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Patch:Season 5
= 赛季 5 升天 Ascension - 2022 年 6 月 24 日 = {| class="non-table mw-collapsible" |+ 补丁说明 S5 |- | [https://docs.google.com/document/d/107aLVEj_XpICiFKPQDi_aP_G0ZlgRZEzF6mU-Y8orFY/edit 补丁说明文档] ([https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectDiablo2/comments/vjjx9l/season_5_ascension_patch_notes/ reddit thread]) [[File:Season_5.gif]] == 综合变更 GENERAL CHANGES == * 地图现在拥有玩家(PP) 5 掉落 (增加从之前的玩家(PP) 3) * 我们有一个新的交易网站我们将在第 2 周推出 * 所有主动技能现在可以在左键点击 * 怪物现在会在衰老 decrepify 上正确的应用 -物理抗性值 (在赛季 5 衰老 decrepify 会减少物理抗性 -10%) * 由飞行怪物掉落的战利品现在会在最近的地面上生成 * 治疗 NPCs 现在移除冰冻 * 瞄准怪物的能力得到了提升. 如果你锁定了一个怪物它死了你将继续攻击而不是你的角色停止所有行动 * 设置选项卡现在应该允许你设置一个键绑定到经验跟踪器 * 不能用符文或珠宝来合成任务物品 * 章节 1 佣兵现在可以使用箭矢和十字弓弹 * 修复压碎性打击 crushing blow 应用到 bosses 低于 65% * 我们添加了 “超级古代人” 一个新的养老 boss 可以通过从每个层级的地图获得一个法印并将它们组合成一个古代人的遗物 Relic of the Ancients 来解锁. 这场战斗将更加随意友好在死亡时古代人会随机掉落一堆战利品让你从常规的 aoe养老工作中解脱出来! <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - 添加的法印名称)''</span> ** 马道克的法印 Sigil of Madawc (来自 T1 地图) ** 塔力克的法印 Sigil of Talic (来自 T2 地图) ** 科力克的法印 Sigil of Korlic (来自 T3 地图) * 佣兵不再可以触发召唤技能 (这可以防止崩溃) * 区域等级现在显示在屏幕右上方的区域名称旁边 * DPS 计量已经添加到游戏中 (在游戏中输入 .dps 以启用/禁用, 重新启用后将开始新的 DPS 分析) * 修正了一个导致召唤物从怪物地图修正中受益的 bug * 死于混沌庇难所 chaos sanctuary 封印的怪物将不再掉落战利品 * 增加了一个新的章节 5 佣兵可以施放战斗体制 battle orders, 战嗥 battle cry 和使用旋风 whirlwind * 在地狱拯救安亚 anya 将会奖励玩家一张随机的白色层级 1 地图 * 仅移动 Move only 不能再名称锁定将始终瞄准地面 * 改进的自动金币拾取 (这只适用于未经过滤的金币) * 过滤器现在可以有多个版本称为 "过滤器等级" 具有不同的严格等级或其他变化 <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - 未提及)''</span> ** '''FILTLVL''' 是一个新的条件来区分过滤器的等级 ** '''%TIER-X%''' 是一个新关键字 (X 是 0-9) 用于指定应在哪个过滤器等级激活文本通知在更高等级禁用文本通知 - (如果不用的话, '''%TIER-9%''' 是默认的) ** 提示: 迷你地图图标 ''没有'' 被禁用, 所以对于过滤器等级 1-9, 物品现在只能用地图图标显示 (没有文本通知) * 共享仓库已经添加了 9 共享仓库标签和 1 个人页面 (在单人游戏中禁用共享仓库以防止 plugy 用户出现任何问题) * 玩家和佣兵抗性现在上限降低为 90 从之前的 95 * 远程攻击现在拥有 50% 吸取惩罚 * 快速施法已经被添加到游戏中 (你可以同时设置快速施法键和非快速施法键通过使用主要按键绑定用于快速施法辅助按键绑定用于常规) * 所有的投掷物技能现在都可以从技能准确率加成中受益 * 在游戏设置菜单中增加了一个新的技能栏 (这可以用于监视其他按键绑定或冷却时间) * Buff 计时器被添加到游戏中 (你可以通过设置菜单使持续时间数字始终显示) * 增加了一个新的超稀有物品叫做 “轻歌之瓶” (1:7.5m 几率掉落) 它可以掉落在任何地方使物品变成无形 (物品代码: llmv) * 增加了一个新的超稀有物品叫做 “莉莉丝的镜子” 它可以掉落在任何地方并复制, 添加 “已镜像” (镜像白) 标签到新物品和 “已镜像”(镜像黑) 到现有的 (已镜像物品不能再修改即使有 hel(15) + 传送卷轴公式) 1:25m 几率掉落 (物品代码: llmr) * 增加了一个新的稀有物品 “骷髅钥匙” 它可以掉落在任何地方可以作为一个无限使用的钥匙 (1:5m 几率掉落) * 添加了一个新的手工材料叫做 “拉苏克谜盒碎片” 那些功能与拉苏克谜盒相同但只能用于普通, 魔法, 亮金和手工物品 (大概是一个 mal(23) 符文的稀有度) * 每个职业的前三名暗黑破坏神克隆体/拉斯玛杀手和每个职业的前三名 99s 奖励发光现在将是自动的并通过设置菜单切换 开/关 * BH 设置菜单已被彻底修改已更干净并包含额外的信息 * 在你的盒子中拥有多个物品并使用世界之石碎片将不再导致其他物品被损坏 * 在一个公式中盒子中有两个相同的物品将不再导致第二个相同的物品被消耗 * 拉苏克谜盒 Larzuk's puzzlebox 在使用投掷武器时不再消耗 * 魔影斗篷 Cloak of shadows 将不再在古代人使游戏崩溃 * 大陵寝 Mausoleum 和墓地 crypt 密度增加 9% * 现在有一个赌博刷新按钮 <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - 未提及)''</span> 在地狱模式下以下区域的等级增加了 * 崔斯特瑞姆 Tristram 增加到 82 * 遗忘之塔第三层 Forgotten tower level 3 增加到 84 * 遗忘之塔第二层 Forgotten tower level 2 增加到 83 * 遗忘之塔第一层 Forgotten tower level 1 增加到 82 * 死亡之殿第二层 Halls of the dead level 2 增加到 82 * 术士的峡谷 Canyon of the magi 增加到 80 在地狱模式下以下区域现在为等级 85 区域 * 遗忘之塔第五层 Forgotten tower level 5 * 遗忘之塔第四层 Forgotten tower level 4 * 利爪腹蛇神殿第一层 Claw viper temple level 1 * 利爪腹蛇神殿第二层 Claw viper temple level 2 * 废弃的寺院 Disused fane * 残破神殿 Ruined temple * 遗忘的圣物 Forgotten reliquary * 绝望平原 Plains of despair * 下水道第一层 Sewers level 1 (章节 3) * 洞窟第一层 The hole level 1 * 洞窟第二层 The hole level 2 * 蛆虫巢穴第一层 Maggot lair level 1 * 墓地 The crypt * 埋骨之地 The burial grounds * 死亡之殿第三层 Halls of the dead level 3 == PVP 变更 PVP CHANGES == * 在 pvp 竞技场上回复聚气速度加快 200% (例如谜团 enigma 的闪烁 blink) * 生命回复现在上限为 +30 在 pvp 竞技场 * 橡木智者 Oak sage 不再在 pvp 竞技场提供生命回复 == 地图变更 MAP CHANGES == * 增加 3 新地图 - 皇家墓地 Royal Crypts (物品代码: t15), 威斯特玛之影 Shadows of Westmarch (物品代码:t26) 和疗养院 Sanatorium (物品代码:t14) * 增加 1 新地下城 - 罪恶庇护所 Sanctuary of Sin (物品代码:T43) * 地图现在需求等级 80 才能进入 (增加从之前的 75) * 地图现在需要地狱古代人的任务完成才能进入 * 地图事件有一个新的自动地图图标并在生成时显示一条文本消息 * 修复了一个与怪物造成 +X% 物理伤害相关的 bug 作为额外的伤害地图属性 (这导致生命 blood 手工在这些属性中造成了荒谬的伤害) * 层级 3 地图现在掉落层级 1 地图 * T1-T3 地图掉落的权重已经被修改所以你会发现每层级地图的掉落量更相等 * 减少层级 1 怪物的生命约 20% 和层级 2 怪物的生命约 10% * 门德利之影 shadow of mendeln 地图事件被重做有一个固定的不死生物量而不是基于波数 * 宝藏沉沦魔 Treasure fallen 移动速度和生命减少 * 屠夫 butcher 事件现在被禁用 * 黑暗流浪者 dark wanderer 事件将不再有时不会产生怪物 * 增加了一个新的事件 "黑暗尖塔 Spire of Darkness" 这个事件呈现一个黑暗的方尖碑当激活时整个区域变成漆黑. 当你探索这个区域时你会遇到离开黑暗的阴影这些阴影有机会在死亡时掉落超级钥匙 * 遗失的神殿 The lost temple 地图的布局已经被更新并增加了大小 * 地下城 bosses 现在有 5% 的几率掉落赫拉迪姆圣甲虫 horadrim scarab * 地下城怪物现在拥有 75% 诅咒减少 * 折磨平原 plains of torment 地图已经被更新 == 超级变更 UBER CHANGES == * 神殿现在会在进入拉斯玛或暗黑破坏神克隆体竞技场时被移除 * 召唤物和佣兵在进入拉斯玛/门德利或暗黑破坏神克隆体竞技场时会死亡 === 超级崔斯特瑞姆 Uber Tristram === * 钥匙已经被恢复到原来的掉率器官恢复到 100% 的掉率 * 超级暗黑破坏神, 超级巴尔和超级墨菲斯托的魔法和物理抗性减少 10 * 超级暗黑破坏神, 超级巴尔和超级墨菲斯托的火焰, 闪电, 冰冷和毒素抗性减少 20 === 拉斯玛 Rathma === * 拉斯玛 Rathma 材料现在大约比以前常见 8x * 上古遗骸碎片 Ancient Bone Fragments 不能再生成 <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - 未提及)''</span> * 原罪之魂 Prime evil soul 已经从拉斯玛公式中移除 * 污染的世界之石碎片现在可以以 ⅕ 的几率再次损坏毁灭 * 拉斯玛 Rathma 拥有的暗金传送和鉴定书添加 1/50 几率掉落 (能掉落在拉斯玛的专属暗金). 这些物品可以在通常需要传送卷轴, 传送书, 鉴定卷轴或鉴定书的公式中使用 <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - 增加了书籍的名称)''</span> ** 赫拉迪姆信标 Horadrim Navigator 是传送书有无限数量 ** 赫拉迪姆年鉴 Horadrim Almanac 是鉴定书有无限数量鉴定的所有物品都与凯恩类似) * 拉斯玛 Rathma 专属暗金物品稀有度增加到 1/200 * 对拉斯玛战斗做了一些修改 ** 拉斯玛不再是不死生物 ** 拉斯玛和门德利的格挡几率已经被增加从 15% 到 30% ** 拉斯玛和门德利拥有 10% 减少生命阶段 1 和阶段 2 ** 拉斯玛和门德利 ai 延迟在阶段 3 已经被减少到匹配阶段 1 和阶段 2 在这场战斗 ** 拉斯玛和门德利魔法抗性减少从 45 到 35 ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 格挡几率增加从 29% 到 50% ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 在阶段 3 现在拥有 12% 更多生命 ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 现在给予 250% 更多经验 ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 在阶段 1 拥有火焰和闪电抗性减少从 99/99 到 75/75 ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 在阶段 2 拥有火焰和闪电抗性减少从 90/90 到 75/75 ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 在所有阶段魔法抗性减少从 60 到 50% ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 毒素抗性减少从 30 到 20% ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 不能再造成致命攻击 critical strikes ** 虚空骑士 Voidknight 伤害已经被调整 ** 施法灵魂 Conjured soul 格挡几率增加从 16 到 31% ** 施法灵魂 Conjured souls 闪电和火焰抗性减少从 99 到 75 ** 施法灵魂 Conjured souls 毒素抗性减少从 30 到 20 ** 施法灵魂 Conjured souls 魔法抗性减少从 60 到 50 ** 舐血散布者 Sanguine bearers 现在给予 1000 经验 ** 舐血散布者 Sanguine bearers 现有拥有 90% 吸取减少 ** 舐血散布者 Sanguine bearers 魔法抗性减少从 45 到 25 ** 门德利 Mendeln 黏液新星 slime nova 伤害减少 9% === 暗黑破坏神克隆体 Diablo Clone === * 暗黑破坏神克隆体材料现在大约是以前的两倍 * 对暗黑破坏神克隆体战斗做了一些修改 ** 暗黑破坏神克隆体召唤物现在有更快的跑速 ** 战斗中所有来源的冰冻现在持续时间更长了 ** 减少了暗黑破坏神克隆体火风暴 firestorm 的伤害大约 6.5% ** 暗黑破坏神克隆体的生命减少 10% ** 暗黑破坏神克隆体召唤物现在提供 750% 以上的经验 ** 在他的召唤物还活着的时候暗黑破坏神克隆体现在是无敌的 ** 暗黑破坏神克隆体新星现在应该能到达竞技场的边缘 == 职业变更 CLASS CHANGES == === 亚马逊 Amazon === * 减少多重箭 multiple shot 惩罚为 50% 每穿刺 (例如. 100%>50%>25%>12.5%>等等) 到 20% 固定减少每穿刺上限为 20% 最小 (例如 100%>80%>60%>40%>20%>20%>等等) * 多重箭 Multiple shot 射程增加 8% * 炮轰 Strafe 伤害每等级增加从 14% 到 15% * 炮轰 Strafe 投掷物速度减少 25% (to help prevent some missile desync) * 炮轰 Strafe 投掷物射程增加 33% (this results in roughly the same total range due to the missile speed loss) * 炮轰 Strafe现在拥有刺入 penetrate 作为协同 10% 伤害每等级 * 充能一击 Charged strike 现在发射 3 光弹在等级 1 而不是 2 光弹 * 闪避 Dodge 和回避 evade 现在拥有 4 帧冷却时间在躲避攻击之后 * 回避 Evade 移动速度加成从收益递减的缩放上限变更从 45% 到获得额外 2% 每等级上限 65% * 回避 Evade 等级 1 移动速度加成增加从 10% 到 15% * 迟缓 Slow movement 移动速度减少每等级增加从 1% 到 2% * 迟缓 Slow movement 投掷物速度减少等级 1-16 缩放增加从 1% 每等级到 2% * 迟缓 Slow movement 范围上限增加从 12 码到 16 * 迟缓 Slow movement 范围现在增加 .6 每等级 * 迟缓 Slow movement 基础持续时间增加从 5 秒到 10 秒 * 迟缓 Slow movement 现在获得 .2 秒持续时间每等级 * 内视 Inner sight 范围上限增加从 18 码到 20 * 内视 Inner sight 等级 1 -1% 敌人准确率增加到 -10% * 诱饵 Decoy 投掷物射程增加 10% * 诱饵 Decoy ai 延迟减少 20% (现在会更频繁地尝试行动) * 诱饵 Decoy 持续时间增加从 15 秒到 30 秒 * 诱饵 Decoy 协同增加从 8% 到 10% * 诱饵 Decoy 等级 1 法力消耗减少从 10 到 5 * 女武神 Valkyrie 跑步速度增加 10% * 女武神 Valkyrie 基础威力一击 power strike 等级增加从 1 到 5 * 女武神 Valkyrie 敏捷每等级增加从 12 到 20 * 女武神 Valkyrie 力量每等级增加从 20 到 25 * 女武神 Valkyrie 诱饵 decoy 协同增加从 20 力量每等级到 25 * 女武神 Valkyrie 威力一击 power strike 新星 nova 协同增加从 10% 到 20% * 女武神 Valkyrie 