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删除174字节 、​ 2024年11月2日 (星期六)
第200行: 第200行:
| 冒险家 Adventurer || S || +1 区域等级 || ||  ||  ||  || ½ 出现几率
| 冒险家 Adventurer || S || +1 区域等级 || ||  ||  ||  || ½ 出现几率
* In-game attribute ranges for maps are often [[Bugs|incorrect]] since there are so many affixes with the same three attributes and ranges only show the widest range for any given attribute, rather than the range for specific affixes on the item - this is especially apparent when multiple affixes add the same attributes.
* 地图的游戏属性范围经常是 [[Bugs|不正确]] 的因为有太多带有相同三个属性的词缀而范围只显示任何给定属性的最宽范围, 而不是物品上特定词缀的范围 - 当多个词缀添加相同属性时这一点尤其明显.
* Many affixes have different names for each tier of attribute ranges, but only the first name is shown here for better legibility.
* 许多词缀对于属性范围的每一层都有不同的名称, 但是为了更好地可读性这里只显示第一个名称.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <strong>Resistances of Monsters Added by Affixes</strong>
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <strong>怪物的抗性添加的词缀</strong>
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
! Monster !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison !! Type !! Drain
第233行: 第233行:

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <strong>Highest Immunities per Map</strong>
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | <strong>每张地图的最高免疫</strong>
! Tier !! Map !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison
! Tier !! Map !! Phys !! Magic !! Fire !! Light !! Cold !! Poison
第285行: 第285行:
: <nowiki>*</nowiki> Lightning Spires have <span class=d2-yellow>100</span> lightning resistance and <span class=d2-green>1000</span> poison resistance
: <nowiki>*</nowiki> 闪电尖塔有 <span class=d2-yellow>100</span> 闪电抗性和 <span class=d2-green>1000</span> 毒素抗性
: <nowiki>**</nowiki> Fire Towers have <span class=d2-green>1000</span> poison resistance
: <nowiki>**</nowiki> 火焰塔有 <span class=d2-green>1000</span> 毒素抗性

== Individual Maps ==
== 独特的地图 Individual Maps ==
For each map, monsters are listed with their resistances, type, and drain effectiveness. Drain effectiveness is the percentage applied to life and mana returned by ''"% Life Stolen per Hit"'' and ''"% Mana Stolen per Hit"''.
对于每张地图, 怪物都列出了它们的抗性, 类型, 和吸取效果. 吸取效果是指 "''% 击中时偷取生命 (LL)''" 和 "''% 击中时偷取法力 (LM)''" 所返回的生命和法力百分比.

Map bosses are treated as [[Monsters#Prime_Evils|prime evils]].
地图上的 boss 被视为 [[Monsters#Prime_Evils|恶魔首领]].

=== Tier 1 ===
=== Tier 1 ===
Tier 1 map zones have a zone level of 87
T1 地图区域的等级是 87
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Arreat_Battlefield.png| ]] Arreat Battlefield ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Arreat_Battlefield.png| ]] Arreat Battlefield ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
第539行: 第540行:
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Blood Maggot Young monsters are minions of The Great Worm
* 血蛆幼生 怪物是 大蠕虫 的仆从
第553行: 第554行:

=== Tier 2 ===
=== Tier 2 ===
Tier 2 map zones have a zone level of 88
T2 地图区域的等级是88
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Ancestral_Trial.png| ]] Ancestral Trial ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Ancestral_Trial.png| ]] Ancestral Trial ====
<!-- [[File:Map_Ancestral_Trial_1.png|thumb|Ancestral Trial Minimap]]
<!-- [[File:Map_Ancestral_Trial_1.png|thumb|Ancestral Trial Minimap]]
第584行: 第586行:

<div style="max-width:fit-content">* Minions of Destruction can spawn from the "Evil Urns" at low chance.</div>
<div style="max-width:fit-content">* 毁灭的仆从 可以低概率从 "邪恶瓮" 中生成.</div>
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
<div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; margin:0.5em 0 0 1em; box-sizing:border-box;">
第764行: 第766行:
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<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Blood Golems are minions of Avunaos
* 血石魔 是 阿瓦努奥斯 的仆从
第823行: 第825行:
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Burning Dead & Burning Dead Archer monsters are minions of Karvarousku
* 燃烧死尸 & 燃烧的死亡弓箭手 怪物是 卡尔瓦鲁斯库 的仆从
第875行: 第877行:

