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Dialogname Database:修订间差异
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2025年1月4日 (六) 20:32的版本
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文件名 | 行数 | 键值 | 英文名 | 修正简 |
str | 1 | WarrivAct1IntroGossip1 | 45 Greetings, stranger. I'm not surprised to see your kind here. Many adventurers have traveled this way since the recent troubles began. No doubt you've heard about the tragedy that befell the town of Tristram. Some say that Diablo, the Lord of Terror, walks the world again. I don't know if I believe that, but a Dark Wanderer did travel this route a few weeks ago. He was headed east to the mountain pass guarded by the Rogue Monastery. Maybe it's nothing, but evil seems to have trailed in his wake. You see, shortly after the Wanderer went through, the Monastery's Gates to the pass were closed and strange creatures began ravaging the countryside. Until it's safer outside the camp and the gates are re-opened, I'll remain here with my caravan. I hope to leave for Lut Gholein before the shadow that fell over Tristram consumes us all. If you're still alive then, I'll take you along. You should talk to Akara, too. She seems to be the leader of this camp. Maybe she can tell you more. |
34 你好,陌生人。看到你们这一族的我并不惊讶。 在麻烦事不断的现在,很多冒险者从远方旅行到 此地。 毫无疑问的,你们已经听说了降临在崔特斯姆特 的悲剧。也有人说暗黑破坏神这个恐怖之王,又 再度踏上这个世界。 我不知道该不该相信,但是黑暗的流浪者的确在 数星期之前经过此处。他往东方前进,前往由萝 格僧院所看守的山区。 或许这算不上什么消息,但是邪恶的力量似乎沿 着他的足迹而复苏。你看,在流浪者经过没多久, 僧院往山区的大门就封了起来,而且出现奇怪的 生物开始破坏乡村。 一直到野外可以安心的露宿,而且大门重新开放 之前,我都会一直待在这个洞穴之中。我希望能 在笼罩崔特斯姆特的阴影把我们统统吞噬掉以前, 能够前往鲁-高因。如果你们那时还活着,我就 可以带你们去。 你也该和阿卡拉谈谈,她似乎是这个营地的领导 者。也许她可以告诉你其他事情。 |
str | 2 | WarrivAct1IntroPalGossip1 | 45 Well met, noble Paladin. It's been a while since I've seen any of your kind in the west. It would be an honor to aid you in any way that I can. No doubt you've heard about the tragedy that befell the town of Tristram. Some say that Diablo, the Lord of Terror, walks the world again. I don't know if I believe that, but a Dark Wanderer did travel this route a few weeks ago. He was headed east to the mountain pass guarded by the Rogue Monastery. Maybe it's nothing, but evil seems to have trailed in his wake. You see, shortly after the Wanderer went through, the Monastery's Gates to the pass were closed and strange creatures began ravaging the countryside. Until it's safer outside the camp and the gates are re-opened, I'll remain here with my caravan. I hope to leave for Lut Gholein before the shadow that fell over Tristram consumes us all. If you're still alive then, I'll take you along. You should talk to Akara, too. She seems to be the leader of this camp. Maybe she can tell you more. |
34 很高兴见到你,高贵的圣骑士。我已经有很长的 一段时间没看到你们这些来自西方的人了,尽我 所能协助你们解决路上的问题,将是我最大的荣 幸。 毫无疑问的,你们已经听说了降临在崔特斯姆特 的悲剧。也有人说暗黑破坏神这个恐怖之王,又 再度踏上这个世界。 我不知道该不该相信,但是黑暗的流浪者的确在 数星期之前经过此处。他往东方前进,前往由萝 格僧院所看守的山区。 或许这算不上什么消息,但是邪恶的力量似乎沿 着他的足迹而复苏。你看,在流浪者经过没多久, 僧院往山区的大门就封了起来,而且出现奇怪的 生物开始破坏乡村。 一直到野外可以安心的露宿,而且大门重新开放 之前,我都会一直待在这个洞穴之中。我希望能 在笼罩崔特斯姆特的阴影把我们统统吞噬掉以前, 能够前往鲁-高因。如果你们那时还活着,我就 可以带你们去。 你也该和阿卡拉谈谈,她似乎是这个营地的领导 者。也许她可以告诉你其他事情。 |
str | 3 | WarrivGossip1 | 51 I've been leading my trade caravan across the eastern deserts for more than twenty years now. I've been attacked by bandits and outlaws more times than I can remember. But never when a Paladin accompanied me. Indeed, your Order has saved me from losing a small fortune over the years. I just hope you can discover what's going on around here and get the Gates to the East opened up! |
39 我从二十多年以前就开始带着商队穿过东方的沙 漠,受到盗贼和不法之徒攻击的次数也多到我记 不住了。但是从来没有一个圣骑士和我一块结伴 同行。 事实上,近几年来,你的组织让我减少一些在财 富上的损失。我正期望你能够找出这附近究竟出 了什么问题,并打开通往东方的大门! |
str | 4 | WarrivGossip2 | 85 Cain seems to have great wisdom regarding the supernatural. I hope I never live to be that wise... |
77 凯恩似乎对超自然方面有极丰富的知识。我希望 我从来不会那么聪明... |
str | 5 | WarrivGossip3 | 58 Akara is the Rogues' High Priestess. She sells the few magic items in her possession and can even heal your wounds. She is very wise and will help you if she can. |
48 阿卡拉是萝格们的最高女教士。她会出售一些身 上拥有的魔法,甚至可以治好你的伤势。她非常 聪明,而且只要她办得到,就会帮助你。 |
str | 6 | WarrivGossip4 | 66 The fiery Kashya commands the Rogue archers in battle. I've only spoken to her a few times, though. I get the feeling that she doesn't like outsiders very much. |
51 暴燥的卡夏在战斗中指挥萝格们的弓箭手,虽然 我只和她谈过几次,但是我觉得她并不怎么喜欢 外面来的人。 |
str | 7 | WarrivGossip5 | 88 Charsi seems to be a very sweet girl. She's the smith around here and can help you by trading weapons and armor. |
68 恰西看来是个十分甜美的女孩。她是这附近的工 匠,而且可以帮助你交易武器和装甲。 |
str | 8 | WarrivGossip6 | 55 Gheed is a wandering merchant of questionable character who is traveling along with my caravan to the East. He will buy and sell most anything. He's greedy, but his wares are beyond reproach. I would suggest keeping both eyes open when you deal with him. |
51 基得是个四处游荡、可疑的商人,独自和我的商 队一块向东方前进。他几乎可以买卖任何东西。 他非常贪心,但是你无法挑剔或是责骂他的货品。 我建议你在和他交易时,最好把二个眼睛都睁得 大大的。 |
str | 9 | WarrivGossip7 | 71 To the east are lands of great mystery... and the Jewel City of the Desert, Lut Gholein. |
65 往东方的大陆充满了神秘...以及沙漠中的珠宝之城- 鲁-高因。 |
str | 10 | WarrivGossip8 | 68 I'll gladly take you eastward, if you can drive the Evil from the Monastery. Then, the Rogues may re-open the pass through the mountains. |
55 我很愿意带你们往东走,如果你能把僧院中的邪 恶赶走,那么萝格们可能会重新开启穿越山区的 通路。 |
str | 11 | WarrivGossip9 | 70 It's easy to become lost in the wilderness on the way to the Citadel. After you have come to the Cairn Stones, you must remember that the path continues through the caves. |
49 在前往城塞的荒野中从容易走失。在你来到石冢 时,你必须记住这些穿过洞穴的道路。 |
str | 12 | AkaraIntroGossip1 | 35 I am Akara, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. I welcome you, traveler, to our camp, but I'm afraid I can offer you but poor shelter within these rickety walls. You see, our ancient Sisterhood has fallen under a strange curse. The mighty Citadel from which we have guarded the gates to the East for generations, has been corrupted by the evil Demoness, Andariel. I still can't believe it... but she turned many of our sister Rogues against us and drove us from our ancestral home. Now the last defenders of the Sisterhood are either dead or scattered throughout the wilderness. I implore you, stranger. Please help us. Find a way to lift this terrible curse and we will pledge our loyalty to you for all time. |
25 我是阿卡拉,「目盲之眼」这个修女会的高等女 教士。欢迎你们来到我们的营地,但恐怕我们只 能在这些危壁之中,提供简陋的避风之处。 你可以看到我们古老的修女会已经陷入奇怪的诅 咒中。我们用来看守通往东方大门的伟大城塞, 已经被邪恶的女恶魔-安达利尔所占领。 我到现在还无法相信...但是她把许多曾经是我们姊 妹的萝格们变成我们的敌人,并把我们赶出祖先 留下来的家园。现在,最后一个修女会的守护者, 可能早就死亡或是在荒野中倒下了。 我恳求你,陌生人,请你帮助我们。找到一个方 法去除这个可怕的诅咒,我们就以对你不变的忠 诚为代价。 |
str | 13 | AkaraIntroSorGossip1 | 34 Greetings, young Sorceress. It is good to see more of your kind at work in the world these dark days. In my opinion, the world needs more women to fight against the great shadow. But I am forgetting my manners... I am Akara, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. I welcome you, traveler, to our camp, but I'm afraid I can offer you but poor shelter within these rickety walls. You see, our ancient Sisterhood has fallen under a strange curse. The mighty Citadel from which we have guarded the gates to the East for generations, has been corrupted by the evil Demoness, Andariel. I still can't believe it... but she turned many of our sister Rogues against us and drove us from our ancestral home. Now the last defenders of the Sisterhood are either dead or scattered throughout the wilderness. I implore you, stranger: please help us. Find a way to lift this terrible curse and we will pledge our loyalty to you for all time. |
24 你好,年轻的巫师。在这个世界的黑暗之日,能 够多看到一些像你们仍在努力的人真好。以我的 观点来看,这个世界需要更多的女人才能和这个 巨大的阴影对抗。但是我有点失态... 我是阿卡拉,目盲之眼这个修女会的高等女教士。 欢迎你们来到我们的营地,但恐怕我们只能在这 些危壁之中,提供简陋的避风之处。你可以看 到,我们古老的修女会已经陷入奇怪的咀咒中。 我们用来看守通往东方大门的伟大城塞,已经被 邪恶的女恶魔-安达利尔所占领。 我到现在还无法相信...但是她把许多曾经是我们姊 妹的萝格们变成我们的敌人,并把我们赶出祖先 留下来的家园。现在,最后一个修女会的守护者, 可能早就死亡或是在荒野中倒下了。 我恳求你,陌生人,请你帮助我们。找到一个方 法去除这个可怕的诅咒,我们就以对你不变的忠 诚为代价。 |
str | 14 | AkaraGossip1 | 42 The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history. Over the generations our Order has become a deadly fighting force as well as a bastion for women who sought to forge their own destiny. Yet beware, young one, the lure of power and knowledge can lead to disaster. I have seen ambition foul the bravest of hearts and recklessness dull hard-won wisdom. You would do well to tread lightly upon the dark path you have chosen to explore. |
35 「目盲之眼」修女会曾经有一段长久而闻名的历 史。经过一代又一代的磨练,我们的修道会已经 成为致命的战斗武力,而女子们也为她们本身的 命运而团结奋斗。 小心,年轻人,对权力和知识的诱惑,可能会带 你走向毁灭。我已经看到太多因为野心而昧惑了 勇敢的心灵,以及被知识吸引而卤莽步入危险的 人。 你应该小心提防你即将探索的黑暗道路,才能保 住一条性命。 |
str | 15 | AkaraGossip2 | 49 I understand that Cain is the last descendant of the ancient Horadrim and that his knowledge of their lore is vast. He could prove to be very useful in discerning the nature of our current crisis. |
35 我了解凯恩是古代赫拉迪姆仅存的后代,而且他 对他们的知识十分渊博。他可以随时化解我们迫 在眉睫的危机,是十分有用的帮手。 |
str | 16 | AkaraGossip3 | 49 Kashya has always been fiercely loyal, but I fear her anger and frustration over these recent events will lead her into harm's way. She is highly protective of the few Rogues remaining under her command and will not send them into combat unless there is dire need. |
39 卡夏的忠诚一直处于接近凶暴的程度,但是我担 心她的愤怒以及最近一些事情的挫折,会让她走 到饱受伤害的道路上。她极度保护少数仍旧听她 指挥的萝格,除非情况危急,否则不愿意派他们 进入战场。 |
str | 17 | AkaraGossip4 | 46 Charsi is young and innocent. However, I believe her Barbarian blood thrills to the prospect of adventure and danger. She takes great pride in her work and finds comfort in the fact that her weapons and armor are helping to end this evil plague. |
38 恰西年轻而单纯。不过,我相信她身上的野蛮人 之血将在碰上冒险和危机时激发出原有的力量。 她对她的工作十分自豪,而且在发现她的武器和 甲冑,可以帮助人们早日结束这场黑暗的来袭时, 觉得十分自在。 |
str | 18 | AkaraGossip5 | 48 Though he has only been our guest for a short time, I sense that Warriv has faced many harrowing trials. Though he knows, as I do, that a terrible evil has blanketed the land, his only real concern is to reach the eastern trading ports with his caravan. |
40 虽然他成为我们客人的时间并不长,但是我可以 感受到瓦瑞夫饱受到掠夺的苦难。虽然他和我都 心知肚明,邪恶的恐怖已经覆盖了整个大地,但 是他唯一关心的是如何和他的商队一块到达东方 的贸易站。 |
str | 19 | AkaraGossip6 | 53 To be honest, I have done my best to stay clear of Gheed. He wears dishonesty about himself like a cloak and seeks only to better his situation by preying on the misfortunes of others. |
44 老实说,我已经尽我所有的能力把基得清干净了。 他身上那一件斗篷般的打扮,就和他内心的不正 直成正比;而且他一直在祈祷别人受到不幸,来 改善自己的状况。 |
str | 20 | AkaraGossip7 | 55 The wilderness is overrun with Evil and the minions of Hell have taken our rightful home. We must purge all Evil from the Monastery and restore order to the world. |
45 荒野充满了邪恶、地狱的爪牙占领了我们应有的 家园。我们必须从僧院中洗掉所有的邪恶,并回 复世界的秩序。 |
str | 21 | AkaraGossip8 | 53 I often dream of the day we reclaim our own. The Sightless Eye sees through the mist of time a great glory ahead, but how far ahead the Eye cannot discern. |
43 我通常会梦到我们夺回家乡的日子。目盲之眼能 够看穿时光的迷雾,预见未来的光荣。但是却无 法看出是多久以后的事情。 |
str | 22 | AkaraGossip9 | 67 Our mental discipline is matched only by our skill in archery... I only hope these are enough to withstand this awful trial. |
65 我们的纪律是精神上的成长,必须与我们射箭的 技能成正比...我只希望这些足以对抗面前可怕的试 炼。 |
str | 23 | AkaraGossip10 | 59 Beware that you do not suffer the fate of the corrupted Rogues. To lose one's life is a tragedy, but to lose one's soul is even worse. |
57 你要注意,你并没有让那个腐败的萝格受到命运 的处罚。一个人失去生命是一个悲剧,但是失去 灵魂更糟糕。 |
str | 24 | AkaraGossip11 | 41 Even though the corrupted ones were once of our Order, you need not shy from slaying them, for they stand between you and Andariel. Perhaps, when the Demon Queen is dead, our Sisters will return to life, but more likely they will be forever bound to their unholy pact. |
35 虽然这个倒地的人曾经是我们修道院中的人,你 并不需要因为打倒他而感到惭愧,因为他挡在你 前往安达利尔的路上。 也许,当这个恶魔女王死亡之后,我们的姊妹会 醒过来;但是她们也会因为被这件不洁的事情, 而受到永久的束缚。 |
str | 25 | KashyaIntroGossip1 | 56 Welcome, outlander, to our glorious hovel. I know you're here to challenge the evil that's driven us from our ancestral home. But, know this. Akara may be our spiritual leader, but I command the Rogues in battle. It will take more than just killing a few beasts in the wilderness to earn my trust. |
48 欢迎,外地人,来到我们光荣的棚舍。我知道你 们是来此挑战邪恶,让我们有机会取回先祖留下 的家乡。 但是,你必须知道这一点。或许阿卡拉是我们精 神上的领袖,但我是指挥萝格们在战斗中行动的 人。要取得我的信任,可不是光靠在荒野杀死几 只怪物就行了的。 |
str | 26 | KashyaIntroAmaGossip1 | 55 Well, well, I never expected to see an Amazon in these lands. You're very brave to have come here. Many of my fellow Sisters have fallen under some dark spell, and if you're not careful you may fall prey to it as well. |
46 哎哟,哎哟,我从来没有想过会在这个大地上看 到亚马逊族的人。你一定十分勇敢才能来到此地。 我的很多姊妹沦落到黑暗的诅咒之中,如果你不 够小心的话,也很可能遭到这种法术的影响。 |
str | 27 | KashyaGossip1 | 60 When I was very young, Akara told me tales of the Amazons' fearlessness in battle and of their skills with spears and bows. I like to think we Rogues have much in common with you Amazons. |
46 当我还十分年轻时,阿卡拉告诉过我亚马逊人在 战斗中无畏的故事,而且他们的专精于长矛和弓 箭。我真期望我们手下可以和你们亚马逊人一样。 |
str | 28 | KashyaGossip2 | 64 Some of my Rogues told me of Deckard Cain. They said that he is a man of great wisdom. Personally, I don't know how wise he could possibly be if he never learned how to wage battle himself. |
56 我有些萝格的子民告诉我有关迪卡-凯恩的事情。 他们说他是一个拥有丰富知识的人,就我而言, 如果他不懂得如何作战,那就无法判断他到底有 多聪明。 |
str | 29 | KashyaGossip3 | 57 Akara has been like a mother to me for as long as I can remember. She is wise and good, but I don't think she has the steel to retake our Monastery by force. |
53 阿卡拉从我有记忆开始,就像母亲一样照顾我。 她聪明而善良,但是我不认为她会硬起心肠,用 武力取回我们的僧院。 |
str | 30 | KashyaGossip4 | 89 I don't trust many outlanders, but Warriv seems fine. He never says much to me, though. |
83 我不太愿意信任外地来的人,但是瓦瑞夫例外。 可是,他从来不对我多说什么。 |
str | 31 | KashyaGossip5 | 66 Before our exile, Charsi, our blacksmith, could fashion any implement of war. Here in the camp, she merely makes do. Her best tools remain within the Monastery. |
63 在我们被放逐时,我们的铁匠可以做出任何战斗 用的东西。 在这个营地中,她能做的十分有限。她最好的工 具都在僧院之中。 |
str | 32 | KashyaGossip6 | 58 Gheed is a pig. I've been tempted to throw him out of the camp many times, but Charsi seems to think that he's good company. I don't trust the man, but if she's comforted by him, then I'll desist. |
48 基得是只猪。我已经气得把他丢出营地好几次, 但是恰西似乎认为他是个好同伴。我不相信那个 男人,但是如果她觉得和他在一块十分自在,那 我就算了。 |
str | 33 | KashyaGossip7 | 76 If we could only find out how Andariel has managed to corrupt our Sisters, then, perhaps, we could drive out the evil clouding their minds. |
63 如果我们能找出安达利尔是如何的引诱我们的修 女,那么,或许我们能够把她们脑中的邪气清掉。 |
str | 34 | KashyaGossip8 | 68 In this camp, those of us who have remained true to our Order are forced to live among common traders and farm animals. Welcome to our circle of suffering. |
65 在这个营地中,我们是仅存且对修道会忠诚的人, 被迫活在一般的商人和农地的动物之间。 欢迎来到我们受苦难的轮回中。 |
str | 35 | KashyaGossip9 | 67 Perhaps Tristram deserved its fate... for letting Evil loose upon the land. I only hope we don't suffer the same. |
63 也许崔斯特瑞姆命中注定要受到这场试炼...让邪恶 布满大地。我只希望我们不要受到同样的痛苦。 |
str | 36 | KashyaGossip10 | 71 Some evenings we gather at the bonfire to retell epic tales... and try to forget about the terrible events that led to losing the Monastery. |
58 有些夜晚我们集结在营火旁边重复着史诗般的传 说... 并试着忘掉让我失掉僧院的可怕事实。 |
str | 37 | CharsiIntroGossip1 | 47 Hi there. I'm Charsi, the blacksmith here in camp. It's good to see some strong adventurers around here. Many of our Sisters fought bravely against Diablo when he first attacked the town of Tristram. They came back to us true veterans, bearing some really powerful items. Seems like their victory was short-lived, though... Most of them are now corrupted by Andariel. |
38 嗨,我是恰西,营地中的铁匠。能见到强壮的冒 险者真好。 当暗黑破坏神第一次攻击我们的城镇崔斯特瑞姆 时,我的很多姊妹们都勇敢的对抗他。她们回来 之后都变成了老手,并携带一些威力强大的物品。 不过,看来她们的胜利并没有维持多久...现在她们 大部份都受到安达利尔的控制。 |
str | 38 | CharsiIntroBarGossip1 | 54 Wow. You're a Barbarian, huh? It's really great to meet you. I've seen a few of your kind around here lately. I'm a little jealous... I wish I could go off adventuring with you. Oh, by the way... I'm Charsi, the blacksmith here in camp. |
42 哇,你是野蛮人,鸣 ~ ~?真高兴能见到你。我最 近看过一些像你们这样的人在四处行动,真是有 点嫉妒... 我真希望能和你们一块冒险。 噢,对了...我是恰西,这个营地中的铁匠。 |
str | 39 | CharsiGossip1 | 57 You know, I've been with the Sisters for as long as I can remember. But Akara told me that my real parents were Barbarians from the northern tribes and that they were killed when I was very young. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I had been raised as a Barbarian. I don't know. I love being a blacksmith... but sometimes I just want to get out and explore the world, you know? |
42 你知道,我自从有记忆以来,就一直和修女们在 一块了。但是阿卡拉告诉我,我真正的父母是来 自北方部族的野蛮人,而且他们在我十分年少的 时候就被杀死了。 有时我也会怀疑,如果我从小被野蛮人抚养长大, 生活会不会还是这样。我不知道。我很喜欢当铁 匠...不过有时我只是想要出去探索这个世界,你瞭 解吗? |
str | 40 | CharsiGossip2 | 86 I don't really know anything about Cain. He seems to have a lot of secrets... That makes me nervous. |
80 我并不是十分了解与凯恩有关的事情。他看来有 很多的秘密...这让我有点担心。 |
str | 41 | CharsiGossip3 | 51 Oh, Kashya's fantastic. Sure, she's a little hard on outsiders, but who can blame her? All she wants is to protect our Order. But now that our Sisters have turned against us... I think this whole mess has hardened her heart. |
44 噢,卡夏的确与众不同。当然啦,她对外面来的 人是有点严苛,但是谁能怪她?她只是想要保护 我们的修道会而己。但是现在我们的姊妹回过头 来对抗我们...我想这一连串的麻烦事让她心硬如铁。 |
str | 42 | CharsiGossip4 | 64 Akara, our priestess and seer, is most upset by the corruption of our Sisters. I fear that she blames herself. |
58 阿卡拉,我们的女教士和先知,对我们姊妹的沦 落最为焦急。我害怕她不断的责备自己。 |
str | 43 | CharsiGossip5 | 80 Warriv's all right, I guess. He seems too serious most of the time. I haven't really talked to him all that much. |
77 我猜瓦瑞夫还好。他大部份的时间看来都很严肃, 我从来没有长时间和他交谈过。 |
str | 44 | CharsiGossip6 | 60 Oh, I like Gheed. He's very funny. He has all sorts of interesting stories from the places he's been. I wish I could see the sights he has. |
55 噢,我喜欢基得。他很有趣,他可以说出他旅行 过的各地民风和故事,我真希望能够亲眼看到他 曾经看过的景像。 |
str | 45 | CharsiGossip7 | 84 I don't know why some of my Sisters chose to follow Andariel. Those who strayed were among our finest warriors. |
72 我不明白,为什么我们有些姊妹选择跟随安达利 尔,她们都是曾经在我们身边最强的战士。 |
str | 46 | GheedIntroGossip1 | 48 Good day to you partner! I'm Gheed and I can already tell that I'll be your best friend in this forsaken camp. A spare weapon, some gold, a small gem is all I want in exchange for the equipment you'll need on whatever quests you might undertake. Now, now, now... Don't be shy, all of my items are guaranteed for life and come with a two-day warranty! |
46 各位早安!我是基得,而且我现在就可以告诉你 们,我是你们在这个被遗忘营地中最好的朋友。 像是多余的武器、一些黄金、一个小小的宝石, 都可以让我愿意和你们交换一些旅程上不可或缺 的装备,不管你们要完成什么任务都少不了我。 来,来,来...别害羞,我所有的物品都可以保住你 们的生命,而且有二天的保固! |
str | 47 | GheedIntroNecGossip1 | 46 A Necromancer! I hoped I'd never have to lay my eyes on one of your kind again. ... The recent troubles in this area have brought out all kinds, I see. Nevertheless, your money's good... A spare weapon, some gold, a small gem is all I want in exchange for the equipment you'll need on whatever quests you might undertake! Now, now, now... Don't be shy, all of my items are guaranteed for life and come with a two-day warranty! |
38 死灵法师!我希望我再也不要看到你这种人....我 知道了,最近这个区域中所出现的麻烦把各种人 都引来了。不过,你的钱一样好用... 像是多余的武器、一些黄金、一个小小的宝石, 都可以让我愿意和你们交换一些旅程上不可或缺 的装备,不管你们要完成什么任务都少不了我。 来,来,来...别害羞,我所有的物品都可以保住你 们的生命,而且有二天的保固! |
str | 48 | GheedGossip1 | 74 Don't think you can fool me, Necromancer. I've seen what your kind can do. If you're involved in any of the evil out there, I don't even want to know. Trade quickly and be about your business! |
54 别以为你能骗过我,死灵法师。我已经看过你们 这种人的能力。如果你和外面流窜的邪恶有关, 我也完全不要知道。快点换完东西后就走吧! |
str | 49 | GheedGossip2 | 57 That old coot, Cain, is as crazy as a wet Quill Rat. I hear he survived whatever happened in Tristram. Personally, I wouldn't trust a thing he has to say. |
51 那个老笨蛋,凯恩,和湿淋淋的魁尔瑞一样疯狂, 我听说他在崔斯特瑞姆发生的事情中存活了下来。 基本上,我根本不相信他讲的话。 |
str | 50 | GheedGossip3 | 55 Akara and Kashya are Sisters in the Order of the Sightless Eye, but they are worlds apart. Akara is a slow river of magic, and Kashya, a viper of war. They're both deeply devoted to their religious order, yet the corruption of their Sisters pains them both to no end. |
43 阿卡拉和卡夏是目盲之眼修道会中的修女,但是 她们所站的世界并不相同。阿卡拉是慢速的魔法 河流,但是卡夏是战争中的腹蛇。她们二人都献 身于宗教上的信仰,而且他们身边修女的叛变, 都让她们陷入永无止境的痛苦之中。 |
str | 51 | GheedGossip4 | 52 Charsi is a fine girl..., but she has no business savvy! I know she means well, but the prices she charges for weapons and armor will never earn her a profit. As long as I keep filling her mind with stories of adventure, she'll never catch on to the fact that I'm raking in gold hand over fist! |
40 恰西是个好女孩...,但是她不是个会做生意的人! 我知道她不笨,但是她对修改武器和甲冑的索价, 并没有帮助她赚大钱。 只要我一直让她的脑袋填满了故事和冒险,她就 永远都不会知道我正在削她的金钱! |
str | 52 | GheedGossip5 | 55 Warriv was kind enough to let me travel with his caravan, but don't let him drag you into a search for a new Eastern trade route. I'm making a fortune right here... from the Rogues, of course! You, on the other hand, always get my best prices! |
45 瓦瑞夫十分好心,让我随着他的商队旅行,但是 别让他把你扯进搜寻新东方商路的事情之中。 我正在这个地方赚大钱...当然是从萝格身上!从另 一个角度来说,你一定可以拿到我这边最好的价 钱! |
str | 53 | GheedGossip6 | 61 Andariel's demonic forces have taken up residence in the forests as well as the Monastery. Uh-uh. I won't be venturing out of the camp. So, if you need anything, I'll be right here. |
49 安达利尔的恶魔力量不只影响到僧院,也同时波 及了附近的森林。所以,如果你需要任何东西, 我就待在此处。 |
str | 54 | GheedGossip7 | 58 When - or if - I get to Lut Gholein, I'm going to find the largest bowl of Narlant weed and smoke 'til all earthly sense has left my body. |
52 当我....或者说「如果」我....到达了鲁-高因,我 要去找一碗满满的纳兰得烟丝,然后吸到尘世的 感觉都离开我的身体为止。 |
str | 55 | CainGossip1 | 43 Long ago, the Soulstones were given to the Horadrim by the Archangel Tyrael. They were used to bind the three Prime Evils. I now know that even these holy artifacts were no match for Diablo's power. I hope that his two brothers are more securely held... but I fear the worst. |
33 很久以前,灵魂之石是由大天使泰瑞尔交给赫拉 迪姆的,他们使用它来囚禁三个罪恶之源。我现 在知道即使是这些神圣的古物,也无法对抗暗黑 破坏神的力量。 我希望他的二个兄弟仍被囚禁之中...但我怕会更糟。 |
str | 56 | CainGossip2 | 54 It takes time to master your skills... and use will hone your technique. But take care to choose your new skills wisely. |
52 你得花一点时间才能精通你的技能...而重复的运用 可以磨练你的技能。但是你必须小心的选择你的 新技能。 |
str | 57 | CainGossip3 | 52 You may recover some mysterious things from the demons you kill. Some of great use to you... some of great peril! Bring them to me and I'll reveal their secrets. |
41 你可以从你所杀死的恶魔身上取得一些神秘的东 西。有些对你十分有用...有的则会造成重大伤害! 把它们带到我面前来,我可以告诉你其中的秘密。 |
str | 58 | CainGossip4 | 46 Have I told you about the Horadrim? They were an ancient confederation of mage-clans who sought to bind the three Prime Evils for eternity. The Horadrim are now nearly forgotten... and it appears that the bonds they wove are unravelling! As the last of the Horadrim, I pray that I can help you remedy their failure. |
34 我有没有告诉过你赫拉迪姆的事?那边曾经有个 法师一族的同盟,试图找出永久囚禁三个罪恶之 源的方法。现在赫拉迪姆几乎没有人记得了...而且 这个地方挥舞的东西到现在没有人知道! 身为赫拉迪姆最后一人,我祈祷我能够帮助你补 正他们的失败。 |
str | 59 | CainGossip5 | 43 Long ago, Diablo and his brothers were cast out of Hell by the Lesser Evils. It seems that Hell's balance has shifted, as Andariel is now aligned with the Lord of Terror. Her presence here in the mortal realm does not bode well for us. |
37 很久以前,暗黑破坏神和他的兄弟被一个较弱的 邪魔从地狱丢到了人世之间。看来,现在地狱的 平衡也被改变了,在安达利尔与恐怖之王结盟后, 她在人类世界的存在,对我们而言都不是个好兆 头。 |
str | 60 | RogueSignpostGossip1 | 90 Turn back! I can tell that you need more experience to fight safely in the next wilderness. |
90 回头!我能告诉你,你想在下一个荒野平安的战 斗必须得到更多的经验。 |
str | 61 | RogueSignpostGossip2 | 46 Halt! You should complete Akara's quest before venturing further. Search for the Den in the wilderness closer to camp. |
46 停下来!你应该完成阿卡拉交付你的任务,才能 继续你们的冒险。到营地附近的荒野找一个洞窟 好好搜索。 |
str | 62 | RogueSignpostGossip3 | 116 Beware! The evil is strong ahead. |
116 小心!前面的邪气十分强大。 |
str | 63 | RogueSignpostGossip4 | 92 Beware! Beyond lies mortal danger for the likes of you! |
92 小心!面前的东西对所有的生物都有极大的危险! ! |
str | 64 | RogueSignpostGossip5 | 88 Take care! The Corrupted Rogues in the wilderness ahead are not to be trifled with. |
88 注意!在堕落的萝格战士不容小看。 |
str | 65 | A1Q1InitAkara | 43 There is a place of great evil in the wilderness. Kashya's Rogue scouts have informed me that a cave nearby is filled with shadowy creatures and horrors from beyond the grave. I fear that these creatures are massing for an attack against our encampment. If you are sincere about helping us, find the dark labyrinth and destroy the foul beasts. May the Great Eye watch over you. |
33 在荒地中有一个极度邪恶的地方。卡夏的萝格斥 候已经告诉我们那个洞穴附近到处都是影子般的 生物,以及从坟墓中爬出来的怪物。 我害怕这些生物会群聚并攻击我们的营地。如果 你真的要帮助我们,找到这个黑暗的迷宫并摧毁 所有邪恶的怪物。 愿伟大之眼眷顾你们。 |
str | 66 | A1Q1AfterInitAkara | 46 I should add that many Rogue scouts have died in that horrible place. We cannot afford to lose any more. If you choose to enter that Den of Evil, you must do so alone. |
35 在这个可怕的地方,我加派出去的斥候都死在路 上。我们不能再负担任何损失了,如果你选择进 入邪恶的洞窟,你必须独自前往。 |
str | 67 | A1Q1AfterInitKashya | 87 The demons in that cave have claimed many of my finest archers. I wonder how you will fare! |
83 这个洞穴中的恶魔宣告我们之前最好的弓箭手都 为他们效力。我怀疑你会不会打赢! |
str | 68 | A1Q1AfterInitCharsiMain | 95 The beasts from the cave have begun to roam throughout the countryside. You'd better be careful out there. |
95 这个从洞穴而来的怪物开始在乡村四处游荡,你 最好出去时多加小心。 |
str | 69 | A1Q1AfterInitCharsiAlt | 95 You seem like a noble warrior. I hope you can help us. |
95 你看来像是个光荣的战士。我希望你可以帮助我 们。 |
str | 70 | A1Q1AfterInitGheed | 67 You're a brave soul! I'd sooner thrust my sacred scepter into the foulest, carbuncular trull than set one boot into that cave. |
60 你拥有勇敢的灵魂!我很快就会启动我的圣杖, 刺入最污秽、像红宝石般的娼妓体内,然后踢进 这个洞穴之中。 |
str | 71 | A1Q1AfterInitWarriv | 122 One who seeks that cave, seeks death. |
122 不管是谁在找寻这个洞窟,都是在自寻死亡。 |
str | 72 | A1Q1EarlyReturnAkara | 85 Your task is not complete until you have killed all the demons in that cave. |
85 除非你杀死这个洞窟中的所有恶魔,你的任务就 不算完成。 |
str | 73 | A1Q1EarlyReturnKashya | 111 You'd better come through on this. Your reputation depends on it. |
103 你最好能撑过这一关。你的名声全靠它了。 |
str | 74 | A1Q1EarlyReturnCharsi | 148 You haven't cleared the cave, yet? Do you need anything? |
148 你还没有把洞窟清干净?你是不是还需要什么东 西? |
str | 75 | A1Q1EarlyReturnGheed | 73 Demons still befouling that cave, huh? I think you might need a new weapon. |
73 恶魔们还在污染这个洞窟,嗯?我觉得你可能需 要一把威力强大的新武器。 |
str | 76 | A1Q1EarlyReturnWarriv | 124 One who hesitates... does so with good reason. |
98 犹豫不决的人...都有一个好理由。 |
str | 77 | A1Q1SuccessfulAkara | 65 You have cleansed the Den of Evil. You've earned my trust and may yet restore my faith in humanity. Your reward is training in the skill of your choice. |
58 你已经清除了洞窟中的邪恶,也赢得了我的信任, 并回复了我对人类的信心。 你的报酬是自行选择一项全新的技能。 |
str | 78 | A1Q1SuccessfulKashya | 74 Hmm. I'm surprised you survived that test, outlander. Go see Akara. She may reward you. |
63 嗯。我对你能够完成这项考验十分惊讶,外地人。 去找阿卡拉,她可能有些奖赏。 |
str | 79 | A1Q1SuccessfulCharsi | 94 You are truly brave and skillful... Akara was worried about you. |
88 你真是英勇而技巧精湛的人...阿卡拉很担心你们。 |
str | 80 | A1Q1SuccessfulGheed | 87 The only good demon is a dead one, I say. By the way, did you happen to find anything in that cave you'd like to sell? |
82 我只能说,最好的恶魔就是死恶魔。 对了,你有没有在那个洞窟中找到愿意出售的东 西? |
str | 81 | A1Q1SuccessfulWarriv | 120 ...That which does not kill you makes you stronger. |
105 ...那些东西如果没能杀了你,就会让你更加强壮。 |
str | 82 | A1Q2InitKashya | 56 My Rogue scouts have just reported an abomination in the Monastery graveyard! Apparently, Andariel is not content to take only our living. Blood Raven, one of our finest captains in the battle against Diablo at Tristram, was also one of the first to be corrupted by Andariel. Now, you'll find her in the Monastery graveyard raising our dead as zombies! We cannot abide this defilement! If you are truly our ally, you will help us destroy her. |
44 我的萝格斥候刚刚回报,在僧院的埋骨之地中发 生了令人痛恨的事情! 很显然的,安达利尔并不只是打算控制我们所有 还活着的人。血鸟,一位之前在崔斯特瑞姆对抗 暗黑破坏神,而埋骨于地下的菁英,现在是个安 达利尔第一个想要利用的人选。 现在,你会发现她正在僧院的墓地,试图让所有 的死人再度以僵尸的模样出现! 我们不能容忍这项污秽的事情!如果你真的是我 们的盟友,你必须帮我摧毁她。 |
str | 83 | A1Q2AfterInitKashya | 80 Death has done nothing to weaken Blood Raven's combat skills. If anything, she's more deadly than ever. |
66 死亡并不会减低血鸟的战斗技能,如果说有任何 变化的话,她只会变得更致命。 |
str | 84 | A1Q2AfterInitCharsi | 99 Blood Raven was the leader of a Rogue band that once fought Diablo at Tristram. |
99 血鸟曾经是萝格的领导者,是曾经在崔斯特瑞姆 对抗暗黑破坏神的英雄。 |
str | 85 | A1Q2AfterInitGheed | 94 I'm sorry... The undead are bad for trade. I have a strict no-return policy. |
94 我很抱歉...不死的生物很难谈生意。我坚持绝不退 货的政策。 |
str | 86 | A1Q2AfterInitAkara | 51 Blood Raven fought valiantly against Diablo in the catacombs beneath Tristram... She was never quite the same afterwards. It is now obvious she brought an evil influence back with her. |
42 血鸟曾经在崔斯特瑞姆地下的墓地中,英勇的与 暗黑破坏神对战...之后她就不再和以前一样了。现 在很明显的,她回来之后就受到邪恶的影响。 |
str | 87 | A1Q2AfterInitWarriv | 140 Hmmm... How can one kill what is already dead? |
140 嗯... 要怎么杀死一些已经死掉的人? |
str | 88 | A1Q2EarlyReturnKashya | 99 Each moment you delay adds another undead Sister to Blood Raven's army. |
99 你只要慢一步,就有另一个不死的修女加入血鸟 的军队中。 |
str | 89 | A1Q2EarlyReturnAkara | 70 If you fail to destroy Blood Raven, I fear that our Order will perish forever. |
70 如果你无法杀死血鸟,恐怕我们的修道会就再也 不存在了。 |
str | 90 | A1Q2EarlyReturnCharsi | 68 Akara felt something was wrong even before Andariel descended upon us. She feared that Blood Raven had stumbled upon some evil force beneath Tristram. I wish we had acted then... |
60 即使在安达利尔突袭我们的时候,阿卡拉还是觉 得有些东西不对劲。她害怕血鸟受到某些深藏在 崔斯特瑞姆底下的邪恶所影响。 我真希望当时我们能够做些事情... |
str | 91 | A1Q2EarlyReturnGheed | 77 I wonder if that old gossip, Melra, is among the undead? Oh, she had dirt on everybody. |
69 我怀疑那个爱说三倒四的人,梅拉,是不是在那 堆不死生物之中?噢,她可以恶意中伤所有人。 |
str | 92 | A1Q2EarlyReturnWarriv | 86 When the dead return to prey upon the living, it is a terror beyond understanding. |
76 当死人回头猎杀活人,就是最可怕而且无法理解 的时候。 |
str | 93 | A1Q2SuccessfulKashya | 55 I can hardly believe that you've defeated Blood Raven! Though she was once my closest friend, I pray that her tortured spirit remains banished forever. You have earned my respect, stranger... and the allegiance of the Rogues. I have placed several of my best warriors at your disposal. |
44 我几乎不敢相信你杀死了血鸟! 虽然她曾经是我最亲密的朋友,我仍然祈祷她饱 受刑罚的灵魂被永远的放逐。 你赢得了我的尊敬,冒险者...而且也得到所有萝格 的忠诚。我已经把好几位最好的战士派来供你驱 策。 |
str | 94 | A1Q2SuccessfulAkara | 122 Andariel must be made to pay for her sacrilege! |
113 安达利尔必须为她的罪行付出代价! |
str | 95 | A1Q2SuccessfulCharsi | 77 Kashya wishes to reward you for your defeat of Blood Raven. I thank you, too, even though Blood Raven was once my friend. |
77 卡夏希望能够以你杀死血鸟的事迹来给你一些奖 赏。我也十分感谢你,即使血鸟曾经是我的好朋 友。 |
str | 96 | A1Q2SuccessfulGheed | 148 Some of those gals weren't so nice the first time around. |
145 有些女孩在我们刚刚来此时并没有那么友善。 |
str | 97 | A1Q2SuccessfulWarriv | 104 You've done well, stranger. I hope all your efforts are worth it. |
104 你做得很好,陌生人。我希望你所有的努力都有 代价。 |
str | 98 | A1Q4InitAkara | 50 It is clear that we are facing an Evil difficult to comprehend, let alone combat. There is only one Horadrim sage, schooled in the most arcane history and lore, who could advise us... His name is Deckard Cain. You must go to Tristram and find him, my friend. I pray that he still lives. |
44 很明显的,我们面对着难以理解的邪恶力量,更 不用说是要战斗。 现在只有一位赫拉迪姆的法师,精通于各种神秘 的历史和知识,只有他能给我们一些建议...他的名 字是迪卡-凯恩。 你必须前往崔斯特瑞姆并找到他,我的朋友。我 祈祷他仍然活着。 |
str | 99 | A1Q4AfterInitScrollKashya | 90 The bark of Inifuss holds mystical runes. Akara can translate them... into our revenge! |
66 艾尼弗斯的外皮上面写着一些神秘的符号。阿卡 拉可以翻译它们....让我们有机会复仇! |
str | 100 | A1Q4AfterInitScrollAkara | 42 Tristram is too far to journey by foot... Cain would likely be dead, when you arrived. However, there is a magical portal that will take you there instantly. To open it, one must stand within the circle of Cairn Stones and touch them in a certain order. The proper order can be found in the runes written on the bark of the Tree of Inifuss. You must find the sacred Tree of Inifuss and bring back its bark. I will translate the runes to unlock the Stones' mystic pattern. |
31 步行前往崔斯特瑞姆太慢了...就算你们走得到,凯 恩也可能已经死了。不过,有一个魔法的传送点 可以把你们瞬间送到那个地方。 要开启它,必须有一个人站在石冢之中,并以特 定的顺序触动它们。你可以在艾尼弗斯树木的外 皮上面找到这些符号的顺序。 你必须找到这棵艾尼弗斯圣树,并把它的外皮带 回来。我可以帮你们解读这些符号,打开石阵的 神秘力量。 |
str | 101 | A1Q4AfterInitScrollCharsi | 117 If you bring back the bark of Inifuss, Akara will tell you how to get to Tristram. |
117 如果你能带回艾尼弗斯的外皮,阿卡拉就可以告 诉你如何到达崔斯特瑞姆。 |
str | 102 | A1Q4AfterInitScrollWarriv | 68 Months ago, I came across a few survivors from Tristram. They said that Cain had gone half-mad and could no longer distinguish fact from fantasy. |
55 数个月前,我在崔斯特瑞姆碰上一些生还者。他 们说凯恩已经几乎接近半疯,而且无法分辨现实 和幻想。 |
str | 103 | A1Q4AfterInitScrollGheed | 98 I would sooner micturate in a tankard of my own ale than journey to Tristram! |
96 我宁愿在我的啤酒桶中撒尿也不愿意前往崔斯特 瑞姆! |
str | 104 | A1Q4InstructionsCharsi | 150 Without the bark of Inifuss you can't find Cain. |
150 没有艾尼弗斯的外皮,我们就无法找到凯恩。 |
str | 105 | A1Q4EarlyReturnSAkara | 76 How will you find Cain without going to Tristram? Finding the Tree of Inifuss is the first step on your journey. |
69 你不去崔斯特瑞姆怎么可能找到凯恩?找到艾尼 弗斯的外皮,就是你踏上旅程的第一步。 |
str | 106 | A1Q4EarlyReturnSKashya | 96 The Tree of Inifuss is hard to find, but you'll know it when you see it. |
90 艾尼弗斯之树很难找,但是你一看到它就知道了。 |
