Diablo II Version History

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1.07~1.14d(资料片时代) 由 菠萝饭 汉化 原帖地址(包含1.01~1.14d各版本升级补丁下载)
1.01~1.06b(非资料片时代) 由 John 汉化

暗黑破坏神 II 版本历史 1.01~1.14d 汉化

1.01~1.14d 更新日志汉化
  暗黑破坏神 II 版本历史

- 1.14d 补丁  2016/06/08

- 实装了报错及反馈系统,以便更好的解决游戏崩溃问题

- 1.14c 补丁  2016/05/17

- 修复了3个在Mac上点击“保存并退出”时会引起游戏崩溃的错误
- nGlide现在可以在PC上正确加载

- 垃圾信息骚扰令玩家们非常不快,我们正努力解决它

- 1.14b 补丁  2016/04/08

- 现在在游戏快捷方式后添加"-3dfx"参数,可以正确的在PC上加载Glide Wrapper了(译注:D2画质增强补丁)
- 雇佣兵不再被视为“一股邪恶的力量”了
- 修复了Mac上点击“保存并退出”时会引起游戏崩溃的问题
- 帧率被限制在200,以解决笔记本电脑的耗电及散热问题
- 修复了德语版第五幕对话丢失的问题

- 1.14a 补丁  2016/03/11

- 优化了游戏在Windows 7、Windows 8.1及Windows 10下运行的兼容性,不需要再用XP兼容模式运行游戏
- 新增了Mac版安装程序,兼容Mac10.10和10.11
- 首次运行客户端将转移存档文件,以避免Windows管理员变更引起的问题

- 不支持Mac 10.9及更早的版本

- 1.13d 补丁  2011/10/28

- 屏蔽黑名单现在永久保存在本机,文件名ignorelist,游戏里用“/ignorepersist”命令启动。
- 可以自定义屏蔽字,使用命令“/flitermsg <内容>”即可。可以通过“/unflitermsg <内容>”解除屏蔽。(屏蔽词最多128个字节)
- 玩家可以在战网聊天频道通过“/home <频道名>”来设置登录时进入的默认频道。
- 玩家可以在战网聊天频道里输入“/home”来随时返回自己的默认频道。

- 修复了一个已知的复制方法。
- 修复了一个玩家可以叠加灵气的问题。

- 修复了雇佣兵无法获得多个灵气效果的问题。
- 修复了可以通过代码创建彩色游戏名称的问题。
- 修复了在游戏里观看过场时可能导致从战网断线的问题。
- 修复了在窗口模式并关闭了音效之后,游戏播放动画时崩溃的问题。

/options ignorepublic (/o igpub) - 忽略好友列表外的玩家在公共频道发送的信息
/options unignorepublic (/o uigpub) - 重新接收好友列表外的玩家在公共频道发送的信息
/options ignoreprivate (/o igpriv) - 忽略好友列表外的玩家在私人频道发送的信息
/options unignoreprivate (/o uigpriv) - 重新接收好友列表外的玩家在私人频道发送的信息
/options ignorewhispers (/o igw) - 忽略好友列表外的玩家的密语
/options unignorewhispers (/o unigw) - 重新接收好友列表外的玩家的密语

- 1.13c 补丁  2010/03/24

- 庇护之地的冒险者们,一个全新的挑战等待着你:从古代僧院的地下墓穴到毁灭王座,横跨整个暗黑破坏神的世界,在地狱魔王们身上找到你想要的东西……

- 修复了一个复制装备的错误
- 为OS 10.5及更高版本的Intel Mac电脑进行了视觉改良
- 修复了城镇里可能杀死其他玩家的错误(TPPK)
- 修复了玩家身上有太多buff时,可能导致其他玩家掉线的错误
- 修复了两个玩家用预期之外的方式叠加灵气的错误

- 现在超级墨菲斯托在召唤小怪前,会同时检测超级大菠萝和超级巴尔是否被击杀(以前只检查超级巴尔)
- 游戏窗口丢失并重获焦点后,游戏将不再会停止并重新播放游戏音乐
- 修复了窗口化游戏时,丢失焦点后游戏自动最小化的错误
- 修复了游戏窗口建立后不能正确居中的错误
- 现在地狱难度的牙皮(Fangskin)可以正确掉落战利品了
- 修复了复活雇佣兵后,装备赋予灵气消失的错误
- 修复了雇佣兵同时装备两件赋予灵气装备时,取走一件装备,另一件装备灵气无法生效的错误
- 修复了符文之语“原理(Principle)”缺失两条属性的错误
- 修复了圣骑士在施放重击(Smite)过程中神圣之盾(Holy Shield)消失会被卡住的错误
- 修复了野蛮人使用跳跃(Leap)技能起跳时,被击中后可能卡住的错误

- 完成“邪恶洞穴”任务后,可在阿卡拉处获得一次重置属性点及技能的机会。已经完成这个任务的角色将在地狱难度获得一次洗点机会
- 提高了高级符文的掉率
- 现在可以在窗口模式下支持blit缩放,现在游戏只支持4:3的屏幕比例(宽屏用户画面不会被拉伸变形了)
- 某些稀有掉落的名字现在以橙色显示,如符文、6boss key
- 储物箱金币上限不再和角色等级挂钩
- 取消了创建专家级角色的前置要求
- 大幅降低了火焰强化怪物死后的尸爆伤害
- 超级墨菲斯托和超级巴尔召唤的小怪不再提供经验
- 遗忘骑士不会再施放攻击反噬(Iron Maiden)诅咒
- 地狱火炬的火风暴(Firestorm)触发率降低为5%
- 玩家现在可以点击血、蓝球底部区域,在血蓝球上切换显示生命和魔法数值
- 创建单人游戏有快捷键了:普通难度“R”、噩梦难度“N”、地狱难度“H”
- 按回车键可进入战网聊天室
- 为窗口游戏增加了最大化、最小化、关闭按钮
- 增加了新命令行参数“-nofixaspect”,它可以让游戏在窗口模式最大化时铺满全屏,而不用受限于4:3的比例
- 增加了"-sndbkg"命令行选项,这个参数可以屏蔽背景声音
- 为一些现有的命令行参数增加了别名:“-nosound”、“-window”、“-windowed”


- 牺牲之箭(Immolation Arrow) - 爆炸范围增加33%,燃烧范围增加50%
- 牺牲之箭(Immolation Arrow) - 爆炸伤害提高 20%.
- 牺牲之箭(Immolation Arrow) - 燃烧的基础持续时间增加33%

- 双龙爪(Dragon Claw) - 可从支配利爪(Claw Mastery)技能中获得协同技能加成,每级增加4%伤害
- 龙爪(Dragon Talon) - 攻击准确率加成由每级25提高到每级35
- 影子大师(Shadow Master) - 抗性由每级5-80提高到每级5-90
- 连击点的持续时间由9秒上调到15秒

- 旋风(Whirlwind) - 法力消耗降低50%
- 武器支配(Masteries) - 造成致命打击的几率由0-25提高到0-35

- 祝福之锤(Blessed Hammer) - 不再无视不死类及恶魔类怪物的魔法抗性

- 熊人变化(Werebear) - 所有等级伤害提高15%
- 熊人变化(Werebear) - 每级增加生命由50%上调至75%,每级增加护甲值由5%上调至6%
- 震波(Shockwave) - 可以从撞锤(Maul)技能中获得每级5%伤害的协同技能加成

- 鲜血石魔(Blood Golem) - 移除了血量共享的负面效果(玩家不再分担血魔受到的伤害)
- 尸体爆炸(Corpse Explosion) - 基础伤害由尸体生命值的60%-100%,提高到70%-120%
- 剧毒新星(Poison Nova) - 基础伤害增加15%

- 火墙(Firewall) - 每级地狱火(Inferno)为其提供1%协同技能加成,每级温暖(Warmth)为其提供4%协同技能加成
- 烈焰之径(Blaze) - 每级地狱火(Inferno)为其提供1%协同技能加成,每级温暖(Warmth)为其提供4%协同技能加成
- 九头海蛇(Hydra) - 每级提高15%基础伤害
- 九头海蛇(Hydra) - 火蛇攻击速度提高
- 九头海蛇(Hydra) - 冷却时间降低25%


- 1.12 补丁  2008/06/18

- 若所有游戏必需的MPQ文件都在硬盘里,不需要插入光盘也能运行游戏
如果用户当初安装游戏时选择了“完整安装”,要免CD运行游戏程序,只要将游戏光盘上的所有MPQ文件,复制到硬盘上的Diablo 2游戏目录中即可。大部分用户只要从Diablo 2 Play CD复制D2Music.mpq,以及从De Lord of Destruction CD复制D2xMusic.mpq。Mac用户复制文件后,还要将它们重命名为“Diablo II Music”和“Diablo II Expansion Music”

- 修复了Intel Mac平台上Rosetta和OpenGL模式间的兼容性问题

- 1.11b 补丁  2005/09/13

- 修复了一个在战网上结束游戏后返回聊天时可能导致程序崩溃的错误
- 修复了雇佣兵装备神符之语“和平(Peace)”时可能导致程序崩溃的错误

- 1.11 补丁  2005/08/01

- 玩家在地狱难度的游戏中将再度面临严重威胁,一个严峻的新挑战等待着你!为了从暗黑破坏神的首领们身上找出答案,你需要从邪恶洞穴到毁灭王座,横跨整个暗黑破坏神世界……

- 新增10个神符之语(译注:实际是7个,每个职业一个盔甲类rw)
- 新增了一个只会从特定boss处掉落的暗金装备(地狱火炬)

- 玩家现在可以直接从佣兵首领处雇佣比自己低1-5级的雇佣兵了
- 增加雇佣兵的经验获取比例,现在他们的等级可以更接近玩家

- 使用回城卷轴开启传送门时,城镇中的传送门位置如果被物品或尸体占据,不再导致游戏崩溃
- 当你选择从神符之语中获得的技能时,不会再与战网断开连接
- 野蛮人在使用暗金炎魔之刃“火焰嚎叫(Flamebellow)”自带的地狱火(Inferno)技能后立即使用旋风(Whirlwind)技能,不会再被卡住
- 德语、西班牙语、波兰语版的用户,鼠标移到“装备后赋予灵气”的装备上,不会再使游戏异常崩溃
- 在选择一件武器自带的技能时,同时用W键切换武器,不再导致游戏崩溃
- 设置快捷键时死亡或者被要求交易,不会使你卡住
- 修复“飞弹射击过远”的错误提示信息
- 用Ctrl+左键单击的方式将赫拉迪克方块或其它任务物品出售给NPC,将不会再与战网断开连接

- 使用命令行“-install”运行游戏,将不会在Windows下安装游戏,-install命令现在将被忽略
- 修复了暗黑破坏神封印有时无法被正确激活的错误
- 更新玩家尸体信息
- 修复了未辨识装备使套装中玩家未获得的部件显示为绿色的错误
- 修正德语版中符文Ist的文本说明
- 允许账号名只有一两个字符的用户申请恢复账号
- 战网上退出游戏时,将回到你之前所在的频道
- 现在无形暗金防具升级后,可以正确保留无形属性的加成了
- 修复了日语版毁灭之王中,增加刺客技能的装备说明文本显示为增加德鲁伊技能的错误
- 非英语版战网信息修正

- 无法通过宣战瞬间点传送小站,绕过10秒的传送限时
- 超级暗黑破坏神不再会被督军山克(Shenk the Overseer)及血乌(Blood Raven)的死亡时触发的清场效果杀死
- 修复了死灵法师“塔格奥的化身”套装偶尔会使玩家无敌的错误
- 祝福之锤(Blessed Hammer)无法在城镇内使用,防止它被用来在城镇中攻击其他玩家
- 修复了玩家死后仍能获得套装奖励属性的错误
- 装备上的聚气技能,将不再为玩家带来协同技能加成(译注:著名的聚气bug修复)
- 玩家现在无法通过复制粘贴,创建名字中带有破折号和下划线的角色

- 1.10 补丁  2003/10/28

- 身处地狱难度游戏的玩家们请注意,1.10中新增了一个极具挑战的世界事件,当玩家遭遇固定暗金怪时,可能激活该事件,专家模式的玩家尤其要小心,并时刻准备在遇到危急时用"Save and Exit"退出游戏

- 技能与怪物体系已经全部数据化,技能平衡变得简便快捷,怪物的产生与操控也更简单,相信除了我们之外,MOD作者也会喜欢这一改动。最简单的例子是,现在几乎任何技能都可以被任何角色使用了。
- 玩家投入的技能点数,可以为其它技能带来协同加成(类似精通)
- 玩家角色的基本属性和装备被重新核实,以提升战网服务器的性能和稳定性。
- 冲突检测系统升级,虽然跟玩家没有直接的关系,这也是为了提升服务器的性能。

- 针对高级别玩家提高了游戏难度
- 怪物变得更为强韧
- 增强噩梦及地狱难度下第五幕怪物的难度,这是通过提高怪物属性(如生命值、命中率)及修改它们的AI实现的。在噩梦和地狱难度下,怪物造成的伤害普遍增加——某些怪物会大幅增加。
- 大幅降低了高级角色带低级小号的经验获取速度
- 在噩梦及地狱难度的第五幕中,增加了随机生成的(尤其是远程攻击)怪物,如燃烧死者(Burning Dead)、小鬼(Imp)等
- 提高了大部分第五幕怪物的经验
- 降低了噩梦及地狱难度下野蛮人战士的生命值
- 增加了地狱难度下金色精英的刷新几率
- 玩家距死亡怪物超过2个屏幕外无法获得经验值。这是为了防止低级角色组队时,在完全规避伤害的情况下蹭经验。
- 为70级以上的角色增加了经验惩罚:1-69级100%,70-99级85%-0.8%(呈指数衰减)
- 鼓励玩家在游戏的各个难度、各个场景进行游戏
- 减少了剥壳凹槽(ThreshSocket)和暴躁外皮(Pindleskin)的掉落
- 降低了地狱之牛的经验和掉落率
- 在噩梦及地狱难度的第五幕中,怪物组合更加随机化,将会有来自其它ACTs的怪物出现在第五幕
- 增加了各难度下各场景的金色精英的数量

- 调整了新掉落的黄金装备属性,包括头盔、盔甲和大部分武器
- 增加了100多件新暗金装备,其中29件是天梯专属掉落


   亚马逊 - 标枪和长矛系技能
- 戳刺(Jab) - 提高攻击准确率
- 威力一击(Power Strike) - 提高攻击准确率和对目标的伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 毒枪(Poison Javelin) - 提高毒伤害总量和持续事件。增加协同技能加成
- 刺爆(Impale) - 提高攻击准确率,提高伤害
- 闪电球(Lightning Bolt) - 提高闪电伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 充能一击(Charged Strike) - 增加充能弹数量,降低了平均闪电伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 瘟疫标枪(Plague Javelin) - 提高攻击准确率、毒素伤害、毒素持续事件,降低了每级法力消耗。增加协同技能加成
- 闪电攻击(Lightning Strike) - 降低了平均闪电伤害,增加协同技能加成
- 闪电之怒(Lightning Fury) - 提高平均闪电伤害以平衡该技能,初始伤害很低,但可以迅速达到更高的伤害。增加协同技能加成

   亚马逊 - 被动和魔法系技能
- 内视(Inner Sight) - 增强了降低敌人防御的效果
- 女武神(Valkyrie) - 提高攻击准确率,降低法力消耗,增加了抗性及技能(如闪避Dodge、回避Evade等)。增加协同技能加成
- 诱饵(Decoy) - 大幅修改该技能,增加了抗性及技能(如闪避Dodge、回避Evade等)

   亚马逊 - 弓和十字弓系技能
- 魔法箭(Magic Arrow) - 增加攻击准确率
- 火焰箭(Fire Arrow) - 增加攻击准确率,降低法力消耗。增加协同技能加成
- 冰箭(Cold Arrow) - 增加攻击准确率,提高冰冷伤害,降低法力消耗。增加协同技能加成
- 爆裂箭(Exploding Arrow) - 增加攻击准确率,提高火焰伤害,降低法力消耗。增加协同技能加成
- 急冻箭(Ice Arrow) - 增加攻击准确率。增加协同技能加成
- 牺牲之箭(Immolation Arrow) - 增加攻击准确率,降低法力消耗。增加协同技能加成
- 冻结之箭(Freezing Arrow) - 增加攻击准确率,降低法力消耗。增加协同技能加成

   刺客 - 武学艺术系技能
- 龙爪(Dragon Talon) - 提高攻击准确率
- 焰拳(Fists of Fire) - 增加协同技能加成
- 雷电爪(Claws of Thunder) - 增加协同技能加成
- 寒冰刃(Blades of Ice) - 增加协同技能加成
- 所有踢击类技能 - 提高攻击准确率

   刺客 - 影子训练系技能
- 毒牙(Venom) - 毒素持续时间固定为0.4秒,无论是否装备上是否附带毒素伤害
- 影子大师(Shadow Warrior) - 提高生命值和抗性

   刺客 - 陷阱系技能
- 火焰爆震(Fire Blast) - 增加协同技能加成
- 雷电网(Shock Web) - 增加协同技能加成
- 电能守护(Charged Bolt Sentry) - 增加协同技能加成
- 火焰复苏(Wake of Fire) - 略微增加高等级时的伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 雷光守卫(Lightning Sentry) - 增加协同技能加成
- 复苏狱火(Wake of Inferno) - 增加协同技能加成
- 亡者守卫(Death Sentry) - 增加协同技能加成

   野蛮人 - 战嚎系技能
- 战斗狂嗥(War Cry) - 增加协同技能加成
- 大叫(Shout) - 延长了持续时间
- 战斗体制(Battle Orders) - 延长了持续时间
- 战斗指挥(Battle Command) - 延长了持续时间

   野蛮人 - 战斗专家系技能
- 投掷支配(Throwing Mastery) - 提高投掷技能攻击准确率

   野蛮人 - 战斗技能系技能
- 重击(Bash) - 增加协同技能加成
- 双手挥击(Double Swing) - 降低法力消耗。增加协同技能加成
- 击晕(Stun) - 增加协同技能加成
- 双手投掷(Double Throw) - 增加协同技能加成
- 专心(Concentrate) - 增加协同技能加成
- 狂乱(Frenzy) - 增加协同技能加成

   德鲁伊 - 元素系技能
- 火风暴(Firestorm) - 提高了高等级时的火焰伤害,提高了高等级时的伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 熔浆巨岩(Molten Boulder) - 增加物理伤害,提高了高等级时的伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 极地风暴(Arctic Blast) - 提高了高等级时的冰冷伤害,提高了高等级时的伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 火山爆(Fissure) - 增加协同技能加成
- 飓风装甲(Cyclone Armor) - 增加协同技能加成
- 小旋风(Twister) - 提高了高等级时的伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 火山(Volcano) - 增加物理伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 龙卷风(Tornado) - 提高了高等级时的伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 暴风(Hurricane) - 增加协同技能加成
- 毁天灭地(Armageddon) - 提高了高等级时的伤害。增加协同技能加成

   德鲁伊 - 变形系技能
- 狼人变化(Werewolf) - 增加协同技能加成。狼人状态下可以施放毁天灭地(Armageddon)
- 熊人变化(Werebear) - 增加协同技能加成。熊人状态下可以施放毁天灭地(Armageddon)
- 撞锤(Maul) - 延长眩晕时间
- 狂犬病(Rabies) - 提高毒素伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 焰爪(Fire Claws) - 略微提高火焰伤害。增加协同技能加成

   德鲁伊 - 召唤系技能
- 召唤狼灵(Summon Spirit Wolf) - 增加协同技能加成
- 狼獾之心(Heart of Wolverine) - 提高生命值,扩大作用半径
- 召唤狂狼(Summon Dire Wolf) - 增加协同技能加成
- 橡木智者(Oak Sage) - 扩大作用半径
- 棘灵(Spirit of Barbs) - 提高生命值
- 召唤灰熊(Summon Grizzly) - 增加协同技能加成

   死灵法师 - 召唤系技能
- 支配骷髅(Skeleton Mastery) - 提高非骷髅宠物的伤害,提高骷髅类宠物的生命值
- 骷髅复苏(Raise Skeleton) - 提高骷髅生命值、攻击准确率、护甲值。减少了可同时存在的骷髅数量:前3个技能点每级增加1个骷髅上限(和1.09一样),之后每3级增加1个骷髅上限。增加协同技能加成
- 粘土石魔(Clay Golem) - 增加了击中玩家或怪物后使其减速的能力。增加协同技能加成
- 复苏骷髅法师(Raise Skeletal Mage) - 提高骷髅法师伤害。减少了可同时存在的骷髅数量:前3个技能点每级增加1个骷髅法师上限(和1.09一样),之后每3级增加1个骷髅法师上限。增加协同技能加成
- 鲜血石魔(Blood Golem) - 增加协同技能加成
- 钢铁石魔(Iron Golem) - 增加护甲值加成。增加协同技能加成
- 火焰石魔(Fire Golem) - 提高了火焰伤害,增加了圣火(Holy Fire)伤害。增加协同技能加成

   死灵法师 - 毒素和白骨系技能
- 牙(Teeth) - 增加协同技能加成
- 白骨装甲(Bone Armor) - 增加协同技能加成
- 淬毒匕首(Poison Dagger) - 提高攻击准确率,延长持续时间。增加协同技能加成
- 骨墙(Bone Wall) - 持续时间减半,降低生命值。增加协同技能加成
- 毒爆(Poison Explosion) - 延长毒素持续时间。增加协同技能加成
- 骨矛(Bone Spear) - 提高魔法伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 骨牢(Bone Prison) - 持续时间减半。增加协同技能加成
- 剧毒新星(Poison Nova) - 增加协同技能加成
- 白骨之魂(Bone Spirit) - 提高了高等级时的魔法伤害。增加协同技能加成

