Game Mechanics

躺平玩D2留言 | 贡献2024年1月19日 (五) 17:23的版本 →‎溅射半径
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  • O类技能是一种没有特定类别修饰的技能,比如“+X至战斗体制”或者“+X至热诚”。作用在特定修饰的技能上时最多+3技能等级。举个栗子,“残暴”符文之语圣骑士使用时只+3级热诚而不是+12-14变量列表上的技能等级。 这是D2常规机制。


近战溅射是瞬间范围性伤害(AoE), 并且不存在NHD(Next Hit Delay), 对目标周围360度范围内的所有敌人造成伤害, 但主目标不受到溅射伤害

An attack's splash damage is rolled once and applied according to each enemy's resistances, but effects that have a chance of applying (Crushing Blow, Open Wounds) are rolled individually for each enemy hit in melee splash.


  • 技能伤害
  • 转换伤害 (如:专心)
  • 普通攻击伤害 (当你选择基础攻击作为你的技能时,你看到的数值)
  • 加元素和物理伤害的护身符或装备
  • 致命打击和双倍打击 (仍然只适用于物理伤害)
  • 生命和法力吸取 (1/2效果, 只适用于物理攻击)
  • 粉碎性打击(CB)


  • 远程伤害 (比如威力一击的新星)
  • 击晕
  • 击退
  • 任何其他“击中”效果 Any other on-hit effects


我们来看几个例子. 首先, 先看一下亚马逊:

  • 闪电攻击Lightning Strike有1-10000 闪电伤害和1-10000 连锁闪电伤害
  • 普通攻击伤害 1000-5000 (900-4900是物理伤害)





  • 专心 (300% ED, 50% 转换)
  • 普通攻击伤害 1000-5000 (其中900-4900是物理伤害)


然后50% 的物理伤害转化为魔法伤害

最终溅射伤害为 1900-9900 [100-100元素伤害 + 900-4900物理伤害 + 900-4900魔法伤害]

如果出现暴击那么溅射的最终伤害为 2800-14800


玩家的基础近战溅射半径为 5 格(3.33 码),但半径可以通过某些技能和物品来提升。每增加 20% 的“溅射半径”,飞溅半径将增加 1 格(0.66 码)。

Increased Splash Radius 0 20 40 60
5 6 7 8
半径 (码) 3.33 4 4.66 5.33


  • "溅射" T图词缀: 溅射半径 5 格 (3.33 码)
  • 石魔: 溅射半径 4 格 (2.66 码)
  • 骷髅: 溅射半径 3 格 (2 码)
  • : 溅射半径 2 格 (1.33 码)


一些手套(柏克之手, 血拳, 碎钢) 他们有近战溅射属性,可以用来给远程武器,如弓和弩实现近战溅射.




Critical damage has been rebalanced to improve itemization by making the power of Deadly Strike more comparable to other item stats, and other sources of crit chance have been changed in the same way. Skills have been rebalanced with additional damage to compensate for this difference.

Each source of crit chance now caps at 75% instead of 100% and crits multiply physical attack damage by 1.5x instead of by 2x.

There are 3 different sources of crit chance:

Total Crit Chance: 1 - ((1 - DS) * (1 - CS) * (1 - WM)) (rounded down to the nearest percent)

As an example, consider an Amazon with:
  • 50% DS crit from gear
  • 50% CS crit from Critical Strike
1 - ((1 - 0.50) * (1 - 0.50) * (1 - 0)) = 75% chance to crit
Another example:
  • 40% DS crit from gear
  • 65% CS crit from Critical Strike
  • 30% WM crit from Javelin and Spear Mastery
1 - ((1 - 0.40) * (1 - 0.65) * (1 - 0.30)) = 85% chance to crit

The theoretical maximum total crit chance is 95% (75% DS, 75% CS, 35% WM)

Life and Mana Steal

Leech Reductions

Attack leech reduction

  • Melee Splash: 1/2 [Life/Mana]
  • Ranged Attacks: 1/2 [Life/Mana]

Skill leech reduction

  • Blade Shield: 1/2 [Life/Mana]
  • Leap Attack: 1/3 [Life]

Difficulty leech reduction

  • Normal: N/A
  • Nightmare: 1/2 [Life/Mana]
  • Hell: 1/3 [Life/Mana]

Zone leech reduction

  • PvP maps: set leech to 0% [Life/Mana]

Leech Formula

leeched life/mana = [[[leech * attack_reduction * skill_reduction] * 64 * difficulty_reduction] * physical_damage * drain_effectiveness / 64 / 100]

Note: Bracketed values are rounded down

As an example, consider a Barbarian with 7% Life leech, using Leap Attack (5k damage) against The Cow Queen:

  • [[[7 * 1/2 * 1/3] * 64 * 1/3] * 5000 * 0.2 / 64 / 100]
  • [[1 * 64 * 1/3] * 5000 * 0.2 / 64 / 100]
  • [21 * 5000 * 0.2 / 64 / 100] = 3hp leeched

Another example, consider a Paladin with 9% Life leech, using Zeal (3k damage) against a Death Beatle:

  • [[[9 * 1/2] * 64 * 1/3] * 3000 * 0.5 / 64 / 100]
  • [[4 * 64 * 1/3] * 3000 * 0.5 / 64 / 100]
  • [85 * 3000 * 0.5 / 64 / 100] = 19hp leeched


Crushing Blow reduces the target's life by a fraction of their current life, so it's more effective against targets with lots of life and becomes less effective as they lose life. Attacks can have up to 100% chance to cause a Crushing Blow - any extra will have no effect.

