discharging +[2-3]% to Lightning Skill Damage Large Charm 28 28 3 201 new
Frigid +[2-3]% to Cold Skill Damage Large Charm 28 28 3 201 new
Wildfire +[2-3]% to Fire Skill Damage Large Charm 28 28 3 201 new
Malicious +[2-3]% to Poison Skill Damage Large Charm 28 28 3 201 new
Effervescent +[2-3]% to Magic Skill Damage Large Charm 28 28 3 201 new
Conduit +[3-4]% to Lightning Skill Damage Large Charm 42 42 2 201 new
Numbing +[3-4]% to Cold Skill Damage Large Charm 42 42 2 201 new
Inferno +[3-4]% to Fire Skill Damage Large Charm 42 42 2 201 new
Infectious +[3-4]% to Poison Skill Damage Large Charm 42 42 2 201 new
Scintillating +[3-4]% to Magic Skill Damage Large Charm 42 42 2 201 new

Large Charm Suffixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Frost Adds 2 to [3-4] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Large Charm 9 6 2 10 damage was 1 to [2-3]
Icicle Adds 4 to [6-10] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Large Charm 15 11 1 10 damage was 2 to [4-5]
Glacier Adds 8 to [12-16] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Large Charm 25 18 1 10 damage was 3 to [6-8]
Winter Adds [12-14] to [20-26] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Large Charm 35 27 1 10 damage was [4-6] to [9-12]
Flame Adds 2 to 4 Fire Damage Large Charm 7 5 2 12 damage was 1 to 2
Fire Adds 4 to [6-10] Fire Damage Large Charm 14 10 1 12 damage was 2 to [3-5]
Burning Adds [6-10] to [14-18] Fire Damage Large Charm 24 18 1 12 damage was [3-5] to [6-11]
Incineration Adds [12-16] to [20-30] Fire Damage Large Charm 34 26 1 12 damage was [6-10] to [12-17]
Shock Adds 1 to [6-10] Lightning Damage Large Charm 7 5 2 13 damage was 1 to [3-5]
Lightning Adds 1 to [12-18] Lightning Damage Large Charm 14 10 1 13 damage was 1 to [6-13]
Thunder Adds 1 to [20-32] Lightning Damage Large Charm 24 18 1 13 damage was 1 to [14-25]
Storms Adds 1 to [34-50] Lightning Damage Large Charm 34 26 1 13 damage was 1 to [26-38]
Craftsmanship +1 to Maximum Damage Large Charm 26 19 4 14
Quality +2 to Maximum Damage Large Charm 56 48 4 14
Blight +7 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Large Charm 5 3 2 16 damage was 6 over 3 seconds
Venom +13 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Large Charm 13 9 1 16 damage was 15 over 4 seconds
Pestilence +26 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Large Charm 23 17 1 16 damage was 25 over 5 seconds
Anthrax +41 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Large Charm 33 25 1 16 damage was 50 over 6 seconds
Balance +8% Faster Hit Recovery Large Charm 19 14 4 18
Greed [5-10]% Extra Gold from Monsters Large Charm 1 5 4 21
Greed [11-22]% Extra Gold from Monsters Large Charm 20 15 4 21
Life +[6-10] to Life Large Charm 1 9 4 26
Life +[11-15] to Life Large Charm 12 9 4 26
Sustenance +[16-20] to Life Large Charm 26 19 4 26 <-- Substinence in file -->
Sustenance +[21-25] to Life Large Charm 42 34 4 26 <-- Substinence in file -->
Vita +[26-30] to Life Large Charm 58 50 4 26
Vita +[31-35] to Life Large Charm 74 66 4 26
Strength +[2-3] to Strength Large Charm 3 2 4 31
Strength +[4-5] to Strength Large Charm 18 13 4 31
Dexterity +[2-3] to Dexterity Large Charm 3 2 4 31
Dexterity +[4-5] to Dexterity Large Charm 18 13 4 31
Inertia +5% Faster Run/Walk Large Charm 24 18 4 35

Grand Charm Prefixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Stout +[3-5] Defense Grand Charm 1 1 4 101
Stout +[6-9] Defense Grand Charm 7 5 4 101
Stout +[10-12] Defense Grand Charm 12 9 4 101
Burly +[13-15] Defense Grand Charm 17 12 4 101
Burly +[16-22] Defense Grand Charm 22 16 4 101
Burly +[23-30] Defense Grand Charm 27 20 4 101
Stalwart +[33-40] Defense Grand Charm 32 24 4 101
Stalwart +[44-50] Defense Grand Charm 37 29 4 101
Stalwart +[60-100] Defense Grand Charm 42 34 4 101
Red +1 to Minimum Damage Grand Charm 15 11 4 103
Sanguinary +2 to Minimum Damage Grand Charm 45 37 4 103
Bloody +3 to Minimum Damage Grand Charm 75 67 4 103
Jagged +1 to Maximum Damage Grand Charm 7 5 4 104
Forked +2 to Maximum Damage Grand Charm 37 29 4 104
Serrated +3 to Maximum Damage Grand Charm 67 59 4 104
Bronze +[6-12] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 1 1 4 110
Bronze +[13-27] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 7 5 4 110
Bronze +[28-42] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 13 9 4 110
Iron +[43-57] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 19 14 4 110
Iron +[58-72] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 25 18 4 110
Iron +[73-87] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 31 23 4 110
Steel +[88-102] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 37 29 4 110
Steel +[103-117] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 43 35 4 110
Steel +[118-132] to Attack Rating Grand Charm 49 41 4 110
Fine +[10-20] to Attack Rating,
+[1-3] to Maximum Damage
Grand Charm 15 11 4 111
Fine +[21-48] to Attack Rating,
+[4-6] to Maximum Damage
Grand Charm 22 16 4 111
Sharp +[49-76] to Attack Rating,
+[7-10] to Maximum Damage
Grand Charm 29 21 4 111
Lucky [1-4]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Grand Charm 21 4 114
Lucky [5-7]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Grand Charm 38 4 114
Lucky [8-12]% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Grand Charm 55 4 114
Lizard's +[3-7] to Mana Grand Charm 1 1 4 115
Lizard's +[8-13] to Mana Grand Charm 7 5 4 115
Lizard's +[14-20] to Mana Grand Charm 13 9 4 115
Snake's +[21-26] to Mana Grand Charm 19 14 4 115
Snake's +[27-33] to Mana Grand Charm 25 18 4 115
Snake's +[34-39] to Mana Grand Charm 31 23 4 115
Serpent's +[40-46] to Mana Grand Charm 37 29 4 115
Serpent's +[47-52] to Mana Grand Charm 43 35 4 115
Serpent's +[53-59] to Mana Grand Charm 49 41 4 115
Shimmering All Resistances +[3-6] Grand Charm 8 6 1 116 removed max alvl (was 13)
Shimmering All Resistances +[8-12] Grand Charm 14 10 1 116 removed max alvl (was 34)
Shimmering All Resistances +[13-15] Grand Charm 35 27 1 116
Azure Cold Resist +[7-15]% Grand Charm 1 1 2 117
Lapis Cold Resist +[16-20]% Grand Charm 10 7 2 117
Cobalt Cold Resist +[21-25]% Grand Charm 20 15 2 117
Sapphire Cold Resist +[26-30]% Grand Charm 30 22 2 117
Crimson Fire Resist +[7-15]% Grand Charm 1 1 2 118
Russet Fire Resist +[16-20]% Grand Charm 10 7 2 118
Garnet Fire Resist +[21-25]% Grand Charm 20 15 2 118
Ruby Fire Resist +[26-30]% Grand Charm 30 22 2 118
Tangerine Lightning Resist +[7-15]% Grand Charm 1 1 2 119
Ocher Lightning Resist +[16-20]% Grand Charm 10 7 2 119
Coral Lightning Resist +[21-25]% Grand Charm 20 15 2 119
Amber Lightning Resist +[26-30]% Grand Charm 30 22 2 119
Beryl Poison Resist +[7-15]% Grand Charm 1 1 2 120
Viridian Poison Resist +[16-20]% Grand Charm 10 7 2 120
Jade Poison Resist +[21-25]% Grand Charm 20 15 2 120
Emerald Poison Resist +[26-30]% Grand Charm 30 22 2 120
Fletcher's +1 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Acrobat's +1 to Passive and Magic Skills (Amazon Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Harpoonist's +1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Burning +1 to Fire Spells (Sorceress Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Sparking +1 to Lightning Spells (Sorceress Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Chilling +1 to Cold Spells (Sorceress Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Hexing +1 to Curses (Necromancer Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Fungal +1 to Poison and Bone Spells (Necromancer Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Graverobber's +1 to Summoning Spells (Necromancer Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Lion Branded +1 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Captain's +1 to Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Preserver's +1 to Defensive Auras (Paladin Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Expert's +1 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Fanatic +1 to Combat Masteries (Barbarian Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Sounding +1 to Warcries (Barbarian Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Trainer's +1 to Summoning Skills (Druid Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Spiritual +1 to Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Nature's +1 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Entrapping +1 to Traps (Assassin Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Mentalist's +1 to Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Shogukusha's +1 to Martial Arts (Assassin Only) Grand Charm 50 42 1 125
Snowy Adds [3-5] to [5-11] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Grand Charm 27 20 2 137 alvl was 9, rlvl was 6, damage was 1 to [2-3]
Shivering Adds [8-11] to [12-22] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Grand Charm 42 34 1 137 alvl was 15, rlvl was 11, damage was [2-4] to [4-8]
Boreal Adds [11-16] to [27-43] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Grand Charm 66 58 1 137 alvl was 30, rlvl was 22, damage was [5-7] to [9-15]
Hibernal Adds [30-35] to [54-73] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Grand Charm 91 83 1 137 alvl was 45, rlvl was 38, damage was [8-13] to [16-25]
Fiery Adds 1 to [2-3] Fire Damage Grand Charm 21 15 2 138 alvl was 5, rlvl was 3
Smoldering Adds [5-8] to [11-27] Fire Damage Grand Charm 40 32 1 138 alvl was 15, rlvl was 11, damage was [2-3] to [4-7]
Smoking Adds [11-24] to [30-51] Fire Damage Grand Charm 64 56 1 138 alvl was 28, rlvl was 21, damage was [4-7] to [8-19]
Flaming Adds [27-51] to [54-78] Fire Damage Grand Charm 89 81 1 138 alvl was 43, rlvl was 35, damage was [8-18] to [20-36]
Static Adds 1 to [16-30] Lightning Damage Grand Charm 23 17 2 139 alvl was 7, rlvl was 5, damage was 1 to [4-5]
Glowing Adds 1 to [22-46] Lightning Damage Grand Charm 41 33 1 139 alvl was 14, rlvl was 10, damage was 1 to [6-17]
Arcing Adds 1 to [46-81] Lightning Damage Grand Charm 65 57 1 139 alvl was 29, rlvl was 21, damage was 1 to [18-44]
Shocking Adds 1 to [84-135] Lightning Damage Grand Charm 90 82 1 139 alvl was 44, rlvl was 36, damage was 1 to [45-79]
Septic +13 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Grand Charm 18 13 2 140 alvl was 1, rlvl was 1, damage was 5 over 3 seconds
Foul +36 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Grand Charm 39 31 1 140 alvl was 12, rlvl was 9, damage was 15 over 4 seconds
Toxic +68 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Grand Charm 63 55 1 140 alvl was 27, rlvl was 20, damage was 50 over 5 seconds
Pestilent +174 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Grand Charm 88 80 1 140 alvl was 42, rlvl was 34, damage was 100 over 6 seconds

Grand Charm Suffixes

Affix Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Frost Adds 3 to [4-5] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Grand Charm 14 10 2 10 alvl was 5, rlvl was 3, damage was 1 to 2
Icicle Adds 5 to [8-13] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Grand Charm 21 15 1 10 alvl was 8, rlvl was 6, damage was 2 to [3-4]
Glacier Adds 11 to [16-22] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Grand Charm 33 25 1 10 alvl was 15, rlvl was 11, damage was 3 to [5-7]
Winter Adds [16-19] to [27-35] Cold Damage (1 second chill) Grand Charm 46 38 1 10 alvl was 23, rlvl was 17, damage was [4-6] to [8-11]
Flame Adds [2-3] to [5-6] Fire Damage Grand Charm 11 8 2 12 alvl was 3, rlvl was 2, damage was 1 to 2
Fire Adds 5 to [8-13] Fire Damage Grand Charm 20 15 1 12 alvl was 8, rlvl was 6, damage was [1-2] to 3
Burning Adds [9-15] to [19-24] Fire Damage Grand Charm 32 24 1 12 alvl was 14, rlvl was 10, damage was [2-3] to [4-7]
Incineration Adds [16-22] to [27-41] Fire Damage Grand Charm 45 37 1 12 alvl was 22, rlvl was 16, damage was [4-7] to [8-14]
Shock Adds 1 to [8-14] Lightning Damage Grand Charm 12 9 2 13 alvl was 4, rlvl was 3, damage was 1 to [2-3]
Lightning Adds 1 to [16-32] Lightning Damage Grand Charm 21 15 1 13 alvl was 7, rlvl was 5, damage was 1 to [4-7]
Thunder Adds 1 to [27-43] Lightning Damage Grand Charm 33 25 1 13 alvl was 15, rlvl was 11, damage was 1 to [8-21]
Storms Adds 1 to [46-68] Lightning Damage Grand Charm 45 37 1 13 alvl was 22, rlvl was 16, damage was 1 to [22-33]
Craftsmanship +1 to Maximum Damage Grand Charm 1 1 4 14
Quality +2 to Maximum Damage Grand Charm 41 33 4 14
Maiming +[3-4] to Maximum Damage Grand Charm 71 63 4 14
Blight +10 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Grand Charm 9 6 2 16 alvl was 1, rlvl was 1, damage was 6 over 3 seconds
Venom +18 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Grand Charm 20 15 1 16 alvl was 6, rlvl was 4, damage was 15 over 4 seconds
Pestilence +32 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Grand Charm 32 24 1 16 alvl was 14, rlvl was 10, damage was 25 over 5 seconds
Anthrax +154 Poison Damage over 2 seconds Grand Charm 44 36 1 16 alvl was 21, rlvl was 15, damage was 50 over 6 seconds
Balance +12% Faster Hit Recovery Grand Charm 1 1 4 18
Greed [10-20]% Extra Gold from Monsters Grand Charm 1 1 4 21
Greed [21-30]% Extra Gold from Monsters Grand Charm 7 5 4 21
Greed [31-40]% Extra Gold from Monsters Grand Charm 19 14 4 21
Life +[5-10] to Life Grand Charm 1 1 4 26
Life +[11-15] to Life Grand Charm 9 6 4 26
Life +[16-20] to Life Grand Charm 19 14 4 26
Sustenance +[21-25] to Life Grand Charm 31 23 4 26 <-- Substinence in file -->
Sustenance +[26-30] to Life Grand Charm 45 37 4 26 <-- Substinence in file -->
Sustenance +[31-35] to Life Grand Charm 61 53 4 26 <-- Substinence in file -->
Vita +[36-40] to Life Grand Charm 77 69 4 26
Vita +[41-45] to Life Grand Charm 91 83 4 26
Strength +[3-4] to Strength Grand Charm 1 1 4 31
Strength +[5-6] to Strength Grand Charm 14 10 4 31
Dexterity +[3-4] to Dexterity Grand Charm 1 1 4 31
Dexterity +[5-6] to Dexterity Grand Charm 14 10 4 31
Inertia +7% Faster Run/Walk Grand Charm 19 14 4 35

Removed Affixes

Affix P/S Attributes Item Types alvl rlvl freq group Changes
Brown P regen-stam [10-15] was Jewel 39 31 4 108 removed
Rugged P stam [12-24] was Grand Charm 1 1 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [25-36] was Grand Charm 7 5 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [37-50] was Grand Charm 21 15 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [8-16] was Large Charm 1 1 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [17-25] was Large Charm 7 5 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [26-32] was Large Charm 21 15 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [4-8] was Small Charm 1 1 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [9-16] was Small Charm 21 15 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [5-10] was Boots, Gloves, Belt, Ring, Amulet, Circlet 1 1 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [11-20] was Boots, Belt 8 6 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [11-20] was Ring, Amulet, Circlet 8 6 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [21-30] was Boots, Belt 16 12 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [10-15] was Jewel 1 1 4 109 removed
Rugged P stam [16-25] was Jewel 17 12 4 109 removed
Compact P stack [20-40] was Throwing Weapon 1 1 6 141 removed
Thin P stack [41-80] was Throwing Weapon 17 12 5 141 removed
Dense P stack [81-120] was Throwing Weapon 38 30 4 141 removed
Replenishing S rep-quant 5 was Throwing Weapon 5 3 6 39 removed
Propagation S rep-quant 10 was Throwing Weapon 24 18 5 39 removed
Firebolts S 5% Chance to Cast Level 3 Fire Bolt on Attack was Melee Weapon, Orb 6 4 1 44 removed
Firebolts S 10% Chance to Cast Level 4 Fire Bolt on Attack was Melee Weapon, Orb 20 15 1 44 removed
Icebolt S 5% Chance to Cast Level 3 Ice Bolt on Attack was Melee Weapon, Orb 6 4 1 44 removed
Lightning S 5% Chance to Cast Level 3 Lightning on Attack was Melee Weapon, Orb 18 13 1 44 removed
Chain Lightning S 5% Chance to Cast Level 3 Chain Lightning on Attack was Melee Weapon, Orb, Ring, Amulet 25 18 1 44 removed
Chain Lightning S 8% Chance to Cast Level 3 Chain Lightning on Attack was Melee Weapon, Orb, Ring, Amulet 35 26 1 44 removed
Chain Lightning S 8% Chance to Cast Level 5 Chain Lightning on Attack was Melee Weapon, Orb, Ring, Amulet 45 33 1 44 removed
Damage Amplification 5% Chance to Cast Level 1 Amplify Damage on Striking Non-Orb Weapon 3 1 1 44 removed
Magic Arrows S Level 10 Magic Arrow (30 Charges) was Missile Weapon 12 11 1 44 removed
Fire Arrows S Level 6 Fire Arrow (20 Charges) was Gloves 40 32 1 44 removed
Inner Sight S Level 6 Inner Sight (30 Charges) was Amulet, Amazon Weapon, Circlet 18 14 1 44 removed
Inner Sight S Level 4 Inner Sight (20 Charges) was Gloves 50 42 1 44 removed
Cold Arrows S Level 8 Cold Arrow (30 Charges) was Missile Weapon 15 16 1 44 removed
Cold Arrows S Level 5 Cold Arrow (20 Charges) was Gloves 47 39 1 44 removed
Multiple Shot S Level 8 Multiple Shot (30 Charges) was Missile Weapon 18 19 1 44 removed
Multiple Shot S Level 4 Multiple Shot (20 Charges) was Gloves 63 55 1 44 removed
Power Strike S Level 6 Power Strike (60 Charges) was Spear 12 13 1 44 removed
Power Strike S Level 4 Power Strike (20 Charges) was Gloves 55 47 1 44 removed
Exploding Arrows S Level 6 Exploding Arrow (30 Charges) was Missile Weapon 30 26 1 44 removed
Exploding Arrows S Level 4 Exploding Arrow (20 Charges) was Gloves 69 61 1 44 removed
Ice Arrows S Level 5 Ice Arrow (30 Charges) was Missile Weapon 36 28 1 44 removed
Ice Arrows S Level 3 Ice Arrow (20 Charges) was Gloves 72 64 1 44 removed
Charged Strike S Level 5 Charged Strike (60 Charges) was Spear 33 25 1 44 removed
Charged Strike S Level 3 Charged Strike (20 Charges) was Gloves 68 60 1 44 removed
Freezing Arrows S Level 4 Freezing Arrow (30 Charges) was Missile Weapon 50 42 1 44 removed
Freezing Arrows S Level 2 Freezing Arrow (20 Charges) was Gloves 94 86 1 44 removed
Lightning Strike S Level 4 Lightning Strike (60 Charges) was Spear 47 39 1 44 removed
Lightning Strike S Level 2 Lightning Strike (20 Charges) was Gloves 90 82 1 44 removed
Fire Bolts S Level 10 Fire Bolt (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 7 7 1 44 removed
Fire Bolts S Level 6 Fire Bolt (20 Charges) was Sword, Ring, Circlet 14 14 1 44 removed
Charged Bolts S Level 10 Charged Bolt (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 7 7 1 44 removed
Charged Bolts S Level 6 Charged Bolt (20 Charges) was Hammer, Tipped Mace, Scepter, Ring, Circlet 14 14 1 44 removed
Ice Bolts S Level 10 Ice Bolt (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 7 7 1 44 removed
Ice Bolts S Level 6 Ice Bolt (20 Charges) was Knife 14 14 1 44 removed
Telekinesis S Level 8 Telekinesis (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 12 12 1 44 removed
Frost Novas S Level 8 Frost Nova (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 12 12 1 44 removed
Frost Novas S Level 5 Frost Nova (20 Charges) was Knife, Amulet, Circlet 24 24 1 44 removed
Ice Blasts S Level 8 Ice Blast (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 12 12 1 44 removed
Ice Blasts S Level 5 Ice Blast (20 Charges) was Hammer, Tipped Mace, Scepter, Ring, Circlet 24 24 1 44 removed
Fire Balls S Level 7 Fire Ball (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 18 18 1 44 removed
Fire Balls S Level 4 Fire Ball (20 Charges) was Spear, Wand 36 36 1 44 removed
Novas S Level 7 Nova (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 18 18 1 44 removed
Novas S Level 4 Nova (20 Charges) was Shield 36 36 1 44 removed
Lightning S Level 7 Lightning (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 18 18 1 44 removed
Lightning S Level 4 Lightning (20 Charges) was Axe, Hammer 36 36 1 44 removed
Enchantment S Level 3 Enchant (20 Charges) was Staff, Orb 24 24 1 44 removed
Enchantment S Level 1 Enchant (10 Charges) was Melee Weapon 48 48 1 44 removed
Chain Lightning S Level 6 Chain Lightning (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 24 24 1 44 removed
Chain Lightning S Level 3 Chain Lightning (20 Charges) was Spear 48 48 1 44 removed
Glacial Spikes S Level 6 Glacial Spike (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 24 24 1 44 removed
Glacial Spikes S Level 3 Glacial Spike (20 Charges) was Knife 48 48 1 44 removed
Meteors S Level 5 Meteor (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 30 30 1 44 removed
Meteors S Level 2 Meteor (20 Charges) was Knife, Club 60 60 1 44 removed
Blizzards S Level 5 Blizzard (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 30 30 1 44 removed
Blizzards S Level 2 Blizzard (20 Charges) was Knife 60 60 1 44 removed
Frozen Orbs S Level 3 Frozen Orb (30 Charges) was Staff, Orb 36 36 1 44 removed
Frozen Orbs S Level 1 Frozen Orb (20 Charges) was Knife 72 72 1 44 removed
Teeth S Level 10 Teeth (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 7 7 1 44 removed
Teeth S Level 6 Teeth (20 Charges) was Sword 14 14 1 44 removed
Dim Vision S Level 8 Dim Vision (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 12 12 1 44 removed
Dim Vision S Level 5 Dim Vision (20 Charges) was Ring, Circlet 24 24 1 44 removed
Weaken S Level 8 Weaken (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 12 12 1 44 removed
Weaken S Level 5 Weaken (20 Charges) was Gloves 24 24 1 44 removed
Poison Dagger S Level 8 Poison Dagger (60 Charges) was Knife, Necromancer Shield 12 12 1 44 removed
Poison Dagger S Level 5 Poison Dagger (20 Charges) was Gloves, Ring, Circlet 24 24 1 44 removed
Terror S Level 7 Terror (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 18 18 1 44 removed
Terror S Level 4 Terror (20 Charges) was Shield 36 36 1 44 removed
Confusion S Level 6 Confuse (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 24 24 1 44 removed
Confusion S Level 3 Confuse (20 Charges) was Ring, Circlet 48 48 1 44 removed
Bone Spears S Level 6 Bone Spear (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 24 24 1 44 removed
Bone Spears S Level 3 Bone Spear (20 Charges) was Spear 48 48 1 44 removed
Attraction S Level 5 Attract (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 30 30 1 44 removed
Attraction S Level 2 Attract (20 Charges) was Ring, Amulet, Circlet 60 60 1 44 removed
Poison Novas S Level 3 Poison Nova (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 36 36 1 44 removed
Poison Novas S Level 1 Poison Nova (20 Charges) was Gloves 72 72 1 44 removed
Bone Spirits S Level 3 Bone Spirit (60 Charges) was Wand, Knife, Necromancer Shield 36 36 1 44 removed
Bone Spirits S Level 1 Bone Spirit (20 Charges) was Amulet, Circlet 72 72 1 44 removed
Sacrifice S Level 10 Sacrifice (30 Charges) was Scepter, Paladin Shield 7 7 1 44 removed
Sacrifice S Level 6 Sacrifice (20 Charges) was Non-Scepter Melee Weapon 14 14 1 44 removed
Holy Bolts S Level 8 Holy Bolt (30 Charges) was Scepter, Paladin Shield 12 12 1 44 removed
Holy Bolts S Level 5 Holy Bolt (20 Charges) was Amulet, Circlet 24 24 1 44 removed
Zeal S Level 7 Zeal (30 Charges) was Scepter, Paladin Shield 18 18 1 44 removed
Zeal S Level 4 Zeal (20 Charges) was Non-Scepter Melee Weapon 36 36 1 44 removed
Vengeance S Level 6 Vengeance (30 Charges) was Scepter, Paladin Shield 24 24 1 44 removed
Vengeance S Level 3 Vengeance (20 Charges) was Sword, Axe 48 48 1 44 removed
Blessed Hammers S Level 6 Blessed Hammer (30 Charges) was Scepter, Paladin Shield 24 24 1 44 removed
Blessed Hammers S Level 3 Blessed Hammer (20 Charges) was Hammer 48 48 1 44 removed
Bashing S Level 10 Bash (60 Charges) was Barbarian Helm 7 7 1 44 removed
Bashing S Level 6 Bash (20 Charges) was Melee WeaponP 14 14 1 44 removed
Stunning S Level 7 Stun (60 Charges) was Barbarian Helm 18 18 1 44 removed
Stunning S Level 4 Stun (20 Charges) was Melee Weapon 36 36 1 44 removed
Concentration S Level 6 Concentrate (60 Charges) was Barbarian Helm 24 24 1 44 removed
Concentration S Level 3 Concentrate (20 Charges) was Melee WeaponP 48 48 1 44 removed
Grim Ward S Level 5 Grim Ward (60 Charges) was Barbarian Helm 30 30 1 44 removed
Grim Ward S Level 2 Grim Ward (20 Charges) was Amulet 60 60 1 44 removed
Firestorms S Level 10 Firestorm (30 Charges) was Club 7 7 1 44 removed
Firestorms S Level 6 Firestorm (20 Charges) was Staff 14 14 1 44 removed
Fissure S Level 7 Fissure (30 Charges) was Club 18 18 1 44 removed
Fissure S Level 4 Fissure (20 Charges) was Staff 36 36 1 44 removed
Twister S Level 6 Twister (30 Charges) was Club 24 24 1 44 removed
Twister S Level 3 Twister (20 Charges) was Amulet, Circlet 48 48 1 44 removed
Volcano S Level 6 Volcano (30 Charges) was Club 30 30 1 44 removed
Volcano S Level 3 Volcano (20 Charges) was Hammer 60 60 1 44 removed
Tornado S Level 5 Tornado (30 Charges) was Club 30 30 1 44 removed
Tornado S Level 2 Tornado (20 Charges) was Amulet, Circlet 60 60 1 44 removed

The following chart duplicates some of the information from the above charts, and presents it a slightly different (older) form. This same info can be seen by simply sorting the above charts by alvl.

Highest-Level Affixes (above alvl 71)

Affix P/S Attributes Item Type (alvl)
Valkyrie's P +2 to Amazon Skill Levels Missile Weapon(50), Spear(50), Amulet(90), Circlet(90) (rlvl 42, 67) 90
Witch-Hunter's P +2 to Assassin Skills Claw(50), Amulet(90), Circlet(90) (rlvl 42, 67) 90
Berserker's P +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels Barbarian Helm(50), Club(50), Hammer(50), Tipped Mace(50), Axe(50), Throwing Knife(50), Two-Handed SpearNC(50), Sword(50), Amulet(90), Circlet(90) (rlvl 42, 67) 90
Hierophant's P +2 to Druid Skill Levels Druid Helm(50), Club(50), Amulet(90), Circlet(90) (rlvl 42, 67) 90
Necromancer's P +2 to Necromancer Skill Levels Necromancer Shield(50), Wand(50), Knife(50), Amulet(90), Circlet(90) (rlvl 42, 67) 90
Priest's P +2 to Paladin Skill Levels Paladin Shield(50), Scepter(50), Hammer(65), Tipped Mace(65), ShieldNC(65), Sword(65), Amulet(90), Circlet(90) (rlvl 42, 58, 67) 90
Arch-Angel's P +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels Orb(50), Staff(50), Amulet(90), Circlet(90) (rlvl 42, 67) 90
Craftsmanship S +1 to Maximum Damage Grand Charm(1), Large Charm(26), Small Charm(85) (rlvl 1, 19, 77) 85
Jagged P +1 to Maximum Damage Small Charm(81) (rlvl 73) 81
Red P +1 to Minimum Damage Grand Charm(15), Large Charm(30), Small Charm(90) (rlvl 11, 22, 82) 90
Bloody P +3 to Minimum Damage Grand Charm(75) (rlvl 67) 75
Pestilent P +174 Poison Damage over 2 Seconds Grand Charm(88) (rlvl 80) 88
Flaming P Adds [27-51] to [54-78] Fire Damage Grand Charm(89) (rlvl 81) 89
Shocking P Adds 1 to [84-135] Lightning Damage Grand Charm(90) (rlvl 82) 90
Hibernal P Adds [30-35] to [54-73] Cold Damage Grand Charm(91) (rlvl 83) 91
Vita S +[36-45] to Life Grand Charm(77[36-40];91[41-45]) (rlvl 69, 83) 91
Vita S +[31-35] to Life Large Charm(74) (rlvl 66) 74
Guardianship S Physical Damage Taken Reduced by [15-20]% Chest(85), Shield(85) (rlvl 60) 85
Rampaging P +[160-200]% Enhanced Damage Chest(85), Shield(85) (rlvl 78) 85
Embattled P +[120-160]% Enhanced Damage Chest(75), Shield(75) (rlvl 68) 75
Visceral P +[301-400]% Enhanced Damage Club(75), Tipped Mace(75), Knife(75), Throwing Axe(75), Amazon Javelin(75), Missile Weapon(75) (rlvl 69) 75
Scorching P Adds [217-306] to [325-432] Fire Damage Weapon(77), Quiver(77) (rlvl 67) 77
Shocking P Adds 1 to [433-576] Lightning Damage Weapon(76), Quiver(76) (rlvl 66) 76
Performance S +[9-14] to Minimum Damage WeaponP(48), Amulet(81[10-13]), Ring(81[10-13]), Circlet(81[10-13]), Helm(81[10-13]) (rlvl 40, 63) 81
Transcendence S +[15-20] to Minimum Damage WeaponP(76) (rlvl 68) 76
Vampire S [6-9]% Mana Stolen per Hit Melee Weapon(56[8-9]), Ring(76[6]), Amulet(78[7-8]), Circlet(78[7-8]) (rlvl 48, 64, 66) 78
Lamprey S [6-9]% Life Stolen per Hit Melee Weapon(55[8-9]), Amulet(75[6]), Ring(77[7-8]), Circlet(77[7-8]) (rlvl 43, 63, 65) 77
Colossus S +[41-60] to Life Amulet(30), Circlet(30), Barbarian Helm(30), Belt(30), Chest(30), Druid Helm(75), Shield(75) (rlvl 22, 67) 75
Titan S +[16-20] to Strength Amulet(58), Circlet(58), Belt(58), Club(58), Hammer(58), Tipped Mace(74), Scepter(74), Ring(74), Chest(74), Shield(74) (rlvl 50, 66) 74
Perfection S +[16-20] to Dexterity Amulet(59), Circlet(59), Missile Weapon(59), Chest(59), Shield(59), Gloves(75), Ring(75) (rlvl 51, 67) 75
Nirvana S +[21-30] to Dexterity Amulet(72), Circlet(72), Missile Weapon(72) (rlvl 64) 72
Lower Resistance S Level X Lower Resist (Y Charges) Necromancer Shield(36[28/15]), Wand(36[28/15]), Knife(36[28/15]), Staff(72[28/15]) (rlvl 36, 72) 72
Lower Resist S 12% Chance to Cast Level 15 Lower Resist on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Lower Resist S 12% Chance to Cast Level 15 Lower Resist on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Damage Amplification S 12% Chance to Cast Level 31 Amplify Damage on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Damage Amplification S 12% Chance to Cast Level 31 Amplify Damage on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Fireball S 16% Chance to Cast Level 30 Fire Ball on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Fireball S 14% Chance to Cast Level 30 Fire Ball on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Charged Bolt S 20% Chance to Cast Level 30 Charged Bolt on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Charged Bolt S 18% Chance to Cast Level 30 Charged Bolt on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Lightning S 16% Chance to Cast Level 30 Lightning on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Lightning S 14% Chance to Cast Level 30 Lightning on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Chain Lightning S 14% Chance to Cast Level 30 Chain Lightning on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Chain Lightning S 12% Chance to Cast Level 30 Chain Lightning on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Nova S 16% Chance to Cast Level 30 Nova on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Nova S 14% Chance to Cast Level 30 Nova on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Frost Nova S 18% Chance to Cast Level 30 Frost Nova on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Frost Nova S 16% Chance to Cast Level 30 Frost Nova on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Ice Barrage S 12% Chance to Cast Level 30 Ice Barrage on Striking WeaponP(76) (rlvl 57) 76
Ice Barrage S 10% Chance to Cast Level 30 Ice Barrage on Casting Staff(76) (rlvl 57) 76

While items dropped from monsters will always have an ilvl that's equal to the monster level (which is generally just the zone level, or +2/+3 higher for champion/unique monsters), the alvl is what matters and that's sometimes harder to figure out. Using the formula above, here are some examples of affixes and the ilvls needed for them:

Witch-Hunter's: ilvl 90 (amulets), ilvl 87 (Circlet), ilvl 82 (Coronet), ilvl 77 (Tiara), ilvl 1 (Diadem), ilvl 75 (most claws), ilvl 50-74 for claws with a qlvl lower than 50 (e.g. Greater Claws)
Arch-Angel's: ilvl 90 (amulets), ilvl 87 (Circlet), ilvl 82 (Coronet), ilvl 77 (Tiara), ilvl 1 (Diadem), ilvl 49 (orbs/staves)
Vita: ilvl 91 (41-45 life) or ilvl 77 (36-40 life) for grand charms, ilvl 81 for large charms
Craftsmanship: ilvl 92 for small charms
Guardianship: ilvl 92 for most chests/shields, ilvl 85-91 for chests/shields with a qlvl lower than 14 (Scale Mail, Spiked Shield, Rondache, Zombie Head, etc)
Rampaging: ilvl 92 for most, ilvl 85-91 for low qlvls (same as Guardianship)
Embattled: ilvl 87 for most chests/shields, ilvl 75-86 for chests/shields with a qlvl lower than 24 (Splint Mail, Tower Shield, Aerin Shield, Gargoyle Head, etc)
Visceral: ilvl 87 for most eligible weapons, ilvl 75-86 for weapons with a qlvl lower than 24 (Spiked Club, Flail, Blade, Balanced Axe/Knife, Maiden Javelin, Stag Bow, Long Battle Bow, Crossbow, etc)



Regular monsters have a monster level equal to the level of the zone they're found in and champion/unique monsters have a monster level that is +2/+3 higher than that. A monster's level determines which treasure classes it can drop items from. Monsters drop items with item levels equal to their monster level, which influences the affixes and sockets those items can get. Note that super unique monsters can have monster levels which don't follow this general format.


