Patch:Season 2

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Season 2 Transcendence - March 12th 2021

Patch Notes S2

Season 2 Patch Notes (Reddit)


  • Reduced PvP damage to players by 50%
  • Psychic Hammer and Mind Blast now deal 25% damage in PvP (we plan on adding more PvP modifiers like this to balance PvP)
  • Crafting has been massively overhauled (see CRAFTING CHANGES for details)
  • Upgrading crafted items no longer increases the level requirement
  • Mephisto council moved around and 2 additional council members added to Durance of Hate Level 3
  • Diablo's health on Hell difficulty has been increased
  • Item procs now use the proper skill level for curses
  • Changed Dol Runes in Weapons from Replenish Life +15 to 25% Enhanced Damage
  • Flawless gems now drop in Act 4 Normal mode
  • Perfect gems now drop starting in Hell mode
  • Antidote, Thawing, and Stamina Potions now autobelt
  • Cubing an item with a Zod Rune and a Perfect Skull repairs the durability of the item even if it was broken (works on ethereal items)
  • Amplify Damage procs on rares are now Level 15 Amplify Damage at an 8% chance instead of Level 1 at 5% and require Level 15 on items instead of Level 3
  • Organs now properly drop at 33% drop date regardless of player count
  • Keys for ubers now drop at 33% regardless of player count
  • Uber keys can no longer be found with Find Item
  • Crushing Blow now caps at 65% on bosses, uniques, and champions
  • Crushing Blow now functions at ½ for range again (same as original Diablo II)
  • Increased the drop chance of Worldstone Shards in Hell outside of maps to match the drop rate within maps
  • Added Worldstone Shard drops to Normal and Nightmare at lower chances
  • Bows can now get 6 sockets from Worldstone Shards
  • Amazon weapons can now get 6 sockets from Worldstone Shards
  • Diablo Clone now has an extremely rare chance to drop 1 of 5 new uniques
  • Black Soulstone drop rate massively reduced
  • You should now be able to use non-English installs
  • Games now perm in 2 minutes
  • Diablo clone has a few new mechanics and is a slightly different fight than previously
  • Phlegethon Shamans no longer revive and now cast Fire Ball more often
  • Prime Evil tags on bosses are now properly working
  • Summons and traps now gain bonuses from +#% To elemental Skill Damage
  • Summons and traps now gain bonuses from -#% To Enemy Elemental Resistance at half efficiency
  • Monster resistances cannot be reduced below 0 (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
  • Iron Wolf mercenaries (Act 3) can now wield wands, scepters, daggers, and throwing knives (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
  • Trap bug fixed (traps no longer decrease the number of unique/champion packs that may spawn nearby) (fixed - wasn't mentioned)
  • Upgrading a Circlet will turn it into a Coronet instead of the exceptional version (Tiara) (fixed - wasn't mentioned)


  • Standard of Heroes can now be cubed with maps to grant it the Heroic bonus which applies 10% experience, 20% magic / gold find, and 20% density (cannot be used more than once per map)
  • Fixed sound lag in maps
  • Walls in maps will now go transparent
  • Increased the drop rate of maps within maps and lowered it outside of them
  • Removed maps from boss tables outside of maps
  • Suckers in Ruins of Viz'jun are now fire immune
  • Bricking maps is enabled again instead of the 30% chance for ‘'no change it is now 10% chance to downgrade to a random map (or reroll the same tier if its a tier1), 10% chance to reroll the same tier and 10% chance to reroll as a higher tier (or reroll the same tier if its a tier3)
  • Added Cartographer's Orb at Anya that allows three maps of the same tier to cube to a white map of the next tier (item code: upmp)
  • Added a new item called the Horadrim Scarab (This can be combined with a tier 3 map to create a group dungeon - warning: this area is balanced for groups) (Item Code scrb)
  • Added 9 new maps and a dungeon (dungeons are difficult group oriented maps)
    • Tier 1:
      • Horazon's Memory
      • Bastion Keep
    • Tier 2:
      • Torajan Jungle
      • Arreat Battlefield
      • Blood Moon
    • Tier 3:
      • Throne of Insanity
      • Sewers of Harrogath
      • Ancestral Trial
      • Tomb of Zoltun Kulle
    • Dungeon:
      • Cathedral of Light (Itemcode: T41)



  • All melee weapons with a range of 0 or 1 have been increased to a range of 2 with the exception of all Daggers, Throwing Axes, and Throwing Knives which have been increased to a range of 1
  • All Two-Handed weapons with a range of 2 have been increased to 3 with the exception of Short Staff, Jo Staff, and Walking Stick which are still 2
  • Increased Exceptional weapons damage by 15%


  • Amazon
    • Maiden Spear and Ceremonial Spear attack speed improved from 0 speed to -10
    • Maiden Pike and Matriarchal Spear attack speed improved from 10 speed to 0
    • Ceremonial Pike and Matriarchal Pike attack speed improved from 20 speed to 10
  • Paladin
    • Paladin shield automods for all resistance have been reduced to the following:
    • Rainbow reduced from All Resistances +(8-15) to +(5-10)
    • Scintillating reduced from All Resistances +(16-30) to +(10-15)
    • Prismatic reduced from All Resistances +(25-35) to +(15-20)
    • Chromatic reduced from All Resistances +(36-45) to +(20-30)


