Martial Arts:修订间差异

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删除1,261字节 、​ 2024年9月13日 (星期五)
第1行: 第1行:
<noinclude>This page lists Assassin skills from the '''Martial Arts''' skill tree. Other Assassin skills: [[Shadow Disciplines]], [[Traps]], [[All Assassin Skills]]</noinclude>
这个页面列出了武术技能树中的刺客技能. 其他刺客技能: [[Shadow Disciplines|暗影训练]], [[Traps|陷阱]], [[All Assassin Skills|所有刺客技能]]</noinclude>

第60行: 第61行:
* 充能技能重做
* 充能技能重做
** 只有在被结束动作或普通攻击消耗时才有效 而不是每次充能攻击一次产生一次的充能效果:
** 只有在被结束动作或普通攻击消耗时才有效 而不是每次充能攻击一次产生一次的充能效果:
** 充能攻击立即应用相应阶段(1-3)的攻击效果并产生充能直到角色拥有足够数量的攻击类型. 充能攻击之间的充能是“共享的”所以第一次攻击将应用阶段1的效果并产生1次充能, 第二次攻击将产生2级效果,并产生1-2次充能, 第三次攻击将会产生第3阶段的效果然后重新设置并循环往复.
** 充能攻击立即应用相应阶段(1-3)的攻击效果并产生充能直到角色拥有足够数量的攻击类型. 充能攻击之间的充能是“共享的”所以第一次攻击将应用阶段1的效果并产生1次充能, 第二次攻击将产生2级效果,并产生1-2次充能, 第三次攻击将会产生第3阶段的效果然后重置充能并循环往复.
** 因为冲锋在第三次攻击后重置,而不是在下一个循环的第一次攻击之前, 任何一种类型都不可能有3个电荷; 得到3个电荷, 它们必须是不同类型的. 收尾动作可以在任何时候使用,像往常一样消耗能量.
** 因为冲锋在第三次攻击后重置,而不是在下一个循环的第一次攻击之前, 任何一种类型都不可能有3个聚球; 得到3个聚球, 它们必须是不同类型的. 收尾动作可以在任何时候使用,像往常一样消耗能量.
* ?
* ?
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
第106行: 第107行:
<b>赛季 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* 重做了踢击伤害 敏捷/力量 缩放:
* 重做了踢击伤害 敏捷/力量 缩放:
** 移除力量从基于鞋子伤害的计算,改变从 敏捷/6 - 敏捷/5 变为 敏捷/3 - 敏捷/2
** 移除力量从基于鞋子伤害的计算,改变从 敏捷/6-敏捷/5变为敏捷/3-敏捷/2
** 降低了鞋子的力量属性加成从120 -> 80
** 降低了鞋子的力量属性加成从120->80
<b>赛季 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* 基础最小踢击伤害属性加成从(力量 + 敏捷 - 20) / 4降低到(力量 +敏捷 - 20) / 6
* 基础最小踢击伤害属性加成从(力量+敏捷-20)/4降低到(力量+敏捷-20)/6
* 基础最大踢击伤害属性加成从(力量 + 敏捷 - 20) / 3降低到(力量 + 敏捷 - 20) / 5
* 基础最大踢击伤害属性加成从(力量+敏捷-20)/3降低到(力量+敏捷-20)/5
* 踢击多增加1的范围
* 踢击多增加1的范围
* 龙爪现在溅射它的踢击伤害
* 龙爪现在溅射它的踢击伤害
第128行: 第129行:
* ?
* ?
<b>赛季 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* 现在上限是3次踢击(以前是每6级1 + 1次踢击)
* 现在上限是3次踢击(以前是每6级1+1次踢击)
* 踢击伤害增加
* 踢击伤害增加
* 神龙摆尾现在有10%的协同效果
* 神龙摆尾现在有10%的协同效果
第186行: 第187行:

== 焰拳 ==
== 焰拳 (Fists Of Fire) ==
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Fists of Fire.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Fists of Fire.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="skill-info">
第228行: 第229行:

