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简介 Intro
Hi there,
I'd like to share the build I've played last season. I think it was nice and old school, maybe you'll be interested. Also, more builds for the wiki is always a good thing :)
TL;DR: this is a kicksin build that uses Dragon Talon exclusively (no Dragon Tail fire damage nonsense, respect yourself). It is nice, safe, and uses the full Orphan's Call set. The gameplay is very relaxing. Dragon Flight on right click, Dragon Talon on the left, and you leech your way through enemies with your high defensive stats and summoned meatshield shadow. That is it!
更新在 七月 2024
This guide was initially written by Zagdem on reddit and was moved here on July 2024.
Project Diablo 2 变更
Ability Changes
- Dragon Talon now has 2 synergies and caps at 3 consecutive kicks. More here.
Orphan's Set
- Orphan's set has gained 150% ED + 100% against demons and undead and 15@ res. It is now pretty strong and the set was already good for kicksins, so, yeah, kind of late game viable now!
生存能力 Viability
- 我能在练级的时候使用这个构建吗?: 是的, 但是陷阱更快.
- 早期天梯可靠性: 是的, 老实说相当便宜的装备.
- 后期游戏单人可靠性: 是的.
- 后期游戏组队可靠性: 没有测试.
- 专家模式可靠性: 没有测试.
- 超级崔斯特可靠性: 恐怕不行.
- 超级暗黑破坏神克隆体可靠性: 恐怕不行.
早期天梯装备 Early Ladder Gear
Try and get the set asap. Without it, it might be a bit hard to do Pits, but try to go there asap for easy money. Honestly, maybe your Hell Forge will be enough to purchase the whole set and start doing Chaos runs. Mage Slayer and Stalker's Cull are pretty cheap too and do the job just well. Boots matter a lot - I'd suggest crafting some to start with until you can afford Gore Riders.
终局游戏装备 End Game Gear
There won't be drastic changes between early gear and late game gear, though I strongly suggest switching to Astreon's for your weapon - it beats Stalker's Cull all day.
武器 Weapons
- Stalker's Cull
- Astreon's (BiS)
防具 Armors
- Duress
- Templar's Might
- Shaftstop (what I ran)
- Skullder's Ire
项链 Amulet
- Saracen's Chance
- Atma's Scarab
- Seraph's Hymn (what I ran, very underrated imo)
戒指 Rings
- Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band (BK)
- Rare / crafted ones with damage and AR
鞋子 Boots
- Gore Riders are the best imo
- I would maybe try War Traveler though
佣兵 Mercenary
- I ran a Lacerator A5 merc and it worked well. Even with crap gear, it stays alive quite easily. Late game, I might consider going Doom / Templar though - never tried tbh.
- Pick good corruptions for your set: the items are cheap so you can roll stuff easily. Typically, I ended up having many slots, CBF, ED, etc.
- Max/AR charms are better than Skillers, though the latter give 20% ED 25% AR to DT so, not bad.
- Damage jewels are nice!
属性和技能 Stats and Skills
- Aim for 75% block, enough strength for gear, and then vitality.
- 20 Dragon Talon
- 40 in synergies
- 20 Fade
- Remaining in Shadow Master
I suppose BoS could be an option too, but having that sweet 50% reduction + maxed res is sweeeeeeeeet.
断点 Breakpoints
- You need 50 IAS with Astreon's, or 18/46/71 for Bartuc's
- FHR: 27/48/86
养老位置 Farming Locations
Maps without physical immunes are the best. Before that, the Pit, and Chaos Sanctuary are fine.