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删除41字节 、​ 2024年11月2日 (星期六)
第532行: 第532行:
! 材料 !! 结果
! 材料 !! 结果
| 3 <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skulls</span> + [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|Stone of Jordan]] + <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item || Adds 1 socket to the Item
| 3 <span class="d2-gray">完美的骷髅</span> + [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|乔丹之石]] + <span class="d2-yellow">亮金</span> 物品 || 增加 1 孔到物品
While still available in the game, this recipe is included here instead of the main [[Recipes#Socket_Recipes|Socket Recipes]] section due to its irrelevance. It was introduced prior to the LoD expansion as an item sink for duped SoJs and later became mostly obsolete with the introduction of Larzuk's quest in the expansion. The recipe is even less useful in PD2 since there is a new recipe with the same result that uses a new item (Larzuk's Malus) which is nearly trivial to obtain, along with the extreme rarity of SoJs due to the practice of item duping never taking hold here.
虽然在游戏中仍然可用但由于其不相关并且此公式包含在这里而不是主要的 [[Recipes#Socket_Recipes|打孔公式]] 部分. 它是在 LoD 资料片之前作为被复制的 soj 的物品接收器引入的后来随着资料片中 拉苏克 的任务的引入而被淘汰. 这个公式在 PD2 中甚至没有那么有用因为有一个新的公式使用一个新的物品 (拉苏克的铁锤) 这是非常容易的获得, 随着 soj 的极其罕见由于物品复制的做法从未在这里占据地位.

第541行: 第542行:
! 材料 !! 结果 !! 提示
! 材料 !! 结果 !! 提示
| <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item + <span class="d2-gray">Perfect Skull</span> + [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|Stone of Jordan]] || <span class="d2-yellow">Rare</span> Item of same type (ilvl = [clvl*0.66] + [ilvl*0.66]) || cannot be used with <span class="d2-red">corrupted</span> items<br>not worth using in PD2 since SoJs aren't common
| <span class="d2-yellow">亮金</span> 物品 + <span class="d2-gray">完美的骷髅</span> + [[Rings#The_Stone_of_Jordan|乔丹之石]]|| <span class="d2-yellow">亮金</span> 物品同样类型 (ilvl = [clvl*0.66] + [ilvl*0.66]) || 不能用于 腐化 物品<br>不值得在 PD2 中使用因为 soj 并不常见
This recipe is still in the game and actually does something that no other recipe does exactly, but it's still irrelevant due to the rarity of SoJs in PD2.
这个公式仍然在游戏中并且实际上做了一些其他公式做不到的事情, 但由于在 PD2 中 soj 的稀缺性它仍然是无关紧要的.

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第549行: 第550行:
! 材料 !! 结果
! 材料 !! 结果
| 2个 上古遗骸碎片 Ancient Bone Fragments + 地狱火炬 [[Hellfire Torch]] || 塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone
| 2 上古遗骸碎片 + [[Hellfire Torch|地狱火炬]]|| 塔格奥的下颌骨
上古遗骸碎片 Ancient Bone Fragments 在第 4 赛季的第三周加入游戏作为 塔格奥的下颌骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone 的合成材料. 在第 5 赛季, 它们不再是可出现的. 对于那些在单人模式或非天梯模式中仍然拥有它们的人来说, 这个公式仍然有效.

Lilith's Mirror was introduced in Season 5 and worked with items of all rarities. As of season 6, it can no longer be used with crafted, set, or unique items. As of season 9, it can no longer be used with jewels but ''can'' be used with crafted items. The following
莉莉丝的镜子 Lilith's Mirror 在第 5 赛季中出现并且使用在所有亮金物品. 从第 6 赛季开始, 它不能再与手工, 套装, 或 暗金物品一起使用. 从第 9 季开始, 不能再与珠宝一起使用但可以与手工制作的物品一起使用. 如下

Legacy mirrored jewels apply their "mirrored" status to any item they're inserted into - the targeted item cannot be used in cube recipes. Mirrored jewels retain their original color palette, but will modify the color palette of the item they're inserted into as follows:
过时的 镜像珠宝 将其 "镜像" 状态应用于它们的任何物品 - 目标物品不能在盒子公式中使用. 镜像珠宝保留其原有的调色板, 但会修改其物品的调色板如下所示:
* upper jewel: white
* 上级珠宝: 白色
* lower jewel: black
* 下级珠宝: 黑色
* 2 lower jewels: red
* 2 下级珠宝: 红色
* 3 lower jewels: green
* 3 下级珠宝: 绿色
* 4 lower jewels: gold
* 4 下级珠宝: 金色
* upper jewel with any number of additional upper/lower jewels: silver
* 带有任意数量的额外上级珠宝的 上级/下级 珠宝:银色

Note: "upper" and "lower" refer to where the jewels appeared in the cube after being mirrored, and are often used interchangeably with "white" and "black", respectively.
提示: "上级" "下级" 是指珠宝被镜像后出现在盒子中的位置, 通常分别与 "白色" "黑色", 交替使用.

Previously, items could be stacked and unstacked via cumbersome cube recipes. These are no longer available:
在此之前, 物品可以通过繁琐的盒子公式进行堆叠和解堆叠. 这些已不再可用:

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|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | Stacking/Unstacking Items
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | 堆叠/非堆叠 物品
! 材料 !! 结果
! 材料 !! 结果
| 1 unstacked Gem/Rune || <span class="omod">stacked Gem/Rune</span>
| 1 非堆叠的 宝石/符文 || <span class="omod">堆叠的 宝石/符文</span>
| Stacked Gems/Runes of same type || <span class="omod">1 unstacked Gem/Rune + remaining Stacked Gems/Runes</span>
| 堆叠的 宝石/符文 同类型 || <span class="omod">1 非堆叠的 宝石/符文+ 剩余的 堆叠的 宝石/符文</span>




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