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Summoning Skills (Druid)
<noinclude>This page lists Druid skills from the '''Summoning''' skill tree. Other Druid skills: [[Elemental_Skills|Elemental]], [[Shape_Shifting_Skills|Shape Shifting]], [[All Druid Skills]]</noinclude> This page has outdated info - these changes have not been updated: * Spirit of Barbs: Damage returned * Heart of Wolverine: Damgae & attack rating <noinclude> __TOC__ </noinclude> <noinclude>{{Clickable button 2|Summoning Skills (Druid)|Expand/Collapse All|class=expand-or-collapse-all-button nomobile|style=background-color:#1F160C;color:#F9C666;min-height: 0px;}}</noinclude> == Raven == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Raven.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon Ravens to peck out the eyes of your enemies *<b>Required Level:</b> 1 *<b>Required Skills:</b> None </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Cold Damage (min) |2||2||3||3||4||4||5||5||7||7||8||9||10||11||12||13||22||30||39||47||56||64||75||86||97||108||119||130||144||157||171||184||198||211||225||238||252||265||279||292||306||319||333||346||360||373||387||400||414||427||441||454||468||481||495||508||522||535||549||562 |- ! scope="row" | Cold Damage (max) |3||3||4||4||5||5||6||6||9||9||11||12||14||15||17||18||27||36||45||54||63||72||84||95||107||118||130||141||155||169||183||197||211||225||239||253||267||281||295||309||323||337||351||365||379||393||407||421||435||449||463||477||491||505||519||533||547||561||575||589 |- ! scope="row" | Damage (min) |2||2||3||3||4||4||5||5||7||7||8||9||10||11||12||13||22||30||39||47||56||64||75||86||97||108||119||130||144||157||171||184||198||211||225||238||252||265||279||292||306||319||333||346||360||373||387||400||414||427||441||454||468||481||495||508||522||535||549||562 |- ! scope="row" | Damage (max) |3||3||4||4||5||5||6||6||9||9||11||12||14||15||17||18||27||36||45||54||63||72||84||95||107||118||130||141||155||169||183||197||211||225||239||253||267||281||295||309||323||337||351||365||379||393||407||421||435||449||463||477||491||505||519||533||547||561||575||589 |- ! scope="row" | Total Ravens |3||4||5||6||7||8||9||10||11||12||13||14||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15||15 |- ! scope="row" | Mana Cost |1.5||1.7||2||2.2||2.5||2.7||3||3.2||3.5||3.7||4||4.2||4.5||4.7||5||5.2||5.5||5.7||6||6.2||6.5||6.7||7||7.2||7.5||7.7||8||8.2||8.5||8.7||9||9.2||9.5||9.7||10||10.2||10.5||10.7||11||11.2||11.5||11.7||12||12.2||12.5||12.7||13||13.2||13.5||13.7||14||14.2||14.5||14.7||15||15.2||15.5||15.7||16||16.2 |} {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Hard Level ! scope="col" | 0 !! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 |- ! scope="row" | Ravens per cast |1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||3 |} Ravens hit 5 times Cold Length: 4 seconds <b>Raven Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Summon Spirit Wolf: +12% Damage per Level *Summon Dire Wolf: +12% Damage per Level *Summon Grizzly: +12% Damage per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Raven --> |- | <b>Season 6:</b> * Ravens should now properly scale from +% cold damage bonuses even when Eaglehorn is not equipped (was previously bugged) * Eaglehorn should now apply its bonus raven damage at its proper values <b>Season 5:</b> * Ravens now properly scale from +% cold damage ''(patch 6)'' <b>Season 4:</b> * druids may now summon up to 15 ravens from 12 <b>Season 1:</b> * attacks no longer blind their targets, but now deal half cold and half physical damage and are viable damage dealers * ravens persist while teleporting, cannot take damage, and are not affected by auras or any player buffs * can go up to a total of 12 ravens simultaneously, with every 10 hard points summoning an additional raven per cast * now has Summon Spirit Wolf, Summon Dire Wolf, & Summon Grizzly as synergies at 12% * mana cost starts lower and scales per level <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Raven Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Poison Creeper == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Poison Creeper.