  • Removed the movespeed automod from Chests and Shields


  • Axes
    • Decapitator, Champion Axe, and Glorious Axe durability increased by 20
    • Tomahawk, Small Crescent, Ettin Axe, War Spike, Berserker Axe, and Feral Axe durability increased by 50%
    • Champion Axe range increased to 4
  • Crossbows
    • All Crossbows now have a 10% physical resistance penetration mod
    • All Crossbows increased damage by 10%
    • Repeating Crossbow, Chu-Ko-Nu, and Demon Crossbows damage increased by 50%
  • Daggers
    • All Daggers now have a 20% Deadly Strike automod
    • Bone Knife durability increased by 20
  • Polearms
    • Polearms now gain 75 str / 75 dex bonus instead of 100 str
  • Spears
    • All Spears now gain 75 str / 75 dex bonus instead of 100 str
    • Hyperion Spear, Stygian Pike, Mancatcher, Ghost Spear, and War Pike durability increased by 50%
  • Staves
    • Stalagmite, Elder Staff, Shillelagh, and Archon Staff durability increased by 50%
  • Swords
    • One-Handed Swords now gain bonuses from both Strength and Dexterity similar to Assassin Claws (75 str / 75 dex bonus) instead of (100 str)
    • Two-Handed Swords now gain the same Strength bonus as Two-Handed Axes and Mauls (110 str/1.1%)
    • Falcata, Ataghan, Elegant Blade, Hydra Edge, and Conquest Sword durability increased by 20
  • Last ladder we did the following for those who weren't aware:
    • Increased Bardiche / Voulge / Lochaber Axe / Bill / Ogre Axe / Colossus Voulge range to 4
    • Increased all Two-Handed Axe range by 1 (excluding Giant Axe / Ancient Axe / Glorious Axe which will stay 3 range) and increased Strength gain to match Mauls for all Two-Handed axes (110 str/1.1%)
    • Increased the range of Ogre Maul and Thunder Maul by 1



  • Javelin and Spear Skills
    • Power Strike damage tooltip now properly shows in the character screen
    • Power Strike increased base scaling by roughly 15%
    • Power Strike increased radius by 50%
    • Lightning Bolt increased synergies by 2%
    • Lightning fury mana cost reduced by half
  • Passive and Magic Skills
    • Fixed a bug that was causing Valkyries to Dodge / Evade / Avoid at an extremely high rate
    • Slow Movement now counts as a Magic skill
    • Inner Sight now counts as a Magic skill
    • Decoy now counts as a Magic skill
    • Valkyrie now counts as a Magic skill
  • Bow and Crossbow Skills
    • Magic Arrow damage scaling has been reworked and buffed
    • Fire Arrow tooltips now properly display its damage
    • Fire Arrow has been rebalanced and buffed (roughly 50% damage gain by level 50)
    • Fire Arrows Immolation Arrow synergy increased from 22% to 24%
    • Cold Arrow tooltips now properly display its damage
    • Cold Arrow has been rebalanced and buffed (roughly 50% damage gain by level 50)
    • Cold Arrows Ice Arrow synergy increased from 20% to 22%
    • Exploding Arrows Immolation Arrow synergy increased from 16% to 18%
    • Exploding Arrow damage scaling has been buffed (roughly 30% damage gain by level 50)
    • Ice Arrows Magic Arrow synergy reduced from 20% to 16% (fixed)
    • Ice Arrows Cold Arrow synergy increased from 14% to 16% (fixed)
    • Ice Arrows Freezing Arrow synergy increased from 14% to 16% (fixed)
    • Strafe damage per level increased from 14% to 16%
    • Freezing Arrow Level 28+ scaling reduced from 30 per level to 28
    • Guided Arrow now counts as a Magic skill


  • Martial Arts
    • Martial Arts has been completely reworked and now functions the following way:
      • Martial Arts has been reworked to cast the stage of the skill you are on when you attack with that skill so if a player has two charges they will use the second charge of that skill on attack and on the third attack they will use the third and reset back to 1. This converts the charge system to a "stage" system where your attacks are based on the amount of charges you have or the "stage" you are on and cycle from stages 1-3 and repeat. Finishers are no longer required however if you use one you will cast every stage of every charge you have generated. Charges are also universal so you can combo from stage 1 fists of fire into stage 2 blades of ice and finish with stage 3 cobra strike then begin a new combo string
      • Cobra Strike has been reworked to cast 'poison teeth' on stage 1, life/mana leech on stage 2, and a poison cloud on stage 3 (these attacks carry Venom damage and poison damage from gear)
    • Dragon Tail and Dragon Talon now properly synergise
  • Shadow Disciplines
    • Claw and Dagger Mastery increased from 4% to 8%
    • Psychic Hammer synergies reduced from 18% to 15%
    • Mind Blast starting AoE reduced by 1 and max AoE by 1
    • Venom now lasts 5 minutes at all levels
    • Cloak of shadows now reduces defense by 1% per level instead of 3%
  • Traps
    • Traps now gain +% and -% elemental bonuses this includes facets
    • Blade Sentinel synergies increased from 6% to 10%
    • Blade Sentinel ¼ weapon damage increased to ¾
    • Wake of Fires Level 8-16 scaling increased from 5 per level to 6 per level
    • Wake of Fires Level 16-22 scaling increased from 15 per level to 16 per level
    • Wake of Fires Level 22-28 scaling reduced from 27 per level to 24 per level
    • Wake of Fires Level 28+ scaling reduced from 39 per level to 32 per level
    • Wake of Fire synergies reduced from 10% to 8%
    • Wake of Fire now properly shoots 8 times instead of 5
    • Wake of Fire damage tooltip now shows in the character screen
    • Fixed the tooltip on Wake of Inferno
    • Death Sentry Level 22+ scaling has been reduced
    • Death Sentry synergies reduced from 6% to 4%
    • Blade Fury weapon damage reduced from 100% to ¾
    • Blade Fury flat physical damage reduced
    • Lightning Sentry synergies increased from 10% to 12%
    • Lightning Sentry now shoots 12 times instead of 10
    • Chain Lightning Sentry synergies increased from 12% to 15%
    • Chain Lightning Sentry now gains 1 extra damage per level (roughly an 8% damage increase overall)
    • Chain Lightning Sentry starting max damage is now 40 instead of 35
    • Chain lightning Sentry Level 22+ scaling has been increased from 16 to 18
    • Chain lightning Sentry Level 28+ scaling increased from 20 to 22
    • Blade Shields increased weapon damage from ¼ to ¾
    • Blade Shield now lasts 5 minutes at all levels