   圣骑士 - 作战技能
- 圣光弹(Holy Bolt) - 提高魔法伤害,忽略不死类怪物抗性,提高对非怪物单位的治疗量。
- 祝福之锤(Blessed Hammer) - 提高了高等级时的魔法伤害,忽略不死类及恶魔类怪物抗性。增加协同技能加成
- 复仇(Vengeance) - 增加协同技能加成
- 牺牲(Sacrifice) - 增加协同技能加成
- 神圣之盾(Holy Shield) - 增加协同技能加成
- 天堂之拳(Fist of the Heavens) - 忽略不死类及恶魔类怪物抗性。增加协同技能加成
- 热诚(Zeal) - 4级以上提高伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 冲锋(Charge) - 增加协同技能加成

   圣骑士 - 进攻灵气系技能
- 力量(Might) - 扩大灵气作用半径
- 圣火(Holy Fire) - 攻击时附加火焰伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 刺针(Thorns) - 扩大灵气作用半径
- 祝福瞄准(Blessed Aim) - 扩大灵气作用半径
- 神圣冰冻(Holy Freeze) - 攻击时附加冰冷伤害,提高灵气伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 神圣冲击(Holy Shock) - 平衡了灵气作用半径,提高了攻击时附加的闪电伤害,改进了伤害曲线。增加协同技能加成
- 庇护所(Sanctuary) - 提高魔法伤害。增加协同技能加成
   圣骑士 - 防御灵气系技能
- 祈祷(Prayer) - 提高治疗效果,扩大灵气作用半径
- 抵抗火焰(Resist Fire) - 扩大灵气作用半径
- 反抗(Defiance) - 扩大灵气作用半径
- 抵抗冰冷(Resist Cold) - 扩大灵气作用半径
- 抵抗闪电(Resist Lightning) - 扩大灵气作用半径
- 净化(Cleansing) - 扩大灵气作用半径。增加协同技能加成
- 冥思(Meditation) - 扩大灵气作用半径。增加协同技能加成
- 救赎(Redemption) - 扩大灵气作用半径
- 拯救(Salvation) - 扩大灵气作用半径

   法师 - 冰系技能
- 冰弹(Ice Bolt) - 提高冰冷伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 冰封装甲(Frozen Armor) - 增加协同技能加成
- 霜之新星(Frost Nova) - 提高冰冷伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 冰风暴(Ice Blast) - 提高冰冷伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 碎冰甲(Shiver Armor) - 提高冰冷伤害,延长冰冷时间。增加协同技能加成
- 冰尖柱(Glacial Spike) - 提高冰冷伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 暴风雪(Blizzard) - 提高冰冷伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 寒冰装甲(Chilling Armor) - 提高冰冷伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 冰封球(Frozen Orb) - 增加协同技能加成

   法师 - 电系技能
- 充能弹(Charged Bolt) - 增加协同技能加成
- 能量护盾(Energy Shield) - 增加协同技能加成
- 新星(Nova) - 平衡了闪电伤害
- 闪电(Lightning) - 增加协同技能加成
- 连锁闪电(Chain Lightning) - 增加协同技能加成

   法师 - 火系技能
- 火弹(Fire Bolt) - 提高了高等级时的火焰伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 地狱火(Inferno) - 提高了高等级时的火焰伤害。增加协同技能加成
- 火球(Fire Ball) - 提高了高等级时的火焰伤害,略微增加法力消耗。增加协同技能加成
- 火焰强化(Enchant) - 平衡了火焰伤害,增加攻击准确率,降低法力消耗。增加协同技能加成
- 陨石(Meteor) - 增加协同技能加成
- 九头海蛇(Hydra) - 平衡了火焰伤害。增加协同技能加成

- 增加了20多个新神符之语(译注:新增24个神符之语及23个天梯神符之语)
- 新增一个合成公式:3无瑕宝石 + 1魔法武器 = 有插槽的魔法武器
- 新增46个合成公式:用于升级其余符文及重铸装备
- 19个天梯专用的合成公式,用于升级高级符文

- 当玩家返回城镇时,该玩家施放的某些技能会消失,例如法师的陨石、火墙、炽烈之径、九头海蛇,刺客的陷阱,德鲁伊的火山,这可以防止一些恶意PK
- 防止第三方hack软件将背景当作传送小站。
- 宣战10秒后才能使用传送小站或回城卷轴
- 玩家丢在地上的耳朵和其它物品会被更快清除,即便在同一个屏幕内也会如此。魔法、稀有、套装、独特装备的持续时间更长。
- 在PVP中,“击中使目标减速”属性的减速上限为50%。
- 修复了持有双手剑时施展旋风(Whirlwind)的野蛮人,无法被敌对玩家瞄准的错误
- 投掷“油(Oil Potion)”不再使对手游戏崩溃

   战网新功能  请前往www.battle.net获取更多信息
- 现在玩家登录战网后直接进入新的大厅,他们可以像从前那样进入战网聊天,或者直接创建/加入游戏
- 增加了用电子邮件找回用户名及密码的功能
- 增加了新命令“ / mail 账号名”,输入该命令后,系统将直接向该账号注册邮箱发送一条信息
- 现在,在角色选择界面,角色下方会显示该角色的到期日期(译注:战网角色90天未登录会被系统自动删除)
- 引入了新的天梯系统。要使用这个新特性,创建角色时要在下方“Ladder”选项打勾——和创建资料片角色或专家级角色一样。天梯会定期重置并将你的天梯角色转回非天梯模式,非天梯无法与天梯玩家一同进行游戏。
- 一旦玩家击败了暗黑破坏神,该电脑上所有登入战网的账户都可以创建“Hardcore”专家级角色

- 玩家呆在暴雪技术支持频道中不再会使游戏崩溃
- 不再允许输入密码的玩家加入一场没有设置密码的游戏
- 在战网上Alt-F4断线死亡的专家级角色,现在可以正确显示在聊天室和角色选择界面
- 修正了帮助选项中的错别字
- 防止玩家更改文字颜色和格式,冒充暴雪官方账号
- 《魔兽争霸3》的玩家不会再出现在《暗黑破坏神2》的战网聊天室中
- 改进了删除私聊频道时的战网稳定性
- 玩家无法立即加入一个刚被踢出的频道
- 双持标枪的野蛮人,现在可以在战网聊天室中正确显示出标枪
- 玩家资料里删除了年龄

- 修复了“德鲁伊drop”的错误,当使用33级以上狼人变化或熊人变化时,会导致玩家掉落装备
- 超级暗金怪、暗金精英、冠军精英,hp小于0时不会进入无敌状态
- 修复了双持投掷类药水的野蛮人和刺客无法加入游戏的错误
- 镶嵌了符文Zod的无形装备,耐久度不再变为0
- 玩家具有极快攻击速度时,不会再错误的产生未命中
- 召唤物(宠物)现在可以正确继承玩家等级,从而确定它们的怪物等级
- 被召唤的灰熊现在可以正确的追踪及攻击敌人了
- 狂乱(Fury)和凤凰攻击(Phoenix Strike)现在不会再以玩家雇佣兵或宠物做为攻击目标
- 女武神(Valkyrie)不再被当作怪物并错误的赋予噩梦和地狱难度下的额外生命
- 受到队友橡木智者(Oak Sage)加成的女武神(Valkyrie)不再会被一击杀死
- 刺客和野蛮人使用武器精通时,无法再从近战攻击中获得超出预期的致命攻击几率
- 20级以上的橡木智者(Oak Sage)和狼獾之心(Heart of Wolverine)现在可以正确生效了
- 猛毒花藤(Poison Creeper)现在可以正确受到PVP惩罚了
- 神圣冰冻(Holy Freeze)不再降低闪电技能的施法速度
- 吸引(Attract)不会再被其它诅咒覆盖
- 使用战斗指挥(Battle Command)后,取下装备不再保留原有的技能效果
- 18级以上荆棘(Thorns)灵气生效时,不再时玩家免受怪物近战攻击
- 闪电(Lightning)和连锁闪电(Chain Lightning)现在会正确受到“快速施法”属性加成
- 对远程武器使用火焰强化(Enchant)可以增加一定的攻击力
- 用火球(Fireballs)攻击闪电强化属性的怪物时,不再使充能弹隐形
- 刺客技能寒冰刃(Blades of Ice)的第三次攻击,现在会冻结目标
- 中了降低抵抗(Lower Resist)诅咒的角色,现在能从角色面板里正确的看到自己的抗性数值
- “压碎性打击”现在按固定百分比作用
- 物品需求等级不会再高于99级
- 投掷物品上“自动回复数量”的魔法属性,现在,在可用数量将为0时也能继续恢复
- 无形装备上“增加耐久度”属性可以正确生效
- 神符之语“旋律(Melody)”现在可以正确作用于弓类武器了
- 现在离开一个超级暗金怪超过20秒,能正确重置他的掉落了
- “降低目标防御力”属性的错误说明已经被修正。现在,当目标是其他玩家、超级暗金怪、雇佣兵、每一幕最后boss时,该属性效果减半。
- 修复了一个武器伤害计算的错误,它错误的在+伤害%前计算了+min/max伤害
- 如果鼠标右键设置圣光弹(Holy Bolt),鼠标左键设置冲锋(Charge)或重击(Smite),此时点击队友头像不再出错
- 站在另一个玩家尸体上时,不再免疫远程伤害
- 在鼠标左键设置“自动攻击技能”时(如天堂之拳),按住左键不放移动鼠标时,不会对附近的目标重复施放该技能。
- 圣骑士的非灵气类技能,在法力不足时也可以正确攻击敌人
- 修复了一类双持武器交替攻击时,攻击速度降低的错误,这类错误包括双持爪类武器的刺客
- 毒素持续时间现在可以正确计算
- 毒素伤害在范围攻击中可以正确生效
- 心灵震爆(Mindblast)和转化(Conversion)现在可以正确移除目标身上的灵气效果
- 混乱(Confuse)诅咒现在可以正常运作,不会偶尔失效了
- 神圣之盾(Holy Shield)现在提高玩家防御,而非盾牌防御
- 刃之怒(Blade Fury)现在法力消耗正常了
- 骷髅战士、骷髅法师、石魔适当提高了攻击准确率和护甲值
- 在噩梦及地狱难度下召唤出的钢铁石魔(Iron Golems),不会再拥有额外生命值加成
- 雇佣兵无法再装备需求不达标的物品
- ACT1雇佣兵不再能通过装备增加弓技能的装备射出闪电箭了
- 伊森哈德的外壳(Isenhart's Case)和伊森哈德的号角(Isenhart's Horns)现在能正确的装备给雇佣兵了
- 在某些TCP/IP游戏中,怪物的传送技能减少
- 中了减速和寒冷效果的怪物,不再容易“掉队”
- 堕落的罗格在追击敌人时不再长时间停顿
- 当野蛮人左手(右侧武器栏)装备投掷武器,右手(左侧武器栏)装备近战武器时,投掷武器的伤害将被正确计算
- NPC无法再向未鉴定物品提供任务奖励(译注:如拉苏克打孔)
- 天堂的信徒(Heaven's Brethren)套装奖励中“+5照亮范围”现在正确生效
- 修复了一个刺客从鞋子上获得伤害加成的显示错误
- 刺客的支配利爪(Claw Mastery)带来的伤害和攻击准确率加成,不会再被错误计算
- 某些改变怪物行为的诅咒如微暗灵视(Dim Vision),在玩家离开后不会永久生效
- 怪物生命值在受到回复或毒素作用时可以正确计算
- 在其他玩家身上施放的火焰强化(Enchant),现在能受到施法者的支配火焰(Fire Mastery)技能加成了
- 作用于最大生命值的技能和魔法,现在作用于当前生命值
- 刺客踢击技能的攻击准确率,不再以高于实际准确率显示
- Mac电脑上的特定修复
- 改进了双显示器在Mac系统下的兼容性
- 修复了一个使用滚动条和高亮战网“加入”菜单时使游戏崩溃的错误

- 召唤狼灵(Summon Spirit Wolf)不再获得过高的伤害
- 棘灵(Spirit of Barbs)、狼獾之心(Heart of Wolverine)和橡木智者(Oak Sage)的作用半径被正确计算
- 当自动地图“居中”关闭时,打开技能树或装备栏时,自动地图不再居中
- 切换国度提示框中一个无关的文本已被移除
- 从剥皮巫师(Flayer Shaman)身上掉下来的Flayer血条现在可以正确显示
- 修复了一个普通怪物血条溢出的错误
- 耐力神殿效果不再偶尔消失
- 当玩家同时装备一件提高所有角色技能的非近战物品,以及可以提高自己角色技能的武器时,技能树上的技能等级现在可以正确显示了
- 从装备中获得的技能现在会一直在技能树上显示
- 当高力量角色没有装备武器时,现在伤害将会在角色窗口中正确显示
- 冻结箭(Freezing Arrow)和神圣冲击(Holy Shock)的伤害,现在将在角色窗口中正确显示
- 多重箭(Multiple Shot)的悬停文本,现在可以正确显示它造成3/4的武器伤害
- 当刺客装备双爪并使用武器格挡(Weapon Block)技能时,格挡几率的悬停文本将在角色窗口中正确显示
- ACT3的黄金鸟任务,如果在获得奖励前退出游戏,现在任务文本将正确显示任务
- 现在救赎(Redemption)技能获得了正确描述:它只对施法者有效,对队友无效
- 当玩家从传送门回城时,救赎(Redemption)的动画效果不会再错误显示
- 雷霆风暴(Thunderstorm)的动画效果不会再错误显示
- 角色窗口里神圣冲击(Holy Shock)的伤害不再显示为蓝色
- 专家模式的刺客和德鲁伊角色,不再在d2非资料片角色选择界面显示为罩袍造型
- 消息记录滚动条现在更灵敏
- 玩家现在可以看到其他玩家踢碎木桶
- “Berserker Axe”现在被正确拼写
- 符文Io、Shael和Jah现在拥有中文、日语和韩语译名
- 法语、德语、中文、韩语、西班牙语进行了很多本地化修正(翻译问题、文本尺寸等)

- 实装了一个新系统,用来在加载角色时检测复制、修改或有其它错误的装备,并删除它们
- 提高了几乎所有20级以上的技能伤害
- 为许多技能增加了协同加成,它为低级技能分配大量(协同)技能点,用来提升高级技能的效果,玩家应该因早期投入的技能点获得好处,而不是攒着技能点全部投给高级技能
- 调整了暗金/套装/稀有/魔法装备的掉落几率
- 降低抵抗(Lower Resist)和审判(Conviction)技能现在正确对免疫怪物生效
- 支配冰冷(Cold Mastery)改为固定百分比
- 破除元素免疫改为固定百分比
- 通过添加完整的奖励属性,改善了7个职业的专属套装。还为穿齐套装的佩戴者增加了视觉效果
- 第五幕中古代野蛮人任务获取的经验上限,限制为当前角色升1级所需经验
- 当未完成以下任务时,无法进入其他玩家在"blocking quests"以外区域开的城镇传送门,例如:
- 不能再用不同难度的任务物品跨难度在NPC那完成任务
- 现在和亚特玛对话可以回满血蓝
- 任务物品掉落时会自动辨识
- 提高了墨菲斯托和古代人的难度
- 提高了安达利尔、墨菲斯托、暗黑破坏神和巴尔的伤害及护甲值
- 给予墨菲斯托更强力的冰霜新星(Frost Nova),基于它的属性(而非玩家的)
- 增加了都瑞尔的格挡值和抗性
- 暗金精英的灵气等级降低
- 在第四幕和第五幕的露天区域中增加了更多暗金精英
- “生命吸取”属性的效果将由怪物种类决定,其效果在噩梦和地狱难度中会降低
- 为地狱难度第二幕的解答者(Unravelers)增加了抗性和格挡值
- 提高了单人房间中怪物的生命值;降低了多人房间中每增加一名玩家时怪物的生命值增量
- 增强了生命药水和法力药水的效果
- 现在某些商人会出售法力药水
- 现在,服用解毒药剂+50毒抗和+10最大毒抗,持续30秒
- 现在,服用溶解药剂+50冰抗和+10最大冰抗,持续30秒
- 现在,服用耐力药水可获得超级耐久效果(耐力条变蓝,不消耗耐力),持续30秒
- 1.10后新打出的魔法弓,具有“射出魔法箭矢”或“射出爆炸箭矢”属性,他们有恰当的技能等级,而非1级技能
- 提高了赌出稀有、套装、暗金装备的几率,以改进赌博
- 提高物品基础品质并增加稀有掉率,以改进物品掉落
- 提高了装备上出现“强化伤害”、“偷取生命”、“偷取法力”、“增加全抗”词缀的几率
- 增加了雇佣兵的生命值/攻击准确率/护甲值/等级。移除了第三幕雇佣兵的技能上限(现在,在非资料片和资料片招募佣兵时等级不同)
- 提高了雇佣兵的生命恢复速度
- 增强了生命药水对雇佣兵的效果
- 降低了复活雇佣兵的费用
- 提高了雇佣兵的活动范围
- 除无法攻击和防御的召唤物(如德鲁伊的藤曼)外,其它召唤类宠物,会根据其等级获得攻击准确率和护甲值
- 玩家不再能攻击队友的骨墙(Bone Walls)
- 改进了血乌鸦(Blood Raven)的行为模式
- 外来怪物(来自早期场景或低难度的怪物)会根据他们新的、更高的等级重新计算TC财宝阶层(用于物品掉落)
- 寒冰装甲(Chilling Armor)的冰弹不会再次触发寒冰装甲
- 每名玩家最多可以在地上保留16具尸体,若退出游戏,只保留第一具(最早的)尸体
- 在噩梦及地狱难度中,捡回尸体可以获得死亡时失去经验值的75%
- 移除“格挡lock”,当玩家进行一次格挡后,短时间内无法再次格挡,这个间隔会随格挡速度提高而增加
- 降低了巴尔召唤古难记录者及其喽啰的延时
- 现在遗忘之塔场景在噩梦及地狱难度中会变得更大
- 提高精英级物品掉落几率
- 现在只有极少数暗金装备和新“超级”装备的物品等级会超过85级,也就是说——有更高几率掉落顶级装备
- 珠宝和其它词缀现在可以为近战武器增加元素伤害
- 布里撒-多-凯南(Buriza-Do Kyanon)的物品等级(不是需求等级)提高到59级
- 赋予技能的装备(通用的技能赋予,不包括“限xx职业专用”装备),当本来就拥有该技能的职业使用此类装备时,只会获得较低的技能等级。(译注:即OwnSkill,从同一件装备中获得自己的本职业技能加成最高不超过3级)
- 符文Cham镶嵌在武器上时,冻结几率从+1增强为+3
- 符文Eth的特效现在是“-25%目标防御”,4个Eth可以将目标防御降为0
- 词缀“忽略目标防御”不再作用于超级暗金怪、雇佣兵和每一幕的关底boss,对玩家和暗金怪作用不变
- 更改了赫拉迪克合成公式:3颗标准宝石 + 有凹槽的武器 = 有凹槽的魔法武器
- 更改了回复药剂(紫瓶)的两个赫拉迪克合成公式,现在需要用到碎裂宝石和标准宝石
- Ctrl+左键单击可直接将物品出售给NPC
- 消息记录从32行增加到128行
- 降低了诅咒的动画显示密度
- 优化光照贴图,增加了多种光照贴图等级,它们会自动调整以获得合理的帧率
- 现在将“自动地图选项”中“显示队伍”改为“不”,可以显示宠物
- 物品栏中未辨识的暗金物品,现在会以它的底材造型显示
- 法力消耗的显示更加准确了
- 为旋风(Whirlwind)技能增加了动画特效
- 改良了刺客凤凰攻击(Phoenix Strike)第二次聚气攻击的动画特效
- 为某些稀有、套装、暗金装备增加了新的配色
- 钉锤和棍棒现在显示“+50%对不死生物的伤害”,与其它武器统一
- 加入TCP/IP游戏,会记住最后一次加入的IP地址
- 聊天框指令(例如fps)现在以斜杠开头(如/fps)
- 新命令“/nopickup”可以开/关自动拾取功能,当它关闭时,必须按住Alt键才能拾取物品
- 现在,怪物(不包括超级暗金怪)在非天梯国度中生命值为75%(地狱),护甲值为85%(噩梦及地狱),提高难度不会提高它们的AI

- 在Mac OS X 10.2+版本中,支持宽屏和4:3两种模式
- 改进了OpenGL性能,现在需求的最低配置为:Mac OS X 10.2系统,256MB内存,Radeon或GeForce AGP接口显卡

- 1.09d 补丁  2001/12/05

- 修复了几个“创新”Lab DVD驱动和复制保护导致的错误
- 修复了无法连接战网时,补丁下载进度条卡在0%的错误
- 修复了一个在双路CPU或双显卡系统上,聊天时按退出按钮会卡住的错误

- 1.09c 补丁  2001/11/29

- 修复了一个可能使另一个玩家游戏崩溃的交易错误

- 修复了一个由HighPoint的RAID控制器驱动引发的问题

- 1.09b 补丁  2001/10/05

- 修复了一个连接有问题时(无法连接至Battle.net)下载卡在0%的错误

- 1.09 补丁  2001/08/21
   注意:带 * 的物品改动不会被追溯

- 衰老(Decrepify)不再降低物免怪物的物理抗性
- 降低了9级以上火墙(Firewall)的伤害
- 心灵传动(Telekinesis)现在只能对卷轴、药水、钥匙、金币、箭矢和十字弓弹使用