  • Many zones have had their zone level increased (shown below; included in-game next to the zone name in the upper right corner)
  • The 3 red portal zones in Act 5 (Abaddon, Pit of Acheron, Infernal Pit) have had their density increased by 40-50%, and Mausoleum & Crypt have had their density increased by 9%
  • The Maggot Lair and Arcane Sanctuary in Act 2 have wider pathways
  • Lower Kurast no longer has super chests due to their mismatched risk/reward
  • Some zones can temporarily be affected by "corruption" which raises their zone level to 85 and increases the chance for Worldstone Shards to drop - a random zone will be selected every 15 minutes, and when a game is created, that zone will be "corrupted" for the duration of the game (only applies in Hell difficulty games where Baal's quest has been completed)

Zone Levels

List of Zone Levels
Zone Normal Nightmare Hell Location WP Hell
Super Unique Monsters
Rogue Encampment - - - A1 **
Blood Moor 1 36 67 A1
Den of Evil 1 36 79 A1 Blood Moor Corpsefire
Cold Plains 2 36 68 A1 ** Bishibosh
Cave Level 1 2 36 77 A1 Cold Plains
Cave Level 2 2 37 78 A1 Cold Plains Coldcrow
Burial Grounds 3 36 85 A1 80 Blood Raven*
Crypt 3 37 85 A1 Burial Grounds 83 Bonebreaker
Mausoleum 3 37 85 A1 Burial Grounds
Stony Field 4 37 68 A1 ** Rakanishu
Tristram 6 39 82 A1 Stony Field 76 Griswold*
Underground Passage Level 1 4 37 69 A1
Underground Passage Level 2 4 38 83 A1
Dark Wood 5 38 68 A1 ** Treehead Woodfist
Black Marsh 6 38 69 A1 **
Hole Level 1 5 38 85 A1 Black Marsh 80
Hole Level 2 5 39 85 A1 Black Marsh 81
Forgotten Tower - - - A1 Black Marsh
Tower Cellar Level 1 7 38 82 A1 Black Marsh 75
Tower Cellar Level 2 7 39 83 A1 Black Marsh 76
Tower Cellar Level 3 7 40 84 A1 Black Marsh 77
Tower Cellar Level 4 7 41 85 A1 Black Marsh 78
Tower Cellar Level 5 7 42 85 A1 Black Marsh 79 The Countess
Tamoe Highland 8 39 69 A1
Pit Level 1 7 39 85 A1 Tamoe Highland
Pit Level 2 7 40 85 A1 Tamoe Highland
Monastery Gate 8 40 70 A1
Outer Cloister 9 40 70 A1 **
Barracks 9 40 70 A1 The Smith*
Jail Level 1 10 41 71 A1 **
Jail Level 2 10 41 71 A1 Pitspawn Fouldog
Jail Level 3 10 41 71 A1
Inner Cloister 10 41 72 A1 **
Cathedral 11 42 72 A1 Bone Ash
Catacombs Level 1 11 42 80 A1 72
Catacombs Level 2 11 42 80 A1 ** 73
Catacombs Level 3 12 43 85 A1 73
Catacombs Level 4 12 43 85 A1 73 Andariel*
Secret Cow Level 28 64 81 A1 Rogue Encampment (Portal) The Cow King*
Lut Gholein - - - A2 **
Sewers Level 1 13 43 74 A2 Lut Gholein
Sewers Level 2 13 43 74 A2 Lut Gholein **
Sewers Level 3 14 44 75 A2 Lut Gholein Radament*
Rocky Waste 14 43 75 A2
Stony Tomb Level 1 12 44 85 A2 Rocky Waste 78
Stony Tomb Level 2 12 44 85 A2 Rocky Waste 79 Creeping Feature
Dry Hills 15 44 76 A2 **
Halls of the Dead Level 1 12 44 79 A2 Dry Hills
Halls of the Dead Level 2 13 45 82 A2 Dry Hills ** 81
Halls of the Dead Level 3 13 45 85 A2 Dry Hills 82 Bloodwitch the Wild
Far Oasis 16 45 76 A2 ** Beetleburst
Maggot Lair Level 1 17 45 85 A2 Far Oasis 84
Maggot Lair Level 2 17 45 85 A2 Far Oasis 84
Maggot Lair Level 3 17 46 85 A2 Far Oasis Coldworm the Burrower*
Lost City 17 46 77 A2 ** Dark Elder
Ancient Tunnels 17 46 85 A2 Lost City
Valley of Snakes 18 46 77 A2
Claw Viper Temple Level 1 14 47 85 A2 Valley of Snakes 82
Claw Viper Temple Level 2 14 47 85 A2 Valley of Snakes 83 Fangskin
Harem Level 1 - - - A2
Harem Level 2 13 47 78 A2
Palace Cellar Level 1 13 47 78 A2 **
Palace Cellar Level 2 13 47 78 A2
Palace Cellar Level 3 13 48 78 A2 Fire Eye
Arcane Sanctuary 14 48 79 A2 ** The Summoner*
Canyon of the Magi 16 48 80 A2 ** 79
Tal Rasha's Tomb 17 49 82 A2 80 Ancient Kaa the Soulless
Tal Rasha's Chamber 17 49 85 A2 80 Duriel*
Kurast Docks - - - A3 **
Spider Forest 21 49 79 A3 **
Arachnid Lair 21 50 79 A3 Spider Forest
Spider Cavern 21 50 79 A3 Spider Forest Sszark the Burning
Great Marsh 21 50 80 A3 **
Flayer Jungle 22 50 80 A3 ** Stormtree
Swampy Pit Level 1 21 51 85 A3 Flayer Jungle 80
Swampy Pit Level 2 21 51 85 A3 Flayer Jungle 81
Swampy Pit Level 3 21 51 85 A3 Flayer Jungle 82 Witch Doctor Endugu
Flayer Dungeon Level 1 22 51 81 A3 Flayer Jungle
Flayer Dungeon Level 2 22 51 85 A3 Flayer Jungle 82
Flayer Dungeon Level 3 22 51 85 A3 Flayer Jungle 83
Lower Kurast 22 52 80 A3 **
Kurast Bazaar 22 52 81 A3 **
Ruined Temple 23 53 85 A3 Kurast Bazaar 84 Battlemaid Sarina
Disused Fane 23 53 85 A3 Kurast Bazaar 84
Sewers Level 1 23 52 85 A3 Kurast Bazaar & Upper Kurast 84 Icehawk Riftwing
Sewers Level 2 24 53 85 A3 Kurast Bazaar & Upper Kurast
Upper Kurast 23 52 81 A3 **
Forgotten Reliquary 23 53 85 A3 Upper Kurast 84
Forgotten Temple 24 54 85 A3 Upper Kurast
Kurast Causeway 24 53 81 A3
Disused Reliquary 24 54 85 A3 Kurast Causeway
Ruined Fane 24 54 85 A3 Kurast Causeway
Travincal 24 54 82 A3 ** 3 Council Members
Durance of Hate Level 1 25 55 83 A3
Durance of Hate Level 2 25 55 83 A3 **
Durance of Hate Level 3 25 55 83 A3 Mephisto*, 3 Council Members
The Pandemonium Fortress - - - A4 **
Outer Steppes 26 56 82 A4
Plains of Despair 26 56 85 A4 83 Izual*
City of the Damned 27 57 84 A4 **
River of Flame 27 57 85 A4 ** Hephasto the Armorer*
Chaos Sanctuary 28 58 85 A4 Diablo*, De Seis, Infector, Grand Vizier
Harrogath - - - A5 **
Bloody Foothills 24 58 80 A5 Shenk the Overseer, Dac Farren
Frigid Highlands 25 59 81 A5 ** Eldritch, Sharptooth, Eyeback
Abaddon 39 60 85 A5 Frigid Highlands 81
Arreat Plateau 26 60 81 A5 ** Thresh Socket
Pit of Acheron 39 61 85 A5 Arreat Plateau 82
Crystalline Passage 29 61 82 A5 **
Frozen River 29 61 83 A5 Crystalline Passage Frozenstein
Glacial Trail 29 61 83 A5 ** Bonesaw Breaker
Drifter Cavern 29 61 85 A5 Glacial Trail 84
Frozen Tundra 27 60 81 A5 **
Infernal Pit 39 62 85 A5 Frozen Tundra 83
Nihlathak's Temple 32 63 83 A5 Pindleskin
Halls of Anguish 33 63 83 A5
Halls of Pain 34 64 84 A5 **
Halls of Vaught 36 64 84 A5 Nihlathak*
The Ancients' Way 29 62 82 A5 **
Icy Cellar 29 62 83 A5 The Ancient's Way Snapchip Shatter
Arreat Summit 37 68 87 A5 Korlic*, Talic*, Madawc*
Worldstone Keep Level 1 39 65 85 A5
Worldstone Keep Level 2 40 65 85 A5 **
Worldstone Keep Level 3 42 66 85 A5
Throne of Destruction 43 66 85 A5 Lister, Ventar, Bartuc, Achmel, Colenzo
Worldstone Chamber 43 66 85 A5 Baal*
Matron's Den - - 85 A5 Harrogath (Portal) 83 Lilith (Uber Andariel)
Forgotten Sands - - 85 A5 Harrogath (Portal) 83 Uber Duriel
Furnace of Pain - - 85 A5 Harrogath (Portal) 83 Uber Izual
* base monster type is unique
** zone has a waypoint

Level 85 Zone Info

Level 85 zones are the zones in which the highest level items (TC 87) can be found from both champion and unique monsters since 85+2 and 85+3 are both at least 87. This means the highest level items can also be found in level 84 zones from unique monsters.

Many zone levels were increased to 85 so there are more endgame places to farm. Keep in mind that some zones are still worth farming even if they aren't level 85. Even if all items can't be found within lower level zones, they may have other advantages such as higher monster density, fewer immune/resistant monsters, more monster types that have better drop chances for valuable non-equipment items like runes, or the zones themselves may be closer to waypoints so they can be cleared faster. For example, both the cow level and Arcane Sanctuary are quite worthwhile despite being level 81 and level 79.

The following chart lists all level 85 zones with the amount of monster types in those zones that have immunities. Some monster types have multiple immunities and contribute toward the amounts in multiple columns. Unique monsters may still have other immunities since they have random bonuses. For example, "2 + 1" means there are 2 normal monster types that spawn with immunities and 1 super unique pack that spawns with immunities.

These immunities haven't changed in PD2 so the Amazon Basin wiki has more comprehensive color-coded resistance/immunity charts for each zone.

Level 85 Zones and their Immunities
Zone Physical
Location Vanilla
Burial Grounds 2 A1 80
Mausoleum 2 A1 Burial Grounds 85
Crypt 2 + 1 A1 Burial Grounds 83
Hole 1 3 1 1 A1 Black Marsh 80
Hole 2 3 1 1 A1 Black Marsh 81
Tower Cellar 4 1 2 1 A1 Black Marsh 78
Tower Cellar 5 1 2 + 1 1 0 + 1 A1 Black Marsh 79
Pit 1 2 1 2 A1 Tamoe Highlands 85
Pit 2 2 1 2 A1 Tamoe Highlands 85
Catacombs 3 1 1 1 A1 73
Catacombs 4 3 1 A1 73
Stony Tomb 1 3 1 A2 Rocky Waste 78
Stony Tomb 2 2 0 + 1 0 + 1 A2 Rocky Waste 79
Halls of the Dead 3 1 1 2 + 1 4 A2 Dry Hills 82
Maggot Lair 1 1 2 4 A2 Far Oasis 84
Maggot Lair 2 1 2 4 A2 Far Oasis 84
Maggot Lair 3 1 2 0 + 1 4 + 1 A2 Far Oasis 85
Ancient Tunnels 1 1 1 1 A2 Lost City 85
Claw Viper Temple 1 1 1 4 2 A2 Valley of Snakes 82
Claw Viper Temple 2 1 1 3 + 1 1 A2 Valley of Snakes 83
Swampy Pit 1 1 2 3 A3 Flayer Jungle 80
Swampy Pit 2 2 2 3 A3 Flayer Jungle 81
Swampy Pit 3 1 2 2 A3 Flayer Jungle 82
Flayer Dungeon 2 1 2 1 3 3 A3 Flayer Jungle 82
Flayer Dungeon 3 1 2 + 1 1 3 2 A3 Flayer Jungle 83
Ruined Temple 1 1 2 + 1 A3 Kurast Bazaar 84
Disused Fane 1 1 2 A3 Kurast Bazaar 84
Sewers 1 1 1 1 + 1 A3 Kurast Bazaar & Upper Kurast 84
Sewers 2 1 1 5 A3 Kurast Bazaar & Upper Kurast 85
Forgotten Temple 1 1 2 A3 Upper Kurast 85
Forgotten Reliquary 1 1 2 A3 Upper Kurast 84
Disused Reliquary 1 1 2 A3 Kurast Causeway 85
Ruined Fane 1 1 2 A3 Kurast Causeway 85
Plains of Despair 2 2 2 A4 83
River of Flame 1 2 2 3 A4 85
Chaos Sanctuary 2 + 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 A4 85
Abaddon 1 3 1 1 2 A5 Frigid Highlands 81
Pit of Acheron 1 1 4 1 2 A5 Arreat Plateau 82
Drifter Cavern 1 1 1 6 2 A5 Glacial Trail 84
Infernal Pit 6 1 4 1 A5 Frozen Tundra 83
Worldstone Keep 1 4 2 5 2 A5 85
Worldstone Keep 2 1 1 3 2 3 A5 85
Worldstone Keep 3 2 5 2 2 3 A5 85
Throne of Destruction 1 + 1 4 + 1 1 3 + 1 3 + 2 A5 85
Worldstone Chamber - - - - - - A5 85
Matron's Den 1 3 0 + 1 Pandemonium Event 83
Forgotten Sands 1 1 2 0 + 1 2 Pandemonium Event 83
Furnace of Pain 1 4 1 3 + 1 1 Pandemonium Event 83



  • 特殊地区与原版游戏后期的区域相当,新旧区域都可FARM。
  • 地牢(Tier4地图)是需要团队配合的,难度相当高的区域,满足大家的挑战欲。


T1地图传送门在地狱难度和恶梦难度Act 5中稀有掉落。在特殊地图中更容易掉落特殊地图传送门,每一梯队的地图有机会掉落更高梯队的地图传送门。地狱难度的安雅也能奖励给玩家一个常规的的T1地图 。




  • Darkness itself wanders these lands...
黑暗流浪者Dark Wanderer 会出现,并化身为一个随机BOSS或者伤害/血量都提升的固定精英怪,杀死它能掉落大量世界石碎片 世界之石碎片(wss) ,每次地图会出现3个黑暗流浪者。
  • Evil beckons you from the Void...
门德利之影事件Shadow of Mendeln 会出现和召唤数波不死系的怪物,后面的波次中有很多头目和精英怪物。- 它们有机率掉落 虚空石碎片.
  • An alternate dimension radiates dark energy...
赫拉森Horazon 会出现,杀死他以后他会创造出一个通往新地图区域的传送门(为同梯度地图,或高一梯度,最高T3),这个新地图不会再出现特殊事件。
  • A shrieking, mischievious laughter pierces your ears...
会出现能逃避攻击的财富使者Treasure Fallen,攻击他会掉落宝石、符文(Um #22以下),地图物品,法珠和手工模组。每次地图会出现3个财富使者。
  • A faint humming keeps the darkness at bay...
会出现黑暗尖塔,使当前区域陷入黑暗 - 未探索的黑暗区域内会刷出敌人,有几率掉落混沌钥匙 uber keys 黑暗尖塔多会出现在地图入口附近。每次地图最多掉落6把钥匙, and the duration of the event is inversely correlated with how much of the map has been explored.
  • You hear coins being counted nearby...
基德出现并以每件100万黄金的价格出售5件身份不明的独特物品。购买时,这些物品可能会转变为暗金或金色。(暗金概率挺大的)Gheed appears and sells 5 unidentified unique items for 1 million gold each. The items may transform into their exceptional or elite versions when purchased.
  • A mysterious altar vibrates with potential...
催化剂祭坛出现并在点击时在附近产生一个boss怪物-击败怪物将允许祭坛用于创建催化剂碎片。(催化剂碎片:增加地图一个特殊事件)An Altar of the Catalyst appears and spawns a boss monster nearby when clicked - defeating the monster will allow the altar to be used to create Catalyst Shards.


在赫拉迪克方块中可以使用特定物品来改变地图属性。除了在地狱难度可以从安雅处购买的法球以外,从特殊地图的BOSS处可罕见掉落赫拉迪姆的圣甲虫Horadrim Scarab, Catalyst Shard drops from a map event,新3BB可掉落英雄旗帜Standard of Heroes。特殊地图也可以用随处可得的世界石碎片Worldstone Shard 进行污染。

图标 物品 其他材料 效果
赫拉迪姆法珠Horadrim Orb 黄金地图, 完美的宝石, 符文 重新随机地图
Infused Horadrim Orb Rare Map
天使法珠Angelic Orb 魔法级地图, 完美骷髅, 符文 升级地图 (魔法级 -> 黄金级)
Infused Angelic Orb Magic Map
萨卡兰姆法珠Zakarum Orb 普通地图, 珠宝, 符文 升级地图 (普通级 -> 黄金级)
Infused Zakarum Orb Regular Map
奥术法珠Arcane Orb 普通地图, 珠宝 升级地图 (普通级 -> 魔法级)
Infused Arcane Orb Regular Map
毁灭之法珠Orb of Destruction 魔法/黄金 地图 降级地图 (至普通级)
强化之球Orb of Fortification 魔法/稀有 地图 地图怪物数量减半,从中获得的战利品/经验翻倍-这些强化怪物的生命增加了一倍,并造成20%的额外伤害(不影响地图BOSS或事件怪物)halves number of map monsters and doubles loot/experience gained from them - these Fortified monsters have doubled life and deal 20% extra damage (does not affect map bosses or event monsters)
制图师之法珠Cartographer's Orb 3 T1/T2 的地图 将3个相同梯度地图合成为1个高一梯度的地图
赫拉迪姆圣甲虫Horadrim Scarab T3 地图 将T3地图转换为一个随机的黄金级地牢
催化剂碎片Catalyst Shard 魔法/黄金 地图 为地图增加一个额外的随机事件adds "Area contains a random event"
英雄旗帜Standard of Heroes 魔法+ 地图/地牢 增加英雄奖励:+10%经验获取,+20%怪群密度,+20%魔法物品和金币获取
世界石碎片Worldstone Shard 魔法/稀有 地图/地牢 腐化corruption
  • 制图师之法珠Cartographer's Orb 公式现在有BUG bugged ,有时对T1地图会失灵。
Ingredients Result
Horadrim Orb + Perfect Gem + Rune Infused Horadrim Orb
Angelic Orb + Perfect Skull + Rune Infused Angelic Orb
Zakarum Orb + Jewel + Rune Infused Zakarum Orb
Arcane Orb + Jewel Infused Arcane Orb
3 Maps of same tier (any rarity) Random map of same tier (regular)
3 Dungeons Random dungeon (rare)



大多数词缀有3个梯度的属性范围,每个梯度都对应着地图的梯度。T2地图可以随机出前两个范围(T1、T2)的属性,T3地图能随机出全部3个梯度的词缀属性。This means higher tier maps can have greater monster density and provide more experience and magic/gold find.

  • Average rare map values
    • T1: +71% density, +14% experience, +50% extra magic/gold
    • T2: +78% density, +16% experience, +75% extra magic/gold
    • T3: +85% density, +18% experience, +100% extra magic/gold
  • Maximum values of each type without modifications (a single map cannot get more than one of these at a time)
    • T1: +130% density, +38% experience, +170% extra magic/gold
    • T2: +155% density, +46% experience, +240% extra magic/gold
    • T3: +180% density, +54% experience, +320% extra magic/gold

地牢图词缀属性范围使用T3的属性范围, 但一些词缀不会出现在地牢图。

词缀 P/S 属性 X 范围 Exp 密度 MF/GF 说明
裂痕Cracking S 玩家角色 -X% 增强防御(ED) 20-30
探索之Fumbling S 玩家角色 -X% 格挡几率 10-20
失衡之Imbalance S 玩家角色 -X% 快速打击恢复(FHR) 10-20
阻碍之Hindrance S 玩家角色 -X% 所有抗性 10-15
不良Unhealthy P 玩家角色 -X 吸取生命 30-40
守卫之Warding S 怪物降低 X% 诅咒持续时间 20-40
仅 T1-T3 图
水蛭之Leech S 怪物增加 X% 生命上限
怪物偷取 X% 生命值于击中时
健康之Health S 怪物增加 X% 生命上限 5-15
½ frequency
广大Large P 怪物增加 X% 生命上限 5-15
½ frequency
快速Fast P 怪物提高 X% 施法和攻击速度 40-60
迅捷之Swiftness S 怪物提高速度 X% 20-30
保护的Protection S 怪物减少所受 X 物理伤害 100-200
弹性之Resilience S +X% 怪物快速打击恢复(FHR) 40-60
银之Silver P 怪物增加 X% 攻击准确率和穿刺攻击几率 30-50
压碎之Crushing P 怪物有 X% 几率发动压碎性打击 15-25
血腥Bloody P 怪物有 X% 的几率造成撕裂伤口(OW) 5-10
强壮之Strong P 怪物 +X% 增强物理伤害 10-15
坚固之Sturdiness S 怪物 +X% 增强防御 50-100
再生之Regeneration S 怪物 +X 生命恢复 1024-1560
燃烧之Flaming P 怪物 +X% 火焰技能伤害 5-10
寒冬之Hibernal P 怪物 +X% 冰冻技能伤害 5-10
静态之Static P 怪物 +X% 闪电技能伤害 5-10
剧毒之Toxic P 怪物 +X% 毒素技能伤害 5-10
烟雾之Smoking P 怪物造成 +X% 等同于物理伤害的额外 %火焰伤害 60-80
寒意之Chilling P 怪物造成 +X% 等同于物理伤害的额外 %冰冻伤害 60-80
火光之Sparking P 怪物造成 +X% 等同于物理伤害的额外 %闪电伤害 60-80
有毒Poisonous P 怪物造成 +X% 等同于物理伤害的额外 %毒素伤害(于5秒内) 123-163
符文Runic P 怪物造成 +X% 等同于物理伤害的额外 %魔法伤害 8-10
枣红之Crimson S 怪物 X% 火焰吸收 4-6
天青之Azure S 怪物 X% 冰冻吸收 4-6
乳白之Opal S 怪物 X% 闪电吸收 4-6
红柑之Tangerine S 怪物 X% 魔法吸收 4-6
泼溅Splashing P 怪物近身攻击造成溅射伤害 8-13
幽暗Stygian P 地图中包含复苏冥河娃娃 25-30 40-45 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
贪婪Lustful P 地图中包含梦魇女妖 25-30 45-50 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
吸血鬼Vampiric P 地图中包含吸血鬼领主 18-20 15-20 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
迟钝Bovine P 地图中包含地狱奶牛 25-30 15-20 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
复活Reanimated P 地图中包含再生尸 25-30 35-40 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
阴森Ghastly P 地图中包含幽灵 18-20 15-20 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
无魂之Souless P 地图中包含燃烧的灵魂 25-30 40-50 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
巫师之Shamanic P 地图中包含小矮人 20-25 15-20 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
惊悚Shrieking P 怪物会施放恐惧术 Map contains Shrieking Terrors 25-30 20-30 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
铁匠Smith S 怪物有X%的几率掉落额外武器 1, 2, 3 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
装甲Armorer S 怪物有X%的几率掉落额外的护甲 1, 2, 3 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
工匠 S 怪物有X%的几率掉落额外的珠宝和护符 1, 2, 3 ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
冠军 P 怪物稀有度+X% 30-40
复制的 P 地图包含一个额外的BOSS ½ frequency,仅 T1-T3 图
探险家 S +1至场景级别
  • 因为有很多词缀有相同的三个属性,且任何给定的属性只显示其属性的最大范围,而非物品上的具体词缀范围,所以游戏内特殊地图的属性范围经常出现BUG incorrect .当多重词缀赋予同一个属性时,这个问题愈发明显。
  • 很多词缀在不同的梯度有不同的名字(因不同梯度对应的属性范围不同),但为了方便理解,只显示第一个名字。
怪物 物理 魔法 火焰 闪电 冰冻 毒素 怪物类型 吸取
冥河娃娃Stygian Doll 33 25 33 80 不死的 33
地狱女妖Hell Temptress 50 50 50 50 恶魔 75
黑暗之王Dark Lord 75 33 33 135 50 不死的 75
地狱奶牛Hell Bovine 50 33 50 50 50 33 66
不洁的行尸Unholy Corpse 50 50 75 80 不死的 66
妖魂Specter 95 50 25 75 50 95 不死的 0
燃烧的灵魂Burning Soul 25 80 50 75 不死的 0
小矮人Fetish 25 25 50 50 50 50 恶魔 100
尖啸恐惧Shrieking Terror 35 25 25 40 80 25 75

独特的地图使用上面的一些词缀,但也有其独特的特殊属性。每个独特地图的所有词缀都列在下面各自的部分中。Unique maps use some of the above affixes but also have special attributes which are unique to them. All the affixes for each unique map are listed in their own sections below.


Unique maps don't have any inherently immune monsters. Dungeons, on the other hand, all have at least one monster with 140 resistance to each damage type. Other maps are listed below:

Highest Immunities per Map
Tier Map Phys Magic Fire Light Cold Poison
T1 Arreat Battlefield 130 100
Fall of Caldeum 100 130
Horazon's Memory 135 * 130 *
Royal Crypts 150 125 105
Sewers of Harrogath 135 125
Shadows of Westmarch 100 135
Torajan Jungle 125 105
T2 Ancestral Trial 120
Bastion Keep 110 125 130
Lost Temple 120 110
River of Blood 100 180 130
Ruins of Viz-Jun 130 120
Tomb of Zoltun Kulle 105 120 110
T3 Ashen Plains 120 130 130
Blood Moon
Canyon of Sescheron 120 130 110
Kehjistan Marketplace 125 130 105**
Pandemonium Citadel 100 135 130
Phlegethon 140 125
Ruined Cistern 125 135 115
Sanatorium 125 130
Throne of Insanity 130 130
* Lightning Spires have 100 lightning resistance and 1000 poison resistance
** Fire Towers have 1000 poison resistance

独特的地图Individual Maps

每张地图中,都列出了怪物的抗性,类型和吸取率。吸取率是指玩家角色 每次击中偷取生命 和 每次击中偷取魔法 的百分比。




亚瑞特战场Arreat Battlefield

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
苦难怪Afflicted 25 30 100 25 25 恶魔 75
黑夜一族Night Clan 50 50 85 恶魔 80
血之翼Blood Wing 33 50 50
长钉恶魔Spike Fiend 50 20 50 75 100
不洁的行尸Unholy Corpse 50 50 130 33 50 65 不死 66
灌木魔Bramble Hulk 25 75 50 80 45 75
秃鹰恶魔Carrion Bird 25 25 75 100
僵尸Zombie 50 50 50 85 不死 50
装甲匠Armorsmith Equality 20 20 50 50 50 恶魔 20

卡尔蒂姆的沦陷Fall of Caldeum

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
海尔奥芬特Heirophant 10 50 25 33 95 25 100
飞空弯刀Flying Scimitar 25 50 100 75 0
女猎人Huntress 15 25 75 65 50 100
投石怪Slinger 10 25 75 65 100
地狱群虫Hell Swarm 50 70 25 80 0
僵尸Zombie 50 95 25 75 45 不死 50
叛徒瓦希德Waheed The Traitor 50 50 75 75 75 75 20

赫拉森的梦境Horazon's Memory

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
领唱者Cantor 10 25 50 50 45 100
厄运骑士Doom Knight 33 25 60 60 65 不死 33
遗忘骑士Oblivion Knight 33 25 60 60 75 不死 33
飞行弯刀Flying Scimitar 25 50 50 80 75 0
冰冻焦痕Frozen Scorch 25 25 40 130 33 75
疯狂之虫Menace Worm 135 75 50 50 恶魔 75
冰冻怪魔Frozen Abyss 40 25 75 100
鬼魂Ghost 50 50 50 65 50 50 不死 33
萨卡兰姆Zakarumite 10 25 33 33 20 100
疯狂死亡处女Deathmaiden Madinsane 20 20 50 50 50 50 恶魔 20

皇家地牢Royal Crypts

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
沙丘野兽Dune Beast 60 25 125 25 100
幽暗蝙蝠Gloombat 50 25 75 50 75
苦难怪Afflicted 75 65 Demon 75
利爪腹蛇Claw Viper 60 45 25 40 50
飞空弯刀Flying Scimitar 25 50 50 75 75 0
圣甲虫Scarab 80 50 50
白骨弓箭手Bone Archer 35 150 30 20 105 Undead 0
白骨战士Bone Warrior 35 30 65 65 Undead 0
骷髅王King Leoric 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 20
  • 腐烂守卫是骷髅王李奥瑞克的爪牙

哈洛加斯下水道Sewers of Harrogath

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
小矮人Fetish 25 75 80 Demon 100
剥皮者Flayer 25 75 50 45 Demon 100
沙虫幼虫Sand Maggot Young 20 20 20 20 20 80 50
沙虫卵Sand Maggot Egg 33
仆从Enslaved 25 50 15 25 15 75
血之翼Blood Wing 25 50 33 50
沙虫Sand Maggot 66 33 85 125 50
掠夺者Marauder 25 50 80 50 45 66
食尸鬼之王Ghoul Lord 30 25 33 25 75 50 Undead 75
怪异怀姆兽Grotesque Wyrm 25 50 135 50 Demon 50
疯狂的哲学家The Mad Philosopher 20 20 50 50 50 33 Demon 20

维斯特玛之影Shadows of Westmarch

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
月亮一族Moon Clan 100 45 50 45 85 25 Demon 80
火野猪Fire Boar 65 50 65 75
督军Overseer 20 25 75 20 40 40 Demon 100
冥河怪兽Siege Beast 50 20 25 75 25 40 100
投石怪Slinger 10 25 25 75 100
女梦魔Succubus 50 50 50 65 Demon 75
僵尸Zombie 50 50 65 135 Undead 50
死亡的乌尔扎尔•哈布林格Urzael Harbringer of Death 20 20 50 50 50 50 20

托拉加雨林Torajan Jungle

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
沙丘野兽Dune Beast 33 45 75 45 25 100
压碎者Crusher 50 25 75 50 100
议会成员Council Member 50 33 50 35 33 Demon 66
争吵死神Death Brawler 33 50 50 50 50 50 75
血鹰Foul Crow 25 70 100
硬毛老鼠Quill Rat 50 50 45 100
树木潜伏者Tree Lurker 25 125 50 85 75
死亡甲虫Death Beetle 50 25 105 50
血虫幼虫Blood Maggot Young 20 20 50 50 50 50 50
血虫卵Blood Maggot Egg 180 180 180 180 180 33
巨大蠕虫The Great Worm 20 20 50 50 50 50 20
  • 血虫幼虫是巨大蠕虫的爪牙



先祖的试炼Ancestral Trial

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
蜘蛛魔法师Spider Magus 25 30 75 120 50
Minion of Destruction* 50 130 75 Demon 5
深渊领主Pit Lord 50 75 75 25 Demon 66
不朽死尸怪Preserved Dead 20 50 50 50 50 50 Undead 33
白骨战士Bone Warrior 25 50 45 45 50 Undead 0
白骨法师Bone Mage 25 50 65 50 Undead 0
邪鬼的Specter 50 50 75 35 50 Undead 33
麻木的纳斯基尔Nathkill The Numb 20 20 50 50 50 50 Demon 20
* Minions of Destruction can spawn from the "Evil Urns" at low chance.

魔幻堡垒Bastion Keep

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
沙漠之翼Desert Wing 110 25 125 75 25 75
小恶魔Devilkin 15 75 40 50 Demon 75
小恶魔巫师Devilkin Shaman 15 50 75 75 Demon 66
月亮一族Moon Clan 50 75 130 45 Demon 80
恶魔妖精Demon Sprite 25 80 25 33 Demon 100
巨大八目虫幼虫Giant Lamprey Young 80 50
巨大八目虫卵Giant Lamprey Egg 33
巨大八目虫Giant Lamprey 25 33 25 85 50
沙地骑士Sand Raider 25 25 50 50 33 66
Demon Steed 50 25 33 50 100
Hell Temptress 50 50 50 75 Demon 75
该死的约翰娜丹Johnathan The Damned 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 0

失落神庙Lost Temple

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
剧毒蜘蛛Poison Spinner 50 120 75 50
幽暗蝙蝠Gloombat 10 33 50 110 75
大笨兽Gorebelly 55 50 75 65 30 Demon 100
Flayer 25 80 50 75 Demon 100
仆从Enslaved 25 50 20 25 65 75
血之翼Blood Wing 25 45 45 50
解答者Unraveler 33 50 20 20 50 80 Undead 33
克林姆的腐坏身躯Khalim's Corrupted Body 50 50 75 75 75 75 Demon 20

血河River of Blood

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
毁灭的仆从Minion of Destruction 50 90 33 50 95 Demon 50
议会成员Council Member 30 33 80 33 40 Demon 66
巨锤死神Death Mauler 33 50 85 50 75
厄运骑士Doom Knight 33 75 20 20 50 Undead 33
遗忘骑士Oblivion Knight 33 25 60 60 180 75 Undead 33
痴肥怪Corpulent 15 20 75 Demon 75
骷髅弓箭手Skeleton Archer 40 50 33 40 33 130 Undead 0
血肉野兽Flesh Beast 25 140 Demon 50
血肉复苏者Flesh Spawner 66 100 80 Demon 50
狂战士Zealot 10 25 80 33 20 100
鲜血石魔Blood Golem 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 20
腐烂的阿瓦努奥斯Avunaos the Rotten 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 20
谎言之王彼勒尔Belial Lord of Lies 20 20 50 50 50 50 Demon 20
  • 鲜血石魔是阿瓦努奥斯的爪牙

维兹郡废墟Ruins of Viz-Jun

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
蜘蛛魔法师Spider Magus 50 50 60 50
丑陋怪Disfigured 25 40 50 Demon 75
海尔奥芬特Heirophant 10 33 25 33 75 20 100
黑色流浪者Dark Ranger 15 25 25 75 25 Demon 100
黑色长枪手Black Lancer 25 120 25 25 Demon 100
小矮人Fetish 33 100 33 50 Demon 100
小矮人Fetish 100 50 Demon 100
小矮人巫师Fetish Shaman 25 25 130 25 50 Demon 100
月亮一族Moon Clan 50 33 50 Demon 80
吸食者Sucker 50 75 33 80 50
树木潜伏者Tree Lurker 25 50 75 25 75
亡灵战士Returned 33 75 Undead 0
刺木魔Thorned Hulk 80 33 75 75
中空尸怪Hollow One 33 50 20 55 50 Undead 33
狂战士Zealot 10 25 80 33 20 100
燃烧死尸Burning Dead 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 0
燃烧的死亡弓箭手Burning Dead Archer 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 0
制图师Karvarousku the Cartographer 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 20
  • 燃烧死尸和燃烧的死亡弓箭手是制图师的爪牙

佐顿库勒墓穴Tomb of Zoltun Kulle

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
奥拉克Arach 50 85 50 50
毁灭的仆从Minion of Destruction 50 100 25 75 Demon 50
沙丘野兽Dune Beast 25 50 75 25 100
黑暗熟视者Dark Familiar 15 25 50 75
痛苦之虫Pain Worm 75 110 Demon 75
剃刀山脊怪Razor Spine 25 75 50 100
圣甲虫Scarab 105 25 75 50 25 50
复生的法师Returned Mage 25 50 25 120 75 Undead 0
失去的蟾蜍Toadflax the Tainted 20 20 50 50 50 50 20



灰烬平原Ashen Plains

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
毁灭猴怪Doom Ape 50 75 50 25 100
死亡狂战士Death Berserker 50 120 75 25 75
剥皮者Flayer 45 75 33 130 50 Demon 100
黑色开膛手Black Raptor 65 45 100
剑齿猫Saber Cat 50 25 50 50 50 50 100
矛之猫Spear Cat 10 25 50 100
打谷魔Thrasher 25 40 25 130 75
燃烧的灵魂Burning Soul 40 50 80 40 85 Undead 0
柏克Borq the Consumed 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 0

血月Blood Moon

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
地狱之牛Hell Bovine 50 33 65 65 65 65 66
牛皇后The Cow Queen 20 20 50 50 50 50 20
  • 地狱之牛是唯一的非BOSS怪物类型,除非通过其他词缀添加Hell Bovines are the only non-boss monster type unless others are added via affixes

赛斯隆峡谷Canyon of Sescheron

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
法蛇法师Serpent Magus 120 70 45 50 35 60 50
厄运骑士Doom Knight 50 80 20 20 50 Undead 33
遗忘骑士Oblivion Knight 25 60 60 75 75 Undead 33
灵魂杀手Soul Killer 55 50 45 50 Demon 100
灵魂杀手Soul Killer 50 25 110 Demon 100
霸主Overlord 33 20 60 Demon 100
岩壁跳跃者Cliff Lurker 25 130 75 75
冰冻怪魔Frozen Abyss 25 25 80 100
破碎的灵魂Shattered Soul 50 50 75 75 75 75 0

凯吉斯坦集市Kehjistan Marketplace

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
邪恶猎人Vile Hunter 20 20 45 33 75 20 Demon 100
邪恶弓箭手Vile Archer 15 35 90 130 25 Demon 100
火焰塔Fire Tower 40 50 50 85 1000 0
飞行弯刀Flying Scimitar 25 50 75 75 0
喂食者Feeder 75 45 105 50
入侵者Invader 25 50 65 66
解答者Unraveler 33 50 35 20 50 50 Undead 33
食尸鬼之王Ghoul Lord 30 125 25 60 50 Undead 75
小恶魔Devilkin Slave 50 50 75 75 75 75 Demon 50
霸气的大笨兽Overlord Aerlynn 50 50 75 75 75 75 Demon 20
  • 小恶魔是大笨兽的爪牙

群魔堡垒Pandemonium Citadel

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
神殿守卫Temple Guard 25 50 75 25 45 100
诅咒怪Damned 25 50 135 25 Demon 75
剥皮者Flayer 25 25 50 75 50 Demon 100
爬行尸Prowling Dead 50 50 65 130 Undead 66
溅血妖Blood Bringer 50 75 50 50 100
冥河之怒Stygian Fury 100 25 25 66 50 25 Demon 75
黑暗之王Dark Lord 50 50 25 75 90 Undead 75
黑暗指挥官阿尔玛Dark Commander Alma 50 50 75 75 75 75 Demon 20


怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
月亮领主Moon Lord 50 50 25 50 50 75
议会成员Council Member 30 33 80 33 40 Demon 66
沉沦魔Fallen 15 25 25 40 50 Demon 75
沉沦魔巫师Fallen Shaman 15 25 50 125 50 Demon 66
小矮人Fetish 25 25 50 50 50 50 Demon 100
恶魔妖精Demon Imp 25 100 25 33 Demon 100
地狱恶灵Hell Spawn 33 50 25 50 75 Demon 75
地狱猫Hell Cat 15 25 50 80 25 100
不洁的行尸Unholy Corpse 50 50 25 75 Undead 66
攻城兽Siege Beast 75 140 33 50 100
地狱投石者Hell Slinger 10 25 25 50 25 100
罪中尉Lieutenant of Sin 20 20 50 50 50 50 Demon 20

废弃水道Ruined Cistern

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
大笨兽Gorebelly 30 50 60 Demon 100
火精灵Salamander 50 115 50
邪恶猎手Vile Hunter 20 20 45 33 Demon 100
邪恶弓箭手Vile Archer 75 25 25 25 Demon 100
扼杀者Strangler 60 125 25 75 45 Undead 33
泥沼生物Bog Creature 15 135 55 50 75
木乃伊Dried Corpse 50 50 65 75 Undead 33
复生的法师Returned Mage 33 40 75 50 75 Undead 0
远古九头水蛇Ancient Cistern Hydra 20 20 50 50 50 50 75
远古九头水蛇Ancient Cistern Hydra 20 20 50 50 50 50 20
  • 只有火焰水蛇头是BOSS并才会掉落物品 - 剧毒水蛇头是火焰水蛇头的小弟


怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
Death Lord 33 75 50 35 50 75
邪恶猎人Vile Hunter 20 20 30 45 65 25 Demon 100
邪恶弓箭手Vile Archer 15 20 65 40 25 Demon 100
邪恶长枪手Vile Lancer 45 15 45 125 40 25 Demon 100
Death Slasher 33 50 50 65 75
食尸鬼之王Ghoul Lord 30 45 25 75 75 Undead 75
Gloam 60 35 75 130 Undead 0
守护者The Guardian 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 20

疯狂王座Throne of Insanity

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
血肉猎人Flesh Hunter 40 20 25 50 65 40 Demon 100
血肉弓箭手Flesh Archer 15 25 45 50 40 Demon 100
血肉长枪手Flesh Lancer 45 45 50 40 Demon 100
厄运施术者Doom Caster 50 25 25 65 130 Undead 33
沼泽住民Swamp Dweller 15 75 25 85 75
恶魔骗徒Demon Rascal 75 50 25 50 Demon 100
巴罗格Balrog 50 20 75 25 45 75 Demon 66
地狱恶灵Hell Spawn 33 65 15 33 35 Demon 75
地狱之鞭Hell Whip 40 50 130 Demon 100
印第奥疯狂Indio The Insane 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 20





地牢T4的BOSS们有1/20的几率掉落赫拉迪姆圣甲虫Horadrim Scarab. They drop approximately 3x the loot of map bosses. Accessing the second boss of each dungeon requires defeating the first boss beforehand.

