Item Filtering

Rickallend2留言 | 贡献2023年1月20日 (五) 09:43的版本 →‎Filters
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Item filtering allows players to filter out items they don't want to see, and also change the appearance of items that are not filtered out. While there are in-game options for simple item filtering, players can use item filters to customize this to their liking. PD2's Filtering is open-source and based on BH 1.9.9.

For other out-of-game customization options, see Customization.


物品过滤器(Item filters,也称lootfilters)是对游戏中物品显示的规则和描述的文档。默认的过滤器只有一些简单的规则,可对一些物品添加描述(比如map orbs和可堆叠的珠宝/符文),其他的都跟原版游戏中一样。

默认情况下,我们的过滤器不想再使用ProjectD2 directory 目录下的default.filter文件了,它只有几条简单的过滤规则,除非被特别改动过。如果loot.filter也在同样的目录下,它会生效去替代默认的文件。如果在游戏登录器界面中选择了一个过滤器,它就存于 ProjectD2\filters 目录,并通过ProjectD2 directory 目录下loot.filter系统关联到游戏中。 这些文件只有用UTF-8 编码方可生效(默认情况下)。但也需要ANSI编码来支持以显示一些特殊字符:special characters

在游戏登录器界面 launcher 可以选择过滤器,在游戏中设置菜单中可以启用。 如需手动安装,请下载过滤器并保存到Diablo II\ProjectD2\filters\local 目录下,然后在游戏登录器上选它。游戏中的与之相关的设置必须启用。

游戏内设置 In-Game Settings

找到战利品过滤器 Loot Filter 选项
找到战利品过滤器 Loot Filter 选项

战利品过滤器选项可在游戏内选项的 PD2 Options 菜单中访问. 快捷键可以在 配置控制 Configure Controls 菜单中设置.


  • 显示物品等级 Show Item Level: 在可能使用这些属性的物品提示中显示物品等级和词缀等级
  • 显示属性范围 Show Stat Ranges: 在变量属性的物品提示中显示范围
  • 永久显示物品 Always Show Items: 显示地面上的物品无需按住 Alt


  • 启用战利品过滤器 Enable Loot Filter: 启用这个过滤器
  • 过滤器等级 Filter Level: 更改将在过滤器中启用哪些 规则/通知

重新加载过滤器文件的默认热键是 Numpad 0 并且可以在游戏的配置控制菜单中更改

公用过滤器表 List of Public Filters

过滤器列有每个过滤器的 github 页面的链接你可以在其中阅读更多关于它们的信息. 如果你想联系他们许多作者还会列出他们的 discord. 当前 赛季 更新的过滤器以绿色突出显示. 较旧的过滤器以红色突出显示.

日期 不会 自动更新, 所以请查看每个日期的链接看看它们实际上是什么时候更新的.

过滤器 更新 作者 简要描述
Kryszard's PD2 Loot Filter 2024-11-26
ver 10.4.7
过滤器应该适合大多数玩家的需求 - 它对升级和游戏体验都有好处. 你可以在我的网站上找到更多信息 GitHub
Reddit 讨论区: Kryszard's PD2 Loot-Filter - 讨论主题
eqN's PD2 Filters 2024-10-23
(赛季 10)
eqNj 一个精致的过滤器有几个层次 (放松, 中等, 严格, 和显示公式) 专为初学者和老手设计. 每个级别都是量身定制的以确保任何有用的东西总是根据你的职业和进度显示. 关于物品的有用信息是在描述中: 防御范围, 武器速度/范围, 最大凹槽, 符文之语, 如果一个物品是高价值的. 所有符文和暗金在掉落时通知. 贵重物品被制作得很容易看到和拾取. 镶孔, 超强的 ED %, 和 staffmods 显示在物品名称上. 手工底材被 标记/通知. 通过切换到 '显示公式' 过滤级别可以获得详细的公式, 符文之语, 和手工信息.
Feather 2024-04-08 BetweenWalls 这个过滤器不像大多数过滤器那么严格并且有所有常规的改进, 所以它是新玩家的理想选择. 对于那些喜欢原版游戏的简单美学的资深玩家来说这也是一个很好的选择. 多个严格级别可以帮助过滤器更好地匹配您的偏好.
Kassahi's Filter 2025-02-13
(赛季 10)
Kassahi 我的 GitHub (README) 更新了我的新过滤器大修, 也怪洋葱的一切 !!!
HiimFilter 2024-10-20
(赛季 10)
有一个戒指 & 项链系统来显示价值. 包括赛季重置到游戏结束战利品过滤器的等级. 当物品在地上时显示许多重要的属性. 利用过滤级别功能. 有帮助的提示新的 PD2 玩家做什么. 有 LLD 标签知道什么是有价值的 LLD 社区. 具有 LLD 特定的项链和珠宝等级系统. 有关更多特性请参阅自述文件!
TalRasha's PD2 Item Filter 2023-10-01
(赛季 8)
talrasha#4179 更新在赛季 8. 用明亮的颜色突出好物品并为名称添加设计元素. 显示手工公式魔法/亮金物品和地图. 揭示了大多数暗金的名称和未鉴定的套装.
Erazure's PD2 Loot Filter 2024-11-30
(赛季 10)
Discord: erazure
- 高度风格化, 视觉上高亮的战利品过滤器可严格定制; 有价值的物品和高级符文显示并通知与色彩飞溅的屏幕; 地图, 护身符, 符文, 宝石, 珠宝, 药剂, 等独特的直观符号!
- 具有几个不同层次的过滤级别 (低严格的天梯重置, 更严格的游戏中期升级/养老过滤, 以及高级地图的游戏后期过滤); 玩家可以根据需要选择显示或隐藏哪种药剂 (例如. 选择一个过滤器级别子层来隐藏 H5, M5, 或恢复活力药剂)
- 有关更多信息, 请查看我的 GitHub 或消息在 Discord: Erazure#5126
PiLLLa PD2 Filter 2024-10-25
(赛季 10)
PiLLLa 当你访问我的 github 时, 你可以看到更新的信息. 如果你对过滤器有任何其他的想法, 让我知道通过 discord 和 reddit. 感谢
Wolfie's Filters 9999-12-31 WolfieeifloW#6431 总是更新最新的赛季! 多种版本以适应任何风格 - 详细/透露/紧凑的不太严格, Wolfie 更严格, BT 最严格. 显示/pings 所有的套装, 暗金, 符文, 等等.
加入我 Discord 如有问题或更多信息!
RetroCro's Loot Filter 2024-05-09 (赛季 9) RetroCro#7154 天梯重置到游戏后期地图战利品过滤器. 显示套装和暗金物品的标识名称. 在游戏中设置你想要的严格程度!
Dauracul's Loot Filter 2025-03-30
(预先-赛季 11)
Dauracul 干净和信息丰富的战利品过滤器, 专注于属性和物品管理标记 (凹槽数, 武器速度, 盒子公式, automod/staffmod 随机, 符文之语公式, 等等). 符文之语公式分为过滤级别并显示在所有正常的底材上与凹槽数上. 大多数高价值的物品都会触发通知.
ADevDH 2023-09-28 ADevelopment,
PD2 全能的游戏早期后期过滤器专注于更新的物品层级 + 地图层级/免疫 + 高亮珠宝和 GG 属性的其他物品. 包括你需要的所有手工/镶孔底材! 整体严格程度低! 过滤掉垃圾!
过滤器 更新 作者 描述
TheIrateSeagoer's Loot Filter 2023-03-04 TheIrateSeagoer
该过滤器具有装备上列出的亚瑞特山脉颠峰 Arreat Summit 的所有值, 确保您始终知道任何设备的最大凹槽数/最大防御 (带有特定信息). 每个魔法物品都有手工公式所需的符文准备在赛季 2 中使用. 符文的颜色取决于它们开始掉落的难度. 默认情况下每个套装和暗金都在低级别发出通知. 护甲在基础防具随机上有一个完美的后缀. 完美的随机用紫色表示, 红色表示良好的随机.
Equa1ity's PD2 Filter 2022-07-11 equa1ity#7704 增加了种族联赛过滤器, 重写了 S5 的许多改进!
ElPocoBurrito's Filter 2021-12-23 ElPocoBurrito#0001 S4 准备的 一个对 Wolfie 的 "Wolfie" 过滤器进行了大量修改的版本它包含了许多其他过滤器所没有的功能 (比如在套装掉落旁边告诉你套装的名称). 我的理念是稍微严格一些除了少数例外情况保持一些普通的物品名称 (我确保亮金和有价值的物品突出显示). 请给我反馈意见和意见在 discord 通过 DMs 或 #lootfilter 频道.
1l4u's Loot Filter 2021-08-12 1l4u 更新在赛季 3. 超级严格的终局游戏过滤器.
Baneazy's Loot Filter 2021-08-06 Baneazy 一个很好的过滤器从开始到后期游戏. 它主要是为终局游戏量身定制的但应该逐渐减少从普通到地狱的物品.
scrollsjay's Loot Filter 2021-04-01 scrollsjay 这个战利品过滤器使用 Kryszard 的 PD2 战利品过滤器的大部分过滤规则. 大多数更改允许基本物品的简短外观以呈现统一的外观. 在 github 存储库中有完整的细节和屏幕截图. 联系我 通过 这里
Gothablo's Loot Filter 2021-03-16 Gothablo 它是一个基于代码的过滤器 "Kryszard 的 PD2 战利品过滤器". 主要的变化是美学元素, 但也有一些变化从我这里添加. 从游戏开始到游戏后期, 我们不需要或没有什么价值的物品都会被移除. 所有的魔法和亮金物品都应该被鉴别出来以检查它们对交易者是否有价值. 此外, 过滤器代码可以很容易地自定义改变.
Pj's Loot Filter 2020-12-07 Pj#5884 非常严格的游戏后期战利品过滤器. 基于 Kryszard 的过滤器做了很多改动. 隐藏所有普通和扩展的东西, 只显示顶级精英物品. 显示所有的套装/暗金的物品, 但只提醒扩展/精英版本. 隐藏了大量的垃圾. 只显示完整的活力/超级药剂. 为了清楚起见大量评论. 工作正在进行中, 请经常查看更新.
Luke's late game filter 2020-11-24 Luke 我最近更新了游戏过滤器. 没有等级规则. 很好的参考如果你想写自己的过滤器. 过滤器已更新为不那么敌对. 确保你检查了套装, 底材, 魔法和亮金. 不建议在没有检查的情况下使用 :) (修复圣骑士盾牌上的所有抗性, 显示高亮精英护甲 (0,3,4 凹槽) 10+ed, 显示所有 eth 护甲 (0,3,4 凹槽) 5+ed) 感谢 WolfieeifloW.
PD2 Loot Filter
2020-11-19 Lhaete 保留游戏原始美学的过滤器, 并在物品上显示符文之语公式 & 魔法手工公式!
Rinku's Loot Filter 2020-11-11 Rinku#1352 一个基本的过滤器隐藏杂物和显示物品信息一目了然, 没有太多的自定义风格, 只是一些 QOL :) 当然不是每个人都喜欢但我想和大家分享一下.

一些工具是可以用的在 指南和链接 页面在编辑过滤器时可能有用.

常见问题 FAQ


  1. 哪种过滤器最适合我?
    • 不存在 "最好的" 过滤器. 不同的过滤器有不同的原因它们对显示或通知的物品筛选程度, 它们提供的额外信息的数量和类型, 以及它们如何改变物品的外观都有所不同. 如果不知道你想在过滤器中寻找什么很难给出建议而且人们可能不熟悉太多的过滤器, 所以自己比较过滤器可能是找到适合你的过滤器的最好方法.
  2. 比较不同过滤器的最好方法是什么?
    • 过滤器通常包括对其筛选程度, 具有哪些特性以及物品如何显示描述. 有些甚至包括示例图像. 如果这还不够, 过滤模板 可以用来一次比较过滤器之间的大多数物品, 单人游戏可以与物品包和本地过滤器一起使用以便过滤器可以在游戏中更改和重新加载以比较任何数量的物品.
  3. 如果我想使用自定义过滤器, 如何保存更改?
    • 将自定义过滤器放入 ProjectD2\filters\local 中并在登录器的 "Local" 中选择它. 本地过滤器不会自动更新, 所以如果你的过滤器基于公共过滤器, 你可能希望只用该过滤器以防对其进行任何重要更改.
  4. 我如何关闭过滤器或回到原来的状态?
    • 过滤器可以通过在游戏设置中禁用 启用战利品过滤器 来关闭. 要将所有内容重置为默认值, 请关闭游戏和登录器, 删除这个 filter 文件夹中的 default.filterloot.filter 在 ProjectD2 目录下, 然后重新启动游戏.
  5. 如何在 PlugY 中使用过滤器?
    • 多人游戏的过滤器配置同样适用于单人游戏. 当游戏从登录器打开时过滤器配置会更新 - 从登录器中选择一个过滤器并按 Play 以更新它. 如果使用非-本地版本这也会更新过滤器本身. 之后, 关闭游戏/登录器并使用 PlugY 打开游戏.
  6. 旧赛季的战利品过滤器会在当前赛季起作用吗?
    • 除非旧的过滤器非常简单, 否则它可能会以意想不到的和不受欢迎的方式运行. 不建议使用过时的过滤器.
  7. 我的设置按钮不见了
    • 关闭游戏 & 登录器, 删除 UI.ini, 然后重新启动游戏将设置按钮恢复到默认位置.
  8. 我的登录器在列表中没有显示过滤器
    • 关闭登录器并重新打开它. 重新打开后如果他们仍然没有显示或如果服务器/GitHub已关闭. 另外, 试着在你的防病毒软件/或防火墙中把登录器和游戏列入白名单.
  9. 我的登录器物品过滤器中显示 "Coming Soon!"
  10. 我的过滤器不能工作
    • 确保 游戏内设置 设置正确.
    • 使用登录器选择你的过滤器. 如果你不使用登录器, 这些可能是常见的问题:
      • 安装了两个 PD2 并将过滤器粘贴到错误的文件夹中
      • 用错误的名称保存过滤器文件 (例如. default.filter.filter, default.txt, 或 default.filter.txt)
      • 在一个 Diablo II 文件夹中安装了一个 PD2 而这个文件夹又在另一个 Diablo II 文件夹中 (文件夹重复!)
      • 在将规则粘贴到过滤器文件后未保存并关闭该文件
  11. 我的过滤器在某些物品中显示奇怪的字符
    • 某些 特殊字符 只有当你的过滤器文件以 ANSI 而不是默认的 UTF-8 编码时才会正确显示. 大多数文本编辑器都允许修改编码 - 例如, Notepad++ 将 "编码" 作为主要菜单选项之一.

Filter Syntax

Filters contain rules for how items should be displayed in-game. Each rule has Input and Output and follows this basic format:

ItemDisplay[ Input ]: Output

The Input specifies a set of conditions an item must satisfy for the rule to apply to it, and Output specifies the actions (text or keywords) used when a matching item is found.

If a line doesn't follow this format, it won't be considered a rule, which means it won't affect how items will be displayed in-game. If a line is intentionally ignored like this, it should begin with // (double slash) so the computer can ignore it immediately rather than spend time checking the rest of the line to determine whether it's a rule or not.

Filter rules are processed in-order from top to bottom. Items are displayed according to the output of the first rule whose conditions they satisfy. If the matching rule doesn't include %CONTINUE%, the procedure is halted and no additional rules are checked. In this way, rules that are higher than others have higher priority. The only exception is for notification keywords, which apply regardless of where they are in the filter.

The simplest rule is one without any conditions or output. Sans conditions, the rule will apply to all items. Sans output, nothing will be displayed for those items.

ItemDisplay[]: hides all items

The next simplest rule is one that displays all items with their default appearances. The output keyword %NAME% refers to an item's default appearance, and varies depending on which item is being shown. All items are displayed by default - the game essentially adds this rule to the bottom of the filter before beginning to process the filter's rules.

ItemDisplay[]: %NAME% displays all items with their default appearances


Conditions describe which item(s) the rule should apply to.