- 现在将鼠标放到佣兵头像上停留3秒后,佣兵头像才会高亮,并显示“将药水放在头像上即可治疗,按下鼠标右键可打开佣兵物品栏”
- 移除了组队金币共享规则
- 佣兵不在玩家视野内时无法为其佩戴或取下装备(修复了玩家为不在视野内的佣兵佩戴或取下装备时导致游戏崩溃的错误)
- 改变了“按等级增强防御”和“按等级增强伤害”的计算方式
- 改变了“击中使目标目盲”的计算方法,现在基于使用者的等级计算
- 改变了“冻结目标”的计算方法,现在基于使用者的等级计算(为近战角色改动)
- “增强对恶魔的伤害”及“增强对不死生物的伤害”现在显示为+x%而非x%
- 增加了骸骨面罩(Bone Visage)、洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾(Troll's Nest)和刀刃刺盾(Blade Barrier)的孔数
- 改善了超级暗金怪(如毕须博须、拉卡尼休)的掉率
- 改善了某些任务怪(如血乌鸦、女伯爵、母牛之王)的掉率
- 现在都瑞尔(Duriel)经常会掉落回城卷轴
- 启用了某些在1.08中被禁用的赫拉迪克合成公式
- 启用了赫拉迪克方块的打孔公式
- 赫拉迪克方块的打孔公式无法作用于带孔装备
- 增加了一些低级魔法词缀
- 限制某些词缀出现在特定装备上
- 现在稀有(黄金)装备至少带有3个或更多的词缀
- 提高了“格挡(of Blocking)”和“偏向(of Deflecting)”后缀的出现概率
- 增加了“格挡(of Blocking)”和“偏向(of Deflecting)”后缀提供的格挡率
- “个性化(Personalized)”装备名颜色现在和原始装备名颜色一致
- 现在,成品的神符之语装备会显示底材类型
- “非武器提供的增强伤害”属性也会作用于弓类武器
- 调整了某些装备上的力量和敏捷伤害加成
- Changed the 'Ethereal' property to modify base stats.
- 改变了“法术伤害减少”属性的作用方式,以针对火墙(Firewall)这类多帧伤害模式的攻击
- 调整了大量暗金装备的属性 *
- 调整了少数绿色套装的属性 *
- 调整了少数神符之语的属性
- 符文Shae、Po和Jo被重新命名,它们现在叫Shael、Io和Jah
- 降低“增加元素伤害”属性在护身符(Charms)上出现的几率
- 投掷武器上“增加数量”属性的堆叠数量扩容 *
- 提高“自动修复耐久度”词缀的出现概率
- 提高投掷武器上“自动回复数量”词缀的回复速度和出现概率 *
- 大部分投掷武器的使用次数增加
- 普通级法师单手法球(Orbs)和头环(Circlets)开放掉落
- 提升了某些装备的最大孔数
- 现在黄金珠宝(Rare Jewels)最多拥有4条词缀
- 调整了武器和盔甲的物品等级及需求等级
- 装备上出现多条毒素伤害词缀时,其毒素持续时间会被平均计算
- 从地上捡起的回复活力药剂(紫瓶)会自动进入腰带空格子
- Shift+左键点击,可以将回复活力药剂(紫瓶)放入腰带的空格子
- 调整了雇佣兵的经验系统
- Act2雇佣兵灵气改变
- 调整了雇佣兵对boss造成的伤害,普通难度50%,噩梦难度40%,地狱难度25%
- 提高了卖东西给NPC的价格上限,噩梦难度最高30000金币,地狱难度下最高35000金币
- 为所有雇佣兵增加了生命回复属性
- 攻击反噬(Iron Maiden)和荆棘(Thorns)现在对雇佣兵造成和玩家一样的伤害
- 现在雇佣兵可以从宠物和队友击杀的怪物身上分到经验
- Shift+鼠标右键点击药水,可以给雇佣兵吃药
- 降低了雇佣兵的最大眩晕时间
- 退出游戏时,钢铁石魔(Iron Golems)会和玩家一起保存(下次进游戏还在)
- 怪物的元素免疫将以彩色文字显示(如“火焰系无效”文字显示为红色)
- 怪物属性改回1.08之前的状态
- 暗金怪的魔法抗性由75%降低为40%
- 已经使用过的尸体,无法再被第四幕的反刍怪(Regurgitator)吃掉
- 噩梦及地狱难度的抗性惩罚,不再降低魔法抗性
- 杀死野兽(Beast)不再只获得1点经验值
- 在PVP中,玩家或雇佣兵对其它玩家造成的伤害变为1/4
- 在PVP中,雇佣兵对雇佣兵造成的伤害为1/2
- 玩家们只有在同一个队伍里,才能使用队友的城镇传送门
- 降低了每一幕关底boss对宠物的伤害乘数
- 耐久度降至0的无形装备现在售价1金币
- 第四幕和第五幕的NPC现在会出售溶解药剂
- 现在可以赌出套装和暗金装备(概率极低)
- 提高了赌出稀有(黄金)装备的概率
- Shift+右键可以从NPC处整组购买钥匙
- 交换了符文Jah和Cham镶在武器上的特效
- 之前仅限战网使用的神符之语,现在单人游戏下也可以使用了
- 调整了文本框体尺寸
- 属性界面增加了弹出文本,用以提示怪物的攻防能力
- 调整内存管理代码
- 聊天框中输入"players X"(当前玩家数<X<8),可以调整游戏难度。此命令仅限单机游戏、开放式Battle.net及TCP/IP游戏模式下使用(战网上无效)
- 移除了噩梦难度下的物理免疫怪物
- 修复了泰瑞尔偶尔无法开启传送门的错误
- 修复了一个玩家打开“注入”任务界面时正好与服务器断开连线,会导致游戏崩溃的错误

- “对不死生物伤害加成”可以正确的作用于远程武器
- “对恶魔伤害加成”可以正确的作用于远程武器
- “降低目标防御”可以正确的作用于远程武器
- 修复了部分套装奖励没有正确生效的错误
- 修复了“以等级获取防御值”无法正确计算的错误(例如:黑橡树盾Blackoak)
- 修复了“以等级获取伤害”无法正确计算的错误(例如:地狱毁灭者Hellslayer)
- 修复了某些双手武器和远程武器没有获得显示的伤害加成的错误(例如:巫师之怒Magewrath)*
- 修复了武器上穿刺属性无法被亚马逊技能正确触发的问题(例如:毁灭投石者Doomslinger)
- 修复了玩家从装备上获得其它角色技能的错误
- 修复了一各切换武器的错误,它可以使玩家同时使用主副手武器,当玩家持有此类非法武器进入游戏时,其中一把武器将被删除
- 修复了某些已被禁用的赫拉迪克合成公式还能继续使用的错误
- 修复了一个物品显示属性过多时会导致游戏崩溃的错误
- 修复了玩家在没有点狼人变化(Werewolf)或熊人变化(Werebear)技能时,仅靠装备上提供的技能变形会导致游戏报错的问题
- 修复了第五幕第二个任务(救野蛮人)中的若干错误
- (仅限Mac)修复了一个玩家在800x600分辨率下运行资料片后,再进入暗黑2原版游戏时报错的问题

- 修复了元素伤害无法正确在投掷类武器上显示的错误
- 修复了一个魔法词缀等级没有被正确计算的错误
- 修复了无形投掷武器和有形投掷武器可以堆叠在一起的错误
- 修复了一个可能为无形物品的聚气(Charged)属性补充聚气次数的错误
- 修复了可以在铁匠那通过“修理”回复投掷类药水使用次数的错误
- 修复了一个玩家无法在暗黑2资料片中,用暗黑2原版打出的投掷武器进行“注入”的错误
- 修复了某些圣骑士专用盾牌无法“个人化(Personalized)”的错误
- 修复了有时无法用新雇佣兵代替死去雇佣兵的错误
- 修复了同一场游戏中同一件暗金装备多次掉落的错误
- 修复了用赫拉克迪合成公式制作魔法装备的各种错误
- 修复了神符之语装备从制作它的角色,转移到另一个角色后,无法激活神符之语属性的错误
- 修复了一个神符之语变量无法正确重置的错误
- 修复了一个使用嘲弄(Taunt)技能导致游戏崩溃的错误
- 修复了一个火墙(Firewall)有动画显示但没有伤害的错误
- 修复了庇护所(Sanctuary)灵气允许圣骑士忽略不死类怪物抗性的错误
- 修复了一个使用左手能掷出更多投掷物品的错误
- 修复了某些聚气装备一次施法会消耗多次聚气次数的错误
- 修复了一个支配冰冷(Cold Mastery)误认为其它玩家免疫冰冷的错误
- 修复了可以选中死去的巴尔触手的错误
- 修复了在战网游戏中,尼拉塞克(Nihlathak)被其它玩家杀死后还停留在城镇中的错误
- 修复了有时安亚(Anya)给玩家的任务奖励,不是职业专用物品的错误
- 修复了一个世界之石要塞中隐形怪物会被怪物祭坛影响的错误
- 修复了怪物祭坛可能会作用于德鲁伊藤曼的错误
- 修复了反刍怪(Regurgitators)会吃掉雇佣兵尸体并使佣兵永远无法复活的错误
- 修复了ACT1雇佣兵可以使用某些弓射出特殊箭矢的错误(例如:凋谢之戒Witherstring)
- 修复了雇佣兵不再满足装备需求时,数据没有正确更新的错误
- 修复了牺牲之箭(Immolation Arrow)的初始武器伤害,武器的基础物理伤害不应计入范围伤害
- 修复了冻结之箭(Freezing Arrow)的初始武器伤害,武器的基础物理伤害不应计入范围伤害
- 修复了毒枪(Poison Javelin)的初始武器伤害
- 修复了瘟疫标枪(Plague Javelin)的初始武器伤害
- 修复了闪电之怒(Lightning Fury)的初始武器伤害
- 修复了一个服务器端提前结束击退(Fend)技能的错误(也适用于热诚Zeal及其它类似技能)
- 修复了一个点击角色脚部装备栏时使游戏崩溃的错误
- 修复了1.08版中自动地图选项无效的错误
- 修复了技能图标上箭矢数量、弹药数量、聚气使用次数超出图标框的显示错误
- 修正了一些文本拼写错误
- 修正了一些翻译错误
- 修复了多个导致游戏崩溃的错误
- 修复了雇佣兵生命回复和游戏中玩家人数挂钩的错误
- 修复了转换(Converted)可以作用于雇佣兵的错误
- 修复了雇佣兵无法从装备上“提高技能”属性获得加成的错误
- (仅限Mac)修复了一个玩家没有下达指令,角色却一直朝屏幕左下角走的错误
- 修复了战网上开始游戏时garbage characters出现在选单顶端的错误

- 修复了一个精英怪本该掉落“魔法物品”却掉落投掷物品的错误
- 修复了用赫拉迪克方块给稀有(黄金)装备打孔的错误
- 修复了雇佣兵可以被带去其它ACT的错误

- 非资料片的格挡机制改回老版本模式
- 调整了非资料片中怪物伤害和攻击准确率
- 移除了非资料片中地狱难度下所有怪物的物理抗性

- 1.08 补丁 (资料片“毁灭之王”)  2001/06/28

- 当使用双手武器时,攻击速度取两把武器的攻速平均值

- 双持时,旋风(Whirlwind)会交替使用两把武器

- 提高了神圣冲击(Holy Shock)对近战武器的闪电伤害加成
- 降低了审判(Conviction)的威力
- 为天堂之拳(Fist of Heavens)增加了施法间隔,并提高了它的伤害
- 提高了神圣护盾(Holy Shield)的格挡率
- 审判(Conviction)不再破免

- 提高了火石魔(Fire Golem)的近战伤害
- 复生(Revived)怪物的生命值,不再随房间内玩家人数增加而提高
- 降低抵抗(Lower Resist)和伤害加深(Amplify Damage)不再破免

- 提高了火墙(Fire Wall)的伤害
- 延长了暴风雪(Blizzard)的持续时间
- 降低了陨石(Meteor)的施法间隔
- 降低了闪电链(Chain Lightning)和闪电(Lightning)的施法时间
- 提高了冰封球(Frozen Orb)的伤害
- 现在雷霆风暴(Thunderstorm)总是会击中目标
- 资料片中,静态立场(Static Field)不再受审判(Conviction)和降低抵抗(Lower Resist)加成。噩梦难度下最多将怪物生命值削减到33%,地狱难度下最多削减到50%
- 非资料片中,静态立场(Static Field)保持原状
- 支配冰冷(Cold Mastery)对冰冷免疫怪物无效
- 冰风暴(Ice Blast)、火球(Fire Ball)、闪电(Lightning)、新星(Nova)和冰尖柱(Glacial Spike)每级造成的伤害提高

- 提高了冻结之箭(Freezing Arrow)的伤害
- 提高了急冻箭(Ice Arrow)的伤害
- 提高了牺牲之箭(Immolation Arrow)的伤害,增加了施法间隔,降低了燃烧持续时间
- 提高了瘟疫标枪(Plague Javelin)的伤害,并增加了施法间隔

- 现在神龙摆尾(Dragon Tail)加攻击准确率
- 提高了焰拳(Fist of Fire)的伤害
- 提高了雷电爪(Claws of Thunder)的伤害
- 提高了凤凰攻击(Phoenix Strike)的伤害
- 修复了双持爪类武器施放技能的各种错误
- 神龙摆尾(Dragon Tail)未命中时不会消耗法力或造成击退效果

- 降低了狼人和熊人的精通加成
- 提高了野性狂暴(Feral Rage)的生命偷取效果
- 提高了饥饿(Hunger)的生命偷取效果,但也增加了伤害惩罚
- 增加了暴风(Hurricane)造成伤害的时间间隔
- 扩大了毁天灭地(Armageddon)的伤害范围,并提高了伤害发作间隔
- 熊人变化(Werebear)增加的生命值由+100%调整为+50%
- 撞锤(Maul)每级获得的伤害加成由25%下调至20%,攻击准确率由+20%、每级+10%下调至+3%、每级+3%,并减少了眩晕时间
- 略微提高了焰爪(Fire Claws)的伤害(9级之前每级+8)
- 狂怒(Fury)伤害由+100%、每级+17%,下调至+50%、每级+5%

- 可以在城镇中召唤召唤物
- 手工合成物品(橙色)上不再出现魔法物品专属词缀
- 刺客的爪类武器耐久度翻倍(不追溯)
- 调整了所有爪类武器的需求
- 调整了所有精华级武器的伤害
- 调整了魔杖(Wand)、法杖(Staff)、法珠(Orb)的词缀等级(高级装备可以随机到更好的魔法属性)
- 提高了武器随机到“增强伤害”词缀的几率
- 提高了武器随机到“增加攻击准确率”词缀的几率
- 提高了护甲随机到“增强防御”词缀的几率
- 提高了武器随机到“元素伤害加成”词缀的几率
- 提高了高级“元素伤害加成”词缀的等级和伤害
- 降低了护身符(Charms)上“+最大伤害”和“+最小伤害”词缀的数值,该改动不追溯
- 提高了护身符(Charms)和珠宝(Jewels)上“以百分比增加金币获取”词缀的数值,该改动不追溯
- 珠宝(Jewels)上的许多词缀属性都提高了,该改动不追溯
- 提高了“增加数量”在投掷武器上出现的概率
- 提高了“自动回复数量”在投掷武器上出现的概率
- 提高了珠宝(Jewels)的掉率
- 装备上的聚气技能不会再出现死灵法师的攻击反噬(Iron Maiden)技能
- 符文Tal、Ral、Ort、Thul插在盾牌上时,提供的抗性数值增加了5%
- 符文Um插在头盔上时,提供的全抗数值增加了2%;插在头盔和盔甲上时提供的全抗数值增加了5%
- 提高最大抗性的符文,现在改为+5%最大抗性
- 修正了神符之语,大多数之前制作的神符之语装备不再激活神符之语奖励
- 调整了符文掉率
- 从法师法珠(Orb)类武器上移除了几个近战类词缀
- 衣卒尔(Izual)可以掉落战利品
- 恰西(Charsi)的“注入”任务现在可以正确随机到角色专用技能了
- 物品售价为满耐久价格
- 降低了+2/+3单技能物品的售价
- 降低了修理聚气装备的金币消耗
- NPC不再出售投掷类药水
- 提高了头饰(Circlet)和宝冠(coronet)的售价
- 现在怪物施展“传送”会回复一定量的生命值
- “压碎性打击”在弓类武器上效果降低50%
- “压碎性打击”受目标物理抗性减免
- 降低了复活雇佣兵的金币花费
- 绿色套装和暗金装备掉率增加
- 略微提高了在同一个房间中没有组队的玩家的装备掉落率
- 降低了赌博费用
- 改动了回复活力药剂(紫瓶)的售价
- 增加了洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾(Troll's Nest)和刀刃刺盾(Blade Barrier)的孔数
- 某些装备上现在可以出现插槽,增加了其它装备的孔数
- 提高了冷酷之盾(Grim Shield)的格挡值
- 提高了所有精华级盾牌的护甲值
- 提高了骸骨面罩(Bone visage)的护甲值
- 更改了所有提速类属性的显示方式,现在一律以“+%快速xx”显示
- 调整了精华级圣骑士专用盾牌的护甲值、格挡率和耐久度
- 当你用投掷类武器近战攻击时,耐久度降低速度是你投掷时的1/3
- 现在黄金项链(Amulet)上可以出现“+2所有技能等级”的属性了
- 增加了荣光之斧(Glorious axe)的射程
- 改动了穿刺装备,现在以百分比替代穿刺技能等级
- 改动了某些暗金装备的穿刺属性数值(社角久子、布里撒-多-凯南、恶魔机器和剃刀之尾)
- 暗金骸骨小刀“巫师之刺(Wizardspike)”改为+75%所有抗性
- 绿色法杖“娜吉解谜杖(Naj's Puzzler)”现在拥有69次“传送(Teleport)”聚气
- 为Shift+鼠标点击吃药添加了音效
- 护身符(Charms)上现在可以出现“元素伤害加成”词缀
- 调整了高难度巴尔的强度
- 玩家必须达到普通难度20级、噩梦难度40级、地狱难度60级,才能完成第五幕“古代野蛮人”的任务
- 钥匙现在12个一堆
- 鼠标右键可以像左键一样施放攻击技能
- 改良了第二幕雇佣兵的包括灵气在内的技能

- 堵住了某些利用进出游戏复制装备的漏洞
- 修复了一个使用狂战士(Berserk)后防御值不清零的错误

- 添加了缺失的“枣红(Crimson)”词缀,属性是+(5-10)火炕
- 修复了一个任务和赫拉迪克方块生成过多带孔物品的错误
- 修复了一个专家(Expert's)、老手(Veteran's)和大师(Master's)词缀,显示为鸣响(Sounding)、回响(Resonant)和回音(Echoing)词缀的错误
- 修复了法术也能利用装备上“穿刺”属性进行穿透攻击的错误
- 修复了一个单技能加成无法正确运作的错误
- 修复了一个无法正确计算护甲类型变量的错误
- 修复了可以在NPC处通过Shift+鼠标点击,回购复制活力药剂(紫瓶)的错误
- 修复了标枪基础伤害对闪电之怒(Lightning Fury)的增上错误,并简化了该技能的动画效果

- 1.07版本  2001/06/19


- 修正了资料片中祝福之锤(Blessed Hammer)配合专注(Concentration)灵气使用时强过头的问题
- 非资料片中,祝福之锤(Blessed Hammer)和专注(Concentration)灵气的组合和原来一样
- 现在热诚(Zeal)最多5次攻击,并增加了按百分比提高的攻击准确率
- 修正了复仇(Vengeance)的伤害显示,以正确显示其实际伤害
- 提高了拯救(Salvation)灵气的抗性加成
- 提高了天堂之拳(Fist of the Heavens)的伤害
- 降低了怪物被转化后的持续时间
- 提高了庇护所(Sanctuary)每一级增加的伤害
- 提高了神圣护盾(Holy Shield)为重击(Smite)技能增加的伤害
- 提高了抵抗火焰(Resist Fire)、抵抗冰冷(Resist Cold)、抵抗闪电(Resist Lightning)及拯救(Salvation)灵气的抗性加成
- 提高了冥思(Meditation)灵气的法力回复速度
- 神圣冲击(Holy Shock)可以为近战攻击附加闪电伤害
- 庇护所(Sanctuary)可以对不死生物造成额外伤害
- 审判(Conviction)可以将敌人的抗性降为负数
- 提高了审判(Conviction)对抗玩家时的抗性惩罚
- 为狂热(Fanaticism)灵气增加了伤害加成

- 在资料片中,旋风(Whirlwind)现在受武器速度影响
- 在非资料片中,旋风(Whirlwind)保持原状
- 狂乱(Frenzy)、双手挥击(Double-Swing)和双手投掷(Double-Throw)现在受武器速度影响
- 为专心(Concentrate)和狂乱(Frenzy)增加了伤害加成
- 狂乱(Frenzy)的攻击速度会随着击中敌人而不断提高
- 为狂战士(Berserk)增加了伤害加成
- 战斗体制(Battle Orders)每级增加的血蓝加成上调3%
- 提高了战斗狂嗥(War Cry)的伤害

- 扩大了炮轰(Strafe)的射程
- 刺爆(Impale)和戳刺(Jab)现在受武器速度影响
- 刺爆(Impale)现在会随等级获得伤害加成,降低了损失耐久度的几率
- 击退(Fend)现在不会被打断并且造成更多伤害