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|+ Changelog<!-- Fists of Fire -->
|+ 更新日志
<b>Season 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Fire nova level 22-28 scaling increased from 28-33 to 29-34
* 火焰新星22-28级的缩放从28-33增加到29-34
* Fire nova level 28+ scaling increased from 41-48 to 44-51
* 火焰新星28级+缩放从41-48增加到44-51
* Meteor level 22-28 scaling increased from 17-18  to 18-19
* 陨石22-28级的缩放从17-18增加到18-19
* Meteor level 28+ scaling increased from 25-26 to 28-29
* 陨石28级+的缩放从25-26增加到28-29
<b>Season 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* First charge and third charge meteor fire burn damage per second
* 第一次充能和第三次充能陨石火焰燃烧伤害/秒
** Level 16-22 scaling increased from 3-4 to 4-6
** 16-22级缩放从3-4增加到4-6
** Level 22-28 scaling increased from 4-5 to 7-9
** 22-28级的缩放从4-5增加到7-9
** Level 28+ scaling increased from 5-6 to 10-12
** 28级+的缩放从5-6增加到10-12
* Second charge fire nova damage
* 第二次充能火焰新星伤害
** Level 22-28 scaling increased from 27-33 to 28-33
** 22-28级的缩放从27-33提高到28-33
** Level 28+ scaling increased from 33-40 to 41-48
** 28级+的缩放从33-40增加到41-48
* Third charge meteor impact damage
* 第三次充能陨石撞击伤害
** Level 22-28 scaling increased from 16-17 to 17-18
** 22-28级的缩放从16-17提升至17-18
** Level 28+ scaling increased from 22-23 to 25-26
** 28级+的缩放从22-23增加到25-26
<b>Season 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* Fixed fists of fire's meteor physical damage only gaining 25% from synergies instead of 26%
* 修正了焰拳的陨石物理伤害从协同效应中只获得25%而不是26%
* Fists of fire second charge nova level 22-28 scaling reduced from 30-33 to 27-33
* 焰拳第二次充能新星22-28级的缩放从30-33降低到27-33
* Fists of fire second charge nova level 28+ scaling increased from 30-33 to 33-40
* 焰拳第二次充能新星等级28+的缩放从30-33增加到33-40
<b>Season 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Fists of fire damage per second synergy increased from 20% to 26%
* 焰拳每秒协同伤害从20%提高到26%
* Fists of fire damage synergy increased from 25% to 26% (was previously only showing the fire damage per second synergy)
* 焰拳的伤害协同从25%增加到26%(之前只显示每秒火焰伤害协同)
* Fists of fire damage per second level 16-22 scaling reduced from 4-5 to 3-4 per level
* 16-22级焰拳每秒伤害从4-5降低到3-4
* Fists of fire damage per second level 22-28 scaling reduced from 6-7 to 4-5 per level
* 22-28级焰拳每秒伤害从6-7降低到4-5
* Fists of fire damage per second level 28+ scaling reduced from 8-9 to 5-6 per level
* 焰拳28级+的伤害缩放从每级8-9降低到每级5-6
* Fists of fire level 28+ meteor scaling increased from 32-34 to 44-46 per level
* 焰拳28级+陨石缩放从每级32-34增加到44-46
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* 武学艺术现在保持他们的第三次充能 并允许你使用终结技一次释放所有三个阶段
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* 充能现在持续5分钟
* Fists of fire rework has been reworked
* 焰拳技能重做
** Stage 1: explosion + ground fire
** 阶段 1: 爆炸+地面火焰
** Stage 2: fire nova
** 阶段 2: 火焰新星
** Stage 3: casts 3 meteors in a line with delays between each other that leave ground fire
** 阶段 3: 在一条线上投射3颗陨石 彼此之间有延迟 并留下地面火焰
* Attack rating scaling increased from +10% per level to +15% per level
* 攻击准确率从每级+10%增加到每级+15%
<b>Season 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Fists of fire base attack rating bonus reduced from 55% to 35%
* 焰拳基础攻击准确率加成从55%降低到35%
* Fists of fire attack rating per level reduced from 18% to 10%
* 每级焰拳的攻击准确率从18%降低到10%
<b>Season 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* Charge-up skills reworked
* 充能技能重做
** Instead of charges being generated one-at-a-time per charge-up attack and the effects only applying when consumed by a finishing move or normal attack:
** 只有在被结束动作或普通攻击消耗时才有效 而不是每次充能攻击一次产生一次的充能效果:
** Charge-up attacks immediately apply the attacks' effect of the appropriate stage (1-3) and generate charges until the character has that many charges of the attacks' type. Charges are "shared" between charge-up attacks so the first attack will apply a stage 1 effect and generate 1 charge, the second attack will apply a stage 2 effect and generate 1-2 charges, and the third attack will apply a stage 3 effect before the charges are reset and the cycle repeats.
** 充能攻击立即应用相应阶段(1-3)的攻击效果并产生充能直到角色拥有足够数量的攻击类型. 充能攻击之间的充能是“共享的”所以第一次攻击将应用阶段1的效果并产生1次充能, 第二次攻击将产生2级效果,并产生1-2次充能, 第三次攻击将会产生第3阶段的效果然后重置充能并循环往复.
** Since charges are reset after the 3rd attack rather than before the first attack of the next cycle, it's impossible to have 3 charges of any single type; to get 3 charges, they must be of different types. A finishing move can be used at any point to consume the charges as usual.
** 因为充能在第三次攻击后重置,而不是在下一个循环的第一次攻击之前, 任何一种类型都不可能有3个聚球; 得到3个聚球, 它们必须是不同类型的. 收尾动作可以在任何时候使用,像往常一样消耗能量.
* synergy increased from 14% to 18%
* 协同从14%增加到18%
* damage decreased
* 伤害减少
<b>Season 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* attack rating bonus increased
* 攻击准确率加成增加
* synergy is now 14% (was 12%)
* 协同现在是14%(之前是12%)
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>

