Patch Notes Document (reddit thread)
- Spells and abilities no longer share cooldowns (global cooldown has been removed)
- Skill tooltips now display cooldowns
- Screenshake is now disableable on the BH settings menu
- Event messages now display on singleplayer
- Quel kehk now rewards stacked runes
- You can now stack and unstack runes while in the shop screen
- Map corruptions no longer require two transmutes
- Weapon durability now reduces at 50% of its previous values
- Staves now have melee splash automod
- Set staves will now gain bonus faster cast rate when upgraded in the cube
- Corrupting an item that results in a corrupted rare item or "brick" will now apply a corruption mod to the item
- Bricked or rare items that are a result of a failed corruption attempt will now retain being ethereal if the original item was ethereal
- The gidbinn quest reward will now grant you an already corrupted rare ring
- Horizon map events will now make use of the area contains X monster mod
- 6 perfect skulls will no longer allow you to reroll a dungeon
- Telekinesis will no longer allow you to pick up arrows and bolts
- Mercenaries will now drop equipped items when hiring a new mercenary
- +% magic large charms have been added to the game
- Mercenaries can now trigger chance to cast on cast
- Added recipes to cube multiple flawless gems at once into perfects
- Rejuvenation potions now cap at 2000 health (still heal 65% of your maximum health up to a limit of 2000)
- Uber material items and extremely rare items such as vial, mirror etc can no longer be sold to vendors
- Channeling skills now trigger chance to cast every x frames based on your faster cast rate breakpoint
- Fixed a bug that allowed ranged attacks to still deal 200% critical / deadly strike damage (reduced to the proper 150% value)
- Fixed a bug that allowed ranged attacks to still reach 100% critical / deadly strike (reduced to the proper 75% cap)
- Open wounds now deals ¼ damage to mercenaries and pets
- Open wounds damage is now reduced on mercenaries and pets by physical damage reduction %
- Melee attacks deal splash damage now splashes the players skill damage instead of their attack damage
- Dual wielding attack speed breakpoints will now always be based on your faster weapon (To calculate your attack speed breakpoints using an attack speed calculator simply input two of your faster weapon. For example if you're using a berserker axe and a phase blade you would calculate it as if you were using two phase blades)
- WSM bug has been removed
- Added 1 range to all melee attacks against a moving target
- Larzuk now sells "larzuk's malus" which allows players to add 1 socket to an item (Item code: Lmal) (always provides one socket regardless of item rarity)
- Two new maps have been added
- New Tier 1: Ruined Cistern (item code: t16)
- New Tier 3: Ashen Plains (item code: t3a)
- The Following Maps have changed tiers
- Torajan Jungle is now a tier 1
- Arreat battlefield is now a tier 1
- Phlegethon is now a tier 1
- Lost temple is now a tier 1
- Royal crypts is now a tier 2
- Ruins of Viz'jun is now a tier 2
- Sanatorium is now a tier 2
- Ancestral trial is now a tier 2
- Fall of caldeum is now a tier 2
- Sewers of harrogath is now a tier 3
- Tombs of zoltun kulle is now a tier 3
- New Map Mods
- Area level increased by 1
- Map contains an additional boss
- Monsters have a chance to drop additional armor
- Monsters have a chance to drop additional weapons
- Monsters have a chance to drop additional crafting materials
- Map contains shrieking horrors
- Added Orb of Fortification: a new material at anya that reduces base density by half and forces Monsters to have 2x health, grant 2x experience granted, deal 20% additional damage and monsters drop twice as much loot (this does not affect map bosses or events)
- Maps will now always spawn with all available monster types
- Tier 1 Map Resistance Changes
- Torajan jungle no longer has poison immunes
- Horazon's memory no longer has lightning immune monsters (lightning spires will still be lightning immune)
- Bastions Keep now has physical immunes
- Bastions keep no longer has fire immunes
- Bastions keep no longer has poison immunes
- Arreat battlefield no longer has poison immunes
- Phlegethon no longer has lightning immunes
- Lost temple no longer has magic immunes
- Lost temple no longer has poison immunes
- Tier 2 Map Changes
- Royal Crypts no longer has physical immunes
- Ruins of Viz'jun no longer has magic immunes
- Ruins of Viz'jun no longer has fire immunes
- Ruins of Viz'jun no longer has cold immunes
- Sanatorium no longer has poison immunes
- Ancestral trial no longer has lightning immunes
- Ancestral trial no longer has storm casters
- Fall of caldeum no longer has cold immunes
- Fall of caldeum no longer has poison immunes
- Shadows of westmarch no longer has magic immunes
- Tier 3 Map Changes
- River of blood no longer has lightning immunes
- Throne of insanity no longer has lightning immunes
- Throne of insanity no longer has cold immunes
- Sewers of harrogath no longer has poison immunes
- Pandemonium Citadel no longer has lightning immunes
- Pandemonium Citadel no longer has poison immunes
- Canyon of sescheron no longer has fire immmunes
- Canyon of sescheron no longer has cold immmunes
- Kehjistan marketplace no longer has magic immunes
- Kehjistan marketplace no longer has fire immunes