  • Crushing Blow now has greater diminishing returns against bosses (act bosses, map bosses, ubers)
  • The melee life reduction is now the same as the ranged reduction
Target 近战
Most Targets 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8
Super Uniques 1/16 1/16 1/8 1/16
Bosses ? ? 1/8 1/16
Players and Mercenaries 1/20 1/20 1/10 1/20
  • "Most Targets" refers to pets as well as normal, minion, Champion, and Unique monsters

Also see: Vanilla Info about Crushing Blow

Open Wounds

  • Open Wounds deals physical damage over time
    • The damage depends on the level of the character who applies it (shown below for all levels)
    • The damage is now affected by "+X Open Wounds Damage per Second" which is a new attribute that often accompanies "X% Chance of Open Wounds"
    • The damage is now affected by Physical Damage Reduction (e.g. Battle Cry, Amplify Damage, Defiance, etc)
    • The damage is not affected by other damage modifiers
  • Open Wounds is now also applied by "Attacker Takes Damage of X" as well as attacks
  • Open Wounds now lasts 5 seconds (was 8 seconds) and now stacks up to 3 times per target
  • Open Wounds now has a ¼ penalty against mercenaries and pets
  • Open Wounds no longer has a ½ penalty against stronger enemies (champions, uniques, super uniques, bosses, prime evils)
Open Wounds Damage per Second
Character Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Damage per Second 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 23 25 26 28 30 32 33
Character Level 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Damage per Second 35 37 39 40 42 45 47 50 53 55 58 61 63 66 68 71 74 76 79 82 85 89 92 96 99
Character Level 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Damage per Second 103 106 110 113 117 120 124 127 131 134 139 143 148 152 156 161 165 170 174 178 183 187 191 196 200
Character Level 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Damage per Second 205 209 213 218 222 227 231 235 240 244 249 253 257 262 266 271 275 279 284 288 293 297 301 306

Also see: Vanilla Info about Open Wounds, Deep Wounds


Resistances are now reduced at 1/2 effectiveness (was 1/5 effectiveness) when those resistances are above 99% (immunes) or below 0%.

This effectiveness penalty only applies to effects caused by players and pets. Negative resistances caused by monsters (e.g. Conviction, Amplify Damage) are always applied at full effectiveness.


These effects "reduce" or "lower" enemy resistances and will break immunities. They all apply an effect to the enemy which persists and reduces their resistance while it is active, which allows all players to benefit:

  • 战嗥 (物理)
  • 极地风暴 (冰冷)
  • 猛毒花藤 (毒素)
  • 伤害加深 (物理)
  • 衰老 (物理)
  • 降低抵抗 (火焰/冰冷/闪电/毒素)
  • 审判光环 (火焰/冰冷/闪电)
  • 庇护所光环 (魔法)
  • 地狱之火 (火焰)
  • 静电立场 (闪电)

These effects "penetrate" or "pierce" enemy resistances and will not break immunities. They only benefit the character who uses them:

Effectiveness vs Immunes

All effects which "reduce" resistances (those that can break immunities) are applied simultaneously against immune enemies, rather than sequentially. This means that even if multiple immunity-breaking skills are used and one of them would be powerful enough to break an immunity alone, they all still apply at 1/2 effectiveness.

As an example let's take an enemy with 110% fire resistance, and apply both Lower Resist and Conviction each at levels where they have "Enemy Resistances -30%":
  • -30 / 2 = -15  [降低抵抗1/2属性生效]
  • -30 / 2 = -15  [审判光环1/2属性生效]
  • 110 - 15 - 15 = 80  [最终敌人受到的减抗后的数值]

Effects which "penetrate" resistances rather than "reduce" them (e.g. Rainbow Facet, Cold Mastery) will be applied afterward and will work at full effectiveness against enemies that have had their immunities broken.

Effectiveness vs Negative Resistance

When taking an enemy below 0% resistance, the effectiveness penalty only applies to whatever portion becomes negative. Everything applies at full effectiveness and then afterward, if the enemy's resistance is negative, it gets halved.