Many conditions refer to a single item or item group. These boolean conditions will be either true or false, depending on which item is being looked at.

ItemDisplay[key]: hides keys (they can still be purchased from merchants)

Value conditions typically refer to the value of a specific property on the item being looked at. They each have three parts: code, comparison operator (<,>,=), and value to compare against.

ItemDisplay[GOLD<100]: hides gold stacks if they are less than 100

Rules with multiple conditions may use logic operators (AND,OR,!) to specify how the conditions relate to each other. If no operator is used between conditions, AND will be assumed.

ItemDisplay[NMAG AND SOCK=1 AND CLVL>10]: hides regular 1-socket items if the character is above level 10

ItemDisplay[NMAG SOCK=1 CLVL>10]: hides regular 1-socket items if the character is above level 10

To make a rule apply to any item from within a group of conditions, use OR and parentheses.

ItemDisplay[NMAG (BOOTS OR GLOVES OR BELT) CLVL>10]: hides regular boots/gloves/belts if the character is above level 10

Parentheses can help combine conditions in other ways too.

ItemDisplay[(GOLD<100 OR (GOLD<1000 CLVL>50))]: hides gold stacks if they are less than 100, or less than 1000 if the character is above level 50

Negation (sometimes called the "NOT" operator) makes conditions mean the opposite of what they would otherwise. To negate a condition, use "!" in front of it.

ItemDisplay[MAG ETH ARMOR !ID]: hides magic ethereal armor that is not identified

Groups of conditions can be negated in the same way.

ItemDisplay[MAG !ID HELM !(BAR OR DRU OR ELT)]: hides magic unidentified helms that are not barbarian helms, druid pelts, or elite


A rule's output (text and keywords in the second part of the rule) describe how the matching item(s) should be displayed.

An item's default name can be referenced with the %NAME% keyword and modified by adding text. To shorten a name or change it entirely, write-out the new name instead. Valid text characters include all those in the Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement Unicode blocks (except · and ¸).

Valid Text Characters
Category Characters
small letters (eng) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
numerals 0123456789
common symbols ~!?@#$%^&*=-+_"'`,.:;<>|\()[]{}
other symbols µ¶¢£¥®©§¿¡¯¨¬­­¦«»÷×±ªº´¤°¹²³¼½¾
other small letters ðþæøáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûüýÿß
  • The last three categories require the filter file to be encoded in ANSI rather than the default UTF-8
  • The soft hyphen character doesn't display correctly here

ItemDisplay[hdm]: %NAME% Horadric Malus

ItemDisplay[hdm]: Charsi's %NAME% Charsi's Horadric Malus

ItemDisplay[hdm]: Charsi's Favorite Hammer Charsi's Favorite Hammer

Text and keywords can be used together to add extra information, change parts of the name to be different colors, and more. See all keywords below.

ItemDisplay[SOCK>0]: %NAME% %GRAY%[%SOCKETS%] displays socketed items with [X] appended in gray, where X is the number of sockets

As with elsewhere, the double slash (//) functions as an in-file way to write comments that will be ignored by the computer.

ItemDisplay[NMAG (aqv OR cqv)]: // hides regular arrows/bolts

ItemDisplay[tsc]: //%NAME% // Scroll of Town Portal this rule hides TP scrolls, but can be changed to display them instead by deleting the first //

//ItemDisplay[MAG cm2]: // hides magic large charms this "rule" is ignored, but can be quickly re-enabled by deleting the first //

Items can be highlighted by adding spaces to either side of their name, so long as there is a keyword or non-space character between them and the edge of the name. Whitespace surrounding the Output of each rule gets removed prior to evaluation (spaces first, followed by tabs), so tabs are often the best non-space character to use.

ItemDisplay[RUNE>9]: %ORANGE% %NAME% %ORANGE% adds 1 space of highlighting for runes above #9 (tabs don't display properly on the wiki, so %ORANGE% is used instead)

The %CONTINUE% keyword replaces the contents of %NAME% with the current rule's Output (overwriting the default name or previously stored output) and makes the program continue checking rules. This allows multiple rules to modify an item's appearance based on different conditions.

ItemDisplay[SOCK>0]: %NAME% [%SOCKETS%]%CONTINUE% appends [X] to socketed items, where X is the number of sockets (continues)

ItemDisplay[ETH]: eth %NAME%%CONTINUE% prepends eth to ethereal items (continues)

ItemDisplay[]: %NAME% displays all items (with modifications from previous rules)

Without %CONTINUE%, this would require a separate rule for every possible combination of different conditions, the number of rules growing exponentially with each additional condition:

ItemDisplay[ETH SOCK>0]: eth %NAME% [%SOCKETS%]

ItemDisplay[!ETH SOCK>0]: %NAME% [%SOCKETS%]

ItemDisplay[ETH SOCK=0]: eth %NAME%

ItemDisplay[!ETH SOCK=0]: %NAME%

Item descriptions can be modified by using text and keywords within {} (braces). Anything outside the braces applies to the item name while anything inside the braces applies to the item description.

Item Description Example

ItemDisplay[]: %NAME%{$DARK_GREEN%$%PRICE%} item price is shown in the description like $35000 in dark green

Item descriptions aren't taken into account when hiding items, so descriptions can still be shown for hidden items if they have one.

ItemDisplay[]: %NAME%{%NAME%} items displayed with their descriptions

ItemDisplay[]: {%NAME%} items hidden but their descriptions still shown

ItemDisplay[]: items hidden and their descriptions hidden too

The %CONTINUE% keyword only functions when used outside the braces and applies to both the item name and the item description.

ItemDisplay[]: %NAME%{Item Level: %ILVL%}%CONTINUE% Shows item level in description (continues)

ItemDisplay[]: %NAME%{%NAME%, Affix Level: %ALVL%} Appends affix level in description with comma separator

The %NL% keyword adds a new line above the previous line and can only be used within item descriptions.

ItemDisplay[]: %NAME%{Affix Level: %ALVL%%NL%Item Level: %ILVL%} Shows item/affix levels on separate lines in description (same effect as Show iLvl setting)

Filter Strictness

文件:Filter strictness default.png
Default Filter Strictness Levels

Filter levels can be selected from the in-game settings menu and will change which rules/notifications are enabled based on the FILTLVL/TIER codes used in the filter. By default, there are two levels: "Standard" and "Show All Items". The "Standard" level is the normal filter behavior that would be seen without any filter level changes, whereas "Show All Items" will just prevent any items from being filtered out (hidden).

To enable custom filter levels, use the following format at the top of the filter:

ItemDisplayFilterName[]: Custom Level 1 Adds a new filter strictness level named "Custom Level 1"

ItemDisplayFilterName[]: Custom Level 2 Adds a new filter strictness level named "Custom Level 2"

In addition to level 0 ("Show All Items") which is always available, up to 9 other levels can be enabled and the order in which they're listed at the top of the filter determines which number will reference them when used with the FILTLVL/TIER codes (e.g. FILTLVL=1 and %TIER-1% for the first custom level).

These codes can be used to create separate versions of the same filter with varying levels of strictness, make separate versions which includes extra info so that players can more easily reference niche item info without it cluttering item tooltips during normal gameplay (the levels could be swapped to when needed), or even combine drastically different filters into one just so they can be more easily swapped between.

ItemDisplay[yps FILTLVL>1]: Hides Antidote Potions if filter level 2+ is selected

ItemDisplay[MAG !ID cm1]: %NAME%%TIER-2%%DOT-97% Shows notifications for unidentified magic small charms if filter level 2 or lower is selected (still shows map icons at all levels)

If a rule doesn't include FILTLVL as a condition, it won't be restricted by whatever filter level is selected.

If a rule includes a notification keyword and doesn't include a TIER keyword, it'll act as if %TIER-9% is included - it'll notify at all filter levels instead of being restricted by whatever filter level is selected.

Filter Codes

Output Keywords


Text Colors:
Normal vs Glide

These keywords change the color for subsequent text. If absent, the item's default color will be used instead.

Code Color Default Use Hex
%WHITE% White regular items 20
%GRAY% Gray regular items (ethereal or socketed) 1D
%BLUE% Blue magic items, item descriptions 97
%YELLOW% Yellow rare items 6D
%GOLD% Gold unique items, runeword names 53
%GREEN% Green set items 84
%DARK_GREEN% Dark Green 77
%TAN% Tan 5A
%BLACK% Black 00
%PURPLE% Purple 9B
%RED% Red broken/unusable items 62
%ORANGE% Orange crafted items, endgame quest items, runes 60
%CORAL% Coral only works with Glide ?
%SAGE% Sage only works with Glide ?
%TEAL% Teal only works with Glide ?
%LIGHT_GRAY% Light Gray only works with Glide ?

Some items have their default color built into %NAME%, so their color won't change unless their name is rewritten completely. This is likely unintended behavior, and applies to runes, Standard of Heroes, and the PD2-specific non-equipment items other than map/arena scrolls and jewel fragments.

ItemDisplay[wss]: %RED%%NAME% Worldstone Shard

ItemDisplay[wss]: %RED%Worldstone Shard Worldstone Shard

Value References

Code Output Details
%NAME% item name item's default appearance - can be modified/replaced with %CONTINUE%
%ILVL% item level 1 - 99
%ALVL% affix level 1 - 99
used to determine which affixes can roll for magic/rare/crafted items
%CRAFTALVL% prospective crafted ALVL 1 - 99
what the resulting crafted item's ALVL will be if the item is used by the character as a crafting ingredient
%LVLREQ% level requirement 0 - 99
%PRICE% item vendor price 1 - 35000
%QTY% quantity 0 - 350
%SOCKETS% number of sockets 0 - 6
%RANGE% melee range adder 0 - 5
%WPNSPD% weapon speed modifier -60 - 20
%RUNENUM% rune number 0 - 33
%RUNENAME% rune name excludes "Rune" (e.g. "Vex" instead of "Vex Rune")
%GEMLEVEL% gem quality Chipped, Flawed, Normal, Flawless, Perfect
%GEMTYPE% gem type Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Skull
%CODE% item code

In addition to these, keywords for each numbered attribute code also exist. They should have a hyphen between STAT and the number, such as %STAT-18%.

Notification Keywords

Minimap Icon Colors

These keywords add the item to the notification list and create a minimap icon for it.

The color of the minimap icon corresponds to the keyword's hexadecimal 2-digit color code. The icon may be black (00), green (84), red (62), or any of the other colors shown in the chart image. Note that %MAP% may be used without a 2-digit color code, in which case the icon will use the current text color (or white if no color has been set). The hexadecimal codes which correspond to the text colors are listed above.

Multiple keywords can be used together to create multi-colored minimap icons.

Code Details
%BORDER-00% notification & minimap icon (large)
%MAP-00% notification & minimap icon (medium)
%DOT-00% notification & minimap icon (small)
%PX-00% notification & minimap icon (tiny)

The following keyword only applies if Detailed Notifications is disabled, which is not recommended. To disable text notifications for items while keeping their minimap icons, use %TIER-0% instead.

Code Details
%NOTIFY-0% changes the item's text notification color
%NOTIFY-DEAD% disables text notifications for the item

The NOTIFY keyword may use a 1-digit color code (0-F) which corresponds to these colors in order: WHITE, RED, GREEN, BLUE, GOLD, GRAY, BLACK, TAN, ORANGE, YELLOW, DARK_GREEN, PURPLE, GREEN, WHITE, BLACK, WHITE. If DEAD is used instead of a color code, the item's notifications will be disabled instead.

Most filters are made to be used with Detailed Notifications, so NOTIFY is incompatible with them. Note that without Detailed Notifications enabled, Drop Notifications will only apply to items when they initially drop (prior to being picked up for the first time).

All notification keywords seem to bypass the normal rule-handling procedure. Normally, the rules are processed top-to-bottom and this process halts when a matching rule (without %CONTINUE%) is found. Notification keywords, however, can apply even after the process has halted. This may be unintended behavior.

Special Keywords

Code Details
%CONTINUE% the item is compared against additional rules instead of being displayed by the current rule
the current rule's output is stored in %NAME%
%NL% specifies a new line, only works within braces
{} anything within the braces applies to the item's description rather than the item's name/title
%TIER-1% enables notification keywords for the item if the filter strictness level is at least 1 (can be 1-9)

Boolean Conditions

Mutable Codes

Contrary to most "immutable" codes which refer to static item properties, these conditions depend on where and how the item is being viewed. Some value conditions such as CLVL and DIFF are also "mutable" in this way.

Code Description
AMAZON character is an Amazon
ASSASSIN character is an Assassin
BARBARIAN character is a Barbarian
DRUID character is a Druid
NECROMANCER character is a Necromancer
PALADIN character is a Paladin
SORCERESS character is a Sorceress
SHOP item is in a merchant's shop window
EQUIPPED item is equipped by the character

ItemDisplay[key ASSASSIN]: hides keys when playing as an Assassin

Both SHOP and EQUIPPED behave as expected in most scenarios, but they each have a bug associated with them. Most notably, EQUIPPED incorrectly applies to items that begin the game within the multiplayer shared stash.

Item Group Codes

General Groups
  • Item Rarities
    Code Group
    NMAG Regular
    most non-equipment items
    MAG Magic
    RARE Rare
    UNI Unique
    SET Set
    CRAFT Crafted
  • Item Tiers
    Code Group
    NORM Normal
    EXC Exceptional
    ELT Elite
  • Item Properties
    Code Group
    ID Identified
    INF Inferior
    SUP Superior
    ETH Ethereal
    RW Runeword
    GEMMED Socketed with a gem/rune/jewel
Armor Groups
Code Code Group Details
EQ1 HELM Helmets includes class helms
EQ2 CHEST Chests
EQ3 SHIELD Shields includes class shields
EQ6 BELT Belts
EQ7 CIRC Circlets
ARMOR All armors includes class-restricted armors
Weapon Groups
Code Code Group Details
WP1 AXE Axes includes throwing axes
WP2 MACE Maces
WP3 SWORD Swords
WP4 DAGGER Daggers includes throwing knives
WP5 THROWING Throwing Weapons includes all javelins, throwing potions
WP6 JAV Javelins includes all throwing weapons, all spears, Amazon javelins
WP7 SPEAR Spears includes Amazon spears & all javelins
WP8 POLEARM Polearms
WP9 BOW Bows includes Amazon bows
WP10 XBOW Crossbows
WP11 STAFF Staves
WP12 WAND Wands
WP13 SCEPTER Scepters
WEAPON All weapons includes class-restricted weapons
1H 1-Handed Weapons
2H 2-Handed Weapons

Since WP6 overlaps entirely with both WP5 and WP7 (two very different kinds of weapons), it's rarely useful.

The 1H code is currently bugged and doesn't include Hand Axe.

