Combat Skills (Barbarian):修订间差异

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第257行: 第257行:
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Stun level 1-16 duration scaling increased by 100%
* 击昏 (Stun) 等级 1-16 持续时间增加100%
* Stun now deals ¼ weapon damage from 100%
* 击昏 (Stun) 现在从 100% 改为造成 ¼ 的武器伤害
* Stun now properly targets monster without name locking
* 击昏 (Stun) 现在正确的目标怪物没有名称锁定
* Stun can no longer be used in wolf form
* 击昏 (Stun) 不能在狼人形态下使用
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Stun has been reworked and now stuns in an area of effect
* 击昏 (Stun) 已经重做,现在在一个区域有眩晕效果
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* 改变了在技能树中的位置, 现在需求等级为6级 (以前是12级)  
* 移动了在技能树中的位置, 现在需求等级 6 (以前是 12)
* 持续时间增加
* 持续时间增加
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第309行: 第309行:
<b>赛季 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Enhanced damage per level increased from 20% to 25%
* 每级增强伤害从 20% 提高到 25%
<b>赛季 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Synergies increased from 18% to 20%
* 协同效应从 18% 增加到 20%
<b>赛季 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* Synergies increased from 15% to 18%
* 协同效应从 15% 增加到 18%
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Concentrate now splashes its converted magic damage
* 专心 (Concentrate) 现在能溅射转换后的魔法伤害
* Concentrate enhanced damage per level increased from 16% to 20%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 每级增强伤害从 16% 提高到 20%
* Concentrate synergies increased from 12% to 15%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 协同效应从 12% 增加到 15%
* Concentrate +2% magic damage conversation bash synergy has been removed
* 专心 (Concentrate) +2% 魔法伤害转换 重击(bash) 协同被移除
* Concentrate defense bonus increased from +4% per level to +5%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 防御加成从每级 +4% 提高到 +5%
* Concentrate attack rating bonus per level increased from 12% to 15%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 每级攻击准确率加成从 12% 提高到 15%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Concentrates damage per level increased from 14% to 16%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 每级伤害从 14% 提高到 16%
* Concentrates bash synergy increased from 8% to 12%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 重击 (bash) 协同效果从 8% 提升至 12%
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Concentrate damage per level increased from 6% per level to 14%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 每级伤害从 6% 提高到 14%
* Concentrate's battle command damage per level synergy increased from 6% per level to 12%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 的战斗指挥 (battle command) 每级协同伤害从 6% 提高到 12%
* Concentrate's bash magic damage synergy increased from 1% per level to 2%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 的重击 (bash) 魔法伤害协同从每级 1% 增加到 2%
* Concentrate's bash damage synergy increased from 6% per level to 8%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 的重击 (bash) 伤害协同从每级 6% 提高到 8%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* prerequisites changed  (now requires Double Swing instead of Frenzy)  
* 先决条件改变 (现在需要 双手挥击 (Double Swing) 而不是 狂乱 (Frenzy))
* Concentrate's base attack rating reduced from 180% to 40%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 的基础攻击等级从 180% 降低到 40%
* Concentrate's attack rating per level increased from 10% to 12%
* 专心 (Concentrate) 的每级攻击准确率从 10% 提高到 12%
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* 改变了在技能树中的位置, 现在需要等级为12级 (以前是18级)  
* 移动了在技能树中的位置, 现在需求等级为 12 (以前是 18)
* prerequisites reduced from 2 to 1 (no longer requires Bash or Stun, now requires Frenzy)  
* 先决条件从 2 降低到 1 (不再需要 重击 (Bash) 或 击昏 (Stun),现在需要 狂乱 (Frenzy))
* Conversion of physical damage to magic damage starts at 30% (was 0%) and now also gains +2% per hard point
* 物理伤害到魔法伤害的转换从 30% 开始 (原来是0%),现在每基础点增加 2%
* Defense bonus is now 20% + 4% per level  (was 100% + 10%)  
* 防御加成现在是每级 20% + 4% (原来是 100% + 10%)
* bonus attack rating now starts at 180% (was 60%)  
* 攻击准确率加成现在从 180% 开始 (原来是 60%)
* damage scaling increased to +6% per level  (was +5%)  
* 每级伤害增加到 +6% (原来是 +5%)
* synergy for Berserk (bonus magic damage) changed to Bash
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 的协同效果 (魔法伤害加成) 改为 重击 (Bash)
* synergy for Battle Orders changed to Battle Command
* 战斗体制 (Battle Orders) 的协同效果改为 战斗指挥 (Battle Command)
* damage synergies are now 6% (was 5%/10%)  
