Comprehensive All-Content Bowazon Guide:修订间差异

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== 属性 Stats ==
== 属性 Stats ==

'''Strength:''' 134 including all gear and charms, enough for Windforce
'''力量:''' 134 包含所有装备和护身符, 足够带上风之力 Windforce

'''Dexterity:''' Everything else - each point in Dex is 1% increased physical damage for us
'''敏捷:''' 其他的东西 - 每点 Dex 1% 增加物理伤害给我们

'''Vitality:''' Up for debate - some Bowazons don't put any here, others get their vitality to 80-100 hard points for survivability
'''体力:''' 值得讨论的是 - 有些弓马人没有在加任何点数, 些人为了生存能力把他们的体力提高到 80-100 硬点
'''Energy:''' None

'''精力:''' 无

== Self-found Gear ==
== Self-found Gear ==



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