Combat Skills (Paladin):修订间差异

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第37行: 第37行:
<b>Season 7:</b>
* Sacrifice has been reworked: It now causes the killed monster’s corpse to explode after a delay dealing 5% of the monsters health and 150% of the overkill damage dealt to the monster. (This means if you deal 130 damage to a monster and the monster has 100 health then the overkill explosion will deal 5% monster health + 45 damage) This damage is dealt as half physical and half magic
* Damage to self is now reduced by physical damage reduction
<b>Season 4:</b>
<b>Season 4:</b>
* 牺牲(Sacrifice)伤害从 15% 每级 升至 25%
* 牺牲(Sacrifice)伤害从 15% 每级 升至 25%
第188行: 第191行:
<b>Season 7:</b>
* Now gains +20% melee splash radius on it’s second attack and +40% on it’s third
<b>Season 4:</b>
<b>Season 4:</b>
* 热诚(Zeal)伤害每级从 16% 升至 20%
* 热诚(Zeal)伤害每级从 16% 升至 20%
第275行: 第280行:
<b>Season 7:</b>
* Now gains up to +60% increased melee splash radius based on the distance traveled
* Will always charge in melee range instead of doing a normal attack
* “Charge bug” has now been fixed
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>Season 5:</b>
* 冲锋(Charge)不再企图做普通攻击当缺少法力时
* 冲锋(Charge)不再企图做普通攻击当缺少法力时
第514行: 第523行:

<b>天堂之拳(Fist of the Heavens)可获得以下奖励:</b>
<b>天堂之拳(Fist of the Heavens)可获得以下奖励:</b>
*圣光弹(Holy Bolt): +10% 伤害每级
*圣光弹(Holy Bolt): +11% 伤害每级
*圣光(Holy Light): +10% 伤害每级
*圣光(Holy Light): +11% 伤害每级
*神圣新星(Holy Nova): +10% 伤害每级
*神圣新星(Holy Nova): +11% 伤害每级

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第522行: 第531行:
<b>Season 7:</b>
*Synergies increased from 10% to 11%
* Fist of the heavens holy bolts now gain their proper synergy values
<b>Season 5:</b>
<b>Season 5:</b>
* 天堂之拳(Fist of the Heavens)协同作用从 12% 降至 10%
* 天堂之拳(Fist of the Heavens)协同作用从 12% 降至 10%