苦痛平原Plains of Torment

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
Shrieking Terror 15 25 165 165 50 75
残废怪Misshapen 140 25 165 50 25 Demon 75
死神之王Death Lord 25 33 165 50 75 75
Blunderbore 55 165 25 50 165 Demon 100
Undead Soul Killer 33 50 75 33 75 Undead 33
女猎人Huntress 140 20 165 165 75 100
Putrid Defiler 80 50 165 50 100 Demon 75
不洁的行尸Unholy Corpse 50 25 165 60 165 Undead 66
溅血妖Blood Bringer 140 50 50 50 50 50 100
Spear Cat 140 20 165 50 165 100
梦魔Succubus 50 165 165 Demon 75
Night Lord 35 33 25 165 165 Undead 75
疯狂Madness 50 50 75 75 75 75 Undead 20
歇斯底里Hysteria 20 20 50 50 50 50 Undead 0
腐败的坎特Canight The Corrupted 50 50 75 75 75 75 Undead 20
Gargoyle Trap 50 50 75 75 75 75 0
全能维兹尔The Synthetic One 50 50 75 75 75 75 Undead 20
  • 腐败的坎特是名为绝望深渊的地穴内一个单独的区域
  • 疯狂Madness和歇斯底里Hysteria是坎特的爪牙。除非坎特被击败,否则它们是免疫的。

罪恶庇护所Sanctuary of Sin

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
Shrieking Terror 15 25 165 165 50 75
残废怪Misshapen 140 25 165 50 25 Demon 75
死神之王Death Lord 25 33 165 50 75 75
Blunderbore 55 165 25 50 165 Demon 100
Undead Soul Killer 33 50 75 33 75 Undead 33
女猎人Huntress 140 20 165 165 75 100
Putrid Defiler 80 50 165 50 100 Demon 75
不洁的行尸Unholy Corpse 50 25 165 60 165 Undead 66
溅血妖Blood Bringer 140 50 50 50 50 50 100
Spear Cat 140 20 165 50 165 100
梦魔Succubus 50 165 165 Demon 75
Night Lord 35 33 25 165 165 Undead 75
冥河坐骑Stygian Horde 20 20 50 50 50 50 Demon 20
冥河怪兽The Stygian Beast 50 50 75 75 75 75 Demon 20
  • 冥河怪兽是黑色深渊地穴中一个单独的区域
  • 冥河坐骑是冥河怪兽的爪牙。

Steppes of Daken-Shar

Monster Phys Magic Fire Light Cold Poison Type Drain
Shrieking Terror 15 25 165 165 50 75
Misshapen 140 25 165 50 25 Demon 75
Death Lord 25 33 165 50 75 75
Blunderbore 55 165 25 50 165 Demon 100
Undead Soul Killer 33 50 75 33 75 Undead 33
Huntress 140 20 165 165 75 100
Putrid Defiler 80 50 165 50 100 Demon 75
Unholy Corpse 50 25 165 60 165 Undead 66
Blood Bringer 140 50 50 50 50 50 100
Spear Cat 140 20 165 50 165 100
Succubus 50 165 165 Demon 75
Night Lord 35 33 25 165 165 Undead 75
Anburian Slayer 20 20 50 50 50 50 20
Skullsplitter Cyrus 20 20 50 50 50 50 20
Naz the Cursed King 20 20 50 50 50 50 20

暗金地图Unique Maps

暗金地图中没有任何怪物天生对任何伤害类型免疫。No monsters within unique maps are inherently immune to any damage types. Unique maps cannot be corrupted, Fortified nor use a Catalyst Shard, you can only use a Standard of Heroes on them.

堕落花园 Fallen Garden

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
Bog Creature 50 45 50 45 35 Demon 66
Strangler 60 80 60 25 75 45 Undead 33
Demon Sprite 65 35 70 65 40 Demon 100
Blood Wing 25 50 33 45 50
Prowling Dead 45 50 65 60 Undead 66
Thrasher 25 40 50 80 75
Rakanoth 50 20 50 50 50 50 Demon 20
Shadow Vermin 30 20 50 50 50 50 0
Iskatu 30 20 50 50 50 50 20



  • 地图Boss掉落一个彩虹刻面。
  • 怪物额外掉落珠宝的几率为+2%。

其他属性Other Attributes:

  • 怪物有+[50-100]%的物理伤害作为额外的闪电伤害
  • 怪物额外[10-20]%几率造成致命攻击(DS)
  • 怪物的最大生命增加[10-30]%
  • 怪物获得[50-100]补充生命

扎尔的密室Zhar's Sanctum

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
Doom Ape 50 75 50 25 100
Death Berserker 50 120 75 25 75
Flayer 45 75 33 130 50 Demon 100
Black Raptor 65 45 100
Saber Cat 50 25 50 50 50 50 100
Spear Cat 10 25 50 100
Thrasher 25 40 25 130 75
Burning Soul 40 50 80 40 85 Undead 0
Jungle Hunter 30 25 85 45 95 100
Bog Creature 65 65 50 50 65 75
Returned 40 50 85 20 50 Undead 0
Hell Temptress 15 20 75 40 55 Demon 75
Guardian 15 20 75 80 50 Undead 33
Urdar 35 20 30 75 80 Demon 100
Heirophant 35 80 25 75 25 100
Huntress 40 65 25 50 80 100
Spear Cat 40 25 50 40 80 100
Hell Swarm 60 25 50 80 65 0
Carver 15 30 85 65 45 25 Demon 75
Carver Shaman 15 30 80 50 55 25 Demon 66
Reanimated Horde 50 75 60 80 Undead 66
Crush Beast 50 50 45 20 50 100
Night Lord 35 40 40 25 85 65 Undead 75
Infernal Alien 20 20 50 50 50 50 100
Efreet Sajber 20 20 50 50 50 50 100
Ztaziz the Fragile 20 20 50 50 50 50 Demon 75
Zhar The Mad 20 20 50 50 50 50 0


独特属性Unique Attributes:

  • 地图BOSS必然掉落一个技能护符Map Boss drops a Skill Charm
  • 怪物额外掉落护符的几率为+[4-6]%。Monsters have +[4-6]% chance of dropping Additional Charms

其他属性Other Attributes:

  • 玩家有-[50-100]持续消耗生命Players have -[50-100] Drain Life
  • 玩家获得-10%所有抵抗加成Players have -10% to All Resistances
  • 怪物获得基于+[50-100]%的物理伤害的毒素伤害,持续5秒。Monsters have +[50-100]% of Physical Damage as Extra Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
  • 玩家击中恢复速度(FHR)提高-[20-30]%。Players have -[20-30]% Faster Hit Recovery
  • 怪物的最大生命增加[20-30]%。Monsters have [20-30]% Increased Maximum Life

入口区域有通往其他3个区域的入口,随机出现一个入口通往疯狂的扎尔。The entrance zone has portals to 3 other zones, with a random one chosen to have a portal that
leads to Zhar the Mad.

Heirophants deal exceptionally high cold damage - beware!

冥河洞穴Stygian Caverns

怪物 物抗 魔抗 火抗 电抗 冰抗 毒抗 类型 影响双吸
Death Mauler 30 65 50 65 75
Demon Sprite 40 35 70 65 40 50 Demon 100
Horror 30 50 30 50 60 65 Undead 0
Consumed Ice Boar 25 30 15 50 15 75
Grotesque Wyrm 25 20 55 40 35 70 Demon 50
Grotesque 55 20 30 50 25 65 Demon 50
Moon Lord 25 65 55 30 75
Doom Knight 30 25 60 20 20 50 Undead 33
Oblivion Knight 35 25 60 60 55 45 Undead 33
Rot Walker 50 20 40 30 65 40 Undead 66
Corpse Spitter 30 25 55 20 75 Demon 75
被控告的洋葱Onion the Accused 20 60 40 80 80 40 Demon 75
小精灵科里Cory the Imp 50 30 80 40 40 80 Demon 66
鲜血督军Warlord of Blood 20 20 50 50 50 50 0


独特属性:Unique Attributes:

  • 地图Boss必然掉落一个腐化暗金。Map Boss drops a Corrupted Unique
  • 怪物掉落腐化物品的几率为+100%。Monsters have +100% chance of dropping Corrupted Items

其他属性Other Attributes:

  • 怪物有+[50-100]%的物理伤害作为额外的火焰伤害Monsters have +[50-100]% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
  • 玩家有-[5-10]%的格挡机会。Players have -[5-10]% Chance to Block
  • 怪物的速度提高[20-30]%。Monsters have [20-30]% Increased Velocity
  • 怪物增加[5-10]%的粉碎打击几率(CB)。Monsters have [5-10]% Chance of Crushing Blow
  • 怪物的最大生命增加[20-30]%Monsters have [20-30]% Increased Maximum Life


 This page has outdated or missing info (from s5 changes and later)


有关地图怪物的信息,请参见: Maps

  • 怪物现在可以产生新的光环(所有怪物光环等级为mlvl/7)Monsters can now spawn with new auras (all monster auras scale at mlvl/7)
    • 怪物现在用专注光环替换祝福瞄准光环 Monsters now spawn with Concentration aura instead of Blessed Aim aura
    • 怪物现在可以使用活力光环 Monsters can now spawn with Vigor aura
    • 怪物现在可以使用神圣冲击光环 Monsters can now spawn with Holy Shock aura (sub level 20)
  • 冥河娃娃在死亡时爆炸前有一个小延迟,它们的爆炸半径较小,造成的伤害也较小 Dolls have a small delay before exploding when killed, their explosion has a smaller radius, and it deals less damage

怪物光环统计Monster Aura Stats

怪物等级Monster Level 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91
光环等级Aura Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
力量光环Might 伤害增幅Damage +% 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 122 134 146 158 170
专注光环Concentration 伤害增幅Damage +% 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
狂热光环Fanaticism 团队伤害Party Damage +% 25 33 42 50 59 67 76 84 93 101 110 118 127
怪物(光环提供者)伤害Monster Damage +% 50 67 84 101 118 135 152 169 186 203 220 237 254
攻击速度Attack Speed +% 14 18 20 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 32
信念光环Conviction 降低抗性Enemy Resistances % -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 -75 -80 -85 -90
降低物理防御Enemy Defense % -49 -56 -61 -66 -70 -73 -75 -77 -79 -80 -82 -83 -85
活力光环Vigor 怪物速度增加Movement Speed +% 24 31 36 41 45 48 50 52 54 55 57 58 60

恶魔首领Prime Evils

带有恶魔首领标签的怪物都有额外的buff,恶魔首领怪物包括:Monsters with the Prime Evil tag all come with additional buffs. Prime Evil monsters include:

  • 所有经典BOSS和经典超级BOSS。All classic bosses and classic ubers
  • 所有特殊地图BOSS。All map bosses
  • 所有地牢怪物和BOSS。All dungeon monsters and bosses
  • 所有新的超级BOSS和他们的仆从。All new ubers and their minions

他们获得的额外增益是:The additional buffs that they gain are:

  • 对召唤物和雇佣兵造成200%的伤害。200% damage to minions and mercenaries
  • 免疫减速效果(冰冻伤害、衰老、神圣冰冻光环、将目标减速等)Immune to slow effects (cold damage, Decrepify, Holy Freeze, Slows Target by X%, etc.)
  • 免疫微暗灵视、恐惧、迷乱和吸引。Immune to Dim Vision, Terror, Confuse, and Attract
  • 免疫庇护所的物理抗性降低(此处有疑问,庇护所提供的是降低魔法抗性)Immune to Sanctuary's physical resistance removal

特殊怪物Special Monsters

地狱级别的墨菲斯托、大菠萝、巴尔现在将有机会掉落原罪之魂(大黑毛门票材料)。Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal now have a chance to drop Prime Evil Soul in Hell difficulty.


  • 安达利尔现在的地狱难度为85级,与墨菲斯托从同一个物品库中掉落,Mephisto still has better probabilities,(煎熬之扭曲精髓除外)Andariel is now level 85 in Hell difficulty and drops from the same pool of items as Mephisto,Mephisto still has better probabilities, (except she still drops Twisted Essence of Suffering)
  • 地狱难度安达利尔的近战攻击伤害增加10%。Hell-difficulty Andariel's melee attack damage has been increased by 10%
  • 地狱难度安达利尔的血量增加了大约23%。Hell-difficulty Andariel's health has been increased by roughly 23%
  • 地下墓穴的区域级别已更改。(一层二层80级,三层四层85级)The zone level of Catacombs has been changed (levels 1 & 2 increased to 80, levels 3 & 4 increased to 85)


  • 督瑞尔现在的地狱难度为85级,与巴尔从同一个物品库中掉落, Baal still has better probabilities(煎熬之扭曲精髓除外)。Duriel is now level 85 in Hell difficulty and drops from the same pool of items as Baal, Baal still has better probabilities, (except he still drops Twisted Essence of Suffering)
  • 塔拉夏古墓的区域级别增加到82。The zone level of Tal Rasha's Tomb has been increased to 82


  • 墨菲斯托现在可以漂浮在憎恨地牢的不可行走的河道区域。Mephisto can now float over the non-walkable blood moat areas in Durance of Hate.
  • 憎恨地牢的理事会成员现在离墨菲斯托更近了。The Council Members in Durance of Hate are now closer to Mephisto.

钥匙持有者Key Holders

另外三个怪物掉落超级BOSS钥匙:血乌、血腥女巫、衣卒尔。Three additional enemies drop Uber Keys: Blood Raven, Bloodwitch, and Izual

女伯爵The Countess

  • 现在拥有三倍以上血量(19770-32952)Now has 3x more Health (19,770 - 32,952)
女伯爵属性Vanilla Stats for The Countess
难度Difficulty 普通 噩梦 地狱
等级 11 45 82
经验值 395 18,295 204,440
血量Hit Points 72-120 1311-2187 6590-10,984
速度Speed (Run/Walk) 8/6 8/6 8/6
最大财富等级/掉落符文Max TC/Rune 12/Ral(8#) 45/Ko(18#) 66/Lo(28#)
攻击Attack #1 4-9 20-40 51-102
攻击Attack #2 5-8 24-37 61-93
准确率Attack Rating 95 1170 4282
火墙Fire Wall 22-24 29-31 39-40
仆从数量Minions 6 7 9
防御Defense 40 570 1468
格挡值Blocking 25 25 25
生命恢复Regen Rate 0 0 0
被吸血效果Drain Effectiveness 100 100 100
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 50 40 33
物理抗性Physical Resist 0 0 20
魔法抗性Magic Resist 0 0 20
火焰抗性Fire Resist 75 75 108
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 0 0 33
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 0 0 130
毒抗性Poison Resist 0 0 20

召唤者The Summoner

  • 现在拥有8倍以上血量(49336-62792)Now has 8x more Health (49,336 - 62,792)
召唤者属性Vanilla Stats for The Summoner
难度Difficulty 普通 噩梦 地狱
等级 18 55 80
经验值 305 26,200 130,092
血量Hit Points 82-100 1290-1642 6167-7849
速度Speed (Run/Walk) 5 5 5
最大财富等级/掉落符文Max TC/Rune 21/Nef(4#) 48/Ko(18#) 72/Lo(28#)
冰尖柱Glacial Spike 51-61 (2.6s) 78-90 (3s) 130-144 (3.4s)
冰霜新星Frost Nova 10-14 (12s) 16-21 (15s) 28-35 (19s)
火球Fire Ball 32-44 51-66 97-116
火墙Fire Wall 16-17 25-26 39-41
削弱Weaken 4 7 11
防御Defense 165 642 1328
格挡值Blocking 18 18 18
生命恢复Regen Rate 0 0 0
被流血效果Drain Effectiveness 100 75 50
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 50 40 33
物理抗性Physical Resist 0 0 0
魔法抗性Magic Resist 0 0 0
火焰抗性Fire Resist 50 50 75
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 50 50 75
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 50 50 75
毒抗性Poison Resist 0 0 0


  • 现在拥有3倍以上血量(40035)Now has 3x more Health (40,035)
尼拉塞克属性Vanilla Stats for Nihlathak
难度Difficulty 普通 噩梦 地狱
等级 68 73 95
经验值 10,739 56,895 168,161
血量Hit Points 911 3218 13,345
速度Speed (Run/Walk) 7 7 7
最大财富等级/掉落符文Max TC/Rune 39/Dol(14#) 60/Ist(24#) 87/Zod(33#)
极地风暴Arctic Blast 360-480 (11s) 414-552 (12.8s) 486-648 (14.4s)
防御Defense 491 1029 1951
格挡值Blocking 0 0 0
生命恢复Regen Rate 0 0 0
被流血效果Drain Effectiveness 100 75 50
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 50 40 33
物理抗性Physical Resist 0 0 0
魔法抗性Magic Resist 0 0 25
火焰抗性Fire Resist 0 0 33
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 0 0 33
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 70 70 70
毒抗性Poison Resist 70 70 70

血乌Blood Raven(新手噩梦)

  • 地狱难度下现在掉落恐怖之钥。Now drops Key of Terror in Hell
  • 现在拥有3倍以上血量(115658)Now has 2x more Health (115,658)
  • 在她周围召唤两倍数量的特殊僵尸,与一群弓箭一起出现,并使用牺牲之箭。Summons twice as many special zombies around her, appears with a pack of archers, and uses immolation arrow
血乌属性Vanilla Stats for Blood Raven
难度Difficulty 普通 噩梦 地狱
等级 10 43 88
经验值 181 40,262 540,007
血量Hit Points 113 9832 57,829
速度Speed (Run/Walk) 8/6 8/6 8/6
最大财富等级/掉落符文Max TC/Rune 6/- 42/Io 66/Vex(26#)
远程攻击Ranged Attack 1-4 1-4 1-4
火焰箭(物理+火焰)Fire Arrow (Phys + Fire) 1-3 + 5-11 19-21 + 41-47 43-45 + 89-95
防御Defense 38 918 2556
格挡值Blocking 0 0 0
生命恢复Regen Rate 0 0 0
被流血效果Drain Effectiveness 100 85 75
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 50 40 33
物理抗性Physical Resist 0 25 50
魔法抗性Magic Resist 50 50 50
火焰抗性Fire Resist 50 50 50
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 50 50 50
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 50 50 50
毒抗性Poison Resist 50 50 50

狂野血腥女巫Bloodwitch the Wild

  • 现在在地狱难度掉落仇恨之钥(她在死亡神殿第三层守卫着赫拉迪克方块)Now drops Key of Hate in Hell (she guards the Horadric Cube in Halls of the Dead Level 3)
  • 现在拥有9倍以上血量(63036-105066)Now has 9x more Health (63,036 - 105,066)
血腥女巫属性Vanilla Stats for Bloodwitch
难度Difficulty 普通 噩梦 地狱
等级 17 48 85
经验值 595 18,870 188,470
血量Hit Points 108-184 1497-2496 7004-11,674
速度Speed (Run/Walk) 10/5 10/5 10/5
最大财富等级/掉落符文Max TC/Rune 15/Nef(4#) 51/Lem(20#) 78/Cham(32#)
攻击Attack 11-30 42-76 95-171
准确率Attack Rating 296 3339 11,314
仆从数量Minions 5 6 8
防御Defense 53 667 1667
格挡值Blocking 15 15 15
生命恢复Regen Rate 0 0 0
被流血效果Drain Effectiveness 100 100 100
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 50 40 33
物理抗性Physical Resist 0 0 15
魔法抗性Magic Resist 0 0 0
火焰抗性Fire Resist 0 0 0
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 0 0 0
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 0 0 100
毒抗性Poison Resist 0 0 0


  • 现在在地狱难度掉落毁灭之钥Now drops Key of Destruction in Hell
衣卒尔属性Vanilla Stats for Izual
难度Difficulty 普通 噩梦 地狱
等级 29 60 86
经验值 22,761 237,724 1,044,247
血量Hit Points 11,946 41,811 57,365
速度Speed (Run/Walk) 10 10 10
最大财富等级/掉落符文Max TC/Rune 36/Sol(12#) 57/Um(22#) 78/Cham(32#)
近身攻击(物理+冰冷)Melee Attack (Phys + Cold) 25-45 + 7-15 58-78 + 24-39 117-156 + 49-78
准确率Attack Rating 747 2340 6892
冰霜新星Frost Nova 16-21 (15s) 25-32 (18s) 37-46 (22s)
防御Defense 146 979 2002
格挡值Blocking 50 50 50
生命恢复Regen Rate 0 0 0
被流血效果Drain Effectiveness 100 75 50
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 50 33 25
物理抗性Physical Resist 30 30 30
魔法抗性Magic Resist 30 30 30
火焰抗性Fire Resist 30 30 30
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 30 30 30
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 75 75 75
毒抗性Poison Resist 30 30 30

超级BOSS们 Ubers

所有的超级BOSS都像大多数怪物一样再生生命,但它们的高血量意味着它们每秒的生命再生速度远远超过大多数。怪物在受到伤害时不会再生生命,因此持续的伤害,如毒素伤害或撕开伤口伤害(OW),将完全停止它们的再生。防止怪物治疗效果不影响超级首领。!!!请注意,超级BOSS的免疫力并不像其他怪物那样显示在它们的名字下面!!!All ubers regenerate life like most monsters, but their high life means they regenerate substantially more per second than most. Monsters do not regenerate life while being damaged, so continuous damage such as Poison Damage or Open Wounds will halt their regeneration entirely. Prevent Monster Heal does not affect ubers. Note that ubers' immunities are not shown beneath their name like they are for other monsters.


小超级首领属性Vanilla Stats for Mini-Ubers
怪物Monster 莉莉丝Lilith 超级督瑞尔Uber Duriel 超级衣卒尔Uber Izual
等级Level 110 110 110
经验值Experience 2,387,200 2,648,000 3,179,200
血量Hit Points 650,000-660,000 650,000-660,000 650,000-660,000
近身攻击(物理+元素)Melee Attack (Phys + Elem) 520-572 + ~1069 毒Poison 468-494 + ~10 冰Cold 455-520 + ~85 冰Cold
准确率Attack Rating 30,700 7185 13,064
近身攻击Melee Attack #2 - 149-214 -
准确率Attack Rating #2 - 9798 -
防御Defense 2310 2520 2520
格挡值Blocking 40 50 50
被流血效果Drain Effectiveness 33 100 50
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 0 20 25
物理抗性Physical Resist 66 50 30
魔法抗性Magic Resist 75 75 75
火焰抗性Fire Resist 75 75 75
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 75 75 75
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 75 150 185
毒抗性Poison Resist 185 75 75

超级崔斯特瑞姆恶魔首领,Uber Tristram Prime Evils

当最终的恶魔首领被击败时,他们会掉落一个地狱火火炬。When the final prime evil is defeated, they drop a Hellfire Torch.
  • 超级崔斯特瑞姆现在可以使用群魔殿护符(任意3个器官(墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain,暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn,巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye) + 钥匙)进入。Uber Tristram is now accessed with Pandemonium Talisman
  • 当角色进入超级崔斯特瑞姆时,所有前置buff都会被移除。All pre-buffs are removed when characters enter Uber Tristram
  • * Players can no longer freely re-enter Uber Tristram while enemies remain within - when first entering the area, three single-use silver portals are created in town and the area may only be re-entered by using them (players get their original attempt plus three extra attempts)
  • 超级墨菲斯托使用20级审判光环(-50%抗性,后面这句没看懂-0-)Uber Mephisto uses level 20 Conviction (-50% resistances, was -125%)
  • 超级巴尔现在会施放自有版本的降低抵抗诅咒(-75%抗性,持续约25秒)Uber Baal now casts his own version of Lower Resist (-75% resistances, lasts about 25 seconds)
  • 超级墨菲斯托、大菠萝和巴尔现在有10%更多血量和降低25%的防御。Uber Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal now have 10% more health and 25% less defense
  • 超级墨菲斯托、大菠萝和巴尔现在有机会掉落黑色灵魂石(斯拉玛材料之一)。Uber Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal now also has a chance to drop Black Soulstone
  • These ubers no longer drop Standard of Heroes
BOSS属性Vanilla Stats for Ubers
怪物Monster 超级墨菲斯托Uber Mephisto 超级大菠萝Uber Diablo 超级巴尔Uber Baal
等级Level 110 110 110
经验值Experience 3,409,600 5,539,200 10,336,000
生命值Hit Points 650,000-660,000 650,000-660,000 650,000-660,000
近身攻击(物理+元素)Melee Attack (Phys + Elem) 487-572 + ~249/~291/~165 电/冷/毒L/C/P 481-494 + ~104/~244/~44 魔/火/电M/F/L 429-494 + ~52/~239/~213 魔/火/冰M/F/C
准确率Attack Rating 13,064 14,043 16,330
近身攻击2Melee Attack #2 - 143-299 214-312
准确率Attack Rating #2 - 13,064 16,330
防御Defense 3360 2940 3150
格挡值Blocking 50 50 55
被流血效果Drain Effectiveness 0 15 20
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 10 10 15
物理抗性Physical Resist 20 50 50
魔法抗性Magic Resist 75 75 75
火焰抗性Fire Resist 75 110 115
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 110 75 75
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 75 115 185
毒抗性Poison Resist 110 75 75
超级大菠萝有时被称为混乱暗黑破坏神和超级大菠萝作为镜像大菠萝保留(理解不一定对),但这里避免使用这种命名法。Uber Diablo is sometimes referred to as "Pandemonium Diablo" with "Uber Diablo" being reserved for Diablo-Clone, but that nomenclature is avoided here.

古代人超级BOSS Uber Ancients

  • 超级3BB挑战:以马道克、塔里克和科力克为特色的新场景,可通过古代遗物访问。New encounter featuring uber versions of Madawc, Talic, and Korlic that is accessed with Relic of the Ancients
  • Players can choose to fight 1, 2, or all 3 of the ancients by toggling their statues prior to starting the fight
  • When defeated, a Standard of Heroes will drop. If more than one ancient was fought, each additional ancient beyond the first adds a chance for another to drop.


  • 大黑毛现在可以通过恐怖异象(原罪之魂+ 黑色灵魂石+ 纯粹的恶魔精髓合成)进入。Diablo-Clone is now accessed with Vision of Terror
  • 除了毁灭小护符,大黑毛有1/220或1/100的几率掉落一件专属物品(大君面甲、黑暗深渊、伊瑟瑞尔的途径、哈德尔之手、艾登的伤痕) If the Vision of Terror is empowered to difficulty 1 or 2, the fight will be more difficult and Diablo-Clone will have a 1/220 or 1/100 chance to drop an exclusive unique item (Overlord's Helm, Dark Abyss, Itherael's Path, Hadriel's Hand, Aidan's Scar)
  • 大黑毛要强大得多,与他战斗是截然不同的Diablo-Clone is much stronger, and fighting him is substantially different
    • 当角色进入大黑毛的竞技场时,所有前置buff都会被移除。All pre-buffs are removed when characters enter Diablo-Clone's arena
    • 大黑毛生存期间,玩家不能自由进出竞技场。(当他被击败时,就会创建一个传送门)Players cannot freely exit/re-enter the arena while Diablo-Clone lives (a portal is created when he is defeated)
    • 当玩家距离大黑毛超过10码时,他将免受所有伤害。Diablo-Clone becomes immune to all damage when players are more than ~10 yards from him
    • 火流星(毁天灭地)在战斗中随机掉落。Meteors fall randomly throughout the fight
    • 在整个战斗过程中,被困灵魂中会出现白骨之魂,当与玩家碰撞时会产生危险的地面燃烧。Bone Spirits appear from Trapped Souls throughout the fight and create dangerous patches of burning ground when colliding with players
    • 战斗分为四个阶段:The fight is divided into four phases
      • 在每个阶段之间,大黑毛暂时对所有伤害免疫,并连续释放6个特别致命的火焰新星。Between each phase, Diablo-Clone becomes temporarily immune to all damage and releases 6 especially deadly fire novas in succession
      • 每一阶段都会有一大群骷髅敌人(骷髅战士、骷髅弓箭手、骷髅法师)从地面崛起(60%的毒素抗性)。A horde of skeletal enemies (Bone Warriors, Skeleton Archers, Horror Mages) rise from the ground during each phase (60% poison resistance)
      • 骷髅不能被诅咒Skeletons cannot be cursed
      • 骷髅的毒素时间缩短75%Skeletons have 75% poison length reduction
      • 更多的火流星和白骨之魂会在后期产生Additional meteors and bone spirits are created in later phases
    • 大黑毛无法被冰冻Diablo-Clone can no longer be chilled
    • 大黑毛不能被静电力场伤害Diablo-Clone can no longer be damaged by Static Field
    • 大黑毛现在拥有更多的血量Diablo-Clone now has more health
    • 大黑毛现在有15%格挡几率(正常50%)Diablo-Clone now has 15% chance to block (was 50%)
    • 大黑毛现在有75%的毒素时间缩短和95%的诅咒时间缩短。Diablo-Clone now has 75% poison length reduction and 95% curse length reduction
大黑毛属性Vanilla Stats for Diablo-Clone
等级Level 110
经验值Experience 75,673,564
血量Hit Points 642,700
近身伤害Melee Attack 130-247
准确率Attack Rating 14,043
近身伤害2Melee Attack #2 143-299
准确率Attack Rating #2 13,064
防御Defense 2940
格挡值Blocking 50
被流血效果Drain Effectiveness 15
被冰冻效果Chill Effectiveness 10
物理抗性Physical Resist 50
魔法抗性Magic Resist 50
火焰抗性Fire Resist 95
闪电抗性Lightning Resist 95
冰冷抗性Cold Resist 95
毒抗性Poison Resist 95


  • 拉斯玛是一个新的毕业BOSS,可以通过虚空石(塔格奥的下颌骨+ 虚空碎片+地狱火炬合成)进入。Rathma is a new endgame boss that can be accessed with Voidstone.
  • 拉斯玛掉落一块被污染的世界石碎片,可以用来腐化毁灭小护符。Rathma drops a Tainted Worldstone Shard when slain which can be used to corrupt Annihilus.
  • 除了碎片外,拉斯玛还有1/200的几率掉落一件专属物品(第三只眼,骷髅授带,无垢者牢笼)和有1/66的机会掉落一本独家书籍(赫拉迪姆引导(无限回城),赫拉迪姆编年史(无限鉴定)) If the Voidstone is empowered to difficulty 1 or 2, the fight will be more difficult and Rathma will have a 1/220 or 1/100 chance to drop an exclusive unique item (The Third Eye, Band of Skulls, Cage of the Unsullied) and also have a 1/50, 1/48, 1/46 chance to drop either Horadric Navigator , Horadric Almanac, or Skeleton Key.
  • Lower Resist from Mendeln (in both phase 1 and 3) scales per tier, starting at -25 at T0, -29 T1, and -33 at T2.



 This page has is missing some info about act 1 and act 4 mercs (from s7 changes) and has some outdated info about act 4 mercs (from s9 changes)


  • 当雇佣兵杀死敌人时,它继承玩家角色的MF值和金币获率(比如:如果雇佣兵有100%的MF值,玩家角色有200%的MF值,当雇佣兵击杀时,它的MF值按300%算。)
  • 雇佣兵的AI已被改进。
  • 新雇佣兵:
  • A1雇佣兵具有一个新的类型
  • A4增加新的2个类型雇佣兵,模型为赫拉迪姆长袍法师(黑暗流浪者)
  • A5雇佣兵具有一个新的类型
  • 雇佣兵不再可以使用召唤技能(会导致崩溃)


  • 所有雇佣兵可以装备头盔, 胸甲, 手套, 靴子, & 腰带.
  • 第一幕雇佣兵 (萝格斥候) 可以装备弓bows (包括亚马逊弓 Amazon bows),十字弓 crossbows,& 箭筒 quivers.
  • 第二幕雇佣兵 (沙漠守卫) 能装备长柄武器 polearms,矛 spears,&标枪 javelins
  • 第三幕雇佣兵 (铁狼) 能装备盾牌 shields,圣骑士盾牌 Paladin shields,单手剑 1-handed swords,魔杖 wands、权杖 scepters、钉头锤 tipped maces (不是棒子 clubs/锤子 hammers), 刀knives (匕首 daggers/飞刀 throwing knives), & 法师法球 Sorceress orbs.
  • 第四幕雇佣兵(流浪者)可以装备双手法杖 staves.
  • 第五幕雇佣兵 (野蛮人) 能装备剑 swords,斧 axes, 钉头锤 tipped maces/锤 hammers (除 棒clubs 之外所有的钉头锤 maces(钉头锤), & 野蛮人头盔.

  • 雇佣新的雇佣兵时旧的雇佣兵身上的装备会掉落在地上。
  • 雇佣兵使用无形物品时,该物品不会掉耐久。
  • 雇佣兵装备多个套装物品时能得到成套装备才有的另加的属性。
  • 当沙漠守卫或野蛮人雇佣兵使用单手武器时,武器伤害提高一倍 - this makes 1-handed and 2-handed weapons more comparable。
  • Barbarian mercenaries can't equip two 1-handed weapons.