穿透 pierce 协同增加从 -1% 敌人闪电抗性每等级到 -2% 每等级 * 戳刺 Jab 伤害每等级减少从 18% 到 14% * 火焰箭 Fire arrow 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 6-10 到 7-12 * 火焰箭 Fire arrow 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 16-20 到 20-24 * 火焰箭 Fire arrow 等级 22-28 缩放减少从 36-40 到 35-39 * 火焰箭 Fire arrow 等级 28+ 缩放减少从 56-60 到 50-54 * 火焰箭 Fire arrow 协同增加从 24% 到 26% * 急冻箭 Ice arrow 现在受穿刺影响 * 急冻箭 Ice arrow 速度减少 12.5% * 急冻箭 Ice arrow 魔法箭 magic arrow 协同减少从 20% 到 16% * 急冻箭 Ice arrow 冰箭 cold arrow 协同减少从 14% 到 10% * 急冻箭 Ice arrow 冻结之箭 freezing arrow 协同减少从 14% 到 10% * 闪电球 Lightning bolt 现在造成完整武器的 3/4 伤害 === 刺客 Assassin === * 武学艺术攻击现在保持他们的第三次聚气并允许你使用终结技一次释放所有三个阶段 * 眼镜蛇攻击 Cobra strike, 雷电爪 claws of thunder, 寒冰刃 blades of ice, 焰拳 fists of fire 和凤凰攻击 phoenix strike 聚气现在持续 5 分钟 * 虎击 Tiger strike 准确率每等级增加从 +10% 到 +15% * 龙爪 Dragon talon 准确率每等级增加从 +15% 到 25% * 飞龙在天 Dragon flight 准确率每等级增加从 10% 到 15% * 眼镜蛇攻击 Cobra strike 准确率每等级增加从 +8% 到 14% * 雷电爪 Claws of thunder 准确率每等级增加从 +8% 到 12% * 寒冰刃 Blades of ice 准确率每等级增加从 +4% 到 10% * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 准确率每等级增加从 +4% 到 10% * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 连锁闪电 chain lightning 基础伤害增加从 1-40 到 1-60 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 等级 1-8 连锁闪电 chain lightning 缩放增加从 0-20 到 0-40 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 等级 8-16 连锁闪电 chain lightning 缩放增加从 0-40 到 0-70 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 等级 16-22 连锁闪电 chain lightning 缩放增加从 0-60 到 0-100 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 等级 22-28 连锁闪电 chain lightning 缩放增加从 0-80 到 0-130 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 等级 28+ 连锁闪电 chain lightning 缩放增加从 0-100 到 0-160 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 陨石 meteor 火焰持续时间减少从 55 帧到 25 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 陨石 meteor 等级 1-8 缩放增加从 5-5 到 5-6 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 陨石 meteor 等级 8-16 缩放减少从 10-10 到 8-9 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 陨石 meteor 等级 16-22 缩放减少从 16-17 到 11-12 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 陨石 meteor 等级 22-28 缩放减少从 22-24 到 14-15 * 凤凰攻击 Phoenix strike 陨石 meteor 等级 28+ 缩放减少从 30-32 到 17-18 * 毒牙 Venom 眼镜蛇攻击 cobra strike 协同增加从 6% 到 8% * 雷电网 Shock web 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 1-8 到 1-10 * 雷电网 Shock web 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 1-14 到 1-16 * 雷电网 Shock web 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 1-20 到 1-22 * 雷电网 Shock web 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 1-26 到 1-28 * 支配爪和匕首 Claw and dagger mastery +10% 增强伤害每等级增加到 +12% * 守卫陷阱不再受益于抗性穿透 (他们仍然受益于 +% 元素伤害) <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - 只应用到守卫, 不适用于火焰爆震 Fire Blast 或雷电网 Shock Web)''</span> * 火焰复苏 Wake of fire 射程增加 17.5% * 火焰复苏 Wake of fire 发射 8 射击减少到 5 * 火焰复苏 Wake of fire 基础法力消耗减少从 8 到 5 * 火焰复苏 Wake of fire 法力消耗现在增加 .25 每等级 * 火焰复苏 Wake of Fire 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 12-16 到 13-16 * 火焰复苏 Wake of Fire 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 20-24 到 22-26 * 火焰复苏 Wake of Fire 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 28-32 到 31-36 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 亡者守卫 death sentry 协同已经被移除 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 协同已经被增加从 6% 到 8% * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 雷电网 shock web 协同移除 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 现在拥有火焰爆震 fire blast 作为协同 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 基础法力消耗减少从 6 到 4 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 法力消耗现在增加 .25 每等级 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 0-9 到 0-10 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 0-12 到 0-13 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 0-14 到 0-16 * 电能守卫 Charged bolt sentry 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 0-16 到 0-19 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 雷电网 shock web 协同移除 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 现在拥有火焰爆震 fire blast 作为协同 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 发射 12 射击减少到 5 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 基础法力消耗减少从 20 到 8 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 法力消耗现在增加 .25 每等级 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 0-20 到 0-21 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 0-25 到 0-27 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 0-30 到 0-33 * 雷光守卫 Lightning sentry 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 0-35 到 0-39 * 连锁闪电守卫 Chain lightning sentry 雷电网 shock web 协同移除 * 连锁闪电守卫 Chain lightning sentry 现在拥有火焰爆震 fire blast 作为协同 * 连锁闪电守卫 Chain lightning sentry 发射 12 射击减少到 5 * 连锁闪电守卫 Chain lightning sentry 基础法力消耗减少从 20 到 8 * 连锁闪电守卫 Chain lightning sentry 法力消耗现在增加 .25 每等级 * 连锁闪电守卫 Chain lightning sentry 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 0-17 到 0-18 * 连锁闪电守卫 Chain lightning sentry 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 0-23 到 0-26 * 连锁闪电守卫 Chain lightning sentry 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 0-30 到 0-36 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 发射 5 次增加到 10 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 协同增加从 6% 到 8% * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 电能守卫 charged bolt sentry 协同移除 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 现在拥有火焰爆震 fire blast 作为协同 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 基础法力消耗减少从 20 到 8 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 法力消耗现在增加 .25 每等级 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 等级 1-8 缩放增加从 1-2 到 3-4 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 3-4 到 5-6 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 5-6 到 7-8 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 7-8 到 9-10 * 亡者守卫 Death sentry 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 9-10 到 11-12 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 亡者守卫 death sentry 协同移除 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 协同增加从 6% 到 10% * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 基础法力消耗减少从 20 到 8 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 法力消耗现在增加 .25 每等级 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 基础伤害增加从 40-100 到 60-100 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 等级 1-8 缩放增加从 32-36 到 34-40 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 38-42 到 68-80 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 44-48 到 102-120 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 50-54 到 136-160 * 复苏狱火 Wake of Inferno 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 56-60 到 170-200 * 影子战士 Shadow warrior 基础生命在普通增加从 376 到 600 * 影子战士 Shadow warrior 基础生命在恶梦增加从 376 到 800 * 影子战士 Shadow warrior 基础生命在地狱增加从 376 到 1000 * 影子战士 Shadow warrior 生命每等级减少从 15% 到 5% * 影子战士 Shadow warrior 所有抗性缩放已经被变更从 +4 所有抗性每等级上限 75 到收益递减缩放从 5 到 90 (它的所有抗性缩放现在匹配影子大师 shadow master) * 影子大师 Shadow master 基础生命在普通增加从 376 到 600 * 影子大师 Shadow master 基础生命在恶梦增加从 376 到 800 * 影子大师 Shadow master 基础生命在地狱增加从 376 到 1000 * 影子大师 Shadow master 生命每等级减少从 15% 到 5% * 速度爆发 Burst of speed 基础移动速度增加从 10% 到 20% * 速度爆发 Burst of speed 等级 8-16 移动速度加成减少从 2% 到 1% * 速度爆发 Burst of speed 基础持续时间增加从 2 分钟到 5 分钟 * 速度爆发 Burst of speed 持续时间缩放减少从 12 秒每等级到 5 秒 * 能量消解 Fade 基础持续时间增加从 2 分钟到 5 分钟 * 能量消解 Fade 持续时间缩放减少从 12 秒每等级到 5 秒 * 刀刃之盾 Blade shield 持续时间现在增加 5 秒每等级 * 刀刃之盾 Blade shield 现在拥有范围吸取惩罚 (50% 减少吸取) * 刃之守卫 Blade sentinel 协同减少从 12% 到 8% * 刃之守卫 Blade sentinel 基础法力消耗减少从 7 to 4 * 刃之守卫 Blade sentinel 法力消耗每等级减少从 1 to .5 * 刃之守卫 Blade sentinel 现在攻击每 5 帧而不是每 15 * 刃之守卫 Blade sentinel 现在总是寻路到你的鼠标位置不再有它的寻路被怪物阻挡 * 刃之怒 Blade fury 现在分裂成多个投掷物与墙壁碰撞时 * 刃之怒 Blade fury 协同减少从 8% 到 6% * 心灵战锤 Psychic hammer 现在获得额外弹跳每 10 软等级而不是上限 3 * 心灵战锤 Psychic hammer 弹跳距离增加 20% * 武器格挡 Weapon block 现在拥有 4 帧冷却时间在躲避攻击之后 * 一个新的刺客技能已经被添加叫做 [[刀锋之舞]] Blade Dance. 