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删除1字节 、​ 2024年5月20日 (星期一)
第328行: 第328行:

==== [[File:Map_Icon_Bastion_Keep.png| ]] 魔幻堡垒Bastion Keep ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Fall_of_Caldeum.png| ]] 卡尔蒂姆的沦陷Fall of Caldeum ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第334行: 第334行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 恶魔妖精Demon Sprite ||  || 25 || 80 || 25 || 33 ||  || 恶魔 || 100
| 飞空弯刀Flying Scimitar || 25 ||  || 50 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || || 75 ||  || 0
| Demon Steed || 50 || || 25 || 33 || 50 || ||  || 100
| 海尔奥芬特Heirophant || 10 || 50 || 25 || 33 || 95 || 25 ||  || 100
| 沙漠之翼Desert Wing || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 25 || 75 || || 75 || 25 ||  || 75
| 地狱群虫Hell Swarm || 50 || || || 70 || 25 || 80 ||  || 0
| 小恶魔Devilkin || 15 || || || 75 || 40 || 50 || 恶魔 || 75
| 女猎人Huntress || 15 || 25 || 75 || || 65 || 50 || || 100
| 小恶魔巫师Devilkin Shaman || 15 || 50 ||  || <span class=emphasis>135</span> ||  || 75 || 恶魔 || 66
| 投石怪Slinger || 10 || 25 || 75 ||  || 65 ||  || || 100
| 巨大八目虫Giant Lamprey || || 25 || 33 || 25 || || 85 || || 50
| 僵尸Zombie || 50 || || 95 || 25 || 75 || 45 || 不死 || 50
| 巨大八目虫卵Giant Lamprey Egg ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 33
| 叛徒瓦希德Waheed the Traitor || 50 || 50 || 75 || 75 || 75 || 75 ||  || 20
| 巨大八目虫幼虫Giant Lamprey Young ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 80 ||  || 50
| 地狱妖妇Hell Temptress ||  ||  || 50 || 50 || 50 || 75 || 恶魔 || 75
| 月亮一族Moon Clan || 50 ||  || 75 ||  || 85 || 45 || 恶魔 || 80
| 沙地骑士Sand Raider || 25 || 25 || 50 || 50 ||  || 33 ||  || 66
| 该死的约翰娜丹Johnathan<br>the Damned || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  0
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
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第404行: 第394行:

==== [[File:Map_Icon_Phlegethon.png| ]] 火焰之河Phlegethon ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Royal_Crypts.png| ]] 皇家地牢Royal Crypts ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第410行: 第400行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 议会成员Council Member || 30 ||  || 33 || 80 || 33 || 33 || 恶魔 || 66
| 苦难怪Afflicted ||  ||  ||  || 75 || 65 ||  || 恶魔 || 75
| 白骨弓箭手Bone Archer || 35 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 30 || 20 ||  || <span class=emphasis>105</span> || 不死 ||  0
| 白骨战士Bone Warrior || 35 ||  || 30 ||  || 65 || 65 || 不死 ||  0
| 利爪腹蛇Claw Viper || 80 ||  || 45 || 25 ||  || 40 ||  || 50
| 沙丘野兽Dune Beast ||  ||  || 60 || 25 || 20 || 25 ||  || 100
| 飞空弯刀Flying Scimitar || 25 || 50 || 50 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> ||  || 75 ||  || 0
| 幽暗蝙蝠Gloombat || 50 || 25 || 75 || 50 ||  ||  ||  || 75
| 圣甲虫Scarab ||  ||  ||  || 80 || 50 || || || 50
| 骷髅王King Leoric || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  20
| 腐烂守卫Decaying Guard || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  20
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Sewers_of_Harrogath.png| ]] 哈洛加斯下水道Sewers of Harrogath ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 恶魔妖精Demon Imp ||  || 25 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || 25 || 33 ||  || 恶魔 || 100
| 血之翼Blood Wing ||  || 25 || 50 || 33 || ||  || || 50
| 沉沦魔Fallen || 15 || 25 || 25 || || 40 || 50 || 恶魔 || 75
| 仆从Enslaved || 25 || || 50 || 15 || 25 || 15 || || 75
| 沉沦魔巫师Fallen Shaman || 15 || 25 || 50 || 90 || 0 || 50 || 恶魔 || 66
| Fetish小矮人 || 25 || || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || || || 80 || 恶魔 || 100
| 小矮人Fetish || 25 || 25 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 恶魔 || 100
| 剥皮者Flayer || || 25 || || 75 || 50 || 45 || 恶魔 || 100
| 地狱猫Hell Cat || 15 || 25 || || 50 || 80 || 25 || || 100
| 食尸鬼之王Ghoul Lord || 30 || 25 || 33 || 25 || 75 || 50 || 不死 || 75
| 地狱投石者Hell Slinger || 10 || 25 || 25 || 50 || 0 || 25 || || 100
| 怪异怀姆兽Grotesque Wyrm || 25 || 50 || || <span class=emphasis>135</span> || || 50 || 恶魔 || 50
| 地狱恶灵Hell Spawn || 33 ||  || 50 || 25 || 50 || 75 || 恶魔 || 75
| 掠夺者Marauder || 25 ||  || 50 || 80 || 50 || 45 || || 66
| 月亮领主Moon Lord || 50 || 50 || 25 || 50 || 50 || 0 ||  || 75
| 沙虫Sand Maggot || 66 || || 33 || || 85 || 90 ||  || 50
| 攻城兽Siege Beast || 75 ||  || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || 33 || 50 ||  ||  || 100
| 沙虫卵Sand Maggot Egg || ||  || || || ||  ||  || 33
| 不洁的行尸Unholy Corpse || 50 || 50 || 0 || 25 || 0 || <span class=emphasis>120</span> || 不死 || 66
| 沙虫幼虫Sand Maggot Young || 20 || 20 || 20 || 20 || 20 || 80 || || 50
| 罪中尉Lieutenant of Sin || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 恶魔 || 20
| 疯狂的哲学家The Mad Philosopher || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 33 || 恶魔 || 20
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">




==== [[File:Map_Icon_Torajan_Jungle.png| ]] 托拉加雨林Torajan Jungle ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Shadows_of_Westmarch.png| ]] 维斯特玛之影Shadows of Westmarch ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第451行: 第466行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 议会成员Council Member || 50 ||  || 33 || 50 || 33 || 33 || 恶魔 || 66
| 火野猪Fire Boar || ||  || 65 || 25 || || 65 || || 75
| 压碎者Crusher || 50 || 25 ||  ||  || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || 50 || || 100
| 月亮一族Moon Clan || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || 45 || 50 || 45 || 85 || 25 || 恶魔 || 80
| 死亡甲虫Death Beatle || 50 || 25 ||  || <span class=emphasis>105</span> || || || || 50
| 督军Over Seer || 20 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 20 || 40 || 40 || 恶魔 || 100
| 争吵死神Death Brawler || 33 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 75
| 冥河怪兽Siege Beast || 50 || 20 || 25 || 45 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 40 ||  || 100
| 沙丘野兽Dune Beast || 33 ||  || || 75 || 50 || 25 ||  || 100
| 投石怪Slinger || 10 ||  || 25 || 25 || 75 || ||  || 100
| 血鹰Foul Crow ||  ||  || 25 || || || 70 || || 100
| 女梦魔Succubus ||  ||  || 50 || 50 || 75 || 65 || 恶魔 || 75
| 硬毛老鼠Quill Rat || 50 ||  || ||  || 50 || 45 ||  || 100
| 僵尸Zombie || 50 || 50 ||  || 65 ||  || 85 || 不死 ||  50
| 树木潜伏者Tree Lurker ||  || 25 || 80 || 50 ||  || 85 ||  || 75
| 死亡的乌尔扎尔•哈布林格Urzael<br>Harbinger of Death || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 20
| 巨大蠕虫The Great Worm || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 20
| 血虫卵Blood Maggot Egg || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> ||  ||  || 33
| 血虫幼虫Blood Maggot Young || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 50
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* 血虫幼虫是巨大蠕虫的爪牙
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">




