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删除317字节 、​ 2024年12月11日 (星期三)
第41行: 第41行:
(无论情况如何, 物品丢失将不予追回)
(无论情况如何, 物品丢失将不予追回)

6) Griefing players of the community is not allowed. This includes any form of trying to ruin another players gameplay experience with seal popping, dirty tps, harassment and PK attempts.
6) 不允许恶意破坏社区玩家. 这包括任何形式的试图破坏其他玩家的游戏体验如爆粗口, 肮脏的 tps, 骚扰和 PK 尝试.
The only time a moderator will enforce a griefing report within a duel game is when a player has documented video proof that a player is griefing a game and preventing other players from dueling
: Hostiling players for the sake of spooking them will also be considered griefing.
: 为了吓唬玩家而敌视他们也会被认为是恶意.
: Joining a trade game without the need to buy/sell an item is considered griefing, provided that the owner of the game told them to leave and they refused.
: 加入一个交易房间却不需要 购买/出售 物品会让人感到恶意, 前提是游戏的所有者让他们离开但他们拒绝.
: Farming in a progression game you didn't create after being asked to leave will also be considered griefing.
: 你在被要求离开后破坏别人的游戏进程也会被认为是恶意的.

7) Dueling is allowed but must be consensual amongst both parties involved.
7) 决斗是允许的但必须是双方同意的.
If the game is specifically made for duelling, players are considered consensual upon joining.
如果房间是专门为决斗而创建的, 那么玩家在加入时就会被认为是自愿的.

8) Game bugs should be reported through the bug report section in create-ticket.
8) 游戏 bug 应该通过创建票证的 bug 报告部分来报告.
Players caught withholding game breaking information and/or exploiting bugs will be punished accordingly.
被发现隐瞒游戏破坏信息 和/或 利用漏洞的玩家将受到相应的惩罚.
Bugged Items such as a +7 all skills item must be reported to the moderation team as well as how it happened / where it came from or you risk your account being locked
bug 物品如 +7 所有技能物品必须报告给审核团队以及它是如何发生的/它从哪里来的否则你的账户可能会被锁定

9) The use of third-party tools that tamper with the game are forbidden. If you are unsure if a program or tool is allowed or not, please open a game-bug ticket in #create-ticket and ask for permission.
9) 禁止使用第三方工具篡改游戏. 如果您不确定某个程序或工具是否被允许, 请在 #create-ticket 中打开游戏 bug 票证并请求许可.

10) Public shaming of players is forbidden.
10) 公开羞辱玩家是被禁止的.
If you wish to report a player please open a player report ticket in create-ticket.
如果你想举报一个玩家请在 create-ticket 中打开一个玩家举报它.

11) Ban evasion through using another account is not allowed.
11) 禁止使用其他账户逃避检查.

12) Casinos of any kind are forbidden, giveaways are still allowed
12) 任何类型的赌博都是被禁止的, 赠于仍然是被允许的

13) Gear sharing to monopolize leaderboards is strictly forbidden and will result in the loss of your achievement and aura
13) 分享装备独占排行榜是被严格禁止的这会导致你的成就和光环的损失



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