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a vine that spreads disease to all it contacts and reduces their poison resistance *<b>Required Level:</b> 1 *<b>Required Skills:</b> None </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Enemy Poison Resistance % | |-5||-6||-7||-8||-9||-10||-11||-12||-13||-14||-15||-16||-17||-18||-19||-20||-21||-22||-23||-24||-25||-26||-27||-28||-29||-30||-31||-32||-33||-34||-35||-36||-37||-38||-39||-40||-41||-42||-43||-44||-45||-46||-47||-48||-49||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50||-50 |- ! scope="row" | Poison Damage (min) |3||6||9||12||15||18||21||25||31||37||43||50||56||62||68||75||100||125||150||175||200||225||275||325||375||425||475||525||625||725||825||925||1025||1125||1225||1325||1425||1525||1625||1725||1825||1925||2025||2125||2225||2325||2425||2525||2625||2725||2825||2925||3025||3125||3225||3325||3425||3525||3625||3725 |- ! scope="row" | Poison Damage (max) |6||9||12||15||18||21||25||28||34||40||46||53||59||65||71||78||103||128||153||178||203||228||278||328||378||428||478||528||628||728||828||928||1028||1128||1228||1328||1428||1528||1628||1728||1828||1928||2028||2128||2228||2328||2428||2528||2628||2728||2828||2928||3028||3128||3228||3328||3428||3528||3628||3728 |} {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Hard Level ! scope="col" | 0 !! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 |- ! scope="row" | Total Creeper Vines |1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||2||3 |} Poison Duration: 4 seconds Mana Cost: 8 Resistances are reduced at 1/2 effectiveness when those resistances are above 99% (immunes) or below 0% <b>Poison Creeper Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Carrion Vine: +30% Poison Damage per Level *Solar Creeper: +30% Poison Damage per Level *Rabies: +30% Poison Damage per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Poison Creeper --> |- | <b>Season 6:</b> * Poison creeper synergies increased from 22% to 30% * Poison creeper poison resistance debuff now caps at -50% poison resist * Poison creeper movement speed increased by roughly 600% <b>Season 5:</b> * Poison creeper ai delay reduced by 20% * Poison creeper now attacks poison immune monsters (this allows it to apply its negative poison resist debuff which can break poison immunities) * Poison creeper can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage <b>Season 3:</b> * Poison creeper now gains +100% life per level from +25% * Poison creeper now reduces enemies poison resist by -5% at level 1 and gains 1% per soft point (can remove immunities) * Poison creeper level 1-8 scaling reduced from 4-4 per level to 1-1 (bitrate) * Poison creeper level 1-16 scaling reduced from 10-10 per level to 2-2 (bitrate) * Poison creeper level 16-22 scaling reduced from 18-18 to 8-8 (bitrate) * Poison creeper level 22-28 scaling reduced from 28-28 to 16-16 (bitrate) * Poison creeper level 28+ scaling reduced from 38-38 to 32-32 (bitrate) * Poison creeper synergies increased from 20% to 22% * Poison creeper now gains an additional 50% base health per difficulty * You may now summon an additional poison creeper every 10 base levels * Poison creeper will now display how many you have in the icon * Poison creeper no longer counts towards the carrion vine and solar creeper vine limit <b>Season 2:</b> * damage scaling rebalanced and increased * synergies increased from 8% to 20% * now counts as a poison skill (for items that add +X to Poison Skills) <b>Season 1:</b> * damage buffed * now has Carrion Vine, Solar Creeper, & Rabies as synergies at 8% <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Poison_Creeper Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Heart of Wolverine == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Heart of Wolverine.