- Kehjistan marketplace no longer has light immunes
- Kehjistan marketplace now has cold immunes
- The following map contains X map affix changes have been made
- Map contains unholy corpses poison resist reduced from 120 to 80
- Map contains stygian doll poison resist reduced from 105 to 80
- Map contains vampire lords cold resist reduced from 135 to 85
- Map contains reanimated horde fire resist increased from 0 to 75
- Map contains wraiths lightning resist increased from 0 to 75
- Map contains ghosts fire resist increased from 0 to 25
- Map contains fetishes fire and lightning resist increased from 33 to 50
- Map contains fetishes physical and magic resistance increased from 0 to 25
- Map contains succubus mod now spawns in packs of 2-3 instead of 3-5
- Map contains succubus mod damage reduced by 10%
- Map contains hell bovine density bonus increased from 35-40% to 50-60%
- Reduced curse duration and health hybrid map mod has been changed to only reduced curse duration at the following values and can no longer spawn on dungeons
- Tier 1 = 20-40%
- Tier 2 = 40-60%
- Tier 3 = 60-80%
- Monsters have a chance to pierce and additional attack rating % mods can no longer spawn on dungeons and their stats have been increased
- Tier 1 increased from 10-20% to 30-50%
- Tier 2 increased from 20-30% to 50-70%
- Tier 3 increased from 30-40% to 70-90%
- Dungeon bosses now properly drop diablo clone and rathma unique items
- Dungeon bosses are now level 94 instead of 92
- Dungeons monster attack rating and pierce base bonus increased from 50-75% to 80-100%
- Dungeon monsters base health and cannot be frozen bonus increased from 5-10% to 10-20%
- Dungeon base experience bonus reduced from +40-60% to +40-50%
- Dungeons now always roll tier 3 map prefixes and suffixes
- Bloodbringer can no longer crit in dungeons
- Canyon of Sescheron now provides 15% less experience
- Map bosses will now be 2 levels higher than the map zone they are within
- Uber ancients sigils droprate increased by 20%
- Uber ancients deal less damage
- Uber ancients have more health
- Uber ancients now provide more experience
- Diablo clone and his minions now provide more experience
- Rathma, mendeln and their minions now provide more experience
亚马逊 Amazon
- Javelin and spear mastery now properly apply to the throwing damage tooltip
- Valkyrie ai has been improved
- Valkyrie cooldown no longer reduces with base points and is now 1 seconds at all levels (cooldowns are no longer shared with other skills)
- Valkyrie 25 strength per level reduced to 20
- Valkyrie 20 dexterity per level reduced to 15
- Valkyrie decoy 25% physical damage synergy reduced to 20%
- Valkyrie now properly benefits from critical strike
- Decoy now properly benefits from critical strike
- Decoy now properly benefits from penetrate
- Decoy now properly benefits from pierce
- Magic arrow ½ weapon damage increased to ¾ weapon damage
- Cold arrow ¼ weapon damage increased to ½
- Multiple shot now gets 25% enhanced damage at level 1 and 5% enhanced damage per level
- Multiple shot flat damage has been removed
- Freezing arrow level 8-16 scaling reduced from 15-15 to 14-14 per level
- Freezing arrow level 16-22 scaling reduced from 20-20 to 18-18 per level
- Freezing arrow level 22-28 scaling reduced from 25-25 to 22-22 per level
- Freezing arrow level 28+ scaling reduced from 28-28 to 26-26 per level
- Pierce scaling reworked from a diminishing return scaling going from 10 to 100 into the following
- Pierce base chance increased from 23% to 30%
- Pierce level 1-8 scaling reworked to 3% per level
- Pierce level 8-22 scaling reworked to 2% per level
- Pierce level 22+ scaling reworked to 1% per level
- Dodge now display its faster hit recovery bonus value in its tooltip
刺客 Assassin
- Base min kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 4 to (str + dex - 20) / 6
- Base max kick damage attribute bonus lowered from (str + dex - 20) / 3 to (str + dex - 20) / 5
- Added 1 range to kick attacks
- Dragon talon now splashes its kick damage
- Dragon Tail now converts its damage to fire before dealing the initial physical attack
- Fixed dragon tail character screen tooltip to properly show its damage
- Removed dragon tail's knockback
- Dragon tail base increased fire damage bonus reduced from +50% to +40%
- Dragon tail increased fire damage per level reduced 15% to 13%
- Dragon tail synergies reduced from +10% to +8%
- Wake of fire 28+ scaling reduced from 31-36 to 26-31 per level
- Death sentry level 1-8 scaling increased from 3-4 to 5-6 per level
- Death sentry level 8-16 scaling increased from 5-6 to 7-8 per level
- Death sentry level 16-22 scaling increased from 7-8 to 9-10 per level
- Death sentry level 22-28 scaling increased from 9-10 to 11-12 per level
- Death sentry level 28+ scaling increased from 11-12 to 13-14 per level
- Cobra strike poison bolts range increased by 17%
- Fists of fire damage per second synergy increased from 20% to 26%
- Fists of fire damage synergy increased from 25% to 26% (was previously only showing the fire damage per second synergy)
- Fists of fire damage per second level 16-22 scaling reduced from 4-5 to 3-4 per level
- Fists of fire damage per second level 22-28 scaling reduced from 6-7 to 4-5 per level
- Fists of fire damage per second level 28+ scaling reduced from 8-9 to 5-6 per level
