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=== 头盔 Helmet ===
=== 头盔 Helmet ===
'''巨骷髅 Giant Skull''' - High pierce chance, Crushing Blow, Enhanced Damage, and high Strength - amazing helmet
'''巨骷髅 Giant Skull''' - 高穿刺几率, 压碎性打击CB, 增强伤害, 和高力量 - 了不起的头盔

'''安达利尔的面貌 Andariel's Visage''' - +2 Skills, 20% IAS, 10% Lifesteal, 30 strength, max poison resist + high poison resists - brilliant helmet, especially if you need the IAS and leech
'''安达利尔的面貌 Andariel's Visage''' - +2 技能, 20% 攻速, 10% 生命偷取, 30 力量, 最大毒素抗性 + 高毒素抗性 - 才华横溢的头盔, 特别是如果你需要攻速和吸取

'''钢铁面纱 Veil of Steel''' - Enhanced Damage, +1 Skills, up to 40 All Resistances, Vitality, Strength - incredible option if you don't need the specialties the other helmets offer
'''钢铁面纱 Veil of Steel''' - 增强伤害, +1 技能, 最多 40 所有抗性, 体力, 力量 - 如果你不需要其他头盔提供的特殊功能这是一个极好的选择

'''女神之翼 Valkyrie Wing''' - +2 Amazon Skills, 40% Enhanced Damage, 30% Faster Run/Walk - not the best option here, but if you have the damage to need to move faster, this helmet can really shine. Also great for things like key farming where moving fast is, well, key
'''女神之翼 Valkyrie Wing''' - +2 亚马逊技能, 40% 增强伤害, 30% 快速跑步/行走 - 在这里不是最好的选择, 但如果你有伤害需要更快的移动, 这个头盔真的亮眼. 同样也适用于刷钥匙快速移动是关键

=== 身体 Body ===
=== 身体 Body ===



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