str | 107 | A1Q4EarlyReturnSGheed | 99 Barking up the wrong tree, huh? You'll find it, just keep looking. |
99 怕剥错了树木的外皮,呃?你会找到它的,只要 继续努力就行了。 |
str | 108 | A1Q4EarlyReturnSWarriv | 70 He who seeks that which cannot be found must look inside himself for further guidance... or look harder! |
62 找寻却无所见的人们,必须从他的心中听取更多 的声音... 或是更努力点! |
str | 109 | A1Q4SuccessfulScrollKashya | 82 With this scroll you may open a portal back to Tristram. Only Akara can decipher its logic. |
82 靠着这个卷轴,你可以打开通往崔斯特瑞姆的传 送点。只有阿卡拉可以解读它的逻辑。 |
str | 110 | A1Q4SuccessfulScrollCharsi | 168 Get this to Akara. Only she can understand it. |
168 把它拿给阿卡拉。 只有她能看得懂。 |
str | 111 | A1Q4SuccessfulScrollGheed | 72 Look, friend... I trade a lot of strange items, but I'm not going to start dealing in bark. Okay? |
63 喂,朋友...我的确愿意和一些奇奇怪怪的物品打交 道,但是我不打算卖树皮,行吗? |
str | 112 | A1Q4SuccessfulScrollWarriv | 86 This looks like gibberish to me. Akara may know what to make of it. |
86 这看起来像是胡言乱语。阿卡拉可能知道它在写 什么。 |
str | 113 | A1Q4InstructionsAkara | 64 Ah, very good. I have translated the runes on this scroll. You must find the Cairn Stones and touch them in the order that I have written. |
58 啊,很好。我已经把这些符号翻译好,写在这个 卷轴上。你必须找到石冢,并按照我写下的顺序 来触碰石块。 |
str | 114 | A1Q4EarlyReturnKashya | 103 Deckard Cain has crucial knowledge about the Evils we face. You must find him! |
103 迪卡-凯恩拥有我们面对邪恶的决定性知识。你 必须找到他! |
str | 115 | A1Q4EarlyReturnCharsi | 92 I have heard that Tristram is now in ruins! Without Cain I fear for the ruin of all of us. |
82 我听说崔斯特瑞姆是个废墟!没能找到凯恩的话, 恐怕一切都完了。 |
str | 116 | A1Q4EarlyReturnGheed | 68 I'm told that Tristram now resembles a mead hall... after a Barbarian wedding! I will wait here for your most glorious return. |
60 我听说崔斯特瑞姆现在像是一块草地...一场野蛮人 婚礼后的草地!我会在这个地方等你们带着光荣 回来。 |
str | 117 | A1Q4EarlyReturnWarriv | 82 It is too dangerous to travel to Tristram. I won't be leaving here until the way is clear! |
78 要前往崔斯特瑞姆实在太危险了。直到路上清干 净,否则我不会离开这里! |
str | 118 | A1Q4EarlyReturnAkara | 64 If he still lives, Deckard Cain may be in grave peril! You must hurry to Tristram before all is lost! |
64 如果他还活着,迪卡-凯恩可能处于极度的危险 下!你必须快点前往崔斯特瑞姆,免得一切都完 了! |
str | 119 | A1Q4QuestSuccessfulAkara | 82 You have risked your life to rescue Cain. For that we thank you. We must seek his counsel immediately. |
82 你冒了你们的生命危险去援救凯恩。光为这点我 就十分感谢你。 我们必须马上安顿他。 |
str | 120 | A1Q4QuestSuccessfulKashya | 78 Again, you amaze me, outlander. The Sisterhood is grateful to you for delivering Cain to us. I believe Akara has something to tell you. |
78 你又一次让我倍感惊讶,外地人。 修女会对你能把凯恩找回来致上无限的感谢。我 相信阿卡拉有些话想告诉你。 |
str | 121 | A1Q4QuestSuccessfulGheed | 53 Ah, Cain is here... another customer. I haven't been this pleased since a love-starved maiden let down a bit more than her hair. |
40 啊,凯恩回来了...另一个顾客。自从那个对爱情饥 饿的女子掉头发之后,我很久都没有这么高兴了。 |
str | 122 | A1Q4QuestSuccessfulCharsi | 102 Akara wishes to reward you for your bravery in returning Deckard Cain. |
102 因为你带回了迪卡-凯恩,阿卡拉希望奖励你的 勇气。 |
str | 123 | A1Q4QuestSuccessfulWarriv | 80 Only a brave adventurer could return with Deckard Cain. Akara has a reward for your valor. |
73 只有最勇敢的冒险者能够带回迪卡-凯恩。阿卡 拉将因为你的英武而好好的奖励你。 |
str | 124 | A1Q4QuestSuccessfulCain | 74 As a token of my gratitude, I will identify items for you at no charge. |
67 就当做我对你的感谢吧!我将免费为你鉴定物品。 |
str | 125 | A1Q4RescuedByHeroCain | 82 ...I thank you, friend, for coming to my aid. |
77 ...我十分感谢你,朋友,在紧急时出现援助我。 |
str | 126 | A1Q4RescuedByRoguesCain | 75 Oh... Blessings on the Rogues! They finally rescued me from that cursed place! |
69 噢...神佑萝格!他们终于把我从这个受诅咒的地方 救出来了! |
str | 127 | A1Q4TragedyOfTristramCain | 33 Regrettably, I could do nothing to prevent the disaster which devastated Tristram. It would appear that our greatest fears have come to pass. Diablo, the Lord of Terror, has once again been set loose upon the world! As you know, some time ago Diablo was slain beneath Tristram. And when our hero emerged triumphant from the labyrinth beneath town, we held a grand celebration that lasted several days. Yet, as the weeks passed, our hero became increasingly aloof. He kept his distance from the rest of the townsfolk and seemed to lapse into a dark, brooding depression. I thought that perhaps his ordeal had been so disturbing that he simply could not put it out of his mind. The hero seemed more tormented every passing day. I remember he awoke many times -- screaming in the night -- always something about 'the East'. One day, he simply left. And shortly thereafter Tristram was attacked by legions of foul demons. Many were slain, and the demons left me to die in that cursed cage. I believe now that Tristram's hero was that Dark Wanderer who passed this way before the Monastery fell. I fear even worse, my friend... I fear that Diablo has taken possession of the hero who sought to slay him. If true, Diablo will become more powerful than ever before. You must stop him or all will be lost. |
23 很遗憾的,对于崔斯特瑞姆被毁灭我什么事都做 不到,它碰上了我们心中最深处的恐惧-暗黑破坏 神,恐怖之王,再一次回到这个世界上肆虐! 如你所知,在一段时间之前暗黑破坏神在崔斯特 瑞姆深处被诛杀。而且当我们的英雄在城镇底下 的迷宫中露出胜利的微笑时,我们也在城镇中举 行了数天的大型庆典。不过,过了数星期之后, 我们的英雄变得越来越冷漠。他和其他的镇民保 持距离,而且看来踏入了黑暗、沉思的沮丧之中。 我以为那只是他无法把受过的痛苦抛诸脑后所造 成的。 随着一天天过去,英雄所受到的痛苦就更深。我 记得他好几次在黑夜中醒来-大声狂吼-而且每次都 提到「东方」。 有一天,他就离开了。很快的,崔斯特瑞姆就被 一群邪恶的恶魔所攻击;很多人都死了,而且恶 魔们把他们放在受诅咒的笼牢中等待死亡。 我相信现在崔斯特瑞姆的英雄,就是那个黑暗的 流浪者,在僧院沦入恶魔手中之前所经过的那个 人。 我感受到更糟的状况,朋友...我怕暗黑破坏神已经 附在那个英雄的身上,而没有死亡。如果这是真 的,暗黑破坏神将拥有比以前更为强大的力量。 你必须阻止他,否则一切就统统结束了。 |
str | 128 | A1Q5InitQuestTome | 36 ...And so it came to pass that the Countess, who once bathed in the rejuvenating blood of a hundred virgins, was buried alive... And her castle in which so many cruel deeds took place fell rapidly into ruin. Rising over the buried dungeons in that god-forsaken wilderness, a solitary tower, like some monument to Evil, is all that remains. The Countess' fortune was believed to be divided among the clergy, although some say that more remains unfound, still buried alongside the rotting skulls that bear mute witness to the inhumanity of the human creature. |
24 ...所以它是有意图去找女伯爵的,那个曾经想用处 女的鲜血来返老还童,被活埋的女子...而且她的城 堡在各种残暴的行为下,很快的崩塌成为一个废 墟。一个人迹罕至的高塔竖立在诸神遗忘的荒野 上面,像是某种邪恶的纪念碑。 女伯爵的财富相信是由神职人员所瓜分,虽然有 些财富仍然没有被找出来,仍然埋藏在腐朽的骷 髅身边,这些是唯一目睹城堡中不人道行为的无 声见证者。 |
str | 129 | A1Q5AfterInitGheed | 110 The only wealth you're likely to find there is a wealth of vermin. |
106 你在这个地方能找到的只有害虫,没有财富。 |
str | 130 | A1Q5AfterInitCharsi | 70 That old tower is as rotten on the inside as it appears on the outside. I heard that several Sisters came to a gruesome end when a stairwell collapsed on them. |
60 这个陈旧的高塔和外面一样破旧。我听说有些修 女在楼梯井倒塌在他们的身上时,有些十分恐怖 的后果。 |
str | 131 | A1Q5AfterInitAkara | 67 The dangers there are not solely architectural. Once inside that wretched place, many succumb to a vile miasma. |
60 在那边的危险并不只是结构上的问题,当里面成 为悲惨的状况时,很多人只能在恶劣的气氛下屈 服。 |
str | 132 | A1Q5AfterInitCain | 60 That tower marks a place of danger. There is an epic poem about it... How much sorrow one can stand was tested there. |
53 那个塔就是危险地点的地标。有一首史诗般的诗 歌描述它...一个人能够承受多少悲伤,可以在这个 地方得到全面的测试。 |
str | 133 | A1Q5AfterInitWarriv | 81 Rumors of treasure are no different from rumors of any other kind. They hold false promise to those who should know better. |
76 宝藏的传说和其他种类的传说并没有什么不同。 它们一样有些错误的说法和保证,让那些人不自 觉的想要知道更多。 |
str | 134 | A1Q5AfterInitKashya | 78 The tome speaks of treasure. Yet, all we have found are death, delirium, and disappointment. |
78 这本书中提到了财宝。还有,我们能找到的有死 亡、精神错乱及失望。 |
str | 135 | A1Q5EarlyReturnKashya | 151 Have you suddenly lost your taste for wealth? |
151 你突然失去了对财富的胃口? |
str | 136 | A1Q5EarlyReturnCain | 94 Quickly in and quickly out is all the advice I can give you. |
89 快进快出是我能够给你的建议。 |
str | 137 | A1Q5EarlyReturnWarriv | 118 Better an empty pocket than a full grave. |
113 一个空空的口袋,总比一片墓碑来得好。 |
str | 138 | A1Q5EarlyReturnCharsi | 170 You're not ready to give up, are you? |
170 你还不打算放弃,是不是? |
str | 139 | A1Q5EarlyReturnAkara | 140 There is no more I can tell you about that ancient tower. |
140 我已经把高塔所知的一切统统告诉你了。 |
str | 140 | A1Q5EarlyReturnGheed | 79 Guess what! I've named a boil on my ass after you. It, too, bothers me every time I sit down. |
70 猜猜看!我的屁股已经和你一样被烧焦了。每次 我想坐下,它就会让我痛不欲生。 |
str | 141 | A1Q5SuccessfulKashya | 79 Your rewards are well-earned. To us, the tower was nothing more than a headstone looming over a long forgotten grave. |
79 你的奖赏十分丰富,对我们而言,这个高塔不过 是隐约出现在这个长久以来,被遗忘墓场的巨大 墓碑罢了。 |
str | 142 | A1Q5SuccessfulWarriv | 62 Remember. Wealth is as insubstantial as a cloud and passes as quickly. Ignore Gheed. All that twitters is not bold. |
47 记住,财富的虚幻和易逝与云彩一样快速。别管 基得,不是每一个嘲讽者都是秃头。 |
str | 143 | A1Q5SuccessfulGheed | 68 Warriv's advice is like corpse gas; it befouls the air for a moment and then it disappears. |
61 瓦瑞夫的建议和尸气一样;它会在空气中放出臭 气,然后就消失无踪。 |
str | 144 | A1Q5SuccessfulAkara | 58 I thought the stories of treasure in the tower were nothing but lies. I am glad you found something of value in that death-trap. Would that our Sisters had been so fortunate. |
48 我以为高塔中的财宝故事和谎言并没有什么不同。 我很高兴你找到一些埋藏在死亡陷阱中的东西, 我们的姊妹们一样有这种好运。 |
str | 145 | A1Q5SuccessfulCharsi | 126 Those riches will serve you well on the long road ahead. |
126 这些财富可以在漫长的旅途中发挥很好的用途。 |
str | 146 | A1Q5SuccessfulCain | 69 Well done, my friend. Courage and opportunity together have created in you a kind of alchemy. |
67 干得好,我的朋友。勇气和机会合而为一,为你 创造出炼金术师般的魔法力量。 |
str | 147 | A1Q3InitCharsi | 66 When I fled the Monastery, I left behind the Horadric Malus, my enchanted smithing hammer. If you can retrieve it for me, I'll use its magic to strengthen your equipment. |
60 当我从僧院逃出来时,我留下了赫拉迪克.马勒 斯,那是我强化过的铁匠用铁锤。如果你能够帮 我把它找回来,我可以运用它的法力来加强你装 备的力量。 |
str | 148 | A1Q3AfterInitCain | 51 The Malus was forged and enchanted by the ancient Horadric Mages during the Sin Wars. When their union dissolved, the Malus was entrusted to the Sisterhood guarding the pass into the East. |
42 这个铁锤是由古代赫拉迪克的法师,在罪恶战争 中铸造并用法力强化的产物。当他们的教会消散 之后,这个物品就被修女会所持有,用来固守通 往东方的道路。 |
str | 149 | A1Q3AfterInitAkara | 59 The retrieval of the Horadric Malus is not without risk. Our Monastery is filled with voracious hellspawn. You'd best be careful, my friend. |
55 要取回赫拉迪克.马勒斯并不是完全没有危险的。 我们的僧院中充满了地狱而来的贪婪野兽,你最 好小心点,朋友。 |
str | 150 | A1Q3AfterInitKashya | 61 Charsi is wasting her time and talents using an inferior hammer! Had she the Horadric Malus, she could make the steel sing and craft you a suit of armor as impenetrable as the Great Eye. |
55 如果恰西使用那些低级的铁锤,简直是在浪费她 的天份和时间!如果她手中有赫拉迪克.马勒斯, 她可以让金属歌唱并为你量身打造出无法击穿的 甲冑,如同伟大之眼一样。 |
str | 151 | A1Q3AfterInitCharsi | 87 The Monastery can confuse even those who know it well. Stay alert in there. |
87 就算是熟知僧院的人也可能在里面迷失。到那边 之后多加小心。 |
str | 152 | A1Q3AfterInitGheed | 74 Charsi talks of nothing anymore, but this Horadric Malus. Between you and her my ears need a rest. Just find it and bring it back quickly. |
74 恰西除了这把赫拉迪克.马勒斯之外,她不会再 谈到其他事情。你可以和她谈谈,让我的耳朵休 息一下。 只管快点找到它,并且马上带回来。 |
str | 153 | A1Q3AfterInitGheedAlt | 74 I have offered my nomadic phallus, but to no avail. |
74 我可以给你流浪中的阳具图像,但是对你可能没 用。 |
str | 154 | A1Q3AfterInitWarriv | 68 Just as an archer needs bow and arrow, or a draughtsman pen and paper, so Charsi needs the Horadric Malus with which to ply her trade. |
58 就像弓箭手需要弓和箭、或是西洋棋子要走在方 格中,恰西需要赫拉迪克.马勒斯,才能开始做 生意。 |
str | 155 | A1Q3EarlyReturnCain | 57 The Malus has eluded you so far. Well, search thoroughly in the Barracks... That is where the Rogues kept their forge. |
46 你目前还无法了解马勒斯,不过,在军营中好好 的搜寻吧...那是萝格们安置熔炉的地方。 |
str | 156 | A1Q3EarlyReturnAkara | 98 If you can't carry out this quest, how will you face the greater evils ahead? |
98 如果你无法完成这个任务,你要怎样才能对抗面 前更邪恶的力量? |
str | 157 | A1Q3EarlyReturnKashya | 71 To do battle with Andariel requires more than thick skin and a strong will. You'll want armor and weaponry forged with the hammer's enchantments. |
66 和对抗安达利尔,你不能光靠你那一层皮肤和强 烈的意志。你需要利用强化铁锤所做出来的甲冑 和武器。 |
str | 158 | A1Q3EarlyReturnCharsi | 89 The Malus is a Horadric artifact of great power. Please bring it back. |
89 马勒斯具有赫拉迪克古代的伟大力量,请把它带 回来。 |
str | 159 | A1Q3EarlyReturnGheed | 90 I have heard that you bear us no Malus. |
90 我听说你因为我们没有带出马勒斯而怀恨在心。 |
str | 160 | A1Q3EarlyReturnWarriv | 120 What better opportunity to show your mettle? |
118 有什么更好的机会来彰显你的英勇? |
str | 161 | A1Q3SuccessfulCain | 59 The magical effects imbued by the Malus are impossible to predict, but are always to the good. |
53 灌注在马勒斯之中的魔法力量几乎无法预测,但 都是善良的力量。 |
str | 162 | A1Q3SuccessfulAkara | 57 Well done, my friend. But remember, the return of the Horadric Malus is but one step in reclaiming the Monastery. |
53 干得好,朋友。但是记住,取回赫拉迪克.马勒 斯,只是夺回僧院的第一步。 |
str | 163 | A1Q3SuccessfulKashya | 74 Now that the Horadric Malus is back in our possession, we shall use it to deliver a great blow against the Evil which torments this land. |
63 现在我们己经取回赫拉迪克.马勒斯了,我们应 该利用它蕴藏的力量,重创散布在大地上的邪恶。 |
str | 164 | A1Q3SuccessfulCharsi | 72 Oh! Thanks so much for returning the Horadric Malus! I will now imbue one of your items with magical powers. |
65 噢!你能把赫拉迪克.马勒斯送回来实在太棒了! 我现在就可以把你的一项物品灌入魔法的力量。 |
str | 165 | A1Q3SuccessfulGheed | 120 I guess it's too late to take back some of the names I called you. |
120 我猜现在要收回一些我在你们背后的风言风语已 经太慢了。 |
str | 166 | A1Q3SuccessfulWarriv | 118 I am glad the hammer has returned and you with it. |
108 我很高兴你能把铁锤送回来。 |
str | 167 | A1Q6InitCain | 34 It is certain that we face the demon queen, Andariel, who has corrupted the Rogue Sisterhood and defiled their ancestral Monastery. This does not bode well for us, my friend. Ancient Horadric texts record that Andariel and the other Lesser Evils once overthrew the three Prime Evils -- Diablo, Mephisto and Baal -- banishing them from Hell to our world. Here, they caused mankind untold anguish and suffering before they were finally bound within the Soulstones. Andariel's presence here could mean that the forces of Hell are once again aligned behind Diablo and his Brothers. If this is true, then I fear for us all. You must kill her before the Monastery becomes a permanent outpost of Hell and the way east lost forever. |
24 现在我们可以肯定的是我们的敌人-安达利尔-已经 控制了萝格的修女会,并污染了先祖传下来的僧 院。这对我们而言并不是一个好兆头,朋友。 古代的赫拉迪克文字,记载了安达利尔曾经与另 一个较弱的邪魔将三个罪恶之源-暗黑破坏神、墨 菲斯托和巴尔-从地狱送入了我们的世界之中。在 这个地方,他们在被囚禁入灵魂之石之前,诅咒 人类会受到无尽的苦痛。 安达利尔出现在此地,可能表示地狱中的力量, 已经再一次团结在暗黑破坏神以及他兄弟们背后。 如果这是真的,恐怕我们都有危险。 你必须在僧院变成地狱永久的前哨站之前把她宰 了,否则通往东方的道路将永远中断。 |
str | 168 | A1Q6AfterInitCain | 45 Diablo is heading east for some foul purpose. And the only passage east is through the Monastery gate. Obviously, Diablo summoned Andariel to block any pursuit. For her part Andariel hopes to win Diablo's favor... the lesser demons are always vying for positions of power within the unholy hierarchy! |
37 暗黑破坏神前往东方去完成一些邪恶的目的,而 唯一往东方的通道就是穿过僧院的门。很明显的, 就是暗黑破坏神召唤了安达利尔来阻挡任何可能 出现的阻碍。 对她而言,安达利尔希望能赢得暗黑破坏神的恩 宠...较弱的恶魔会不断的期望获得邪恶阶级中较高 的权力和地位! |
str | 169 | A1Q6AfterInitAkara | 63 Andariel has desecrated all we hold dear. She must not be permitted to serve Diablo. Destroy her! Her corruption of our Order must be undone! |
55 安达利尔已经污辱了我们神圣的心灵。她一定不 能再继续为暗黑破坏神做事。 摧毁她!她必须为伤害我们的修道会付出代价, 才能补偿我们的损失! |
str | 170 | A1Q6AfterInitCharsi | 132 Send Andariel back to the Hell she came from! |
120 把安达利尔送回她的老家-地狱! |
str | 171 | A1Q6AfterInitGheed | 71 You're going after Andariel? ... One of my wagon wheels is in need of repair. I'll be under the wagon, if I'm needed. |
68 你打算追捕安达利尔? ...我的马车上其中一个车轮需要修复。如果你想找 我,我会在马车下面。 |
str | 172 | A1Q6AfterInitWarriv | 72 The mapmakers tell us the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Our way east is a line that runs through Andariel's stronghold, the Monastery. |
63 绘图人告诉我们,二个地点间最近的路程是一条 线。 而我们前往东方的一直线上,必须穿过安达利尔 的堡垒,也就是僧院。 |
str | 173 | A1Q6AfterInitKashya | 81 I can imagine a thousand different ways to kill Andariel. You need only choose one. |
81 我可以想出上千条方式来杀死安达利尔,而你只 需要选择一条就行了。 |
str | 174 | A1Q6EarlyReturnCain | 48 It is clear that Andariel is acting on behalf of Diablo to prevent anyone from following him eastward. Her defeat would allow you to continue the pursuit. Ancient lore has it that while Andariel was spawned in the Burning Hells, she is not fond of fire. |
37 很明显的,安达利尔正在代表暗黑破坏神,来预 防任何人跟着他前往东方。打倒她,代表你可以 继续你的追捕行动。 当安达利尔出现在燃烧的地狱时,古代的知识仍 然有其道理-她不会喜欢火焰的。 |
str | 175 | A1Q6EarlyReturnAkara | 57 You have done much to help us, but I sense that this has only fueled Andariel's fury. She will not stop until we are all dead. You must kill Andariel before her army can gain the upper hand. |
53 你已经为了帮助我们而完成许多事情,但是我可 以感受到这只是在增加安达利尔的暴怒。除非我 们统统死亡,否则她是不会停止的。 你必须在她的大军取得优势之前,先把安达利尔 铲除掉。 |
str | 176 | A1Q6EarlyReturnGheed | 72 Have you stumbled upon that Demon Queen, yet? I hear she's quite the beauty... as far as Maidens of Anguish go, that is. |
54 你是不是被恶魔女王阻住了去路?我听说她非常 美丽...如同在痛苦之中的少女。 |
str | 177 | A1Q6EarlyReturnCharsi | 108 If you are the hero that you seem to be, now is the time to prove it. |
108 如果你是众望所归的英雄人物,现在就是证明的 时候了。 |
str | 178 | A1Q6EarlyReturnWarriv | 90 May I remind you that my caravan can only go east, if the Monastery is cleansed? |
85 我能不能提醒你一下,只要僧院的路通了之后, 我的商队只会往东前进? |
str | 179 | A1Q6EarlyReturn2Kashya | 126 Deckard Cain has important information about Andariel. |
126 迪卡-凯恩拥有一些与安达利尔十分重要的信息。 |
str | 180 | A1Q6SuccessfulAkara | 64 Finally, we may rejoice! We owe you a debt we can never repay. I only hope that in time we will be able to rebuild our Order. All our thanks go with you, my friend. |
61 我们终于可以欢庆了! 我们欠你一些永远还不起的恩惠,我只希望随着 时间,我们可以重建我们的修道会。 我们将永远的感激你,我的朋友。 |
str | 181 | A1Q6SuccessfulCharsi | 86 You'll probably go east now... It was good to know you. I hope you'll come back if you ever need anything. |
78 你可能马上会前往东方...真高兴认识你。如果你需 要任何东西,希望你会回来找我们。 |
str | 182 | A1Q6SuccessfulKashya | 44 Andariel's death brings about renewed life for us all. We mourn the loss of our dear Sisters, but at least now we can get on with our lives. I... may have misjudged you, outlander. You are a true hero and testament to the noble spirit which has inspired our Order for generations. Fare well... my friend. |
40 安达利尔的死亡,将为我们每一个人带来全新的 生活。我们也会为死去的姊妹们而悲叹,但是至 少现在我们可以过自己的生活了。 我...可能误解了你,外地人。你是真正的英雄,而 且遵守神圣灵魂的信条,将永远的激励我们修道 会的后代。 再见...我的朋友。 |
str | 183 | A1Q6SuccessfulGheed | 100 I'm going to party like it's 999! |
100 我要在舞会中狂欢,直到不醒人事! |
str | 184 | A1Q6SuccessfulWarriv | 82 The caravan is prepared. We may now journey eastward to Lut Gholein. |
82 商队己经准备好了,我们可以前往东方的鲁-高因 因了。 |
str | 185 | A1Q6SuccessfulCain | 38 This is a great victory indeed, but many more battles await. I will accompany you on your journey, lending what assistance I can... Remember... Diablo is still out there, seeking something in the desert. I'm afraid that this nightmare will not end until you find what it is that he seeks. |
32 这是个伟大的胜利,但是面前还有更多的战斗在 等着。我会在你的旅程中与之为伴,尽我可能的 提供协助... 记住...暗黑破坏神还是在外面游走,在沙漠中找寻 一些我们不知道的东西。直到你们找到他正在搜 寻的东西之前,我很害怕这个恶梦永远不会结束。 |
str | 186 | PalaceGuardGossip1 | 600 Halt. |
600 站住! |
str | 187 | PalaceGuardGossip2 | 290 You may not pass. |
290 你未获准通行。 |
str | 188 | PalaceGuardGossip3 | 255 Welcome to the palace. |
255 欢迎来到皇宫。 |
str | 189 | PalaceGuardGossip4 | 255 You may enter the palace. |
255 你可以进入皇宫了。 |
str | 190 | PalaceGuardGossip5 | 290 Stay out of trouble. |
290 不要惹上麻烦。 |
str | 191 | GriezIntroGossip1 | 58 I'll bet you wonder how this town manages to stay safe with all the trouble going on out in the desert. Well, I can tell you that it's got nothing to do with the local town guards... they're all in the palace for some reason. Jerhyn hired me and my mercenaries to help keep the peace around here. We're not cheap, but we're the best this wasteland has to offer. |
45 我可以和你打赌,这个城镇不想和沙漠中发生的 各种麻烦扯上关系。呃,我可以告诉你和城镇上 的警卫没啥关系...在某些理由下,他们都待在皇宫 之中。 杰海因雇用我和我的佣兵们,来协助保持这个地 方的和平。我们的价码不低,但是我们是这个荒 地中能找到的最佳人选。 |
str | 192 | GriezGossip1 | 85 We do a good job in town, but beyond the city gates, you'll find all manner of demons. |
80 我们在城镇中表现的很好,但是在城墙的另一侧, 你会找到各式各样的恶魔。 |
str | 193 | GriezGossip2 | 52 The local guards were all relocated to the palace after the troubles began. No one really knows why. Actually, all of the town's brothel girls have been hiding out in the palace's cellar lately, so I assume that the guards have been assigned to 'protect them' with their lives. |
37 当地的守卫在出现麻烦事之后,就全部安置在皇 宫之中。没有人知道为什么,事实上,所有城中 妓院的女孩最近都藏在皇宫的地牢中,所以我只 能假定这些警卫是被派来「保护」她们的生命的。 |
str | 194 | GriezGossip3 | 75 I might spare you a few of my men. Why, enough gold can muster an army. |
70 我可以分你几个手下。嘿,一定的金钱是组织军 队的代价。 |
str | 195 | GriezGossip4 | 61 Jerhyn's got a nice little trading post going here. Despite his youth, he is a clever businessman. As you can see by that palace, he's done quite well for himself. |
60 杰海因在这个地方建立了一个很不错的小型贸易 站。除了他很年轻以外,他是一个十分聪明的生 意人。你可以在皇宫中看到,他靠自己做得非常 出色。 |
str | 196 | GriezGossip5 | 99 We're keeping the town safe and tight, but I've got a hunch there's something Jerhyn's not telling us. |
94 我们试着让城镇安全而且稳固,但是我有预感, 杰海因有些事情暪着我们。 |
str | 197 | GriezGossip6 | 44 Ah, Elzix is quite a character. I had a few run-ins with his band of outlaws in my younger years. Now, he's as settled as the dunes out there. The Desert Rain Inn is his pride and joy these days. |
41 啊,艾吉斯是一个了不起的人。我年轻时曾经和 他手下的法外之徒有些冲突,现在他和沙丘一样 在外面安定了下来。这些日子以来,沙漠之雨旅 舍是他最自豪也是最高兴的地方。 |
str | 198 | GriezGossip7 | 53 Atma seems to be a fine woman. But I'm sure the loss of her family has made her lonely. Perhaps I should go over and console her when I get off duty tonight... |
44 亚特玛似乎是一个很好的女子。但是我很肯定她 失去了家庭之后十分孤单。也许我应该在下班之 后,过去安慰她一下... |
str | 199 | GriezGossip8 | 72 Geglash is an imposing warrior, but he's never been able to back down from a fight. One of these days, his pride will be the death of him. |
68 基格列斯是一个相貌堂皇的战士,但是他从来没 能在一场战斗后安然的回到镇上。迟早有一天, 他的自尊会让他步入死亡。 |
str | 200 | GriezGossip9 | 67 Meshif has sailed all around the southern seas and visited many strange lands. It must be driving him mad, having to stay anchored here. |
65 马席夫航行过所有南方的海域,并造访过许多奇 怪的大地。我一定是把他逼疯了,让他必须在这 个地方停靠下来。 |
str | 201 | GriezGossip10 | 70 I haven't talked much to Fara. She keeps to herself most of the time. I get the feeling that she doesn't like us mercenary types much. |
59 我并没有和法拉长谈。她大部份的时间都十分拘 谨。我觉得她并不是很喜欢我们这种佣兵型的。 |
str | 202 | GriezGossip11 | 73 I'd stay clear of Lysander, if I were you. He's always mixing his damned potions and chemicals. I wouldn't be surprised if he winds up blowing himself to smithereens! |
69 如果我是你的话,就会和雷山德保持一点距离。 他一直在混合他那该死的药剂和化学品。如果有 一天他混合的东西把他炸成碎片,那可是一点也 不奇怪! |
str | 203 | GriezGossip12 | 85 Drognan's a mystery to me. Then again, I never did trust mages much. |
80 卓格南对我而言十分神秘。不过我再说一次,我 从来就不太信任法师。 |
str | 204 | ElzixIntroGossip1 | 61 Hmm... You look like a sturdy adventurer. You know, I used to be quite the scoundrel in my day. I led the fiercest group of bandits who ever terrorized these sands! Nowadays, I run this here Inn and pretty much stay out of trouble. My days of adventuring are behind me. |
51 嗯...你看来像是一个饱学的冒险者。 你知道吗?我曾经也是个无赖。我带领着一群最 凶残的强盗集团,以恐怖来统治着这片荒漠! 现在,我在这个地方管理这个旅店,而且再也不 愿意惹上麻烦。 我那些冒险的日子已经抛诸脑后了。 |
str | 205 | ElzixIntroNecGossip1 | 48 Ah... You must be one of the new heroes who've come to rid our city of evil. Under any other circumstances, I'd be surprised to see one of your kind in the city. But lately... Oh, never mind all that... You know, I used to be quite the scoundrel in my day. I led the fiercest group of bandits who ever terrorized these sands! Nowadays, I run this here Inn and pretty much stay out of trouble. My days of adventuring are behind me. |
39 啊...你一定是为了主宰我们城市中的邪恶力量,远 道而来的新英雄之一。在任何状况之下,我都很 惊讶能看到像你这样的人出现在我们的城市之中。 不过最近...噢,那不重要... 你知道吗?我曾经也是个无赖。我带领着一群最 凶残的强盗集团,以恐怖来统治着这片荒漠! 现在,我在这个地方管理这个旅店,而且再也不 愿意惹上麻烦。 我那些冒险的日子已经抛诸脑后了。 |
str | 206 | ElzixGossip1 | 52 You know, I've lost a number of body parts over the years. An eye here, a leg there... Say, do you know any spells that'd grow them back for me? Hmm... On second thought, I'll leave well enough alone. |
44 你知道,我失去我的身体躯块已经长达数年的时 间,一个眼睛在这边,一条腿在那边... 所以,你是不是知道有什么法术可以让它们重新 长回来?嗯...再想一想,我就再也不孤单了。 |
str | 207 | ElzixGossip2 | 90 What tales Drognan can tell... You would do well to listen carefully to that wizened wizard. |
85 卓格南能说什么样的故事...你应该好好听听这个干 枯法师所说的话。 |
str | 208 | ElzixGossip3 | 80 There are many ancient tombs in the desert. Most of them are already plundered, but I imagine that some have remained hidden. |
65 在沙漠中有许多古代的墓地,大部份都已经受到 掠夺,你是我可以想象仍然有些隐藏的东西。 |
str | 209 | ElzixGossip4 | 67 I miss the brothels that used to do business here. You know, all of the ladies fled to the palace as soon as the trouble in the desert started. You'd think that they could at least come out once in a while now that Greiz and his men have things relatively under control. |
55 我真想念妓院还在做生意的年代。 你知道吗?在沙漠中出事之后,所有的女子都逃 到了皇宫之中。你一定也会认为她们至少出来一 次,毕竟现在格雷兹和他的手下已经让所有的事 情都在控制之下了。 |
str | 210 | ElzixGossip5 | 71 Atma... Now, there's a fine woman. Lately, though, she's only thinking about revenge. She has reason enough... |
62 亚特玛...现在你看到的是一个很好的女子。不过, 最近她只想着如何复仇。她是有充份的理由... |
str | 211 | ElzixGossip6 | 71 We've all fared well under Jerhyn's leadership. The town has remained safe throughout this whole mess; and yet the lad still seems very upset about something. |
61 我们在杰海因的领导之下做得还不错。这个城镇 在一团乱之下还算安全;而且这些小伙子似乎对 一些事情气得不得了。 |
str | 212 | ElzixGossip7 | 88 Geglash is a fool who would fight his own shadow if he could. Fighting's all he ever thinks about! |
83 基格列斯是个笨蛋,他甚至有可能有自己的影子 打架。他的脑袋中只想到战斗! |
str | 213 | ElzixGossip8 | 74 Meshif is a wise Captain, I think. Wise enough to know silver from tin and truth from dung, that's for sure. |
69 我觉得,马席夫是一个很聪明的船长。聪明到知 道如何把锡当银;从水肥中看出真像。 |
str | 214 | ElzixGossip9 | 65 Fara is a good woman. She seems very sad, but seldom speaks of her past. She's good to the poor and helps people when she can. That makes her all right in my book. |
56 法拉是个好女子。她看起来十分悲伤,但是很少 谈到她的过去。她对穷人十分友善,而且尽可能 的帮助其他人。照我看来她是个好人。 |
str | 215 | ElzixGossip10 | 70 That Lysander's a grumpy old cuss. You'd better not disturb him while he's working on his potions, or... BOOM! You could get blasted to the moon. |
65 雷山德是个脾气暴燥的老怪人。他在制作药剂时 你最好不要打扰他,要不然...轰!你可能被炸到月 亮上面去! |
str | 216 | WarrivAct2IntroGossip1 | 62 Now that Andariel is dead, I can return and outfit the Rogues properly. Once I've made some trades here, I'll be free to head back to their Monastery. Let me know if you want to travel along. |
60 现在安达利尔已经死了,我可以理所当然的穿回 萝格的装束了。当我在这个地方做完一些生意后, 就可以回到他们的僧院之中了。如果你想出发, 尽管告诉我。 |
str | 217 | WarrivAct2Gossip1 | 106 Caravans take people where they want to go - until they get there. |
101 商队可以带着人们前往想去的地方-至到他们到达 为止。 |
str | 218 | WarrivAct2Gossip2 | 80 By ship is the only way eastward from here. I believe Captain Meshif has a small trading vessel moored at the docks. |
67 从这个地方要往东走,就只有靠船了。我相信马 席夫船长有些小型的贸易船停靠在海港边。 |
str | 219 | WarrivAct2Gossip3 | 70 There used to be a lot of brothels here... I guess the troubles scared all the women away, or maybe they're 'safe' in Jerhyn's palace. |
65 这里曾经有好多妓女...我猜是沙漠中的事情把她们 都吓跑了,还是她们在杰海因的皇宫中会「安全」 点。 |
str | 220 | WarrivAct2Gossip4 | 53 That old desert fox, Elzix, is as crafty as they come. Years back, he made off with a small fortune of my caravan's wares. I certainly never expected to see him so... domesticated. |
44 那个年纪大的沙漠之狐-艾吉斯,从一出现就极度 诡诈。几年以前,他从我的商队中赚取了一笔小 财富。我真的没有期望看到他这么...驯服。 |
str | 221 | WarrivAct2Gossip5 | 57 Jerhyn has his father's strength and wits. He's young, but he rules this place with wisdom and care. I think he'll grow into a fine Sultan... Provided we all survive this crisis. |
53 杰海因拥有他父亲的力量和智慧。他很年轻,但 是他靠着智慧和谨慎来统治这个地方。我想他会 成长为一个很好的苏丹...让我们能在这场危机中活 下来。 |
str | 222 | AtmaIntroGossip1 | 59 You'll forgive me if I seem upset. I've suffered a loss recently, but that's not your problem. It's a relief to see some proper warriors come through here. My name is Atma. I run the tavern here in Lut Gholein. |
57 如果我看起来十分焦急,你一定要原谅我。我最 近丢掉了一些东西,但那并不是你造成的。 能看到一些勇敢的战士穿越这个地方让我们倍感 安心。我的名字是亚特玛,我在鲁-高因中开了 一家旅店。 |
str | 223 | AtmaGossip1 | 86 Evil has laid siege to Lut Gholein and you may be our last hope... |
81 邪恶已经包围了鲁-高因,而你是我们最后一线 希望... |
str | 224 | AtmaGossip2 | 56 This public house used to be quite lively, until this plague of evil. Luckily, I've managed to save away a tidy nest egg. Unfortunately, I couldn't save everything I cared for... |
52 这个酒馆曾经生气蓬勃,直到邪恶的疫病出现。 幸运的是,我在覆巢之下还能够拯救一个整洁而 完整的卵;不幸的是,我无法救回每一个我所照 顾的... |
str | 225 | AtmaGossip3 | 57 In addition to my public house, there used to be several brothels doing business here. When the troubles first started in the desert, the harem guilds sought sanctuary within the palace. Of course, Jerhyn was glad to oblige. I'll bet they're finding many ways to repay him for his protection. |
47 除了我的酒馆之外,也有一些妓女在这个地方做 生意。当沙漠中的麻烦一出现之后,妇女们就把 皇宫视为唯一的庇难所。 当然,杰海因很高兴负起这个义务。我打赌你可 以找到各种不同的方式,来回报他的保护行为。 |
str | 226 | AtmaGossip4 | 70 Geglash may seem like a sot, but he's a brave man. All this trouble has driven him to drinking more than his usual. |
65 基格列斯看起来很像个酒鬼,但是他是一个十分 勇敢的人。他所碰上的各种麻烦,逼得他喝得比 平常多。 |
str | 227 | AtmaGossip5 | 64 Elzix and I have reached an understanding over the years. He sends travelers to me for drink and entertainment, and I send them back to him for a soft bed. The travelers often trade their wares for lodging. |
55 艾吉斯和我在数年前就已经达到相互了解的程度。 他把旅人送到我这边来喝一杯,而我把他们送回 那边柔软的床铺。旅者通常会以他们的货物来交 换一晚的寄宿。 |
str | 228 | AtmaGossip6 | 89 Meshif seldom patronizes my establishment. I think he prefers to stay out there on his leaky ship. |
84 马席夫很少奖励我的创建。我想他比较喜欢待在 他满是裂痕的船上。 |
str | 229 | AtmaGossip7 | 71 Oh, Lysander is cranky, but he's a good old man. He used to give me medicines when... my son was ill. |
66 噢,雷山德十分古怪,但是他是个善良的老人。 他曾经给我一些药,那是在... 我儿子生病时。 |
str | 230 | AtmaGossip8 | 78 Drognan is a very private person. He's always studying ancient scrolls and such. He may be a mystery to me forever. |
73 卓格南是一个很注重隐私的人。他经常在研读古 代的卷轴或是这类东西。他对我而言,可能永远 是个神秘人物。 |
str | 231 | GeglashIntroGossip1 | 57 Bah! I don't know why you people keep pestering me. Greiz seems to have this place locked down nice and tight. Not that I couldn't have done the same! I've proven my valor in combat plenty of times. |
45 啐!我不明白你们这些人为什么老在烦我。格雷 兹似乎把个地方封锁的很好而且很稳固,我也不 是做不到这点。我已经好几次在战斗中证明我的 英勇了。 |
str | 232 | GeglashIntroBarGossip1 | 43 Hey, you're a Barbarian, aren't ya? Ferocious as the wild beasts of the north, that's what they say. I suppose you've come to help save this city. You needn't bother. Greiz seems to have this place locked down nice and tight. Not that I couldn't have done the same! I've proven my valor in combat plenty of times. |
34 嘿,你是野蛮人,不是吗?他们说你和北方的野 兽一样的残暴。我猜你是来帮忙并拯救这个城市 的,大概用不着麻烦你了。 格雷兹似乎把个地方封锁的很好而且很稳固,我 也不是做不到这点。我已经好几次在战斗中证明 我的英勇了。 |
str | 233 | GeglashGossip1 | 46 Hey, I heard that you Barbarians can wield multiple weapons at once. I never learned to fight two-handed. Carrying a sword and a wineskin at the same time is all I can ever handle. |
38 嘿,我听说你们野蛮人可以同时挥舞不同的武器。 我从来没有学过如何双手并用作战...我只能带着一 把剑和一个酒袋而己。 |
str | 234 | GeglashGossip2 | 53 Sure, I hear lots of what goes on. Did you hear about the harem guilds? They were the only ones allowed to hide out in the palace when the raids started! Ah... It figures. |
41 当然啦,我听到许多事情。你有没有听说过妇女 会?当突袭开始时,他们是唯一能够躲在皇宫中 的人们...那真是华丽的地方! |
str | 235 | GeglashGossip3 | 64 I've killed plenty of those demons out in the desert. It doesn't seem to slow them down any, though... they just keep coming back for more. |
62 我已经在沙漠中杀死了数个这一类的恶魔,看来 它们穿越到人类世界的速度并没有慢下来...他们一 直在涌进来。 |
str | 236 | GeglashGossip4 | 55 Have you found those big sand maggots yet? Arrows and all that don't work so well against them. Best thing is to hack 'em with a sword or such. |
53 你有没有找到这些巨大的沙蛆?弓箭这一类的东 西对它们没用,最好的武器是用剑这一类的东西 把它们砍开。 |
str | 237 | GeglashGossip5 | 58 There are some ancient tombs out there in the desert. You have to go pretty far to find them, though. Rumor has it that they're crawling with walking corpses now. As if the Saber Cats and Claw Vipers weren't bad enough. |
41 在沙漠中有些古代的墓地,不过,你必须走很远 才能找到它们的位置。传说指出,一直到现在里 面还有爬行的尸体到处走,光是剑齿猫和利爪腹 蛇还不是最坏的消息! |
str | 238 | GeglashGossip6 | 67 Yeah. Meshif's okay, I guess. But I'll be damned if I ever get on his ship. I don't even like to drink water. |
65 是啊,我想马席夫还好。但是如果我踏上了他的 船,我想我就麻烦大了。我甚至不想被他压到水 中。 |
str | 239 | GeglashGossip7 | 52 Jerhyn's been acting strange lately. I can't imagine why he recalled the town guards into the palace. If there is something wrong in there, I hope he doesn't expect me to handle it. |
50 杰海因最近的行动十分奇怪。对于他把城镇中的 警卫都叫到皇宫中,我想不出半点理由。如果那 个地方出了一些问题,我希望他不会想叫我去解 决它。 |
str | 240 | GeglashGossip8 | 57 I've seen Fara defend herself against a few drunken ruffians. She's got moves I've never even seen before. Wherever she's from, she sure learned how to fight there. |
48 我曾经看过法拉在抵抗一些酒醒的无赖。她接下 来的动作是我从来就没有看过的。不管她是从何 而来,她一定学过如何作战。 |
str | 241 | GeglashGossip9 | 83 I've got no time for old alchemists. Lysander would be completely useless in a real fight. |
78 我没有时间理年长的炼金术师。雷山德在真正的 战斗中完全无法发挥任何作用。 |
str | 242 | MeshifIntroGossip1 | 63 Greetings. I'm Meshif, captain of this ship here. I make port runs around the Twin Seas and occasionally out to Kingsport in Westmarch. I haven't sailed anywhere lately, though... Jerhyn has ordered me to stay docked here in case of emergency. |