- Fists of fire level 28+ meteor scaling increased from 32-34 to 44-46 per level
- Lightning sentry synergies increased from 14% to 16%
- Lightning sentry base mana cost reduced from 8 to 7
- Chain lightning sentry synergies increased from 14% to 15%
- Chain lightning sentry base mana cost reduced from 8 to 7
- Charged bolt sentry now releases an additional bolt every 4 base levels down from every 3
- Charged bolt sentry level 1-8 scaling increased from 0-7 to 0-10 per level
- Charged bolt sentry level 8-16 scaling increased from 0-10 to 0-11 per level
- Charged bolt sentry level 16-22 scaling reduced from 0-13 to 0-12 per level
- Charged bolt sentry level 22-28 scaling reduced from 0-16 to 0-13 per level
- Charged bolt sentry level 28+ scaling reduced from 0-19 to 0-14 per level
- Phoenix strike meteor synergies now displays their proper values
- Weapon block now gives +1% faster block rate per base point
- Weapon block diminishing return scaling increased from 8 to 50 to 6 to 60
- Psychic hammer bounce range increased by 33%
- Psychic hammer tooltip now displays that its damage reduces by 20% per bounce (was previously hidden)
- Blade sentinel synergies increased from 8% to 9%
- Blade fury bounce missile velocity increased by 26%
- Blade fury synergies increased from 6% to 7%
- Shadow warrior AI has been updated
- Shadow warrior cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 2 second
- Shadow warrior is now properly gaining its poison resist bonus
- Shadow master AI has been updated
- Shadow master cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 2 second
- Blade dance base enhanced damage bonus increased from 30% to 60% (this skill comes from chaos runeword)
- Blade dance enhanced damage per level increased from 4% to 10% (this skill comes from chaos runeword)
- Blade dance now counts as a martial arts skill and benefits from + to martial arts skills, + all skills and + to assassin skills
野蛮人 Barbarian
- Fixed a bug that caused throw mastery's enhanced damage bonus to apply twice
- Battle cry duration increased from 5 seconds to 8
- Double throw now has frenzy as a 6% damage synergy
- Taunt range increased by 33%
- Howl travel velocity increased by 33%
- Howl range increased by roughly 20%
- War Cry howl and battle cry synergies reduced from 18% to 15%
- Leap attack synergies increased from 8% to 10%
- Leap attack base enhanced damage bonus increased from 30% to 80%
- Leap attack enhanced damage per level increased from 12% to 15%
- Concentrate now splashes its converted magic damage
- Concentrate enhanced damage per level increased from 16% to 20%
- Concentrate synergies increased from 12% to 15%
- Concentrate +2% magic damage conversation bash synergy has been removed
- Concentrate defense bonus increased from +4% per level to +5%
- Concentrate attack rating bonus per level increased from 12% to 15%
德鲁伊 Druid
- Arctic blast now reduces enemies cold resistance
- Arctic Blast synergies reduced from 24% each to 14% for Hurricane and 10% for the others (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
- Ravens should now properly scale from +% cold damage bonuses even when eaglehorn is not equipped (was previously bugged)
- Eaglehorn should now apply its bonus raven damage at its proper values
- Rabies spread velocity increased by 40%
- Rabies spread range increased by 25%
- Poison creeper synergies increased from 22% to 30%
- Poison creeper poison resistance debuff now caps at -50% poison resist
- Poison creeper movement speed increased by roughly 600%
- Carrion vine movement speed increased by roughly 600%
- Solar creeper movement speed increased by roughly 600%
- Firestorm synergies increased from 25% to 26%
- Firestorm level 28+ scaling increased from 6-8 to 7-8 per level
- Fire claws synergies increased from 16% to 17%
- Cyclone armor cooldown increased from .5 seconds to 2 seconds (cooldowns are no longer shared with other skills)
- Heart of wolverine is now providing its proper values
- Now provides its proper 10% enhanced damage per level (was incorrectly providing 7%)
- Now provides its proper base 25% enhanced damage (was incorrectly providing 20%)
- Heart of wolverine attack rating per level increased from 7% to 10%
- Fury feral rage synergy reduced from 12% to 8%
- Fury enhanced damage bonus per level bonus reduced from 15% to 14%
- Summon grizzly now has a 1 second cooldown (cooldowns are no longer shared with other skills)
- Summon grizzly defense bonus tooltip is now displaying its proper values
- Hurricane level 1-8 scaling reduced from 7-7 to 4-4
- Hurricane level 8-16 scaling reduced from 10-10 to 8-8
- Hurricane level 22-28 scaling increased from 14-14 to 16-16
- Hurricane level 16-20 scaling increased from 16-16 to 20-20
死灵法师 Necromancer
- Poison nova level 1-8 scaling reduced from 7-7 to 6-6
- Poison nova level 8-16 scaling reduced from 8-8 to 7-7
- Poison nova level 16-22 scaling reduced from 9-9 to 8-8
- Poison nova level 22-28 scaling reduced from 11-11 to 9-9
- Poison nova synergies reduced from 14% to 10%
- Bone armor cooldown increased from .5 seconds to 2 seconds (cooldowns are no longer shared with other skills)
- Terror base movement speed reduction increased from -5% to -10%
- Terror radius reduced from 6.6 yards to 6
- Attract duration now caps at 15 seconds
- Attract duration per level reduced from 2.4 seconds per level to 0.2
- Raise skeleton archer life per level increased from 3% to 6%