=== Tier 3 ===
=== Tier 3 ===
Tier 3 map zones have a zone level of 89
T3 地图区域的等级为 89
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Ashen_Plains.png| ]] Ashen Plains ====
==== [[File:Map_Icon_Ashen_Plains.png| ]] Ashen Plains ====
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="display:flex;">
第924行: 第927行:
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Hell Bovines are the only non-boss monster type unless others are added via affixes
* 地狱之牛 是唯一的非boss怪物类型除非是通过词缀添加的
第1,001行: 第1,004行:
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* Devilkin Slaves are minions of Aerlynn
* 小妖精奴隶 是 大笨兽 的仆从
第1,114行: 第1,117行:
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
<div style="max-width:fit-content">
* The fire Hydra head is considered the boss and drops loot accordingly - the poison Hydra heads are considered its minions
* 火九头蛇的头被认为是 boss 并掉落相应的战利品 - 毒九头蛇的头被认为是它的仆从
第1,200行: 第1,203行:

=== Tier 4 (Dungeons) ===
=== Tier 4 (Dungeons) ===
Dungeons have a zone level of 90
地下城的区域等级是 90
地下城怪物获得 200% 以上的经验, 有 75% 的诅咒减免, 并被视为 恶魔首领.

Dungeon monsters grant 200% more experience, have 75% curse reduction, and are treated as prime evils.
溅血妖 有移动减速并造成 "致命伤害" - 小心!

Blood Bringers move slowly and deal "lethal damage" - beware!
每个地下城 boss 都有 1/20 的几率掉落 [[Maps#Modification|赫拉迪姆圣甲虫]]. 他们掉落的战利品大约是地图 boss 的 3x 倍. 进入每个地下城的第二个 boss 需要先打败第一个 boss.

Dungeon bosses each have a 1/20 chance to drop a [[Maps#Modification|Horadrim Scarab]]. They drop approximately 3x the loot of map bosses. Accessing the second boss of each dungeon requires defeating the first boss beforehand.

第1,420行: 第1,424行:

=== Unique Maps ===
=== 暗金地图 Unique Maps ===
No monsters within unique maps are inherently immune to any damage types.
No monsters within unique maps are inherently immune to any damage types.
Unique maps cannot be corrupted, Fortified nor use a Catalyst Shard, you can only use a Standard of Heroes on them.
Unique maps cannot be corrupted, Fortified nor use a Catalyst Shard, you can only use a Standard of Heroes on them.
第1,622行: 第1,626行:
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<noinclude><span class="emphasis">Source of Information on this Page</span></noinclude>
<span class="emphasis">本页的资料来源</span></noinclude>

<noinclude>See PD2's [ text files] for updated info when game changes are made. Map affixes are in [ MagicPrefix.txt] and [ MagicSuffix.txt], and map monster info can be determined from [ Levels.txt] and [ MonStats.txt]. The files are best viewed in table format since they are tab-delineated, so they should be opened with Microsoft Excel (or similar programs) or their text should be copy/pasted into a spreadsheet. For convenience, many of the game's text files are also saved on Google Drive: [ D2 Text File Tables].</noinclude>
<noinclude>See PD2's [ text files] for updated info when game changes are made. Map affixes are in [ MagicPrefix.txt] and [ MagicSuffix.txt], and map monster info can be determined from [ Levels.txt] and [ MonStats.txt]. The files are best viewed in table format since they are tab-delineated, so they should be opened with Microsoft Excel (or similar programs) or their text should be copy/pasted into a spreadsheet. For convenience, many of the game's text files are also saved on Google Drive: [ D2 Text File Tables].</noinclude>

<noinclude>If the files in these locations are not updated by others, you can extract them yourself from ''pd2data.mpq'' (found in ''Diablo II/ProjectD2'') using an [ MPQ editor and D2 listfile] - the text files will be in ''/data/global/excel''.</noinclude>
<noinclude>If the files in these locations are not updated by others, you can extract them yourself from ''pd2data.mpq'' (found in ''Diablo II/ProjectD2'') using an [ MPQ editor and D2 listfile] - the text files will be in ''/data/global/excel''.</noinclude>



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