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a spirit pet that adds to the damage and attack rating of you and your party *<b>Required Level:</b> 6 *<b>Required Skills:</b> None </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Damage +% |25||35||45||55||65||75||85||95||105||115||125||135||145||155||165||175||185||195||205||215||225||235||245||255||265||275||285||295||305||315||325||335||345||355||365||375||385||395||405||415||425||435||445||455||465||475||485||495||505||515||525||535||545||555||565||575||585||595||605||615 |- ! scope="row" | Attack Rating +% |25||32||39||46||53||60||67||74||81||88||95||102||109||116||123||130||137||144||151||158||165||172||179||186||193||200||207||214||221||228||235||242||249||256||263||270||277||284||291||298||305||312||319||326||333||340||347||354||361||368||375||382||389||396||403||410||417||424||431||438 |- ! scope="row" | Radius (yards) |20||21.3||22.6||24||25.3||26.6||28||29.3||30.6||32||33.3||34.6||36||37.3||38.6||40||41.3||42.6||44||45.3||46.6||48||49.3||50.6||52||53.3||54.6||56||57.3||58.6||60||61.3||62.6||64||65.3||66.6||68||69.3||70.6||72||73.3||74.6||76||77.3||78.6||80||81.3||82.6||84||85.3||86.6||88||89.3||90.6||92||93.3||94.6||96||97.3||98.6 |- ! scope="row" | Mana Cost |10||11||12||13||14||15||16||17||18||19||20||21||22||23||24||25||26||27||28||29||30||31||32||33||34||35||36||37||38||39||40||41||42||43||44||45||46||47||48||49||50||51||52||53||54||55||56||57||58||59||60||61||62||63||64||65||66||67||68||69 |} {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Heart of Wolverine --> |- | <b>Season 6:</b> * Heart of the wolverine is now providing its proper values * Now provides its proper 10% enhanced damage per level (was incorrectly providing 7%) * Now provides its proper base 25% enhanced damage (was incorrectly providing 20%) * Heart of the wolverine attack rating per level increased from 7% to 10% <b>Season 5:</b> * Heart of the wolverine can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage <b>Season 4:</b> * heart of wolverine base damage bonus increased from 20% to 25% * heart of wolverine now grants 10% damage per level from 7% <b>Season 1:</b> * moved in the skill tree, requires level 6 (was 18) * prerequisites reduced from 1 to 0 (no longer requires Oak Sage) * no longer requires Oak Sage as a prerequisite * life buffed * starting mana cost reduced to 10 (was 20) <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Heart_of_Wolverine Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Summon Spirit Wolf == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Summon Spirit Wolf.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a wolf with teleporting ability to fight by your side *<b>Required Level:</b> 12 *<b>Required Skills:</b> Raven [1], Heart of Wolverine [6] </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Normal) |113||134||156||177||198||220||241||262||284||305||326||348||369||390||412||433||454||476||497||518||539||560||581||603||624||645||667||688||709||731||752||773||795||816||837||859||880||901||923||944||965||986||1007||1028||1050||1071||1092||1114||1135||1156||1178||1199||1220||1242||1263||1284||1306||1327||1348||1370 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Nightmare) |185||220||255||290||324||359||394||429||464||498||533||568||603||638||672||707||742||777||812||846||881||916||951||986||1020||1055||1090||1125||1160||1194||1229||1264||1299||1334||1368||1403||1438||1473||1508||1542||1577||1612||1647||1682||1716||1751||1786||1821||1856||1890||1925||1960||1995||2030||2064||2099||2134||2169||2204||2238 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Hell) |219||260||301||342||383||424||465||506||548||589||630||671||712||753||794||835||876||917||959||1000||1041||1082||1123||1164||1205||1246||1287||1328||1370||1411||1452||1493||1534||1575||1616||1657||1698||1739||1781||1822||1863||1904||1945||1986||2027||2068||2109||2150||2192||2233||2274||2315||2356||2397||2438||2479||2520||2561||2603||2644 |- ! scope="row" | Damage (min) |12||15||18||21||24||27||30||33||37||41||45||49||53||57||61||65||70||75||80||85||90||95||101||107||113||119||125||131||138||145||152||159||166||173||180||187||194||201||208||215||222||229||236||243||250||257||264||271||278||285||292||299||306||313||320||327||334||341||348||355 |- ! scope="row" | Damage (max) |18||21||24||27||30||33||36||39||43||47||51||55||59||63||67||71||76||81||86||91||96||101||107||113||119||125||131||137||144||151||158||165||172||179||186||193||200||207||214||221||228||235||242||249||256||263||270||277||284||291||298||305||312||319||326||333||340||347||354||361 |- ! scope="row" | Total Spirit Wolves |1||2||3||4||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5||5 |- ! scope="row" | Attack Rating +% |50||75||100||125||150||175||200||225||250||275||300||325||350||375||400||425||450||475||500||525||550||575||600||625||650||675||700||725||750||775||800||825||850||875||900||925||950||975||1000||1025||1050||1075||1100||1125||1150||1175||1200||1225||1250||1275||1300||1325||1350||1375||1400||1425||1450||1475||1500||1525 |- ! scope="row" | Defense +% |57||74||91||108||125||142||159||176||193||210||227||244||261||278||295||312||329||346||363||380||397||414||431||448||465||482||499||516||533||550||567||584||601||618||635||652||669||686||703||720||737||754||771||788||805||822||839||856||873||890||907||924||941||958||975||992||1009||1026||1043||1060 |- ! scope="row" | All Resist |20||23||26||29||32||35||38||41||44||47||50||53||56||59||62||65||68||71||74||77||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80 |} Mana Cost: 15 <b>Summon Spirit Wolf Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Raven: +6% Damage per Level *Summon Dire Wolf: +6% Damage per Level *Summon Grizzly: +6% Damage per Level *Werewolf: +6% Damage per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Summon Spirit Wolf --> |- | <b>Season 5:</b> * Spirit wolves now have melee splash * Spirit wolves base run speed increased by 10% * Spirit wolf werebear -9% damage synergy removed * Spirit wolf will now display its proper defense values <b>Season 1:</b> * moved in the skill tree, requires level 12 (was 6) * prerequisites increased from 1 to 2 (now also requires Heart of Wolverine) * can now be summoned alongside Dire Wolf & Grizzly * now has multiple damage synergies instead of just Summon Grizzly * attack bonus nerfed * defense bonus nerfed * life buffed, now gains life per level, no longer has life synergy from Summon Dire Wolf * damage buffed <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Summon_Spirit_Wolf Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Carrion Vine == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Carrion Vine.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a vine that eats corpses and replenishes life for you and your party *<b>Required Level:</b> 12 *<b>Required Skills:</b> Poison Creeper [1] </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Heals (min) |24||28||32||36||40||44||48||52||56||60||64||68||72||76||80||84||88||92||96||100||104||108||112||116||120||124||128||132||136||140||144||148||152||156||160||164||168||172||176||180||184||188||192||196||200||204||208||212||216||220||224||228||232||236||240||244||248||252||256||260 |- ! scope="row" | Heals (max) |44||48||52||56||60||64||68||72||76||80||84||88||92||96||100||104||108||112||116||120||124||128||132||136||140||144||148||152||156||160||164||168||172||176||180||184||188||192||196||200||204||208||212||216||220||224||228||232||236||240||244||248||252||256||260||264||268||272||276||280 |} Mana Cost: 10 <b>Carrion Vine Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Oak Sage: +2-4 Life Healed per Level *Solar Creeper: +2-4 Life Healed per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Carrion Vine --> |- | <b>Season 6:</b> * Carrion vine movement speed increased by roughly 600% <b>Season 5:</b> * Carrion vine ai delay reduced by 20% * Carrion vine will now consume corpses even if the player is at full mana * Carrion vine can now be summoned at the same time solar creeper * Carrion vine can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage <b>Season 3:</b> * Carrion vine now gains +52% life per level from +25% * Carrion vine now gains an additional 50% base health per difficulty * Can now be summoned alongside Poison Creepers <b>Season 1:</b> * now recovers a flat amount of life instead of a percentage <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Carrion_Vine Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Spirit of Barbs == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Spirit of Barbs.