Item Affixes:修订间差异

删除54字节 、​ 2024年12月9日 (星期一)
第20行: 第20行:
** ilvl 71+: 4 词缀 (100%)
** ilvl 71+: 4 词缀 (100%)

In addition to determining how many affixes an item can have, the item's rarity can also affect ''which'' affixes can spawn - some affixes are limited to magic items only. Item types are colored <span class="d2-blue">blue</span> if the affix can only appear on <span class="d2-blue">magic</span> versions, and <span class="d2-yellow">yellow</span> if they can appear on <span class="d2-blue">magic</span> ''and'' <span class="d2-yellow">rare</span>/<span class="d2-orange">crafted</span> versions.
除了决定一个物品可以有多少词缀之外, 物品的稀有度也会影响 ''哪些'' 词缀可以生成 - 的些词缀仅限于魔法物品. 物品类型被标记为 <span class="d2-blue">蓝色</span> 的词缀只能出现在 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> 版本中, <span class="d2-yellow">黄色</span> 代表他们能出现在 <span class="d2-blue">魔法</span> '''' <span class="d2-yellow">亮金</span>/<span class="d2-orange">手工</span> 版本.

The required level (rlvl) for a character to use an item with a given affix is typically 75% of the alvl, but this is not always the case. It is shown alongside alvl, frequency (freq) and group in the tables below.
角色使用带有特定词缀的物品所需的等级 (rlvl) 通常是 alvl 的 75%, 但情况并非总是如此. 它与 alvl, 频率 (freq) 和组一起显示在下面的表中.

=== 词缀等级 Affix Level ===
=== 词缀等级 Affix Level ===


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