==== [[File:Map_Icon_Ruined_Cistern.png| ]] 废弃水道Ruined Cistern ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Torajan_Jungle.png| ]] 托拉加雨林Torajan Jungle ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第493行: 第500行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
|泥沼生物Bog Creature || 15 ||  || 65 ||  || 55 || 50 ||  || 75
| 议会成员Council Member || 50 ||  || 33 || 50 || 33 || 33 || 恶魔 || 66
| 压碎者Crusher || 50 || 25 ||  ||  || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || 50 ||  || 100
| 木乃伊Dried Corpse || 50 || ||  || 50 || 65 || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || 不死 ||  33
| 死亡甲虫Death Beatle || 50 || 25 ||  || <span class=emphasis>105</span> || ||  ||  || 50
| 大笨兽Gorebelly || || || 30 || 50 || 60 || || 恶魔 || 100
| 争吵死神Death Brawler || 33 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 75
| 复生的法师Returned Mage || 33 ||  || 40 || 75 || 50 || 75 || 不死 || 0
| 沙丘野兽Dune Beast || 33 ||  || || 75 || 50 || 25 || || 100
| 火精灵Salamander ||  ||  || 50 ||  || <span class=emphasis>115</span> || ||  || 50
| 血鹰Foul Crow ||  ||  || 25 ||  || || 70 ||  || 100
| 扼杀者Strangler || 60 || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || 25 || 75 || || 45 || 不死 || 33
| 硬毛老鼠Quill Rat || 50 || || || || 50 || 45 || || 100
| 邪恶弓箭手邪恶弓箭手Vile Archer ||  || || 75 || 25 || 25 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 树木潜伏者Tree Lurker ||  || 25 || 80 || 50 || || 85 || || 75
| 邪恶猎手邪恶猎人Vile Hunter || 20 || 20 || 45 || 33 || || || 恶魔 || 100
| 巨大蠕虫The Great Worm || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 20
| 远古九头水蛇(火)Ancient Cistern Hydra (fire) || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 20
| 血虫卵Blood Maggot Egg || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || ||  || 33
| 远古九头水蛇(毒)Ancient Cistern Hydra (poison) || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 75
| 血虫幼虫Blood Maggot Young || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 50
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* 只有火焰水蛇头是BOSS并才会掉落物品 - 剧毒水蛇头是火焰水蛇头的小弟
* 血虫幼虫是巨大蠕虫的爪牙
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">



第569行: 第577行:

==== [[File:Map_Icon_Fall_of_Caldeum.png| ]] 卡尔蒂姆的沦陷Fall of Caldeum ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Bastion_Keep.png| ]] 魔幻堡垒Bastion Keep ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第575行: 第583行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 飞空弯刀Flying Scimitar || 25 ||  || 50 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> ||  || 75 ||  || 0
| 恶魔妖精Demon Sprite ||  || 25 || 80 || 25 || 33 ||  || 恶魔 || 100
| Demon Steed || 50 ||  || 25 || 33 || 50 ||  ||  || 100
| 沙漠之翼Desert Wing || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 25 || 75 ||  || 75 || 25 ||  || 75
| 小恶魔Devilkin || 15 ||  ||  || 75 || 40 || 50 || 恶魔 || 75
| 小恶魔巫师Devilkin Shaman || 15 || 50 ||  || <span class=emphasis>135</span> ||  || 75 || 恶魔 || 66
| 巨大八目虫Giant Lamprey ||  || 25 || 33 || 25 ||  || 85 ||  || 50
| 海尔奥芬特Heirophant || 10 || 50 || 25 || 33 || 95 || 25 ||  || 100
| 巨大八目虫卵Giant Lamprey Egg || || || || || || ||  || 33
| 地狱群虫Hell Swarm || 50 ||  ||  || 70 || 25 || 80 ||  || 0
| 巨大八目虫幼虫Giant Lamprey Young || ||  ||  || || || 80 ||  || 50
| 女猎人Huntress || 15 || 25 || 75 || || 65 || 50 || || 100
| 地狱妖妇Hell Temptress || || || 50 || 50 || 50 || 75 || 恶魔 || 75
| 投石怪Slinger || 10 || 25 || 75 ||  || 65 || || || 100
| 月亮一族Moon Clan || 50 || || 75 ||  || 85 || 45 || 恶魔 || 80
| 僵尸Zombie || 50 || || 95 || 25 || 75 || 45 || 不死 || 50
| 沙地骑士Sand Raider || 25 || 25 || 50 || 50 || || 33 || || 66
| 叛徒瓦希德Waheed the Traitor || 50 || 50 || 75 || 75 || 75 || 75 ||  || 20
| 该死的约翰娜丹Johnathan<br>the Damned || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  0
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">



