Comprehensive All-Content Bowazon Guide:修订间差异

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=== 腰带 Belt ===
=== 腰带 Belt ===
'''Goldwrap''' - IAS and MF, the only good MF option here really
'''金色包袱 Goldwrap''' - 攻速和 MF, 这是唯一好的 MF 选择

'''Razortail''' - You still want 100% pierce, so if you can't get it in another slot, use this instead of Goldwrap
'''剃刀之尾 Razortail''' - 你仍然想要 100% 的穿刺, 如果你没有其他镶孔的可以考虑这个, 使用这个代替金色包袱 Goldwrap

=== 戒指 Ring ===
=== 戒指 Ring ===



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