这个技能只在混沌 chaos 符文之语上出现它的作用和旋风 whirlwind 完全一样只是它每 4 帧攻击一次就像旋风一样 (原来的旋风技能被移除) (旋风现在在双持时攻击速度慢 1 帧) * 焰拳 Fists of fire 重做已经被重做 ** 阶段 1: 爆炸 + 地面火焰 ** 阶段 2: 火焰新星 ** 阶段 3: 施展 3 陨石排成一条线彼此之间有延迟留下地面火焰 === 野蛮人 Barbarian === * 支配通用 General mastery 现在适用于匕首 * 战嗥 Battle cry 持续时间减少从 12 秒 + 0.4 秒每等级到 5 秒在所有等级 * 战嗥 Battle cry 现在上限 -30% 敌人防御从之前的 -65% * 战斗本能 Combat reflexes 生命每等级减少从 20 到 10 * 战斗本能 Combat reflexes 生命每等级现在缩放从软点而不是硬点 * 战斗本能 Combat reflexes 不再提供 4% 快速打击恢复在等级 1 * 战斗本能 Combat reflexes +1% 快速打击恢复每等级已经被变更为 +2% 快速打击恢复每基础点 * 重击 Bash 狂战士 berserk 协同已经被替换为专心 concentrate * 嘲弄 Taunt 持续时间现在增加 .25 秒每基础等级 * 加速 Increased speed 现在给予 2% 增加攻击速度每基础等级 * 狂战士 Berserk 现在上限 30% 物理抗性穿透 * 狂战士 Berserk 物理抗性穿透每等级减少从 2% 到 1% * 双手挥击 Double swing 协同增加从 12% 到 16% * 双手挥击 Double swing 等级 1 伤害加成增加从 18% 到 20% * Stun 等级 1-16 duration 缩放增加 100% * Stun now deals ¼ weapon damage from 100% * Stun now properly targets monster without name locking * Stun can no longer be used in wolf form * Shouts defense 每等级增加从 8% to 10% * Find item 现在拥有 find potion 作为协同 1% 每等级 * Find items 5-60% find item diminishing returns scaling reduced to 0-50% * Natural resistance 0-80% all resistance diminishing return scaling reduced to 0-75% * Concentrates 伤害每等级增加从 14% 到 16% * Concentrates bash 协同增加从 8% 到 12% * Double throw 伤害每等级增加从 6% 到 8% * Double throw 协同伤害每等级增加从 5% 到 6% * Frenzy 协同增加从 10% 到 14% * Frenzy 伤害每等级增加从 16% 到 18% * Frenzy 等级 1 伤害加成增加从 14% 到 20% * Whirlwind no longer attempts to do a normal attack when out of mana * Whirlwind no longer attacks in place during a namelock and will now whirlwind back and forth through the monster * Whirlwind 伤害每等级减少从 5% to 4% * Whirlwind base enhanced damage bonus reduced from 35% to 30% * Whirlwind now attacks 20% slower when dual wielding (6 frames during dual wielding compared to 5 when using a two handed weapon) * Leap 等级 1 法力消耗减少从 20 到 5 * Leap 法力消耗每等级减少从 1 到 .5 * Leap range increased from a diminishing return scaling of 10-30 to 20-40 * Leap travel speed increased by 33% === 德鲁伊 Druid === * Dire wolves now have melee splash * Dire wolves base 跑步速度增加 10% * Summon Dire wolf werebear -6% damage 协同移除 * Summon Dire wolf will now display its proper defense values * Spirit wolves now have melee splash * Spirit wolves base 跑步速度增加 10% * Summon Spirit wolf werebear -9% damage 协同移除 * Summon Spirit wolf will now display its proper defense values * Summon Grizzly bear werewolf -12% damage 协同移除 * Feral rage now grants 2% increased melee splash radius per charge up to 20% * Fury 增强伤害每等级减少从 18% to 15% * Werewolf 增强伤害每等级减少从 12% to 10% * Werebear 增强伤害每等级减少从 15% to 12% * Werebear form now grants 10% + 1% 每等级 chance to be uninterruptible when struck * Heart of wolverine can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage * Oak sage can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage * Oak sage level 1 health bonus reduced from 65 to 50 * Oak sage level 1-8 缩放减少从 20 to 12 * Oak sage level 8-16 缩放减少从 20 to 14 * Oak sage level 16-22 缩放减少从 20 to 16 * Oak sage level 22-28 缩放减少从 20 to 18 * Spirit of barbs can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage * Spirit of barbs level 16-22 伤害每等级增加从 28 to 32 * Spirit of barbs level 22-28 伤害每等级增加从 44 to 48 * Firestorm starting projectile amount increased from 2 to 3 * Firestorm base damage reduced from 3-6 to 2-4 * Firestorm missile velocity increased by 50% * Firestorm no longer gains 10% missile velocity 每等级 * Firestorm range reduced by 20% * Firestorm range now increased by .5% 每等级 * These changes result in firestorm traveling further late game * Fire claws firestorm 射程增加 35% * Rabies 准确率每等级增加从 6% to 15% * Cyclone armor 现在获得 3 吸收每精力 * Cyclone armor 基础吸收减少从 65 to 15 (this is offset by druids 20 energy base which results in a total of 75) * Cyclone armor 吸收等级 1-8 缩放减少从 20 to 16 * Cyclone armor 吸收等级 8-16 缩放减少从 20 to 17 * Cyclone armor 吸收等级 16-22 缩放减少从 20 to 18 * Cyclone armor 吸收等级 22-28 缩放减少从 20 to 19 * Cyclone armor 吸收等级 28+ 缩放减少从 20 to 20 * Shock wave 射程增加 13% * Shock wave 投掷物速度增加 16% * Poison creeper ai 延迟减少 20% * Poison creeper now attacks poison immune monsters (this allows it to apply its negative poison resist debuff which can break poison immunities) * Poison creeper can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage * Solar creeper ai 延迟减少 20% * Solar creeper will now consume corpses even if the player is at full life * Solar creeper can now be summoned at the same time as carrion vine * Solar creeper can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage * Carrion vine ai 延迟减少 20% * Carrion vine will now consume corpses even if the player is at full mana * Carrion vine can now be summoned at the same time solar creeper * Carrion vine can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage * Arctic blast hurricane 协同减少从 25% 到 24% * Arctic blast cyclone armor 协同增加从 20% 到 24% * Arctic blast twister 协同增加从 20% 到 24% * Arctic blast tornado 协同增加从 20% 到 24% * Arctic blast 等级 1-8 缩放增加 15% * Arctic blast 等级 8-16 缩放增加 66% * Arctic blast 等级 16-22 缩放增加 82% * Arctic blast 等级 22-28 缩放增加 54% * Arctic blast 等级 28+ 缩放增加 55% * Hurricane twister 协同移除 * Hurricane arctic blast 协同增加从 8% 到 12% * Hurricane tornado 协同增加从 8% 到 12% * Armageddon fissure 协同移除 * Armageddon molten boulder 协同增加从 8% 到 12% * Armageddon volcano 协同增加从 8% 到 12% * Fissure 等级 16-22 缩放减少从 16-18 到 12-14 * Fissure 等级 22-28 缩放减少从 20-24 到 20-22 * Fissure 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 24-30 到 32-34 === 死灵法师 Necromancer === * 减少 corpse explosion 最大范围从 14 码到 10 * Life tap 持续时间现在上限 20 秒 * Life tap 基础法力消耗增加从 4 到 5 * Confuse 现在持续 5 秒在所有等级 and difficulties <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - didn't mention difficulties)''</span> * Confuse no longer removes other curses if you're able to apply two curses * Confuse 基础法力消耗减少从 6.5 到 4 * Attract no longer removes other curses if you're able to apply two curses * Poison nova 等级 1-8 缩放增加从 5-5 每等级到 7-7 每等级 * Poison nova 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 7-7 每等级到 8-8 每等级 * Poison nova 等级 16-22 缩放减少从 10-10 每等级到 9-9 每等级 * Poison nova 等级 22-28 缩放减少从 12-12 每等级到 10-10 每等级 * Poison nova 等级 28+ 缩放减少从 12-12 每等级到 10-10 每等级 * Poison nova 协同减少从 15% 到 14% * Poison strike attack rating base increased from 30% 到 50% * Poison strike 准确率每等级增加从 20% 到 30% * Poison strike poison resistance penetration cap increased from -30% 到 -40% * Poison strike 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 10-10 到 12-12 * Poison strike 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 18-18 到 20-20 * Poison strike 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 26-26 到 28-28 * Desecrate 等级 1-8 缩放增加从 3-3 到 4-4 * Desecrate 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 12-12 到 14-14 * Desecrate poison cloud hitbox increased by 50% * Blood warp level requirement increased from 18 到 24 * Blood warp 现在拥有 blood golem has a prerequisite * Blood warp minimum life cost will now cap at level 30 when the cooldown can no longer be reduced * Decrepify movespeed reduction now scales at 1% per soft point 而不是 1% per hard * Decrepify now reduces enemy physical resist by 10% * Decrepify 基础法力消耗减少从 11 到 5 * Lower resist 基础法力消耗减少从 10 到 5 * Dim vision 基础法力消耗减少从 6 到 4 * Iron Maiden 基础法力消耗减少从 5 到 4 * Terror 基础法力消耗减少从 6.5 到 4 * Bone armor 现在获得 3 伤害吸收每精力 * Bone armor 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 10 到 11 * Bone armor 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 10 到 12 * Bone armor 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 10 到 13 * Bone armor 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 10 到 14 * Weaken now reduces the target's defense by 10% + 2% 每等级 (caps at -60% target defense) * Dark pact now only removes 1 curse each cast * Dark pact no longer removes a curse if there is only 1 curse on the monster * Dark pact is no longer limited at dealing damage equal to 3 curses * Dark pact now deals an