Class-Restricted Item Groups
Code Code Group
CL1 DRU Druid pelts
CL2 BAR Barbarian helmets
CL3 DIN Paladin shields
CL4 NEC Necromancer shields
CL5 SIN Assassin weapons
CL6 SOR Sorceress weapons
CL7 ZON Amazon weapons

物品代码 Item Codes

防具 Armor
类型 代码 物品 (普通) 暗金/套装 版本 代码 物品 (扩展) 暗金/套装 版本 代码 物品 (精英) 暗金/套装 版本
头盔 cap 帽子 Cap 毕格因的软帽 Biggin's Bonnet
地狱头骨 Infernal Cranium
山德的模范 Sander's Paragon
xap 战帽 War Hat 粗野之冠 Peasant Crown
牛魔王之角 Cow King's Horns
uap 军帽 Shako 谐角之冠 Harlequin Crest
skp 骷髅帽 Skull Cap 塔因头盔 Tarnhelm
阿卡娜的头 Arcanna's Head
xkp 轻便头盔 Sallet 岩石制动器 Rockstopper ukp 九头蛇头盖骨圆帽 Hydraskull
hlm 头盔 Helm 光荣布帽 Coif of Glory
狂战士的头戴 Berserker's Headgear
xlm 无颊头盔 Casque 偷取骷髅 Stealskull ulm 活动头盔 Armet 钢影 Steel Shade
fhl 高级头盔 Full Helm 黄昏深处 Duskdeep
依森哈德的号角 Isenhart's Horns
xhl 轻钢盔 Basinet 暗视之盔 Darksight Helm
沙撒璧的精神之鞘 Sazabi's Mental Sheath
uhl 巨贝头盔 Giant Conch 霸主的头盔 Overlord's Helm* (新)
msk 面具 Mask 恐惧之脸 The Face of Horror
卡珊的容貌 Cathan's Visage
xsk 死亡面具 Death Mask 黑角面具 Blackhorn's Face
塔-拉夏的赫拉迪克纹章 Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
usk 恶魔头盖骨面具 Demonhead 安达利尔的面貌 Andariel's Visage
bhm 白骨头盔 Bone Helm 温暖骷髅 Wormskull
坦克雷之骷髅 Tancred's Skull
xh9 残酷头盔 Grim Helm 吸血鬼的凝视 Vampire Gaze
娜塔亚的图腾 Natalya's Totem
uh9 骸骨面罩 Bone Visage 巨骷髅 Giant Skull
塔格奥之外装 Trang-Oul's Guise
ghm 卓越头盔 Great Helm 怒号长牙 Howltusk
西刚之面甲 Sigon's Visor
xhm 翼盔 Winged Helm 女神之翼 Valkyrie Wing
吉永之脸 Guillaume's Face
uhm 螺旋头盔 Spired Helm 钢铁面纱 Veil of Steel
夜翼面纱 Nightwing's Veil
安戴尔的全灵 Ondal's Almighty
crn 皇冠 Crown 不死皇冠 Undead Crown
依雷撒的线圈 Iratha's Coil
米拉伯佳的王冠 Milabrega's Diadem
xrn 巨皇冠 Grand Crown 盗贼皇冠 Crown of Thieves
华宁的光辉 Hwanin's Splendor
urn 头冠 Corona 年纪之冠 Crown of Ages
格瑞斯华尔德的勇气 Griswold's Valor
头环 ci0 头饰 Circlet 娜吉的小环 Naj's Circlet ci2 三重冠 Tiara 奇拉的守护 Kira's Guardian ci3 权冠 Diadem 格利风之眼 Griffon's Eye
马维娜的真实之眼 M'avina's True Sight
ci1 宝冠 Coronet
护甲 qui 布甲 Quilted Armor 薄暮外观 Greyform
北极毛皮 Arctic Furs
xui 鬼魂战甲 Ghost Armor 灵魂帷幕 The Spirit Shroud uui 灰暮寿衣 Dusk Shroud 奥玛斯的长袍 Ormus' Robes
黑暗信徒 Dark Adherent
lea 皮甲 Leather Armor 眨眼蝙蝠的外观 Blinkbat's Form
维达拉的突袭 Vidala's Ambush
xea 海蛇皮甲 Serpentskin Armor 蛇魔法师之皮 Skin of the Vipermagi uea 古龙皮 Wyrmhide
hla 硬皮甲 Hard Leather Armor 百夫长 The Centurion xla 魔皮战甲 Demonhide Armor 剥皮者之皮 Skin of the Flayed One ula 圣甲虫壳皮甲 Scarab Husk
stu 镶嵌甲 Studded Leather 抽动的挣扎 Twitchthroe
牛魔王之皮 Cow King's Hide
xtu 攀绕战甲 Trellised Armor 掷铁 Iron Pelt utu 线羊毛皮甲 Wire Fleece 斗士的祸根 The Gladiator's Bane
rng 锁环甲 Ring Mail 扩散黑暗 Darkglow
天使的披风 Angelic Mantle
xng 连扣战甲 Linked Mail 灵魂熔炉 Spirit Forge ung 钻石锁子甲 Diamond Mail 幽灵之肤 Wraithskin (新)
scl 鳞甲 Scale Mail 鹰甲 Hawkmail xcl 提格莱特战甲 Tigulated Mail 鸦鸣 Crow Caw
华宁的保护 Hwanin's Refuge
ucl 甲壳铠鳞甲 Loricated Mail 娜塔亚的影子 Natalya's Shadow
chn 锁子甲 Chain Mail 火花之甲 Sparking Mail
卡珊之网 Cathan's Mesh
xhn 织网战甲 Mesh Armor 谢夫特斯坦布 Shaftstop uhn 骸骨链甲 Boneweave 无垢者牢笼 Cage of the Unsullied* (新)
• rar 而不是 uhn
brs 胸甲 Breast Plate 毒液牢房 Venom Ward
依森哈德的外壳 Isenhart's Case
xrs 护胸甲 Cuirass 都瑞尔的壳 Duriel's Shell
黑摩苏的坚决 Haemosu's Adamant
urs 巨型鳞铠胸甲 Great Hauberk
spl 板甲 Splint Mail 冰雪眨眼 Iceblink
狂战士的锁子甲 Berserker's Hauberk
xpl 罗瑟战甲 Russet Armor 诗寇蒂的愤怒 Skullder's Ire upl 炎魔皮板甲 Balrog Skin 阿凯尼的荣耀 Arkaine's Valor
沙撒璧的鬼魂释放者 Sazabi's Ghost Liberator
plt 铠甲 Plate Mail 骨肉 Boneflesh xlt 圣堂武士外袍 Templar Coat 守护天使 Guardian Angel ult 地狱锻甲 Hellforge Plate 娜吉的轻铠甲 Naj's Light Plate
fld 实战铠甲 Field Plate 石之毛 Rockfleece xld 鲨齿战甲 Sharktooth Armor 排齿 Toothrow uld 海妖壳甲 Kraken Shell 海王利维亚桑 Leviathan
马维娜的拥抱 M'avina's Embrace
gth 哥德战甲 Gothic Plate 作响之笼 Rattlecage
西刚的遮蔽 Sigon's Shelter
xth 凸纹战甲 Embossed Plate 亚特玛的哭喊 Atma's Wail uth 漆甲 Lacquered Plate 黑暗深渊 Dark Abyss* (新)
塔-拉夏的守护 Tal Rasha's Guardianship
ltp 轻型装甲 Light Plate 天堂装束 Heavenly Garb
阿卡娜的血肉 Arcanna's Flesh
xtp 法师铠甲 Mage Plate 魁黑刚的智慧 Que-Hegan's Wisdom utp 执政官铠甲 Archon Plate 炼狱 Purgatory (新)
ful 高级战甲 Full Plate Mail 黄金之皮 Goldskin
坦克雷的脊柱 Tancred's Spine
xul 混沌战甲 Chaos Armor 黑色黑帝斯 Black Hades
塔格奥之鳞 Trang-Oul's Scales
uul 阴影铠甲 Shadow Plate 钢铁铠甲 Steel Carapace
艾尔多的欺瞒 Aldur's Deception
aar 古代装甲 Ancient Armor 胜利者之丝绸 Silks of the Victor
米拉伯佳之袍 Milabrega's Robe
xar 华丽战甲 Ornate Plate 尸体的哀伤 Corpsemourn
格瑞斯华尔德之心 Griswold's Heart
uar 神圣盔甲 Sacred Armor 圣堂武士的力量 Templar's Might
泰瑞尔的力量 Tyrael's Might
不朽之王的灵魂牢笼 Immortal King's Soul Cage
盾牌 buc 圆盾 Buckler 新月小盾 Pelta Lunata
哈斯拉柏的铁拳 Hsarus' Iron Fist
xuc 防御盾 Defender 维斯尔坦特 Visceratuant uuc 防寒圆盾 Heater
sml 小盾牌 Small Shield 阴影圆盘 Umbral Disk
克雷得劳之爪 Cleglaw's Claw
xml 圆型盾 Round Shield 摩西祝福之环 Moser's Blessed Circle
惠斯坦的武装 Whitstan's Guard
uml 月精灵护盾 Luna 黑橡树盾 Blackoak Shield
lrg 大盾牌 Large Shield 暴风公会 Stormguild
希弗伯的防护 Civerb's Ward
xrg 鳞盾 Scutum 风暴追逐者 Stormchaser urg 亥伯龙盾 Hyperion 暮光倒影 Twilight's Reflection (新)
spk 尖刺盾牌 Spiked Shield 剑背之架 Swordback Hold xpk 倒刺护盾 Barbed Shield 长枪守卫 Lance Guard upk 刀刃刺盾 Blade Barrier 尖刺根源 Spike Thorn
kit 轻盾 Kite Shield 作响的金属 Steelclash
米拉伯佳之球 Milabrega's Orb
xit 龙盾 Dragon Shield 魔龙的非难 Tiamat's Rebuke uit 统治者大盾 Monarch 暴风之盾 Stormshield
bsh 白骨盾牌 Bone Shield 无眼之墙 Wall of the Eyeless xsh 冷酷之盾 Grim Shield 警戒之墙 Lidless Wall ush 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾 Troll Nest 猎头人的荣耀 Head Hunter's Glory
tow 塔盾 Tower Shield 贝弗提的纪念 Bverrit Keep
西刚的守护 Sigon's Guard
xow 大盾 Pavise 基尔克的圣堂 Gerke's Sanctuary uow 圣盾 Aegis 梅杜莎的凝视 Medusa's Gaze
gts 哥德盾牌 Gothic Shield 囚房 The Ward
依森哈德的闪避 Isenhart's Parry
xts 古代之盾 Ancient Shield 罗达门特之球体 Radament's Sphere uts 保护盾牌 Ward 魂系结界 Spirit Ward
泰比克的光荣 Taebaek's Glory
手套 lgl 皮手套 Leather Gloves 柏克之手 The Hand of Broc
死亡之手 Death's Hand
xlg 魔皮手套 Demonhide Gloves 剧毒之抓 Venom Grip ulg 荆棘连指手套 Bramble Mitts 泰坦之握 Titan's Grip (新)
手掌的安置 Laying of Hands
vgl 重手套 Heavy Gloves 血拳 Bloodfist
山德的禁忌 Sander's Taboo
xvg 鲨皮手套 Sharkskin Gloves 墓穴的抚弄 Gravepalm
马格纳斯之皮 Magnus' Skin
uvg 吸血鬼骸骨手套 Vampirebone Gloves 卓古拉之握 Dracul's Grasp
mgl 锁链手套 Chain Gloves 运气守护 Chance Guards
克雷得劳之钳 Cleglaw's Pincers
xmg 重型手镯 Heavy Bracers 食尸鬼外皮 Ghoulhide
塔格奥之手 Trang-Oul's Claws
umg 吸血鬼手套 Vambraces 吸魂者 Soul Drainer
tgl 轻型铁手套 Light Gauntlets 法师之拳 Magefist
北极手套 Arctic Mitts
依雷撒的袖口 Iratha's Cuff
xtg 战场手套 Battle Gauntlets 熔岩角羊 Lava Gout
马维娜的冰握 M'avina's Icy Clutch
utg 十字军铁手套 Crusader Gauntlets 秘术师 Occultist (新)
hgl 铁手套 Gauntlets 霜燃 Frostburn
西刚的挑战 Sigon's Gage
xhg 巨战手套 War Gauntlets 地狱之嘴 Hellmouth
不朽之王的熔炉 Immortal King's Forge
uhg 食人魔铁手套 Ogre Gauntlets 碎钢 Steelrend
鞋子 lbt 皮靴 Boots 热靴刺 Hotspur
坦克雷的平头钉 Tancred's Hobnails
xlb 魔皮靴 Demonhide Boots 地狱阔步 Infernostride
仪式的走道 Rite of Passage
ulb 飞龙皮靴 Wyrmhide Boots 人鱼的齿轮 Merman's Sprocket (新)
vbt 重靴 Heavy Boots 血脚 Gorefoot
牛魔王之蹄 Cow King's Hooves
山德的碎石 Sander's Riprap
xvb 鲨皮之靴 Sharkskin Boots 水上飘 Waterwalk uvb 圣甲虫壳靴 Scarabshell Boots 沙暴之旅 Sandstorm Trek
mbt 锁链靴 Chain Boots 凯松的征服 Treads of Cthon
哈斯拉柏的铁后跟 Hsarus' Iron Heel
xmb 织网之靴 Mesh Boots 纱织 Silkweave
娜塔亚的灵魂 Natalya's Soul
umb 骸骨靴 Boneweave Boots 骨髓行走 Marrowwalk
tbt 轻型金属靴 Light Plated Boots 小妖精脚趾 Goblin Toe
维达拉的距毛 Vidala's Fetlock
xtb 战场之靴 Battle Boots 战争旅者 War Traveler
艾尔多的成长 Aldur's Advance
utb 镜化靴 Mirrored Boots 伊瑟瑞尔之途 Ithereal's Path* (新)
hbt 护胫 Greaves 泪之臀 Tearhaunch
西刚的木鞋 Sigon's Sabot
xhb 巨战之靴 War Boots 蚀肉骑士 Gore Rider
不朽之王之柱 Immortal King's Pillar
uhb 极速靴 Myrmidon Greaves 影舞者 Shadow Dancer
腰带 lbl 饰带 Sash 雷尼摩 Lenymo
死亡的守护 Death's Guard
zlb 魔皮勋带 Demonhide Sash 长串之耳 String of Ears ulc 蛛网腰带 Spiderweb Sash 蜘蛛之网 Arachnid Mesh
vbl 轻扣带 Light Belt 蛇索 Snakecord
北极捆缚 Arctic Binding
zvb 鲨皮腰带 Sharkskin Belt 剃刀之尾 Razortail
马维娜的教义 M'avina's Tenet
uvc 吸血鬼燎牙腰带 Vampirefang Belt 吸血圣王之圈 Nosferatu's Coil
mbl 扣带 Belt 夜烟 Nightsmoke
哈斯拉柏的铁胸衣 Hsarus' Iron Stay
华宁的祝福 Hwanin's Blessing
zmb 织网腰带 Mesh Belt 阴影陷阱 Gloom's Trap
塔-拉夏的纤细衣服 Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
umc 秘银腰带 Mithril Coil 维尔登戈的心结 Verdungo's Hearty Cord
信条 Credendum
tbl 重扣带 Heavy Belt 金色包袱 Goldwrap
地狱符号 Infernal Sign
依雷撒之绳 Iratha's Cord
ztb 战场腰带 Battle Belt 雪之冲突 Snowclash
威廉的自尊 Wilhelm's Pride
utc 洞穴巨魔腰带 Troll Belt 骷髅授带 Band of Skulls* (新)
• rbe 而不是 utc
塔格奥之束带 Trang-Oul's Girth
hbl 金属扣带 Plated Belt 锋利扣带 Bladebuckle
西刚的披肩 Sigon's Wrap
zhb 巨战腰带 War Belt 雷神之力 Thundergod's Vigor
不朽之王的琐事 Immortal King's Detail
uhc 巨神腰带 Colossus Girdle
dr1 狼头 Wolf Head dr6 阿尔发头盔 Alpha Helm drb 血腥之灵 Blood Spirit 地狱之吻 Cerebus' Bite
dr2 飞鹰头盔 Hawk Helm 羽蛇神 Quetzalcoatl (新) dr7 狮鹫兽头带 Griffon Headress drc 太阳之灵 Sun Spirit 兽穴之母 Denmother (新)
dr3 鹿角 Antlers dr8 猎人的伪装 Hunter's Guise 艾尔多的冷酷凝视 Aldur's Stony Gaze drd 大地之灵 Earth Spirit 灵魂看守者 Spirit Keeper
dr4 猎鹰面具 Falcon Mask dr9 神圣羽毛头带 Sacred Feathers dre 天空之灵 Sky Spirit 乌鸦之王 Ravenlore
dr5 灵魂狼头面具 Spirit Mask dra 图腾面具狼盔 Totemic Mask 加尔的长发 Jalal's Mane drf 幽梦之灵 Dream Spirit 乌萨的恶梦 Ursa's Nightmare (新)
ba1 颚骨帽 Jawbone Cap ba6 颚骨面甲 Jawbone Visor 独眼巨人的咆哮 Cyclopean Roar (新) bab 屠杀头盔 Carnage Helm
ba2 尖牙盔 Fanged Helm ba7 狮头尖盔 Lion Helm bac 暴怒面甲 Fury Visor 狼嚎 Wolfhowl
ba3 角盔 Horned Helm ba8 狂怒面具刺盔 Rage Mask bad 毁灭者头盔 Destroyer Helm 恶魔号角的边缘 Demonhorn's Edge
ba4 突击盔 Assault Helmet ba9 蛮族头盔 Savage Helmet bae 征服者皇冠面甲 Conqueror Crown 海拉柏得的国度 Halaberd's Reign
ba5 复仇者之盔 Avenger Guard 不朽之王的意志 Immortal King's Will baa 杀手防护面甲 Slayer Guard 亚瑞特的面容 Arreat's Face baf 守护者皇冠面甲 Guardian Crown 蕾蔻的美德 Raekor's Virtue (新)
pa1 小盾 Targe pa6 亚克南圆盾 Akaran Targe pab 神圣小盾 Sacred Targe
pa2 轻圆盾 Rondache pa7 亚克南轻圆盾 Akaran Rondache pac 神圣轻圆盾 Sacred Rondache 阿尔玛-尼格拉 Alma Negra
pa3 纹章盾 Heraldic Shield 桑吉库的陨落 Sankekur's Fall (新) pa8 防护者盾牌 Protector Shield pad 库拉斯特之盾 Kurast Shield
pa4 艾文之盾 Aerin Shield pa9 饰金盾牌 Gilded Shield 撒卡兰姆使者 Herald of Zakarum pae 撒卡兰姆盾牌 Zakarum Shield 龙鳞 Dragonscale
pa5 皇冠之盾 Crown Shield paa 皇家盾牌 Royal Shield paf 旋风盾 Vortex Shield 格瑞斯华尔德的荣耀 Griswold's Honor
死灵法师盾 ne1 防腐之首 Preserved Head ne6 木乃伊印记 Mummified Trophy 卡兰的遗产 Kalan's Legacy (新) neb 随侍之骨 Minion Skull
ne2 僵尸之首 Zombie Head ne7 物神印记 Fetish Trophy neg 地狱爪牙之骨 Hellspawn Skull
ne3 揭露者之首 Unraveller Head ne8 司事印记 Sexton Trophy ned 监视者之骨 Overseer Skull 殉道者 Martyrdom (新)
ne4 石像鬼之首 Gargoyle Head ne9 领唱者印记 Cantor Trophy 塔格奥之翼 Trang-Oul's Wing nee 女妖之骨 Succubus Skull 骨焰 Boneflame
ne5 恶魔之首 Demon Head nea 祭司印记 Hierophant Trophy 侏儒 Homunculus nef 血王之骨 Bloodlord Skull 魔力肇生 Darkforce Spawn