- 提高了九头海蛇(Hydra)的伤害
- 支配闪电(Lightning Mastery)不再降低闪电系技能法力消耗,改为增加闪电系技能伤害
- 为火墙(Fire Wall)、陨石(Meteor)、暴风雪(Blizzard)、冰封球(Frozen Orb)、九头海蛇(Hydra)增加了施法间隔,并提高了它们的伤害,总体伤害基本不变
- 降低了火焰强化(Enchant)的法力消耗,并提高了它的火焰伤害加成
- 为大部分8级以上技能增加了伤害

- 增强了淬毒匕首(Poison Dagger)、毒爆(Poison Explosion)、剧毒新星(Poison Nova)的伤害,并降低了毒素持续时间
- 延长了衰老(Decrepify)的持续时间,调整了诅咒范围
- 修复了攻击反噬(Iron Maiden)+鲜血石魔(Blood Golem)的bug,并提高了鲜血石魔的生命偷取量

- 修复了一个在城镇边缘组队/宣战时圣骑士技能的错误
- 修复了死灵法师可以召唤多个石魔的错误
- 无法再从“非生命目标”上偷取生命和法力
- 支配火焰(Fire Mastery)现在可以正确的为九头海蛇(Hydra)提供伤害加成
- 修复了一个雇佣兵偶尔不会随玩家一同阵亡的错误
- 修复了某些技能的动画错误以提高帧率
- 召唤物头像上方的血条现在可以正确显示血量了
- 修复了一个用右手技能施法,角色却用左手攻击的错误
- 修正了天堂之拳(Fist of the Heavens)的提示框文本
- 修复了组队时角色名重叠显示的问题
- 修复了一个野蛮人的精通错误

- 赌博价格现在由玩家等级决定
- 无法再赌出绿色套装和暗金装备了
- 首领(boss)对雇佣兵和宠物的伤害降低了30%
- 怪物血条下方会显示它们的所属类型,如恶魔、不死生物,如果没有任何显示,那就属于动物类
- 调整了噩梦和地狱难度下的怪物等级
- 现在,噩梦难度下怪物最高70级,地狱难度下怪物最高90级
- 在噩梦和地狱难度下,怪物的抗性、生命值都会提高,玩家对怪物的命中率则会降低
- 强化了怪物的毒素伤害
- 在噩梦和地狱难度下,偷取生命和法力的效果减半
- 在噩梦和地狱难度下捡回尸体,可取回50%的经验损失
- 基于难度等级调整商贩售卖的物品
- 调整了雇佣兵的经验获取
- 调整了雇佣兵应对远程怪的AI
- 调整了雇佣兵的抗性
- 提高了储物箱的金币上限
- 增强了宝石(Gems and Skulls)的属性,并增加了等级需求
- 提高了投掷类药水的威力,并为其增加了等级需求
- 噩梦难度下抗性惩罚提高到-40,地狱难度下抗性惩罚提高到-100
- 改变了存取宝石的音效
- 只有在"Hardcore"专家级模式下,才可以搜刮其它玩家的尸体
- 多人游戏时,每分钟最多只能宣战一次
- 多人游戏现在有新的组队加成
- 提高了水晶剑(Crystal Swords)的耐久度
- 提高了权杖(Scepter)类武器的伤害

- 买药水时,按Shift+鼠标右键,可一次性将腰带所有空格填满,该技巧也可用于买回城卷轴和辨识卷轴
- 按Shift+鼠标左键,可以将背包里的药水放到腰带空格里
- 为每一幕的铁匠增加了“修理所有装备”按钮
- 自动地图选项现在可以调整地图大小
- 增加了8个技能热键
- 改进了角色属性界面显示
  * 显示格挡百分比,它与角色等级和敏捷有关
  * 现在会显示最后一次与你战斗的怪物数据,包括你对它的命中率和它命中你的几率
  * 抗性达到上限值后,抗性值会以暗金色显示
  * 在伤害栏以彩色显示攻击中附加的元素伤害类型
- 现在可以给雇佣兵吃药水
- 移除了宠物与玩家的碰撞体积
- 宠物在噩梦及地狱难度下会获得额外生命值

- 玩家无法再从某些怪物身上偷取生命和法力
- 先前打出的稀有(黄金)装备名字发生了变化,属性不变
- “增强伤害”属性可能会改变装备1-3点最大伤害
- 许多装备的伤害提高了
- 1-2个孔的装备现在可能会额外再多1孔
- 版本更新后,新掉落的暗金和绿色套装,会有额外的等级需求
- 那些暗黑2原版就存在的老版绿色套装,等级需求没有变化

- 补丁 1.06b

      重要 bugs

- 修正了一个允许玩家通过垃圾邮件使其他玩家崩溃的 bug.
- 修正了一个不能保存开放 Battle.Net 角色的 bug.
- 修复了三星 Samsung 驱动器和复制保护的问题.


- Battle.net 的服务条款协议更新. 请大家注意.

- 补丁 1.06


- 更新 Battle.net 的服务条款协议. 现在无需创建新帐户就可以访问它.
- 进一步优化了服务器对客户端的通信.
- 修正复制保护各种 CD, DVD 和 CD-R 驱动器.

- 补丁 1.05b

      重要 bugs

- 修正了在 Battle.net 聊天室显示图形时遇到的视频驱动崩溃.
- 修正复制保护各种 CD, DVD 和 CD-R 驱动器.
- 修正了在角色离开频道后角色头像会留在列表中的问题.
- 修正了角色选择界面的几个视觉问题.

- 补丁 1.05

      重要 bugs

- 修正复制保护各种 CD, DVD, 和 CD-R 驱动器.
- 使用两种药剂的野蛮人不再被禁止进入游戏.
- 在 1.04 中镶孔的物品被错误且不可逆转地随机化了. 现在他们的宝石效果是从他们的原始 (1.04 之前) 随机范围的上限.
- 修正了所有法术范围. 它们在 v1.04 中被错误地减少了.
- 修正了一个 bug 防止删除一些角色.
- 修正了许多外语显示问题.

      次要 bugs

- 修复了赫拉迪克方块打开时交易界面的 bug.
- 重复的天梯记录将不再出现.
- 天梯现在可以正常滚动当有少于 999 个记录.
- 服务器角色不再以长袍的形式出现.
- 修正了允许用户在频道中出现两次的 bug.
- 如果用户不能连接到默认服务器, 则显示 "服务器下线" 消息.
- 修正了赌博时使用的 "数据包嗅探" 漏洞.
- 当你退出或死亡后加入游戏时高耐久度物品不再失去耐久度.
- 转换 Conversion 技能不再导致邪恶洞穴 Den of Evil 的怪物计数错误.


- 一个提示现在出现通知用户删除角色时他们有超过八个角色在一个服务器.
- 玩家资料现在有一个链接到他们的天梯记录, 如果他们是在排名前 999.
- 添加了 "正在连接到服务器" 消息.


- 圣骑士的专注 Concentration 技能现在和 1.03 一样提高祝福之锤 Blessed Hammer 的伤害. 在角色界面上显示的伤害也是正确的.
- 亚马逊的炮轰 Strafe 技能现在正确地增强基础弓伤害而不是总弓伤害.
- 亚马逊的导引箭 Guided Arrow 技能现在增强基础弓伤害而不是总弓伤害.

- 补丁 1.04b

      重要 bugs

- 修复了一些 CD 和 DVD 驱动器在启动时访问播放 CD 的问题.
- 修复了 Windows NT 和 Windows 2000 中视频测试器的崩溃问题

- 补丁 1.04

      重要 bugs

- 棱镜之 Prismatic 项链, 珊瑚之 Coral 戒指, 和其他赫拉迪克方块配方物品在开始新游戏时不再变成其他物品.
- 长枪 Lances, 圣水喷杖 Holy Water Sprinklers, 残酷头盔 Grim Helms, 巨战木棍 War Clubs, 和小剑 Stilettos 现在可以被怪物和箱子掉落.
- 在怪物死亡时使用圣骑士冲锋 Charge 技能不会产生 "零生命值" 的怪物.
- 修正了高等级角色杀死怪物时的崩溃.
- 野蛮人的旋风 Whirlwind 和跳跃攻击 Leap Attack 以及圣骑士的冲锋 Charge 不再使所有物品栏的物品在攻击结束后变为红色并且无法使用.
- 一个 "死了, 但还活着" 的 bug 已经修复.
- 为野蛮人装备双手剑或盾牌同时持有两把双手剑将不再导致与服务器断开连接.
- 修正了在装备另一个增强角色属性的宝石物品时拾取一件物品时可能发生的崩溃.
- 修正了一个阻止伤害增强魔法属性在弓上正常工作的错误.
- 关闭了一个漏洞允许玩家对任何人宣布敌意无论发起者在哪里.
- 关闭了一个漏洞允许玩家跑得太快.
- 关闭了允许玩家装备和使用超出角色能力的物品的漏洞.
- 改进了与 Delta CD-ROM 驱动器的兼容性.
- 当加载保存的角色持有损坏物品时, 所有损坏物品都被删除, 允许角色正常游玩.

      次要 bugs

- 充能弹 Charged Bolts 在一定范围内不再隐形 (基于施法者的照亮范围).
- 单人模式和开放模式取消了 "Bonefarming".
- 修正了偶尔被怪物击退时出现的 "月球漫步" bug.
- 法语和德语的创建队列状态消息不再重叠.
- 修正了格瑞斯华尔德的锐利 Griswold's Edge, 血块之铲 Goreshovel, 迪格勒 The Diggler, 凋谢之戒 Witherstring, 和抽动的挣扎 Twitchtroe 的攻击速度加成和描述.
- 修正的施法速度描述为暗金和套装物品: 阿卡娜的诡计 Arcanna's Tricks, 漩涡 Maelstromwrath, 乌米的恸哭 Ume's Lament, 铁检棒 The Iron Jang Bong, 无眼之墙 Wall of the Eyeless, 和法师之拳 Magefist.
- 聊天中的长表情加上 15 个字符长的名字不再有效.
- 轻便头盔 Sallet, 重型手镯 Heavy Bracers, 战场手套 Battle Gauntlets, 巨战手套 War Gauntlets, 织网之靴 Mesh Boots, 战场之靴 Battle Boots, 巨战之靴 War Boots, 和魔皮勋带 Demonhide Sash 的物品栏声音现在与这些物品的非扩展版本相同.
- 从火焰之河 River of Flame, 塔-拉夏的古墓 Tal Rasha's Tomb, 蜘蛛森林 Spider Forest, 和高塔地牢 Tower Cellar 中移除 "隐形岛屿", 防止野蛮人/法师 用 跳跃/传送到那里.
- 变更亚马逊的戳刺 Jab 技能描述为多次攻击.
- 修正了一些错别字 ("ordinateur" (法语版本), "Eats and Spits Corpses", "Stiletto", "Explore Tal Rasha's Chamber") 和大小写错误 ("extra gold from monsters", "better chance of getting magic item", "Hit Causes Monster To Flee", "bonus to Attack Rating", "Slows target by", 和 "Hit blinds target").
- 当一个服务器角色试图以比获得的更高的难度级别加入游戏时, 将使用正确的错误信息.
- 上一个创建或加入的服务器游戏的难度设置将不再延续到下一个单人游戏.
- 修正了在第一个装甲神殿 Armor Shrine 失效之前激活第二个装甲神殿时显示被怪物击中的几率的错误.  几率实际上永远不会低于 5%.
- 修正了一个打开的任务日志没有更新以反映拯救凯恩的 bug.
- 修正了玩家站在游戏环境中不同的 "房间" 时高亮的传送点的错误名称.
- 双手物品现在在游戏开始时正确装备 (造成适当的伤害).
- 点击一个尸体 (在没有装备的情况下) 可以正确地重新装备尸体上的所有物品.
- 按 Ctrl+Alt 关闭传送点列表不再禁用 NPC 和物品栏物品上的弹出文本.
- 试图将书或卷轴交易给没有足够空间接受它们的玩家时, 不再导致该玩家的法术书中出现幻影法术.
- 护手套的光标不能再被错误地转换成 交易/修理 箭矢/锤子.
- 修正了迷你经验条在等级 75 以上的 bug.
- 修正了命中几率显示的 bug.
- 修正了在城镇传送门和辨视中剩余卷轴数量的 bug.
- 镰刀 Scythe 和残酷镰刀 Grim Scythe 的范围已经增加到预期值.
- 修正了一些技能距离范围的错误计算.
- 攻击反噬 Iron Maiden 技能现在治疗一个鲜血石魔 Blood Golem 是基于对它造成的伤害而不是攻击它的怪物的最大生命.
- 修正了等级 93 以上服务器天梯的经验积累和显示 bug.
- 导引箭 Guided Arrow 技能正确地增加额外技能点的伤害.


- 服务器现在处理角色数据的速度更快了.
- 在主菜单中增加了 Battle.net 网关选项.
- 增加修改密码功能.
- Battle.net 消息已经升级为使用角色名称, 而不仅仅是帐户名称. 新的消息访问格式为: /msg 角色名称, /msg 角色名称@地区名称 (其中地区名称为 USWest, USEast, Asia 或 Europe) 和 /msg *账号名称. 旧的访问格式为: /msg 账号名称.
- 都瑞尔的 Duriel's 图像是在进入他的巢穴之前预先加载的. 这将最大限度地减少在装载完成之前被他杀死的机会.
- 增加了一个对比度视频选项允许用户谁喜欢原来的滑动设置 1.03 版本更改设置回来或介于两者之间.
- 稍微提高了尸体爆炸 Corpse Explosion 的效果使每个点 (不是其他点) 都增加伤害范围.
- 生命和法力的减少不再平滑. 现在, 如果你受到重创, 你会立即看到大幅下跌.
- 冷酷之盾 Grim Shield 的基础格挡从 0 变为 10.
- 增加了平衡斧 Balanced Axe 和短战戟 Hurlbat 的低数量警告.
- 增加了刀刃 Blades 和小剑 Stiletto 作为宝物生成的几率.
- 装备腰带现在可以交易, 如果它是装的空的所有物品.
- 如果玩家 1 有一个聊天窗口打开玩家 2 点击玩家 1, 现在什么也不会发生. 这可以防止交易请求打断正在尝试聊天的人.
- 玩家在交易中发送的信息只会发送给与他进行交易的另一个人. 此外, 来自交易之外的玩家的消息将被压制不会出现在消息日志中.
- 过滤掉聊天中其他用户发送的颜色代码, 防止恶意伪装.
- 已经调整了聊天颜色以帮助玩家识别文本的来源. 新的聊天颜色是名称 = 金色, 耳语 = 绿色, 警报 = 红色, 消息 = 白色, 表情 = 灰色, 进入/退出 = 灰色, 和暴雪 Blizzard 代表 = 蓝色.
- 删除了聊天作弊 "scrollhack1" 和 "scrollhack2".
- 增加了一些新的 Battle.net 错误信息并清理了一些其他的.
- 将 Battle.net 聊天记录滚动条改为 windows 风格的 "向上/向下页面" 而不是 "滚动到此位置".
- 改变战网聊天字体中的 "i" 和 "l" (小写的 "l") 看起来不一样. 字符屏幕上的小 "5" 和 "6" 现在也更容易区分了.
- 最大角色数增加到 8 个 Battle.net 角色/服务器.


- 当转化赫拉迪克方块中已经包含另一个完整公式的任务物品时任务物品将不再被破坏.
- 修正了一个偶尔阻止黄金鸟 Golden Bird 和吉得宾 Gidbinn 任务给予奖励的 bug.
- 凯恩 Cain 不再提供额外的墨菲斯托灵魂之石 Mephisto Soulstones.
- 移除西希之王 Lord De Seis 讨厌的 "小偷" 技能. (这应该能治好他!)
- 修正了一个 bug 错误地将章节 4 灵魂石任务的功劳给了一个不在章节 4 的队友.
- 某些超级暗金怪物的抗性被降低. 现在, 安达利尔 Andariel 正确地从火焰中获得额外伤害, 而铁匠 Smith 和海法斯特 Hephasto 从毒素中获得额外伤害.

- 补丁 1.03

      重要 bugs

- 修正了一个罕见的 bug 将一个角色标记为 "无法加入, 损坏的物品." 这个 bug 的一个典型原因是当两个角色同时试图使用躺在地上的同一件物品时的高延迟条件 - 例如, 一个死灵法师在一把剑上施放钢铁魔像而另一个角色试图捡起它.
- 修复了暗黑破坏神 II 在使用 64 MB 显卡时会崩溃的 bug.

      次要 bugs

- 修正了一个漏洞允许死灵法师穿着全套地狱的工具 Infernal Tools 或圣骑士与米拉伯佳 Milabrega 套装暂时提高他的技能到非常高的水平.
- 修复了导致亚马逊在右侧库存箱中挥舞标枪和在左侧使用盾牌的 bug 并将标枪投掷技能分配给鼠标右键.
- 修正了在开放游戏中当玩家与章节 III NPCs 交谈时使用较慢的机器从游戏中掉落的错误.
- 修正 3 个罕见的锁定 bugs 与西希之王 Lord De Seis: 1) 杀死他作为任何角色, 2) 跳离他作为一个野蛮人, 3) 被他杀死同时喝药水.
- 如果玩家试图在地区服务器已满时创建游戏, 则会提示玩家加入游戏. 在这种情况下它不再报告 "服务器关闭".
- 当游戏中的聊天覆盖显示时 "切换腰带" 热键不再激活.
- 具有增强伤害属性的魔法之锤 Magic Mauls 被修复了.
- 暗金鞋子凯松的征服 Treads of Cthon 和泪之臀 Tearhaunch 现在给玩家适当的增加行走速度
- 静态力场 Static Field (法师) 修正法术描述
- 跳跃攻击 Leap Attack (野蛮人) 修正法术描述
- 巨战手套 War Gauntlets 现在拼写正确了
- 尸体爆炸 Corpse Explosion (死灵法师) 降低爆炸伤害使其不会因游戏中每增加一个玩家而增加.


- 添加了游戏创建队列. 客户现在被告知游戏的创建位置.
- 减少了每个玩家/客户端所需的平均带宽. 效果: 延迟减少对生命之球的更新进行了轻微修改. 对于一些玩家来说可能会有一段时间的调整我们鼓励你密切关注你的生命之球直到你习惯了这个变化.
- 增加了对未来服务器性能改进的支持. 影响: 未来减少延迟和未来增加每台服务器的游戏数量.
- 当服务器宕机时, 客户端将不再停留在 "卡死" 状态长达 20 秒, 而是会立即退出 Battle.net 聊天.
- Battle.net 的消息现在是黄色的.
- 致命攻击 Critical Strike (亚马逊) 现在适用于所有武器.
- "Z" 键现在会在只有召唤物, 没有召唤物或队友, 和你的召唤物和队友之间切换.
- 商人在杂项标签下出售的物品不再售罄.
- 在 Battle.net 上创建游戏时会保留设置.
- ATI 最近的驱动程序更新解决了与 Rage 128 显卡和 RAVE/OpenGL 的不兼容问题. 要使用 RAVE 或 OpenGL 您需要下载并安装新的驱动程序, 然后从视频配置屏幕中选择 "重新扫描显视器" 如果您已经可以选择 RAVE 或 OpenGL 模式则不需要下载此更新. 驱动程序可从 ATI 的网站下载, 有关制造商的联系信息请访问:
  http://www.blizzard.com/support/information/vendors.shtml (仅限 Mac)
- 对日语和韩语的支持做了小量改动.
- 修正了在 RAVE 或 OpenGL 中游玩时可能导致崩溃的 bug. (仅限 Mac)
- 修正了一个罕见的 bug 可能导致游戏锁定在低内存的情况下. (仅限 Mac)


- 没有完成章节 III 最后一个任务的玩家不能再使用传送门进入章节 IV 直到他们正确完成任务.
- 尸体爆炸 Corpse Explosion (死灵法师) 降低每等级技能获得的额外范围从 1 到 1/2.
- 重生 Revive (死灵法师) 移除了该技能获得的额外等级的生命值提升.
- 转换 Conversion (圣骑士) 降低了该技能额外等级转化几率的计算公式.
- 旋风 Whirlwind (野蛮人) 减少使用此技能时的攻击次数.
- 穿透 Pierce (亚马逊) 魔法箭 Magical arrow 的效果如同牺牲之箭将作用于每一个击中的目标.

- 补丁 1.02

      重要 bugs

- 修正了如果你删除了一个同名的联机角色会删除你的单人游戏或开放角色的错误.
- 修复了几个提高内存使用率的 bug -- 这些 bug 可能会导致游戏在玩了一段时间后变慢.
- 修复了弹出播放 CD 的错误.

      次要 Bugs

- 更一致的关闭对话框和弹出屏幕时按 Esc 键.
- 修正了一个允许更快绘制自动地图的 bug.


- 可能会在必要时自动关闭一些 NPC 菜单.
- 当传送点处于活动状态时可以切换自动地图.
- 游戏日志文件名的格式为 D2YearMonthDay.txt.


- 修复了一个 bug 如果玩家完成了神秘庇难所 Arcane Sanctuary 任务 (通过杀死召唤者 Summoner) 但没有得到传送门并在术士的峡谷建立传送点就退出了游戏则导致术士的峡谷传送门消失. (章节 II).

