Shape Shifting Skills:修订间差异

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添加156字节 、​ 2024年9月20日 (星期五)
第326行: 第326行:
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* 饥饿 (Hunger) life leech reduced from 1% every 4 levels to 1% every 4 base levels
* 饥饿 (Hunger) 生命偷取从每 4 级 1% 降低到每 4 1%
* 饥饿 (Hunger) duration changed from 20 seconds + 2 seconds per base level to 20 seconds + 1 second per level
* 饥饿 (Hunger) 持续时间从每级 20 +2 秒改为每级 20 +1
* 饥饿 (Hunger) critical strike bonus changed from 5% + 2% per level to a diminishing return scaling from 10% to 65%
* 饥饿 (Hunger) 暴击奖励从每级 5% + 2% 变为递减缩放从 10% 65%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* 饥饿 (Hunger) base move speed increased from 10% to 20%
* 饥饿 (Hunger) 基础移动速度从 10% 提高到 20%
* 饥饿 (Hunger) move speed per level changed from 2% per base point to 1% per soft point
* 饥饿 (Hunger) 每级移动速度从每个基础点的 2% 变为每个额外点的 1%
* 饥饿 (Hunger) base duration increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds
* 饥饿 (Hunger) 基础持续时间从 10 秒增加到 20
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* now gains 2% 移动速度per level instead of 1%
* 现在每级增加 2% 移动速度,而不是 1%
* now gains 2 seconds per level instead of 1
* 现在每升一级获得 2 秒的增益,而不是 1
* can now be used on skeleton corpses
* 现在可以用在骷髅尸体上了
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* moved in the skill tree, requires level 12 (was 24)  
* 移动在技能树的位置,需要等级 12 (原来是 24)
* prerequisites reduced from 5 to 3 (no longer requires Werewolf, Feral Rage, Fire Claws)  
* 先决条件从 5 降低到 3 (不再需要 狼人变化 (Werewolf),野性狂暴 (Feral Rage),焰爪 (Fire Claws))
* no longer is an ''attack'' that grants life/mana steal and bonus attack rating
* 不再获得 生命/法力 偷取和攻击准确率加成的攻击
* reworked as a Werebear-only skill that grants bonuses upon eating corpses  (movement speed, life leech, crit chance)  
* 重做了一个仅限 熊人变化 (Werebear) 的技能,在吃尸体时获得奖励 (移动速度,生命偷取,暴击几率)
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第381行: 第381行:
<b>赛季 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Synergies reduced from 12% to 10%
* 协同效应从 12% 降低到 10%
* Level 16-22 scaling reduced from 16-16 to 15-15
* 等级 16-22 缩放伤害从 16-16 降低到 15-15
* Level 22-28 scaling reduced from 24-24 to 23-23
* 等级 22-28 缩放伤害从 24-24 降低到 23-23
* Level 28+ scaling reduced from 32-32 to 31-31
* 等级 28+ 缩放伤害从 32-32 降低到 31-31
<b>赛季 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) synergies reduced from 17% to 12%
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) 协同效应从 17% 降低到 12%
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) spread velocity increased by 40%
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) 传播速度提高了 40%
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) spread range increased by 25%
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) 扩散范围增加了 25%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) attack rating per level increased from 6% to 15%
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) 每级攻击准确率从 6% 提高到 15%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) base attack rating bonus reduced from 150% to 65%
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) 基础攻击准确率加成从 150% 降低到 65%
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) bonus attack rating per level reduced from 12% to 6%
* 狂犬病 (Rabies) 每级加成攻击准确率从 12% 降低到 6%
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* synergies reduced from 22% to 17%
* 协同效应从 22% 降低到 17%
* now has 变形术 (Lycanthropy) as an additional synergy at 17%
* 现在拥有 变形术 (Lycanthropy) 作为额外的 17% 的协同效应
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* attack bonus buffed
* 攻击准确率加成增益
* poison damage scaling nerfed
* 毒素伤害缩放被削弱
* now has 野性狂暴 (Feral Rage) as a synergy
* 现在拥有 野性狂暴 (Feral Rage) 的协同
* spread tick rate increased, spread radius increased
* 传播瘟疫率增加,传播半径增加
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第442行: 第442行:
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Shockwave range increased by 13%
* 震波 (Shock Wave) 范围增加了 13%
* Shockwave missile speed increased by 16%
* 震波 (Shock Wave) 投掷物速度增加 16%
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* 震波 (Shock Wave) now starts with 4 shockwaves instead of 7
* 震波 (Shock Wave) 现在从 4 个冲击波开始,而不是 7
* 震波 (Shock Wave) now gains an additional missile every 5 levels
* 震波 (Shock Wave) 现在每 5 级获得一个额外的投掷物
* shockwave damage scaling changed from 2-2 / 4-4 / 12-13 / 24-26 / 36-39 to 2-3 / 4-6 / 16-18 / 26-28 / 36-38
* 震波 (Shock Wave) 伤害缩放从 2-2 / 4-4 / 12-13 / 24-26 / 36-39 改变为 2-3 / 4-6 / 16-18 / 26-28 / 36-38
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Shockwave synergies increased from 16%-18%
* 震波 (Shock Wave) 协同效应从 16% 增加到 18%
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* synergies increased from 14% to 16%
* 协同效应从 14% 增加到 16%
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* moved in the skill tree, requires level 18 (was 24)  
* 移动技能树位置,需要等级 18 (原来是 24)
* stun length no longer scales with levels
* 昏迷时间不再随等级而变化
* now has increased range and projectile speed
* 现在增加了范围和射速
* damage scaling buffed
* 伤害缩放增益
