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== 腰带 Belt ==
== 腰带 Belt ==

[[Razortail]] - This BiS belt provides us with much needed pierce, BUT if you get your pierce from other sources, you can change your belt to another.
[[Razortail|剃刀之尾]] Razortail - 这条腰带为我们提供了急需的穿刺, 但如果你从其他来源获得穿刺, 你可以换一条腰带.

[[Nosferatu's Coil]] - IAS, Life leech, Deadly strike, str and mana after kill.
[[Nosferatu's Coil|吸血圣王之圈]] Nosferatu's Coil - IAS, 生命吸取,致命攻击DS, 力量和法力击杀回复.

[[Thundergod's Vigor]] - If you can get pierce on another slot, this is my go to belt, decent str/dex, but the survivability of this item is underrated, 5% max light res with potential 10% light absorb. If you die in diablo 2 late game, it's often lightning damage.
[[Thundergod's Vigor|雷神之力]] Thundergod's Vigor - 如果你能在另一个部位获得穿刺, 这是我的选择, 不错的 力/, 但是这个物品的生存能力被低估了, 5% 最大闪电抗性与潜在的 10% 闪电吸收. 如果你在暗黑破坏神 2 后期死亡, 那通常是闪电伤害造成的.

[[Verdungo's Hearty Cord]] - Great defensive option, high Vitality and Damage Reduction.
[[Verdungo's Hearty Cord|维尔登戈的心结]] Verdungo's Hearty Cord - 很好的防御选择, 高体力和高伤害减少.

[[String of Ears]] - Life leech and Damage Reduction.
[[String of Ears|长串之耳]] String of Ears - 生命吸收和伤害减少.

== 戒指 Rings ==
== 戒指 Rings ==



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