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== What resolution does PD2 use? ==
== What resolution does PD2 use? ==
* Widescreen 1068x600 @ 25+ FPS
* Since Season 7, PD2 comes with [https://github.com/bayaraa/d2gl D2GL]. This is a new renderer that allows higher resolutions and more than 60 FPS using motion prediction. Additionally, any text gets drawn at native resolution.
* Shader system by [https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw/ CnC-ddraw]. This is a fully configurable system that can allow for upscaling and graphical improvements without affecting your gameplay.
* The shaders that it can use are made by various developers from the [https://github.com/libretro/glsl-shaders RetroArch community].
* These shaders let us effectively (not quite but pretty close) upscale the game to any resolution without affecting the gameplay, so you can play D2 at 4K (3840x2160) if you have the monitor to do so.

See the [[Customization]] page for more info about changing widescreen resolution or other video settings.
See the [[Customization]] page for more info about changing widescreen resolution or other video settings.


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