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Bowazon Multi/Immolation & Multi/Guided
写作由: Funguskeeper
日期: 7 日 十一月 2020 (赛季 1)
简介 Introduction
你可以将本指南作为一个完整的物理构建, 完全忽略牺牲之箭 immolation arrow, 如果你选择这样做, 将牺牲之箭 Immolation Arrow 和它的所有协同效应替换为魔法箭 Magic Arrow 和导引箭 Guided Arrow 这样仍然有办法处理物理免疫. 牺牲之箭有 0.5 秒的 CD, 在击杀 boss 或对抗物理免疫时在地上留下火焰, 这在你升级的时候很有用因为无论你的装备如何伤害都是存在的. 我建议你在拥有合适的装备后切换到导引箭 Guided arrow 以便快速清除 boss.
你可以从一开始就使用多重箭 Multishot 亚马逊 (等级 6 解锁), 但我建议你要么一开始就使用火焰箭, 要么将你的点数放入魔法箭 magic arrow 中, 因为每 10 硬点, 你就会获得额外的箭矢, 上限为 3. 如果你从等级 6 开始就把所有点数都投入到多重箭 Multishot, 它可能会比你补充法力的速度更快地消耗你的法力, 但如果你幸运地发现自己有法力吸取的来源, 那么你在升级时法力的消耗应该没有问题.
你可以用炮轰 Strafe 来杀 boss, 我只是不喜欢这个技能所以我不会再提它了. 如果你觉得炮轰 Strafe 是你的游戏风格, 那就去尝试吧.
这个构建有两种路线, 要么是多重箭/牺牲之箭 Multishot/Immolation 混合, 或多重箭/导引箭 Multishot/Guided arrow. 牺牲之箭 Immolation Arrow 的燃烧伤害叠加在地面上可以让你用最少的装备快速燃烧 bosses. 魔法的导引箭 Guided Arrow 路线将节省你很多技能点因为牺牲之箭路线可能会需要非常多的点数.
我不会在这个指南中提到佣兵, 因为我个人在游戏结束之前不会使用他们, 如果他们装备不太好, 他们会有一遍又一遍地死亡倾向. 有很多优秀的佣兵指南比我更了解他们. 最重要的是, 佣兵现在有更多的装备选择, 我认为这应该是一个单独的指南.
本指南中所写的一切都有待讨论, 因为这个 mod 将有新的数值和一些新的变更物品,变化不会在第一个赛季就定下来因为我们需要大量的信息来确定事情. 说到这里, 你应该把所有的技能点, 属性和装备都看作是对正确答案的建议. 我将亲自确保我写的所有指南都将由某人进行测试并在出现新的信息时对指南进行编辑.
参考 Reference
FRW = 高速跑步/行走
FCR = 快速施法速度
IAS = 提升攻击速度
AOE = 范围效果
CD = 冷却
AS = 攻击速度
MDR = 魔法伤害抗性
PDR = 物理伤害抗性
FHR = 快速打击恢复
HP = 生命点数
AR = 准确率
MS = 移动速度
变更 Changes
弓箭亚马逊并不是改动最多的, 但我仍然认为有一些有趣的改动值得一提.
详细纪录 Itemization
在我看来与原版最大的不同是物品的变化, 你不会突然追求一个特定的物品因为它比第二好的装备好两倍. 现在, 你可以在杀死敌人时获得法力, 或者从不同的来源吸取法力. 导致这个物品转变的原因是, 开发团队增加了穿刺, 增强伤害和无法冰冻来制造更多的物品, 所以现在你可以使用不同的戒指, 和不同的腰带.
我将呈现四种不同的终配弓, 可能还会有更多, 腐化和镶孔暗金的能力, 用 BiS 制作信心 faith 弓是一种挑战. 当你在游戏中看到一个暗金的物品时, 一定要记住, 很多隐藏的力量都存在于优秀的腐化 + 谜盒中.
能力变更 Ability changes
- 魔法箭 Magic arrow: 100% 穿刺, 较高的固定魔法伤害, 缩放 50% 武器伤害, 并增加 1 额外的箭矢在每 10 硬点, 最大值为 3.
- 多重箭 Multishot: 减少了法力消耗, 但大大减少了范围, 所以它只覆盖了一个屏幕而不是两个.