== 眼镜蛇攻击 ==
== 眼镜蛇攻击 (Cobra Strike) ==
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Cobra Strike.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Cobra Strike.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="skill-info">
第322行: 第323行:

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|+ Changelog<!-- Cobra Strike -->
|+ 更新日志
<b>Season 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Poison bolt level 22-28 scaling increased from 20-20 to 25-25
* Poison bolt level 22-28 scaling increased from 20-20 to 25-25
* Poison bolt level 28+ scaling increased from 30-30 to 50-50
* Poison bolt level 28+ scaling increased from 30-30 to 50-50
* Poison Cloud level 22-28 scaling increased from 24-24 to 30-30
* Poison Cloud level 22-28 scaling increased from 24-24 to 30-30
* Poison Cloud level level 28+ scaling increased from 36-36 to 66-66
* Poison Cloud level level 28+ scaling increased from 36-36 to 66-66
<b>Season 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Synergies increased from 14% to 20%
* Synergies increased from 14% to 20%
<b>Season 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* Now has 4 frame next hit delay
* Now has 4 frame next hit delay
* Poison Bolt level 22-28 scaling increased from 18-18 to 20-20
* Poison Bolt level 22-28 scaling increased from 18-18 to 20-20
* Poison Bolt level 28+ scaling increased from 26-26 to 30-30
* Poison Bolt level 28+ scaling increased from 26-26 to 30-30
* Synergies increased from 12% to 14%
* Synergies increased from 12% to 14%
<b>Season 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Cobra strike poison bolts range increased by 17%
* Cobra strike poison bolts range increased by 17%
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* Cobra strike attack rating per level increased from +8% to 14%
* Cobra strike attack rating per level increased from +8% to 14%
<b>Season 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Cobra strike base attack rating bonus reduced from 145% to 60%
* 眼镜蛇攻击基础攻击准确率加成从145%降低到60%
* Cobra strike attack rating per level reduced from 20% to 8%
* 每级眼镜蛇的攻击准确率从20%降低到8%
<b>Season 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* Charge-up skills reworked
* 充能技能重做
** Instead of charges being generated one-at-a-time per charge-up attack and the effects only applying when consumed by a finishing move or normal attack:
** 只有在被结束动作或普通攻击消耗时才有效 而不是每次充能攻击一次产生一次的充能效果:
** Charge-up attacks immediately apply the attacks' effect of the appropriate stage (1-3) and generate charges until the character has that many charges of the attacks' type. Charges are "shared" between charge-up attacks so the first attack will apply a stage 1 effect and generate 1 charge, the second attack will apply a stage 2 effect and generate 1-2 charges, and the third attack will apply a stage 3 effect before the charges are reset and the cycle repeats.
** 充能攻击立即应用相应阶段(1-3)的攻击效果并产生充能直到角色拥有足够数量的攻击类型. 充能攻击之间的充能是“共享的”所以第一次攻击将应用阶段1的效果并产生1次充能, 第二次攻击将产生2级效果,并产生1-2次充能, 第三次攻击将会产生第3阶段的效果然后重置充能并循环往复.
** Since charges are reset after the 3rd attack rather than before the first attack of the next cycle, it's impossible to have 3 charges of any single type; to get 3 charges, they must be of different types. A finishing move can be used at any point to consume the charges as usual.
** 因为充能在第三次攻击后重置,而不是在下一个循环的第一次攻击之前, 任何一种类型都不可能有3个聚球; 得到3个聚球, 它们必须是不同类型的. 收尾动作可以在任何时候使用,像往常一样消耗能量.
* has been reworked to cast 'poison teeth' on stage 1, dual leech on stage 2, and a poison cloud on stage 3 (these attacks carry Venom damage and poison damage from gear)
* 重制为在第1阶段施放“毒牙”,在第2阶段施放双吸,在第3阶段施放毒云(这些攻击带有毒牙伤害和来自装备的毒伤害)
* now has Venom as a synergy at 12%
* 现在毒牙的协同效果为12%
<b>Season 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* attack rating bonus increased
* 攻击准确率加成增加
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>