  • 雇佣兵在他们的技能里具有“硬点数”,故而我们将从他们的硬技能点数中获取影响。
  • 技能有最低的级别要求, 所以雇佣兵可能在低级别无法装备相应技能。


  • 所有幕的雇佣兵都有光环技能,而不是只有第二幕雇佣兵才有。
  • 沙漠守卫从不同难度的游戏雇佣,光环都是一样的了。- 第二幕雇佣兵不再有如下光环:
    • 祈祷 prayer (以前在普通和地狱可得)
    • 力量 Might (以前在噩梦可得)
    • 神圣冰冻 Holy Freeze (以前在噩梦可得)
  • 雇佣兵的技能中有关键点,达到关键等级就会获得增益。

第一幕 萝格斥候

  • 火焰: 活力 Vigor |
    佣兵等级 18 22 26 31 35 36 41 46 50 55 59 64 67
    活力Vigor等级 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • 冰冻: 冥思 Meditation |
    佣兵等级 24 26 31 35 36 41 46 50 55 59 64 67
    冥思Meditation等级 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • 魔法箭: 无光环 (施放迟缓 Slow Movement) |
    佣兵等级 12 36 67
    迟缓Slow Movement等级 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


  • 防御: 抵抗 Defiance|
    佣兵等级 6 9 14 19 23 28 32 37 41 43 48 53 57 62 66 71 75
    抵抗Defiance等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • 进攻: 祝福瞄准 Blessed Aim |
    佣兵等级 12 14 19 23 28 32 37 41 43 48 53 57 62 66 71 75
    祝福瞄准Blessed Aim等级 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • 战斗: 荆棘 Thorns |
    佣兵等级 6 9 14 19 23 28 32 37 41 43 48 53 57 62 66 71 75
    荆棘Thorns等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


  • 火焰: 净化 Cleansing |
    佣兵等级 12 15 20 25 29 34 38 43 47 49 54 59 63 68 72 77 79
    净化Cleansing等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • 冰冻: 祈祷 Prayer |
    佣兵等级 1 11 15 20 25 29 34 38 43 47 49 54 59 63 68 72 77 79
    祈祷Prayer等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • 闪电: 神圣冲击 Holy Shock |
    佣兵等级 24 25 29 34 38 43 47 49 54 59 63 68 72 77
    神圣冲击Holy Shock等级 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


  • 光明: 庇护所Sanctuary |
    佣兵等级 24 54 79
    庇护所Sanctuary 等级 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  • 黑暗: 无光环 (施放伤害加深诅咒) |
    佣兵等级 21 24 54 79
    伤害加深等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    伤害加深等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    降低物理抗性 %


  • 战斗: 力量 Might |
    佣兵等级 1 24 28 33 38 42 47 51 56 58 63 68 72 77 80
    力量Might等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 18
  • 战嚎: 无光环 (能施放 战斗体制 Battle Orders ) |
    佣兵等级 24 25 28 32 35 38 41 44 48 51 54 57 58 62 65 68 71 74 78 80
    战斗体制Battle Orders等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


  • Act 1 mercenaries (Rogue Scouts) now use the following skills:
    • Fire: Exploding Arrow instead of Inner Sight
    • Cold: Freezing Arrow instead of Inner Sight
    • Magic: Magic Arrow, Strafe, & Slow Movement instead of Fire Arrow/Cold Arrow & Inner Sight
  • 第三幕雇佣兵 (铁狼)现在有它们自己的元素支配技能了,能使用如下技能:
    • 火焰: 陨石 Meteor 替代 地狱之火 Inferno
    • 冰冻: 暴风雪 Blizzard 替代 冰尖柱 Glacial Spike & 冰封装甲 Frozen Armor
    • 闪电: 静态力场 Static Field 替代 充能弹 Charged Bolt
  • 第五幕雇佣兵 (野蛮人) 先可以使用如下技能:
    • 战斗 Combat: 专心 Concentrate 替代 击昏 Stun
    • 战嚎 Warcries: 旋风 Whirlwind , 战嗥 Battle Cry , & 战斗体制 Battle Orders 替代 重击 Bash & 击昏 Stun
  • Mercenaries use Merc-specific versions of some skills which are balanced separately from their counterparts

第一幕 萝格斥候

  • 火焰: 佣兵 火焰箭, 爆炸箭 ...
    佣兵等级 6 7 10 13 16 19 23 26 29 32 35 36 40 43 46 49 52 56 59 62 65 67 71 74 77 80 83 87 90 93 96
    佣兵火焰箭等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    佣兵火焰箭等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    火焰伤害 (最低) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 76 88 100 112 124 136 160 184 208 232 256 280 328 376 424 472 520 568 616 664 712 760 808 856 904 952 1000 1048 1096 1144 1192 1240 1288 1336
    火焰伤害 (最高) 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 105 119 133 147 161 175 203 231 259 287 315 343 397 451 505 559 613 667 721 775 829 883 937 991 1045 1099 1153 1207 1261 1315 1369 1423 1477 1531
    攻击准确率(AR) 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 100 109 118 127 136 145 154 163 172 181 190 199 208 217 226 235 244 253 262 271 280 289 298 307 316 325 334 343 352 361 370 379 388 397 406 415 424 433 442 451
    Merc Level
    Exploding Arrow Level
  • 冰冻: 佣兵 寒冰箭, Freezing Arrow ...
    佣兵等级 6 7 10 13 16 19 23 26 29 32 35 36 40 43 46 49 52 56 59 62 65 67 71 74 77 80 83 87 90 93 96
    佣兵寒冰箭等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    佣兵寒冰箭等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    冰冻伤害 (最低) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 23 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 89 105 121 137 153 169 211 253 295 337 379 421 463 505 547 589 631 673 715 757 799 841 883 925 967 1009 1051 1093
    冰冻伤害 (最高) 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 29 32 34 37 39 42 51 60 69 78 87 96 113 130 147 164 181 198 242 286 330 374 418 462 506 550 594 638 682 726 770 814 858 902 946 990 1034 1078 1122 1166
    攻击准确率(AR) 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 100 109 118 127 136 145 154 163 172 181 190 199 208 217 226 235 244 253 262 271 280 289 298 307 316 325 334 343 352 361 370 379 388 397 406 415 424 433 442 451
    Merc Level
    Freezing Arrow Level
  • 魔法: Magic Arrow, 炮轰 ...
    Merc Level
    Magic Arrow Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    Merc Magic Arrow Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    Magic Damage (min)
    Magic Damage (max)
    Attack Rating
    佣兵等级 24 26 29 32 35 36 40 43 46 49 52 56 59 62 65 67 71 74 77 80 83 87 90 93 96
    炮轰等级 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

第二幕 沙漠守卫

  • 戳刺Jab ...
    佣兵等级 1 6 9 13 16 19 22 25 29 32 35 38 41 43 47 50 53 56 59 63 66 69 72 75
    戳刺 等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

第三幕 铁狼

  • 火焰: 佣兵 火球, 佣兵 陨石, 佣兵 火焰支配 ...
    佣兵等级 12 15 22 28 35 41 47 49 56 62 69 75 79 86 92
    佣兵火球等级 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    佣兵火球等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    火焰伤害(最低) 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 47 51 55 59 63 69 75 81 87 93 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 171 180 189 198 207 216 225 234 243 252 261 270 279 288 297
    火焰伤害(最高) 3 6 10 13 17 20 24 27 32 36 41 45 50 54 59 63 69 74 80 85 91 96 104 111 119 126 134 141 152 162 173 183 194 204 215 225 236 246 257 267 278 288 299 309 320 330 341 351 362 372
    佣兵等级 24 28 35 41 47 56 62 69 75 79 86 92
    佣兵陨石等级 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    佣兵陨石等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    火焰伤害 (最低) 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 47 55 63 71 79 87 95 103 114 125 136 147 158 169 183 197 211 225 239 253 271 289 307 325 343 361 379 397 415 433 451 469 487 505 523 541 559 577 595 613 631 649
    火焰伤害(最高) 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 116 127 138 149 160 171 185 199 213 227 241 255 273 291 309 327 345 363 381 399 417 435 453 471 489 507 525 543 561 579 597 615 633 651
    伤害(最低) 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 47 55 63 71 79 87 95 103 114 125 136 147 158 169 183 197 211 225 239 253 271 289 307 325 343 361 379 397 415 433 451 469 487 505 523 541 559 577 595 613 631 649
    伤害(最高) 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 116 127 138 149 160 171 185 199 213 227 241 255 273 291 309 327 345 363 381 399 417 435 453 471 489 507 525 543 561 579 597 615 633 651
    佣兵等级 1 18 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 38 40 43 45 47 49 52 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 77 79 82 84 87 89 92
    佣兵火焰支配等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
    佣兵火焰支配等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    加强火焰技能伤害 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420
    降低敌人火焰抵抗 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
    每次杀死怪物获得生命值 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110
  • 冰冻: 佣兵 冰风暴, 佣兵 暴风雪, 佣兵 支配冰冻 ...
    佣兵等级 6 8 12 15 19 23 26 30 33 37 40 44 47 53 57 60 64 67 71 74 78 86 92
    佣兵冰风暴等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    佣兵冰风暴等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    冰冻伤害(最低) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 55 62 69 76 83 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310
    冰冻伤害 (最高) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 78 86 94 102 110 118 129 140 151 162 173 184 195 206 217 228 239 250 261 272 283 294 305 316 327 338 349 360
    佣兵等级 24 28 35 41 47 56 62 69 75 79 86 92
    佣兵暴风雪等级 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    佣兵暴风雪等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    冰冻伤害(最低) 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 51 57 63 69 75 81 87 95 103 111 119 127 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 275 285 295 305 315 325 335 345 355
    冰冻伤害(最高) 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 58 66 74 82 90 98 106 114 124 134 144 154 164 174 186 198 210 222 234 246 260 274 288 302 316 330 344 358 372 386 400 414 428 442 456 470 484 498 512 526 540 554
    佣兵等级 1 18 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 38 40 43 45 47 49 52 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 77 79 82 84 87 89 92
    佣兵支配冰冻等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
    佣兵支配冰冻等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    增加冰冻技能伤害 15 24 33 42 51 60 69 78 87 96 105 114 123 132 141 150 159 168 177 186 195 204 213 222 231 240 249 258 267 276 280 284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312 316 320 324 328 332 336 340 344 348 352 356
    降低敌人冰冻抵抗 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
    每次杀死怪物获得生命值 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110
  • 闪电: 佣兵 闪电, 佣兵 静态立场, 佣兵 闪电支配 ...
    佣兵等级 12 15 19 23 26 30 33 37 40 44 47 49 53 57 60 64 67 71 74 78 86 92
    佣兵闪电等级 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    佣兵闪电等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    闪电伤害(最低) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    闪电伤害(最高) 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 76 92 108 124 140 156 172 188 204 230 256 282 308 334 360 398 436 474 512 550 588 638 688 738 788 838 888 938 988 1038 1088 1138 1188 1238 1288 1338 1388 1438 1488 1538 1588 1638 1688
    佣兵等级 1 2 6 11 15 20 25 29 34 38 43 47 54 59 63 68 72 77 84 89 93 98
    佣兵静态立场等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    佣兵静态立场等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    降低敌人闪电抵抗百分比 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40
    Radius (yards) 8 9.3 10.6 12 13.3 14.6 16 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3

    持续时间: 13 秒(不随等级提高)

    佣兵等级 1 18 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 38 40 43 45 47 49 52 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 77 79 82 84 87 89 92
    佣兵闪电支配等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
    佣兵闪电支配等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    增加闪电伤害 66 102 138 174 210 246 282 318 354 390 426 462 498 534 570 606 642 678 714 750 786 822 858 894 930 966 1002 1038 1074 1110 1146 1182 1210 1238 1266 1294 1322 1350 1378 1406 1434 1462 1490 1518 1546 1574 1602 1630 1658 1686
    每次杀死怪物获得生命值 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110

Act 4 流浪者Ascendant

  • Light: Holy Bolt, Fist of the Heavens, Holy Nova ...
    Merc Level 21 54 79
    Holy Bolt Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    Merc Level 21 54 79
    Fist of the Heavens Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    Merc Level 21 54 79
    Holy Nova Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
  • Dark: Teeth, Bone Spear, Bone Armor, Merc Curse Mastery ...
    Merc Level 21 54 79
    Teeth Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    Merc Level 21 54 79
    Bone Spear Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    Merc Level 21 54 79
    Bone Armor Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    Merc Level
    Merc Curse Mastery Level
    Merc Curse Mastery Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    Life after each Kill
    诅咒掌握允许对被雇佣兵诅咒的敌人施加额外的诅咒Curse Mastery allows an extra curse to be applied to enemies cursed by the mercenary

第五幕 野蛮人

  • 战斗: 专心重击 ...
    佣兵等级 12 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 58 62 66 70 74 78 80
    专心等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
    佣兵等级 1 22 25 28 32 35 38 41 44 48 51 54 57 58 62 65 68 71 74 78 80
    重击等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  • 呐喊: 佣兵 旋风, 战嗥 ...
    佣兵等级 30 32 35 38 41 44 48 51 54 57 58 62 65 68 71 74 78 80
    佣兵旋风等级 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    旋风等级 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    伤害提升百分比 -50 -42 -34 -26 -18 -10 -2 6 14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 78 86 94 102 110 118 126 134 142 150 158 166 174 182 190 198 206 214 222 230 238 246 254 262 270 278 286 294 302 310 318 326 334 342
    佣兵等级 30 32 35 38 41 44 48 51 54 57 58 62 65 68 71 74 78 80
    战嗥等级 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

技能概率Skill Probabilities

每次雇佣兵选择使用一项技能时,他们都会根据以下概率随机选择使用哪项技能。有些技能(光环、技能、战斗命令等)没有在这里列出,因为它们总是活跃的。Each time mercenaries opt to use a skill, they choose which skill to use at random based on the probabilities below. Some skills (auras, masteries, Battle Orders, etc) are not listed here because they are always active.

Act 1 Rogue Scout
  • 火焰Fire:
基础攻击Basic Attack: 15%?
火焰箭Fire Arrow: 60%?
爆裂箭Exploding Arrow: 25%?
  • 冰冷Cold:
基础攻击Basic Attack: 15%?
寒冰箭Cold Arrow: 60%?
霜冻之箭Freezing Arrow: 25%?
  • 魔法Magic:
基础攻击Basic Attack: 15%?
基础攻击Basic Attack: 15%?
魔法箭Magic Arrow: 45%?
炮轰(扫射)Strafe: 25%?
Act 2 Desert Guard
Merc Level 1 9 29 59 67 76 86 97
Basic Attack 33% 30% 25% 20% 19% 18% 17% 16%
Jab 67% 70% 75% 80% 81% 82% 83% 84%
Note: This table is compressed. Every level will boost the odds that the Desert Guard uses Jab by a small amount.
Act 3 Iron Wolf
  • Fire:
Fire Ball: 69.23%
Meteor: 30.77%
  • Cold:
Ice Blast: 69.23%
Blizzard: 30.77%
  • Lightning:
Lightning: 75%
Static Field: 25%
Act 4 Ascendant
  • Light:
Holy Bolt: 65%?
Fist of the Heavens: 25%?
Holy Nova: 10%?
  • Dark:
Amplify Damage: 8%?
Teeth: 40%?
Bone Spear: 40%?
Bone Armor: 12%?
Act 5 Barbarian
  • Combat
Basic Attack: 38.46%
Concentrate: 30.77%
Bash: 30.77%
  • Warcries
Basic Attack: 33.33%
Whirlwind: 53.33%
Battle Cry: 13.33%


  • 雇佣兵的统计数据相同,无论他们来自哪个难度Mercenaries have the same stats regardless of which difficulty they're hired from
  • 雇佣兵统计数据已调整Mercenary stats have been adjusted:
    • 统计数据缩放已得到改进,使其在整个游戏中更加一致Stat scaling has been improved to be more consistent throughout the game
    • 沙漠守卫和野蛮人雇佣兵现在每级的伤害略低Desert Guards and Barbarian mercenaries now gain slightly less damage per level

  • 第一幕 萝格斥候 |
    佣兵等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
    生命值 HP 40 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 171 180 189 198 207 216 225 234 243 252 261 270 279 288 297 306 315
    防御值 Defense 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 79 87 95 103 111 119 127 135 143 151 159 167 175 183 191 199 207 215 223 231 239 247 255
    力量 Str 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 70 71 72
    敏捷 Dex 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 0 10 22 34 46 58 70 82 94 106 118 130 142 154 166 178 190 202 214 226 238 250 262 274 286 298 310 322 334 346 358 370
    抗性 Resist 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60
    最低伤害 最低伤害 Dmg-Min 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8
    最高伤害 最高伤害 Dmg-Max 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10
    佣兵等级 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    生命值 HP 324 333 342 360 378 396 414 432 450 468 486 504 522 540 558 576 594 612 630 648 666 684 702 720 738 756 774 792 810 828 846 864 882
    防御值 Defense 263 271 279 294 309 324 339 354 369 384 399 414 429 444 459 474 489 504 519 534 549 564 579 594 609 624 639 654 669 684 699 714 729
    力量 Str 73 75 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 90 92 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 112 113 114
    敏捷 Dex 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 382 394 406 430 454 478 502 526 550 574 598 622 646 670 694 718 742 766 790 814 838 862 886 910 934 958 982 1006 1030 1054 1078 1102 1126
    抗性 Resist 62 64 66 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80 81 83 85 87 88 90 92 94 95 97 99 101 102 104 106 108 109 111 113 115 116 118
    最低伤害 Dmg-Min 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24
    最高伤害 Dmg-Max 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26
    佣兵等级 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
    生命值 HP 900 930 960 990 1020 1050 1080 1110 1140 1170 1200 1230 1260 1290 1320 1350 1380 1410 1440 1470 1500 1530 1560 1590 1620 1650 1680 1710 1740 1770 1800 1830
    防御值 Defense 744 766 788 810 832 854 876 898 920 942 964 986 1008 1030 1052 1074 1096 1118 1140 1162 1184 1206 1228 1250 1272 1294 1316 1338 1360 1382 1404 1426
    力量 Str 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 124 126 127 128 129 131 132 133 134 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 144 146 147 148 149 151 152 153 154
    敏捷 Dex 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 235
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 1150 1186 1222 1258 1294 1330 1366 1402 1438 1474 1510 1546 1582 1618 1654 1690 1726 1762 1798 1834 1870 1906 1942 1978 2014 2050 2086 2122 2158 2194 2230 2266
    抗性 Resist 121 122 123 124 126 127 128 129 131 132 133 134 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 144 146 147 148 149 151 152 153 154 156 157 158 159
    最低伤害 Dmg-Min 25 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 46 47 48
    最高伤害 Dmg-Max 27 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 48 48 49 50
  • 第二幕 沙漠守卫 |
    佣兵等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
    生命值 HP 40 40 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435 450 465 480
    防御值 Defense 0 0 0 1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 100 111 122 133 144 155 166 177 188 199 210 221 232 243 254 265 276 287 298 309
    力量 Str 45 47 49 50 52 54 56 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 69 71 72 74 76 78 79 81 83 85 86 88 90 92 93 95 97 99
    敏捷 Dex 30 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 58 59 61 62 64 65 67 68 70 71 73 74 76
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 20 32 44 56 68 80 92 104 116 128 140 152 164 176 188 200 212 224 236 248 260 272 284 296 308
    抗性 Resist 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66
    最低伤害 Dmg-Min 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12
    最高伤害 Dmg-Max 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19
    佣兵等级 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    生命值 HP 495 510 525 540 555 570 585 600 615 630 655 680 705 730 755 780 805 830 855 880 905 930 955 980 1005 1030 1055 1080 1105 1130 1155 1180 1205
    防御值 Defense 320 331 342 353 364 375 386 397 408 419 438 457 476 495 514 533 552 571 590 609 628 647 666 685 704 723 742 761 780 799 818 837 856
    力量 Str 100 102 104 106 107 109 111 113 114 117 118 120 122 124 125 127 129 131 132 134 136 138 139 141 143 145 146 148 150 152 153 155 157
    敏捷 Dex 77 79 80 82 83 85 86 88 89 91 92 94 95 97 98 100 101 103 104 106 107 109 110 112 113 115 116 118 119 121 122 124 125
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 320 332 344 356 368 380 392 404 416 428 452 476 500 524 548 572 596 620 644 668 692 716 740 764 788 812 836 860 884 908 932 956 980
    抗性 Resist 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 87 89 91 93 94 96 98 100 101 103 105 107 108 110 112 114 115 117 119 121 122 124 126
    最低伤害 Dmg-Min 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33
    最高伤害 Dmg-Max 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40
    佣兵等级 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
    生命值 HP 1230 1255 1280 1305 1330 1355 1380 1405 1430 1470 1510 1550 1590 1630 1670 1710 1750 1790 1830 1870 1910 1950 1990 2030 2070 2110 2150 2190 2230 2270 2310 2350
    防御值 Defense 875 894 913 932 951 970 989 1008 1027 1055 1083 1111 1139 1167 1195 1223 1251 1279 1307 1335 1363 1391 1419 1447 1475 1503 1531 1559 1587 1615 1643 1671
    力量 Str 159 160 162 164 166 167 169 171 173 174 176 178 180 181 183 185 187 188 190 192 194 195 197 199 201 202 204 206 208 209 211 213
    敏捷 Dex 127 128 130 131 133 134 136 137 139 140 142 143 145 146 148 149 151 152 154 155 157 158 160 161 163 164 166 167 169 170 172 173
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 1004 1028 1052 1076 1100 1124 1148 1172 1196 1232 1268 1304 1340 1376 1412 1448 1484 1520 1556 1592 1628 1664 1700 1736 1772 1808 1844 1880 1916 1952 1988 2024
    抗性 Resist 128 129 131 133 135 136 138 140 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165
    最低伤害 Dmg-Min 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 45 45 46 46 47 48 48 49 50 50 51 51 52 53 53 54 55 55 56 56 57 58 58 59
    最高伤害 Dmg-Max 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 52 52 53 53 54 55 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 60 60 61 62 62 63 63 64 65 65 66
  • 第三幕 铁狼 |
    佣兵等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
    生命值 HP 43 52 61 70 79 88 97 106 115 124 133 142 151 160 169 178 187 196 205 214 223 232 241 250 259 268 277 286 295 304 313 322
    防御值 Defense 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170
    力量 Str 33 34 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 67 69 70 71
    敏捷 Dex 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
    抗性 Resist 3 4 6 8 10 11 13 15 17 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 33 35 37 39 40 42 44 46 47 49 51 53 54 56
    佣兵等级 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    生命值 HP 331 340 349 358 367 376 385 394 403 412 421 430 439 448 457 466 484 502 520 538 556 574 592 610 628 646 664 682 700 718 736 754 772
    防御值 Defense 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 263 276 289 302 315 328 341 354 367 380 393 406 419 432 445 458 471
    力量 Str 72 74 75 76 77 79 80 81 82 84 85 86 87 89 90 92 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 112 113
    敏捷 Dex 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
    抗性 Resist 58 60 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 74 75 77 79 81 82 85 86 88 90 92 93 95 97 99 100 102 104 106 107 109 111 113 114
    佣兵等级 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
    生命值 HP 790 808 826 844 862 880 898 916 934 952 970 988 1006 1033 1060 1087 1114 1141 1168 1195 1222 1249 1276 1303 1330 1357 1384 1411 1438 1465 1492 1519
    防御值 Defense 484 497 510 523 536 549 562 575 588 601 614 627 640 665 690 715 740 765 790 815 840 865 890 915 940 965 990 1015 1040 1065 1090 1115
    力量 Str 114 115 117 118 119 120 122 123 124 125 127 128 130 131 132 133 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 145 146 147 148 150 151 152 153
    敏捷 Dex 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
    抗性 Resist 116 118 120 121 123 125 127 128 130 132 134 135 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
  • Act 4 Ascendant |
    佣兵等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
    生命值 HP
    防御值 Defense
    力量 Str
    敏捷 Dex
    抗性 Resist
    佣兵等级 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    生命值 HP
    防御值 Defense
    力量 Str
    敏捷 Dex
    抗性 Resist
    佣兵等级 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
    生命值 HP 1006 1033 1060 1087 1114 1141 1168 1195 1222 1249 1276 1303 1330 1357 1384 1411 1438 1465 1492 1519
    防御值 Defense 640 665 690 715 740 765 790 815 840 865 890 915 940 965 990 1015 1040 1065 1090 1115
    力量 Str 130 131 132 133 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 145 146 147 148 150 151 152 153
    敏捷 Dex 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
    抗性 Resist 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 145 146 147 148 150 151 152 153 155 156 157 158
  • 第五幕 野蛮人|
    佣兵等级 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
    生命值 HP 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 198 216 234 252 270 288 306 324 342 360 378
    防御值 Defense 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230
    力量 Str 53 55 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 101 102 104 106 108 110
    敏捷 Dex 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 69
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250
    抗性 Resist 11 13 14 16 18 20 21 23 25 27 28 30 32 34 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 48 49 51 53 55 56 57 59 61 63 64
    最低伤害 Dmg-Min 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17
    最高伤害 Dmg-Max 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21
    佣兵等级 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
    生命值 HP 396 414 432 450 468 486 504 522 540 558 576 594 612 630 648 666 684 702 720 738 756 774 792 810 828 855 882 909 936 963 990 1017 1044
    防御值 Defense 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 515 550 585 620 655 690 725 760
    力量 Str 112 114 116 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 147 149 151 153 155 158 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173
    敏捷 Dex 70 71 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 93 94 95 96 98 99 101 102 103 104 106 107 108 109 111
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550 570 590 610 630 650 670 690 710 730 750 785 820 855 890 925 960 995 1030
    抗性 Resist 66 68 70 71 73 75 77 78 80 82 84 85 87 89 91 92 94 96 98 99 101 103 105 106 109 110 112 114 116 117 119 121 123
    最低伤害 Dmg-Min 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 36 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41
    最高伤害 Dmg-Max 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 40 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 45
    佣兵等级 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
    生命值 HP 1071 1098 1125 1152 1179 1206 1233 1260 1287 1314 1341 1368 1395 1422 1467 1512 1557 1602 1647 1692 1737 1782 1827 1872 1917 1962 2007 2052 2097 2142 2187 2232
    防御值 Defense 795 830 865 900 935 970 1005 1040 1075 1110 1145 1180 1215 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150
    力量 Str 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 189 191 193 195 197 200 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 231 233
    敏捷 Dex 112 113 114 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 124 126 127 129 130 131 132 134 135 136 137 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 149 150 151
    攻击准确率 Attack Rating 1065 1100 1135 1170 1205 1240 1275 1310 1345 1380 1415 1450 1485 1520 1565 1610 1655 1700 1745 1790 1835 1880 1925 1970 2015 2060 2105 2150 2195 2240 2285 2330
    抗性 Resist 124 126 128 130 131 133 135 137 138 140 142 144 145 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
    最低伤害 Dmg-Min 41 42 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 47 48 49 56 56 57 57 58 59 59 60 61 61 62 62 63 64 64 65 66 66 67
    最高伤害 Dmg-Max 45 46 46 47 48 48 49 50 50 51 51 52 53 60 60 61 61 62 63 63 64 65 65 66 66 67 68 68 69 70 70 71

  • 请注意:

    • 攻击准确率并不计算在敏捷值提供的额外攻击准确率中
    • 攻击准确率在前台角色面板中显示的一直都是0,这是个显示问题(其他数值都可以正确显示)
    • 雇佣兵的数值也许随着他们的等级和受雇时的游戏难度而有所区别,但这只是游戏初期等级较低难度较高时的一个小问题。所有雇佣兵到达80级后,体格数值都将是一致的,无论从哪个难度雇入。
    统计差异示例Example Stat Differences

    游戏中有几个质变点,会影响整体的计算。普通难度中有3个质变点,噩梦难度有2个,地狱难度有1个(Normal threshold #3 == NM threshold #2 == Hell threshold #1))


    • 噩梦难度: 生命值 HP: 900 防御值 Def: 744 抗性 Resist: 121
    • 地狱难度: 生命值 HP: 900 防御值 Def: 744 抗性 Resist: 121


    • 噩梦难度: 生命值 HP: 882 防御值 Def: 729 抗性 Resist: 118
    • 地狱难度: 生命值 HP: 870 防御值 Def: 722 抗性 Resist: 120


    • 噩梦难度: 生命值 HP: 342 防御值 Def: 279 抗性 Resist: 66
    • 地狱难度: 生命值 HP: 40 防御值 Def: 18 抗性 Resist: 80



    • 第一幕雇佣兵 (萝格斥候) 现在有66%的基础穿刺攻击几率。
    • 开放伤害现在对雇佣兵和召唤物造成¼的伤害,并且可以通过物理伤害减少来进一步减少Open Wounds now deals ¼ damage to mercenaries and pets, and can be further reduced by Physical Damage Reduction
    • 雇佣兵只有力量和敏捷属性,所以体力和精力不会有影响。佣兵们肯定是有生命值的但没有魔法值。它们使用技能时不需要考虑魔法消耗问题。
    • 雇佣兵对于所有不同的武器类型使用相同的帧数计算。例如,罗格会用弓和弩以相同的速度攻击,而角色通常用弩攻击速度要慢得多。Mercenaries use the same breakpoints for all weapon types. For example, Rogue Scouts will attack at the same speed with bows and crossbows (assuming they have the same WSM and IAS) whereas characters usually attack much slower with crossbows.
    • 铁狼没有格挡动画,所以即使戴着盾牌也不能格挡。Iron Wolves don't have a blocking animation, so can't block even while wearing a shield.
    • 野蛮人雇佣兵没有恢复打击的动画,所以不能进行恢复打击或被击退。Barbarian mercenaries don't have a hit recovery animation, so cannot be put into hit recovery or be knocked back.
    • 雇佣兵可以受益于:
      • +X 所有技能
      • +X 火焰/冰冻/闪电技能 (如适用)
      • +X 具体技能,如果它们使用该技能(比如,野蛮人头盔有+3重击就适合第五幕雇佣兵使用,即使它写了“限野蛮人使用”)。
    注意: 很多雇佣兵技能与玩家角色技能是区分开的,所以装备的具体的技能加成(比如 奥玛斯的长袍 +3 至 暴风雪Blizzard)不适用于雇佣兵。
    • 雇佣兵无法受益于:
      • +X 职业技能 (即使野蛮人雇佣兵遇到 +x至野蛮人技能等级,也不可以)。
      • +X 职业分支技能 (比如 +x 至 攻击性灵气,或者 +x至战斗技能)



    Most breakpoint values haven't changed, and all threshold values remain unchanged. There is a new advanced character info page within the game which displays all breakpoints for your character.

    Cast Rate

    Attack Rate

    • Strafe has additional high-end breakpoints since its missiles no longer cause next-hit-delay
    • Blade Fury is now affected by attack speed (same breakpoints as other traps)
    • Dragon Tail attack speed penalty reduced to -20 (was -40)
    • Fists of Fire, Claws of Thunder, and Blades of Ice now use standard breakpoints (same as other single-hit martial arts skills)
    • Whirlwind no longer benefits from attack speed - it hits once every 5 frames when using a single weapon or twice every 6 frames when dual-wielding (each weapon hits simultaneously)
      • the Assassin-only version on Chaos (now called Blade Dance) was similarly changed, but hits 1 frame faster
    • Dual-wielding attack speed breakpoints are now based on the "faster" weapon (determined by IAS - WSM) rather than taking both weapon speeds into account
      • the method for determining the "faster" weapon is not always accurate for weapons with different WSM values - while effective IAS and WSM are equivalent, the same is not true for plain IAS
      • applies to all attacks when dual-wielding, even if the attack doesn't alternate weapons - a faster weapon can be equipped as an offhand to bypass the inherent speed of the attacking weapon
    • Berserk is now a dual-wielding attack and uses the same breakpoints as Frenzy

    Note: Several multi-hit attacks (Fend, Strafe, Dragon Talon, Zeal, Fury) are now limited to 3 or 5 hits per attack - this reduces the number of intermediate hits, but doesn't change the breakpoints for those hits. Since intermediate hits use the same breakpoints as each other and there's still at least 1 intermediate hit per attack, this change doesn't affect breakpoints. While the total frames per attack will be lower for these skills, this difference is taken into consideration when they are balanced.

    Related Changes

    • Burst of Speed has slightly different attack speed values and the attack speed is now gained from hard points
    • Amazon spears have each had their weapon speed modifiers improved by 10


    Diablo 2 runs at 25 frames per second and events cannot occur in timeframes smaller than a single frame, so improvements to animation speeds (from FCR, FHR, FBR, or IAS) are only realized in intervals of 1 frame or more. These intervals are called breakpoints.

    For example, a Sorceress with +100% FCR will cast "normal" spells in 9 frames (9/25 = 0.36 seconds). In order to cast those spells faster, she will need +5% more FCR for a total of +105% FCR, at which point she will cast those spells in 8 frames (8/25 = 0.32 seconds) instead.

    Weapon Types

    • Thrusting Weapons: spears, javelins, daggers, throwing knives
    • Swinging Weapons: all other non-ranged weapons (except claws which have their own category)

    Faster Cast Rate (


    ) Breakpoints
    Animation Type Frames per Animation
    19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
    Amazon 0 7 14 22 32 48 68 99 152
    Assassin 0 8 16 27 42 65 102 174
    Barbarian 0 9 20 37 63 105 200
    Druid (Human) 0 4 10 19 30 46 68 99 163
    Druid (Bear) 0 7 15 26 40 63 99 163
    Druid (Wolf) 0 6 14 26 40 60 95 157
    Necromancer 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
    Paladin 0 9 18 30 48 75 125
    Sorceress (Slow Spells) 0 7 15 23 35 52 78 117 194
    Sorceress (Normal Spells) 0 9 20 37 63 105 200
    Act 3 Mercenary - Iron Wolf 0 8 15 26 39 58 86 138
    Act 4 Mercenary - Ascendant
    • The only sorceress spells that use "slow" frames are Chain Lightning and Frozen Orb - all other sorceress spells use "normal" frames

    Faster Hit Recovery (


    ) Breakpoints
    Animation Type Frames per Animation
    17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Amazon 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
    Assassin 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
    Barbarian 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
    Druid (Human, 1H Swinging Weapons) 0 3 7 13 19 29 42 63 99 174 456
    Druid (Human, Other Weapons) 0 5 10 16 26 39 56 86 152 377
    Druid (Bear) 0 5 10 16 24 37 54 86 152 360
    Druid (Wolf) 0 9 20 42 86 280
    Necromancer 0 5 10 16 26 39 56 86 152 377
    Paladin (Spear/Staff) 0 3 7 13 20 32 48 75 120 280
    Paladin (Other Weapons) 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
    Sorceress 0 5 9 14 20 30 42 60 86 142 280
    Act 1 Mercenary - Rogue Scout 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
    Act 2 Mercenary - Desert Guard 0 5 9 14 20 30 42 60 86 142 280
    Act 3 Mercenary - Iron Wolf 0 5 8 13 18 24 32 46 63 86 133 232 600
    Act 4 Mercenary - Ascendant

    Faster Block Rate (


    ) Breakpoints
    Animation Type Frames per Animation
    17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    Amazon (1H Swinging Weapons) 0 4 6 11 15 23 29 40 56 80 120 200 480
    Amazon (Other Weapons) 0 13 32 86 600
    Assassin 0 13 32 86 600
    Barbarian 0 9 20 42 86 280
    Druid (Human) 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
    Druid (Bear) 0 5 10 16 27 40 65 109 223
    Druid (Wolf) 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
    Necromancer 0 6 13 20 32 52 86 174 600
    Paladin (Normal) 0 13 32 86 600
    Paladin (Holy Shield) 0 86
    Sorceress 0 7 15 27 48 86 200
    • Act 3 Iron Wolf does not have a blocking animation, so he cannot block even though he can equip shields


    Attack Speed


    Most attacks use standard Total Attack Speed (TAS) breakpoints which are listed in the first table below. Some attacks (multi-hit attacks & wereform attacks) use other breakpoints which are listed in separate tables. Note that these breakpoints are not the same as IAS breakpoints shown by many Attack Speed Calculators, although those can be derived from the values here by referencing the IAS thresholds further below.

    Total Attack Speed = Effective Item IAS + Skill IAS - WSM

    If both WSM and Skill IAS are 0, Total Attack Speed and Effective Item IAS are equal. In this case, the IAS breakpoints can be immediately found from the IAS thresholds table by converting the TAS breakpoints into Item IAS. If either WSM or Skill IAS are non-zero, you'll first need to remove them from the TAS values - whatever is leftover will be the Effective Item IAS, which can be converted in the same way to find the IAS breakpoints.