* 伤害协同现在是 6% (原来是 5%/10%)
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第380行: 第380行:
<b>赛季 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Increased the max number of bounces from 5 to 7
* 最大跳跃次数从 5 次增加到 7
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 现在受到 狂乱 (Frenzy) 的6%协同作用
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 现在有 狂乱 (Frenzy) 作为 6% 的伤害协同
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Double throw damage per level increased from 6% to 8%
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 每级伤害从 6% 提高到 8%
* Double throw synergy damage per level increased from 5% to 6%
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 每级协同伤害从 5% 提高到 6%
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Double Throw reduced from 8 maximum bounces to 5
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 最大弹跳从 8 次减少到 5
* Double Throw initial hit bonus removed
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 移除初始命中奖励
* Double Throw bounce range reduced by 25%
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 弹跳范围减少 25%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Double throw damage per level reduced from 12% to 6%
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 每级伤害从 12% 降低到 6%
* Double throw synergy reduced from 8% to 5%
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 协同效果从 8% 降低至 5%
* Double throw's starting damage bonus reduced from 55% to 45%
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 的起始伤害加成从 55% 降低到 45%
* Double throw attack rating per level reduced from 15% to 10%
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 每级攻击准确率从 15% 降低到 10%
* Double throw's base attack rating reduced from 175% to 35%
* 双手投掷 (Double Throw) 的基础攻击准确率从 175% 降低到 35%
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* now properly displays its damage in the character screen
* 现在可以在角色界面上正确显示它的伤害
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* prerequisites changed  (now requires Frenzy instead of Bash)  
* 先决条件改变 (现在需要 狂乱 (Fenzy) 而不是 重击 (Bash))
* Now bounces between targets - 3 bounces + 1 bounce per 3 levels up to 8 total bounces
* 现在在目标之间反弹,3次反弹+每3级1次反弹,最多8次反弹
* Not affected by pierce
* 不受穿透影响
* bonus attack rating increased to 175% + 15% per level  (was 20% + 10%)  
* 攻击准确率加成增加到每级 175% + 15% (原来是 20% + 10%)
* now also gains bonus damage 55% + 12% per level
* 现在每级增加伤害 55% + 12%
* 法力耗费 now scales per level  (was just 1)  
* 法力消耗现在每级增加 (原来是 1)
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第438行: 第438行:
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* 跳跃 (Leap) 的法力耗费从20降低到5
* 跳跃 (Leap) 法力消耗从 20 降低到 5
* Leap range increased from a diminishing return scaling of 10-30 to 20-40
* 跳跃 (Leap) 范围收益递减缩放从 10-30 增加到 20-40
* Leap travel speed increased by 33%
* 跳跃 (Leap)  飞行速度增加 33%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Leap now starts at maximum leap speed
* 跳跃 (Leap) 现在以最大跳跃速度开始
* Leap no longer gains leap speed per level
* 跳跃 (Leap) 不再每升一级获得跳跃速度
* Leap 法力耗费 increased from 8 to 20
* 跳跃 (Leap) 法力消耗从 8 增加到 20
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* 改变了在技能树中的位置, 现在需求等级为12级 (以前是6级)  
* 移动了在技能树中的位置, 现在需求等级 12 (以前是 6)
* prerequisites increased from 0 to 2 (now requires Bash, Stun)  
* 先决条件从 0 增加到 2 (现在需要 重击 (Bash),击昏 (Stun))
* leap distance increased
* 跳跃距离增加
* Hard points increase the speed of the leap
* 基础点增加跳跃的速度
* knockback radius is now only increased with hard points up to 10 yards  (was 2.66 + 0.66 per level)  
* 击退半径现在只随着基础点增加到 10 (以前是每级 2.66 + 0.66)
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第485行: 第485行:
<b>赛季 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Now uses attack rating
* 现在使用攻击准确率
* Now has a base attack rating of 30%
* 现在有 30% 的基础攻击准确率
* Now gains 15% attack rating per level
* 现在每升一级获得 15% 的攻击准确率
<b>赛季 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* 协同作用从10%降低到8%
* 协同效应从 10% 降低到 8%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 不再消耗武器耐久
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 不再使用耐久度
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 攻击范围增加
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) (AOE) 范围增加
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Leap attack synergies increased from 8% to 10%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 协同效应从 8% 增加到 10%
* Leap attack base enhanced damage bonus increased from 30% to 80%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 基础增强伤害加成从 30% 提高到 80%