44 你好,我是马席夫,这艘船的船长。我在双子海 附近载运货物,偶尔会跑远到卫斯特马曲的金斯 波等地。不过,最近我没有再出海了...杰海因命令 我待在这边,以因应紧急的状况。 |
str | 243 | MeshifIntroAmaGossip1 | 54 Greetings, Amazon. I haven't seen one of your kind in many years.... It's good to know that warriors of your caliber are protecting this city. I'm Meshif, captain of this ship here. I make port runs around the Twin Seas and occasionally out to Kingsport in Westmarch. I haven't sailed anywhere lately, though... Jerhyn has ordered me to stay docked here in case of emergency. |
39 你好,亚马逊人。我已经没看过像你这样的人长 达数年了....能知道有像你这样强力的战士在保护 这个城市真好。 我是马席夫,这艘船的船长。我在双子海的附近 载运货物,偶尔会跑远到卫斯特马曲的金斯波等 地。不过,最近我没有再出海了...杰海因命令我待 在这边,以因应紧急的状况。 |
str | 244 | MeshifGossip1 | 62 I was wondering if you've heard any news from Kurast? I know you Amazons travel extensively. Have you been there recently? Hmm... Well, I hope the port opens soon. I need to get home to Kurast and find out what's been happening there. |
50 我在猜你是不是听过任何与库拉斯特有关的消息? 我知道你们亚马逊人四处游走,广布各地,你们 最近去过那个地方吗?嗯...好吧,我希望海港能够 早日开放。我得回到库拉斯特的老家,并找出那 边究竟发生了什么事情。 |
str | 245 | MeshifGossip2 | 72 There's something Jerhyn's not telling me, I just don't know what. To my eye, things here in town don't look that bad, especially since Warriv's caravan route opened up. |
61 有些杰海因没有告诉我的事情,我真的不知道。 在我看来,城镇中发生的事情并没有那么糟,尤 其是在瓦瑞夫的商队路程开通之后。 |
str | 246 | MeshifGossip3 | 65 I've been all around the seas in these parts. It's dangerous sailing west this time of year, though. Until the season changes, the caravan through the desert is the main trade route to Westmarch. |
55 我一直在这附近的海域中活动,不过,每年的这 个时节航向西方都是很危险的。直到季节变化之 前,通过沙漠的商队是通往卫斯特马曲的经商要 道。 |
str | 247 | MeshifGossip4 | 75 My ship is the only way East from here. Still, Lord Jerhyn tells me that I may not leave until the current crisis is over. |
70 我的船是从这个地方往东的唯一道路。不过,杰 海因君王告诉我除非目前的危机解除,否则不能 离开此地。 |
str | 248 | MeshifGossip5 | 65 Oh, I've known Elzix for years. He always offers me a free room at his Inn when I dock here, but I prefer the comforts of my own cabin. |
63 噢,我认识艾吉斯好几年了。当我停靠在港口时, 他通常都会在旅店中帮我准备一个免费的房间, 但是我还是比较喜欢待在我自己的舱房中。 |
str | 249 | MeshifGossip6 | 61 Warriv is a good friend. We've shared many tales, he and I. If we had it all to do over again, I believe we'd both be explorers of some renown. |
59 瓦瑞夫是个好朋友,我们一起分享了许多故事。 如果我们能够再从头来一遍,我想我们二个都会 成为有名的冒险者。 |
str | 250 | MeshifGossip7 | 69 Greiz seems to be a dependable fellow. I hope he can handle it if those things in the desert decide to attack this town. |
67 格雷兹看来是个可信赖的男人。如果沙漠中的那 些东西决定攻击这个城镇,我希望他能够应付得 来。 |
str | 251 | MeshifGossip8 | 130 Atma serves a fine ale in her establishment. |
125 亚特玛的地方可以提供很棒的啤酒。 |
str | 252 | MeshifGossip9 | 70 Hah! That braggart Geglash says he fears neither man nor beast. Yet, when I offer to take him out to sea, he quakes with fear. |
60 哈!那个好吹牛皮的基格列斯说他不怕人也不怕 野兽。然后在我准备带他出海时,他吓得发抖。 |
str | 253 | MeshifGossip10 | 130 The lady Fara has a proud, noble air about her. |
125 法拉小姐身边总是有一股高贵、尊严的气氛。 |
str | 254 | JerhynActIntroGossip1 | 41 Greetings, honored traveler. I am Jerhyn, Lord of Lut Gholein, and I bid you welcome to my fair port-city. I'm glad to know that once again caravans are free to travel through the Western Pass. For some time now, we have been under siege by an evil power that I cannot identify. Strange... It all began when a Dark Wanderer came this way, looking for the Tomb of Tal Rasha. No one knows exactly where Tal Rasha, Keeper of Baal, is entombed, but it is certain to be far out in the desert. Now, my people whisper tales of the dead rising from their tombs and horrible creatures lurking amongst the moonlit dunes. Even I have witnessed things which I cannot explain. I've ordered the port closed and all trade ships moored until I am sure that my city is safe. Atma, the tavernkeeper, has an important mission for you. Go see her immediately. You'll find her on the other side of town. Now, I must return to the palace. I apologize, but I can't invite you in. Things are... rather a mess right now. |
31 你好,著名的冒险者。我是杰海因,鲁-高因之 王,向你们来到我的海港城市而致上敬意。我很 高兴发现,商队可以再度自由的前往西方通道进 行贸易。 从之前一段时间开始,我们已经被一股邪恶的力 量所包围,而我们甚至不知道那是什么。奇怪...这 都是从一个黑暗的流浪者经过此地,开始找寻塔. 拉夏的墓地之后开始的。没有人知道塔-拉夏- 巴尔的守卫者正确的埋骨所,但是唯一可以肯定的 是一定在沙漠的远方。 现在,我的人民耳语着一些传说,死人将从他们 的墓地中爬出,而可怕的生物将在月光的沙丘之 间潜伏。即使是我,也无法解释我所看到的现象。 我已经下令关闭海港,而且所有的商船下锚,直 到我可以确定城市的安危为止。 亚特玛,旅店的老板,将给你一个极为重要的任 务。请马上前去见她,你可以在城镇的另一端找 到她。 现在,我必须回到皇宫了。很抱歉,我不能邀请 你入内。现在有些事情...比一团糟还麻烦。 |
str | 255 | JerhynActIntroMoreGossip1 | 51 For trade in magic and the like, see Drognan or Lysander. Drognan is the wisest man I know - without equal in magic and ancient lore. Poor Lysander is nearly deaf, but he's a reliable potion chemist. For travel back west, see Warriv, whom you already know. Our own Fara is a fine and honest armorer, and she can heal wounds as well. Elzix is the Innkeeper and may also have some items to trade. Greiz, the mercenary captain I hired to secure the gates of Lut Gholein, keeps order in town, as well. There are others here, too. I'm sure you'll meet most of them. Just look around... |
44 想要交易一些魔法类的东西,你得去找卓格南或 是雷山德。卓格南是个我所知道最为博学的人-没 有人可以和他在魔法和古代知识相比拟。而可怜 的雷山德几乎已经聋了,但是他是一个值得信赖 的药剂化学家。 想要回到西方,去见瓦瑞夫,一个你应该早就熟 知的人。 我们自家人法拉是个精良而诚实的甲冑商,而且 她也可以治好你的伤势。 艾吉斯是旅店的老板,而且也有些东西可以进行 交易。 格雷兹是佣兵团的老大,我雇用他来守卫鲁.高 因的大门,并保持城镇中的秩序。 城中还有其他人。我相信你会很快的见到他们, 只要到处看看就行了... |
str | 256 | JerhynIntroGossip1 | 117 Things are getting worse by the hour. I know everything looks fine, but trust me, it isn't! |
112 每过一小时,事情就变得更糟。我知道一切看起 来很正常,不过相信我,骨子里绝不是这么一回 事! |
str | 257 | JerhynGossip1 | 117 Things are getting worse by the hour. I know everything looks fine, but trust me, it isn't! |
112 每过一小时,事情就变得更糟。我知道一切看起 来很正常,不过相信我,骨子里绝不是这么一回 事! |
str | 258 | JerhynGossip2 | 63 To any who aid me in the defense of Lut Gholein, I pledge my support. Passage East, wealth, honor - all are due to those who help my city. |
61 对任何帮助我们抵御鲁-高因外敌的人,我保证 会提供各方面的援助。往东方的通道、财富、荣 耀-都是让人前来协助我们城市的动力。 |
str | 259 | JerhynGossip3 | 71 You seem very capable, but no offense is intended when I say that I must choose my confidants carefully. It wouldn't do to have rumors sending everyone into a panic. |
63 你看来能力十足,但是请别介意,我必须小心的 选择我的心腹之交。这样才不会有谣言四处流窜, 让所有人陷入恐慌之中。 |
str | 260 | JerhynGossip4 | 87 Even though he was once a bandit, I permitted Elzix to take over the Desert Rain Inn. He has been quite civilized ever since. |
72 即使他曾经是个强盗,我允许艾吉斯掌管沙漠之 雨旅店。自从那之后,他表现的十分有教养。 |
str | 261 | JerhynGossip5 | 76 When you arrived, Warriv's caravan had been long overdue. With all of the evil that's arisen in the land, I'm surprised he got through at all. |
71 在你抵达时,瓦瑞夫的商队已经误点很久了。在 所有邪恶从大地上窜出的时候,我很讶异他能够 经过这一切的洗礼。 |
str | 262 | JerhynGossip6 | 77 Meshif is an honorable man, but I fear that he is growing impatient with me about impounding his ship. I dare not tell him what's really happening in this city. |
66 马席夫是一个十分正直的人,但是我害怕他对于 我拘留他的船而越来越没耐性。我不敢告诉他这 个城市发生事实的真相。 |
str | 263 | JerhynGossip7 | 98 The woman, Atma, may have some useful gossip for you. She can always be found near her public house. |
93 那个女子,亚特玛,可能会告诉你一些十分有用 的传言。你可以在她的酒店中找到她。 |
str | 264 | FaraIntroGossip1 | 81 I know much about the ancient religions. I was trained as a Paladin of Zakarum in the Eastern Kurast temple many years ago. |
76 我对古代的宗教知道得不少,我在数年之前曾经 到过东方的库拉斯特,受过撒卡兰姆的圣骑士训 练。 |
str | 265 | FaraIntroPalGossip1 | 103 Welcome, brother Paladin. I am Fara. I was once a devout champion of Zakarum. |
91 欢迎,圣骑士的兄弟。我是法拉,我曾经是撒卡 兰姆的虔诚拥护者。 |
str | 266 | FaraGossip1 | 67 Perhaps, in time, you will play a part in reclaiming our Order's honor and spirit. You are an inspiration to me, brother Paladin. |
65 或许,在时间之中,你会扮演一个取回我们修道 会荣耀和灵魂的角色。你是我的灵感之源,圣骑 士兄弟。 |
str | 267 | FaraGossip2 | 60 The shrines in the desert are leftover artifacts from the great Sin War that ravaged these lands almost a thousand years ago. They still function, but most travelers believe them only to be remnants of the distant past. |
52 在巨大的罪恶战争中,大地四处遭到蹂躏,只有 沙漠中的神殿留下了一些古代的物品。它们仍然 可以发挥作用,但是大部份的冒险者相信这些东 西只出现在遥远的过去。 |
str | 268 | FaraGossip3 | 54 I've no love for brothels, as they can lead honorable men to do dishonorable things. Since the local harems took up hiding in the palace, however, there seems to be a rise in foul tempers. |
43 我并不爱妓女,因为她们可以让一个正直的人变 成可耻的生物。自从当地的妇女会开始藏在皇宫 之后,这个地方似乎充满了下流的怒气。 |
str | 269 | FaraGossip4 | 66 When the Three Evils were bound ages ago, Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, was moved to Kurast and bound by the holiest of magics. |
64 当三个邪恶之源在很久以前被囚禁之后,墨菲斯 托-憎恨之王已经移到了库拉斯特,并受到最神圣 魔法的监禁。 |
str | 270 | FaraGossip5 | 79 Warriv may not remember me, but I helped him out when I was a young Paladin. There's no need for me to remind him. The rewards for honor will not come in this life. |
68 瓦瑞夫可能不记得我,但是在我还是年轻的圣骑 士时,曾经帮助过他脱离困境。我并不需要他记 住我,光荣的回报并不一定会出现在这一代。 |
str | 271 | FaraGossip6 | 68 Greiz is a fine warrior and leader, but in his heart, he will always be a mercenary for hire. I cannot be loyal to those who have no loyalty to themselves. |
66 格雷兹是一个很好的战士和领导者,但是在他的 心中,他仍然是一个等着被雇用的佣兵。我不能 对这些人忠心,因为他们都无法对自己的内心忠 诚。 |
str | 272 | FaraGossip7 | 90 Atma is a good, loving woman. But I fear she will succumb to her despair and hatred. |
85 亚特玛是一个善良、充满爱心的女子。但是我怕 她会受到她内心的绝望和憎恨所引诱。 |
str | 273 | FaraGossip8 | 95 Geglash is too confident in his abilities. A warrior's true strength is in his heart. |
90 基格列斯对他自己的能力太有自信了。一个战士 的真正力量,是源自他的内心。 |
str | 274 | FaraGossip9 | 94 Meshif is an honest man as far as I can tell. He has never pestered me about my past. |
90 我只能告诉你,马席夫是一个诚实的人。他从来 不会用我的过去来烦我。 |
str | 275 | LysanderIntroGossip1 | 61 How do I know I can trust you? Hmm? You may be as shifty as that pack rat, Elzix, who runs the Inn. But, if you need a potion, though, I suppose I can make you one... for a price, of course. |
47 我怎么知道我该不该信任你?你可能和那个管旅 店的老鼠-艾吉斯一样诡计多端。如果你需要药剂, 那我想我应该帮你做一罐...当然,不是免费的。 |
str | 276 | LysanderGossip1 | 109 Potions are delicate mixtures. They're just as liable to go off in your face as anything. |
104 药剂是优雅的混合物,它们和其他东西一样,很 可能从你的脸上流下来。 |
str | 277 | LysanderGossip2 | 65 Ah... The sweetest desert flower - that's Atma. Even my strongest brew can't bring back her family, though. |
63 最甜美的沙漠之花-就是亚特玛。即使是我最强的 药水,也无法带回她的家庭。 |
str | 278 | LysanderGossip3 | 86 There are some ancient enchanted fountains in the desert that can heal your wounds - if you drink enough from them. |
72 在沙漠之中有一些古代的魔法喷泉,如果你喝够 其中的水,可以治好你身上的所有伤势。 |
str | 279 | LysanderGossip4 | 71 Oh. Deafness has its advantages, you know. I'm no longer forced to overhear the tedious gossip of others. |
65 你知道,耳聋也有它的优点。我再也听不到那些 其他人所讲的乏味耳语了。 |
str | 280 | LysanderGossip5 | 54 I never patronized the brothels, mind you. But since those ladies took up hiding in the palace, there certainly has been less scenery to feast my eyes on. |
52 我从来不鼓励那些妓女来吸引你,但是自从这些 女子藏在皇宫之中,我的眼睛能享受到的景色自 然少得多。 |
str | 281 | LysanderGossip6 | 95 Oh... I have great faith in Greiz. He seems to have things well in hand. |
90 我对格雷兹很有信心,他看来能够把事情控制得 很好。 |
str | 282 | LysanderGossip7 | 90 I've traded my potions to Warriv many times. Yes. They seem to fetch a good price in the western lands. |
85 我有好几次把药剂拿给瓦瑞夫卖卖看,他看来可 以在西方弄到相当不错的价钱。 |
str | 283 | LysanderGossip8 | 71 I've sold many sea-sickness potions to Meshif over the years. It seems that many of his passengers don't take well to the rocking of his ship on the open seas. |
59 在这几年我已经卖给马席夫不少晕船药。看来他 有不少乘客在他航行到开阔的海洋时,受不了不 断摇晃的船身。 |
str | 284 | LysanderGossip9 | 58 Oh... Young Jerhyn used to purchase minor love potions from me, hoping to win the favors of the harem girls. But now that the girls have taken up residence in the palace, he doesn't come around here anymore. Well, well... I've always said, 'alchemy is no substitute for experience'. |
37 年轻的杰海因曾经向我购买一些轻度的爱情药, 希望能够赢得一些女孩的心。但是现在女子们都 躲到他的皇宫中居住,他就很少出现在附近了。 我一直说嘛,炼金术是永远无法取代真正体验的。 |
str | 285 | LysanderGossip10 | 57 Drognan? Oh.. He's a good friend of mine. I help him find exotic spell components and alchemical books from time to time. I think he used to be a sorcerer of great renown, but he doesn't like to talk about his past. |
49 卓格南是我的好友。我一直在帮助他找寻异国的 法术原料以及炼金术方面的书藉。我觉得他曾经 是一个十出名的法师,但是他并不喜欢谈到他的 过去。 |
str | 286 | DrognanIntroGossip1 | 61 I've heard that you are responsible for banishing Andariel back to the Burning Hells. I'm impressed, stranger. That couldn't have been easy. My name is Drognan and I know what you're up against, my friend. You ought to look over my inventory of items for trade. |
42 我听说你就是把安达利尔送回地狱去的人。我十 分惊讶,陌生人。那绝对不是件简单的事情。 我叫卓格南,而且我知道你在对抗的是什么,朋 友。你应该看看我准备买卖些什么东西... |
str | 287 | DrognanIntroSorGossip1 | 50 Welcome, young Sorceress, to Lut Gholein. I hope your skills are a match for the horrors that lie beyond the city's walls. A mage of your limited experience may find the evil too great to withstand alone. My name is Drognan and I know what you're up against, my friend. You ought to look over my inventory of items for trade. |
36 欢迎,年轻的法师,来到鲁-高因。我希望你的 技能可以对抗城墙后面的恐怖东西。你的法师...即 使经验有限,也可以查觉面前的邪恶强到无法独 自对抗。 我叫卓格南,而且我知道你在对抗的是什么,朋 友。你应该看看我准备买卖些什么东西... |
str | 288 | DrognanGossip1 | 74 Many of the Mage Clans feel that women shouldn't practice magic openly. But since you've made it this far, I must say that you have proven your right to do so. |
65 很多法师的种族都认为女人不应该公开的学习法 术。但是因为你已经走了这么远,我必须承认你 的确有权如此。 |
str | 289 | DrognanGossip2 | 57 The Horadrim were a powerful Order, although maybe too prideful. Tal Rasha was one of their Order. And that should tell you something. Any man who believes himself strong enough to contain one of the Prime Evils is in for a rude awakening, I should think. |
43 赫拉迪姆是一个威力强大的修道会,或许它的力 量太强了一点。塔-拉夏就是修道会中的一员, 而且这应该告诉你一些事情。任何人认为自己强 大到可以囚禁住罪恶之源,不过是一种鲁莽的自 觉。我应该好好的想想其中的道理。 |
str | 290 | DrognanGossip3 | 78 I have heard of your friend, Cain. He is the last of the Horadrim. You would do well to heed whatever advice he has to give you. |
67 我从我的朋友-凯恩那边听说过你了。他是最后的 赫拉迪姆传人,你应该好好注意他所给你的建议。 |
str | 291 | DrognanGossip4 | 53 Not long ago, one of my Vizjerei comrades, who I believed had died in Tristram, came to this city. He seemed quite insane, so I dismissed much of what he said. However, he was able to talk his way into Jerhyn's palace. No one has seen him since. I fear that fool may have found something in the palace that led to his doom. |
40 不久之前,我的费斯杰利同志出现在这个城市之 中,我们都以为他已经死在崔斯特瑞姆了。他似 乎发了疯,所以他讲的东西我有八成以上都无法 理解。不过,他却可以利用他讲的东西进入了杰 海因的皇宫,自从那以后就再也没有人看过他了。 我怕那个笨蛋在皇宫中找到一些东西,让他惹下 杀身之祸。 |
str | 292 | DrognanGossip5 | 68 I've been practicing magic for more years than you could know. I'm older than I look, though not so old that I can't conjure up a few sparks. |
66 我练习魔法长达数年,远超过你所知。我比你看 到的外表还老,但是没有老到无法召唤出一些火 花! |
str | 293 | DrognanGossip6 | 67 Elzix is a sly one, I'll give him that. Of course, he never tries to cheat me. He knows what my magic skills can do. |
65 艾吉斯很害羞,这是我对他的评语。当然了,他 从来没想过要骗我,他知道我的魔法力量能够做 到的事。 |
str | 294 | DrognanGossip7 | 86 Demons have spread throughout the desert wasteland and threaten to engulf our quiet port-city. |
81 恶魔已经在沙漠中四散,将我们安静的海边城市 卷入一场大蹂躏之中。 |
str | 295 | DrognanGossip8 | 88 Meshif and his vessel should remain here, lest we risk taking demonic stowaways to other lands. |
83 马席夫和他的船可以停在此处,免得我们不小心 把一些偷渡的恶魔带到其他的大陆上。 |
str | 296 | DrognanGossip9 | 58 When the recent troubles began, Lord Jerhyn came seeking my council. I advised him to close the port and put the town under strict watch. Lately, though, he's been occupied within the palace. I doubt his whores could divert him from his civic duties for this long, though. |
42 当最近出现麻烦以后,杰海因王前来找寻我们的 评议会。我建议他关闭海港,并把城镇置于严格 的看管之下。之后,他就一直待在皇宫中,我怀 疑宫中的荡妇有足够的时间,让他把市民职责的 注意力转为他用。 |
str | 297 | DrognanGossip10 | 68 Lysander is harmless enough. We keep each other company with our mutual interests, yet I don't think he could handle the enormity of our present situation. |
58 雷山德并不会伤害人。我们在共同的兴趣下保持 同伴的关系,而且我不认为他可以应付我们目前 巨大的问题。 |
str | 298 | CainAct2Gossip1 | 48 Greetings, my friend. Have you spoken to Jerhyn yet? He's quite a remarkable leader for being such a young man. Then again, the old blood has always run strong in this land. |
38 你好,朋友。你有没有和杰海因谈过?他是一个 十分出色的领导者,而且年轻很轻。话说回来, 这块大地上的年长者还是比较强势。 |
str | 299 | CainAct2Gossip2 | 71 There is something about Fara that troubles me. Her manner is strange for a lonely desert-maid. |
66 有些和法拉有关的事情让我很困扰。她的举止和 独居的沙漠女子比较起来太怪异了。 |
str | 300 | CainAct2Gossip3 | 70 Elzix is quite a scoundrel, but I like him all the same. |
65 艾吉斯实在很无赖,但是我一样喜欢他。 |
str | 301 | CainAct2Gossip4 | 59 I talked at length with Warriv as we crossed the desert from Khanduras. He has many fascinating tales of the dangers in the desert. His experience may be useful to you. |
43 在我们从坎得拉斯回来穿越沙漠的路上,我和瓦 瑞夫谈了很久。他的经验可能对你有些用处。 |
str | 302 | CainAct2Gossip5 | 57 Meshif is an interesting man. Part of him longs for the freedom of the open seas... Yet his heart belongs in his homeland. |
46 马席夫是一个有趣的人。他有一部份向往开阔海 洋的自由...但是他的心是属于他的老家的。 |
str | 303 | TyraelGossip1 | 42 I thank you, mortal, for my freedom. But I did expect you earlier. I am the Archangel Tyrael. I came here to prevent Diablo from freeing his brother, Baal. But I have failed. Now, Terror and Destruction roam free throughout your world. Even now, they head towards the Eastern capital of Kurast - to the very heart of the Zakarum Temple. There they hope to find their eldest brother, Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred who was imprisoned there ages ago. If the three Prime Evils unite, they will be invincible. Though it is unclear as to what their aims are, it is certain that they must be stopped at all costs. I am broken and the energies that tie me to this world are diminishing rapidly. You must take up this quest and prevent the Three Brothers from reuniting. You must cross the sea and search for Diablo and Baal in Kurast. Now hurry, mortal... Time is running out for all of us! |
29 感谢你,人类,解放了我的自由。不过我的确期 望你们能早点来,我是大天使泰瑞尔。我来此阻 止暗黑破坏神释放他的兄弟-巴尔,但是我失败了。 现在恐怖和破坏之王已经在你的世界中重获自由 了。 即使是现在,他们前往东方的首都库拉斯特;找 寻撒卡兰姆神殿的中心。他们期望能在那个地方 找到他们最年长的兄弟-墨菲斯托,也就是憎恨之 王,长年以来一直受到监禁。如果三个罪恶之源 再度联手,就会所向无敌。虽然我们还不知道他 们的目标为何,很明显的我们必须不计一切代价 加以阻止。 我已经支离破碎,而且让我出现在这个世界中的 能量正在急遽的消散中。你必须接下这个任务, 并预防这三兄弟联手。你必须穿过海洋并到库拉 斯特去找出暗黑破坏神和巴尔。现在,动作快, 人类...对我们而言,时间越来越少了! |
str | 304 | Desert2GuardGossip1 | 50 Hey, hero! You're asking for trouble, if you leave town now. |
48 嘿,英雄!如果你现在离开城镇,你就是在找麻 烦。 |
str | 305 | A2Q1InitAtma | 50 I don't expect this of you, but if you want to help me, I would be grateful. In the sewers below our city, there lurks a horrid creature that hungers for human flesh. The creature has killed many, including my son and my husband. If you destroy it, I will reward you. Please be careful though, that beast has taken enough from us already. The sewer entrance is through the trap door just up the street. |
40 我并没有期待你们的出现,不过如果你愿意协助 我,我会十分感谢。 在我们城市下方的下水道中,潜藏了一些可怕的 生物,饥饿的想要吞食人类的血肉。这些生物已 经杀害了不少人,包括我的儿子和丈夫。 如果你能摧毁它,我将会奖赏你。请你多加小心, 这个生物已经夺走了我们很多人的生命。 下水道的入口是在街上,只要穿过活门就到了。 |
str | 306 | A2Q1AfterInitGreiz | 52 I've personally found some of that devil's victims washed up out of the sewer. Often, they are missing limbs or a head, and their bodies have always been skinned. At first the creature raided the town at night... That's how Atma lost her family. Now we've got him barricaded in the sewers. You're safe up here on the surface, but every now and again some fool wants to be a hero and heads down to the waste tunnels with a pig-sticker. |
40 我个人找到一些恶魔的尸体,从我们的下水道之 中冲出来。它们通常会少掉一些肋骨或是头胪, 而且它们的身躯通常被剥了皮。 刚开始时这些生物在夜间袭击市镇... 亚特玛就是这样失掉她的先生和儿子的。现在我 们已经把他困在下水道之中了。 你在地表是很安全的,但是每次只要有人想要逞 英雄,就会到下面的废弃通道中想拿根长矛捕获 猎物。 |
str | 307 | A2Q1AfterInitElzix | 68 I hear that the creature kills his victims in order to hack off their limbs! I guess that makes me a less likely candidate, eh? |
68 我听说这个生物是为了拔取肋骨而杀害他的猎物! 我猜这可以让我成为他下一个目标的可能性降低 点,嗯? |
str | 308 | A2Q1AfterInitWarrivAct2 | 84 I've heard tales of walking corpses out in the desert at night, though I've never actually seen one. |
79 我听说行走的尸体会出现在夜晚的沙漠之中,不 过我并没有亲眼看到。 |
str | 309 | A2Q1AfterInitGeglash | 77 Hey... Don't touch my drink or I'll bore a hole into your skull with my thumb. |
72 嘿...别碰我的饮料,要不然我就把我的姆指插入你 的头骨中。 |
str | 310 | A2Q1AfterInitFara | 54 I believe that the creature you refer to is one of the ancient Horadric mummies from the tombs that lie buried beneath the desert sands. It is unusual for one of his kind to be so far away from his resting place. I sense in this entity a restless and malevolent spirit. |
43 我相信你在找寻的这个生物,应该是一个古代的 赫拉迪克木乃伊,从埋藏在沙漠底下的古墓而来。 不寻常的是这种生物怎么会远离他的安息之处? 我可以感受到一个无法休眠的实体,以及其中充 满恶意的灵魂。 |
str | 311 | A2Q1AfterInitAtma | 62 The creature makes its lair in the tunnels beneath this city. He butchered my husband and son... I simply cannot bear to talk about it... |
53 这个生物在城市下面的通道中造了一个窝。他屠 杀了我的丈夫和儿子...我真的无法再讲下去... |
str | 312 | A2Q1AfterInitMeshif | 63 There are two entrances to the sewers, I believe. One of them is right near here, down by the water beneath the docks. I can see it from my ship, and you can bet I keep an eye on it every night. |
50 我相信进入下水道有二条路。一个入口就在这附 近,在海港附近的水中,我可以从船上看到,而 且你可以相信我每晚都在监视着。 |
str | 313 | A2Q1AfterInitDrognan | 53 Fara and I have been talking about the creature recently. From my studies, I have deduced that it is Radament the Fallen, an ancient Horadric mummy that has for some reason left his tomb to prey on mortals. I'm doing some more research now. If you check back later, I may have some more insight as to his nature. |
39 我和法拉谈到了最近出现的生物。据我的研究, 我推测那是一个堕落的罗达门特,也就是古代的 赫拉迪克木乃伊,在某些理由之下离开了他的古 墓并来此猎杀人类。我现在正在做进一步的研究, 如果你晚点再过来,我可能可以找出更多与他本 质、天性有关的消息。 |
str | 314 | A2Q1AfterInitLysander | 94 I hear that beast is after body parts. Does he eat them? Oooh... Ghastly! |
89 我听说那个怪物是在收集身体的躯块!他是想吃? 噢...真叫人毛骨悚然! |
str | 315 | A2Q1AfterInitCain | 48 The Horadrim used to mummify their highest mages, and infuse them with spells that would allow them to protect their tombs, even after death. I have no idea why one of them would be acting so malevolently. Perhaps Drognan or Fara would know more about this. |
34 赫拉迪姆通常让他们的最高法师木乃伊化,并灌 入法术的力量,让他们能够保护他们的古墓-即使 是死亡之后。我完全不了解为什么其中之一的行 动会这么恶毒。或许卓格南或法拉会知道更多的 消息。 |
str | 316 | A2Q1EarlyReturnWarrivAct2 | 90 Death is not afraid of the living, but the living abhor death. |
85 死人并不害怕活人,但是活人痛恨死人。 |
str | 317 | A2Q1EarlyReturnMeshif | 55 I noticed a rotting, human arm floating in the harbor this morning. I suspected foul play, so I told Greiz. He didn't seem too concerned since there haven't been any folk reported missing lately. |
53 我注意到那个腐坏、人类的手臂今早浮现在港湾 之中。我觉得有点行凶的味道,所以我告诉了格 雷兹,但是他似乎不太关心,因为最近并没有回 报任何人失踪。 |
str | 318 | A2Q1EarlyReturnAtma | 83 I am starting to have second thoughts about my request... I couldn't bear the thought of you losing your life on my behalf. Please be careful. |
70 我开始对我的任务有另一层想法...我无法把你们可 能死亡的想法抛诸脑后。 请多加小心。 |
str | 319 | A2Q1EarlyReturnGreiz | 69 We've been meaning to send an organized group down there to kill that thing, but it would be dangerous. We just can't afford the chance of losing any men with all the trouble that's going on in the desert. |
62 我们曾经打算派一组人下去解决掉那个东西,但 是那实在太危险了。我们真的无法负担损失任何 人的后果,否则我们可能无法处理沙漠中不断涌 现的危机。 |
str | 320 | A2Q1EarlyReturnGeglash | 65 Ah-hah! Back for a small shot of courage... Believe me, it doesn't help for long. Drinks, barkeep! |
49 啊 - 哈!觉得缺了一些勇气才回来?相信我,这帮 不上太多忙的,喝吧。酒保! |
str | 321 | A2Q1EarlyReturnElzix | 69 If you're going to fight that thing, use some common sense. Be knowledgeable about what harms the undead. Poison, for instance, will have little effect. |
67 如果你打算和那个东西作战,用一点常识。你必 须知道什么东西可以伤害这种死而复生的生物。 举例来说,毒,可以派得上一点用场。 |
str | 322 | A2Q1EarlyReturnLysander | 64 Huh? Peppermint? Oh, Radament! Yes, yes. Ooh, a foul creature... Some of my exploding potions should do quite nicely against him. They usually work well against the undead. |
62 呃?所罗门?噢,罗达门特!是,是,那个邪恶 的生物...我有一些爆炸性的药剂应该可以对它发挥 效果,这些东西对付不死系的生物时都有不错的 功效。 |
str | 323 | A2Q1EarlyReturnDrognan | 49 I've just been reading something interesting about this sort of undead. Apparently, certain Horadric funereal priests altered the bodies of their dead mages with magical and surgical techniques -- often replacing body parts with those of animals. This was thought to augment their powers, and raise their status in the afterlife. |
35 我刚刚看完一些与不死生物有关的有趣资料。很 显然某些赫拉迪克的葬体祭师,在死亡法师的身 体实行一些魔法和手术-通常是利用动物的肢体来 取代死人的身躯。他们都认为这个方式可以增强 它们的力量,而且在死后的生活中可以提升他们 的处境。 |
str | 324 | A2Q1EarlyReturnFara | 68 Drognan told me something interesting earlier today. It might explain why Radament is so restless, and it might have something to do with why he is stealing human body parts. |
58 卓格南告诉我一些今天稍早发生的有趣事情。这 可能可以解释为什么罗达门特至今一直无法安息, 而且他为什么一直在偷取人类的尸体主因。 |
str | 325 | A2Q1EarlyReturnCain | 41 The Horadric mummies were created to protect the tombs, but Radament is far from his burial chamber. Given the aberrations that have been witnessed lately, it comes as no surprise that even the ancient guardian spells have begun to unravel. Be wary of this as you venture farther into the desert. |
35 这个赫拉迪克的木乃伊是用来保护古墓而制作的, 但是罗达门特离他的埋骨之处实在太远了。就像 我们最近发现的奇怪行为异常一样,这个古代施 行的守护者法术已经开始现出真实面貌,也不是 什么奇怪的事情了。在你踏入沙漠冒险之前,要 多加提防这个现象。 |
str | 326 | A2Q1SuccessfulGreiz | 76 You've killed Radament, eh? That's quite a nice piece of work! If you ever need a job as a mercenary, I'd be happy to sign ya' up. |
73 你杀死罗达门特了,呃?那真是太棒了!如果你 像佣兵一样需要一份工作,我很高兴能和你定下 契约。 |
str | 327 | A2Q1SuccessfulDrognan | 52 From what you tell me, it would seem that Radament was bent on the task of reviving his own mummified corpse with the flesh of the living. This is very unusual indeed. It takes an incredible magic power to alter the singular purpose of an undead mind. Perhaps there is a power at work here which is beyond my ken. |
34 从你告诉我的情况,看来罗达门特似乎打算利用 活人的血肉,让自己受木乃伊处理的身体复活。 这真的十分不寻常。这需要十分强大的魔力,才 能改变不死生物单一的思考信念。也许这里有一 股力量,远超过我知识的范畴。 |
str | 328 | A2Q1SuccessfulLysander | 61 Uh... Little of what I am able to hear is of any value. Radament's death, however, is news worth hearing. I'm sure Atma will be glad to hear of this. |
57 呃...我最近听到的东西都没啥价值。不过罗达门特 的死亡,不管怎么说,都是很值得听到的好消息。 我更肯定亚特玛会更高兴听到这个消息。 |
str | 329 | A2Q1SuccessfulMeshif | 62 Good job mate! At night out on my ship, I was often awakened by that fiend's awful moaning. I bet I rest easier now. |
60 干得好,伙伴!每晚我在船上都会被残暴而可怕 的嘶吼声惊醒。我打赌现在我更容易入睡了。 |
str | 330 | A2Q1SuccessfulGeglash | 41 Whoah oh... 'Radament the Fallen', is it? I've fallen off many a barstool and no one calls me 'Geglash the Fallen'. They might go so far as to say, 'Geglash, you've fallen!' |
35 喔 - 哇,「堕落的罗达门特」,对不对?我在酒吧 的高脚凳上面跌下来好几天,也从来没有人叫我 「堕落的基格列斯」。他们只会说「基格列斯, 你又掉下去了」。 |
str | 331 | A2Q1SuccessfulElzix | 70 We ran into one of those old tomb guardians when I ran with my bandits. I know they aren't easy foes to face, so you sure have my respect. Have you told Atma yet? |
59 当我还是盗贼时,我们曾经碰到一个年代久远的 古墓看守者。我知道它们有多难缠,所以你真的 让我十分尊敬。你告诉亚特玛了吗? |
str | 332 | A2Q1SuccessfulWarrivAct2 | 142 Atma's been telling everyone what you've done for her. |
143 亚特玛正在告诉所有人你为她所做的事情。 |
str | 333 | A2Q1SuccessfulFara | 102 As you have helped Atma and all of us, so shall I help you. |
115 如同你帮助亚特玛和我们所有人一样,我也会协 助你。 |
str | 334 | A2Q1SuccessfulCain | 57 If you haven't already, tell Atma that Radament is dead. It may help to ease the weight of her mourning. |
54 如果你还没讲,去告诉亚特玛罗达门特已经死了。 这可以让她在丧事中心情好过一点。 |
str | 335 | A2Q1SuccessfulAtma | 50 They say that the taste of vengeance is bittersweet, but I find it to my liking. In addition to my undying gratitude, I have spoken on your behalf with the rest of the townspeople. The merchants have agreed to show their gratitude by offering their wares and services at lower rates. Oh... Jerhyn wants to see you, too. You'll find him in front of the palace. |
40 他们说复仇的味道尝起来苦乐参半,但是我觉得 我还蛮喜欢的。 除了我永久的感谢之外,我已经把你的义行告诉 其他的镇民。商人们都同意表达他们的感谢,让 你以最低的折扣购买他们的货物。 噢...杰海因也想要见见你。你可以在皇宫的前面找 到他。 |
str | 336 | A2Q2EarlyReturnScrollCain | 37 Ahh... The lost Horadric Scroll! What a fortunate turn of events... As the last living Horadrim, I alone have knowledge of its meaning. Now, to read the Horadric runes it bears. Hmmm... The Horadric Mages, after binding Baal within Tal Rasha, magically sealed off his Burial Chamber from the mortal realm. Those same Mages also crafted fearsome Horadric Staves and imbued them with the special power to open the Chamber's hidden door. After nearly losing one to the thievery of a rogue sorcerer, they divided all the Horadric Staves into two parts - wooden shaft and metal headpiece - hiding them separately to safeguard them. The Horadrim foresaw our current plight and designed the hiding places to reveal themselves to worthy heroes like you. Collect both parts of a Horadric Staff and unite them using a Horadric Cube. Then, you may enter Tal Rasha's Burial Chamber. |
30 啊...遗失的赫拉迪克卷轴!能够翻动事件的记录真 是幸运... 身为最后一个赫拉迪姆的子民,我的确具有了解 它内容的知识。现在,来看看这些赫拉迪克符号 的含意...嗯... 赫拉迪克的法师在成功的把巴尔束缚在塔-拉夏 的体内之后,以魔法性的封印将这个埋藏的墓地 从人类的世界中隔开。这些同时期的法师也制作 了令人畏惧的「赫拉迪克之杖」,在里面注入了 特殊的力量,以打开这个墓地隐藏的大门。 有一次一个恶棍般的法师几乎把木杖偷走之后, 他们就把这项物品拆成二个部份-木制的手柄和金 属的花纹-把这二个东西分散之后藏起来,并加以 严密的看管。 赫拉迪姆预见了我们的处境,并将这些埋藏地点 自动显现在像你这样的英雄眼前。 收集这二个赫拉迪克的物品,并利用赫拉迪克的 方块将它们组合在一块。接下来,你才能进入塔. 拉夏的墓地之中。 |
str | 337 | A2Q2EarlyReturnCapCain | 50 The Viper Amulet you bear is actually the headpiece of a Horadric Staff! Yes... You have an uncanny knack for finding rare and valuable artifacts. Of course, you'll have to use a Horadric Cube to combine the headpiece with the shaft. |
40 你身上的腹蛇护符事实上就是赫拉迪克之杖的金 属花纹! 是的...你拥有一种怪异的技巧,帮助你找寻少见 而极富价值的古物。当然了,你必须使用赫拉迪 克方块才能把手柄和花纹结合在一块。 |
str | 338 | A2Q2EarlyReturnStaveCain | 56 The Staff of Kings! You astound me, my friend. You have discovered the shaft portion of a Horadric Staff. I trust you know how to use a Horadric Cube to unite the shaft with its headpiece. |
38 王者之杖!你吓坏我了,朋友...你找到了赫拉迪克 之杖的木制手柄。我相信你知道如何使用赫拉迪 克方块把手柄和花纹结合在一块。 |
str | 339 | A2Q2EarlyReturnCubeCain | 40 You have quite a treasure there in that Horadric Cube. According to Horadric lore, the Cube can restore a Horadric Staff. To do it - use the Cube as you would a scroll. When the Cube opens, place both pieces of the Staff into it and use the Cube's transmute power. You'll be pleased to know that the Cube has other alchemical uses as well... Six gems plus one sword transmute into a socketed long sword. You may also transmute two quivers of crossbow bolts into one quiver of arrows, while two quivers of arrows yield one quiver of bolts. I must leave it to you to discover other formulae. |
31 你身上的赫拉迪克方块是一个不折不扣的宝物。 根据赫拉迪克的知识,这个方块可以把相关物品 合成赫拉迪克之杖。 要做到这点-把方块像卷轴一样使用。当方块开启 时,把二个赫拉迪克之杖的零件放进去,并发挥 方块改变外观的力量。 你会很高兴的知道,这个方块也有另一种炼金术 般的功用... 把六枚宝石和一把剑放进去,可以变形成一把有 凹槽的长剑。你也可以把二个十字弓箭筒放进去, 变出一个弓箭筒;而将二个弓箭筒放入则会变出 一个十字弓箭筒。 你必须自行发现其他的配方。 |
str | 340 | A2Q2SuccessfulStaffCain | 46 Excellent! You have a Horadric Staff. Carry it with you into Tal Rasha's Tomb. Find within the Tomb the chamber whose floor is inset with the Circle of Seven Symbols. Place the Staff into the receptacle you find there. That will open the secret passage into Tal Rasha's Burial Chamber. But, be prepared for a fight - you'll likely have to kill Tal Rasha to destroy Baal. |
34 太棒了!你现在拥有赫拉迪克之杖了。 带着它前往塔-拉夏的墓地,在里面找到一个房 间,地面镶着七个符号的圆环。把木杖放在那个 地方的插槽中,这样就可以打开通往塔-拉夏的 埋骨之处。 但是,你得准备迎接一场战斗-你很可能要杀死塔. 拉夏,才能够摧毁巴尔。 |
str | 341 | A2Q3AfterInitJerhyn | 110 My astrologers failed to predict this eclipse. You should seek Drognan's advice. |
105 我的占星学无法预测这一次的日蚀。你该听听卓 格南的建议。 |
str | 342 | A2Q3AfterInitGreiz | 71 This midday darkness reeks of foul magic! My men and I are trying to keep the peace, but this kind of thing really scares people. |
62 这个中午的黑暗充满了邪恶的魔法!我的人和我 正试着保持平静,但是这种事情真的会吓坏人民。 |
str | 343 | A2Q3AfterInitElzix | 65 Two men arrived late last night bearing a story about evil magic. They said they saw a gathering of giant snake creatures performing some arcane ritual. They sound like the Serpent Men of the desert. |
55 有二个人昨天晚上到达,谈到与邪恶魔法有关的 事情,他们说他们看到巨蛇般的生物群聚在一块, 进行着某种神秘的仪式。它们的声音听起来像是 沙漠中的蛇人。 |
str | 344 | A2Q3AfterInitWarrivAct2 | 72 The sun has grown disgusted with the terrible deeds it must shine upon each day. Damnation is upon us all. |
68 太阳已经变成这种令人作呕的样子,而且它一定 每天都这个模样。天谴已经降临到我们所有人的 身上了。 |
str | 345 | A2Q3AfterInitAtma | 121 Drognan, the wizard, will have some idea as to what is happening. |
105 卓格南,那个法师,对目前发生的事情有些概念。 |
str | 346 | A2Q3AfterInitGeglash | 100 This whole place is one big ale fog. |
95 这整个地方都笼罩着一层浓雾。 |
str | 347 | A2Q3AfterInitFara | 70 This unnatural nightfall is no doubt caused by evil sorcery. Drognan might know what we are dealing with. |
65 这个违反自然的黄昏无疑的是由邪恶法术所造成 的。卓格南可能知道我们目前正在和谁打交道。 |
str | 348 | A2Q3AfterInitLysander | 65 Claw Vipers! This outer darkness mirrors the inner blackness of their souls. It is they who have eclipsed the sun, I'll wager. They are a venomous band. |
55 利爪腹蛇!这种生物会把内在的黑暗灵魂反应在 它们的外观上面。我敢打赌就是它们把太阳变成 日蚀的,它们是恶毒的一群。 |
