Low Level Dueling:修订间差异

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=== '''传送法杖 Teleport Staves''' ===
=== '''传送法杖 Teleport Staves''' ===
For many builds, especially in certain duel match-ups, use of a staff weapon swap with Teleport charges is essentially necessary.
对于许多构建, 特别是在某些决斗对局中, 使用杖类武器切换传送聚气是必不可少的.

The easiest way to acquire a Teleport charges staff is through shopping.  

These staves can be shopped as early as character level 19, shopping in Act 3+ in Normal or on a higher difficulty. The minimum Item Level necessary for the charges to potentially appear is 24.
这些法杖可以在角色等级 19 时购买, 在普通或更高难度的章节 3+ 中购买.可能出现聚气所需的最低物品等级是 24.

That said, once you get to Nightmare, at certain Item Levels, a staff could potentially be sold as as an Exceptional, rather than a Normal, tier base. In this case it essentially comes with 20% more FCR than otherwise.
也就是说, 一旦你进入恶梦, 在某些物品等级, 一根法杖可能会作为扩展物品出售, 而不是普通物品, 在这种情况下. 它实际上比其他情况多出 20% FCR.

The Item Levels necessary for each respective Exceptional staff to potentially be shopped in Nightmare or Hell are as follows:
::Jo Staff: 30 / Quarterstaff: 35 / Cedar Staff: 38 / Gothic Staff: 42 / Rune Staff: 47
::乔木棒 Jo Staff: 30 / 六尺棍 Quarterstaff: 35 / 杉木之棍 Cedar Staff: 38 / 哥德之棍 Gothic Staff: 42 / 符文之棍 Rune Staff: 47

There is logic, however, in shopping for these staves at a much higher character level. The higher the Item Level of the staff, the more charges available.
然而, 在更高的角色等级上购买这些法杖是合乎逻辑的. 法杖的物品等级越高, 聚气越多.

This heightened Item Level, and thus charge value, does not have a heightened character level requirement.
这个提升的物品等级, 以及相应的聚气值, 并不会提升角色等级需求.

For the highest level of Teleport, and thus the most charges, one would need to shop at character level 92+ in Nightmare or Hell.
为了获得最高等级的传送, 和更多的聚气, 在恶梦或地狱中购买物品时需要在角色等级 92+.

Crafting staves is also an option, though the probability of the Teleport charges affix appearing becomes incredibly low if you craft at higher Item Levels.
手工法杖也是一种选择, 但如果你在更高的物品等级上制作那么出现传送聚气的可能性就会变得非常低.

=== '''暗金和套装物品 Unique and Set Items''' ===
=== '''暗金和套装物品 Unique and Set Items''' ===



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