第633行: 第651行:

==== [[File:Map_Icon_Royal_Crypts.png| ]] 皇家地牢Royal Crypts ====
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* 腐烂守卫是骷髅王李奥瑞克的爪牙
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_River_of_Blood.png| ]] 血河River of Blood ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第639行: 第671行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 苦难怪Afflicted ||  ||  ||  || 75 || 65 ||  || 恶魔 || 75
| 痴肥怪Corpulent || 15 || 20 ||  ||  ||  || 75 || 恶魔 || 75
| 议会成员Council Member || 30 ||  || 33 || 80 || 33 || 33 || 恶魔 || 66
| 巨锤死神Death Mauler || 33 ||  || 50 || 85 || 50 ||  ||  || 75
| 厄运骑士Doom Knight || 33 ||  || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || 20 || 20 || 50 || 不死 ||  33
| 白骨弓箭手Bone Archer || 35 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 30 || 20 ||  || <span class=emphasis>105</span> || 不死 || 0
| 血肉野兽Flesh Beast || 25 || || ||  || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || || 恶魔 || 50
| 白骨战士Bone Warrior || 35 || || 30 ||  || 65 || 65 || 不死 || 0
| 血肉复苏者Flesh Spawner || 66 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || ||  || 80 || || 恶魔 || 50
| 利爪腹蛇Claw Viper || 80 ||  || 45 || 25 || || 40 || || 50
| 毁灭的仆从Minion of Destruction || 50 ||  || 90 || 33 || 50 || 95 || 恶魔 || 50
| 沙丘野兽Dune Beast || || || 60 || 25 || 20 || 25 || || 100
| 遗忘骑士Oblivion Knight || 33 || 25 || 60 || 60 || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || 75 || 不死 || 33
| 飞空弯刀Flying Scimitar || 25 || 50 || 50 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || || 75 || || 0
| 骷髅弓箭手Skeleton Archer || 40 || 50 || 33 || 40 || 33 || 80 || 不死 || 0
| 幽暗蝙蝠Gloombat || 50 || 25 || 75 || 50 || || ||  || 75
| 狂战士Zealot || 10 || || 25 || 80 || 33 || 20 ||  || 100
| 圣甲虫Scarab || || || || 80 || 50 || || || 50
| 腐烂的阿瓦努奥斯Avunaos the Rotten || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 || 20
| 骷髅王King Leoric || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 || 20
| 谎言之王 彼勒尔Belial Lord of Lies || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 恶魔 || 20
| 腐烂守卫Decaying Guard || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  20
| 鲜血石魔Blood Golem || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  20
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* 腐烂守卫是骷髅王李奥瑞克的爪牙
* 鲜血石魔是阿瓦努奥斯的爪牙
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">



第730行: 第769行:

==== [[File:Map_Icon_Sanatorium.png| ]] 萨纳托里姆疯人院Sanatorium ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Tomb_of_Zoltun_Kulle.png| ]] 佐顿库勒墓穴Tomb of Zoltun Kulle ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第736行: 第775行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 鲜血之王Blood Lord || || 33 || <span class=emphasis>130</span> || 50 || 33 || 50 ||  || 75
| 奥拉克Arach || 50 || || 85 || || || 50 ||  || 50
| 巨锤死神Death Mauler || 33 || || 50 || 50 || 65 ||  ||  || 75
| 黑暗熟视者Dark Familiar || 15 || 25 || || 50 || ||  ||  || 75
| 食尸鬼之王Ghoul Lord || 30 ||  || 33 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>130</span> || 75 || 不死 || 75
| 沙丘野兽Dune Beast || ||  || 25 || 50 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 25 || || 100
| 薄暮之魂Gloam || 60 || 35 || || 75 || || 85 || 不死 || 0
| 毁灭的仆从Minion of Destruction || || || 50 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || 25 || 75 || 恶魔 || 50
| 邪恶弓箭手邪恶弓箭手Vile Archer || 15 || 20 || 65 ||  || 25 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 痛苦之虫Pain Worm || || || ||  || 75 || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 恶魔 || 75
| 邪恶猎人邪恶猎人Vile Hunter || 20 || 20 || 30 || 45 || 65 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 剃刀山脊怪Razor Spine || 25 || || 75 || || 50 || || || 100
| 邪恶长枪手Vile Lancer || 45 || 15 || 45 || 35 || 25 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 复生的法师Returned Mage || 25 || 50 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>120</span> || || 75 || 不死 || 0
| 守护者The Guardian || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  20
| 圣甲虫Scarab || <span class=emphasis>105</span> || 25 || || 75 || 50 || 25 ||  || 50
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Shadows_of_Westmarch.png| ]] 维斯特玛之影Shadows of Westmarch ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 火野猪Fire Boar ||  ||  || 65 || 25 ||  || 65 ||  || 75
| 失去的蟾蜍Toadflax the Tainted || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 20
| 月亮一族Moon Clan || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || 45 || 50 || 45 || 85 || 25 || 恶魔 || 80
| 督军Over Seer || 20 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 20 || 40 || 40 || 恶魔 || 100
| 冥河怪兽Siege Beast || 50 || 20 || 25 || 45 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 40 ||  || 100
| 投石怪Slinger || 10 ||  || 25 || 25 || 75 ||  ||  || 100
| 女梦魔Succubus ||  ||  || 50 || 50 || 75 || 65 || 恶魔 || 75
| 僵尸Zombie || 50 || 50 ||  || 65 ||  || 85 || 不死 ||  50
| 死亡的乌尔扎尔•哈布林格Urzael<br>Harbinger of Death || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 20
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">





=== T3地图 ===
=== T3地图 ===
第964行: 第972行:

==== [[File:Map_Icon_River_of_Blood.png| ]] 血河River of Blood ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Phlegethon.png| ]] 火焰之河Phlegethon ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 痴肥怪Corpulent || 15 || 20 ||  ||  ||  || 75 || 恶魔 || 75
| 议会成员Council Member || 30 ||  || 33 || 80 || 33 || 33 || 恶魔 || 66
| 议会成员Council Member || 30 ||  || 33 || 80 || 33 || 33 || 恶魔 || 66
| 巨锤死神Death Mauler || 33 || || 50 || 85 || 50 ||  || || 75
| 恶魔妖精Demon Imp || || 25 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || 25 || 33 ||  || 恶魔 || 100
| 厄运骑士Doom Knight || 33 || || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || 20 || 20 || 50 || 不死 || 33
| 沉沦魔Fallen || 15 || 25 || 25 || || 40 || 50 || 恶魔 || 75
| 血肉野兽Flesh Beast || 25 || || || || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || || 恶魔 || 50
| 沉沦魔巫师Fallen Shaman || 15 || 25 || 50 || 90 || 0 || 50 || 恶魔 || 66
| 血肉复苏者Flesh Spawner || 66 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || || || 80 || || 恶魔 || 50
| 小矮人Fetish || 25 || 25 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 恶魔 || 100
| 毁灭的仆从Minion of Destruction || 50 || || 90 || 33 || 50 || 95 || 恶魔 || 50
| 地狱猫Hell Cat || 15 || 25 || || 50 || 80 || 25 || || 100
| 遗忘骑士Oblivion Knight || 33 || 25 || 60 || 60 || <span class=emphasis>180</span> || 75 || 不死 || 33
| 地狱投石者Hell Slinger || 10 || 25 || 25 || 50 || 0 || 25 || || 100
| 骷髅弓箭手Skeleton Archer || 40 || 50 || 33 || 40 || 33 || 80 || 不死 || 0
| 地狱恶灵Hell Spawn || 33 || || 50 || 25 || 50 || 75 || 恶魔 || 75
| 狂战士Zealot || 10 || || 25 || 80 || 33 || 20 ||  || 100
| 月亮领主Moon Lord || 50 || 50 || 25 || 50 || 50 || 0 ||  || 75
| 腐烂的阿瓦努奥斯Avunaos the Rotten || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 || 20
| 攻城兽Siege Beast || 75 || || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || 33 || 50 || || || 100
| 谎言之王 彼勒尔Belial Lord of Lies || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 恶魔 || 20
| 不洁的行尸Unholy Corpse || 50 || 50 || 0 || 25 || 0 || <span class=emphasis>120</span> || 不死 || 66
| 鲜血石魔Blood Golem || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 || 20
| 罪中尉Lieutenant of Sin || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 恶魔 || 20
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* 鲜血石魔是阿瓦努奥斯的爪牙
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">