str | 349 | A2Q3AfterInitDrognan | 77 I've been researching this lengthy eclipse and I believe it to be the work of Claw Vipers. Find their temple beneath the desert sands and you may find the source of this curse. |
54 我正在研究这个长时间的日蚀成因,而且我相信 这都是利爪腹蛇的杰作。找出它们在沙漠中的神 殿,你可能在那边找到这个诅咒的来源。 |
str | 350 | A2Q3AfterInitMeshif | 76 This permanent darkness is very unsettling. Hmmm... It would make navigation by stars easier for me, though. |
64 这个永恒的黑暗实在让人提心吊胆。嗯...不过这样 可以靠着星星导航,对我而言还比较容易。 |
str | 351 | A2Q3AfterInitCain | 62 Drognan may have some advice on this matter. Hmm... I think I'll speak with him myself. |
60 卓格南可能对目前的情况有些建议。嗯...我想我得 和他谈谈。 |
str | 352 | A2Q3EarlyReturnJerhyn | 130 This eclipse is a definite manifestation of evil. |
125 这个日蚀明显的是邪恶力量的活动征候。 |
str | 353 | A2Q3EarlyReturnGreiz | 73 Don't worry! My men and I have an iron grip on this town. If those cursed Claw Vipers are plotting anything against us, we'll be prepared for 'em. |
68 别担心!我的人员和我己经把这个城镇守得固若 金汤。如果这些诅咒的利爪腹蛇正在计划任何对 抗我们的事情,我们会准备给它们一个盛大的欢 迎。 |
str | 354 | A2Q3EarlyReturnWarrivAct2 | 73 The calculated coldness of the reptilian brain makes the Claw Vipers uncanny adversaries. |
68 这些爬虫类的脑部若处于估算出来的寒冷之中, 会让利爪腹蛇成为超常的对手。 |
str | 355 | A2Q3EarlyReturnGeglash | 49 It's strange when the morning after the night before... is still the same night. |
47 早晨之前是夜晚,现在更奇怪的是早晨之后...一样 是夜晚。 |
str | 356 | A2Q3EarlyReturnMeshif | 105 I've had about enough of this darkness. I don't even know what day it is anymore. |
100 我受够了这一片黑暗。我甚至不知道什么时候算 是白天。 |
str | 357 | A2Q3EarlyReturnFara | 77 The Claw Vipers practice evil magic. They have also been known to kidnap travelers and sacrifice them to their dark gods. |
75 利爪腹蛇正在练习邪恶的魔法。它们另一个出名 之处,在于绑架旅人并把猎物牺牲献给它们的黑 暗之神。 |
str | 358 | A2Q3EarlyReturnLysander | 82 Well... I don't know much about the habits of Claw Vipers, to be honest. Drognan will probably know something about the nature of the magic at work. |
74 这个...老实说,我并不太清楚利爪腹蛇的习性。卓 格南很可能知道一些针对它们天性、更容易奏效 的法术。 |
str | 359 | A2Q3EarlyReturnDrognan | 51 I've discovered a reference to a similar eclipse several hundred years ago. It says that some desert-dwelling snake demons had erected an evil altar, which caused the sun to go black. Perhaps we are dealing with something similar here. Look for an altar in the Claw Viper temple. |
37 我发现了数百年前出现类似日蚀的参考资料。上 面写着有些沙漠中居住的蛇类恶魔兴建了一个邪 恶的祭坛,可以导致太阳转为黑色。也许我们目 前也碰上了类似的状况。到利爪腹蛇的神殿中找 寻祭坛。 |
str | 360 | A2Q3EarlyReturnElzix | 94 I usually charge for rooms by the night. But I may have to soon change that. |
91 我通常只有在夜晚才向房客收费。 但是我可能马上变更这个规定。 |
str | 361 | A2Q3EarlyReturnCain | 57 The source of this spell is probably a magical altar. It will not be enough to kill the Claw Vipers. To reverse the spell you must destroy the altar. |
47 这个法术的源头可能是一个祭坛,光是杀死利爪 腹蛇还不够。要反转这个法术,你得把祭坛毁掉。 |
str | 362 | A2Q3EarlyReturnAtma | 80 I was going to go to bed, but then I realized that I have no idea what time it is. It could be the crack of dawn, for all I know. |
75 我本来已经准备上床了,但是接下来我了解到我 完全不知道目前的时间。我目前只知道现在可能 接近黎明时分。 |
str | 363 | A2Q3SuccessfulJerhyn | 96 The sun again shines on Lut Gholein! I'm beginning to like you, traveler. |
91 太阳再次闪耀在鲁-高因。我已经开始喜欢你了, 冒险者。 |
str | 364 | A2Q3SuccessfulGreiz | 219 I'm glad that's over with! |
219 我真高兴一切都结束了! |
str | 365 | A2Q3SuccessfulElzix | 74 Ahh... It takes but one eye to revel in the beauty of our restored sun. |
69 啊...我得闭一个眼睛起来,才能欣赏我们美丽而回 复原状的太阳。 |
str | 366 | A2Q3SuccessfulGeglash | 60 So, this is daylight... It's over-rated. |
58 啊,原来是白天...我估错了。 |
str | 367 | A2Q3SuccessfulWarrivAct2 | 80 With renewed daylight, one may gather the wits that were scattered about like restrictive undergarments in the darkness. |
65 以现在全新的白天,可以让一个人收集四散的智 慧,并学习夜晚会发生的各种限制。 |
str | 368 | A2Q3SuccessfulMeshif | 130 So... Did you plunder any booty? |
125 那...你有没有抢到任何战利品? |
str | 369 | A2Q3SuccessfulAtma | 132 You have done well to restore light to our world. |
127 你回复了我们世界中的光芒,做得好。 |
str | 370 | A2Q3SuccessfulFara | 87 Drognan seems to have taken you into his confidence. This is good, for you will benefit from his wisdom. |
82 卓格南似乎十分信任你的表现。这样很好,你将 会因为他的智慧而受益。 |
str | 371 | A2Q3SuccessfulLysander | 69 Ahhh... Claw Vipers are fond of magical artifacts. Did you happen to find one in their temple? |
67 啊 - ...利爪腹蛇对魔法物品十分有品味,你在他们 的神殿中是不是找到了什么好东西? |
str | 372 | A2Q3SuccessfulDrognan | 69 You did well in destroying the Claw Vipers. We are all glad to see the sun returned to its former glory. |
67 你毁灭利爪腹蛇实在做得漂亮,我们都很高兴看 到太阳回复原有的光辉。 |
str | 373 | A2Q3SuccessfulCain | 48 I've been speaking with Lord Jerhyn, and I sense that he is becoming more and more agitated by something. You should try to talk to him again. If he still won't take you into his confidence, seek to prove yourself a bit more. I gather that his respect for you is growing. |
35 我已经和杰海因君王谈过了,而且我觉得他越来 越为某些事情担忧,你应该试着再度和他交谈。 如果他仍然不愿意相信你,你就该找其他的方式 来证明你自己。我四处探听到他对你的尊敬与日 俱增。 |
str | 374 | A2Q4InitDrognan | 41 I've been researching the old records, trying to find the location of Tal Rasha's Tomb. Though I haven't found the Tomb, itself, I may have a good lead for you. The great Vizjerei Summoner, Horazon, built his Arcane Sanctuary somewhere around here. He was a powerful spellcaster and kept demons as slaves within the Sanctuary. He kept a close eye on great events, too -- such as the imprisonment of Baal within Tal Rasha's Tomb. If you could find Horazon's Sanctuary, I'm sure that it would hold some clue as to the Tomb's location. Though I doubt Horazon is still alive, you must proceed with caution. There's no telling what could be waiting inside. When I spoke of this with Lord Jerhyn, he asked that I send you to him. Perhaps he knows of a secret entrance or the like. |
30 我一直在搜寻旧日的记录,试着找出塔-拉夏的 古墓。虽然我没能找出这个墓地的位置,但是我 帮你找到了一条不错的线索。 伟大的费斯杰利召唤者-赫拉森,附近的某处建立 了他的神圣庇难所。他曾经是个威力强大的施法 者,而且在庇难所之中以恶魔们当做奴隶来使唤。 他也不断的注意四处的巨大事件-像是把巴尔困在 塔-拉夏的古墓之中。 如果你能找到赫拉森的庇难所,我可以肯定里面 可以找到一些古墓地点的提示。虽然我很怀疑赫 拉森是不是还活着,但是你们在里面必须十分小 心。没有人知道里面究竟有什么在等着你们。 当我和杰海因君王谈到这个事情时,他请我带你 们过去见他。也许他知道秘密入口或是这一类的 事情。 |
str | 375 | A2Q4AfterInitFara | 46 Ah, the ancient mage Horazon! He believed that he could bend Evil forces to his will. What he didn't know was that Evil uses man, not the reverse. The Vizjerei still revere him as a symbol of man's ability to triumph over other worldly forces. The Church of Light, however, cites him as an example of man's folly. |
33 啊,古代的法师赫拉森!他相信他能够束缚邪恶 服从他的意志。他不了解的是邪恶利用人类,无 法反其道而行。费斯杰利的人仍然尊崇他,视他 为人类能力的代表,得意洋洋的认为他们超过了 世界上的任何武力。然而在教堂的光明之下,却 是以他的例证,来说明一个人的愚行。 |
str | 376 | A2Q4AfterInitGreiz | 89 The only thing in Jerhyn's cellar are the harem girls that have been hiding there since the troubles began. |
84 在杰海因牢房中的唯一东西,就是在沙漠中出现 大麻烦,躲到皇宫之中的妇女会女子。 |
str | 377 | A2Q4AfterInitElzix | 62 An 'Arcane Sanctuary' under the palace? I'd heard that there were some underground cellar levels that Jerhyn used as chambers for his treasure and such, but no Arcane Sanctuary. |
52 在皇宫底下的「神秘避难所」?我是听说过杰海 因把地下牢房的那一层,用一些房间当做放置财 物的地方,但是没有听说过什么神秘避难所。 |
str | 378 | A2Q4AfterInitJerhyn | 44 When the troubles began here, I allowed the terrified Harem guilds to join me within the safety of the palace. All was fine, until one night... Screams echoed up the stairwells from the harem. My guards arrived to find the poor girls being slaughtered by a merciless band of hell-spawned demons. My brave guardsmen tried to push the demons back into the mysterious rift from which they came. Ever since, my men have fought a losing battle. Demons have continued to pour through the rift into the palace. Ultimately, I hired Greiz and his mercenaries to help protect the rest of my fair city. Drognan believes that the Arcane Sanctuary lies buried underneath this palace, since Lut Gholein occupies the site of an ancient Vizjerei fortress. My palace is open to you now... Take care. |
35 当这个地带出现问题时,我让吓坏了的妇女会们 进入我的城堡,待在安全的地方。一切都很好, 直到一天晚上... 从妇女们安睡的地方传出一声嘶号,在楼梯间回 荡着。我的警卫到达之后,发现地狱而来的恶魔 们,已经把那些可怜的女孩用残暴而不知怜悯的 方式全面屠杀了。我的伟大警卫试着把这些恶魔 推回一个神秘的传送台上面,那正是他们进来的 地方。 自从那时以后,我的人就被卷入了一场必输的战 斗之中。恶魔们不断的透过平台进入皇宫。最后, 我只有雇用格雷兹和他的佣兵,公平的保护城市 的其他地方。 卓格南相信这个神秘避难所就埋藏在这个皇宫的 正下方,因为鲁-高因正是由古代的费斯杰利堡 垒所改建的。 我的皇宫现在已经为你所开启...小心。 |
str | 379 | A2Q4AfterInitCain | 45 I very much doubt that Horazon still lives in his Sanctuary. He possessed great power and influence over demons, but even that may not have been enough in the end. One of his notoriety cannot easily remove himself from the vengeful reach of Hell. |
38 我很怀疑赫拉森还活在他的庇难所之中。他拥有 极强大的力量,而且可以感化恶魔的思想,但即 使是这样也不一定能让他年老获得安息。他有一 个连他自己都无法辩白的恶名,就是复仇心重到 想要前往地狱。 |
str | 380 | A2Q4AfterInitGeglash | 60 Look, look... I'm just about as tough and arrogant as they come, but you'd never catch me trying to tame a demon for a pet. That's just asking for a lot of trouble. |
50 看吧,看吧...他们来的时候我正打算装出又强悍和 自大的样子,但是你一定不会看到我试着养驯一 个恶魔当宠物!那只是在找麻烦而己。 |
str | 381 | A2Q4AfterInitAtma | 75 Arcane Sanctuary? That place sounds awful! Even if you find a way into it, what makes you think you'll be able to leave again? |
70 神秘庇难所?那种地方听起来好可怕!就算你找 到进去的方式,你怎么会认为里面可以找到离开 的出路? |
str | 382 | A2Q4AfterInitWarrivAct2 | 73 A careful caravan gives wide berth to sleeping bandits. If Horazon is gone, let him remain so. |
68 一队谨慎的商队会和睡眠中的盗贼保持距离。如 果赫拉森己经死了,不如让他保持原样。 |
str | 383 | A2Q4AfterInitLysander | 49 Horazon found it necessary to lock himself up for all time, just to protect himself from those angry demons. Such is the fate of one who practices the summoning arts... that, or eternal damnation. There's old summoners and bold summoners, but no old, bold summoners. |
38 赫拉森发现他必须把自己一直封锁起来,才能保 护他免于那些生气恶魔的伤害。当然,这是一个 练习召唤艺术之人的命运...不过这也可以称之为永 恒的天谴。年老的召唤师和大胆的召唤师都还好, 但是没有大胆兼年老召唤师的生存空间。 |
str | 384 | A2Q4AfterInitDrognan | 42 Nearly a thousand years ago, Horazon rose to the fore of the Vizjerei mage clan. Horazon used the knowledge of the Vizjerei to summon and control demons from Hell. Though a powerful Summoner, Horazon feared that the Lords of Hell would punish him for enslaving their brethren. Thus, the Summoner created for himself an Arcane Sanctuary. He believed that his Sanctuary would not only protect him from Hell's vengeance, but also allow him to continue his studies free from the ravages of time and disease. Horazon had crafted many wondrous scrying devices through which he observed the events of the world outside. It is certain that he took careful study of Tal Rasha's imprisonment and recorded the location of his forgotten Tomb. The Arcane Sanctuary was believed to have been constructed here in Lut Gholein. An entrance may be hidden somewhere in the palace, as that building is very old, and was once a Vizjerei fortress. |
26 大约在一千年以前,赫拉森兴起并成为费斯杰利 魔法师一族的首席。赫拉森利用费斯杰利的知识, 从地狱中召唤恶魔并控制它们。 虽然他是个威力强大的召唤师,赫拉森害怕地狱 之王会因为奴役其伙伴而惩罚他。所以这个召唤 师为他自己创造了神秘庇难所。他相信他的庇难 所不只可以保护他免于地狱的复仇,而且可以让 他继续他的研究,不受到时间和疾病的蹂躏。 赫拉森制作了许多神奇而占卜性的设备,可以让 他看到外面世界所发现的各种大事。几乎可以肯 定的是他一定会小心的研究塔-拉夏的禁锢方式, 并记录下他被人遗忘的古墓位置。 这个神秘庇难所相信就是建立在这个鲁-高因, 不只是因为这是个年代久远的建筑,而且这个地 方曾经是费斯杰利的堡垒。所以,在皇宫之中可 能可以找到一个隐藏的入口。 |
str | 385 | A2Q4AfterInitMeshif | 57 Ahh... The legend of Horazon is an old one, especially around these parts. You wouldn't believe the feats and strange events that are attributed to him. |
55 啊...传说中的赫拉森是一个很老的人,尤其是这部 份的传言。你不会相信他身上发生了什么绝技和 事件。 |
str | 386 | A2Q4EarlyReturnElzix | 63 I understand that you've been talking to Jerhyn. Well, if so, then you're the first in a long while... since the trouble began, actually. Do us a favor and try to find out what's got Jerhyn so edgy all the time. OK? |
58 我知道你已经和杰海因谈过了。那么,如果是这 样,那你将是长久以来的第一个...事实上,是自从 一切麻烦开始之后。 帮我们一个忙,并试着找出让杰海因这么焦燥的 主要原因,好吗? |
str | 387 | A2Q4EarlyReturnJerhyn | 48 There was an eastern mage... a Vizjerei, I believe... who visited me almost a year ago. He was very interested in the history of this site, and he seemed particularly fascinated with the palace architecture. I gave him a tour. When he found the ancient seals over a passageway in the cellar, he became very agitated. He asked for some time alone to study them, and I granted it. Shortly after, he left with no further word and I never saw him again. Odd... Don't you think? |
39 曾经有东方的法师...我想,是一个费斯杰利人...大 约在一年以前来拜访过我。他对这个地方的历史 十分有兴趣,而且他似乎特别对这个皇宫的建筑 感到着迷。 我让他在皇宫中四处走走,当他发现在牢中一个 通道中的古代封印之后,他变得十分激动。他问 我是不是能在那个地方研究它们,而我答应了。 之后没多久,他就离开了而且没留下只字片语, 而且我再也没有看过他。很奇怪...你不觉得吗? |
str | 388 | A2Q4EarlyReturnGreiz | 61 What's got you so occupied in the palace? Don't tell me you're finding the Harems more compelling than killing demons? That would be out of character for one such as yourself. |
51 你在皇宫中究竟忙什么?别告诉我你现在发现妇 女们要比杀恶魔更令人着迷?那对像你这样子的 人而言,实在有点离谱。 |
str | 389 | A2Q4EarlyReturnDrognan | 63 I am certain that you will find the information you need when you find Horazon's Journal. I suggest you find it quickly, for Diablo may be getting closer to freeing his brother as we speak. |
51 我很确定你会在赫拉森的日记中找到你所须的知 识。我建议你的动作快一点,因为在我们说话的 时候,暗黑破坏神可能越来越接近解放他兄弟的 那一天。 |
str | 390 | A2Q4EarlyReturnLysander | 68 Huh? The horizon is always out of reach, you should know that. Oh, Horazon! Oh, I see. Uh. Yes. Well. He was insane. Brilliant, yes, but... total lunatic. |
50 呃?楬色森是表示树林染上病,你应该知道的。 噢,赫拉森!噢,我知道了,是的,这个....他已 经发疯了。很聪明,是的,但是...是个疯子。 |
str | 391 | A2Q4EarlyReturnFara | 57 Even a sanctuary such as Horazon's can be breached by the tentacles of Evil. Such a haven could have become a chamber of unspeakable horrors. Be wary of what you may unleash! |
47 即使是赫拉森的庇难所,仍然难逃被黑暗触角所 包围的命运。像这样的天堂也可能变成无法言喻 恐怖的大本营。小心你可能碰上的敌人! |
str | 392 | A2Q4EarlyReturnGeglash | 49 All my years of brawling, of pummeling both the unsuspecting and the deserving, have yielded two insights. You can either fight or you can run. All other strategies are variations of these. |
38 在我数年来的争吵、值得援助或是打架,让我洞 察到二个方式。你可以打斗也可以跑掉,所有的 策略都源自于这二个选择。 |
str | 393 | A2Q4EarlyReturnMeshif | 77 So... Now that you're such a pal of Jerhyn, why don't you ask him if I can set sail one of these days? I'm running out of patience. |
72 那么,现在你是杰海因的朋友了,你为什么不问 问他我什么时候可以航向海上?我已经没什么耐 性了。 |
str | 394 | A2Q4EarlyReturnAtma | 87 So you've been in the palace, have you? Tell me, why does Jerhyn keep that place locked up so tight? |
82 那你曾经去过皇宫了,不是吗?告诉我,为什么 杰海因要把整个地方封锁得那么牢? |
str | 395 | A2Q4EarlyReturnWarrivAct2 | 87 Fate is like a caged gorilla. It will pelt you with dung if you mock it. |
82 命运像是一个笼中的暴民。如果你嘲笑我的话, 我马上就对你丢石块。 |
str | 396 | A2Q4EarlyReturnCain | 51 I've been thinking about the problems in Jerhyn's palace. Perhaps this has occurred to you as well... If those cellar passageways lead to the Arcane Sanctuary, then that is where the demons came from. Horazon's haven must have been breached! |
35 我一直在想杰海因皇宫中的麻烦。也许这也发生 在你的身上...如果这些牢笼的通道通往神秘庇难所, 那么那个地方就是恶魔源源不绝的地方。赫拉森 的天堂一定早就被攻占了! |
str | 397 | A2Q4SuccessfulNarrator | 37 Seekers of the Tomb of Tal Rasha will find it through the Portal. But know that the glowing glyphs recorded here in my Arcane Sanctuary are the signs of the six False Tombs. The missing Seventh Sign marks the Tomb of Tal Rasha... Of the Horadrim he might be called the foremost. It was a shining - but brief - moment for the Mage Clans when they set aside their differences and worked together against the common enemy. The Horadrim relentlessly pursued the Three across the desolate Empires of the East, and even into the uncharted lands of the West, leaving the Archangel Tyrael's hands unblemished. Presuming the Three to be vanquished, the Horadrim's unstable fellowship began to dissipate. Abandoning their sacred charge to safeguard the three Soulstones, the disparate Mage Clans began to squabble amongst each other over petty differences. Their conflicts not only dissolved their brotherhood, but strengthened the Evils which they had buried beneath the cold earth. |
22 找寻前往塔-拉夏古墓的人们,必须穿越传送点 才能找到它。但要知道,记录在我神秘庇难所的 发光符号,是六个错误的墓地。 失去的第七个符号就代表了塔-拉夏的古墓...在赫 拉迪姆的时代,他可能是能力最强的人。 他曾经闪耀-但是时间短暂-法师派系很快的放弃他 们之间的争执,并一块对抗共同的敌人。赫拉迪 姆无情的追逐三个让东方帝国荒废的影子,甚至 追赶到西方未曾记录的土地上,让大天使泰瑞尔 的手不必沾染任何血迹。 在三个僭越者被征服之后,赫拉迪姆不稳固的信 徒们开始消散,放弃他们看守三枚灵魂之石的神 圣任务之后,相互争吵的法师派系开始因为相互 之间的差异而分离。他们之间的冲突并不只是兄 弟会的消散,而且他们也增强了埋藏在地下的邪 恶力量。 |
str | 398 | A2Q4SuccessfulGriez | 59 Unbelievable! The Harem girls are dead! The palace guards have been fighting off demons from the cellar. How could that happen without my knowledge? |
57 无法置信!妇女会的女子已经死了!皇宫中的警 卫正忙着把牢中的恶魔逼回去。靠着我的知识, 这种事情怎么可能发生? |
str | 399 | A2Q4SuccessfulJerhyn | 62 I thank you for your heroic aid! I'm also glad that you found something you were looking for. The journal should help you find the True Tomb of Tal Rasha. Hopefully, there is still time to get there before Diablo. Go now. And good luck. |
53 我感谢你和你英雄式的协助!我也很高兴你能够 找到你所搜寻的东西。这一份日记应该可以帮助 你找到真正的塔-拉夏之墓。希望你还有时间抢 在暗黑破坏神之前找到这个地方。 现在去吧,祝好运。 |
str | 400 | A2Q4SuccessfulDrognan | 55 You have found Horazon's Journal. Excellent... But, I must caution you. The mark of the True Tomb of Tal Rasha, is sought, if not already known, by Diablo. I needn't elaborate on the implications of that. |
42 你找到赫拉森的日记?太棒了。但是我必须提醒 你,你的确找到了塔-拉夏古墓的真正符号,不 过目前暗黑破坏神还不知道。我想我不用暗示目 前复杂的情况。 |
str | 401 | A2Q4SuccessfulElzix | 71 News of the tragedy in the palace is spreading fast. How awful! And to think, this whole time I thought Jerhyn and his guards were in there playing with the harem girls. |
66 皇宫中发生悲剧的消息很快的散播了开来。太可 怕了!而且,我一直认为这一段时间之中,杰海 因和他的警卫们一块在皇宫之中和这些妇女们玩 乐。 |
str | 402 | A2Q4SuccessfulGeglash | 60 Hah! I wish Jerhyn would've let me in the palace. I would've saved those girls and kicked demon ass back to the fire-pits o' Hell! |
58 哈!我希望杰海因曾经让我进入皇宫。我一定可 以救出这些女子,并把这些恶魔踢回火焰丛生的 地狱! |
str | 403 | A2Q4SuccessfulMeshif | 52 So... Now we know Jerhyn's little secret. Well... I guess I can see why he wanted me to stay, though... I'm just glad it didn't come to that. Now he tells me to wait some more, in case you need to get out of here. Well, for you I'll do it. Maybe they'll mention me in the epic ballads, eh? |
44 哦...现在我们终于知道杰海因的小秘密。呃...我想 我可以了解他为什么要我一直待在海港...我真高兴 事情没有变得那么糟。现在,他叫我再等一阵子, 免得你要离开此地时找不到我。 为了你,这点小事没问题。或许他们会在叙事的 歌谣中提到我,嗯? |
str | 404 | A2Q4SuccessfulWarrivAct2 | 67 Well, the news going around town is very unsettling. Apparently, we were in more danger than anyone thought. Good work friend... you may have saved all our skins. |
65 唉,这个消息传遍了整个城镇,让我们感到很不 安。很明显的,我们的处境要比我们任何人想象 的还要危险。 干得好,朋友...你可能救了我们所有人。 |
str | 405 | A2Q4SuccessfulFara | 64 Faith is stronger than any armor. The shield will protect the body, but Faith will strengthen the courageous heart. |
62 信仰远胜于任何甲冑。护具可以保护你的身体, 但是信仰会加强你充满勇气的心灵。 |
str | 406 | A2Q4SuccessfulLysander | 55 Horazon's urinal? Oh, journal! Yes, well... Glad you found it. Such a shame about those poor harem girls, huh? I shall miss them deeply... I mean their conversations, of course. |
45 赫拉森的诗集?噢,日记!是的,呃...很高兴你能 找到回。那些可怜的女子真是太可惜了,嗯?我 会深深的怀念她们的...我是指她们的言行。 |
str | 407 | A2Q4SuccessfulAtma | 62 Oh, those poor women! Will the slaughter never end? Thank you once again for protecting our city. |
60 噢,那些可怜的女人!这场屠杀到底会不会结束? 再次感谢你保护我们的城市。 |
str | 408 | A2Q4SuccessfulCain | 57 You must move quickly now, friend, for Diablo is undoubtedly close to finding what he seeks. Find the Tomb of Tal Rasha before he frees the Lord of Destruction. |
48 你的动作必须快一点了,朋友,暗黑破坏神已经 很接近他正在找寻的东西了。在他解放毁灭之王 之前,找到塔-拉夏的古墓! |
str | 409 | A2Q5EarlyReturnGreiz | 89 That guy really talks like that? Sounds like either Horazon has gone stir-crazy or that's some impostor. |
84 那个家伙真的这样说?听起来不是赫拉森精神失 常,要不就是某种骗术。 |
str | 410 | A2Q5EarlyReturnJerhyn | 57 The man you describe is probably not Horazon. He sounds like the very mage who came around here a while ago. He was very curious about this palace and seemed especially interested in the seal on the passageway in the cellar. He left shortly after that. I wonder how he got down there? The seal was never broken... That mage spoke a great deal to Drognan. Why don't you ask him about it? |
37 你所描述的人可能不是赫拉森。他的声音听起来 像是真正的法师,之前曾经在这个地方四处走动。 他对这个皇宫十分好奇,而且对地牢通道中的封 印特别有兴趣。之后他很快的离开了,我也在奇 怪他是怎么下去的?封印从来就没有破裂过... 这个法师和卓格南谈了很久,你为什么不去问问 他? |
str | 411 | A2Q5EarlyReturnDrognan | 47 Yes... The man you speak of sounds like the mage who came here many months ago. He claimed to have fought Diablo in the passages beneath Tristram. No doubt the fool wandered into Horazon's Sanctuary and lost whatever was left of his ravaged mind. He is beyond salvation. It is possible that the fool has been possessed by the spirit of Horazon. If that's true, then you'd better put an end to his tortured existence. Once done, I believe the demons who were summoned and imprisoned within the Sanctuary will cease to exist as well. |
29 是的,你提到的这个人很像数个月之前,过来拜 访过我的法师。他宣称曾经在崔斯特瑞姆地下的 通道中与暗黑破坏神交战。无疑的,那个呆子逛 进了赫拉森的庇难所,而最后连思考也被掠夺一 空。他已经救不回来了。 那个呆子很可能被赫拉森的灵魂所附身。如果这 是真的,那么你最好结束他的苦难。在这之后, 我相信他召唤而且囚禁在庇难所中的恶魔,也会 消失无踪。 |
str | 412 | A2Q5EarlyReturnLysander | 57 Ah, yes. I remember. There was a... fellow around here many months ago who asked almost as many questions about Horazon as you. So... He discovered enough to assume Horazon's place in the Arcane Sanctuary, huh? What a fool! |
40 啊,是的,我记得。有一个家伙数个月之前来到 这边,和你一样问了一大堆和赫拉森有关的事情。 怎么样?他发现了神秘庇难所的地点,走入了赫 拉森的领域?真是个白痴! |
str | 413 | A2Q5EarlyReturnMeshif | 72 Ah, yes. As a ship captain I am well aware of the phenomenon of a false Horazon. Sorry, just a little joke. |
55 啊,是的。身为船长,我必须十分小心赫拉森所 带来的各种现象。抱歉,这只是个玩笑。 |
str | 414 | A2Q5EarlyReturnWarrivAct2 | 99 There's nothing more dreadful than a powerful being driven by a frayed mind. |
94 没有什么事情,比被一个争闹不休思想所控制更 悲惨的了。 |
str | 415 | A2Q5EarlyReturnAtma | 105 You always seem to find the worst trouble. I don't know how you handle it. |
100 你似乎一直在找寻最大的麻烦。我真的不知道你 是怎么应付的。 |
str | 416 | A2Q5EarlyReturnGeglash | 38 So! Horazon's crazy, eh? I'd be surprised if he wasn't. All those centuries without ale would drive anyone to drink... but then you couldn't drink. And that would drive you to drink... Hah?... What was the question? |
29 所以,赫拉森是疯了,嗯?如果他不疯才奇怪咧! 整个世纪都没有酒可以喝...然后你不能喝。接下来 你又想喝...哈...问题在那里? |
str | 417 | A2Q5EarlyReturnFara | 63 Hmmm... That doesn't sound like Horazon. I'll agree that he may have gone mad, but from what you tell me, I don't think that's the case. Talk to Drognan... he may know more than I. |
52 嗯...那听起来不像是赫拉森。我同意他可能已经疯 了,但是从你所告诉我的情况,我不觉得是这样。 和卓格南谈谈...他可能知道的比我还多。 |
str | 418 | A2Q5EarlyReturnElzix | 106 Ugh... Crazy mages give me the creeps. Just kill him and get on with your business. |
101 恶...疯狂的法师让我毛骨悚然。 只管杀掉他,然后回到你的工作上面。 |
str | 419 | A2Q5EarlyReturnCain | 45 The appearance of the mage you describe sounds like one I met back in Tristram. Many Vizjerei came to fight against Diablo, the Lord of Terror. Perhaps, this is one of them. You know, fate seems to have frowned upon all of the heroes who confronted that terrible Evil. Take care or the same may happen to you. |
31 你所描叙的法师外貌很像我回到崔斯特瑞姆碰到 的一个人。很多费斯杰利人前来对抗恐怖之王, 暗黑破坏神...也许是他们其中之一。你知道,好运 看来会流向我们这种对抗邪恶英雄的身边。小心, 否则你可能会碰上同样的状况! |
str | 420 | A2Q5SuccessfulGreiz | 76 So, Horazon's been dead for some time. I take it you at least found what you were looking for. |
71 那么,赫拉森已经死了一段时间了。我相信最少 你找到了你想要的东西。 |
str | 421 | A2Q5SuccessfulGeglash | 60 The way I see it... Well, it's all pretty blurry. |
56 我看到的道路...呃,都很模糊。 |
str | 422 | A2Q5SuccessfulJerhyn | 63 The demonic force that was emanating from the corrupted Sanctuary has dissipated. I thank you greatly for your help. Now, we can look to rebuilding our lives. All will be for nothing, though, if you do not stop the greater Evil which is rapidly gaining ground. |
52 从庇难所中散发出来的恶魔力量己经消失了。我 感谢你的帮助,现在,我们可以回头建造我们的 家园了。 如果你不能阻止强大的邪恶力量不断的占领土地, 这一切仍然是空谈。 |
str | 423 | A2Q5SuccessfulDrognan | 83 Larger forces are moving inexorably towards us. You must now make haste to the Tombs. |
78 更强大的力量冷酷无情的逼近我们。你必须尽快 的前往墓地。 |
str | 424 | A2Q5SuccessfulElzix | 65 You make me long for the days of glory. When I had both hands, both eyes and more of a foot... |
63 你让我回想起旧日的风光,当我还有二只手、二 只脚和二个眼睛时... |
str | 425 | A2Q5SuccessfulWarrivAct2 | 84 I guess you'll be heading to the Tombs now? I hear that they're in the deepest desert regions. |
79 我猜你现在准备前往古墓了?听说它们位于沙漠 领域的最深处。 |
str | 426 | A2Q5SuccessfulMeshif | 100 Well! You've got what you're after. Now get a move on before it's too late. |
95 嗯,你找到你想要的东西了。现在快点踏上下一 步,免得一切都太迟了! |
str | 427 | A2Q5SuccessfulLysander | 103 Huhhh... Such is always the fate of those who meddle with evil. |
98 啊...像这样的事情,是和邪恶打交道人士的即定命 运。 |
str | 428 | A2Q5SuccessfulAtma | 89 You're more the hero than I could have dreamed. Perhaps, there is hope for us after all. |
84 你是超越我梦想所及的英雄。或许,我们真的还 有一线希望。 |
str | 429 | A2Q5SuccessfulFara | 74 I feel no pity for that would-be Summoner. His terrible ambition for demonic power was his undoing. You merely hastened the inevitable. |
69 我对那个现在成为召唤者的人完全不会觉得可怜。 他那对恶魔力量的可怕野心就是让他败坏的原因。 你的动作得快一点了。 |
str | 430 | A2Q5SuccessfulCain | 48 I hope that this false Summoner found peace in death. Unfortunately, it is more likely that he will be dragged down into Hell by the demons he was bound to. Let this be a lesson to you... Demonic magic is a quick path, but its powers are seductive and deadly. |
32 我希望这个假的召唤者和平的死去。不幸的是他 很可能被恶魔拉到应属的地狱去。让这一切成为 你的教训...恶魔的魔力是条捷径,但是这股力量十 分诱人,也极为致命。 |
str | 431 | A2Q6InitJerhyn | 45 I have heard of your many deeds of skill and bravery. I feel I can trust you with something I have been hesitant to speak of... Drognan and I have concluded that the Dark Wanderer who passed through here recently was Diablo, himself! Drognan believes that Diablo is searching the desert for the secret tomb where the great Horadric mage, Tal Rasha, keeps Baal imprisoned. You must find Diablo and put an end to the terrible evil that has fallen upon our city. Drognan is wise and is sure to have some helpful advice for you as to how Tal Rasha's tomb may be found. It may take you quite some time to find The Tomb. May you be ready when you do. |
34 我听说了你们许多功迹和勇敢的事情。我觉得我 可以信任你们,提及一些我之前一直无法说出口 的事情... 卓格南和我的结论是,最近通过这个地方的黑暗 流浪者,就是暗黑破坏神!卓格南相信暗黑破坏 神正在沙漠中搜寻古墓-伟大的赫拉迪克法师塔. 拉夏的安息之处-也就是巴尔被囚禁的地方。 你必须找到暗黑破坏神,并打破他让这个城市沉 沦的邪恶力量。卓格南的智慧一定可以提供一些 有用的建议,让你能够找到塔-拉夏的墓地。 你可能得花不少时间才能找到古墓。希望你准备 万全之后再出发。 |
str | 432 | A2Q6AfterInitJerhyn | 53 It is well-known that there are seven great Horadric tombs hidden beneath the sands in the furthest reaches of the desert. One of them surely must be Tal Rasha's prison. You must explore each of the tombs to find Tal Rasha's exact location. Of course, Diablo is searching for the Tomb as well... No one can guess as to what terrors he has unleashed in his search. |
42 大家都知道有七个伟大的赫拉迪克法师的墓地, 埋藏在沙漠最远的尽头。它们的其中之一就是塔. 拉夏禁锢之处。你必须探索每一个古墓,以找出 塔-拉夏的正确地点。 当然了,暗黑破坏神一样在这些古墓之中找寻...没 有人能想象他在搜寻的过程中,会造成多强的恐 怖效果。 |
str | 433 | A2Q6AfterInitElzix | 59 So... You're going to search for the Seven Tombs, huh? Don't you know that they're just desert legends passed between merchants and travelers? No one really believes that they exist. |
51 哦...你打算去搜寻七个古墓,嗯?你难道不知道那 不过是沙漠中的传言,由商人和旅者口耳相传的 吗?从来没有人真的相信它们是存在的。 |
str | 434 | A2Q6AfterInitWarrivAct2 | 61 Be very careful, my friend. I think I've seen enough recently not to doubt that these Tombs exist. And if they do, they're most certainly guarded by terrible creatures. |
52 你得非常小心,我的好友。我想我最近看得太多, 也不怀疑这些古墓的存在。如果它们真的在那边, 也一定是由可怕的生物所看守。 |
str | 435 | A2Q6AfterInitAtma | 67 I've heard legends of the Tomb of Tal Rasha, but I thought they were just old tales meant to scare young children. |
65 我听说过塔-拉夏古墓的传说,但是我以为它们 只是用来吓吓年轻孩子的故事而己。 |
str | 436 | A2Q6AfterInitGeglash | 59 Ohh... I'd go with ya' to those tombs... But... umm... I don't like all that living dead stuff. |
57 噢...我想和你们一块到古墓去...但是我不喜欢那些 活死人。 |
str | 437 | A2Q6AfterInitMeshif | 84 I'm sorry, I can't help you much here. Now, if the tombs were across the ocean, then I'd be the guy to talk to. |
79 很抱歉,我无法进一步的协助你。如果古墓是在 海洋的另一边,就是我发威的时候了。 |
str | 438 | A2Q6AfterInitFara | 57 Legend has it that Tal Rasha lies imprisoned within his tomb, forever struggling to keep the Lord of Destruction bound. His was a selfless act, although perhaps foolhardy. |
48 传说中指出塔-拉夏被困在他的古墓之中,永远 的和毁灭之王奋战,并把他囚禁在体内。他的行 为大公无私,不过可能有点愚笨。 |
str | 439 | A2Q6AfterInitLysander | 56 When Tal Rasha chose to embody the spirit of Baal, he knew his doom was to wrestle eternally against the will of the greater Evil. Look around you and ask yourself, 'Has the battle been won or lost?' |
47 当塔-拉夏选择将巴尔的灵魂封入体内,他就知 道他的末日就是必须永恒的对抗强大的邪恶势力。 看看你四周并扪心自问:「这场战争是开始赢, 还是开始输?」 |
str | 440 | A2Q6AfterInitDrognan | 55 Tal Rasha's tomb is hidden deep in the desert among six others. Tal Rasha's symbol marks the True Tomb. If you want to know what that symbol is, you should be able to find it within the legendary Arcane Sanctuary. |
45 塔-拉夏的古墓与其他六个墓地一起埋藏在沙漠 之中。只有他的符号会标示出真正的古墓。如果 你想知道那个是正确的符号,你应该可以在传说 中的神秘庇难所中找寻。 |
str | 441 | A2Q6AfterInitCain | 57 Diablo nears his goal. We have little time to lose. Remember, my friend, that Andariel gave herself willingly to Diablo's cause. It would be prudent to assume that the other Evils will attempt to aid their master as well. |
41 暗黑破坏神已经接近他的目标了,我们只有一点 点的时间。记住,我的朋友,安达利尔是自愿为 暗黑破坏神的目标而奉献的,假定所有的邪恶生 物都会为它们的主人牺牲,是比较谨慎的想法。 |
str | 442 | A2Q6AfterInitGreiz | 106 If you're going into the deep desert, why not hire a few of my men to watch your back? |
101 如果你打算走入沙漠深处,你为什么不雇用几个 我的手下来提防暗算? |
str | 443 | A2Q6SuccessfulJerhyn | 47 You have done very well. Few could have come this far, let alone discover the True Tomb of Tal Rasha. Unfortunately, I hear that Diablo and Baal have eluded your grasp. This is most unfortunate... If you wish to travel East, I have authorized Meshif to give you passage by sea. I imagine he should be very anxious to leave by now. Good luck on your quest, and thank you again for saving my beloved city. You will always be welcome in Lut Gholein, my friend. |
44 你做得很好,能够走到这一步的人的确不多,尤 其是找到塔-拉夏的古墓。不幸的是,我听说暗 黑破坏神和巴尔已经摆脱了你们的掌握,这是最 不幸的事情... 如果你们想要继续往东走,我已经授权给马席夫 让他带你们穿越海洋。我可以想象他已经非常急 迫的想要出航。 祝你的任务好运,并且感谢你再度拯救了我摰爱 的城市。你在鲁-高因会永远受到我们的欢迎, 朋友。 |
str | 444 | A2Q6SuccessfulElzix | 71 I heard that Diablo has managed to best you, at least for the time being. I hope you catch up with him soon, and send him back to Hell for good! |
62 我听说暗黑破坏神想要打倒你,至少目前是如此。 我希望你们可以早点抓到他,并把它丢回地狱去! |
str | 445 | A2Q6SuccessfulLysander | 70 I'm sorry things didn't turn out as you had hoped. Go and remember us fondly. You know, you bothered me far less than most. |
65 我很抱歉事情没有演变成你希望的样子。去吧, 并记得我们的友情。你知道,你是有史以来把我 缠得最凶的一个。 |
str | 446 | A2Q6SuccessfulAtma | 64 You have proven to be the greatest of heroes, and I am honored to call you friend. Thank you for bringing peace to our lives again. |
62 你已经证明你是最伟大的英雄了,而且我很荣幸 的称你为朋友。感谢你将和平再度带回我的生命 之中。 |
str | 447 | A2Q6SuccessfulWarrivAct2 | 68 Never fear, my friend. You did the best you could. I suspect that Diablo and Baal are now heading east, towards Kurast. You'll find them... I know you will. |
66 永远不用害怕,我的朋友,你已经尽你所能了。 我猜暗黑破坏神和巴尔现在正前往东方,库拉斯 特。你会我到他们的...我知道你一定办得到。 |
str | 448 | A2Q6SuccessfulFara | 46 This is terrible news! Baal is in possession of one of mankind's most powerful mages, and the Lord of Terror guides his path. They must be stopped, for I am sure they mean to free their elder brother Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, who lies imprisoned under the corrupted city of Kurast. I fear you are walking into a great evil, but your faith can save you. May you walk in the light always. |
35 这真是最糟的消息!巴尔占据了一个人类力量最 强的法师身体,而恐怖之王正在为他开路。一定 要阻止他们,否则我可以确定他们一定想要解放 他们的兄长墨菲斯托-憎恨之王,他就被囚禁在堕 落的库拉斯特城市下方。 我怕你正步向强大的邪恶力量,但是你的信仰可 以拯救你。愿你可以一直步行在光明的大道上。 |
str | 449 | A2Q6SuccessfulGeglash | 54 You're an inspiration! And such a hero that it makes me look twice as bad... Ahh, you're OK... Hey! Just save some glory for us little guys, huh? |
43 你激励了我的心灵!而且像你这样的英雄,会让 我看起来难看得多...啊,你还好啦...嘿,留一些光 荣给我们这种小人物分享,行吗? |
str | 450 | A2Q6SuccessfulDrognan | 51 This is a serious setback... It is most unfortunate that Tal Rasha has been consumed by Baal's destructive influence. There are many secrets known to the Horadrim, which could be used by Baal against us. You must travel east by sea to Kurast and stop Diablo and Baal before they free their eldest brother, Mephisto. Hahh... The lands of the eastern Empire are not the same as they used to be. There has been little word for some time. Speed is of the essence. Go quickly, my friend. May the fates smile on you. |
36 这是一次严重的挫败...最不幸的是塔-拉夏已经被 巴尔的毁灭性影响所吞噬。有许多只有赫拉迪姆 才知道的秘密,现在都成为巴尔对付我们的工具。 你必须往东走,越过海洋,前往库拉斯特,并阻 止暗黑破坏神和巴尔解放他们的兄长墨菲斯托。 呃...东方帝国的大陆不再像以前那样了,这一阵子 完全没有那边的消息。 速度是最重要的...快点去吧,我的朋友。愿命运仍 对你微笑。 |
str | 451 | A2Q6SuccessfulMeshif | 82 Jerhyn tells me I should take you east to Kurast. I haven't been there for several years, but rumor has it that things are pretty grim. |
77 杰海因说我应该带你们前往东方的库拉斯特。我 已经好几年没有去过那个地方了,但是传说指出 那个地方蛮惨的。 |
str | 452 | A2Q6SuccessfulGreiz | 51 I've heard that your foe got away from you this time. Well, look at it this way... you've got the demons on the run. If you're going to be leaving, then... Well, thanks for your help. |
43 我听说你的敌人这一次从你的眼前消失。呃,用 这个方法想好了...你把恶魔赶跑了!如果你打算离 开,那么...呃,谢谢你的帮忙。 |