    Total Attack Speed Breakpoints (


    Animation Type Frames per Animation
    Character Animation 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
    Amazon 1H Swinging, Bow -20 -17 -12 -6 0 8 17 28 41 56 75
    1H Thrusting -20 -18 -13 -7 0 9 19 31 45 63
    2H Sword -10 -9 -5 0 7 13 21 29 39 50 64
    2H Melee (not sword), Thrown -20 -19 -15 -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 46 61
    Crossbow -10 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 67
    Assassin 1H Swinging/Thrusting -20 -16 -11 -6 0 8 16 25 37 50 67
    2H Sword/Spear -11 -7 -3 0 5 10 16 22 29 36 44 54 65
    2H Melee (not sword/spear) -20 -17 -13 -9 -4 0 6 13 19 27 36 47 59 74
    Bow, Thrown, Traps -20 -19 -15 -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 47 61
    Crossbow -10 -8 -4 0 6 11 17 24 32 41 50 62 75
    Claw (single‑hit) -10 -9 -2 5 13 24 36 51 70
    Dragon Tail (Kick) -20 -17 -14 -11 -7 0 2 7 13 20 29 39 51 65 83
    Barbarian 1H Swinging/Thrusting, Thrown -20 -19 -15 -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 46 61
    2H Sword -10 -9 -5 0 7 13 21 29 39 50 64
    2H Melee (not sword) -20 -17 -13 -9 -4 0 6 13 19 27 36 47 59 74
    Bow -10 -6 0 8 16 25 37 50 67
    Crossbow -10 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 67
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
    1H Swinging/Thrusting -20 -17 -13 -9 -4 0 6 13 19 27 36 47 59 74
    2H Sword -10 -8 -4 0 6 11 17 24 32 41 50 62 75
    2H Spear -11 -7 -3 0 5 10 16 22 29 36 44 54 65
    2H Melee (not sword/spear) -20 -18 -14 -10 -5 0 7 14 22 31 42 55 71
    Bow -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 46 61
    Crossbow -10 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 67
    Thrown -20 -17 -14 -9 -5 0 7 13 21 29 39 50 64
    Necromancer 1H Swinging/Thrusting -20 -17 -13 -9 -4 0 6 13 19 27 36 47 59 74
    2H Sword -10 -7 -3 0 5 10 16 22 29 36 44 54 65
    2H Spear -7 -3 0 5 10 15 21 27 34 42 50 61 72
    2H Melee (not sword/spear), Crossbow, Thrown -20 -19 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 67
    Bow -10 -9 -5 0 7 13 21 29 39 50 64
    Paladin 1H Swinging -20 -16 -11 -6 0 8 16 25 37 50 67
    1H Thrusting -20 -18 -14 -10 -5 0 7 14 22 31 42 55 71
    2H Spear, Crossbow -20 -19 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 67
    2H Melee (not spear) -20 -17 -14 -9 -5 0 7 13 21 29 39 50 64
    Bow, Thrown -20 -19 -15 -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 46 61
    Smite -20 -19 -14 -7 0 10 21 34 50 72
    Sorceress 1H Swinging -20 -17 -14 -9 -5 0 7 13 21 29 39 50 64
    1H Thrusting, Bow -20 -18 -14 -10 -5 0 7 14 22 31 42 55 71
    2H Sword -10 -8 -4 0 6 11 17 23 30 38 47 58 70
    2H Spear -19 -15 -12 -8 -4 0 6 11 17 24 32 41 50 62 75
    2H Melee (not sword/spear) -20 -19 -15 -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 46 61
    Crossbow, Thrown -20 -19 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 67
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
    Act 1 Merc
    Rogue Scout
    Attack -10 -6 0 8 16 25 37 50 67
    Act 2 Merc
    Desert Guard
    Attack -20 -19 -15 -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 46 61
    Act 5 Merc
    Attack -20 -19 -15 -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 46 61
    • Negative total attack speed values are possible due to "slow" weapons with WSM values above zero - the negative values are colored gray in each chart to help improve readability
    • Breakpoints aren't shown for unarmed attacks, the slowest spear animations for some characters, or act 3 & act 4 mercenaries (they cast spells instead of attacking)
    Total Attack Speed


    -Hit Breakpoints
    Animation Type Frames per Animation
    Character Animation Part 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Amazon Jab (1H) Hit 1 -20 -18 -13 -7 0 9 21 37 59 94
    Hit 2 -20 -16 -11 -5 3 13 25 43 69
    Hit 3 -20 -15 -9 -3 5 16 30 51 80
    Jab (2H) Hit 1 -20 -18 -14 -9 -4 3 11 22 36 54 80
    Hit 2 -20 -17 -12 -7 -2 5 15 26 41 62 92
    Hit 3 -20 -16 -11 -6 1 9 18 30 47 71 105
    Fend (1H) Hit 1 -20 -12 0 17 41
    Hit 2 -20 -14 0, 17 15, 21, 41 34, 50 72
    Hit 3 -20 -19 -14 -7 0 10 17 34 41 61
    Fend (2H) Hit 1 -20 -17 -9 0 13 29 50
    Hit 2 -20 -12 0 17 41 75
    Hit 3 -20 -17 -12 -6 0 8 17 28 41 56 75
    Strafe (Bow) Hit 1 -10 0 21 50
    Hits 2‑4 -10 0 50
    Hit 5 -10 -8 0 11 23 38 58
    Strafe (Crossbow) Hit 1 -10 -9 13 29 50
    Hit 2 -10 0, 15 12, 25, 50 43, 67
    Hits 3‑4 -10 0 21 50
    Hit 5 -10 -5 0 8 15 24, 29 25, 34 46 61 67
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Assassin Attack (Dual‑Wielding), Dragon Claw Hit 1 -10 -9 -2 5 13 24 36 51 70
    Hit 2 -10 -7 -1 6 14 24 35 49 65
    Dragon Talon (Kick) Hits 1‑2 -20 -19 0 34
    Hit 3 -20 -18 -13 -7 0 9 19 31 45 63
    Barbarian Attack (Dual‑Wielding) Hit 1 -20 -19 -14 -7 0 10 21 34 50 72
    Hit 2 -20 -19 -15 -10 -5 0 8 15 24 34 46 61
    Double Throw Hit 1 -20 -17 -12 -6 1 11 23 40 64 102
    Hit 2 -20 -15 -9 -3 5 16 30 51 80
    Double Swing Hit 1 -20 -6 11 35
    Hit 2 -20 -13 2 22 51
    Frenzy, Berserk Hit 1 -20 -18 -14 -11 -6 -1 5 12 20 30 44 61 85
    Hit 2 -20 -16 -12 -9 -4 2 8 16 25 37 52 72 101
    Paladin Zeal (1H Swinging) Hits 1‑2 -20 -12 0 17 41 75
    Hit 3 -20 -16 -11 -6 0 8 16 25 37 50 67
    Zeal (1H Thrusting) Hits 1‑2 -20 -19 -10 0 15 34 61
    Hit 3 -20 -18 -14 -10 -5 0 7 14 22 31 42 55 71
    Zeal (2H Spear) Hits 1‑2 -20 -19 -10 0 15 34 61
    Hit 3 -20 -19 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 67
    Zeal (2H Sword) Hits 1‑2 -10 0 15 34 61
    Hit 3 -10 -9 -5 0 7 13 21 29 39 50 64
    Zeal (2H Melee)
    (not spear/sword)
    Hits 1‑2 -20 -17 -9 0 13 29 50
    Hit 3 -20 -17 -14 -9 -5 0 7 13 21 29 39 50 64
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Act 2 Merc
    Desert Guard
    Jab Hit 1 -20 -17 -6 8 28 56
    Hit 2 -20 -12 0 17 41 75
    Act 1 Merc
    Rogue Scout
    Strafe ?
    • Rows with multiple hits refer to the breakpoints for each individual hit (they'll last more frames when combined)
    • Breakpoints with multiple speeds listed (Fend & Strafe) are due to some hits getting faster, then slower, then faster again (in terms of animation frames) as the Total Attack Speed rises. Usually this coincides with the frame count of other hits moving in the opposite direction, so the overall speed either remains the same or increases.
    Total Attack Speed


    Breakpoints (Druid)
    Animation Type Frames per Animation
    Animation Wereform Weapon Threshold (Weapon IAS - WSM)
    1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Bow Crossbow 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Werebear Attack -20 -3 -18 -15 -13 -9 -7 -4 0 3 8 11 16 21 27 33 39 46 55 64 73
    -17 1 -10 -18 -17 -13 -11 -8 -5 -1 3 7 11 16 21 27 33 40 48 57 66
    -13 5 -20 -8 -20 -17 -14 -12 -9 -5 -1 2 6 11 16 22 28 34 42 50 59 70
    -9 10 -18 -4 -19 -17 -14 -10 -7 -3 0 5 10 15 21 27 34 42 50 61 72
    -4 16 -14 1 -17 -14 -11 -8 -4 0 5 10 15 21 28 36 44 53 65
    1 22 -10 6 -13 -9 -5 -1 4 9 15 21 28 36 45 55 67
    6 29 -5 -10 12 -10 -6 -2 3 8 14 21 28 37 47 58 71
    13 36 1 -5 18 -8 -3 2 7 14 20 29 38 49 60 75
    20 45 7 1 26 -4 1 7 13 21 30 40 51 65
    27 54 14 8 34 0 6 13 21 31 41 54 70
    36 65 22 15 43 5 13 21 31 43 58 75
    47 77 31 24 54 12 21 32 45 61
    59 92 42 34 67 11 21 33 48 66
    74 110 55 46 83 21 34 50 72
    91 131 71 61 101 21 36 55
    112 156 90 79 123 20 38 60
    138 188 113 101 151 41 69
    172 143 129 186 45
    167 50
    1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Bow Crossbow 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Werebear Hunger -20 -3 -20 -19 -17 -14 -10 -7 -3 1 6 10 16 22 29 37 45 55 65
    -17 1 -10 -18 -14 -11 -7 -3 1 6 11 17 24 31 38 48 58 70
    -13 5 -20 -8 -20 -18 -14 -11 -7 -3 1 6 12 19 25 33 42 52 63
    -9 10 -18 -4 -19 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 68
    -4 16 -14 1 -16 -12 -8 -4 1 7 13 20 28 37 48 60 74
    1 22 -10 6 -14 -9 -4 1 7 13 21 29 39 51 65
    6 29 -5 -10 12 -10 -4 1 7 14 22 32 43 56 71
    13 36 1 -5 18 -10 -5 0 7 15 24 34 46 60
    20 45 7 1 26 -5 1 8 16 26 38 51 68
    27 54 14 8 34 1 9 18 29 41 57
    36 65 22 15 43 10 19 31 46 64
    47 77 31 24 54 10 21 34 51 72
    59 92 42 34 67 11 23 38 58
    74 110 55 46 83 25 43 67
    91 131 71 61 101 29 51
    112 156 90 79 123 34 60
    138 188 113 101 151 41
    172 143 129 186 21 51
    167 25 67
    1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Bow Crossbow 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Werewolf Attack, Fury (Hit 3) -20 -3 0 1 4 8 11 15 19 24 28 34 39 45 52 59 67
    -17 1 -10 0 4 7 11 15 20 24 29 34 40 47 53 61 70
    -13 5 -20 -8 0 2 6 10 14 18 23 28 34 40 46 54 62 70
    -9 10 -18 -4 0 4 8 12 17 21 27 33 39 46 54 61 71
    -4 16 -14 1 3 6 11 15 20 26 32 39 46 53 62 72
    1 22 -10 6 9 14 19 25 31 38 45 54 63 74
    6 29 -5 -10 12 8 13 18 24 31 38 46 55 65
    13 36 1 -5 18 11 16 23 29 37 45 55 66
    20 45 7 1 26 16 21 29 36 46 56 68
    27 54 14 8 34 20 27 36 46 57 70
    36 65 22 15 43 26 35 45 58 72
    47 77 31 24 54 34 45 58 74
    59 92 42 34 67 34 45 60
    74 110 55 46 83 45 61
    91 131 71 61 101 45 63
    112 156 90 79 123 45 66
    138 188 113 101 151 45 69
    172 143 129 186 45 74
    167 45
    1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Bow Crossbow 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Werewolf Fury (Hits 1‑2) -20 -3 0 6 12 20 28 38 50 63
    -17 1 -10 2 8 16 24 33 45 57 74
    -13 5 -20 -8 0 3 11 18 27 38 50 66
    -9 10 -18 -4 0 5 12 20 31 42 57 74
    -4 16 -14 1 0 6 15 24 35 49 66
    1 22 -10 6 8 18 28 41 57 75
    6 29 -5 -10 12 3 12 21 34 49 66
    13 36 1 -5 18 14 25 39 56
    20 45 7 1 26 18 31 47 68
    27 54 14 8 34 22 37 57
    36 65 22 15 43 27 45 69
    47 77 31 24 54 34 56
    59 92 42 34 67 23 44 72
    74 110 55 46 83 30 57
    91 131 71 61 101 41 75
    112 156 90 79 123 56
    138 188 113 101 151 37
    172 143 129 186 56
    167 30
    1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Bow Crossbow 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Werewolf Rabies -20 -3 0 3 7 12 17 22 28 35 43 51 60 71
    -17 1 -10 0 3 8 13 18 24 30 38 46 54 65
    -13 5 -20 -8 0 3 8 12 18 24 32 39 47 57 68
    -9 10 -18 -4 0 2 7 12 18 25 32 40 49 60 72
    -4 16 -14 1 1 6 12 19 25 33 42 52 63
    1 22 -10 6 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 68
    6 29 -5 -10 12 6 12 19 27 36 46 59 73
    13 36 1 -5 18 12 19 28 37 49 62
    20 45 7 1 26 20 29 40 53 68
    27 54 14 8 34 21 31 43 57 74
    36 65 22 15 43 21 32 45 62
    47 77 31 24 54 34 49 67
    59 92 42 34 67 37 54
    74 110 55 46 83 40 60
    91 131 71 61 101 43 67
    112 156 90 79 123 49
    138 188 113 101 151 56
    172 143 129 186 67
    167 40
    • Wereform Weapon Threshold = Weapon IAS - WSM
      • The Wereform Weapon Threshold (WWT) demonstrates how wereform attacks rely so heavily on Weapon IAS compared to other attacks
      • Weapon IAS excludes any IAS gained from non-weapon items - it refers to item IAS (not effective item IAS) so it cannot be added/subtracted from Total Attack Speed (TAS) values which the rest of the chart uses
    • Many of the worst thresholds/breakpoints (those for slow spears that lack IAS) are not shown
    • Values are only listed for possible breakpoints
      • Rows at the bottom of each chart have fewer possible breakpoints - Weapon IAS applies to both WWT and TAS, so higher WWT means higher TAS
      • Werewolf adds a minimum of 20 speed, which counteracts even the slowest WSM speeds and prevents negative TAS values (at higher levels, only the fastest breakpoints per row will be possible)
     Oskill breakpoints are incomplete - for missing breakpoints, use an Attack Speed Calculator
    Total Attack Speed

    OSkill Multi

    -Hit Breakpoints
    Animation Type Frames per Animation
    Character Animation Part 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Amazon Zeal (1H Swinging) ?
    Zeal (1H Thrusting) ?
    Zeal (2H Spear) ?
    Zeal (Other 2H Melee) ?
    Assassin Jab (1H) ?
    Jab (2H) ?
    Fend (1H) ?
    Fend (2H) ?
    Strafe (Bow) ?
    Strafe (Crossbow) ?
    Zeal (1H Swinging/Thrusting) ?
    Zeal (2H Sword) ?
    Zeal (2H Spear) ?
    Zeal (Other 2H Melee) ?
    Zeal (Claw) ?
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Barbarian Jab (1H) ?
    Jab (2H) ?
    Fend (1H) ?
    Fend (2H) ?
    Strafe (Bow) ?
    Strafe (Crossbow) ?
    Zeal (1H) ?
    Zeal (2H Spear) ?
    Zeal (Other 2H Melee) ?
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Druid Jab (1H) ?
    Jab (2H) ?
    Fend (1H) ?
    Fend (2H) ?
    Strafe (Bow) ?
    Strafe (Crossbow) ?
    Zeal (1H Swinging) ?
    Zeal (1H Thrusting) ?
    Zeal (2H Sword) ?
    Zeal (2H Spear) ?
    Zeal (Other 2H Melee) ?
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Necromancer Jab (1H) ?
    Jab (2H) ?
    Fend (1H) ?
    Fend (2H) ?
    Strafe (Bow) ?
    Strafe (Crossbow) ?
    Zeal (1H) ?
    Zeal (2H Sword) ?
    Zeal (2H Spear) ?
    Zeal (Other 2H Melee) ?
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Paladin Jab (1H) ?
    Jab (2H) ?
    Fend (1H) ?
    Fend (2H) ?
    Strafe (Bow) ?
    Strafe (Crossbow) ?
    25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    Sorceress Jab (1H) ?
    Jab (2H) ?
    Fend (1H) ?
    Fend (2H) ?
    Strafe (Bow) ?
    Strafe (Crossbow) ?
    Zeal (1H Swinging) ?
    Zeal (1H Thrusting) ?
    Zeal (2H Sword) ?
    Zeal (2H Spear) ?
    Zeal (Other 2H Melee) ?
    Total Attack Speed

    OSkill Wereform

    Animation Type Frames per Animation
    Animation Wereform Weapon Threshold (Weapon IAS - WSM)
    Amazon WWT Assassin WWT Necromancer WWT Paladin WWT Sorceress WWT Barbarian WWT 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    1H Swinging, 2H Sword, Bow 1H Thrusting Other 2H Melee Crossbow Claw Other 1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Bow Crossbow 1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee, Crossbow Bow 1H Swinging, 2H Sword 1H Thrusting 2H Spear, Crossbow Other 2H Melee Bow 1H Swinging, 2H Sword 1H Thrusting, Bow 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Crossbow 1H Melee, Dual-Wield, 2H Sword Other Melee Bow Crossbow
    Werebear Attack -3 -20 -10 -20 1 -16 -16 -12 -20 -18 -15 -13 -9 -7 -4 0 3 8 11 16 21 27 33 39 46 55 64 73
    -10 1 -17 -8 -17 5 -12 -12 -20 -20 -8 -10 -17 -10 -20 -18 -17 -13 -11 -8 -5 -1 3 7 11 16 21 27 33 40 48 57 66
    -8 5 -13 -4 -13 10 -8 -20 -8 -17 -17 -20 -4 -8 -13 -8 -20 -17 -14 -12 -9 -5 -1 2 6 11 16 22 28 34 42 50 59 70
    -20 -4 10 -9 1 -9 15 -4 -10 -18 -4 -14 -14 -18 1 -20 -4 -20 -9 -4 -20 -19 -17 -14 -10 -7 -3 0 5 10 15 21 27 34 42 50 61 72
    -19 1 16 -4 6 -4 21 1 -9 -14 1 -9 -9 -14 6 -19 1 -19 -4 1 -20 -17 -14 -11 -8 -4 0 5 10 15 21 28 36 44 53 65
    -15 6 -20 22 1 11 1 27 6 -5 -20 -10 6 -5 -5 -10 11 -15 6 -15 1 6 -20 -19 -16 -13 -9 -5 -1 4 9 15 21 28 36 45 55 67
    -20 -10 12 -16 29 6 -10 17 6 34 12 1 -16 -5 12 1 -10 1 -5 17 -10 12 -10 6 12 -20 -18 -14 -10 -6 -2 3 8 14 21 28 37 47 58 71
    -17 -20 -5 18 -11 36 13 -5 24 13 42 18 7 -11 1 18 7 -5 7 1 24 -5 18 -5 13 -10 18 -20 -16 -12 -8 -3 2 7 14 20 29 38 49 60 75
    -12 -18 1 26 -10 -5 45 20 1 32 20 51 26 13 -5 7 26 13 1 13 7 32 1 26 1 20 -5 26 -20 -17 -13 -9 -4 1 7 13 21 30 40 51 65
    -6 -13 8 34 -6 1 54 27 8 41 27 61 34 21 1 14 34 21 8 21 14 41 8 34 8 27 1 34 -15 -10 -6 0 6 13 21 31 41 54 70
    1 -7 15 43 1 8 65 36 15 51 36 72 43 29 8 22 43 29 15 29 22 51 15 43 15 36 8 43 -7 -2 5 13 21 31 43 58 75
    8 1 24 54 8 16 77 47 24 62 47 85 54 39 16 31 54 39 24 39 31 62 24 54 24 47 16 54 -3 4 12 21 32 45 61
    17 9 34 67 17 26 92 59 34 76 59 101 67 51 26 42 67 51 34 51 42 76 34 67 34 59 26 67 3 11 21 33 48 66
    28 19 46 83 28 37 110 74 46 92 74 119 83 64 37 55 83 64 46 64 55 92 46 83 46 74 37 83 0 10 21 34 50 72
    41 31 61 101 41 51 131 91 61 111 91 141 101 81 51 71 101 81 61 81 71 111 61 101 61 91 51 101 9 21 36 55
    56 45 79 123 56 67 156 112 79 134 112 167 123 101 67 90 123 101 79 101 90 134 79 123 79 112 67 123 20 38 60
    76 63 101 151 76 88 188 138 101 163 138 151 126 88 113 151 126 101 126 113 163 101 151 101 138 88 151 21 41 69
    101 86 129 186 101 115 172 129 172 186 158 115 186 158 129 158 143 129 186 129 172 115 186 21 45
    134 117 167 134 151 167 151 167 167 167 151 21 50
    Amazon WWT Assassin WWT Necromancer WWT Paladin WWT Sorceress WWT Barbarian WWT 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    1H Swinging, 2H Sword, Bow 1H Thrusting Other 2H Melee Crossbow Claw Other 1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Bow Crossbow 1H Melee, 2H Sword 2H Spear Other 2H Melee, Crossbow Bow 1H Swinging, 2H Sword 1H Thrusting 2H Spear, Crossbow Other 2H Melee Bow 1H Swinging, 2H Sword 1H Thrusting, Bow 2H Spear Other 2H Melee Crossbow 1H Melee, Dual-Wield, 2H Sword Other Melee Bow Crossbow
    Werebear Hunger -3 -20 -10 -20 1 -16 -16 -12 -20 -20 -19 -17 -14 -10 -7 -3 1 6 10 16 22 29 37 45 55 65
    -10 1 -17 -8 -17 5 -12 -12 -20 -20 -8 -10 -17 -10 -20 -18 -14 -11 -7 -3 1 6 11 17 24 31 38 48 58 70
    -8 5 -13 -4 -13 10 -8 -20 -8 -17 -17 -20 -4 -8 -13 -8 -20 -18 -14 -11 -7 -3 1 6 12 19 25 33 42 52 63
    -20 -4 10 -9 1 -9 15 -4 -10 -18 -4 -14 -14 -18 1 -20 -4 -20 -9 -4 -20 -19 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 6 12 18 25 34 43 54 68
    -19 1 16 -4 6 -4 21 1 -9 -14 1 -9 -9 -14 6 -19 1 -19 -4 1 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 1 7 13 20 28 37 48 60 74
    -15 6 -20 22 1 11 1 27 6 -5 -20 -10 6 -5 -5 -10 11 -15 6 -15 1 6 -20 -17 -14 -9 -4 1 7 13 21 29 39 51 65
    -20 -10 12 -16 29 6 -10 17 6 34 12 1 -16 -5 12 1 -10 1 -5 17 -10 12 -10 6 12 -20 -18 -14 -10 -4 1 7 14 22 32 43 56 71
    -17 -20 -5 18 -11 36 13 -5 24 13 42 18 7 -11 1 18 7 -5 7 1 24 -5 18 -5 13 -10 18 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 7 15 24 34 46 60
    -12 -18 1 26 -10 -5 45 20 1 32 20 51 26 13 -5 7 26 13 1 13 7 32 1 26 1 20 -5 26 -20 -15 -11 -5 1 8 16 26 38 51 68
    -6 -13 8 34 -6 1 54 27 8 41 27 61 34 21 1 14 34 21 8 21 14 41 8 34 8 27 1 34 -17 -12 -6 1 9 18 29 41 57
    1 -7 15 43 1 8 65 36 15 51 36 72 43 29 8 22 43 29 15 29 22 51 15 43 15 36 8 43 -12 -6 1 10 19 31 46 64
    8 1 24 54 8 16 77 47 24 62 47 85 54 39 16 31 54 39 24 39 31 62 24 54 24 47 16 54 -7 1 10 21 34 51 72
    17 9 34 67 17 26 92 59 34 76 59 101 67 51 26 42 67 51 34 51 42 76 34 67 34 59 26 67 1 11 23 38 58
    28 19 46 83 28 37 110 74 46 92 74 119 83 64 37 55 83 64 46 64 55 92 46 83 46 74 37 83 0 12 25 43 67
    41 31 61 101 41 51 131 91 61 111 91 141 101 81 51 71 101 81 61 81 71 111 61 101 61 91 51 101 13 29 51
    56 45 79 123 56 67 156 112 79 134 112 167 123 101 67 90 123 101 79 101 90 134 79 123 79 112 67 123 15 34 60
    76 63 101 151 76 88 188 138 101 163 138 151 126 88 113 151 126 101 126 113 163 101 151 101 138 88 151 17 41
    101 86 129 186 101 115 172 129 172 186 158 115 186 158 129 158 143 129 186 129 172 115 186 21 51
    134 117 167 134 151 167 151 167 167 167 151 25 67
    Barbarian WWT 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
    1H Melee, Dual-Wield, 2H Sword Other Melee Bow Crossbow
    Werewolf Attack -20 0 1 4 8 11 15 19 24 28 34 39 45 52 59 67
    -17 -10 0 4 7 11 15 20 24 29 34 40 47 53 61 70
    -13 -8 0 2 6 10 14 18 23 28 34 40 46 54 62 70
    -20 -9 -4 0 4 8 12 17 21 27 33 39 46 54 61 71
    -19 -4 1 3 6 11 15 20 26 32 39 46 53 62 72
    -15 1 6 9 14 19 25 31 38 45 54 63 74
    -10 6 12 8 13 18 24 31 38 46 55 65
    -5 13 -10 18 6 11 16 23 29 37 45 55 66
    1 20 -5 26 10 16 21 29 36 46 56 68
    8 27 1 34 20 27 36 46 57 70
    15 36 8 43 26 35 45 58 72
    24 47 16 54 34 45 58 74
    34 59 26 67 34 45 60
    46 74 37 83 45 61
    61 91 51 101 45 63
    79 112 67 123 45 66
    101 138 88 151 45 69
    129 172 115 186 45 74
    167 151 45
    • Every class actually uses the same TAS breakpoints for wereform attacks - they just reach them at different Wereform Weapon Thresholds
    • Many of the worst thresholds/breakpoints (mostly those for slow spears that lack IAS) are not shown


    Similar to how breakpoints emerge due to animation frames being tied to discrete intervals of time, thresholds emerge due to formula values being rounded when those formulas have parts which increase at different rates from each other. In other words, thresholds refer to the values resulting from formulas with diminishing returns.

    Increased Attack Speed (


    ) Thresholds
    Effective Item IAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    Item IAS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 32
    Effective Item IAS 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    Item IAS 34 35 37 39 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 65 68 70 72 75 78 80 83 86
    Effective Item IAS 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
    Item IAS 89 92 95 99 102 105 109 113 117 120 125 129 133 138 142 147 152 157 163 168 174 180 187 194 200
    Effective Item IAS 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
    Item IAS 208 215 223 232 240 250 259 270 280 292 304 317 330 345 360 377 395 414 434 456 480 507 535 566 600
    Effective Item IAS = [120 * Item IAS / (120 + Item IAS)]
    Faster Run/Walk (


    ) Thresholds
    Effective Item FRW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    Item FRW 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30
    Effective Item FRW 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
    Item FRW 32 33 35 36 38 40 41 43 44 46 48 50 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75
    Effective Item FRW 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
    Item FRW 78 80 82 85 87 90 92 95 98 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 122 125 128 132 135 139 143 147 150
    Effective Item FRW 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
    Item FRW 155 159 163 167 172 177 181 186 191 197 202 208 213 219 225 232 238 245 252 260 267 275 283 292 300
    Effective Item FRW = [150 * Item FRW / (150 + Item FRW)]
    Effective Magic Find
    Magic Find (


    ) Thresholds
    MF Effective MF MF Effective MF MF Effective MF
    Rare Set Unique Rare Set Unique Rare Set Unique
    2 1 1 1 202 151 495 271 166
    3 2 2 2 203 144 112 497 249
    4 3 3 3 204 152 498 272
    5 4 4 4 205 145 500 250
    6 5 5 5 206 153 501 273
    7 6 6 6 207 146 113 504 167
    8 7 7 7 208 154 505 274 251
    9 8 8 8 209 155 147 508 275
    10 9 9 9 210 114 509 252
    11 10 10 10 211 156 148 512 276
    12 11 11 11 213 157 149 115 513 253 168
    13 12 12 12 215 158 150 515 277
    14 13 13 13 217 159 151 116 517 254
    15 14 14 14 219 160 152 519 278
    16 15 15 15 220 117 521 255
    17 16 16 221 161 153 522 279 169
    18 17 17 16 222 162 525 280 256
    19 18 18 17 223 154 529 281 257
    20 19 19 18 224 163 118 532 170
    21 20 20 19 225 155 533 282
    22 21 21 20 226 164 534 258
    23 22 21 227 156 536 283
    24 23 22 228 165 119 538 259
    25 24 23 22 229 157 540 284
    26 24 23 230 166 542 260 171
    27 25 25 24 231 158 120 543 285
    28 26 26 25 232 167 547 286 261
    29 27 27 234 168 159 551 287 262
    30 28 28 26 235 121 552 172
    31 29 29 27 236 169 160 554 288
    32 30 30 28 238 170 161 555 263
    33 31 29 239 122 558 289
    34 32 31 240 171 162 560 264
    35 33 32 30 242 172 163 562 290 173
    36 33 31 243 123 564 265
    37 34 34 32 244 173 566 291
    38 35 35 245 164 569 292 266
    39 36 36 33 246 174 573 293 267 174
    40 37 37 34 247 165 124 577 294
    41 38 35 248 175 578 268
    42 39 38 249 166 581 295
    43 40 39 36 250 176 125 583 269
    44 40 37 251 167 584 175
    45 41 41 38 252 177 585 296
    46 42 42 254 178 168 587 270
    47 43 39 255 126 589 297
    48 44 43 40 256 179 169 592 271
    49 45 44 258 180 170 593 298
    50 46 45 41 259 127 595 176
    51 47 46 42 260 181 171 597 299 272
    52 47 43 262 182 600 300
    53 48 263 172 128 602 273
    54 49 48 44 264 183 605 301
    55 50 49 45 265 173 607 274 177
    56 51 50 266 184 609 302
    57 52 51 46 267 174 129 612 275
    58 47 268 185 613 303
    59 53 52 270 186 175 617 304 276
    60 54 53 48 271 130 619 178
    61 55 54 49 272 187 176 621 305
    62 56 55 274 188 177 622 277
    63 57 50 276 189 131 625 306
    64 56 277 178 627 278
    65 58 57 51 279 190 179 629 307
    66 59 58 52 280 132 631 179
    67 60 59 281 191 632 279
    68 61 53 282 180 633 308
    69 60 54 283 192 637 280
    70 62 61 284 181 638 309
    71 63 62 55 285 193 133 642 310 281
    72 64 287 194 182 643 180
    73 65 63 56 289 195 183 134 646 311
    74 64 57 292 196 184 647 282
    75 66 65 294 197 185 135 650 312
    76 67 58 296 198 653 283
    77 68 66 297 186 655 313
    78 69 67 59 298 199 656 181
    79 68 60 299 187 136 658 284
    80 70 300 200 659 314
    81 71 69 61 302 188 663 285
    82 72 70 303 201 664 315
    83 71 62 304 189 137 668 316
    84 73 305 202 669 286
    85 74 72 63 307 203 190 670 182
    86 75 73 309 138 673 317
    87 74 64 310 204 191 674 287
    88 76 65 312 205 192 677 318
    89 77 75 314 206 139 680 288
    90 78 76 66 315 193 682 319
    91 79 317 207 194 683 183
    92 77 67 319 208 140 685 289
    93 80 78 320 195 686 320
    94 81 79 68 321 209 691 321 290
    95 82 323 196 695 322
    96 80 69 324 210 141 697 291 184
    97 83 81 326 211 197 700 323
    98 84 70 328 212 198 702 292
    99 82 329 142 705 324
    100 85 83 71 331 213 199 708 293
    101 86 84 333 214 710 325
    102 87 72 334 200 712 185
    103 85 335 143 714 326 294
    104 88 86 73 336 215 719 327
    105 89 337 201 720 295
    106 90 87 74 338 216 724 328
    107 88 339 202 726 296
    108 91 75 340 217 144 727 186
    109 92 89 342 203 729 329
    110 90 76 343 218 732 297
    111 93 345 219 204 734 330
    112 94 91 77 346 145 738 298
    113 95 92 348 220 205 739 331
    114 78 350 221 743 187
    115 96 93 351 206 146 744 332 299
    116 97 94 79 353 222 749 333
    118 98 95 80 354 207 750 300
    119 99 96 355 223 754 334
    120 100 81 357 208 147 757 301
    121 97 358 224 759 335 188
    122 101 98 360 225 209 763 302
    123 102 82 363 226 210 148 764 336
    124 99 366 227 211 769 337
    125 103 100 83 368 228 770 303
    126 104 369 212 149 775 338 189
    127 101 84 371 229 776 304
    128 105 372 213 780 339
    129 106 102 85 373 230 783 305
    130 103 375 214 150 785 340
    131 107 376 231 789 306
    132 108 104 86 378 215 790 341
    133 105 379 232 792 190
    134 109 87 381 233 216 796 342 307
    135 110 106 382 151 801 343
    136 88 384 234 217 803 308
    137 111 107 387 235 218 807 344
    138 112 108 388 152 809 309
    139 89 390 236 219 810 191
    140 113 109 392 237 812 345
    141 114 90 393 220 816 310
    142 110 395 238 153 818 346
    143 115 111 397 221 823 347 311
    144 116 91 398 239 828 192
    145 112 400 240 222 829 348
    146 117 113 92 402 154 830 312
    147 118 403 241 223 835 349
    148 114 406 242 224 837 313
    149 119 93 408 155 840 350
    150 120 115 409 243 845 314
    151 94 410 225 846 351
    152 121 116 412 244 847 193
    153 117 413 226 852 352 315
    154 122 95 415 245 156 858 353
    155 123 118 416 227 859 316
    156 96 417 246 864 354
    157 124 119 420 247 228 867 317 194
    158 125 120 423 248 229 157 870 355
    159 97 426 249 230 874 318
    160 126 121 429 250 876 356
    162 127 122 98 430 231 158 882 357 319
    163 128 432 251 887 195
    164 123 99 433 232 888 358
    165 129 124 435 252 889 320
    166 130 437 233 159 894 359
    167 125 100 438 253 897 321
    168 131 440 234 900 360
    169 126 441 254 905 322
    170 132 101 444 255 235 907 361
    171 133 127 445 160 908 196
    173 134 128 102 447 256 236 913 362 323
    174 129 450 257 919 363
    175 135 451 237 921 324
    176 136 130 103 453 258 161 926 364
    178 137 131 455 238 929 325
    179 104 456 259 930 197
    180 138 132 458 239 932 365
    181 139 459 260 937 326
    182 133 105 461 162 939 366
    183 140 462 261 240 946 367 327
    184 134 466 262 241 952 368 198
    185 141 135 106 469 263 242 163 954 328
    187 142 136 472 264 959 369
    188 143 107 473 243 962 329
    189 137 475 265 966 370
    190 144 477 244 164 971 330
    191 138 108 478 266 973 371
    192 145 481 245 976 199
    193 146 139 482 267 979 372
    194 109 485 268 246 980 331
    195 147 140 486 165 986 373
    197 148 141 110 488 269 989 332
    199 149 142 489 247 993 374
    200 150 111 491 270 998 333
    201 143 493 248 1000 375 200
    Effective MF (Magic) = MF (no diminishing returns)
    Effective MF (Rare) = [600 * MF / (600 + MF)]
    Effective MF (Set) = [500 * MF / (500 + MF)]
    Effective MF (Unique) = [250 * MF / (250 + MF)]

    You can use the above table to determine how much clearspeed would be equivalent to a certain amount of MF for finding uniques, which can be useful for determining whether more clearspeed or MF would be better for a particular character.

    difference = (new-effective-MF + 100) / (old-effective-MF + 100) * 100% - 100%

    If you have 0 MF and want to determine how many more uniques you'll find with more MF, you can lookup the amount directly in the table. Suppose you want to compare 0 MF vs 130 MF - you'll see 130 MF is equal to 85 effective MF for uniques, so you'll find 85% more uniques on average. In other words, you'll find 85% more than the standard amount (100%) of uniques, or 185% of the standard amount. A character with 130 MF (85% effective MF) would find the same amount of uniques as a character with 0 MF who was clearing 85% faster.

    When comparing MF values and one of them is 0 MF, part of the comparison is simplified since all MF values are equal to eachother at that point: 0 MF is the same as 0 effective MF. In the previous comparison of 0 MF vs 130 MF, 100% of the standard amount is compared against 185% of the standard amount, so the new value is 1.85 (185/100) times greater, or 185% (1.85*100%) of the standard amount, or 85% (185%-100%) more.

    (85+100) / (0+100) * 100% - 100% = 85%

    Suppose you have 130 MF (which is 85 effective MF for uniques) and are trying to decide whether a new item with an extra 50 MF would be worth it. From the table, we can see 180 MF (130 + 50) would be 104 effective MF for uniques. Plugging in the effective MF amounts:

    (104+100) / (85+100) * 100% - 100% = 10.3%

    That's an extra 10.3% unique items. If using the 50 MF item doesn't result in your clearspeed dropping by 10.3%, then you'll find more uniques with it than without it.

    Keep in mind that these comparisons only apply to items which can have different rarities and are thus affected by MF - they won't apply to other items such as runes. If those other items make up a large fraction of the value you find among items, the overall usefulness of the MF will drop by however large that fraction is. For example, if 1/3 of the value you find is within other items, then the above examples would be 1/3 less for the purposes of comparing MF and clearspeed: 56.7% instead of 85% and 6.8% instead of 10.3%.

    Skill Changes

     The Skill Overview section on this page may have outdated info (from s9 changes)


    All item auras and oskills are listed below with details about changes from the vanilla game:

    Skill Item Source (Aura Level) Item Changes Mercenary Sources
    Might Last Wish (17), Templar's Might (6-8) added: Templar's Might Act 5 Mercenary, removed from Act 2 Mercenary
    Concentration Pride (18-20), Mist (8-12), Mage Slayer (3-6) new: Mist, Mage Slayer
    Fanaticism Beast (8-10), Faith (12-15)
    Holy Fire Dragon (12), Hand of Justice (12), Flamebellow (24-28) added: Flamebellow
    Holy Freeze Doom (16), Ice (18), Shattered Wall (16) new: Shattered Wall removed from Act 2 Mercenary
    Holy Shock Dream (13), Zerae's Resolve (25-30) new: Zerae's Resolve Act 3 Mercenary
    Sanctuary Azurewrath (10-12), Heavenly Garb (1), Asylum (17-20) added: Heavenly Garb, Asylum
    removed: Lawbringer
    Act 4 Mercenary
    Conviction Infinity (12)
    Blessed Aim Act 2 Mercenary
    Thorns Edge (15), Bramble (18-21), Silence (23-25) added: Silence Act 2 Mercenary
    Defiance Exile (13-16) Act 2 Mercenary
    Vigor Harmony (10), Kalan's Legacy (4-6) added: Kalan's Legacy Act 1 Mercenary
    Meditation Insight (12-17) Act 1 Mercenary
    Redemption Phoenix (10-12)
    Prayer Act 3 Mercenary, removed from Act 2 Mercenary
    Cleansing Plague (15-17) new Act 3 Mercenary
    Salvation Zenith (8-12) new
    Resist Fire Djinn Slayer (6), Todesfaelle Flamme (6), Flickering Flame (1-6) added: Djinn Slayer, Todesfaelle Flamme
    new: Flickering Flame
    Resist Cold Frostwind (6) added
    Resist Lightning Lightsabre (6) added

    When a single character/mercenary has multiple items that grant the same aura, the level of the aura granted to that character/mercenary will be the sum of those auras' levels

    Skill Item Source Item Changes
    Poison Strike Venom, Infernal Spire added (both items)
    Critical Strike Insight, Peace, The Gladiator's Bane added: The Gladiator's Bane
    Zeal Passion, Boneslayer Blade, Ferocity added: Boneslayer Blade, new: Ferocity
    Concentrate Passion added
    Berserk removed from Passion
    Vengeance Kingslayer
    Joust Zerae's Resolve new
    Exploding Arrow Blastbark added
    Strafe Endlesshail added
    Guided Arrow Widowmaker
    Multiple Shot Widowmaker added
    Cold Arrow Pluckeye added
    Fend The Impaler added
    Jab The Impaler added
    Javelin and Spear Mastery The Impaler added
    Raven Eaglehorn added
    Arctic Blast Frostwind
    Werebear Beast
    Maul Beast added
    Hunger Beast added
    Lycanthropy removed from Beast & Wolfhowl
    Werewolf Wolfhowl
    Feral Rage Wolfhowl
    Summon Dire Wolf Wolfhowl replaced charges
    Golem Mastery Metalgrid added
    Iron Golem Metalgrid replaced charges
    Clay Golem Stone (36 regenerating charges) charges now regenerate
    Blink Enigma (5 regenerating charges), Naj's Puzzler (3 regenerating charges) replaced Teleport, replaced Teleport charges
    Revive Eternity, Blood Raven's Charge (15 regenerating charges) replaced charges, charges now regenerate
    Cyclone Armor Infinity replaced charges (staff version)
    Blood Golem Death replaced charges
    Corpse Explosion Corpsemourn replaced charges
    Cloak of Shadows Darksight Helm replaced charges
    Amplify Damage The Gavel of Pain (3 regenerating charges) charges now regenerate
    Enchant Fire Demon Limb (20 regenerating charges) charges now regenerate
    Heart of Wolverine Oath (20 regenerating charges) charges now regenerate
    Battle Command Call to Arms
    Battle Orders Call to Arms
    Battle Command Call to Arms
    Blade Dance Chaos replaced Whirlwind
    Warmth Enlightenment
    Hydra Dragonscale
    Fire Ball Trang-Oul's Avatar
    Fire Wall Trang-Oul's Avatar
    Meteor Trang-Oul's Claws changed from global bonus to item bonus
    Fire Mastery removed from Trang-Oul's Avatar
    Inferno removed from Flamebellow
    Valkyrie removed from Harmony (changed to class-only skill)

    Oskills are capped at +3 when used by their native class - otherwise they grant the full amount.

