什么是 Project Diablo 2?
- PD2 是 Diablo II: 毁灭之王 的一个Mod, 其中包括许多生命质量和平衡的变化, 以及一些新内容. 它旨在保持“D2:LoD”的体验,同时改进游戏,就像开发从未停止过一样.
- PD2提供了更多的玩法多样性,以及与原版游戏相比的许多其他改进. 参照 综合变更 查看改进概述.
- PD2 是免费的,但合法复刻 Diablo II: 毁灭之王 是必须的. 还有一些其他 规则 . 如果你有任何问题, PD2's discord channel 是提问的最好地方.
- 支持天梯和非天梯, 目前它们之间没有游戏差异 (像非天梯也有天梯专用符文之语) 除了每四个月重置一次天梯.
- 支持单人游戏-玩家经常安装 PlugY 与PD2一起修复超级怪物并获得共享箱子的访问权限. 项目包也可用于测试.
- 目前,单人游戏 和多人游戏在游戏玩法上没有差异, 除了安达利尔任务bug, 在单人游戏中,该问题仍未得到解决.
- 通过在计算机之间创建虚拟局域网,单人角色也可以通过 TCP/IP 与其他角色一起在线玩 (或者通过使用端口转发).
- 不支持非扩展(经典)或开放式“战网”.
是否支持 PvP ?
- 是. 随着游戏的发展,PvP 继续保持平衡. PvP 活动有时会通过 PD2's discord channel 组织和宣布.
- 新的 PvP 竞技场可供选择,它有几个生命质量改进和额外的平衡 - 参照 PvP 变更 有关 PvP 特定更改的概述.
- 有 规则 禁止伤害其他玩家——所有双方同意的 PvP 都是允许的.
Where can I trade my items?
- Items can be listed and searched for on PD2's Trade Site. Players can chat on the trade site or within the game to make a deal, then meet up in-game to trade items. Note that third-party and real-money trading are not allowed.
What is the drop rate in PD2?
The baseline drop rate in PD2 is roughly equivalent to vanilla's p5/5 (5 partied players in a game) for solo play, and scales up per player until it's slightly above the equivalent of vanilla's p8/8 when there is a full game of 8 players.
For a more detailed explanation of drop mechanics, see: Game Mechanics
Where are the game servers located?
The current locations of the game servers are:
- gs 1 - US-West (Las Vegas)
- gs 2 - US-Central (Iowa)
- gs 3 - US-East (South Carolina)
- gs 4 - Europe-West (Netherlands)
- gs 5 - Europe-Central (Finland)
- gs 6 - Asia-Northeast (Seoul, Korea)
- gs 7 - Asia-Southeast (Singapore)
- gs 8 - South America-East (São Paulo)
- gs 9 - Australia-Southeast (Sydney)
When creating a game, type gs 3 (or whichever server you prefer) in the Game Description to use a specific server.
What resolution does PD2 use?
- Since Season 7, PD2 comes with D2GL. This is a new renderer that allows higher resolutions and more than 60 FPS using motion prediction. Additionally, any text gets drawn at native resolution.
See the Customization page for more info about changing widescreen resolution or other video settings.
Other Questions
Please ask on PD2's discord channel or subreddit.
If you have a technical question, see the Support FAQ. If that doesn't help, stop by PD2's tech-support channel.
The information here is maintained by normal PD2 community members - if a frequently asked question is missing, please add it here or mention it on PD2's wiki-editing channel so that others can add it.