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添加230字节 、​ 2024年12月10日 (星期二)
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'''步骤 1'''
'''步骤 1'''
* Paladin 1 runs to Stony Field and makes a TP (use blue scroll) at the waypoint. Finding Rakanishu is useful, just remember where you saw him, we'll go there later.
* 圣骑士 1 跑到石块旷野 Stony Field 并创建一个 TP (使用蓝色卷轴) 在传送点. 找到拉卡尼休 Rakanishu 很有用, 记住你在哪里见过他, 我们待会再去.
* Assassin 1 runs to Black Marsh and makes a TP (use blue scroll) at the waypoint. Try to find Cain's scroll along the way (on Black Marsh).
* 刺客 1 跑到黑色荒地 Black Marsh 并创建一个 TP (使用蓝色卷轴) 在传送点. 尝试找到凯恩的卷轴 Cain's scroll 在路上 (在黑色荒地 Black Marsh).
* While they do that, everyone else clears the Den of Evil.
* 当他们这样做的时候, 其他人都清除了邪恶洞窟 Den of Evil.

'''步骤 2'''
'''步骤 2'''
* Everyone (but the assassin) goes to Stony Field and rescues Cain.
* 所有人 (除了刺客) 都去石块旷野 Stony Field 并拯救了凯恩 Cain.
* Assassin 1 runs to Countess Tower and leaves a TP.
* 刺客 1 跑到女伯爵高塔 Countess Tower 并留下一个 TP.

'''步骤 3'''
'''步骤 3'''
* Everyone (but the assassin) goes to Countess Tower and clears it (skip small monsters, only kill champions).
* *每个人 (除了刺客) 都去女伯爵高塔 Countess Tower 并消灭它 (跳过小怪, 只杀冠军怪).
* Assassin 1 runs to Outer Cloister and leaves a TP. Feel free to go up to Andariel if you can, but no problem if you need help before that.
* 刺客 1 跑到外侧回廊 Outer Cloister 并留下一个 TP. 如果可以的话可以去找安达利尔 Andariel, 但在那之前如果你需要帮助也没问题.

'''步骤 4'''
'''步骤 4'''
* Servers stable: make a new game and do Trist + Countess in 2 groups.
* 服务器稳定: 创建新的游戏并完成崔斯特 Trist + 女伯爵 Countess 2 .
* Servers unstable: all run to Andariel.
* 服务器不稳定: 所有人跑到安达利尔 Andariel.

'''Extra points if you:'''
* Find Wirt's leg and keep it with you (we'll need it later)
* 找到维特之脚 Wirt's leg 并随身携带 (我们稍后会用到它)
* Found 10 FCR rings and gave it to the telesorc
* 打出 10 FCR 戒指并把它给传送法师

'''If you did this correctly, you should have killed Andariel easily and you are now in Act 2. Well played!'''
'''如果你正确地做到了这一点, 你应该可以轻松地杀死安达利尔 Andariel 现在你已经进入了章节 2. 表现出色!'''

'''章节 2 (~25 分钟)'''
'''章节 2 (~25 分钟)'''



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