  • Warcries
    • Howl range AoE scaling reduced by 50%
    • Howl now lasts 3 seconds at all levels
    • Battle Cry missile speed increased by 25%
    • Battle Cry AoE increased by roughly 15%
    • Grim Ward bonus damage per level increased from 4% to 5%
    • Grim Ward starting bonus damage increased from 28% to 35%
    • Grim Ward starting radius increased by 33.3%
    • Grim Ward can now be used on Skeleton corpses
    • Battle Command now grants +20% Enhanced Damage instead of +10% at Level 1
    • Battle Command now grants +3% damage per level instead of +2%
  • Combat Masteries
    • Polearm and Spear mastery now starts at +30% Enhanced Damage instead of +25%
    • Polearm and Spear mastery now gains 6% damage per level instead of 5%
  • Combat Skills
    • Bash now gains 12% damage per level instead of 10%
    • Frenzy synergies increased from 4% to 6%
    • Double Throw now properly displays its damage in the character screen
    • Leap Attack synergies increased from 6% to 10%
    • Whirlwind has been reworked to now have melee splash and to use proc effects but now attacks at 5 frames fixed instead of 4 and now attacks one target per attack instead of two (it is now much stronger for AoE clearing than previous ladders)
    • Whirlwind's Enhanced Damage bonus at Level 1 reduced from +50% to +25%
    • Whirlwind's Enhanced Damage bonus per level has reduced from +6% to +4%


  • Elemental Skills
    • Firestorm synergies increased from 23% to 25%
    • Molten Boulder synergies increased from 10% to 12%
    • Fissure synergies increased from 6% to 8%
    • Twister synergies increased from 15% to 20%
    • Volcano synergies increased from 8% to 10%
    • Tornado synergies increased from 11% to 14%
    • Gust now chills instead of stuns
  • Shape Shifting Skills
    • Base health for Lycanthropy increased from 10% to 15% and life per level from Lycanthropy increased from 2% to 3%
    • Hunger now gains 2% movement speed per level instead of 1%
    • Hunger now gains 2 seconds per level instead of 1
    • Hunger can now be used on skeleton corpses
    • Rabies now has Lycanthropy as an additional synergy at 17%
    • Rabies Feral Rage synergy reduced from 22% to 17%
    • Rabies Poison Creeper synergy reduced from 22% to 17%
    • Shock wave synergies increased from 14% to 16%
    • Fury Enhanced Damage per level reduced from +20% per level to +15%
    • Fury now has Feral Rage as a synergy at +10% Enhanced Damage per level
  • Summoning Skills
    • Poison Creeper damage scaling rebalanced and increased
    • Poison Creeper synergies increased from 8% to 20%
    • Poison Creeper now counts as a Poison skill
    • Oak Sage regen scaling reworked and increased


  • Summoning Skills
    • Raise Skeleton Warrior's Enhanced Damage per level increased from +7% to +10%
    • Raise Skeleton Warrior's synergies increased from 8% to 10%
    • Raise Skeleton Warrior now counts as a Magic skill
    • Skeletal Mage synergies increased from 8% to 12%
    • Raise Skeletal Mage now counts as a Magic skill
    • Clay Golem now counts a a Magic skill
    • Blood Warp now recovers the lost health over 3 seconds. Casting Blood Warp again will replace the previous life recovery effect
    • Iron Golem now counts as a Magic skill
    • Fire Golems scaling has been reworked and weighted more towards its Holy Fire aura and less towards its melee attack
    • Fire Golems starting holy fire level has been reduced
    • Fire Golems are no longer immune to fire
    • Revive's Level 1 duration increased from 2 minutes to 5 minutes
    • Revive's are no longer bugged and gaining much more damage than their tooltip shows
    • Revive's Enhanced Damage per level increased from +2% to +15%
    • Revive's now have desecrate as a synergy at 15% Enhanced Damage
    • You now start with 3 revives at Level 1 instead of 1
    • Revive now counts as a Magic skill
  • Poison and Bone Skills
    • Teeths Level 8+ scaling slightly improved
    • Bone Spears Bone Armor synergy increased from 5% to 10%
    • Bone Spirits Bone Armor synergy increased from 5% to 10%
    • Bone Armor now counts as a Magic skill
    • Bone Wall now counts as a Magic skill
    • Bone Prison now counts as a Magic skill
  • Curses
    • Dark Pacts all curse synergies increased from 6% to 12%
    • Dark Pacts Curse Mastery and Iron Maiden synergies increased from 10% to 18%
    • Dark Pacts Level 28+ scaling increased by roughly 10%
    • Dark Pacts explosion range increased from 4 to 5
    • All curses now count as magic skills