str | 453 | A2Q6SuccessfulCain | 39 The Archangel Tyrael was the one who gave the Soulstones to the Horadrim two hundred and sixty years ago. It is highly unusual for the forces of Heaven to so directly interfere with man's destiny, but Tyrael was said to act of his own volition. We have never been able to discern why. Perhaps, he goes against the consensus of Heaven because he doubts our ability to defend ourselves, or perhaps, he sees more threat than his peers. Where the actions of Hell often seem straightforwardly bent on destruction, the motives of Heaven are unfathomable. Now make haste... Both Diablo and Baal must be stopped before they join with their brother, Mephisto. If the three Prime Evils unite once again, the world as we know it will be no more. |
21 大天使泰瑞尔在二百六十年前把灵魂之石送给赫 拉迪姆。这种现象极度的不寻常,天堂的力量很 少这样直接干预人类的命运,但是泰瑞尔说这是 靠他自己的意志决定的。我们一直无法了解为什 么,也许他是在对抗天堂一致的意见,认为我们 无法保护我们自己;或者是他看到了其他伙伴看 不到的威胁。此时地狱的行动看来直接倾向全面 的毁灭,而天堂的动机仍然深不可测。 现在快一点...暗黑破坏神和巴尔必须在加入他的兄 长-墨菲斯托之前阻止他们。如果三个罪恶之源再 度汇集,我们所知的这个世界就无法存在了! |
str | 454 | NatalyaIntroGossip1 | 48 Greetings, hero. I've heard of your exploits and... I'm quite impressed. Very few mortals are capable of dealing with the Three and their minions as you have. My name is Natalya. I am a hunter of Evil, part of an ancient Order sworn to hunt down corrupted sorcerers. If I could, I would gladly join your quest to stop the Three. But I must wait here for further news. I can't predict what will happen, but the danger is greater than we can know. Until I receive my orders, I'll assist you with the information I have. |
35 你好,英雄们,我听说了你们的事迹,而且真的 令人印象深刻。幸好有人类能够和那三个罪恶之 源及其手下对抗。 我的名字是娜塔亚,我是猎魔人,也是古代修道 会的一员,誓言要猎杀堕落的法师。 如果我办得到,我会很高兴的加入你的旅程来阻 止那三位。但是我必须在这边等待进一步的消息。 我无法预期以后会发生什么事,但是目前的危机 比我们所知还强大。我必须等待我的命令。在这 之前,我会提供任何我手上的讯息。 |
str | 455 | NatalyaGossip1 | 74 Asheara...? Oh, she's is a tough-talking mage, but I'd wager she's never faced true Evil. Pampering drunken mercenaries is one thing, but standing face to face with a hell-spawned demon is another. |
53 艾席拉?她是一个难以沟通的法师,但是我打赌 她从来没有面对过真正的邪恶。纵容喝醉了的佣 兵是一回事...但是面对地狱出生的恶魔是另一回事。 |
str | 456 | NatalyaGossip2 | 69 I've heard the name of Deckard Cain many times. He's the last of the Horadrim, and thus, I must honor him. You must be powerful, indeed, if one such as he accompanies you. |
67 我听说过好几次迪卡-凯恩的名字。他是最后一 位赫拉迪姆的传人,而且我必须向他致敬。如果 像他这样的人能够与你同行,你一定也拥有强大 的力量。 |
str | 457 | NatalyaGossip3 | 100 Hratli is a master craftsman. My Order could make use of one with his unique skills. |
95 赫拉铁力是一个工匠中的专家。我的修道会能够 让他发挥独特的技能。 |
str | 458 | NatalyaGossip4 | 67 My Order has been keeping watch over Ormus for many years, now. He seems to champion the cause of good, but who knows what shadow lurks within his soul? |
58 我的修道会已经注意奥玛斯好几年的时间了。他 似乎有十分正当的理由,但是有谁知道是不是有 阴影在掠夺他的灵魂? |
str | 459 | CainAct3IntroGossip1 | 45 I've not set foot in glorious Kurast for many years. But I never would have imagined it could be so corrupted. Certainly, this must be Mephisto's work! You'd best get going, my friend. Diablo and Baal are still out there and you must find them. |
35 我已经有好几年的时间没能踏上光荣的库拉斯特 了...但是我从来没有想象到这个地方会堕落到这种 程度。当然,那一定是墨菲斯托的杰作!你最好 动作快点,我的朋友。暗黑破坏神和巴尔仍然在 外面行动...你一定要找到他们! |
str | 460 | CainAct3Gossip1 | 62 Seeing his homeland in such a state must be horrifying to Meshif. I'm surprised he's willing to remain here in order to help you. |
60 看到他的老家变成这付模样,一定把马席夫吓坏 了。对于他仍然愿意留在此地协助你,我觉得十 分惊讶。 |
str | 461 | CainAct3Gossip2 | 82 Asheara seems like a very tough woman. I'd be careful around her if I were you. |
77 艾席拉看来是个很强悍的女人。如果我是你的话, 在她身边会十分小心。 |
str | 462 | CainAct3Gossip3 | 53 Drognan told me of Hratli when we were in Lut Gholein. He said that he weaves magic into his forge and produces mystical weapons and armor. His skills could be quite useful to you. |
43 当我们还在鲁-高因时,卓格南告诉过我与赫拉 铁力有关的事情。他说这个人可以在熔炉中挥舞 他的魔法,制作出神秘的武器和甲冑。他的技能 对你而言十分有用。 |
str | 463 | CainAct3Gossip4 | 44 Judging from his dress and strange markings, I would guess that Ormus is from the ancient Taan mage-clan. Yet none of the others here seem to know that he is a sorcerer. The Taan were once as powerful as the Vizjerei clan, but their studies were even more secretive. I wonder what he's hiding. |
30 跟据他的服装和奇怪的符号,我推测奥玛斯是源 自古代的坦族魔法师。另外,这个地方的人们似 乎都不知道他是个法师。坦族曾经和费斯杰利族 一样具有强大的力量,但是他们的研究更加的隐 密。我怀疑他在隐藏些什么。 |
str | 464 | CainAct3Gossip5 | 49 Have you met, Natalya? She appears to be a member of the Khral-Harzhek, a secret order that has been around for centuries... almost as long as the Horadrim, itself. Her presence here makes me uneasy, for they are traditionally sworn to hunt down Magi who have betrayed the trust of their order. I wonder why she is here. |
29 你见过娜塔亚了吗?她显然是个库尔-哈兹克的成 员,一个延续了数世纪之久的秘密结社...几乎和赫 拉迪姆一样久远。她的出现让我们感到很不安, 因为他们都誓言猎杀背叛他们组织信念的魔法师。 我好奇的是她在这个地方做什么? |
str | 465 | CainAct3Gossip6 | 73 Ormus would like you to think him mad. Better to watch his actions than listen to his words. |
68 奥玛斯宁愿让你认为他已经疯了。最好看清他的 行动,并听清楚他所讲的话。 |
str | 466 | HratliActIntroGossip1 | 33 Welcome to Kurast, traveler. Few come willingly to this ancient city anymore. I hope you brought your wits with you, for sanity is in short supply here. My name is Hratli. I am a sorcerer skilled in metal work. It'd be a pleasure to help you... I don't have many customers these days. As you can see, the populace has been brutally decimated by the forces of Mephisto. The canals run red with blood and demons roam the land. The wretched jungle-hell has already reclaimed much of Kurast. The only safety you'll find is here at the dockside, where a magical warding holds the jungle evils at bay... but I don't know how long it will last. To make matters worse, the Children of Zakarum are in league with the forces of Mephisto. The Zakarum have concentrated their power in the Temple City of Travincal, located within Kurast deep in the jungle wilderness. It's true... Their zeal is unmatched. But I say the so-called 'Warriors of Light' are nothing more than the twisted puppets of a hidden hand. |
23 欢迎来到库拉斯特,旅人。 愿意来到我们这个古代城市的人并不多,我希望 你的思想清晰,因为我们之中没有太多心智健全 的人。我的名字是赫拉铁力,专精于金属制品的 魔法师。能够帮助你是我的荣幸...最近没有什么客 人。 如你所见,这个地方的人口已经在墨菲斯托的残 暴力量之下越来越少。沟渠中洗不完的鲜血,以 及大地上不断出没的恶魔;这个不幸的丛林地狱 已经占据了库拉斯特的大部份区域。唯一安全的 地方就是港边,这个用魔法划出的隔离区阻止了 丛林进一步的侵害...但是我不知道它可以支持多久。 更糟糕的是,撒卡兰姆的孩子现在组成联盟,为 墨菲斯托效力!撒卡兰姆将他们的力量集中在神 殿之城崔凡克,位于库拉斯特深处的丛林之中。 是真的...他们的力量难以对抗。但是我认为在这个 秘密的土地上,「战士之光」要比被扭曲傀儡的 幕后黑手来得强大。 |
str | 467 | HratliActIntroSorGossip1 | 33 Welcome to Kurast, young Sorceress. Few come willingly to this ancient city anymore. I hope you brought your wits with you, for sanity is in short supply here. My name is Hratli. I am a sorcerer skilled in metal work. It'd be a pleasure to help you... I don't have many customers these days. Though my own magic is only useful for making enchanted weapons, I'll bet yours will put an end to this terrible evil once and for all. May the spirits of Skatsim watch over and protect you. As you can see, the populace has been brutally decimated by the forces of Mephisto. The canals run red with blood and demons roam the land. The wretched jungle-hell has already reclaimed much of Kurast. The only safety you'll find is here at the dockside, where a magical warding holds the jungle evils at bay... but I don't know how long it will last. To make matters worse, the Children of Zakarum are in league with the forces of Mephisto. The Zakarum have concentrated their power in the Temple City of Travincal, located within Kurast deep in the jungle wilderness. It's true... Their zeal is unmatched. But I say the so-called 'Warriors of Light' are nothing more than the twisted puppets of a hidden hand. |
19 欢迎来到库拉斯特,年轻的法师。 愿意来到我们这个古代城市的人并不多,我希望 你带着清楚的思想,因为我们之中没有太多心智 健全的人。我的名字是赫拉铁力,专精于金属制 品的魔法师。能够帮助你是我的荣幸...最近没有什 么客人。 如你所见,这个地方的人口已经在墨菲斯托的残 暴力量之下越来越少。沟渠中洗不完的鲜红,以 及大地上不断出没的恶魔;这个不幸的丛林地狱 已经占据了库拉斯特的大部份区域。唯一安全的 地方就是港边,这个用魔法划出的隔离区阻止了 丛林进一步的侵害...但是我不知道它可以支持多久。 更糟糕的是,撒卡兰姆的孩子现在组成联盟,为 墨菲斯托效力!撒卡兰姆将他们的力量集中在神 殿之城崔凡克,位于库拉斯特深处的丛林之中。 是真的...他们的力量难以对抗。但是我认为在这个 秘密的土地上,「战士之光」要比被扭曲傀儡的 幕后黑手来得强大。 |
str | 468 | HratliGossip1 | 48 You're very brave to have come here. In the old days, mages who didn't belong to one of the great Mage Clans were hunted down as renegades. But now, the Mage Clans have little authority. |
46 你能来到此处足可证明你的勇气。在以前的年代, 没有隶属于任何伟大种族的法师,都被人们当做 叛教者加以猎杀。但是现在,各族已经没有什么 权威。 |
str | 469 | HratliGossip2 | 53 Within the Temple City stands a tower built long ago by the Horadrim to imprison the... Well, you'll discover more about it soon enough. |
51 在神殿之城中有一个高塔,是很久以前由赫拉迪 姆建造,用来囚禁... 呃,你不久就会知道更多了! |
str | 470 | HratliGossip3 | 60 If you are another follower of Zakarum, I've told you people before I don't want your Towering Spire or anything else you have to sell! |
58 如果你是另一个撒卡兰姆的信徒,我已经告诉过 你,我的人民不要你的高耸螺塔或是其他你出售 的东西! |
str | 471 | HratliGossip4 | 74 Some find my prices unreasonable. That is because I am unreasonable. |
69 有些人认为我的价格不合理。这是因为我也很不 合理。 |
str | 472 | HratliGossip5 | 76 You'll find that the Zakarumites have the persistence of zombies, but without the charisma. |
71 你会发现撒卡兰姆人对僵尸的运用有一定的坚持, 但是却没有任何领导能力。 |
str | 473 | HratliGossip6 | 60 Asheara leads the mercenary company known as the Iron Wolves. You can hire some of them, but many are occupied securing the dockside. |
68 艾席拉领导着一群佣兵组织,称之为铁狼。你可 以雇用其中一些人,但是其中很多人已经被雇来 看守海港。 |
str | 474 | HratliGossip7 | 74 Alkor is a potion dealer given over to a life steeped in ceaseless study and dissipation. |
69 艾柯是药剂的商人,一辈子都埋首于不断的研读 和挥霍。 |
str | 475 | HratliGossip8 | 58 Ormus is a man of many mysteries. I sense strong magic about him, but he's never spoken of it to me. |
56 奥玛斯是一个有很多神秘之处的人。我可以在他 身上感受到强大的魔力,但是他从来不对我提到 这方面的事情。 |
str | 476 | HratliGossip9 | 49 I trust you already know Meshif. But did you know that he was born and raised here? I suspect that like many of us his spirit is near broken at the sight of Kurast's decline. Only our brand of gallows humor saves us from utter despair. |
37 我想你已经认识马席夫了,但是你知不知道这里 才是他出生和成长的地方?我猜他的灵魂和我们 很多人一样,看到库拉斯特倾倒的样子心都碎了。 只有我们难忘的幽默感,能够从彻底的绝望中拯 救我们。 |
str | 477 | HratliGossip10 | 55 This, Cain, whom you brought with you. He has the bearing of great power, yet I sense no magic about him. He is an enigma to me. |
53 这个凯恩,你所带来的人:他拥有很强的力量, 但是我无法从他身上感受到任何魔力。他对我是 一团难解的谜。 |
str | 478 | HratliGossip11 | 49 Natalya is a quiet one. She arrived here about a week ago and has pretty much kept to herself. She's inquired about my weapons a few times, so I assume that she's a warrior of some sort. |
40 娜塔亚是十分安静的人。她大约在一个星期之前 来到此地,而且行为十分拘谨。她好几次询问我 的武器,所以我假设她是战士还是什么的。 |
str | 479 | MeshifAct3IntroGossip1 | 51 Well, I gave you my word, and brought you here as promised. But by all that's still holy, I wish I'd never returned to this accursed place. This fetid jungle can't be the fair Kurast I left behind. I don't know what all this evil is, my friend, but it's obvious that you must stop it. I only pray that you can before the jungle consumes the last vestiges of my beloved homeland. |
43 呃,我向你保证,而且如同我所说的带你来到此 处了。 但是对这边仍然神圣的东西发誓,我真希望我从 来没有回到这个饱受诅咒的地方。这个恶臭的丛 林绝对不是我离开库拉斯特时出现的东西! 我并不知道这些邪恶是什么,我的朋友,但是很 明显你必须阻止它。我只能祈祷你能在这个丛林 吞噬掉最后一块摰爱的家乡之前完成你的工作。 |
str | 480 | MeshifAct3IntroBarGossip1 | 47 Being a Barbarian, I'm sure you've seen many strange sights in the northlands. But by all that's still holy, I wish I'd never returned to this accursed place. This fetid jungle can't be the fair Kurast I left behind! I don't know what all this evil is, my friend, but it's obvious that you must stop it. I only pray that you can before the jungle consumes the last vestiges of my beloved homeland. If this evil isn't contained, it could spread north to your homeland, too. Then the whole world would fall under the shadow of the Three. |
38 身为野蛮人,我确定你一定在北边的大陆上看到 许多奇怪的景色。 但是对这边仍然神圣的东西发誓,我真希望我从 来没有回到这个饱受诅咒的地方。这个恶臭的丛 林绝对不是我离开库拉斯特时出现的东西! 我并不知道这些邪恶是什么,我的朋友,但是很 明显你必须阻止它。我只能祈祷你能在这个丛林 吞噬掉最后一块摰爱的家乡之前完成你的工作。 如果这股邪恶力量无法满足,它也可能往北边朝 你的老家扩散。接下来整个世界都会沦落到那三 人的阴影之下。 |
str | 481 | MeshifAct3Gossip1 | 63 It takes great courage and generosity to defend a land and a people that are not your own. Perhaps, when this curse is lifted, my people can do something for yours in return. |
61 这得花上很大的勇气以及宽大的胸襟,才能去保 护不是你自己家乡中的土地和人民。或许,当这 个诅咒消失时,我的人民可以为你做些事情来回 报。 |
str | 482 | MeshifAct3Gossip2 | 72 I shouldn't have boasted so much about Kurast on the journey here. Oh... Much has changed since I left. |
67 在一路上前往库拉斯特时,我不应该一直自我吹 嘘。自从我离开之后变了很多。 |
str | 483 | MeshifAct3Gossip3 | 99 The dockside is apparently the only civilized area left in Kurast. |
94 海港显然是库拉斯特唯一还有文化的地方。 |
str | 484 | MeshifAct3Gossip4 | 88 If you are planning to carry on your wild ways here, you may need the assistance of Asheara's Iron Wolf mercenaries. |
75 如果你还打算在这个地方继续你们的疯狂举动, 你可能需要艾席拉手下铁狼佣兵的协助。 |
str | 485 | MeshifAct3Gossip5 | 75 Your companion, Cain, must have known that he would be in grave danger here. You are great, indeed, to elicit such loyalty. |
70 你的同伴凯恩,一定知道他在此地会碰上致命的 危险。你一定很伟大,可以赢得这种忠实的朋友。 |
str | 486 | MeshifAct3Gossip6 | 81 Hratli seems to be the only one left here with any common sense. Yet how sensible is it to remain here? |
76 赫拉铁力似乎是唯一还有常识的人。这个地方还 有什么是合理的? |
str | 487 | MeshifAct3Gossip7 | 80 I went to speak with old Alkor, but I disturbed his studies. He doesn't seem to like visitors. |
75 我想要和老艾柯谈谈,但是我打搅到他的研究。 他似乎不太喜欢有人来拜访他。 |
str | 488 | MeshifAct3Gossip8 | 73 Trying to get information out of Ormus is like straining water from a rock. His damned riddles are almost as confusing as our current state of affairs. |
63 想要从奥玛斯的口中取得信息,就像用石头来滤 水一样。他那该死的谜题可以让你昏头转向,就 和我们目前的情况一样。 |
str | 489 | MeshifAct3Gossip9 | 75 That woman, Natalya, seems to be waiting for something important to happen. She's a strange one, I think. |
70 那个女人,娜塔亚,似乎在等一些十分重要的事 情发生。我觉得她也是个怪人。 |
str | 490 | MeshifAct3Gossip10 | 68 All through my childhood, Kurast was a paradise. The once perfumed air now reeks of putrefaction. |
66 在我的童年时代,库拉斯特是一个天堂。充满香 味的空气现在变成了腐臭的浓烟。 |
str | 491 | AshearaIntroGossip1 | 54 Hello, there. You must be a great adventurer to risk coming here. My name's Asheara, and I lead the mercenary band of mages known as the Iron Wolves. We've been hunting down demons in the jungle for months, but no matter how many of them we kill, they just keep comin'. Seems this whole place has been overrun by evil. Rumor has it that you've come here to help. If that's true, then I'll let you hire some of my mercenaries. But be careful... If you piss them off, they can be worse than those monsters out in the jungle. |
41 嗨,你好。你一定是顶着风险来此的伟大冒险者。 我的名字是艾席拉,而且我领导一群法师的佣兵, 称之为铁狼。我们在丛林中猎杀恶魔好几个月了, 但是不管我们杀死多少恶魔,它们都源源不绝 的出现。看来这整个地方都被邪恶所占据了! 传言中指出你是来这个地方帮助我们的。如果那 是真的,那我将让你雇用一些我的手下。但是小 心...如果你把他们惹火了,可能比那些丛林中的怪 物还难缠! |
str | 492 | AshearaIntroAmaGossip1 | 50 Hello, there. You must be an Amazon. I've heard about your people... nomadic warriors without peer. My name's Asheara, and I lead the mercenary band of mages known as the Iron Wolves. We've been hunting down demons in the jungle for months, but no matter how many of them we kill, they just keep comin'. Seems this whole place has been overrun by evil. Rumor has it that you've come here to help. If that's true, then I'll let you hire some of my mercenaries. But be careful... If you piss them off, they can be worse than those monsters out in the jungle. |
37 嗨,你好。你一定是亚玛逊人。我听说过你的人 民...游牧而无敌的战士。 我的名字是艾席拉,而且我领导一群法师的佣兵, 称之为铁狼。我们在丛林中猎杀恶魔好几个月了, 但是不管我们杀死多少恶魔,它们都源源不绝 的出现。看来这整个地方都被邪恶所占据了! 传言中指出妳是来这个地方帮助的。如果那是真 的,那我将让你雇用一些我的手下。但是小心...如 果妳把他们惹火了,可能比那些丛林中的怪物还 难缠! |
str | 493 | AshearaGossip1 | 66 Your skills are unique indeed. They are neither sorcery, nor physical, but seem to be a harmonious blend of the two. The Iron Wolves could learn much from your kind. |
57 你拥有独一无二的技能。这种技巧并不是巫术, 也不是实质的力量,比较像是二者融合之后的能 力。铁狼们可以从你的身上学到不少东西。 |
str | 494 | AshearaGossip2 | 160 Why fight fair, when you can hire some of us? |
155 如果你能够雇用我们一些人,为什么要用公正的 手段作战? |
str | 495 | AshearaGossip3 | 107 No one comes to Kurast anymore without good reason. You must be seeking fame and fortune. |
102 来库拉斯特的人不会没有好理由的。你一定是在 找寻名声和财富。 |
str | 496 | AshearaGossip4 | 137 The Iron Wolves and I have made a good living around here lately. |
132 铁狼和我最近在这边过得不错。 |
str | 497 | AshearaGossip5 | 110 The jungle can take you down fast. Try to avoid getting trapped out there if you can. |
105 丛林可以很快的把你摆平。如果你办得到,试着 别被困住。 |
str | 498 | AshearaGossip6 | 90 Hratli may be a bit too clever for his own good. Still, I'd trust his work anytime. |
85 赫拉铁力一定聪明到为自己的好处留一手。不过, 我还是愿意相信他的作品。 |
str | 499 | AshearaGossip7 | 77 Hratli thinks he's so funny. The other day he said, 'Asheara, I don't recognize you without that big gash on your face.' |
72 赫拉铁力认为他自己很滑稽。有一天他说:「艾 席拉,要是你脸上没有这条疤痕,我还不认得 你。」 |
str | 500 | AshearaGossip8 | 97 Meshif says he used to live here. I'm surprised he came back. I'll bet he wishes he hadn't. |
92 马席夫说他曾经住在此地,我很惊讶他回来了。 我打赌他一定宁愿他离得远远的。 |
str | 501 | AshearaGossip9 | 78 I invited Natalya to join the Iron Wolves and she began lecturing me about the 'dangers of magic'. Who the hell does she think she is, anyway? |
73 我邀请娜塔亚加入铁狼,而她开始对我长篇大论, 告诉我「魔法的危险」。她到底以为她是什么东 西? |
str | 502 | AlkorIntroGossip1 | 61 Damn it, I wish you people would just leave me alone! I... Oh, you're new here, aren't you? I am Alkor, the Alchemist. I dabble in potions and salves, and I can sell you some if you really need them. But don't make a habit of coming here. I don't like to be disturbed while I'm studying! |
44 该死,我希望你的人民不要来吵我!我...噢,你是 新来的,是不是? 我是艾柯,炼金术师。我涉足了药剂和膏药,如 果你有需要的话,我可以卖你一些东西。但是不 要来这边来成习惯了,我不喜欢有人在我研究时 打扰我! |
str | 503 | AlkorIntroNecGossip1 | 48 Damn it, I wish you people would just leave me alone! I... Oh, you're a Necromancer, aren't you? I've heard that your kind use powerful potions and such to wake the dead and control spirits. I'd love to discuss what components you use some time. I am Alkor, the Alchemist. I dabble in potions and salves, myself, and I can sell you some if you really need them. ...Feel free to drop by anytime. |
33 该死,我希望你的人民不要来吵我! 我...噢,你是死灵法师,对不对?我听说你们这族 人使用威力强大的药剂来唤醒死人,并控制其灵 魂。如果你有时间的话,我很愿意和你讨论其中 的配方。我是艾柯,炼金术师。我涉足的有药剂 和膏药,如果你有需要的话,我可以卖你一些东 西。有空的话记得来走走。 |
str | 504 | AlkorGossip1 | 55 Even I can tell that the evil in the jungle is growing. I hope you survive out there, my pasty friend. I'd still like to discuss what components are best used in necromantic potions. |
52 就算是我,也能告诉你丛林的邪恶力量不断的增 长。我希望你能在外面好好的生存下来,脸色苍 白的朋友。我仍然很想和你讨论那些配方最适合 用来制作死灵法师所用的药剂! |
str | 505 | AlkorGossip2 | 151 Care to take a gander at my Grimoire? |
146 想不想看看我的葛毛利? |
str | 506 | AlkorGossip3 | 90 I've never claimed that you'd live forever after trying one of my potions! Merely that you might look as though you had. |
78 我从来没说你服了我的药剂之后可以久生不死, 不过你服了之后看起来的确如此。 |
str | 507 | AlkorGossip4 | 105 I keep a library of tomes - heretical, exegetical, hermeneutical and pharmaceutical. |
100 我有一个古墓的图书馆:异端的、训诂的、释经 和制药的。 |
str | 508 | AlkorGossip5 | 50 There was a very fat man here recently asking after the Golden Bird of Ku Y'Leh. Have you heard of it? He kept muttering about ashes. I would imagine one Golden Bird's ash-hole to be about the same as another, wouldn't you? |
48 最近有一个很胖的男人正在寻找来自库亚的金鸟。 你有听说过吗?他一直在喃喃抱怨一些灰烬。我 可以想象一只金鸟的骨灰和另一个金鸟一样,不 是吗? |
str | 509 | AlkorGossip6 | 150 I hope you don't object to my badgering the witless. |
145 我希望你不反对我欺负那些没脑袋的人。 |
str | 510 | AlkorGossip7 | 115 You came here with Meshif? That old 'tour-guide to the stupid'! I'm surprised you made it here in one piece. |
86 你和马席夫一块来到这里?那个老「白痴导游」! 我很惊讶你还能完完整整的来到此地。 |
str | 511 | AlkorGossip8 | 98 Oh, Asheara's a good customer. She buys a potion of manliness from me every week. |
93 噢,艾席拉是个好顾客,她每个星期都向我购买 一些加强勇气的药剂! |
str | 512 | AlkorGossip9 | 82 Hratli's only good for making his silly magic weapons. It's not like he's got the stones to actually go out and use them on anything. |
77 赫拉铁力最棒的地方就是制作他那愚蠢的魔法武 器。看来他并不是那种一直磨石块,而是经常在 外面发挥功用的人! |
str | 513 | AlkorGossip10 | 88 Oh, Ormus has been talking in riddles for years. I think he does it to cover up the fact that he's got nothing intelligent to say. |
72 噢,奥玛斯讲谜语已经好几年了。我想他是想把 事实掩盖起来,因为他没有什么有智慧的话可说。 |
str | 514 | AlkorGossip11 | 52 Yes, Natalya is a cute girl. However, I think she could use a special potion. Let me see here, 'Radiant Beauty'... No. 'Ray of Sunshine'... No, that's not it. Ah, here it is: 'Relax Frosty Bitch'. This should help her out. |
37 是的,娜塔亚是个可爱的女孩。不过,我相信她 能够使用一种特殊的药剂。我看看,「光芒四射 般的美丽」...不。「太阳之光」...不,这不是。啊, 找到了,「让泠漠的淫妇放松」!这可以帮助她。 |
str | 515 | OrmusIntroGossip1 | 38 You now speak to Ormus. He was once a great mage, but now lives like a rat in a sinking vessel. You have questions for Ormus and doubt in yourself. Ormus sees a strange dichotomy in you... as he does in all would-be heroes. Speak to him and he may grant you wisdom in turn. Or turn from him and seek wisdom in thyself. |
31 你现在正在和奥玛斯交谈。 他曾经是个伟大的法师,但是现在住的地方像是 沉船中的老鼠。你有问题问奥玛斯,并怀疑你自 己。奥玛斯可以在你身上看到奇怪的对立...如同他 看待所有即将成为英雄的人一样。 和他交谈,他可能会回报他的智慧...或是从他身上 的知识可以让你自行发掘智慧。 |
str | 516 | OrmusIntroPalGossip1 | 37 You now speak to Ormus, good Paladin. He was once a great mage, but now lives like a rat in a sinking vessel. You have questions for Ormus and doubt in yourself. Ormus sees a strange dichotomy in you... as he does in all would-be heroes. Speak to him and he may grant you wisdom in turn. Or turn from him and seek wisdom in thyself. |
31 你现在正在和奥玛斯交谈,圣骑士。 他曾经是个伟大的法师,但是现在住的地方像是 沉船中的老鼠。你有问题问奥玛斯,并怀疑你自 己。奥玛斯可以在你身上看到奇怪的对立...如同他 看待所有即将成为英雄的人一样。 和他交谈,他可能会回报他的智慧...或是从他身上 的知识可以让你自行发掘智慧。 |
str | 517 | OrmusGossip1 | 68 The Church which you serve is corrupted by evil. Yet the holy disciplines it taught you may yet save us all. This is a strange time for heroes, Ormus thinks. |
47 你所伺奉的教堂已经因邪恶而堕落了。而神圣的 磨炼本身告诉你,你还有可能拯救我们所有人。 奥玛斯觉得,这是个奇怪的英雄时代。 |
str | 518 | OrmusGossip2 | 65 Your salvation can only be reached through Hatred. A strange fate, but a true one. |
63 你只能透过憎恨来救人。十分奇怪的命运,却是 不变的真理。 |
str | 519 | OrmusGossip3 | 52 How does one destroy Destruction? How does one force Terror to flee in fear? You have great tasks ahead of you, Ormus thinks. |
48 要怎么样才能毁掉一个「毁灭」?要怎么样逼「恐 惧」因害怕而逃开?奥玛斯认为,你的面前有十 分重要的工作。 |
str | 520 | OrmusGossip4 | 72 The Church of Light harbors the darkest shadow of all. Tread lightly. |
67 光明的教堂是黑暗阴影的避风港。轻轻的向前走。 |
str | 521 | OrmusGossip5 | 89 When speaking of the dead, it is best to remain cryptic. |
84 当你想和死人交谈,最好小声的讲。 |
str | 522 | OrmusGossip6 | 84 The Travincal can be breached by the loss of one's wits, not by the use of them. |
79 你可以藉由让一个人失去理智而攻入崔凡克,但 是无法藉由利用它们达到这个目的。 |
str | 523 | OrmusGossip7 | 95 Alkor is able to explain things much more clearly than Ormus. |
90 艾柯解释事情要比奥玛斯清楚多了。 |
str | 524 | OrmusGossip8 | 58 For one who spends so much time away from home, Meshif has taken Kurast's corruption the hardest. |
56 对一个在外地花了那么多时间的人来说,马席夫 一定很难接受库拉斯特的毁灭情况。 |
str | 525 | OrmusGossip9 | 91 Asheara is both proud and self-conscious of her womanhood. |
86 艾席拉对她的女性同伴不但引以为傲,而且极具 自我意识。 |
str | 526 | OrmusGossip10 | 65 Deckard Cain... Ormus has no time for the last son of the Horadrim. Pride led that holy Order to failure. |
63 迪卡-凯恩...奥玛斯没时间理会这个最后的赫拉迪 姆之子。骄傲让他们的神圣体制崩溃。 |
str | 527 | OrmusGossip11 | 63 Hratli suspects that Ormus is a mage. He can suspect whatever he wants, Ormus will not show him the true magic. |
52 赫拉铁力猜奥玛斯是位法师。他可以随便乱猜, 但是奥玛斯绝对不会让他看到真正的魔法。 |
str | 528 | A3Q4Init1CainAct3 | 53 Back in Lut Gholein Meshif told me he had a fondness for jade figurines. On his trading voyages he collected an odd assortment of such small statues. I would show him your figurine. |
51 回到鲁-高因之后,马席夫告诉我他对玉制小人 像有特别的喜好。在他的贸易生涯中,他收集了 不少这种奇怪的小人像。 我想让他看看你的小人像。 |
str | 529 | A3Q4Init1Asheara | 160 Only Deckard Cain can make sense of this. |
155 只有迪卡-凯恩可以看懂这些东西。 |
str | 530 | A3Q4Init2MeshifAct3 | 73 Praise you! That jade figurine will complete the set I was collecting. Here! I've had this statuette of a golden bird for years, but I consider it a fair exchange. |
68 崇拜你!这个玉制的小人像刚好让我的收藏品凑 齐一整套! 来!我保有这个黄金鸟的雕像已经好几年了,不 过我觉得这次交易十分值得。 |
str | 531 | A3Q4Init2Natalya | 89 I'm having fun just watching you run from place to place searching for a Golden Bird. Some hero you are. |
84 我觉得你在每个地方跑来跑去找寻黄金鸟真是好 玩。你根本就不像英雄。 |
str | 532 | A3Q4Init3CainAct3 | 47 I've read legends about a sage named Ku Y'leh, who studied the mysteries of life beyond death. If I remember correctly, his ashes were ensconced within a golden statuette. It was a very strange tale. |
36 我曾经在书上看过一个名叫库亚的贤者,他研究 的是死亡后生命的神秘之处。如果我记得没错, 他的骨灰安置在一个黄金的雕像之中。这是个很 奇怪的传说。 |
str | 533 | A3Q4Init3Hratli | 134 You will have to take Ku Y'leh's ashes to Alkor. |
129 你必须把库亚的骨灰拿给艾柯。 |
str | 534 | A3Q4Init3Asheara | 96 Such a beautiful statuette... But, you'd think it would've been better cared for. There's a compartment here that's full o' dust. |
81 真美丽的雕像...但是,你不觉得小心的照顾它比较 好吗?里面有个小隔间满满的都是灰。 |
str | 535 | A3Q4AfterInitAlkor | 73 Ah, the Golden Bird of Ku Y'leh. Thank you, my friend. Busy yourself while I experiment with the ashes within it. Then, return and see what I have made for you. |
57 啊,库亚的黄金鸟。感谢你,我的朋友。在我忙 着实验这些骨灰的时候,先去处理你的事情吧。 然后,再回来看看我帮你做了些什么。 |
str | 536 | A3Q4AfterInitOrmus | 51 Ku Y'leh, in searching for immortal youth, found only an early death. His apprentices, seeking to live forever, burned his body in order to derive benefit from his ashes. |
43 库亚,一生在追寻永生的年轻,但是只找到了早 到的死亡。他的学徒追寻永久的生命,把他的身 体火化,从他的骨灰中引出受益的条件。 |
str | 537 | A3Q4AfterInitHratli | 50 Ku Y'leh was a powerful sage who was rumored to have brewed a potion of immortality. In an ironic twist of fate, he was murdered before his potent elixir could take effect. |
41 库亚是个威力强大的贤者,传说中他饮下了永生 不死的药剂。在讽刺而扭曲的命运中,在他服下 的药剂生效之前,他就被谋杀了。 |
str | 538 | A3Q4AfterInitNatalya | 78 Don't tell me you believe in all of that 'life after death' nonsense. You should be more concerned with avoiding death than making plans for after it finds you. |
65 别告诉我你会相信那些「死后的生命」等无稽之 谈。你应该更关心如何避开死亡,而不是等死亡 找上你后再安排计划。 |
str | 539 | A3Q4SuccessfulAlkor | 120 From the ashes of Ku Y'leh I have mixed for you a potion. |
115 从库亚的骨灰中,我帮你混合出一份药剂。 |
str | 540 | A3Q4SuccessfulMeshifAct3 | 94 Immortality is definitely not for me. Can you imagine having to wake up every night just to piss for the next thousand years? |
70 我才不想要永生不死。你能想象接下来的一千年 之中,每个夜晚都还会爬起来小解? |
str | 541 | A3Q4SuccessfulCainAct3 | 63 So, Meshif had the Golden Bird all along. I wonder if he knows what he gave up for that jade figurine. |
61 原来,马席夫一直是黄金鸟的拥有者。我怀疑他 是不是知道他为了玉制小人像所放弃的东西。 |
str | 542 | A3Q4SuccessfulOrmus | 54 Ormus remembers the tale of Ku Y'leh. That venerable sage forgot that there is no life beyond death. There is only life. Once prolonged unnaturally, it can become a living hell. |
42 奥玛斯记得库亚的传说。那位值得尊敬的贤者忘 了死亡之后是没有生命的,这就是生命。一旦你 试图以超越自然的方式加以延长,它就会变成活 生生的地狱。 |
str | 543 | A3Q4SuccessfulNatalya | 67 I must admit, your foolish quest made little sense to me. But now I see the value of your actions. I believe you do possess great wisdom. |
65 我必须承认,你的愚蠢任务对我一点意义也没有。 但是现在我可以看到你所做所为的价值。我相信 你是个极具智慧的人。 |
str | 544 | A3Q2InitCain | 33 Never forget that your ultimate purpose here in Kurast is to destroy Mephisto. The ancient Horadrim imprisoned the Lord of Hatred inside the Guardian Tower that is located within the Temple City of Travincal. Know this, friend. The only way to gain entry to Mephisto's prison is to destroy the artifact known as the Compelling Orb. Mephisto used this device to control the Zakarum Priests and their followers. The Orb can only be destroyed with an ancient flail imbued with the spirit of the one incorruptible priest. Soon after his imprisonment, Mephisto worked his evil corruption on the Zakarum priesthood. All were turned to his dark ways, save one - Khalim, the Que-Hegan of the High Council. Mephisto directed the other Council priests to slay and dismember Khalim and then scatter his remains across the Kingdom. The Priest Sankekur succeeded Khalim as Que-Hegan, eventually becoming the embodiment of Mephisto here on the mortal plane. The corrupted High Council fashioned an Orb to control the rest of the Zakarum faithful and used their powers to hide the lair of their master from mortals. Your task is to collect the scattered relics of Khalim - his Heart, his Brain, and his Eye. Then, using the Horadric Cube, transmute Khalim's Flail with his relics. Once this is accomplished, you must destroy the Compelling Orb with Khalim's Will to open the way into the corrupt sanctum of Mephisto. |
21 永远记得你来此的最终目标是摧毁墨菲斯托。古 代的赫拉迪姆将这个憎恨之王封锁在守护者之塔 中,位于神殿之城崔凡克。 记住这一点,朋友-唯一能够进入墨菲斯托囚禁之 处的方法,就是摧毁一个称之为强制球体的古物。 墨菲斯托利用这个设备来控制撒卡兰姆的牧师及 其追随者。你只能利用另一个古代链枷,灌入一 个尚未与之妥协的牧师灵魂,才能够摧毁这个球 体。 在他被禁锢之后,墨菲斯托马上着手控制撒卡兰 姆的年轻牧师。所有的年轻人都被他带入了黑暗 的道路中,除了一个以外-就是克林姆,高等评议 会的「魁黑刚」。 墨菲斯托指挥其他评议会的牧师去杀害并肢解魁 黑刚,然后把他的尸骨散在整个王国之中。牧师 桑吉库接续了克林姆成为下一任的魁黑刚,在人 类的世界之中,成为墨菲斯托更具体的化身。 堕落的高等评议会制作出了球体,来控制其他撒 卡兰姆人的忠心,并利用它们的力量来隐藏这个 大地,让其他的人类无法找到。 你的工作是搜集克林姆四散的遗骨-他的心脏、脑 和眼。然后利用赫拉迪克的方块,把他的遗骨转 变成克林姆的链枷。在你完成这个工作之后,下 一步就是利用克林姆的意志力来摧毁强制球体, 以开启通往墨菲斯托的堕落圣地。 |
str | 545 | A3Q2EarlyReturnHeartCain | 61 You have found Khalim's Heart, and it still bears the courage to face Mephisto! Place it in the Horadric Cube along with Khalim's other relics - the Eye, the Brain, and the Flail. |
47 你已经找到克林姆的心脏了,而且它仍然拥有对 抗墨菲斯托的勇气!把它和克林姆的其他遗骨一 起放在赫拉迪克的方块中-眼睛、大脑;然后你就 只差链枷了。 |
str | 546 | A3Q2EarlyReturnEyeCain | 52 Ahh... Khalim's Eye! Only it can reveal the true path to Mephisto. Place the Eye in the Horadric Cube along with Khalim's other relics - the Heart, the Brain, and the Flail. |
42 啊...克林姆的眼睛!只有它才能看清通往墨菲斯托 的真正道路。把它和克林姆的其他遗骨一起放在 赫拉迪克的方块中-心脏、大脑;然后你就只差连 枷了。 |
str | 547 | A3Q2EarlyReturnBrainCain | 58 This is most fortunate! Khalim's Brain knows Mephisto's weakness. Place it in the Horadric Cube along with Khalim's other relics - the Eye, the Heart, and the Flail. |
42 这实在太幸运了!克林姆的大脑知道墨菲斯托的 弱点。把它和克林姆的其他遗骨一起放在赫拉迪 克的方块中-心脏、眼睛;然后你就只差链枷了。 |
str | 548 | A3Q2EarlyReturnFlailCain | 46 Once properly imbued, Khalim's Flail can destroy the Compelling Orb and reveal the way to Mephisto. Place it into the Horadric Cube along with Khalim's relics - his Heart, his Brain, and his Eye. Then, transmute them to carry out Khalim's Will. |
35 只要你正确的使用,克林姆的链枷可以摧毁强制 球体,并显示出通往墨菲斯托的正确道路。把克 林姆的其他遗骨一起放在赫拉迪克的方块中-他的 心脏、眼睛和大脑。然后,转换出来的东西就会 成为克林姆的意志。 |
str | 549 | A3Q2SuccessfulCain | 54 Masterfully done, hero! You have crafted Khalim's Will. Employ it to destroy the Compelling Orb and open the way to Mephisto. May the true Light guide your way. |
43 盛气凌人的大成功,英雄!你已经把克林姆的意 志实体化了。使用它摧毁强制球体,就可以打开 通往墨菲斯托的通路。愿真正的光明导引着你的 道路。 |
str | 550 | A3Q1InitAlkor | 56 It pains me to waste time with you, so I'll get right to the point. There is a very special book which you must find for me. It was written long ago by a sage known as Lam Esen, who studied Skatsimi magic and the effects of the Prime Evils on the mortal world. The Black Book was lost when the Children of Zakarum took over this land. Now, you must reclaim it without delay! Its knowledge may aid us in this dark time ahead. |
36 在你身上浪费时间让我很痛苦,所以我就开门见 山的说。你必须为我找到一本十分特殊的书,它 是很久以前的一位贤者-蓝.依森所撰写的,他研 究史卡辛米的法术和效果,以及罪恶之源在人类 世界所造成的影响。当撒卡兰姆之子控制这块土 地时,这本黑皮书就不见了。现在,你必须马上 把它找给我!它上面的知识可能会帮助我们渡过 即将到来的黑暗时期。 |
str | 551 | A3Q1AfterInitAlkor | 73 The Black Book contains powerful secrets of Skatsim, the Old Religion, long eclipsed by Zakarum. I should warn you. The Black Book is much sought after by both good and evil. Be wary. |
53 这本黑皮书包括了史卡辛米拥有的强大威力,它 们是个很古老的宗教,比撒卡兰姆还要长久。我 得警告你,这本书不管是善恶人士都欲先得之而 后快,小心。 |
str | 552 | A3Q1AfterInitOrmus | 62 The Children of Zakarum believe that the Black Book is filled with blasphemous heresy. In truth, the book may contain the secrets to our ultimate redemption. |
52 撒卡兰姆之子相信这本黑书充满了亵渎神祗的异 端学说。事实上,这本书可能蕴藏了我们最后的 补救之道。 |
str | 553 | A3Q1AfterInitMeshifAct3 | 73 Oh. No one really believes that the Black Book exists. It's just a symbol of Zakarum's anti-Skatsim propaganda. |
68 噢,没有人真的相信那本黑皮书是真的存在。它 只是一个撒卡兰姆用来抵制史卡辛米的传教手段 而己! |
str | 554 | A3Q1AfterInitAsheara | 102 Many things can be found in the city of Kurast. The book may be there. |
97 你可以在库拉斯特城中找到很多事情。这本书也 可能在那边。 |
str | 555 | A3Q1AfterInitHratli | 54 We have long sought the Black Book of Lam Esen. Rumors of its whereabouts spread as fast as jungle plagues. If you find it, take it to Alkor. |
52 我们找寻这本蓝.依森所写的黑皮书已经很久了。 传说中它所在之处,就是丛林伸展最快的地方。 如果你找到它,把书拿给艾柯。 |
str | 556 | A3Q1AfterInitCainAct3 | 72 The Black Book is a powerful source of information. The Zakarum will do everything in their power to stop you from obtaining it. |
61 这本黑书是威力强大的知识来源。撒卡兰姆会尽 他们所有的力量,来阻止你取得它! |
str | 557 | A3Q1AfterInitNatalya | 81 I've heard of the Black Book. My Order's code is based on many of its passages. If you find it, I will be greatly impressed. |
76 我听说过那本黑皮书。我所属的组织法典就是基 于它各种不同的指引。如果你能找到它,我会十 分感动。 |
str | 558 | A3Q1EarlyReturnAlkor | 104 Did I neglect to mention that the book contains useful information about the Prime Evils? |
99 我是不是忘了提到这本书中提到不少与罪恶之源 有关的重要讯息? |
str | 559 | A3Q1EarlyReturnOrmus | 55 Even if you find the sacred Book, you must still traverse the jungle of meaning within it. That journey could prove to be far more perilous. |