- 补丁 1.01

      重要 bugs

- 修正了一个 bug 如果你在杀死任务 boss 之前死亡你就无法获得奖励 -- 也许, 是用有毒的武器杀死它.
- 修复了在完成章节 IV 最后一个任务后, 如果玩家使用传送点返回到更早的章节在倒计时期间可能导致游戏崩溃的 bug.
- 修正了在逃跑巨大野兽 Gargantuan Beast 时捡到金币的 bug (章节 I).
- 修正了当法师施放陨石 Meteor 法术时很少发生的崩溃 bug.
- 修正了在播放电影时按下 'Alt-键' 可能导致的 "黑屏" 崩溃.
- 多人安装运行 DirectDraw 将不再崩溃当有一个取消电影选择菜单.
- 修正了一个 bug 会阻止两个任务奖励正确的缩放在恶梦和地狱难度.
- 在章节 II 沙漠中沙地跳跃者 Sand Leaper 的尸体不再阻止玩家通过一个狭窄的通道.
- 受伤的章节 II 蜘蛛不再大幅降低帧率.
- 低级角色现在可以加入高级角色创建的开放游戏 (那些已经完成普通, 恶梦, 或地狱难度的游戏).
- 修正了阻止一些完整的物品套装从他们的全套获得奖励的一个 bug.
- 修正了开放战网游戏中允许第二名玩家创建与已有游戏同名的另一个游戏的 bug. 没有人能加入第二个.
- 修正了 TCP/IP 游戏中的一个 bug 当城镇传送门被成堆的金币覆盖时, 它可能导致玩家从传送门的另一端进入与主机断开连接.
- 修复了玩家点击储藏箱, 然后在到达储藏箱之前按下 'H' 最后在到达储藏箱后再次按下 'H' 时无法与储藏箱, NPCs, 或传送点交互的 bug.

      次要 bugs

- 从奥玛斯 Ormus 中移除一个未使用的闲聊 (章节 III).
- 修复了一个 bug 如果 '空格键' 被分配到另一个功能, 它会错误地继续关闭消息日志, 任务日志, 和传送点菜单.
- 修正了一个偶尔允许一些怪物进入章节 II 鲁-高因 Lut Gholein 城镇的 bug.


- 改进了服务器的稳定性和服务器故障时客户端的行为.
- 改变了一个玩家被另一个玩家 (PKed) 杀死时掉落的金币数量使其与被怪物杀死时通常会作为惩罚而 "消失" 的数量相等.
- 更新 ReadMe.htm 以记录 PK 金币-掉落惩罚.
- 将暗黑破坏神 II 聊天室中暴雪 Blizzard 代表的文字颜色改为黄色.
- 澳大利亚用户连接到美国西部区域而不是亚洲区域.


- 修复了在玩家完成神秘庇难所 Arcane Sanctuary 任务然后保存并开始新游戏, 在完成七个古墓 the Seven Tombs 任务 (章节 II) 之前进入术士的峡谷 Canyon of the Magi 红色传送门时发生的崩溃错误.
- 修正了一个多人游戏错误当角色加入一个已经击败最终 boss 的角色开始的游戏时, 角色无法完成章节 II 的最终任务 (并进入章节 III) 但他还没有访问马席夫 Meshif 以获得奖励.
- 修正了以下 3 个偶尔会导致游戏崩溃的 bugs:
- 杀死西希之王 Lord De Seis (章节 IV).
- 在透视模式滑行进入古墓 Tomb 在这个术士的峡谷 Canyon of the Magi (章节 II).
- 一个多人游戏队伍战斗在库拉斯特商场 Kurast Bazaar (章节 III).
- 修复了当按下赫拉迪克方块的转化按钮时导致任务物品在光标中消失的错误.

暗黑破坏神 II 版本历史 1.01~1.14d 英文

1.01~1.14d 更新日志(英文版)(来自官方 Patch.txt 文件)
  Diablo II Version History

- Patch 1.14d

Specific Changes & Improvements
- Implemented Blizzard Error and System Survey to better troubleshoot crashes and assertions

- Patch 1.14c

Specific Changes & Improvements
- Fixed 3 more bugs that cause Mac client crashes on "Save & Exit"
- nGlide will now load properly on PC

Known Issues
- Spammers still making us all sad. We're working on it. 

- Patch 1.14b

Specific Changes & Improvements
- Glide Wrapper will now load properly on PC by adding -3dfx to the end of the game shortcut 
- Mercenaries will no longer become "An Evil Force"
- Fixed Mac client crash on "Save & Exit"
- Capped the frame rate to 200 to save batteries, spare system load, and prevent hot lap syndrome 
- Created new German installers to fix localization issues in Act V (Will require a fresh install to fix the missing dialogue data)

- Patch 1.14a

Specific Changes & Improvements
- No need to run in XP mode anymore, Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 compatibility complete
- Mac installer and compatibility for 10.10 and 10.11 has arrived
- First client run will migrate saved characters to avoid issues from Windows system 
  admin changes

Known Issues
- Mac 10.9 and earlier are not supported

- Patch 1.13d

	New Features
- Ignoring players is now saved between sessions of the game. All ignores are now
  written out to disk (file: 'ignorelist'). This feature can be toggled by issuing
  the command '/ignorepersist'.
- Users can now filter messages based on content by issuing the command
  '/filtermsg <content>'. To unfilter content issue the command
  '/unfiltermsg <content>'. (The maximum length of a filter pattern is 128
- Users can now set their home channel by issuing a new Battle.net chat command
  '/home <channel name>' while in the Battle.net chat interface.
- Users can return to their home channel at any time by issuing the command '/home'
  while in the Battle.net chat interface.

	Major Bugs

- Fixed a known dupe method.
- Fixed another issue where players were able to stack auras in an unintended way.

	Minor Bugs

- Fixed a bug where Mercenaries wouldn't have multiple auras active when they
  should have.
- Fixed an issue where players could create games prefixed with color codes.
- Potentially fixed an issue where players would be disconnected when watching the
  cinematics when in a Battle.net game.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when running in windowed mode with
  sound disabled and the game tried to play a cinematic.

	Battle.net Chat Reminder
Battle.net provides a number of ways to manage in-game spam and communication from
other players. Some of these commands are:
  /options ignorepublic (/o igpub)
  - Ignores messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't on your
    friends list.

  /options unignorepublic (/o uigpub)
  - Reallows messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your
    friends list.
  /options ignoreprivate (/o igpriv)
  - While in private chat channels you will not receive messages from anyone who
    isn't in your friends list.
  /options unignoreprivate (/o uigpriv)
  - Re-allows messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your
    friends list.
  /options ignorewhispers (/o igw)
  - Ignore whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  /options unignorewhispers (/o unigw)
  - Reallows whispers from all users.

- Patch 1.13c

     A new Mystery has been revealed!

- Adventurers of Sanctuary are hereby warned once again, that a new challenge
  awaits you. Within Diablo's Bosses, spanning across the world from the
  ancient Monastery Catacombs to the Throne of Destruction, is where you'll
  find what you seek...

     Major Bugs
- Fixed an item dupe bug.
- Video improvements for Intel Mac machines with OS 10.5 or greater.
- Fixed an issue where some players could kill other players while in town
- Fixed an issue where some players could disconnect other players when
  they had too many active states.
- Fixed two issues where players could stack auras in an unintended way.

     Minor Bugs
- Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to be killed
  before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check for Uber Baal).
- The game will no longer stop and then restart the game music after the
  window loses and then regains focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in
  windowed mode when it lost focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window wouldn't center properly when it
  was created.
- Fangskin should now properly drop loot in Hell difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where auras were not re-applied to your mercenary after
  it was resurrected.
- Fixed an issue where if you had two items which provided auras to
  a mercenary and you unequipped one, the aura from the remaining
  item never became active.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin class runeword 'Principle' wasn't
  having all of its stats applied properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin's Charge ability would become locked
  out if Holy Shield faded while charging.
- Fixed an issue where the Barbarian's Leap ability could become locked
  out if they were hit when they started to leap.

     Specific changes/improvements     

- Respecialization is now possible! Completing the 'Den of Evil' quest
  will now additionally reward 1 free respec which can be saved. Players
  who have already completed this quest should receive 1 free respec in
  Hell difficulty.
- Increased the drop rate of high runes.
- Support for blit scaling in windowed mode. The game can now be
  maximized to the largest 4:3 resolution supported (hooray widescreen users).
- Some rare drop items now have an orange color. i.e. Runes and items
  required for Uber Tristam.
- Modified the gold bank limit to be a flat cap not bound by level.
- Removed the requirements to create a hardcore character.
- Greatly reduced the explosion damage dealt by Fire Enchanted monsters.
- Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal's summoned minions no longer give experience.
- Removed Oblivion Knight's Iron Maiden curse.
- Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5%.
- Users can now toggle the display of text over the Health and Mana
  globes by clicking on the bottom area of each orb.
- When creating a single player game, each difficulty button is now bound
  to a unique key: Normal 'R', Nightmare 'N', and Hell 'H'.
- The 'Enter Chat' Button in the battle.net waiting room is now
  bound to the 'Enter' key.
- Added the windows system buttons to the game window (MIN, MAX, CLOSE).
- Added new command line parameter '-nofixaspect' which allows users to
  not fix the aspect ratio to 4:3 when maximizing in windowed mode.
  This lets the game 'stretch' to fill your monitor.
- Added support for '-sndbkg' command line switch. This enables sound
  in background.
- Added the following aliases for pre-existing command line options,
  '-nosound', '-window', and '-windowed'.

     Revised Skill balance for Player Character classes

- Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33% and
  Immolation effect by 50%.
- Immolation Arrow - Explosion effect damage increased by 20%.
- Immolation Arrow - Increased base duration by 33%.


- Dragon Claw - Synergy receives 4% additional damage per point of Claw Mastery.
- Dragon Talon - The bonus to Attack Rating per point has been increased to 35.
- Shadow Master - Increased resistance range per point from 5-80 to 5-90.
- Combo points awarded by combo moves now last 15 seconds, up from 9.

- Whirlwind - Reduced initial mana cost by 50%.
- Masteries - Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35.

- Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.

- Werebear - Damage bonus increased by 15% across all ranks.
- Werebear - Increased health by 25% and armor by 1% per point.
- Shockwave - Synergy from Maul adds 5% damage per point.

- Blood Golem - Removed negative shared life effect (player no longer
  loses life when the golem takes damage).
- Corpse Explosion - Increased base damage dealt from 60% - 100%
  to 70% - 120% of corpses health.
- Poison Nova - Increased base damage by 15%.

- Firewall - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Inferno and
  4% per point of Warmth.
- Blaze - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Firewall
  and 4% per point of Warmth.
- Hydra - Increased base damage by 15% per rank.
- Hydra - Increased base speed of Hydra projectile.
- Hydra - Reduced cooldown by 25%.

- Patch 1.13b (Public Test Realm)

- Patch 1.13a (Public Test Realm)

- Patch 1.12

     Downloadable Installer Support

- If all required Diablo 2 '.MPQ' files are installed on the
  hard drive, the game will no longer require the CD to play. 

   For users that originally performed a 'Full Installation' 
   and wish to run without the CD, all '.MPQ' files should 
   be copied from the Diablo 2 CDs to the Diablo 2 directory.  
   Most users will only need to copy D2Music.mpq from the 
   Diablo 2 Play CD and/or D2xMusic.mpq from the Lord of 
   Destruction CD.  Mac users will need to copy these music 
   files and rename them to 'Diablo II Music' and 
   'Diablo II Expansion Music' respectively. 

   Anyone who did not perform a 'Full Installation' will need
   to re-install from CD again to ultimately play without the CD.  
   In this case, a 'Full Installation' is required, followed by file 
   copy step noted above. 
     Bug Fixes

- Fixed an incompatibility between Rosetta and OpenGL mode on Intel Mac.

- Patch 1.11b

- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when you return to chat after
  playing a game on Battle.net.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when the runeword "Peace" was
  equipped on a hireling.

- Patch 1.11

     A new Mystery has been revealed!

- Players of Hell Difficulty Realm games are hereby warned once again, 
  that a series of new and challenging tests await you! The answer lies
  within Diablo's Bosses, which span across the world from the Den of Evil 
  to the Throne of Destruction...

     New Items

- Added 10 New Runewords.
- Added new Unique Items that will drop from Special Bosses.

     Hireling Enhancements

- Players can purchase hirelings that are within 1-5 levels below their
  own level.  
- The rate at which hirelings gain experience has been increased.  They 
  should now stay closer to the player's level.

     Major Bugs

- Creating a town portal when corpses or other objects entirely fill the
  area where the portal will appear in town will no longer crash the game.
- Skills obtained from runewords created while the item is equipped will
  no longer disconnect you from Battle.net when chosen.
- Barbarians will no longer become stuck when using Whirlwind right after
  Inferno from the unique item Balrog Blade Flamebellow.
- German, Spanish, and Polish users will no longer crash when the mouse
  cursor moves over an item that grants an Aura while equipped.
- The game will no longer crash when selecting a skill granted by a weapon
  at the same time as switching weapons with the W key.
- Dying or being requested to trade while changing the key configuration
  will no longer cause you to get stuck.
- The "Missile Firing too far" assertion error has been corrected.
- Attempting to sell a Horadric Cube or a quest item to an NPC by holding
  Control while clicking will no longer disconnect you from Battle.net.

     Minor Bugs

- Running the game with -install no longer causes the game to be installed
  as a Windows Service.  -install is now ignored.
- Sometimes the seals in Diablo's lair would not activate.  This has been
- Character expiration messages have been updated to reflect the
  expiration policy implemented in patch 1.10.
- Unidentified items sometimes caused other set items to display green for
  items the player does not have.  This has been corrected.
- The German mouseover text for the Ist rune has been corrected.
- Account recovery is now allowed for existing accounts whose name is only
  one or two characters.
- When leaving a game on Battle.net, you will now be brought back to the
  channel in which you were previously.
- Transmuting an ethereal item now retains the ethereal stats bonuses.
- In Japanese Lord of Destruction, items that add to all Assassin skills
  incorrectly stated in their mouseover text that they added to all Druid
  skills.  This has been corrected.
- Battle.net messages for non-English versions have been corrected.

     Fixed Game Exploits

- It is no longer possible to bypass the 10-second hostility timer by
  activating a waypoint at the same time as declaring hostility.
- Uber Diablo is no longer killed when Shenk the Overseer or Blood Raven
  die nearby.
- Necromancers with Trang-Oul's Set equipped could sometimes become
  invincible to attack.  This has been corrected.
- Blessed Hammer no longer remains active while in town, preventing
  players from subsequently declaring hostility and having the hammers hit
  other players for damage.
- Set items retained their multi-piece bonuses after the player died, even
  though they were removed.  This has been corrected.
- Items with skill-charging effects will no longer give synergy bonuses to
  skills when equipped on a character without those skills.
- Pasting from the Clipboard no longer allows the creation of characters
  with more than one dash or underscore in their name.

- Patch 1.10

     Mysterious World-event 

- Players of Hell difficulty Realm games are hereby warned that a new,
  challenging world-event has been added to Diablo II version 1.10.
  Players of Hardcore characters should be even more wary when
  encountering Superunique monsters during an active world event. Be
  prepared to execute a hasty Save and Exit, if your situation seems too

     Fundamental architecture changes/improvements

- The skill and monster systems are now completely data-driven. Skill
  balancing is simpler and quicker.  Monster control/populating/creation
  is simpler. Although done for our needs, mod-makers should like these
  changes, too. A major result is that nearly any skill can be used by any
  character class.
- A skill now may have synergy Bonuses (similar to masteries) applied by
  putting points into other skills.
- The player stats and inventory system has been completely redone to
  run more efficiently, improving server performance and stability.
- The collision detection system has been sped up significantly. Again,
  improving server performance.

     Specific changes/improvements

- Increased difficulty for high-level players to reduce future
  exploitation of the game system.
- Made monsters tougher
- Beefed up monster difficulty in Act V, Nightmare, and Hell
  difficulties. This was accomplished by improving monster stats (hp, ac,
  etc.) and by boosting their AI/behavior in NM and Hell difficulties
  (that is, by making decisions more often and by simply moving faster).
  In Nightmare and Hell difficulties monster damages have generally been
  increased -- dramatically in some cases.
- Reduced the effectiveness of Experience runs, power-leveling, and
- Added randomized (especially ranged-attack) monsters to Nightmare and
  Hell Act V - e.g., Burning Dead, Imps, etc.
- Increased the Experience attached to most Act V monsters in Normal,
  Nightmare, & Hell difficulties.
- Reduced the HP of (Act V) Barbarian soldiers in Nightmare and Hell
- Increased the rate of occurrence of Unique monsters in Hell
- Reduced the party member Experience sharing to 0 beyond a maximum
  distance of about 2 screens from the monster death. This prevents
  low-level characters from joining a party and then staying completely
  out of harm's way while still getting Experience.
- Increased the Experience penalty for Clvl 70+ as follows: Clvl 1 - 69:
  100% Experience Clvl 70 - 99: 85% - 0.8% Experience (approximately
  exponential decaying)
- Encouraged players to play in more of the Diablo II
- Reduced drops from the most-run SuperUnique monsters, ThreshSocket and
- Cut Experience and reduced drops in the Cow level.
- Randomized the monster populations more thoroughly throughout Act V in
  Nightmare and Hell difficulties, including the addition of 'guest
  monsters' from other Acts.
- Increased the number of Unique monsters in each area and difficulty.

    Improved various Items

- Improved the attributes for newly-dropped Rare Armor, Helms, and most
- Added over 100 new Unique Items, of which 29 can be found only in
  Ladder games.

    Revised Skill balance for all Player Character classes

    Amazon Javelin and Spear Skills

- Jab - Increased Attack Rating.
- Power Strike - Increased Attack Rating and Damage done to targets.
  Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Poison Javelin - Increased the total amount of Poison Damage and
  Duration. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Impale - Increased Attack Rating. Increased Damage.
- Lightning Bolt - Increased Lightning Damage. Added skill synergy
- Charged Strike - Increased the number of Charged Bolts released.
  Reduced average Lightning Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Plague Javelin - Added an Attack Rating bonus. Increased Poison
  Damage.  Increased Poison Duration. Lowered Mana cost per level of
  skill. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Lightning Strike - Reduced the average Lightning Damage. Added skill
  synergy bonuses.
- Lightning Fury - Rebalanced by increasing the average Lightning
  Damage. Although it starts lower, it rises rapidly to much higher
  damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

    Amazon - Passive and Magic Skills 

- Inner Sight - Increased the reduction in Enemy Defense. Improved
- Valkyrie - Increased Attack Rating and decreased Mana cost. Added
  resistances and skills like Evade, Dodge, etc. Added skill synergy
- Decoy - Extensively revised with added resistances and skills like
  Evade, Dodge, etc.

    Amazon - Bow and Crossbow Skills 

- Magic Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus.
- Fire Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost. Added skill 
  synergy bonuses.
- Cold Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Increased Cold Damage.
  Increased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Exploding Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Increased Fire Damage.
  Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Ice Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Immolation Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost.
  Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Freezing Arrow - Added Attack Rating bonus. Decreased Mana cost. Added
  skill synergy bonuses.

    Assassin - Martial Arts Skills 

- Dragon Talon - Increased Attack Rating.
- Fists of Fire - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Claws of Thunder - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Blades of Ice - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- All kick skills - Increased Attack Rating bonus.

    Assassin - Shadow Disciplines 

- Venom - Fixed duration at 0.4 seconds regardless of poison items
- Shadow Warrior - Increased the Life and resistances.

    Assassin - Traps Skills 

- Fire Blast - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Shock Web - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Charged Bolt Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Wake of Fire - Slight increase to Damage at higher levels. Added skill
  synergy bonuses.
- Lightning Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Wake of Inferno - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Death Sentry - Added skill synergy bonuses.

   Barbarian - Warcries 
- War Cry - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Shout - Increased duration.
- Battle Orders - Increased duration.
- Battle Command - Increased duration.

    Barbarian - Combat Masteries 

- Throwing Mastery - Increased the Attack Rating bonus to throwing skills.

     Barbarian - Combat Skills
- Bash - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Double Swing - Decreased Mana cost. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Stun - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Double Throw - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Concentrate - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Frenzy - Added skill synergy bonuses.

     Druid - Elemental Skills      

- Firestorm - Increased Fire damage at higher levels. Increased damage
  at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Molten Boulder - Added physical damage. Increased damage at higher
  levels.  Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Arctic Blast - Increased Cold damage at higher levels. Increased
  damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Fissure - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Cyclone Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.

- Twister - Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy
- Volcano - Added physical damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Tornado - Increased damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy
- Hurricane - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Armageddon - Increased Fire damage at higher levels. Added skill
  synergy bonuses.

    Druid - Shape Shifting Skills   

- Werewolf - Added skill synergy bonuses. Allowed casting of Armageddon.
- Werebear - Added skill synergy bonuses. Allowed casting of Armageddon.
- Maul - Increased Stun duration.
- Rabies - Increased Poison Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Fire Claws - Slight increase to Fire Damage. Added skill synergy

    Druid - Summoning Skills 

- Summon Spirit Wolf - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Heart of Wolverine - Increased radius of effect and Life.
- Summon Dire Wolf - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Oak Sage - Increased radius of effect.
- Spirit of Barbs - Increased Life.
- Summon Grizzly - Added skill synergy bonuses.

    Necromancer - Summoning Skills

- Skeleton Mastery - Increased Damage of non-Skeletal 'pets'. Increased
  Life of Skeletal 'pets'.
- Raise Skeleton - Increased Skeleton Life, Attack Rating, and Defense.
  Decreased the maximum number of Skeletons that can be summoned as
  follows: the first 3 skill points in Raise Skeleton still yield 1
  Skeleton per point (as in 1.09), however, subsequent Skeletons now
  require 3 skill points each. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Clay Golem - Added the ability to slow players and monsters on hit.
  Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Raise Skeletal Mage - Increased Damage. Decreased the maximum number
  of Skeletal Mages that can be summoned as follows: the first 3 skill
  points in Raise Skeletal Mage still yield 1 Mage per point (as in 1.09),
  however, subsequent Mages now require 3 skill points each. Added skill
  synergy bonuses.
- Blood Golem - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Iron Golem - Added Defense bonus. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Fire Golem - Increased Fire Damage. Added Holy Fire Damage. Added skill 
  synergy bonuses.