- Skeleton archers skeleton mastery synergy reduced from 8% to 6%
- Skeleton archers now have a 2% raise skeleton warrior synergy
- Skeleton warriors now have a 2% raise skeleton archer synergy
- Skeleton warrior skeleton mastery synergy reduced from 8% to 6%
- Skeleton warriors life per level reduced from 15% to 14%
- Raise skeletal mages life per level reduced from 14% to 12%
- Clay, blood, iron and fire golem now have a 1 second cooldown (these cooldowns are independent of each other)
- Amplify damage radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Amplify damage base radius increased from 4 yards to 6
- Weaken radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Weaken base radius increased from 4 yards to 8
- Dim vision radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Dim vision now has a curse mastery radius synergy
- Iron Maiden radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Iron maiden base radius increased from 4 yards to 8
- Confuse radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Confuse base radius increased from 4 yards to 6.6
- Life tap radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Attract radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Decrepify radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Decrepify base radius increased from 4 yards to 8
- Lower resist radius now scales every 3 base points instead of every 3 soft points
- Lower resist base radius reduced from 6.6 yards to 6 yards
- Dark pact level 16-22 scaling reduced from 3-5 per level to 3-4 per level
- Dark pact level 28+ scaling reduced from 9-11 to 8-10
圣骑士 Paladin
- Defiance aura now grants 1% damage reduction every 2 soft points instead of every 2 base points
- Defiance defense per level reworked from 10% per level from levels 1-22 and 5% at level 28+ to 1-8 4%, 8-16 6%, 16-22 8%, 22-28 10%, 28+ 12%
- Blessed hammer no longer improperly displays dealing bonus damage to undead
- Smite now deals splash damage
- Holy shield level 28+ scaling reduced from 5-5 damage per level to 4-4
- Holy Fire radius reworked from 6 yards flat to scaling from 4 yards at level 1 to an 8 yard cap at level 6
- Holy fire aura damage to attack damage multiplier increased from 4x to 5x
- Holy fire synergies reduced from 20% to 18%
- Holy freeze aura damage to attack damage multiplier reduced from 10x to 5x
- Holy freeze aura damage level 1-8 aura scaling increased from 0.5-0.5 to 1-1.5
- Holy freeze aura damage level 8-16 scaling increased from 0.5-1 to 1.5-2
- Holy freeze aura damage level 16-22 scaling increased from 1-1.5 to 2.5-3
- Holy freeze aura damage level 22-28 scaling increased from 2-2 to 4-5
- Holy freeze aura damage level 28+ scaling increased from 2.5-2.5 to 6-7
- Holy Shock radius increased from 8 yards to 9.3 yards
- Holy shock aura damage to attack damage multiplier reduced from 12x to 8x
- Holy shock aura damage level 1-8 aura scaling increased from 0-6 to 0-8
- Holy shock aura damage level 8-16 scaling increased from 0-8 to 0-11
- Holy shock aura damage level 16-22 scaling increased from 0-10 to 0-15
- Holy shock aura damage level 22-28 scaling increased from 0-13 to 0-20
- Holy shock aura damage level 28+ scaling increased from 0-16 to 0-26
- Sanctuary Aura now reduces enemy magic resistance by -5% at level 1 and an additional -1% every 2 levels
- Sanctuary no longer removes undead monsters physical resistance on prime evils, map bosses or ubers
- Sanctuary radius increased from 9.3 yards to 10
- Sanctuary aura damage to on attack damage multiplier reduced from 6x to 4x
- Sanctuary aura damage level 16-22 scaling increased from 3-3 to 3.75-3.75
- Sanctuary aura damage level 22-28 scaling increased from 4-4 to 5.75-5.75
- Sanctuary aura damage level 28+ scaling increased from 6-6 to 8.5-8.5
- Resist Fire: Maximum Fire Resistance no longer applies to allies (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
- Resist Cold: Maximum Cold Resistance no longer applies to allies (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
- Resist Lightning: Maximum Lightning Resistance no longer applies to allies (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
法师 Sorceress
- Inferno now reduces enemies fire resistance
- Inferno synergies reduced from 20% to 5% (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
- Meteor physical damage now scales from fire mastery and +% fire damage sources
- Meteor cooldown reduced by 19%
- Blaze now has a 2 second cooldown (cooldowns are no longer shared with other skills)
- Blaze maximum duration increased from 8 seconds to 10
- Blaze now grants cannot be frozen
- Enchant level 1-8 scaling increased from 5-7 to 6-8 per level
- Enchant level 8-16 scaling increased from 11-13 to 12-14 per level
- Enchant level 22-28 scaling reduced from 32-34 to 30-32 per level
- Enchant level 28+ scaling increased from 46-48 to 48-50 per level
- Cold enchant synergy increased from 22% to 24%
- Fire ball explosion radius increased by 25%
- Frost nova level 28+ scaling reduced from 44-45 to 42-43
- Frost nova synergies reduced from 9% to 7%
- Frost nova mana cost per level reduced from .5 to .25
- Frost nova base mana cost reduced from 9 to 8
- Nova level 1-8 scaling reduced from 6-8 to 5-7
- Nova level 8-16 scaling reduced from 8-10 to 7-9 (fixed - incorrectly said 7-11 instead of 7-9)
- Nova level 16-22 scaling reduced from 9-12 to 8-11