* Leap attack enhanced damage per level increased from 12% to 15%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 每级增强伤害从 12% 提高到 15%
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Leap Attack now uses durability
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 现在使用耐久度
* Leap Attack now rolls its damage on each monster instead of each leap
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 现在对每个怪物造成伤害,而不是每次跳跃
* Leap Attack synergies increased from 6% to 8%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 协同效应从 6% 增加到 8%
* Leap Attack base enhanced damage bonus increased from 10% to 30%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 基础增强伤害加成从 10% 提高到 30%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* prerequisites changed  (now requires Double Swing instead of Frenzy)  
* 先决条件改变 (现在需要 双手挥击 (Double Swing) 而不是 狂乱 (Frenzy))
* Leap attack aoe increased by roughly 16%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) (aoe) 范围增加了大约16%
* Leap attack now starts at maximum leap speed
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 现在以最大跳跃速度开始
* Leap attack no longer gains leap speed per level
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 不再每升一级获得跳跃速度
* Leap attack synergies reduced from 10% to 6%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 协同效应从 10% 降低到 6%
* Leap attack damage per level increased from 10% to 12%
* 跳跃攻击 (Leap Attack) 每级伤害从 10% 提高到 12%
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* 协同作用从6%提高到10%
* 协同效应从 6% 增加到 10%
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* 改变了在技能树中的位置,现在需求等级为24级 (以前是18级)  
* 移动了在技能树中的位置,现在需求等级 24 (以前是 18)
* 需求技能调整为5个
* 先决条件从 1 增加到 5 (现在还需要 重击 (Bash),击昏 (Stun),专心 (Concentrate),狂乱 (Frenzy))
* 基础等级提高跳跃的速度
* 基础点增加跳跃的速度
* 现在对一个区域造成伤害 (以前是单个目标)
* 现在对一个区域造成伤害,而不是攻击单个目标
* damage bonus is now +10% per level  (was 100% + 30% per level)  
* 伤害加成现在是每级 +10% (原来是每级 100% + 30%)
* 现在可以吸血了
* 现在可以吸血了
* 不再受攻击准确率影响
* 不再使用攻击准确率
* 初始法力耗费从9降低到7
* 法力消耗现在开始降低并且每级增加 (之前是 9)
* 现在受到 重击 (Bash) 的协同作用
* 现在有 重击 (Bash) 作为额外的协同
* 现在协同作用是6% (以前是10%)  
* 协同效应现在是 6% (原来是 10%)
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第562行: 第562行:
<b>赛季 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Enhanced damage per level increased from 15% to 18%
* 每级增强伤害从 15% 提高到 18%
* Synergies increased from 10% to 12%
* 协同效应从 10% 增加到 12%
<b>赛季 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Enemy physical resistance penetration cap increased from -30% to -45%
* 敌人物理抵抗穿透上限从 -30% 提高到 -45%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Berserk now caps at 30% physical resistance penetration
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 现在上限为 30% 物理抗性穿透
* Berserk physical resistance penetration per level reduced from 2% to 1%
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 每级物理抗性穿透从 2% 降低到 1%
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Berserk increased from 10% per level to 15%
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 从每级 10% 提高到 15%
* Berserk synergies increased from 8% to 10%
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 协同效应从 8% 增加到 10%
* Berserk is now uninterruptible
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 现在不能被中断
* Berserks -phys debuff  (on the barbarian) has been reduced to cap at a maximum of 20% from 30%  (this is a buff)  
* 狂战士 (Berserk) -野蛮人的物理负面增益上限从 30% 降低到 20% (这是一个增益)
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* prerequisites changed  (now requires Double Swing instead of Frenzy)  
* 先决条件改变 (现在需要 双手挥击 (Double Swing) 而不是 狂乱 (Frenzy))
* Berserk now uses frenzy animation and requires two weapons
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 现在使用 狂乱 (Frenzy) 动画并且需要两把武器
* Berserk now applies its physical resistance penetration modifier to its splash damage
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 现在对溅射伤害施加物理抗性穿透修正
* Berserk's attack rating per level reduced from 12% to 8%
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 的每级攻击准确率从 12% 降低到 8%
* Berserk's starting attack rating reduced from 240% to 60%
* 狂战士 (Berserk) 的起始攻击准确率从 240% 降低到 60%
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* 改变了在技能树中的位置, 现在需求等级为24级 (以前是30级)  
* 移动了在技能树中的位置, 现在需求等级 24 (以前是 30)
* prerequisites reduced from 3 to 2 (no longer requires Bash or Stun, now requires Frenzy)  