- 导引箭 Guided Arrow: 现在拥有 100% 穿刺, 并且可以击中同一个目标 3 次, 所以你现在可以在游戏后期时使用 20 点的导引箭 guided arrow 或魔法箭 magic arrow, 并且完全放弃牺牲之箭. 导引箭 Guided Arrow 总是命中.
- 炮轰 Strafe: 现在没有下一次命中延迟NHD, 这允许更多的箭矢击中同一个目标, 并减少箭矢从 10, 降低到 5, 这导致更少的时间卡在攻击动画.
- 火焰和冰箭 Cold arrow: 每 4 软点增加额外的箭矢, 所以你将能够作为全元素多重箭 Multishot, 但这是另一个指南.
- 爆裂箭 Exploding Arrow: 更大的 AOE, 现在每个穿透的目标都会触发爆炸.
- 内视 Inner Sight: 现在降低敌人 % 准确率和防御.
- 回避 Evade: 缩放 FRW 增加.
- 闪避 Dodge: 增加 FHR 每硬点, 和动画移除.
- 刺入 Penetrate: -5% 敌人防御每硬点.
- 女武神 Valkyrie: 等级 20 和 30, 给予额外的女武神 Valkyrie, 现在使用威力一击 power strike 并且移动更快.
生存能力 Viability
- 我能升级到这个构建吗?: 是的, 从等级 6 开始, 但你可以在被动和魔法箭 Magic Arrow 中增加点数直到它解锁.
- 早期天梯可靠性: 是的, 但它是一个更依赖于物品的构建, 你可能必须把所有的金币都保存到 42 级, 如果你买得起的话给自己买一个雷山德的指标 Lycander's Aim.
- 后期游戏单人可靠性: 是的.
- 后期游戏组队可靠性: 是的.
- 专家模式可靠性: 是的.
- 超级崔斯特可靠性: 在测试新的超级之前未知.
- 超级暗黑破坏神克隆体可靠性: 在测试新的暗黑破坏神之前未知.
早期天梯装备 Early Ladder Gear
在天梯的早期, 你会追求一些特定的物品, 这些物品可以提供你攻击速度, 准确率并且最重要的是, 法力吸取. 多重箭 Multishot 是一种消耗法力的能力, 但因为它造成了大量的物理伤害, 在很大的范围内, 你不需要太多的吸取来维持.
法力吸取可以在亮金戒指和项链上找到, 2-3% 在戒指和 3-4% 在低等级项链上.
武器 Weapons
- Lycander's Aim - Go To Early weapon IMO, provides all the mana leech you need to spam multishot forever.
- Melody - This can be made in a base with +Bow skills, great for Immolation damage.
- Harmony - Good pure Multishot bow, deals decent element damage on top of physical and has vigor aura for high MS.
- Goldstrike Arch - Another decent choice, if you chose to farm Chaos Sanctuary, high Demon/Undead damage.
- Cliffkiller - Decent bow for most builds, provides skills, attack speed, Enhanced damage, flat damage and knockback, but you will need to seek your mana leech somewhere else.
头盔 Helmets
- Lore - This helm gives good early stats if you cant find a unique, well spend Sol Rune.
- Valkyrie Wing - This helm provides everything you can ask for in a early helm(This might be the best helm before your BiS helm)
- Tarnhelm - +1 skills, great Gold and Magic find.
- Radiance - Great early helm, Enhanced Damage, decent Attributes and small Physical Reduction.
身体防具 Body Armors
- Stealth - Solid low armor, FRW with FHR and mana regen.
- Smoke - FHR, great defense and high All Resist. Great defensive option.
- Peace - Amazon skills, Crit and FHR.
- Treachery - High Attack Speed and good FHR, Venom on Striking.
- Trang-Oul's Scales - High defense and great FRW.
- Rattlecage - Offensive option, with Enhanced damage, crushing blow and Attack Rating.
- Silks of the Victor - + Skills, FRW, Mana stolen per hit.
- Skullder's Ire - +1 skills and very high MF.
- Lionheart - Poor mans Fortitude, decent Enhanced Damage, many Attributes, and All Resistance.
手套 Gloves
- Any gloves really, chase 20% IAS if possible, but it can take a while to get good rare gloves.