* 这些物品具有独特的生成条件并且只出现在特定的场景中

武器 Weapons
类型 代码 物品(普通) 暗金/套装 版本 代码 物品(扩展) 暗金/套装 版本 代码 物品(精英) 暗金/套装 版本
hax 手斧 Hand Axe 牙齿 The Gnasher 9ha 小斧 Hatchet 冷杀 Coldkill 7ha 战钺 Tomahawk 刀锋边缘 Razor's Edge
axe 斧 Axe 死亡之铲 Deathspade 9ax 切肉斧 Cleaver 屠夫之瞳 Butcher's Pupil 7ax 弯月斧 Small Crescent
2ax 双刃斧 Double Axe 肩胛骨 Bladebone
狂战士的手斧 Berserker's Hatchet
92a 强化双斧 Twin Axe 岛击 Islestrike 72a 双头斧 Ettin Axe 符文大师 Rune Master
mpi 军用锹 Military Pick 切开骷髅 Skull Splitter
坦克雷的鸦嘴钳 Tancred's Crowbill
9mp 喙钳 Crowbill 庞贝之怒 Pompeii's Wrath 7mp 战刺 War Spike 鹤嘴 Cranebeak
wax 巨战斧 War Axe 火钩之伤 Rakescar 9wa 纳卡 Naga 蛇神守护者 Guardian Naga 7wa 狂战士斧 Berserker Axe 死亡之刀 Death Cleaver
lax 巨斧 Large Axe 费屈玛之斧 Axe of Fechmar 9la 军斧 Military Axe 战爵之证 Warlord's Trust 7la 猛禽斧 Feral Axe
bax 阔斧 Broad Axe 血块之铲 Goreshovel 9ba 钩斧 Bearded Axe 钢铁魔咒 Spellsteel 7ba 银刃斧 Silver-edged Axe 永恒边界 Ethereal Edge
btx 战斗斧 Battle Axe 族长 The Chieftain 9bt 战斗斧 Tabar 暴风骑士 Stormrider 7bt 斩首斧 Decapitator 地狱毁灭者 Hellslayer
gax 卓越之斧 Great Axe 脑袋 Brainhew 9ga 哥德之斧 Gothic Axe 碎骨者之刃 Boneslayer Blade 7ga 豪杰斧 Champion Axe 希梅斯特的掠夺 Messerschmidt's Reaver
gix 大斧 Giant Axe 巨大无比 Humongous 9gi 古代之斧 Ancient Axe 牛头怪 The Minotaur 7gi 荣光之斧 Glorious Axe 刽子手的裁决 Executioner's Justice
钉锤 clb 木棒 Club 凶猛橡树 Felloak 9cl 棍棒 Cudgel 暗族碎灭者 Dark Clan Crusher 7cl 战仪杖 Truncheon 诺德的蚀肉药 Nord's Tenderizer
spc 狼牙棒 Spiked Club 坚硬的指甲 Stoutnail 9sp 倒钩锤 Barbed Club 血肉裁决者 Fleshrender 7sp 暴君之棒 Tyrant Club 恶魔爪牙 Demon Limb
mac 钉头锤 Mace 压碎的凸边 Crushflange 9ma 凸缘钉头锤 Flanged Mace 尖啸冰霜 Sureshrill Frost 7ma 强化钉头锤 Reinforced Mace 丹弓的教导 Dangoon's Teaching
mst 流星锤 Morning Star 血升 Bloodrise 9mt 锯齿流星锤 Jagged Star 落月 Moonfall
艾尔多的律动 Aldur's Rhythm
7mt 恶魔流星锤 Devil Star 巴拉那之星 Baranar's Star
fla 连枷 Flail 坦-杜-里-嘎将军 The General's Tan Do Li Ga 9fl 铁皮鞭 Knout 贝西尔的漩涡 Baezil's Vortex 7fl 天罚之锤 Scourge 地平线的台风 Horizon's Tornado
暴风之结 Stormlash
whm 巨战铁锤 War Hammer 铁石 Ironstone 9wh 战斗铁锤 Battle Hammer 撼地者 Earthshaker 7wh 传说之锤 Legendary Mallet 碎石者 Stone Crusher
史恰佛之锤 Schaefer's Hammer
mau 大木棍 Maul 碎骨 Bonesnap 9m9 巨战木棍 War Club 血树残株 Bloodtree Stump 7m7 食人魔之锤 Ogre Maul 风之锤 Windhammer
不朽之王的碎魂者 Immortal King's Stone Crusher
gma 卓越巨棍 Great Maul 铁制大锤 Steeldriver 9gm 战锤 Martel de Fer 痛苦木锤 The Gavel of Pain 7gm 雷锤 Thunder Maul 大地变形者 Earth Shifter
碎脑锤 The Cranium Basher
ssd 短剑 Short Sword 瑞克撒特的挽歌 Rixot's Keen 9ss 罗马短剑 Gladius 血书 Bloodletter 7ss 短剑 Falcata
scm 弯刀 Scimitar 血红新月 Blood Crescent 9sm 微弯剑 Cutlass 冰钢之眼 Coldsteel Eye 7sm 土耳其剑 Ataghan 魔灵杀手 Djinn Slayer
sbr 军刀 Sabre 格林提斯的肉叉 Skewer of Krintiz
天使的镰刀 Angelic Sickle
9sb 虚伪之刃 Shamshir 六角之火 Hexfire 7sb 优雅之剑 Elegant Blade 血月 Bloodmoon
flc 弯形大刀 Falchion 闪耀的镰刀 Gleamscythe 9fc 圆月弯刀 Tulwar 阿里巴巴之刃 Blade of Ali Baba 7fc 九头蛇刃 Hydra Edge
crs 水晶剑 Crystal Sword 9cr 空间之刃 Dimensional Blade 金瑟的裂缝 Ginther's Rift 7cr 幻化之刃 Phase Blade 光之军刀 Lightsabre
碧蓝怒火 Azurewrath
bsd 阔剑 Broad Sword 格瑞斯华尔德的锐利 Griswold's Edge
依森哈德的光之烙铁 Isenhart's Lightbrand
9bs 战斗剑 Battle Sword 击头者 Headstriker 7bs 征服之剑 Conquest Sword 哈德尔之手 Hadriel's Hand* (新)
lsd 长剑 Long Sword 地狱瘟疫 Hellplague
克雷得劳之牙 Cleglaw's Tooth
9ls 符文剑 Rune Sword 疫病带原者 Plague Bearer 7ls 神秘之剑 Cryptic Sword 冰霜之风 Frostwind
沙撒璧的忏悔之钴 Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer
wsd 巨战之剑 War Sword 库尔温的尖端 Culwen's Point
死亡之触 Death's Touch
9wd 古代之剑 Ancient Sword 亚特拉斯 The Atlantean 7wd 秘仪之剑 Mythical Sword
2hs 双手剑 Two-handed Sword 影之牙 Shadowfang 92h 斩铁剑 Espandon 克林铁-弗姆 Crainte Vomir 72h 传说之剑 Legend Sword
clm 双刃大刀 Claymore 剥皮灵魂 Soulflay 9cm 双刃镰 Dacian Falx 兵之王 Bing Sz Wang 7cm 高地之剑 Highland Blade 李奥瑞克的秘银祸根 Leoric's Mithril Bane (新)
gis 大剑 Giant Sword 金麦尔的锥子 Kinemil's Awl 9gs 长牙剑 Tusk Sword 卑劣躯壳 The Vile Husk 7gs 炎魔之刃 Balrog Blade 火焰号叫 Flamebellow
bsw 巨剑 Bastard Sword 黑色之舌 Blacktongue 9b9 哥德剑 Gothic Sword 云裂 Cloudcrack 7b7 冠军之剑 Champion Sword 末日毁灭者 Doombringer
flb 双手饰剑 Flamberge 粗齿大锯 Ripsaw 9fb 瑞韩德之剑 Zweihander 特迪斯法雷-芙法米 Todesfaelle Flamme 7fb 巨神之剑 Colossus Sword 厌恶 Odium (新)
布尔凯索的部族守护 Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
gsd 卓越之剑 Great Sword 族长 The Patriarch 9gd 死刑之剑 Executioner Sword 剑卫 Swordguard 7gd 巨神之刃 Colossus Blade 祖父 The Grandfather
布尔凯索的神圣代价 Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge
匕首 dgr 匕首 Dagger 海鸥 Gull
地狱尖塔 Infernal Spire
9dg 锐匕 Poignard 裂脊者 Spineripper 7dg 骸骨小刀 Bone Knife 巫师之刺 Wizardspike
dir 长匕首 Dirk 迪格勒 The Diggler 9di 诗歌匕首 Rondel 刻心者 Heart Carver 7di 秘银小刀 Mithril Point 破碎之刃 Shatterblade (新)
kri 波形刀 Kris 坦杜之玉 The Jade Tan Do 9kr 强波刀 Cinquedeas 黑沼之锋 Blackbog's Sharp 7kr 齿缘小刀 Fanged Knife 裂肉者 Fleshripper
bld 短刀 Blade 妖怪碎片 Spectral Shard 9bl 小剑 Stiletto 暴风尖刺 Stormspike 7bl 传说尖刺 Legend Spike 鬼火焰 Ghostflame
tkf 飞刀 Throwing Knife 9tk 战斗飞镖 Battle Dart 死亡碎片 Deathbit 7tk 飞刀 Flying Knife
tax 飞斧 Throwing Axe 9ta 法兰飞斧 Francisca 圆凿 The Scalper 7ta 飞斧 Flying Axe 碎片贪婪者 Gimmershred
bkf 平衡小刀 Balanced Knife 9bk 巨战飞镖 War Dart 7bk 翼刀 Winged Knife 战争之鸟 Warshrike
bal 平衡斧 Balanced Axe 9b8 短战戟 Hurlbat 7b8 翼斧 Winged Axe 撕裂者 Lacerator
标枪 jav 标枪 Javelin 9ja 巨战标枪 War Javelin 7ja 亥伯龙之枪 Hyperion Javelin
pil 短标枪 Pilum 9pi 卓越标枪 Great Pilum 7pi 冥河标枪 Stygian Pilum
ssp 短矛 Short Spear 9s9 锐矛 Simbilan 7s7 炎魔长矛 Balrog Spear 恶魔之王 Demon's Arch
glv 大长刀 Glaive 9gl 阔针长矛 Spiculum 7gl 鬼魂尖枪 Ghost Glaive 死灵夜翔 Wraith Flight
tsp 飞矛 Throwing Spear 9ts 鱼叉 Harpoon 7ts 翼鱼叉 Winged Harpoon 石像鬼之噬 Gargoyle's Bite
长矛 spr 长矛 Spear 张龙 The Dragon Chang 9sr 巨战长矛 War Spear 穿刺者 The Impaler 7sr 亥伯龙之矛 Hyperion Spear 爱理欧克之针 Arioc's Needle
tri 三叉戟 Trident 剃刀之叉 Razortine 9tr 魔鬼之叉 Fuscina 水魔陷阱 Kelpie Snare 7tr 冥河之枪 Stygian Pike
brn 叉 Brandistock 血之偷 Bloodthief 9br 巨战之叉 War Fork 噬魂叉 Soulfeast Tine 7br 刺人枪 Mancatcher 蝮蛇叉 Viperfork
spt 大战戟 Spetum 雅该长矛 Lance of Yaggai 9st 三叉长枪 Yari 宏-森丹 Hone Sundan 7st 鬼魂之矛 Ghost Spear 乌迪贤的觉醒 Uldyssian's Awakening (新)
pik 矛 Pike 坦之血杖 The Tannr Gorerod 9p9 长枪 Lance 荣耀的尖塔 Spire of Honor 7p7 战枪 War Pike 铁柱 Steel Pillar
长柄 bar 大砍刀 Bardiche 迪马克之劈砍 Dimoak's Hew 9b7 罗佳柏斧 Lochaber Axe 刮肉者 The Meat Scraper 7o7 食人魔之斧 Ogre Axe 破骨 Bonehew
vou 钩镰枪 Voulge 铁刺棒 Steelgoad 9vo 比尔长刀 Bill 黑水之刃 Blackleach Blade
华宁的正义 Hwanin's Justice
7vo 巨神之斧 Colossus Voulge
scy 镰刀 Scythe 灵魂采集者 Soul Harvest 9s8 战斗镰刀 Battle Scythe 雅典娜的忿怒 Athena's Wrath 7s8 锐利之斧 Thresher 死神的丧钟 The Reaper's Toll
pax 长柄战斧 Poleaxe 战斗支系 The Battlebranch 9pa 战戟 Partizan 皮尔-通把-考恩特 Pierre Tombale Couant 7pa 神秘之斧 Cryptic Axe 盗墓者 Tomb Reaver
hal 长戟 Halberd 烦恼诗集 Woestave 9h9 双锋战戟 Bec-de-Corbin 胡索丹-依弗 Husoldal Evo 7h7 巨长斧 Great Poleaxe
wsc 巨战镰刀 War Scythe 冷酷开膛手 The Grim Reaper 9wc 残酷镰刀 Grim Scythe 惊怖焰亡灵 Grim's Burning Dead 7wc 鲛尾巨斧 Giant Thresher 暴风尖塔 Stormspire
sbw 短弓 Short Bow 勇气之眼 Pluckeye 8sb 锋锐之弓 Edge Bow 天击 Skystrike 6sb 蜘蛛弓 Spider Bow
hbw 猎弓 Hunter’s Bow 凋谢之戒 Witherstring 8hb 剃刀之弓 Razor Bow 撕裂之钩 Riphook 6hb 刀锋弓 Blade Bow
lbw 长弓 Long Bow 渡鸟之爪 Raven Claw 8lb 杉木弓 Cedar Bow 社角久子 Kuko Shakaku 6lb 阴影弓 Shadow Bow
cbw 组合弓 Composite Bow 萝格之弓 Rogue's Bow 8cb 双弓 Double Bow 无休止的冰雹 Endlesshail 6cb 巨弓 Great Bow
sbb 短战斗弓 Short Battle Bow 暴风之击 Stormstrike 8s8 短攻城弓 Short Siege Bow 狂野之弦 Witchwild String 6s7 钻石弓 Diamond Bow
lbb 长战斗弓 Long Battle Bow 凋谢之画 Wizendraw
维达拉之倒刺 Vidala's Barb
8l8 长攻城弓 Large Siege Bow 岩壁杀手 Cliffkiller 6l7 十字军之弓 Crusader Bow 鹰号角 Eaglehorn
swb 短巨战弓 Short War Bow 作响的地狱 Hellclap
北极号角 Arctic Horn
8sw 符文之弓 Rune Bow 巫师之怒 Magewrath 6sw 庇护之弓 Ward Bow 戮夫刃 Widowmaker
lwb 长巨战弓 Long War Bow 爆裂的吠叫 Blastbark 8lw 哥德弓 Gothic Bow 金击圆弧 Goldstrike Arch 6lw 九头蛇弓 Hydra Bow 风之力 Windforce
十字弓 lxb 轻十字弓 Light Crossbow 引导乌鸦 Leadcrow 8lx 石弓 Arbalest 兰格-布里瑟 Langer Briser 6lx 弹丸弓 Pellet Bow
mxb 十字弓 Crossbow 灵液之刺 Ichorsting 8mx 攻城十字弓 Siege Crossbow 毒液怪 Pus Spitter 6mx 蛇魔女十字弓 Gorgon Crossbow
hxb 重十字弓 Heavy Crossbow 投掷地狱 Hellcast 8hx 弩弓 Ballista 布理撒-多-凯南 Buriza-Do Kyanon 6hx 巨神十字弓 Colossus Crossbow 地狱拷问 Hellrack
rxb 连射十字弓 Repeating Crossbow 毁灭投石者 Doomslinger 8rx 巧工弩 Chu-Ko-Nu 恶魔机器 Demon Machine 6rx 恶魔十字弓 Demon Crossbow 内脏吸管 Gut Siphon
法杖 sst 短棍 Short Staff 祸根之灰 Bane Ash 8ss 乔木棒 Jo Staff 摆动剃刀 Razorswitch 6ss 手杖 Walking Stick
lst 长棍 Long Staff 海蛇之王 Serpent Lord 8ls 六尺棍 Quarterstaff 肋骨粉碎者 Ribcracker 6ls 钟乳石之杖 Stalagmite
cst 多节棍 Gnarled Staff 拉撒罗斯之螺旋 Spire of Lazarus 8cs 杉木之棍 Cedar Staff 五彩的怒气 Chromatic Ire 6cs 长老之杖 Elder Staff 安戴尔的智慧 Ondal's Wisdom
娜吉解迷杖 Naj's Puzzler
bst 战斗法杖 Battle Staff 火精灵 The Salamander
卡珊之尺 Cathan's Rule
8bs 哥德之棍 Gothic Staff 扭曲之矛 Warpspear 6bs 树皮之杖 Shillelagh 硫磺之雨 Brimstone Rain (新)
wst 巨战法杖 War Staff 铁检棒 The Iron Jang Bong
阿卡娜的死亡之杖 Arcanna's Deathwand
8ws 符文之棍 Rune Staff 骷髅收集者 Skull Collector 6ws 执政官之杖 Archon Staff 梅格之歌的教训 Mang Song's Lesson
魔杖 wnd 法杖 Wand 衣洛的火炬 Torch of Iro 9wn 烧焦之杖 Burnt Wand 自杀支系 Suicide Branch 7wn 洗炼法杖 Polished Wand
ywn 紫杉之杖 Yew Wand 漩涡 Maelstrom 9yw 净化之杖 Petrified Wand 凯恩碎片 Carin Shard 7yw 鬼魂法杖 Ghost Wand
bwn 骨杖 Bone Wand 墓穴之脊 Gravenspine
山德的迷信 Sander's Superstition
9bw 古墓之杖 Tomb Wand 李奥瑞克王的武器 Arm of King Leoric 7bw 巫妖法杖 Lich Wand 白骨阴影 Boneshade
gwn 残酷之杖 Grim Wand 乌米的恸哭 Ume's Lament 9gw 墓地之杖 Grave Wand 黑手之钥 Blackhand Key 7gw 破隐法杖 Unearthed Wand 死亡之网 Death's Web
权杖 scp 权杖 Scepter 敲击丧钟者 Knell Striker 9sc 符文权杖 Rune Scepter 撒卡兰姆之手 Zakarum's Hand 7sc 强威权杖 Mighty Scepter 天堂之光 Heaven's Light
忏悔者 The Redeemer
gsc 雄伟权杖 Grand Scepter 腐蚀的把手 Rusthandle
希弗伯的短棍 Civerb's Cudgel
9qs 圣水喷杖 Holy Water Sprinkler 恶臭散布者 The Fetid Sprinkler 7qs 炽天使法杖 Seraph Rod 阿卡拉特的奉献 Akarat's Devotion (新)
wsp 巨战权杖 War Scepter 暴风眼 Stormeye
米拉伯佳之杖 Milabrega's Rod
9ws 神属权杖 Divine Scepter 祝福之光之手 Hand of Blessed Light 7ws 神使之杖 Caduceus 爱斯特龙之铁的保护区 Astreon's Iron Ward
格瑞斯华尔德的救赎 Griswold's Redemption
刺客爪 ktr 拳剑 Katar 9ar 格斗刃 Quhab 法师杀手 Mage Slayer (新) 7ar 近身刃 Suwayyah
wrb 腕刃 Wrist Blade 9wb 腕刺 Wrist Spike 7wb 腕剑 Wrist Sword 碧玉爪 Jade Talon
axf 斧手 Hatchet Hands 9xf 格斗爪 Fascia 7xf 战拳 War Fist
ces 腰刀 Cestus 9cs 手镰 Hand Scythe 7cs 斗腰刀 Battle Cestus 影杀者 Shadow Killer
clw 爪 Claws 9lw 巨爪 Greater Claws 7lw 猛禽爪 Feral Claws 火蜥蜴之爪 Firelizard's Talons
btl 刃爪 Blade Talons 9tw 巨鹰爪 Greater Talons 巴特克的猛击 Bartuc's Cut-Throat 7tw 符纹爪 Runic Talons 潜行者的猎杀 Stalker's Cull (新)
skr 剪咬刃 Scissors Katar 9qr 格斗剪 Scissors Quhab 7qr 近身剪 Scissors Suwayyah 艾丹的伤痕 Aidan's Scar* (新)
娜塔亚的记号 Natalya's Mark
法师法珠 ob1 鹰之法珠 Eagle Orb ob6 灵光法珠 Glowing Orb 暴风雨 Tempest (新) obb 天堂之石 Heavenly Stone
ob2 神圣天球 Sacred Globe ob7 水晶天球 Crystalline Globe obc 怪异之球 Eldritch Orb 艾斯屈塔的脾气 Eschuta's Temper
ob3 拢烟之球 Smoked Sphere ob8 云雾之球 Cloudy Sphere obd 恶魔之心 Demon Heart
ob4 握扣法珠 Clasped Orb ob9 闪耀之球 Sparkling Ball obe 漩涡球 Vortex Orb
ob5 杰瑞德之石 Jared's Stone oba 涡流水晶 Swirling Crystal 眼球 The Oculus
塔-拉夏的警戒之眼 Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye
obf 次元碎片 Dimensional Shard 死亡深度 Death's Fathom
亚马逊武器 am1 男性之弓 Stag Bow am6 灰木之弓 Ashwood Bow amb 女族长之弓 Matriarchal Bow 血鸟的袭击 Blood Raven's Charge
am2 反射之弓 Reflex Bow am7 祭典之弓 Ceremonial Bow 雷山德的指标 Lycander's Aim amc 大院长之弓 Grand Matron Bow 黑檀祸根 Ebonbane (新)
马维娜的施展 M'avina's Caster
am3 女士之矛 Maiden Spear am8 祭典之矛 Ceremonial Spear amd 女族长之矛 Matriarchal Spear 石乌鸦 Stoneraven
am4 女士长矛 Maiden Pike am9 祭典之长矛 Ceremonial Pike 雷山德的侧腹 Lycander's Flank ame 女族长之长矛 Matriarchal Pike 泽瑞尔的决心 Zerae's Resolve (新)
am5 女士标枪 Maiden Javelin 真银 True Silver (新) ama 祭典之标枪 Ceremonial Javelin 泰坦的复仇 Titan's Revenge amf 女族长之标枪 Matriarchal Javelin 雷击 Thunderstroke

