Martial Arts:修订间差异

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删除139字节 、​ 2024年9月12日 (星期四)
第43行: 第43行:
<b>赛季 7:</b>
<b>赛季 7:</b>
* Animation reverted back to only using it's main hand
* 动画回退只计算主手
* Can now use daggers
* 现在可以用匕首了
<b>赛季 5:</b>
<b>赛季 5:</b>
* Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once
* 武学艺术现在保持他们的第三次充能,并允许你使用终结者一次释放所有三个阶段
* Tiger strike attack rating per level increased from +10% to +15%
* 每级虎击攻击准确率从+10%提高到+15%
* Tiger strike charge duration increased from 1 minute to 5 minutes ''(patch 6)''
* 虎击的持续时间从1分钟增加到5分钟(补丁6)
<b>赛季 4:</b>
<b>赛季 4:</b>
* Tiger Strike enhanced damage bonus increased from 20% damage per level to 25%
* 虎击的强化伤害加成从每级20%增加到25%
* Tiger Strike level 1 base enhanced damage bonus reduced from 100% to 50%
* 虎击1级基础强化伤害加成从100%降低到50%
* Tiger Strike charge duration increased from 15 seconds to 1 minute
* 虎击的持续时间从15秒增加到1分钟
* Tiger Strike now grants 20% increased splash radius on charge 2 and 40% on charge 3 (Splash increases by 1 breakpoint every 20%)
* 虎击现在在第2次充能时增加20%溅射范围,在第3次充能时增加40%溅射范围(每20%溅射增加1个断点)
<b>赛季 3:</b>
<b>赛季 3:</b>
* 每级虎击的攻击准确率从20%降低到10%
* 每级虎击的攻击准确率从20%降低到10%



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