Comprehensive All-Content Bowazon Guide:修订间差异

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=== 头盔 Helmet ===
=== 头盔 Helmet ===
'''Stealskull''' - Leech and MF, can socket and add PTopaz
'''偷取骷髅 Stealskull''' - 吸取和 MF, 能打孔并添加完美的黄宝石

'''Corrupted Unique''' - You can really run any unique you want here if you puzzlebox or corrupt it for PTopaz sockets
'''腐化的暗金''' - 你可以在这里使用任何你想要的暗金如果你进行了谜盒或腐化开孔那么镶嵌完美的黄宝石

'''3os White Helmet''' - If you don't have anything better, this can help you in the meantime
'''3 孔白色头盔''' - 如果你没有更好的东西, 这个可以在此期间帮助你

'''Giant Skull''' - You still want 100% pierce, so consider this if you don't have it in another slot
'''巨骷髅 Giant Skull''' - 你仍然想要 100% 的穿刺, 如果你没有其他镶孔的可以考虑这个

=== 身体 Body ===
=== 身体 Body ===



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