Bowazon Multi/Immolation & Multi/Guided:修订间差异

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== 身体防具 Body Armors ==
== 身体防具 Body Armors ==

[[Fortitude (Chest)|Fortitude]] - This have had its Enhanced damage reduced to 200% instead of 300%, so it might not be the only armor you chase now. Still a very strong Offensive Choice.
[[Fortitude (Chest)|刚毅]] Fortitude - 它的增强伤害从 300% 降低到 200%, 所以它可能不是你现在唯一追求的护甲. 仍然是一个非常强大的进攻选择.

[[Chains of Honor]] - A very good defensive option, especially if we need all resistances capped for dungeons.
[[Chains of Honor|荣耀之链]] Chains of Honor - 这是一个非常好的防御选择, 特别是当我们需要为地下城增加所有抗性时.

[[Templar's Might]] - This armor can become as strong as fortitude, it now provides level 8 Might aura, and on top of that, allows for both corruption and puzzlebox sockets.
[[Templar's Might|圣堂武士的力量]] Templar's Might - 这个护甲可以变得和刚毅 fortitude 一样强, 现在它提供 8 级力量 Might 光环, 在此基础上, 允许腐化和谜盒打孔.

[[Enigma]] - +2 Skills, 25% FRW, very high Strength, high Magic Find. This armor provides % Max hp and % Damage Reduction also. Gives 3 blink charges, making you able to teleport, with a 8 second replenish charge time.
[[Enigma|谜团]] Enigma - +2 技能, 25% FRW, 非常高的力量, 高魔法寻找. 这个护甲提供 % 最大生命和 % 伤害减少. 给你 3 次瞬身术 blink 聚气, 使你能够传送, 8 秒回复一次聚气.

Upped [[Twitchthroe]] - Up to 30% IAS, can be a good choice if you want to run Windforce and hit 89 IAS breakpoint.
升级的 [[Twitchthroe|抽动的挣扎]] Twitchthroe - 最多 30% IAS, 可以是一个很好的选择如果你想运用风之力 Windforce 89 IAS 断点的话.

== 手套 Gloves ==
== 手套 Gloves ==



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