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简介 Intro
我想和大家分享一下我上赛季的阵容. 我觉得很不错很传统, 也许你会感兴趣. 此外, 更多的构建在 wiki 总是一件好事 :)
TL;DR: 这是一个专门使用龙爪 Dragon Talon 的踢击刺构建 (没有神龙摆尾 Dragon Tail 的火焰伤害, 尊重自己). 它很好, 安全, 并使用完整的孤儿的呼唤 Orphan's Call 套装. 游戏玩法非常放松. 右键点击飞龙在天 Dragon Flight, 左键点击龙爪 Dragon Talon, 你可以用你的高防御属性和召唤的肉盾影子来吸血. 就是这样!
更新在 七月 2024
这个指南最初是由 Zagdem 在 reddit 上写的并于 2024 年 7 月移到了这里.
Project Diablo 2 变更
- 龙爪 Dragon Talon 现在拥有 2 协同效应和上限 3 次连续踢击. 更多在这里.
孤儿的套装 Orphan's Set
- 孤儿的套装 Orphan's set 获得了 150% ED + 100% 对抗恶魔和不死 15@ 抗性. 它现在已经很强大了而且这个套装已经很适合踢击刺客了, 所以, 是的, 现在在后期游戏中是可行的!
生存能力 Viability
- 我能在练级的时候使用这个构建吗?: 是的, 但是陷阱更快.
- 早期天梯可靠性: 是的, 老实说相当便宜的装备.
- 后期游戏单人可靠性: 是的.
- 后期游戏组队可靠性: 没有测试.
- 专家模式可靠性: 没有测试.
- 超级崔斯特可靠性: 恐怕不行.
- 超级暗黑破坏神克隆体可靠性: 恐怕不行.
早期天梯装备 Early Ladder Gear
尽量尽快准备好. 没有它, 它可能有点难刷地穴, 但尽量尽快去那里容易赚钱. 老实说, 也许你的地狱熔炉将足够购买套装并开始做混沌 Chaos 用. 法师杀手 Mage Slayer 和潜行者的刺杀 Stalker's Cull 也很便宜而且效果很好. 鞋子很重要 - 我建议在你买得起蚀肉骑士 Gore Riders 之前先做一些.
终局游戏装备 End Game Gear
There won't be drastic changes between early gear and late game gear, though I strongly suggest switching to Astreon's for your weapon - it beats Stalker's Cull all day.
武器 Weapons
- Stalker's Cull
- Astreon's (BiS)
防具 Armors
- Duress
- Templar's Might
- Shaftstop (what I ran)
- Skullder's Ire
项链 Amulet
- Saracen's Chance
- Atma's Scarab
- Seraph's Hymn (what I ran, very underrated imo)
戒指 Rings
- Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band (BK)
- Rare / crafted ones with damage and AR
鞋子 Boots
- Gore Riders are the best imo
- I would maybe try War Traveler though
佣兵 Mercenary
- I ran a Lacerator A5 merc and it worked well. Even with crap gear, it stays alive quite easily. Late game, I might consider going Doom / Templar though - never tried tbh.
- Pick good corruptions for your set: the items are cheap so you can roll stuff easily. Typically, I ended up having many slots, CBF, ED, etc.
- Max/AR charms are better than Skillers, though the latter give 20% ED 25% AR to DT so, not bad.
- Damage jewels are nice!
属性和技能 Stats and Skills
- Aim for 75% block, enough strength for gear, and then vitality.
- 20 Dragon Talon
- 40 in synergies
- 20 Fade
- Remaining in Shadow Master
I suppose BoS could be an option too, but having that sweet 50% reduction + maxed res is sweeeeeeeeet.
断点 Breakpoints
- You need 50 IAS with Astreon's, or 18/46/71 for Bartuc's
- FHR: 27/48/86
养老位置 Farming Locations
Maps without physical immunes are the best. Before that, the Pit, and Chaos Sanctuary are fine.