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Comprehensive All-Content Bowazon Guide
写作由: Kizari
最新更新: 6 十二月 2020
简介 Introduction
本指南是一个全面的资源用于创建一个物理弓马 (在普通天梯) 可以在游戏中养老任何内容, 包括地图和超级BOSS.
技能 Skills
技能分配在弓马中备受争议, 所以这一节的目的是告诉你不同的选择以及每种选择的优势. 多重箭 Multiple Shot 是主要的清理技能, 导引箭 Guided Arrow 是单目标技能 (目前有 bugged 并且不会像描述的那样转化为魔法伤害), 魔法箭 Magic Arrow 是用来杀死物理免疫者的. 女武神 Valkyrie 是一个非常有用的坦克对于地图和超级BOSS, 特别是在你的佣兵无法承受高负荷的情况下.
- 20 多重箭 Multiple Shot
- 20 导引箭 Guided Arrow
- 20 魔法箭 Magic Arrow
- 20 女武神 Valkyrie
- 1 所有被动技能
- X 穿透 Pierce (应该增加到 100% 穿刺算上你的装备一起)
- X 致命攻击 Critical Strike (所有剩余点数)
许多玩弓马的建议在 20 点给多重箭 multiple shot. 这是因为箭矢的数量上限是 24 在等级 22 时, 所以一些弓马在投入 20 点之前就能从装备中获得 +技能. 其他人仍然会投入额外的点数, 因为每 1-2 点额外的物理伤害乘以这个构建的 800%+ 增强伤害. 准确率基本上是不重要的因为你应该在 20 点之前就能到任何非 boss 生物的准确率上限. 我个人倾向于加满这个技能.
在导引箭 Guided Arrow 和魔法箭 Magic Arrow 中只加 1 点是有争议的, 特别是当你的主要目标是刷地图时. 虽然这将大大减少你的单目标伤害, 它允许更多的点到致命攻击 Critical Strike 和其他游戏体验技能以提高你的地图清理速度. 你也可以从魔法箭 Magic Arrow 中移除额外的点数用另一种方法来处理物理免疫, 比如伤害加深 Amplify Damage 的来源 (查看装备和佣兵部分) 或其他团队成员.
属性 Stats
力量: 134 包含所有装备和护身符, 足够带上风之力 Windforce
敏捷: 其他都加这里 - 每点敏捷对应 1% 增加物理伤害给我们
体力: 值得讨论的是 - 有些玩弓马的没有在这里加任何点数, 有些人为了生存能力则把他们的体力提高到 80-100 硬点
精力: 无
自己找到的装备 Self-found Gear
我将在这里只列出不依赖运气获得的东西 (除了中期符文, 因为它们可以在女伯爵反复刷). 这个部分主要是针对玩 SP 的人, 那些不喜欢交易的人, 那些刚开始没有金币的人, 或者只是喜欢玩自我发现的人.
弓 Bow
白色/蓝色/黄色 弓 - 刚开始的时候, 只要抓住你能找到的. 即使是镶有宝石的弓也可以
边缘 Edge - 伟大的早期游戏弓应该能带你进入早中期的恶梦. 任何底材都可以, 即使你只是从恰西 Charsi 那里拿一个白色带孔的
和风 Zephyr - 也是一个不错的早期游戏弓, 如果你在获得边缘 Edge 的符文之前获得它的符文我更喜欢这个
??? - 在恶梦中期和你得到第一个科 Ko 符文之间有一点差距. 希望你能找到一个暗金的弓或十字弓来填补这个空白, 但如果没有, 就只做一个新的边缘 Edge 用扩展的底材. 如果你落后太多你的女武神 Valkyries 和佣兵可以在这一点上为你单独作战
和谐 Harmony - 这把弓出奇的好你可以用它来完成战役. 更喜欢精英底材 (比如巨弓 Great Bow)
头盔 Helmet
知识 Lore - 廉价的符文之语 +技能
3 孔头盔与 3 完美的黄宝石 - 对早期的 MFing 很有用比如刷地穴 pit
身体 Body
隐密 Stealth - 削弱在了 PD2, 但非常便宜并有一些 FRW 所以很好
烟雾 Smoke - 不错的游戏中期身体防具很便宜
背信 Treachery - 45% 攻速使你更容易达到 IAS 断点
强制 Duress - 体面与廉价便宜的符文之语具有伤害和生存能力
狮子心 Lionheart - 非常便宜实际上是一个迷你版的 BiS 身体防具
3-4 孔护甲与完美的黄宝石 - 对于早期的 MFing 很有用, 特别是如果你没有上面其中一个的符文
手套 Gloves
蓝色/黄色 手套与 20% 攻速 - 攻击速度总是不错的
生命 Blood 手工手套与 20% 攻速 - 可能不值得花时间和资源, 但如果你真的需要一些东西这些都是不错的
2/20 黄色或 3/20 蓝色手套 - 这里的 +技能 (应该是被动和魔法) 可以提供帮助, 特别是在早期
鞋子 Boots
黄色 - FRW, 抗性, MF, 生命
腰带 Belt
黄色 - 任何带 4 行属性的腰带都对你有用 (生命, 抗性, 敏捷, 力量)
戒指 Ring
双吸戒指 - 如果你在其他地方没有生命吸取和法力吸取在这里提供
MF 戒指 - MF 戒指, 和/或 戒指与属性 (生命, 抗性, 敏捷, 力量)
项链 Amulet
技能项链 - + 亚马逊技能或 + 被动和魔法技能在这里是最有用的
MF 项链 - MF 对于游戏早期的养老来说总是很不错的
属性项链 - 生命, 抗性, 敏捷, 力量
护身符 Charms
无论你能找到什么都会给你伤害或能力, 但更喜欢 +最大伤 护身符, 生命/抗性 护身符, 和 MF 小护身符.