* 这些物品具有独特的生成条件并且只出现在特定的场景中

其他物品 Other Items
杂项装备 Misc Gear
  • 代码 物品
    tsc 城镇传送卷轴 Scroll of Town Portal
    isc 辨视卷轴 Scroll of Identify
    tbk 城镇传送之书 Tome of Town Portal
    ibk 辨视之书 Tome of Identify
    key 钥匙 Key
    leg 维特之脚 Wirt's Leg
    ear 玩家耳朵 Player Ear
    std 英雄旗帜 Standard of Heroes
  • 代码 物品 暗金版本
    cm1 小护身符 Small Charm 毁灭 Annihilus*
    cm2 大型护身符 Large Charm 地狱火炬 Hellfire Torch*
    cm3 超大型护身符 Grand Charm 基得的运气 Gheed's Fortune
    cm1p 小护身符 Small Charm (PvP)
    cm2p 大型护身符 Large Charm (PvP)
    cm3p 超大型护身符 Grand Charm (PvP)
    jew 珠宝 Jewel 彩虹刻面 Rainbow Facet
    rin 戒指 Ring 见下文
    amu 项链 Amulet 见下文
    aqv 箭矢 Arrows
    cqv 十字弓弹 Bolts

  • 城镇之书传送门和辨识之书只能修改名字, 不能修改描述
  • 暗金/套装 项链
    代码 暗金版本 套装版本
    amu 诺科蓝遗物 Nokozan Relic 希弗伯的图案 Civerb's Icon
    艾利屈之眼 Eye of Etlich 卡珊的魔咒 Cathan's Sigil
    玛哈姆橡木古董 The Mahim Oak Curio 天使之翼 Angelic Wings
    萨拉森的机会 Saracen's Chance 维达拉的陷阱 Vidala's Snare
    新月 Crescent Moon 阿卡娜的符号 Arcanna's Sign
    猫眼 The Cat's Eye 依雷撒的项圈 Iratha's Collar
    亚特玛的圣甲虫 Atma's Scarab 塔-拉夏的判决 Tal Rasha's Adjudication
    大君之怒 Highlord's Wrath 坦克雷的怪诞 Tancred's Weird
    旭日东升 The Rising Sun 述说之珠 Telling of Beads
    炽天使之韵 Seraph's Hymn
    马拉的万花筒 Mara's Kaleidoscope
    金属网格 Metalgrid
    ram 第三只眼 The Third Eye* (新)
  • 暗金/套装 戒指
    代码 暗金版本 套装版本
    rin 拿各的戒指 Nagelring 卡珊的封印 Cathan's Seal
    玛那得的治疗 Manald Heal 天使之光 Angelic Halo
    乔丹之石 Stone of Jordan 布尔凯索的死亡之戒 Bul-Kathos' Death Band (新)
    矮人之星 Dwarf Star
    乌鸦之霜 Raven Frost
    布尔凯索之戒 Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
    腐肉之风 Carrion Wind
    大自然的和平 Nature's Peace
    鬼火投射者 Wisp Projector
    卡达拉的传家宝 Kadala's Heirloom* (新)

* 这些物品具有独特的生成条件并且只出现在特定的场景中

宝石 Gems


代码 物品 代码 物品 代码 物品 代码 代码 物品 代码 代码 物品
gcv 碎裂的紫宝石 Chipped Amethyst gfv 裂开的紫宝石 Flawed Amethyst gsv 紫宝石 Amethyst gzv gzvs 无瑕疵的紫宝石 Flawless Amethyst gpv gpvs 完美的紫宝石 Perfect Amethyst
gcy 碎裂的黄宝石 Chipped Topaz gfy 裂开的黄宝石 Flawed Topaz gsy 黄宝石 Topaz gly glys 无瑕疵的黄宝石 Flawless Topaz gpy gpys 完美的黄宝石 Perfect Topaz
gcb 碎裂的蓝宝石 Chipped Sapphire gfb 裂开的蓝宝石 Flawed Sapphire gsb 蓝宝石 Sapphire glb glbs 无瑕疵的蓝宝石 Flawless Sapphire gpb gpbs 完美的蓝宝石 Perfect Sapphire
gcg 碎裂的绿宝石 Chipped Emerald gfg 裂开的绿宝石 Flawed Emerald gsg 绿宝石 Emerald glg glgs 无瑕疵的绿宝石 Flawless Emerald gpg gpgs 完美的绿宝石 Perfect Emerald
gcr 碎裂的红宝石 Chipped Ruby gfr 裂开的红宝石 Flawed Ruby gsr 红宝石 Ruby glr glrs 无瑕疵的红宝石 Flawless Ruby gpr gprs 完美的红宝石 Perfect Ruby
gcw 碎裂的钻石 Chipped Diamond gfw 裂开的钻石 Flawed Diamond gsw 钻石 Diamond glw glws 无瑕疵的钻石 Flawless Diamond gpw gpws 完美的钻石 Perfect Diamond
skc 碎裂的骷髅 Chipped Skull skf 裂开的骷髅 Flawed Skull sku 骷髅 Skull skl skls 无瑕疵的骷髅 Flawless Skull skz skzs 完美的骷髅 Perfect Skull
  • 对于有两个代码的宝石, 第二个代码指的是宝石的 堆叠 版本
符文 Runes