    Some items grant other skills when equipped:

    Note that many items have also gained new or improved chance-to-cast effects. For example:

    Skills only obtainable from items:


    这里只列出了和原版暗黑2之间有差异的技能,想要了解更全面的细节变动的数量以及平衡的变动,请参考每个技能的变更日志。 The Portal Skill Planner Girhub上的PD2技能频道的教程 & PD2技能说明可能也已提供一些有用的帮助。

    Broad Skill Changes:

    • 所有角色都可以使用 "仅移动"技能, 该技能可以让角色在不攻击的情况下朝一个位置走或者跑。
    • 召唤物的AI全面提升。
    • Summons and sentries (traps, hydras) now benefit from +% to Elemental Skill Damage
    • Summons (except Fire Golem) now benefit from -% to Enemy Elemental Resistance at 1/2 effectiveness
    • Abilities that reduce monster resistances have been rebalanced and now operate at 1/2 effectiveness when above 99% or below 0% (used to be 1/5 when above 99%)
    • Spells and abilities no longer share cooldowns globally
    • Skills synergies and their positions within the skill tree have been adjusted to streamline skillpoint allocation (you won't need to respec to play certain builds)
    • Most skill buffs now last a minimum of 5 minutes
    • Summoned minions which wear equipment (Valkyrie, Shadow Warrior, Shadow Master) can now be inspected - use the inspect hotkey while hovering over them with the Unsummon skill

    亚马逊 Amazon

    标枪和长矛技能(Javelin and Spear Skills)

    标枪和长矛专精(Javelin and Spear Mastery)技能取代了刺爆(Impale)技能

    标枪和长矛专精(Javelin and Spear Mastery)
    • 取代了刺爆(Impale), 新技能效果为:当使用标枪或长矛武器时,获得额外的伤害加成且有一定几率致命一击
    • 3 hits per attack instead of 10 (helps avoid animation lock)
    • now grants +20% melee splash radius on stage 2 and +40% on stage 3
    Power Strike
    • now also creates a lightning nova on attack
    Charged Strike
    Lightning Strike
    • number of hits capped at 10
    • range of "chaining" reduced slightly
    Poison Javelin
    • poison duration is always 1 second instead of increasing per level
    • increased missile velocity/range by 25% and missile hitbox size by 100%
    Plague Javelin
    • poison duration is always 3 seconds instead of increasing per level
    • increased missile velocity/range by 25% and missile hitbox size by 100%
    Lightning Bolt
    Lightning Fury
    • now begins with 10 bolts and releases an additional bolt every 5 levels

    Passive and Magic Skills

    Avoid has been merged with Dodge

    Slow Missiles has been reworked as Slow Movement

    • merged with Avoid (dodges both melee and ranged attacks when attacking or standing still)
    • removed animation, now has a 4 frame cooldown after mitigating an attack
    • now also grants bonus FHR per hard level
    • now has a 4 frame cooldown after mitigating an attack
    • now also grants bonus movement speed
    Critical Strike
    • crits now deal 1.5x damage instead of 2x damage and crit chance is now capped at 75% (same for deadly strike and other skills that grant crit for specific weapons)
    • now also reduces enemy defense % per hard level
    Inner Sight
    • now also reduces enemy attack rating
    • radius begins at 6.6 yards and scales up to 20 yards (was always 13.3 yards)
    Slow Movement
    • renamed from Slow Missiles, now also slows enemy movement speed
    • slowing ranged attacks now scales per level
    • now attacks enemies and uses Strafe
    • now has damage synergies
    • now moves faster, has dramatically improved AI, and uses Power Strike
    • can now summon an additional valkyrie at levels 20 and 30

    Bow and Crossbow Skills

    Magic Arrow
    • now shoots an additional arrow every 5 hard levels
    • now converts 50% damage to magic (was 1% per level)
    • deals additional flat magic damage
    Multiple Shot
    • now gains bonus enhanced damage and attack rating
    • now deals 20% reduced damage each time it pierces (the initial hit will always deal 100%, capped at 20% minimum)
    • range reduced (used to hit off-screen enemies)
    Guided Arrow
    • now pierces, can pierce same target 3 times
    • can convert some damage to magic with synergies
    • projectile speed/range and hitbox size greatly increased
    • no longer causes "next hit delay" (faster breakpoints available)
    • capped at 5 hits per attack instead of 10 (helps avoid animation lock)
    • now gains bonus attack rating
    Cold Arrow
    • shoots 2 arrows + 1 per 4 levels (was just 1)
    • converts 50% physical damage to cold damage (was 3% + 2% per level)
    Ice Arrow
    • projectile speed/range increased
    • freeze duration no longer scales per level
    • now affected by pierce
    Freezing Arrow
    • radius now scales up to 6 yards (was 3.3)
    • freeze duration reduced from 2 seconds to 0.5 seconds
    Fire Arrow
    • shoots 2 arrows + 1 per 3 levels (was just 1)
    • converts 50% physical damage to fire damage (was 3% + 2% per level)
    Exploding Arrow
    • bigger explosion
    Immolation Arrow
    • no longer has a cooldown
    • no longer benefits from pierce


    Martial Arts

    Charge-up skills reworked

    • Instead of charges being generated one-at-a-time per charge-up attack and the effects only triggering when consumed, a 3-stage cycle is used:
    • Charge-up attacks immediately trigger the attack's effect which corresponds to the current stage (1-3) and generate charges until the character has that many charges of the attack's type. The first attack will trigger a stage 1 effect and generate 1 charge, the second attack will trigger a stage 2 effect and generate 1-2 charges, and the third attack will trigger a stage 3 effect and generate 1-3 charges.
      • Using 1 charge-up skill will result in 3 total charges per cycle
      • Using 2 different charge-up skills (A,B,B) will result in 4 total charges per cycle (1 from skill A, 3 from skill B)
      • Using 2 different charge-up skills (A,A,B) will result in 5 total charges per cycle (2 from skill A, 3 from skill B)
      • Using 3 different charge-up skills will result in 6 total charges per cycle (1 from first skill, 2 from second skill, 3 from third skill)
    • A finishing move or basic attack may be used after any stage to consume all the charges and trigger an effect for each one, resetting the cycle. If a fourth charge-up attack is used instead, the previous charges will simply expire without triggering anything and the cycle will begin again. Charges expire after 5 minutes if no attacks are used.

    Kick attacks now benefit from most damage sources like other attacks and have 1 additional range

    Tiger Strike
    • limited to claws/daggers
    • now grants +20% melee splash radius on stage 2 and +40% on stage 3
    Cobra Strike
    • limited to claws/daggers
    • reworked to cast a Teeth-like poison bolt ability on stage 1, dual leech on stage 2, and a poison cloud on stage 3 (these attacks carry Venom damage and poison damage from gear)
    Dragon Talon
    • capped at 3 hits per attack (helps avoid animation lock)
    Dragon Claw
    • cannot be interrupted
    Dragon Tail
    • attack speed penalty reduced from -40 to -20 (improves breakpoints)
    • no longer causes knockback
    Dragon Flight
    • cooldown increased to 2 seconds (was 1)
    • range has been increased by 50%
    Fists of Fire
    • reworked to cast a burning explosion on stage 1, fire nova on stage 2, and meteors in a linear pattern on stage 3
    Claws of Thunder
    • charged bolt missile travel velocity has been doubled
    Blades of Ice
    Phoenix Strike
    • limited to claws/daggers
    • removed "next hit delay" for 3rd charge (cold attack)

    Shadow Disciplines

    Claw Mastery is now Claw and Dagger Mastery

    Claw and Dagger Mastery
    • renamed, now affects daggers as well as claws
    Weapon Block
    • now works while moving
    • has a 4 frame cooldown after mitigating an attack
    • now also gives +1% FBR per level
    • affected by "Increased Block Chance" at a 1:5 ratio
    Psychic Hammer
    • bounces to an additional enemy every 10 levels
    • now has damage synergies
    Cloak of Shadows
    • now has a fixed duration of 5 seconds (was 8 + 1 second per level)
    Mind Blast
    • no longer stuns after first hard level (was 2 seconds + 0.2 per level)
    • no longer converts enemies
    • radius now scales per level
    • now has damage synergies
    Burst of Speed
    • attack speed bonuses now require hard levels
    • poison damage now lasts 1 second instead of 0.4 seconds
    • no longer benefits from +% poison damage twice
    Shadow Warrior
    Shadow Master


    Chain Lightning Sentry is new

    Sentry traps are now displayed in the upper left similar to minions

    Fire Blast
    • now gains an extra bomb every 4 hard levels
    Wake of Fire
    • range increased, range scaling removed
    Wake of Inferno
    • shoots 5 times instead of 10
    • now has a fixed range of 20 instead of a scaling range of 0.5 yards per level
    Blade Sentinel
    • now always paths to your mouse location and no longer has its pathing blocked by monsters
    • increased projectile movement speed and hit rate (every 5 frames instead of every 15)
    • now releases an aoe burst when changing directions
    • duration no longer scales with levels
    • no longer counts toward trap count
    • now benefits from resistance penetration at half efficiency similar to elemental traps
    Blade Fury
    • now pierces enemies and splits into multiple projectiles when colliding with a wall
    • attack trigger time is now affected by attack speed
    • penalty for 2-handed weapons removed
    • now adds bonus attack rating
    Blade Shield
    • uses "on striking" instead of "on attack" and can apply: Chance to Cast on Striking, Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Life/Mana after each Kill
    • no longer uses durability
    • attacks faster with hard levels
    • range increased
    • now has attack rating
    • now has the ranged leech penalty (50% reduced leech)
    Shock Web
    • removed next hit delay
    • increased ground speed
    • now gains 1 additional spike per three levels instead of via synergy
    Charged Bolt Sentry
    • now gains +1 bolt per 4 hard levels instead of via synergy
    Lightning Sentry
    • nows shoots 5 times instead of 10
    Death Sentry
    • can now only explode corpses instead of shooting lightning most of the time
    • explosion damage is 3-5% of corpse's life plus some additional flat physical and fire damage
    • radius is always 10 yards (was 3.33 + 0.67 per level)
    • now gains +1 shot per 3 hard levels instead of via synergy
    Chain Lightning Sentry
    • new skill that shoots bolts of Chain Lightning that bounce between targets



    • now lasts 3 seconds at all levels
    • enemies don't flee as far
    • is now an aoe skill centered on the caster
    • duration increases with hard levels
    Battle Cry
    • reduces enemy physical resistance instead of damage (can break immunities)
    • duration is now 8 seconds
    War Cry
    • now has scaling AOE
    • stun removed, but procs FHR
    Find Potion
    Find Item
    Grim Ward
    • reworked to grant nearby allies bonus damage and attack rating instead of making enemies flee
    • can now be cast at range instead of just melee, and can be used on skeleton corpses
    Battle Orders
    • now adds flat life/mana, with +15 life and +7.5 mana per level (was 35% + 3% life/mana/stamina per level)
    Battle Command
    • grants 1 additional skill point every 10 hard levels
    • also adds 20% + 3% enhanced damage per level

    Combat Masteries

    Sword Mastery, Axe Mastery, Mace Mastery, Polearm Mastery, & Spear Mastery have been replaced with General Mastery and Polearm and Spear Mastery

    Increased Stamina has been reworked as Combat Reflexes

    Deep Wounds is new

    General Mastery
    • replaced Sword Mastery, Axe Mastery, & Mace Mastery
    Polearm and Spear Mastery
    • replaced Polearm Mastery & Spear Mastery
    Throwing Mastery
    • adds pierce
    Combat Reflexes
    • renamed from Increased Stamina
    • now also grants life
    • now also grants FHR with hard levels
    Iron Skin
    • now also adds PDR% with hard levels
    Increased Speed
    Natural Resistance
    Deep Wounds
    • new skill which increases both chance to cause open wounds and the damage it deals

    Combat Skills

    • 75% chance monster is put into FHR animation with knockback, otherwise no knockback
    Double Swing
    • duration increased to 15 seconds (was 6)
    • now gains increased splash radius
    Double Throw
    • now bounces up to 7 times between targets instead of benefiting from pierce
    • now stuns in a small area
    • converts 30-70% of physical damage to magic damage (+2% per hard level) instead of only 0-20% via synergy
    • now requires two weapons
    • now deals physical damage instead of magic damage, is uninterruptible, and penetrates physical resistance
    • reduces player's physical resistance instead of defense, duration is now always 0.5 seconds
    • leap distance and speed increased
    • knockback radius is now only increased with hard levels up to 10 yards (was 2.67 + 0.67 per level)
    Leap Attack
    • leap speed increased
    • now deals damage in an area instead of attacking a single target
    • does not use duability or attack rating
    • now attacks at a constant rate like it did in classic (no benefits from IAS)
    • when dual wielding, both weapons are swung simultaneously per attack
    • no longer attacks in place during a namelock and will now whirlwind back and forth through the monster
    • now benefits from Faster Run/Walk and also grants additional velocity
    • can now trigger chance-to-cast effects


    Elemental Skills

    Gust is new

    • range increases with levels and the number of missiles increases with hard levels
    Molten Boulder
    • boulder speed increases per level
    • now has increased density, lowered cooldown, and no longer causes next hit delay
    • now has reduced cooldown and next hit delay
    • now has increased radius, increased meteor fall rate, and larger aoe for meteors
    • meteors deal a more even split of physical and fire damage
    • duration increases by 3 per level instead of via synergy
    Cyclone Armor
    • now gains 3 absorb per Energy
    Arctic Blast
    • reduces enemy cold resistance (can break immunes)
    • has a bigger hitbox and travels faster
    • now shoots additional twisters at higher levels (max of 14, does not shotgun)
    • hitbox size increased
    • duration increases by 3 per level instead of via synergy
    • new skill that teleports the player and chills enemies, cooldown can go down to 0.5 seconds

    Shape Shifting Skills

    • practically unlimited duration (was 40 seconds + 20 seconds per Lycanthropy level)
    • now grants bonus damage and flat magic/physical damage reduction instead of stamina, life, and attack rating
    • practically unlimited duration (was 40 seconds + 20 seconds per Lycanthropy level)
    • now grants 20% increased splash radius and chance for uninterruptible attacks
    • now also grants bonus attack rating
    • stun length no longer scales with levels; now decreases to a minimum of 0.2 seconds
    Shock Wave
    • now has increased range and projectile speed, and the number of shock waves scales with levels
    • stun length no longer scales with levels
    • reworked as a Werebear-only skill that grants bonuses upon eating corpses (movement speed, life leech, crit chance)
    Fire Claws
    • reworked to now cast a fast moving firestorm on attack, with more firestorm tendrils at higher hard levels
    Feral Rage
    • speed and range of spreading poison increased
    • 3 hits per attack instead of 5 (helps avoid animation lock)
    • now gains +20% melee splash radius on the second attack and +40% on the third

    Summoning Skills

    Different vines and animals may now be summoned alongside each other

    Vines and spirits can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage

    • reworked so that attacks no longer blind their targets, but now deal half cold and half physical damage
    • ravens persist while teleporting and cannot take damage or be influenced by any area effects
    • can summon up to a total of 15 ravens simultaneously, with every 10 hard levels summoning an additional raven per cast
    Poison Creeper
    • now reduces enemies poison resist by 5% + 1% per level (can remove immunities)
    • an additional poison creeper can be summoned every 10 hard levels
    • now has damage synergies
    Carrion Vine
    • recovers a flat amount of life instead of a percentage, moves slightly faster
    Solar Creeper
    • recovers a flat amount of mana instead of a percentage, moves slightly faster
    Heart of Wolverine
    Spirit of Barbs
    • now deals a flat amount of damage to attackers instead of reflecting a percentage
    Oak Sage
    • now grants a flat amount of life instead of a percentage
    Summon Spirit Wolf
    • now deals splash damage and move slightly faster
    Summon Dire Wolf
    • now deals splash damage and move slightly faster
    Summon Grizzly
    • now deals splash damage; an additional Grizzly can be summoned with 20 hard levels


    Summoning Spells

    Raise Skeleton is now Raise Skeleton Warrior

    Summon Resist has been removed, Blood Warp and Raise Skeleton Archer are new

    Skeleton Mastery
    • now also affects velocity and bonus elemental damage, no longer affects revives
    Raise Skeleton Warrior
    • now deals splash damage
    • total skeleton warriors capped at 8
    Raise Skeletal Mage
    • projectiles now pierce enemies and have a larger hitbox
    • total skeletal mages capped at 8
    Raise Skeleton Archer
    • new skill which summons skeleton archers that deal physical damage
    Golem Mastery
    • can summon an additional golem for every 5 hard levels
    Clay Golem
    • now deals splash damage
    Blood Golem
    • now grants life per hit instead of leeching a percentage of damage as life
    • now applies open wounds
    Iron Golem
    • now deals splash damage if created with a weapon
    Fire Golem
    • weighted more toward aura damage and less toward melee attack damage
    • no longer immune to fire
    • revives now deal melee splash damage and also have bonus elemental damage and additional skill levels
    • total of 8 revives at 20 hard levels (was 1 revive per level)
    • duration now scales per level
    Blood Warp
    • new skill that teleports and costs life instead of mana, with the lost health recovering over 5 seconds (casting it again will replace the previous life recovery effect)

    Poison and Bone Spells

    Poison Explosion has been reworked as Desecrate

    Poison Dagger has been reworked as Poison Strike

    Bone Spear
    • launches an additional spear at levels 15 and 25 (does not shotgun)
    Bone Spirit
    • faster missile speed
    Bone Armor
    • now gains +3 additional absorb per Energy
    Bone Wall
    Bone Prison
    Corpse Explosion
    • 5-10% corpse life damage (was 70-120%) and now has added flat fire/phys damage
    • radius starts higher and caps at 10 yards
    Poison Strike
    • renamed from Poison Dagger, can now also be used with scythes
    • now penetrates enemy poison resistances by -1% per level, up to -40%
    • now releases a poison cloud on hit which carries poison damage from gear/charms
    • reworked from Poison Explosion - creates corpses on the ground instead of requiring a corpse to be cast
    Poison Nova


    Curse Mastery and Dark Pact are new

    All curses have synergies with Curse Mastery for improved effects, and many also have their radius increased by it

    Amplify Damage
    • reduction to enemy physical resistance now starts at -10% and scales with levels and synergy (was just -100%) and can break the same immunes after level 30 (or level 20 with synergy)
    Dim Vision
    • now also reduces enemy attack rating
    • now also reduces enemy defense
    • reduction to enemy damage now scales with levels
    Iron Maiden
    • now also reduces movement speed of fleeing enemies by -10% (increased further by hard levels and synergy)
    • radius increased to 6 yards (was 2.6 yards)
    • duration is now 3 seconds (was 7 + 1 second per level)
    • now also increases attack speed of confused enemies by 10% per hard level
    Life Tap
    • life steal amount is now 10% and increases with hard levels and synergy (was just 50%)
    • duration now caps at 20 seconds
    • now also reduces enemy defense by a large amount
    • no longer reduces enemy damage
    • now reduces enemy physical resistance by -10% (was just -50%)
    • now also reduces enemy cast rate; reductions to enemy attack speed, cast rate, and movement speed begin at -10% and scale with levels (was just -50%)
    Lower Resist
    • less effective against non-immune enemies, can break more immunes after level 15
    • radius caps at 10 yards and increases with hard levels
    Curse Mastery
    • new skill that improves effect of all curses and allows an additional curse to be applied at levels 10 and 20
    Dark Pact
    • new skill that damages cursed enemies in an area based on the number of curses applied to them - one of the curses will be consumed if multiple are present


    Defensive Auras

    • now also grants life per hit
    • now also grants +1 passive health regeneration per hard level
    • now also grants +1% passive poison/curse duration reduction per hard level
    • no longer gains bonus healing from Prayer
    • now also grants +1 passive mana after each kill per two hard levels
    • no longer gains bonus healing from Prayer
    Resist Fire
    • now also grants a bonus for fire damage
    • passive maximum fire resistance bonus is no longer doubled when the aura is active
    Resist Cold
    • now also grants a bonus for cold damage
    • passive maximum cold resistance bonus is no longer doubled when the aura is active
    Resist Lightning
    • now also grants a bonus for lightning damage
    • passive maximum lightning resistance bonus is no longer doubled when the aura is active
    • now also grants +1% PDR per two levels
    • now also grants pssive +1% FRW per two hard levels
    • now also grants a bonus to elemental damage

    Offensive Auras

    • allies receive 1/2 of the bonus
    • radius increased
    Holy Fire
    • now includes bonus attack rating
    • radius now caps at 8 yards (was 4 + 0.67 per level)
    Holy Freeze
    • now includes bonus attack rating
    • radius is now always 8 yards (was 4 + 0.67 per level)
    Holy Shock
    • now includes bonus attack rating
    • radius is now always 9.3 yards (was 4 + 0.67 per level)
    Blessed Aim
    • now also provides deadly strike
    • now passively applies -1% to target defense per hard level instead of passively granting additional attack rating
    • allies receive 1/2 of the enhanced damage bonus
    • now also adds bonus attack rating
    • reworked to deal a flat amount of damage to attackers instead of a % of their attack returned
    • reworked to apply to all enemies instead of just undead, add magic damage to attacks, and reduce enemy magic resistance by a relatively small amount (can break immunes)
    • no longer applies knockback to undead or negates physical resistance of undead bosses (prime evils, ubers, map bosses)
    • now includes bonus attack rating
    • radius is now always 10 yards (was 3.33 + 0.67 per level)
    • less effective against non-immune enemies and can break higher immunities above level 25
    • radius is increased and now scales with levels

    Combat Skills

    Holy Nova, Holy Light, Joust, and Holy Sword are new

    Conversion has been removed

    • now causes the slain monster to explode, dealing overkill damage plus 5% of corpse life as half physical and half magic damage
    • damage to self decreases by 1% per level to a minimum of 3%, and is now affected by PDR
    • can gain significantly more damage from the Holy Shield pseudo-synergy since it now has damage synergies of its own
    • no longer applies knockback (in PvE)
    • indirectly affected by Grief having "Adds X-Y damage" instead of "+X damage" like The Redeemer or Astreon's Iron Ward
    • indirectly affected by Crushing Blow having greater diminishing returns against bosses
    Holy Bolt
    • bolts now pierce all allies and enemies, healing or damaging each
    • fires an additional holy bolt at levels 15 and 25, can shotgun nearby enemies
    • 3 hits per attack instead of 5 (helps avoid animation lock)
    • now gains +20% melee splash radius on the second attack and +40% on the third
    • now gains up to +60% increased melee splash radius based on the distance traveled
    • now works in melee range instead of doing a normal attack
    • reworked to create triple-element explosions which may chain toward nearby enemies; carries any elemental damage from items
    Blessed Hammer
    • hammers now travel faster and have larger hitboxes
    Holy Sword
    • new skill that grants block chance and bonus damage against demons/undead for two-handed swords
    Holy Shield
    Fist of the Heavens
    • holy bolts now damage all creature types (was just undead)
    • removed cooldown, auto-targeting has reduced range
    Holy Nova
    • new skill that heals allies and damages enemies in an wide area, has a long cooldown
    Holy Light
    • new skill that heals a single target
    • new skill that teleports to an enemy and impales them, increasing movement speed for 2 seconds
    • has a 3.5 second cooldown which can be reduced with hard levels (minimum of 1.5 seconds)


    Cold Spells

    Frozen Armor has been replaced with Cold Enchant

    Ice Barrage is new

    Ice Bolt
    • faster missile speed
    Cold Enchant
    • new skill which replaces Frozen Armor and is useable alongside Enchant Fire
    Frost Nova
    Ice Blast
    • pierces, faster missiles
    Shiver Armor
    Chilling Armor
    • creates single blizzard spike per counter ranged attack
    • chills melee on successful strike
    Glacial Spike
    • freeze duration is now 2 seconds and doesn't scale with levels
    • radius increased by 20%
    • improved ground density, projectile hitbox size increased by 50%
    Frozen Orb
    • removed cooldown and changed to slower "lightning" cast frames
    • range has been increased by roughly 20%
    Cold Mastery
    • now also adds cold damage
    Ice Barrage
    • new skill that shoots up to 5 ice lances which have AOE impact that chill (lances don't pierce, but they do shotgun)

    Lightning Spells

    Charged Bolt
    Static Field
    • reduces enemy life to 55%/70%/85% in normal/nightmare/hell (was 0%/33%/50%)
    • now also has -1% to enemy lightning resistance per level (breaks immunities)
    • changed to faster cast frames (was slower "lightning" frames)
    Chain Lightning
    • 65% spell damage penalty for 1 second after casting, reduced by 2% per hard level
    Thunder Storm
    • no longer flashes your screen
    • time between attacks goes down with hard levels
    • casts nova on impact
    Energy Shield
    • absorb reduced to 15% +2% per level (was 20% +5%), caps at 80% (was 95%)
    • synergy from telekinesis nerfed (now has 225%-100% damage taken, was 200%-75%)
    Lightning Mastery

    Fire Spells

    Enchant is now Enchant Fire

    Combustion and Lesser Hydra are new

    Fire Bolt
    • now also adds flat attack rating (10 + 10 per level)
    • reduces enemy fire resistance (can break immunes)
    • has a bigger hitbox and travels faster
    • reworked to create an explosion when cast as well as provide a movement speed bonus and "Cannot be Frozen"
    • increased fire trail hitbox size
    • duration caps at 10 seconds
    • now has a 2 second cooldown
    Fire Wall
    • duration reduced slightly
    Fire Ball
    • explosion radius increased slightly
    Enchant Fire
    • renamed from Enchant to distinguish it from the new Cold Enchant skill
    • is now an aoe skill (similar to battle orders)
    • now correctly applies 1/3 of damage to ranged attacks
    • now grants allies 50% of the damage instead of 100%
    • no longer benefits from +% fire damage twice
    • cooldown reduced, meteors fall faster and have 33% larger aoe
    • now deals an even split of physical damage and fire damage (both are boosted by +% fire damage)
    Fire Mastery
    • now also adds fire resistance penetration
    • shoots Fire Balls instead of Fire Bolts
    • duration reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds
    • reduced start-up delay between casting and hydras attacking
    • new skill which shoots fire balls in all directions, has a long cooldown
    Lesser Hydra
    • new skill that summons hydras which shoot fire bolts

    PvP Changes

    All changes that affect PvP combat apply to PvP arenas only unless otherwise noted.

    General Changes

    • New dueling arenas accessible via items which can be purchased from Akara
      • Spectator mode can be toggled by typing .spec or .spectate within the safe zone of an arena
      • After dying in these arenas, characters revive without needing to retrieve their corpse, and no gold is dropped
    Note: Hardcore characters revive in the same way - HC dueling can be done inside PvP arenas without risking characters, but character death is still permanent everywhere else
    • Maximum resistances are capped based on the difficulty: 75% (Normal), 80% (Nightmare), 85% (Hell)
    • Open Wounds is limited based on the difficulty - it deals 8%/6%/4% of its damage in Normal/Nightmare/Hell
    • Stuns in PvP can no longer be reapplied to players who are already stunned, and attacks/hits/spells against stunned players will reduce the stun duration by 2 frames each
    • Regenerating charges (e.g. Blink on Enigma) regenerate 200% faster
    • Slow, Knockback (from items), Absorb, Attackers Take Damage, Life Leech, and Melee Splash are disabled
    • Life replenish is capped at +30
    • Vendors within PvP Arenas sell Dueling Mana Potions (other potions cannot be used there)

    Skill Differences

    Damage Multipliers

    Skills deal 16%/12%/6% (1/6th, 1/8th, 1/16th) of their damage against other players and their minions in Normal/Nightmare/Hell difficulty. They deal 100% of those amounts except for the following skills which have other multipliers:

    Skill Norm/NM % Hell % Type
      •  Jab 80 80
      •  Poison Javelin 85 80 poison
      •  Plague Javelin 85 40 poison
      •  Power Strike 17 physical
      •  Charged Strike 130 lightning
      •  Lightning Bolt 85
      •  Guided Arrow 115 120
      •  Strafe 65 physical
      •  Ice Arrow 120
    175 cold
      •  Freezing Arrow 175 130 cold
      •  Immolation Arrow 200 135 fire
      •  Decoy 50
      •  Valkyrie 70
      •  Psychic Hammer 20 10
      •  Mind Blast 30 35
      •  Lightning Sentry 35 40
      •  Chain Lightning Sentry 35 40
      •  Wake of Fire 60
      •  Blade Sentinel 80 60 physical
      •  Blade Fury 80 60 physical
      •  Double Swing 200 physical
      •  Frenzy 200 125 physical
      •  Concentrate 50 magic
      •  Double Throw 114 physical
      •  Berserk 125 physical
      •  Whirlwind 75 110 physical
      •  War Cry 135 125
      •  Deep Wounds 50 50
      •  Firestorm 150 120
      •  Molten Boulder 90 80
      •  Volcano 45 65
      •  Arctic Blast 200
      •  Tornado 60 50
      •  Hurricane 150
      •  Armageddon 30 35
      •  Rabies 150 120 poison
      •  Maul 150 physical
      •  Shock Wave 175
      •  Fire Claws 300 fire
      •  Raven 60
      •  Teeth 40 35
      •  Bone Spear 55 45
      •  Bone Spirit 30 15
      •  Poison Strike 150 125
      •  Desecrate 85 60
      •  Poison Nova 150 125
      •  Corpse Explosion 65
      •  Dark Pact 55 50
      •  Holy Fire 125 50
      •  Holy Bolt 65 65
      •  Blessed Hammer 60 40
      •  Fist of the Heavens 55 65
      •  Holy Nova 50 50
      •  Zeal 75 75 physical
      •  Vengeance 200 fire/cold/lightning
      •  Smite 85 75 physical
      •  Joust 20 20
      •  Charge 70 70 physical
      •  Ice Bolt 135 135
      •  Ice Blast 150 114
      •  Glacial Spike 150 135
      •  Frost Nova 165 125
      •  Ice Barrage 175 140
      •  Blizzard 145 130
      •  Frozen Orb 150 114
      •  Telekinesis 10 10
      •  Charged Bolt 185 75
      •  Nova 150 140
      •  Lightning 200 180
      •  Chain Lightning 120
      •  Thunder Storm 30 35
      •  Fire Bolt 95 135
      •  Fire Ball 95 130
      •  Inferno 114
      •  Blaze 130
      •  Fire Wall 90
      •  Combustion 80 90
      •  Lesser Hydra 40 80
      •  Hydra 30 80
      •  Meteor 65 90
    • Hell damage multipliers are colored gray if they're the same as the Normal/Nightmare multipliers
    • Damage types are colored gray if they're the same as the damage added by the skill itself


    This page lists Frequently Asked Questions regarding PD2.

    What is Project Diablo 2?

    • PD2 is a mod for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction which includes many quality-of-life and balance changes, along with some new content. It aims to maintain the D2:LoD experience while improving on the game as if development never ceased.
    • PD2 offers increased build diversity as well as many other improvements over the vanilla game. See General Changes for an overview of improvements.
    • PD2 is free, but a legit copy of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction is required. There are a few other rules too. If you have any questions, PD2's discord channel is usually the best place to ask.

    Which gamemodes are supported?

    • Both ladder and non-ladder are supported, and there are currently no gameplay differences between them (like how vanilla had ladder-only runewords) except for the ladder resetting every four months.
    • Singleplayer is supported - Players often install PlugY alongside PD2 to fix ubers and gain access to a shared stash. An item pack is also available for testing.
      • There are currently no gameplay differences between singleplayer and multiplayer except for the Andariel quest bug, which remains unfixed in singleplayer.
      • Singleplayer characters can also be played online together with others via TCP/IP by creating a virtual LAN between computers (or by using port forwarding)
    • No support for non-expansion (classic) or Open ""

    Is PvP supported?

    • Yes. PvP continues to be balanced as the metagame develops. PvP events are sometimes organized and announced via PD2's discord channel.
    • New PvP arenas are available which have several quality-of-life improvements and additional balancing - see PvP Changes for an overview of PvP-specific changes.
    • There are rules against griefing other players - all consensual PvP is allowed.

    Where can I trade my items?

    • Items can be listed and searched for on PD2's Trade Site. Players can chat on the trade site or within the game to make a deal, then meet up in-game to trade items. Note that third-party and real-money trading are not allowed.

    What is the drop rate in PD2?

    The baseline drop rate in PD2 is roughly equivalent to vanilla's p5/5 (5 partied players in a game) for solo play, and scales up per player until it's slightly above the equivalent of vanilla's p8/8 when there is a full game of 8 players.

    For a more detailed explanation of drop mechanics, see: Game Mechanics

    Where are the game servers located?

    The current locations of the game servers are:

    gs 1 - US-West (Las Vegas)
    gs 2 - US-Central (Iowa)
    gs 3 - US-East (South Carolina)
    gs 4 - Europe-West (Netherlands)
    gs 5 - Europe-Central (Finland)
    gs 6 - Asia-Northeast (Seoul, Korea)
    gs 7 - Asia-Southeast (Singapore)
    gs 8 - South America-East (São Paulo)
    gs 9 - Australia-Southeast (Sydney)

    When creating a game, type gs 3 (or whichever server you prefer) in the Game Description to use a specific server.

    What resolution does PD2 use?

    • Since Season 7, PD2 comes with D2GL. This is a new renderer that allows higher resolutions and more than 60 FPS using motion prediction. Additionally, any text gets drawn at native resolution.

    See the Customization page for more info about changing widescreen resolution or other video settings.

    Other Questions

    Please ask on PD2's discord channel or subreddit.

    If you have a technical question, see the Support FAQ. If that doesn't help, stop by PD2's tech-support channel.

    The information here is maintained by normal PD2 community members - if a frequently asked question is missing, please add it here or mention it on PD2's wiki-editing channel so that others can add it.

    Support FAQ

    Game errors & crashes

    Unhandled Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION (c0000005)

    This is a generic, catch-all error and is not a Project Diablo 2 only issue. Nearly all other Diablo II mods have had some users suffer from this problem.

    The issue does not affect everyone, only some people ever run into this issue. For some it has appeared after their first time playing, and for others it has come up after many seasons with no prior issues.

    Try each of these one at a time and test the game after. Don't change them all at once

    1. Reboot your computer as a first step and see if it goes away. This is all it is for some people. Try rebooting 4-5 times even.
      • Note: Shutting down is not the same as rebooting. Only a reboot will fully clear out certain portions of Windows.

    2. If you are using PlugY, make sure you are not mixing -3dfx and -w options in the shortcut and/or PlugY.ini file. Remove one or the other.

    3. Make sure you have an exception/exclusion created in your anti-virus (likely Windows Defender) for the entire Diablo II folder. See: #How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender
      • This is part of the normal install process so you should have it anyways. If you get to the last option and end up changing the installation folder, you will need to update this.

    4. Create overrides for the ASLR protection settings in Windows Exploit Protection for the Diablo II.exe and Game.exe files inside of the ProjectD2 folder.
      1. Go to Settings -> Windows Security -> App & browser control -> Exploit protection -> Exploit protection settings.
      2. Click on Program settings, click the Plus (+), select “Choose exact file path” and select the Game.exe file in the ProjectD2 folder, NOT the base Diablo II folder.
      3. There are two ASLR exclusions. At a minimum, these must be overridden but you can also do all of them as well.
      4. Make sure to check the override and that the switch is set to Off

        Windows Exploit Protection Program Exclusion Window

        Windows Exploit Protection Program Exclusion - Mandatory ASLR

        Windows Exploit Protection Override - Bottom-up ASLR

      5. Once again, make sure to check the override and that the switch is set to Off, exactly as it shows in the images above.
      6. Repeat for Diablo II.exe as well as PlugY.exe if you are using it.
      7. Reboot your computer. DO NOT SKIP THIS

    5. If you still receive the error or a new one whether at the same or different spot, go back to the previous step but apply every override.
      1. Pay careful attention to the checkboxes and toggles to make sure they match the images above (checked and toggled off).
      2. Reboot again

    6. See: #How-to run the game with different compatibility settings
    7. This could be due to sound device issues. See: #Crash due to sound issues

    8. If the issue is still not resolved, backup your Save folder and any other files you want to keep (you can just make a copy of the entire Diablo II folder) and then perform a clean reinstall (properly uninstall Diablo 2 and any PD2 Launchers), and delete the Diablo II folder if it still exists. See the #How-to install Project Diablo 2 guide.
      • Again, make sure to backup anything you may want to keep (save files, loot filters, etc). Please read and follow the instructions closely.
      • If you have any questions, please ask on Discord in the the #tech-support channel.

    Halt error

    1. Make sure you have an English version of Diablo 2 + LoD installed. See: #How-to install Project Diablo 2 for links and information on downloading the proper installer.
    2. Try changing loot filters -- this is harder to test unless you can consistently reproduce the error.
    3. If you have tried using any Glide wrappers (such as Sven's) you may need to remove it or perform a reinstall of the game and launcher.
    4. Your installation may be corrupt. Reinstall everything (Diablo II and the launcher) and make sure you have an exception created. See: #How-to install Project Diablo 2
    5. This could be due to sound device issues. See: #Crash due to sound issues
    6. If it happens during Rathma or other specific encounters, use the #create-ticket channel on Discord to report the issue. The ticket will have information about logs you can submit.