  • Defensive Auras
    • Prayer no longer costs mana
    • Resist Fires bonus elemental damage per level reduced from 3% to 1%
    • Resist Fire maximum resist bonuses reduced from 150 to 100
    • Resist Fire Level 1 bonuses reduced from 45% to 25%
    • Resist Fire now counts as a fire skill
    • Resist Colds bonus elemental damage per level reduced from 3% to 1%
    • Resist Cold maximum resist bonuses reduced from 150 to 100
    • Resist Cold Level 1 bonuses reduced from 45% to 25%
    • Resist Cold now counts as a Cold skill
    • Resist Lightnings bonus elemental damage per level reduced from 3% to 1%
    • Resist Lightning maximum resist bonuses reduced from 150 to 100
    • Resist Lightning Level 1 bonuses reduced from 45% to 25%
    • Resist Lightning now counts as a Lightning skill
    • Meditation now counts as a Magic skill
    • Cleansing now counts as a Magic skill
    • Salvation bonus to all elements reduced from 2% per level to 1% every second level
    • Salvation starting bonus to all elements reduced from 5% to 3%
    • Salvation maximum all resist reduced from 120 to 75
    • Salvation Level 1 resist bonus reduced from 25 to 20
  • Offensive Auras
    • Sanctuary Aura synergies increased from 6% to 8%
    • Sanctuary Aura scaling improved from level 16+
    • Holy Fire aura tick scaling has been slightly reduced
    • Holy Fire end game scaling has been reduced slightly
  • Combat Skills
    • Holy Bolt synergies reduced from 16% to 12%
    • Holy Bolt heal synergies reduced from 10% to 6%
    • Blessed Hammer synergies increased from 10% to 12%
    • Blessed Hammer now has 33% faster travel speed
    • Fist of the Heavens now hits all creature types
    • Fist of the heavens now has holy light as a 15% magic damage synergy
    • Fist of the Heavens holy bolt damage scaling has been buffed
    • Holy Shield now counts as a Magic skill


  • Cold Skills
    • Frost Nova mana cost reduced from 16 base to 9
    • Frost Nova damage scaling has been redone and improved (it will now be better for early leveling and scale better)
    • Blizzard synergies increased from 9% to 12%
    • Blizzard mana cost at Level 1 reduced from 23 to 13
    • Blizzard mana cost per level reduced from 1 to .5
    • Ice Barrage starting mana cost reduced from 10 to 8
    • Ice Barrage mana cost per level reduced from .5 to .25
    • Ice Barrage AoE increased by 50%
    • Ice Barrage synergies increased from 7% to 8%
    • Ice Barrage range increased by 20%
    • Frozen Orb cooldown removed and changed to lightning cast frames
    • Frozen orb synergies are increased from 3% to 4%
  • Lightning Skills
    • Charged Bolt synergies increased from 4% to 6%
    • Telekinesis now counts as a Lightning skill
    • Static Field now follows the ½ penalty on immunes
    • Static Field is now capped at 55% in normal, 70% in nightmare, 85% in hell
    • Teleport now counts as a Lightning skill
    • Lightning 28+ scaling increased from 26 to 28
    • Lightning synergies increased from 6% to 8%
    • Chain Lightning starting mana cost reduced from 16 to 8
    • Chain Lightning Level 22+ scaling improved slightly
    • Chain Lightning synergies increased from 5% to 7%
    • Thunder Storm synergies increased from 4% to 5%
    • Energy Shield now counts as a Lightning skill
  • Fire Skills
    • Fire ball synergies increased from 14% to 16%
    • Meteor synergies increased from 5% to 9%
    • Combustion synergies nerfed from 18% to 12%