参见 符文

代码 代码 物品 代码 代码 物品 代码 代码 物品
r01 r01s 艾尔 El 符文 r12 r12s 索尔 Sol 符文 r23 r23s 马尔 Mal 符文
r02 r02s 艾德 Eld 符文 r13 r13s 夏 Shael 符文 r24 r24s 伊司特 Ist 符文
r03 r03s 特尔 Tir 符文 r14 r14s 多尔 Dol 符文 r25 r25s 古尔 Gul 符文
r04 r04s 那夫 Nef 符文 r15 r15s 海尔 Hel 符文 r26 r26s 伐克斯 Vex 符文
r05 r05s 爱斯 Eth 符文 r16 r16s 埃欧 Io 符文 r27 r27s 欧姆 Ohm 符文
r06 r06s 伊司 Ith 符文 r17 r17s 卢姆 Lum 符文 r28 r28s 罗 Lo 符文
r07 r07s 塔尔 Tal 符文 r18 r18s 科 Ko 符文 r29 r29s 瑟 Sur 符文
r08 r08s 拉尔 Ral 符文 r19 r19s 法尔 Fal 符文 r30 r30s 贝 Ber 符文
r09 r09s 欧特 Ort 符文 r20 r20s 蓝姆 Lem 符文 r31 r31s 乔 Jah 符文
r10 r10s 书尔 Thul 符文 r21 r21s 普尔 Pul 符文 r32 r32s 查姆 Cham 符文
r11 r11s 安姆 Amn 符文 r22 r22s 乌姆 Um 符文 r33 r33s 萨德 Zod 符文
  • 第二个代码指的是符文的 堆叠 版本
  • 获取符文之语列表和每个所需的符文, 查看 所有符文之语
药剂 Potions
代码 物品 代码 物品 代码 物品
rvl 全面恢复活力药剂 Full Rejuvenation Potion hp1 轻微治疗药剂 Minor Healing Potion mp1 轻微法力药剂 Minor Mana Potion
rvs 恢复活力药剂 Rejuvenation Potion hp2 轻型治疗药剂 Lesser Healing Potion mp2 轻型法力药剂 Lesser Mana Potion
yps 解毒药剂 Antidote Potion hp3 治疗药剂 Healing Potion mp3 法力药剂 Mana Potion
wms 融解药剂 Thawing Potion hp4 强力药剂 Greater Healing Potion mp4 强力法力药剂 Greater Mana Potion
vps 体力药剂 Stamina Potion hp5 超级治疗药剂 Super Healing Potion mp5 超级法力药剂 Super Mana Potion
代码 物品 代码 物品 代码 物品 代码 物品
tpfs 猛爆性药剂 Fulminating Potion tpgs 勒颈瓦斯药剂 Strangling Potion tpcs 寒冷药剂 Chilling Potion tpls 充能药剂 Charged Potion
tpfm 爆炸药剂 Exploding Potion tpgm 窒息瓦斯药剂 Choking Potion tpcm 霜冻药剂 Frost Potion tplm 静态药剂 Static Potion
tpfl 油 Oil Potion tpgl 恶臭瓦斯药剂 Rancid Potion tpcl 冰冻药剂 Freezing Potion tpll 冲击药剂 Shock Potion
  • 这些投掷药剂是 PD2 新增的并且旧的老版本不会再出现
代码 物品 (过时) 代码 物品 (过时)
opl 猛爆性药剂 Fulminating Potion gpl 勒颈瓦斯药剂 Strangling Potion
opm 爆炸药剂 Exploding Potion gpm 窒息瓦斯药剂 Choking Potion
ops 油 Oil Potion gps 恶臭瓦斯药剂 Rancid Potion
任务物品 Quest Items
  • 代码 物品
    bks 艾尼弗斯卷轴 Scroll of Inifuss
    bkd 石冢之钥 Key to the Cairn Stones
    tr1 赫拉迪克卷轴 Horadric Scroll
    ass 技能之书 Book of Skill
    box 赫拉迪克方块 Horadric Cube
    j34 玉制小人 Jade Figurine
    g34 黄金鸟 Golden Bird
    xyz 生命药剂 Potion of Life
    bbb 蓝-依森之书 Lam Esen's Tome
    qbr 克林姆的大脑 Khalim's Brain
    qey 克林姆的眼球 Khalim's Eye
    qhr 克林姆的心脏 Khalim's Heart
    mss 墨菲斯托的灵魂之石 Mephisto's Soulstone
    ice 马拉之药 Malah's Potion
    tr2 抵抗卷轴 Scroll of Resistance
  • 代码 装备物品
    hdm 赫拉迪克-马勒斯 Horadric Malus
    msf 国王之杖 Staff of Kings
    vip 蝮蛇护符 Viper Amulet
    hst 赫拉迪克之杖 Horadric Staff
    g33 吉得宾 Gidbinn
    qf1 克林姆的连枷 Khalim's Flail
    qf2 克林姆的意志 Khalim's Will
    hfh 地狱熔炉铁锤 Hell Forge Hammer
  • 代码 物品 细节
    tes 扭曲的苦痛精华 Twisted Essence of Suffering 徽章材料 (来自安达利尔 & 都瑞尔)
    ceh 充盈的憎恨精华 Charged Essence of Hatred 徽章材料 (来自墨菲斯托)
    bet 燃烧的恐惧精华 Burning Essence of Terror 徽章材料 (来自暗黑破坏神)
    fed 溃烂的毁灭精华 Festering Essence of Destruction 徽章材料 (来自巴尔)
    toa 赦免徽章 Token of Absolution 重置属性/技能
    pk1 恐惧之钥 Key of Terror 小红门材料 (来自女伯爵 & 血鸟)
    pk2 憎恨之钥 Key of Hate 小红门材料 (来自召唤者 & 疯狂血腥女巫)
    pk3 毁灭之钥 Key of Destruction 小红门材料 (来自尼拉塞克 & 衣卒尔)
    dhn 暗黑破坏神之角 Diablo's Horn 崔斯特姆材料 (来自莉莉丝)
    bey 巴尔之眼 Baal's Eye 崔斯特姆材料 (来自超级都瑞尔)
    mbr 墨菲斯托之脑 Mephisto's Brain 崔斯特姆材料 (来自超级衣卒尔)
PD2物品 PD2 Items
  • 地图 & 竞技场
    代码 物品 层级
    t11 维兹郡的废墟地图 Ruins of Viz-Jun Map 2
    t12 赫拉森的记忆地图 Horazon's Memory Map 1
    t13 巴斯延要塞地图 Bastion Keep Map 1
    t14 疗养院地图 Sanatorium Map 3
    t15 王室墓穴地图 Royal Crypts Map 1
    t16 废弃水道地图 Ruined Cistern Map 3
    t21 火焰之河地图 Phlegethon Map 3
    t22 托拉然丛林地图 Torajan Jungle Map 1
    t23 亚瑞特战场地图 Arreat Battlefield Map 1
    t24 佐敦库勒的古墓地图 Tomb of Zoltun Kulle Map 2
    t25 哈洛加斯的下水道地图 Sewers of Harrogath Map 1
    t26 威斯特玛之影地图 Shadows of Westmarch Map 1
    t27 恶魔之路 Demon Road 2
    t28 斯科沃斯堡垒 Skovos Stronghold 2
    t31 血河地图 River of Blood Map 2
    t32 疯狂王座地图 Throne of Insanity Map 3
    t33 遗失的神殿地图 Lost Temple Map 2
    t34 先祖的试炼地图 Ancestral Trial Map 2
    t35 血月地图 Blood Moon Map 3
    t36 卡尔蒂姆的沦陷地图 Fall of Caldeum Map 1
    t37 群魔城塞地图 Pandemonium Citadel Map 3
    t38 赛斯切隆峡谷地图 Canyon of Sescheron Map 3
    t39 凯基斯坦集市地图 Kehjistan Marketplace Map 3
    t3a 灰烬平原地图 Ashen Plains Map 3
    t41 圣光大教堂地图 Cathedral of Light Map 4 (地下城)
    t42 折磨平原地图 Plains of Torment Map 4 (地下城)
    t43 罪恶庇护所地图 Sanctuary of Sin Map 4 (地下城)
    t44 达肯沙尔大草原地图 Steppes of Daken-Shar 4 (地下城)
    t51 扎尔的圣所地图 Zhar's Sanctum Map 3 (暗金)
    t52 冥河洞穴地图 Stygian Caverns Map 3 (暗金)
    t53 堕落花园地图 Fallen Gardens Map 2 (暗金)
    t61 沙漠决斗竞技场 Desert Duel Arena PvP 竞技场
    t62 荒地决斗竞技场 Moor Duel Arena PvP 竞技场
  • 地图修改
    代码 物品 细节
    奥术法珠 Arcane Orb
    注入的奥术法珠 Infused Arcane Orb
    升级地图 (普通 -> 魔法)
    撒卡兰姆法珠 Zakarum Orb
    注入的撒卡兰姆法珠 Infused Zakarum Orb
    升级地图 (普通 -> 亮金)
    天使法珠 Angelic Orb
    注入的天使法珠 Infused Angelic Orb
    升级地图 (魔法 -> 亮金)
    赫拉迪姆法珠 Horadrim Orb
    注入的赫拉迪姆法珠 Infused Horadrim Orb
    scou 毁灭法珠 Orb of Destruction 降级地图 (到普通)
    fort 强化法珠 Orb of Fortification 部分怪物 & 双倍 掉落/经验/生命
    upmp 制图师的法珠 Cartographer's Orb 合并地图变为更高层级
    scrb 赫拉迪姆圣甲虫 Horadrim Scarab 转换一张 t3 地图变为地下城 (来自地图 bosses)
    iwss 催化剂碎片 Catalyst Shard 添加一个地图事件 (来自祭坛地图事件)
  • 通用的
    代码 物品 细节
    wss 世界之石碎片 Worldstone Shard 腐化物品
    lbox 拉苏克谜盒 Larzuk's Puzzlebox 镶孔物品
    lpp 拉苏克谜盒碎片 Larzuk's Puzzlepiece 镶孔物品 (非 暗金/套装)
    lmal 拉苏克的铁锤 Larzuk's Malus 镶孔物品 (1 凹槽)
    jewf 珠宝碎片 Jewel Fragments 可堆叠珠宝材料
    cwss 污染的世界之石碎片 Tainted Worldstone Shard 腐化毁灭 (来自 拉斯玛)
    rtp 赫拉迪姆信标 Horadrim Navigator 无限的传送书 (来自 拉斯玛, 罕见的)
    rid 赫拉迪姆年鉴 Horadrim Almanac 无限的鉴定书 (来自 拉斯玛, 罕见的)
    rkey 骷髅钥匙 Skeleton Key 无限使用的钥匙 (任意掉落, 500万分之一几率)
    lsvl 光之颂歌小瓶 Vial of Lightsong 使物品变成无形的 (任意掉落, 750万分之一几率)
    llmr 莉莉丝的镜子 Lilith's Mirror 镜像物品 (任意掉落, 2500万分之一几率)
    pvpp 决斗法力药剂 Dueling Mana Potion 只能使用在 PvP 竞技场
    crfb 生命手工注入物 Blood Craft Infusion 直接制作生命手工物品
    crfc 施法者手工注入物 Caster Craft Infusion 直接制作施法者手工物品
    crfs 安全手工注入物 Safety Craft Infusion 直接制作安全手工物品
    crfh 打击手工注入物 Hitpower Craft Infusion 直接制作打击者手工物品
    crfv 吸血鬼手工注入物 Vampiric Craft Infusion 直接制作吸血鬼手工物品
    crfu 丰饶手工注入物 Bountiful Craft Infusion 直接制作丰饶手工物品
    crfp 闪耀手工注入物 Brilliant Craft Infusion 直接制作闪耀手工物品
  • 超级BOSS相关的
    代码 物品 细节
    uba 古代人的遗物 Relic of the Ancients 访问超级古代人
    ubaa 马道克的法印 Sigil of Madawc 超级古代人材料 (来自 T1 地图)
    ubab 塔力克的法印 Sigil of Talic 超级古代人材料 (来自 T2 地图)
    ubac 科力克的法印 Sigil of Korlic 超级古代人材料 (来自 T3 地图)
    ubtm 群魔护符 Pandemonium Talisman 访问超级崔斯特瑞姆
    dcma 恐怖灵视 Vision of Terror 访问暗黑破坏神克隆体
    dcso 原罪之魂 Prime Evil Soul 暗黑破坏神克隆体材料 (来自地狱 墨菲斯托/暗黑破坏神/巴尔)
    dcbl 纯净恶魔精华 Pure Demonic Essence 暗黑破坏神克隆体材料 (来自地图 bosses)
    dcho 黑暗灵魂石 Black Soulstone 暗黑破坏神克隆体材料 (来自超级崔斯特瑞姆)
    rtma 虚空石 Voidstone 访问拉斯玛
    rtmv 虚空碎片 Splinter of the Void 拉斯玛材料 (来自孟德恩地图事件)
    rtmo 塔格奥的颚骨 Trang-Oul's Jawbone 拉斯玛材料 (来自不死生物)
    cm2f 火炬灰烬 Hellfire Ashes 拉斯玛材料 (可堆叠的火炬灰烬)
    rtmf 上古遗骸碎片 Ancient Bone Fragments 塔格奥的颚骨材料 (过时)
    luca 憎恨之影 Shadow of Hatred 访问路西昂
    lucb 恶魔徽章 Demonic Insignia 路西昂材料
    lucc 越界护符 Talisman of Transgression 路西昂材料
    lucd 恶意之肉 Flesh of Malic 路西昂材料
  • 特殊装备
    代码 物品 提示
    rar 无垢者牢笼 Cage of the Unsullied 骸骨链甲 Boneweave (uhn 不适用, 但 ARMOR/CHEST 可以)
    rbe 骷髅授带 Band of Skulls 洞穴巨魔腰带 Troll Belt (utc 不适用, 但 ARMOR/BELT 可以)
    ram 第三只眼 The Third Eye 项链 (amu 不适用)

Value Conditions

Info Codes

Code Description Details
GOLD Gold can be hidden, but not modified (always displays as "N Gold")
GEMLEVEL gem quality level 1 - 5 (Chipped-Perfect)
doesn't apply to unstacked Flawless/Perfect gems
GEMTYPE gem type 1 - 7 (Amethyst-Skull)
RUNE rune number 1 - 33 (El-Zod)
QTY quantity
DEF total defense
LVLREQ level requirement
PRICE vendor sell value
ALVL affix level used to determine which affixes can roll for magic/rare/crafted items
CRAFTALVL prospective crafted ALVL what the resulting crafted item's ALVL will be if the item is used as a crafting ingredient by the character
QLVL quality level
ILVL item level
CLVL character level
DIFF difficulty 0 - 2 (Normal-Hell)
MAPID item's initial location 1 - 175 (see details)
SUFFIX item suffix 1 - 849 (see details)
PREFIX item prefix 850 - 1644 (see details)
FILTLVL filter strictness level 1 - 9

There is currently a bug with hiding stacked gems/runes - if the lootfilter attempts to hide them, they'll usually be loaded regardless and appear with an empty name.

Named Attribute Codes

Code Description Item Appearance Details
SOCK total sockets Socketed (N)
ED enhanced defense/damage +N% Enhanced Defense
+N% Enhanced Damage
refers to defense for armor,
damage for weapons
MAXDUR max durability Increase Maximum Durability N%
AR attack rating +N to Attack Rating
RES all res All Resistances +N
FRES fire res Fire Resist +N%
CRES cold res Cold Resist +N%
LRES lightning res Lightning Resist +N%
PRES poison res Poison Resist +N%
FRW faster run/walk +N% Faster Run/Walk
IAS attack rate +N% Increased Attack Speed
FCR Faster Cast Rate +N% Faster Cast Rate
FHR Faster Hit Recovery +N% Faster Hit Recovery
FBR Faster Block Rate +N% Faster Block Rate
MINDMG minimum damage +N to Minimum Damage
MAXDMG maximum damage +N to Maximum Damage
STR strength +N to Strength
DEX dexterity +N to Dexterity
LIFE max hp +N to Life
MANA max mana +N to Mana
MFIND magic find N% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
GFIND gold find N% Extra Gold from Monsters
MAEK mana per kill +N to Mana after each Kill
DTM damage to mana N% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit
REPLIFE life replenish Replenish Life +N
REPAIR auto-repair Repairs X Durability in Y Seconds N = 100 / Y
ARPER AR bonus N% Bonus to Attack Rating
FOOLS fool's mod +X to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level)
+Y to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)
boolean condition

Some attributes (STR, DEX, LIFE, MANA, FRES, CRES, LRES, PRES) can have addition applied between them prior to the condition being evaluated.

ItemDisplay[RARE FRES+CRES+LRES+PRES>79]: %NAME% %RED%! appends a red ! to rares with 80+ total resistance

It seems values get converted to unsigned integers before comparison. For negative values, this means that instead of counting backwards from 0, they count backwards from the maximum storeable value (a few billion). The following examples illustrate this point, but they're outdated since medium/heavy armors no longer have movement speed penalties.

ItemDisplay[NMAG !ELT (FRW=-5 OR FRW=-10)]: hides regular non-elite medium/heavy armors

ItemDisplay[NMAG !ELT FRW>1000]: hides regular non-elite medium/heavy armors

ItemDisplay[NMAG !ELT FRW>-20]: hides regular non-elite medium/heavy armors

Numbered Attribute Codes

The relevant number for each code is shown as N. In many cases, if N is absent, it is either 0 or 1. For codes that refer to attributes which are based on character level, N is often a multiple of Y (+Y per Character Level) such as 8Y for STAT214 or 2Y for STAT224.