    Necromancer - Poison and Bone Skills
- Teeth - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Bone Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Poison Dagger - Increased Attack Rating. Increased Duration. Added skill 
  synergy bonuses.
- Bone Wall - Cut duration in half. Life decreased. Added skill synergy 
- Poison Explosion - Increased Duration. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Bone Spear - Increased Magic Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Bone Prison - Cut duration in half. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Poison Nova - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Bone Spirit - Increased Magic Damage at highest levels. Added skill 
  synergy bonuses.

    Paladin - Combat Skills 

- Holy Bolt - Increased Magic damage. Ignores resistances of Undead.
  Increased Healing to non-monster characters.
- Blessed Hammer - Increased high-level damage. Ignores resistances of
  Undead and Demons.  Added skill synergy bonuses
- Vengeance - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Sacrifice - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Holy Shield - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Fist of the Heavens - Ignores resistances of Undead and Demons.  Added
  skill synergy bonuses.
- Zeal - Increased damage above level 4. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Charge - Added skill synergy bonuses.

    Paladin - Offensive Auras

- Might - Increased area of effect.
- Holy Fire - Added Fire Damage to attack. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Thorns - Increased area of effect.
- Blessed Aim - Increased area of effect.
- Holy Freeze - Added Cold Damage to attack. Added aura damage. 
  Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Holy Shock - Rebalanced the area of effect. Increased Lightning Damage
  on attack. Improved damage ramp. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Sanctuary - Increased Magic Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

    Paladin - Defensive Auras 

- Prayer - Increased Healing and area of effect.
- Resist Fire - Increased area of effect.
- Defiance - Increased area of effect.
- Resist Cold - Increased area of effect.
- Resist Lightning - Increased area of effect.
- Cleansing - Increased area of effect. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Meditation - Increased area of effect. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Redemption - Increased area of effect.
- Salvation - Increased area of effect.

    Sorceress - Cold Spells 

- Ice Bolt - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Frozen Armor - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Frost Nova - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Ice Blast - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Shiver Armor - Increased Cold Damage. Increased Cold Duration.
  Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Glacial Spike - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Blizzard - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Chilling Armor - Increased Cold Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Frozen Orb - Added skill synergy bonus.

    Sorceress - Lightning Spells  

- Charged Bolt - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Energy Shield - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Nova - Rebalanced Lightning Damage.
- Lightning - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Chain Lightning - Added skill synergy bonuses.

    Sorceress - Fire Spells

- Fire Bolt - Increased Fire Damage at higher levels. Added skill
  synergy bonuses.
- Inferno - Increased Fire Damage at higher levels. Added skill synergy
- Fire Ball - Increased Fire Damage at higher levels. Slightly increased
  Mana cost.  Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Enchant - Rebalanced Fire Damage. Added Attack Rating bonus. Reduced
  Mana cost.  Added Skill Synergy Bonus.
- Meteor - Added skill synergy bonuses.
- Hydra - Rebalanced Fire Damage. Added skill synergy bonuses.

   Added new Rune Words and Horadric Cube Recipes 

- Added 20 new Rune Words.
- Added a Horadric Cube recipe as follows: 3 flawless gems + 1 magic
  weapon = socketed, magic weapon.
- Added 46 more Horadric Cube Recipes -- upgrades for the remaining
  Runes and item 'rerolls'. 
- The highest 19 Rune upgrades are usable only by Ladder characters.

    Closed some PvP loopholes/exploits

- Terminated the casting of 'absentee' skills such as the Sorceress'
  Meteor, Firewall, Blaze, Hydra; the Assassin's Sentries; the Druid's
  Volcano; etc. when the player enters town.  This prevents declaring
  Hostility and doing immediate damage to the unsuspecting.
- Prevented 3rd-party hacks from treating background objects as a
- Enforced a 10-second delay between declaring Hostility and using a
  Waypoint or Town Portal to leave town.
- Ears and other items dropped on the ground by players (even in town)
  are deleted more frequently, and even when on the same screen as
  players.  Magic, Rare, Set, and Unique items persist longer.
- The attribute "Hit Slows Target" has been limited to no more than 50%
  slowing when used in PvP.
- Fixed the bug that prevented a hostile player from targeting a
  Whirlwinding Barbarian equipped with a 2-handed sword.
- Throwing an Oil Potion no longer crashes an opponent.

    New Battle.net features.  Please see www.battle.net for more

- Introduced a new Lobby. Players now start in the lobby where they may
  decide to enter battle.net chat as before or to simply create/join a
  game without entering chat.
- Added the ability to recover a forgotten/stolen account password via
  email registration.
- Added a new command '/mail account_name' which sends a message
  directly to the account's registered email address.
- An 'expiration date' is now shown with Realm Characters on the
  selection screen.
- Introduced a new Ladder System for those who prefer to play free from
  any characters who may have participated in past item duping or hacking.
  To use this new feature, a player places a check in the Ladder box upon
  character creation -- in the same way that Expansion and Hardcore
  selection is done. Periodically, the Ladder may be reset, adding the old
  Ladder characters to the regular population -- who, of course, cannot
  play games with the new season's Ladder characters. Thus, every season
  each new Ladder character truly starts from scratch, as no 'twinking' is
  possible from older characters.
- Once a player defeats Diablo, all Diablo II Battle.net accounts
  accessed from that computer may create Hardcore characters.

     Battle.net bugs

- Prevented a crash when waiting in the Blizzard Tech Support channel on
- Realm games created without a Password no longer allow players who
  specify a Password to join.
- When a character dies during an 'Alt-F4' disconnection from B.net in
  Hardcore, the character icon now properly appears in both chat and the
  Character Selection Screen.
- Corrected typos in the Options help.
- Prevented players from changing their chat text color and indentation
  to masquerade as official Blizzard accounts.
- Warcraft III players no longer appear as cloaked figures in Diablo II
  chat rooms.
- Battle.net stability has been improved when a Diablo II character that
  had been designated as the operator of a private channel resigns.
- Players may no longer immediately re-join a chat Channel from which
  they have been banned.
- Barbarians dual-wielding with a Javelin now show the Javelin in
  battle.net chat, too.
- Removed Age from the Player Profile.

     Major Bugs

- Fixed the 'Druid Drop' bug related to equipping items which would
  cause players to be dropped from a game when activating Werewolf or
  Werebear skills above level 33.
- Super Unique, Unique, and Champion monsters can no longer be created
  as nearly invincible, that is, with < 0 hit points.
- Barbarians and Assassins who are dual-wielding potions are no longer
  prevented from entering a game.
- A Zod Rune applied to an Ethereal item no longer reduces its
  durability to 0.
- Characters with extremely fast attack speeds no longer erroneously
  miss their targets.
- Summoned creatures (aka 'pets') now properly inherit the player's
  level to determine their monster level.
- A summoned Grizzly now properly pursues and attacks its enemies more
- Fury and Phoenix Strike can no longer target the casting player's
  hireling or pet.
- Valkyries are no longer treated as monsters and erroneously assigned
  additional Life in Nightmare and Hell difficulties.
- A Valkyrie affected by a party member's Oak Sage can no longer be
  killed with 1 hit.
- Assassins and Barbarians with Mastery points no longer have excessive
  Critical Strikes applied to their melee attacks.
- Oak Sage and Heart of Wolverine now function properly above skill
  level 20.
- Poison Creeper now properly receives the PvP damage penalty.
- Holy Freeze no longer slows the Lightning skill.
- The curse Attract can no longer be overridden by any other curse.
- Using Battle Command can no longer erroneously retain the skill bonus
  granted by an item after un-equipping the item.
- Active level 18+ Thorns no longer makes the player character
  invulnerable to monster melee attacks.
- Lightning and Chain Lightning are now properly affected by items with
  casting rate magic properties.
- Using Enchant on ranged weapons now boosts the damage a variable
- Fireballs used against a Lightning Enchanted monster no longer make
  its Charged Bolts invisible.
- The 3rd charge of the Assassin's Skill - Blades of Ice, now freezes
  the target.
- Lower Resist now correctly updates the resistances displayed on the
  target's character screen.
- Crushing Blow now works at the percentage chance stated.
- Items can no longer be created with level requirements higher than 99.
- A throwing item with the magic property Replenishes Quantity now
  replenishes if depleted to 0 quantity.
- Newly-discovered Ethereal items with the magic property Increased
  Maximum Durability now may have the maximum durability.
- The Rune Word "Melody" now works properly for bows.
- Leaving the vicinity of a Super unique monster and returning after 20
  seconds, now properly respawns the Super unique for treasure drops.
- The erroneous action of the Reduce AC modifier. which had shown in the
  item pop-up as x% Target AC has been corrected. It now no longer sets
  the target's AC equal to the percentage, but properly reduces the
  target's AC by the percentage.  The display has been corrected to say
  "-x% Target AC." The modifier's effect is reduced by one half when
  player characters, SuperUniques, hirelings, and Act-end bosses are
- Fixed a bug in damage calculation for weapons which computed +min/+max
  damage prior to +damage%.
- If Holy Bolt is assigned to the right mouse-button and Charge or Smite
  to the left, left-clicking on a party member no longer sticks one in
- A player character standing on a player corpse is no longer immune to
- Auto-targeting skills when assigned to the left mouse-button no longer
  repeatedly cast, if one is holding the button down to move.
  Auto-targeting skills are those that nearby target if one is not
  selected, e.g., Fist of the Heavens.
- The Paladin's non-aura skills now attack appropriately, when one
  clicks on a foe without enough Mana to use the skill.
- A class of bugs that had reduced the effectiveness of alternating
  weapon attacks when equipped with two weapons has been fixed, including
  the various dual-claw Assassin attacks.
- Poison length calculations are now correct.
- Poison now works properly when applied to ranged attacks.
- Mindblast and Conversion now remove any auras from their targets upon
  casting and also when they wear off.
- Confuse now works properly, that is, without the occasional misfire.
- Holy Shield now boosts the defense of the player, not the shield.
- Blade Fury now uses the proper amount of Mana.
- Skeletons, Skeletal Mages, and Golems are now raised with appropriate
  (non-0) Attack Rating and Defense stats.
- Iron Golems are no longer summoned with excessive additional Life in
  Nightmare and Hell difficulties.
- Hirelings can no longer equip items without meeting the item
- Rogue hirelings can no longer shoot Lightning Bolts by equipping items
  that boost Bow and Crossbow skills.
- Isenhart's Case and Horns now work together correctly on Hirelings.
- Monster warping (aka teleporting) in some TCP/IP games has been
- Slowed or chilled monsters no longer 'desynch' (or 'lag') as easily.
- Corrupted Rogues no longer pause for long periods of time when
  pursuing a foe.  
- When a Barbarian throws a weapon with his left hand (right inventory
  slot) while equipped with a melee weapon in his right hand (left
  inventory slot), the thrown weapon now does proper damage.NPCs no longer
  bestow quest rewards (e.g., socketing) upon unidentified items.
- An NPC no longer fails to give a quest reward item to a character with
  a full Inventory or Stash.
- The Heaven's Brethren set bonus of "+5 to Light Radius" now works.
- As shown on the Character screen, Assassins receive a damage bonus
  from boots.
- The Assassin's Claw Mastery bonuses to Damage and Attack Rating are no
  longer erroneously swapped.
- A behavior-changing curse (like Dim Vision) can no longer affect a
  monster permanently, when the player portals away.
- The Life of monsters affected by Regeneration or Poison now updates
- Enchant cast upon other player characters is now enhanced by the
  caster's Fire Mastery.
- Skills and magic effects that change one's maximum Life now change
  one's current Life by a corresponding percentage.
- The Attack Rating displayed for the Assassin kick skills is no longer
  higher than the actual Attack Rating.
- Macintosh-specific fixes
- Improved compatibility with dual-monitor Macintosh systems.
- Prevented a crash when using the scroll bars and highlighting games in
  Battle.net's Join menu.

     Minor Bugs

- Summon Spirit Wolf no longer overstates the Damage.
- Spirit of Barbs, Heart of Wolverine, and Oak Sage no longer understate
  their radii of effect.
- When the Automap option "Center" is off, the Automap no longer centers
  upon opening the Skill Tree or Inventory.
- The extraneous text in the Change Realm dialog box has been removed.
- The health bar of a Flayer knocked from his Flayer Shaman now works.
- Fixed a general monster health bar overflow bug.
- A temporary loss of the Stamina Shrine effect no longer occurs.
- The Skill Tree levels are now displayed properly when a player equips
  both a non-melee item that boosts all character class skills along with
  a weapon that boosts an individual skill.
- Skills granted by items are now always displayed as such in the Skill
- The damage displayed on the character screen is now correct when a
  character with high strength has no weapon equipped.
- The damage displayed on the character screen is now correct for
  Freezing Arrow and Holy Shock.
- The hover text of the Amazon skill Multiple Shot now correctly
  displays that it does 3/4 weapon damage.
- When the Assassin has two Claws equipped and is using the Weapon Block
  skill, the Chance to Block percentage properly appears in the hover text
  of the Defense stat in the character screen.
- The Golden Bird quest status is shown correctly in the quest log, if
  one exits the game before getting the reward.
- The Redemption skill description now correctly states that it affects
  only the caster, not the party.
- The Redemption skill graphic effect can no longer appear erroneously
  when a player returns from town through a Town Portal.
- The Thunderstorm skill graphic effect now displays properly.
- The damage listed on the character screen for Holy Shock no longer
  appears blue.
- Hardcore Assassins and Druids no longer appear as cloaked figures in
  the multiplayer character selection screen of DII Classic.
- Message log scrolling is now more responsive.
- Players now see other players kicking barrels.
- Berserker Axe" is now spelled correctly.
- Io, Shael, and Jah Runes now have Korean, Japanese, and Chinese
- Corrected localization (translation, text box sizes, etc.) for a
  number of issues in French, German, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.

     Enhancements and other changes

- Implemented a new system to detect and delete 'duped', 'hacked' and
  other erroneous items from the inventories of Realm Characters as they
  are loaded.
- Increased the damage of nearly all skills above skill level 20.
- Added synergy bonuses to many skills. The bonuses boost the
  effectiveness of the higher-level skills based upon the number of points
  allocated to the lower-level (synergizing) skills. Players are rewarded
  for using skill points earlier rather than hoarding them all for later
  'cookie-cutter' distribution to high-level skills.
- Rebalanced the rate of Unique/Set/Rare/Magic items drop.
- Lower Resist and Conviction skills now work properly against immune
- Cold Mastery has been changed to a constant amount.
- Elemental Piercing versus immunities has been changed to a constant
- Improved the existing 7 class-specific Sets by adding and/or boosting
  partial and complete Set bonuses. Also added a visual effect to wearers
  of these complete Sets.
- Limited the maximum experience gain from The Ancients quest in Act V
  to 1 character level.
- One can no longer enter Town Portals cast by other players in areas
  beyond the "blocking quests" without having completed those quests:
  e.g., Canyon of the Magi/Seven Tombs/Duriel's Lair (The Summoner), The
  Harem/Palace Basement/Arcane Sanctuary (The Tainted Sun), Durance of
  Hate (The Blackened Temple), The Worldstone Keep (The Ancients), The
  Secret Cow Level (Terror's End in DII classic or Eve of Destruction in
  DII: LoD).  NOTE: A player who kills the High Council (but doesn't use
  Khalim's Will to smash the Compelling Orb), may take a Town Portal into
  the Durance of Hate.
- NPCs no longer accept lower difficulty quest items to complete quests
  in a higher difficulty.
- Atma now heals automatically.
- Quest items are automatically identified when they drop.
- Increased the challenge of Mephisto and the Ancients.
- Increased the damage and defense of Andariel, Mephisto, Diablo, and
- Gave Mephisto a more powerful Frost Nova, based on his own (not
  player's) stats.
- Added blocking and resistances to Duriel.
- Reduced the levels of all auras used by Unique monsters.
- Added more Unique monsters to the open areas of Acts IV and V.
- Life leeching is now determined by each monster type and reduced below
  100% in Nightmare and Hell Difficulties.
- Added resistances and blocking to the Unravelers in Act II in Hell
- Increased monster hit-points in one player games and reduced the
  increase to monster hit-points for each additional player in multiplayer
- Boosted the effects of Health and Mana potions.
- Mana potions are now sold by some shopkeepers.
- The Antidote potion now gives +50 poison resistance and +10 max poison
  resist for 30 seconds.
- The Thawing potion now gives +50 cold resistance and +10 max cold
  resist for 30 seconds.
- The Stamina potion now gives super stamina recovery for 30 seconds.
- Newly-found (post-1.10) magic bows with the properties "Fires Magic
  Arrows" or "Fires Explosive Arrows" have these properties at appropriate
  skill levels rather than being fixed at level 1.
- Improved gambling by increasing the chances for Rare, Set, and Unique
- Improved monster drops by boosting the base item types and by
  increasing the chance for Rares.
- Increased the chances that dropped items have the magic properties of
  Enhanced damage, Life-stealing, Mana-stealing, and + to all Resistances.
  Increased hireling Life/attack rating/defense/level. Also removed the
  skill cap from Act III hirelings. (Hireling level at hiring is now
  different between DII classic and LoD.)
- Increased life regeneration for hirelings.
- Boosted the effect of Health potions upon hirelings.
- Lowered the cost of resurrection of hirelings.
- Increased the leash range of hirelings.
- Summonables except for Revived monsters and pets that don't attack or
  defend - e.g., Vines now get Defense and Attack Rating based on their
- Bone Walls are now friendly to the caster's party - that is, not
- Improved Blood Raven's behavior.
- Guest monsters (those from earlier Acts and lower difficulty levels)
  compute their Treasure Class (for item dropping) appropriately for their
  new, higher levels.
- Chilling Armor no longer responds to other Chilling Armor bolts.
- A player may have up to 16 corpses now. Only the first (oldest) corpse
  holding items is saved between games.
- In Nightmare and Hell difficulties recovering one's corpse now
  restores 75% of the Experience that had been lost at death. This applies
  to all of a player's corpses.
- Block lock' has been eliminated. When a player character has just
  blocked an attack, the player cannot block again for a short period of
  time, the length of which increases as Blocking speed increases.
- Reduced the 'lag' when Lister the Tormentor and his minions are
  summoned by Baal.
- The levels of The Forgotten Tower are now larger in Nightmare and Hell
- Increased the likelihood of dropping Elite items.
- Only a very few Unique items and new 'uber' items are now over level
  85. That is, the best items now drop more often.
- Jewels and other modifiers can now boost the elemental damage of a
  melee weapon if that trait is listed as part of the Jewel description.
- The Buriza's level (not its level requirement) was increased to 59.
- Items that grant skills bestow a lower skill level to those character
  classes who natively have the skill in their skill tree. Note that
  Charged items receive synergy and mastery bonuses, but don't receive
  bonuses by assigning extra points to the skill.
- Boosted the Cham Rune freeze effect on weapons from +1 to +3.
- The Eth Rune's effect is now "-25% to Target AC". Thus, 4 Eth Runes
  reduce the target AC to zero.
- The modifier "Ignores Target AC" no longer acts upon SuperUniques,
  hirelings, and Act-end bosses. Its lack of effect upon player characters
  and unique monsters remains unchanged.
- Changed the Horadric Cube recipe that had used 3 chipped gems to
  require 3 standard gems as follows: 3 standard gems + 1 socketed weapon
  = socketed, magic weapon.
- Changed the two Horadric Cube recipes for Rejuvenation Potions to
  require a chipped gem and a standard gem.
- One may sell items to an NPC without the confirmation dialog by
  ctrl-left-clicking on them.
- Increased the size of the message log from 32 to 128 lines.
- Reduced the density of the graphic special effect displaying curses.
- Added optimizations to light map computation and added various levels
  of light map fidelity which automatically adjust to keep the frame rate
- Selecting "Show Party - No" in the Automap Options now shows one's
- In the inventory an unidentified Unique item is now shown as its
  generic item type.
- Improved the accuracy of the Mana cost display.
- Added a graphic effect to the Whirlwind skill.
- Improved the second level charge-up graphic effect of the Assassin's
  Phoenix Strike.
- Added new color schemes for certain Rare, Set, and Unique items.
- Maces and Staves now display "+50% Damage to Undead", consistent with
  other weapon classes.
- The TCP/IP Join Game button remembers the last IP address entered.
- Chat commands (e.g. 'fps') are now preceded by a slash (e.g. '/fps').
- A new chat command '/nopickup' toggles on/off the ability to
  automatically pick up items lying on the ground. When off, one must hold
  down the Alt key to pick up items.
- Monsters (except for SuperUniques) in non-ladder Realm games are now
  at 75% HP (Hell), 85% AC (NM & Hell), and don't increase their AI speed
  for higher difficulties.

   Macintosh-specific changes

- Support for both "widescreen" and "4:3" mode in Mac OS X 10.2+.
- Improved OpenGL performance for systems with minimum requirements:
  MacOSX 10.2, 256MB RAM, and Radeon or GeForce AGP video card.

- Patch 1.09d

     Minor Bug

- Fixed a bug with certain Creative Lab DVD drives and copy protection.
- Fixed another bug where a connection problem ("Unable to connect to 
  Battle.net") would instead result in a downloading patch dialog that 
  stayed at 0% indefinitely.
- Fixed a lockup that occurred on Dual CPU/Dual Video card systems when 
  hitting the quit button in chat.

- Patch 1.09c

     Major Bug

- Fixed a trading bug that could be exploited to allow one user to crash 
  out another user.

