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== '''常见问题 FAQ''' ==
== '''常见问题 FAQ''' ==

Q: Does the faster attack speed with LW in PB really make up for some of the damage loss of not using a BA? <br>
: 幻化之刃 PB 中最后希望 LW 更快的攻速真的能弥补不使用狂战士斧 BA 造成的伤害损失吗? <br>
A: The matter with the last wish is following:<br>
: 下面是最后希望的情况:<br>
If you use BA, you have to get IAS from other items, which limits your possibilities in PD2 (imo) way too much. Vanilla was very straight forward in endgame content (meaning one build would fit them all) where PD2 is very divers, making it necessary to vary your gear around the challenges. For example, for DClone you need to stack you fire and light resistances way more than for Ubertrist or regular gameplay, making it necessary to change your head / belt / amu or smth else.<br>
如果您使用狂战斧 BA, 则必须从其他物品获取 IAS, 这极大地限制了你在 PD2 中的可能性. 原版在游戏终局内容中非常直接 (意思是一种构建可以适合所有人) PD2 则非常多样化, 这使得你有必要根据挑战改变你的装备. 例如, 在暗黑破坏神克隆体中你需要比超级崔斯特或常规游戏玩法更多地叠加你的火焰和闪电抗性, 这就需要改变你的头/腰带/项链或其他装备.<br>
For me, under this circumstances, the faster attack speed is more important. As mentioned in the guide, you also need many attacks asap as you just have 10% LT chance on LW, which you need to trigger soon (problem with Ubers is, that normal LL does not work properly as they are resistant against drain. The only leech possible is from LT. Also see above in the "LL" Section). <br>
对我来说, 在这种情况下, 更快的攻击速度更重要. 正如指南中提到的, 你也需要尽快发动很多攻击因为你在最后希望 LW 上只有 10% 的生命偷取 LT 几率, 你需要尽快触发 (超级的问题是, 普通的 LL 不能正常工作因为他们抵抗被吸. 唯一可能的吸取来自生命偷取 lt (参见上面的 "LL" 部分). <br>
So in short: Yes, the attack speed makes up the loss of the slightly higher damage.<br><br>
简而言之: 是的, 攻击速度弥补了略高的伤害损失.<br><br>

Q: If you use last wish and life tap is applied, then if you have other gear such as exile/atma`s which will cast amplify damage, wouldn't that remove the life tap? <br>
: 如果你使用了最后希望并且使用了生命偷取, 那么如果你有其他装备比如流亡/亚特玛的装备会造成伤害加深, 那么生命偷取不会被移除吗? <br>
A: Yes, it would. You have to balance here. For regular gameplay I mostly use botd and atma`s to get rid of the physimmunes faster. Last Wish is just my endgame weapon for Uber and DClone. I will add an extra section regarding Ubertrist for further information.<br><br>
: 是的, 会的. 你必须在这里保持平衡. 对于常规的游戏玩法我主要使用两者和亚特玛来更快地摆脱物理免疫. 最后希望只是我对超级和暗黑破坏神克隆体的最后武器. 我将添加一个关于超级崔斯特的额外部分以获取更多信息.<br><br>

Q: And last, how big is life tap really in comparison to just a lot of life leech? I know why it makes sense for a smiter, but with a zealer its just essentially more life leech yes?<br>
: 最后, 与大量的生命偷取诅咒相比生命吸取属性到底差别有多大? 我知道为什么这对盾击来说是有意义的, 但对双热丁来说它本质上只是更多的生命吸取对吗?<br>
A: Again, in regular gameplay the mentioned 15%+LL are well enough, we do not need life tap. It is only necessary for Ubertrist and Dclone because of the reduced drain effectiveness.<br><br>
: 一样的, 在常规玩法中, 提到的 15%+LL 已经足够了, 我们不需要生命偷取. 它只对超级崔斯特和暗黑破坏神克隆体是必要的因为减少了被吸效果.<br><br>

== '''如何: 超级崔斯特''' ==
== '''如何: 超级崔斯特''' ==



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