additional 10% damage for each curse on the target * Dark pact's base explosion radius has been reduced and it 现在获得 additional 33% base radius for each curse on the target * Dark pact base damage reduced from 4-5 到 3-4 * Dark pact 等级 1-8 缩放减少从 3-4 到 2-3 * Dark pact 等级 8-16 缩放减少从 4-6 到 3-5 * Dark pact 等级 16-22 缩放减少从 5-7 到 4-6 * Dark pact 等级 22-28 缩放减少从 7-9 到 6-8 * Dark pact 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 8-10 到 9-11 * Raise skeleton warrior 基础法力消耗减少从 6 到 4 * Raise skeleton warrior 法力消耗每等级减少从 1 到 .5 * Raise skeleton warrior 生命加成每等级减少从 +50% 到 +15% * Raise skeletal mage 基础法力消耗减少从 8 到 6 * Raise skeletal mage 法力消耗每等级减少从 1 到 .5 * Raise skeleton archer 基础法力消耗减少从 8 到 6 * Raise skeleton archer 法力消耗每等级减少从 1 到 .5 * Fire golem scaling has been completely reworked and they now have their own version of holy fire aura * Fire golems no longer benefit from resistance penetration (他们仍然受益于 +% elemental damage) * Revives will now receive 1/10 effect from enchant from ¼ === 圣骑士 Paladin === * Fist of the heavens 协同减少从 12% 到 10% * Fist of the heavens no longer attempts to do a normal attack when out of mana * Holy bolt 协同增加从 8% 到 9% * Holy bolt 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 3-5 到 5-7 * Holy bolt 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 9-11 到 12-14 * Holy bolt 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 15-17 到 19-21 * Holy bolt 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 21-23 到 26-28 * Holy light 不再有冷却时间在任何等级 * Holy light light 等级 1 法力消耗增加从 8 到 10 * Holy light prayer 协同减少从 10 每等级到 5-10 * Prayer 等级 8-16 生命每等级增加从 2 到 3 * Prayer 等级 22-28 生命每等级增加从 4 到 5 * Prayer 等级 28+ 生命每等级增加从 2 到 5 * Prayer 现在消耗 1 法力每 2 秒 * Prayer 法力消耗现在增加 .5 每等级 * Auras can now be put on left click (if you have two auras active it will only provide bonuses from the aura on your right click) * Holy shield no longer attempts to do a normal attack when out of mana * Charge no longer attempts to do a normal attack when out of mana * Holy nova prayer magic damage 协同移除 * Holy nova fist of the heavens magic damage 协同增加从 8% 到 15% * Holy nova holy bolt magic damage 协同增加从 12% 到 15% * Vengeance has been reworked and now chains its aoe explosion onto nearby enemies === 法师 Sorceress === * Fire wall warmth 协同替换为 blaze * Fire wall inferno 协同移除 * Fire wall 基础伤害增加从 15-20 到 40-65 * Fire wall 等级 1-8 缩放增加从 7-7 到 15-15 * Fire wall 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 9-9 到 16-16 * Fire wall 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 11-11 到 17-17 * Fire wall 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 13-13 到 18-18 * Fire wall 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 15-15 到 19-19 * Meteor fire wall 协同替换为 blaze * Meteor 协同减少从 10% 到 6% * Meteor impact explosion radius increased by 25% * Meteor 等级 1 法力消耗减少从 17 到 10 * Meteor 火焰持续时间减少从 50 帧到 40 * Meteor 等级 1 physical and fire 基础伤害增加从 20-25 到 25-30 (50-60 总计) * Meteor 火焰伤害等级 1-8 缩放增加从 4-6 到 7-9 * Meteor 火焰伤害等级 8-16 缩放增加从 4-6 到 10-12 * Meteor 火焰伤害等级 16-22 缩放增加从 5-7 到 13-15 * Meteor 火焰伤害等级 22-28 缩放增加从 6-8 到 15-18 * Meteor 火焰伤害等级 28+ 缩放增加从 7-9 到 17-21 * Fire bolt 法力消耗现在增加 .25 每等级 * Fire bolt 协同减少从 20% 到 18% * Fire bolt 等级 1-8 缩放减少从 5-6 到 4-6 * Fire bolt 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 13-15 到 16-18 * Fire bolt 等级 16-22 缩放增加从 20-37 到 30-32 * Fire bolt 等级 22-28 scaling changed from 40-55 到 46-48 * Fire bolt 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 30-37 到 46-48 * Fire ball 法力消耗每等级减少从 .5 到 .25 * Fire ball 协同减少从 16% 到 15% * Fire balls 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 33-35 到 38-40 * <s>Combustion 等级 1 damage reduced from 24-56 to 24-48</s> <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - this change didn't actually happen)''</span> * Combustion 等级 1-8 缩放减少从 13-15 到 12-14 每等级 * Combustion 等级 8-16 缩放减少从 23-25 到 16-18 每等级 * Combustion 等级 16-22 缩放减少从 26-28 到 20-22 每等级 * Combustion 等级 22-28 缩放减少从 28-30 到 24-26 每等级 * Combustion 等级 28+ 缩放减少从 33-35 到 28-30 每等级 * Ice barrage 投掷物速度增加 22% * Ice barrage 射程增加约 10% * Ice barrage 等级 1-8 缩放增加从 4-5 到 5-6 * Ice barrage 等级 8-16 缩放增加从 7-8 到 9-10 * Ice barrage 等级 16-22 缩放减少从 14-15 到 13-14 * Ice barrage 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 15-16 到 17-18 * Ice barrage 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 16-17 到 21-22 * Ice blast freeze duration now scales with levels * Glacial spike damage 协同增加从 5% 到 8% * Glacial spike ice barrage 协同移除 * Energy shield now properly requires level 30 * Blizzard glacial spike 协同已经被替换为 ice blast * Frozen orbs ice blast 协同已经被替换为 frost nova * Teleport now once again uses its original cast frames (no longer uses lightning cast frames) * Teleport damage reduction debuff now starts at -65% from -50% * Teleport debuff will now reduce damage at proper values * Hydra and lesser hydra no longer benefit from resistance penetration * Lesser hydra 持续时间减少从 6 秒到 5 秒 * Lesser hydra 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 32-34 到 34-36 * Lesser hydra 等级 28+ 缩放减少从 40-42 到 34-36 * Hydra 持续时间减少从 6 秒到 5 秒 * Blaze 现在获得 .2 秒每等级 * Blaze 持续时间上限增加从 3 秒到 8 * Blaze warmth 协同移除 * Blaze fire wall 协同增加从 3% 到 6% * Cold enchant attack rating bonus 每等级增加从 5% 到 10% * Cold enchants 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 35-37 到 36-38 * Cold enchants 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 52-54 到 54-56 * Cold enchant duration 现在持续 5 分钟在所有等级 * Enchant Fires 等级 22-28 缩放增加从 30-32 到 32-34 * Enchant Fires 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 42-44 到 46-48 * Enchant Fires duration 现在持续 5 分钟在所有等级 * Blizzard 等级 1-8 缩放减少从 6-8 到 5-7 每等级 * Blizzard 等级 8-16 缩放减少从 8-10 到 6-8 每等级 * Blizzard 等级 16-22 缩放减少从 10-12 到 8-10 每等级 * Blizzard 等级 22-28 缩放减少从 12-14 到 11-13 每等级 * Blizzard 等级 28+ 缩放增加从 14-16 到 15-17 每等级 == 物品变更 ITEM CHANGES == === 综合物品变更 GENERAL ITEM CHANGES === * Reduced superior repair cost increase * Ethereal enhanced damage and enhanced defense bonus has been reduced from 50% to 25% * Elite melee weapons +25% base damage * Elite amazon throwing weapons +25% base damage * Elite bows +10% base damage * Exceptional melee weapons +15% base damage * Exceptional amazon throwing weapons +15% base damage * Exceptional bows +5% base damage * Chance to cast on casting mod added * Increased the strength of elemental damage charms and normalized all elements * Increased +% elemental large charms from 1-3% to 2-4% * +% Ele dmg scaling large charm 缩放增加从 1-1 to 2-2 / 1-2 to 2-3 / 2-3 to 3-4 * Rares now roll minimum 4 affixes at 45+, 5 at 65+ and 6 at 85+ * Rare jewels now always roll 4 affixes * Rare items can now be used in crafting recipes * 物理抗性穿透 is now a local stat * Lower resist wands will now roll with level 15 lower resist (80 charges) * Life tap wand charges reduced from level 6 to level 1 * Telekinesis charges affix (vanilla) re-enabled for rings <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - 未提及)''</span> * Light plated boots kick damage increased from 8-16 to 8-18 * Chain Boots kick damage increased from 6-12 to 6-14 * Heavy boots kick damage increased from 4-10 to 4-12 * War boots kick damage increased from 39-80 to 45-90 * Battle boots kick damage increased from 37-64 to 42-84 * Mesh Boots kick damage increased from 23-52 to 35-78 * Sharkskin boots kick damage increased from 28-50 to 32-72 * Demonhide boots kick damage increased from 26-46 to 30-64 * Myrmidon greaves kick damage increased from 83-149 to 83 to 155 * 已镜像 boots kick damage increasd from 50-145 to 69-147 * Boneweave boots kick damage increased from 69-118 to 80-125 * Scarabshell Boots kick damage increased from 60-110 to 70-110 * Wyrmhide boots kick damage increased from 65-100 to 75-100 The odds of rolling a staff mod have been changed from * Staff mod amount (old): ** 10% -> 3 mods ** 20% -> 2 mods ** 40% -> 1 mod ** 30% -> no mods * Staff Mod Level (old): ** 