    Failed to load ProjectDiablo.dll

    1. See: #Problems with the PD2 Launcher
    2. Make a backup of anything you may want to keep (save files, loot filters, etc).
    3. Perform a clean reinstall (properly uninstall Diablo 2 and any PD2 Launchers), and delete the Diablo II folder if it still exists. See the #How-to install Project Diablo 2 guide.
      • Please read and follow the instructions closely.
      • If you have any questions, please ask on Discord in the the #tech-support channel.

    Crash when changing acts

    1. Remove the -ns (no sound) argument from your game shortcut.
    2. Check your system sound settings. If you do not have any active sound output devices, it is the same as using the -ns option.
      • Connect or enable a sound device for the game to use. You can mute the game volume in-game or through the system's sound mixer.
      • If you don't have one then you will simply have to deal with the problem until you can add or enable a device.

    Crash when creating or joining games

    1. See: #Halt error
    2. See: #Unhandled Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION (c0000005)
    3. See: #Crash due to sound issues
    4. Make sure you have an exception in Defender or other anti-virus. See: #How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender
    5. Try compatibility mode. See: #How-to run the game with different compatibility settings
    6. Your installation may be corrupt and you'll need to reinstall. See: #How-to install Project Diablo 2
      • Try installing to a non-default location (as mentioned in the install guide)
      • Try reinstalling with enGB (English EU) version of both the Diablo 2 + Expansion installers instead of enUS (as mentioned in the install guide)

    Crash when joining games but able to create them

    Try these one at a time and re-test joining a game. You do not need to make all of these changes all at once.

    1. Make sure you have an exception in Defender or other anti-virus. See: #How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender
    2. Try compatibility mode. See: #How-to run the game with different compatibility settings
    3. Create an override for the Validate Heap Integrity protection in Windows Exploit Protection for the Diablo II.exe and Game.exe files inside of the ProjectD2 folder.
      1. Go to Settings -> Windows Security -> App & browser control -> Exploit protection -> Exploit protection settings.
      2. Click on Program settings, click the Plus (+), select “Choose exact file path” and select the Game.exe file in the ProjectD2 folder, NOT the base Diablo II folder.
      3. Make sure to check the override and that the switch is set to Off

        Windows Exploit Protection Program Exclusion Window

        Windows Exploit Protection Program - Validate Heap Integrity

      4. Once again, make sure to check the override and that the switch is set to Off, exactly as it shows in the images above.
      5. Repeat for Diablo II.exe as well as PlugY.exe if you are using it.
      6. Reboot your computer. DO NOT SKIP THIS

    4. Your installation may be corrupt and you'll need to reinstall. See: #How-to install Project Diablo 2
      • Try installing to a non-default location (as mentioned in the install guide)
      • Try reinstalling with enGB (English EU) version of both the Diablo 2 + Expansion installers instead of enUS (as mentioned in the install guide)
      • If you change the installation folder, you will need to update any exceptions or overrides you have made

    Crash when looking at skills

    1. Make sure you are using an English (US or EU) version of the game. See: #How-to install Project Diablo 2

    Crash when looking at items

    1. Make sure you are using an English (US or EU) version of the game. See: #How-to install Project Diablo 2
    2. The loot filter you are using likely has an error in it, try a different one to see if it still happens.

    Crash/error when viewing the Item menu in the in-game Settings screen

    This happens when you disable your loot filter and your Filter level is set to anything but 1. Manually setting it back to 1 fixes it and you should be able to interact with the menu again. After you load your filter again you can set the level back to what it was.

    1. Close out of Diablo II and the Launcher.
    2. Go to into the ProjectD2 directory and open "ProjectDiablo.cfg" in notepad or another text editor.
    3. Look for the line beginning with "Filter Level:" and set it to "Filter Level: 1"
    4. Save the file and try the Settings/Item menu again

    Crash when launching game with SGD2FreeResolution.json error

    1. Locate the SGD2FreeResolution.json in your ProjectD2 folder and delete it.
    2. Run the Launcher again and press Play to update
    3. If that does not work, reinstall the PD2 Launcher -- you may have to delete the ProjectD2 folder to clear out any issues. Backup any filters/files if needed.

    Crash due to sound issues

    If you have no sound devices listed in Windows and/or sound devices with driver issues you may have Unhandled Exception or Halt game crashes.

    1. Check your Windows Sound Settings and make sure you have a valid output device selected. If you have none, try plugging in a USB headset or another sound device.
    2. Check your Device Manager for any sound devices that may have issues -- they will typically have an exclamation on them. You may need to resolve any issues with those devices.
    3. If you are unable to fix the problem, you can try creating a shortcut to Game.exe in the ProjectD2 folder and adding the -ns argument to the target to set "No Sound"
      • This will likely cause you to #Crash when changing acts and if playing single player, can prevent you from completing the act.

    CD-ROM drive error

    This is due to Anti-virus, Windows Security, Compatibility Mode or a corrupt install -- or a combination of them. The guides below include the various exceptions and overrides that typically correct the issue.

    1. See: #How-to run the game with different compatibility settings
    2. See: #How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender
    3. See: #Unhandled Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION (c0000005)
    4. See: #Crash when joining games but able to create them
    5. See: #How-to install Project Diablo 2

    Unable to enter game, generic bad file/inventory data

    You likely have one or more items that have been updated in a season and are not compatible. These changes are always explained well in advance on Discord in the #announcements channel.

    It is up to you to check for any changes like these. The PD2 team will not fix any stash or character that is no-longer playable other than to delete them.

    Offline (Single Player/Plugy) Options

    1. Backup your saves and Diablo II folder in-case you need to start over
    2. Try the character converter utility
      • Make sure to convert your character files and your PlugY stash file.
    3. If the converter doesn't work, check the pinned comments on Discord in the #tech-support channel to see if there is a method to roll-back your version
      1. If one exists, attempt to roll-back your version and then load each character and remove all items that were announced to be incompatible.
        • You need to go through both the character and mercenary and every personal and shared stash tab.
      2. Once you have removed all affected items, update to the latest version through the Launcher and make sure your Launcher version is the latest
      3. Repeat this process as needed until you remove all affected items
    4. If no method is available or they do not solve the issue, your options are to:
      1. Continue to use your non-updated copy until a method is available (not always possible)
      2. Make a copy of your installation and saves to fix later and play with a fresh characters/stash
      3. Not play and wait for a possible method that works
      4. Delete all affected characters and/or your stash file and start from new

    Online (non-Ladder) Options

    1. For Season 8 read this -> #announcements
    2. Create a new, non-Ladder character and attempt to create a game
    3. If you are able to create a game then your shared stash doesn't contain affected items. You will have to delete any characters that receive the error.
    4. If you receive the same error with a fresh character then your shared stash contains incompatible items and will not be able to use any non-Ladder characters.
      1. You will need to #create-ticket on Discord and request that your shared stash be deleted. You will lose all items in your shared stash.
      2. After your stash has been cleared, you can try each character again. If you still receive the error then an affected item is on that character either worn, in inventory or stash and will have to be deleted.

    Performance & graphical issues

    Choppy FPS while playing online or offline with DDraw graphics

    1. Reboot
    2. If you have a laptop and hybrid graphics (integrated + dedicated gpu) See: #Poor performance with hybrid graphics
    3. If the Launcher Options for Show Window Borders is enabled, try turning it off.
    4. Reset the settings by closing out of the game and launcher and delete the ddraw.ini file in the ProjectD2 folder.

    Strange graphics when moving with Motion Prediction enabled

    1. In the Diablo 2 in-game Video Options (ESC Menu), change the Lighting Quality to Medium or High
    2. Also try turning Perspective Off in the same options menu

    Strange color shifts

    1. Open the D2GL settings menu (CTRL+o)
    2. On the Graphics tab disable FXAA
    3. Update your video card drivers if possible
    4. If you are using a laptop see #Poor performance with hybrid graphics if applicable

    Poor performance with hybrid graphics

    If you have an integrated and dedicated video card (common in laptops) the game may be using the wrong video card. The steps below are for creating an override for the game to force it to use the dedicated video card.

    1. Expand the section below for your make of video card and follow the steps
    2. In some cases Windows 10/11 will override your video card drivers. You can also follow the Windows 10/11 Graphics Settings below to also set an additional override for the game.
    3. You will need to restart the game and sometimes your computer
    4. You can also adjust any performance settings in your video card's driver settings for the game, separate from your global settings. You may need to play with various in-game and video card setting to find what works best for you
    5. Also see: #Poor performance with 3dfx graphics mode
    For Nvidia GPUs -->>
    1. Open the Nvidia Control Panel and go into the Manage 3D Settings section

      Nvidia Control Panel

    2. Click on the Program Settings tab
    3. Click the Add button and find Diablo II in the list.

      Nvidia Control Panel Add Program

    4. Hover over the program and make sure the path is to Game.exe in the ProjectD2 folder, not the base Diablo II folder or any other location
    5. If you don't see it in the list, click the Browse button and navigate to Game.exe in the ProjectD2 folder to add it
    6. Click Add Selected Program
    7. Change the preferred graphics processor to your dedicated card instead of Auto-Select or Integrated.
    8. Save the changes.
    For AMD GPUs -->>
    1. Follow this guide:
    Other GPU and/or Windows 10/11 Graphics Settings -->>
    1. Open the Graphics Settings options by going to Settings -> Display -> Graphics
    2. Click Add and locate Game.exe in your ProjectD2 folder

      Windows Graphics Settings

      Windows Graphics Settings - Browse

    3. Click Diablo II in the app list and then the Options button. Make sure the path is to the correct Game.exe in the ProjectD2 folder.

      Windows Graphics Settings - App Options

    4. Select the High Performance option which should list your dedicated GPU
    5. Click Save

      Windows Graphics Settings - App Options

    Poor performance with 3dfx graphics mode

    1. If you only have an integrated or very old video card, you may have to switch to ddraw in the Launcher Options
    2. If you have hybrid (integrated + dedicated) graphics see: #Poor performance with hybrid graphics
      • Also try the "Other Graphics" option in the link above even if you don't have hybrid graphics or an Nvidia/AMD card. Sometimes Windows will override the driver settings.
    3. Even on high-end setups, uncapped or "ultra" settings can cause inconsistent performance which can lead to stuttering or more desync. Try the following settings in the 3dfx menu (ctrl+o):
      • FXAA off
      • V-Sync off
      • Max FPS = 60
      • Shader = Bilinear (1-pass) or XBRZ-Freescale (1-pass) -- or any other 1-pass shader.
    4. Change the power settings in the OS/video drivers to High/Max Performance
    5. Try adjusting other in-game or gpu software settings.
    6. Update your video card drivers
    7. If you are unable to resolve the issue, you may have something else on your system affecting the game's performance such as an OSD (on screen display) or audio software or anything else really.
    8. You can also ask on Discord in the #tech-support channel.

    Slow mouse movement with 3dfx graphics enabled

    1. In the advanced in-game settings (CTRL+O) try turning off FXAA and/or the HD Cursor setting.
    2. Try turning off v-sync in the same options.
    3. As a workaround, if you have more advanced mouse software you can also try creating a profile for the game with a higher DPI setting.

    Black screen and/or mouse cursor stuck in corner

    1. Try turning off any On-Screen Display (OSD) or capture software you may have running:
      • Geforce Experience
      • AMD Catalyst
      • AMD Adrenaline
      • GPU Tweak
      • MSI Afterburner
      • OBS
      • etc.
    2. Delete the UI.ini file in the ProjectD2 folder and launch the game again
    3. Try turning off the HD Cursor in the 3dfx menu (ctrl+o)
    4. Try switching to ddraw and creating a game then back to 3dfx
    5. Try forcing Diablo II to run with the proper video card with the link below

    In-game issues

    Stash tabs not working

    1. Close out of the game and launcher.
    2. If you are on a laptop with hybrid graphics first do this: #Poor performance with hybrid graphics and then try your stash tabs again.
    3. Try changing your graphics mode to ddraw in the Launcher Options as a temporary workaround
      • If you are able to use both 3dfx and ddraw, try changing modes and testing in game then switch back and test again.
    4. Try changing your in-game resolution (ESC menu -> Video) a couple times

    Game resolution options missing and/or crash when changing resolution in game

    1. Do not try to change the setting quickly, wait 1-2 seconds between each, longer if needed
    2. These may seem strange however each method can give a different number of resolution options so you may have to try all of the following:
      • Try clicking on the resolution setting to change it
      • Try using the arrow keys to select the setting and then the left/right arrow keys to change it
      • Try using the arrow keys to select the setting and then press enter to change it

    You have music/ambient sound but no other game sounds

    1. Try changing your surround sound settings on your sound card.
    2. Try changing your sound output device to another (headset, monitor, speakers, etc).
    3. Try running in ddraw and windowed mode (-w) from the Launcher options.
    4. Try Compatibility mode if it is not already turned on. See: #How-to run the game with different compatibility settings

    In-game Settings button missing

    1. Press Esc and go to the video settings
    2. Change the resolution to 1068x600 (this alone may fix it, proceed if it doesn't)
    3. Close out of Diablo II and the PD2 Launcher.
    4. Delete the UI.ini file in the ProjectD2 folder.
    5. Open the PD2 Launcher again and press Play.

    Can’t click on in-game Settings button

    1. Make sure you are using CTRL+Click and not just regular clicking.
    2. Try switching graphics modes (3dfx or ddraw) in the Launcher Options

    Installation & other guides

    How-to install Project Diablo 2

    • Project Diablo 2 is a free mod but it requires a legitimate install of Legacy Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction (not Resurrected) from Blizzard. If you do not own a copy or need to purchase a new copy, use the links below.

    • Illegitimate cd-keys will result in the banning of your account. This will not be reversed but you are allowed to properly purchase a new copy and create a new account.

    • If you already own the game you can use this link to check your keys. If you have Physical copies go to Account Overview to Redeem your cd-keys and download the digital installers.

    • You must use an English installer. To select the enUS (English US), click the small gear icon next to the game's download link. You can also try the enGB (English EU) version which has fixed some additional issues for others.

    • If you are having trouble with selecting an English installer on Blizzard's download page, below are direct links to the Downloaders from Blizzard's website:
    English US (enUS) installer
    English EU (enGB) installer

    As a general tip, it is typically better to install Diablo II, ProjectD2 (and games in general) outside of a protected folder (C:\Program Files, C:\Program Files (x86), C:\Users) to prevent various issues. Your Desktop, Documents, and other user folders are in C:\Users, don't use them.

    Example: C:\Games\<name of game>. For this guide we will be using "C:\Games\Diablo II" as the install location.

    1. Make sure you have a legal purchased copy of Diablo II and Lord of Destruction as stated above.
    2. Download the Diablo II and Lord of Destruction game clients from the link above.
    3. Download the PD2 Launcher from
    4. Install Diablo II and when prompted, change the installation directory to C:\Games – the installation path should update to C:\Games\Diablo II – if not, create the Games or Games\Diablo II folder and try again.
    5. Install the Lord of Destruction expansion. It should automatically detect the Diablo II installation folder.
      ----- IMPORTANT ------
    6. Create an exception in your anti-virus for the Diablo II folder. See: #How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender
    7. If you had any other previous Exceptions made from other guides and troubleshooting, makes sure to update them to the folder path you've just installed to.
      ----- IMPORTANT ------
    8. Install the PD2 Launcher – browse to the location you installed Diablo II (C:\Games\Diablo II in this example) if it does not find it automatically.
    9. Optional: Set the game to run in compatibility mode. See: #How-to run the game with different compatibility settings
    10. Run the PD2 Launcher and press Play to automatically install any updates and launch the game.

    How-to install Project Diablo 2 on Linux using Lutris


    • Blizzard Installers: See: #How-to install Project Diablo 2
    • Lutris installed
    • Wine installed
      • Not all versions will work equally. One known working version is lutris-GE-Proton7-43-x86_64

    1. Open Lutris and add a configuration for the game.
      1. From the Lutris window, click the plus (+) icon in top left corner and select Add locally installed game.

      2. Enter a name for the game such as PD2.
      3. Select Wine as the Runner
      4. Click the the Game options tab and enter or browse to a path for where you want to store the Wine prefix. You may need to create the folder you want to use.
        • The Path can be anything but the recommended setting is /home/<user>/Games/<name from step above> e.g. /home/tomcik/Games/PD2/
      5. Choose 64-bit for the Prefix architecture.

      6. Click Save.

    2. Manually run the Diablo II installation files in this new prefix
      1. Select the new game you created in Lutris
      2. Click the arrow button on the bottom of the Lutris window
      3. Select Run EXE inside Wine prefix

      4. When prompted, browse to the installer file for Diablo II and select it to open it
      5. Follow the installation steps as you would in Windows
        • The installation path can be the default location (C:\Program Files\Diablo II). It shouldn't cause any problems.
        • When you run the installer file for first time in the wine prefix it will be configured. If you receive any prompts about wine-gecko and wine-mono, choose Yes

    3. All of the previous steps for manually running the installation files and completing the install need to be done for each installer
      • Diablo II
      • Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
      • PD2 Launcher

    4. Configure game executable
      1. After completing the above steps for all three installers, right-click the new game you created in Lutris (PD2) and choose Configure'.
      2. Go to the Game options tab and click Browse next to the Executable setting
      3. Locate the PD2Launcher.exe file (installed in the Diablo II\ProjectD2 folder) and select it

      4. Go to the Runner options tab and select the desired version from the Wine version box
        • Additional versions can be installed from the main window while hovering your mouse over Wine in the sidebar

      5. Click Save in top right corner of the Configure window

    5. Run PD2 by double clicking on it in the Lutris main window or select it and click Play at the bottom


    1. No text in EULA window during D2/LoD installation
      • Wine-gecko is missing in the wine prefix. If it is missing, then during the steps to execute the launchers, Lutris will ask if you want install it, choose Yes.

    2. Launcher does not start
      • Try using a different Wine version (the latest isn't always the greatest here)

    3. Error 'OpenGL loader failed' after clicking play in launcher using 3dfx
      • You need to install 32bit
        • For Debian based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, etc) you can use the command
          sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386
        • For Arch based distributions (Arch, Manjaro, Endeavour, etc) you can use the command
          sudo pacman -S libglvnd lib32-libglvnd
        • For other distributions, you will need to Google what the equivalent commands/methods/packages are needed to install it

    How-to install PlugY

    If you have characters from prior seasons, make a backup of your Diablo II folder and saves before updating anything

    Related: #Unable to enter game, generic bad file/inventory data

    1. Read First:
    2. Video installation guide:
    3. Optional: Set PlugY to run in compatibility mode. See: #How-to run the game with different compatibility settings and also do this for the plugy.exe file that should be in the ProjectD2 folder. For some people, this will speed up loading times but doesn't work for everyone.
    4. To change between new and old (3dfx and ddraw) graphics option:
      1. Open the Plugy.ini file in the ProjectD2 folder
      2. Locate the line starting with Params= and either add -3dfx to use 3dfx or delete it to use ddraw
      3. You can also change the shortcut for Plugy and add/remove -3dfx to the end of the Target. Don't mix this with the Plugy.ini method.

        Plugy Shortcut and ini settings

      • Note: you can not mix -3dfx and -w options in your shortcut or PlugY.ini file.

    How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender

    Also See: #Security warning with PD2 Launcher

    Below are guides from Microsoft on how to create an exception. A folder exception for the entire Diablo II folder should be created to avoid certain issues.

    1. Windows 10:
      Windows 11:

    2. If you are using a different anti-virus or firewall solution, you will need to look through the settings or find other documentation for creating any exceptions if the links below do not help.

    3. Again, if possible, make sure to create the exception for the entire folder, not just one file.

    How-to run the game with different compatibility settings

    1. Open the ProjectD2 folder, NOT the base Diablo II folder, and locate the Game.exe and Diablo II.exe files.
    2. Right click the file and select Properties.
    3. Under the Compatibility tab, click the Change settings for all users button
      1. Check the box and set the Compatibility Mode to Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
      2. Check the box to Run this program as an administrator
      3. Click OK on both windows to save the changes
    4. Repeat for the other file.

    Launcher issues

    Problems with the PD2 Launcher

    1. Reboot your computer.
    2. Make sure you are using the latest version of the PD2 Launcher from Press Play to update and verify the version shown on the launcher is the latest
    3. Make sure you are running the PD2 Launcher as an administrator
    4. Make sure your anti-virus / firewall / anti-malware / ad-blocker is not blocking the launcher.
      1. You may need to manually unblock and/or create exceptions for the Launcher and the Diablo II and/or ProjectD2 folder.
      2. Look through your anti-virus (Defender or otherwise) for a detection. If it did block something you need to mark it as allowed/safe and restore the file.
      3. Make sure you have an exception created. See: #How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender
    5. Uninstall the PD2 Launcher and reinstall with the latest version from

    Security warning with PD2 Launcher

    Windows Security/Defender (and other anti-virus/malware solutions) will sometimes trigger a false positive with one or more components of ProjectD2. While the team does try to submit the files to Microsoft and other companies to prevent this, they do still happen.

    To prevent these from happening, you can create an exception/exclusion in your anti-virus for the entire Diablo II folder where PD2 is installed. See: #How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender

    Empty list of loot filters in launcher

    1. If you've been changing filters frequently in a short period of time, you may have reached GitHub's hourly request limit. Try again later.
    2. Make sure TLS 1.2 is enabled in the Windows Internet Options / Browser settings.
    3. See: #Problems with the PD2 Launcher
    4. If you are unable to resolve the issue, you can manually download a filter you like from Item Filtering and place it in the ProjectD2 folder. The file must be named loot.filter or you can replace the default.filter with yours.
    5. You can also create a local copy of any filter that will not be automatically updated (useful if you want to make your own edits)
      1. Create a folder in the ProjectD2\filters\local named whatever you want e.g. ProjectD2\filters\local\MyFilter
      2. Place a copy of the filter you downloaded into that folder
      3. From the Launcher, you can select local in the Item Filter Profiles and you should see and be able to select the local copies of any filters you've added
      4. Reminder: local filters will not automatically update when you press Play on the launcher, you will have to update them manually. & other Network issues

    Failed to join game

    Try creating games on different game servers. If you continue to receive the same error then it is likely that the game server you were originally in crashed.

    The realm server still has your character and stash tagged as in a game because the crashing server could not log you out. The realm will not allow the character/stash into a "second" game at the same time. Because the shared stash is used by all characters in a "mode" (HC Ladder | SC Ladder | HC Non-ladder | SC Non-ladder), any characters within the same mode may also experience the FTJ issue.

    The only fix is to wait for the game server to complete its scheduled restart and report that you are not logged into it. There's no way to check when this is going to happen, but a general estimate can be based on the time the server said it had left when you created your game.

    Unable to connect to

    1. The servers are down. Check the #announcements channel on Discord for any issues or maintenance updates.
    2. Your antivirus and/or firewall is blocking the game.
    3. You or your ISP or somewhere between your ISP and the PD2 servers are having network issues.
    4. If the error message states you were banned, do not discuss this in any channel. Read the #pd2-rules.
    5. Use the #create-ticket channel on Discord to check on your account status.

    Can’t connect to the realm, port 6112 error

    1. If your account name begins with or ends with an underscore ( _ ) this will prevent you from connecting. Either create a new account or use the #create-ticket channel in Discord to open a ticket about your account.
    2. Your antivirus or firewall is blocking the game. See: #How-to create an exception in Windows Security/Defender
    3. You will need to use the #create-ticket channel in Discord to open a ticket to check on your account and find out any additional information. Mods will not discuss this in chat or DMs.


    Offline characters missing after playing Diablo 2 Resurrected

    1. Locate the D2R save game location.
      • %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Diablo II Resurrected is the default location
      • If nothing is there, the saves are either gone forever or you may have a different save location.
      • You can try searching your computer for <charname>.d2s
    2. If you are able to locate them, now locate the Diablo II save location.
      • The normal location should be in the Save folder where you installed Diablo II, not the ProjectD2 folder and not the D2R folder.
        You can also look in:
        • %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Diablo II
        • %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Saved Games\Diablo II
        • %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Diablo II
        • Check the registry in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Diablo II and look at the paths for Save Path and NewSavePath
        • If you are still unsure, create a new test character and look in all above locations, you should see a <charname>.d2s file and/or do a search for *.d2s files.
    3. Once you are able to locate the save files (including _LOD_SharedStashSave if you use PlugY) copy or move them back to the original Save folder.
    4. Open up the game to see if they are restored. If D2R modified the files in any way, the characters are likely unrecoverable.
    5. Make regular backups of your stuff.
    6. You can set a custom save path for your characters in the PlugY.ini file located in the ProjectD2 folder

    Other error solutions

    If you still can't resolve the issue, please ask on Discord in the #tech-support channel



    • ProjectDiablo.cfg
    • UI.ini
    • ddraw.ini
    • loot.filter (可以重命名)

    这些文件在PD2目录中(C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo II\ProjectD2. 咱们养老服的是在C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo II\ZYLPD2)。 您可以用任意文本编辑器进行编辑。编辑器可能需要在管理员权限模式下运行

    一旦在游戏登录器上选择了一个过滤器,loot.filter 将加载对应的过滤器文件,来代替它自身的过滤功能。这个文件会被存放在过滤器的子文件夹中,可以自定义命名。


    这个配置文件中包含了大量的可影响游戏的自定义选项. 使用标准虚拟键码,在这里可以设置很多热键: virtual-key codes. 它实质上是一个更全面版本的游戏内设置菜单,包含了大多数选项及更多的内容。

    Customized Screen Info
    Customized Screen Info


    • Reload Config - 如果修改了loot.filter,重新加载它的热键
    • Screen Info Configuration - 可决定右上方的信息显示方式。使用%REALTIME%命令在屏幕信息中显示您当前本地时间。
    • Gamefilter Configuration - 决定游戏列表刷新速度,以及是否显示难度&伺服器信息。
    • Bnet Configuration - 决定是否自动填写游戏名称/密码/描述。
    • Party Configuration - 自动组队邀请(加入/邀请他人)和自动拾取(允许拾取掉落)热键





    这个文件中您还能定义您想使用的着色器。关于着色器的不同之处,请参考:: Shader Comparison


    - 登录器选项中,窗口模式(-w)这一项不要勾选。

    - 在DiabloII目录下的ProjectD2文件夹中,咱们养老服是ZYLPD2文件夹中找到文件ddraw.ini,右键选择这个文件并用文本编辑软件进行编辑。

    - 设置您想要的窗口宽度和高度(例如 全高清 = 1920x1080):

    ; Stretch to custom resolution, 0 = defaults to the size game requests
    • 在文件的最后面如果有如图这一行,也是用于设置宽度和高度 – 设置与上面相同的值

    - 设置选项fullscreen的值为false

    ; Override the width/height settings shown above and always stretch to fullscreen
    ; Note: Can be combined with 'windowed=true' to get windowed-fullscreen (borderless)

    - 设置windowed的值为true

    ; Run in windowed mode rather than going fullscreen

    - [可选项]设置 maxgameticks=-1

    ; Run the game with max fps and not capped at 60-70 ish

    - 打开游戏并享受您的新分辨率设置画面

    注意:如果您想要看到游戏窗口边框 – 窗口高度的值不要设置超过1080。比如设为1020.


    此文件可控制掉落物品如何显示,以及某些物品是否应该完全隐藏。 默认情况下是没有任何物品过滤的自定义规则的

    游戏登录器 launcher 中可以选择过滤器,并可以在游戏内设置菜单中启用。

    手动安装的话,下载一个过滤器文件并保存到 Diablo II\ProjectD2\local 下,咱们养老服的是Diablo II\ZYLPD2\local 下。然后在登录器里选择它。请确保其他相关游戏内设置也是开启的。如果您想要自行编辑过滤器,这个链接 Item Filtering 页面可提供非常详尽的参考。


    In-Game Settings
    Settings menu



    • 永久显示物品: 地上的物品全部显示出来,无需按住alt查看。
    • 显示物品变量: 在物品信息中显示物品属性的变量范围

    以下选项 simple rules 可改变某些特定物品的显示. 如果开启了物品过滤器,除了 显示物品等级 所改变的提示信息,其他的都将被覆盖

    • 显示物品等级: 添加了物品等级信息如 (L99)
      • 所有物品都添加了物品等级
      • 为魔法/黄金/手工物品添加词缀等级,除非词缀等级=物品等级
    • 显示无形物品: 添加 (Eth)
    • 显示孔数: 添加镶孔数如 (4)
    • 显示符文编号: 添加符文编号如 [33]
    • Alt物品样式: 对无形物品、物品等级和符文编号选项使用不同的样式
    • 多彩模式: 根据符文编号显示特定颜色(1-10白色,1-16棕黄色,17-22桔色,23-33红色)
    • 物品短名称: 简写药水/卷轴名称


    • 开启Loot过滤: 开启过滤
    • 物品掉落提示: 某些物品掉落时显示通知
    • 物品接近提示: 正在接近某些物品时显示靠近通知
    • 物品明细提示: 使通知内容符合显示的物品名
    • 提示更加丰富: 在通知中添加“掉落”或“靠近”(优先级低于 物品明细提示)

    过滤等级: 影响过滤器内使用的规则和通知模式

    默认的重新加载过滤的热键是数字键盘0,在配置文件中可修改 configuration file.


    当前赛季 season 更新的用绿色左了高亮. 旧过滤器用红色做了高亮.

    Filter Updated Author Brief Description
    Kryszard's PD2 Loot Filter 2024-09-13
    ver 9.1.3
    Filter should suit most players needs - It's good for both: leveling and endgame experience. You'll find more info on my GitHub
    Reddit discussion thread: Kryszard's PD2 Loot-Filter - Discussion Thread
    eqN's PD2 Filters 2024-06-29
    (Season 9)
    eqNj A refined filter with several tiers (Relaxed, Medium, Strict, and ShowRecipes) designed for beginners and veterans alike. Every level is tailored to ensure anything of use always shows based on your class and progress. Useful info about items is in descriptions: Defense range, weapon speed/range, max sockets, runewords, and if an item is of high value. All runes and uniques notify on drop. Valuable items are made easy to see and pick up. Sockets, superior ED %, and staffmods show in item names. Crafting bases are marked/notified. Detailed recipes, runewords, and crafting info is available by switching to the ShowRecipes filter level.
    Feather 2024-04-08 BetweenWalls This filter is less strict than most and has all the usual improvements, so it's ideal for new players. It's also great for experienced players who like the simple aesthetic of the original game. Multiple strictness levels are available to help the filter better match your preferences.
    Kassahi's Filter 2024-22-09
    (Season 9)
    Kassahi My GitHub (README) is Finally Been Updated With my Filters Info, Also Blame onion For Everything !!!
    HiimFilter 2024-04-11
    (Season 9)
    Has an ring & amulet pts system to show value. Levels that cover season reset to End Game loot filter. Shows many important stats when the item is on the ground. Utilizes the filter levels functionality. Has helpful hints to new to PD2 players on what to do. Has LLD tags to know what is valuable to the LLD community. Has LLD specific Rung Amulet and Jewel pts grading system. See the readme for many more features!
    TalRasha's PD2 Item Filter 2023-10-01
    (Season 8)
    talrasha#4179 Updated for Season 8. Highlights good items in bright colors and adds design elements to names. Shows crafting recipes on magic/rare items and maps. Reveals names of most uniques and sets unidentified.
    Erazure's PD2 Loot Filter 2024-04-08
    (Season 9)
    Discord: erazure
    - Highly stylized, visually polished loot filter with customizable strictness; Valuable items and high runes display and notify with a splash of color on the screen; Distinct intuitive symbols for maps, charms, runes, gems, jewels, potions, and more!
    - Features four different tiers of filter levels (excellent for ladder resets, midgame leveling/farming, as well as endgame mapping); Players have the ability to select what kind of potions to show or hide on demand (e.g. choose a filter level subtier to hide H5, M5, or Rejuvenation potions)
    - For more information, check out my GitHub or message on Discord: Erazure#5126
    PiLLLa PD2 Filter 2023-10-02
    (Season 8)
    PiLLLa#2972 When you visit my github, you can see updated Information. If you have any other idea for filter, let me know that by discord and reddit. Thanks
    <Normal1:Recommended/Base filter> <Normal2/4:Different Color&Symbol> <Normal3:Different Filter level>.
    Wolfie's Filters 9999-12-31 WolfieeifloW#6431 Always updated for the newest season! Multiple versions to fit any style - Detailed/Revealed/Compact for less strict, Wolfie for stricter, BT for strictest. Shows/pings all Sets, Uniques, Runes, etc.
    Join my Discord for questions or more info!
    RetroCro's Loot Filter 2024-05-09 (Season 9) RetroCro#7154 Ladder Reset to End Game mapping loot filter. Shows the identified names of set and unique items. Set your desired strictness in game!
    Dauracul's Loot Filter 2024-04-09
    (Season 9)
    Dauracul Clean and informative lootfilter, focused on attribute and item management notes (socket counts, weapon speed, cube recipes, automod/staffmod rolls, runeword recipes, etc.). Runeword recipes are divided into Filter Levels and displayed on all normal bases with sockets. Most high value items will trigger notifications.
    ADevDH 2023-09-28 ADevelopment,
    PD2 All-Purpose Early-Late Game Filter Focuses on Updated Item Tiering + Map Tiering/Immunities + Highlights Jewels and Other Items for GG Stats. Includes all Crafting/Socket Bases you'll ever need! Low Overall Strictness! Filters out the garbage though!
    Filter Updated Author Description
    ElPocoBurrito's Filter 2021-12-23 ElPocoBurrito#0001 S4 Ready A heavily modified version of Wolfie's "Wolfie" filter tailored to be filled with features including some which are absent from many others (like telling you the set name next to the set drop). My philosophy is to be slightly strict and to keep somewhat vanilla looking item names with few exceptions (I make sure to have rare and valuable items stand out). Please give me feedback and comments on discord through DMs or the #lootfilter channel.
    1l4u's Loot Filter 2021-08-12 1l4u Update for season 3. Super strict end game filter.
    Baneazy's Loot Filter 2021-08-06 Baneazy A good filter from beginning to end game. It's mostly tailored toward end game but should taper items off from Normal to Hell.
    scrollsjay's Loot Filter 2021-04-01 scrollsjay This Loot Filter uses Kryszard's PD2 Loot-Filter for most of it's filter rules. Most changes allow for a briefer appearance of basic items to present a unified look. Full details with screenshots at the repository. Contact me via here
    Gothablo's Loot Filter 2021-03-16 Gothablo It is a filter based on the code "Kryszard's PD2 Loot Filter". The main changes are aesthetic elements, but there are a few changes added from me. From the beginning of the game to END GAME, items that we do not need or are of little value are removed. All MAGIC and RARE items should be and identified to check if they are worth to the trader. In addition, the filter code can be easily changed by yourself.
    Pj's Loot Filter 2020-12-07 Pj#5884 Pretty strict end-game loot filter. Based loosely on Kryszard's filter with a lot of changes. Hides all normal and exceptional stuff, only shows top-end elite items. Shows all set/unique items but only alerts on exceptional/elite versions. Hides tons of garbage. Only shows full rejuvs/super potions. Heavily commented for clarity. Work in progress, check back frequently for updates.
    Luke's late game filter 2020-11-24 Luke My late game filter i updated on fly. No leveling rules. Good as reference if you want to write your own filter. Filter has been updated to be less hostile. Make sure you check for sets, bases, magic and rares. It's not recommended to use it without checking :) (fix all res on paladin shields, show light elite chests (0,3,4 os) 10+ed, show all eth chests (0,3,4 os) 5+ed) Thanks to WolfieeifloW.
    PD2 Loot Filter
    2020-11-19 Lhaete A filter that preserves the games original aesthetic, and shows Runeword recipes & Magic Crafting recipes on items!
    In-Game Screenshots
    Rinku's Loot Filter 2020-11-11 Rinku#1352 A basic filter that hides clutter and shows item info at a glance, not much customization, just some QOL :) Definitely not for everyone but I thought I'd share.