Some numbered attribute codes (shown in gray) refer to the same attributes as named attribute codes or other named codes, which can be used instead for better readability.

  • General
    Code Item Appearance
    STAT0 +N to Strength
    STAT1 +N to Energy
    STAT2 +N to Dexterity
    STAT3 +N to Vitality
    STAT7 +X to Life (N = 256X)
    STAT9 +X to Mana (N = 256X)
    STAT11 +N Maximum Stamina
    STAT16 +N% Enhanced Defense
    STAT19 +N to Attack Rating
    STAT20 Chance to Block: N%
    STAT27 Regenerate Mana N%
    STAT28 Heal Stamina +N%
    STAT31 +N Defense
    STAT32 +N Defense vs. Missile
    STAT33 +N Defense vs. Melee
    STAT34 Physical Damage Taken Reduced by N
    STAT35 Magic & Elemental Damage Taken Reduced by N
    STAT36 Physical Damage Taken Reduced by N%
    STAT60 N% Life Stolen per Hit
    STAT62 N% Mana Stolen per Hit
    STAT68 +N% Increased Attack Speed
    STAT70 Quantity: N
    STAT72 Durability: N of Y
    STAT73 Durability: X of N
    STAT74 Replenish Life +N
    STAT75 Increase Maximum Durability N%
    STAT76 Increase Maximum Life N%
    STAT77 Increase Maximum Mana N%
    STAT78 Attacker Takes Damage of N
    STAT79 N% Extra Gold from Monsters
    STAT80 N% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
    STAT81 Knockback
    STAT83 +N to Amazon Skill Levels
    STAT85 +N% to Experience Gained
    STAT86 +N Life after each Kill
    STAT87 Reduces All Vendor Prices N%
    STAT89 +N to Light Radius
    STAT91 Requirements -N%
    STAT93 +N% Increased Attack Speed
    STAT96 +N% Faster Run/Walk
    STAT99 +N% Faster Hit Recovery
    STAT102 +N% Faster Block Rate
    STAT105 +N% Faster Cast Rate
    STAT108 Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
    STAT109 N% Reduced Curse Duration
    STAT110 Poison Length Reduced by N%
    STAT112 Hit Causes Monster to Flee N%
    STAT113 Hit Blinds Target +N
    STAT114 N% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit
    STAT115 Ignore Target's Defense
    STAT116 -N% Target Defense
    STAT117 Prevent Monster Heal
    STAT118 Half Freeze Duration
    STAT119 N% Bonus to Attack Rating
    STAT120 -N to Monster Defense per Hit
    STAT123 +N to Attack Rating against Demons
    STAT124 +N to Attack Rating against Undead
    STAT127 +N to All Skills
    STAT128 Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of N
    STAT134 Freezes Target +N
    STAT135 N% Chance of Open Wounds
    STAT136 N% Chance of Crushing Blow
    STAT138 +N to Mana after each Kill
    STAT139 +N Life after each Demon Kill
    STAT140 N% Extra Bloody (Hidden Cosmetic)
    STAT141 N% Deadly Strike
    STAT150 Slows Target by N%
    STAT152 Indestructible
    STAT153 Cannot Be Frozen
    STAT154 N% Slower Stamina Drain
    STAT156 +N% Chance to Pierce
    STAT157 Fires Magic Arrows
    STAT158 Fires Explosive Arrows or Bolts
    STAT188 +N to Bow and Crossbow Skills
    STAT194 Socketed (N)
    STAT252 Repairs X Durability in Y Seconds (N = 100/Y)
    STAT360 Corruption (values for N)
    STAT422 Replenishes 1 Charge in 3 Seconds
    STAT424 +N Life after each Hit
    STAT425 -N% to Enemy Physical Resistance
    STAT486 Mirrored
  • Elements
    Code Item Appearance
    STAT37 Magic Resist +N%
    STAT38 +N% to Maximum Magic Resist
    STAT39 Fire Resist +N%
    STAT40 +N% to Maximum Fire Resist
    STAT41 Lightning Resist +N%
    STAT42 +N% to Maximum Lightning Resist
    STAT43 Cold Resist +N%
    STAT44 +N% to Maximum Cold Resist
    STAT45 Poison Resist +N%
    STAT46 +N% to Maximum Poison Resist
    STAT142 Fire Absorb N%
    STAT143 +N Fire Absorb
    STAT144 Lightning Absorb N%
    STAT145 +N Lightning Absorb
    STAT146 Magic Absorb N%
    STAT147 +N Magic Absorb
    STAT148 Cold Absorb N%
    STAT149 +N Cold Absorb
    STAT333 -N% to Enemy Fire Resistance
    STAT334 -N% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
    STAT335 -N% to Enemy Cold Resistance
    STAT336 -N% to Enemy Poison Resistance
    STAT362 +N to Cold Skills
    STAT363 +N to Fire Skills
    STAT364 +N to Lightning Skills
    STAT365 +N to Poison Skills
    STAT366 +N to Magic Skills
  • Damage
    Code Item Appearance
    STAT17 +N% Enhanced Damage
    (off-weapon minimum)
    STAT18 +N% Enhanced Damage
    (off-weapon maximum)
    STAT21 Damage: N to Y
    +N to Minimum Damage
    (one-handed weapons)
    STAT22 Damage: X to N
    +N to Maximum Damage
    (one-handed weapons)
    STAT23 +N to Minimum Damage
    (two-handed weapons)
    STAT24 +N to Maximum Damage
    (two-handed weapons)
    STAT25 +N% Damage
    STAT48 Adds N-Y Fire Damage
    STAT49 Adds X-N Fire Damage
    STAT50 Adds N-Y Lightning Damage
    STAT51 Adds 1-N Lightning Damage
    STAT52 Adds N-Y Magic Damage
    STAT53 Adds X-N Magic Damage
    STAT54 Adds N-Y Cold Damage
    STAT55 Adds X-N Cold Damage
    STAT56 Adds X-Y Cold Damage
    N = duration
    STAT57 +X Poison Damage over Y Seconds
    bitrate N = (256X) / (25Y)
    STAT58 +X Poison Damage over Y Seconds
    bitrate N = (256X) / (25Y)
    STAT59 +X Poison Damage over N Seconds
    STAT111 Damage +N
    STAT121 +N% Damage to Demons
    STAT122 +N% Damage to Undead
    STAT159 Damage: N to Y
    +N to Minimum Damage
    (throwing weapons)
    STAT160 Damage: X to N
    +N to Maximum Damage
    (throwing weapons)
    STAT326 +X Poison Damage over Y Seconds
    STAT329 +N% to Fire Skill Damage
    STAT330 +N% to Lightning Skill Damage
    STAT331 +N% to Cold Skill Damage
    STAT332 +N% to Poison Skill Damage
    STAT357 +N% to Magic Skill Damage
  • Based on Character Level
    Code Item Appearance
    STAT214 +X Defense (...)
    STAT216 +X to Life (...)
    STAT217 +X to Mana (...)
    STAT218 +X to Maximum Damage (...)
    STAT219 +X% Enhanced Maximum Damage (...)
    STAT220 +X to Strength (...)
    STAT221 +X to Dexterity (...)
    STAT222 +X to Energy (...)
    STAT223 +X to Vitality (...)
    STAT224 +X to Attack Rating (...)
    STAT225 X% Bonus to Attack Rating (...)
    STAT226 +X to Maximum Cold Damage (...)
    STAT227 +X to Maximum Fire Damage (...)
    STAT228 +X to Maximum Lightning Damage (...)
    STAT229 +X to Maximum Poison Damage (...)
    STAT230 Cold Resist +X% (...)
    STAT231 Fire Resist +X% (...)
    STAT232 Lightning Resist +X% (...)
    STAT233 Poison Resist +X% (...)
    STAT234 +X Absorbs Cold Damage (...)
    STAT235 +X Absorbs Fire Damage (...)
    STAT236 +X Absorbs Lightning Damage (...)
    STAT237 +X Absorbs Poison Damage (...)
    STAT238 Attacker Takes Damage of X (...)
    STAT239 X% Extra Gold from Monsters (...)
    STAT240 X% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (...)
    STAT241 Heal Stamina Plus X% (...)
    STAT242 +X Maximum Stamina (...)
    STAT243 +X% Damage to Demons (...)
    STAT244 +X% Damage to Undead (...)
    STAT245 +X to Attack Rating against Demons (...)
    STAT246 +X to Attack Rating against Undead (...)
    STAT249 +X Kick Damage (...)
    STAT250 X% Deadly Strike (...)
Code Item Appearance
STAT370 Map Magic Find: +N%
STAT371 Map Gold Find: +N%
STAT372 Map Monster Density: +N%
STAT373 Map Experience: +N%
STAT374 Map Monster Rarity: +N%
STAT388 Monsters have +N% to Fire Skill Damage
STAT389 Monsters have +N% to Lightning Skill Damage
STAT390 Monsters have +N% to Cold Skill Damage
STAT391 Monsters have +N% to Poison Skill Damage
STAT392 Monsters have +N% Increased Cast Speed
STAT393 Monsters have +N% Increased Attack Speed
STAT394 Monsters have +N% Attack Rating
STAT395 Monsters have +N% Enhanced Defense
STAT396 Monsters have N% Cold Absorb
STAT397 Monsters have N% Magic Absorb
STAT398 Monsters have N% Lightning Absorb
STAT399 Monsters have N% Fire Absorb
STAT400 Monsters take N Reduced Physical Damage
STAT401 Monsters have N% Increased Velocity
STAT402 Monsters have +N Replenish Life
STAT403 Monsters have N% Life Stolen per Hit
STAT404 Monsters have +N% Faster Hit Recovery
STAT405 Monsters have N% Increased Maximum Life
STAT406 Monsters have +N% Chance to Pierce
STAT407 Monsters have N% Chance of Open Wounds
STAT408 Monsters have N% Chance of Crushing Blow
STAT409 Monsters have N% Curse Duration Reduction
STAT410 Players have -N% Enhanced Defense
STAT411 Players have -N% Faster Hit Recovery
STAT412 Players have -N% Chance to Block
STAT413 Players have -N Drain Life
STAT426 Monsters have +N% Enhanced Physical Damage
STAT428 Players have -N% to All Resistances
STAT429 Players have -N% to All Resistances
STAT430 Players have -N% to All Resistances
STAT431 Players have -N% to All Resistances
STAT432 Monsters have +N% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
STAT433 Monsters have +N% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
STAT434 Monsters have +N% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
STAT435 Monsters have +N% of Physical Damage as Extra Poison Damage over 5 seconds
STAT436 Monsters have +N% of Physical Damage as Extra Magic Damage
STAT437 Map contains Stygian Dolls
STAT438 Map contains Succubus Witches
STAT439 Map contains Vampire Lords
STAT440 Map contains Hell Bovines
STAT441 Map contains Reanimated Horde
STAT442 Map contains Ghosts
STAT449 Monsters have N% Deadly Strike
STAT450 Monsters have Cannot Be Frozen
STAT451 Players have N% Attack and Cast Speed
STAT452 Players have N% Attack and Cast Speed
STAT457 Players have N% to Velocity
STAT458 Heoric
STAT470 Map contains Burning Souls
STAT471 Map contains Fetishes
Code Item Appearance
STAT368 You May Apply an Additional Curse
STAT423 +N% to Leap and Leap Attack Movement Speed
STAT444 You May Now Summon N Additional Revives
STAT459 You May Now Summon 1 Additional Spirit
STAT460 Gust's Cooldown is Reduced by N Seconds
STAT461 You May Summon N Additional Skeleton Mages
STAT462 You May Summon N Additional Skeleton Warriors
STAT463 You May Summon 1 Additional Hydra
STAT464 You May Summon 1 Additional Valkyrie
STAT465 Joust's Cooldown is Reduced by N Seconds
STAT466 You May Summon N Additional Skeleton Mages
STAT468 Blood Warp Costs N% Less Health
STAT475 extra_skele_archer
STAT476 extra_golem
STAT478 inc_splash_radius
STAT483 Dragon Flight's Cooldown is Reduced by N Seconds
STAT484 item_dmgpercent_pereth
STAT485 Corpse Explosion Radius Increased by N Yards
STAT487 item_dmgpercent_permissinghppercent
STAT488 lifedrain_percentcap
STAT489 inc_splash_radius_permissinghp
STAT490 eaglehorn_raven

Skill Codes

Group Skills

Also see STAT362-STAT366 (Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Magic)

  • Code Skill Group
    ALLSK All Skills
    CLSK0 Amazon Skills
    CLSK1 Sorceress Skills
    CLSK2 Necromancer Skills
    CLSK3 Paladin Skills
    CLSK4 Barbarian Skills
    CLSK5 Druid Skills
    CLSK6 Assassin Skills
  • Code Class Skill Group
    TABSK0 Amazon Bow and Crossbow Skills
    TABSK1 Amazon Passive and Magic Skills
    TABSK2 Amazon Javelin and Spear Skills
    TABSK8 Sorceress Fire Spells
    TABSK9 Sorceress Lightning Spells
    TABSK10 Sorceress Cold Spells
    TABSK16 Necromancer Curses
    TABSK17 Necromancer Poison & Bone Spells
    TABSK18 Necromancer Summoning Spells
    TABSK24 Paladin Combat Skills
    TABSK25 Paladin Offensive Auras
    TABSK26 Paladin Defensive Auras
    TABSK32 Barbarian Combat Skills
    TABSK33 Barbarian Combat Masteries
    TABSK34 Barbarian Warcries
    TABSK40 Druid Summoning
    TABSK41 Druid Shape Shifting
    TABSK42 Druid Elemental
    TABSK48 Assassin Traps
    TABSK49 Assassin Shadow Disciplines
    TABSK50 Assassin Martial Arts
    Individual Skills

    In addition to these "SK" codes, there are equivalent "CHSK" codes for skill charges and "OS" codes for oskills. For example, CHSK54 refers to skill charges for Teleport. "CHSK" codes for curse charges use separate 'proc' versions of those skills: CHSK445 for Life Tap and CHSK447 for Lower Resist.

