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添加108字节 、​ 2024年12月10日 (星期二)
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== 我应该升级什么技能? What skill should I level? ==
== 我应该升级什么技能? What skill should I level? ==
'''法师 1 aka 传送法师'''
'''法师 1 aka 传送法师'''
* Max teleport, have points in Static to help the team.
* 传送加满, 有点数加到静态力场以帮助团队.
* You don't need a strong source of damage, but you can use Nova or Cold Nova.
* 你不需要强大的伤害来源, 但你可以使用新星 Nova 或霜之新星 Cold Nova.
* 43 str, 50 energy, everything else in Vitality.
* 43 力量, 50 精力, 其他都加体力.

'''刺客 1'''
'''刺客 1'''
* You are the DPS: invest in Fireblast and Wake of Fire.
* 你是 DPS: 投资火焰爆震 Fireblast 和火焰复苏 Wake of Fire.
* Need mana? Drink pots. This is stupid but it works.
* 需要法力? 喝药. 这很蠢但它有效.

'''德鲁伊 (DPS)'''
'''德鲁伊 (DPS)'''
* Use the Fissure skill, level its synergies too.
* 使用火山爆 Fissure 技能, 提升它的协同效应.

* Battle Orders is why you are here, but some do the early game with leap and respec for BO.
* 战斗体制 Battle Orders 是你在这里的原因, 但有些人在游戏早期会使用跳跃 leap 和洗点后 BO.

* Some teams play with a bone necro, but I like to have a summoner. It makes everything easier for everyone. So, go skellies, investing points equally between Summon Skeleton Warrior and its Mastery.
* 有些队伍用骨死灵, 但我喜欢用召唤死灵. 它使每个人的一切都变得更容易. 所以, 在召唤骷髅战士 Summon Skeleton Warrior 和它的支配 Mastery 之间投入相同的点数.
* Remember to have curses and use them, mostly Lower Resist that helps your team A LOT.
* 记住要有诅咒并使用它们, 主要是降低抵抗 Lower Resist 这对你的团队有很大帮助 LOT.

* You be auras. Use Holy Bolt at the beginning then respec for Conviction or Salvation.
* 你有光环. 开始时使用圣光弹 Holy Bolt 然后洗点为信念 Conviction 或救助 Salvation.

* I tend to not use them so feel free to help in the comments :p
* 我倾向于不使用它们所以请在评论中提供帮助 :p

== 总结 Conclusion ==
== 总结 Conclusion ==
I hope this helps someone one day. Feel free to share tips, correct mistakes, and hf!
I hope this helps someone one day. Feel free to share tips, correct mistakes, and hf!



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