==== [[File:Map_Icon_Sewers_of_Harrogath.png| ]] 哈洛加斯下水道Sewers of Harrogath ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Ruined_Cistern.png| ]] 废弃水道Ruined Cistern ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第1,018行: 第1,019行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 血之翼Blood Wing || || 25 || 50 || 33 || || ||  || 50
|泥沼生物Bog Creature || 15 || || 65 || || 55 || 50 ||  || 75
| 仆从Enslaved || 25 ||  || 50 || 15 || 25 || 15 ||  || 75
| 木乃伊Dried Corpse || 50 ||  ||  || 50 || 65 || <span class=emphasis>140</span> || 不死 ||  33
| Fetish小矮人 || 25 ||  || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || || || 80 || 恶魔 || 100
| 大笨兽Gorebelly || ||  || 30 || 50 || 60 || || 恶魔 || 100
| 剥皮者Flayer || || 25 || || 75 || 50 || 45 || 恶魔 || 100
| 复生的法师Returned Mage || 33 || || 40 || 75 || 50 || 75 || 不死 || 0
| 食尸鬼之王Ghoul Lord || 30 || 25 || 33 || 25 || 75 || 50 || 不死 || 75
| 火精灵Salamander || || || 50 || || <span class=emphasis>115</span> || || || 50
| 怪异怀姆兽Grotesque Wyrm || 25 || 50 ||  || <span class=emphasis>135</span> ||  || 50 || 恶魔 || 50
| 扼杀者Strangler || 60 || <span class=emphasis>125</span> || 25 || 75 ||  || 45 || 不死 || 33
| 掠夺者Marauder || 25 ||  || 50 || 80 || 50 || 45 || || 66
| 邪恶弓箭手邪恶弓箭手Vile Archer || ||  || 75 || 25 || 25 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 沙虫Sand Maggot || 66 || || 33 ||  || 85 || 90 ||  || 50
| 邪恶猎手邪恶猎人Vile Hunter || 20 || 20 || 45 || 33 ||  || || 恶魔 || 100
| 沙虫卵Sand Maggot Egg || || || || || || ||  || 33
| 远古九头水蛇(火)Ancient Cistern Hydra (fire) || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 ||  || 20
| 沙虫幼虫Sand Maggot Young || 20 || 20 || 20 || 20 || 20 || 80 ||  || 50
| 远古九头水蛇(毒)Ancient Cistern Hydra (poison) || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 75
| 疯狂的哲学家The Mad Philosopher || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 33 || 恶魔 || 20
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* 只有火焰水蛇头是BOSS并才会掉落物品 - 剧毒水蛇头是火焰水蛇头的小弟
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">




