开发者直播 #1
直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1903102606 (需翻墙)
- 刺客的陷阱现在会显示图标在左上角(类似雇佣兵或召唤物的头像)
- 网站与游戏内的聊天记录会保留下来(私服不用管)
- 大黑和大马的难度从9个等级修改为3个等级(无符文,26#-29#,30#-33#)
- 大黑和大马的掉率稍微提高(私服会有更大的提高)
- 神殿效果可以影响到附近所有的玩家(比如:经验神殿等等)
- 伤害加深(Deep Wounds)将被修复 (此前有一个伤害上限的BUG)
- 腐化区域
- 随机的区域被暂时升级到85场景并且提高了WSS的掉率
- 一场游戏中,每15分钟,一个随机的区域被选中并“被腐化” (只有在地狱难度并完成巴尔任务后才会触发)
- 注入之球 - 每个用于洗T图的材料之球可以先跟其它材料合成,变成一个“注入之球”,注入之球可以直接用来洗T图 (可以有效节省空间)
开发者直播 #2
直播回放: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1909176408 (需翻墙)
- 赛季开荒时间确定 (9月 22)--私服预计9月10日
- 增加一个选项用于锁定背包里面的护身符和装备 (防止意外卖店)
- 新的冰冷/闪电投掷型药剂, 所有投掷型药剂现在可以对敌人造成对应的元素减抗(最高 -10%)
- Dragon Claw will trigger all charge effects twice when consuming them (once for each attack since Dragon Claw attacks twice)
- 修复神龙摆尾(刺客)的伤害提示
- Adjusted kick damage bonuses from strength/dexterity (will be heavily focused toward strength rather than purely strength-based)
- Option to show miniature icons for potions of each belt slot above the main 4 slots (alternative to having the belt open and all 16 large slots visible)
- Blade Shield will no longer reduce durability (this means it will trigger "on striking" effects instead of "on attack" effects) and it will have a bit more range
- New unique item (work-in-progress): energy-themed ghost spear (concept and artwork by AerinOboros)
- New unique map (work-in-progress): "fallen gardens", small secondary zone "diamond gate" where the boss will be (made by Alma)
开发者直播 #3