10% -> +3 ** 30% -> +2 ** 60% -> +1 The new staff mod odds have been changed to * Staff mod amount (new): ** 20% -> 3 mods ** 30% -> 2 mods ** 40% -> 1 mod ** 10% -> no mods * Staff Mod Level (new): ** 25% -> +3 ** 35% -> +2 ** 40% -> +1 === 符文之语变更 RUNEWORD CHANGES === * Added the new D2R 2.4 Runewords ** [[Unbending Will]] ** [[Wisdom]] ** [[Obsession]] ** [[Flickering Flame]] ** [[Mist]] ==== 符文之语武器 Runeword Weapons ==== * Zenith can now be made in any bows 而不是 amazon specific * Zenith can now be made in spears and polearms * Infinity in a staff has had its 50% chance to cast level 20 lightning on kill changed to 15% chance to cast level 20 lightning on casting (the polearm / spear runeword goes unchanged) * Infinity in a staff has had its level 3 cyclone armor oskill replaced with 2% chance to cast level 15 cyclone armor on casting * Doom runeword in staves 5% chance to cast level 28 molten boulder on striking changed to 10% chance to cast level 28 molten boulder on casting * Doom runeword in axes/hammers/polearms/spears/swords 5% chance to cast level 18 molten boulder 增加到 10% chance to cast level 28 molten boulder on striking * Lawbringer 20% chance to cast level 15 amplify damage on striking reverted back to its original 20% chance to cast level 15 decrepify on striking * Crescent moon -5 to -15% to enemy lightning resistance 增加到 -10 to -15% * Venom +2-3 to poison strike 增加到 +6 * Venom -10% to -30% to enemy poison resistance 增加到 -20% to -30% * Oath +8 to heart of wolverine reverted back to its original level 16 heart of wolverine (20 charges) * Rift 20% chance to cast level 21 tornado on striking 增加到 20% chance to cast level 25 tornado * Rift 16% chance to cast level 21 frozen orb on <s>striking</s> ''attack'' 增加到 level 25 frozen orb * Call to arms +1-6 to battle orders 增加到 +2-6 * Call to arms battle cry levels reduced from 1-4 to 1-3 * Grief +200-240 to +260-300 damage 增加到 +220-240 to +280-300 damage * Wind made in a staff 18% chance to cast level 25 tornado on striking replaced with 18% chance to cast level 29 tornado on casting * Wind made in a staff 18% chance to cast level 25 twister on striking replaced with 18% chance to cast level 29 twister on casting * Wind made in a staff 5% chance to cast level 9 cyclone armor when stuck replaced with 5% chance to cast level 9 cylcone armor on casting * Wind in a weapon 18% chance to cast level 25 twister on striking replaced with 18% chance to cast level 29 twister on striking * Wind enhanced damage reduced from 420-480% to 350-400% * Famine -10 to -20% to enemy fire resistance reduced to -10 to -15% * Famine -10 to -20% to enemy lightning resistance reduced to -10 to -15% * Famine -10 to -20% to enemy cold resistance reduced to -10 to -15% * Famine adds 150-300 fire damage reduced to 125-250 * Famine adds 151-350 lightning damage reduced to 101-275 * Famine adds 150-300 cold damage reduced to 100-225 * Famine indestructible removed * Last wish +350-400% enhanced damage reverted back to its original 330-375% * Last wish 10% chance to cast level 18 life tap reduced to level 11 * Unending will has had its name changed to dominion (this is to avoid confusion with the new unbending will runeword) * Unending will (dominion) +30 poison resist replaced with +2 to necromancer skills * Unending will (dominion) +2 additional golems reduced to +1 * Phoenix runeword in weapons 20% chance to cast level 22 fire ball on striking changed to 20% chance to cast level 25 fire ball on striking * Phoenix runeword in a staff 20% chance to cast level 22 fire ball on striking changed to 20% chance to cast level 25 fire ball on casting * Chaos runeword +5 to whirlwind removed * Chaos runeword 现在拥有 +2 to Blade Dance (Blade dance is a new assassin specific whirlwind) (blade dance attacks at 4 frames when wielding one weapon and 5 frames when dual wielding) * Brand amplify damage proc increased from level 20 to 31 * Wrath amplify damage proc increased from level 18 to 31 * Plague runeword 20% chance to cast level 12 lower resist when struck 增加到 20% chance to cast level 35 * Added [[Neophyte]] runeword ** Level 23 requirement ** Can be made in orbs, claws, scepters, clubs and staves (gains +10% faster cast rate in a staff) * Added [[Rampage]] Runeword ** Level 29 requirement ** Can be made in spears, polearms and staves ==== 符文之语护甲 Runeword Chests ==== * Myth +1-3 to mana after each kill 增加到 +3-4 * Treachery 35% chance to cast level 25 psychic hammer when struck replaced with 15% chance to cast level 21 mind blast when struck * Enlightenment 5% chance to cast level 15 fire ball on striking replaced with 10% chance to cast level 18 fire ball on casting * Rain 5% chance to cast level 15 twister on striking 增加到 10% chance to cast level 20 twister on striking * Rain +1-2 to druid skill levels 增加到 +2 * Rain +1 to summoning skills (druid only) removed * Rain 5% chance to cast level 15 cyclone armor when struck 增加到 8% * Dragon runewords additional hydra tooltip has been improved for more clarity (previously read as 3 additional hydras due to each hydra head counting as 1) ==== 符文之语头盔 Runeword Helms ==== * Ferocity 8% chance to cast level 10 taunt on striking 增加到 12% chance to cast level 10 taunt on striking ==== 符文之语盾牌 Runeword Shields ==== * Phoenix runeword in a shield 20% chance to cast level 22 fire ball on striking changed to 20% chance to cast level 25 fire ball on striking * Exile 25% chance to cast level 18 amplify damage on striking changed to 25% chance to cast level 18 decrepify on striking * Dragon runewords additional hydra tooltip has been improved for more clarity (previously read as 3 additional hydras due to each hydra head counting as 1) === 暗金变更 UNIQUE CHANGES === * New Items have been added that drop in any 85 zone ** [[Zerae's Resolve]] ** [[Ursa's Nightmare]] ** [[Martyrdom]] ** [[Akarat's Devotion]] ** [[Purgatory]] ** [[Raekor's Virtue]] ** [[Stalker's Cull]] ** [[Brimstone Rain]] ** [[Odium]] ** [[Merman's Sprocket]] ** [[Occultist]] ==== 亚马逊弓 Amazon Bows ==== * Blood raven's charge +2-3 to bow and crossbow skills 增加到 +3-4 * Blood raven's charge +3-4 to fire arrow reduced to +2-3 * Lycanders aim +200-250% enhanced damage 增加到 +225-275% ==== 亚马逊长矛 Amazon Spears ==== * Lycander's Flank 现在拥有 +10% Physical Damage Reduction ==== 刺客爪 Assassin Claws ==== * Firelizard's talons +1-2 to martial arts (assassin only) 增加到 +2 * Firelizard's talons +30-60 fire resist reduced to +30-50 * Aidan's Scar +3-4 to shadow disciplines (assassin only) 增加到 +4 * Shadow killer +2-4 to shadow discipline (assassin only) 增加到 +3-4 * Shadow killer +6-12 to mana after each kill reduced to +4-8 ==== 法师法珠 Sorceress Orbs ==== * Tempest +70-115 to mana 增加到 +100-145 ==== 斧 Axes ==== * Deathspade 现在拥有 10% deadly strike * Bladebone adds 16-24 fire damage removed * Bladebone 现在拥有 40% chance to cast level 8 teeth on striking * Skull splitter 现在拥有 15% crushing blow * The chieftain +100% enhanced damage 增加到 +150-180% * Brainhew +90-120% enhanced damage 增加到 +170-200% * Coldkill +15% to maximum cold resist reduced to +10% * Pompeii's wrath 8% chance to cast level 22 molten boulder on striking 增加到 8% chance to cast level 28 * Guardian naga 5% chance to cast level 25 poison nova on striking 增加到 10% * Warlord's trust 现在拥有 +10-20% physical damage reduction * Warlord's trust +10 to all resist 增加到 +10-20 (varies) * Boneslayer blade +20% increased attack speed 增加到 +40% * Boneslayer blade 50% chance to cast level 20 holy bolt when struck 增加到 level 30 * Rune master +30% increased attack speed 增加到 +40% * Hellslayer +20% increased attack speed 增加到 +40% * Hellslayer 20% chance to cast level 30 fire ball 增加到 25% to cast level 30 fire ball * Messerschmidt's reaver +15 to all attributes 增加到 +20 * Executioner's justice 50% chance to cast level 18 amplify damage replaced with 50% chance to cast level 25 decrepify * Lacerator amplify damage levels increased from 16 to 31 ==== 长柄 Polearms ==== * The Reaper's toll amplify damage levels increased from 16 to 31 ==== 弓 Bows ==== * Witherstring fires magic arrows level 3 增加到 level 6 * Raven claw fires explosive arrows or bolts level 1 增加到 level 3 * Stormstrike +120-160% enhanced damage 增加到 +140-170% * Blastbark +90-150% enhanced damage 增加到 +120-150% * Skystrike 20% chance to cast level 8 meteor on striking 增加到 30% * Kuko shakaku +3 to immolation arrow changed to +2-3 (varies) * Endlesshail 15% chance to cast level 12 blizzard on striking 增加到 25% * Witchwild string 14% chance to cast level 18 amplify damage 增加到 level 31 * Cliffkiller 60% increased attack speed 增加到 80% * Goldstrike arch 200-300% damage to undead 增加到 250-300% * Goldstrike arch 200-300% damage to demons 增加到 250-300% * Widowmaker +150-350% damage 增加到 275-350% * Eaglehorn +40-60 dexterity 增加到 +60-100 * Eaglehorn no longer has a 2% chance to cast howl on striking * Eaglehorn 现在拥有 12% chance to cast level 30 summon raven on striking * Eaglehorn 现在拥有 +10 to ravens (oskill) * Eaglehorn 现在拥有 “Your Ravens deal an additional 500 cold damage” ==== 十字弓 Crossbows ==== * Ichorsting +50 poison damage over 3 seconds 增加到 100 damage over 3 seconds * Doomslinger 35% chance to cast level 12 fire ball on striking 增加到 45% * Doomslinger +1 to amazon skills 增加到 +1-2 * Doomslinger +15-40 to life 增加到 +30-40 * Pus spitter 28% chance to cast level 18 lower resist on striking 增加到 level 35 * Demon machine 12% chance to cast level 18 multiple shot changed to 8% chance to cast level 24 multiple shot * Gut siphon 8% chance to cast level 36 desecrate 增加到 12% chance ==== 匕首 Daggers ==== * Heart carver now properly rolls 5-7 to grim ward, find item and find potion * Ghostflame +30% increased attack speed 增加到 +50% * Fleshripper +200-300% enhanced damage 增加到 +225-300% ==== 钉锤 Maces ==== * Stone crusher -10 to -15 to enemy physical resist reduced to -5 ''to -8'' <span class="nmod">''(已修复 - upper range wasn't included)''</span> * Stone crusher enhanced damage reduced from 280-320 to 180-220 * Stone crusher -50 to monster defense on hit reduced to -20 * Stone crusher crushing blow reduced from 40% to 20% * Stone crusher +20-30 strength reduced +10-20 strength * Stone crusher +10-30 damage removed * The cranium basher 10% chance to cast level 30 amplify damage 增加到 level 33 * Earth shifter level 14 volcano (30 charges) replaced with 12% chance to cast level 28 volcano on casting * Schaefer's hammer adds 50-200 lightning damage 增加到 adds 50-450 lightning damage * Schaefer's hammer 20% chance to cast level 10 static field on striking 增加到 20% chance to cast level 25 static field on striking * Stormlash 15% chance to cast level 10 static field on striking 增加到 15% chance to cast level 25 static field on striking * Horizon's tornado +30% faster cast rate 增加到 +35% * The Gavel of pain 15% chance to cast level 16 amplify damage on striking changed to 12% chance to cast level 31 amplify damage on striking * Bloodtree stump +3-5 life after each hit has been removed * Bloodtree stump 现在拥有 +3 to leap attack * Moonfall 10% chance to cast level 26 meteor on striking 增加到 12% chance to cast level 26 meteor on striking * Fleshrender +30% increased attack speed 增加到 +40% * Dark clan crusher +30-40% increased attack speed now always roll +40% * Dark clan crusher +195% enhanced damaged changed to +180-240% * The General's Tan Do Li Ga adds 1 to 30-40 damage 增加到 adds 10 to 30-40 damage ==== 剑 Swords ==== * The grandfather enhanced damage reduced from 200-250% to 180-240% * The grandfather repairs 1 durability in 4 seconds has been removed * Hadriel's hand adds 500-850 fire damage reduced to 400-750 * Azurewrath adds 250-500 magic damage reduced to 200-250 * Azurewrath level 10-13 sanctuary aura 增加到 level 20-23 sanctuary aura * Lightsabre 5% chance to cast level 14-20 chain lightning on attack 增加到 level 28 * Swordguard 现在拥有 +40% faster block rate * Todesfaelle flamme 2% chance to cast level 16 combustion on attack 增加到 4% * Todesfaelle flamme 10% chance to cast level 20 fire ball on attack 增加到 15% * Todesfaelle flamme level 20 fire wall (20 charges) replaced with 2% chance to cast level 20 fire wall on attack * Todesfaelle flamme 现在拥有 +20% increased attack speed * Cloudcrack 12% chance to cast level 21 fists of heavens on striking 增加到 20% * Cloudcrack +4-6 to offensive auras 增加到 +5-6 * Cloudcrack +4-6 to defensive auras 增加到 +5-6 * The vile husk 18% chance to cast level 18 amplify damage 增加到 level 31 * Bing sz wang 现在拥有 40% increased attack speed * Headstriker +1.5% deadly strike 每等级 reduced to +1% * Headstriker 现在拥有 +20% increased attack speed * Headstriker +150% enhanced damage 增加到 +150-200% * Ginther's rift +150-200% enhanced damage 增加到 +150-250% * Ripsaw 现在拥有 +30% increased attack speed * Blacktongue 现在拥有 +30% increased attack speed * Shadowfang 现在拥有 +20% increased attack speed ==== 法杖 Staves ==== * Bane Ash +4-6 fire damage removed * Bane ash 现在拥有 20% chance to cast level 8 fire bolt on casting * Bane ash +2 to warmth (sorceress only) removed * Bane ash +5 to fire bolt (sorceress only) reduced to +3 * Bane ash now rolls +1-2 to fire skills * Serpent lord +2-3 to cyclone armor (druiid only) replaced with 5% chance to cast level 3 cyclone armor on cast * Serpent lord +3-4 to arctic blast (druid only) removed * Serpent lord +10% faster cast rate 增加到 20% * Serpent lord 现在拥有 30% chance to cast level 15 firestorm on casting * Spire of lazarus +1 to sorceress skills removed * Spire of lazarus 现在拥有 +2-3 to all skills (varies) * Spire of lazarus +2-3 to chain lightning (sorceress only) (varies) reduced to +2 * Spire of lazarus +2-3 to lightning (sorceress only) (varies) reduced to +2 * Spire of lazarus +3 to static field removed * Spire of lazarus 现在拥有 30% chance to cast level 15 static field on casting * Spire of lazarus 1-28 lightning damage 增加到 1-280 * Spire of lazarus +75 lightning resist now rolls +50-75 * Spire of lazarus +43% regenerate mana changed to +35-45% (varies) * The salamander +1-2 to lesser hydra (sorceress only) removed * The salamander 现在拥有 20% chance to cast level 14 lesser hydra on casting * The salamander +1-2 to fire ball (sorceress only) 增加到 +2 * The salamander +1 to fire wall (sorceress only) 增加到 +2-3 * The salamander +2-3 to warmth (sorceress only) reduced to +2 * The iron jang bong +2 to sorceress skills removed * The iron jang bong 现在拥有 +2 to all skills * The iron jang bong +2 to nova (sorceress only) removed * The iron jang bong +2 to blaze (sorceress only) removed * The iron jang bong +3 to frost nova (sorceress only) removed * The iron jang bong 现在拥有 15% chance to cast level 20 nova on casting * The iron jang bong 现在拥有 15% chance to cast level 24 frost nova on casting * The iron jang bong 现在拥有 15% chance to cast level 24 blaze on casting * Razorswitch +1 to all skills now rolls +1-2 all skills (varies) * Chromatic ire 现在拥有 18% chance to cast level 26 slow movement on casting * Chromatic ire +3 to sorceress skills removed * Chromatic ire 现在拥有 +3 to all skills * Chromatic ire +1 to cold / fire / light mastery 增加到 +1-2 cold / fire / light mastery (varies) * Chromatic ire +20-40 all resist 增加到 +25-40 all resist * Warpspear no longer has +3 to sorceress skills * Warpspear 现在拥有 +3 to all skills * Warpspear +1-2 to glacial spike (sorceress only) removed * Warpspear +1-2 to ice barrage 增加到 +2-3 to ice barrage * Warpspear 现在拥有 25% chance to cast level 10 glacial spike on casting * Skull collector 现在拥有 5% chance to cast level 14 bone armor on casting * Skull collector +1-2 to necromancer skills now always rolls +2 to necromancer skills * Ondal's wisdom 现在拥有 20% chance to cast level 20 inner sight on casting * Ondal's wisdom +2-4 all skills 增加到 +3-4 all skills * Mang song's lesson -20 to -30% to fire resist reduced to -10 to -20% * Mang