==== [[File:Map_Icon_Throne_of_Insanity.png| ]] 疯狂王座Throne of Insanity ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Sanatorium.png| ]] 萨纳托里姆疯人院Sanatorium ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第1,057行: 第1,060行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 巴罗格Balrog || 50 || 20 || <span class=emphasis>130</span> || 25 || 45 || 75 || 恶魔 || 66
| 鲜血之王Blood Lord || || 33 || <span class=emphasis>130</span> || 50 || 33 || 50 || || 75
| 恶魔骗徒Demon Rascal ||  || 75 || 50 || 25 ||  || 50 || 恶魔 || 100
| 巨锤死神Death Mauler || 33 ||  || 50 || 50 || 65 ||  || || 75
| 厄运施术者Doom Caster || 50 || 25 || 25 || 65 || 90 || || 不死 ||  33
| 食尸鬼之王Ghoul Lord || 30 || || 33 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>130</span> || 75 || 不死 ||  75
| 血肉弓箭手Flesh Archer || 15 || ||  || 45 || 50 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 薄暮之魂Gloam || 60 || 35 ||  || 75 || || 85 || 不死 || 0
| 血肉猎人Flesh Hunter || 40 || 20 || || 50 || 65 || 20 || 恶魔 || 100
| 邪恶弓箭手邪恶弓箭手Vile Archer || 15 || 20 || 65 || || 25 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 血肉长枪手Flesh Lancer || 45 || || || 45 || 50 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 邪恶猎人邪恶猎人Vile Hunter || 20 || 20 || 30 || 45 || 65 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 地狱恶灵Hell Spawn || 33 || || <span class=emphasis>115</span> || 15 || 33 || 15 || 恶魔 || 75
| 邪恶长枪手Vile Lancer || 45 || 15 || 45 || 35 || 25 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 地狱之鞭Hell Whip || 40 ||  || 50 || 85 ||  ||  || 恶魔 || 100
| 守护者The Guardian || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  20
| 沼泽住民Swamp Dweller || 15 ||  || 75 ||  || 25 || <span class=emphasis>115</span> ||  || 75
| 印第奥疯狂Indio the Insane || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 ||  20
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">




==== [[File:Map_Icon_Tomb_of_Zoltun_Kulle.png| ]] 佐顿库勒墓穴Tomb of Zoltun Kulle ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Throne_of_Insanity.png| ]] 疯狂王座Throne of Insanity ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; max-width:fit-content;">
第1,094行: 第1,093行:
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
!  怪物 !! 物抗 !! 魔抗 !! 火抗 !! 电抗 !! 冰抗 !! 毒抗 !! 类型 !! 影响双吸
| 奥拉克Arach || 50 || || 85 ||  || || 50 ||  || 50
| 巴罗格Balrog || 50 || 20 || <span class=emphasis>130</span> || 25 || 45 || 75 || 恶魔 || 66
| 恶魔骗徒Demon Rascal ||  || 75 || 50 || 25 ||  || 50 || 恶魔 || 100
| 黑暗熟视者Dark Familiar || 15 || 25 || || 50 || ||  || || 75
| 厄运施术者Doom Caster || 50 || 25 || 25 || 65 || 90 ||  || 不死 || 33
| 沙丘野兽Dune Beast ||  ||  || 25 || 50 || <span class=emphasis>150</span> || 25 || || 100
| 血肉弓箭手Flesh Archer || 15 ||  ||  || 45 || 50 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 毁灭的仆从Minion of Destruction || ||  || 50 || <span class=emphasis>100</span> || 25 || 75 || 恶魔 || 50
| 血肉猎人Flesh Hunter || 40 || 20 ||  || 50 || 65 || 20 || 恶魔 || 100
| 痛苦之虫Pain Worm || ||  ||  || || 75 || <span class=emphasis>110</span> || 恶魔 || 75
| 血肉长枪手Flesh Lancer || 45 ||  ||  || 45 || 50 || 25 || 恶魔 || 100
| 剃刀山脊怪Razor Spine || 25 ||  || 75 || || 50 || || || 100
| 地狱恶灵Hell Spawn || 33 ||  || <span class=emphasis>115</span> || 15 || 33 || 15 || 恶魔 || 75
| 复生的法师Returned Mage || 25 || 50 || 25 || <span class=emphasis>120</span> ||  || 75 || 不死 || 0
| 地狱之鞭Hell Whip || 40 || || 50 || 85 ||  || || 恶魔 || 100
| 圣甲虫Scarab || <span class=emphasis>105</span> || 25 ||  || 75 || 50 || 25 ||  || 50
| 沼泽住民Swamp Dweller || 15 ||  || 75 ||  || 25 || <span class=emphasis>115</span> ||  || 75
| 失去的蟾蜍Toadflax the Tainted || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || || 20
| 印第奥疯狂Indio the Insane || 20 || 20 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 50 || 不死 || 20
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: column;margin:0.5em 0 0 1em;box-sizing:border-box;">