== 雷电爪 ==
== 雷电爪 (Claws Of Thunder) ==
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Claws of Thunder.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Claws of Thunder.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="skill-info">
第399行: 第400行:

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|+ Changelog<!-- Claws of Thunder -->
|+ 更新日志
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* Claws of thunder attack rating per level increased from +8% to 12%
* Claws of thunder attack rating per level increased from +8% to 12%
<b>Season 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Claws of thunder base attack rating reduced from 180% to 80%
* Claws of thunder base attack rating reduced from 180% to 80%
* Claws of thunder attack rating per level reduced from 14% to 6%
* Claws of thunder attack rating per level reduced from 14% to 6%
第424行: 第425行:
** Claws of thunder's charged bolt damage scaling from level 22-28 increased from 0-80 per level to 20-80
** Claws of thunder's charged bolt damage scaling from level 22-28 increased from 0-80 per level to 20-80
** Claws of thunder's charged bolt damage scaling from level 28+ increased from 0-100 per level to 25-100
** Claws of thunder's charged bolt damage scaling from level 28+ increased from 0-100 per level to 25-100
<b>Season 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* Charge-up skills reworked
* 充能技能重做
** Instead of charges being generated one-at-a-time per charge-up attack and the effects only applying when consumed by a finishing move or normal attack:
** 只有在被结束动作或普通攻击消耗时才有效 而不是每次充能攻击一次产生一次的充能效果:
** Charge-up attacks immediately apply the attacks' effect of the appropriate stage (1-3) and generate charges until the character has that many charges of the attacks' type. Charges are "shared" between charge-up attacks so the first attack will apply a stage 1 effect and generate 1 charge, the second attack will apply a stage 2 effect and generate 1-2 charges, and the third attack will apply a stage 3 effect before the charges are reset and the cycle repeats.
** 充能攻击立即应用相应阶段(1-3)的攻击效果并产生充能直到角色拥有足够数量的攻击类型. 充能攻击之间的充能是“共享的”所以第一次攻击将应用阶段1的效果并产生1次充能, 第二次攻击将产生2级效果,并产生1-2次充能, 第三次攻击将会产生第3阶段的效果然后重置充能并循环往复.
** Since charges are reset after the 3rd attack rather than before the first attack of the next cycle, it's impossible to have 3 charges of any single type; to get 3 charges, they must be of different types. A finishing move can be used at any point to consume the charges as usual.
** 因为充能在第三次攻击后重置,而不是在下一个循环的第一次攻击之前, 任何一种类型都不可能有3个聚球; 得到3个聚球, 它们必须是不同类型的. 收尾动作可以在任何时候使用,像往常一样消耗能量.
* synergy increased from 10% to 16%
* 协同效果从10%提升至16%
* ?
* ?
<b>Season 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* attack rating bonus increased
* 攻击准确率加成增加
* synergy is now 10% (was 8%)
* 协同现在是10%(之前是8%)
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>