44 即使你能找到这本圣书,你还是得带着它横越整 个丛林。这一趟旅程可能比你想象的还要危险。 |
str | 560 | A3Q1EarlyReturnMeshifAct3 | 56 Kurast was once the greatest city in the world. Now it is hard to tell where the jungle stops and the city begins. The jungle grows rampant on the soil enriched by the blood of my fellow citizens. |
47 库拉斯特曾经是这个世界上最伟大的城市之一。 现在很难回想丛林的边界和城市开始建造的地点。 这个丛林猖獗的在土地上面延伸,并藉由我同胞 的鲜血来成长。 |
str | 561 | A3Q1EarlyReturnAsheara | 68 I believe I can trust you now. When you first arrived, I suspected you a spy for the Zakarum, the false religion whose faithful are now under the sway of a mysterious power. They've made a mockery of the Old Religion of Skatsim. |
48 我想我现在可以相信你了。当你刚刚来此时,我 以为你是个撒卡兰姆的间谍;这个虚有其表的宗 教,现在被神秘的力量弄得摇摆不定。他们甚至 嘲笑更古老的史卡辛米宗教。 |
str | 562 | A3Q1EarlyReturnHratli | 62 Not getting much help? You know, people are like rugs. Hang them out a window and shake 'em a couple times. You'll be surprised how much dirt comes out. |
47 没有什么用?你知道,人们喜欢地毯。把它们挂 在窗子上,并用力的摇几次,你会很惊讶看到有 多少灰烬飞出来。 |
str | 563 | A3Q1EarlyReturnCainAct3 | 81 I heard that there are ruined temples in Kurast. Perhaps you will find the Black Book in one of them. |
76 我听说在库拉斯特有不少废弃的神殿。也许你会 在其中之一找到黑皮书。 |
str | 564 | A3Q1EarlyReturnNatalya | 105 I hope you find the Black Book soon. I could use something to read while I wait for my orders. |
100 我希望你可以快点找到黑皮书。我可以利用等待 下一个命令的时间,好好阅读其中的内容。 |
str | 565 | A3Q1SuccessfulAlkor | 83 You have found the Book! It should give all of us here some insight into the nature of the Prime Evils... Ah, but as for you... |
78 你找到书了!它应该可以让我们更了解罪恶之源 的真正面孔... 啊,但是对你来说... |
str | 566 | A3Q1SuccessfulOrmus | 70 Why is the Black Book of Lam Esen like a coffin? Simple. Each holds the shape of our future. |
65 为什么蓝.依森写的黑皮书像个棺木?简单。每 一本书代表我们的未来。 |
str | 567 | A3Q1SuccessfulMeshifAct3 | 75 Thank all that's holy. You've returned with the Black Book! Maybe now you can put an end to the Evil that has destroyed my homeland. |
70 感谢诸神,你带着黑皮书回来了。或许你现在可 以让摧毁我家园的邪恶从此消失! |
str | 568 | A3Q1SuccessfulAsheara | 135 The Iron Wolves are very impressed by your skills. |
130 铁狼们对你的技能留下十分深刻的印象。 |
str | 569 | A3Q1SuccessfulHratli | 74 We have the Book. Now we must see if we can bear its revelations. |
69 我们拥有书了,现在我们必须看看是不是能够揭 露其中的秘密。 |
str | 570 | A3Q1SuccessfulCainAct3 | 86 You have found a source of information powerful enough to turn the tide against the Zakarum. |
81 你找到了威力强大的知识来源,让我们可以改变 局势来对抗撒卡兰姆。 |
str | 571 | A3Q1SuccessfulNatalya | 89 So, you've returned with the Book. You surprise me. You must be very resourceful. |
84 那么,你已经把书带回来了。你真的让我讶异, 你一定很有应变才能。 |
str | 572 | A3Q3InitHratli | 45 As I told you before, I placed an enchantment upon the dockside in order to keep the demons at bay. But lately, the enchantment seems to be weakening. If memory serves me correctly, there is a holy Skatsimi blade that could revitalize the enchantment. The blade is called the Gidbinn. Find it, and our sanctuary here will remain safe. |
31 就像我以前告诉你的,我在海港施加了法术,让 恶魔们无法靠近。但是,最近这股力量已经越来 越弱了。 如果我记得不错,有一把史卡辛米圣刀可以让这 股力量再度回复,这把刀称为吉得宾。找到它, 我们在此地的庇难所才会安全。 |
str | 573 | A3Q3AfterInitAlkor | 66 Have you not heard of the Gidbinn? Well, allow me to reduce your ignorance on the subject. The Gidbinn is an enchanted dagger - a religious artifact greatly valued by the Old Religion, Skatsim. |
46 你没听说过吉得宾?让我帮你解除这方面的无知 好了。吉得宾是一柄具有法力的匕首,一个对古 老宗教-史卡辛具有无上价值的物品。 |
str | 574 | A3Q3AfterInitOrmus | 64 Ormus is familiar with the Gidbinn. But how would a powerful Skatsimi artifact aid an unbeliever like you? |
62 奥玛斯对吉得宾更为熟悉。但是这把威力强大的 史卡辛米古物,怎么会协助一个像你这样不信仰 它的人? |
str | 575 | A3Q3AfterInitMeshifAct3 | 66 The Gidbinn is one of the few remaining relics of Skatsim, the Old Religion. It is reputed to have great powers. |
64 吉得宾是史卡辛米-古老的教派-所遗留下来的少数 古物之一。听说它具有极强的力量。 |
str | 576 | A3Q3AfterInitAsheara | 107 The Gidbinn will reinforce the enchantments that protect the dockside from the evil that infests Kurast. |
92 吉得宾可以增加保护港湾的法力,让这个侵蚀库 拉斯特的邪恶不再更进一步。 |
str | 577 | A3Q3AfterInitHratli | 54 As far as we know, the Gidbinn is in the possession of the Children of Light. They do not wish it to fall into the hands of those who can restore its powers. You may not believe it, but Ormus is the one who can use the Gidbinn to protect us. |
36 截至目前所知,吉得宾是光明之子所持有的。他 们不愿意让它落入可以回复匕首本身力量的人士 手中。你可能不相信,不过奥玛斯就是那个能够 使用吉得宾的力量来拯救我们的人。 |
str | 578 | A3Q3AfterInitCainAct3 | 55 I've done some research on the Taan mage-clan, and it seems that most of their magical studies were focused on Skatsimi rites. If anyone is qualified to use the powers of the Gidbinn, it would be Ormus. |
43 我对坦族的魔法师一族做了一些研究,看来他们 的所有魔法研究,都是针对史卡辛米的仪式。如 果任何人有资格发挥吉得宾的力量,那一定是奥 玛斯。 |
str | 579 | A3Q3AfterInitNatalya | 73 Don't let the Gidbinn's size fool you. Though it is only a small dagger, it holds tremendous power when in the hands of a true Skatsimi mage. |
68 别让吉得宾的尺寸骗了你。虽然它只是一把小匕 首,但是它握在史卡辛米法师的手上时,可以发 挥出巨大的力量。 |
str | 580 | A3Q3EarlyReturnAlkor | 70 Legend has it that the Skatsimi priests placed great power within the small blade. Power enough to repel this terrible jungle-curse which encroaches on our sanctuary. |
57 传说指出史卡辛米的牧师将巨大的力量放置在一 把小刀之中。这股力量强到足以驱逐可怕的丛林 诅咒,让我们的庇难所免于它的侵袭。 |
str | 581 | A3Q3EarlyReturnOrmus | 83 If we are to have peace from the shadow, you must find the weapon which will destroy the Light. |
78 如果我们只能在阴影中找到平静,我们就得找到 足以摧毁光明的武器。 |
str | 582 | A3Q3EarlyReturnMeshifAct3 | 67 The jungle is like nothing you've ever seen before. Imagine Paradise festering like a wound... then bursting! |
59 这个丛林是你从来没有见过的。想象一下天堂像 伤口一样化脓...然后爆开。 |
str | 583 | A3Q3EarlyReturnAsheara | 145 I'm certain that the Gidbinn is very closely guarded. |
140 我很确定吉得宾一定受到重重看守。 |
str | 584 | A3Q3EarlyReturnHratli | 70 Once the Gidbinn is found, Ormus will use it to strengthen the protective barrier around the dockside. |
65 当你找到吉得宾之后,奥玛斯会使用它的力量, 在港湾制作出一道屏障。 |
str | 585 | A3Q3EarlyReturnCainAct3 | 75 Since you haven't come across the Gidbinn yet, the dagger must be deeper in the jungle nearer Kurast. |
70 你还没有找到吉得宾,这把匕首一定放在库拉斯 特附近的丛林深处之中。 |
str | 586 | A3Q3EarlyReturnNatalya | 97 You'd best get back out there and find that blade. The jungle creeps further into this camp by the hour. |
92 你最好快点出去把匕首找回来。这个丛林每小时 都在逼近我们的营地。 |
str | 587 | A3Q3SuccessfulAlkor | 77 Hah! You have stolen the fabled blade from right under Zakarum's nose! This is a great day, indeed! |
72 哈!你刚刚从撒卡兰姆的鼻尖偷走了传说中的武 器!这真是个好日子! |
str | 588 | A3Q3SuccessfulOrmus | 41 You have done well, noble hero. Ormus congratulates you. The old spirits of Skatsim will watch over you for returning their sacred blade. Now, after all these years, Ormus will once again use his powers to protect the innocent from the shadow. The spell that protects the dockside shall now be reinforced. |
28 你做得很好,高贵的英雄,奥玛斯在此向你致意。 史卡辛的古老灵魂会因为你送回了这把圣刀而看 护着你。现在,在经过了这么多年之后,奥玛斯 将再度使用它的力量,从黑暗的阴影中保护无辜 之人。保护港湾的力量现在已经全面强化了。 |
str | 589 | A3Q3SuccessfulMeshifAct3 | 79 With any luck, the spirits of Skatsim will grant us revenge upon the powers that ravaged this land. |
74 只要有点运气,史卡辛的灵魂将会赋予我们复仇 的力量,取回这块大陆! |
str | 590 | A3Q3SuccessfulAsheara | 99 Now that fewer of the Iron Wolves are needed to guard the dockside, some of them have volunteered to accompany you free of charge. |
83 现在不再需要那么多铁狼看守港湾了,有些人将 会志愿与你们同行,初期完全免费。 |
str | 591 | A3Q3SuccessfulHratli | 80 The Gidbinn's magic can only be channeled through Ormus. Take it to him. He has the necessary knowledge about the ancient Skatsimi magics. |
62 只有透过奥玛斯的力量,才能够导引吉得宾的魔 力。把匕首拿给他,他具有发挥古代史卡辛魔法 的必备知识。 |
str | 592 | A3Q3SuccessfulCainAct3 | 62 Who could have foreseen that the Old Religion would play such an effective role in our war against the Three? Again, your efforts amaze me, my friend. |
52 有谁能够预见古代的宗教在对抗那三位罪恶之源 时,会扮演这么重要的角色。而且,你的努力再 次令人惊讶,我的朋友。 |
str | 593 | A3Q3SuccessfulNatalya | 67 You are truly amazing, stranger. There are precious few items in the world that would tempt me to go up against the Children of Zakarum and their midget minions. |
58 你真的太棒了,陌生人。有几项世界上十分珍贵 的物品,可以引诱我前去对抗撒卡兰姆的孩子和 它们的小喽啰。 |
str | 594 | A3Q3RewardOrmus | 101 This magic ring does me no good. Here... Wear it proudly! |
91 这个魔法戒指对我而言没什么作用。来...自傲的戴 着它吧! |
str | 595 | A3Q5InitOrmus | 36 You have done well, my friend. Your courage and valor are an inspiration to us all. But now the time has come to face those responsible for the evil that has stifled our land. You must destroy the High Council of Zakarum! Long ago, these elders were charged with the stewardship of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, who was imprisoned within the Guardian Tower. Through the generations, these pious men slowly fell more and more under the sway of Mephisto's malevolent power and the Council became an evil mockery of its former glory. It is Mephisto's Hatred that has corrupted Zakarum and turned its devout followers into paranoid fanatics. That is why you must travel to the Temple City of Travincal and slay the Council. Once they are gone, Mephisto's hold over this land and its people will be broken! |
20 你做的太好了,我的朋友。你的勇气和英勇激励 了我们所有人。但是现在的时机,已经逼得我们 必须负起对抗邪恶的责任,来拯救我们的家园。 你必须摧毁撒卡兰姆的最高评议会!很久以前, 这些长者的职务是管理囚禁在守护者之塔中的墨 菲斯托-憎恨之王。经过这几代的传承之后,这些 虔诚的人慢慢掉入墨菲斯托恶毒力量的控制之下, 让评议会成为邪恶的大本营,嘲弄早期的光荣。 就是墨菲斯托的憎恨让撒卡兰姆堕落,并把虔诚 的信徒变成偏执的狂信者。这是为什么你必须穿 越到神殿之城崔凡克去,并杀死这些评议会的成 员。只要他们消失了,墨菲斯托对这个大地和人 民的控制力量就会崩溃! |
str | 596 | A3Q5AfterInitAlkor | 84 The Black Book contains some vague prophecies regarding this undertaking. I'm not so sure it will turn out well for you. |
70 黑皮书中提到了一些糊模的预言,你可以视为一 种保证。我不太确定这个结果会对你有利。 |
str | 597 | A3Q5AfterInitAlkorVA | 90 I am but a potion dealer and an avid reader of occult books. What do I know of the Travincal? |
85 我只是一个药剂商人,并对神秘的书藉有热切的 狂热而己。我怎么会知道有关崔凡克的事情? |
str | 598 | A3Q5AfterInitOrmus | 54 You must know that the Guardian Tower in the Temple City was built by the Horadrim for one purpose - to hold Mephisto. Once the Council is dead, you may enter the Tower. |
44 你必须了解在神殿之城的守护者之塔是由赫拉迪 姆所建造的,目的只有一个-囚禁墨菲斯托。当评 议会消失后,你就可以进入塔中。 |
str | 599 | A3Q5AfterInitOrmusVA | 54 You must know that the Guardian Tower in the Temple City was built by the Horadrim for one purpose - to hold Mephisto. Once the Council is dead, you may enter the Tower. |
44 你必须了解在神殿之城的守护者之塔是由赫拉迪 姆所建造的,目的只有一个-囚禁墨菲斯托。当评 议会消失后,你就可以进入塔中。 |
str | 600 | A3Q5AfterInitMeshifAct3 | 68 There is only one way to the Temple City. You will have to cross many rivers and streams, but you'll find it. A great tower stands at its center. |
66 只有一条路可以通往神殿之城。你必须通过许多 河流和小溪,但是你一定可以找到的。在城的中 央有一座耸立的高塔。 |
str | 601 | A3Q5AfterInitMeshifAct3VA | 113 It has been said that Ormus speaks most clearly when his ideas are utterly mad. |
108 据说奥玛斯只有在脑袋中想着最疯狂的点子时, 讲的话才会很有条理。 |
str | 602 | A3Q5AfterInitAsheara | 89 The Children of Zakarum who guard the Tower square can be killed, but their numbers are vast. You must destroy their Council. |
75 守护着高塔的撒卡兰姆孩子可以击杀,但是他们 的数量太多。你必须击毁他们的评议会。 |
str | 603 | A3Q5AfterInitAshearaVA | 105 There are many zealots among the followers of Zakarum. It will be difficult to get past them. |
100 在撒卡兰姆的信徒中有不少是狂信者,你很难通 过他们这一关。 |
str | 604 | A3Q5AfterInitHratli | 104 Remember. You can always find sanctuary here with us. |
99 记住,你回到这边,就代表你回到了庇护所。 |
str | 605 | A3Q5AfterInitHratliVA | 75 This has been a trying time for all of us, but I sense this nightmare is coming to an end. |
70 对所有人而言,现在都是十分恼人的时间。但是 我可以感受到这个恶梦快要结束了。 |
str | 606 | A3Q5AfterInitCainAct3 | 63 Ormus tells me that the Council is comprised of tremendously powerful priests. It will be difficult to best them. |
61 奥玛斯告诉我评议会是由一群拥有惊人力量的牧 师所组成的。要赢过他们可能十分困难。 |
str | 607 | A3Q5AfterInitCainAct3VA | 93 The Temple City is well guarded. You'd best keep your wits about you. |
88 神殿之城受到严密的保护。你最好善用你的机智 来克服难关。 |
str | 608 | A3Q5AfterInitNatalya | 100 You are incredibly brave to venture into the lion's den. I wish you luck. |
95 你能够深入虎穴,的确拥有过人的勇气。祝你好 运。 |
str | 609 | A3Q5AfterInitNatalyaVA | 95 Beware the followers of Zakarum. Their fanaticism is their greatest weapon. |
90 小心撒卡兰姆的信徒。盲目的狂信是他们最强大 的武器。 |
str | 610 | A3Q5EarlyReturnAlkor | 111 Kill as many as you can. I have a morbid love of excess. |
106 尽你可能的多杀几个。我喜欢做事超量。 |
str | 611 | A3Q5EarlyReturnAlkorVA | 91 If only we could have found the Black Book. I feel as though a malevolent hand has led us away from it. |
86 如果我们能够找到黑皮书就好了。我觉得有一只 恶毒的黑手一直不愿让我们碰到那本书。 |
str | 612 | A3Q5EarlyReturnOrmus | 49 If you die on this quest, I will commemorate your sacrifice in an epic poem. You will not need a potion to achieve immortality. Ormus' words will do that. |
41 如果你在这一次的任务中不幸阵亡,我会把你的 牺牲在史诗中加以纪念。你不需要靠药剂就可以 永生不死。奥玛斯现在就可以向你保证! |
str | 613 | A3Q5EarlyReturnMeshifAct3 | 110 Within the Temple City is a courtyard. The Council resides there. |
105 在神殿之城有一个中庭,评议会就在那个地方。 |
str | 614 | A3Q5EarlyReturnMeshifAct3VA | 107 I have heard rumors that the Prime Evils are here seeking their Brother. |
102 我听说罪恶之源正在找寻他的兄弟。 |
str | 615 | A3Q5EarlyReturnAsheara | 161 The Iron Wolves and I are at the ready to aid you. |
161 铁狼和我都准备好随时帮助你了。 |
str | 616 | A3Q5EarlyReturnAshearaVA | 139 Things are getting wilder than Ladies Night at the Slippery Fist. |
134 现在事情的演变,要比在油滑拳头酒吧的仕女之 夜还要疯狂。 |
str | 617 | A3Q5EarlyReturnHratli | 65 The followers of Zakarum demand complete allegiance to their creed. They have slaughtered many of their own for minor grievances. They will not hesitate to kill you. |
48 撒卡兰姆的信徒要求遵守他们的信条以誓忠诚。 他们已经杀害了许多他们心怀怨恨的自己人。对 于杀死你,他们可是完全不会心软的。 |
str | 618 | A3Q5EarlyReturnHratliVA | 75 After having served Mephisto all these years, the Council must be twisted by hatred and evil. |
70 在伺奉墨菲斯托这么多年以后,这个评议会一定 被转为充满憎恨和邪恶的组织。 |
str | 619 | A3Q5EarlyReturnCainAct3 | 81 Sankekur may be using a Compelling Orb to control the minds of the Children of Zakarum. |
76 桑吉库可能会使用强制球体来控制撒卡兰姆之子 的思想。 |
str | 620 | A3Q5EarlyReturnNatalya | 80 I respect your need to do this. Honor demands that you see this through. Yet your chances are so slim... |
75 对你非完成这个工作不可,我致上最高的敬意。 荣誉要你看穿这一切,而且你成功的机会微乎其 微... |
str | 621 | A3Q5EarlyReturnNatalyaVA | 80 I respect your need to do this. Honor demands that you see this through. Yet your chances are so slim... |
75 对你非完成这个工作不可,我致上最高的敬意。 荣誉要你看穿这一切,而且你成功的机会微乎其 微... |
str | 622 | A3Q5SuccessfulAlkor | 91 You've accomplished the impossible! By killing the Council, the curse of Zakarum will be lifted and our land will be free! Oh. Thank you! |
70 你完成了这个不可能的任务!在摧毁了评议会之 后,满布于撒卡兰姆的诅咒就被破除,而且我们 的大地将重获自由!噢,太感谢你了。 |
str | 623 | A3Q5SuccessfulOrmus | 40 Ormus is grateful to you, stranger. You have broken the long, dark reign of Zakarum and delivered the first paralyzing blow against the Three. Yet still, the true test lies ahead. For he whom the Council guarded still lives within the Blackened Tower. |
32 奥玛斯感激你,陌生人。你打破了长久以来的撒 卡兰姆黑暗统治,并且对三个罪恶之源首度迎头 痛击。不过,真正的考验还在你的面前。因为目 前评议会所看守的东西,仍然活着那个黑色的高 塔中。 |
str | 624 | A3Q5SuccessfulMeshifAct3 | 76 It seems the jungle is already dying back. You've broken the curse, my friend! May the Light bless you! |
71 看来丛林慢慢的死亡而消散了。你已经打破了诅 咒,我的朋友!愿光明与你同在! |
str | 625 | A3Q5SuccessfulAsheara | 125 The sun has set on the Religion of Light. |
120 阳光再度洒在光明的信仰上面。 |
str | 626 | A3Q5SuccessfulHratli | 68 The followers of Zakarum lacked all sense of moderation. The collapse of their tainted religion gives me hope. |
66 撒卡兰姆的信徒缺乏任何方面的节制。他们宗教 的堕落历程带给我们新的希望。 |
str | 627 | A3Q5SuccessfulCainAct3 | 48 Ridding Kurast of the Council of Zakarum was essential. Still, there is more you must do. The Compelling Orb, too, must be destroyed. Diablo and Baal must be close to finding their brother, Mephisto, by now. You've no time to waste. |
41 摧毁库拉斯特之中的撒卡兰姆评议会是免不了的。 不过,还有其他更重要的事情还没完成。你必须 把球体摧毁掉。 暗黑破坏神和巴尔一定已经快要找到他们的兄- -墨菲斯托了。现在,你应该要分秒必争。 |
str | 628 | A3Q5SuccessfulNatalya | 88 I can hardly believe you did it. Your power blankets you like a shining aura. |
83 我很难相信你办到了。你的力量像是一层发亮的 光圈,笼罩在你的身上。 |
str | 629 | A3Q6InitOrmus | 53 Diablo and Baal have surely found the Temple City by now. They seek to free their Brother, Mephisto, who was imprisoned by the Horadrim in the Temple's Guardian Tower. You must reach him before his Brothers do and prevent them from releasing Hatred upon the world. |
38 暗黑破坏神和巴尔一定已经找到了神殿之城。他 们正在找寻并解放他们的兄长-墨菲斯托,曾经被 赫拉迪姆囚禁,目前关在神殿的守护者之塔中。 你必须在他兄弟之前找到他,并阻止他们把憎恨 之王解放到这个世界中。 |
str | 630 | A3Q6AfterInitAlkor | 90 The hidden ways of the Tower are long forgotten. Though... it is rumored to have been built as far below the ground as above it. |
75 通往高塔的隐藏通道早就被遗忘了。不过...传说指 出入口是放在地下深处,而不是在地面以上。 |
str | 631 | A3Q6AfterInitAlkorVA | 114 We have seen Diablo, but remain unsure of his Brothers' whereabouts. |
109 我们看过暗黑破坏神了,但是仍然不确定他的兄 弟位于何处。 |
str | 632 | A3Q6AfterInitOrmus | 52 Make haste! Though the Three are sure to reunite, it is uncertain as to what they have planned once they do. Be cautious, my friend. Though you are mighty, no mortal can stand alone against the power of the Prime Evils. |
39 快一点!虽然那三位会再度重聚,但是我们并不 知道他们聚首之后下一步要做什么。小心点,朋 友。虽然你拥有惊人的能力,但是没有人类可以 站在他们面前,对抗罪恶之源的力量。 |
str | 633 | A3Q6AfterInitOrmusVA | 52 Make haste! Though the Three are sure to reunite, it is uncertain as to what they have planned once they do. Be cautious, my friend. Though you are mighty, no mortal can stand alone against the power of the Prime Evils. |
39 快一点!虽然那三位会再度重聚,但是我们并不 知道他们聚首之后下一步要做什么。小心点,朋 友。虽然你拥有惊人的能力,但是没有人类可以 站在他们面前,对抗罪恶之源的力量。 |
str | 634 | A3Q6AfterInitMeshifAct3 | 66 Be careful when you return to the Tower. Though many of the followers of Zakarum have fled, there's no telling what horrors still lurk inside it. |
64 当你回到高塔时要格外小心。虽然有很多撒卡兰 姆的信徒已经跑掉了,但是我们并不知道还在塔 中游走的份子有多可怕。 |
str | 635 | A3Q6AfterInitMeshifAct3VA | 116 Move quickly, my friend, and end this curse once and for all! |
111 动作快一点,朋友,并快点一次把这个诅咒解决 掉! |
str | 636 | A3Q6AfterInitAsheara | 60 I sent a few of my Iron Wolves on a scouting mission into the jungle near the Temple City... They encountered two cloaked men who attacked them with horrifying powers. My men barely survived. I have to assume that the two strangers are Diablo and Baal. You'd better hurry. They're close to finding their brother. |
39 我把一些手下的铁狼放出去进行侦查任务,进入 丛林并靠近神殿之城...他们碰到二个披着斗篷的人, 以惊人的力量攻击他们。我的人只有几个勉强逃 回来,所以我假定这二个陌生人是暗黑破坏神和 巴尔。你动作最好快点,他们快要找到他们的兄 弟了。 |
str | 637 | A3Q6AfterInitAshearaVA | 93 Many Iron Wolves have disappeared in Travincal. The Evil is still strong there. |
88 很多铁狼都消失在崔凡克,在那个地方的邪气仍 旧十分惊人。 |
str | 638 | A3Q6AfterInitHratli | 43 Mephisto, along with Baal, was originally captured in the desert near Lut Gholein. But imprisoning two of the Brothers together was far too dangerous. The Horadrim built the Guardian Tower to hold Mephisto. When Zakarum came to power in this land, it took over the Temple City without paying any heed to what was locked within the Tower. And it became their doom. |
27 墨菲斯托,还有巴尔,原本是在鲁-高因附近被 捉的。但是把这二兄弟囚禁在一块太危险,所以 赫拉迪姆建造了守护者之塔来囚禁墨菲斯托。当 撒卡兰姆在这块大陆上的权力越来越大时,他们 不费一分一毫取得了神殿之城,并把墨菲斯托锁 在塔中...现在变成他们最大的梦餍。 |
str | 639 | A3Q6AfterInitHratliVA | 73 I hear there is a little family reunion about to take place in Kurast. The Three brothers draw close. |
68 我听说有一个小家庭即将在库拉斯特重新聚首。 这三个兄弟越来越近了。 |
str | 640 | A3Q6AfterInitCainAct3 | 116 You must reach Mephisto before his brothers do. |
111 你必须在他的兄弟得手之前,先找到墨菲斯托。 |
str | 641 | A3Q6AfterInitCainAct3VA | 50 The ancient Horadrim always feared that the Three would escape their prisons and unite. I can't believe that I, the last of their Order, have seen it come to pass. You are the only one who can prevent this, my friend. The final hour draws near. |
37 古代的赫拉迪姆人一直在害怕这三位会逃离他们 的笼牢,并聚在一起。我无法相信,我,组织最 后的传人,竟是眼睁睁看着这件事发生。你是唯 一能够预防这一点的人,我的朋友。最后的时刻 来了! |
str | 642 | A3Q6AfterInitNatalya | 75 Now you rush to face Mephisto. Don't give in to your hatred. That is his greatest weapon against you. |
70 现在你即将面对墨菲斯托。不要把你的憎恨放在 心中,这是他用来对付你的最强武器。 |
str | 643 | A3Q6AfterInitNatalyaVA | 75 Now you rush to face Mephisto. Don't give in to your hatred. That is his greatest weapon against you. |
70 现在你即将面对墨菲斯托。不要把你的憎恨放在 心中,这是他用来对付你的最强武器。 |
str | 644 | A3Q6EarlyReturnAlkor | 68 Well, the good news is that events are unfolding just as Lam Esen foretold. The bad news is that the story ends in our utter ruin! |
66 那么,好消息是现在的状况正好符合蓝.依森书 中所记载的状况。而坏消息是书中的结局是我们 碰上的是「无尽的毁灭」! |
str | 645 | A3Q6EarlyReturnAlkorVA | 80 I'm afraid both fear and a large dose of elixir preclude me from answering. |
75 恐怕服用大量的药剂和恐惧,已经让我无法再回 答什么了。 |
str | 646 | A3Q6EarlyReturnOrmus | 59 I understand that the great Patriarch of Zakarum, Sankekur, now embodies Mephisto. You must overcome Hatred lest Terror and Destruction claim us all! |
46 我了解那个伟大的撒卡兰姆族长-桑吉库,现在是 墨菲斯托的化身。你必须克服憎恨,以免恐惧和 毁灭把我们统统淹没! |
str | 647 | A3Q6EarlyReturnOrmusVA | 77 I am loath to describe what will happen if Diablo and Baal release Mephisto. |
72 我很不愿意描述暗黑破坏神和巴尔一旦释放墨菲 斯托之后的世界。 |
str | 648 | A3Q6EarlyReturnMeshifAct3 | 110 I ought to return to the ship. We may have to sail from here very quickly. |
105 我应该回到船上。你很可能得马上离开此地。 |
str | 649 | A3Q6EarlyReturnMeshifAct3VA | 110 I ought to return to the ship. We may have to sail from here very quickly. |
105 我应该回到船上。你很可能得马上离开此地。 |
str | 650 | A3Q6EarlyReturnAsheara | 80 The sudden reduction in our ranks makes us eager to destroy Diablo and his brothers. Vengeance for the Iron Wolves! |
67 急剧减少的兵士们让我们急着要摧毁暗黑破坏神 和他的兄弟,为铁狼们复仇! |
str | 651 | A3Q6EarlyReturnAshearaVA | 200 We will fight to the death. |
200 我们将和死亡迎战。 |
str | 652 | A3Q6EarlyReturnHratli | 58 Why build a Tower to place the beast below ground? At times I believe the Horadrim lacked common sense. |
56 为什么要建造一个高塔,把怪物镇压在下面?我 一直觉得赫拉迪姆没有常识。 |
str | 653 | A3Q6EarlyReturnHratliVA | 106 Shouldn't you be running frantically up and down stairs about now? |
101 你现在不是应该疯狂的在楼梯上跑来跑去? |
str | 654 | A3Q6EarlyReturnCainAct3 | 96 Search the Tower thoroughly. Mephisto must not escape. |
91 好好的搜寻这个高塔,绝对不能让墨菲斯托逃走。 |
str | 655 | A3Q6EarlyReturnCainAct3VA | 96 Search the Tower thoroughly. Mephisto must not escape. |
91 好好的搜寻这个高塔,绝对不能让墨菲斯托逃走。 |
str | 656 | A3Q6EarlyReturnNatalya | 55 Beware, my friend. Sankekur may be the most powerful mortal in the world. He controls thousands of fanatical worshippers and embodies the Lord of Hatred, himself. His death will be no easy task. |
45 小心,我的朋友。桑吉库可能是世界上最强的人 类,他控制了上千个狂信者,而且具有代表憎恨 之王的力量。要让他安息,并不是一件简单的工 作。 |
str | 657 | A3Q6EarlyReturnNatalyaVA | 55 Beware, my friend. Sankekur may be the most powerful mortal in the world. He controls thousands of fanatical worshippers and embodies the Lord of Hatred himself. His death will be no easy task. |
45 小心,我的朋友。桑吉库可能是世界上最强的人 类,他控制了上千个狂信者,而且具有代表憎恨 之王的力量。要让他安息,并不是一件简单的工 作。 |
str | 658 | A3Q6SuccessfulAlkor | 71 Your news is great indeed. You have saved us all. I would smile, but I'm afraid my face might collapse. |
66 你的消息实在太棒了!你救了我们所有人,我现 在可以笑了,但是我怕我的脸会塌下来。 |
str | 659 | A3Q6SuccessfulOrmus | 48 You have defeated a Prime Evil in combat. Ormus is impressed beyond words. But staying here will not end this conflict. You must enter the Infernal Gate and stop Diablo once and for all. |
37 你在战斗中摧毁了罪恶之源。奥玛斯对你的感激 无法用言语表达。但是在这个地方获胜并没有结 束这场抗争,你必须进入地狱之门,并永远的阻 止暗黑破坏神。 |
str | 660 | A3Q6SuccessfulMeshifAct3 | 70 Ahh... Now, Kurast can begin the task of rekindling its former glory... I thank you. |
65 啊...现在库拉斯特可以再度重建过去的光荣了...我 太感激你了。 |
str | 661 | A3Q6SuccessfulAsheara | 65 Well done, my friend. You are a great champion of Order. Please, consider yourself an honorary Iron Wolf. |
63 干得好,我的朋友。你是修道会中的菁英!请你 考虑一下,成为光荣铁狼的一员。 |
str | 662 | A3Q6SuccessfulHratli | 121 It looks like you're going to Hell before me. Put in a good word. |
92 看来你得在我之前踏入地狱了,往好处想。 |
str | 663 | A3Q6SuccessfulCainAct3 | 42 Our faith in you was well deserved. But Diablo has made his way to Hell; and it is likely that Baal followed him there. Enter the Infernal Gate and kill the Lord of Terror before all is lost. Only then will our world be saved! |
33 我们的信仰在你的身上获得了回报。但是暗黑破 坏神已经前往地狱了,看起来巴尔也和他一起同 行。进入地狱之门,并在一切消失前杀死恐惧之 王。只有在那个时候,世界才会获得救赎! |
str | 664 | A3Q6SuccessfulNatalya | 55 Word is spreading fast that you killed Mephisto. I'd be honored to fight beside you in Hell, but I've just received my mission orders. I'll be travelling to the Barbarian lands of the North, but I can't tell you why. With luck, our paths will cross again. Farewell. |
40 你杀死墨菲斯托的消息已经在全世界传开了。我 很荣幸能够和你一起在地狱中并肩作战,但是我 刚刚收到我的下一个命令。我将前往北方的野蛮 人大地,可是我无法告诉你原因。如果运气够好 的话,我们的道路将再度交会。再会了。 |
str | 665 | TyraelActIntroGossip1 | 43 It is good to see you again, hero. Mephisto's defeat is a great victory for the Light. I knew that you would eventually find your way here. The Pandemonium Fortress is the last bastion of Heaven's power before the Gates of the Burning Hells. This place has been hallowed by the blood of thousands of champions of the Light, many of whom were mortal, like yourself. Now the final battle against the Prime Evils draws near... and you must face it alone. I have been forbidden to aid you directly, save for a few bits of wisdom. For this is the hour of mortal Man's triumph...your triumph. May the Light protect you and the powers of Heaven shine upon your path... |
27 真高兴能再见到你,英雄。摧毁了墨菲斯托是光 明的一大胜利!我知道你很希望能在这边找到正 确的道路。这个群魔堡垒是通往燃烧的地狱之门 前面,由天堂所设立的最后防线。 这个地方曾经吸取了上千个光明骑士的鲜血,许 多是和你一样的人类。现在,对抗罪恶之源的最 后一战已经近了...接下来就要靠你自己了。 我受限于无法直接提供你协助,但是可以告诉你 一些知识。这一次将是人类的凯旋之歌....也是你 们的凯旋之歌。愿光明保佑你们,而且天堂的力 量为照耀你们的道路... |
str | 666 | TyraelAct4Gossip1 | 62 Long ago, I swore an oath to watch over the Horadrim and their descendants. As Deckard Cain is the last of their esteemed Order, I will not allow him to perish here so far from the lands of his birth. Be at ease, hero, I know that he is your friend. He shall come to no harm. |
37 很久以前,我发了一个誓言来看守着赫拉迪姆和 他们的后代。在迪卡-凯恩成为他们崇敬宗教的最 后一人时,我从他出生之后就禁止他来到此地以 免死亡。轻松点,英雄,我知道他是你的朋友, 他应该不会再受到伤害了。 |
str | 667 | CainAct4IntroGossip1 | 41 Can you believe this place? Did you ever dare to dream that you'd one day stand upon the crossroads between Heaven and Hell? This Pandemonium Fortress is truly miraculous. However, your journey is not yet over. Diablo still roams free in Hell, marshalling his demonic forces. Only when he is beaten will our world finally have peace. Hurry now... the sands of time slow for no one! |
28 你能相信这个地方的存在吗?你有没有胆子梦到 有一天你会站在天堂和地狱的交叉路口?这个群 魔堡垒真是一个奇迹。 不过,你的旅程还没有结束。暗黑破坏神已经在 地狱中自由了,正在集结他的恶魔大军。只有打 倒他,我们的世界才会获得真正的和平。现在快 点...沙漏流逝的时间不会等任何人! |
str | 668 | CainAct4Gossip1 | 48 I have read much about the enigmatic Archangel Tyrael. He was revered in Horadrim lore both for his compassion for mortals and his unquenchable spirit. It was rumored that he went against the wishes of Heaven and gave the Horadrim the original Soulstones in order to trap Diablo and his Brothers. |
32 我读了许多和大天使泰瑞尔有关的书。他曾经出 现在赫拉迪姆的法典,提到他对人类的慈悲,以 及无法压抑的助人精神。传说中他违抗了天堂的 期望,把原始的灵魂之石交给赫拉迪姆,才能够 困住暗黑破坏神和他的兄弟。 |
str | 669 | HellsAngelGossip1 | 72 Halt! Before venturing into Diablo's lair, go to the Hellforge with Mephisto's Soulstone. Place the stone on the Hellforge and use the Hellforge Hammer to destroy it. |
60 站住!在你踏入暗黑破坏神的大地前,带着墨菲 斯托的灵魂之石前往地狱熔炉。 把石块放在地狱熔炉上面,并使用熔炉的铁锤把 它毁掉。 |
str | 670 | HellsAngelGossip2 | 66 Proceed, hero, into Terror's lair. Know that Diablo's innermost sanctum is hidden by five seals. Only by opening each of these seals can you clear your way to the final battle. |
54 继续吧,英雄,进入恐怖的领域。 你必须知道暗黑破坏神内在的圣域是隐藏在五个 封印后面。打开每一个封印,就可以一步步开启 通往最后战场的通道。 |
str | 671 | A4Q1InitTyrael | 42 There is a dark, tortured soul who was trapped within this forsaken realm long ago. He was called Izual by mortal men, and in ages past he was my most trusted Lieutenant. Yet, against my wishes he led an ill-fated assault upon the fiery Hellforge, itself. Despite his valor and strength, Izual was captured by the Prime Evils and twisted by their perverse power. They forced him to betray his own kind and give up Heaven's most guarded secrets. He became a corrupt shadow of his former self - a fallen angel trusted neither by Heaven nor Hell. For his transgressions, Izual's spirit was bound within the form of a terrible creature which was summoned from the Abyss. His maddened spirit has resided within that tortured husk for many ages now. It seems to me that he has suffered long enough. I implore you, hero, find Izual and release him from his cruel imprisonment. Put an end to his guilt and suffering. |
26 有一个黑暗、饱受折磨的灵魂,在很久以前就被 困在这个被遗忘的世界中。人们称它为衣卒尔, 而随着时间的流逝,他成为我最信任的左右手。 接下来他违背了我的意愿,领导一次注定失败的 突击行动,目标是火红的地狱熔炉。 虽然他有着英勇和力量,衣卒尔仍被罪恶之源所 捕获,并利用他们邪恶的力量转变他的心智。他 们逼他背叛他自己,并吐露许多天堂之中最机要 的秘密。他成为他自己堕落的影子,一个不被天 堂也不被地狱信任的堕落天使。 由于他的罪,衣卒尔的灵魂被困在一个外型可怖, 从虚无召唤出来的生物之中。他的疯狂灵魂留在 这个饱受折磨的外壳之中,已经有很长的一段时 间了。 对我而言,他已经受了够久的痛苦了。我恳求你 找到衣卒尔,并让他从可怖的囚禁之中释放出来。 把他的罪恶和痛苦划上休止符吧。 |
str | 672 | A4Q1AfterInitTyrael | 59 Though Izual no longer carries the Angelic Runeblade, Azurewrath, he may still possess great strength and power within his new form. Also, he may not be able to tell friend from foe while in his present state. If you find him, he will almost certainly be hostile. Proceed with the utmost caution. |
36 虽然衣卒尔不再携带天使圣剑─碧蓝怒火,他在 他的新外形之下,仍然拥有极强的力量和威力。 另外,以他目前的情况来说,他可能无法分辨出 敌我。如果你找到他,他很可能怀有极强的敌意。 你必须十分小心! |
str | 673 | A4Q1AfterInitCain | 54 Tyrael has asked you to confront Izual the Fallen? He must have great faith in your abilities! I trust you know what you're doing... Be careful. You're our last hope. |
38 泰瑞尔要求你对抗堕落天使衣卒尔?他一定对你 的能力很有信心!我想你知道你准备做什么...但是 要小心,你是我们最后一线希望。 |
str | 674 | A4Q1EarlyReturnTyrael | 75 You mustn't delay, mortal hero. Izual must be put to rest, but Diablo still lurks within this realm. Go now... Hurry! |
62 你不能再拖了,人类英雄!衣卒尔必须安息,但 是暗黑破坏神还在这个世界中四处游走!现在去 吧...快点! |
str | 675 | A4Q1EarlyReturnCain | 83 Having trouble finding the Fallen Angel, eh? You'd better hurry. It's beginning to feel like some great evil is permeating the air around here. |
60 你找不到堕落的天使,嗯?你最好快一点。我开 始感受到一些巨大的邪恶力量从附近的空气中渗 透出来! |
str | 676 | A4Q1SuccessfulIzual | 47 Tyrael was a fool to have trusted me! You see, it was I who told Diablo and his Brothers about the Soulstones and how to corrupt them. It was I who helped the Prime Evils mastermind their own exile to your world. The plan we set in motion so long ago cannot be stopped by any mortal agency. Hell, itself, is poised to spill forth into your world like a tidal wave of blood and nightmares. You and all your kind... are doomed. |
39 泰瑞尔是个信任我的笨蛋! 你看,我就是那个告诉暗黑破坏神和他的兄弟, 有关灵魂之石和如何摧毁它的人!就是我帮助罪 恶之源,策画出如何把他们的灵魂放逐到你们的 世界之中! 这个计划启动的时间太长久,任何人类都无法加 以阻止。地狱必须对你们世界溢出潮水般的鲜血 及恶梦,才能够获得平衡! 你和所有你的种族...将全面毁灭。 |
str | 677 | A4Q1SuccessfulTyrael | 53 Thank you, hero, for putting Izual's tortured spirit to rest. May the Light protect you and the powers of Heaven shine upon your path. But, if what you tell me is true, then I fear that we have been played for fools all along. Izual helped Diablo and his Brothers trick me into using the Soulstones against them... Now the Stones' powers are corrupted. With the combined powers of the Soulstones under their control, the Prime Evils will be able to turn the mortal world into a permanent outpost of Hell! |
30 感谢你,英雄,让衣卒尔饱受折磨的灵魂得到休 息。愿光明保护你,而天堂之光导引着你们的道 路。但是,如果你告诉我的事情属实,那么,我 怕我们一直都被玩弄在股掌之上。 衣卒尔帮助了暗黑破坏神以及他的兄弟,骗我使 用灵魂之石来对抗他们...现在石块的力量已经受到 污染了。靠着融合灵魂之石后所取得的力量,罪 恶之源可以把人类的世界,转换成地狱的前哨站! |
str | 678 | A4Q1SuccessfulCain | 68 You're lucky to be alive, my friend! It is imperative that you find and stop Diablo! You should speak of this with Tyrael. He will know what to make of this. |
48 你还活着真是运气,我的朋友!你能够找到并阻 止暗黑破坏神真是叫人吃惊!你应该和泰瑞尔谈 谈,他应该知道如何办到这点。 |
str | 679 | A4Q3InitHasStoneCain | 53 The time has come for you to destroy Mephisto's Soulstone! Take the Stone to the Hellforge. Place it upon the forge and strike it soundly with the Hammer. Only by doing this can you prevent Mephisto from manifesting in this world ever again. |
35 该是你摧毁墨菲斯托灵魂之石的时候了! 拿着石块前往地狱熔炉,把它放在熔炉上面并大 力的使用铁锤敲击。只有这样做才能够阻止墨菲 斯托再度出现于这个世界之中。 |
str | 680 | A4Q3InitNoStoneCain | 50 The time has come to destroy Mephisto's Soulstone! Although I picked it up before entering the Infernal Gate, I believe you should carry out this crucial mission. Take the Stone to the Hellforge. Place it upon the forge and strike it soundly with the Hammer. Only by doing this can you prevent Mephisto from manifesting in this world ever again. |
31 该是你摧毁墨菲斯托灵魂之石的时候了!虽然我 在进入地狱之门以前就拿过它,但我相信只有你 才能进行这个决定性的任务。 拿着石块前往地狱熔炉,把它放在熔炉上面并大 力的使用铁锤敲击。只有这样做才能够阻止墨菲 斯托再度出现于这个世界之中。 |
str | 681 | A4Q3SuccessfulCain | 70 Congratulations, hero! Surely, even Diablo, himself, sensed the fury unleashed when you smashed his Brother's Soulstone. |
57 恭喜你,英雄!当然了...即使是暗黑破坏神本身, 也可以感受到你打碎他兄弟的灵魂之石后,所释 放出来的怒气。 |
str | 682 | A4Q2InitTyrael | 48 The time has come to hunt down and destroy Diablo, himself. But beware, the Lord of Terror is not to be underestimated. He single-handedly destroyed the town of Tristram and corrupted the last noble hero who tried to stop him. This time, you must defeat him for good. Only by destroying the Soulstone which he carries will his spirit be banished forever. Good luck! Though this be our darkest hour, it may yet be your greatest moment. |