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a spirit pet that returns damage to enemies who attack you or your party *<b>Required Level:</b> 18 *<b>Required Skills:</b> Heart of Wolverine [6] </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Damage Returned |15||23||31||39||47||55||63||71||87||103||119||135||151||167||183||199||227||255||283||311||339||367||411||455||499||543||587||631||695||759||823||887||951||1015||1079||1143||1207||1271||1335||1399||1463||1527||1591||1655||1719||1783||1847||1911||1975||2039||2103||2167||2231||2295||2359||2423||2487||2551||2615||2679 |- ! scope="row" | Radius (yards) |20||21.3||22.6||24||25.3||26.6||28||29.3||30.6||32||33.3||34.6||36||37.3||38.6||40||41.3||42.6||44||45.3||46.6||48||49.3||50.6||52||53.3||54.6||56||57.3||58.6||60||61.3||62.6||64||65.3||66.6||68||69.3||70.6||72||73.3||74.6||76||77.3||78.6||80||81.3||82.6||84||85.3||86.6||88||89.3||90.6||92||93.3||94.6||96||97.3||98.6 |- ! scope="row" | Mana Cost |25||26||27||28||29||30||31||32||33||34||35||36||37||38||39||40||41||42||43||44||45||46||47||48||49||50||51||52||53||54||55||56||57||58||59||60||61||62||63||64||65||66||67||68||69||70||71||72||73||74||75||76||77||78||79||80||81||82||83||84 |} <b>Spirit of the Barbs Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Carrion Vine: +5% Damage Returned per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Spirit of Barbs --> |- | <b>Season 7:</b> * Now has a 5% synergy with Carrion Vine <b>Season 5:</b> * Spirit of barbs can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage * Spirit of barbs level 16-22 damage per level increased from 28 to 32 * Spirit of barbs level 22-28 damage per level increased from 44 to 48 <b>Season 1:</b> * moved in the skill tree, requires level 18 (was 30) * prerequisites reduced from 2 to 1 (no longer requires Oak Sage) * life buffed * now deals a flat amount of damage to attackers instead of reflecting a percentage <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Spirit_of_Barbs Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Summon Dire Wolf == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Summon Dire Wolf.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a wolf that becomes enraged, eating corpses to increase damage it does to enemies *<b>Required Level:</b> 24 *<b>Required Skills:</b> Raven [1], Heart of Wolverine [6], Summon Spirit Wolf [12] </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Defense +% |5||10||15||20||25||30||35||40||45||50||55||60||65||70||75||80||85||90||95||100||105||110||115||120||125||130||135||140||145||150||155||160||165||170||175||180||185||190||195||200||205||210||215||220||225||230||235||240||245||250||255||260||265||270||275||280||285||290||295||300 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Normal) |171||216||262||307||353||399||444||490||535||581||627||672||718||763||809||855||900||946||991||1037||1083||1128||1174||1219||1265||1311||1356||1402||1447||1493||1539||1584||1630||1675||1721||1767||1812||1858||1903||1949||1995||2040||2086||2131||2177||2223||2268||2314||2359||2405||2451||2496||2542||2587||2633||2679||2724||2770||2815||2861 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Nightmare) |193||245||296||348||399||451||503||555||606||657||709||761||812||864||915||967||1019||1070||1122||1173||1225||1277||1328||1380||1431||1483||1535||1586||1638||1689||1741||1793||1844||1896||1947||1999||2051||2102||2154||2205||2257||2309||2360||2412||2463||2515||2567||2618||2670||2721||2773||2825||2876||2928||2979||3031||3083||3134||3186||3237 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Hell) |216||273||331||388||446||504||562||619||677||734||792||849||907||964||1022||1080||1138||1195||1253||1310||1368||1425||1483||1540||1598||1656||1714||1771||1829||1886||1944||2001||2059||2116||2174||2232||2290||2347||2405||2462||2520||2577||2635||2692||2750||2808||2866||2923||2981||3038||3096||3153||3211||3268||3326||3384||3442||3499||3557||3614 |- ! scope="row" | Damage (min) |33||36||39||42||45||48||51||54||58||62||66||70||74||78||82||86||91||96||101||106||111||116||122||128||134||140||146||152||158||164||170||176||182||188||194||200||206||212||218||224||230||236||242||248||254||260||266||272||278||284||290||296||302||308||314||320||326||332||338||344 |- ! scope="row" | Damage (max) |38||42||46||50||54||58||62||66||71||76||81||86||91||96||101||106||112||118||124||130||136||142||149||156||163||170||177||184||191||198||205||212||219||226||233||240||247||254||261||268||275||282||289||296||303||310||317||324||331||338||345||352||359||366||373||380||387||394||401||408 |- ! scope="row" | Total Dire Wolves |1||2||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3||3 |- ! scope="row" | Life +% |50||90||130||170||210||250||290||330||370||410||450||490||530||570||610||650||690||730||770||810||850||890||930||970||1010||1050||1090||1130||1170||1210||1250||1290||1330||1370||1410||1450||1490||1530||1570||1610||1650||1690||1730||1770||1810||1850||1890||1930||1970||2010||2050||2090||2130||2170||2210||2250||2290||2330||2370||2410 |- ! scope="row" | All Resist |20||23||26||29||32||35||38||41||44||47||50||53||56||59||62||65||68||71||74||77||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80 |} Base Attack Rating Bonus: 25% Mana Cost: 20 <b>Summon Dire Wolf Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Raven: +4% Damage per Level *Summon Spirit Wolf: +4% Damage per Level *Summon Spirit Wolf: +25% Attack Rating per Level *Summon Grizzly: +4% Damage per Level *Werewolf: +4% Damage per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Summon Dire Wolf --> |- | <b>Season 5:</b> * Dire wolves now have melee splash * Dire wolves base run speed increased by 10% * Dire wolves werebear -6% damage synergy removed * Dire wolves will now display its proper defense values <b>Season 1:</b> * moved in the skill tree, requires level 24 (was 18) * prerequisites changed (now requires Heart of Wolverine instead of Oak Sage) * can now be summoned alongside Spirit Wolf & Grizzly * now has multiple damage synergies instead of just Summon Grizzly * defense buffed, no longer has defense synergy from Summon Spirit Wolf * life buffed * no longer gains bonus attack rating per level <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Summon_Dire_Wolf Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Solar Creeper == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Solar Creeper.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a vine that eats corpses and recovers mana for you and your party *<b>Required Level:</b> 24 *<b>Required Skills:</b> Poison Creeper [1], Carrion Vine [12] </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Mana Recovered (min) |18||21||24||27||30||33||36||39||42||45||48||51||54||57||60||63||66||69||72||75||78||81||84||87||90||93||96||99||102||105||108||111||114||117||120||123||126||129||132||135||138||141||144||147||150||153||156||159||162||165||168||171||174||177||180||183||186||189||192||195 |- ! scope="row" | Mana Recovered (max) |28||31||34||37||40||43||46||49||52||55||58||61||64||67||70||73||76||79||82||85||88||91||94||97||100||103||106||109||112||115||118||121||124||127||130||133||136||139||142||145||148||151||154||157||160||163||166||169||172||175||178||181||184||187||190||193||196||199||202||205 |- ! scope="row" | Mana Cost |14||15||16||17||18||19||20||21||22||23||24||25||26||27||28||29||30||31||32||33||34||35||36||37||38||39||40||41||42||43||44||45||46||47||48||49||50||51||52||53||54||55||56||57||58||59||60||61||62||63||64||65||66||67||68||69||70||71||72||73 |} <b>Solar Creeper Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Oak Sage: +1-3 Mana Recovered per Level *Carrion Vine: +1-3 Mana Recovered per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Solar Creeper --> |- | <b>Season 6:</b> * Solar creeper movement speed increased by roughly 600% <b>Season 5:</b> * Solar creeper ai delay reduced by 20% * Solar creeper will now consume corpses even if the player is at full life * Solar creeper can now be summoned at the same time as carrion vine * Solar creeper can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage <b>Season 3:</b> * Solar creeper now gains +30% life per level from +20% * Solar creeper now gains an additional 50% base health per difficulty * Can now be summoned alongside Poison Creepers <b>Season 1:</b> * now recovers a flat amount of mana instead of a percentage <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Solar_Creeper Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Oak Sage == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Oak Sage.