- Nova level 22+ scaling reduced from 10-13 to 9-12
- Nova level 28+ scaling reduced from 11-14 to 10-13
- Glacial spike radius increased by 20%
- Hydra fire ball explosion radius increased by 50%
- Thunder storm tooltip now displays the delay reducing with base points
- Teleport tooltip now displays the damage debuff reducing with base points
- Shiver armor duration no longer has a hidden synergy with itself
- Ist rune +25% magic find bonus in armors increased to +30%
- Ber rune +4% physical damage reduction in armors increased to +5%
- Jah rune +50 life in shields increased to +75
- Ohm rune +50% enhanced damage reduced to +40%
- Dol rune +25% enhanced damage reduced to +20%
- Lilith's mirror now only works on weapons, armor, jewelry and jewels of magic or rare rarity
符文之语 Runewords
- Doom runeword holy freeze aura level increased from 12 to 16
- Doom can now be made in scepters
- Dream runeword aura increased from level 13 to 14
- Dream runeword +15-30% better chance to find magic items increased to 20-30%
- Harmony runeword now has +3-6 to valkyrie (amazon only)
- Spirit runeword in a staff +25% faster hit recovery increased to 55%
- Insight runeword +120-180% enhanced damage increased to 140-180%
- Honor runeword +160% enhanced damage increased to 160-200%
- Black runeword +120% enhanced damage reduced to 100%
- Black runeword now has +20-30 damage (this is off sheet damage similar to astreons)
- White runeword +1 to poison and bone skills increased to +1-2
- Voice of reason +170-300% enhanced damage to demons increased to +240-300%
- Voice of reason +205-325% enhanced damage to undead increased to +280-325%
- Venom +75 poison damage over 5 seconds increased to +400 over 3 seconds
- Grief runeword +220-240 to 280-300 damage increased to +260 to 280-320 damage
- Phoenix runeword 20% chance to cast level 25 fire ball changed to 20% chance to cast level 40 firestorm
- Phoenix 300-350% enhanced damage (shields) reduced to 250-300%
- Phoenix runeword (shields) +15-21 fire absorb removed (fixed - didn't specify shields only)
- Fortitude runeword in a weapon enhanced damage increased from +275-325% to +325-375%
- Plague runeword 20% chance to cast level 35 lower resist when struck increased to 30%
- Plague runeword +260-380% enhanced damage to demons increased to +340-380%
- Pride runeword 25% chance to cast level 17 fire wall increased to level 30
- Breath of the dying runeword 50% chance to cast level 20 poison nova on kill reworked to 35% chance to cast level 40 poison nova on striking
- Zenith runeword adds 205-280 Fire Damage increased to 305-380
- Zenith runeword adds 201-300 Lightning Damage increased to 301-400
- Zenith runeword adds 203-264 Cold Damage increased to 258-364
- Lore runeword +1 to mana after each kill increased to +1-2
- Nadir runeword +3-5 to mana after each kill increased to +4-6
- Ferocity +6-8% lifesteal increased to +10-12% lifesteal
- Ferocity +4-6 to zeal increased to +8-10
- Enlightenment runeword 10% chance to cast level 18 fire ball on casting increased to 15% chance to cast level 28 fire ball
- Enlightenment runeword 20% chance to cast level 25 blaze when struck increased to 35%
- Enlightenment runeword +1-3 to warmth oskill increased to +5-8
- Rain runeword 10% chance to cast level 20 twister on striking increased to 20% chance to cast level 25 twister on striking
- Bramble runeword +30-50% poison damage increased to +40-50%
- Bramble runeword +5-10 life after each kill reduced to +4-6 life after each kill
- Bramble level 15-21 thorns aura increased to level 18-21
- Dragon runeword now allows you to summon 2 additional hydras while two are equipped (was previously bugged and only allowed 1 additional hydra even if two dragons were equipped)
- Sanctuary runeword +35-50 all resist increased to +40-50
- Exile +25% better chance of getting magic items increased to +30%
- Lawbringer runeword level 16-18 sanctuary aura removed
- Lawbringer now has +150-200% enhanced damage
- King's grace adds 5-30 fire damage 10-60
- King's grace adds 3-14 cold damage increased to 20-40
- Kingslayer now has adds +400-450 cold damage
- Kingslayer had its 50% chance of open wounds reduced to 25% (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
- Chaos runeword 18% chance to cast level 21 frozen orb increased to 20% chance to cast level 30 frozen orb
- Chaos runeword 14% chance to cast level 29 charged bolt increased to 18% chance to cast level 40 charged bolt
- Wind runeword 18% chance to cast level 29 tornado on striking (non-staves only) increased to level 35
- Wind runeword 18% chance to cast level 29 tornado on casting (staves only) increased to level 35
- Wind runeword 18% chance to cast level 29 twister on striking (non-staves only) increased to level 35
- Wind runeword 18% chance to cast level 29 twister on casting (staves only) increased to level 35
- Rift 40 level 15 iron maiden charges replaced with +60% increased attack speed
- Rift 20% chance to cast level 25 tornado on striking increased to level 30
- Rift 16% chance to cast level 25 frozen orb on striking increased to 20%
- Rift can now be made in swords
- Destruction 5% chance to cast level 45 meteor on striking increased to 15%
- Destruction 5% chance to cast level 33 molten boulder on striking increased to 8% chance to cast level 35 molten boulder
