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删除22字节 、​ 2024年12月20日 (星期五)
第9行: 第9行:

== '''这个断点''' ==
== '''这个断点''' ==
Crucial for our Uberzealer are increased attack speed (IAS), faster hit recovery (FHR), faster block rate (FBR), lifeleech (LL) and the crits aka deadly strike (DS), crushing blow (CB) and open wounds (OW).
对我们的超级热诚丁 Uberzealer 至关重要的是增加了攻击速度 (IAS), 快速打击恢复 (FHR), 快速格挡速度 (FBR), 生命吸取 (LL) 和这个暴击又叫致命攻击 (DS), 压碎性打击 (CB) 和撕开伤口 (OW).

=== '''IAS''' ===
=== '''IAS''' ===
The calculation is very dependend from different variables and the level of your fanaticism aura does not make it easier. So please just use a calculator (google is your friend). But you should easy reach the IAS cap. That is your target!
计算非常依赖于不同的变量你的狂热 fanaticism 光环等级并没有使它更容易. 所以请使用计算器 (谷歌是你的朋友). 但你应该很容易达到 IAS 的上限. 这是你的目标!

=== '''FHR''' ===
=== '''FHR''' ===
Diablo runs on 25 frames per second.  
暗黑破坏神游戏运行在 25 帧每秒.  
If we lose more than 1/12 of our life points with a single blow, we get paralyzed and need nine frames to recover if our FHR is 0. The table below shows the FHR-rate necessary to reach the next frame level:
如果我们在一次被击中失去了超过 1/12 的生命时我们就会瘫痪, 如果我们的 FHR 0 我们需要 9 帧才能恢复. 下表显示了达到下一帧所需的 fhr 速率:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ FHR table
|+ FHR
! FHR in % !! Frames
! FHR % !! 帧数
| 0|| 9
| 0|| 9
第36行: 第36行:
| 200 || 3
| 200 || 3
We should be able to easily reach the 6 frames. Nice would be 5, but do not mind to much if you don`t reach it. As we should have about +1.600 life points and max block at level 90 it should not have that much impact on your daily gameplay.
我们应该能够轻松地达到 6 . 5 则更好, 但如果你达不到也不用太在意. 因为我们在 90 级的时候应该有 +1600 生命和最大格挡这应该不会对你的日常游戏产生太大的影响.

=== '''FBR''' ===
=== '''FBR''' ===



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