    • Skills with gray names are not in the skill tree.
    • Skills with gray codes do not appear on items as pointmods/staffmods under normal circumstances.
    • Amazon
      Code Skill
      SK6 Magic Arrow
      SK7 Fire Arrow
      SK8 Inner Sight
      SK9 Critical Strike
      SK10 Jab
      SK11 Cold Arrow
      SK12 Multiple Shot
      SK13 Dodge
      SK14 Power Strike
      SK15 Poison Javelin
      SK16 Exploding Arrow
      SK17 Slow Movement
      SK18 Avoid
      SK19 Javelin and Spear Mastery
      SK20 Lightning Bolt
      SK21 Ice Arrow
      SK22 Guided Arrow
      SK23 Penetrate
      SK24 Charged Strike
      SK25 Plague Javelin
      SK26 Strafe
      SK27 Immolation Arrow
      SK28 Decoy
      SK29 Evade
      SK30 Fend
      SK31 Freezing Arrow
      SK32 Valkyrie
      SK33 Pierce
      SK34 Lightning Strike
      SK35 Lightning Fury
    • Sorceress
      Code Skill
      SK36 Fire Bolt
      SK37 Warmth
      SK38 Charged Bolt
      SK39 Ice Bolt
      SK40 Cold Enchant
      SK41 Inferno
      SK42 Static Field
      SK43 Telekinesis
      SK44 Frost Nova
      SK45 Ice Blast
      SK46 Blaze
      SK47 Fire Ball
      SK48 Nova
      SK49 Lightning
      SK50 Shiver Armor
      SK51 Fire Wall
      SK52 Enchant Fire
      SK53 Chain Lightning
      SK54 Teleport
      SK55 Glacial Spike
      SK56 Meteor
      SK57 Thunder Storm
      SK58 Energy Shield
      SK59 Blizzard
      SK60 Chilling Armor
      SK61 Fire Mastery
      SK62 Hydra
      SK63 Lightning Mastery
      SK64 Frozen Orb
      SK65 Cold Mastery
      SK369 Ice Barrage
      SK376 Combustion
      SK383 Lesser Hydra
    • Necromancer
      Code Skill
      SK66 Amplify Damage
      SK67 Teeth
      SK68 Bone Armor
      SK69 Skeleton Mastery
      SK70 Raise Skeleton Warrior
      SK71 Dim Vision
      SK72 Weaken
      SK73 Poison Strike
      SK74 Corpse Explosion
      SK75 Clay Golem
      SK76 Iron Maiden
      SK77 Terror
      SK78 Bone Wall
      SK79 Golem Mastery
      SK80 Raise Skeletal Mage
      SK81 Confuse
      SK82 Life Tap
      SK83 Desecrate
      SK84 Bone Spear
      SK85 Blood Golem
      SK86 Attract
      SK87 Decrepify
      SK88 Bone Prison
      SK89 Raise Skeleton Archer
      SK90 Iron Golem
      SK91 Lower Resist
      SK92 Poison Nova
      SK93 Bone Spirit
      SK94 Fire Golem
      SK95 Revive
      SK367 Blood Warp
      SK374 Curse Mastery
      SK381 Dark Pact
    • Paladin
      Code Skill
      SK96 Sacrifice
      SK97 Smite
      SK98 Might
      SK99 Prayer
      SK100 Resist Fire
      SK101 Holy Bolt
      SK102 Holy Fire
      SK103 Thorns
      SK104 Defiance
      SK105 Resist Cold
      SK106 Zeal
      SK107 Charge
      SK108 Blessed Aim
      SK109 Cleansing
      SK110 Resist Lightning
      SK111 Vengeance
      SK112 Blessed Hammer
      SK113 Concentration
      SK114 Holy Freeze
      SK115 Vigor
      SK116 Conversion
      SK117 Holy Shield
      SK118 Holy Shock
      SK119 Sanctuary
      SK120 Meditation
      SK121 Fist of the Heavens
      SK122 Fanaticism
      SK123 Conviction
      SK124 Redemption
      SK125 Salvation
      SK364 Holy Nova
      SK371 Holy Light
      SK378 Joust
    • Barbarian
      Code Skill
      SK126 Bash
      SK127 Sword Mastery
      SK128 General Mastery
      SK129 Mace Mastery
      SK130 Howl
      SK131 Find Potion
      SK132 Leap
      SK133 Double Swing
      SK134 Polearm and Spear Mastery
      SK135 Throwing Mastery
      SK136 Spear Mastery
      SK137 Taunt
      SK138 Shout
      SK139 Stun
      SK140 Double Throw
      SK141 Combat Reflexes
      SK142 Find Item
      SK143 Leap Attack
      SK144 Concentrate
      SK145 Iron Skin
      SK146 Battle Cry
      SK147 Frenzy
      SK148 Increased Speed
      SK149 Battle Orders
      SK150 Grim Ward
      SK151 Whirlwind
      SK152 Berserk
      SK153 Natural Resistance
      SK154 War Cry
      SK155 Battle Command
    • Druid
      Code Skill
      SK221 Raven
      SK222 Poison Creeper
      SK223 Werewolf
      SK224 Lycanthropy
      SK225 Firestorm
      SK226 Oak Sage
      SK227 Summon Spirit Wolf
      SK228 Werebear
      SK229 Molten Boulder
      SK230 Arctic Blast
      SK231 Carrion Vine
      SK232 Feral Rage
      SK233 Maul
      SK234 Fissure
      SK235 Cyclone Armor
      SK236 Heart of Wolverine
      SK237 Summon Dire Wolf
      SK238 Rabies
      SK239 Fire Claws
      SK240 Twister
      SK241 Solar Creeper
      SK242 Hunger
      SK243 Shock Wave
      SK244 Volcano
      SK245 Tornado
      SK246 Spirit of Barbs
      SK247 Summon Grizzly
      SK248 Fury
      SK249 Armageddon
      SK250 Hurricane
      SK370 Gust
    • Assassin
      Code Skill
      SK251 Fire Blast
      SK252 Claw and Dagger Mastery
      SK253 Psychic Hammer
      SK254 Tiger Strike
      SK255 Dragon Talon
      SK256 Shock Web
      SK257 Blade Sentinel
      SK258 Burst of Speed
      SK259 Fists of Fire
      SK260 Dragon Claw
      SK261 Charged Bolt Sentry
      SK262 Wake of Fire
      SK263 Weapon Block
      SK264 Cloak of Shadows
      SK265 Cobra Strike
      SK266 Blade Fury
      SK267 Fade
      SK268 Shadow Warrior
      SK269 Claws of Thunder
      SK270 Dragon Tail
      SK271 Chain Lightning Sentry
      SK272 Wake of Inferno
      SK273 Mind Blast
      SK274 Blades of Ice
      SK275 Dragon Flight
      SK276 Death Sentry
      SK277 Blade Shield
      SK278 Venom
      SK279 Shadow Master
      SK280 Phoenix Strike
      SK366 Lightning Sentry
    • Other
      Code Skill
      SK357 Blink
      SK380 Blade Dance
      SK391 Lesser Fade
      SK400 Bone Nova

      Value Condition IDs

      Certain value conditions (MAPID, PREFIX, SUFFIX, STAT360) are slightly different than most others, referring to distinct zone/affix/corruption IDs instead of the value for attributes or other item stats with value ranges. Some other value conditions such as GEMLEVEL, GEMTYPE, RUNE, or DIFF behave in a similar fashion, but their IDs aren't listed in this section due to having relatively few possible values.

      MAPID IDs

      MAPID refers to the zone (or map) the character is currently in. When using a portal, the zone ID won't update immediately so any items within a screen length of the portal will be displayed as if the character was still in the previous zone. If the character walks a couple screen lengths away and returns, the ID will be updated and those items will be displayed as expected.

      ItemDisplay[(MAPID=1 OR MAPID=40 OR MAPID=75 OR MAPID=103 OR MAPID=109)]: %NAME%{%NAME%} shows all items from towns, including shopped items and any items in character inventories/stashes when the game began

      ItemDisplay[yps CLVL>89 !(MAPID>160 MAPID<164)]: hides antidotes at level 90+ unless they're found in Rathma zones

      ItemDisplay[key !MAPID=39]: hides keys unless they were found within the cow level

      ItemDisplay[ear (MAPID=157 OR MAPID=159)]: hides player ears found within the PvP duel arenas

      • ID Zone
        1 Rogue Encampment
        2 Blood Moor
        3 Cold Plains
        4 Stony Field
        5 Dark Wood
        6 Black Marsh
        7 Tamoe Highland
        8 Den of Evil
        9 Cave Level 1
        10 Underground Passage Level 1
        11 Hole Level 1
        12 Pit Level 1
        13 Cave Level 2
        14 Underground Passage Level 2
        15 Hole Level 2
        16 Pit Level 2
        17 Burial Grounds
        18 Crypt
        19 Mausoleum
        20 Forgotten Tower
        21 Tower Cellar Level 1
        22 Tower Cellar Level 2
        23 Tower Cellar Level 3
        24 Tower Cellar Level 4
        25 Tower Cellar Level 5
        26 Monastery Gate
        27 Outer Cloister
        28 Barracks
        29 Jail Level 1
        30 Jail Level 2
        31 Jail Level 3
        32 Inner Cloister
        33 Cathedral
        34 Catacombs Level 1
        35 Catacombs Level 2
        36 Catacombs Level 3
        37 Catacombs Level 4
        38 Tristram
        39 Moo Moo Farm (Cows)
      • ID Zone
        40 Lut Gholein
        41 Rocky Waste
        42 Dry Hills
        43 Far Oasis
        44 Lost City
        45 Valley of Snakes
        46 Canyon of the Magi
        47 Sewers Level 1 (Act 2)
        48 Sewers Level 2 (Act 2)
        49 Sewers Level 3
        50 Harem Level 1
        51 Harem Level 2
        52 Palace Cellar Level 1
        53 Palace Cellar Level 2
        54 Palace Cellar Level 3
        55 Stony Tomb Level 1
        56 Halls of the Dead Level 1
        57 Halls of the Dead Level 2
        58 Claw Viper Temple Level 1
        59 Stony Tomb Level 2
        60 Halls of the Dead Level 3
        61 Claw Viper Temple Level 2
        62 Maggot Lair Level 1
        63 Maggot Lair Level 2
        64 Maggot Lair Level 3
        65 Ancient Tunnels
        66 Tal Rasha's Tomb 1
        67 Tal Rasha's Tomb 2
        68 Tal Rasha's Tomb 3
        69 Tal Rasha's Tomb 4
        70 Tal Rasha's Tomb 5
        71 Tal Rasha's Tomb 6
        72 Tal Rasha's Tomb 7
        73 Tal Rasha's Chamber
        74 Arcane Sanctuary
      • ID Zone
        75 Kurast Docks
        76 Spider Forest
        77 Great Marsh
        78 Flayer Jungle
        79 Lower Kurast
        80 Kurast Bazaar
        81 Upper Kurast
        82 Kurast Causeway
        83 Travincal
        84 Arachnid Lair
        85 Spider Cavern
        86 Swampy Pit Level 1
        87 Swampy Pit Level 2
        88 Flayer Dungeon Level 1
        89 Flayer Dungeon Level 2
        90 Swampy Pit Level 3
        91 Flayer Dungeon Level 3
        92 Sewers Level 1 (Act 3)
        93 Sewers Level 2 (Act 3)
        94 Ruined Temple
        95 Disused Fane
        96 Forgotten Reliquary
        97 Forgotten Temple
        98 Ruined Fane
        99 Disused Reliquary
        100 Durance of Hate Level 1
        101 Durance of Hate Level 2
        102 Durance of Hate Level 3
      • ID Zone
        103 The Pandemonium Fortress
        104 Outer Steppes
        105 Plains of Despair
        106 City of the Damned
        107 River of Flame
        108 Chaos Sanctuary
        109 Harrogath
        110 Bloody Foothills
        111 Frigid Highlands
        112 Arreat Plateau
        113 Crystalline Passage
        114 Frozen River
        115 Glacial Trail
        116 Drifter Cavern
        117 Frozen Tundra
        118 The Ancients' Way
        119 Icy Cellar
        120 Arreat Summit
        121 Nihlathak's Temple
        122 Halls of Anguish
        123 Halls of Pain
        124 Halls of Vaught
        125 Abaddon
        126 Pit of Acheron
        127 Infernal Pit
        128 Worldstone Keep Level 1
        129 Worldstone Keep Level 2
        130 Worldstone Keep Level 3
        131 Throne of Destruction
        132 Worldstone Chamber
      • ID Zone
        133 Matron's Den
        134 Forgotten Sands
        135 Furnace of Pain
        136 Uber Tristram
        137 Diablo-Clone's Fortress
        138 Unused
        139 Arreat Battlefield
        140 Unused
        141 Sewers of Harrogath
        142 Horazon's Memory
        143 Ruins of Viz-Jun
        144 River Of Blood
        145 Phlegethon
        146 Ancestral Trial
        147 Kehjistan Marketplace
        148 Torajan Jungle
        149 Bastion Keep
        150 Throne of Insanity
        151 Tomb of Zoltun Kulle
        152 Cathedral of Light
        153 Cathedral of Light Basement
        154 Blood Moon
        155 Fall of Caldeum
        156 Pandemonium Citadel
        157 Desert PvP Duel Arena
        158 Lost Temple
        159 Moor PvP Duel Arena
        160 Canyon of Sescheron
        161 Ruins of Necropolis
        162 Decaying Swamplands
        163 The Void
        164 Plains of Torment
        165 Pit of Despair
        166 Battle Royale Arena
        167 Sanatorium
        168 Uber Ancients
        169 Shadows of Westmarch
        170 Royal Crypts
        171 Sanctuary of Sin
        172 Black Abyss
        173 Unused
        174 Ruined Cistern
        175 Ashen Plain

        SUFFIX and PREFIX IDs

        SUFFIX refers to the suffixes items have whereas PREFIX refers to the prefixes they have. They're similar to the numbered attribute codes, but refer to affixes rather than affix attributes.

        Unlike other value conditions, IDs for SUFFIX and PREFIX are not all mutually exclusive with eachother. Rules can have multiple SUFFIX or PREFIX conditions and still match with valid items.

        ItemDisplay[RARE SUFFIX=662 SUFFIX=158]: appends a red ! to rare items that have a chance to cast Amplify Damage on hit and also have Ignore Target's Defense

        Affix IDs

        STAT360 IDs

        STAT360 refers to which corruption items have.

        ItemDisplay[STAT360>0]: %RED%%NAME% changes corrupted items to be red

        • ID Corruption
          0 Not Corrupted
          1 ?
          2 Enhanced Damage
          3 Attack Rating
          4 Life after Hit
          5 Attack Rating vs Demons, Damage to Demons
          6 Reduced Requirements
          7 Magic Find
          8 Life After Each Kill
          9 Mana After Each Kill
          10 Max Mana
          11 Faster Hit Recovery
          12 Ps Enemy Fire Res Reduc
          13 Ps Enemy Lightn Res Reduc
          14 Ps Enemy Cold Res Reduc
          15 Ps Enemy Psn Res Reduc
          16 Faster Cast
          17 Life Leech, Enhanced Damage
          18 Thorns per Level
          19 Deadly Strike
          20 Increased Attack Speed
          21 Crushing Blow
          22 Increased Attack Speed, Enhanced Damage
          23 Increased Attack Speed, Crushing Blow
          24 Ignore Targets Defense, Enhanced Damage
          25 Deadly Strike, Enhanced Damage
        • ID Corruption
          26 Attack Rating, Enhanced Damage
          27 All Skills
          28 Fire Mastery, Faster Cast
          29 Cold Mastery, Faster Cast
          30 Lightning Mastery, Faster Cast
          31 Poison Mastery, Faster Cast
          32 Sockets
          33 Enhanced Defense
          34 Replenish Life
          35 Faster Hit Recovery
          36 Fire Resist
          37 Cold Resist
          38 Lightning Resist
          39 Poison Resist
          40 Mana Recovery Bonus
          41 Thorns per Level
          42 Faster Cast
          43 Enhanced Life
          44 Faster Run Walk
          45 Cannot Be Frozen
          46 Dmg Reduction
          47 Magic Dmg Reduction
          48 Indestructible
          49 Indestructible, Enhanced Defense
          50 All Skills
        • ID Corruption
          51 All Res
          52 Dmg Reduction Pct
          53 Max Fire Resist, Fire Resist
          54 Max Cold Resist, Cold Resist
          55 Max Lightning Resist, Lightning Resist
          56 Max Poison Resist, Poison Resist
          57 Life Leech
          58 Mana Leech
          59 Attack Rating, Light Radius
          60 Gold Find
          61 Max Hp
          62 Curse Resistance
          63 Piercing Attack
          64 Faster Block
          65 All Attributes
          66 Reduce Targets Defense
          67 To Block
          68 Strength
          69 Dexterity
          70 Vitality
          71 Energy
          72 All Res Max
          73 To Block, Faster Block

          Source of Information on this Page

          Corruption IDs can be determined from PD2's BH files.

          See PD2's text files for updated info when game changes are made. The files are best viewed in table format since they are tab-delineated, so they should be opened with Microsoft Excel (or similar programs) or their text should be copy/pasted into a spreadsheet. For convenience, many of the game's text files are also saved on Google Drive: D2 Text File Tables.

          Prefix/suffix IDs can be determined from PD2's MagicPrefix.txt and MagicSuffix.txt files. All lines have their own ID except the line between the classic affixes and the expansion affixes, which is skipped. The suffix IDs begin counting from 1 and the prefix IDs continue from where the suffixes end.

          Zone IDs can be determined from PD2's Levels.txt file.

          If the files in these locations are not updated by others, you can extract them yourself from patch_d2.mpq (found in Diablo II/ProjectD2) using an MPQ editor and D2 listfile - the text files will be in /data/global/excel.