26 该是猎杀并摧毁暗黑破坏神的时候了。但你得小 心,恐怖之王并不容忽视。他几乎只用单手就摧 毁了崔斯特瑞姆,并让尊贵而试着阻止他的英雄 堕落并为他所用。这一次,你必须永远地摧毁他。 只有摧毁他身上的灵魂之石,才能永远的放逐他 的灵魂。祝你好运。虽然这可能是我们最黑暗的 时刻,但是也可能是你最光荣的瞬间! |
str | 683 | A4Q2AfterInitCain | 54 You don't have time to dally about here! Diablo awaits you in Hell. Remember... Diablo's greatest weapon against you is Terror. Don't give in to your fears. Resist his power and put an end to him for good! |
37 你没有时间在这个地方蘑菇了!暗黑破坏神在地 狱等候你的到来。记住,暗黑破坏神用来对付你 的最强武器就是恐惧!不要让你的惧怕淹没了你。 抗拒他的力量,并为了光明的力量把他终结掉! |
str | 684 | A4Q2AfterInitTyrael | 48 The time has come to hunt down and destroy Diablo, himself. But beware, the Lord of Terror is not to be underestimated. He single-handedly destroyed the town of Tristram and corrupted the last noble hero who tried to stop him. This time, you must defeat him for good. Only by destroying the Soulstone which he carries will his spirit be banished forever. Good luck! Though this be our darkest hour, it may yet be your greatest moment. |
26 该是猎杀并摧毁暗黑破坏神的时候了。但你得小 心,恐怖之王并不容忽视。他几乎只用单手就摧 毁了崔斯特瑞姆,并让尊贵而试着阻止他的英雄 堕落并为他所用。这一次,你必须永远地摧毁他。 只有在摧毁他身上的灵魂之石,才能永远的放逐 他的灵魂。祝你好运。虽然这可能是我们最黑暗 的时刻,但也是你最光荣的瞬间! |
str | 685 | A4Q2SuccessfulTyrael | 62 Praise be to the Light! You have accomplished the impossible! Diablo and Mephisto have been banished back into the Black Abyss that spawned them and the corrupted Soulstones are no more. You've done well, hero. For now, you should rejoice. |
45 光明的美赞!你完成了不可能的事情! 暗黑破坏神和墨菲斯托已经被放逐到当年他们诞 生的黑暗地狱深渊,而堕落的灵魂之石也不复存 在。 你做的非常好,英雄。现在,你可以欢庆和平了。 |
str | 686 | A4Q2SuccessfulCain | 42 I knew there was great potential in you, my friend. You've done a fantastic job. Though my ancestors often struggled against the Three Evils and their minions, I've always lived a shut-in, scholarly life. I'm glad that my wisdom aided you. Now, I wish to leave this place. Though Heaven's Gates are a marvel to behold, I hope I won't have to see them again for many, many years. |
36 我就知道你体内有着无限的潜力,我的朋友。你 完成了神话般的任务。 虽然我的祖先在对抗三个邪恶之源以及他们的从 属时,受到相当强的挫败。所以我也一直在封闭、 学者般的生活找寻自己。我很高兴我的知识能够 帮上你的忙。 现在,我希望我能离开这个地方。虽然天堂之门 是一个值得我们观注的神迹,我希望我在未来的 余生之中,再也不用看到它们。 |
exp | 1 | A4Q2ExpansionSuccessTyrael | 40 Praise be to the Light! You have accomplished the impossible! Diablo and Mephisto have been banished back into the Black Abyss that spawned them, and the corrupted Soulstones are no more. However, while you were fighting here, Baal remained behind in the mortal realm, building an army of hellish minions. Now, Baal's army is searching for the Worldstone, the ancient source of all the Soulstones and their power, while leaving behind a wake of destruction. They have forged deeply into the Barbarian homelands, heading directly for the summit of Mount Arreat! Baal knows, mortal hero! That is the very site of the blessed Worldstone! Now, enter the portal I have opened for you. It will take you to the Barbarian city of Harrogath, the last bastion of Order on the slopes of Arreat. |
35 赞美光明!你完成了不可能的任务! 暗黑破坏神和墨菲斯托已经放逐回他们诞生的 黑暗深渊中,堕落的灵魂之石也不复存在。 不过,当你在这边作战的时候,巴尔 仍然留在人类的土地之上,建造一个 地狱徒众的大军。 现在,巴尔的大军正在找寻世界之石, 太古时代所有灵魂之石的来源和它们力量 的泉源,最后留下的就是无尽的破坏。 他们凝聚的力量来到了野蛮人一族的家乡深处 ,直接前往亚瑞特山的巅峰! 巴尔很清楚,人类的英雄! 他找到受到诸神祝福的「世界之石」正确埋藏点! 现在,进入这个我为你打开的传送门。 它会带领你前往野蛮人城市哈洛加斯, 位于亚瑞特山底,秩序的最后一道防线。 |
exp | 2 | A4Q2ExpansionSuccessCain | 40 I knew there was great potential in you, my friend. You've done a fantastic job. Though my ancestors often struggled against the Three Evils and their minions, I've always lived a shut-in, scholarly life. I'm glad that my wisdom aided you. Now, I wish to leave this place. Though Heaven's Gates are a marvel to behold, I hope I won't have to see them again for many, many years. Please talk to Tyrael about leaving this place now! |
35 我就知道你体内有着无限的潜力, 我的朋友。你完成了神话般的任务。 虽然我的祖先在对抗三个邪恶之源以及他 们的爪牙时,受到相当强的挫败。 所以我也一直在封闭、学者般的生活找寻自己。 我很高兴我的知识能够帮上你的忙。 现在,我希望我能离开这个地方。 虽然天堂之门是一个值得我们观注的神迹, 我希望我在未来的余生之中, 再也不用看到它们。 请和泰瑞尔谈谈离开这个地方的事, 现在去吧! |
exp | 3 | AncientsAct5IntroGossip1 | 35 We are the spirits of the Nephalem, the Ancient Ones. We have been chosen to guard sacred Mount Arreat, wherein the Worldstone rests. Few are worthy to stand in its presence; fewer still can comprehend its true purpose. Before you enter, you must defeat us. |
20 我们是奈法陵的灵魂们,古代之人。我们被选为看守 神圣亚瑞特山,也就是世界之石的所在之处。我们之 中已经没有多少人能站着直到现在;而能够领悟它 真正作用的更少。 在你进入之前,你必需打倒我们。 |
exp | 4 | CainAct5IntroGossip1 | 39 I am amazed to find this place so untouched. Everything else in the path of Baal the Lord of Destruction lies in ruin. These Barbarians must indeed be the legendary guardians of Mount Arreat. They are a proud, hardy people. Don't expect to be greeted warmly -- strangers here rarely are. Perhaps I can gain their trust. I'll spend some time with the townsfolk and try to understand them better. I'll let you know what I discover. |
25 发现这个地方毫发未伤真是让我倍感惊讶。其他挡住 巴尔,毁灭之王行经路线的东西,都已经被摧毁了。 这些野蛮人一定是亚瑞特山上传说中的守护者。他们 是十分自傲、坚强的人民。别以为他们会用人情的 温暖来招待你-这边并没有什么陌生人出现。 或许我能够获得他们的信任。我会在这些城镇中的人 待一段时间,并试着更加了解他们。如果我发现了 什么,我马上就会让你知道。 |
exp | 5 | CainAct5Gossip1 | 52 With hellspawn, size is no measure of their threat. Demons half the size of men can kill with a gesture, while hellish pack animals trample any who stand in their way. |
40 靠着在地狱重生,身材大小和他们的威胁性没有太大 的关系。就算只有人类一半高的恶魔也可以靠摆个 手势就杀人,而地狱重生的兽群将会蹂躏挡在他们 路上的任何东西。 |
exp | 6 | CainAct5Gossip2 | 55 Though these Barbarians are known throughout the kingdoms as ferocious fighters, they are also capable of great compassion. They have trained throughout history for a battle their legends foretell will decide the fate of the world. |
30 虽然这些国度中众人皆知的野蛮人是凶暴的战士,但 他们还是拥有很强的同情心。他们在历史的狂潮中 饱受训练,为了传说中决定世界未来的战斗而准备。 |
exp | 7 | CainAct5Gossip3 | 55 The angel Tyrael has watched over the guardians of Arreat throughout history. I do not believe that Baal and Tyrael have come to fight over a paltry few souls. They are here to settle a conflict as old as time itself. |
35 大天使泰瑞尔长时间一直在观察这些亚瑞特圣山的 守护者。我不相信巴尔和泰瑞尔只是为了这些渺小的 灵魂而在这边奋战不休,他们来此是为了和以前一样 ,解决一些未了的纷争。 |
exp | 8 | CainAct5Gossip4 | 44 During my time with the Horadrim, we often debated the nature of Mount Arreat. We knew that the Barbarian clans zealously guarded the mountain as their sacred duty. However, many dismissed their zeal as simple superstition...combined with an inborn hostility toward outsiders. Those Horadrim who trekked up Arreat were never heard from again...Still, I do not believe they died at the hands of Barbarians. |
35 当我在赫拉迪姆的时光之中,我们时常争辩亚瑞特山 的本质。 我们知道野蛮人一族狂热的守护这座山, 视为他们的神圣任务。不过,很多人将他们的狂信 视为单纯的迷信... 和他们天生对外来者的敌意融合 在一起。 这些赫拉迪姆前往了亚瑞特,但是再也没有消息了... 不过,我还是不相信他们是死于野蛮人之手。 |
exp | 9 | CainAct5Gossip5 | 41 All users of the magical arts know of Mount Arreat, but few understand its true nature. It is the nexus of an unfathomable magic. It bodes ill that the Lord of Destruction races to its summit with such purpose. I fear for the whole world should Baal gain what he seeks. |
30 所有使用魔法技能的人都知道亚瑞特山,但是很少人 能够真正了解它的本质。它牵连到所有深不可测的 魔法力量。 毁灭之王在这个目标的吸引之下,不断的向山顶前进 是个不祥的预兆。我害怕巴尔真正想要的是整个世界 。 |
exp | 10 | CainAct5Gossip6 | 59 I have spent decades trying to understand the forces at work in this world. But in the face of all that is transpiring, I realize how meager my knowledge is. I will be of assistance where I can, my friend. |
35 我花了数十年的时间,试着去了解这个世界上力量的 运作方式。但是在发现一切事实都模糊不清的状况下 ,我才知道我的知识有多么的贫乏。我会尽可能的 协助你,我的朋友。 |
exp | 11 | CainAct5Gossip7 | 54 Though the Elder Council of Harrogath is gone, there are many capable young leaders to take their place. Anya certainly has enough courage and intelligence to lead them all, if they can survive this catastrophe. |
30 虽然哈洛加斯的长老评议会已经消散了,还是有许多 能力非凡的年轻领导者取代了他们的地位。当然了, 安亚有足够的勇气和智慧来领导所有人.... 如果 他们在这场大灾难中还能活下来的话。 |
exp | 12 | CainAct5Gossip8 | 53 Ah, Anya. Such a fine example of feminine strength... She reminds me of the Zakarum priestesses I knew in my youth. They don't take vows of chastity, you know. |
30 啊,安亚。柔性力量的完美典范....她让我想起了 年轻时认识的撒卡兰姆女祭司。你知道的,他们甚至 连贞洁的誓言都不一定会接受。 |
exp | 13 | CainAct5Gossip9 | 65 It is fortunate that this town has such a talented smith. The quality of Larzuk's work surely complements your skills. In fact, he would have been quite welcome amongst the Horadrim. |
35 这个城镇中有位这样熟练的铁匠真是幸事。拉苏克 打造出来东西的品质一定可以满足于你的技能。 事实上,他在赫拉迪姆之间相当受到欢迎。 |
exp | 14 | CainAct5Gossip10 | 54 It is my belief that the Soulstones are at the center of this conflict. If only that fool Marius had not intervened, Baal would still be imprisoned within Tal Rasha. |
35 我相信灵魂之石是这一切纷争的核心。 如果不是那个愚笨的马略斯插手, 巴尔还会被塔-拉夏所囚禁起来。 |
exp | 15 | AnyaAct5IntroGossip1 | 54 You have proven yourself a true hero to me and my people. These are dark times, warrior. I hope you can bring an end to Baal's reign of destruction. Our Council of Elders is gone -- my father, Aust, among them. The one thing that keeps us from total despair is the promise of vengeance against Baal. |
40 对我和我的人民而言,你已经证实你是真正的英雄。 这是黑暗的时刻,战士。我希望你能将巴尔的毁灭 国度终结。 我们的长老评议会已经不存在了-我的父亲, 奥古斯特,也是其中之一。唯一能够在全面的 绝望中支撑我们的,就是对巴尔的复仇。 |
exp | 16 | AnyaGossip1 | 45 Now that the Elders are all dead, I don't know who will guide our people through this dark time. I was to be next in line after my father, but this burden is too great for me to shoulder alone. We are a people of strong blood. I shall do what I can and let fate do the rest. |
35 现在长老已经都死了。我不知道谁能带领我们的人民 渡过这个黑暗的时代。我已经代替了我父亲原先的 职位,但是这负荷我独自一个人扛实在是太重了。 我们是一群.... 拥有坚强血统的人民。我会尽 我所能,并把剩下的交给命运来处理。 |
exp | 17 | AnyaGossip2 | 82 Baal's minions are not to be trifled with. In their bloodlust they will sacrifice themselves to destroy you. |
65 巴尔的手下并非一无是处。在他们嗜血的杀性之下, 甚至不惜牺牲自己的生命也要把你拉进地狱。 |
exp | 18 | AnyaGossip3 | 60 Many outsiders believe that the fantastic stories about our ancestors, the Ancients, are but fables. However, I believe that the Ancients were more than human -- that mankind has fallen from what it once was. |
45 很多外来的人都相信我们祖先所留传下来的神话 故事,像是古代人这种寓言般的东西。不过,我 相信古代人并不只是单纯的人类-现在的人们早就 无法和他们相提并论了。 |
exp | 19 | AnyaGossip4 | 58 When I was a child, the Elders told us stories about the mountain and its power...and how the Barbarian people are bound to it as protectors. Baal is not just taking our land -- with every step he takes up the mountain, he takes a part of who we are as a people. |
45 在我还是小孩的时候,长老告诉过我们这座山和它 隐藏的力量.... 而且野蛮人为什么会和它 息息相连,成为这座山的守护者。 巴尔并不只是想要取得我的大地。他每次征服 这个山脉的一块,就取得了这个世界的一部份和 居住在上面的人,也就是我们。 |
exp | 20 | AnyaGossip5 | 72 I am truly glad you are here, warrior. Perhaps things would be different now if we had asked for assistance from the neighboring kingdoms. Our foolish, foolish pride... |
50 我真的很高兴你在这边,战士。或许,如果我们早一 点寻求邻近国度的协助,事情可能就完全不一样了。 一切都是我们愚蠢、愚蠢的自尊.... |
exp | 21 | AnyaGossip6 | 54 My father, Aust, was among those Elders wise enough to see that we would need outside help to deal with Baal's legions. He believed that this conflict would affect the entire world, not just our homeland. He said that Mount Arreat is as necessary to the world's survival as food and water is to our own. I believe this to be true. |
35 我的父亲,奥古斯特,也是那些长老之一,有足够的 智慧看出我们需要外来的援助,才能和巴尔的 大军相抗。他相信这一次的冲突会影响到整个世界, 而不仅仅是我们的家园。他说过亚瑞特山对这个世界 的生存是绝对必要的,就像我们需要水和食物一样。 我也是这么相信。 |
exp | 22 | AnyaGossip7 | 50 Qual-Kehk's confidence in his abilities once bordered on arrogance, but in the early days of the siege, he was humbled by Baal. While he saved us from immediate destruction, a third of our warriors were lost. None felt those losses more than he. Though he may not admit it, your presence gives him hope, warrior. |
35 夸尔凯克的自信一度是建立在傲慢自大之上,但是 围城的前几天就因为巴尔的关系开始懂得谦虚。 在他从瞬间的毁灭之中把我们救出来之后,我们也 损失了第三位战士。 没有人可以承受失去他的悲伤。虽然他不一定会 承认,但是你的出现再度给了我们希望,战士。 |
exp | 23 | AnyaGossip8 | 78 If Larzuk could sing or dance half as well as he smiths, he'd be married by now. ...Just look at those shoulders. |
50 如果拉苏克在歌唱或是跳舞的功夫有他打铁的一半强 ,他一定老早就结婚了。你看看他的双臂就知道了。 |
exp | 24 | AnyaGossip9 | 57 Nihlathak was the last of our Elders, whose charge it was to safeguard the mountain. He alone tried to guide us through the most desperate time in our history -- but he was just as helpless as the rest of us. I cannot forgive his betrayal, but I can learn from it. |
40 尼拉塞克是我们最后一位长老,他的重责大任是保护 这座山的安全。他独自一人试图引导我们渡过这段 历史上最惨淡的时光-但是他和我们其他人一样感到 无助。 我无法忘记他的背叛,但是我可以从中学到教训。 |
exp | 25 | AnyaGossip10 | 60 Our people believe that the Ancients protecting Mount Arreat have the power to stop Baal. Unfortunately, the Lord of Destruction has shown great power to undermine our faith. |
40 我的人民相信保护着亚瑞特山的古代人有阻止巴尔的 力量。不幸的是,毁灭之王所显露的强大力量,已经 慢慢腐蚀了我们的信心。 |
exp | 26 | LarzukAct5IntroGossip1 | 55 I am Larzuk, the armorer. My ancestors were some of the finest craftsmen in Harrogath. Regretfully, my supplies run lower with every passing day, yet the demons beyond the walls have not weakened. I fear the time is near when I must put down my hammer and take up a sword, instead. |
40 我是拉苏克,装甲师。我的祖先是哈洛加斯中最好的 工匠。 很可惜的是,我手边的材料一天比一天来得少,而在 这些墙壁后面的恶魔一天比一天强大。 我想,轮到我放下铁锤、拿起长剑的时刻已经不远了 。 |
exp | 27 | LarzukAct5IntroAmaGossip1 | 42 So, you're an Amazon. I have heard rumors about your kind. Your unusual weapons could prove a challenge to my skills, but I'm prepared to meet it. I am Larzuk, the armorer. My ancestors were some of the finest craftsmen in Harrogath. Regretfully, my supplies run lower with every passing day, yet the demons beyond the walls have not weakened. I fear the time is near when I must put down my hammer and take up a sword, instead. |
30 哦,原来妳就是亚马逊人。我长久以来一直听到妳们 的传说,妳那不寻常的武器可以考验我的技术,不过 我已经准备好了。 我是拉苏克,装甲师。我的祖先是哈洛加斯中最好的 工匠。很可惜的是,我手边的材料一天比一天来得少 ,而在这些墙壁后面的恶魔一天比一天强大。 我想,轮到我放下铁锤、拿起长剑的时刻已经不远了 。 |
exp | 28 | LarzukGossip1 | 65 I've heard that you Amazons excel at killing from a distance. From what I've seen, that's the best way to deal with Hell's minions. Are all of your kind so...big? |
45 我听说妳们亚马逊人擅长在一段距离之外打倒敌人。 就我目前所知,这是打倒那些地狱使徒的最好方式。 你们这一族都是这么的.... 巨大? |
exp | 29 | LarzukGossip2 | 65 Why did you ever leave your beautiful islands to come to this frozen battleground? Perhaps if we both survive this, we'll travel back there together. |
45 妳为什么要离开那美丽的岛屿,来到这个冰冻的战场 ? 或许,如果我们都活了下来,我们可以一块旅行 回去。 |
exp | 30 | LarzukGossip3 | 75 Has that infernal howling been keeping you awake at night, too? Some think it's the howling of animals, but those sounds don't come from any beast I've ever known. |
40 那些彷佛来自地狱的狂号也会让你难以安枕? 有人 觉得这只是动物的嚎叫,但是我所知的任何动物都发 不出那种声音。 |
exp | 31 | LarzukGossip4 | 69 Demonic forces have been using our own towers and barricades against us. You know, it would be wise to cut the demons down in the open before they can mount those fortifications. |
40 恶魔的势力已经使用了我们自己的高塔和栅栏来对抗 我们了。你知道,在他们能够冲进这些碉堡之前, 能够把恶魔打下来是最好的。 |
exp | 32 | LarzukGossip5 | 70 Nihlathak's despair is infectious -- and his behavior does not befit an Elder of his stature. I think we'd be better off without him. |
45 尼拉塞克的绝望是有传染能力的-而且他的行为和他 身为长老的才能并不相称。我想我们最好别理他。 |
exp | 33 | LarzukGossip6 | 63 I've offered Qual-Kehk my ideas on how to break the siege, but he dismisses them. Is it because I lack scars of battle, or does he think I'm a couple arrows short of a quiver? |
45 我已经告诉夸尔凯克打破这一次围城的计划,但是他 并没有理会。这到底是因为我身上没有什么战场上的 伤疤,还是他觉得我不过是射不中目标的箭矢? |
exp | 34 | LarzukGossip7 | 64 Legend has it that the top of Mount Arreat is guarded by the spirits of our ancestors. Though our people are forbidden to climb to the mountain's summit, some foreign travelers have made the attempt. None have ever returned. |
35 传说中指出亚瑞特山巅峰是由我们祖先的灵魂所 看守的。虽然我们的人民严禁爬到山顶,还是有些 其他国家的旅行者尝试这种行为。他们一个也没回来。 |
exp | 35 | LarzukGossip8 | 66 This is a lively town during our victory celebrations. We Barbarians train long and hard from childhood to become warriors, and we celebrate with equal fervor. You didn't happen to bring along any ale to trade? |
30 在我们的胜利仪式之下,这是个生气蓬勃的城镇。 我们从幼年就接受漫长而艰苦的训练才能成为战士, 我们也用相同的热情来庆祝。 你不会刚好带来一些啤酒来交易吧? |
exp | 36 | LarzukGossip9 | 54 Every day, one of my friends dies fighting outside the town walls, while I tend my anvil here unscathed. If only we didn't need weapons so badly, I could be out doing my share of the fighting. Good luck to you, warrior. |
30 每一天,我的朋友都会在城墙外面和敌人作战身亡, 而我只能安全的在铁砧旁边工作,打出一个个火星。 要不是武器的需求量这些大,我也可以参与这场战斗 。 祝你好运,战士。 |
exp | 37 | LarzukGossip10 | 56 Just so you know...The gold you pay me doesn't line my pockets. Much of it goes to buy the raw metal I need to melt down for weapons and armor. The rest -- well, all I can spare -- goes to Malah and Qual-Kehk for other supplies. |
35 只是想告诉你.... 你付给我的钱还是填不满我的 口袋。大部份的钱都被我拿去购买一些原料,把它们 熔化才能制作武器和装甲。其他的-呃,我只能告诉 你- 去找马拉和夸尔凯克吧。 |
exp | 38 | MalahAct5IntroGossip1 | 35 I, Malah, welcome you to Harrogath, the last stronghold of Order on Mount Arreat. You have come to the right place if you intend to defeat Baal the Lord of Destruction. Baal has laid waste to our mountain and its denizens. His minions continue to attack our town, while Qual-Kehk and his men have proven helpless to stop them. Baal is still out on the mountain looking for something -- but I know not what. All of the Elders, save Nihlathak, sacrificed themselves to place a protective ward around Harrogath. Some of us here, certainly Nihlathak, do not appreciate your presence. We are a proud people, and it is not easy for us to accept aid. I, however, am glad you are here. If you need healing or a potion, please come to me. See Larzuk for weapons, armor, and repairs. Nihlathak, despite his disposition, may be of some assistance with other wares. Finally, Qual-Kehk, our Man-At-Arms, leads Harrogath's remaining forces against Baal. |
25 我,马拉,欢迎你来到哈洛加斯,这个最后守护 亚瑞特山的堡垒。如果你想要打倒巴尔-毁灭之王的 话,你来对地方了。 巴尔开始毁灭我们的山区和上面的居民。他的手下 持续攻击我们的城镇,而夸尔凯克和他的手下已经 没有足够的能力阻止他们。巴尔仍然在外面的山区 找寻某些东西-但是我不知道他要什么。 所有的长老,除了尼拉塞克之外,都牺牲了他们的 生命,在哈洛加斯附近形成一个保护区。 我们之中的某些人,当然包括了尼拉塞克,并不太 欢迎你的到访。我们是一群自傲的民族,要我们心中 接受外来的援助并不容易。不过,我还是很高兴你的 来访。 如果你需要一些治疗用的药剂,请来找我。你可以找 拉苏克看看他的武器、装甲和修理装备的功夫。如果 你能接受尼拉塞克对你很感冒的现实,他可能会提供 一些其他的帮助。最后,夸尔凯克,我们之中的 重骑兵,是领导哈洛加斯残存部队对抗巴尔的人。 |
exp | 39 | MalahAct5IntroSorGossip1 | 36 A Sorceress...Here in Harrogath? There was a time, child, when I thought I was destined to follow your kind's path. However, my powers never developed beyond the simplest of spells. Although I can heal almost any wound with time and energy, there is little I can do to help against Baal. But enough of that...I spend too much time in reflection and have forgotten my manners. I, Malah, welcome you to Harrogath, the last stronghold of Order on Mount Arreat. You have come to the right place, if you intend to defeat Baal the Lord of Destruction. Baal has laid waste to our mountain and its denizens. His minions continue to attack our town, while Qual-Kehk and his men have proven helpless to stop them. Baal is still out on the mountain looking for something -- but I know not what. All of the Elders, save Nihlathak, sacrificed themselves to place a protective ward around Harrogath. Some of us here, certainly Nihlathak, do not appreciate your presence. We are a proud people, and it is not easy for us to accept aid. I, however, am glad you are here. If you need healing or a potion, please come to me. See Larzuk for weapons, armor, and repairs. Nihlathak, despite his disposition, may be of some assistance with other wares. Finally, Qual-Kehk, our Man-At-Arms, leads Harrogath's remaining forces against Baal. |
26 一个法师.... 来到哈洛加斯? 这是时候了,孩子,该是我遵循命运的脚步,踏上 你们这一族路径的时候了。不过,我的力量从来没有 超越过最简单的法术。虽然我可以利用时间和力量来 回复任何创伤,在对抗巴尔这方面能帮上的忙仍然 十分有限。 不过就这样吧! 我花了太多的时间在回忆上,实在 太失礼了。 我,马拉,欢迎你来到哈洛加斯,这个最后守护 亚瑞特山的堡垒。如果你想要打倒巴尔-毁灭之王 的话,你来对地方了。 巴尔开始毁灭我们的山区和上面的居民。他的手下 持续攻击我们的城镇,而夸尔凯克和他的手下已经 没有足够的能力阻止他们。巴尔仍然在外面的山区 找寻某些东西-但是我不知道他要什么。 所有的长老,除了尼拉塞克之外,都牺牲了 他们的生命,在哈洛加斯附近形成一个保护区。 我们之中的某些人,当然包括了尼拉塞克,并不太 欢迎你的到访。我们是一群自傲的民族,要我们 心中接受外来的援助并不容易。不过,我还是很高兴 你的来访。 如果你需要一些治疗用的药剂,请来找我。你可以找 拉苏克看看他的武器、装甲和修理装备的功夫。如果 你能接受尼拉塞克对你很感冒的现实,他可能会提供 一些其他的帮助。最后,夸尔凯克,我们之中的 重骑兵,是领导哈洛加斯残存部队对抗巴尔的人。 |
exp | 40 | MalahAct5IntroBarGossip1 | 34 You have traveled far only to return home to us, Barbarian. Ohh...Much has happened in Harrogath since you left. Our homeland is hardly recognizable with so much evil about. Yet, I've managed to survive so far. You've seen your share of suffering as well, I'm sure. Seeing you again -- alive -- does my heart good. I shall pray that you can help us out of this hell. Baal has laid waste to our mountain and its denizens. His minions continue to attack our town, while Qual-Kehk and his men have proven helpless to stop them. Baal is still out on the mountain looking for something -- but I know not what. Nihlathak is the last survivor of the Council of Elders, but I'm afraid he has not been himself lately. The other Elders sacrificed themselves to place a protective ward around Harrogath. If Nihlathak is curt with you, it is because he feels responsible for our situation. He does not relish sending more of our people out to die. So much has changed since you left that I see little hope for us in this life. If you need healing or a potion, please come to me. See Larzuk for weapons, armor, and repairs. Nihlathak, despite his disposition, may be of some assistance with other wares. Finally, Qual-Kehk, our Man-At-Arms, leads Harrogath's remaining forces against Baal. |
25 你花了漫长的时间旅行,最后终于回到我们身边了, 野蛮人。在你离开之后,哈洛加斯发生了很多事情。 我们的家园在邪恶充斥的现在,已经难以和旧观相提 并论了。 不过,我还是想尽办法活了下来。我很确定,你的 内心已经饱受折磨。再次见到你-活生生的-让我心中 的石头放了下来。我开始祈祷你能够帮助我们,脱离 这个地狱般的光景。 巴尔毁灭了我们的山区和上面的居民。他的手下持续 攻击我们的城镇,而夸尔凯克和他的手下已经没有 足够的能力阻止他们。巴尔仍然在外面的山区找寻 某些东西-但是我不知道他要什么。 尼拉塞克是长老评议会中最后的幸存者,但我怕他 最近已经不再像以前那个样子了。其他长老牺牲了 他们的生命,在哈洛加斯附近形成一个保护区。 如果尼拉塞克在言语上对你十分唐突,这只是因为 他觉得他应该为我们的现况负责所致。他再也受不了 看着我们的人民出外奋战而死亡了。 自从你离开之后,一切变了好多。在你的身上,我又 看到了希望。 如果你需要一些治疗用的药剂,请来找我。你可以 找拉苏克看看他的武器、装甲和修理装备的功夫。 如果你能接受尼拉塞克对你很感冒的现实,他可能会 提供一些其他的帮助。最后,夸尔凯克,我们之中的 重骑兵,是领导哈洛加斯残存部队对抗巴尔的人。 |
exp | 41 | MalahGossip1 | 53 I'm aware of the amazing magical powers a Sorceress can channel. If we survive Baal's wrath, I would be most honored if you could demonstrate and perhaps teach me something of what you know. I may be old, but I'm not dead. |
30 我知道一位法师所能导引的魔法力量有多么强大。 如果我们能在巴尔的狂怒之中生存下来,我很荣幸 能看到妳在这方面的技能,而且,如果可能的话, 可以传授我们一些你所了解的知识。 我的年纪可能不小,不过我还没死哩。 |
exp | 42 | MalahGossip2 | 42 I know you and my son, Bannuk, did not part on the best of terms. He did not understand the wanderlust that drove you to leave your homeland. However, even though Bannuk could never admit it to me, as he grew older I could see that same desire in his eyes. Oh...It's a pity I didn't encourage him to go with you. He might still be alive today. |
30 我知道你和我的儿子,班努克,还算不上是交情最好 的搭档。他并不了解带领你离开家园的旅行渴望。 不过,就算班努克永远都不告诉我和你有关的事, 只要他再年长一点,我也可以在他的眼中看到相同的 渴望。 我没能鼓励他和你一块走实在是太可惜了。要不然 他到现在可能还活着。 |
exp | 43 | MalahGossip3 | 57 Though once considered shelter by our people, the Ice Caves offer no refuge from the dark horde. There are creatures there that will freeze your heart before feasting upon it. |
40 虽然冰穴曾经为我们的人民提供了一个避难之处, 但是在黑暗的势力之下这个地方也不安全。这边的 怪物会先把你冻成冰块,再慢慢的享用。 |
exp | 44 | MalahGossip4 | 107 On the battlefield, turning your back on even the dead is unwise. |
50 在战场上不要把你的背部对着一付骷髅-那一样会要 你的命。 |
exp | 45 | MalahGossip5 | 60 This battle plays mind tricks on our warriors. Those fortunate enough to have returned from the mountainside claim to have seen angels in flight. Fly they might, but that certainly does not make them angels. |
35 这场战争开始考验我们战士的心智力量。这些运气好 到可以从山区回返的人们,声称他们曾经看到天使在 他们的头上飞翔。他们可能飞得起来,但看起来绝对 不会像天使。 |
exp | 46 | MalahGossip6 | 53 Perhaps you have heard the accounts of my son's horrible death at the hands of Baal's minions. He was my last living child... The oath of compassion I have taken as a healer extends only to humankind. Cut them down, warrior. All of them! |
30 或许你已经听说我儿子死在巴尔手下的事情了。 他是我最后一个还活着的孩子.... 我身为医治者所发下的怜悯誓言只限于人类。把他们 切碎吧,战士。一个也不要留! |
exp | 47 | MalahGossip7 | 78 The catapults are infernal machines made of demon flesh fused with steel. Be wary of them. |
50 这些投石器是地狱而来的机器,是把恶魔的血肉和 金属融合而成的,你一定要多加小心。 |
exp | 48 | MalahGossip8 | 60 Qual-Kehk is a worthy leader, but the losses have borne heavily upon him. He is only impatient because he judges the worth of a warrior by action, not words. You must prove yourself worthy of his trust. |
30 夸尔凯克是一个很好的领导者,但是他蒙受了很大的 损失。他很没有耐性是因为他只会在行动中判断一个 战士的价值,所以很少和人交谈。你一定要证明你的 能力,才能获得他的信任。 |
exp | 49 | MalahGossip9 | 52 Larzuk possesses a good soul, but at times his mind seems quite unsound. He once asked me for twenty of my finest sheepskins. He said he would fill them with hot air and float like a cloud above the battlefield to spy on Baal's legions! I worry the siege has driven him mad. |
35 拉苏克有着高尚的灵魂,但是目前他的心智看来十分 脆弱。 他有一次向我要二十张最好的羊皮,他说他要把羊皮 充满热空气,然后像云一样浮到半空中去监看巴尔的 大军! 我很害怕这一次的围城战把他逼疯了。 |
exp | 50 | MalahGossip10 | 90 Be cautious, warrior. Though I am an experienced healer, resurrection is beyond my powers. |
45 小心点,战士。虽然我是个经验丰富的治疗师,但是 复活远超过我的能力所及。 |
exp | 51 | MalahGossip11 | 53 I pray for the day when the fields are covered in snow unstained by the blood of our own. Perhaps that day will come soon...Perhaps never... Oh...But I forget myself. How may I aid your quest? |
35 我祈祷某一天战场降下片片白雪,把我们流出的鲜血 覆盖起来。或许这一天马上就到了....或许永远不会 降临.... 我刚刚失了魂了。我怎么样才能帮得上你的忙? |
exp | 52 | MalahGossip12 | 64 Your gold is most helpful. Medical supplies for our wounded are scarce and very expensive. When we can find a supplier, oh, we must pay dearly for what we need. |
40 你的金钱很有帮助。要回复我们身上伤口和刀疤, 我们需要十分昂贵的药物。当我们找到一个能够提供 的人,我们得为所需的东西付钱。 |
exp | 53 | MalahGossip13 | 44 With the exception of Qual-Kehk, the townspeople do not see what I see -- the massacre we face. Our bravest, strongest heroes hobble back to me begging for help. I do what I can -- healing and bandaging some, preparing the others for what lies beyond. |
25 除了夸尔凯克以外,城镇中的居民都看不到我眼中 所见-我们面临的惨败。我们之中最勇敢、最强壮的 英雄,蹒跚的走回我面前求助。我只能做到我能力所 及的事情-治疗并包扎其中一些人,并为后续而来的 人们做准备。 |
exp | 54 | NihlathakAct5IntroGossip1 | 43 Well, well. The siege has everything in short supply...except fools. Why would you seek this place, stranger? Are you a vulture come to loot the bodies of our fallen warriors? Regardless, this is no place to make a name for yourself. The mountain is ours to protect. It is only a matter of time before Hell's legions are routed. |
30 嗯,没错。这一次的围城战什么都有,就是没有补给 .... 不过笨蛋倒是相当多。 你们在这边要找什么,陌生人? 你们难道是兀鹰, 等着我们战士倒地后掠夺他们身上的东西? 而且,此地没有你们这一族的容身之处。这座山是由 我们所保护的。黑暗大军的离去只是时间上的问题。 |
exp | 55 | NihlathakAct5IntroAssGossip1 | 54 Well, well...An Assassin! Heh, heh...While I am sure we are all grateful for your presence in our troubled town, you need not have made the journey. I can personally say that your skills are not required here. You would serve your clan better elsewhere. |
35 嗯,真好.... 一位刺客! 你在这边做什么? 嘿,嘿,虽然我很确信的是,你 这时来到这个麻烦遍地的城镇相当受欢迎,不过你 根本不用走这一遭的。 我个人可以说你的技能在这边根本派不上用场。 你最好在其他地方找寻为你种族效力的目标。 |
exp | 56 | NihlathakAct5IntroNecGossip1 | 45 Ahhh, a Necromancer. While I admire your courage in seeking out the darker side of magic, we really have little need of your skills. The battle will turn soon enough without your meddling. Yet, I should have expected to see your kind here. You are like a moth to the flame -- drawn to all this death. It feeds you in more ways than one, does it not? |
35 啊,一位死灵法师。 虽然我很羡慕你们这一族追寻黑暗魔法的勇气,我们 真的用不太上你的技能。就算你不来多管闲事,这场 战争也会马上成为我们的胜利之歌。 不过,我还是应该期望在这时看到你们这族的人。 你和扑火的飞蛾没二样-被这边的大量死亡所吸引。 这可以在各方面带给你满足,不是吗? |
exp | 57 | NihlathakGossip1 | 49 If you're looking for cases of treacherous magic, Assassin, take a hard look at Larzuk. He was the only one in town who escaped the Red Fever last spring. He claimed his good fortune was due to 'hand washing' before meals. Hmmm...Very suspicious... |
25 如果你寻找的是靠不住的魔法,去找拉苏克。他是在 城镇中唯一逃过去年春季红热病的人,而他宣称他的 好运来自于每餐之前的洗手。真是可疑.... |
exp | 58 | NihlathakGossip2 | 48 Why would you seek this place, stranger? Are you a vulture come to loot the bodies of our fallen warriors? Regardless, this is no place to make a name for yourself. The mountain is ours to protect. It is only a matter of time before Hell's legions are routed. |
30 你为什么会来到这边,陌生人? 你们难道是兀鹰, 等着我们战士倒地后掠夺他们身上的东西? 而且,此地没有你们这一族的容身之处。这座山是由 我们所保护的。黑暗大军的离去只是时间上的问题。 |
exp | 59 | NihlathakGossip3 | 67 Qual-Kehk is useless. He has blindly sent our warriors to their deaths, assuming Baal's legions would fight as men do. Of course, everyone knows they do not. |
40 夸尔凯克完全没用。他只是盲目的把我们的战士送入 死亡战场,而且一厢情愿认为巴尔的大军只能像人类 一样作战。当然了,每个人都知道他们的能力不止于 此。 |
exp | 60 | NihlathakGossip4 | 57 The demon hordes have grown powerful beyond measure, aided by our foolish mistakes. But I may have found a way to correct those mistakes... |
40 恶魔大军的力量,再加上我们愚蠢的错误,已经让 他们的势力无从估计。但是我可能找到了修正这项 错误的方法.... |
exp | 61 | NihlathakGossip5 | 37 Oh yes...I remember our warriors as children. Malah would set their broken bones and give them powders for their fevers. Now, they return to her with wounds that will never heal. I am tired...Please...leave me. |
25 噢,是的... 我记得我们的战士还只是小孩时,马拉 接好了他们的骨头,并给他们药粉来医治他们的热病 。现在他们回到了她的身边,却带着永远治不好的 伤痕。 我很累... 请让我静一静。 |
exp | 62 | NihlathakGossip6 | 133 If you have nothing useful for me, be on your way! |
108 如果你身上没有什么我要的东西,就滚开好不好! |
exp | 63 | NihlathakGossip7 | 81 Anya's father was my good friend. There are so many to mourn...I have no time for you! |
45 安亚的父亲是我的好朋友。要哀伤的事情实在太多了 .... 我不能在你身上浪费时间! |
exp | 64 | NihlathakGossip8 | 53 I have long been criticized, but especially of late -- since the deaths of my fellow Elders. Through it all, I have learned one thing. Each man must do what's right, no matter what others may think. |
30 我受到责难的时间已经很长了,尤其是最近在我的 同伴,其他长老死后更为严重。在这之后我学到了 一件事,每个人都必需完成他认为是正确的事情,而 不用在乎其他人会怎么想。 |
exp | 65 | NihlathakGossip9 | 65 The Council of Elders always believed itself prepared for the coming of the Three. Obviously, we were not prepared enough. |
45 长老评议会一直相信他们已经足以应付三个罪恶之源 。很明显的,我们的准备还不够。 |
exp | 66 | QualKehkAct5IntroGossip1 | 45 I am Qual-Kehk, the Senior Man-At-Arms of Harrogath. You have the look of a warrior...An extra soldier will be useful. But don't expect anyone to mourn if you get yourself killed. Baal is true to his namesake. He has ravaged through our lands like a merciless plague. The protective ward laid down by our lost Elders helps hold the evil at bay, but Baal's siege has taken its toll all the same. Most of my men are now dead. Others are trapped in the mountain passes. But I swear we are not beaten yet! We will fight to the end to protect this mountain! |
30 我是夸尔凯克,哈洛加斯的资深重骑兵。 你看来像是一位战士... 更多的士兵会十分有帮助。 但是如果你不小心阵亡,别期望其他人有时间为你哀 伤。 巴尔和他的名号一模一样,他像一场毫不留情的瘟疫 一样,蹂躏了我们的大地和家园。由我们长老用生命 布下的保护区,暂时阻止了邪恶的侵犯,但是巴尔的 围攻让我们不断的蒙受损伤。我大部份的手下都已经 死了,其他人则陷在山路上。 但是,我誓言我们不会被打倒的,还不会! 我们会 一直战到最后一兵一卒,并保护我们的圣山! |
exp | 67 | QualKehkAct5IntroPalGossip1 | 42 A Paladin! I have long heard of your people. As a young warrior I even considered the pilgrimage to Kurast. But I was younger then and foolish. My place has always been here -- protecting Harrogath, and Mount Arreat with it. I am Qual-Kehk, the Senior Man-At-Arms of Harrogath. You have the look of a warrior...An extra soldier will be useful. But don't expect anyone to mourn if you get yourself killed. Baal is true to his namesake. He has ravaged through our lands like a merciless plague. The protective ward laid down by our lost Elders helps hold the evil at bay, but Baal's siege has taken its toll all the same. Most of my men are now dead. Others are trapped in the mountain passes. But I swear we are not beaten yet! We will fight to the end to protect this mountain! |
30 一位圣骑士! 我已经注意你们很久了。 如果我还是个年轻的战士,我甚至想去一趟库拉斯特 。但是我越年轻、就越愚蠢。我所在之处一直没离开 过哈洛加斯,并献身于保护亚瑞特山。 我是夸尔凯克,哈洛加斯 斯的资深重骑兵。 你看来像是一位战士....更多的士兵会十分有帮助。 但是如果你不小心阵亡,别期望其他人有时间为你 哀伤。 巴尔和他的名号一模一样,他像一场毫不留情的瘟疫 一样,蹂躏了我们的大地和家园。由我们长老用生命 布下的保护区,暂时阻止了邪恶的侵犯,但是巴尔的 围攻让我们不断的蒙受损伤。我大部份的手下都已经 死了,其他人则陷在山路上。 但是,我誓言我们不会被打倒的,还不会! 我们会 一直战到最后一兵一卒,并保护我们的圣山! |
exp | 68 | QualKehkAct5IntroDruGossip1 | 42 A Druid in Harrogath! Have things truly come to this? After the Mage Wars, I assumed Druids would never be seen in Harrogath again. You take a big chance coming here! To be honest, I have never been comfortable with your shape-shifting kind, but I do respect your search for balance and peace. So, if you trust us enough to enter our gates, I trust you enough to let you stay. I am Qual-Kehk, the Senior Man-At-Arms of Harrogath. You have the look of a warrior...An extra soldier will be useful. But don't expect anyone to mourn if you get yourself killed. Baal is true to his namesake. He has ravaged through our lands like a merciless plague. The protective ward laid down by our lost Elders helps hold the evil at bay, but Baal's siege has taken its toll all the same. Most of my men are now dead. Others are trapped in the mountain passes. But I swear we are not beaten yet! We will fight to the end to protect this mountain! |
30 一个德鲁伊人出现在哈洛加斯! 事情真的到了这个 地步了吗? 在法师战争后,我就再也没有看到任何德鲁伊再度 出现于哈洛加斯。你来这边还真是时候! 老实说,我每次看到你们在变形时都会全身不舒服 ,但是我很尊敬你们追求平衡与和平的生活方式。 所以说,如果你对我们的信任足以让你踏入我们的 大门,我也相信你并会让你留下。 我是夸尔凯克,哈洛加斯的资深重骑兵。 你看来像是一位战士... 更多的士兵会十分有帮助。 但是如果你不小心阵亡,别期望其他人有时间为你 哀伤。 巴尔和他的名号一模一样,他像一场毫不留情的 瘟疫一样,蹂躏了我们的大地和家园。由我们长老 用生命布下的保护区,暂时阻止了邪恶的侵犯, 但是巴尔的围攻让我们不断的蒙受损伤。我大部份的 手下都已经死了,其他人则陷在山路上。 但是,我誓言我们不会被打倒的,还不会! 我们会 一直战到最后一兵一卒,并保护我们的圣山! |
exp | 69 | QualKehkGossip1 | 67 It would be an honor to have a warrior of the Light fighting side-by-side with my men. I can see your faith gives you great strength, Paladin, but don't expect it to keep you out of harm's way. |