song's lesson -20 to -30% to cold resist reduced to -10 to -20% * Mang song's lesson -20 to -30% to lightning resist reduced to -10 to -20% * Mang song's lesson 现在拥有 16% chance to cast level 20 lower resist on casting ==== 盾牌 Shields ==== * Darkforce spawn 6-12% chance to reanimate as hell spawn changed to 5% chance to reanimate as oblivion knight * Boneflame +2-3 to necromancer skills 增加到 +3 * Sankekur's fall +2-4 to mana after each kill replaced with +2-4 to life after each kill * Medusa's gaze +1-2 to cold skills 增加到 +2 * Medusa's gaze 10% chance to cast level 7 lower resist chance to level 14 * Head hunter's glory 16% chance to cast level 15 amplify damage on attack reworked to 12% chance to cast level 31 amplify damage on attack * Spike thorn adds 30-60 damage 增加到 adds 40-65 damage * Spike thorn attacker takes damage (28 per character level) 增加到 (30 per character level) * Radament's sphere 现在拥有 +240 poison damage over 2 seconds * Lance guard +20-35% deadly strike 增加到 +25-35% * Lance guard attackers take damage of 147-247 增加到 165-265 ==== 头盔 Helms ==== * Halaberd's reign will now display as black on the character model * Wolfhowl no longer has +3-6 feral rage oskill * Demonhorn's edge attackers take damage of 855-977 增加到 900-1050 * Overlord's helm -20% to -25% to enemy physical resistance reduced to -15% to -20% * Crown of ages 50-75% reduced curse duration reduced to 50% * Veil of steel +30-60% enhanced damage 增加到 +40-80% * Giant skull +30-60% enhanced damage 增加到 +40-80% * Steel shade +1-2 to all skills 增加到 +2 * Steel shade +30% faster block rate reduced to +20% * Steel shade +30% increased chance to block reduced to +20% * Wormskull +40 poison damage over 2 seconds 增加到 +60 poison damage over 2 seconds ==== 腰带 Belts ==== * Thundergod's vigor +2 to lightning bolt removed * Thundergod's vigor +2 to lightning fury removed * Thundergod's vigor +1 to lightning skills 增加到 +2 * Thundergod's vigor +5-10 lightning absorb removed * Arachnid mesh +10-20% faster cast rate 增加到 +15-20% * Snowclash +20-35 cold resist 增加到 +30-45 ==== 手套 Gloves ==== * Soul drainers -5% to -8% to enemy physical resist reduced to -5% * Soul drainers +2-4% to mana steal 增加到 +2-5% * Soul drainers +2-4% to life steal 增加到 +2-5% * Hellmouth -5 to -15% to enemy fire resistance reduced to -5% to -10% * Hellmouth attacker takes damage of 200-350 增加到 250-400 * Magefist now once again only roll +fire skills ==== 鞋子 Boots ==== * Infernostride 10% chance to cast level 16 blaze when struck 增加到 15% chance to cast level 16 blaze ==== 护甲 Chests ==== * The gladiator's bane attackers takes damage of 320-640 增加到 350-700 * Crow caw 35-50% enhanced damage 增加到 40-80% * Venom ward +15% to maximum poison resist reduced to +10% * Venom ward +45-90% poison resist reduced to +45-75% ==== 项链 Amulets ==== * Metalgrid attack takes damage of 700-900 增加到 750-1000 * Metalgrid 现在拥有 +2 to golem mastery oskill * The rising sun -6% to -12% to enemy fire resistance reduced to -5% to -10% * Atma's scarab 10% chance to cast level 5 amplify damage 增加到 8% chance to cast level 15 amplify damage * The third eye 10% chance to cast level 25 bone nova when struck changed to 8% chance to cast level 25 bone nova on casting ==== 戒指 Rings ==== * Wisp projector +1-3 to heart of wolverine changed reverted back to level 5 heart of wolverine (13 charges) * Wisp projector +1-3 to spirit of barbs reverted back to level 7 spirit of barbs (11 charges) * Nature's peace +3-5 to oak sage reverted back to level 5 oak sage (27 charges) * Carrion wind level 21 poison creeper (35 charges) reduced to level 11 poison creeper (35 charges) * Carrion wind attacker takes damage of 160-280 增加到 180-300 * Carrion wind 10% faster run walk removed * Raven frost cold absorb +5-10% reduced to +5% * Dwarf star fire absorb +4-8% reduced to +4-6% * The eye of mordini has been reverted to its original name “Manald Heal” === 套装物品变更 SET ITEM CHANGES === * Berserker's hauberk 3% maximum 伤害每等级 (complete set) increased from 3% to 3.5% * Arcanna's deathwand 现在拥有 15% chance to cast level 2 bonespear on casting * Cathan's rule has a 12% chance to cast level 10 blaze on casting * Bul-kathos' sacred charge 275-375% enhanced damage reduced to 200-250% * Bul-kathos' tribal guardian 275-375% enhanced damage reduced to 225-275% * Naj's light plate 现在拥有 +20% faster cast rate (2 items) bonus * Wilhelm's pride +80% Damage to Demons (3 Items) 增加到 +100% * Magnus' skin +80% Damage to Undead (3 Items) 增加到 +100% * Guillaume's face 现在拥有 -20% target defense (3 items) * Cow king's hide +18 to all resist 增加到 +15-25 (varies) * Dark adherent +100-200% damage to undead 增加到 +200-250% * Laying of hands +220 to poison damage over 2 seconds (4 items) changed to (2 items) * Credendum 现在拥有 +20% faster hit recovery (3 items) * Dangoon's teaching +1 to all skills (3 items) changed to +2 to all skills * Hwanin's justice 20% Chance to Cast Level 16 Static Field on Striking (3 Items) changed to (2 items) * Hwanin's splendor +20-40 life replenish 增加到 +30-40 * Hwanin's blessing +3-6% lightning absorb 增加到 +4-6% * Sazabi's ghost liberator +75-150% damage to demons 增加到 +100-150% * Sazabi's cobalt redeemer adds 125-175 cold damage 增加到 adds 175-250 cold damage * Griswold's honor 现在拥有 +2 to defensive auras * Immortal king's stone crusher +150-250% enhanced damage reduced to +150-200% * Immortal king's stone crusher +150-250% enhanced damage to demons reduced to +150-200% * Immortal king's stone crusher +200-300% enhanced damage to undead reduced to +150-250% * Tal rasha's lidless eye +1-2 to fire, lightning and cold mastery now rolls +2-3 * Tal rasha's +25 all resist (complete set) bonus 增加到 +50 * Trang-oul's avatar +6 to fire mastery (complete set) removed * Haemosu's adamant defense vs melee reduced from 200-400 to 200-250 * Haemosu's adamant defense vs missile reduced from 100-350 to 200-250 == 补丁 PATCHES == === 赛季 5 补丁 1 (2022-06-25) === * Fixes an issue with shared stash that in very rare cases caused missing items * Fixed some issues to improve server stability * Fixes hardcoded drops (Trang-Oul Jawbone, Worldstone Shards etc) from dropping in unreachable places * Fixes quick-cast not ending after using it for channel skills (inferno, blade fury etc) * Fixes chance-to-cast-on-casting working in Single Player mode * Fixes Occultist inventory graphic having a full black background === 赛季 5 补丁 2 (2022-06-28) === * The game server numbers have been shifted and the in game server list has been updated to reflect this * Cold enchant and enchant fire buff aoe increased by 87% * Battle cry aoe increased by 11% * Reverted several map monster from flying pathing to ground pathing * Ruins of viz'jun karvarousku the cartographer's burning dead minions health have been reduced * Map bosses will no longer be able to be knocked back or stun locked * Fixed a bug that was causing guest monsters to spawn in dungeons as an affix * Dungeon monsters guaranteed 20-30% increased attack rating and chance to pierce has been 增加到 50-75% * Decoy now properly counts as a magic skill * Dragon claw tooltip and character sheet now display its proper damage * The new season 5 maps will now properly drop (item codes: t14, t15, t26) * Korlic's leap attack now deals less damage in normal, nightmare and hell * Talic's whirlwind now deals less damage in normal, nightmare and hell * Fixed a bug for chance to cast on casting affixes in single player * Fixed crashing when leaving uber ancients * Uber ancient materials can now be split with the cube * 拉苏克谜盒碎片 can now be split with the cube * .roll now rolls from 1-100 而不是 0-99 === 赛季 5 补丁 3 (2022-06-28) === * Fixed mercenaries being unable to be rehired after rathma * Applied some shared stash bug fixes === 赛季 5 补丁 4 (2022-06-29) === * Server performance patch === 赛季 5 补丁 5 (2022-06-30) === <span class="emphasis">(was mislabeled as patch #6)</span> * Fixes bug after cancelling trade that showed your stash incorrectly before rejoining a game * Shadows of Westmarch now properly has area level 88 * Fixes Black Abyss collision map * Black Abyss boss' minions no longer give experience === 赛季 5 补丁 6 (2022-07-09) === <span class="emphasis">(was mislabeled as patch #7)</span> * Skills granted by charges will no longer reset the keybind on rejoining a game * Tier 1 monsters physical damage has been reduced by roughly 12% * Tier 2 monsters physical damage has been reduced by roughly 6% * Map contains burning soul mobs now drop from the proper ghost loot table * Clawviper in the royal crypts have had their physical resistance reduced from 115 to 105 * Moonclan in shadows of westmarch have had their physical resistance reduced from 110 to 100 * Shadows of westmarch should no longer have monsters spawning in the walls * Sewers of harrogath density increased by 8% * Canyon of Sescheron layout has been reduced in size to be similar to other tier 3 maps * Throne of insanity no longer has an invisible tile blocking the boss room * Indio the insane will now cast hydras more often * The royal crypt should no longer have monsters spawning outside the map * Kehjistan marketplace fire towers now have 40% less health * Lost temple gloams now drop from the proper ghost loot table * Sanctuary of sin dungeon layout has been improved * Sanctuary of sin dungeon boss now provides 267% more experience * Dungeon bosses loot tables have been improved * Dungeon bosses have a higher 几率掉落 scarabs * Canight the corrupted and his minions now provides 540% more experience * The synthetic one now provides 800% more experience * Lilith should no longer be able to spawn outside the map * The shadow of mendeln events drop table has been modified and improved * The shadow of mendeln event now spawns undead at the same rate throughout the event 而不是 increasing in speed * The shadow of mendeln event undead now provide 666% more experience * Uber ancients now provides 100% more experience * Uber ancients drop tables have been modified and improved * Uber ancients can now drop horadric scarabs * Uber ancient Korlic's holy freeze now deals less damage * Sigil of madawc droprate reduced by 300% * Sigil of talic droprate reduced by 250% * Sigil of korlic droprate reduced by 200% * Diablo 现在拥有 300% increased 几率掉落 prime evil souls * Baal 现在拥有 500% increased 几率掉落 prime evil souls * Black soulstone drop rate increased by 20% * Holy shield duration changed from 2 minutes base + 10 秒每等级到 5 minutes base + 5 秒每等级 * Blade dance base velocity bonus increased from 0% to 20% * Blade dance no longer locks the player in animation on level up * Tiger strike charge 持续时间增加从 1 minute to 5 minutes * Poison strike tooltip now properly displays its -40% to enemy poison resistance cap * Poison nova level 28+ scaling changed from 10-10 每等级到 11-11 * Ravens now properly scale from +% cold damage * Infernal spire 现在拥有 its proper 20% deadly strike bonus from the dagger implicit mod (this will only apply to newly dropped items) * Eaglehorn's bonus raven damage bonus will no longer display red once corrupted * Crescent moon in a polearm or spear will now properly roll -10 to -15% enemy lightning resist 而不是 -5 to -15% (this will only apply to newly made runewords) * The third eye amulet now properly has its chance to cast when cast proc 而不是 chance to cast when struck (this will only apply to newly dropped items) * Doom runeword in a melee weapon should now properly have its molten boulder on striking proc 而不是 on casting (this will only apply to newly made runewords) === 赛季 5 补丁 7 (2022-07-16) === <span class="emphasis">(was mislabeled as patch #8)</span> * Improved server stability * Fixed some general shared stash issues * In the event of a stash bug the game will now move items to the nearest available space 而不是 deleting them * Item charges should no longer bug when under 2 charges * Shadows of westmarch is now its proper area level (88) * Arreat battlefield is now its proper area level (88) PVP Changes * Removed cooldown on charge and mind blast in the PVP arena in Normal mode * Reduced cooldown on charge from 4 -> 2 and cooldown on mind blast from 6 -> 5 in PVP arena in Hell mode * Removed teleport damage debuff in the PVP arena in Normal mode * Removed Whirlwind Dual Wield damage frame penalty in PVP arena in all modes * Increased Battle Cry duration in PVP arena from 5 -> 10 seconds * Pvp arenas now have maximum resistance caps based on difficulty ** Normal = 75 ** Nightmare = 80 ** Hell = 85 PVP modifier damage changes: * Normal/Nightmare: ** Shock Wave 250% -> 175% ** Fire Claw 400% -> 300% ** Bone Spear 90% -> 80% ** Bash 125% -> 100% ** Stun 125% -> 100% ** Concentrate 125% -> 100% ** Charged Strike 150% -> 100% ** Power Strike 150% -> 100% ** Lightning Bolt 150% -> 100% ** Lightning Fury 150% -> 100% * Hell: ** Bone Spear 60% -> 50% === 赛季 5 补丁 8 (2022-09-22) === <span class="emphasis">(was mislabeled as patch #9)</span> * Fire golem now displays its iron golem defense synergies * Valkyrie lightning resistance penetration tooltip is now displaying its proper value 每等级 而不是 its total value * Fixed power strike tooltip not displaying +% lightning damage bonuses on the nova * Fixed wake of inferno synergies not applying properly * Fixed thunder storm/armageddon/hurricane buff timers not updating on recast * Fixed javelin throw mastery damage bonus not showing up in the stat screen * Fixed a bug that causes your physical damage to be reduced if the target has flat MDR and the attack deals less elemental damage than the target's MDR (vanilla MDR bug) * Fixed multiple bugs that occasionally caused server crashes PVP Changes: * Disabled auto-aim (i.e. FoH) in PvP arenas * Removed namelock from mind blast in PvP arenas * Changed the way PvP skill damage modifiers work to allow different modifier for each damage type * Changed PvP modifiers to reflect the above change and changed some modifiers based on feedback of pvpers: * Blade sentinel pvp modifier only reduces physical damage * Blade fury pvp modifier only reduces physical damage * Blade dance pvp modifier only reduces physical damage * Smite pvp modifier only reduces physical damage * Joust pvp modifier reduces all damage and changed from 25% -> 20% (N/NM/H) * Zeal pvp modifier only reduces physical damage * Zeal physical damage changed from 100% -> 85% (N/NM) * Vengeance physical damage 100% * Vengeance fire/cold/lightning damage 175% (N/NM) * Holy nova changed from 200% -> 70% (N/NM) * Rabies poison damage 200% * Maul physical damage 200% * Fire claws fire damage 300% * Raven damage changed from 90% -> 60% (N/NM) * Double swing physical damage 200% (N/NM) * Double throw physical damage 115% (N/NM) * Berserk physical damage 125% (N/NM) * Whirlwind physical damage 85% (H) 90% (N/NM) * Thunder Storm changed from 150% -> 120% (N/NM) * Fire Wall changed from 150% -> 100% (N/NM) * Fire Bolt changed from 120% -> 100% (N/NM) * Fire Ball changed from 110% -> 100% (N/NM) * Nova changed from 175% -> 125% (N/NM) * Lesser hydra changed from 85% -> 25% (N/NM) * Hydra changed from 110% -> 100% (N/NM) * Combustion changed from 110% -> 100% (N/NM) * Lightning bolt lightning damage changed from 100% -> 60% (N/NM) * Lightning fury physical damage changed from 100% -> 60% (N/NM) * Poison javelin physical damage changed from 140% -> 60%, Poison damage remains 140% (N/NM) * Plague javelin physical damage changed from 135% -> 60%, Poison damage remains 135% (N/NM) * Ice arrow cold damage 150% (N/NM) * Freezing arrow cold damage 150% (N/NM) * Immolation arrow fire damage 175% (N/NM) * Strafe physical damage changed from 100% -> 65% (N/NM) * Throw physical damage changed from 100% -> 60% (N/NM/H) |}
Patch:Season 5
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