== 神龙摆尾 ==
== 神龙摆尾 (Dragon Tail) ==
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Dragon Tail.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Dragon Tail.png|left]]</div>
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<div class="skill-info">
第466行: 第467行:

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|+ Changelog<!-- Dragon Tail -->
|+ 更新日志
<b>Season 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Reworked kick damage dex/str scaling:
* Reworked kick damage dex/str scaling:
** Removed strength from base feet damage calc, changed from dex/6 - dex/5 to dex/3 - dex/2
** Removed strength from base feet damage calc, changed from dex/6 - dex/5 to dex/3 - dex/2
** Lowered strength attribute bonus on boots from 120 -> 80
** Lowered strength attribute bonus on boots from 120 -> 80
<b>Season 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Base min kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 4 to (str + dex - 20) / 6
* Base min kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 4 to (str + dex - 20) / 6
* Base max kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 3 to (str + dex - 20) / 5
* Base max kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 3 to (str + dex - 20) / 5
第483行: 第484行:
* Dragon tail increased fire damage per level reduced 15% to 13%
* Dragon tail increased fire damage per level reduced 15% to 13%
* Dragon tail synergies reduced from +10% to +8%
* Dragon tail synergies reduced from +10% to +8%
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
<b>Season 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Kick Skills now benefits from the following: min/max damage from off-weapon sources, enhanced damage to demons/undead, critical/deadly strike, flat damage ("damage +X")
* Kick Skills now benefits from the following: min/max damage from off-weapon sources, enhanced damage to demons/undead, critical/deadly strike, flat damage ("damage +X")
* Dragon Tail 10% damage per level increased to 15%
* Dragon Tail 10% damage per level increased to 15%
第491行: 第492行:
* Dragon Tail synergies increased from 8% to 10%
* Dragon Tail synergies increased from 8% to 10%
* Dragon Tail attack speed reduction reduced from -40 to -20
* Dragon Tail attack speed reduction reduced from -40 to -20
<b>Season 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* indirectly affected by charge-up skills being reworked
* indirectly affected by charge-up skills being reworked
* now properly synergizes with Dragon Talon
* now properly synergizes with Dragon Talon
<b>Season 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* attack rating bonus increased
* 攻击准确率加成增加
* now has Dragon Talon as a synergy at 10%
* 现在龙爪的协同效果为10%
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>

== 飞龙在天 ==
== 飞龙在天 (Dragon Flight) ==
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Dragon Flight.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Dragon Flight.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="skill-info">
第525行: 第526行:

{| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Changelog<!-- Dragon Flight -->
|+ 更新日志
<b>Season 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Reworked kick damage dex/str scaling:
* Reworked kick damage dex/str scaling:
** Removed strength from base feet damage calc, changed from dex/6 - dex/5 to dex/3 - dex/2
** Removed strength from base feet damage calc, changed from dex/6 - dex/5 to dex/3 - dex/2
** Lowered strength attribute bonus on boots from 120 -> 80
** Lowered strength attribute bonus on boots from 120 -> 80
<b>Season 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Base min kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 4 to (str + dex - 20) / 6
* Base min kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 4 to (str + dex - 20) / 6
* Base max kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 3 to (str + dex - 20) / 5
* Base max kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 3 to (str + dex - 20) / 5
* Added 1 range to kick attacks
* Added 1 range to kick attacks
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Dragon flight attack rating per level increased from 10% to 15%
* Dragon flight attack rating per level increased from 10% to 15%
<b>Season 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Kick Skills now benefits from the following: min/max damage from off-weapon sources, enhanced damage to demons/undead, critical/deadly strike, flat damage ("damage +X")
* Kick Skills now benefits from the following: min/max damage from off-weapon sources, enhanced damage to demons/undead, critical/deadly strike, flat damage ("damage +X")
<b>Season 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Dragon flight range has been increased by 50%
* Dragon flight range has been increased by 50%
<b>Season 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* indirectly affected by charge-up skills being reworked
* indirectly affected by charge-up skills being reworked
<b>Season 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* attack rating bonus starts higher and scales less with levels
* 攻击准确率奖励开始时更高 随着等级的增加而减少
* cooldown increased to 2 seconds (was 1)
* 冷却时间增加到2秒(之前是1秒)
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>

