Bowazon Multi/Immolation & Multi/Guided:修订间差异

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== 武器 Weapons ==
== 武器 Weapons ==
* [[Lycander's Aim]] - Go To Early weapon IMO, provides all the mana leech you need to spam multishot forever.
* [[Lycander's Aim|雷山德的指标]] Lycander's Aim - 早期的武器 IMO, 提供所有的法力吸取你需要的一直发射多重箭 multishot.
* [[Melody]] - This can be made in a base with +Bow skills, great for Immolation damage.
* [[Melody|旋律]] Melody - 这可以在 +弓技能的基础上制作, 对牺牲之箭伤害很好.
* [[Harmony]] - Good pure Multishot bow, deals decent element damage on top of physical and has vigor aura for high MS.
* [[Harmony|和谐]] Harmony - 很好的纯多重箭弓, 在物理伤害的基础上造成不错的元素伤害并具有高 MS 的活力光环.
* [[Goldstrike Arch]] - Another decent choice, if you chose to farm Chaos Sanctuary, high Demon/Undead damage.
* [[Goldstrike Arch|金击圆弧]] Goldstrike Arch - 另一个不错的选择, 如果你选择了混沌庇难所 Chaos Sanctuary, 高 恶魔/不死 伤害.
* [[Cliffkiller]] - Decent bow for most builds, provides skills, attack speed, Enhanced damage, flat damage and knockback, but you will need to seek your mana leech somewhere else.
* [[Cliffkiller|岩壁杀手]] Cliffkiller - 像样的弓对于大多数构建, 提供技能, 攻击速度, 增强伤害, 固定伤害和击退, 但你需要在其他地方寻找你的法力吸取.

== 头盔 Helmets ==
== 头盔 Helmets ==



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