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a spirit pet that increases life and grants health regeneration for you and your party *<b>Required Level:</b> 30 *<b>Required Skills:</b> Heart of Wolverine [6], Spirit of Barbs [18] </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Life Replenish |12||16||20||24||28||32||36||40||44||48||52||56||60||64||68||72||77||82||87||92||97||102||107||112||117||122||127||132||137||142||147||152||157||162||167||172||177||182||187||192||197||202||207||212||217||222||227||232||237||242||247||252||257||262||267||272||277||282||287||292 |- ! scope="row" | Max Life |50||62||74||86||98||110||122||134||148||162||176||190||204||218||232||246||262||278||294||310||326||342||360||378||396||414||432||450||470||490||510||530||550||570||590||610||630||650||670||690||710||730||750||770||790||810||830||850||870||890||910||930||950||970||990||1010||1030||1050||1070||1090 |- ! scope="row" | Radius (yards) |20||21.3||22.6||24||25.3||26.6||28||29.3||30.6||32||33.3||34.6||36||37.3||38.6||40||41.3||42.6||44||45.3||46.6||48||49.3||50.6||52||53.3||54.6||56||57.3||58.6||60||61.3||62.6||64||65.3||66.6||68||69.3||70.6||72||73.3||74.6||76||77.3||78.6||80||81.3||82.6||84||85.3||86.6||88||89.3||90.6||92||93.3||94.6||96||97.3||98.6 |- ! scope="row" | Mana Cost |15||16||17||18||19||20||21||22||23||24||25||26||27||28||29||30||31||32||33||34||35||36||37||38||39||40||41||42||43||44||45||46||47||48||49||50||51||52||53||54||55||56||57||58||59||60||61||62||63||64||65||66||67||68||69||70||71||72||73||74 |} <b>Oak Sage Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Carrion Vine: +12 Life Healed per Level *Solar Creeper: +12 Life Healed per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Oak Sage --> |- | <b>Season 5:</b> * Oak sage can no longer be targeted by monsters or take damage * Oak sage level 1 health bonus reduced from 65 to 50 * Oak sage level 1-8 scaling reduced from 20 to 12 * Oak sage level 8-16 scaling reduced from 20 to 14 * Oak sage level 16-22 scaling reduced from 20 to 16 * Oak sage level 22-28 scaling reduced from 20 to 18 <b>Season 3:</b> * Oak sage increased from 10 life per level to 20 life per level <b>Season 2:</b> * regen scaling reworked and increased (synergies now grant +12 Life Healed per level) <b>Season 1:</b> * moved in the skill tree, requires level 30 (was 6) * prerequisites increased from 0 to 2 (now requires Heart of Wolverine, Spirit of Barbs) * life buffed * now grants a flat amount of life instead of a percentage * now has Carrion Vine & Solar Creeper as synergies which grant 0.5 Health Regeneration per level <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Oak_Sage Vanilla Info]</b> |} == Summon Grizzly == <div class="skill-image">[[File:Summon Grizzly.png|left]]</div> <div class="skill-info"> *<b>Description:</b> Summon a ferocious grizzly bear. Can summon an additional grizzly bear at base level 20 *<b>Required Level:</b> 30 *<b>Required Skills:</b> Raven [1], Heart of Wolverine [6], Summon Spirit Wolf [12], Summon Dire Wolf [24] </div> {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Level ! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 !! scope="col" | 21 !! scope="col" | 22 !! scope="col" | 23 !! scope="col" | 24 !! scope="col" | 25 !! scope="col" | 26 !! scope="col" | 27 !! scope="col" | 28 !! scope="col" | 29 !! scope="col" | 30 !! scope="col" | 31 !! scope="col" | 32 !! scope="col" | 33 !! scope="col" | 34 !! scope="col" | 35 !! scope="col" | 36 !! scope="col" | 37 !! scope="col" | 38 !! scope="col" | 39 !! scope="col" | 40 !! scope="col" | 41 !! scope="col" | 42 !! scope="col" | 43 !! scope="col" | 44 !! scope="col" | 45 !! scope="col" | 46 !! scope="col" | 47 !! scope="col" | 48 !! scope="col" | 49 !! scope="col" | 50 !! scope="col" | 51 !! scope="col" | 52 !! scope="col" | 53 !! scope="col" | 54 !! scope="col" | 55 !! scope="col" | 56 !! scope="col" | 57 !! scope="col" | 58 !! scope="col" | 59 !! scope="col" | 60 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Normal) |676||689||702||715||728||741||754||767||780||793||806||819||832||845||858||871||884||897||910||923||936||949||962||975||988||1001||1014||1027||1040||1053||1066||1079||1092||1105||1118||1131||1144||1157||1170||1183||1196||1209||1222||1235||1248||1261||1274||1287||1300||1313||1326||1339||1352||1365||1378||1391||1404||1417||1430||1443 