== 寒冰爪 ==
== 寒冰爪 (Blades Of Ice) ==
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Blades of Ice.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Blades of Ice.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="skill-info">
第576行: 第577行:
冰冷伤害范围 (2 次聚气): 4 码(yards)
冰冷伤害范围 (2 次聚气): 4 码(yards)

Freeze Duration (3 charges): 10 seconds
冻结持续时间(3 次聚气): 10秒

魔法消耗: 3
魔法消耗: 3
第584行: 第585行:

{| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Changelog<!-- Blades of Ice -->
|+ 更新日志
<b>Season 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Base freeze duration change from 100 frames to 250
* Base freeze duration change from 100 frames to 250
* Removed the 10 frames per level freeze duration scaling  
* Removed the 10 frames per level freeze duration scaling  
* Synergies increased from 20% to 22%
* Synergies increased from 20% to 22%
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* Blades of ice attack rating per level increased from +4% to 10%
* Blades of ice attack rating per level increased from +4% to 10%
<b>Season 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Blades of ice base attack rating reduced from 240% to 160%
* Blades of ice base attack rating reduced from 240% to 160%
* Blades of ice attack rating per level reduced from 10% to 4%
* Blades of ice attack rating per level reduced from 10% to 4%
<b>Season 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* Charge-up skills reworked
* 充能技能重做
** Instead of charges being generated one-at-a-time per charge-up attack and the effects only applying when consumed by a finishing move or normal attack:
** 只有在被结束动作或普通攻击消耗时才有效 而不是每次充能攻击一次产生一次的充能效果:
** Charge-up attacks immediately apply the attacks' effect of the appropriate stage (1-3) and generate charges until the character has that many charges of the attacks' type. Charges are "shared" between charge-up attacks so the first attack will apply a stage 1 effect and generate 1 charge, the second attack will apply a stage 2 effect and generate 1-2 charges, and the third attack will apply a stage 3 effect before the charges are reset and the cycle repeats.
** 充能攻击立即应用相应阶段(1-3)的攻击效果并产生充能直到角色拥有足够数量的攻击类型. 充能攻击之间的充能是“共享的”所以第一次攻击将应用阶段1的效果并产生1次充能, 第二次攻击将产生2级效果,并产生1-2次充能, 第三次攻击将会产生第3阶段的效果然后重置充能并循环往复.
** Since charges are reset after the 3rd attack rather than before the first attack of the next cycle, it's impossible to have 3 charges of any single type; to get 3 charges, they must be of different types. A finishing move can be used at any point to consume the charges as usual.
** 因为充能在第三次攻击后重置,而不是在下一个循环的第一次攻击之前, 任何一种类型都不可能有3个聚球; 得到3个聚球, 它们必须是不同类型的. 收尾动作可以在任何时候使用,像往常一样消耗能量.
* synergy increased from 10% to 20%
* 协同效果从10%提升至20%
<b>Season 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* attack rating bonus increased
* 攻击准确率加成增加
* synergy is now 10% (was 8%)
* 协同现在是10%(之前是8%)
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>

== 凤凰攻击 ==
== 凤凰攻击 (Phoenix Strike) ==
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Phoenix Strike.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-image">[[File:Phoenix Strike.png|left]]</div>
<div class="skill-info">
<div class="skill-info">
第653行: 第654行:
魔法消耗: 4
魔法消耗: 4

Chill Duration (3 charges): 4 seconds
冰冷持续时间(3 次聚气): 4秒

第662行: 第663行:

{| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ Changelog<!-- Phoenix Strike -->
|+ 更新日志
<b>Season 9:</b>
<b>赛季 9:</b>
* Chaos ice freeze replaced by a 4 second chill
* Chaos ice freeze replaced by a 4 second chill
<b>Season 8:</b>
<b>赛季 8:</b>
* Third charge freeze duration reduced from 1 second to .5
* Third charge freeze duration reduced from 1 second to .5
<b>Season 6:</b>
<b>赛季 6:</b>
* Phoenix strike meteor synergies now displays their proper values
* Phoenix strike meteor synergies now displays their proper values
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* Charges now last 5 minutes
* Charges now last 5 minutes
第687行: 第688行:
* Phoenix strike meteor level 22-28 scaling reduced from 22-24 to 14-15
* Phoenix strike meteor level 22-28 scaling reduced from 22-24 to 14-15
* Phoenix strike meteor level 28+ scaling reduced from 30-32 to 17-18
* Phoenix strike meteor level 28+ scaling reduced from 30-32 to 17-18
<b>Season 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Phoenix Strike meteor ground fire damage now lasts 2.2 seconds from 1.2
* Phoenix Strike meteor ground fire damage now lasts 2.2 seconds from 1.2
* Phoenix Strike's blades of ice synergy increased from 10% to 14%
* Phoenix Strike's blades of ice synergy increased from 10% to 14%
* Phoenix Strike claw of thunder synergy increased from 13% to 14%
* Phoenix Strike claw of thunder synergy increased from 13% to 14%
<b>Season 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* Phoenix strike meteor fire duration reduced to 1 second (this will prevent visual clutter and the "shenk bug" where too many sprites are on screen at once)
* Phoenix strike meteor fire duration reduced to 1 second (this will prevent visual clutter and the "shenk bug" where too many sprites are on screen at once)
* Phoenix strike meteor fire damage per second synergy increased from 6% to 10%
* Phoenix strike meteor fire damage per second synergy increased from 6% to 10%
第697行: 第698行:
* Phoenix strike's base attack rating reduced from 240% to 160%
* Phoenix strike's base attack rating reduced from 240% to 160%
* Phoenix strike's attack rating per level reduced from 10% to 4%
* Phoenix strike's attack rating per level reduced from 10% to 4%
<b>Season 2:</b>
<b>赛季 2:</b>
* Charge-up skills reworked
* 充能技能重做
** Instead of charges being generated one-at-a-time per charge-up attack and the effects only applying when consumed by a finishing move or normal attack:
** 只有在被结束动作或普通攻击消耗时才有效 而不是每次充能攻击一次产生一次的充能效果:
** Charge-up attacks immediately apply the attacks' effect of the appropriate stage (1-3) and generate charges until the character has that many charges of the attacks' type. Charges are "shared" between charge-up attacks so the first attack will apply a stage 1 effect and generate 1 charge, the second attack will apply a stage 2 effect and generate 1-2 charges, and the third attack will apply a stage 3 effect before the charges are reset and the cycle repeats.
** 充能攻击立即应用相应阶段(1-3)的攻击效果并产生充能直到角色拥有足够数量的攻击类型. 充能攻击之间的充能是“共享的”所以第一次攻击将应用阶段1的效果并产生1次充能, 第二次攻击将产生2级效果,并产生1-2次充能, 第三次攻击将会产生第3阶段的效果然后重置充能并循环往复.
** Since charges are reset after the 3rd attack rather than before the first attack of the next cycle, it's impossible to have 3 charges of any single type; to get 3 charges, they must be of different types. A finishing move can be used at any point to consume the charges as usual.
** 因为充能在第三次攻击后重置,而不是在下一个循环的第一次攻击之前, 任何一种类型都不可能有3个聚球; 得到3个聚球, 它们必须是不同类型的. 收尾动作可以在任何时候使用,像往常一样消耗能量.
<b>Season 1:</b>
<b>赛季 1:</b>
* Removed Next Hit Delay for 3rd charge (cold attack)
* 移除第三次充能的下一次攻击延迟NHD(冰冷攻击)
* 2nd charge (lightning attack) no longer prevents 3rd charge from dealing damage when using Dragon Claw as the finisher
* 当使用龙爪作为终结技时,第二次充能(连锁闪电)不再阻止第三次充能造成伤害
* attack rating bonus increased
* 攻击准确率加成增加
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>
<b>[ Vanilla Info]</b>




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