* now has Werebear, Twister, & Tornado as synergies at 14% instead of 撞锤 (Maul) at 5%
* 现在 熊人变化 (Werebear),小旋风 (Twister) & 龙卷风 (Tornado) 的协同效果是 14% 而不是 撞锤 (Maul) 5%
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第502行: 第502行:
<b>赛季 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* Removed 变形术 (Lycanthropy) and Firestorm synergies
* 移除 变形术 (Lycanthropy) 和 火风暴 (Firestorm) 的协同效果
* Redistributed synergy values into Molten Boulder and Armageddon
* 重新分配协同值到 熔浆巨岩 (Molten Boulder) 和 毁天灭地 (Armageddon)
* Increased the base damage scaling on 焰爪 (Fire Claws) from 1/2/3/4/5 - 2/3/4/5/6 to 2/3/5/7/9 - 3/4/6/8/10
* 增加 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 的基础伤害从 1/2/3/4/5 - 2/3/4/5/6 2/3/5/7/9 - 3/4/6/8/10
* Added scaling fire missile creation  (was flat 6 fire missiles, now it is 4 + 1 per 5 base levels  (8 total at level 20) )  
* 增加有缩放伤害的火焰投掷物 (原来是 6 枚,现在是每 5 级 4 + 1 ( 20 级总共 8 ))
* Increased the range of fire claw fire missiles
* 增加了 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 投掷物的射程
* Added basic attack damage to fire claw tooltip
* 在 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 的说明中增加了基本的攻击伤害
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Fireclaw synergies increased from 16% to 17%
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 协同效应从 16% 增加到 17%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Fireclaw firestorm range increased by 35%
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 的 火风暴 (Firestorm) 范围增加35%
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) level 1 cost reduced from 4 mana to 2
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 等级 1 消耗的法力从 4 点降低到 2
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) mana cost now increased by .125 per level
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 法力消耗现在每级增加 0.125
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Fireclaw has been reworked to now cast a fast moving firestorm on attack
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 现在重做了,在攻击时释放快速移动的 火风暴 (Firestorm)
* Fireclaws fissure synergy has been replaced with Lycanthropy
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 火山爆 (Fissure) 协同被 变形术 (Lycanthropy) 所取代
* Fireclaw's volcano synergy has been replace with Armageddon
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 的 火山 (Volcano) 协同已经被 毁天灭地 (Armageddon) 取代
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) synergies decreased from 22% to 16%
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 协同效应从 22% 降至 16%
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) base attack power changed from 100% to 60%
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 基础攻击准确率从 100% 变为 60%
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) attack power per level decreased from 15% per level to 10% per level
* 焰爪 (Fire Claws) 每级攻击准确率从 15% 降低到 10%
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* moved in the skill tree, requires level 24 (was 18)  
* 移动技能树位置,需要 24 (以前是 18 )
* prerequisites reduced from 4 to 0 (no longer requires Werewolf, Feral Rage, Werebear, Maul)  
* 先决条件从 4 降低到 0 (不再需要 狼人变化 (Werewolf),野性狂暴 (Feral Rage),熊人变化 (Werebear),撞锤 (Maul))
* attack bonus buffed
* 攻击准确率加成增益
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第562行: 第562行:
* 伤害每等级从 14% 降低到 10%
* 伤害每等级从 14% 降低到 10%
<b>赛季 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* Now gains +20% melee splash radius on it's second attack and +40% on it's third
* 现在第二次攻击 +20% 近战溅射半径,第三次攻击 +40%
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* 狂怒 (Fury) 野性狂暴 (Feral Rage) synergy reduced from 12% to 8%
* 狂怒 (Fury) 野性狂暴 (Feral Rage) 协同效果从 12% 降低至 8%
* 狂怒 (Fury) enhanced damage bonus per level bonus reduced from 15% to 14%
* 狂怒 (Fury) 每级增强伤害加成从 15% 降低到 14%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* 狂怒 (Fury) 增强伤害每等级从 18% 降低到 15%
* 狂怒 (Fury) 增强伤害每等级从 18% 降低到 15%
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Fury's 野性狂暴 (Feral Rage) synergy increased from 10% to 12%
* 狂怒 (Fury) 的 野性狂暴 (Feral Rage) 协同效果从 10% 提升至 12%
* 狂怒 (Fury) 伤害每等级从 15% 增加到 18%
* 狂怒 (Fury) 伤害每等级从 15% 增加到 18%
* 狂怒 (Fury) attack bonus changed from 80% + 6% per level to 235% + 10% per level
* 狂怒 (Fury) 攻击准确率加成从每级 80% + 6% 变为每级 235% + 10%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* 狂怒 (Fury) now gains 10% attack rating per level from 6%
* 狂怒 (Fury) 现在从每级增加 6% 的攻击准确率改为 10%  
* 狂怒 (Fury) base attack rating reduced from 235% to 80%
* 狂怒 (Fury) 基础攻击准确率从 235% 降低到 80%
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* Enhanced Damage reduced from +20% per level to +15% per level
* 增强伤害从每级 +20% 降低到每级 +15%
* 现在有 野性狂暴 (Feral Rage) 作为每级 +10% 增强伤害的协同效果
* 现在有 野性狂暴 (Feral Rage) 作为每级 +10% 增强伤害的协同效果
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* no long scales from 2-5 attacks, now hits 3 times
* 2-5 次攻击不再有较长缩放,现在攻击3次
* attack bonus buffed
* 攻击准确率加成增益
* damage bonus buffed to +20% per level  (was 17%)  
* 伤害加成增益到每级 +20% (之前是 17%)  
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