Low Level Dueling:修订间差异

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=== '''手工物品 Crafted Items''' ===
=== '''手工物品 Crafted Items''' ===
To a large extent itemizing for any given build in LLD will, or can, include crafting.
在很大程度上 LLD 中任何特定构建都将包含手工.

In some cases a craft is directly competing with a Unique or Set item for an equipment slot.

Below is a list of commonly used crafting recipes and the crafting bases upon which they are typically used.

Furthermore, a small example of desirable attributes is provided for each.
此外, 还为每个属性提供了一个理想属性的小示例.
*'''2-Handed Melee Weapons:'''
:''Hitpower Crafted, Ethereal''
:''打击 Hitpower 手工, 无形的''
::Maul / War Club; Great Maul / Martel de Fer; Great Sword / Executioner Sword; Pike / Lance
::大木棍 Maul / 巨战木棍 War Club; 卓越巨棍 Great Maul / 战锤 Martel de Fer; 卓越之剑 Great Sword / 死刑之剑 Executioner Sword; Pike / 长枪 Lance
:::200%+ Enhanced Damage with Repairs Durability. Ideally with a large amount of sockets.
:::200%+ 增强伤害与修复耐久度. 思想情况下是拥有大量的孔数.
*'''2-Handed Ranged Weapons:'''
:''Brilliant, Caster, or Hitpower Crafted''
:''闪耀 Brilliant, 施法者 Caster, 或打击 Hitpower 手工''
::Stag Bow / Ashwood Bow; Short War Bow / Rune Bow; Repeating Crossbow / Chu-Ko-Nu; Heavy Crossbow / Ballista
::男性之弓 Stag Bow / 灰木之弓 Ashwood Bow; 短巨战弓 Short War Bow / 符文之弓 Rune Bow; 连射十字弓 Repeating Crossbow / 巧工弩 Chu-Ko-Nu; 重十字弓 Heavy Crossbow / 弩弓 Ballista
:::A total of +4 or more to Bow Skills 和/或 150%+ Enhanced Damage with 20%+ IAS. Either or which with a large amount of sockets.
:::总计 +4 或更多的弓技能 和/或 150%+ 增强伤害与 20%+ 攻速.其中之一或拥有大量的孔数.
*'''1-Handed Melee Weapons:'''
:''Brilliant or Hitpower Crafted''
:''闪耀 Brilliant 或打击 Hitpower 手工''
*'''1-Handed Throwing Weapons:'''
:''Brilliant or Hitpower Crafted, Ethereal''
:''闪耀 Brilliant 或打击 Hitpower 手工, 无形的''
*'''Amazon Javelins:'''
:''Brilliant, Caster, or Hitpower Crafted''
:''闪耀 Brilliant, 施法者 Caster, 或打击 Hitpower 手工''
:''Caster or Hitpower Crafted''
:''施法者 Caster 或打击 Hitpower 手工''
:''Caster Crafted''
:''施法者 Caster 手工''
:''Brilliant or Caster Crafted''
:''闪耀 Brilliant 或施法者 Caster 手工''
*'''Sorceress Orbs:'''
:''Caster Crafted''
:''施法者 Caster 手工''
*'''All-Class Helmets:'''
:''Vampiric Crafted''
:''吸血鬼 Vampiric 手工''
*'''Barbarian Helmets:'''
:''Safety or Vampiric Crafted''
:''安全 Safety 或吸血鬼 Vampiric 手工''
*'''Druid Helmets:'''
:''Safety or Vampiric Crafted''
:''安全 Safety 或吸血鬼 Vampiric 手工''
*'''All-Class Shields:'''
:''Safety Crafted''
:''安全 Safety 手工''
*'''Necromancer Shields:'''
:''Hitpower or Safety Crafted''
:''打击 Hitpower 或安全 Safety 手工''
*'''Paladin Shields:'''
:''Safety Crafted''
:''安全 Safety 手工''
:''Blood, Brilliant, or Hitpower Crafted''
:''生命 Blood, 闪耀 Brilliant, 或打击 Hitpower 手工''
:''Blood or Hitpower Crafted''
:''生命 Blood 或打击 Hitpower 手工''
:''Blood, Caster, or Hitpower Crafted''
:''生命 Blood, 施法者 Caster, 或打击 Hitpower 手工''
:''Blood, Brilliant, Caster, or Hitpower Crafted''
:''生命 Blood, 闪耀 Brilliant, 施法者 Caster, 或打击 Hitpower 手工''
:''Blood, Hitpower, or Safety Crafted''
:''生命 Blood, 打击 Hitpower, 或安全 Safety 手工''



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