鞋子 Boots
- This slot is open, you can chose any boots you like, just get movement speed and the desired resist/MF you want.
- Waterwalk - 40% FRW, Dexterity, high flat life, probably the best boots you can get early ladder.
腰带 Belt
- Razortail BIS - This belt provides us with much needed pierce, BUT if you get your pierce from other sources, you can change your belt to another.
- Goldwrap - This belt provides everything you want from early ladder. 20% IAS, decent Gold and Magic find.
戒指 Rings
- Manald Heal - Get 2 of these and your set for mana leech, you wont need it on any other gear.
- Nagelring - Provides decent attack rating, a little mana after kill and up to 40% MF.
- Raven Frost - Cannot be Frozen is mandatory. If you can get Cannot be frozen on other gear, grab this ring.
项链 Amulet
- Saracen's Chance - Now rolls up to 50% Enhanced Damage + all attributes and all resist.
- Crescent Moon - A good source of Dual leech and a little attack speed.
终局游戏装备 End Game Gear
武器 Weapons
Runewords should be made in a Grand Matron Bow with +3 Bow skills.
Faith - Fanaticism Aura, very high % Attack rating, and reanimate dead, works great as meat shields.
Windforce - This bow is competitive with Faith now, since it can be corrupted, and on top of that, puzzleboxes for 4 OS.
Eaglehorn - Great physical bow, it provides almost everything you can ask for a Multishot build, apart from mana leech. This bow is a upgrade from Lycanders, but its not as strong as Windforce or Faith, keep in mind this bow might also be quite a bit cheaper, so you can test your luck with corrupts, and this bow will do very well for you before you get ahold of a Jah or Windforce. Spend a Lum+Pul+Perfect Emerald to upgrade the base to Elite
Wrath - Now a solid option, and a very reliable way to both obtain High demon/undead damage, Amplify damage, to break some phys immunes and Cannot Be Frozen. Downside of this weapon is the lack of Enhanced damage, but this bow will be a very strong supportive bow to do undead/Demon damage, and apply Amp damage for your whole team. Buriza-Do Kyanon This bow might seem a little odd. But spend a Lum+Pul+Perfect Emerald to upgrade the base to Elite, and you can get 550+ max damage on this bow, and that is WITHOUT corrupting. it has 100% pierce, which means you can skip many points in pierce and skip Razorfang belt. 80% IAS which lets you hit a high breakpoint easily. Solid end game option.
头盔 Helmets
Andariel's Visage - High Strength, 20 IAS, +2 All Skills and a good source of life steal.
Giant Skull - Now gives you up to 35% pierce which allows you to free up belt slot. Now has much higher crushing blow and 60% Enhanced damage. Now has 0 sockets, so we can potentially get 3 sockets, which again, gives either 45% All res with um's for Dungeons, or 45% Attack speed for Glass cannon.
Veil of Steel - This item is very strong, it has 0 sockets naturally, so you can corrupt 3 sockets, on top of this, it has both enhanced damage, stats and all resist, so its the best of both world.
Kira's Guardian - Great defensive option, high All resistance and Cannot be Frozen.
Vampire Gaze - Dual leech
Valkyrie Wing - Enhanced Damage and great FRW if you want to farm Keys.
身体防具 Body Armors
Fortitude - This have had its Enhanced damage reduced to 200% instead of 300%, so it might not be the only armor you chase now. Still a very strong Offensive Choice.
Chains of Honor - A very good defensive option, especially if we need all resistances capped for dungeons.
Templar's Might - This armor can become as strong as fortitude, it now provides level 8 Might aura, and on top of that, allows for both corruption and puzzlebox sockets.
Enigma - +2 Skills, 25% FRW, very high Strength, high Magic Find. This armor provides % Max hp and % Damage Reduction also. Gives 3 blink charges, making you able to teleport, with a 8 second replenish charge time.
Upped Twitchthroe - Up to 30% IAS, can be a good choice if you want to run Windforce and hit 89 IAS breakpoint.
手套 Gloves
Rare gloves with +2 bow skills and 20 IAS, here you can roll resists + Str/Dex on top. Only go for the bow skills if your going Immolation route, +skills wont do much for Multishot or Guided arrow.
Laying of Hands - IAS, Demon damage, Fire resist.