- Destruction 23% chance to cast level 22 frost nova on striking reworked to 20% chance to cast level 35 frost nova on striking
- Destruction 15% chance to cast level 32 nova on striking increased to level 40
- Brand runeword 50% chance to cast level 50 bone spear on striking reduced to level 45
- Brand runeword now has you may now summon 6 additional skeleton archers
New Runewords
- Shattered Wall - Zod + Jah + Ral + Cham - Paladin Shield Only (this example uses a 20% all resist base)
- Asylum - Gul+Cham+Hel+Jah+Dol+Um - Staves, Maces, Hammers, Bows, Polearms and Spears (note when made in a staff the fist of the heavens proc becomes on casting)
暗金防具和首饰 Unique Armor and Jewelry
- Andariels visage 15% chance to cast level 25 poison nova when struck increased to level 30 poison nova
- Cerberus bites 60-120% increased attack rating increased to 80-120%
- Templars might level 4-8 might aura increased to level 6-8
- Arkaine's valor +0.5-1 vitality per level increased to +1 vitality per level
- The gladiator's bane attackers take damage of 350-700 increased to 600-700
- Crow caw +40-80% enhanced damage increased to +50-80%
- Crow caw +15 to dexterity increased to +30
- Goldskin +100% extra gold from monsters increased to +100-200%
- Rattlecage 35-70% enhanced damage increased to 60-90%
- Ironpelt +80-125 life reduced to +80-100 life
- Ironpelt now has +20% increased chance to block
- Shaftstop +80-140 life increased to +100-140
- Rockfleece +5-15 to strength increased to +10-15
- Hawkmail +1-3 to raven increased to +2-3
- Hawkmail +5-10% increased maximum cold resist reduced to +5%
- The centurion +15-25% enhanced damage increased to +30%
- The centurion 15% increased chance to block increased to 20%
- Blinkbat's form +6-12 to fire damage increased to +10-15
- Herald of zakarum +15-30 to strength increased to +20-30
- Herald of zakarum +15-30 to vitality increased to +20-30
- Martyrdom now has +35% increased chance to block
- Spike thorn adds 40-65 damage increased to adds +50-80 damage
- Wall of the eyeless cold resist +10-20% increased to +20%
- Wall of the eyeless fire resist +10-20% increased to +20%
- Wall of the eyeless poison resist +10-20% increased to +20%
- Swordback hold physical damage taken reduced by 2-5 increased to 5
- Waterwalk +40% faster run walk reduced to +30%
- Infernostride +25% faster run walk increased to +30%
- Tearhaunch +5 to strength increased to +5-10 (varies)
- Tearhaunch +5 to dexterity increased to +5-10 (varies)
- Goblin toe +15-30% enhanced damage increased to +20-30%
- Thundergod's vigor +5% to maximum lightning resist increased to +5-8% (varies)
- Snowclash +5% to maximum cold resist increased to +5-8% (varies)
- Snakecord +3-5% to poison skill damage increased to +4-6%
- Carrion wind 8% chance to cast level 18 twister on striking increased to level 30
- Overlord's helm -15% to -20% to enemy physical resist reduced to -10 to -15%
- Overlord's helm 5-10% life steal reduced to 5-8%
- Cyclopean roar now has a 8% chance to cast level 6 battle cry on casting
- The third eye bone nova now fires twice as many missiles
- The third eye 8% chance to cast level 25 bone nova increased to 10%
暗金武器 Unique Weapons
- Razor's edge 40% increased attack speed increased to 60%
- Death cleaver +15-30 minimum damage increased to +20-30
- Messerschmidt's Reaver adds 20-240 fire damage increased to 40-480
- Nord's tenderizer 15% chance to cast level 26 blizzard on striking increased to level 32 (fixed - incorrectly said level 30 instead of level 32)
- Stormlash 1-473 lightning damage increased to 1-600
- Stone crusher -5 to -8% to enemy physical resistance increased to -5 to -10%
- Stone crusher +10-20 strength increased to +20-30
- Stone crusher +20% crushing blow increased to +40%
- Schaefer's hammer adds 50-450 lightning damage increased to 75 to 585
- Windhammer +60% increased attack speed reduced to +40%
- Windhammer 33% chance to cast level 28 twister on striking increased to level 35
- Cranium basher +20% increased attack speed increased to +30%
- Coldsteel eye now has +50-80 cold damage
- Blade of ali baba +3 sockets reduced to +2-3 (varies)
- Bing sz wang adds 50-140 cold damage increased to 200-350 cold damage
- The vile husk +7.5% enhanced damage to undead per level reduced to +3.5%
- The vile husk +150-200% enhanced damage increased to +175-225%
- Cloud crack 20% chance to cast level 21 fist of the heavens on striking increased to 30%
- Lightsaber adds 1-500 lightning damage increased to 1-700
- Azurewrath level 20-23 sanctuary aura reduced to level 8-10
- Azurewrath adds 200-250 magic damage increased to 500-600
- The grandfather 180-240% enhanced damage increased to 200-260%
- Stormspike adds 1 to 240-360 lightning damage increased to 360
- Lacerator 33% chance to cast level 31 amplify damage reduced to 20%
- Wraith flight adds 50-150 magic damage increased to adds 200-300 magic damage
- Arioc's needle +3-5 to all skills increased to +4-5
- Soul harvest +20% faster cast rate increased to +40%
- Grim's burning dead scythe you may now summon an additional 8 skeletal mages reduced to 6
- Stormspire 75% chance to cast level 40 charged bolt when struck changed to 60% chance to cast level 35 charged bolt on striking
- Endlesshail 25% chance to cast level 12 blizzard reduced to 12% chance to cast level 18 blizzard
- Cliffkiller now has +30% chance to pierce
- Blastbark now has +20% chance to pierce
- Hellclap now has +20% chance to pierce