Budget Gear
This section serves as the gear to wear when transitioning to the full build, or to wear if you simply don't want to sink currency into it.
M'avina's is a really solid option, and at the time of writing the full set can be picked up for around Vex. It can be used either as a full set, or as a partial set. A build with pieces from Budget Gear and Best Gear will start to overtake M'avina's, so consider moving on when you get to that point.
Upped Witchwild String - This bow is hideously underrated. While it looks really bad on paper, the near 100% critical chance, 2 sockets, and very high level amplify damage are killer. The 40 all resists are just an added bonus. I personally think this bow is about as good as it gets for budget gear, but other option may start to outshine it if you're heading into the final build.
Upped Goldstrike Arch - This bow is really strong for Chaos Sanctuary especially thanks to its Demon and Undead damage. Probably the best bow pre-WF, especially if your gear is good enough to make it outperform Witchwild String
Eaglehorn - Poor man's Windforce, not bad
Upped Lycander's Aim - Also really decent, can compete well with all of the above
Upped Buriza - Disgustingly good +max damage, but suffers from being a crossbow. Very slow attack speed, but hits like a truck
Stealskull - Leech and MF, it's alright. If you corrupt some sockets, can have even more MF
Treachery - Use this if you really need help hitting your IAS breakpoints
Lionheart - Use this if you can hit your IAS breakpoints
Marrowalk - Cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen
Rite of Passage - Alternative cheap source of Cannot Be Frozen
Goblin Toe - Enhanced Damage and Crushing Blow, very decent
Nagelring - Some AR and MF
Gheed's Fortune - Worth having for the high MF alone
Grand Charm - Look for +Max charms
Small Charm - Look for Resists here (preferably also with Life)
Magic Find Gear
While attack based builds typically can't hit really high magic find values without sacrificing a lot of clearspeed like casters, it is still viable to run MF gear with a Bowazon. Even just 100% is a significant improvement in loot with little to no compromise.
Pick one from one of the other sections, there are no bows worth running with MF on them.
Stealskull - Leech and MF, can socket and add PTopaz
Corrupted Unique - You can really run any unique you want here if you puzzlebox or corrupt it for PTopaz sockets
3os White Helmet - If you don't have anything better, this can help you in the meantime
Giant Skull - You still want 100% pierce, so consider this if you don't have it in another slot
Skullder's Ire - +Skills and good MF. Can puzzlebox or corrupt to add more MF
3-4os White Body - If you don't have better, this can help in the meantime
Non-MF Body - Sometimes it's not worth the sacrifice and you'd get better loot clearing quicker. Consider running Lionheart or Fortitude instead
Crow Caw - You still want 100% pierce, so consider this if you don't have it in another slot
Chance Guards - They have great MF, but lack anything else useful (and no IAS!)
Yellows - 20% IAS with MF and extras are good here
Laying of Hands - May be worth simply running the extra damage instead to clear faster
Soul Drainer - You still want 100% pierce, so if you don't have it in another slot, consider it here (no IAS on these though)
War Traveller's - These boots are just too good
Yellows - Prefer FRW, MF, and good stats
Treads of C'Thon - You still want 100% pierce, so consider this if you don't have it in another slot
Goldwrap - IAS and MF, the only good MF option here really
Razortail - You still want 100% pierce, so if you can't get it in another slot, use this instead of Goldwrap
Nagelring - Best MF you can get on rings
Yellows - Can get decent rings with MF as well, a leech+MF ring could be very nice if you don't have leech elsewhere
Raven Frost - You still need Cannot Be Frozen, so use one of these if needed
Yellow - +Skills, MF, stats preferably
Unique - Prefer one of the other options like Cat's Eye or Atma's Scarab if you would prefer the speed
Gheed's Fortune - Best MF charm in the game by far
Torch/Anni - Too efficient to give up, even in a MF build
MF Small Charms - Can get up to 7% each, fill up on these if you really want MF
+Max Charms - MF is no good if you kill too slow, consider still running damage charms instead
Best Gear
Windforce - With the nerfs to Faith and the buffs to Windforce, there's really no competition. Ultimately you'd want an Enhanced Damage (preferably with another affix) corruption and 4os from the puzzlebox, socketed with 40/15s
Giant Skull - High pierce chance, Crushing Blow, Enhanced Damage, and high Strength - amazing helmet
Andariel's Visage - +2 Skills, 20% IAS, 10% Lifesteal, 30 strength, max poison resist + high poison resists - brilliant helmet, especially if you need the IAS and leech
Veil of Steel - Enhanced Damage, +1 Skills, up to 40 All Resistances, Vitality, Strength - incredible option if you don't need the specialties the other helmets offer
