Item Affixes:修订间差异

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删除53字节 、​ 2024年12月9日 (星期一)
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== 基本词缀信息 General Affix Info ==
== 基本词缀信息 General Affix Info ==
Affixes are item modifiers which each add one or more item attributes. They are randomly selected for <span class="d2-blue">magic</span>/<span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">crafted</span> items when those items are initially generated and each affix has its own weighted frequency, making some affixes rarer than others. Affixes are grouped and items cannot have more than one affix from each group - similar attributes are usually grouped together, but not always (notably prefixes/suffixes) so items can have multiple affixes which add the same attributes in some cases. Item rarity and item level (ilvl) determine how many affixes the item can have:  
词缀是物品修饰符每个词缀可以添加一个或多个物品属性. <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span>/<span class="d2-yellow">亮金</span>/<span class="d2-orange">手工</span> 物品最初生成时它们是随机选择的每个词缀都有自己的加权频率, 使得某些词缀比其他词缀更稀有. 词缀是分组的每个条目不能有超过一个词缀 - 相似的属性通常被分组在一起, 但并非总是这样 (特别是前缀/后缀) 所以在某些情况下条目可以有多个词缀来添加相同的属性. 物品稀有度和物品等级 (ilvl) 决定了物品可以有多少词缀:  
* 魔法: 1-2 词缀总数; 最多 1 前缀 和 1 后缀
* 魔法: 1-2 词缀总数; 最多 1 前缀 和 1 后缀
* 亮金: 3-6 词缀总数; 最多 3 前缀 和 3 后缀 (珠宝的词缀限制在最多 4 个)
* 亮金: 3-6 词缀总数; 最多 3 前缀 和 3 后缀 (珠宝的词缀限制在最多 4 个)



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