    Guides and Links指引和帮助,这页面里有一些可以对编辑过滤器有帮助的工具



    1. 对我来说那个过滤器是最好的?
      • 没有所谓“最好”的过滤器。o 不同的过滤器都是依据不同的原因而制作的。物品筛选层级显示,提供哪些、多少额外的信息,如何修改了物品的外观,理念和设计都各有不同。如果不清楚您对过滤器的具体需求,那评价其高下实属困难。大家可能都只了解几款过滤器而已。所以建议您根据自己所需去挑选,适合自己的才是最好的。
    2. 对比不同的过滤器最好的方法是什么?
      • 过滤器一般包含了它的筛选描述、特点、和物品显示方式。有一些甚至包含图示。• 如果这些参考还不够,您可以访问FilterBird逐一对比查看不同的滤器显示的物品。并且,单机游戏也可以使用物品过滤,在游戏中可以修改也可以重新加载过滤器。
    3. 如果我想用个自定义的过滤器,我怎么保存我改过的内容?
      • 把自己定义过滤器放在目录 ProjectD2\filters\local 下(咱们养老服是ZYLPD2\filters\local),然后在游戏登录器上选择本地过滤器。• 本地游戏过滤器无法自动更新,如果您的是一款公共过滤器,您就得经常关注它,如果有重要内容更新就及时同步。
    4. 想回到最初的游戏的样子,如何关闭过滤器?
      • 可以通过在游戏中关闭游戏过滤器来关闭。 如果要彻底恢复默认,需要关闭游戏和登录器,在ProjuctD2文件夹中(我们是ZYLPD2)删除过滤器的文件夹以及 default.filter 和 loot.filter,然后再登录游戏
    5. 我和把过滤器和插件一起用吗?
      • 同一套过滤器配置即可被用于线上游戏,也可以被用于单机游戏。• 从登录器进入游戏时,过滤器就会自动更新 —— 在登录器上选一个过滤器,点开始游戏,会自动更新。• 如果您玩的是线上游戏,这一步也可以使过滤器升级。然后,关闭游戏/登录器,再打开游戏和插件。
    6. 过往赛季的过滤器在这个赛季还能用吗?
      • 除非旧版过滤器过于简易,它很可能表现得不尽如人意。这里不建议您使用老旧的的过滤器
    7. 我找不到设置按钮了
      • 关闭游戏和登录器,删除UI.ini,然后重新登录游戏,设置按钮会复原了。
    8. 我的游戏登录器上没有任何过滤器可选
      • 关闭游戏登录器并重新启动它。如果还不显示,再重复以上操作,也有可能是因为服务器挂了。另外,如果您电脑上有杀毒软件或者防火墙,请试下把游戏登录器加入杀软或防火墙白名单.
    9. 我的游戏登录器上过滤器位置上显示“敬请期待”
    10. 我的过滤器不生效
      • in-game settings 游戏内设置必须设置正确.
      • 使用游戏登录器选择过滤器。如果您没使用游戏登录器,以下是比较可能的情况:
        • 您有两套PD2,过滤器放错文件夹了。
        • 过滤器另存时起错名了。(比如:default.filter.filter, default.txt, or default.filter.tx)
        • PD2所在的父文件夹DiabloII文件夹的外层,还有一个DiabloII的文件夹(文件夹套娃了)
        • 在过滤器文件里粘贴进规则后,没有保存并关闭。
    11. 我的过滤器在显示某些物品时出现奇怪字符
      • special characters某些特殊字符只有当您的过滤器文件是ANSI编码时才会正确显示,而不是默认的UTF-8编码。 • 大多数文本编辑器都允许修改编码。例如Notepad++里,编码 是主菜单栏上的一个主要功能。


    For help with crashes or other game issues, see the Support FAQ or the #tech-support discord channel.


    PD2中由于新功能而引入的BugBugs introduced in PD2 due to new features

    常规BugGeneral Bugs:

    • 无瑕疵宝石只能在堆叠状态下提升为完美宝石。Flawless gems can only be promoted to perfect gems while in their stacked form.
    • Sometimes when using the Cartographer's Orb recipe, the result is a Hand Axe instead of a map of a higher tier.
    • The monsters named "skeleton" in act 1 (like those in mausoleum/crypt) don't drop loot.
    • Shrieking Terror monsters in maps cause summon AI issues.
    • In Character Select screen, some characters are missing heads or appear to have different equipment.
    • Some people are crashing with HD text enabled (disable within ctrl+o menu if it's an issue)
    • Text/Quantity numbers show through UI elements when using D2GL
    • 在某些情况下,在一个配方中,方块中有两个相同类型的物品可能会消耗其中一个物品。In some situations having two items of the same type within the cube during a recipe can consume one of the items
    • When attempting to connect while too many players are active, players may be presented with a dialogue box showing their position in a queue. This is misleading since the queue system is not used - players will need to connect manually instead. This may take several attempts, especially if the server they've selected is at its limit and others are also trying to join it. If other servers are acceptable, try using one of them temporarily instead.

    Bugs for Specific Skills or Equipment:

    • Revives' own summon/sentry abilities (e.g. hydras cast by revived council members) don't grant player experience or quest progress if they kill enemies.
    • Being in Whirlwind (Blade Dance) animation when leveling up on assassin locks up your animation.
    • Hydras spawned from the Dragon runeword (chest) are only staying up for ~1 second before despawning if trigged by whirlwind.
    • Fire Resist aura from Flickering Flame on merc reduces max res back to 75 on paladin.
    • Heart of the Wolverine (from Wisp Projector) despawns when you level up.
    • 不朽之王套装中的一些物品的套装加成显示为蓝色(就像普通属性一样),而不是绿色。Some items in the Immortal King set have their set bonuses displayed in blue (like normal attributes) rather than in green.
    • Ethereal versions of Immortal King's Stone Crusher may display the incorrect damage (missing the set bonus) depending on the order of the set items being equipped.

    BH相关Bug:BH-Related Bugs:

    • 工具提示上的属性范围有时不正确Attribute ranges on tooltips are sometimes incorrect
      • 当多个源添加同一属性时,只显示单个源的属性范围,而不是组合范围。示例:When multiple sources add the same attribute, only a single source's attribute range is shown rather than a combined range. Examples:
        • 钝器对不死造成的50%伤害不包括在属性范围内。The 50% Damage to Undead automod for blunt weapons isn't included in the attribute's range.
        • 手工制作的物品将显示标准属性范围(例如滚动词缀),而不考虑来自预定词缀的属性范围。Crafted items will display the standard attribute range (e.g. rolled affixes) without taking into account the attribute range from predetermined affixes.
        • 当符文添加与其符文相同的属性时,属性范围不包括符文中的值。例如:荣誉之链在游戏中显示[35-45]所有res,但实际上是[50-60],因为Um加了+15。When a runeword adds the same attribute as one of its runes, the attribute range doesn't include values from the rune. Example: Chains of Honor shows [35-45] all res in-game but is actually [50-60] since Um adds +15
        属性来源列表:前缀、后缀、自动词缀、高级词缀、预先确定的手工词缀、腐蚀、镶嵌宝石/符文/宝石、pointmods。List of attribute sources: prefixes, suffixes, automods, superior affixes, predetermined crafting affixes, corruptions, socketed gems/runes/jewels, pointmods
      • 当一个物品具有具有多个属性的“混合”词缀时,每个属性范围仍然被单独处理,这可能导致不准确/不明确的比较。例如:When an item has a "hybrid" affix with multiple attributes, each attribute range is still treated separately which can results in inaccurate/ambiguous comparisons. Example:
        • 一个尖锐的小符咒会增加+[1-3]伤害和+[10-20]AR,但AR的属性范围在游戏中显示为[2-36],因为青铜/钢铁词缀可以增加那么多AR(但当然这些词缀不会增加任何伤害)A Fine Small Charm adds +[1-3] damage & +[10-20] AR but the attribute range for AR shows [2-36] in-game since the Bronze/Iron/Steel affixes can add that much AR (but of course those affixes don't add any damage)
      • 属性范围可能只引用稀有物品可能使用的词缀,因此一些高级魔法词缀不会有准确的范围The attribute range may only reference affixes which are possible for rare items so some higher magic-only affixes won't have accurate ranges
    • 某些物品的默认颜色内置在%NAME%中,因此除非完全重写其名称,否则其颜色不会更改。Some items have their default color built into %NAME%, so their color won't change unless their name is rewritten completely.

    请注意,属性范围和lootfilter由PD2的开源版本BH处理,任何人都可以提交改进。如果你有问题,discord的#lootfilter频道可能是一个了解更多信息的好地方,因为开发人员和编辑经常访问该频道,并在那里讨论与BH相关的变化。Note that attribute ranges and lootfilters are handled by PD2's open-source version of BH, which anyone may submit improvements for. The discord's #lootfilter channel may be a good place to learn more about it if you have questions, since devs and editors often frequent the channel and discuss BH-related changes there.

    仅限单人玩家的Bug Singleplayer-Only Bugs

    • PlugY: Having too many maps in a stash page can cause crashes if that page is the most recently visited stash page
      Fix: Reduce the number of maps stored per page, or switch to another page before leaving the stash
    • PlugY: Having gold in the shared stash can cause issues such as preventing oskills from working correctly
      Fix: Remove all gold from the shared stash, or disable the shared gold feature in the config file
    • PlugY: The "toggle stash" button may be set to the wrong stash upon loading until interacting with the current stash - this happens if the most recent stash interaction prior to saving/exiting involved using a PlugY stash button instead of manipulating an item in the stash
      Workaround: Add or remove an item from the stash prior to saving/exiting (this also fixes the button at any time if it's set wrong)
    • PlugY: Stash navigation may be buggy if the stash pages are empty - the navigation will appear to jump between the wrong pages, but it is actually just displaying the wrong page numbers for all pages between the first page (page 1) and the first index (page 10)
      Fix: Put an item on page 10 or higher and save/exit
    • Andariel quest bug (vanilla bug - fixed in multiplayer)


    普通模式和PD2中发现的BugBugs found in vanilla and PD2

    • 多重尸体BUG——重新加入一个有多具尸体的游戏,只会导致价值最高的尸体被带走,而所有其他尸体上的物品都会丢失。Multiple corpse bug - rejoining a game with more than one corpse will result in only the highest value corpse being carried over and items on all other corpses being lost
    • 尸体数量BUG——只有15具尸体可以同时存在,所以如果一名玩家在穿戴装备和达到尸体限制时死亡,即使没有重新加入游戏,装备也会丢失Corpse limit bug - only ~15 corpses can exist simultaneously, so if a player dies while wearing gear and at the corpse limit, the gear will be lost even without rejoining a game
    • 力量BUG—— if stat requirements of equipped items are only met via the stats granted by those items, the gear won't be visible to other players; this may also contribute to losing items when there are multiple corpses or there isn't enough inventory space to store unequippable items when recovering them from a corpse
    When recovering items from a corpse, they are re-equipped in the following order: helm, amulet, chest, left weapon/offhand, right weapon/offhand, left ring, right ring, belt, boots, gloves
    • 破碎武器旋风斩BUG——当双持和使用旋风时,如果右手武器被打破(0耐久性)并有1个宝石镶嵌(以防止其消失),主武器同时用作主武器和副武器Broken-offhand-whirlwind (BOW) bug - when dual-wielding and using whirlwind, if the offhand weapon is broken (0 durability) and has 1 gemmed socket (to prevent it from disappearing), the mainhand weapon is used as both the mainhand and offhand weapons
    • 加入失败BUGFailed-to-Join (FTJ) bug
    • 血腥女巫有时不会在死亡大厅里引发Blood Witch sometimes doesn't spawn in Halls of the Dead

    For a more complete list of vanilla bugs, see wikis dedicated to vanilla. The Amazon Basin wiki does an especially good job, with bugs typically written in red in their relevant categories. Another example is this list of 200+ bugs that focuses on what should be fixed for D2: Resurrected.

    For bugs fixed in PD2, see General Changes.

    Guides and Links


    Main site: (download, rules, trade, armory/ladder, donate, etc)

    Discord: PD2's Discord (announcements, game discussion, feedback, whitelist & recruitment forms, etc)

    Reddit: r/ProjectDiablo2 (not as active as discord)

    Wiki: (you're here now)

    Github: (open-source aspects of PD2, including launcher's list of lootfilters)


    • Official discord server & subreddit - see above
    • PD2 Plugy Crew (discord server focused on singleplayer)
    • Project LLD (discord server focused on low level dueling)


    Links relating to installation, file setup, filter editing, etc

    Name Author Description
    D2 Classic & D2 LoD Blizzard Shop links for purchasing the vanilla game - if you already own the game, go to your account to check your keys
    D2 Classic & D2 LoD Blizzard Download links for the vanilla game
    Redeem CD keys Blizzard Input your legacy (16-digit) CD key to claim it and get a 26-digit version
    Installation Guide cory Step-by-step instructions for installing PD2 (source)
    PlugY Yohann Nicolas, BetweenWalls PlugY with settings adjusted for PD2 (Singleplayer mod which adds stash pages and fixes ubers)
    PD2-Singleplayer Pack BetweenWalls PlugY for PD2 with items/characters/modpacks
    Also includes an "official" modpack with all the game's text files
    PD2-Converter dschu012, BetweenWalls Converts singleplayer character/stash files to the most recent season (no need to drop items)
    Also includes game files from previous seasons
    FilterBird BetweenWalls Filter simulation tool
    Item Filter Highlighting multimentha Filter syntax highlighting for Notepad++, screenshot:
    Loot Filter Hints TommyC90 Filter syntax highlighting for Visual Studio Code
    Shader comparison bayaraa Side-by-side visualization of shaders available for PD2 - source documentation: shaders, shader system
    Glide 3DFX Wrapper Sven Labusch Alternative graphics system compared to customizable shaders - guide: Glide Setup, use version 1.3c or later
    Virtual key codes Microsoft May be useful to reference when manually editing hotkeys in ProjectDiablo.cfg
    Archived Technical Links
    Name Author Description
    D2 Filter Picker mik1893 Tool to quickly switch loot filter in use, selecting it from an online repository of filters. Can be customized to use your own list of filters. (PD2's launcher does this now)
    Singleplayer Item Pack Swoosh, Wuslwiz Includes items & characters for singleplayer with PlugY (older versions: S1 S2) (last updated in S3)


    Links to sites/files which focus on presenting objective game data or calculations in various useful ways

    Name Author Description
    Text Files/Text File Tables PD2 Dev Team, BetweenWalls PD2 text files (extracted from pd2data.mpq using MPQ Editor & D2 LoD listfile)
    "Portal" Skill Planner BetweenWalls Character skill planner with skill/synergy info up to level 60
    Necromancer Pet Calculator ultraover (Renato Machado) Necromancer pet calculator, with correct damage calculations from auras and spirits
    Runeword Grid BetweenWalls Shows weapon runewords in a grid with runewords on one axis and weapon types on the other axis. Helps visualize which runewords can be used in which bases.
    Runewizard for PD2 Kvothe, fabd Shows runewords based on selected runes, with runeword info available on mouse-over
    Affix Calculator Swoosh Shows available affixes for an item based on user-selected inputs - make a copy of the document to use it
    Monster Revive Chart perkylaturkey Image chart for reviving monsters (source)
    A2 Merc Weapon Comparison Satyrox Image chart for comparing many popular weapons for act 2 mercenaries (source)
    A2 Merc Weapon DPS BetweenWalls Image chart for comparing breakpoints & relative DPS of most weapons for act 2 mercenaries (source)
    BFury/BSentinel Calc Sass Calculates Blade Fury/Sentinel damage - make a copy of the documents to use them (source)
    Blade Skill Calculator (S9) Phyxion Calculates stats for Assassin "Blade" skills; go to "File" -> "Make a copy" to use it (source)
    PD2 Reference Elusive Calculates DPS, helps compare weapons/jewels, and adds currencies based on input values - make a copy of the doc to use it (source)
    Weapon DPS BetweenWalls Calculates DPS for all weapons based on input values - make a copy of the document to use it
    Armor/Weapon Info BetweenWalls Lists basic info for all armor and weapon bases (this info is also split among several charts on the Item Bases page)
    Alvl Chart BetweenWalls Shows alvl based on ilvl and qlvl
    PD2 Search D2Gambit Tool for searching items & affixes (source)
    Map damage calculator Slem Check your actual damage to map monsters after elemental pierce
    Affix IDs IDs for PREFIX, SUFFIX, and AUTMOD filter conditions (too many for the Item Filtering page)
    Corruption Zone List exiledagain Shows list of corruption zones and when they'll be active
    Affix Chance Simulator exiledagain Calculates the chance for magic/rare/crafted items to get attributes
    Archived Data Links
    Name Author Description
    PD2 Tooling Meeps Item reference and search tool (site offline)
    PD2 RuneWizard itsme Shows runewords based on selected runes, with runeword info available on mouse-over (last updated 2021-02-07)
    Runecatcher msr- Shows runewords based on selected runes, item types, sockets, and magic properties (last updated in S3)
    Runeword Explorer Fractall_Games Shows runewords based on selected runes, item types, sockets, stats, etc (vanilla & pd2) (last updated in S3)
    Runeword Calculator & Filter Acien Shows runewords based on selected runes, item types, sockets, and string search (vanilla & pd2) (last updated in S5)
    Maxroll PD2 Planner Riv Full character planner (briefly supported during S4)

    For vanilla data, see vanilla wikis and tools:


    Links for anything that doesn't fit into the above categories, except guides which are listed below

    Name Author Description
    Map Running Database Mayswan, toadflax Community-made collection of map clear times for various builds with leaderboards ranking their clearspeeds (see S5 data)

    Wiki pages with few or no other inter-wiki links: Seasons, Beta Commands, Rules, Credits, Introduction

    Technical wiki pages: Wiki Sidebar, Wiki CSS, Wiki File Gallery (also see Special Pages)

    NOTICE: The info linked below is not official information and may be especially opinion-based, speculative, and/or outdated.

    Miscellanous Links
    Name Author Description
    DH's S9 Build Tier List DarkHumility DarkHumility's PD2 Late Game Mapping Tier List/Infographic (also see versions for: S4, S5, S6, S7, S8)
    S9 tierlist Healen, discord class channel community T3 Mapping Tier List, Solo Starter Tier List (source)
    Currency Values BetweenWalls* List of common values for runes and other currency-like items (anyone can edit)
    Lucky's Rune Prices Lucky Luciano Lucky's PD2 Rune Prices
    BT's Build Tier List BTNeandertha1 Project Diablo 2 Tier Lists by BTNeandertha1 (Separate tabs for S4/S5)
    Mr. Goodbar's Rune Prices Mr. Goodbar Mr. Goodbar's PD2 Rune Prices (Season 2)


    Guides are listed in reverse chronological order, with more recent guides at the top of each section. Each new season brings balance updates to many skills and items, but there are usually relatively few major balance changes or mechanical changes, so even older guides may be mostly or entirely accurate depending on what they cover.


    Links to guides which focus on topics other than character builds

    Name Author Date
    A chill guide to team reset "speed" runs Zagdem 2023-09-16 (s8)
    Discord Trading Guide (obsoleted) ChugThatEstus 2022-07-20 (s5)
    The practical guide to LLD-crafting rlvl 30 Hastmannen 2022-02-28 (s4)
    Barb FAQs (not a guide) nazh202, Ham, Mayswan, Numroth,
    Cat, CrankyGnome, Fluppets
    2021-12-16 (s4)
    Claw Guide for answering "are these white claws worth anything?" (source) Bagel 2021-07-23 (s3)
    Low Level Duels Item guide clvl 1-30 Hastmannen 2021-05-20 (s2)
    Basic Mechanics and Mercenary Guide Mayswan 2021-05-10 (s2)
    Gambling Guide Hastmannen 2021-04-27 (s2)
    Shopping Guide Hastmannen 2021-04-26 (s2)
    End-Game Basics for PD2 Aygran 2021-04-16 (s2)
    Pathfinding Guide Knoofle 2021-03-20 (s2)
    Act 5 Merc Guide kickbitbeatborg 2021-03-12 (s2)
    Comprehensive Guide on Summons' Damage - Necromancer Version ultraover (Renato Machado) 2020-12-27 (s1)
    A truly comprehensive Dclone guide - Mechanics/Numbers/Strategies Wuslwiz 2020-12-02 (s1)


    Links to character build guides

    Name Author Date Description
    Catalog of PD2 Builds pedrob_d, hulkster0422 2022-06-06 (s4) Includes descriptions of over 200 builds and variations, with links to over 100 guides (source)

    It may also be helpful to browse the ladder armory to see what kind of skills and equipment are often used on high level characters.


    Also see the #amazon-discussion discord channel

    Name Author Date
    From zero to hero - playing HC amazon in a fresh ladder season ChaosSanctuary 2023-09-12 (s7)
    LS Spearzon Guide Mert Feelsgood 2023-01-22 (s6)
    MarrowZon - Build Guide Mayswan 2022-12-11 (s6)
    Decoyzon Starter 101 Bubbles 2022-11-22 (s5)
    Fire Arrow Amazon - Build Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-02-12 (s4)
    Multi-Strafe-Shot Amazon - Build Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-02-08 (s4)
    Lightning Javazon Guide Nbardo 2022-01-23 (s4)
    Summoner Amazon - Build Guide Lawlsuit 2022-01-16 (s4)
    Cold Bowazon Quick Guide Nbardo 2021-12-08 (s4)
    Power Strike/Lightning Fury Leveling Amazon Guide Marvl 2021-11-27 (s4)
    S2 End-Game Multi-Shot Amazon - Build Guide Lucky Luciano 2021-06-22 (s2)
    HC Bearzon Amadeus/JimiHendrix 2021-05-23 (s2)
    Blood Raven Bowazon Igtenos 2021-05-10 (s2)
    Fire Trangoul Bowazon (obsoleted) ChugThatEstus 2021-02-04 (s1)
    Bora's Lightning Strike Javazon Guide Bora 2021-01-20 (s1)
    "Plaguespreader" Poison Javazon sKeLeToR 2021-01-04 (s1)
    Windforce Multishot Bowazon bora 2020-12-29 (s1)
    Lightning Strike Javazon Guide Seggi 2020-12-29 (s1)
    "Prowazon" Fastest Clear Multishot Amazon sKeLeToR 2020-12-08 (s1)
    Comprehensive All-Content Bowazon Guide Kizari 2020-12-06 (s1)
    Bowazon Multi/Immolation & Multi/Guided - Build Guide
    Bowazon Multi/Immolation & Multi/Guided
    Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)
    2-Handed Spear Amazon - Build Guide Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)


    Also see the #assassin-discussion discord channel

    Name Author Date
    FrostKick cheap early ladder kick/blizz sin Zagdem 2024-07-18 (s9)
    Tiger Strike Gf/Mf Travincal Assassin Zagdem 2023-10-08 (s8)
    Phys Blade Dance Assassin (Chaos RW) xoxo 2023-09-23 (s8)
    Blade Sentinel Assassin Phyxion 2023-09-22 (s8)
    Death Sentry assassin (with Desecrate mercenary) Zagdem 2023-06-30 (s7)
    Phoenix Strike Assassin add to guide#2 Lqgash 2023-04-16 (s7)
    Orphan's Call Dragon Talon kicksin Zagdem 2023-04-15 (s6)
    Trap Assassin Leveling Guide Mert Feelsgood 2023-01-12 (s6)
    Kick Assassin Guide Kitastrophe 2022-12-07 (s6)
    Real Guides #2 - Dual Elemental Trapsin Wuslwiz 2022-07-16 (s5)
    Phoenix Strike Assassin Guide Lqgash 2022-06-24 (s5)
    Fissure & Blizzard Blades Assassin Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-05-26 (s4)
    Blade Fury (Multishot) Assassin Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-02-11 (s4)
    Blade Sentinel Assassin Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-02-07 (s4)
    Phoenix Strike MA Sin Guide Sass 2021-12-06 (s4)
    Mind Blast Leveling Assassin Guide Marvl 2021-12-03 (s4)
    Blade Fury Assassin Guide Sass 2021-12-03 (s4)
    Whirlwind "Shadow" Assassin Guide InsightKnight 2021-07-23 (s3)
    Cobra strike Assassin Guide Bagel 2021-03-22 (s2)
    Fire Trapper Ehliminatoa 2021-03-19 (s2)
    Mindblast Assassin Guide Sass & Bagel 2021-03-12 (s2)
    Dragon Talon "Kicksin" Assassin Guide Syron1x 2021-01-28 (s1)
    Poison Dagger Assassin Guide ChugThatEstus 2021-01-13 (s1)
    Venom Bow Assassin Guide ChugThatEstus 2021-01-11 (s1)
    Hybrid Bladesin - An In-Depth Guide Wuslwiz 2020-12-08 (s1)
    Lightning Trap Assassin Guide Ehliminatoa 2020-11-30 (s1)


    Also see the #barb-discussion discord channel

    Name Author Date
    In-depth WW Barbarian Harrype 2024-05-08 (s9)
    S8 Frenzy Barb - tips and tricks MatiKosa 2023-09-18 (s8)
    From zero to hero - playing HC barbarian in a fresh ladder season ChaosSanctuary 2023-09-04 (s7)
    Summon Barb Bro_Hoe 2023-06-16 (s7)
    Wolfbarb Guide nazh202 2023-05-13 (s7)
    Comprehensive Leap Barb guide for Season 7 HarryPe 2023-04-28 (s7)
    Throw Barb In-Depth Guide ChubHC, Toner 2023-04-24 (s7)
    Basic WW Skill Guide TobieeR 2023-01-11 (s6)
    Travincal Gold/Magic Find Guide CrankyGnome 2022-08-16 (s5)
    Singer (War Cry) Barb Guide CrankyGnome 2022-08-02 (s5)
    Comprehensive Bowborb Guide Numroth 2022-07-03 (s5)
    HC Bow Barbarian Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-05-20 (s4)
    Blizzard (Cold) Barbarian Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-02-17 (s4)
    Jab/Fend Barb ChugThatEstus 2021-12-03 (s4)
    Frenzy/Dual Swing Leveling Barbarian Guide Marvl 2021-12-03 (s4)
    AFK Gold Find Barb Guide Skitzdrift 2021-09-11 (s3)
    Gold Find / Magic Find Travincal Barb In-Depth Guide Hastmannen 2021-04-17 (s2)
    Whirlwind Barb AlwaysOn_nakama 2021-03-11 (s2)
    Warcry Barb theBerliner 2021-01-13 (s1)
    DoomFamine DreamDragon Frenzy Barbarian sKeLeToR 2020-12-19 (s1)
    Incinerator Frenzy Barbarian sKeLeToR 2020-12-13 (s1)
    Frenzy Barbarian Guide Ananochi 2020-12-07 (s1)
    HC Wolf Barbarian - Build Guide LordDeSeis 2020-11-22 (s1)
    FlyManXoxo's Comprehensive Throwing Barbarian Guide FlyManXoxo 2020-11-13 (s1)
    Throw Barbarian - Build Guide Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)


    Also see the #druid-discussion discord channel

    Name Author Date
    From zero to hero - playing HC druid in a fresh ladder season ChaosSanctuary 2023-09-18 (s7)
    Fireclaw Bear Build Guide SchmittyTACP 2023-04-27 (s7)
    Rabies Wolf SchmittyTACP 2022-05-24 (s6)
    Fury Druid Complete Guide Funguskeeper 2022-07-12 (s5)
    Shockwave Bear Druid Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-07-12 (s5)
    Windy Elemental Guide SchmittyTACP 2022-06-24 (s5)
    Druid "How-to" and FAQs SchmittyTACP 2022-06-22 (s5)
    Artic Maul Bear ChugThatEstus 2022-03-04 (s4)
    Fire Elemental Guide SchmittyTACP 2022-02-26 (s4)
    Maul Werebear Guide SchmittyTACP 2022-02-01 (s4)
    Summoning Druid Guide Marvl 2021-12-03 (s4)
    ATD Shapeshift Guide SchmittyTACP 2021-10-06 (s3)
    Fireclaw Bear Build Guide and Showcase (old version) SchmittyTACP 2021-06-30 (s2)
    Wind Druid Overview Thomas McMullen 2020-11-16 (s1)
    Summoner Druid - An In-Depth Guide Wuslwiz 2020-11-15 (s1)
    Fury On Strike Druid - Build Guide Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)
    Fireclaw + Fury Druid - Build Guide Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)
    Fire Elemental Druid - Build Guide Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)
    Full Summon Druid - Build Guide Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)


    Also see the #necro-discussion discord channel

    Name Author Date
    Najova Season Starter (Poison Nova + Fire Golem) Zagdem 2024-07-14 (s9)
    Corpse Explosion / Season Starter Hanuman 2023-10-18 (s8)
    Project Folems (Fire Golems) Triapka 2023-04-28 (s7)
    Dark Pact Necro Guide toadflax 2023-04-24 (s7)
    Fire Golem Guide Kn1f3wr3nch 2022-07-31 (s5)
    Curse Necro Guide toadflax 2022-06-23 (s5)
    Support Curse Necro - Uber Trist CircaG 2022-06-24 (s5)
    Brand Bowmancer Guide ChugThatEstus 2022-02-10 (s4)
    Necro Summoner (Skellies) WooGs 2021-12-03 (s4)
    MultishotMancer ChugThatEstus 2021-12-03 (s4)
    Pyromancer ChugThatEstus 2021-12-03 (s4)
    Corpse Explosion Guide WooGs 2021-07-23 (s3)
    Delphino's Teeth Necro Delphino 2021-04-16 (s2)
    Poison Necro Guide - Complete Poison Build Bubbles 2021-03-12 (s2)
    ChickenSoups Necromancer Golem/Revive Guide ChickenSoup 2021-02-16 (s1)
    sKeLeToR's "Gamma Ray" Poison Necro sKeLeToR 2021-01-04 (s1)
    Thetedster's Poison-Necro Guide From Beginning to End Thetedster 2020-12-14 (s1)
    Explosionmancer - Corpse Explosion Build Krylus 2020-12-05 (s1)
    Comprehensive Bone Necromancer: "The Dentist" Allenh93 2020-11-20 (s1)
    Skeleton/Golem snapshot Necro summoner Angryaa 2020-11-20 (s1)
    Skele Necro Guide CovertMuffin 2020-11-16 (s1)
    The Revive Golem Necro GUIDE ultraover (Renato Machado) 2020-11-16 (s1)
    Curse and Golem Necromancer - Build Guide Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)


    Also see the #paladin-discussion discord channel

    Name Author Date
    Early Ladder Farming : Travincal as a Zeal Paladin Zagdem 2024-08-10 (s9)
    Hammer Procdin Build Guide CircAG 2023-09-11 (s7)
    From zero to hero - playing HC paladin in a fresh ladder season ChaosSanctuary 2023-09-06 (s7)
    Thorn Paladin Build Coutsadin 2023-08-26 (s7)
    Summoner Zealot Igtenos 2022-01-17 (s4)
    The Hydradin ChugThatEstus 2021-12-03 (s4)
    Uber Zealer schnda 2021-11-01 (s3)
    Budget Uber Zealer Skitzdrift 2021-09-29 (s3)
    Holy Bolt Paladin JamesZahh 2021-03-12 (s2)
    UberFanazealot Maddinsche 2021-03-03 (s1)
    Sanctuary Zealot Dauracul 2021-01-17 (s1)
    Dual Dreamdin Guide sensi2 2021-01-06 (s1)
    Frost Knight Zealot Paladin sKeLeToR 2020-12-19 (s1)
    Flamewarden Zealot Paladin sKeLeToR 2020-12-15 (s1)
    Paladin holy shock beginner guide yeetmaster655 2020-11-14 (s1)


    Also see the #sorc-discussion discord channel

    Name Author Date
    The Volibear (Charged Bolt Proc Build) TheCombinelord 2023-09-16 (s8)
    From zero to hero - playing HC sorceress in a fresh ladder season ChaosSanctuary 2023-09-03 (s7)
    Vita Cold Sorc Ezraeil, IReflexxionz, & Astarael 2022-11-27 (s6)
    Arcanetress - Lightning Sorc Season Starter Guide CircaG 2022-11-05 (s5)
    Real Guides #1 - Key/Token Farm Fireball/Combustion Guide Wuslwiz 2022-07-09 (s5)
    Ice Maiden Bow Sorc ChugThatEstus 2022-06-24 (s5)
    Frozen Queen - Blizzard Build Guide CircaG 2022-06-24 (s5)
    Fend/Jab Spearceress ChugThatEstus 2022-01-21 (s4)
    No-block Combustion Phoenix Sorceress Starshine09 2022-01-17 (s4)
    Multi-Shot Bow Sorceress - Build Guide Lucky Luciano 2021-06-09 (s2)
    Frozen Orb Vita Sorceress Guide (old version) IReflexxionz 2021-03-14 (s2)
    Fire Bolt / Combustion - Build Guide Lpdp_ 2020-12-01 (s1)
    Melee Enchantress - Outdated ChugThatEstus 2020-11-20 (s1)
    Combustion/Fireball/Frozen Orb - Build Guide GTBword 2020-11-16 (s1)
    Meteor Sorceress - Build Guide Funguskeeper 2020-11-06 (s1)


    This lists all differences between the multiplayer and singleplayer versions of the game.


    • The /players X command (X is 1-8) artificially adjusts the number of "players in the game", which affects the nodrop rate and monster difficulty
    • Non-PlugY: The shared stash is not enabled for singleplayer since PlugY already includes its own shared stash which has more features suited for offline play
    • Major new endgame content may be restricted during the season it's introduced, in which case it won't be available in singleplayer or non-ladder during that time:
    • The DPS meter doesn't work in singleplayer (nor do new commands such as .roll or .party)
    • The "lock inventory" button doesn't work in singleplayer

    Singleplayer-Only Bugs

    • PlugY: Having too many maps in a stash page can cause crashes if that page is the most recently visited stash page
      Fix: Reduce the number of maps stored per page, or switch to another page before leaving the stash
    • PlugY: Having gold in the shared stash can cause issues such as preventing oskills from working correctly
      Fix: Remove all gold from the shared stash, or disable the shared gold feature in the config file
    • PlugY: The "toggle stash" button may be set to the wrong stash upon loading until interacting with the current stash - this happens if the most recent stash interaction prior to saving/exiting involved using a PlugY stash button instead of manipulating an item in the stash
      Workaround: Add or remove an item from the stash prior to saving/exiting (this also fixes the button at any time if it's set wrong)
    • PlugY: Stash navigation may be buggy if the stash pages are empty - the navigation will appear to jump between the wrong pages, but it is actually just displaying the wrong page numbers for all pages between the first page (page 1) and the first index (page 10)
      Fix: Put an item on page 10 or higher and save/exit
    • Andariel quest bug (vanilla bug - fixed in multiplayer)

    Also see: Bugs


    This page lists a copy of PD2's rules from the discord. They should match, but if the rules here are out-of-date, please mention it on PD2's #wiki-editing channel.

    General Rules & Guidelines

    1) Be respectful and do not resort to insults or harassment. Please remember, that this is a community driven mod.

    2) Hateful remarks/character, game names, account names and/or talk of politics, racism, religion or illegal activities of any kind will not be tolerated.

    Names resembling barcodes are not allowed and will be deleted. For example IiIiIIIiIiIl and similar. Names like ll-Johnny-ll are allowed
    This includes talk, discussion or the use of third party software such as Bots, Maphack, Autopickup, RMT, Piracy/Torrenting and the likes.

    3) This mod requires purchasing an official copy of D2+LoD from Talking about third party sales or sites is not allowed.

    Accounts locked due to illegitimate copies will not be unlocked. Do not open a ticket regarding account's locked for illegal copies.
    Players are permitted to start over on a new account, provided that they have acquired a legit version of D2+LoD and reinstalled using said version.

    4) Moderators discuss punishments within the team and agree upon the appropriate action before making it. Decisions made in appeals are final and will not be negotiated.

    5) Do not ping the Developers. They read all the comments in feedback. Use the ticket system if you want to report a player or a bug.

    6) Advertisement or self-promotion of any kind is prohibited and will be removed. With exception of the #media channel (PD2 specific content only)

    7) Discussing bans, punishment or reports of players in the general channels or in direct messages to moderators are not tolerated. Use the ticket system for this.

    8) This is a SFW Discord, posting NSFW content will result in a mute and in severe cases, a permanent ban.

    Additional In-Game Rules

    1) Only one connection to the PD2 servers are allowed per player on any given IP/Internet Connection. Multi-clienting is strictly prohibited. This includes running PD2 on multiple computers or systems. If multiple players are using the same IP/Internet Connection for PD2, it is required of them to whitelist their accounts. For more information, click the link below:

    Whitelist form:
    Players do not need to wait for confirmation of their application.

    2) Account sharing of any kind is not allowed.

    3) Any form of third party trading, involving real money, items and/or currency that is not native to PD2 specifically, is forbidden. Trading D2r items for PD2 items and vice versa is also forbidden.

    Players caught in third party trading of any kind will be permanently banned.
    The use of platforms such as D2JSP, Tradia and similar is considered third party trading platforms, therefore they are not allowed and will result in a loss of your account permanently.

    4) Scamming or stealing from other players will not be tolerated. The moderation team will handle the case and decide how to best enforce this, depending on the case.

    5) The games loot system is by default free-for-all and we will not enforce any loot rules including the .roll feature (Items lost will not be recovered, regardless of the situation)

    6) Griefing players of the community is not allowed. This includes any form of trying to ruin another players gameplay experience with seal popping, dirty tps, harassment and PK attempts. The only time a moderator will enforce a griefing report within a duel game is when a player has documented video proof that a player is griefing a game and preventing other players from dueling

    Hostiling players for the sake of spooking them will also be considered griefing.
    Joining a trade game without the need to buy/sell an item is considered griefing, provided that the owner of the game told them to leave and they refused.
    Farming in a progression game you didn't create after being asked to leave will also be considered griefing.

    7) Dueling is allowed but must be consensual amongst both parties involved. If the game is specifically made for duelling, players are considered consensual upon joining.

    8) Game bugs should be reported through the bug report section in create-ticket. Players caught withholding game breaking information and/or exploiting bugs will be punished accordingly. Bugged Items such as a +7 all skills item must be reported to the moderation team as well as how it happened / where it came from or you risk your account being locked

    9) The use of third-party tools that tamper with the game are forbidden. If you are unsure if a program or tool is allowed or not, please open a game-bug ticket in #create-ticket and ask for permission.

    10) Public shaming of players is forbidden. If you wish to report a player please open a player report ticket in create-ticket.

    11) Ban evasion through using another account is not allowed.

    12) Casinos of any kind are forbidden, giveaways are still allowed

    13) Gear sharing to monopolize leaderboards is strictly forbidden and will result in the loss of your achievement and aura


    Project Diablo II couldn’t have been made without all of these amazing people

    Mod Developers:








    Map Making:

    Paul Siramy (map tools)
    Karvarosku (Phlegethon)
    J0HN aka Borq (Bastion Keep, Plains of Torment, Ashen Plains)
    Indio (Throne of Insanity)
    Toadflax (Tomb of Zultun Kulle, Reziarfg's Lair, Kehjistan Marketplace)
    KillerNate (Ancestral Trial)
    Error (Blood Moon, Cathedral of Light)
    Alma (Pandemonium Citadel, Canyon of Sescheron, Ruined Cistern, Sanctuary of Sin, Zhar’s Sanctum)






    Mir Drualga




    Mir Drualga




    Libretro community


    Mir Drualga



    Special Thanks to resources, advice or findings from:

    Renato Machado
    Ya Lee
    Lady Isabelle
    Sir Xavius
    Incandescent One

    Thanks to everyone who played, tested, and contributed to this mod's development

    And thanks to everyone who developed the original game