Blood Items
Crafted Item Recipe Before Attributes After Attributes
Helm Helm + Jewel + RAL + Perfect Ruby (5-10)% Deadly Strike
(1-4)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
(10-20)% Deadly Strike
(2-4)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Amulet Amulet + Jewel + AMN + Perfect Ruby (5-10)% Faster Run/Walk
+(1-4) Life After Each Kill
+(10-20) To Life
10% Faster Run/Walk
+(2-4) Life After Each Kill
+(10-20) To Life
Weapon Weapon + Jewel + ORT + Perfect Ruby +(35-60)% Enhanced Damage
(1-4)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
+(55-80)% Enhanced Damage
(3-6)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Chest Chest + Jewel + THUL + Perfect Ruby +(1-3) Life After Each Demon Kill
(1-3)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
+(3-6) Life After Each Kill
(3-6)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(20-40) To Life
Shield Shield + Jewel + ITH + Perfect Ruby Attacker Takes (4-7) Damage
(1-4)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
+(10-20)% Increased Chance Of Blocking
(3-6)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Gloves Gloves + Jewel + NEF + Perfect Ruby Crushing Blow (5-10)%
(1-3)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Crushing Blow (5-10)%
(2-4)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Ring Ring + Jewel + SOL + Perfect Ruby +(1-5) To Strength
(1-3)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
+(5-10) To Strength
(1-3)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Belt Belt + Jewel + TAL + Perfect Ruby Open Wounds (5-10)%
(1-3)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Open Wounds (10-20)%
(3-6)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Boots Boots + Jewel + ETH + Perfect Ruby Replenish Life +(5-10)
(1-3)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Replenish Life +(10-20)
(2-4)% Life Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20) To Life
Caster Items
Crafted Item Recipe Before Attributes After Attributes
Helm Helm + Jewel + NEF + Perfect Amethyst (1-4)% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
(2-5)% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+(10-20)% Faster Cast Rate
+(10-20) To Mana
Amulet Amulet + Jewel + RAL + Perfect Amethyst +(5-10)% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
+(5-10)% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
Weapon Weapon + Jewel + TIR + Perfect Amethyst +(1-5)% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Regenerate Mana (1-5)%
+(10-20) To Mana
+1 To All Skills
(10-20)% Faster Cast Rate
+(10-20) To Mana
Chest Chest + Jewel + TAL + Perfect Amethyst +(1-3) Mana After Each Kill
Regenerate Mana (4-12)%
+(10-20) To Mana
+(2-6) Mana After Each Kill
(20-30)% Faster Cast Rate
+(10-20) To Mana
Shield Shield + Jewel + ETH + Perfect Amethyst +(5-10)% Increased Chance Of Blocking
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
+(10-20)% Increased Chance Of Blocking
(20-30)% Faster Cast Rate
+(10-20) To Mana
Gloves Gloves + Jewel + ORT + Perfect Amethyst +(1-3) Mana After Each Kill
Regenerate Mana (4-10%)
+(10-20) To Mana
+(1-3) Mana After Each Kill
+10% Faster Cast Rate
+(10-20) To Mana
Ring Ring + Jewel + AMN + Perfect Amethyst +(1-5) To Energy
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
+(5-10) To Energy
+(1-2) Mana After Each Kill
+(10-20) To Mana
Belt Belt + Jewel + ITH + Perfect Amethyst +(5-10)% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
+10% Faster Cast Rate
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
Boots Boots + Jewel + THUL + Perfect Amethyst Increase Maximum Mana (2-5)%
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
Increase Maximum Mana (5-10)%
Regenerate Mana (4-10)%
+(10-20) To Mana
Hit Power Items
Crafted Item Recipe Before Attributes After Attributes
Helm Helm + Jewel + ITH + Perfect Sapphire +(25-50) Defense vs. Missiles
+5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
Attacker Takes (3-7) Damage
+(25-50)% Enhanced Defense
+5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
+(10-20)% Faster Hit Recovery
Amulet Amulet + Jewel + THUL + Perfect Sapphire (5-15)% Chance Of Monster Flee
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
Attacker Takes (3-10) Damage
+(150-250) To Attack Rating
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