     Minor Bug

- Fixes issues with High Point Technology's RAID controller drivers. 

*****Modifications (North American versions only)*****

- Please note that included with this patch is a .dll file that relays 
  back to Blizzard the hardware configuration of the system on which the 
  patch is installed.  This file will be effective in North America only.

  In keeping with our policy of protecting user privacy, we will not be 
  collecting any personal information, nor will we be able to associate 
  any hardware information with any particular user.  We will only be 
  recording CPU, RAM, operating system, video card, and sound card 

  The reason we are doing this is to help our development teams optimize 
  our upcoming game, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, for various hardware 
  configurations.  The information we receive will help us tailor the game 
  to meet the system requirements of our customers and help us to enhance 
  their overall gameplay experience.  If you have any questions or 
  concerns about this procedure, please email us at support@blizzard.com.

- Patch 1.09b

- Fixed a bug where a connection problem (ie "Unable to connect to Battle.net")
  would instead result in a downloading patch dialog that stayed at 0%

- Patch 1.09 (Lord of Destruction and Standard)
* Note: certain item changes will not apply retroactively to already 
  existing items.

     Skill Balance Changes

- Decrepify no longer reduces the damage Resistance of immune monsters.
- Reduced damage of additional levels of Firewall starting from level 9.
- Changed Telekinesis to only work on scrolls, potions, keys, gold, arrows 
  and bolts.

     Modifications-Lord of Destruction

- The mouse-over functionality of hireling portraits has been changed. 
  You now must keep your mouse cursor over your hireling for three seconds 
  before the portrait highlights and the text "Drop potion on hireling 
  portrait, right-click to open inventory" appears. 
- Gold sharing among party members has been removed.
- Players can no longer give or take items from a hireling if they are not 
  within range (this fixes a bug where the game would crash if a player 
  gave or removed an item from a hireling when the Hireling was out of 
- Changed enhanced defense per level and enhanced damage per level to 
  display the exact amount of enhancement.
- Changed 'Hit Blinds Target' to a level-based formula.
- Changed 'Freezes Target' item modifier to a level-based formula 
  (improved for melee characters).
- Changed display of enhanced damage vs. demons and enhanced damage vs. 
  undead to be +x% instead of x%.
- Added potential for sockets to Bone Visage Elite Bone Helm, Troll's 
  Nest and Blade Barrier Elite Shields.
- Improved drops for placed (super) Unique monsters such as Bishibosh, 
  Rakanishu, et. al.
- Improved drops for certain quest monsters such as Blood Raven, The 
  Countess, The Cow King, et. al.
- Duriel now always drops a Town Portal scroll in addition to his regular 
- Enabled certain Horadric Cube recipes that were disabled in v1.08.
- Enabled "add socket" Horadric Cube recipe.
- Made "add socket" Horadric Cube recipe not work on socketed items.
- Added several very low-level magic affixes.
- Restricted some affixes from generating on certain item types.
- Rare items will now always spawn with three or more affixes if possible.
- Increased chances for 'of blocking' and 'of deflecting' suffix.
- Added increased block rate to 'of blocking' and 'of deflecting' 
- Personalized item names are now printed in the color of base type.
- Added base item type to highlight info for rune word items.
- Non-weapon items that add damage now do so with regards to bow damage.
- Adjusted strength & dexterity damage bonus for certain items.
- Changed the 'Ethereal' property to modify base stats.
- Changed the 'Reduce Magic Damage' property to spread across frames for 
  multi-frame attacks (such as firewall).
- Altered stats of many Unique items*.
- Altered stats of a few Set items*.
- Altered stats of a few rune word items.
- The Shae, Po, and Jo runes have been renamed. They are now the Shael, Io, and Jah runes 
- Reduced chances of elemental damage affixes spawning on Charms.
- Increased bonuses for affixes that increase stack size on Throwing 
- Increase chances of Self-repair affixes.
- Increase chances and potency of Replenish quantity affixes*.
- Increased stack sizes of most Throwing weapons.
- Enabled normal Orbs and Circlets.
- Increased maximum number of sockets for some items.
- Rare Jewels are now capped at a maximum of four affixes.
- Adjusted weapon and armor levels and level requirements.
- Stacked items with poison damage now average their poison duration.
- Rejuvenation potions now automatically go into the belt if picked up 
  from the ground.
- Rejuvenation potions can now be shift-clicked from the inventory into 
  an equipped belt.
- Adjusted the Hireling experience system.
- Altered Act 2 Hireling Auras.
- Changed Hireling damage to 50% against bosses in normal, 40% in 
  nightmare, and 25% in hell difficulties.
- Raised maximum price vendors will pay for an item to 30,000 gold pieces  
  in nightmare difficulty, and 35,000 gold pieces in hell difficulty.
- Added health Regeneration to all hireling types.
- Iron Maiden and Thorns effects now treat Hirelings as players with 
  respect to damage.
- Hirelings now gain experience from monsters killed by Minions and 
  other party members.
- Using a potion from the belt (either by hotkey or right-clicking) 
  while holding down the shift key will give the potion to the player's 
  hireling if he/she has one.
- Lowered maximum duration for which Hirelings could be stunned.
- Iron Golems are now saved with the player.
- Color coded monsters' elemental/physical immunity info display. (For 
  example, Fire Immune is printed in red).
- Changed monster stats back to what they were before v1.08.
- Reduced the Resistance bonus for Magic Resistant Uniques (It was 75%; 
  it is now 40%).
- The monsters in Act 4 that eat corpses will no longer eat corpses 
  that have already been used.
- The Resistance penalty at higher difficulty levels no longer applies 
  to Magic Resistance.
- Crush Beasts no longer give only 1 exp when they are killed.
- Changed PvP penalty for players or Hirelings attacking other players 
  to 1/4.
- Implemented PvP penalty of 1/2 for Hirelings attacking other Hirelings.
- Town portal use has been restricted to party members only.
- Reduced damage multiplier for act-end boss attacks vs. minions.
- Broken Ethereal items now sell for 1 gold.
- Added Thawing Potions to vendor inventories in Act IV and Act V.
- It is now possible (albeit very rare) to get Set and Unique items 
  from gambling.
- Increased the chances of getting a Rare item from gambling.
- Keys may now be purchased in bulk (shift + right-click).
- Swapped properties for Jah and Cham runes in weapons.
- Added rune words for Single Player/Other Multi Player which previously 
  only showed up on Realm games.
- Adjusted hover text box sizes.
- Updated the pop-up text to reflect adjusted monster attack and defense.
- Adjusted memory management code.
- Typing "players X", where X is a number between the current number of 
  players and the maximum (8), in the message box will now set the 
  effective number of players in the game (in single player, open 
  Battle.net and TCP/IP games only).
- Removed global Physical Resistance from Nightmare difficulty games.
- Fixed a bug where Tyrael would sometimes create an inaccessible portal.
- Fixed a bug where a player who was disconnected from Battle.net while 
  in the Imbue screen would crash.

     Major Bugs
- Fixed bonus to Undead damage modifier to work with ranged weapons.
- Fixed bonus to Demon damage modifier to work with ranged weapons.
- Fixed 'Reduces Target Defense' modifier to work with ranged weapons.
- Fixed a bug where item-specific partial Set bonuses didn't get applied.
- Fixed a bug where the enhanced defense for items that gained it on a per 
  level basis was improperly calculated (such as Blackoak shield).
- Fixed a bug where the enhanced damage for items that gained it on a per 
  level basis was improperly calculated (such as Hellslayer).
- Fixed a bug where certain two-handed and missile weapons did not get the 
  displayed damage bonus (such as Magewrath).*
- Fixed Piercing weapons to work correctly with Amazon skills (such as 
- Fixed a bug where items could give characters skills that are exclusive 
  to another Character class.
- Fixed a bug with weapon swapping which allowed some character classes to 
  dual wield items. When a player that is illegally wielding two items  
  enters a game, one of the items will be deleted.
- Fixed bug which allowed certain Horadric Cube recipes that were meant to 
  be disabled to continue to function.
- Fixed a bug where trying to display the highlight info for an item 
  with too many modifiers would crash the game.
- Fixed a bug in using an item that gives Werewolf/Werebear skills when no
  skill points were originally assigned to those skills caused an 
- Fixed various bugs with the second quest of Act 5.
- (Macintosh Only) Fixed a bug where a user running Diablo II Expansion in 
  800x600 received an assertion when entering Diablo II standard games.

     Minor Bugs

- Fixed a bug where Elemental damage did not display correctly for 
  Throwing Weapons.
- Fixed a bug in the determination of magic affix levels.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Ethereal throwing items to be stacked with 
  non-Ethereal ones.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to repair and/or recharge Charged 
  Ethereal items.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to repair Throwing Potions.
- Fixed a bug where Throwing Weapons brought from standard Diablo II 
  could not be Imbued in Diablo II Expansion Set.
- Fixed a bug where certain Paladin shields were not able to be 
- Fixed a bug where it sometimes did not verify replacing a dead 
  hireling with a new one.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the same Unique to be spawned more than once 
  in a game.
- Fixed various Horadric Cube recipes that create magic items.
- Fixed a bug that caused a rune word item to lose its rune word bonuses 
  when transferred off of the character who created it.
- Fixed a bug which caused the variable attributes of a rune word item to 
  reset inappropriately.
- Fixed a bug where using the Taunt skill would sometimes cause the game 
  to crash.
- Fixed a bug where the Firewall animation display without doing any 
- Fixed a bug where Sanctuary allows the Paladin to ignore an Undead 
  monster's damage resistance.
- Fixed a bug where left-hand throw was throwing using too many missiles 
  per throw.
- Fixed a bug where certain Charged items would use multiple charges per 
- Fixed a bug that caused Cold Mastery to think other players were immune 
  when they were not.
- Fixed a bug where you could select Baal's dead tentacles.
- Fixed a bug where in a Realm game, Nihlathak would remain in town even 
  after another player killed him.
- Fixed a bug where Anya would not always give a class-specific item for
  her quest reward.
- Fixed a bug where the invisible monster in the Worldstone Keep could be 
  affected by Monster Shrines.
- Fixed a bug where Monster Shrines could affect Druid Vines.
- Fixed bug where Regurgitators would eat Hirelings and destroy them.
- Fixed Act 1 hirelings to be able to use bows with special arrows 
  (such as Witherstring).
- Fixed a bug where hirelings' items would not update if they could no 
  longer meet the requirements to wear them.
- Fixed Immolation Arrow to do initial weapon damage; no base physical 
  damage is included in the radius.
- Fixed Freezing Arrow to do initial weapon damage; no base physical 
  damage is included in the radius.
- Fixed Poison Javelin to do initial weapon damage.
- Fixed Plague Javelin to do initial weapon damage.
- Fixed Lightning Fury to do initial weapon damage.
- Fixed a Fend bug that would abort the Fend prematurely on the server. 
  (This applies to Zeal and various other skills as well.)
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when a character clicked on 
  his/her own feet.
- Fixed invalid line Automap options from v1.08.
- Fixed drawing problem for charges/ammo counts on skill icons where the 
  number of charges would extend off the icon.
- Fixed some spelling errors in the text.
- Fixed some errors in translations.
- Fixed a variety of crash bugs.
- Fixed a bug where hireling health regeneration was dependent on the 
  number of players in game.
- Fixed a bug that allowed hirelings to be converted.
- Fixed a bug where items that add to skills had no effect on Hirelings.
- (Macintosh Only) Fixed a bug that made it possible to have the character 
  walk endlessly toward the lower left corner of the screen without input 
  from the player.
- Fixed a bug that caused garbage characters to appear at the top of
  the screen at the start of a realm game.


- Fixed a bug in Diablo II where uniques and champions could drop 
  throwing items as their "magic" item drop.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Diablo II players to put a socket in rare 
  items with the Horadric cube recipe.
- Fixed a bug in Diablo II that allowed hirelings to be brought into 
  other acts.


- Changed the Diablo II Standard blocking method back to the old method.
- Adjusted damage and attack rating of monsters in Diablo II Standard.
- Removed global Physical Resistance for monsters in Hell difficulty in 
  Diablo II Standard.

- Patch 1.08 (Lord of Destruction)

     Skill Balance Changes

- When using two-handed attacks the speed of both weapons are averaged.

- Whirlwind now alternates between two weapons when using two-weapon style.

- Increased Holy Shock's melee damage bonus.
- Decreased the power of Conviction.
- Added a casting delay for Fist of Heavens and increased its damage.
- Increased the blocking bonus that Holy Shield gives.
- Conviction does not affect immunities.

- Increased Fire Golem's melee damage.
- The hit points for a Revived monster no longer increase with more players
  in a game.
- Lower Resist and Amplify Damage do not affect immunities.

- Increased Fire Wall's damage.
- Increased Blizzard's duration.
- Decreased Meteor's casting delay.
- Decreased casting time for Chain Lightning and Lightning.
- Increased Frozen Orb's damage.
- Thunderstorm now hits a target every time.
- In expansion games, Static Field is no longer affected by Conviction 
  and Lower Resist. It will not take a monster below 33% health in 
  Nightmare difficulty or 50% in Hell difficulty.
- In non-expansion games Static Field remains the same.
- Cold Mastery will not affect cold immune monsters.
- The damage inflicted by Ice Blast, Fire Ball, Lightning, Nova, and 
  Glacial Spike, per level has been increased.

- Increased Freezing Arrow damage.
- Increased Ice Arrow damage.
- Increased Immolation Arrow damage, added a casting delay and decreased 
  the fire duration.
- Added a casting delay to Plague Javelin and increased its damage.

- Dragon Tail now has an attack bonus.
- Increased Fist of Fire damage.
- Increased Claws of Thunder damage.
- Increased Phoenix Strike damage.
- Fixed various bugs with skills that use two claws.
- Dragon Tail does not cost mana or knockback when it misses.

- Turned down the mastery bonuses for the wolves and bears.
- Increased Feral Rage's life stealing.
- Increased Hunger's life stealing, but increased its damage penalty.
- Increased the delay between the times that Hurricane does damage.
- Increased the radius for Armageddon's damage and increased the delay 
  between missiles.
- Werebear skill modified to give +50% to hit points. (It was +100%.)
- Maul now gives +20% damage per charge per level. (It was +25%.) Its 
  stun length is shorter and attack bonus is 3% plus, 3% per level. 
  (it was +20%, 10% per level.)
- Increased damage of Fire Claws slightly (+8 per level up to level 9).
- The damage bonus of Fury changed to +50% damage, 5% per level. 
  (It was 100%, 17% per level.)


- Creatures can be summoned in town, as long as the summoning does not
  require a corpse.
- Crafted items cannot generate with affixes meant for magic items 
- The durability for all claw class weapons is now doubled. (This 
  will not affect existing items.)
- Adjusted attribute requirements for all claw class weapons.
- Adjusted damages for all Elite weapons.
- Adjusted affix level for wands, staves and orbs. (Higher levels of 
  these items have better magic attributes.)
- Increased the chance of enhanced damage affixes on weapons.
- Increased the chance of enhanced attack rating affixes on weapons.
- Increased the chance of enhanced armor affixes on armor.
- Increased the chance of elemental damage suffixes on weapons.
- Increased the level and the damage for certain high level elemental 
  damage affixes.
- Decreased values on +maximum damage and +minimum damage charms. 
  (This will not affect existing items.)
- Increased values for percentage chance to find gold affixes on charms 
  and jewels. (This will not affect existing items.)
- Increased attributes of many affixes for jewels. (This will not affect 
  existing items).
- Increased chances of extra quantity affixes on throwing items.
- Increased chances of regenerate quantity affixes on throwing items.
- Increased jewel drop rates.
- The necromancer spell "Iron Maiden" no longer appears on charged items.
- Increased resistance bonus for Tal, Ral, Ort, and Thul runes when  
  socketed into shields by 5%.
- Increased resistance bonus for Um rune when socketed into shields by 
  2% and when socketed into helms and armor by 5%.
- Changed bonus for runes with + to max resists to 5%.
- Repaired rune words. (Most previous rune worded items will no longer 
  get rune word bonuses.)
- Adjusted rune drop rates.
- Removed several melee modifiers from generating on orbs.
- Changed Izual to be able to drop treasure.
- Changed Charsi's imbue quest to always give a plus to individual skills 
  on items that can have them.  
- Items sold to stores are priced as if they were fully repaired.
- Lowered prices for items with +2 or +3 to single skills.
- Lowered costs for recharging items.
- Removed throwing potions from stores.
- Increased prices for circlets and coronets.
- Unique monsters with the "teleport" attribute now heal a fixed amount.
- Crushing blow is 50% less effective with bows.
- Crushing blow is affected by physical resistance.
- Lowered hireling resurrection cost.
- Increased chances of finding unique and set items.
- Slightly increased the item drop rate for extra players in a game 
  who are not in your party.
- Lowered gambling prices that scale with your level.
- Changed prices on rejuvenation and full rejuvenation potions. 
- Added potential sockets for Troll nest and Blade barrier shields.
- Enabled sockets on certain items, increase sockets potential on others.
- Increased blocking for grim shield.
- Increased AC for all elite shields.
- Increased AC for Bone visage helm.
- Changed increased rate items, (fast, faster, fastest) to display as a 
  percentage faster. 
- Adjusted armor, blocking, and durability for elite Paladin shields.
- When used in melee throwing weapon durability decreases at one third 
  the thrown rate.	
- +2 to all skills affixes can now spawn on rare amulets.
- Increased range of the Glorious axe.
- Changed items with pierce to use their pierce value as a percentage 
  instead of as a level in the skill.
- Changed the piercing value for certain uniques with pierce (Kuko 
  Shakaku, Buriza-Do Kuyanon, Demon Machine, Razor Tail).
- Changed Wizardspike unique bone knife to 75% resist all. 
- The set item Naj's Puzzler now has 69 charges of teleport. 
- Added sound to shift-click of potions in grid. 
- Added elemental damage affixes for charms. 
- Adjusted the difficulty of Baal on higher difficulties. 
- Cannot get quest completion credit for the ancients' quest unless 
  the character level is 20 or greater in normal difficulty mode, 40 
  or greater in nightmare, and 60 or greater in hell difficulty mode.
- Keys now stack to 12 instead of 6.
- Right mouse click works the same as left mouse click if assigned an 
  attack skill.
- Act II hirelings have been improved with additional skills including 

     Major bugs

- Addressed certain duping issues when entering and leaving games.
- Fixed a bug which could allow you to have a defense rating after using 

     Minor bugs

- Added missing "crimson" affix with adds +5-10 fire resistance.
- Fixed a bug where quests and horadric cube recipes could generate items 
  with too many sockets.
- Fixed a bug were expert's/veteran's/master's prefixes were swapped with 
  sounding/resonant/echoing prefixes.
- Fixed a bug which allowed spells cast to have piercing while wearing 
  items of piercing. 
- Fixed a bug where single skill bonuses did not stack properly. 
- Fixed a bug where variable costs for armor types was not being calculated 
- Fixed a bug where you were allowed to shift-click purchase rejuvenation 
  potions in stores.
- Fixed the bug that added javelin damage to Lightning Fury, and made the
  graphics simpler for the lightning.

- Version 1.07

      Skill Balance Changes

- In expansion games, Blessed Hammer/Concentration combination imbalance 
  has been corrected.
- In non-expansion games, the Blessed Hammer/Concentration combination 
  remains the same.
- Zeal is now limited to 5 swings and gives an increased percentage to 
  Attack Rating.
- Fixed display for Vengeance's damage to reflect its actual damage.
- Salvation resistance increased.
- Increased damage for Fist of the Heavens.
- Decreased the length of time that Converted monsters fight for you.
- Increased the damage per level for Sanctuary.
- Increased the Smite damage for Holy Shield.
- Increased resistance bonus for Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist 
  Lightning, and Salvation.
- Increased the Mana regeneration rate for Meditation.
- Added melee lightning damage to Holy Shock.
- Added melee damage to undead to Sanctuary.
- Allowed Conviction to reduce an enemy's resistance to a negative value.
- Increased the player's resistance penalty for Conviction.
- Added a damage bonus to Fanaticism.

- In expansion games, Whirlwind is now properly modified by weapon speed.
- In non-expansion games, Whirlwind remains the same.
- Frenzy, Double-Swing, and Double-Throw are now properly modified by 
  weapon speed.
- Added damage bonuses to Concentrate and Frenzy.
- Frenzy now increases in attack speed as more monsters are hit.
- Increased the damage bonus on Berserk.
- Changed Battle Orders bonus to increase by 3% per level at all levels.
- Increased the damage of War Cry.

- Strafe has a greater range.
- Impale and Jab are now properly modified by weapon speed.
- Impale increases damage with level and decreases the chance to lose 
- Fend is now uninterruptible and does more damage.

- Increased the damage of Hydra.
- Lightning Mastery now affects electrical damage rather than decreasing 
  the Mana cost of those skills.
- Added a casting timer to Fire Wall, Meteor, Blizzard, Frozen Orb, and 
  Hydra and commensurately increased their damage to prevent a drop 
  in frame rate, while maintaining the same overall balance.
- Decreased the Mana cost for Enchant and increased its bonus to fire 
- The damage inflicted by most skills over level 8 has been increased.