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Nightmare) |1352||1378||1404||1430||1456||1482||1508||1534||1560||1586||1612||1638||1664||1690||1716||1742||1768||1794||1820||1846||1872||1898||1924||1950||1976||2002||2028||2054||2080||2106||2132||2158||2184||2210||2236||2262||2288||2314||2340||2366||2392||2418||2444||2470||2496||2522||2548||2574||2600||2626||2652||2678||2704||2730||2756||2782||2808||2834||2860||2886 |- ! scope="row" | Life (Hell) |2028||2067||2106||2145||2184||2223||2262||2301||2340||2379||2418||2457||2496||2535||2574||2613||2652||2691||2730||2769||2808||2847||2886||2925||2964||3003||3042||3081||3120||3159||3198||3237||3276||3315||3354||3393||3432||3471||3510||3549||3588||3627||3666||3705||3744||3783||3822||3861||3900||3939||3978||4017||4056||4095||4134||4173||4212||4251||4290||4329 |- ! scope="row" | Defense +% |5||10||15||20||25||30||35||40||45||50||55||60||65||70||75||80||85||90||95||100||105||110||115||120||125||130||135||140||145||150||155||160||165||170||175||180||185||190||195||200||205||210||215||220||225||230||235||240||245||250||255||260||265||270||275||280||285||290||295||300 |- ! scope="row" | All Resist |20||23||26||29||32||35||38||41||44||47||50||53||56||59||62||65||68||71||74||77||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80||80 |- ! scope="row" | Base Damage (min) |20||23||26||29||32||35||38||41||45||49||53||57||61||65||69||73||78||83||88||93||98||103||109||115||121||127||133||139||146||153||160||167||174||181||188||195||202||209||216||223||230||237||244||251||258||265||272||279||286||293||300||307||314||321||328||335||342||349||356||363 |- ! scope="row" | Base Damage (max) |30||33||36||39||42||45||48||51||55||59||63||67||71||75||79||83||88||93||98||103||108||113||119||125||131||137||143||149||156||163||170||177||184||191||198||205||212||219||226||233||240||247||254||261||268||275||282||289||296||303||310||317||324||331||338||345||352||359||366||373 |- ! scope="row" | Damage +% |25||35||45||55||65||75||85||95||105||115||125||135||145||155||165||175||185||195||205||215||225||235||245||255||265||275||285||295||305||315||325||335||345||355||365||375||385||395||405||415||425||435||445||455||465||475||485||495||505||515||525||535||545||555||565||575||585||595||605||615 |} {| class="wikitable" ! scope="col" | Hard Level ! scope="col" | 0 !! scope="col" | 1 !! scope="col" | 2 !! scope="col" | 3 !! scope="col" | 4 !! scope="col" | 5 !! scope="col" | 6 !! scope="col" | 7 !! scope="col" | 8 !! scope="col" | 9 !! scope="col" | 10 !! scope="col" | 11 !! scope="col" | 12 !! scope="col" | 13 !! scope="col" | 14 !! scope="col" | 15 !! scope="col" | 16 !! scope="col" | 17 !! scope="col" | 18 !! scope="col" | 19 !! scope="col" | 20 |- ! scope="row" | Total Grizzly Bears |1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||1||2 |} Base Attack Rating Bonus: 25% Mana Cost: 40 <b>Summon Grizzly Receives Bonuses From:</b> *Raven: +6% Damage per Level *Summon Spirit Wolf: +25% Attack Rating per Level *Summon Spirit Wolf: +6% Damage per Level *Summon Dire Wolf: +6% Damage per Level *Werebear: +6% Damage per Level {| class="non-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ Changelog<!-- Summon Grizzly --> |- | <b>Season 6:</b> * Summon grizzly now has a 1 second cooldown (cooldowns are no longer shared with other skills) * Summon grizzly defense bonus tooltip is now displaying its proper values <b>Season 5:</b> * Grizzly bear werewolf -12% damage synergy removed <b>Season 1:</b> * prerequisites changed (now requires Heart of Wolverine instead of Oak Sage) * can now be summoned alongside Spirit Wolf & Dire Wolf * now deals splash damage * can now summon an additional Grizzly with 20 hard points * now has multiple damage synergies * base damage nerfed * attack bonus nerfed, no longer gains attack rating per level * defense bonus buffed, no longer has defense synergy from Summon Spirit Wolf * life buffed, now gains life per level, no longer has life synergy from Summon Dire Wolf <b>[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php?title=Summon_Grizzly Vanilla Info]</b> |}
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