Weapon Weapon + Jewel + TIR + Perfect Sapphire +(35-60)% Enhanced Damage
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
Attacker Takes (3-7) Damage
+(55-80)% Enhanced Damage
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
-(10-20)% To Target Defense
Chest Chest + Jewel + NEF + Perfect Sapphire Attacker Takes (3-10) Damage
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
+(10-20)% Faster Hit Recovery
+(25-50)% Enhanced Defense
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
+(20-40)% Faster Hit Recovery
Shield Shield + Jewel + ETH + Perfect Sapphire +(5-10)% Increased Chance Of Blocking
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
Attacker Takes (3-10) Damage
+(10-20)% Increased Chance Of Blocking
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
(20-30)% Faster Block Rate
Gloves Gloves + Jewel + RAL + Perfect Sapphire Knockback
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
Attacker Takes (3-7) Damage
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
-(10-20)% To Target Defense
Ring Ring + Jewel + AMN+ Perfect Sapphire +(1-5) To Dexterity
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
Attacker Takes (3-6) Damage
+(5-10) To Dexterity
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
+(1-4) To Maximum Damage
Belt Belt + Jewel + TAL + Perfect Sapphire (5-10)% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
Attacker Takes (3-7) Damage
(5-10)% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
Boots Boots + Jewel + RAL+ Perfect Sapphire +(25-60) Defense vs. Melee
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
Attacker Takes (3-7) Damage
+(25-50) Defense vs. Melee
5% Chance To Cast Level 4 Frost Nova When Struck
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
Safety Items
Crafted Item Recipe Before Attributes After Attributes
Helm Helm + Jewel + ITH + Perfect Emerald +(10-30)% Enhanced Defense
Lightning Resist +(5-10)%
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
Magic Damage Reduced By (1-2)
+(20-60)% Enhanced Defense
Lightning Resist +(10-20)%
Damage Reduced By (5-10)%
Amulet Amulet + Jewel + THUL + Perfect Emerald +(1-10)% Increased Chance Of Blocking
Magic Damage Reduced By (1-2)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
+10% Increased Chance Of Blocking
Magic Damage Reduced By (2-5)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
Weapon Bow/Crossbow + Jewel + SOL + Perfect Emerald +(5-10)% Enhanced Defense
Magic Damage Reduced By (1-2)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
+(70-140)% Enhanced Damage
Magic Damage Reduced By (2-5)
Damage Reduced By (2-5)
+(10-20)% Increased Attack Speed
Chest Chest + Jewel + ETH + Perfect Emerald +(10-30)% Enhanced Defense
Half Freeze Duration
Damage Reduced By (3-9)
Magic Damage Reduced By (2-5)
+(20-60)% Enhanced Defense
Half Freeze Duration
Damage Reduced By (5-15)%
Shield Shield + Jewel + NEF + Perfect Emerald +(10-30)% Enhanced Defense
Magic Resistance +(5-10)%
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
Magic Damage Reduced By (1-2)
+(20-60)% Enhanced Defense
Magic Resistance +(5-10)%
Damage Reduced By (5-20)%
Gloves Gloves + Jewel + RAL + Perfect Emerald +(10-33)% Enhanced Defense
Cold Resist +(5-10)%
Magic Damage Reduced By (1-2)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
+(10-30)% Enhanced Defense
Cold Resist +(10-20)%
Magic Damage Reduced By (2-5)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
Ring Ring + Jewel + AMN + Perfect Emerald +(1-5) To Vitality
Magic Damage Reduced By (1-2)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
+(5-10) To Vitality
Magic Damage Reduced By (2-5)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
Belt Belt + Jewel + TAL + Perfect Emerald +(10-30)% Enhanced Defense
Poison Resist +(5-10)%
Magic Damage Reduced By (2-5)
Damage Reduced By (3-9)
+(10-30)% Enhanced Defense
Poison Resist +(10-20)%
Magic Damage Reduced By (2-5)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
Boots Boots + Jewel + ORT + Perfect Emerald +(10-30)% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +(5-10)%
Magic Damage Reduced By (1-2)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)
+(20-60)% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +(10-20)%
Magic Damage Reduced By (2-5)
Damage Reduced By (1-4)