* 先决条件从 3 降低到 2 (不再需要 重击 (Bash) 或 击昏 (Stun),现在需要 狂乱 (Frenzy))
* Reduces player's physical resistance instead of defense, duration is now always 0.5 seconds
* 减少玩家的物理抗性而不是防御,持续时间现在总是0.5秒
* bonus attack rating is now 240% + 12% per level  (was 100% + 15%)  
* 攻击准确率加成现在是每级 240% + 12% (原来是 100% + 15%)
* Now deals physical damage instead of magic damage, damage bonus is now +10% per level  (was +15%)  
* 现在造成物理伤害而不是魔法伤害,伤害加成现在是每级 +10% (原来是 +15%)
* Now also penetrates physical resistance
* 现在也穿透物理抗性
* synergies changed from Howl & Shout to Taunt & Combat Reflexes
* 协同效果从 狂嗥 (Howl) 和 大叫 (Shout) 改为 嘲弄 (Taunt) 和 战斗本能 (Combat Reflexes)
* synergies are now 8% (was 10%)  
* 协同效应现在是 8% (原来是 10%)
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第626行: 第626行:
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Whirlwind no longer attempts to do a normal attack when out of mana
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 法力耗尽时不再尝试进行普通攻击
* Whirlwind no longer attacks in place during a namelock and will now whirlwind back and forth through the monster
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 不再攻击的地面名称锁定,现在旋风将来回通过怪物
* Whirlwind damage per level reduced from 5% to 4%
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 每级伤害从 5% 降低到 4%
* Whirlwind base enhanced damage bonus reduced from 35% to 30%
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 基础强化伤害加成从 35% 降低到 30%
* Whirlwind now attacks 20% slower when dual wielding  (6 frames during dual wielding compared to 5 when using a two handed weapon)  
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 现在双持时攻击速度降低 20% (双持时 6 帧,而双手武器时为 5 )
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* When dual wielding Whirlwind now swings with both weapons each attack
* 当双持旋风时,现在每次攻击都挥舞两把武器
* Whirlwind enhanced damage per level increased from 4% per level to 5%
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 每级增强伤害从 4% 提高到 5%
* Whirlwind starting damage and attack bonuses increased by 10%
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 起始伤害和攻击加成增加 10%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* prerequisites changed  (now requires Double Swing instead of Frenzy)  
* 先决条件改变 (现在需要 双手挥击 (Double Swing) 而不是 狂乱 (Frenzy))
* Whirlwinds base attack rating reduced from 240% to 80%
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 基础攻击准确率从 240% 降低到 80%
* Whirlwinds attack rating per level increased from 5% to 6%
* 旋风 (Whirlwind) 每级攻击准确率从 5% 提高到 6%
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* has been reworked to have melee splash and to use proc effects, but now attacks at 5 frames fixed instead of 4 and now attacks one target per attack instead of two  (it is now much stronger for AoE clearing)  
* 重做了近战溅射和使用过程效果,但现在攻击固定在 5 帧而不是 4 帧,现在每次攻击攻击一个目标而不是两个 (现在对 (AoE) 范围清除更强了)  
** For clarity: Whirlwind works the same as it did in LoD, but the speed of which it will determine its hit checks is now once every 5 frames across the board  (rendering IAS useless for Whirlwind) . For dual-wielding Whirlwind, the first 5 frame check will attack with the primary weapon, and every 5 frames afterward the weapon used to attack will alternate, as a result of the "one target per attack" change. This indicates that dual-wielding Whirlwind will have large redundancy, as you can only ever attack with one weapon at a time.
** 澄清一下:旋风的效果和它在LoD中的效果一样,但是它决定命中检查的速度现在是每 5 帧一次 (使得IAS对旋风无效)。 对于双持旋风,前 5 帧检查将使用主武器攻击,之后每 5 帧用于攻击的武器将更换,因为“每次攻击一个目标”的变化。  这表明双持旋风将有很大的冗余,因为你一次只能用一种武器攻击。
* Enhanced Damage bonus at Level 1 reduced from +50% to +25%
* 1 级增强伤害加成由 +50% 降低至 +25%
* Enhanced Damage bonus per level has reduced from +6% to +4%
* 每级增强伤害加成从 +6% 降低到 +4%
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* 改变了在技能树中的位置
* 移动了在技能树中的位置
* prerequisites reduced from 5 to 3 (no longer requires Bash, Stun, Leap, Leap Attack, now requires Frenzy, Berserk)  
* 先决条件从 5 个降低到 3 个 (不再需要 重击 (Bash), 击昏 (Stun), 跳跃(Leap), 跳跃攻击(Leap Attack),现在需要 狂乱 (Frenzy),狂战士 (Berserk))
* Movement speed increased by character's FRW speed
* 移动速度会随角色的 (FRW) 跑速增加
* Now also scales velocity at 4% per level
* 现在缩放移速为每级 4%
* bonus attack rating now starts at 240% (was 0%)  
* 攻击准确率加成现在是 240% (原来是 0%)
* damage bonus increased to 50% + 6% per level  (was -50% + 8%)
* 伤害加成从每级 -50% + 8% 增加到 50% + 6%
* Will not apply splash damage from melee weapons
* 不会对近战武器造成溅射伤害
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>