- Enhanced the damage and decreased duration for Poison Dagger, Poison 
  Explosion and Poison Nova.
- Increased duration and adjusted radius for Decrepify.
- Fixed Iron Maiden+Blood Golem bug and increased the Blood Golem's Life 

      Major Bugs

- Fixed a bug with Paladin skills and party/hostility on the borders of 
- Fixed a bug that allowed a Necromancer to summon more than one Golem 
  at a time.
- Player can no longer steal Life/Mana from inanimate objects.
- Fire Mastery now correctly increases damage to the Hydra skill.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented Hirelings from dying along 
  with the player.
- Fixed the double-draw bug in some skill effects, including Blizzard,
  to improve frame rate.
- Fixed the updating of the summonables' health bar on their icons.
- Fixed a bug with left-hand swinging on the right-hand spell selection 
- Fixed the pop-up description for Fist of the Heavens.
- Fixed the overlapping of the character name and level name in the 
  party screen.
- Fixed bug with Barbarian Masteries.


- Gambling prices are now based on the character level.
- Sets and Uniques can no longer be gambled for.
- Boss monsters now do 30% less damage to Hirelings and minions than before.
- Monsters now display if they are Undead or Demon, when highlighted. If 
  nothing is listed, they are an "Animal" type.
- General levels for monsters in Nightmare and Hell difficulty have been 
- Maximum monster level is now level 70 in Nightmare and level 90 in Hell.
- Monsters in Nightmare/Hell difficulty, have higher Resistances, Hit 
  Points, and lower attack ratings than before.
- Poison Damage attacks from Monsters, do more damage than before.
- Mana and Life stealing effects are reduced by half in Nightmare and Hell.
- Retrieving your corpse where it died in Nightmare and Hell restores 50% 
  of any experience lost at death.
- Adjusted the stocking of vendor inventories based on difficulty level.
- Adjusted how Hirelings gain experience.
- Adjusted how Hirelings react to missiles.
- Adjusted Hireling resistances.
- Increased the amount of Gold a character can hold in the Stash.
- Increased the power of all Gems/Skulls and added level requirements.
- Increased the power of all throwing potions and added level requirements.
- Increased the resistance penalty in Nightmare difficulty to -40 and 
  Hell difficulty to -100.
- Sounds for Gems in inventory have changed.
- Looting corpses is available only in Hardcore games.
- In multi-player, you may only go hostile once per minute with each
  other player in your game.
- New Party Experience Bonus to players in a Party in multiplayer.
- Crystal Swords have an increased durability.
- Scepter class items have increased damage.


- Holding down SHIFT and RIGHT-Clicking, when buying health potions,
  auto-fills any empty slots in the belt. This applies to buying scrolls
  of Town Portal and Identify scrolls too.
- Holding down SHIFT and LEFT-Clicking on health potions in inventory,
  will auto-move them to the appropriate column in your belt.
- Added a new 'Repair All' button for equipped items at the blacksmith in
  each Act.
- New Auto-Map functionality. Players can adjust the size of the Auto-Map
  in the "Auto-Map Options" menu, switching to the new "Mini-Map".
- Up to 8 "Hotkeys" are available to assign skills to now.
- Improved the displays for character status screens.
  * Total blocking % is now shown and is a related to a player's level 
    and dexterity.
  * Chance to Hit and Defense against last monster fought is now shown.
  * Maximum Resistances are now shown in Gold color.
  * Elemental damage only items, display colors for elemental type damage.
- Wells now heal hirelings.
- Removed collisions for players with pets.
- Pets health will scale up accordingly in Nightmare and Hell difficulty.


- Player can no longer steal Life/Mana from certain monster types.
- Names of pre-existing Rare Items have changed. However, the item 
  properties have not.
- The maximum damage of Enhanced Damage items may change 1-3 points.
- The damage of many items has been increased.
- Items with one or two sockets may gain an additional socket.
- After patching, newly-discovered Set and Unique items will have
  additional level requirements.
- Level requirements have not changed for Classic Set items (those
  discovered in the original Diablo II).

- Patch 1.06b

      Major bugs

- Fixed a bug that allowed players to crash other players by spamming them.
- Fixed a bug that was not saving Open Battle.Net characters.
- Fixed issue with Samsung Drives and copy-protection.


- Battle.net's Terms of Service agreement updated. Everyone please take 

- Patch 1.06


- Updated Battle.net's Terms of Service agreement. It can now be accessed 
  without having to create a new account. 
- Further optimized server-to-client communication.
- Fixed copy-protection for various CD, DVD and CD-R drives.

- Patch 1.05b

      Major bugs

- Fixed a video driver crash encountered when displaying graphics in
  the Battle.net chat room.
- Fixed copy-protection for various CD, DVD and CD-R drives.
- Fixed a problem where character avatars were left in the list after
  that character had left a channel.
- Fixed several visual glitches with the character select screen.

- Patch 1.05

      Major bugs

- Fixed copy-protection for various CD, DVD, and CD-R drives.
- Barbarians wielding two potions are no longer prevented from entering
- Socketed items were mistakenly and irreversibly de-randomized in 1.04.
  Now their gem effect values are taken from the upper end of their
  original (pre-1.04) random ranges.
- Fixed all spell ranges. They were mistakenly reduced in v1.04.
- Fixed a bug that prevented deleting some Characters.
- Fixed numerous foreign language display problems.

      Minor bugs

- Fixed a bug in the trade screen when the Horadric Cube was open.
- Duplicate ladder entries should no longer occur.
- The Ladders scroll properly now when there are less than 999 entries.
- Realm characters should no longer appear as robed.
- Fixed a bug allowing users to appear in a channel twice.
- If the user cannot connect to a default realm, a "Realm down" message
  is displayed.
- Fixed the "packet sniffing" exploit used when gambling.
- High-durability items no longer lose durability when you join a 
  game after exiting or dying.
- The Conversion skill no longer causes a monster counting error in the
  Den of Evil.


- A prompt now appears informing the user to delete characters when they 
  have greater than eight characters in a Realm.
- Player profiles now have a link to their ladder records, if they are
  in the top 999.
- A "connecting to realm" message was added.

      Balance Changes

- The Paladin's Concentration skill now enhances the damage of Blessed 
  Hammer just as it did in 1.03. The damage displayed on the Character
  screen is correct, too.
- The Amazon's Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather 
  than total bow damage. 
- The Amazon's Guided Arrow skill now enhances base bow damage rather
  than total bow damage. 

- Patch 1.04b

      Major bugs

- Fixed problems with accessing the Play CD at startup on some
  CD and DVD drives.
- Fixed a crash problem with the Video Tester in Windows NT and
  Windows 2000

- Patch 1.04

      Major bugs

- The Prismatic amulet, Coral ring, and other Horadric Cube recipe items 
  no longer change into other items upon starting a new game.
- Lances, Holy Water Sprinklers, Grim Helms, War Clubs, and Stilettos can 
  now be dropped by monsters and chests.
- Using the Paladin Charge skill as a monster dies cannot generate a 
  "zero hit-point" monster.
- Fixed an assertion when a high-level character kills a monster.
- Barbarian's Whirlwind and Leap Attack and Paladin's Charge no longer 
  keep all inventory items red and unusable after attack ends.
- A "dead, but alive" bug has been fixed.
- Equipping a barbarian with a two-handed sword or with a shield while 
  holding two two-handed swords will no longer cause disconnection from 
  the Realm.
- Fixed an assertion that could happen when unequipping one item while 
  wearing another gemmed item that enhances a character stat.
- Fixed a bug that prevented damage-enhancing magic properties from 
  working properly on bows.
- Closed a loophole that could allow a player to declare hostility on 
  anyone regardless of where the declarer is.
- Closed a loophole that could allow a player to run around too fast.
- Closed a loophole that allowed a player to equip and use an item that 
  was beyond the character's ability.
- Improved compatibility with Delta CD-ROM drives.
- When loading a saved character holding bad items, all the bad items 
  are deleted, allowing the character to be played.

      Minor bugs

- Charged Bolts are no longer invisible for a radius (based on the 
  caster's light radius).
- "Bonefarming" eliminated in Single Player and Open games.
- Fixed the "Moon-walking" bug that occasionally appeared when knocked 
  back by a monster.
- French and German Create Queue status messages no longer overlap.
- Fixed attack speed bonuses and descriptions to be accurate for 
  Griswold's Edge, Goreshovel, The Diggler, Witherstring, and Twitchtroe.
- Fixed cast rate descriptions for the unique and set items: Arcanna's 
  Tricks, Maelstromwrath, Ume's Lament, The Iron Jang Bong, Wall of the 
  Eyeless, and Magefist.
- Long emotes in chat combined with a 15 character-long name no longer 
- The inventory sounds of the Sallet, Heavy Bracers, Battle Gauntlets, 
  War Gauntlets, Mesh Boots, Battle Boots, War Boots, and Demonhide Sash 
  are now the same as the unexceptional versions of these items.
- Removed "invisible islands" from the River of Flame, Tal Rasha's Tomb, 
  Spider Forest, and Tower Cellar, preventing Barbarians/Sorceresses from 
  leaping/teleporting onto them.
- Changed the Amazon's Jab skill description to multiple attacks.
- Fixed a number of typos ("ordinateur" (in French version), "Eats and 
  Spits Corpses", "Stiletto", "Explore Tal Rasha's Chamber") and 
  capitalization mistakes ("extra gold from monsters", "better chance of 
  getting magic item", "Hit Causes Monster To Flee", "bonus to Attack 
  Rating", "Slows target by", and "Hit blinds target").
- When a Realm character tries to join a game at a higher difficulty level 
  than earned, the correct error message is used.
- The difficulty setting of the last Realm game created or joined will no 
  longer carry over to the next Single Player game.
- Fixed an error displaying the Chance to be Hit by a monster when having 
  activated a second Armor Shrine before the first one wears off. The 
  chance actually never goes below 5%.
- Fixed a bug where an open quest log was not updated to reflect the 
  saving of Cain.
- Fixed a bug that gave the wrong name to a Waypoint highlighted by a 
  player standing in a different "room" in the game environment.
- Two-handed items are now equipped properly (doing proper damage) at the 
  beginning of a game.
- Clicking on one's corpse (while equipped with nothing) properly 
  re-equips all the items from the corpse.
- Closing the Waypoint list by pressing Ctrl+Alt no longer disables pop-up 
  text on NPC's and inventory items.
- Attempting to trade a Tome or Scroll to a player without enough room to 
  accept them, no longer causes a phantom Spell to appear in that player's 
- The gauntlet cursor can no longer be erroneously turned into a 
  trade/repair arrow/hammer.
- Fixed a bug with the mini-experience bar above level 75.
- Fixed a bug in the display of the Chance to be Hit.
- Fixed a bug in the count of the number of Scrolls remaining in Tomes of 
  Town Portal and Identify.
- The ranges of the Scythe and Grim Scythe have been increased to the 
  intended values.
- A miscalculation of the distance ranges of some skills has been fixed.
- The Iron Maiden skill now heals a Blood Golem based on the amount of 
  damage done to it rather than the maximum life of the monster attacking 
- Fixed a bug with experience accumulation and its display in the Realm 
  Ladders above level 93.
- Guided Arrow skill properly increases damage with additional skill points.


- The Realms handle character data more quickly now.
- Added a Battle.net gateway selection to the main menu.
- Added a Change Password feature.
- Battle.net messaging has been upgraded to use character names, not just 
  account names. The new message addressing formats are: 
  /msg CharacterName, /msg CharacterName@RealmName (where RealmName is 
  USWest, USEast, Asia, or Europe), and /msg *accountname. The old 
  addressing format was: /msg accountname.
- Duriel's graphics are pre-loaded before entering his lair. This 
  minimizes the chance of getting killed by him before loading is complete.
- Added a CONTRAST video option to allow users who preferred the original 
  Glide settings to the 1.03 version to change the setting back or 
  somewhere in between.
- Slightly increased the effectiveness of Corpse Explosion by making every 
  point (not every other one) add to the radius of the damage.
- Health and mana reductions are no longer smoothed. Now, if you take a 
  big hit, you immediately see a big drop.
- Grim Shield base blocking was changed from 0 to 10.
- Added low quantity warning for Balanced Axe and Hurlbat.
- Added chances for Blades and Stiletto to be generated as treasure.
- An equipped belt can now be traded, if it is empty of all items.
- If player 1 has a chat window open and player 2 clicks on player 1, 
  nothing will happen now. This prevents trading requests from 
  interrupting someone who is trying to chat.
- Messages sent by a player in trade are only sent to the other person 
  with whom the player is currently trading. Also, messages from players 
  outside the trade are squelched and will not appear in the message log.
- Color codes sent by other users in chat are filtered out, preventing 
  malicious masquerading.
- Chat colors have been adjusted to help players identify the source of 
  the text. The new chat colors are Name = Gold, Whisper = Green, 
  Alert = Red, Message = White, Emote = Gray, Enter/Exit = Gray, and 
  Blizzard Representative = Blue.
- Removed the chat cheats "scrollhack1" and "scrollhack2".
- Added some new error messages to Battle.net and clarified a few others.
- Changed the Battle.net chat history scroll bar to Windows-style 
  "page up/down" instead of "scroll to this spot".
- Changed the "i" and "l" (lower-case "L") in the Battle.net chat font 
  to look different. The small "5" and "6" in the Character screen are 
  now more distinguishable, too.
- Maximum number of characters increased to 8 Battle.net characters/realm.

******Game Hint/Spoiler******

- Quest items will no longer be destroyed when transmuting quest items in 
  the Horadric Cube already containing another complete recipe.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the Golden Bird and Gidbinn 
  quests from giving their rewards.
- Cain no longer gives out extra Mephisto Soulstones.
- Removed the pesky "thief" ability from Lord De Seis. 
  (That oughta' fix him!)
- Fixed a bug that erroneously gave credit for the Act 4 Soulstone 
  quest to a party member who was not in Act 4.
- The resistances of certain Super-unique monsters have been reduced. Now, 
  Andariel correctly takes extra damage from fire, while the Smith and 
  Hephasto take extra damage from poison.

- Patch 1.03

      Major bugs

- Fixed a rare bug that would mark a character as "Unable to join, 
  Bad item." A typical cause of this bug was high lag conditions 
  while two characters simultaneously attempted to use the same 
  item lying on the ground - for example, a Necromancer casting 
  Iron Golem on a sword while another tried to pick it up.
- Fixed a bug where Diablo II would crash when using 64 MB video cards.

      Minor bugs

- Fixed a loophole that allowed either the Necromancer wearing the 
  complete set of Infernal Tools or the Paladin with the Milabrega 
  set to temporarily boost his skills to very high levels.
- Fixed a bug that caused Amazons wielding a javelin in the right 
  side inventory box and a shield in the left to do no damage with 
  javelin-throwing skills assigned to the right mouse button.
- Fixed a bug in Open games that dropped players with slower machines 
  from the game when they talked to Act III NPCs.
- Fixed 3 rare lock-up bugs with Lord De Seis: 1) killing him as any 
  character, 2) leaping away from him as a Barbarian, and 3) being 
  killed by him while simultaneously drinking a potion.
- If a player tries to create a game when a Realm server is fully 
  occupied, the player is prompted to join a game instead. It no longer 
  reports "Server Down" in this case.
- The "Toggle Belt" hotkey is no longer active when the in-game chat 
  overlay is displayed.
- Magic Mauls with the Enhanced Damage Property have been fixed.
- Unique Boots Treads of Cthon and Tearhaunch now give players the 
  proper increased walking speed 
- Static Field (Sorceress) Fixed Spell Description 
- Leap Attack (Barbarian) Fixed Spell Description 
- War Gauntlets are now spelled correctly 
- Corpse Explosion (Necromancer) Reduced the explosion damage so 
  that it is not scaled up for each additional player in the game. 


- Game creation queue added. Client now informed of game creation 
- Reduced the average bandwidth required for each player/client. 
  Effects: reduction in lag and a slight modification to the updating 
  of the Life Orb. There may be a period of adjustment for some players 
  and we encourage you to pay closer attention to your Life Orb until 
  you are used to this change.
- Added support for future server performance improvements. 
  Effect: Future reduction in lag and future increase in the number 
  of games per server.
- When a server goes down, the clients will no longer be left in 
  "limbo" for up to 20 seconds, but will exit immediately to 
  Battle.net chat.
- Messages from Battle.net are now yellow.
- Critical Strike (Amazon) now works on all weapons. 
- The "Z" Key will now toggle between views of Minions only, No 
  Minions or Party Members, and Your Minions and Party Members. 
- Items sold by Vendors under the Misc Tab no longer sell out. 
- Settings are kept when creating games on Battle.net.
- ATI's recent driver update has solved incompatibilities with Rage 
  128 video cards and RAVE/OpenGL. To use RAVE or OpenGL with a you will 
  need to download and install the new drivers, and then choose 
  "Rescan Monitors" from the video configuration screen. If you can 
  already select RAVE or OpenGL mode, you do not need to download this update.
  The drivers can be downloaded from ATI's web site, for manufacturers contact
  information please visit:
  http://www.blizzard.com/support/information/vendors.shtml (Mac only)
- Minor changes for Japanese and Korean support. 
- Fixed a bug that could cause crashes when playing in RAVE or OpenGL. 
  (Mac only) 
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause the game to lock up in low memory 
  situations. (Mac only) 

      Balance Changes 

- Players that have not completed the last quest in Act III can no longer 
  use the Portal to Act IV until they have properly completed that quest. 
- Corpse Explosion (Necromancer) Reduced the extra radius gained per 
  level of the skill from 1 to 1/2. 
- Revive (Necromancer) Removed the hit point boost for extra levels 
  gained in this skill.
- Conversion (Paladin) Lowered the formula calculating the chance to 
  convert for extra levels gained in this skill.
- Whirlwind (Barbarian) Decreased the number of attack attempts made 
  when using this skill.
- Pierce (Amazon) Magical arrow effects such as Immolation will apply 
  to every target hit.

- patch 1.02

      Major bugs

- Fixed a bug that deleted your single player or open character if 
  you deleted a Realm character with the same name.
- Fixed several bugs to improve memory usage--those bugs could cause 
  the game to slow down after playing for a while.
- Fixed a bug associated with ejecting the Play CD.

      Minor Bugs

- More consistent closing of dialog boxes and pop-up screens when 
  hitting Esc key.
- Fixed a bug to allow faster drawing of the auto-map.


- Will auto-close some NPC menus when necessary.
- The automap can be toggled when a waypoint is active.
- Game log file names follow the format D2YearMonthDay.txt.

******Game Hint/Spoiler******

- Fixed a bug that caused the portal to the Valley of the Magi to 
  disappear if a player had completed the Arcane Sanctuary quest (by 
  killing the Summoner) but exited the game without taking the portal 
  and establishing the waypoint in the Valley of the Magi. (Act II).

- patch 1.01

      Major bugs

- Fixed a bug that prevented you from getting credit for killing a
  quest boss, if you died before it did -- perhaps, by killing it
  with a poisoned weapon.
- Fixed a bug that could crash the game during the countdown after
  completing the final quest in Act IV, if the player used
  Waypoints to return to the earlier Acts.
- Fixed a hang bug that could occur if picking up gold while
  fleeing from a Gargantuan Beast (Act I).
- Fixed a crash bug that very rarely occurred when a Sorceress
  cast the Meteor spell.
- Fixed the "black screen" crash that could occur if one pressed
  'Alt-tab' during a cinematic.
- A Multiplayer Install running DirectDraw will no longer crash
  when one cancels the Cinematic selection menu.
- Fixed a bug that prevented two quest rewards from scaling up
  properly for Nightmare and Hell difficulty.
- Sand Leaper corpses no longer prevent players from moving through
  a tight pass in the Act II desert.
- Wounded Act II spiders no longer greatly reduce the frame rate.
- Lower-titled characters may now join Open games created by
  higher-titled characters (those who have completed the game in
  Normal, Nightmare, or Hell difficulty).
- Fixed a bug that prevented some complete Item Sets from having
  their full bonus.
- Fixed a bug in Open Battle.net games that allowed a second player
  to create another game with the same name as an already existing
  game. No one could join the second one.
- Fixed a bug in TCP/IP games when a Town Portal was smothered in
  piles of gold, it could cause a player entering from the other
  end of the Portal to be disconnected from the Host.
- Fixed a bug that prevented interacting with the Stash, NPCs, or
  Waypoints if the player clicked on the Stash, then pressed 'H'
  before arriving at the Stash, and finally pressed 'H' again
  after arriving at the Stash.

      Minor bugs

- Removed an unused gossip from Ormus (Act III).
- Fixed a bug where if the 'Space bar' were assigned to another
  function, it would erroneously continue to close the Message Log,
  Quest Log, and Waypoint menu.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally allowed some monsters to enter the
  Act II town of Lut Gholein.


- Improved the stability of the servers and the behavior of clients
  when a server malfunctions.
- Changed the amount of gold dropped by a player who is killed by
  another player (PKed) to equal the amount that would normally be
  lost "to the void" as a death penalty when killed by a monster.
- Updated the ReadMe.htm to document the PK gold-drop penalty.
- Changed the text color for Blizzard Representatives in Diablo II
  chat rooms to yellow.
- Australian users connect to the USWest Realm instead of the Asia

******Game Hints/Spoilers******

- Fixed a crash bug that occurred upon entering the red Portal to
  the Canyon of the Magi, if a player had completed the Arcane
  Sanctuary quest, then saved and started a new game, before
  completing the Seven Tombs quest (Act II).
- Fixed a multiplayer bug that prevented a character from completing
  the final quest in Act II (and advancing to Act III), when joining
  a game started by a character who had already defeated the final
  boss, but who had not yet visited Meshif for the reward.
- Fixed the following 3 bugs that could occasionally crash the game:
  - Killing Lord De Seis (Act IV).
  - In Perspective mode Glide entering a Tomb in the Canyon
    of the Magi (Act II).
  - A multiplayer party fighting in the Kurast Bazaar (Act III).
- Fixed a bug that caused a quest item being held in the cursor to
  disappear when pressing the Horadric Cube's transmute button.