  • Amazon
    • Lycander's Flank increased from +20% Enhanced Defense to +(50-100)%
    • Stoneraven increased from +(1-3) to Javelin Skills to +(2-4)
  • Assassin
    • Shadow Killer reduced from +(10-15) Mana After Each Kill to +(6-12)
  • Sorceress
    • The Oculus increased from +(1-3) to Sorceress Skills to +(2-3)
    • Eschuta's Temper increased from -(1-10)% To Enemy Lightning and Fire Resistance to -(4-10)%


  • Axes
    • Spellsteel skill charges normalised to 60 and changed Decrepify charges to Amplify Damage
    • Death Cleaver increased from +(230-280)% Enhanced Damage to +(280-330)% and added +(15-30) Minimum Damage
    • Messerschmidt's Reaver increased from +(200-275)% Enhanced Damage to +(225-275)%
  • Bows
    • Eaglehorn increased from +25 To Dexterity to +(25-40)
  • Crossbows
    • Hellcast increased from +20% Increased Attack Speed to 40% and Adds (15-35) Fire Damage to (35-50)
    • Pus Spitter increased 8% Chance to Cast Level 16 Lower Resist On Striking to 18% chance, changed +(1-2) to Necromancer Skills to +(1-3) to All Skills, and added +(10-15) Life on Hit
    • Buriza-Do Kyanon increased from +(150-300)% Enhanced Damage to +(200-300)%
    • Hellrack increased from +20% Increased Attack Speed to +60% and max sockets from 2 to (2-4)
  • Daggers
    • The Jade Tan Do added +(1-2) to Poison Skills
    • Spectral Shard increased from All Resistances +10 to +(10-20)
    • Spineripper changed +1 to Necromancer Skills to +1 to All Skills
    • Blackbog's Sharp changed +(2-4) to Poison Nova (Necromancer Only) and +(2-4) to Desecrate (Necromancer Only) to +(2-4) to Poison Skills, and reduced from +(3-5) Poison Dagger (Necromancer Only) to +2 to Poison Dagger (Necromancer Only) and Slows Target By (30-50)% to 20%
    • Stormspike increased from 25% Chance To Cast Level 23 Charged Bolt When Struck increased to 75% chance, +150% Enhanced Damage to +(175-250)%, and added -(10-20)% To Enemy Lightning Resistance and +(10-20)% To Lightning Skill Damage
    • Wizardspike added -50% Requirements
    • Ghostflame changed +(2-3) to Fire Skills to +(15-25)% To Fire Skill Damage and increased from +(190-340)% Enhanced Damage to +(240-340)%
  • Javelins
    • Gargoyle's Bite increased from -(10-20)% To Enemy Poison Resistance to -(15-25)% and +(2-4) to Poison Skills to +(3-4)
  • Maces
    • Moonfall increased from +2 to Magic Skills to +(2-3)
    • Baezil's Vortex increased from 5% Chance To Cast Level 14 Nova On Striking to 10% Chance To Cast Level 25 Nova On Striking
    • Earthshaker increased from +(2-3) to Elemental Skills (Druid Only) to +(3-4) and 5% Chance To Cast Level 17 Fissure On Striking to 8% Chance To Cast Level 24 Fissure On Striking
    • The Gavel of Pain removed Repair Durability and reduced from +(230-260)% Enhanced Damage to +(215-245)%
    • Baranar's Star increased from +200% Enhanced Damage to +(200-250)%
    • Horizon's Tornado increased from +(2-4) to Tornado and Twister (Druid Only) to +(3-5) and 20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Tornado On Striking to Level 21
    • Windhammer increased from 33% Chance To Cast Level 22 Twister On Striking to Level 28
    • Earth Shifter increased from 25% Chance To Cast Level 14 Fissure On Striking to Level 28, 40% Faster Cast Rate to 60%, and added -25% Requirements
    • The Cranium Basher removed Repair Durability
  • Polearms
    • Soul Harvest increased from +(2-3) to Dark Pact to +(3-4)
    • The Grim Reaper increased from +(2-3) to Raise Skeleton and Skeletal Mage oSkills to +(4-6) and +(50-100)% Enhanced Damage to +(90-140)%
    • Athena's Wrath increased from +(1-3) to Druid Skills to +(2-3) and increased +(1-2) to Summoning Skills (Druid Only) to +2 (Druid Only)
    • Grim's Burning Dead increased from +(2-3) to Skeletal Mage (Necromancer Only) to +(3-5)
    • Stormspire removed Indestructible, changed 5% Chance To Cast Level 35 Chain Lightning When Struck to 15% Chance To Cast Level 20 Static Field on Striking, and increased 20% Chance To Cast Level 30 Charged Bolt When Struck to 75% chance
  • Scepters
    • Heaven's Light increased from +(250-300)% Enhanced Damage to +(275-325)%
    • Astreon's Iron Ward increased from Damage +(40-85) to +(60-105) and reduced from Slows Target By 25% to 15%
  • Spears
    • Soulfeast Tine increased from +(150-230)% Enhanced Damage to +(190-270)%
    • Spire of Honor increased from +(150-250)% Enhanced Damage to +(200-250)%
    • Arioc's Needle increased from +(2-4) to All Skills to +(3-5)
    • Viperfork removed Desecrate proc and increased from +(1-2) to Poison Skills to +(3-4)
  • Staves
    • Serpent Lord increased from +(2-4) to Arctic Blast (Druid Only) to +(3-4) (Druid Only) and +(1-3) to Cyclone Armor (Druid Only) to +(2-3) (Druid Only)
    • The Salamander increased from +1 to Fire Ball (Sorceress Only) to +(1-2) (Sorceress Only)
    • The Iron Jang Bong increased from (20-45%) Faster Cast Rate to 30-50%
    • Warpspear increased from 35% Faster Cast Rate to 45%
    • Mang Song's Lesson increased from -(7-15)% To Enemy Fire / Light / Cold Resistance to -(10-15)%, +6 to All Skills to +7, and 50% Faster Cast Rate to 65%
  • Swords
    • Shadowfang increased from +(90-130)% Enhanced Damage to +(100-140)%
    • Soulflay increased from +10% Increased Attack Speed to +30% and All Resistances +(4-10) to +(10-15)
    • Blacktongue increased from +50 To Attack Rating to +(50-100) and +(100-120) Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds to +(150-180)
    • The Patriarch increased from +(180-240)% Enhanced Damage to +(220-280)%
    • Hexfire reduced from +10% Maximum Fire Resist to +5% and increased 20% Faster Cast Rate to 25%
    • Plague Bearer increased from +(3-5) to Rabies (Druid Only) to +(4-6) and added +(20-30)% Increased Attack Speed
    • The Antlantean increased from +(200-280)% Enhanced Damage to +(230-280)%
    • Crainte Vomir reduced from Slows Target By 35% to 15%
    • Bing Sz Wang increased from 10% Chance To Cast Level 3 Frozen Orb On Striking to 20% Chance To Cast Level 10 Frozen Orb On Striking
    • Todesfaelle Flamme changed from 10% Chance To Cast Level 6 Combustion On Attack to 10% Chance To Cast Level 20 Fire Ball On Attack
    • Lightsabre reduced from Lightning Absorb 10% to (5-10)%
    • Frostwind reduced from +(7-14) to Arctic Blast oSkill to +(4-6) to Arctic Blast (Druid Only) (this change will make it much stronger for druids but no longer has arctic blast oSkill for other classes), increased from +(180-270)% Enhanced Damage to +(220-270)%, and added +2 to Cold Skills
    • Flamebellow reduced from Fire Absorb (10-15)% to 5%
    • The Grandfather added +3-5 to Warcries (Barbarian Only)
  • Wands
    • Blackhand Key increased from +(1-3) to Curses to +(2-3)