Ghoulhide - IAS, Undead damage and Mana leech.
Soul Drainer - IAS, 20% Pierce, which opens belt slot, Dual leech.
鞋子 Boots
War Traveler - BiS boots IMO, they give high flat damage, which scales off your Enhanced Damage, and they provide the highest Magic Find in boots.
Sandstorm Trek - High Poison Resistance, FHR and up to 15 Vitality and Strength. Great all around choice.
Waterwalk - High life, Max Fire Resistance. Great all around choice.
Aldur's Advance - High FRW, Life and Fire Resistance.
Goblin Toe - Offensive option, gives Enhanced Damage and Crushing Blow.
Treads of Cthon - Another source of pierce to open up other gearing choices.
Gore Rider - Pure offensive option, Open Wounds, Crushing Blow, Deadly Strike.
腰带 Belt
Razortail - This BiS belt provides us with much needed pierce, BUT if you get your pierce from other sources, you can change your belt to another.
Nosferatu's Coil - IAS, Life leech, Deadly strike, str and mana after kill.
Thundergod's Vigor - If you can get pierce on another slot, this is my go to belt, decent str/dex, but the survivability of this item is underrated, 5% max light res with potential 10% light absorb. If you die in diablo 2 late game, it's often lightning damage.
Verdungo's Hearty Cord - Great defensive option, high Vitality and Damage Reduction.
String of Ears - Life leech and Damage Reduction.
戒指 Rings
Raven Frost - Cannot be Frozen is mandatory. If you can get Cannot be frozen on other gear, grab this ring.
Dual leech Dex/Str ring with either damage, resists or MF.
Bul-Kathos' Death Band - The new highest damage option for physical damage.
项链 Amulet
Mara's Kaleidoscope - +2 all skills, high All Resist and a few All Attributes.
Metalgrid - Good source of flat Attack Rating, high All resist, and allows you to summon level 16 iron golem.
Highlord's Wrath - +1 skill, 20 IAS, lightning damage and deadly strike. Do take notice, Deadly Strike, and Critical strike, do not stack, but are rolled individually.
Atma's Scarab - % Attack Rating and casts Amplify Damage.
Crescent Moon - This is not the best, but its 10% IAS, and dual leech, its a good source to get leech, if you struggle getting it elsewhere.
The Cat's Eye - High FRW, 20% IAS and high Dexterity.
属性和技能分配 Stats and Skill Allocation
选项 #1: 多重箭 Multishot + 牺牲之箭 Immolation Arrow
This build is very point heavy, which does not allow for many passive skill points. This is a 88 Skill point build.
- 1 Magic Arrow
- 20 Multishot
- 20 Fire Arrow
- 20 Exploding Arrow
- 20 Immolation Arrow
- 1 Crit
- 1 Pierce
- 1 Penetrate
- 1 Dodge
- 1 Evade
- 1 Dim Vision
- 1 Slow Movement
With + amazon skills, you should get your pierce, penetrate and crit up quite high. This build MIGHT be obsolete if Guided arrow proves to do almost the same damage on bosses as Immolation Arrow does. It depends greatly on your gear.
选项 #2: 多重箭 Multishot + 导引箭 Guided arrow
This build is way less point heavy for it to feel complete, which lets you easily pump up your passives and fill inventory with damage charms. This is only a 69 Point build, I would probably max my Passives and Inner Sight, or you can go for 3 Summon Valkyries at 30 points, and spend all Synergies for Valkyrie.
- 20 Magic Arrow
- 20 Multishot
- 20 Guided Arrow
- 1 Inner Sight
- 1 Slow Movement (Synergies with Magic arrow)
- 1 Crit
- 1 Pierce
- 1 Penetrate
- 1 Dodge
- 1 Evade
- 1 Dim Vision
- 1 Slow Movement
属性分配 Attribute Allocation
This part is always a personal preference, there's rarely a correct answer.
纯伤害构建 Pure damage build
Strength: Enough to equip desired gear. Dexterity: Rest, every Dex gives you 1% Enhanced damage. Vitality: Aim for about 1000 life with all gear and torch equipped. This is enough for you to not get one hit by most things, now you can life steal back up. Energy: None
坦克路线无论是 HC 或如果你不确定你可以在地下城生存
Strength: Enough to equip desired gear. Dexterity: Rest, every Dex gives you 1% Enhanced damage. Vitality: Aim for about 1500+- this amount lets you take a few hits before dying. Energy: None
护身符, 腐化 & 镶孔
护身符 Charms
Fill out as you see fit.