As an example let's take an enemy with 25% cold resistance, and apply Lower Resist and Conviction from before as well as an extra "-12% to Enemy Cold Resistance":
  • 25 - 30 = -5  [降低抵抗]
  • -5 - 30 = -35  [审判光环]
  • -35 - 12 = -47  [-敌人冰抗]
  • -47 / 2 = -23  [最终敌人冰冻抗性]





墨菲斯托被击杀了! 游戏怎么决定你的奖励?

  1. 计算掉落物品数量(最大 6个)
  2. 选择物品类型(决定物品1.种类比如掉落帽子还是武器,2.品级比如是普通还是扩展亦或精锐)
  3. 选择物品染色(此步MF参与计算,物品是白,蓝,黄,绿还是暗金)
  4. 选择物品为暗金或套装内的哪一件(比如暗金戒指是乔丹还是乌鸦,套装项链是天使还是塔拉夏)
  5. 选择物品属性(如乌鸦dex/ar变量)

玩家数量只影响项目 # 1,潜在掉落的数量。它对掉落物品染色没有影响(这是MF发挥作用的地方)。现在的问题是,玩家的数量如何影响掉落的物品数量?

任何时候你做一些掉落物品的时间(如开箱子,杀死怪物等等),游戏会从一个宝藏级别(TC)的列表中选择,这将决定什么样的物品将掉落。每个TC都有一个可以掉落的物品列表,以及给该物品掉落的概率. 每个 TC 还有一些“picks”,它们决定了可能掉落的物品数量.拼图的最后一块是“ NoDrop”,这是一个选择不会掉落任何物品的概率。NoDrop 是玩家数量影响的唯一参数.

当更多玩家加入游戏时,新的 NoDrop 值是如何计算的,这里有很多问题,但简单来说就是: 玩家数量越多,NoDrop 的几率就越低(如果有足够多的玩家,NoDrop 的几率可能达到0)

有一些 TCs NoDrop就是0。这些不受玩家数量的影响,因为0是最低可能值.

What's different in PD2?

PD2 单人基础掉率大致与原版p5/5相当, 当一个游戏有8个玩家时,每个玩家的掉略都会提高,比原版8/8还要略高一些.这意味着所有 TC 的总体 NoDrop 要低得多,而且用更少的玩家更容易达到0的 NoDrop.


符文TCs跟原版一致, rune drop rates are the same. 微小的差异可能存在于某些情况下,由于新的有价值的物品的加入,如拉苏克谜盒的掉落

如何比较 PD2 与 LoD?

很难直接比较两者,因为有数百个 TC,而 PD2甚至比 LoD 还要多(主要是因为地图) ,但是我们可以比较来自 LoD 的 TC 和来自 PD2的 TC,看看 NoDrop 几率是如何变化的。

让我们看看名为Swarm 2 (H)的 TC。在这个例子中,第一个数字是游戏中的玩家数量,第二个数字是团队中的玩家数量。所以 p3/2意味着在游戏中有3个玩家,但在你的队伍中只有2个。如果在单人游戏中使用 /players 8 命令,那么等效于 p8/1。

Chance for NoDrop to be selected by the "pick" (i.e. the chance that no item drops):


  • p1/1, p2/1 = 83.33%
  • p2/2, p3/1, p3/2, p4/1 = 69.14%
  • p3/3, p4/2, p4/3, p5/1, p5/2, p6/1 = 57.63%
  • p4/4, p5/3, p5/4, p6/2, p6/3, p7/1, p7/2, p8/1 = 47.92%
  • p5/5, p6/4, p6/5, p7/3, p7/4, p8/2, p8/3 = 39.02%
  • p6/6, p7/5, p7/6, p8/4, p8/5 = 32.43%
  • p7/7, p8/6, p8/7 = 26.47%
  • p8/8 = 21.88%


  • p1/1, p2/1 = 40.85%
  • p2/2, p3/1, p3/2, p4/1 = 16.64%
  • p3/3, p4/2, p4/3, p5/1, p5/2, p6/1 = 6.68%
  • p4/4, p5/3, p5/4, p6/2, p6/3, p7/1, p7/2, p8/1 = 2.75%
  • p5/5, p6/4, p6/5, p7/3, p7/4, p8/2, p8/3 = 0.99%
  • p6/6, p7/5, p7/6, p8/4, p8/5 = 0.33%
  • p7/7, p8/6, p8/7 = 0.17%
  • p8/8 = 0%



P1和 p2-p8之间的区别很小,所以组队打钥匙没有必要了。

Players 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
血鸟 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
女伯爵 9.45% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46% 9.46%
血腥巫师 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
召唤者 12.83% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88% 12.88%
衣卒尔 11.55% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58% 11.58%
尼拉塞克 12.00% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02% 12.02%
女伯爵 (LoD) 7.14% 9.08% 9.61% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80% 9.80%
召唤者 (LoD) 8.62% 11.61% 12.48% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80% 12.80%
尼拉塞克 (LoD) 7.93% 10.41% 11.10% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35% 11.35%