Valkyrie Wing - +2 Amazon Skills, 40% Enhanced Damage, 30% Faster Run/Walk - not the best option here, but if you have the damage to need to move faster, this helmet can really shine. Also great for things like key farming where moving fast is, well, key
Fortitude - 200% Enhanced Damage, up to +150 life, up to 30 all resists, 4% max light res, 25% FCR (not great, but gives a few breakpoints for tele staff)
Chains of Honor - +2 Skills, 200% Damage to Demons, 100% Damage to Undead, 8% Lifesteal, 20 strength, 65 all resists, damage reduced by 4%, 25MF - a little better than Fortitude defensively, but ultimately more expensive for something a bit worse for this build
Tyrael's Might - 45% FRW, 30 strength, 30 all resists, Cannot Be Frozen, 160% Damage to Demons, 160% Damage to Undead - This thing would be simply disgusting with corruption/sockets. That FRW would be godly. Frees up Raven Frost for potentially better ring. Incredibly expensive and hard to get though
Crow Caw - 15% IAS, 30% Pierce, 15 Dex - this one is a little interesting as it is very different. With some corruption/socketing and the right jewels, this could be very strong
Laying of Hands - 20% IAS, High Damage to Demons, High Fire Resists - since demons are typically the monsters with the largest hp pools, these are very very good
War Traveller's - 15-25 damage (which is scaled massively by our gear and dex), FRW, MF - can't really beat these
Razortail - 33% pierce, 10 max damage, 15 dex - use this if not using Giant Skull
Upped Goldwrap - only need to up once for the extra row - 20% IAS, 40% MF - use this if using Giant Skull
Nosferatu's Coil - 6% lifesteal, 20% IAS, 15 strength, 10% deadly strike - a better Goldwrap if you don't care for MF
Raven Frost - Needed if you don't have Cannot Be Frozen elsewhere
Wisp Projector - light absorb, MF, Heart of Wolverine (buffs your damage), +1 skills - this ring is really great all around
Yellow - can use this to fill gaps in the build such as leech, resists, damage, etc. Can also corrupt these for extras
The Cat's Eye - 30 FRW, 20 IAS, 25 Dex - Very very hard to beat this amulet
Atma's Scarab - 7% Chance to Cast Level 8 Amplify Damage on Striking, 60% poison resist - this can break most phys immunes, and will give -26% physical resistance to enemies (which is huge for our damage), prefer this over Cat's Eye if you're struggling for damage or didn't take 20 Magic Arrow
Annihilus - +1 skills, resists, life on a small charm, no brainer
Hellfire Torch - +1 skills, resists, life on a large charm, no brainer
Gheed's Fortune - I personally think this is worth the slot even on the final build, 40% MF is very nice
Max Damage Charms - +10 Max GCs, preferably with life
Resist Small Charms - Great for filling out the rest of your resistances, preferably with life
Act 1 Rogue
This is typically the preferred option, as she can provide Vigor on top of Fanaticism and Might. She also stays back more than the other Mercs so she doesn't really tend to ever die. The "Fire" mercenary is the one you want.
- Faith Great Bow - you ideally want Fanatacism 13-15 so you can get the highest Windforce IAS breakpoint with 95 IAS. Fanatacism 12 means you will need 100 IAS which can really mess with your build
- Templar's Might - this will provide the Might aura to boost your physical damage further. You need to apply at least 1 socket to this, and either socket Hel runs, or jewels with -15% requirements and other goodies. This is because the strength requirement is too high for the Act 1 merc
Act 5 Barbarian
This option has slightly higher damage, but doesn't provide the Vigor aura. With the Fanaticism on Beast being lower, it may also affect your gear choices slightly, since the IAS needed will be a tiny bit higher.
- Beast Ethereal Silver-Edged Axe - provides Fanaticism
- Any defensive chest, Duriel's shell may be a nice option for Cannot Be Frozen if you don't take it elsewhere
The goal with mercenaries is to keep them alive. Below is my preferred gear, but feel free to put on whatever you like, it doesn't really matter.
- Vampire Gaze - 20% physical damage reduction, good leech
- Thundergod's Vigor - max light res, since it is the most dangerous element in the game
- Infernostrides - max fire res, since it is the second most dangerous element in the game
- IAS Gloves - plenty of options here, fill in your mercs weaknesses I guess
This build can absolutely do ubers. Just make sure you have a source of crushing blow (Giant Skull and/or Gore Rider or Goblin Toe are great options). Valkyries are you best friend, especially against Lilith. You may need to spam them against her and just get in hits when you can, she is rather vicious. Obviously prefer good resists and a decent health pool for doing this, but I have successfully done uber tristram (albeit with several deaths) with negative resists and ~700 life.
Diablo Clone
Since the announced "fix" to "cheese strats," the viability of this build for DClone is unknown. Will update this section when we know more.