- Grand Charm Skiller with + Bow Skills if you want Immolation damage higher.
- Grand Charm Skiller with + Passive Skills if you want passives higher.
- Gheed's Fortune High Gold and Magic Find, with Reduced Vendor Prices.
- Annihilus +1 All Skills, 50-100 Life, 25-50 Mana, 10-20 All Resistances, 5-10% Experience Gained.
- Hellfire Torch +1 Random Class Skill, 50-100 Life, 25-50 Mana, 10-20 All Resistance.
- Small Charms with desired resist. (11 max)
- Small Charms with high life. (20 max)
- Small Charms with Magic Find. (7 max)
- Small Charms with Flat damage + Attack rating to increase physical damage. (3 max damage + 20 Attack rating max)
腐化 Corruptions
I will not write down what's the best corrupt for every slot, because it's simply impossible to do. There's too many different corrupts. Also this is different from one individual to another, if you like Magic Find, go for that, if you need a specific resistance to cap all, focus that.
镶孔 Sockets
- Attack Speed in Weapon: Shael Rune provides 20% IAS. Jewels can Provide 15 IAS + up to 40 Enhanced Damage.
- Damage in Weapon: Ber = 20% Crushing Blow. Lo = 20% Deadly Strike. Gul = 20% Attack Rating. Zod = Indestructible. Jah = Ignore Targets Defense. Only use if you hit IAS breakpoint.
- Magic find in Weapon: Ist Rune provides 30% Magic find.
- Magic find in Armor and Shield: Ist Rune provides 25% Magic find. Perfect Topaz provides 24% Magic Find.
All Resist in Armor: Um Rune provides 15% All Resist. All Resist in Shield: Um Rune provides 22% All Resist. Perfect Diamond provides 19% All Resist.
断点 Breakpoints
Amazons Faster Hit Recovery Frames
Faster Hit Recovery | Frames |
20 | 8 |
32 | 7 |
52 | 6 |
As Bowazon you should not have much problems, as you are getting hit very little, but try to go for 32 FHR, which can be achieved very easily.
Amazons Attack Speed Frames with a Grand Matron Bow
Lvl Fanaticism Aura 12/13/14/15 | Attack speed [Ticks] | Attacks Per second |
0/0/0/0 | 11 | 2.27 |
8/7/6/6 | 10 | 2.5 |
24/23/22/22 | 9 | 2.77 |
50/48/46/46 | 8 | 3.12 |
99/95/92/92 | 7 | 3.57 |
This shows how much IAS you need to stack, to reach different breakpoints, with different Fanaticism Auras. If you can get to 8 frames, I would recommend it, Bowazon feels amazing with very high IAS. To get 92 IAS, you will need to have IAS on, Gloves, Belt, Amulet, Helm and go with Upped Twitchthroe, which I don't think is worth it. Settle for 8 frames, which is IAS on 3 items, which should be relatively easy to get while still maintaining highest damage output.
Amazons Attack Speed Frames with a Windforce
Lvl Fanaticism Aura 12/13/14/15 | Attack speed [Ticks] | Attacks Per second |
35 | 11 | 2.27 |
56 | 10 | 2.5 |
89 | 9 | 2.77 |
147 | 8 | 3.12 |
292 | 7 | 3.57 |
As we can see here, it's way easier to obtain a high frame IAS by using the Faith Runeword, over the Windforce.
Windforce has the potential to be better if you get a good corrupt on it, and roll sockets. If using the Windforce bow, I would go for either 56 or 89 IAS Breakpoint, if you go for 89, you need to get IAS on almost all items. You can build more raw damage into the bow if you settle for 56 IAS. If you want to socket your Windforce with Shael runes, you can do that, but it will be a damage loss compared to socketing with more Damage runes.
养老位置 Farming Locations
This section will be short, because, as either Multishot+Immolation or Multishot+Guided arrow, you can clear all content of the base game and maps.
Uber Tristram and Uber Diablo are still unclear, I will update this section when we have more info.