- Windforce 10% chance to cast level 25 twister on striking reworked to 8% chance to cast level 35 twister on striking
- Langer briser +20% increased attack speed increased to +40%
- Ribcracker now has the faster cast rate staff mod
- Brimstone rain 18% chance to cast level 28 meteor increased to level 35
- Brimstone rain -10 to -20% enemy physical resist reduced to -10 to -15%
- Mang song's lesson 16% chance to cast level 20 lower resist reduced to 12%
- Chromatic ire 18% chance to cast level 26 slow movement reduced to 15% chance to cast level 6 slow movement
- Arm of king leoric you may now summon 2 additional skeletal mages has been removed
- Arm of king leoric +1-2 to poison and bone skills removed
- Arm of king leoric +1-2 to summon skills removed
- Arm of king leoric now has +2 to necromancer skills
- Arm of king leoric +2 to raise skeleton increased to +2-3
- Arm of king leoric +2 to raise skeletal mages increased to +2-3
- Arm of king leoric +2-3 to skeleton mastery increased to +3-4
- Arm of king leoric now has +2-3 to raise skeleton archer
- Akarat's devotion +2-4 to blessed hammer increased to +3-4
- Astreon's iron ward +80-125 damage increased to +100-125
- Bloodraven's charge +3-4 to bow and crossbow skills replaced with +2-3 to all skills
- Zerae's resolve magic damage taken reduced by 8 increased to 12-15
- Demon machine 33-66% pierce removed
- Demon machine 8% chance to cast level 24 multiple shot reworked to 10% chance to cast level 16 multiple shot
套装 Sets
- Griswold's redemption +3-4 sockets increased to +3-5
- Griswold's honor now properly has its +2 to defensive auras (2 piece bonus)
- Milabrega's rod +25-35 cold damage increased to +35-55 cold damage
- Natalya's soul now has +30 kick damage (3 piece) set bonus
- Natalya's shadow +1-3 to shadow disciplines increased to +2-3
- Vidala's snare +30% pierce (3 piece bonus) is now a base stat and no longer requires 3 piece
- Vidala's snare +35 to life reduced to +25
- Iratha's collar +75% poison length reduction reduced to +25%
- Iratha's collar +15% all resist (2 piece bonus) reduced to +10%
- Iratha's cuff +15% chance to pierce increased to +20%
- Iratha's cuff +30% cold resist reduced to +20%
- Iratha's finery full set bonus reduced from +5% maximum resist to +2%
- Corruptions should now properly display a red dot for bh (please report any missing stats)
武器腐化 Weapon Corruptions
- Tier 1
- +30-50 to mana replaced with 10% faster cast rate
- +8-12% faster hit recovery replaced with +100-150% enhanced damage to undead and 200 attack rating against undead
- +125-175% enhanced damage to demons and 200-300 attack rating against demons reduced to +100-150% enhanced damage to demons and 200 attack rating against demons
- +4-6 life after each kill reduced to +3-5
- +2-5 mana after each kill increased to +3-5
- Tier 2
- +10% faster cast rate increased to +20%
- +20-30% increased attack speed increased to +30-40%
- +20-40% enhanced damage and +5-8% life steal changed to +40-60% enhanced damage and +5% life steal
- Tier 3
- +20-30% increased attack speed and +20-30% crushing blow increased to +30% increased attack speed and +20-30% crushing blow
- +50-70% enhanced damage and +15-25% deadly strike increased to +50-80% enhanced damage and +25% deadly strike
- +80-120% enhanced damage and +250-350 attack rating reduced to +80-120% enhanced damage and 250 attack rating
- +50-70% enhanced damage and ignores target defense increased to +60-80% enhanced damage and ignores target defense
盾牌腐化 Shield Corruptions
- Tier 1
- +50-80% enhanced defense replaced with +20% faster block rate
- +15-25% mana regeneration replaced with +20-30% magic find
- Tier 2
- +10-20% faster block rate and +5-10% increased chance to block changed to +10% faster block rate and +10-20% increased chance to block
- Tier 3
- +10% reduced curse duration increased to +10-20%
- +4-6% physical damage reduction increased to +6%
护甲腐化 Chest Corruptions
- Tier 1
- +15-25% mana regeneration replaced with +20-30% magic find
- Tier 2
- +10-15% faster run walk increased to +20%
- Tier 3
- +10% reduced curse duration increased to +10-20%
- +4-6% Physical damage reduction increased to +6%
头盔腐化 Helm Corruptions
- Tier 1
- +15-25% mana regeneration replaced with +20-30% magic find
鞋子腐化 Boot Corruptions
- Tier 2
- +8-14% faster hit recovery increased to +10% faster hit recovery
- +4-8 to all resists increased to +5-8
- +5-10% faster block rate increased to +10%
- Tier 3
- Cannot be frozen replaced with +10% increased chance to block
手套腐化 Glove Corruptions
- Tier 3
- +5-10% faster cast rate increased to +10%
- +5-10% increased chance to block reworked to +10%
- +6-12% deadly strike reworked to +10%
- +4-8 all resists increased to +5-8
腰带腐化 Belt Corruptions
- Tier 2
- +8-14% faster hit recovery increased to +10%
- +10-20% mana regeneration replaced with +100-150 attack rating
- Tier 3
- +8-12% faster run walk reworked to +10%
- +5-10% increased chance to block increased to +10% chance to block
- +4-8 to all resists increased to +5-8
戒指腐化 Ring Corruptions
- Tier 2
- Attackers takes damage replaced with +20-40 life
- Tier 3
- +8-12% faster run walk reworked to +10%
- +3-6 to all resists increased to +4-6
- Cannot be frozen replaced with +2-3% physical damage reduction
项链腐化 Amulet Corruptions
- Tier 2
- +8-14% faster hit recovery reworked to +10%
- +10-15% pierce increased to +10-20%
