本页面是 PD2 的规则副本来自 discord. 它们应该是匹配的, 但如果这里的规则是过时的, 请注明在 PD2 的 #wiki-编辑 频道.
常规规则 & 指引 General Rules & Guidelines
1) 要有礼貌不要诉诸侮辱或骚扰. 请记住, 这是一个由社区驱动的 mod.
2) 仇恨言论/角色, 游戏名称, 帐户名称和/或谈论政治, 种族主义, 宗教或任何形式的非法活动是不被容忍的.
- 类似条形码的名字是不允许的将被删除. 例如 IiIiIIIiIiIl 和类似的. 像 ll-Johnny-ll 这样的名字是允许的
- 这包括对话, 讨论或使用第三方软件如 Bots, Maphack, Autopickup, RMT, Piracy/Torrenting 和类似的.
3) 这个 mod 需要从 购买 D2+LoD 的官方游戏拷贝. 谈论第三方销售或网站是不允许的.
- 由于非法拷贝而被锁定的帐户将无法解锁. 账户被锁定是因为没有开具票据的非法复制品.
- 玩家可以在新账户上重新开始, 前提是他们已经获得了 D2+LoD 的合法版本并使用该版本重新安装.
4) 版主在团队内部讨论惩罚并在采取适当的行动之前达成一致意见. 在上诉中作出的决定是最终的不能妥协.
5) 不要抨击开发者. 他们阅读了反馈中的所有评论. 如果你想要举报一个玩家或一个 bug 使用投票系统.
6) 禁止任何形式的广告或自我推销并将被删除. 除了 #media 频道 (仅限 PD2 特定内容)
7) 在普通渠道或直接向版主发送消息中讨论禁令惩罚或报告玩家是不被容忍的. 使用投票系统.
8) 这是一个 SFW Discord, 张贴非 SFW 内容将导致禁言在严重的情况下, 永久禁止.
其他游戏规则 Additional In-Game Rules
1) Only one connection to the PD2 servers are allowed per player on any given IP/Internet Connection. Multi-clienting is strictly prohibited. This includes running PD2 on multiple computers or systems. If multiple players are using the same IP/Internet Connection for PD2, it is required of them to whitelist their accounts. For more information, click the link below:
- Whitelist form:
- Players do not need to wait for confirmation of their application.
2) Account sharing of any kind is not allowed.
3) Any form of third party trading, involving real money, items and/or currency that is not native to PD2 specifically, is forbidden. Trading D2r items for PD2 items and vice versa is also forbidden.
- Players caught in third party trading of any kind will be permanently banned.
- The use of platforms such as D2JSP, Tradia and similar is considered third party trading platforms, therefore they are not allowed and will result in a loss of your account permanently.
4) Scamming or stealing from other players will not be tolerated. The moderation team will handle the case and decide how to best enforce this, depending on the case.
5) The games loot system is by default free-for-all and we will not enforce any loot rules including the .roll feature (Items lost will not be recovered, regardless of the situation)
6) Griefing players of the community is not allowed. This includes any form of trying to ruin another players gameplay experience with seal popping, dirty tps, harassment and PK attempts. The only time a moderator will enforce a griefing report within a duel game is when a player has documented video proof that a player is griefing a game and preventing other players from dueling
- Hostiling players for the sake of spooking them will also be considered griefing.
- Joining a trade game without the need to buy/sell an item is considered griefing, provided that the owner of the game told them to leave and they refused.
- Farming in a progression game you didn't create after being asked to leave will also be considered griefing.
7) Dueling is allowed but must be consensual amongst both parties involved. If the game is specifically made for duelling, players are considered consensual upon joining.
8) Game bugs should be reported through the bug report section in create-ticket. Players caught withholding game breaking information and/or exploiting bugs will be punished accordingly. Bugged Items such as a +7 all skills item must be reported to the moderation team as well as how it happened / where it came from or you risk your account being locked
9) The use of third-party tools that tamper with the game are forbidden. If you are unsure if a program or tool is allowed or not, please open a game-bug ticket in #create-ticket and ask for permission.
10) Public shaming of players is forbidden. If you wish to report a player please open a player report ticket in create-ticket.
11) Ban evasion through using another account is not allowed.
12) Casinos of any kind are forbidden, giveaways are still allowed
13) Gear sharing to monopolize leaderboards is strictly forbidden and will result in the loss of your achievement and aura