  • Barbarian
    • Halaberd's Reign changed +(1-3) to Battle Command to +(2-3) to Battle Cry and increased from +(1-3) to Battle Orders to +(2-3)
  • Druid
    • Spirit Keeper now has "You may summon an additional spirit" and reduced from Cold Absorb (5-15)% to (5-8)%
  • Paladin
    • Herald of Zakarum changed +2 to Paladin Combat Skills to +(1-2), +20 to Strength and Vitality to +(15-30), and increased from 20% Bonus to Attack Rating to 30%
    • Alma Negra increased from (40-75)% Bonus to Attack Rating to (100-150)% and +(70-125)% Enhanced Damage to +(150-200)%
    • Dragonscale increased from +20 to Hydra to +30 oSkill


  • Chests
    • Twitchthroe increased from +(20-30)% Increased Attack Speed to +(20-40)%
    • Sparking Mail increased from +(4-8)% To Lightning Skill Damage to +(5-10)%
    • Iceblink increased from +1 to Cold Skills to +(1-2)
    • Heavenly Garb increased from +1 to Magic Skills to +(1-2)
    • Rockfleece increased from +5 To Strength to +(5-15)
    • Boneflesh added 10% Chance To Cast Level 10 Bone Armor When Struck
    • Spirit Shroud increased from 20% Faster Cast Rate to 30%
    • Spirit Forge increased from +1 to Fire Skills to +(1-2)
    • Shaftstop changed Damage Reduced By 25% to (20-30)%
    • Atma's Wail increased from 20% Faster Cast Rate to 30%
    • Black Hades increased from +(80-145)% Damage to Demons to +(120-185)% and (1-3) sockets to (2-3)
    • Leviathan increased from Damage Reduced By (15-25)% increased to (20-30)%
    • Steel Carapace increased from +(190-220)% Enhanced Defense to +(220-250)% and +1 to All Skills to +(1-2)
    • Tyrael's Might increased from +(70-120)% Damage to Demons and Undead to +(100-150)%
  • Belts
    • Lenymo changed All Resistances +(3-5) to +5 and increased from Regenerate Mana (10-20)% to 20-30%
    • Snowclash removed +(1-2) to Chilling Armor and Blizzard and increased from +1 to Cold Skills to +(1-2)
  • Boots
    • Hotspur reduced from +15% to Maximum Fire Resist to +10%
    • Gorefoot increased from +20% Leap and Leap Attack Movement Speed to +(20-30)%
    • Infernostride reduced from +10% to Maximum Fire Resist to +5%
  • Gloves
    • The Hand of Broc gloves now have Melee Attacks Deal Splash Damage
    • Bloodfist gloves now have Melee Attacks Deal Splash Damage
    • Soul Drainer reworked; removed 20% Faster Hit Recovery, 20% Chance to Pierce, Attackers Takes Damage of, reduced from -200 Monster Defense per Hit to -(50-100), added -(5-10)% to Enemy Physical Resistance, and Drain Life per Second
  • Helms
    • Wormskull added +40 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds
    • Darksight Helm removed +1 skills
    • Crown of Thieves removed +35 to Mana and Replenish Life +(48-64), and increased from +(5-8) Life After Each Kill to +(10-16)
    • Veil of Steel increased from +(20-60)% Enhanced Damage to +(30-60)% and All Resistances +(20-40) to +(25-40)
    • Nightwing's Veil increased from -(4-8)% to Enemy Cold Resistance to -(5-10)% and +(6-12)% to Cold Skill Damage to +(5-15)%
    • Crown of Ages increased from (1-2) sockets to (1-3)
  • Shields
    • Visceratuant increased from +(3-6)% To Lightning Skill Damage to +(5-10)%
    • Gerke's Sanctuary removed Damage Reduced By 8%, increased from Damage Reduced By (11-16) to (14-18), and added +20% Faster Block Rate
    • Radament's Sphere increased from 20% Faster Cast Rate from 25%
    • Stormshield increased from Damage Reduced By (20-28)% to (20-30)%


  • Amulets
    • Atma's Scarab increased from 7% Chance to Cast Level 8 Amplify Damage on Striking to Level 18
    • The Rising Sun changed +(0-25) Absorbs Fire Damage (+0.25 per Character Level) to +(5-10) Fire Absorb
  • Rings
    • Raven Frost reduced from Cold Absorb 20% to (5-10)%
    • The Stone of Jordan increased from +(15-30) to Mana to +(20-40)


  • Bul-Kathos' Children
    • Bul-Kathos' Death Band increased +(15-25)% Enhanced Damage to +(15-30)% and Damage Reduced By (3-5)% to (4-6)%
    • Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian (Mythical Sword) changed to Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian (Colossus Sword), added 20% Deadly Strike, changed Fire Resist +50% to Cold Resist +50%, increased +50 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds to +150 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds and +200% Enhanced Damage to +(250-350)%
    • Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge (Colossus Blade) increased +200% Enhanced Damage to +(250-350)% and removed Knockback
    • Bul-Kathos' Children full set bonus increased +25 Defense to +500, +20 Fire Damage to +200, and added +25% Deadly Strike and Crushing Blow
  • Iratha's Finery
    • Iratha's Cuff now has 15% Chance to Pierce
  • Orphan's Call
    • Magnus' Skin now has 20% Chance to Pierce
  • Trang-Oul's Avatar
    • Trang-Oul's Avatar 4-piece +6 to Fire Mastery bonus moved back to the full set bonus (replaces 200 Defense)



  • Brand increased from 35% Chance To Cast Level 35 Bone Spear On Striking to 50% chance
  • Chaos now has indestructible instead of repairs durability, increased from 9% Chance To Cast Level 11 Frozen Orb On Striking to 18% Chance To Cast Level 21 Frozen Orb and from +1 Whirlwind oSkill to +3
  • Crescent Moon changed from 10% Chance To Cast Level 27 Chain Lightning On Striking to 10% Chance To Cast Level 27 Lightning On Striking
  • Faith increased from +(180-230)% Enhanced Damage to +(200-250)%
  • Grief increased from +(180-220) to (240-280) to Minimum and Maximum Damage to +(200-240) to +(260-300) to Minimum and Maximum Damage
  • Hand of Justice reduced from Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped to Level 12
  • Infinity changed from 50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Chain Lightning When You Kill An Enemy to 50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Lightning When You Kill An Enemy
  • Leaf increased from +(1-2) to Fire Skills to +2
  • Spirit removed +250 Defense vs. Missiles and added -25% Requirements
  • Wind increased from 8% Chance To Cast Level 29 Tornado On Striking and 8% Chance To Cast Level 25 Twister On Striking to 18% each and 5% Chance To Cast Level 9 Hurricane When Struck reverted back to -50% Target Defense
  • Wind now has 320-380% enhanced damage instead of 160-240%


  • Bramble increased from +(25-30)% To Poison Skill Damage to +(30-50)%
  • Chains of Honor reduced from All Resistances +65 to +(40-60)
  • Delirium removed 1% Chance To Cast Level 50 Delirium When Struck
  • Dragon increased from 12% Chance to Cast Level 15 Hydra On Striking to Level 28
  • Dream reduced from Level 15 Holy Shock Aura When Equipped to Level 13
  • Enigma buffed Recharges 1 per 8 seconds to Recharges 1 per 6 seconds