- Attackers takes damage of 3-495 (3.5 per level) replaced with +5-8 to all attributes
- Tier 3
- +8-12% faster run walk increased to +10%
- +20-40% enhanced damage increased to +30-40%
- +4-8 to all attributes replaced with cannot be frozen
箭袋腐化 Quiver Corruptions
- Tier 1
- +10% faster hit recovery increased to +20%
地图腐化 Map Corruptions
- Reworked all map corruptions to no longer grant magic find, they will now instead grant monster rarity
- Added a new Area level increased by 1 corruption mod (can be a prefix or a corruption for a total of +2 if stacked)
- Added a new Players have -% reduced maximum resistances corruption mod
- Added a new Monsters have a chance to drop additional jewelry and charms corruption
- Added a new monster rarity corruption mod
- Tier 1
- +75-100% magic and gold find map corruption is now +50% magic and gold find and +10-15% monster rarity
- +20-30% monster rarity increased to +30-40%
- Tier 1 hybrid mod density bonuses reduced from 35-45 to 30-40
- Tier 2
- +100-125% magic and gold find map corruption is now +75% magic and gold find and +15-20% monster rarity
- +30-40% monster rarity increased to +40-50%
- Tier 2 hybrid mod density bonuses reduced from 45-55 to 40-50
- Tier 3
- +125-150% magic and gold find map corruption is now +100% magic and gold find and +20-25% monster rarity
- +40-50% monster rarity increased to +50-60%
- Tier 3 hybrid mod density bonuses reduced from 55-65 to 50-60
赛季 6 - 补丁 #1 (2022-11-28)
- Bug 修复
- Maps that have had their tiers changed will now work properly in recipes
- Bastions keep no longer has fire or poison immunes
- Sewers of harrogath no longer has poison immunes
- Ashen plains boss can no longer be revived
赛季 6 - 补丁 #2 (2022-12-03)
- Bug 修复
- Putrid defilers in dungeons now deal less damage with bone spirits
- Putried defilers in dungeons are no longer immune to physical
- Ashen plains boss now has its proper loot table
- Dolls in dungeons are no longer immune to poison or magic damage
- Succubus in dungeons now cast decrepify instead of amplify damage
- Map contains fetishes map mod now spawn in slightly larger packs
- Lost temple is now slightly brighter
- Blade dance now properly counts as a martial arts skill
- Fixed corruptions on socketed items getting old values
- Fixed several crashes
赛季 6 - 补丁 #3 (2022-12-09)
- Fixed an issue causing certain maps to get a higher area level than intended with +1 area level map affix
- Raise Skeleton Archer now counts as a "magic" skill to match other necro summon skills for items with +magic skill levels
- Town portal and Identify item no longer cast "chance to cast on cast" procs
- Fixed Tainted Sun map event to give maximum number of keys more consistently
- Fixed some bugs causing server issues
- Added more server logging to help debug server instability
赛季 6 - 补丁 #4 (2023-01-02)
- Fixed some server crashes
- Fixed a client crashed cause by quick cast + weapon swapping too quickly
- Fixed the way quick cast saves your "default" right click skill and it should no longer randomly switch or get "stuck" on a different skill
- Fixed item levels for bosses and champion packs not getting the proper increase
- Disabled corrupting with multiple stacks of wss in the cube (from now on, only corrupt with a single stack of wss)
- Fixed bricked items occasionally getting "+155% requirements" corruption
赛季 6 - 补丁 #5 (2023-01-22)
Bug 修复
- Fixed dual wield attack rate calc when slower weapon has more IAS to match IAS calculators
- Fixed assassin MA skills from not expending charges in werebear/werewolf form
- Fixed a bug where map stats may not get applied properly to the player
- Fixed a bug in the Ruined Cistern map that allowed monsters to spawn in a void area
- Fixed a few server crash bugs
- Updated BH to latest version with user submitted patches:
- Add AUTOMOD to loot filter types
- Update AUTOMOD to properly support < and > operators
- Added support for 'between' operator (~)
- Update PREFIX/SUFFIX to support between (~) operator
- Added MAPTIER condition
- Fixed condition mapping to use a switch statement
PVP 变更:
- Disabled life leech inside pvp arena
- Disabled melee splash inside pvp arena
- Fixed a bug that could cause pvp specific player modifiers from not applying after death (e.g. teleport debuff, bone spear multispears)
- Disabled dropping gold on death inside pvp arena
- Applied base difficulty pvp modifiers for player vs. minion damage
- Removed namelock from movement skills inside pvp arena (whirlwind, leap, leap attack, charge)
- Changed damage modifiers in Norm/NM pvp arena (LLD):
- Rabies: 200% -> 150%
- Armageddon: 100% -> 60%
- Tornado: 100% -> 110%
- Concentrate: Magic dmg 100% -> 50%
- Ice Barrage: 150% -> 175%
- Ice Bolt: 115% -> 135%
- Meteor: 100% -> 75%
- Blizzard: 190% -> 175%
- Fire wall: 100% -> 90%
- Combustion: 100% -> 90%
- Nova: 125% -> 140%
- Lesser Hydra: 100% -> 65%
- Powerstrike: Lightning dmg 17% -> 100%
- Magic Arrow: 175% -> 150%
- Smite: 100% -> 85%
- Blessed Hammer: 95% -> 85%
- Zeal: 85% -> 75%
- Charge: 100% -> 90%
- Vengeance: 175% -> 200%
- Bone Spirit: 80% -> 60%
- Bone Spear: 80% -> 70%
- Teeth: 45% -> 40%
- Dark Pact: 100% -> 75%
- Whirlwind: 85% -> 75%
- Frozen Orb: 120% -> 140%
- Guided Arrow: 100% -> 120%
- Poison Javelin: 140% -> 110%
- Charged Strike: Lightning damage 100% -> 130%
- Wake of Fire: 70%->55%
- Blade Sentinel: 90% -> 100%