35 让一位光明的战士站在我的士兵身边作战,是我们的 荣幸! 我可以看出你的信仰带给你强大的力量, 圣骑士,但是别期望这可以让你不伤敌而取胜。 |
exp | 70 | QualKehkGossip2 | 61 Harrogath has great need of your powers, noble Druid. However, in the face of this supernatural onslaught, are your natural powers up to the task? |
35 哈洛加斯很需要你的力量,高贵的德鲁伊。不过,在 面对这种超自然的屠杀时,你的自然力量能够帮助你 完成任务吗? |
exp | 71 | QualKehkGossip3 | 44 The death of Malah's son was a great tragedy. He was our finest archer. While leading a successful campaign against Baal's forces, he was impaled on a demon's spear. The wound was such that...Well, even Malah herself acknowledges that quick death was a blessing. |
25 马拉儿子之死是十分哀痛的事情。他是我们之中最好 的弓箭手,在他成功的领导一群人对抗巴尔武力时, 他被一把恶魔的长矛所贯穿。那个伤势实在... 呃, 甚至连马拉的知识都比不过过死神的叹息。 |
exp | 72 | QualKehkGossip4 | 57 We have lost many well-trained warriors to Baal's siege machines. Their range is great. Though, they are vulnerable if you close the distance quickly enough. |
30 巴尔的攻城机械之下,我们损失了很多经验丰富的 战士。虽然他们与我们有一段距离,如果如果靠得 够近,任何人都活不久。 |
exp | 73 | QualKehkGossip5 | 96 Baal's legions seem countless, but slaying their commanders takes some of the fight out of them. |
50 巴尔的大军看来似乎是无休无止,但是如果能杀死 他们的指挥官,应该可以缓和一下他们的来势。 |
exp | 74 | QualKehkGossip6 | 58 Early on, parties of our best scouts were ambushed by demons that spawned from the very air around them. Survivors often mentioned a strange creature floating in the distance. Perhaps taking it down could prevent some nasty surprises. |
35 很早之前,我们之中最好的斥候队伍被一群在 半空中冒出来的恶魔所伏击。 幸存者一直提到, 附近有一种奇怪的生物浮在半空中。 或许,如果能把它打下来, 可以预防一些下流的偷袭手段。 |
exp | 75 | QualKehkGossip7 | 57 This is unlike any battle I have ever fought. While we ration food and water, the demon hordes feast nightly on the flesh and blood of our dead. |
30 这场战争的情势是我从来没有见过的。在我们配给 有限的食物和饮水时,夜晚的恶魔大军却开始享用 死去同伴的尸体。 |
exp | 76 | QualKehkGossip8 | 48 Larzuk is a talented blacksmith, but his head is full of some strange ideas. Just the other day he came to me with a plan to break the siege. He wanted to fill large pipes with exploding powders and steel balls, then...Well, like I said, strange. |
35 拉苏克是个技术精湛的铁匠,但他的脑袋中满是奇怪 的点子。 有一天他跑来找我,告诉我一个能够打破围城战的 计划。他想要把大管子中装满爆炸性的药粉和钢球, 然后....呃,我刚刚说过了,真的是很奇怪。 |
exp | 77 | QualKehkGossip9 | 46 Our Elders were wise leaders in more peaceful times, but now the survival of our people has fallen to me. My men and I will fight to the death, but there's no way to ensure the outcome. I used to believe that nothing could break through our guard and assault the holy mountain. I know now that I was horribly mistaken. |
35 我们的长老在和平的时光中都是极富智慧的人,但是 现在人民的生存希望都落在我的身上。我的手下和我 每天都在和死神奋战,但却没办法保证我们的未来。 我以前一直相信没有任何人能够打破我们的守卫, 并进犯我们的圣山。现在我才知道我错的太离谱了。 |
exp | 78 | A5Q1InitLarzuk | 45 If you're here to defeat Baal, you must prove it! As we speak, Harrogath is under siege by Baal's demons. Catapults rain death just outside the town walls. Baal himself travels up the sacred mountain, having left in charge here one of his most vicious generals, Shenk the Overseer. A ruthless taskmaster, he lashes his own minions into suicidal frenzies on the battlefield. If you wish to prove yourself to us, destroy the monster, Shenk, that commands those infernal catapults outside Harrogath. If you manage to do this, return to me. |
39 啊,你是来为我们获得胜利的。嗯,我们并不尊敬到 处闲逛吹牛皮的人,陌生人。如果你是来这边打倒 巴尔的话.... 你必需证明这点! 在我们交谈的同时,哈洛加斯正受到巴尔手下恶魔 的围攻。投石器带来的死亡布满了城镇的墙外。 巴尔,他本身正在圣山四处行动,只留下他手下最 残暴的将军-督军山克来管理这场战争。这个残暴 的长官派出他的手下,在战场上进行自杀性的疯狂 战斗。 如果你想向我们证实你的能力,就去打倒那个怪物 ,山克,他控制了在哈洛加斯外围的地狱投石器。 如果你能办到这点再回到我身边,我就给你一份 值得你冒险的物品,做为出生入死的奖励。 |
exp | 79 | A5Q1AfterInitLarzuk | 150 Uh...Did I mention there were catapults? |
125 我有提过外面有投石器吗? |
exp | 80 | A5Q1AfterInitCain | 83 I believe that stopping the siege on Harrogath is the only way for you to earn the trust of these people. |
73 我想阻止哈洛加斯的围城战,是你唯一能够得到我们 人民信任的方式。 |
exp | 81 | A5Q1AfterInitAnya | 84 You've proven your skill at rescuing fair maidens...but how are you at killing vicious beasts? |
65 你已经在救出这些美丽女士之中证明了你的身手... 但是你在屠杀残暴怪物方面的功夫怎么样? |
exp | 82 | A5Q1AfterInitMalah | 77 Qual-Kehk and his men have been fighting to break the siege for some time. Where many have failed, you may succeed. |
55 夸尔凯克和他的人已经花了不少时间试着打破围城战 的局面。而很多人失败的任务,却在你的手中完成了。 |
exp | 83 | A5Q1AfterInitNihlathak | 70 After so many have died, who are you to think you can accomplish what our proud warriors could not? |
55 在我们损失了这么多的人,你究竟以为你是谁,能够 完成我族光荣战士所办不到的工作? |
exp | 84 | A5Q1AfterInitQualKehk | 66 About to face Shenk the Overseer and stop the siege, are you? You should ask Malah to perform your last rites before you go, stranger. |
55 你问我面对督军山克并阻止围城的事?你应该去问问 马拉,在你离开前让她对你完成仪式,陌生人。 |
exp | 85 | A5Q1EarlyReturnLarzuk | 90 What's the matter, hero? Questioning your fortitude? I know we are. |
65 发生什么事了,英雄?自问你的刚毅程度?我知道 我们的确如此。 |
exp | 86 | A5Q1EarlyReturnCain | 105 I understand your reluctance, but now is the time to strike. |
80 我知道你有多不情愿,但现在是反击的时候了。 |
exp | 87 | A5Q1EarlyReturnAnya | 66 Those demons have been out there since before your arrival. Can you do nothing to stop them? Your task is a simple one, warrior. Find Shenk and destroy him. |
40 这些恶魔在你来到之前就出现在战场上了。你真的 无法阻止他们吗?你的工作十分简单,战士。找到 山克并打倒他。 |
exp | 88 | A5Q1EarlyReturnMalah | 64 This may not be very encouraging, but you have fared better than the others who passed through those gates. In regards to Shenk the Overseer, remember: a general is nothing without his men. |
40 这可能不算什么鼓励人心的好消息,但是你能够穿过 这些大门,就证明你要比其他人来得强。 至于和督军山克有关的是,记住:一个将军不能没有 部下。 |
exp | 89 | A5Q1EarlyReturnNihlathak | 78 What are you still doing here? I thought you were going off to die. Go...Be quick about it. |
50 你还在这边做什么? 我以为你已经迈向死亡了。 去....而且动作快一点。 |
exp | 90 | A5Q1EarlyReturnQualKehk | 93 So, you still live. You're either quick or a coward. |
60 嗯,你还活着。你不是动作快,就是一个懦夫。 |
exp | 91 | A5Q1SuccessfulLarzuk | 63 You're an even greater warrior than I expected...Sorry for underestimating you. As a token of my appreciation, I will craft sockets into an item of your choosing, and from now on, you'll get the best price for all my wares. |
45 你是一个比我预想更伟大的战士... 很抱歉之前把你 看扁了。 为了表达我的感激,我会在你选择的物品上面帮你钻 一个凹槽。而且从现在开始,我所有的东西都算你 特价。 |
exp | 92 | A5Q1SuccessfulCain | 60 Those catapults were like nothing I have ever seen before. You have prevailed against Shenk, my friend, but Baal is still far ahead of you. |
35 我从来没有看过这种投石器。你已经打倒山克了, 朋友,但是巴尔和你之间的距离还很漫长。 |
exp | 93 | A5Q1SuccessfulAnya | 108 I was starting to wonder how long it would take you to stop those beasts. Good job. |
50 我已经开始怀疑你要花多久的时间才能阻止这些 怪物。干得好。 |
exp | 94 | A5Q1SuccessfulMalah | 94 Oh...At last, the siege is ended. You truly are an angel. I thank you. |
45 这场围攻战终于结束了。你真的是个天使,我太感激 你了。 |
exp | 95 | A5Q1SuccessfulNihlathak | 65 Ending the siege does not earn immediate respect, outsider. Respect only comes with sacrifice -- something I'm sure you know nothing of. |
35 结束这场围城战并不能马上为你带来族人的尊敬, 外来者。尊敬源自于牺牲-我想这是你永远都不会 了解的。 |
exp | 96 | A5Q1SuccessfulQualKehk | 68 So...You managed to stop the siege. You are more powerful than I gave you credit for. You have rightfully earned my respect. |
45 嗯... 你真的打破了围城战的局面。你的力量远比我 想象的强大,你已经得到了我的尊敬。 |
exp | 97 | A5Q2InitQualKehk | 58 My concerns have turned to my men taken prisoner on the battlefield by Baal's demons. I hate to think what's happened to them. As you journey up the mountain, keep your eyes open for my soldiers and bring them back to me if you can. |
35 我现在关心的焦点转到之前在战场上面,被恶魔们所 俘虏的手下。我甚至不敢想象他们会出什么事。 如果你办得到的话,在前往山区的旅途中眼睛放亮 一点,看看是否能找到我的部下,并把他们带回我的 身边。 |
exp | 98 | A5Q2AfterInitQualKehk | 85 Those of my men fortunate enough to escape on their own told me that they were held captive in the highlands and plateaus. |
35 那些运气够好能够靠自己逃过一劫的人告诉我,他们 被关在高原和台地上面。 |
exp | 99 | A5Q2AfterInitCain | 74 I know firsthand that captivity is a sad fate for a man. Find them quickly. |
40 我知道被囚禁是一个人最大的悲伤,快点找到他们。 |
exp | 100 | A5Q2AfterInitAnya | 85 If those men are being treated like I was, you must find them. They won't survive much longer. |
50 如果这些人即将受到我之前的遭遇,你一定要快点找 到他们。否则他们就活不久了。 |
exp | 101 | A5Q2AfterInitLarzuk | 73 I crafted the swords and armor for Qual-Kehk's men. They were like brothers to me. I can't imagine the pain they must be suffering. Save them if you can! |
35 我为夸尔凯克的手下打造剑和装甲。他们对我而言像 兄弟一样,我无法想象他们现在正在承受的痛苦。 如果你办得到,救救他们! |
exp | 102 | A5Q2AfterInitMalah | 84 Qual-Kehk's men have been imprisoned for some time. They are certain to be tired and weak. You must protect them once you free them. |
40 夸尔凯克的手下被关了一段时间,他们现在一定又累 又衰弱。你必须在救出他们之后保护他们的安全。 |
exp | 103 | A5Q2AfterInitNihlathak | 94 You have proven you can take life, warrior, but can you save it as well? |
80 你已经证明了你有能力取走别人的生命,战士,但是 你对拯救生命一样很在行吗? |
exp | 104 | A5Q2EarlyReturnQualKehk | 95 They say that discretion, not procrastination, is the better part of valor. |
60 他们说在光荣的教条中,慎重要比拖延来得好,战士 。 |
exp | 105 | A5Q2EarlyReturnQualKehkMan | 78 More of my men are still alive out there. I am certain of it! Find them. Free them from their cages and bring them back to me. |
45 我还有其他手下在外面努力求生,我很确信这一点。 找出他们的下落,从牢笼中救出他们,并把他们安全 的带回我身边。 |
exp | 106 | A5Q2EarlyReturnCain | 63 If you are having trouble finding Qual-Kehk's soldiers, you should talk to Malah. She healed those who made it back before. Perhaps she would have some advice. |
35 如果你真的找不到夸尔凯克的士兵,你应该去找马拉 谈谈。她曾经治好这些人,并把他们活着带回来。 或许她可以提供一些建议。 |
exp | 107 | A5Q2EarlyReturnAnya | 115 Well, you found me on the mountain; I'm sure you'll find them too. |
60 嗯,你在山上找到我了,我很确信你也会找到他们的 。 |
exp | 108 | A5Q2EarlyReturnLarzuk | 76 As a kid, I used to play soldier among the barricades on the mountain. There's no easy way through that maze of walls. |
45 我还是小孩时曾经和士兵在山上的路障附近玩。要 穿过墙壁所组成的迷宫并不容易。 |
exp | 109 | A5Q2EarlyReturnMalah | 67 Soldiers who made it back told of a system of barricades placed among the mountain passes. They said that is where the prisoners are held. |
40 逃回来的士兵提到在山路上有一个迷宫般的路障。 他们表示囚犯就被关在这个地区。 |
exp | 110 | A5Q2EarlyReturnNihlathak | 52 Did you ever stop to think why these demons are capturing Qual-Kehk's men? Why they are attacking us? Have you considered what Baal wants with the mountain? No. You've not. You have no idea what you are dealing with. |
35 你有没有想过这些恶魔为什么要抓夸尔凯克的手下? 他们为何要攻击我们? 你觉得巴尔想在这个山上找 些什么? 不,你没想过。你根本不知道你所面对的是什么。 |
exp | 111 | A5Q2SuccessfulQualKehk | 51 Thank you for rescuing my men. They have spoken well of your bravery in battle. Perhaps there is hope for us after all. If you wish, you may hire some of my mercenaries that you saved. And please...take this set of runes. I had been saving them for a socketed shield, but I think you'll make better use of them. Be sure to set them in the right order for their fullest effect. |
30 感谢你把我的手下救回来。他们谈到你在战斗时的 勇敢果决;或许,这个地方还有一丝希望。 如果你愿意的话,你可以雇用你救回来的部份佣兵。 而且请你... 接受这一组符文。我原本想留下来用 在一个有凹槽的盾牌,但是你比我更需要它。 你一定要记得调整它们的顺序,才能发挥出最完整的 效果。 |
exp | 112 | A5Q2SuccessfulCain | 80 You've become a hero to this town, my friend. The shadows have lifted ever since you brought the Light to Harrogath. |
35 你已经成为这个城镇的英雄了。在你把光影带入 哈洛加斯后,阴影就不再复见了。 |
exp | 113 | A5Q2SuccessfulAnya | 107 I'm sure those men appreciate the freedom you gave them...as much as I do. |
50 我相信这些人和我一样,都十分感激你为他们带来的 自由。 |
exp | 114 | A5Q2SuccessfulLarzuk | 55 Since your arrival, Cain has spoken of your deeds in the Southern Kingdoms, defeating both Mephisto and Diablo. At first, I scoffed at his tales, but I'm finding them more believable with every passing day. |
35 在你来此之后,凯恩提到了你在南方国度的事迹, 包括打倒了墨菲斯托和暗黑破坏神。刚开始我只是在 嘲笑他的故事,但现在每过一天,我就觉得他所说 事迹的可信度又多了一分。 |
exp | 115 | A5Q2SuccessfulMalah | 73 You have inspired the people in this town -- not only those you rescued, but those you've helped in other ways as well. |
30 你已经激励了城镇中的人们;就算那些不是由你亲手 救回来的人,也在间接的情况下接受了你的帮助。 |
exp | 116 | A5Q2SuccessfulNihlathak | 72 So. You brought the lost sheep home to the shepherd. Well done. |
50 嗯,你把遗失的羊带回到牧羊人的家中了。做得好。 |
exp | 117 | A5Q3InitMalah | 43 There is a matter which I hesitate to share, but I believe you are the only one who can help me now. Anya, the young alchemist and daughter to one of our slain Elders, has been missing for some time. She is a strong, crafty woman with a spirit like no other. One night, just before your arrival, I overheard her and Nihlathak arguing about her father's death. The next morning she was gone. Nihlathak has his own tale as to where she went and why. Don't believe him! I fear he is at the root of her disappearance. Please, if you can, search for Anya and bring her back to us. She'll know what to do about Nihlathak. |
30 有一件很难启齿的事情,但现在我相信只有你能够 帮助我。 安亚是个年轻的炼金术师,也是我们死去长老之一的 女儿,己经失踪一段时间了。她是一位很强壮、多才 多艺的女子,拥有独一无二的灵魂。在你到达此地的 前一晚,我无意中听到她和尼拉塞克争吵他父亲的 死因。第二天早上她就不见了。 尼拉塞克对她的去向和理由有一套自个儿的说法。 不要相信他,我怕他就是安亚消失的真正原因。 拜托你,如果你办得到的话,找回安亚并把她带回 我们之中。她会知道更多与尼拉塞克有关的事。 |
exp | 118 | A5Q3AfterInitMalah | 94 When you talk to Nihlathak, be careful. There is no telling what he will say or do. |
50 当你和尼拉塞克交谈的时候,一定要特别小心。没有 人知道他会说出或是做出什么事情。 |
exp | 119 | A5Q3AfterInitCain | 59 I would listen to Malah. Nihlathak speaks with a venomous tongue and acts as if the entire weight of this town rests upon his shoulders. Perhaps there is more going on here than we know. |
30 我会相信马拉。尼拉塞克现在讲话时充满了恶意,他 的行动好像整个城镇的重担都背在他的肩上一样。 或许,有些超过我们想象的事情正在蕴酿之中。 |
exp | 120 | A5Q3AfterInitLarzuk | 57 Anya is an amazing alchemist, especially for her young age. As long as I've known her, she's never let anything stop her from pursuing what she believed in. I wouldn't doubt that Nihlathak is involved. Ever since her father died, they haven't gotten along. |
40 安亚是个很惊人的炼金术士,而且她这么年轻。打从 我认识她开始,她就从来没能让任何事情,阻止她对 特定事物的追求和认知。 我不愿意怀疑尼拉塞克和这件事有关。就算她的父亲 死了,他们也不是孤单的。 |
exp | 121 | A5Q3AfterInitNihlathak | 41 Anya! Who have you been talking to? Likely it was that meddling Malah. Well, I'll tell you what really happened. Anya came to me for guidance, after receiving a vision that her mother and younger brother were trapped in the lands beyond the Ice Caves. She had decided to go rescue them. I told her that her quest was a foolish one and that she would be safer staying within the city walls. However, she is a willful girl and would not listen to me. The next morning, she was gone. No one is more distraught than I over losing her. However, if you feel the need to be Malah's errand child, I won't try to stop you. |
30 安亚!? 你曾经和谁交谈过?看来像是马拉在多管 闲事。 好吧,我会告诉你事实的经过。安亚在看到一段幻影 ,眼见她的母亲和弟弟被困在寒冰洞穴远方的大地上 时,来找我寻求一些指引。接下她就决定去拯救他们 。 我告诉过她,这一次的任务愚蠢至极,她应该待在 安全的城墙之内。不过,她是个意志力很坚强的女孩 ,完全听不进我的话。 第二天早上她就出发了。失去了她之后,没有人比我 觉得更难过。 不过,如果你觉得有必要成为马拉的跑腿小弟,我也 不会阻止你。 |
exp | 122 | A5Q3AfterInitQualKehk | 43 Anya's father, Aust, was our wisest Elder. He was killed along with the other Elders who erected the ward that protects this city. The ward has kept Baal's demons out of Harrogath, but at a costly sacrifice. Nihlathak, on the other hand, was the only Elder to escape the demons. Somehow, he alone managed to find sanctuary, while the others died around him. Ever since that day, Nihlathak and Anya have been at odds. |
30 安亚的父亲,奥古斯特,曾经是我们最睿智的长者。 他和其他长老一样,在竖立保护我们城市的保护力场 时被杀了。这个保护区足以让巴尔的恶魔不敢靠近 哈洛加斯,但却付出了极大的代价。 从另一个角度来来说,尼拉塞克是唯一从恶魔手中 逃过一劫的长老。不知怎么的,他可以一个人找到 蔽难之处,而其他人却死在他的身边。 从那一天开始,尼拉塞克和安亚之间就开始有嫌隙。 |
exp | 123 | A5Q3EarlyReturnMalah | 52 If it were anyone else, I would assume her dead. However, Anya is not so easily beaten. I know she must be alive. |
40 如果换做是别的人,我可能会假设他早已经死了; 但是我们谈的是安亚,她不会那么容易被打败的。 我知道她一定还活着。 |
exp | 124 | A5Q3EarlyReturnCain | 60 Nihlathak's story does sound reasonable, considering what I've heard about Anya. However, the best lies are often hidden within truth. |
30 从我各处听到与安亚有关的事情比较起来,尼拉塞克 的故事听起来很合理。不过,最好的谎言通常是 掩盖在真实之下。 |
exp | 125 | A5Q3EarlyReturnLarzuk | 56 As the daughter of Elder Aust, Anya is the only person, besides Nihlathak, who has any real knowledge of Mount Arreat's secrets. I'd hate to see our fate in the hands of Nihlathak alone. |
30 除了尼拉塞克之外,身为长老奥古斯特的女儿,安亚 是唯一有可能知道亚瑞特山真正秘密的人选。我每次 看到我们的命运掌握在尼拉塞克一个人的手中,心中 就开始有气。 |
exp | 126 | A5Q3EarlyReturnNihlathak | 46 Look, I've told you! She's dead! If you knew what was good for you, you'd concentrate your efforts on saving Harrogath -- not on lost causes like Anya. |
30 听好,我告诉过你了!她已经死了!如果你知道什么 事对你是最好的,你最好把你的注意力放在如何拯救 哈洛加斯上面-而不是因为安亚而分散你的注意力。 |
exp | 127 | A5Q3EarlyReturnQualKehk | 81 It seems like everyone feels Nihlathak played a part in Anya's disappearance. Why would he do such a thing? |
40 看来每个人都觉得尼拉塞克在安亚的失踪原因中参了 一脚。他为什么要做这种事情? |
exp | 128 | A5Q3FoundAnyaMalah | 56 So! That snake Nihlathak was behind Anya's disappearance...and he trapped her with a freezing curse. Here. Take this potion to Anya and give it to her. That should release her. |
30 原来! 那个毒蛇般的尼拉塞克就是安亚消失的幕后 黑手... 而且他利用冰冻的诅咒把她困住了。 就是这个。拿着这瓶药剂回到安亚身边并让她服下。 这应该可以解开她的束缚。 |
exp | 129 | A5Q3FoundAnyaCain | 54 Goodness! Anya frozen by that fallen Barbarian, Nihlathak...Perhaps Malah can help you where I cannot. |
40 我的天啊! 安亚被那个堕落的野蛮人-尼拉塞克冻住 了....或许马拉可以帮得上忙。 |
exp | 130 | A5Q3FoundAnyaLarzuk | 80 Poor Anya! I should've known Nihlathak was a traitor... If you find him alive, kill him for me! |
35 可怜的安亚! 我早该知道尼拉塞克是个叛徒.... 如果你还看得到他,帮我宰了他! |
exp | 131 | A5Q3FoundAnyaQualKehk | 70 The snake has slipped our grasp! While you were gone, Nihlathak disappeared. I'll bet Anya knows how to track him down. |
30 这条毒蛇从我们的手中溜掉了。在你一离开之后, 尼拉塞克就消失了。 我打赌安亚知道如何追踪他。 |
exp | 132 | A5Q3FoundAnyaAnya | 50 Hero. Nihlathak did this to me! If you've come to help me, my only hope lies with Malah. Please...Tell her you've found me... |
30 ...好 ...好冷...英雄。是尼拉塞克干的! 如果你是来帮我的,我的唯一希望在马拉身上。 拜托你.... 告诉她你找到我了... |
exp | 133 | A5Q3SuccessfulMalah | 48 Thank you so much for bringing Anya back to us. I have devised this spell to increase your resistances as a token of my thanks. I know it isn't much, but I hope you find it helpful. Please go talk to Anya. She has urgent news concerning Nihlathak. |
30 感谢你的一切努力,终于把安亚带回我们身边了。 我发明了这个法术,来增加你的抵抗能力以表达我的 感激之意。我知道这帮不上太大的忙,希望对你有所 帮助。 请去找安亚谈谈。她有一些十分要紧的消息,是和 尼拉塞克有关的。 |
exp | 134 | A5Q3SuccessfulCain | 62 For one so young, Anya commands great respect. Now that she is here, I will make it a point to talk to her about Mount Arreat. You should do the same. |
35 年轻的安亚身上带有众人的尊敬。现在她已经回来了 ,我会和她谈谈与亚瑞特山有关的事。你也该试试。 |
exp | 135 | A5Q3SuccessfulLarzuk | 67 I never liked Nihlathak, but I never suspected that he'd betray us! I just can't understand how an Elder could do such a thing. |
30 我从来就不喜欢尼拉塞克,但是我从来没有怀疑过他 会背叛我们! 我真的无法理解一个长老怎么会做出 这种事情。 |
exp | 136 | A5Q3SuccessfulQualKehk | 140 Your rescue of Anya was quite an accomplishment. |
66 你能救出安亚真是大功一件。 |
exp | 137 | A5Q3SuccessfulAnya | 80 Thank you, hero, for rescuing me. To show my personal gratitude, I give you this. I had it custom-made for you by Larzuk. |
50 谢谢你,英雄,你是我的救命恩人。 为了表达我的感激之意,我想送你这个东西。这是我 请拉苏克为你定做的。 |
exp | 138 | A5Q4InitAnya | 43 Nihlathak told me he struck a deal with Baal to protect Harrogath. In exchange for the demon's mercy, the misguided fool plans to give Baal the Relic of the Ancients, our most holy totem! Doing so will allow Baal to enter Mount Arreat unchallenged by the Ancients. I tried to stop Nihlathak, but he imprisoned me in that icy tomb. Nihlathak must be stopped before he dooms the whole world. As much as I would love to strangle the life out of him, I'm afraid I haven't the strength. You must go to his lair through this portal I've opened, kill him, and then bring back the Relic of the Ancients. Stop Nihlathak from destroying what we have striven for eons to protect. |
30 尼拉塞克告诉我他和巴尔打下了一份契约, 才能保护哈洛加斯。为了让恶魔高抬贵手, 这个想法错误的笨蛋打算把古代人的圣物交给巴尔, 那是我们最神圣的图腾!果真如此,巴尔就可以 完全不用对抗古代人的状况之下进入亚瑞特山。 我试着阻止尼拉塞克, 但是他把我关在冰冻的古墓中。 必须有人阻止尼拉塞克,以免这个世界全部灭亡! 如果可行的话我真的很想把他勒死, 只可惜我没有这份力量。 你必须利用我打开的传送点前往他的巢穴,杀死他, 并把古代人的圣物带回来。 阻止尼拉塞克破坏我们世世代代想要保护的东西。 |
exp | 139 | A5Q4AfterInitAnya | 90 As noble as Nihlathak's intentions are, nothing can excuse his actions. |
39 像尼拉塞克这么高贵的人居然有这种意图,他的行为 完全没有借口可言。 |
exp | 140 | A5Q4AfterInitCain | 50 Regretfully, I know very little about this Relic. However, if what the others say is true, then Baal must not gain possession of it. Stop Nihlathak...before all is lost. |
25 很可惜的是,我对这个圣物所知有限。不过,如果 其他人说的是真的,那么这个东西绝对不能落到巴尔 的手中。阻止尼拉塞克,否则一切都太迟了。 |
exp | 141 | A5Q4AfterInitMalah | 65 My worst fear has come true. Nihlathak has gone mad. You must stop him, before he gives the Relic to the Lord of Destruction! |
62 我最害怕的事情果然发生了。尼拉塞克已经疯了。 你必须阻止他,否则他会把圣物交到毁灭之王的手中 ! |
exp | 142 | A5Q4AfterInitLarzuk | 56 Now, rescuing Anya -- that's good. Talking to me while Nihlathak hands over the Relic to Baal -- uh...that's bad! |
35 现在,救出安亚-这是好事。在和我交谈的时候,让 尼拉塞克把圣物交到巴尔的手中-这是坏事。 |
exp | 143 | A5Q4AfterInitQualKehk | 60 I saw Nihlathak leave town just before you found Anya. He must be held accountable for his criminal deeds. Find him and bring him back, if you can. Likely, he won't come willingly, and you'll be forced to kill him. So be it. |
25 我看到尼拉塞克在你找到安亚之前离开城镇。他一定 得为他的犯罪行为负责。 找到他,如果你办得到的话,把他带回来。最可能 发生的事情是,他完全不愿意服从而你只好杀了他, 这样也行! |
exp | 144 | A5Q4EarlyReturnAnya | 55 Nihlathak is a traitor! If Baal gets the Relic, he shall enter the mountain and wreak havoc there! I cannot believe that Nihlathak would give the Relic to Baal in any kind of trade. He's truly insane if he believes that he can deal with the Lord of Destruction. |
30 尼拉塞克是个叛从! 如果巴尔拿到圣物,他会进入 山中并发泄他的破坏力量! 我无法相信尼拉塞克会把圣物拿去和巴尔做任何形式 的交易。如果他相信他能够和毁灭之王做交易,那他 真的是疯了。 |
exp | 145 | A5Q4EarlyReturnCain | 58 Ohh...This is a truly horrible turn of events. I know it seems you have always been one step behind, my friend. But look at it this way...You have evil on the run. |
25 这真是一个恐怖的事情。我知道现在看来你一直慢了 一步,朋友。但是你可以这样想... 你是在和邪恶 赛跑。 |
exp | 146 | A5Q4EarlyReturnLarzuk | 160 ...What's there to talk about? Kill Nihlathak! |
50 还有什么好说的?杀了尼拉塞克。 |
exp | 147 | A5Q4EarlyReturnMalah | 63 Nihlathak was never the kindest man. But for him to betray the whole world... Ahh...Where shall his soul finally rest? |
30 尼拉塞克从来就不是好人。但对他而言背叛整个世界 ...他的灵魂要去那边安息...? |
exp | 148 | A5Q4EarlyReturnQualKehk | 65 My advice is to go in quick and hit hard. Nihlathak can't be half as tough as the beasts you've faced out there. |
30 我的建议是动作快并下重手。你在外面碰上的每一个 怪物都比尼拉塞克强二倍以上。 |
exp | 149 | A5Q4SuccessfulAnya | 55 You have stopped Nihlathak, but he didn't have the Relic! He must have already given it to Baal. Now, Baal will not be tested when he reaches Arreat's summit. ...Damn Nihlathak! I do thank you for trying, though. Please, allow me to honor your courage by magically inscribing your name onto an item of your choosing. It's the least I can do. |
25 你阻止了尼拉塞克,但是圣物已经不在他的手中了! 他一定已经把东西交给巴尔了。现在,当巴尔走到 亚瑞特山巅峰时,将完全不用受到任何考验。该死的 尼拉塞克! 不过,我还是要感谢你的努力。请你让我用魔法把你 的名字刻到你选定的一项物品上面,这是我唯一能做 的事情了。 |
exp | 150 | A5Q4SuccessfulCain | 90 Beware! Baal grows stronger with every passing moment. |
30 小心。巴尔每过一段时间,就变得更为强壮。 |
exp | 151 | A5Q4SuccessfulLarzuk | 93 Hmmm...What does Baal plan to do inside Mount Arreat? |
30 为什么巴尔想要走入亚瑞特山之中? |
exp | 152 | A5Q4SuccessfulMalah | 65 So, the Relic is lost. Do not dwell on failures past. It is your future that matters more. |
30 嗯,圣物已经不见了。不要沉浸在过去的失败之中, 比较起来你的未来更为重要。 |
exp | 153 | A5Q4SuccessfulQualKehk | 57 Nihlathak was a vile demon that shall find his home among the tortured minions of Hell! You battled the Darkness without fear. I laud your skill and courage. |
30 尼拉塞克是个邪恶的魔物,只能在地狱受刑的地方 找到自己的家乡! 你在漠视恐惧的情况下与黑暗 作战,我赞扬你的技巧和勇气。 |
exp | 154 | A5Q5InitQualKehk | 37 Every time I hear of you, warrior, your deeds become more legendary. But take heed. You are approaching the very summit of Mount Arreat. I have never dared venture there. It is sacred -- our most holy place. The legends say it is guarded by the Ancient Ones, who block the path of all who are unworthy. Your reputation here does not matter...It will be the Ancients who determine your worthiness. Good luck. |
25 每次我听到你的消息,战士, 你的事迹就越接近传奇。 但留意这一点。你正在靠近亚瑞特山巅峰。 我从来没有到这个地方冒险的胆子。 这是我们一族最为神圣的地方, 传说此地是由古代之人所看守的, 他们会阻挡所有没有资格靠近的人。 你在这边的名声完全派不上用场... 将由古代人来决定你的价值。 祝好运。 |
exp | 155 | A5Q5AfterInitQualKehk | 63 The Ancients are not our enemies. Remember that! They are our ancestors -- our gods. |
30 这些古代人并不是我们的敌人。记住,他们是我们的 祖先-我们的神。 |
exp | 156 | A5Q5AfterInitCain | 90 A test of mettle is a fitting rite of passage for a Barbarian hero. |
35 本质试炼这种仪式,是很适合出现在野蛮人英雄身上 。 |
exp | 157 | A5Q5AfterInitAnya | 72 You wouldn't have to test yourself against the Ancients if it weren't for Nihlathak's treachery. He was a fool and deserves to suffer for eternity. |
30 要不是尼拉塞克的背叛,你根本就不用接受这个对抗 古代人的试炼。他是个大笨蛋而且应该永远受苦。 |
exp | 158 | A5Q5AfterInitLarzuk | 75 Every night, I've prayed to the Ancients to bring us peace...and now you must fight them. Huh...Who shall I pray to now, warrior? |
30 每个夜晚我都向古代人祈祷,为我们带来和平... 现在你却得和他们为敌。 这一次我又该向谁祈祷,战士? |
exp | 159 | A5Q5AfterInitMalah | 65 By reaching the summit, you cease being just a simple warrior. When you come back, you will be far more. |
30 在到达山顶之后你就不再是个单纯的战士。当你能够 回到这边时,你将变得更为耀眼。 |
exp | 160 | A5Q5EarlyReturnQualKehk | 114 I warned you! The Ancients are not like the demons you're accustomed to fighting. |
30 我得警告你,古代人和你你惯于作战的恶魔完全不同 。 |
exp | 161 | A5Q5EarlyReturnCain | 52 We have come too far to be defeated now, my friend. I have seen you complete many difficult quests. Though this may be your greatest trial, it is not beyond your reach. |
30 我们的局面已经开始占上风了,朋友。我看着你 完成了许多困难的工作,不过这一次将是最困难的 考验,对你而言却仍有一线希望。 |
exp | 162 | A5Q5EarlyReturnAnya | 71 Look. I must apologize. I feel responsible for your current struggle. If I had only stopped Nihlathak from giving Baal the Relic, you would not have to fight those ghosts. |
30 听好,我必需向你道歉。你目前碰上的困难都是我的 错,如果我能及早阻止尼拉塞克,不让圣物落到巴尔 的手中,你就不需要和这些鬼魂作战。 |
exp | 163 | A5Q5EarlyReturnLarzuk | 70 You've walked on the burial grounds of our greatest ancestors. I'm not sure whether I should bow before you or revile you for committing sacrilege. Tread lightly when you walk with gods. |
30 你将踏在我们伟大祖先的墓地之上。 我不太确定我是该向你致敬, 还是因为你即将亵渎圣地而对你破口大骂。 在你与神同行时,脚步放轻点。 |
exp | 164 | A5Q5EarlyReturnMalah | 68 Do not doubt yourself. I believe you are worthy to pass through the Ancients' gates, but you must believe, as well. |
30 不要怀疑你自己,我相信你有资格穿越古代人的大门 ,但你也必须先相信自己。 |
exp | 165 | A5Q5SuccessfulQualKehk | 75 Besting the Ancients in battle is a mighty feat indeed. I hope this means you're ready to battle Baal. |
30 要在战斗中打赢古代人必须拥有超凡的绝艺。 我希望你也代表你准备和巴尔作战。 |
exp | 166 | A5Q5SuccessfulCain | 67 You have proven yourself to these people. They look to you as their warrior, their champion. |
30 你已经向这些人们证明了你的能力。 他们把你视为自族的战士,他们的英雄。 |
exp | 167 | A5Q5SuccessfulAnya | 82 You stand before me a worthy hero -- and on you rests the last hope of our people. Bear it well, warrior. |
30 你像一个能力出众的英雄,站在我的面前- 而且我们的所有希望都放在你的身上。 好好记住这点,战士。 |
exp | 168 | A5Q5SuccessfulLarzuk | 82 The Ancients have honored you, and in turn, so do we. I have no remaining doubts about you, now. |
30 古代人已经把最高的荣耀加诸在你的身上。 现在开始,我对你再也没有任何存疑了。 英雄万岁! |
exp | 169 | A5Q5SuccessfulMalah | 60 I knew the Ancients would find you worthy of Mount Arreat's secrets. Now, stop Baal before he destroys all that is sacred. |
30 我早就知道古代人会发现你有资格得知亚瑞特山的 秘密。 现在,在巴尔毁掉一切神圣之物以前, 阻止他。 |
exp | 170 | A5Q6InitAncients | 31 You are a worthy hero! We augment your skill and grant you entry to the interior of Mount Arreat, wherein lies the Worldstone. Beware. You will not be alone. Baal the Lord of Destruction is already inside. The Archangel Tyrael has always been our benefactor, but even he cannot help us now. For Baal blocks Tyrael's spiritual presence from entering the chamber of the Worldstone. Only you, mortal, have the power to defeat Baal now. Baal threatens the Worldstone -- and through it, the mortal realm, itself. You must stop him before he gains full control of the sacred stone. With it under his control, Baal could shatter the boundaries between this world and the Burning Hells, thus allowing the hordes of the Prime Evils to pour forth into the mortal realm like an unstoppable tide! If you are weak, the world as you know it could be lost forever. You must NOT fail! |
30 你是个十足的英雄! 我们会加强你的技能, 并让你前进入亚瑞特山的深处.... 那是放置世界之石的地方。 小心。你不会孤身一人的。 毁灭之王巴尔早就在里面等你了。 大天使泰瑞尔一直是我族的恩人, 但就算是他也帮不上我们了。 巴尔阻挡了泰瑞尔灵魂, 导致他无法进入世界之石的大殿。 现在只有你,人类,能够打倒巴尔。 巴尔正在威胁着世界之石- 以及它所代表的人类世界。 你必需在他全面控制圣石之前阻止他, 如果他能够控制圣石, 巴尔就可以打碎地狱和这个世界之间的边界, 让罪恶之源的大军倾巢入侵人类的世界, 成为无法阻止的梦餍! 如果你太弱,你所知的世界就不会存在了。 你绝对不能失败! |
exp | 171 | A5Q6EarlyReturnCain | 51 Remember this. Baal once possessed Tal Rasha, one of the most powerful of the ancient Horadrim. Your battles with Mephisto and Diablo will pale in comparison to your battle with Baal. The Lord of Destruction aided by Tal Rasha's knowledge...The mountain itself will tremble when you clash. |
30 记住这点。巴尔曾经附在塔-拉夏的身上, 他是古代赫拉迪姆威力最强大的人物之一。 你和墨菲斯托以及暗黑破坏神之间的战斗, 完全无法与巴尔相提并论。 毁灭之王已经取得塔-拉夏知识的助力... ...在你倒地时整座山也会随你动摇。 |
exp | 172 | A5Q6EarlyReturnLarzuk | 59 I may be just an armorer, but I know this...Baal plans to destroy the world with the secrets contained in that mountain. It doesn't take a genius to know he has to be stopped. |
30 我可能只是一个装甲师,但我很清楚这点.... 巴尔打算利用山中的秘密来毁灭这个世界。 就算不是天才,也知道一定要有人去阻止他。 |
exp | 173 | A5Q6EarlyReturnMalah | 70 You knew it would eventually come down to this. Kill Baal! Finish the game! |
30 你早就知道这一天迟早会来的。杀死巴尔, 把这场善恶之战结束掉。 |
exp | 174 | A5Q6EarlyReturnAnya | 60 Baal has blocked Tyrael from entering the Worldstone Chamber? This truly has become a battle against Hell. Whether or not it was the Heavens' decree, this is your fight now -- your destiny. |
30 巴尔挡住了泰瑞尔,让他无法进入世界之石大殿? 这真的成为和地狱的战争了。 不管这是不是天堂颁下的规章, 这都是你的战争了....你的命运。 |
exp | 175 | A5Q6EarlyReturnQualKehk | 63 You have ventured to a place beyond legend. You rush to face an evil few can even imagine. Be careful, my friend, and may the Light watch over you. |
30 你已经走入了一个连传说都不及的地方。 你马上将要面对只有极少数人才能想象到的邪恶。 小心点,我的朋友。愿光明守护着你。 |
exp | 176 | A5Q6SuccessfulTyrael | 40 I am impressed, mortal. You have overcome the greatest challenge this world has ever faced and defeated the last of the Prime Evils. However, we are too late to save the Worldstone. Baal's destructive touch has corrupted it completely. Given enough time, the Worldstone's energies will drain away and the barriers between the worlds will shatter -- the powers of Hell will flood into this...Sanctuary...and eradicate your people and everything you've labored to build. Therefore, I must destroy the corrupted Worldstone before the powers of Hell take root. This act will change your world forever -- with consequences even I cannot foresee. However, it is the only way to ensure mankind's survival. Go now, mortal. I have opened a portal that will lead you to safety. May the Eternal Light shine upon you and your descendants for what you've done this day. The continued survival of mankind is your legacy! Above all else, you have earned a rest from this endless battle. |
30 我十分惊讶,人类。 你已经克服了这个世界所必需面对的最强大挑战, 并打倒了最后的罪恶之源。 不过,我们到的太晚,已经救不了世界之石。 巴尔毁灭性的接触已经让它受到全面的污染了。 如果让它有足够的时间,世界之石的能量会被吸光, 而全世界的凭障将会开始动摇-让地狱的力量充满 这个....庇难所....并把你和人民之前所建造的任何 东西连根拔除。 所以,我必需现在摧毁这个受到污染的世界之石, 以免地狱的力量将它变成另一个根据地。 这个举动将会永远性的改变你的世界- 而它的后果却是我所无法预见的。 不过, 这是唯一能够确保人类世界存活下来的方法。 去吧,人类。我为你打开了一个传送点, 可以送你到安全的地方。 愿你今天的所做所为, 让永恒的光明在你和你后代身上闪耀。 延续下来的人类将视你为传奇! 在最后,你为这场永无休止的战争取得了胜利。 |
exp | 177 | A5Q6SuccessfulAnya | 53 You have done the impossible, hero. Your defeat of the last of the three Prime Evils is a great victory for the Light. Strange that you say that the Worldstone must be destroyed. The prophecies said nothing about that. Perhaps all we have fought for will be lost...or perhaps we'll never need fight again! |
30 你的所作所为太惊人了,英雄。 你打倒了最后一位罪恶之源, 是光明的伟大胜利。 你说世界之石非得摧毁不可实在太奇怪了。 传说中完全没有提到这一点。 也许,我们一直奋斗的目标终将失落... 又也许,我们再也不用战斗了! |
exp | 178 | A5Q6SuccessfulCain | 40 I knew in time you would defeat Baal. You have done everything you set out to do, my friend. Ever since you rescued me from Tristram, I have believed in you. It has been a supreme honor to aid you along the way. So...The Worldstone was corrupted by Baal. And now Tyrael must destroy it. Worry not. Through whatever lies ahead I have faith that the Light will guide us both. Go, now, back to the Worldstone chamber, and enter the portal Tyrael has opened for you. |
30 我知道你迟早会打倒巴尔。 你已经完成你来此的目标, 就像你从崔特斯瑞姆把我救出来一样, 我一直相信你。 能够在这段路上提供协助, 是我这辈子最大的光荣。 那么... 原来世界之石已经被巴尔污染了。而现在 泰瑞尔不得不摧毁它。 不用担心,对于我们面前未知道路, 我相信光明一定会导引我们。 去吧,现在回到世界之石大殿,并进入泰瑞尔为你 打开的传送点。 |
exp | 179 | A5Q6SuccessfulLarzuk | 74 The Ancients themselves will envy our songs about you. Please, don't forget about us! Farewell, my friend. |
30 古代人心中将会羡慕为你颂唱的歌声。 请你不要忘了我们!一路顺风了,我的朋友。 |
exp | 180 | A5Q6SuccessfulMalah | 48 If Tyrael says the Worldstone must be destroyed, then it must. We cannot let Baal's corruption prevail! The world will change, true -- but who is to say it isn't for the better? |
30 如果泰瑞尔说世界之石非毁灭不可,那就真的没有 选择了。我们不能让巴尔的腐败力量占上风。没错 ... 这个世界将有所改变。但是,又有谁说过不会 变得更好? |
exp | 181 | A5Q6SuccessfulQualKehk | 60 The destruction of the Worldstone does not bode well for our world. But I'll try not to worry... After all, we have warriors like you fighting for us and for the Light. Farewell! |
30 世界之石的毁灭并不代表我们所在世界的崩坏。但是 我会试着不去瞎操心... 不管怎么说,我们有像你 这个的战士,站在光明之中为我们而战! 一路顺风! |