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== Where can I trade my items? ==
== Where can I trade my items? ==
* Items can be listed and searched for on PD2's [https://live.projectdiablo2.com/market Trade Site]. Players can chat on the trade site or within the game to make a deal, then meet up in-game to trade items. There are also several channels dedicated to trading on [https://discord.gg/projectdiablo2 PD2's Discord]. Note that third-party and real-money trading are [https://discord.com/channels/701658302085595158/725193331998589018/1046977892892024843 not allowed].
* Items can be listed and searched for on PD2's [https://live.projectdiablo2.com/market Trade Site]. Players can chat on the trade site or within the game to make a deal, then meet up in-game to trade items. Note that third-party and real-money trading are [https://discord.com/channels/701658302085595158/725193331998589018/1046977892892024843 not allowed].

== What is the drop rate in PD2? ==
== What is the drop rate in PD2? ==


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