Martial Arts:修订间差异

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添加192字节 、​ 2024年9月16日 (星期一)
第524行: 第524行:
<b>赛季 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Reworked kick damage dex/str scaling:
* 重做踢击伤害 敏/力 缩放:
** Removed strength from base feet damage calc, changed from dex/6 - dex/5 to dex/3 - dex/2
** 移除基础踢击伤害计算的力量,从 敏/6 - /5 改为 敏/3 - /2
** Lowered strength attribute bonus on boots from 120 -> 80
** 降低了鞋子的力量属性加成从 120 -> 80
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Base min kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 4 to (str + dex - 20) / 6
* 基础最小踢击伤害属性加成从 (+ - 20) / 4 降低到 (+ - 20) / 6
* Base max kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 3 to (str + dex - 20) / 5
* 基础最大踢击伤害属性加成从 (+ - 20) / 3 降低到 (+ - 20) / 5
* Added 1 range to kick attacks
* 踢击增加 1 的范围
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* 武学艺术攻击现在保持他们的第三次充能,并允许你使用终结技一次释放所有三个阶段
* Dragon flight attack rating per level increased from 10% to 15%
* 飞龙在天 (Dragon flight) 每级的攻击准确率从 10% 提高到 15%
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* 踢腿技能现在受益于以下内容:非武器来源的最小/最大伤,对恶魔/不死生物的增强伤害,致命CS/DS双倍打击,固定伤害(“伤害+X”)
* 踢腿技能现在受益于以下内容:非武器来源的最小/最大伤,对恶魔/不死生物的增强伤害,致命CS/DS双倍打击,固定伤害(“伤害+X”)
第582行: 第582行:
<b>赛季 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Base freeze duration change from 100 frames to 250
* 基础冻结时间从 100帧 变为 250帧
* Removed the 10 frames per level freeze duration scaling
* 移除每级 10帧 的冻结时间缩放
* Synergies increased from 20% to 22%
* 协同效应从 20% 增加到 22%
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* 武学艺术攻击现在保持他们的第三次充能,并允许你使用终结技一次释放所有三个阶段
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* 充能现在持续5分钟
* Blades of ice attack rating per level increased from +4% to 10%
* 寒冰刃 (Blades Of Ice) 每级的攻击准确率从 +4% 提高到 10%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Blades of ice base attack rating reduced from 240% to 160%
* 寒冰刃 (Blades Of Ice) 基础攻击准确率从 240% 降低到 160%
* Blades of ice attack rating per level reduced from 10% to 4%
* 寒冰刃 (Blades Of Ice) 每级的攻击准确率从 10% 降低到 4%
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* 充能技能重做
* 充能技能重做
第659行: 第659行:
<b>赛季 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Chaos ice freeze replaced by a 4 second chill
* 混沌冰弹冻结替换为 4秒 冰冷
<b>赛季 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Third charge freeze duration reduced from 1 second to .5
* 第三次充能冻结时间从 1秒 减少到 0.5秒
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Phoenix strike meteor synergies now displays their proper values
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石协同现在显示其正确的值
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* 武学艺术攻击现在保持他们的第三次充能,并允许你使用终结技一次释放所有三个阶段
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* 充能现在持续5分钟
* Phoenix strike attack rating per level increased from +4% to 10%
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 每级攻击准确率从 +4% 提高到 10%
* Phoenix strike chain lightning base damage increased from 1-40 to 1-60
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 连锁闪电基础伤害从 1-40 提高到 1-60
* Phoenix strike level 1-8 chain lightning scaling increased from 0-20 to 0-40
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 等级1-8 连锁闪电缩放从 0-20 提高到 0-40
* Phoenix strike level 8-16 chain lightning scaling increased from 0-40 to 0-70
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 等级8-16 连锁闪电缩放从 0-40 提高到 0-70
* Phoenix strike level 16-22 chain lightning scaling increased from 0-60 to 0-100
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 等级16-22 连锁闪电缩放从 0-60 提高到 0-100
* Phoenix strike level 22-28 chain lightning scaling increased from 0-80 to 0-130
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 等级22-28 连锁闪电缩放从 0-80 提高到 0-130
* Phoenix strike level 28+ chain lightning scaling increased from 0-100 to 0-160
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 等级 28+ 连锁闪电缩放从 0-100 提高到 0-160
* Phoenix strike meteor fire duration reduced from 55 frames to 25
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石火焰持续时间从 55帧 减少到 25帧
* Phoenix strike meteor level 1-8 scaling increased from 5-5 to 5-6
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石等级 1-8 缩放从 5-5 提高到 5-6
* Phoenix strike meteor level 8-16 scaling reduced from 10-10 to 8-9
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石等级 8-16 缩放从 10-10 降低为 8-9
* Phoenix strike meteor level 16-22 scaling reduced from 16-17 to 11-12
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石等级 16-22 缩放从 16-17 降低为 11-12
* Phoenix strike meteor level 22-28 scaling reduced from 22-24 to 14-15
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石等级 22-28 缩放从 22-24 降低为 14-15
* Phoenix strike meteor level 28+ scaling reduced from 30-32 to 17-18
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石等级 28+ 缩放从 30-32 降低为 17-18
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Phoenix Strike meteor ground fire damage now lasts 2.2 seconds from 1.2
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石地面火焰伤害持续时间从 1.2秒 增加到 2.2秒
* Phoenix Strike's blades of ice synergy increased from 10% to 14%
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 的寒冰刃 (Blades of Ice) 协同效果从 10% 提升至 14%
* Phoenix Strike claw of thunder synergy increased from 13% to 14%
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 雷电爪 (Claws of Thunder) 协同效果从 13% 提升至14%
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Phoenix strike meteor fire duration reduced to 1 second (this will prevent visual clutter and the "shenk bug" where too many sprites are on screen at once)
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石火焰的持续时间减少到 1秒 (这将防止视觉混乱和“shenk bug”,即太多精灵同时出现在屏幕上)
* Phoenix strike meteor fire damage per second synergy increased from 6% to 10%
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 陨石火焰每秒协同伤害从 6% 提高到 10%
* Phoenix strike ice attack freeze reduced to a 0.5 second freeze
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 混沌冰弹冻结时间减少为0.5秒
* Phoenix strike's base attack rating reduced from 240% to 160%
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 的基础攻击准确率从 240% 降低到 160%
* Phoenix strike's attack rating per level reduced from 10% to 4%
* 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix strike) 的每级攻击准确率从 10% 降低到 4%
<b>赛季 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* 充能技能重做
* 充能技能重做



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